At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION

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At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Real-time, point-of-care testing
at the tip of your tongue

                          Spring 2022
At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION
                                                                       FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS

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GBS cautions that any forward-looking statements made by GBS are not guarantees or indicative of future performance. Although GBS believes that its plans, cost estimates, returns on investments,
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All information included in this presentation is based on continuing operations, unless otherwise noted.

At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Investment Highlights
GBS Inc. is on a mission to put the power of non-invasive, real-time diagnostic testing in the hands of patients and their
primary health practitioners at point-of-care.

         Pioneering diagnostic platform adaptable to large markets with multiple applications and indications

         Point-of-care tests for layman and professional use, giving actionable, real-time results

         GBS’ Saliva Glucose test is intended to make finger pricking and other forms of glucose monitoring obsolete

         Identified 130+ additional test indications in biochemistry, immunology, tumor markers and endocrinology

         Experienced Management and Advisory Board members with deep industry expertise

At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION
✓   Pain-free
                       ✓   Non-invasive
                       ✓   Easy to use
                       ✓   Convenient

Our Saliva Glucose
Biosensor technology
will make finger
pricking obsolete.

At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Large & Growing Total Global Addressable Market
Market Facts and Figures1

                      The total number of people with diabetes Is
                                                                                        537 million adults (20-79 years) are living with
                      predicted to rise to 643 million (1 in 9 adults) by
                                                                                        diabetes worldwide - 1 in 10.
                      2030 and 784 million (1 in 8 adults) by 2045.

                                                                                        Diabetes was responsible for an estimated $966
                      4 in 5 people with diabetes (81%) live in low
                                                                                        billion in global health expenditure in 2021. This
                      income and middle-income countries.
                                                                                        represents a 316% increase over the last 15 years.

                                                                                        541 million adults worldwide, or 1 in 10, have
                      Diabetes caused 6.7 million deaths
                                                                                        impaired glucose tolerance, placing them at high
                      in 2021 - 1 every 5 seconds.
                                                                                        risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

                      An estimated 44% of adults living with diabetes
                      (240 million people) are undiagnosed. Almost 90%                  68% of adults with diabetes live in the 10 countries
                      of these people live in low income and middle-                    with the highest number of people with diabetes.
                      Income countries.

       1 International Diabetes Federation Atlas 10th edition –Global Fact Sheet 2021
       $ = USD                                                                                                                                 5
At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Our Technology: The Biosensor Platform
The Biosensor is a platform technology that can be modified to create multiple real-time, non-invasive diagnostic tests.

                                                                                                                                                 •      The core architecture of the Biosensor is patented Organic
                                                                                                                                                        Thin Film Transistor (OTFT) technology, which can be
                                                                                  Detection element
                                                                                                                                                        printed at scale, at a low cost.

                                                                                                                                                 •      Currently have identified a pipeline of up to 130 indications,
                                                                                                                                                        ranging from glucose for diabetes management, to
                                                                                                                                                        immunological conditions and communicable diseases.
                                                                                Biosensor Platform (OTFT)
                                                                                                                                                 •      The Biosensor exhibits a linear glucose response at
                                                                                                                                                        concentrations 100 times more sensitive than commercial
                                                                                                                                                        blood glucose sensors1.

                                                                                                                                                 •      This technology enables the detection of glucose
                                                                                                                                                        concentrations in ranges physiologically relevant in saliva.

                                                                                                                                                 •      The top layer of the Biosensor is easily modified to detect a
   Figure Above : Saliva Glucose Biosensor design (a) cross-section through the sensor at the
                                                                                                                                                        range of analytes.
   source-drain channel region parallel to the channel length;
    (b) cross-section through the center of the device perpendicular to the channel length.

          1 Elkington, D. & Belcher, Warwick & Dastoor, Paul & Zhou, Xiaojing. (2014). Detection of saliva-range glucose concentrations using organic thin-film transistors. Applied Physics Letters. 105. 043303. 10.1063/1.4892012.
At the tip of your tongue - Real-time, point-of-care testing CORPORATE PRESENTATION
Biosensor Platform Pipeline Addressable Markets
The Biosensor can be modified to create over 130 real-time, non-invasive diagnostic tests

                                                                                   BIOSENSOR PLATFORM

                                   Indication Identified   Analytical Validation      Clinical Validation   Regulatory Submission   Commercial Product
   Saliva Glucose Test
   Clinical Chemistry Tests
    (E.G. Cholesterol)

   Oncology Diagnostic & Staging
    (E.G. Prostate / PSA)

   Allergen &Clinical Immunology

   Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Test
    (E.G. Thyroid, Adrenal,
     Pituitary & Gynecological)

   Personalized Genetic

                                                                                            GBS Product             Development Pipeline                 7
As Easy to Use as Placing a Stick of Gum on Your Tongue
The Biosensor detects the analyte (e.g. glucose or viral antigen/antibody) in saliva and emits a signal to an individual’s
smart device, activating the app to display an individual’s analyte reading.

                                                                      1                                                                     2                                         3

                                                                                                With the Biosensor nearby, the digital          The app provides real-time data and sends
   Place the Saliva Glucose Biosensor in
                                                                                                app will display glucose levels, flagging       data to the electronic medical record or
   contact with saliva.
                                                                                                any results that need attention.                caregiver, as assigned by the user.

        For illustrative purposes only and has yet to receive regulatory approval in any jurisdiction.                                                                                      8
GBS, Inc. Recent and Upcoming Expected Milestones
   Q3 2021                                  Q1 2022                                     Q2 2022                                Q4 2022                            1H 2023
   Government Grant                         Research A                                  Research B                             Ecosystem Confirmation             FDA/TGA Submission

   Awarded $4.7 million (USD)               Complete clinical salivary                  Further clinical trials on             Testing of complete                Submission to FDA and TGA for
   Government Grant to build high-          collection and validation studies           Biosensor.                             ecosystem from strip to            Saliva Glucose biosensor including
                                            with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg                Development on middle                  application.                       middle wear and software.
   tech manufacturing facility.
                                            School of Public Health.                    wear.

2021    2022                                                                    TODAY                                                                             2023

              Q1 2022                           Q1 2022                         Q2 2022                              Q3 2022                             Q1 2023
              Collaboration Agreement           IRB Approval                    Manufacturing Facility               Ecosystem development               Validate phase

              Executes Sponsored                Initiate enrollment of ~40      Upgrading of existing                                                    Clinical trails and validation
                                                                                                                     Complete algorithm, middle wear
              Research Agreement with           subjects at the Diabetes        fabrication facility and securing                                        of ecosystem ready for
                                                                                                                     and application development.
              Johns Hopkins Bloomberg           Research Institute of Sutter    site of initial manufacturing                                            FDA/TGA submission.
              School of Public Health for       Health’s Mills-Peninsula        facility.
              Saliva-Based Tests.               Medical Center (MPMC).

Financial Highlights
GBS Inc. continues to be fiscally responsible and leverage sublicenses and collaborations which have provided a diverse
set of financing opportunities to the Company to extend its cash runway through.

       Financials as of                                                Recognition from the Australian
       March 31, 2022                                                  Federal Government

        Cash, cash equivalents & marketable                           Awarded $4.7M (USD) grant from the Australian Federal
        securities totaled approximately $10.76M                      Government to fund the buildout of a high-tech biosensor
                                                                      manufacturing facility solely for GBS’s manufacturing and
        GBS expects based on the current operating                    development

        plan and financial resources, its cash, cash                  ✓    Identified by the AU Government as one of only six
        equivalents and marketable securities at                           National Manufacturing Priorities under its Modern
                                                                           Manufacturing Strategy
        March 31, 2022, will be sufficient to cover
        expenses and capital requirements well into                   ✓    Delivery of the initial batch of equipment is expected
                                                                           June 2022, commence construction September 2022
        the first half of 2023

Highly Qualified & Experienced Leadership Team

         Dr. Steven Boyages                            Spiro Sakiris                      Prof. Paul Dastoor
         M.D., MB, BS, Ph.D.                                Chief                                Inventor,
                   Interim                             Financial Officer                 Scientific Advisory Board
           Chief Executive Officer
           Chairman of the Board             Mr. Sakiris has 32 years’ experience     Prof. of Physics in the School of
                                                in accounting, taxation, IPOs,       Mathematical & Physical Sciences
     Dr. Boyages is a practicing clinician   capital raising, and business system     and the Director of the Priority
      in endocrinology with 30+ years’       designs, including the application of     Research Centre for Organic
     experience in medicine, including          IFRS and US GAAP for the life         Electronics at the University of
        multiple executive positions.                  science industry.                  Newcastle in Australia.

Upcoming Milestones for CY 2022

     Calendar Year 2022 Milestones:
    ✓ Complete clinical salivary collection and clinical trial protocols with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
      Public Health

    ✓ Secure strategic sublicensing partnership for sales and distribution in the Asia Pacific Region

    ✓ Site selection completed with University of Newcastle by August 2022
    ✓ Execute the proposed three step clinical plan
         1. Generation of prospective data, the initial objective is to explore the relationship between salivary
            glucose and plasma glucose as well as the time course between the two sample types
             → Initial Data Expected Summer 2022

         2. Biosensor Algorithm Development by December 2022
         3. Confirmation of the algorithm and data generation for regulatory submission

On a mission to put the power of non-invasive,
real-time diagnostic testing in the hands of
patients and their primary health practitioners
at point-of-care.
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