Assessing population-level symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicide risk in real time using NLP applied to social media data

Assessing population-level symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicide
            risk in real time using NLP applied to social media data

     Alex B. Fine, Patrick Crutchley, Jenny Blase, Joshua Carroll, & Glen Coppersmith

             {alex.fine, patrick, jenny.blase, josh, glen}

                       Abstract                                community-level interventions.
                                                                  The dramatic social upheavals of 2020 pro-
     Prevailing methods for assessing population-
     level mental health require costly collection
                                                               vide a visceral illustration of how specific com-
     of large samples of data through instruments              munities are psychologically affected by spe-
     such as surveys, and are thus slow to re-                 cific events. For example, the COVID-19 pan-
     flect current, rapidly changing social condi-             demic, which took root in the United States
     tions. This constrains how easily population-             in February and March of 2020, in addition to
     level mental health data can be integrated into           threatening the health of a broad swath of the
     health and policy decision-making. Here, we               population, placed particularly heavy demands
     demonstrate that natural language processing
                                                               on healthcare providers charged with responding
     applied to publicly-available social media data
     can provide real-time estimates of psycholog-             to a highly contagious and deadly novel virus,
     ical distress in the population (specifically,            often under resource-constrained circumstances.
     English-speaking Twitter users in the US). We             Anecdotal reports made it clear that the surge
     examine population-level changes in linguis-              in cases–coupled with factors such as under-
     tic correlates of mental health symptoms in               funded clinics and lack of a coordinated federal
     response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to                  response–was leading to acute psychological dis-
     the killing of George Floyd. As a case study,
                                                               tress and burnout among healthcare providers such
     we focus on social media data from health-
     care providers, compared to a control sample.
                                                               as nurses and physicians. In addition, the killing
     Our results provide a concrete demonstration              of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 elicited na-
     of how the tools of computational social sci-             tionwide responses of grief and anger, and is
     ence can be applied to provide real-time or               widely believed to have surfaced latent psycholog-
     near-real-time insight into the impact of pub-            ical trauma in large swaths of the American and in-
     lic events on mental health.                              ternational population. In both instances, we saw
                                                               that there was and is no scalable technique for col-
1    Introduction                                              lecting population-scale data to quantify changes
Measurements of the mental health of large pop-                in mental health over time, to ask which segments
ulations often become quickly outdated, given                  of the population are most severely affected by
traditional techniques for data collection, analy-             the situation, or to determine which psychological
sis, and dissemination. For example, estimates                 symptoms are changing in prevalence and there-
of suicide rates in the United States are often                fore what interventions should be prioritized by
delayed by two years (Hedegaard et al., 2018).                 the community.
More up-to-date information about population-                     Here, we focus on healthcare providers (HCPs)
level mental health could provide clinicians and               as a case study, and present a framework for mon-
other decision-makers with crucial warning sig-                itoring signs of psychological distress in a contin-
nals of shifts in mental health or burgeoning pub-             uous, scalable, and ethical fashion (Mikal et al.)
lic health crises. Continuous access to sound esti-            using public social media data. We use models of
mates of population-level mental health variables              anxiety, depression, and suicide risk, trained on a
could also provide a mechanism for evaluating                  separate data source, to produce longitudinal es-

    Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science, pages 50–54
                       Online, November 20, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
timates of the prevalence of symptoms associated           niques modeled on those reported by Beller et al.
with these conditions among HCPs and a compar-             (2014), who automatically identify profession and
ison sample.                                               other fine-grained social roles on the basis of self-
   The model-derived estimates of symptom                  disclosure. Here, we manually constructed a cor-
prevalence show relative changes in mental health          pus of HCP professional labels (e.g., “physician”,
aligned with the timing of events related to               “doctor”, “nurse”, “RN”) and searched for strings
COVID-19 and the killing of George Floyd among             containing these labels in contexts demonstrated
HCPs in the US. For example, we were able to               by Beller et al. to indicate that the author identi-
observe the particularly negative impact of the            fies with that role (e.g., “I’m a    ”, “As a       I
COVID-19 pandemic across the population. Fur-              think”). This classification was then manually as-
thermore, we find no evidence that rescinding              sessed by human annotators and found to have a
stay-at-home orders reversed the deleterious ef-           95% true positive rate. The control sample used
fects of the pandemic on mental health, nor do we          in these analyses comprise a sample of the general
find evidence that either healthcare workers or the        population in the United States (henceforth Com-
general population had returned to their respective        munity, n = 10, 000) that did not self-identify as
pre-COVID levels of anxiety, depression, and sui-          HCPs, selected randomly from users for whom ge-
cide risk at the time of writing.                          ographic data was available (either through a geo-
   Moreover, we find evidence that the killing of          tagging algorithm or disclosure of their location in
George Floyd and subsequent civil unrest across            their public profile). Users with fewer than 100
the United States had a measurably deleterious ef-         posts between the start of the year until the end of
fect on all aspects of mental health measured in           May were excluded from the analysis.
both the HCP and control populations.
   These findings constitute, we believe, a persua-        3       Methods
sive proof of concept for the use of transparently
                                                           We estimate the impact of various national events
and ethically collected social media data in pro-
                                                           in 2020 on population mental health. To do so,
viding aggregated, real-time, population-level es-
                                                           we compare measures of average anxiety, depres-
timates of emotional and psychological distress,
                                                           sion and suicide risk before and after each event.
extending the capabilities of what is commonly
                                                           We will refer to the “Pre-Lockdown Baseline” as
known as infoveillance (Paul and Dredze, 2011;
                                                           the time period from January 1-February 29. The
Eichstaedt et al., 2015; Paparrizos et al., 2016;
                                                           national emergency declaration from the White
Eysenbach, 2009). (For a review of different
                                                           House came on March 13, 2020, and many stay-
approaches to assessing population-level mental
                                                           at-home orders were put in place around that time.
health, see Aoun et al. (2004)) We believe the data
                                                           We define “Early Lockdown” as March 15 to
collection and modeling techniques reported here
                                                           March 31, as it signifies a time when people were
can inform and improve public and private efforts
                                                           adjusting to the changes induced by the lockdown
to promote population-level mental health.
                                                           including job loss, homeschooling, and working
                                                           from home. We refer to the period of April 15
2   Data
                                                           to April 30 as “Mid Lockdown”.1 States took a
All analyses were performed using public social            varied approach to lifting lockdown restrictions,
media data collected from Twitter between Jan-             and each followed their own timeline. We sus-
uary 1 and June 1, 2020. Analyses are based on             pect the lifting of stay-at-home guidance may have
two groups: healthcare professionals and a com-            impacted people’s mental health, and obtained the
munity sample group. Healthcare professionals              state-specific dates on which those orders were
(HCPs, n = 25, 040) are comprised of providers             lifted. On May 25, George Floyd was killed in po-
working directly with patients (e.g., nurses, doc-         lice custody, setting off protests and unrest across
tors) and those in adjacent roles (e.g., epidemi-          the United States. We examine one week prior to
ologists and hospital administrators). Users were          and after his death (May 18-25; May 26-June 2).
geo-located using self-stated location in the user            We use classification models, trained on sepa-
profile, and only US-based users were included in              1
                                                               These time periods were specified before the analyses
the analysis. In order to determine which indi-            reported below. We did not experiment with multiple time
viduals in our sample were HCPs, we used tech-             windows.

rate data sets from the one described above, to              group relative to their Pre-Lockdown baseline, we
score each Tweet in the sample with an estimate              calculated by-group Z-scores from this baseline.
of the probability that Tweet was authored by a              This is illustrated in Figure 1, along with the time
person experiencing anxiety or depression or who             periods under consideration.
had attempted suicide. The labels used in the train-            First, note that every time period after lockdown
ing were derived via self-stated diagnosis: a user           exhibits higher scores for all mental health con-
was considered to be living with anxiety, depres-            ditions we examined. Furthermore, the killing of
sion, or suicidality if they explicitly reported that        George Floyd appears to have had a significant ef-
they had received a diagnosis of an anxiety dis-             fect on mental health across all groups.
order or depression or had previously attempted                 Longitudinal changes in depression for HCPs
suicide, respectively. Examples of self-statements           and Community do not differ reliably (p > 0.1).
include disclosures such as, “As a person who has            HCPs exhibit less change in their anxiety over
been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, I              time compared to Community (though HCPs are
can tell you...”, “today marks one year since I tried        still at a higher base-rate of anxiety). Interestingly,
to take my own life”. Self-statements were found             HCPs show a larger change in suicide-related risk
using manually constructed search terms and reg-             during Early Lockdown. This disappears in Mid
ular expressions; we then confirmed their plausi-            Lockdown and gets closer to returning to base-
bility and validity using human annotators with              line rates towards the end of May (note, again,
clinical training. Logistic regression with char-            that baseline rates for HCPs remain higher than
acter n-gram features were trained on three sep-             for Community).
arate samples (anxiety, depression, suicide) to dis-
tinguish users with a self-stated mental health di-          5   Discussion
agnosis from control users reporting no such diag-
noses. We employed the same models reported in               Real-time information about the population’s
our previous work, using the anxiety and depres-             mental health is critically important, especially in
sion models from Coppersmith et al. (2015) and               times of crisis. Our work is relevant to govern-
the suicide model from Coppersmith et al. (2018).            ment agencies or other organizations with the re-
AUC scores for the anxiety, depression, and sui-             sources to craft population-scale public health in-
cide models were .84, .72, and .73, respectively.            terventions or policy recommendations. The cur-
   For each measure (anxiety, depression, suicide),          rent study provides a proof of concept of how pub-
we computed the mean of all messages per user                licly available social media data might be used to
per day. Each user is thus represented as the                assess population-level mental health in a way that
mean of their per-day estimates. This allows                 could support these organizations.
for matched-sample t-tests between time periods,                We hasten to emphasize that this work repre-
and independent t-tests between groups within the            sents a proof of concept, and raises several ques-
same time period. User data was de-identified                tions for future research. First, the population of
prior to being submitted to these models, and all            social media users does not perfectly mirror the
statistical analysis was conducted over aggregated           general population, and it is plausible that those
user data.                                                   who do not engage in social media were affected
                                                             differently by COVID and the killing of George
4   Results                                                  Floyd. We can only speculate about how such a
                                                             bias might influence our results. Second, we did
Baseline scores for each mental health variable              not correct for population demographic rates in the
were higher (i.e., more severe) for HCPs than the            creation of the community group, but did take care
Community population. This suggests that, prior              to capture a geographically diverse population.
to COVID-19 lockdowns, HCPs were experienc-                     Finally, in future work we plan to explore how
ing anxiety, depression, and suicide risk at higher          the outputs of the models reported here can be con-
rates than the general population (p < 0.001;                tinuously calibrated and refined using psychomet-
note that the figure below, for the sake of com-             rically validated clinical scales of constructs such
parison, shows by-group z-scores so that this Pre-           as anxiety and depression. We take it as uncontro-
Lockdown difference is not apparent).                        versial that using methods of the general kind em-
   To get a sense of how each event affected each            ployed here to measure phenomena as complex as

Figure 1: Changes in mental health compared to Pre-Lockdown baseline for HCPs and Community. Y -axis
indicates Z-scores compared to each group’s Pre-Lockdown baseline; a score of 0 means a return to Pre-Lockdown
baseline levels. Time periods for comparison are indicated by thick horizontal bars at the mean for that group
across the relevant time period. Significant events are indicated by vertical dotted lines. State reopenings are
represented as faded dotted lines.

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