ATS-STA SOW SR Pulsed Septum Magnets - Amazon AWS

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ATS-STA SOW SR Pulsed Septum Magnets - Amazon AWS
ATS-STA SOW SR Pulsed Septum Magnets

                                                                                                                          Mariusz Juchno
                                                                                                             Release Date: Jul 13 2021 2:22:52 PM PDT

                                                                                                    Document Number: AL-1426-0198             Revision: B

                                                                                                       Document Status: Released
                                                                                                     Document Type: REQUIREMENT
Officially Released to the LBNL Document Control Center
Released: July 13th, 2021 DCC Auth Key: JVWCTVLG82

                                                                                                         Category Code: AL7410
                                                                                        ALS-U - ACCUMULATOR TO STORAGE RING TRANSFER LINE
                                                                                                         MAGNETS - GENERAL

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ATS-STA SOW SR Pulsed Septum Magnets - Amazon AWS
AL-1426-0198 Rev. B                                      Doc. Status: Released                                         Page 2 of 18

                                                                                                                                   Table of Contents
                                                                   Revision History .................................................................................................... 4
                                                                   Approvals .............................................................................................................. 4
                                                                   Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................. 4
                                                                   1       Introduction .....................................................................................................5
                                                                       1.1         Project Overview ................................................................................................................. 5
                                                                       1.2         Description of Items ........................................................................................................... 5
                                                                       1.3         Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................................. 6
                                                                   2       Scope of Work .................................................................................................. 7
                                                                       2.1         Item 1: SR Thin Septum Magnet (SSN) Prototype ............................................................ 7
                                                                       2.2         Items 2 and 3: SR Pulsed Septum System (SSN and SSK) Production Units .................. 8
                                                                   3       Deliverables ..................................................................................................... 8
                                                                       3.1         Final prototype/magnet system design ............................................................................. 8
                                                                       3.2         Production ........................................................................................................................... 9
                                                                       3.3         Final documentation package ............................................................................................ 9
                                                                   4       Management ................................................................................................... 10
                                                                       4.1         Reporting/Communication requirements ....................................................................... 10
                                                                       4.2         Documentation requirements .......................................................................................... 10
                                                                       4.3         Reviews .............................................................................................................................. 11
                                                                           4.3.1          Preliminary Design Review ........................................................................................ 11
                                                                           4.3.2          Final Design Review ................................................................................................... 11
                                                                       4.4         Hold points........................................................................................................................ 12
                                                                   5       Engineering .................................................................................................... 13
                                                                       5.1         General engineering requirements .................................................................................. 13
                                                                           5.1.1          SR septum system components, interfaces and scope ............................................. 13
                                                                           5.1.2          Support structure ...................................................................................................... 15
                                                                           5.1.3          Vacuum system design .............................................................................................. 15
                                                                           5.1.4          Pulser Electronics and Control System .................................................................... 15
                                                                   6       Fabrication ..................................................................................................... 16
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                                                                   7       Shipping, Handling, and Storage .................................................................... 16
                                                                       7.1         Packaging .......................................................................................................................... 16
                                                                       7.2         Shipping and/or Storage Specifications .......................................................................... 16
                                                                       7.3         Monitoring Equipment ..................................................................................................... 16

                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   8       Quality Assurance ........................................................................................... 17
                                                                       8.1         Quality reporting requirements ........................................................................................17
                                                                           8.1.1          Subcontractor Quality program .................................................................................17
                                                                           8.1.2          Deviation requests ......................................................................................................17
                                                                           8.1.3          Nonconformance reports ...........................................................................................17
                                                                       8.2         Factory Inspection and Test Plan ......................................................................................17
                                                                       8.3         ACL upon receipt at LBL .................................................................................................. 18
                                                                   9       Applicable Documents .................................................................................... 18
                                                                   10 References ...................................................................................................... 18
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                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                                                           Control Center release information in the lower-left corner of the document's pages.
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AL-1426-0198 Rev. B                                      Doc. Status: Released                                       Page 4 of 18

                                                                           REVISION HISTORY

                                                                       Rev.               CM Number                         Description of Change
                                                                        A                                                   Baseline
                                                                        B                                                   Updated Rack and Control System requirements


                                                                   The following individual(s) shall approve this document:
                                                                     Approver                                                                           Project Role
                                                                     Ken Chow                                                                           ALS-U Chief Engineer
                                                                     Christoph Steier                                                                   ALS-U Accelerator Systems Lead
                                                                     Will Waldron                                                                       ALS-U Electrical Systems Lead
                                                                     Jiani Niu                                                                          ALS-U QA Manager
                                                                     Windchill Approved / Concurred By

                                                                           ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS

                                                                     ACL                        Acceptance Criteria List
                                                                     ALS                        Advanced Light Source
                                                                     ALS-U                      Advanced Light Source Upgrade
                                                                     AR                         Accumulator Ring
                                                                     ATS                        Accumulator-to-Storage Ring transfer line
                                                                     EPICS                      Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System
                                                                     FDR                        Final Design Review
                                                                     LBNL                       Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
                                                                     MPS                        Machine Protection System
                                                                     SAN                        Thin septum magnet for Accumulator Ring (ATS and STA)
                                                                     SSK                        Thick septum magnet for Storage Ring (ATS and STA)
                                                                     SSN                        Thick septum magnet for Storage Ring (ATS and STA)
                                                                     STA                        Storage-to-Accumulator Ring transfer line
                                                                     SR                         Storage Ring
                                                                     University                 The Regents of the University of California
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                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   1 INTRODUCTION

                                                                   1.1 Project Overview

                                                                   ALS-U is an upgrade project to the LBNL Advanced Light Source (ALS). The ALS is a 1.9
                                                                   GeV storage ring operating at 500 mA of beam current. It is optimized to produce intense
                                                                   beams of soft x-rays, which offer spectroscopic contrast, nanometer-scale resolution, and
                                                                   broad temporal sensitivity. The ALS facility includes an accelerator complex and photon
                                                                   delivery system that is capable of providing the foundations for an upgrade that will
                                                                   achieve world-leading soft x-ray coherent flux. The existing ALS provides a ready-made
                                                                   foundation, including conventional facilities and also includes extensive beamlines (up to
                                                                   40 simultaneously operating beamlines) and instrumentation, an experimental hall,
                                                                   computing resources, ancillary laboratories, offices, and related infrastructure that will
                                                                   be heavily utilized in an upgrade scenario.
                                                                   The ALS will be upgraded with a multibend achromat (MBA) lattice design that will
                                                                   provide a soft x-ray source that is orders of magnitudes brighter — an up to 100-1000
                                                                   times increase in brightness and will provide a significantly higher fraction of coherent
                                                                   light in the soft x-ray region than is currently available at ALS.
                                                                   Any resulting Subcontract will be between the University and the party identified as the
                                                                   Subcontractor and will be issued under Prime Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231
                                                                   between the University and the United States Government (hereinafter “U.S.
                                                                   Government”), represented by the Department of Energy (hereinafter “DOE”) for the
                                                                   management and operation of LBNL and the performance of research and related work.

                                                                   1.2 Description of Items

                                                                   The purpose of this statement of work is to define the design, development and
                                                                   production work required to provide pulsed septa magnet systems for transfer lines that
                                                                   will allow the beam exchange between the new Storage Ring (SR) and a full-energy
                                                                   Accumulator Ring (AR). The two new transfer lines: Accumulator-to-Storage (ATS) and
                                                                   Storage-to-Accumulator (STA) will be a part of an on-axis, swap-out injection scheme.
                                                                   Figure 1.1 illustrates the ALS-U transfer line region with the SR pulsed septum magnets
                                                                   for ATS and STA transfer lines marked with green rectangles.
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                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   Figure 1.1 Overview of the ALS-U transfer line region the SR pulsed septum magnets for
                                                                   ATS and STA transfer lines marked with green rectangles.
                                                                   Each transfer line will have two pulsed septum magnets, thin (SSN) and thick (SSK)
                                                                   installed in the Storage Ring end of the line.
                                                                   Table 1-1 Procurement items and pulsed septum magnet quantity
                                                                       Item                                   Name                                   Qty        Description
                                                                                                                                                                Prototype pulsed eddy-current
                                                                                           SR Thin Septum Magnet (SSN)                                          septum magnet compatible with
                                                                           1                                                                           1
                                                                                                     Prototype                                                  SSN magnet specification; pulser
                                                                                                                                                                Pulsed eddy-current septum system
                                                                                                                                                                composed of thin (SSN) and thick
                                                                                                                                                                (SSK) septum magnets; pulser
                                                                                           ATS SR Pulsed Septum System                                          electronics for SSN and SSK
                                                                          2                                                                            1
                                                                                                  (SSN and SSK)                                                 magnet; vacuum system with
                                                                                                                                                                interface to the support structure;
                                                                                                                                                                system compatible with ATS
                                                                                                                                                                transfer line configuration
                                                                                                                                                                Pulsed eddy-current septum system
                                                                                                                                                                composed of thin (SSN) and thick
                                                                                                                                                                (SSK) septum magnets; pulser
                                                                                           STA SR Pulsed Septum System                                          electronics for SSN and SSK
                                                                          3                                                                            1
                                                                                                  (SSN and SSK)                                                 magnet; vacuum system with
                                                                                                                                                                interface to the support structure;
                                                                                                                                                                system compatible with STA
                                                                                                                                                                transfer line configuration

                                                                   1.3 Roles and Responsibilities

                                                                   Two individuals will be identified in the awarded contract: a University Procurement
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                                                                   Specialist and a University Technical Representative. The named university personnel
                                                                   are responsible for the contract administration from award initiation through the
                                                                   receipt and acceptance of the purchased item.
                                                                                University Procurement Representative – See subcontract for details.
                                                                                University Technical Representative – See subcontract for details.
                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   The selected subcontractor is required to identify a project manager to act as the single
                                                                   point of contact at the subcontractor. The project manager interfaces directly with the
                                                                   University Technical Representative for technical, programmatic, and schedule items.

                                                                   2 SCOPE OF WORK

                                                                   Figure 2.1 View of ATS and STA septum systems in the Storage Ring injection straight

                                                                   2.1 Item 1: SR Thin Septum Magnet (SSN) Prototype

                                                                   The SR thin septum magnet (SSN) is a pulsed dipole magnet with an eddy-current septum
                                                                   blade separating the magnetic field generation region from the “zero-field” region. The
                                                                   prototype magnet shall be a UHV compatible magnet unit complying with SSN magnet
                                                                   specification. The prototype unit should be capable of being used as a spare magnet for
                                                                   the SR pulsed septum system or it should be easily modifiable to such state.
                                                                   Table 2-1 SR Thin Septum Magnet (SSN) Prototype design and fabrication schedule
                                                                   (proposed by LBNL, subject of the vendor proposal)
                                                                         Months ARO                                                                 Task (deliverable)
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                                                                         3. Provisions for the prototype magnet to be used as a spare unit for the complete SR
                                                                            pulsed septum system

                                                                   2.2 Items 2 and 3: SR Pulsed Septum System (SSN and SSK)
                                                                       Production Units

                                                                   The SR thin (SSN) and thick (SSK) septum magnets are eddy-current pulsed septum
                                                                   magnets deflecting the beam horizontally. The two magnets enclosed in a common
                                                                   vacuum chamber will serve as pulsed septum system. The ALS-U project will require two
                                                                   such pulsed septum systems, one in ATS and one in STA compatible configuration.
                                                                   Table 2-2 SR Pulsed Septum System (SSN and SSK) Production Units design and
                                                                   fabrication schedule (proposed by LBNL, subject of the vendor proposal)
                                                                       Months after                                                                 Task (deliverable)
                                                                      release of items
                                                                          2 and 3
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                                                                   the boundaries established by the LBNL interface drawings (see Section 5.1). CAD model
                                                                   and drawing requirements are dictated by LBNL document AL-1265-6612.
                                                                   All final design will require a complete, formal review as described in Section 4.3.
                                                                   Written approval from LBNL is required following the final design review and before the
                                                                   beginning of the fabrication.

                                                                   3.2 Production

                                                                   Following a written approval of the Final Design Review report, the vendor can proceed
                                                                   with the production of the prototype septum magnet/septum magnet systems.
                                                                   Production deliverables require:
                                                                         1. Package and deliver the production unit that conforms to this SOW and ESD
                                                                            document. This may include any changes which come up during the Final Design
                                                                            Review and/or findings from first article testing at LBNL.

                                                                         2. Package and deliver spare components approved by LBNL
                                                                         3. Final, as-build documentation package as described in Section 3.3.
                                                                         4. Completed factory acceptance testing (FAT) and associated reports
                                                                         5. Final, completed work instructions, if necessary
                                                                         6. Measurement test data in .asc, .csv, .txt, .dat, or .xml formats
                                                                         7. Quality assurance receipts and certifications
                                                                         8. Nonconformance or deviation documentation
                                                                         9. Final, approved shipping plan
                                                                         10. Written authorization from LBNL to proceed with shipping
                                                                   LBNL personnel may elect to perform an evaluation of hardware and documentation at
                                                                   the supplier’s production site prior to authorizing shipment.
                                                                   The supplier shall provide the inspection and test report of the fabricated prototype
                                                                   magnet/septum magnet systems and its spare components (if applicable) prior to the
                                                                   delivery. LBNL shall issue written notification to proceed with the delivery of the
                                                                   fabricated prototype magnet/septum magnet systems and its spare components.
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                                                                   3.3 Final documentation package

                                                                   LBNL shall be provided with a full and complete documentation package. Reference
                                                                   LBNL document AL-1265-6612 for specific file requirements. The documentation
                                                                   package shall contain the items listed below.

                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                         1. A complete, as-built bill of materials identifying both fabricated and commercially
                                                                            available components
                                                                         2. A complete, as built CAD model in an editable format, reference AL-1265-6612
                                                                         3. Complete, as built drawings in English, and in an editable format, reference AL-
                                                                         4. Final assembly documentation such as travelers and/or work instructions
                                                                         5. Other documentation as requested

                                                                   4 MANAGEMENT

                                                                   4.1 Reporting/Communication requirements

                                                                   This project requires reporting channels to be established for the awarded subcontract.
                                                                         1. Upon award of the procurement subcontract, the University Technical
                                                                            Representative will contact the selected supplier to set up a Project Kick-off
                                                                            meeting. This meeting will establish the requirements for communication and
                                                                            introduce the portal that will be used for data exchange.
                                                                         2. Written and/or verbal progress updates are required on a bi-weekly basis or more
                                                                            frequently. This may include drawings, manufacturing plans, test plans, QA plans,
                                                                            etc. in any state.
                                                                         3. Monthly schedule updates are required.
                                                                         4. Regular visits by LBNL personnel, including access to the factory where the units
                                                                            are being built may be required.
                                                                         5. Action item tracking is recommended and may be required based upon LBNL’s
                                                                         6. Other reports or data as requested in writing.

                                                                   4.2 Documentation requirements

                                                                   Upon subcontract award, a Windchill Project portal will be established by LBNL and
                                                                   access provided to the subcontractor. Windchill will be used as the repository for all
                                                                   documentation, QA data, certificates of conformance, test results, models, and drawings.
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                                                                   An electronic copy of all required documentation as noted in this document is required
                                                                   and shall be transmitted to LBNL via the designated Windchill portal. LBNL document
                                                                   AL-1265-6612: ALS-U BUILD TO SPECIFICATION CAD MODEL AND DRAWING
                                                                   REQUIREMENTS, identifies the acceptable file formats and requirements for the final
                                                                   drawings and CAD models.
                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   Acceptable document formats include .docx, .xlsx, and other editable Office file formats
                                                                   or as noted in this document.

                                                                   4.3 Reviews

                                                                   The University Technical Representative will work with the sub-contractor to establish an
                                                                   appropriate timeline and location for all reviews. Reviews may be conducted at either the
                                                                   subcontractor’s or the LBNL site or via web/video conference tools. External, non-LBNL
                                                                   reviewers may be included at LBNL’s discretion.

                                                                   4.3.1 Preliminary Design Review

                                                                   It is required to organize a Preliminary Design Review in order to confirm the feasibility
                                                                   of the prototype/magnet system specification. This internal review should be focused on
                                                                   reviewing the vendor proposal supported with preliminary design and engineering
                                                                   calculations performed by the vendor.
                                                                   Engineering calculation results should cover but should not be limited to the following
                                                                   aspects of the design:
                                                                         •      Magnetic field characteristics based on the transient magnetic analysis
                                                                                      o Nominal magnetic field and field integral
                                                                                      o Field homogeneity within the good field region
                                                                                      o Leakage field at the stored beam location
                                                                         •      Heat dissipation and heat transfer (numerical or analytical)
                                                                                      o Coil and septum power dissipation
                                                                                      o Yoke AC and hysteresis losses
                                                                                      o Synchrotron light heat (if applicable, provided by LBNL in ESD)
                                                                   Review related documents and presentations are required to be delivered to the
                                                                   University Technical Representative a minimum of three day prior to the scheduled
                                                                   Preliminary Design Review. LBNL will review all documentation and will have final
                                                                   approval for all aspects of the pulsed septum prototype/magnet system.

                                                                   4.3.2 Final Design Review
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                                                                   The Final Design Review (FDR) shall be comprised of the following components:
                                                                         1. Final design documentation indicating compliance with the specification of the
                                                                            pulsed septum magnet prototype/system. This document shall include, but should
                                                                            not be limited to:
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                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                                      a. Magnetic analysis results (leakage field on the stored beam orbit, field
                                                                                         integral along the injected beam trajectory and homogeneity of the field
                                                                                         integral in the magnet gap)
                                                                                      b. Power losses and heat transfer calculations
                                                                                      c. Vacuum calculations (or UHV compatibility analysis for the prototype
                                                                                      d. Structural stability analysis (vibration, vacuum)
                                                                                      e. Current and voltage characteristics
                                                                         2. Final manufacturing drawings and CAD model (requirements are dictated by
                                                                            LBNL document AL-1265-6612)
                                                                         3. Final manufacturing plan
                                                                         4. Final quality assurance and test plan (FAT)
                                                                         5. List of proposed spare components (if applicable)
                                                                         6. Draft shipping plan
                                                                         7. Bill of Materials
                                                                   Review related documents, such as drawings, documentation, test plans, and
                                                                   presentations, are required to be delivered to the University Technical Representative a
                                                                   minimum of five days prior to the scheduled Finale Design Review. LBNL will review all
                                                                   documentation and will have final approval for all aspects of the pulsed septum magnet
                                                                   prototype/magnet system.
                                                                   After completion of the Final Design Review, the LBNL will provide a vendor with a list
                                                                   of recommendations. The vendor shall incorporate all approved recommendation into the
                                                                   design and, after the design is completed, deliver the FDR report. A written report
                                                                   approval from LBNL is required to begin the production of the prototype magnet/magnet

                                                                   4.4 Hold points

                                                                   The following project milestones establish hold points that require written approval from
                                                                   LBNL prior to the advancement of work. LBNL reserves the right to hold production at
                                                                   any time.
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                                                                              1. Completion of the Final Design Review and acceptance of the FDR report
                                                                              2. Acceptance of Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
                                                                              3. Acceptance of the shipping inspection at vendor facility
                                                                              4. Delivery, testing and acceptance of the prototype/magnet system at LBNL
                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   5 ENGINEERING

                                                                   5.1          General engineering requirements

                                                                   The SR septum system shall be design and build per LBNL technical specification
                                                                   document AL-1334-4011 and LBNL build specification AL-1265-6612 respectively and in
                                                                   accordance with the interface drawings AL-1441-1000.DRW and AL-1441-1038.DRW.

                                                                   5.1.1             SR septum system components, interfaces and scope

                                                                   The overview of the SR septum system concept is shown in Figure 5.1. The following
                                                                   components and interfaces are annotated:
                                                                         1. Bellows (space claim) on the injection straight center side (LBNL scope) – the
                                                                            interface to the bellows as specified in the drawings AL-1441-1000.DRW and AL-
                                                                            1441-1038.DRW is considered a baseline interface. The vendor is allowed to
                                                                            propose a vacuum chamber design with integrated bellows. LBNL Vacuum Group
                                                                            shall review such a design before or at the Final Design Review.
                                                                         2. Beam scraper (LBNL scope) – the interface to the beam scraper bellows is defined
                                                                            in the drawings AL-1441-1000.DRW and AL-1441-1038.DRW.
                                                                         3. Interface to the ATS and STA transfer line defined in drawings AL-1441-
                                                                            1000.DRW and AL-1441-1038.DRW.
                                                                         4. Power and instrumentation feed-throughs for pulsed septum magnets (vendor
                                                                            scope) – the number, location and size of such ports are subject of changes based
                                                                            on the vendor design.
                                                                         5. Port with access to vacuum chamber volume dedicated for the LBNL Vacuum
                                                                            Group operations (vendor scope) with attached vacuum gauging assembly (LBNL
                                                                            scope) – the size of the flange ) is defined in the drawings AL-1441-1000.DRW and
                                                                            AL-1441-1038.DRW. The location of the port is subject of changes based on the
                                                                            vendor design. LBNL reserves the right to request a removal of one of the dedicated
                                                                            gauging ports prior to the Final Design Review.
                                                                         6. Port with access to stored-beam chamber volume dedicated for the LBNL Vacuum
                                                                            Group operations (vendor scope) with attached vacuum gauging assembly (LBNL
                                                                            scope) – the size of the flange is defined in the drawings AL-1441-1000.DRW and
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                                                                            AL-1441-1038.DRW. The location of the port is subject of changes based on the
                                                                            vendor design. LBNL reserves the right to request a removal of one of the dedicated
                                                                            gauging ports prior to the Final Design Review.

                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                         7. Primary/secondary pumping system (vendor scope, only provisional space claim
                                                                            shown) – final shape, size and location is subject of changes based on the vendor
                                                                         8. Ion pump (vendor scope, only provisional space claim shown) – final size and
                                                                            location of the pump is subject of changes based on the vendor design.
                                                                         9. Ion pump (vendor scope, only provisional space claim shown) – final size and
                                                                            location of the pump is subject of changes based on the vendor design.
                                                                         10. High voltage covers (vendor scope, only provisional space claim shown) – final
                                                                             shape, size and location are subject of changes based on the vendor design.
                                                                   Any components not shown or not annotated in Figure 5.1 are considered the scope of the
                                                                   vendor design.
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                                                                   Figure 5.1 Overview of the SR septum system conceptual design, interfaces and scope

                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   5.1.2             Support structure

                                                                   The support structure for the SR septa system will be designed by the LBNL. The vendor
                                                                   shall design an interface to a support structure using LBNL guidelines and the interface
                                                                   drawings AL-1441-1000.DRW and AL-1441-1038.DRW.

                                                                   5.1.3             Vacuum system design

                                                                   The vendor shall design and fabricate the vacuum chamber for the SR septa system
                                                                   (applicable only to the Items 2 and 3) that conforms to requirements detailed in the
                                                                   specification document AL-1334-4011 and the interface drawings AL-1441-1000.DRW
                                                                   and AL-1441-1038.DRW. The prototype magnet and complete systems are also expected
                                                                   to conform to the general vacuum requirements for the ALS-U project – AL-1220-7841 as
                                                                   The vendor is responsible for procuring the vacuum pumping and gauging equipment
                                                                   required to meet the vacuum specification. The vacuum pumping and gauging equipment
                                                                   shall be compatible with the ALS-U vacuum controls and instrumentation system as
                                                                   defined in AL-1145-9058.
                                                                   The vendor shall provide the ALS-U with a list of materials to be used for constructing the
                                                                   pulsed septum magnet system and a list of vacuum pumping and gauging equipment to
                                                                   be permanently installed on the system prior to the final design review. These lists will be
                                                                   reviewed and approved by the ALS-U vacuum team at the final design review.
                                                                   The pulsed septum magnet system shall be baked at the vendor factory and delivered to
                                                                   LBNL as described in the shipping section. Bake-out instruction shall be developed by the
                                                                   vendor and included in the system documentation.

                                                                   5.1.4             Pulser Electronics and Control System

                                                                   LBNL shall be responsible for interfacing the septum magnet system instrumentation to
                                                                   EPICS and MPS for control, interlocking, and monitoring. The vendor shall provide full
                                                                   documentation of the septum magnet system instrumentation to allow interfacing to
                                                                   EPICS and MPS.
                                                                   The maximum of 1 rack shall be used for the prototype magnet pulser and the maximum
                                                                   of 2 racks shall be used for each pulsed septum magnet system (ATS or STA). Document
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                                                                   AL-1155-4674 provides the ALS-U rack specification. Vendor may propose deviation from
                                                                   AL-1155-4674 specification based on preferred solutions. All equipment shall be UL (or
                                                                   other accepted NRTL Listed.

                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   6 FABRICATION

                                                                   The vendor shall use the best fabrication practices to meet the requirements of the
                                                                   technical specification document AL-1334-4011. The document AL-1220-7841 shall be
                                                                   used as a reference for the ALS-U UHV chamber and components production

                                                                   7 SHIPPING, HANDLING, AND STORAGE

                                                                   A shipping check list may be developed to assist in ensuring all of the shipping
                                                                   requirements have been met.

                                                                   7.1 Packaging

                                                                   The completed septum magnet system shall be prepared for international shipment in
                                                                   accordance with commercial best practices. Prior to shipment, the cooling circuits shall
                                                                   be purged of all liquids, the vacuum envelope filled with dry nitrogen, and all vacuum
                                                                   envelope ports capped with port blank-offs. The septum magnet system shall be attached
                                                                   to a shipping base fixture and shall be wrapped, bagged, or covered with a vapor barrier
                                                                   suitable for international transport. The septum magnet system and shipping base fixture
                                                                   shall be fully enclosed in a shipping crate. The exterior of the crate mast have markings
                                                                   that clearly identify tie-downs, lifting points, and the crate center of gravity.

                                                                   7.2 Shipping and/or Storage Specifications

                                                                   The prototype septum magnet/pulsed septum magnet system must be transported on air
                                                                   ride trailers with the air ride feature engaged. All crates must be held firmly in place at
                                                                   two mounting locations.

                                                                   7.3 Monitoring Equipment

                                                                   The shipping crate shall be equipped with non-resettable shock recording monitors (such
                                                                   as spring and ball type indicators, Shockwatch® purple L55 label is an acceptable
                                                                   monitor) on all three axes, on both the external and internal surfaces of the shipping crate,
                                                                   to indicate occurrence of excessive shock in any of the three axes.
                                                                   In addition, one battery-powered electronic shock, temperature, and humidity recorder
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                                                                   (Bosch TDL 110 Transport Data Logger) shall be installed directly onto the septum
                                                                   magnet system to obtain a representative vibration signature.

                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   8 QUALITY ASSURANCE

                                                                   8.1 Quality reporting requirements

                                                                   8.1.1 Subcontractor Quality program

                                                                   The subcontractor shall complete the ALS-U Supplier Quality Evaluation Survey (AL-
                                                                   1208-0209) during RFP.
                                                                   The subcontractor shall maintain and apply an effective QA program for the design,
                                                                   manufacture, testing of all systems and equipment provided
                                                                   Post-award surveys may be required and shall be supported.

                                                                   8.1.2 Deviation requests

                                                                   Any deviations from the dictating LBNL documents must be requested by the
                                                                   subcontractor and approved by LBNL prior to implementation. LBNL will provide a
                                                                   standard deviation request form however, a subcontractor’s existing or internal document
                                                                   may be utilized with LBNL approval.
                                                                   Deviation requests apply to requests to modify processes or documented drawings.
                                                                   Deviation requests DO NOT apply to hardware that is built and does not conform to the

                                                                   8.1.3 Nonconformance reports

                                                                   A nonconformance report provides a summary for products or procedures which do not
                                                                   conform to the defined requirements. Nonconformances may be determined and
                                                                   reported by either the subcontractor or LBNL staff. LBNL will provide a standard
                                                                   nonconformance report form however, a subcontractor’s existing or internal document
                                                                   may be utilized with LBNL approval. Nonconformance reports are to be submitted to
                                                                   LBNL within 3 business days of the identification.
                                                                   Nonconformance reports apply to hardware that is built and does not conform to the
                                                                   specification(s). LBNL will provide a written disposition establishing a path forward for
                                                                   each nonconformance. No operations may be performed on the nonconforming item
                                                                   without LBNL’s written disposition or approval to proceed.
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                                                                   8.2 Factory Inspection and Test Plan

                                                                   The factory test shall be conducted according to the test plan proposed by the
                                                                   subcontractor. The test plan will be mutually reviewed and agreed upon by the
                                                                   subcontractor and LBNL at the time of the Final Design Review
                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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                                                                   The subcontractor shall provide an Inspection and Test Plan which shall be submitted to
                                                                   the University Technical Representative for written approval by ALS-U Quality Assurance
                                                                   prior to its required use.
                                                                   This Inspection and Test Plan shall consist of a plan in the subcontractor’s format listing
                                                                   components, subassemblies, and assemblies; identifying inspections and tests planned
                                                                   for the verification of quality; and identifying documentation/planning for recording the

                                                                   8.3 ACL upon receipt at LBL

                                                                   The initial Acceptance Criteria List documents AL-1392-7460 and AL-1298-3798 will be
                                                                   reviewed and modified in accordance with the test plan agreed upon at the FDR. LBNL
                                                                   reserves the right to perform any or all tests which are required to verify that the delivered
                                                                   products conform to the specifications described in this document.

                                                                   9 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS

                                                                   This section identifies applicable documents that are considered to be a part of this
                                                                   document. All information contained in an applicable document shall be valid to the full
                                                                   extent, unless specifically noted within this document. Applicable documents shall be
                                                                   obtained from the LBNL Document Control Center (DCC).
                                                                         Document Number                                                            Title
                                                                            AL-1334-4011                                  ATS-STA SSN SSK Thin and Thick Septa Magnets
                                                                                AL-1392-7460                              SR ATS/STA thin septum prototype acceptance criteria
                                                                                AL-1298-3798                              SR ATS/STA thin/thick septa acceptance criteria list
                                                                                AL-1220-7841                              UHV Chamber and Component Production Requirements
                                                                                AL-1145-9058                              ALS-U Vacuum Controls and Instrumentation ESD
                                                                                AL-1155-4674                              Cabling & Infrastructure Rack Specification Document
                                                                                AL-1208-0209                              ALS-U supplier quality evaluation survey
                                                                                AL-1265-6612                              ALS-U Build to Specification CAD Model and Drawing
                                                                           AL-1441-1000.DRW                               ATS Septa Chamber Interface Drawing
                                                                           AL-1441-1038.DRW                               STA Septa Chamber Interface Drawing
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                                                                   10 REFERENCES

                                                                   Documents listed in this section are considered reference documents that can be used to
                                                                   better describe, clarify intent, or provide information where the information was obtained

                                                                                                                     Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project
                                                                                                                            Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
                                                                                                          All officially released LBNL documents are watermarked and contain LBNL Document
                                                                                                           Control Center release information in the lower-left corner of the document's pages.
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