AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021

Page created by Katherine Gomez
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
AST 301
Living with the Sun

      F. Walter
     April 2021
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
210606 HMI
Sunspot #: 11
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
For current conditions:
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
Maunder Minimum
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
The Solar Magnetic Field
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
The Solar Magnetic Field
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
Magnetic Reconnection

AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
The Magnetic

Spot cycle ~11 years
Magnetic cycle ~22 yrs
AST 301 Living with the Sun - F. Walter April 2021
Coronal Cycle
The Magnetic Cycle

   The Butterfly Diagram
Magnetic Butterfly Diagram
What’s Expected?

                   Source: NOAA
Solar Irradiance
Solar Irradiance?
So much for the spectacle…
• Are solar flares dangerous?
• Are CMEs dangerous?

• Life has survived until now

The terrestrial atmosphere protects us
Aside: Types of Radiation

•Alpha particles
•Beta particles
•Fission Fragments

Particulate Radiation
Alpha particles
•Helium nuclei
•penetrate < 10 cm in air, 60 µm in tissue
•stopped by paper

Beta particles
•Penetrate a few mm into tissue


Fission Fragments
Electro-Magnetic Radiation

     •g rays
Particulate Radiation Sources
•   Radioactive decay
•   High energy collisions
•   Particle acceleration
•   Astrophysical processes

              Cosmic Rays
•   Particles originating in space
•   Accelerated by astrophysical processes
•   Generally charged; deflected by magnetic fields
•   Energies to 300 EeV (= KE of 100 mph baseball)
1 Becquerel (Bq) = 1 disintegration/second (dps)
1 Curie = 3.7 x 1010 dps
1 Röntgen = amount of ionizing radiation that
             produces 1 esu/cm3 in dry air
1 rad (Röntgen absorbed dose) = 100 erg/gm
1 Gray (Gy) = 100 rads = 1 Joule/kg
Dose = 0.869 f R
        f = mass absorption coefficient/air
Rem (biological equivalent dose) = rads x QF
        QF (quality factor) » # ion pairs / cm
1 Sievert (Sv) = 100 rem = 1 J/kg in tissue

1 Banana Equivalent Dose (BED) = 0.1 µSv
Half Life
Time for half the original sample to decay

          N = N0 e-0.693 T1/2 t

After 1 half life: ½ parent; ½ daughter
After 2 half lives: ¼ parent, ¾ daughter
After 3 half lives: 1/8 parent, 7/8 daughter
How Radiation Kills

Ionizing/penetrating radiation breaks chemical bonds
Particles/ionizing radiation deposits energy

 Lethal dose: 500 rad kills half a human population
Can You Avoid Radiation?

Medical Radiation Risks
•     Earliest Onset of Radiation Sickness:75,000 mrad 75 rad
•     Onset of hematopoietic syndrome: 300,000 mrad
•     Onset of gastrointestinal syndrome: 1,000,000 mrad
•     Onset of cerebro-vacular syndrome: 10,000,000 mrad
•     Threshold for cataracts (dose to the eye): 200,000 mrad
•     Expected 50% death without medical attention: 3 – 5 x105 mrem ~ 500 rad
•     Doubling dose for genetic effects: 100,000 mrad
•     Doubling dose for cancer: 500,000 mrad
•     Dose for increase cancer risk of 1 in 1,000: 1,250 mrem (0.08 Sv)
•     Consideration of therapeutic abortion threshold: 10,000 mrem (in utero)
•     SL1 Reactor Accident (1961) highest dose to survivor: 27,000 mrem
•     Chernobyl within 30 km evacuation zone: 20-1000 mSv (
Solar Flares
• No significant consequence on Earth
  – g-rays, X-rays absorbed in atmosphere
  – UV absorbed by ozone

• Important for unshielded astronauts
Solar Flares come with
• Solar Proton Events (SPE)
• Coronal Mass Ejections (CME)
When Solar Energetic Particles Reach Earth

• .
Coronal Mass Ejections
• Contain high energy protons and
  electrons, which can be dangerous
• Drag magnetic fields, which can deflect
  cosmic rays (Forbush Decrease)
• Deflected by terrestrial magnetic field
Terrestrial Complicity
  • The terrestrial magnetic field is weakening
  • The field reverses on average every 3x105 years
  • Last reversal:
    780,000 BCE

How Solar Storms Affect Earth
• Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC)
• Charged particles in upper atmosphere cause varying
  magnetic fields
• Ampere’s law: changing B -> induces electric fields.
• Electric potentials (20V/km) drive currents in ground
• Current strength depends on conductivity
• Current flow in power lines can overload the grid.
31 Aug 2012
The 1 Sept 1859 Event
• 9/1: Carrington observed white-light flare
• 9/2: Brilliant auroras seen
      (as far south as the Caribbean)
•      Telegraphs functioned w/o batteries
•      Telegraph operators shocked

• First solar flare recorded
• Strongest in ~500 years
• Today it would
   – Bring down the electrical grid
   – Fry satellites
The 23 July 2012 Flare
• At least as energetic as the 1859 Carrington event
• 2 CMEs recorded
• Missed Earth by
  about 1 week
The 23 July 2012 Flare
• At least as energetic as the 1859 Carrington event
• Missed by about 1 week
And if it had hit?
Charged particles generate electric and magnetic fields
And if it had hit?
And if it had hit?
Geomagnetically-induced currents (GIC):
• Drive DC currents in power lines
   – Potentials up to 20V/km; Currents >106 amperes
Geomagnetically Induced Currents

• .

                                 Source: Wikipedia
Geomagnetically Induced Currents
• Charged particles in upper atmosphere cause varying
  magnetic fields (Faraday’s Law)

• Ampere’s law: changing B -> induces electric fields

• Electric potentials drive currents in ground

• DC current flow in power lines can overload the grid
  (DC currents saturate AC systems)
Aside: CME vs EMP
Estimated Economic Impact
    of a 23 July 2012 Strength Flare
•   Over 130 million in North America lose power
•   Over 350 million heavy-duty transformers threatened
•   $2 trillion – 20 x greater than hurricane Katrina
•   Full recovery: 4-10 years

                                        Transformer damage
                                        13 March 1989 storm
                                        Salem NJ nuclear plant

From 2013 Lloyds
report “Solar Storm
Risk to the North
American Electric Grid”
The 13 March 1989 Hydro Quebec

The 13 March 1989 Hydro Quebec
Strongest geo-magnetic storm since 1932
    (~-500 nT/min; DST =-589 nT)
• Hydro-Quebec grid down for 9 hours
• Affected 6 million people
• Three transformers damaged (1 in NJ)
• Cost: CDN $ 13.2 million
• Strongest 7 hours later, over northern Europe
Nearly brought down North American grid
(~200 “anomalies”)
Known Solar Super Storms
•   660 BC: large proton event
•   774/5 AD: 14C, 10Be enhancements
•   993/994 AD: 14C, 10Be enhancements
•   1770 AD: strong equatorial aurorae
•   Sept 1859: Carrington event. Dst estimated to be -1700 nT
•   May 1921: New York Railroad Superstorm
    – Maximum Dst -901 ± 132 nT, comparable to Carrington event
• August 1972: Geomagnetic storm sets off mines in Haiphong
    – Fast CME: 14.6 hours to Earth
• March 1989: strongest storm since IGY
    – Maximum Dst -589 nT
• October 2003: Halloween storm
    – 2000 km/s CME
    – 4th largest known proton storm

Dst: Disturbance storm time = intensity of the globally symmetrical equatorial
Who is vulnerable?

• .
Geological Considerations

 High tension power lines
 High impedance -> high voltages and GICs
5.4 Line Length and Rating                Even a transformer whose winding hot spot
                                                                                   remained below the critical temperature threshold
                                                                                   will sustain insulation damage, and this reduces
                                         The total resistance along each transmission      lineofisthemade
                                                                                   the lifetime                up ofThis
                                                                                                       transformer.    three    comp

                       This is a New York Issue
                                                                                   loss-of-life in years is incorporated
                                         resistance, transformer internal resistance and transformer grounding resist    into the model.

                                         while the former increases with distance. The current carried by the line also
                                         therefore the total risk increases with the total path length.

      • Close to north Transformer
                       geomagnetic                   pole
                                     core type is also significant for risk. Certain types are more vul
                       others. There are broad relationships of core type with kV and MVA rating; i
                       500 kV are single phase, while below this they are predominately three-pha
      • Granite is conductive
                       single-phase transformers are more vulnerable to internal heating than thre
                       same level of geomagnetically induced current. The higher voltage lines als
                       therefore larger currents flow relative to lower voltage lines when exposed t
      • High population density
Solar storm risk to the north American electric grid
                                                                                            6.6 Outage Scenarios
                                          5.2 Ground Conductivity                                 5.5 Relative Risk by Coun

                                                                                                  These risk factors can be com
                                          The same magnetic field time-series does not result in the
                                          same surface electric field in all regions of the globe. It
                                                                                                      and then summarised to estim
                                          depends on the profile of local ground conductivity. Figure The scale of relative risk rang
                                          3 shows the relative risk due to ground conductivity model  4). This means that for some
                                          variations in continental US and Canada. The risk is average transformer experien
                                          determined from an average of surface electric field        induced current is more than 1
                                          strengths derived from many different historical magnetic
                                          field time series .                                         risk county. The regions with t
                                                                                                  corridor between Washington
                                                                                                  high-risk regions are the Midw

             Figures: Lloyds “Solar storm
                                      10 risk to the north American electric grid”
5.3 Coast Effect
The Odds
12% per decade (Carrington-level)
Riley, P. 2012, Space Weather, 10, s0212

Carrington event: 0.7%/yr (DST~-850)
Extreme storm: 4% /yr (DST>-500)
Severe storm: 28% /yr (DST>-250)
Chapman, S.C. et al. 2020, GRL, accepted doi: 10.1029GRL086524
Estimated Recurrence times
Carrington-level event: 100-200 years
Quebec 1989 event: 35-70 years

Methodology: historical auroral records

                                Lloyd’s/AER report, 2013
Current Economic Impact
Insurance claims, 2000-2010
• Claims increase with geomagnetic activity
• ~4% of US power grid disturbances due to
  geomagnetic storms and GICs
  – 59% caused by “electrical surges”
  – Implies about 500 disturbances/year
• Estimated losses $118-188 Billion/year
  Reference: Schrijver, C.J. et al., Space Weather, 12, 487 (2014)
Insurers are Concerned
• From Lloyds “Solar storm risk to the north American electric
  grid” (2013)
• The total U.S. population at risk of extended power outage
  from a Carrington-level storm is between 20-40 million, with
  durations of 16 days to 1-2 years. The duration of outages will
  depend largely on the availability of spare replacement
  transformers. If new transformers need to be ordered, the lead-
  time is likely to be a minimum of five months. The total
  economic cost for such a scenario is estimated at $0.6-2.6
  trillion USD.
• Storms weaker than Carrington-level could result in a small
  number of damaged transformers (around 10-20), but the
  potential damage to densely populated regions along the
  Atlantic coast is significant. The total number of damaged
  transformers is less relevant for prolonged power outage than
  their concentration. The failure of a small number of
  transformers serving a highly populated area is enough to
  create a situation of prolonged outage.
Revisited Economic Impact
Costs of a full blackout:
• Economic cost in North America $20B-
• Cost to New York economy >$3B/day
• Time to recover >6 months

  Reference: Oughton, E.J. et al., 2017, Space Weather, 15, 65
•   Objectives:
                                                     •   I. Enhance the Protection of
                                                         National Security, Homeland
                                                         Security, and Commercial Assets
                                                         and Operations against the
                                                         Effects of Space Weather
                                                     •   II. Develop and Disseminate
                                                         Accurate and Timely Space
                                                         Weather Characterization and
NATIONAL SPACE WEATHER                               •   III. Establish Plans and
                                                         Procedures for Responding to
STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN                                 and Recovering from Space
                                                         Weather Events

                                                     •   Conclusion: Space weather
                   Product of the                        poses a constant threat to
                 WORKING GROUP
                                                         infrastructure, our satellites
                                                         in orbit, and our crewed and
                                                         uncrewed space activities.
                       of the
                                                         Extreme space weather
                                                         events can cause substantial
                                                         harm to our Nation’s security
                    March 2019                           and economic vitality.
Space Weather
• Geomagnetic Storms: G (1-5)
• Solar Radiation Storms: S (1-5)
• Radio Blackouts: R (1-5)

NOAA Space Weather Scales
        Category                                                                                Effect                                             Physical           Average Frequency
                                                                                                                                                   measure            (1 cycle = 11 years)
     Scale     Descriptor                                                 Duration of event will influence severity of effects
                                                                                                                                                 Kp values*          Number of storm events
Geomagnetic Storms                                                                                                                               determined
                                                                                                                                                 every 3 hours
                                                                                                                                                                     when Kp level was met;
                                                                                                                                                                     (number of storm days)
                              Power systems: widespread voltage control problems and protective system problems can occur, some grid             Kp=9                4 per cycle
                              systems may experience complete collapse or blackouts. Transformers may experience damage.                                             (4 days per cycle)
                              Spacecraft operations: may experience extensive surface charging, problems with orientation, uplink/downlink
                              and tracking satellites.
 G5            Extreme
                              Other systems: pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps, HF (high frequency) radio propagation may be
                              impossible in many areas for one to two days, satellite navigation may be degraded for days, low-frequency radio
                              navigation can be out for hours, and aurora has been seen as low as Florida and southern Texas (typically 40°
                              geomagnetic lat.).**
                              Power systems: possible widespread voltage control problems and some protective systems will mistakenly trip       Kp=8                100 per cycle
                              out key assets from the grid.                                                                                                          (60 days per cycle)
                              Spacecraft operations: may experience surface charging and tracking problems, corrections may be needed for
 G4            Severe         orientation problems.
                              Other systems: induced pipeline currents affect preventive measures, HF radio propagation sporadic, satellite
                              navigation degraded for hours, low-frequency radio navigation disrupted, and aurora has been seen as low as
                              Alabama and northern California (typically 45° geomagnetic lat.).**
                              Power systems: voltage corrections may be required, false alarms triggered on some protection devices.             Kp=7                200 per cycle
                              Spacecraft operations: surface charging may occur on satellite components, drag may increase on low-Earth-orbit                        (130 days per cycle)
                              satellites, and corrections may be needed for orientation problems.
 G3            Strong
                              Other systems: intermittent satellite navigation and low-frequency radio navigation problems may occur, HF
                              radio may be intermittent, and aurora has been seen as low as Illinois and Oregon (typically 50° geomagnetic
                              Power systems: high-latitude power systems may experience voltage alarms, long-duration storms may cause           Kp=6                600 per cycle
                              transformer damage.                                                                                                                    (360 days per cycle)
                              Spacecraft operations: corrective actions to orientation may be required by ground control; possible changes in
 G2            Moderate
                              drag affect orbit predictions.
                              Other systems: HF radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes, and aurora has been seen as low as New York
                              and Idaho (typically 55° geomagnetic lat.).**
                              Power systems: weak power grid fluctuations can occur.                                                             Kp=5                1700 per cycle
                              Spacecraft operations: minor impact on satellite operations possible.                                                                  (900 days per cycle)
 G1            Minor
                              Other systems: migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels; aurora is commonly visible at high
                              latitudes (northern Michigan and Maine).**
*       Based on this measure, but other physical measures are also considered.
**      For specific locations around the globe, use geomagnetic latitude to determine likely sightings (see
                                                                                                                                                  Flux level of >    Number of events when
Solar Radiation Storms                                                                                                                               10 MeV
                                                                                                                                                 particles (ions)*
                                                                                                                                                                     flux level was met**

Spacecraft operations: corrective actions to orientation may be required by ground control; possible changes in
 G2           Moderate
                             drag affect orbit predictions.
                             Other systems: HF radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes, and aurora has been seen as low as New York
                             and Idaho (typically 55° geomagnetic lat.).**
                             Power systems: weak power grid fluctuations can occur.                                                                  Kp=5                1700 per cycle
                             Spacecraft operations: minor impact on satellite operations possible.                                                                       (900 days per cycle)
 G1           Minor
                             Other systems: migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels; aurora is commonly visible at high
                             latitudes (northern Michigan and Maine).**
*     Based on this measure, but other physical measures are also considered.
**    For specific locations around the globe, use geomagnetic latitude to determine likely sightings (see
                                                                                                                                                      Flux level of >    Number of events when
Solar Radiation Storms                                                                                                                                   10 MeV
                                                                                                                                                     particles (ions)*
                                                                                                                                                                         flux level was met**

                             Biological: unavoidable high radiation hazard to astronauts on EVA (extra-vehicular activity); passengers and           105                 Fewer than 1 per cycle
                             crew in high-flying aircraft at high latitudes may be exposed to radiation risk. ***
                             Satellite operations: satellites may be rendered useless, memory impacts can cause loss of control, may cause
  S5          Extreme        serious noise in image data, star-trackers may be unable to locate sources; permanent damage to solar panels
                             Other systems: complete blackout of HF (high frequency) communications possible through the polar regions,
                             and position errors make navigation operations extremely difficult.
                             Biological: unavoidable radiation hazard to astronauts on EVA; passengers and crew in high-flying aircraft at           104                 3 per cycle
                             high latitudes may be exposed to radiation risk.***
                             Satellite operations: may experience memory device problems and noise on imaging systems; star-tracker
  S4          Severe
                             problems may cause orientation problems, and solar panel efficiency can be degraded.
                             Other systems: blackout of HF radio communications through the polar regions and increased navigation errors
                             over several days are likely.
                             Biological: radiation hazard avoidance recommended for astronauts on EVA; passengers and crew in high-flying            103                 10 per cycle
                             aircraft at high latitudes may be exposed to radiation risk.***
  S3          Strong         Satellite operations: single-event upsets, noise in imaging systems, and slight reduction of efficiency in solar
                             panel are likely.
                             Other systems: degraded HF radio propagation through the polar regions and navigation position errors likely.
                             Biological: passengers and crew in high-flying aircraft at high latitudes may be exposed to elevated radiation          102                 25 per cycle
  S2          Moderate       Satellite operations: infrequent single-event upsets possible.
                             Other systems: effects on HF propagation through the polar regions, and navigation at polar cap locations
                             possibly affected.
                             Biological: none.                                                                                                       10                  50 per cycle
     S1       Minor          Satellite operations: none.
                             Other systems: minor impacts on HF radio in the polar regions.
*   Flux levels are 5 minute averages. Flux in particles·s-1·ster-1·cm-2 Based on this measure, but other physical measures are also considered.
** These events can last more than one day.
*** High energy particle (>100 MeV) are a better indicator of radiation risk to passenger and crews. Pregnant women are particularly susceptible.
                                                                                                                                                     GOES X-ray          Number of events when
Radio Blackouts                                                                                                                                      peak brightness
                                                                                                                                                     by class and by
                                                                                                                                                                         flux level was met;
                                                                                                                                                                         (number of storm days)
                             HF Radio: Complete HF (high frequency**) radio blackout on the entire sunlit side of the Earth lasting for a            X20                 Fewer than 1 per cycle
                             number of hours. This results in no HF radio contact with mariners and en route aviators in this sector.                (2x10-3)
 R5           Extreme        Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals used by maritime and general aviation systems experience outages
                             on the sunlit side of the Earth for many hours, causing loss in positioning. Increased satellite navigation errors in
                             positioning for several hours on the sunlit side of Earth, which may spread into the night side.
                             HF Radio: HF radio communication blackout on most of the sunlit side of Earth for one to two hours. HF radio            X10                 8 per cycle
panel are likely.
                             Other systems: degraded HF radio propagation through the polar regions and navigation position errors likely.
                             Biological: passengers and crew in high-flying aircraft at high latitudes may be exposed to elevated radiation          102               25 per cycle
  S2          Moderate       Satellite operations: infrequent single-event upsets possible.
                             Other systems: effects on HF propagation through the polar regions, and navigation at polar cap locations
                             possibly affected.
                             Biological: none.                                                                                                       10                50 per cycle
     S1       Minor          Satellite operations: none.
                             Other systems: minor impacts on HF radio in the polar regions.
*   Flux levels are 5 minute averages. Flux in particles·s-1·ster-1·cm-2 Based on this measure, but other physical measures are also considered.
** These events can last more than one day.
*** High energy particle (>100 MeV) are a better indicator of radiation risk to passenger and crews. Pregnant women are particularly susceptible.
                                                                                                                                                     GOES X-ray        Number of events when
Radio Blackouts                                                                                                                                      peak brightness
                                                                                                                                                     by class and by
                                                                                                                                                                       flux level was met;
                                                                                                                                                                       (number of storm days)
                             HF Radio: Complete HF (high frequency**) radio blackout on the entire sunlit side of the Earth lasting for a            X20               Fewer than 1 per cycle
                             number of hours. This results in no HF radio contact with mariners and en route aviators in this sector.                (2x10-3)
 R5           Extreme        Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals used by maritime and general aviation systems experience outages
                             on the sunlit side of the Earth for many hours, causing loss in positioning. Increased satellite navigation errors in
                             positioning for several hours on the sunlit side of Earth, which may spread into the night side.
                             HF Radio: HF radio communication blackout on most of the sunlit side of Earth for one to two hours. HF radio            X10               8 per cycle
                             contact lost during this time.                                                                                          (10-3)            (8 days per cycle)
 R4           Severe
                             Navigation: Outages of low-frequency navigation signals cause increased error in positioning for one to two
                             hours. Minor disruptions of satellite navigation possible on the sunlit side of Earth.
                             HF Radio: Wide area blackout of HF radio communication, loss of radio contact for about an hour on sunlit side          X1                175 per cycle
 R3           Strong         of Earth.                                                                                                               (10-4)            (140 days per cycle)
                             Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for about an hour.
                             HF Radio: Limited blackout of HF radio communication on sunlit side of the Earth, loss of radio contact for tens        M5                350 per cycle
 R2           Moderate       of minutes.                                                                                                             (5x10-5)          (300 days per cycle)
                             Navigation: Degradation of low-frequency navigation signals for tens of minutes.
                             HF Radio: Weak or minor degradation of HF radio communication on sunlit side of the Earth, occasional loss of           M1                2000 per cycle
 R1           Minor          radio contact.                                                                                                          (10-5)            (950 days per cycle)
                             Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for brief intervals.
*     Flux, measured in the 0.1-0.8 nm range, in W·m-2. Based on this measure, but other physical measures are also considered.
**    Other frequencies may also be affected by these conditions.
URL:                                                                                                                                          April 7, 2011
Mitigation Strategies
• Education
  – Raise awareness of vulnerability to solar events

• Science
  – Develop better predictive ability
  – Better understanding of large event rates

• Engineering
  – Better grounding/isolation from possible GICs
  – Locating transformers in areas less prone to GICs
  – Rapid sensing of saturated transformers
Cost of Protecting Against EMP & CME
l   EMP Commission estimated cost to harden 2000 critical
    nodes (large and medium sized transformers) against EMP
    and CME: ~ $2 Billion
Cost of Not Protecting Against EMP &
             CME Events
l   EMP Commission estimated loss of life from EMP event that
    would drop electrical grid for 1 year:
           60 to 90% of US population
Note: CMEs can have a similar effect
Early Warning ?
Spacecraft at L1 provide:
• Up to 4 days warning for CMEs
• ~30 min warning for fast flare protons
• No warning for photons

L1 = the inner Lagrangian point
• where terrestrial and solar gravities balance
• about 1 million miles towards the Sun
All Copacetic?
All Copacetic?
 Not so fast.
The Relation Between Flares and CMEs
• Not 1:1
• Not all flares produce CMEs
• Most strong flares produce a CME
• Solar flares:
  – dN/dE ~ E-1.7+/- 0.2
  – Brightest observed ~ 1032 erg

• Schaefer et al. (2000) reported 9 larger
  flares on solar-like stars
• Maehara et al. (2012) analyzed Kepler
  database for superflares (E>1033 erg)
• Brightest ¤ flare observed ~ 1032 erg
• Maehara et al. (2012) found:
   – dN/dE = E-2.3+/- 0.3
   – 365 superflares on 148 solar-like stars
   – 14 superflares on 10
     old or inactive stars

• Conclusion:
   – A 1035 erg solar flare
     can be expected
     every 5000 years
Okamoto et al. 2021 ApJ 906, 72
• Analysis of full Kepler primary mission data
• 265 Solar-like stars: 2341 superflares
  – 5600-6000K; 5d
Okamoto et al Figure 10b
Okamoto et al. predictions:
• Sun can produce
  – X700 (7 x 1033 ergs) flare every 3000 years
  – X1000 (1034 ergs) flare every 6000 years
• Empirical predictions are consistent with solar
  flare power law distribution
Be Afraid.
Be Very Afraid.
More Pictures and References
Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC):
         includes links to SOHO, SDO, HINODE, and YOHKOH

Other Solar Missions:

    – STEREO:

    – TRACE:

Solar Storms

A future Space Weather catastrophe : a disturbing possibility
Other References
• “The 23rd Cycle”, Odenwald, S.F. 2001, Columbia
  University Press

• “Solar Storm Risk to the North American
  Electrical Grid” Storm Risk to the
  North American Electric Grid.pdf
• “Geomagnetic Storms and their Impacts on
  the U.S. Power Grid”
• “Solar Storm Threat Analysis”
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