Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly

Page created by Howard Burton
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
AustraAu stralian

                    Edition 3 - 2018
                       Autumn 2016
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
ISSUE: edition 3 - 2018


5    amga general manager update

6    marketing review

12   extending the australian
     mushroom message to consumers

17	workshops aimed at developing

22   pest and disease management -
     legal and effective use of

25   Up to date resources a key
     component in the fight against
     pest and disease                   MUSHROOM INDUSTRY JOURNAL is a levy funded publication, compiled on behalf of the Australian
                                        mushroom industry.
28   WHITe pRINCe INveSTS IN            Chris Rowley - Editor 0415 140 253
                                        Judy Allan - Editorial Consultant - 02 6767 1057
     continual improvement              publication dates: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn
                                        copy deadline: Six weeks prior to the cover date
33   The Importance of a Good Pre-Wet   subscriptions
                                        This project Communication program for the Australian Mushroom Industry 2016-19 (MU15001)
                                        has been funded by Hort Innovation using the mushroom research and development levy and
35   Benchmarking - A key to Industry   contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower owned, not-for-
     Profitability                      profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture. The Journal is available
                                        to levy payers and others involved in the Australian Industry. The Journal is distributed as an
                                        electronic copy only. Requests to be included on the distribution list should be directed to the
36   Conference Agenda holds wide       Editor.
     interest                           Letters to the editor
                                        Letters to the Editor from readers on subjects of interest to the mushroom industry are welcomed
                                        and encouraged. All contributions should be emailed to the Editor -
40   SpONSORS AND exHIbITORS            editorial policy
                                        The opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own and do not necessarily
42   HORT INNOvATION ROUNDUp            represent the views of Hort Innovation. No responsibility will be accepted for any statements
                                        made or views expressed in this journal, or for any advertisements included.
                                        Hort Innovation reserves the right to edit, rewrite, withhold or reject any or all material whether
44   RepeAL Of WHS                      it be editorial, advertising copy or advetorial. If editorial changes are made, the Editor will contact
                                        the author before publication for approval.
                                        Manuscripts, correspondence, change of address requests should be sent to the Editor for
                                        consideration. All material is copyright to Hort Innovation. Articles in their entirety many not be
                                        reproduced in any other publications without written permission of Hort Innovation.
                                        amga contact Phone: 02 4577 6877. Mail: Locked Bag 3, Windsor NSW 2756
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
elcome back to
                   the industry Jo
                                   urnal. If you th
 u would be righ                                     ink it has been
                                                                      a while,
dustry Commun
st assured we
                  t! The good ne
                 ication project,
                will be working
                                   w s
                                       is that the Journa
                                       aged by Team
                                  hard to get it
                                                          l is now part of
                                                       Rowley on your
blication timefra                                 back on a typi
                  me.                                            cal quarterly
der the new proj                                   I like mushroom industry conferences,
                  ect, former Edit
 ts. While I have                  or   Ju dy   Alle
                                                   and if you are involved in the industry,
                                                       n and have som
                     taken on the Ed               you shouldI like               ewha
                                                                       them as well.       t sw
                                                                                         For   me,apped
nificant contribu                       it or rothey
                                                   le, Ju    dy
                   tion to the Journa                     are a   w  ill
                                                                 great    co  ntinue to make
                                                                         opportunity   to   listen
ping me to get                         l, writing      , pr                                                a
                 things right. Th
                                                   and      ov
                                                         learn  and to be updated on what
                                                                id in  g  te ch  ni ca
                                   e years ofhappening,                                l
                                                                 from the very people who ad   vice and
 be put to good                                      working togeth
                  use.                             know.                       er on the Journa
                                                   So, in case you have not heard the news l
  of the first thin                                (and I sincerely hope that is not the
                    gs to notice ab
  The decision w                      ou   t  th is   editthe
                                                   case)     ionAustralian
                  as taken follow                                   is thatMushroom
                                                                                it haOctober
                                                                                             beenin emailed,
                                   in g an industry su
                                                   Conference     is on  from   11-13
back on this ne
                 w approach. We                                    rv ey   by Hortthis                      The Pest ra and thDisease
                                                                                                                                er than         mailed and
                                                                                                                                           Management       to
                                                   Sydney. In putting together           In  no   va
                                                                                                      ti on , so
 o peruse the Jo                        e  cu  rr en   tly in  ve                                                  w
                                                                                                            Research   e  w  ou
                                                                                                                         Service   ld    w
                                                                                                                                     projectel has
                                                                                                                                               co  been on
                                                                  st  igating some on                                                             m e
                                                                                                                                         workshops inyour
                                                   I have   touched    base   with many    of   the
                 urnal through yo
                                     ur web brspeakers
                                                     owser and       gathered together       a bit-lofine rethead  ers,delivering
                                                                                                                            w  hi  ch
ou to explore. o                                                an  d wtopics
                                                                          ill letcovered.                                                w  ou  ld eninabJuly.
                   ver the next mon                a “tease” on the                you kn       ow wheAdelaide
                                                                                             Please         n wefurther
                                                                                                                        in June and Melbourne
with the look an                       th or so we will                                                              ha   ve    a  w  or  ka   ble option
                  d feel of the Aus                take the time  also    look
                                                                     to read      at ththe
                                                                                          e de  story,      With              workshops        now being
                                     tralian Mwhich                                                si gn of    th  e  Jo
                                                            ooms cam   a  good  appetiser     for  the      planned           na   l South Wales in mid
                                                                                                                                      to   bringin it into
 ding content, th                                  upcoming conference.paign.                               September and Queensland
                   ere is plenty ha
you up to date                      ppening in          the in
                                                   Another    great thing about the                         2019, the Journal covers what you
                 on your levy inve                               du   st ry  at  th e
                                                   conference is the opportunitymtoom         notent, ancan      expect to learn by attending these
 ustralian Mushr                    stment. Th         e  bi                                                 d we There
                                                                                                                      have are   doseparate
                                                                                                                                      ne our articles
                   ooms campaign.                            g  ne
                                                   only hear from   wstheisspeakers
                                                                              the star but to sit           events.                               best to
                                        W                                                 t  of   th  e  te le vi si on
 e AMGA Indust                             e  have andaltalk
                                                           so   covered e ap
                                                              with   industry   participants.               covering      ad
                                                                                                                        the     ve
                                                                                                                              issue  rtof fungicides and the
                                                                                                                                        is in g and theon
                 ry Relationship
                                   M  an  ag  er   From my perspective,th      this givespome  inatmentavailability
                                                                                                             of the ne      of up-to-date resources
  Pest and Disea                                 .  Th   er                                                                    w   A   dv
                  se Managemen                     feel forewhat
                                                               is alisso   plenty on-farm
                                                                        happening     of on-f    andarm in
                                                                                                            pest and disease issues.       isory Panel
 st.                               t  pr oj  ec t  an
                                                   howdthe theCommunication                                   fo
                                                                                                            There rmis at
                                                                                                                       alsoio  n
                                                                                                                               a  w
                                                                                                                                 storyith an
                                                                                                                                          on  the
                                                                 push for or      Project can
                                                                                     ganic certifica                                             update
                                                   work to keep you informed throughout                       tion for spent m compost
                                                                                                            development        of  the   new
                                                                                                            facility at White Prince, us      an hr oomon
 hink we have m                                    the year.
                   issed anything,                                                                          the  new   benchmarking          project, an
 o hear from you.                     or you ha    As always, we have packed the Journal
                                                       ve any feedback
                                                   with plenty of informationon      thatthise articles, we update    on  Hort    Innovation     activities  and
                                                   relevant to your business. As I have said                          w
                                                                                                            information  ou   ld
                                                                                                                             and    be
                                                                                                                                    links more than
                                                                                                                                           on   many  other
s Rowley                                                       before – to stay up to date, read on…
                                                               The new television campaign has
                                                                                                                  activities of interest.
                                                                                                                  If you have any feedback on the articles
                                                               commenced and Hort Innovation                      or would like to make some suggestions
                                                               Marketing Manager, Samantha Ferguson               for future editions, please let me know.
                                                               reports on changes to the campaign,
                                                               and the research underpinning those                                                                     Chris Rowley
                                                               changes. There is also a detailed report                                                                       Editor
                                      2015-2016                                                                                 Chris
                                                               covering marketing activities conducted

                                                               in the second quarter of the year.                                          shro
                                                                                                                                                om Grow
                                                                                                                                                       er s
                                                               Ultimately it is all about encouraging                                 Mu                      A

                                                               more people to eat more mushrooms.



                                          AMGA BoARD
               Kevin Tolson
             (Chairman & NSW                                          The project hasNbeen funded by Hort Innovation using the mushroom
                                                                                      ic Femia
              State Director)                                                    (S
                                                                      research and development
                                                                      Government. HortD
                                                                                                levy and contributions from the Australian
                                                                                        Innovation is the grower owned, not-for-profit research
                                                                      and development corporation for Australian horticulture.
           David Tolson
    (Vice Chairman                                                         Troy MMushroom
                                                                          Australian           Growers Association under an agreement
                    & ordinary                                      (Queenwith
                                                                           sl Association
                                                                               Horticulture          Australia.
             Director)                                                    Thisan d Statewelcomes
                                                                                                     r)         within the Journal. The
                                                                                booking deadline is 6 weeks prior to the publication date.
         Mick Surrid                                                            For further information, please contact Sally Heukers on
  (Vice Chairman ge                                                              Phil599
                                                                                0472   Rog   ersor via email using the following LINK.
                  & Victorian                                              (ordinary Direct
           Director)                                                                        or)

          Geoff Martin                                                        Tim Adlinglon
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
                                                participants. The site will provide         areas of overlap and saw how they
                                                updates on a range of information           could help each other to deliver industry
                                                including scholarship opportunities from    outcomes.
                                                the Frontier Fund.                          AMGA works cooperatively with the
    Tim Adlington, Chairman, Australian
    Mushroom Growers Association
                                                Also, at a project level, there is plenty   research providers to represent the
                                                of activity directed at keeping you         broader interests of the industry.
                                                informed and spreading the mushroom         Through a funded project (MU17000)
                                                message. This activity includes Judy        the AMGA provides consultation
                                                Allan and Warwick Gill who are in           around, and input into, industry
                                                direct contact with many farms and          projects including food safety and
                                                provide continual updates on pest and       QA Risk Management (MU16000),
                                                disease management. In the area of          Pest and Disease Management and

                                                marketing and public relations, there       Research Services (MU16003) and
                ear levy payers and AMGA        are many agencies including Bite, Ikon      Communication program for the
                members,                        and D2C who are coordinated through         Australian Mushroom Industry
                While plenty is happening at    Hort Innovation and are responsible for     2016-2019 (MU15001). This project-
                the moment, I am pleased        delivering mushroom information to          based approach is instrumental in
    to say the good news is that markets        consumers.                                  representing the best interests of our
    remain relatively stable at the time of     This Journal, managed by Chris Rowley       industry.
    writing, with plenty of positives for our   as part of the Communication project        In May, the SIAP used independent
    industry.                                   acts as a central point of focus,           reviewers to ensure accountability and a
    The AMGA Strategic Plan is one of these     gathering together the cross-section        clear understanding of the progress and
    positives, establishing a clear direction   of work undertaken on your behalf.          payback from the marketing investment.
    for industry activities undertaken on       The publication has a high level of         The review and analysis of the results
    your behalf. In this column I would like    mushroom information and has become         provide continual refinement, improving
    to not only share what is currently         a “Must Read” for everyone in the           the use of levy dollars.
    happening but also reflect on one of the    industry.                                   The marketing future looks bright on a
    critical elements of the Strategic plan,    In the area of research and                 couple of fronts. We are now investing
    covering the issue of communication.        development, our opportunities are          in a foodservice outreach program to
    Strategy four is straight to the            progressing well, with the members          tap into trends like “blending” and the
    point: “The AMGA wants to flow out          of the Marsh Lawson Centre and the          increased use of mushrooms in burgers
    information to our members”.                Strategic Advisory panel working to         and other dining out meals. A project to
    Great achievement is pointless if           develop some exciting projects through      communicate the benefits of
    members are unaware of the outcome          to the tender process. The process of       mushrooms to health providers in the
    or how they can gain benefit from           initiating proposals and progressing        expectation that they extend the
    it. Your levy dollars are hard at work      them to projects is working smoothly,       information to their clients will also
    on many fronts, and when it comes to        and Hort Innovation is showing great        shortly be in place.
    communications, this means finding your     leadership on these committees. I am        The energy of Samantha Ferguson (Hort
    needs and delivering appropriately.         personally pleased that research projects   Innovation Marketing Manager) and
                                                developed through the Marsh Lawson          John Vatikiotis (Industry Relationship
    The AMGA General Manager, Sally
                                                Centre and presented to the SIAP for        Manager) should be acknowledged as
    Heukers speaks with and visits many
                                                recommendation were largely accepted.       every month we gain momentum.
    of you on a regular basis to provide
    information and listen to any feedback      At our most recent Marsh Lawson             Until next time.
    on industry issues. In addition, a          R&D meeting, the committee met with
    new and improved digital platform           project research providers. It seemed
    is underway designed to maintain
    strong and relevant links with industry
                                                a watershed moment as the energy in
                                                the room built as researchers identified        Tim Adlington
4    Australian Mushrooms Journal
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
Update from
                                           Sally Heukers
                              AMGA General Manager Report
                                           AMGA has also secured a post-             with RMCG to ensure the project
                                           conference visit to Adelaide with two     delivers the best outcome for our
                                           farm visits. A very special rate          industry. We encourage you to
                                           is offered to AMGA members and            participate, and with participation you
                                           conference delegates. Register via the    will be given a series of performance
                                           AMGA conference website.                  benchmarks for use in your business.
                                           Early bird rates to the conference        The production benchmarks include
                                           are open until Friday 24th August. if     energy, water and labour inputs,
                                           you have not attended an industry         and identify potential areas for
                                           conference for a while this is one for    improvement. To get involved, read
                                           you. You can view the program and         more about the project in this Journal
                                           register online via the AMGA industry     or give me a call to discuss. Your
                                           conference website here:                  feedback is important to us.
                                           https://amgaconference.mushrooms.      Coming up:

                                                                  AMGA has a busy few months coming
         ear industry members,                                                    up with key events on the agenda
                                           Food Safety Project -
                                           Compliance Survey                      including the next Strategic Industry
          The industry is gaining                                                 Advisory Panel (SIAP), the MLMRU R&D
         momentum, with projects           Food safety is crucial to ensure       Steering Committee, development of
         and activities that are           consumer confidence with our industry new R&D project proposals, the final
                                           and AMGA continues to drive            activities associated with delivering the
building a solid foundation for future
                                           investment in projects such as Food    upcoming AMGA industry conference
growth. AMGA continues to work
                                           Safety and QA Risk Management          and preparation for the Association’s
closely with industry stakeholders and
                                           (MU16000). One of the activities       AGM.
representing the broader interests of
                                           being undertaken is an industry survey
the industry. AMGA has established                                                If you have any questions or feedback
                                           to establish a ‘snap shot’ of
projects which continue to strengthen                                             about the R&D program, marketing
                                           compliance enabling better targeting
the industry and increase consumer                                                program, the industry conference,
                                           of resources to support you. Please
confidence and awareness.                                                         member’s services or anything else
                                           take a few minutes of your time and
AMGA Industry Conference                   fill out the survey. If you would like please get in touch.
This is one not to be missed. It will be   to know more, need assistance or       I look forward to seeing you at the
an opportunity to learn from several       haven’t seen the survey please give me AMGA conference!
world-leading experts, hear about          a call.                                Please contact me on 0472 599 135 or
innovative research and technology,        Member Service - Quality               email me at
visit leading farms, and network
with peers, local and international
                                           Assurance Testing
                                           A gentle reminder that AMGA continues
                                                                                  Regards,   �������
businesses, delegates and industry
                                           to provide access to on-farm QA
The conference will provide a chance
to get many of your industry
                                           testing. Test kits can be ordered by
                                           Beryl via email (          Sally Heukers
questions answered with experienced        Benchmarking Project
delegates and subject matter experts       The Mushroom Industry Data Collection
covering a wide range of topics.           Project (MU16006) is another
There will also be many opportunities      example of a data project investigating
to relax with colleagues at any of the     ways to improve business operations
numerous social breaks and dinners         and build confidence in the industry.
throughout the event.                      The AMGA has played a pivotal role to
                                           establish this project and is working

                                                                                                      Australian Mushrooms Journal   5
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
Marketing review highlights
    positive opportunities
         In any business, the key to
                                                    ince 2015, two independent reviews into the marketing program
                                                    for Australian Mushrooms have been undertaken. The most recent
                long-term success is
                                                    review, undertaken earlier this year with input from a range of
        continual improvement. The                  stakeholders, was conducted to review the effectiveness of the
           same approach is used in         program and to identify opportunities for improvement.
               marketing Australian         The review found that stakeholders were happy with the campaign and
               Mushrooms, with the          felt it has been effectively delivered in a professional manner. From a
                                            creative viewpoint, the review found the campaign had performed well,
           marketing team and lead          and highlighted opportunities to further reach the core target market of
             agencies all striving to       disengaged cooks, who want to know how to include more mushrooms in
          examine current activities        their everyday meals.
          with a view to the future.        The seasonal timing was acknowledged as being a valued approach (with
                                            activity shouldering the summer months and heavier through the middle of
                                            the year), and will continue over the next three-year campaign.
    Further information:
                                            The review also highlighted foodservice as a growing area of demand, and
    Hort Innovation Marketing Manager –     further attention will focus on ways to tap into this growth and encourage
    Samantha Ferguson                       the wider use of mushrooms in meals prepared outside of the home.   An analysis of Nielsen Homescan and consumer research data indicated
    02 8295 2328                            that the campaign activities had successfully impacted consumers over the
                                            2015-18 period.
                                            The Nielsen Homescan data shows that over the past three years
                                            Australian households are shopping more frequently for mushrooms,
                                            buying more mushrooms per trip (up 3.38%) and overall buying more
                                            mushrooms each year (up 7.16%).

6   Australian Mushrooms Journal
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
The review was all about
 understanding how the campaign
         is working for Australian
      Mushrooms, and identifying
 opportunities to continue talking
       to our core target market.
       Over the next three years,
    the campaign will place more
   emphasis on disengaged cooks,
and provide them with even more
    opportunities to engage with

What was also evident from the
consumer research is that there has
been a real lift in consumption among
those people who are already using
mushrooms. In terms of the campaign,
the diverse range of communication
activities has successfully increased
awareness of Australian Mushrooms,
with television and radio advertising
contributing most to the reach of the

The core campaign messages that
centre around the “Much Healthier,
Much Tastier” positioning continue to
come through clearly in advertising,
inspiring positive action - with the
television commercial particularly
effective at increasing mushroom usage
in existing meals.

The Australian Mushrooms Ambassador,
Miguel Maestre is recognised, liked and
trusted by a large proportion of the
Australian population, and most
importantly has a positive effect on
mushroom consumption for those that
associate him with Australian

The images shown on Pages 6-7
highlight the refreshed approach for
Australian Mushrooms. Click on the
images to view the televison ads.

                                          Australian Mushrooms Journal   7
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
Above: You can’t have the Grand Finale of Masterchef without mushrooms! With over 1 million viewers
    it was the perfect ad placement to reach the core target market.

    Updating the campaign                      be rolled out across all the Australian     reactions of ordinary Australians as
                                               Mushrooms communication channels,           they watch the nightly news, argue
    approach                                   with consumers scheduled to see the         over politics, cheer on their favourite
    The 2018-2021 strategy builds on           new campaign from early August.             sporting teams and digest
    the consumer research, independent         Between now and the end of 2018,            documentaries. It’s the program that
    marketing review and overall campaign      Australian Mushrooms advertising will       unites and excites us all, and places
    results. Knowing that the current          take place through the following            Australian Mushrooms at the top of
    approach is resonating more with           channels: television, static and digital    mind of grocery buyers across the
    confident cooks and heavy mushroom         billboards (roadside and shopping           country. Gogglebox Australia will be
    users, there is now an even greater        centre), paid social media, digital and     aired on Foxtel’s Lifestyle Main
    emphasis on targeting the less             programmatic (including Spotify).           channel, and is projected to reach
    confident, disengaged, medium                                                          228,000 people per episode. Our
                                               Television                                  sponsorship will last for four weeks,
    mushrooms users. The campaign
    creative has been refreshed (see Pages     A total of three different creatives will   starting early September.
    6-7) to make it more ’disruptive‘,         appear in the television advertising,
                                               which commenced in the week starting        Details: Gogglebox airs on Wednesdays,
    specifically targeting this group of                                                   so this will begin on 5 September.
    consumers, with a strong ’ease‘ message    5 August. The ads will screen over a
    that brings mushrooms and ’simple          total of five weeks in two-week blocks,
    cooking‘ to the forefront. The look and    with one week off between the two
    feel has also been evolved to give the     periods. The ads will appear on free to
                                               air and subscription metropolitan             Masterchef opportunity
    ads a fun and bright feel. Colourful
    textured backgrounds and the               television throughout Australia and on
                                               regional television in North and South        Excitingly, Australian Mushrooms
    introduction of messages like 'Chop                                                      secured ad placement in the 2018
    Chop and its done' are used to help        New South Wales. Some of the
                                               programs in which the ads will appear         MasterChef Grand Finale on Wed
    Australian Mushrooms stand out from                                                      21 July 2018. With over one
    the crowd while signalling ease, speed     include The Block, Talking About Your
                                               Generation, Family Food Fight, The            million viewers, over half of which
    and 'an anyone can do it' mentality. The                                                 are the main grocery buyers in
    ads are designed to really showcase        Bachelor, Survivor Australia, and Russell
                                               Coight’s All Aussie Adventures.               their household, this was the
    how easy it is to add mushrooms to                                                       perfect place to remind our core
    every meal (and that they are              Australian Mushrooms will also be a           target market that adding
    delicious).                                proud broadcast sponsor for the next          mushrooms to everyday meals is
    Naturally enough the new creative will     series of Gogglebox Australia on Foxtel!      easy, healthy and tasty!
                                               Season 8 will continue to share the
8      Australian Mushrooms Journal
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
Above: Australian Mushrooms are the broadcast sponsor for Googlebox Season 8.

Static and digital billboards will be used
in metropolitan and regional areas in
New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland,
South Australia and Western Australia.
These will be live for between one and
four weeks duration, in shopping centres
and on high traffic road/motorway
billboards, commencing from mid-August.

Social media
Paid social media advertising will also be
undertaken as part of the campaign
activities, commencing in August and
running through until mid-December.
This advertising will be similar to the
television advertising and consist of
6-second and 15-second video clips,
carefully targeted to reach the core
audience. The targeted approach will
allow the ads to appear directly in the
newsfeed of selected consumers, with
direct links to relevant recipes on the
Australian Mushrooms website.

Digital media                                Above: Static and digital billboards will be updated with the new creative.
Digital media advertising will be
undertaken on a range of top websites        Events                                       Mushroom Ambassador
and through YouTube and Spotify. The         With the 2018-2021 strategy, the             Miguel Maestre is set to continue as
websites include major catch up sites        number of events attended will be            the Australian Mushrooms Ambassador,
(plus7, 9Now, 10Play, SBS on Demand)         refined to take into account the target      providing support for the new program
plus the big news and entertainment          audience of less confident cooks. As a       approach and initiatives. During his
sites (,,                    result, Australian Mushrooms will            time in the role, Miguel has proved a
dailytelegraph, 9honey, and all      attend the 2019 Royal Easter Show in         very popular figure with consumers,
their subsidiaries). These ads will run      Sydney and the Brisbane Ekka. Other          attracting a rock star following at
from mid-August until mid-December.          event opportunities will also be             events. His popular following and his
                                             investigated.                                ability to delivery inspirational recipe
                                                                                          and meal ideas offer an ideal

                                                                                                    Australian Mushrooms Journal   9
Australian MUSHR JOURNAL MS - Bitly
opportunity to spread the mushroom        tours as a means of building                The study will allow opportunities to be
     messaging. Work is now planned to         relationships can help bring forward        identified and allow future work in this
     build on the relationship as a means of   potential opportunities to get more         area to be specifically targeted to
     encouraging consumers to add more         mushrooms on more menus, which is           address these opportunities.
     mushrooms to more meals.                  a win-win situation for growers and         The second research component within
                                               foodservice operators.                      the foodservice area is for a two-year
                                                                                           subscription to a syndicated marketing
     Other communication                       Building on the success of this approach,
                                               a tender process for the next farm visits   report of the wider Australian
     channels                                                                              foodservice industry. This report
                                               which will happen in the first half of
     In addition to the activities outlined                                                will provide a range of information
     above that will feature the updated                                                   about the various components of the
     approach, updates will be made to         Over the longer term, the intention is to
                                                                                           foodservice sector including café’s, pubs,
     existing resources to ensure              build a comprehensive strategic plan
                                                                                           hotels, and restaurants and identify
     consistency across the campaign. As a     directed at maximising the use of
                                                                                           food trends across the sector.
     result, the Australian Mushrooms          mushrooms in the foodservice sector.
                                                                                           In combination, these two components
     website will be updated and videos        Part of this process is undertaking
                                                                                           will allow a greater understanding
     added to YouTube. The refreshed           research to understand the foodservice
                                                                                           of product usage, barriers, volumes and
     messaging will also appear across the     channel better, to establish a benchmark
                                                                                           value and identify potential
     Australian Mushrooms social media         of how mushrooms are used and where
                                                                                           opportunities for Australian Mushrooms.
     channels (Facebook and Instagram)         they appear on the menu. A custom
                                                                                           This information will then be used to
     and through the electronic direct mail    research study has now been scoped to
                                                                                           help shape a carefully targeted industry
     newsletter distributed on a regular       establish this benchmark. To reduce the
                                                                                           strategy, with the objective of
     basis.                                    cost of the study, Australian Mushrooms
                                                                                           increasing overall consumption for
                                               will work in a funding partnership with
                                                                                           mushrooms in the foodservice setting.
                                               the avocado and onion industries.
     Within the new program, greater
     emphasis will be placed on foodservice,
     with a range of activities planned for
     the coming period to build on
     opportunities in this sector.
     The first year of the Foodservice Farm
     Tour program delivered positive
     feedback and increased the
     understanding of the requirements of
     participants. Targeted at foodservice
     professionals, the tours provide
     attendees with the opportunity to learn
     more about the mushroom industry at
     a hands-on, farm level. Pleasingly all
     respondents would recommend this
     type of tour to other chefs in the
     network and agreed that the tour had
     improved their knowledge of Australian
     Mushrooms. From an Australian
     Mushrooms perspective, the tours are
     also valuable in not only building        Foodservice is often at the forefront of food trends, and this focus provides an
                                               opportunity to be a part of emerging trends. The inclusion of mushrooms in
     relationships but also a deeper           more dining out meals helps to inspire consumers, many of whom then feel
     understanding of the requirements of      confident to replicate the experience when cooking at home. The increased focus
     the foodservice sector. The use of the    on foodservice represents an exciting opportunity for Australian Mushrooms.

10     Australian Mushrooms Journal
Extending the Australian
Mushrooms message
to consumers
                                                                                       these impressions were watched to
                                                                                       completion, which is well above the
                                                                                       industry benchmark of 70%.
                                                                                       As outlined in a previous report,
                                                                                       Australian Mushrooms has used the
                                                                                       new six-second ’bumper ad‘ format
                                                                                       on the YouTube network as another
                                                                                       means of driving home the campaign
                                                                                       message. These ads have been viewed
                                                                                       over 2.5 million times across key
                                                                                       target audiences with a similarly high
                                                                                       completion rate of over 90%.

                                                                                       A change to Spotify (the digital music
                                                                                       streaming service providing access to
                                                                                       millions of songs, podcasts and videos
                                                                                       from artists all over the world) has
Above: Australian Mushrooms Ambassador, Miguel Maestre attracted plenty of             opened up further opportunity for
interest at the Good Food & Wine Show in Sydney.                                       Australian Mushrooms. A change to

                                                                                       their ad-supported free product, dubbed
             hile the 2018-21             the year with live advertising and           ’Active Media‘ allows listeners to choose
             marketing strategy will      promotional activity as possible – this is   whether they see, hear or skip ads.
             see some tweaks to both      then underpinned with an always on           From a listener viewpoint, the benefit
                                          approach to social media and targeted        is in viewing/hearing only those ads
the focus and the delivery, it is         PR activity.
important to remember that the                                                         that are of interest, while advertisers
Australian Mushrooms approach has                                                      benefit by only paying for a fully
                                          Digital Video                                completed listen or view. Australian
always relied on strong, consistent
                                          The great thing about digital media          Mushrooms is now looking at adopting
messaging to encourage high
                                          is the opportunity it provides for           smart creative to adapt to the new
consumption. As outlined in the
                                          extending a campaign message, through        structure and take advantage of the
previous story, an independent review
                                          a variety of channels. In the second         improved user experience to encourage
has found the campaign has been
                                          quarter of 2018 digital video picked up      music lovers to become mushroom
effectively delivered, helping to drive
                                          where the television campaign (which         lovers.
increased consumption of Australian
                                          concluded in March) left off, featuring
                                          advertisements on the major catch-up TV
This story takes a look back over the     apps, including plus7, 9Now, Tenplay and
marketing activities delivered in the     SBS on Demand. This approach provided
second quarter of 2018 (April-June        direct access into popular television
2018). Through the rest of 2018, many     shows such as My Kitchen Rules,
of these activities will continue, with   Bachelor in Paradise and Married at First
the refreshed creative. As outlined in    Sight. In addition to these popular TV
previous reports, while the components    shows, the Australian Mushrooms ad was
are covered separately, it should be      also shown to consumers viewing videos
noted that the individual elements and    in the food, health and nutrition
channels form a coordinated approach      environment online.
with activities in one area being
                                          The digital media approach has worked
supported by those in another. Multiple
                                          well achieving some 8.35 million
channels are used throughout the year,
                                          impressions across the campaign.
with the aim of covering as much of
                                          Pleasingly almost 90% of
                                                                                                      Australian Mushrooms Journal   11
     The distinctive Australian Mushrooms
     caravan has been on the go again,
     attending the Good Food and Wine
     Shows in Melbourne (1-3 June) and
     Sydney (22-24 June), achieving a total
     reach of 61,158 show goers. Experience
     has refined the process at these types
     of events with the visual impact of the
     stand attracting customers, who are
     then entertained with cooking
     demonstrations and samples.
     Brand Ambassador Miguel Maestre
     attracted widespread attention with his
     two cooking demonstrations at the
     Sydney Good Food and Wine Show,
     cooking his delicious new recipe
     “Mushroomroni ’N‘ Cheese”, and taking
     photos with his fans.
     To reinforce the mushroom message a
     combined total of 20,700 samples and
     24,700 brochures were handed out to
     attendees at the event.

     Starting in April, Australian Mushrooms
     increased its in-store presence, with a
     syndicated merchandising campaign in
     100 Independent stores across Australia.
     The stores were visited to deploy point
     of sale materials and educate staff
     on handling, sorting and other best
     practices for mushrooms merchandising.
     The Australian Mushrooms Winter 2018
     in-store sampling campaign kicked off in
     mid-June. The campaign, which                 Above: Customers of all ages have enjoyed the in-store sampling of
     concluded in early August, was                Australian Mushrooms.
     conducted across 370 sampling sessions
     in Coles, Woolworths and Independent
     stores in New South Wales, Victoria,
     Queensland, South Australia and
     Western Australia. An average of 78
     samples and 70 brochures were
     distributed per session, resulting in sales
     of 23 prepacks and 7.7kg per session.

     Public Relations
     With recipe inspiration acting as a
     primary means to attract consumers,
     Australian Mushroom recipes continued
     to flood mainstream media. This
     approach gained significant coverage
     including BW Magazine (lift-out in
     Saturday’s Daily Telegraph, popular
     food website Best Recipes and
     syndications through regional
     newspaper networks.

                                                   Above and right: New
                                                   mushroom recipes have gained
                                                   solid media coverage.

12     Australian Mushrooms Journal
New recipes
To boost the current recipe collection
and add further interest, a new series of
recipes by Australian Mushrooms
Ambassador, Miguel Maestre was
commissioned. Australian Mushrooms pR
agency, bite Communication innovatively
launched the new recipes, undertaking a
publishing house tour on 6 August, to
share the materials and cooking
demonstrations with key publications.
The tour with Miguel will develop
stronger and strengthen existing
relationships with key media, ensuring
mushrooms are top of mind and
cementing Miguel as the face of
Australian Mushrooms. Another benefit
is that the tour was time friendly for
media representatives, allowing them to
access mushroom information (and
Miguel’s delicious cooking) without
having to leave their office.                Above: One of the new series of recipes is Miguel's fun-guy chicken pie. The
As part of the new recipe creation, new      recipes have put a mushroom spin on classic Aussie dishes. Another series of
images and videos have been produced         recipes will be commissioned in early 2019 for the Winter campaign.
to be seeded with media and shared via
the Australian Mushrooms social media
channels. The recipes have put               Below: One pot wonders were the focus of the recent Mushroom Lovers Club
a mushroom spin on classic Aussie            newsletter.
dishes, with Miguel’s ‘mushroomroni ‘n’
cheese muffins’, a ‘garlic mushroom
chicken kiev’ and ‘Miguel’s funguy
chicken pie’. To further extend the reach
of the campaign and the concept of
adding mushrooms to favourite everyday
meals, three micro-influencers have also
been engaged. These influencers will
share dishes that they have made-over
with mushrooms and then shared on
their social media channels, reaching
thousands more consumers with the
mushroom message. They will focus on
ease, taste and health – aligning with
our campaign key messaging but in their
own individual, authentic and engaging

Additional PR activities
For winter, the Australian Mushrooms
website was updated with a new theme
and focus, featuring Miguel and his
popular Funguy chicken pie recipe. This
recipe is among the most popular on the
site and taps into ‘pie’ as a key trending
search term for consumers.
The Mushroom Lovers Club direct mail
has continued, reaching a database of
27,000 subscribers. Content has included
sharing Miguel’s secret for getting kids
cooking in the kitchen, some must-try
mushroom pie recipes, and Miguel’s tips
for healthier and tastier meatballs.

                                                                                               Australian Mushrooms Journal   13
Social Media
     Social media is one of the “always             Social Media by Numbers
     on” components of the marketing                When it comes to social media, it is all about providing fans or followers
     program, providing the opportunity to          with the type of information that they want to receive and share with
     communicate regularly with fans and            others. Put simply, it is about content that interests and engages with
     followers. Over the last quarter, the social   people, and that is the approach adopted for the Australian Mushrooms
     media program has continued to inspire         Facebook and Instagram pages. The figures below provide a snapshot of
     with delicious recipes created by Miguel,      how these pages have performed from April to June 2018.
     supported by recipes curated from
     influencers.                                   Facebook results                       Instagram results
     This engaging content saw impressions rise     (April – June 2018)                    (April – June 2018)
     an impressive 59% over the quarter,             • Fans: 141,416, 1,200 new fans,      • Followers: 14,145 total fans ,
     compared to the first three months of             9% page growth                         3,591 new fans, 34% page growth
     2018. The engagement rate also increased        • Total impressions: 13,192,838       • People reached: 309,542
     to 5%, demonstrating that the content is        • Average engagement rate: 5%         • Average engagement rate: 11%
     resonating with fans. Miguel’s role with        • Number of comments, likes
     Australian Mushrooms was leveraged via a          and shares: 22,206 comments,        • Number of comments and likes:
     Facebook Live video covering his cooking          107,742 likes and 16,610               1,043 comments and 34,343 likes
     demonstration at the Sydney Good Food             shares (146,558 total actions)         (35,386 total actions)
     and Wine Show. The ever-popular Miguel
     impressed fans by cooking up one of his
     newly created recipes – his ‘mushroomroni                                                       Left:
     ‘n’ cheese' pasta. Organically, the video                                                       Top post - Facebook
     reached almost 10,000 people with 85                                                              •   Likes: 5,762
                                                                                                       •   Comments: 2,108
     Social media is more than just a channel to
     share the Australian Mushroom message,                                                            •   Shares: 1,238
     it’s also a great way for fans to                                                                 •   Reach: 373,117
     communicate directly with us – it’s an                                                            •   Engagement: 8%
     excellent tool for building that two-way
     dialogue and gauging how consumers feel
     and think. It is always impressive to see
     the photos from fans sharing their cooking
     using the Australian Mushroom recipes, it’s
     a real community – that’s true engagement
     and brand love!
                                                                                                     Below:                                                                               Top post - Instagram
     MyFoodbook is a recipe and cookbook                                                               •   Likes: 2,373
     destination where users can create
                                                                                                       •   Comments: 107
     personalised digital cookbooks using
     recipes from Australia’s leading cooking &                                                        •   Reach: 65,767
     food brands, combined with their own                                                              •   Engagement: 25%
     ideas and recipes… all for free. The
     Australian Mushrooms’ subscription to the
     MyFoodBook platform includes a landing
     page, links to the Australian Mushrooms
     website, profiles on social media,
     mushroom recipe showcases, editorial
     features and inclusion in 20+ eNewsletters
     to 80,000 subscribers as well as features in
     digital and printed seasonal cookbooks.
     More than 33,500 Australian Mushroom
     recipes were saved to user profiles, over
     750,000 video engagements and more than
     36,000 digital cookbook downloads
     including mushroom recipes and education.
     In total just over 1 million direct consumer
     actions/engagements with Australian
     Mushrooms branded content were achieved.

14     Australian Mushrooms Journal
Your complete sanitiser for mushroom farming.
Totally environmentally friendly, non-toxic to humans and animals,
biodegradable, non-corrosive, PDQXIDFWXUHGWRHACCP & ISO 1400

DES-O-GERM™ SP can be used for:
V General sanitation.
V Air conditioning units.
V Foot baths.
V Washing of hands, crates, picking equipment.


    SYLVAN AUSTRALIA PTY LTD             11
    t: 02 4572 0555 | f: 02 4572 0055 |
Mush Comb for all your:
             Mushroom Equipment
            Composting Machinery
          Mushroom Exotic Projects
                Casing Separators

                       The Netherlands
                     T +31 77 398 39 29

Workshops aimed at
developing knowledge
Part of the grower engagement mechanism budgeted for in project MU16003:
Pest and Disease Management and Research Services is two workshops per
year. The workshops are aimed at providing updates on new developments and
increasing the capacity of the mushroom industry to minimise the impact of
existing and new diseases.
The first series of foundational
workshops was delivered in Adelaide in
June and Melbourne in July.
The promotional flyer identified how the
relevance was viewed. It said:
“If your farm is currently disease free,   During the workshops the emphasis was       Project Team recognise that every
then this workshop will benefit you        that the biology of the causal organisms    staff member plays a vital role in
by getting your staff up to speed with     is foundational to the control measures     maintaining a disease-free mushroom
disease symptom recognition and vector     of mushroom diseases. The disease           farm. It is also recognised that every
management.”                               organisms causing dry bubble and            staff member plays a vital role in
“If disease is a constant presence on      cobweb were used as case studies to         ensuring the farm successfully works
your farm, then this workshop will         demonstrate this.                           through times of high diseases
benefit you by updating your staff with    The content and delivery mechanisms of      pressure and the concept of
current disease management practices       the workshops have proven to be             developing the scope of knowledge
and preparing them for new diseases.”      robust and relevant to the diversity of     was endorsed by farms because they
                                           the personnel who have attended thus        invested in their staff attending.
Topics covered included:
    • New and emerging diseases.           far. The diversity of roles represented     Feedback forms were completed by 59
    • Symptom recognition and              by participants has included production     of the 64 people participating in the
       description.                        staff, HR staff, harvesters, supervisors,   two sessions delivered in Adelaide in
    • Identifying and managing disease     growers, maintenance staff, quality         June and the four sessions delivered in
       vectors.                            control personnel, box collectors,          Melbourne in July. The sessions were
    • Sampling techniques for different    packroom staff and management. The          ranked highly by participants.
    • Identifying disease reservoirs                                Forward Planning
       with specific reference to
       Cobweb and bubble.                    The project budget for MU 16003 covers the cost of preparation and delivery
    • Spot treatment techniques.             travel/accommodation of the presenters, but not venue costs. We are
                                             planning to deliver a workshop in New South Wales in mid September and in
    • Where to get help.
                                             Queensland in early 2019, and are seeking expressions of interest to both
                                             host a workshop and/or to participate in a workshop.
                                             The venue requirements are a suitable room to fit a minimum of 10 and a
    Further information:                     maximum of 15 participants, be equipped with appropriate AV equipment and,
    Project leader – Warwick Gill            be willing to have people from other farms attend if they apply. Because the                 duration of the workshop is four hours (9 am to 1 pm), the Project Team
    0417 766 588                             also requests the hosting farm to provide a light lunch for all participants.
                                             Should a meeting venue need to be hired then, depending on the venue, there
    Pest and Disease Service –               could be a minimal charge to participants to cover the venue cost.
    Judy Allan                               Organising these workshops is a process and we simply take it step by step                    until the final details are in place.
    02 6767 1057                             Contact Warwick Gill or Judy Allan for more information.

                                                                                                     Australian Mushrooms Journal   17
One of the workshops in Adelaide was hosted by Nic Femia of SA Mushrooms. While there is no obligation
     for a workshop host to do a farm walk these participants enjoyed the chance to see some crops and meet
            international consultants Eric De Groot and Bart Driessen who were in Adelaide at the time.

      Training Aid Bag Bubble and Cover cobweb

       rSpot treatment methods ‘Bag Bubble’ and’ Cover Cobweb’ were practically explored utilising artificial mushrooms that
       with imagination represented diseased areas. This exercise and relatively cheap set of props was promoted to farms as a
       useful hands-on method to initially train people about how to treat disease spots. It can also be used to compare how
       different ‘more experienced’ people approach the task and calibrate everyone to the same farm standard operating

18    Australian Mushrooms Journal
The farm roles represented by participants at Parwan Mushrooms included production staff, HR
    staff, harvesters, supervisors, growers, maintenance staff, quality control personnel, box
collectors, packroom staff and management. Having participants from multiple farms added to
                the discussion at the final session at the Parwan Mushroom Farm.

                                                                              Australian Mushrooms Journal   19
CSA Tri Clean & Fog combine a unique        While being non corrosive, non
blend of three active ingredients to        staining, non odorous & pH neutral,
provide broad spectrum disease cover        Tri Clean & Tri Fog also has a relatively
during growing room clean outs.             low hazard rating when compared to
                                            many other common sanitising
Tri Clean and Tri Fog combats a wide
range of typical pathogens commonly
associated with mushroom                    Tri Clean & Tri Fog are available to
production such as Cladobotryum             growers in all regions either direct
spp. Lecanicillium spp. Verticillium        from CSA (manufacturers) or through
spp. & Trichoderma spp.                     our national distributor network.

Non corrosive, non staining, non
odourous & pH neutral.
                                          CSA Products are Australian
Although Tri Clean & Tri Fog has a            made & owned with
relatively low hazard rating when
compared to many other common             locations in Brisbane QLD &
sanitising products please always refer         Newcastle NSW
to the SDS and read the safety
precautions on product labels before
            e ra

     your blend
     for life
                                   Topterra Holland is a member of the Legro Group, a family business in growing
                                   media now headed by the fourth generation. Our goal in the coming years is to
                                   continue producing the best possible product and services for the mushroom
                                   and horticultural industries. This goal requires a different organisation than
                                   we had in the past. A strong company structure linked to a clear brand,
                                   recognised both nationally and internationally. This is why Topterra Holland
                                   as a company name has changed into Legro Mushroom Casing Solutions.
                                   Proudly we will retain Topterra as our mushroom casing product name.

                                  Sjef Swinkels
                                   Legro Mushroom Casing Solutions
                                   Tel. + 31 (0) 88 1717600

Pest and Disease Management

      Legal and Effective Use
      of Fungicides
            By Judy Allan                      What are the legally registered Fungicides?
                                               A screenshot from a search of the PUBCRIS section of the registration body APVMA
           Managing fungal diseases in the     ( for fungicides registered on mushrooms reveals the following:
       mushroom crop is not simple – the
     use of fungicides does not guarantee
       disease control. Fungicides are only
             one of the tools available; the
             disease needs to be managed
       holistically with a hygiene program
          that has strict attention to small
                     details at EVERY step.

          The mushroom industry only has
         legal access to a small number of
      fungicide active ingredients, so it is
     essential they are used as effectively
          as possible. Registered fungicide
           products need to be used at the     Fungicides containing the active ingredient carbendazim are not REGISTERED for
         correct rate in the registered use    use on the mushroom crop, BUT they are ALLOWED via PERMIT 14949. This
       pattern to avoid any toxicity to the    permit is held by the AMGA on behalf of the industry and is current until
                                               February 2019.
      crop or unacceptable residues being
      detected. They also need to be used      The AMGA also holds PERMIT 12645 on behalf of the industry for products
                                               containing prochloraz (as the manganese chloride complex ) for the split
             effectively to help control the
                                               application use pattern against Cobweb (current until 31 March 2022).
             disease present and not waste
                                               In addition, the AMGA holds PERMIT 12965 for a spawn treatment against green
                      money unnecessarily.     mould using products with imazalil as their active ingredient (current until 31 July
                                               A screenshot of the list of permits for mushrooms listed on the APVMA website is
                                               inserted below:

22     Australian Mushrooms Journal
What are the rates and use patterns?                                                     • The drum containing the
Registered rates and use patterns can be found on the product label, and there is a        fungicide solution should be
legal requirement to read the label and follow the instructions.                           agitated so that the fungicide
Below is what the label for one of the prochloraz products, namely Octave ®                stays in solution and doesn’t
specifies for mushrooms.                                                                   settle out.
                                                                                         • Personal Protective Equipment
                                                                                           (PPE) should be used as specified
                                                                                           on the product safety data sheet.
                                                                                       If you are currently using a carbendazim
                                                                                       product, please take the time to click
                                                                                       on this link for the Carbendazim
                                                                                       permit to compare how you use the
                                                                                       fungicide on your farm against the
                                                                                       critical use comments. for farms using a
                                                                                       carbendazim product, please note that
The wording for the permit for the split application is below:                         carbendazim is regularly detected during
                                                                                       routine QA testing but so far we have
                                                                                       not seen a test result that exceeds the
                                                                                       MRL (maximum residue limit), and that
                                                                                       is exactly how we want to continue!
                                                                                       On a number of occasions, farms
                                                                                       have advised that they are using ‘x’
                                                                                       fungicide, but still have ‘y’ disease’; the
                                                                                       inference being that the disease has
                                                                                       developed resistance. It is true that
                                                                                       resistance can develop, and it is also
                                                                                       true that fungicides degrade over time.
                                                                                       Some farms choose to mix the fungicide
                                                                                       IN the casing, but under severe disease
                                                                                       pressure, it can be necessary to water
                                                                                       ONTO the casing so that the fungicide
In essence, the total rate for both use patterns is the same (3 grams per square       is targeted to the spores that land on
metre), but the split application permit allows the 3 grams to be applied in 2         the casing.
applications using 1.5 grams per square metre each time.                               In my experience when working more
It is important to note that when watering on a fungicide it is essential to achieve   closely with these farms with persistent
even coverage. As a guide use 1 litre of water per square metre of growing surface     disease problems, it is not simply a case
on the last water of the day. Work in the UK has identified that this precise          of just looking at fungicide selection
quantity of water provides a more even application than higher and lower rates.        and use. Addressing the other disease
Prochloraz products are the only products that can be legally watered on during the    management procedures, particularly
flushes. It is recommended that when watering the fungicide onto the beds between      spot treatment and picker training
flushes, you wait for most of the pins for the flush to form before you water the      and management eventually leads to
fungicide on.                                                                          disease control.
If the distribution of water being applied is not precise, the distribution of the     For further information on fungicide
fungicide applied will not be precise, so general watering technique is important as   use in the mushroom industry, please
well. Aspects of watering technique that need to be addressed include:                 contact Judy Allan.

  • Minimizing the quantity of water that goes onto the floor.
  • Having the watering tree adjusted so that each level receives the same                 Further information:
    amount of water.                                                                       Project Leader – Warwick Gill
  • The water used to apply the fungicide should be fresh water (i.e.            
    without hypochlorite or stabilised chlorine dioxide added).                            0417 766 588
                                                                                           Pest and Disease Service –
                                                                                           Judy Allan
                                                                                           02 6767 1057

                                                                                                      Australian Mushrooms Journal   23
24   Australian Mushrooms Journal
Up to date resources a key
component in the fight
against pest and disease
Mushroom yield and quality       In the first six months of the project, a     reports providing additional information
                                 considerable amount of work has been          that may be of interest to some growers
   are the first casualties of   undertaken to engage with growers at a        and farm principles.
 pest and disease. However,      farm level to provide technical expertise.    Growers also have access to a detailed
     the risk can be reduced     This expertise is then reinforced with        online resource library – AGORA
                                 access to relevant and up-to-date             - accessed through the Australian
through access to resources      resources on mushroom pests and               Mushrooms website.
         highlighting correct    disease and their management.
                                 At a farm level, two pest and disease         Stay up-to-date
management. This approach                                                      To make the most of this project, there
                                 workshops have been presented in
  is a key component of the      South Australia and four in victoria. The     are a few simple steps that you can
    project pest and Disease     workshops provide a detailed insight          follow:
                                 into correct disease treatment as well           • Read the project related materials
 Management and Research         as outlining how disease is spread                  featured in every edition of the
       Services, managed by      around the farm and the correct way                 Journal.
                                 to sample and monitor farm hygiene.              • Check your emails to ensure you
Warwick Gill and Judy Allan.                                                         receive the Growers Alert and Fact
                                 feedback fr om the workshops (see Page
                                 17 for further details) has been                    Sheet materials.
                                 extremely positive, and further events           • Visit the AGORA website to read
                                 will assist in building industry capacity           about a particular pest or disease
                                 to minimise the impact of new and                   or treatment option.
                                 emerging diseases.                               • Pick up the telephone and talk to
                                 In addition to the workshops, the project           the project leaders, who would be
                                 has also implemented two separate                   happy to discuss the issue on a
                                 formats of direct communication. The                confidential basis and provide
                                 first is a Growers Alert, delivered via             advice on the next steps.
                                 email to respond quickly to industry          If you feel you are not receiving any
                                 issues. The second is a Fact Sheet,           of the materials outlined in this story
                                 designed to provide targeted and              and would like to check you are on the
                                 detailed information on specific topics       email list or registered to use AGORA,
                                 giving farm personnel information             please feel free to contact either Judy
                                 that can be used in a practical way           Allan or Warwick Gill using the details
                                 on-farm. The first Fact Sheet was             below.
                                 released recently and covers the topic of
                                 Syzygites megalocarpus or Troll doll.
                                 The Fact Sheet details the appearance
                                 of the pathogen on the bed and the
                                                                                   Further information:
                                 symptomology which develops on
                                 mushrooms. If you want to know                    Project Leader – Warwick Gill
                                 more, a copy of the Fact Sheet can be   
                                 downloaded HERE.                                  0417 766 588
                                 Backing up this information are regular           Pest and Disease Service –
                                 articles published in the Australian              Judy Allan
                                 Mushrooms Journal. While these articles 
                                 are written in an easy to understand              02 6767 1057
                                 style, links are also provided to technical

                                                                                              Australian Mushrooms Journal   25
Detailed fact Sheets will be
                                    made available throughout
                                    the life of the project to keep
                                    industry up to date with the
                                    latest information.

26   Australian Mushrooms Journal
Australian Mushrooms Journal   12
White Prince invests
     in continual improvement

     An overhead view of
     construction as the new
     compost tunnels take shape.
                                     o      ver the last fifty years, the
                                            Australian mushroom industry has
                                            undergone serious rationalisation,
                                            with the number of commercial
                                                                                 independently owned and operated
                                                                                 farms running in the most efficient
                                                                                 manner possible. The farms operating
                                                                                 under the White Prince banner, include
                                     growers dropping from 73 in 2011 to         Regal, Elf and Premier Mushrooms –
                                     just 44 in 2015.                            and are all supplied with compost
                                     Lower grower numbers do not, however,       through a state-of-the-art facility
                                     point to an industry in decline. Far from   developed by Elf Farm Supplies, owned
                                     it. Those that remain in place are part     and operated by Rob and Norah Tolson.
                                     of an industry producing mushrooms          And it is this new indoor facility which
                                     with a wholesale value in excess of         is turning heads, with the increased
                                     $420 million and with plans in place to     capacity and the improved odour
                                     expand and benefit from increased scale     management system placing it as a
                                     of production.                              world leader, in terms of technology
                                                                                 and productivity.
                                     Run by members of the Tolson family,
                                     the combined entity of White Prince is      Construction of the new facilities
                                     the biggest privately-owned mushroom        commenced in September 2016 and are
                                     producer in Australia and has come          now in the final stages of completion.
                                     through decades of evolution and            By September 2018 the facility is
                                     growth, building mushroom production        expected to produce 1,600t of Phase 1
                                     around the themes of innovation and         Compost per week with the capacity to
                                     efficiency.                                 go over 3,000t per week.
                                                                                 The expanded output is timely, with
                                     A multi-generational family-owned
                                                                                 plans well underway for the upgrading
                                     company, White Prince has invested
                                                                                 of production facilities to take
                                     strongly in keeping its network of
                                                                                 advantage of the increase of available

28    Australian Mushrooms Journal
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