Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -

Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
Art Exhibition
                              5-7 November

Proudly sponsored by:

King’s College, Golf Ave, Ōtāhuhu.
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
                                                   CONCERNS SURROUNDING COVID-19
   THE FRIENDS OF KING’S COLLEGE HAVE GREAT        As much as we are excited to present the
   PLEASURE IN WELCOMING YOU TO THIS YEAR’S        18th annual King’s College Art Exhibition
   ART EXHIBITION.                                 proudly sponsored by Hobson Wealth, The
                                                   Friends Association and King’s College are
                                                   committed to ensuring the health and
                                                   wellbeing of our community. This remains
   Friday 5 November                               the foremost concern in relation to events
   / 6.30pm – 10pm                                 and gatherings. As such, please keep an eye
   OPENING NIGHT COCKTAIL PARTY /                  out for further communications in relation to
   FIRST CHANCE TO PURCHASE ART.                   the Art Exhibition.

                                                   IN THE EVENT OF A CANCELLATION
   Saturday 6 November
                                                   If new restrictions arise which prohibit the
   / Free Admission10am–4pm                       safe and practical delivery of the event, the
   ART EXHIBITION, CAFÉ AND ART BOX OPEN.          Art Exhibition Committee will make an
                                                   official announcement at the earliest
                                                   possible date. We have the ability to
   Sunday 7 November                               transition to an online market place where
                                                   the entire collection of the Art Exhibition will
   / Free Admission10am–1pm*                      be available for purchase.

   / 1pm - 3pm                                     * Due to the College requiring this area for
   ALL PURCHASED ART TO BE COLLECTED.              exams please note the earlier closing time,
                                                   which is different from previous years.



   FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA                       Anna Korver
                                                   White Facet Dress
                                                   Corten steel                                       Carissa Meng
                                                   1220mm x 1220mm                                    The Beauty of Silence - Green
                 #kingscollegeartexhibition2021    $4,500                                             Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
                                                                                                      1220mm x 1220mm
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
Rose McKellar
Medium Feather Cloak                              [ WELCOME FROM ]

                                                  The Headmaster
900mm x 680mm

                                                      It will soon be my pleasure to welcome you to the 18th annual
                                                      King’s College Art Exhibition.

                                                      In a world that’s quite uncertain, this moment, more than any in our
                                                      history, demonstrates the need for not only knowledge and skills
                                                      but a sense of creativity as well. Without creativity, you wouldn’t
                                                      have discovery.

                                                      It is magnificent for our students to see creativity in the fine arts
                                                      appreciated by the wider College community at this annual event, a
                                                      highlight on the College calendar.

                                                      The Art Exhibition will again showcase the work of both New
                                                      Zealand’s established and emerging artists, while also providing a
                                                      platform for some fantastic student artwork. We are looking
                                                      forward to sharing our students’ creativity with you.

                                                      Funds raised by the event are put towards the Artist in Residence
                                                      programme, which sees practitioners whose industry is based on
                                                      the fine arts come into the College to teach students. This is a key
                                                      way that students are exposed to the idea that in the arts there is a
                                                      career to be made, and an interest to be pursued after secondary

                                                      Thank you to our gold sponsor Hobson Wealth, silver sponsors
                                                      Katarzyna Mackenzie Plastic Surgeon, Newstalk ZB, Panda TV, Soar
                                                      Print and Trish Clark Gallery, and our host of bronze sponsors.

                                                      Our sincere thanks also to The Friends of King’s College. Organising
                                                      a fundraiser of this scale is a significant achievement, and the hard
                                                      work put in by our volunteers is noticed and appreciated by all.

                                                      I hope you enjoy this year’s Art Exhibition, and that among all the
                                                      artwork on offer, you find a piece to take home and cherish for
                                                      years to come.

                       Anna Korver
                       Flight Squadron
                       Aluminium and automotive       Virtus Pollet.
                                                      Simon Lamb – Headmaster
                       2500mm x 1500mm
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
[ ART ]

 We can’t wait to see who gets to take home the      HOW TO COLLECT YOUR                                  MISSED OUT ON BUYING A PIECE
 fabulous pieces of artwork on display.              PURCHASED ARTWORK:                                   YOU REALLY LIKE?
 Our Greenbank Gymnasium and surrounding             • P
                                                        urchased artwork must be collected on            We know how disappointing it can be to
 areas will be home to many more artworks than         Sunday 7 November from the Greenbank               miss out on securing a piece of art you’ve
 are displayed in this catalogue. Do visit our         Gymnasium at King’s College between                fallen in love with. Come and see us at our
 website –         1pm and 3pm only. However, items purchased         Orders Desk as some artists have editions
 – to see what you may be interested in                from the Art Box can be taken home upon            or prints available to sell and some artists
 purchasing. It is being updated daily with            payment.                                           are delighted to accept commissions for
 images of new artwork throughout our Art                                                                 artworks.
                                                     • Y
                                                        ou will need to present your sales receipt in
 Exhibition weekend.
                                                       order to take your artwork home.

 New to our Art Exhibition?                          Disclaimer: King’s College will take no
                                                     responsibility for any artwork not collected after
                                                     the set collection times.
 Once you have decided which artwork you
 would like to purchase:

 • R
    emove the Buyer’s Card and take it with you
   immediately to our Sales Desk, or to one of our
   many Art Exhibition volunteers who will be
   present in our exhibition space throughout the

 • Payment can be made in full via EFTPOS, Visa
   or MasterCard, and cash. Cheques are
   unfortunately not accepted.                            Layla Walter
 • O
    nce the payment has been made, a SOLD red            Camellia for Kate #41
                                                          Cast glass                                                                                     Margot Goodwin
   sticker will be displayed on your purchased
                                                          120mm x 125mm x 125mm                                                                          Summer Bunches
                                                          $2,650                                                                                         Oil, acrylic on canvas
 Disclaimer: Any removal of Buyer’s Cards is a                                                                                                           600mm x 450mm
                                                          Courtesy of Artis Gallery
 commitment to purchase, so please choose                                                                                                                $950
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -

Artists 2021
   Slim Aarons           Desmond Burdon       Mark Dimock            Helen Frost             Bruce Hunt              Richard Lewer             Kate Mitchell        Spid Pye              Bob Steiner         Michelle Viskovich
   Richard Adams         David Carson         Neil Donaldson         Deborah Fuller          Susan Hurrell Fieldes   Anna Leyland              Mark Mitchell        Oriah Rapley          Anna Stichbury      Celia Walker
   Jamie Adamson         Cathy Carter         Richard Douglas        Mandy Gargiulo          Kate Hursthouse         Lily Lily                 Harry Moores         Roie Reed             Rudi Strewe         Layla Walter
   Azita Agnew           Trish Clarke         Rachel Downey          Lucy Gauntlett          Kristin Hyde            Tom Lusk                  Holly Morgan         Elizabeth Rees        Fiona Sutherland    Richard Wells
   Susan Badcock         Dawn Clayden         Wilhelmiina Drummond   Robyn Gavaghan          Mandy Joass             Prue MacDougall           John Mulholland      Sasha Reid            Marté Szirmay       Rae West
   Stephen Bailey        Peter Collis         Olivier Duhamel        Wanda Gillespie         Anna Jacobi             Alexandra Mainwaring      Kiya Nancarrow       Jo Richards           Holly Thomas        Alexandra Weston
   Bridget Baker         David Corson         Nick Duval-Smith       Eliza Glyn              Gaye Jurisich           Lou Mathieson             Paul Nathan          Noel Robertson        Cherise Thomson     Ans Westra
   Andrew Barns-Graham   Jason Courtis        Lang Ea                Margot Goodwin          Nejat Kavvas            Louise Matthews           Lorraine Natusch     Mandy Rodger          Richard Thurston    Anna Whitelock-Bell
   Kay Bazzard           Karen Covic          Adele Eagleson         Belinda Griffiths       Joseph Kelly            Philip Maxwell            Richard Naylor       Judy Rogers           Filipe Tohi         Fleur Wickes
   Tori Beeche           Kyla Covic           Lucy Eglington         Keith Grinter           Philip Kelly            Christine Maynard         Josh O'Rourke        Alice Rose            Monica Tong         Emma Willetts
   Karl Bishop           Mark Cowden          Jemma Ennis            Peter Hackett           Brett Keno              Rachael Mayne             Neal Palmer          Mat Scott             Jon Tootill         Justin Wishart
   Hélène Bizouerne      Angela Croft         Annemieke Farmilo      Matthew Hall            Aaron Kereopa           Juliet McArthur           Jark Pane            Aaron Scythe          Rachel Torckler     Cheryl Wright
   Kirsty Black          Glenys Cullimore     Fatu Feu'u             Guy Harkness            Kim Kobialko            Sue McFadden              Peter Panyoczki      Grant Sharman         Michel Tuffery      James Wright
   Janine Blackburn      Cathy Davies         Melanie Field          Brendon & Jane Harley   Anna Korver             Kaye McGarva              Artu Peatoo          Adam Shuter           Fiona Tunnicliffe   Jorge Wright
   John Blackburn        Marina de Wit        Helen Fletcher         Mette Hay               Tatyana Kulida          Maggie McGregor           Andrew Pendergrast   Susan Skelton         Jill Turley         David Young
   Deborah Body          Helen Dean           Hazel Foot             Ainsley Henry           John Lancashire         Rose McKellar             Richard Penn         Sally Smith           Johnny Turner       Graham Young

   Renee Boyd            Philina den Dulk     Marian Fountain        Jodie Hewitt            Petra Leary             Heleana McNaught          Robyn Penn           Pam Sparksman         Greg Tuthill

   Emma Brewis           Flox Design Studio   Chas Foxall            Mark Hill               Gus Leen                Carissa Meng              Sam Poots            Gyongyi Spencer       Andrea Ventling

   Katie Brown Glass     Ekaterina Dimieva    Ema Frost              Runa and Holly          Andy Leleisi’uao        Chris Mills               Nicholas Pound       Kim Spencer-McDonald Derek Ventling

                                                                                                                     Gus Leen - Form 53
                                                                                                                     Black Edge Bamboo Conic Floor Lamp (Large)
                                                                                                                     Bamboo and LED light
                                                                                                                     1800mm x 672mm x 672mm
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
                             GOLD SPONSOR ]

                             Hobson Wealth

                          The Independent Financial Adviser
                          When you’re unwell, you visit your      and financial data about you and
                          doctor. You meet with a lawyer if       take the time to understand your
                          you have a legal issue and when         expectations regarding investment
                          you need to borrow money, you           returns, and your financial capacity
                          go to your bank. So when you            to incur any investment losses. An
                          need financial advice, you should       independent adviser will use this
                          seek it from an independent             data to analyse any and all of your
                          financial adviser.                      existing investments and make
                                                                  recommendations about what you
                          A financial adviser is a professional
                                                                  should do in to the future.
                          who provides financial guidance to
                          clients based on their needs and        An independent financial adviser
                          goals. In the New Zealand context,      will tell you what to invest in
                          they typically provide clients with     (securities, index or active funds
                                                                                                                                                        > WARREN COUILLAULT, CEO
                          access to various investment            and/or direct assets including
                          products and services, planning         real estate), what risks are           “legwork” could be used to              portfolio is always optimised as
                          or advice related to retirement,        associated with each investment,       describe the large amount               things change.
                          mortgages, estate planning, taxes       what expected return you might         of research, distillation and
                                                                  receive from your investment                                                   The truly independent financial
                          and more. Financial advisers                                                   distribution of information and
                                                                  portfolio, what income if any                                                  adviser is impartial, unbiased and
                          are required to meet a fiduciary                                               paperwork that needs to be
                                                                  your investments will generate                                                 as unconflicted as possible. They
                          standard and must always place                                                 undertaken, and the time that this
                          client interests ahead of their         and, among other things, what                                                  shouldn’t really be affiliated with
                                                                                                         requires. To get great investment
                          own. They will take a holistic          taxes you might incur. All in the                                              a product manufacturer (usually
                                                                                                         and wealth management results
                          approach in making investment           context of what’s best for you,                                                a bank, insurance or investment
                                                                                                         your financial adviser will do all of
                                                                  your circumstances, investment                                                 company) as they would typically
                          recommendations independent                                                    this for you as part of the service
                                                                  objectives and attitude towards                                                be paid to “sell” you one or more
                          of outside influences and make                                                 and for the fees you pay. All good
                                                                  risk. And of course this is a                                                  of those companies’ products.
                          recommendations based on                                                       financial advisers will bring any
                                                                  constantly moving landscape that                                               Just as you want a doctor that will
                          reasonable discovery of the client’s                                           relevant changes to their client’s
                                                                  your adviser will monitor on an                                                provide an objective diagnosis and
John Mulholland           investment objectives. This                                                    attention, highlighting any value
                                                                  ongoing basis.
Conveyor                  means they need to know when                                                   potential having analysed the           make the best recommendations
Copper on wooden plinth   you will need to use your money,        Providing solid financial advice       prevailing options. Only close          for you, so too do you want an
1440mm x 250mm x 250mm    and for what you will use it. They      takes a lot of work and there          contact with your financial adviser     independent financial adviser with
$3,500                    must gather certain personal            is much involved. The term             can ensure your investment              your best interests at heart.
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
Left: Kiya Nancarrow
                                                                                                            Kinetic Energy
                                Richard Douglas
                                                                                                            Powder coated steel
                                Kyoto, September 2009, 7.32 pm
                                                                                                            500mm x 640mm x 460mm
                                Archival inkjet print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag
                                900mm x 1350mm

                                                                                                            Below: John Blackburn
                                                                                                            Burn’t Orange
                                                                                                            Oil and mixed media on canvas
                                                                                                            420mm x 580mm
                                                                                                            Courtesy of Artis Gallery

Left: Jark Pane                               David Carson
Soraa Scallop                                 Melted 1
Oil and mixed media on canvas                 Bronze
100mm x 120mm x 10mm                          140mm x 70mm x 50mm
$430                                          $750

                                                                                Layla Walter
                                                                                Cylinder Vase (Orange)
                                                                                Cast glass
                                                                                120mm x 290mm x 120mm
                                                                                Courtesy of Artis Gallery
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
Left: Bridget Baker
Letting Go
Acrylic and ink on board
600mm x 600mm

                                                                                                Above: Peter Panyoczki
                                                                                                Mixed media on aluminium composite
                                                                                                635mm x 635mm
                                                                                                Courtesy of Artis Gallery

                                                   Above: Noel Robertson
                            Above: Melanie Field   Tricolour 1
                            The Sunbird            Acrylic on board
Left: Fatu Feu'u            Acrylic on canvas      850mm x 450mm
Hinemoa Springs             310mm x 260mm          $1,298
Woodcut print on paper      $695                                           Left: Kim Kobialko
995mm x 710mm                                                              Sunset off Tamaki
$3,800                                                                     Encaustic
Courtesy of Artis Gallery                                                  550mm x 800mm
Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -
                          HER HOMELAND OF FINLAND AND THE

   Wilhelmiina Drummond
                          HOME IN NEW ZEALAND, WILHELMIINA
                          FAVOURS WHITE RAKU CLAY TO CREATE                                                  Wilhelmiina Drummond
                          HER UNIQUE CERAMIC ARTWORKS.                                                       One More Wouldn't Hurt
                                                                                                             Raku fired ceramic
                          Drummond is predominantly a self-taught ceramic                                    225mm x 170mm x 140mm
                          artist based in Hamilton. Ever since starting her                                  $700
                          practice in 2016, the central focus for most of her
                          works has been the ancient Japanese firing
                          technique “Raku” with its wild and temperamental

                          Raku requires a specialised kiln and a smoke box.
                          Heat in the kiln is taken up to 1020 degrees Celsius
                          over approx. 40 minutes. After the required
                          temperature has been reached the sculptures are
                          removed to cool quickly producing a strong crackle
                          effect, after which they are placed in the smoke
                          box. There the smoke permeates the unglazed                                                                 Wilhelmiina Drummond
                          areas of the clay and all the cracks in the glaze,                                                          Perpetual Dance
                          colouring them in beautiful shades of gray.                                                                 Raku fired ceramic
                          Drummond's ceramics are exhibited in select                                                                 390mm x 220mm x 140mm
                          galleries around New Zealand and she teaches                                                                $2,500
                          sculpture at the Waikato Society of Potters. One of
                          her most popular ceramics, The Bathers was
                          inspired whilst on holiday at the Raglan estuary. A
                          voluptuous woman in a turquoise swimsuit stood
                          out on the beach with her arms on her hips,                Wilhelmiina Drummond
                          gloriously happy and content, free of all self-doubt.      You're Kidding Me!
                          This image has then developed into many more               170mm x 430mm x 125mm
                          curvaceous ceramic ladies all possessing the same
                          sense of delight.

                          “All my works start off as a simple image in my mind
                          where it then starts slowly growing in meaning.
                          Often I feel myself to be but a doorway for things to
                          come through as they wish. There is definitely a
                          sense of spirituality in my practice. I do this with
                          reverence. If it is to be forever then let it be weighty
                          and significant.”

Art Exhibition 5-7 November 2021 -

A passion of over 16 years turning into a full
time occupation over the last decade has
seen Brett’s love of working with limestone
transform from unrelenting hard and
unyielding stone into organic pieces that
become fluid. “I work with curves and it’s
this shape that gives the limestone
movement so it feels alive.”
                                                                Above: Kaye McGarva
Traditional stylised Māori design is
incorporated into Brett’s sculptures. His
                                                                Acrylic on canvas
love of stories that he feels weaves their                                                  Above: Hélène Bizouerne
                                                                172mm x 115mm
way via traditional shapes and designs                                                      Alta Gracia
becoming masterpieces that are highly                                                       Acrylic and oil on canvas
personalised.                                                                               610mm x 457mm
King’s College has their own Brett Keno
                                                                Left: Spid Pye
outdoor sculpture gifted by the leavers
                                                                Harakeke Pod
of 2019, a piece that is seen on arrival to
                                                                Photographic c-type paper
the school.
                                                                950 mm x 600mm
This piece was based on the                                     $1,695
whakataukī Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te
tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei, which
means: Seek the treasure that you value
most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be
to a lofty mountain.

                                                                Right: David Corson
                   Brett Keno                                   Graphite pencil on paper
                   Renewal                                      650mm x 400mm
                                                 > BRETT KENO
                   Oamaru limestone                             $850
                   1100mm x 300mm x 300mm
Cherise Thomson
                                                                            Dune Series - Profile 1
                                                                            Hand-cut galvanised wire, marine ply
                                                                            1600mm x 400mm x 150mm


Cherise Thomson

 Cherise had an early attraction to sculpting, but
 didn’t see it as a potential career path so
 enrolled in an international business degree in
 London. She also studied art papers which
 included classes in sculpture, ceramics and
 mould making. It was there that she fell in love
 with the process of creating. On completion of
 her degree she headed to New York to learn
 from specialists in sculpture. Whilst working as
                                                                                                                   Photo by: Stephen Barker @barkerphotonzl
 an apprentice for a studio she observed artists
 restore Picasso’s and Matisse’s.

 Having trained and worked in metal fabrication      her creations are exactly the same due to the         beauty of the Pacific and, like the Hawaiian and    blacksmiths, jewellers, sculptors, artists and
 for both sculpture and jewellery in New York and    hand-woven or hand-built nature of her work.          Māori cultures, I believe that spirituality comes   artisans, on my journey as a jewellery designer
 San Francisco, Cherise found inspiration in         Many sculptures use kilometres of wire and can        from a connection with the land. My art             and sculptor. I currently find my inspiration living
 sculptor Ruth Asawa. Returning to Auckland in       take months to complete. Cherise's work has           education began in London as an addition to my      on a beautiful bush-clad cliff overlooking the
 2010 with her New Zealand husband, Cherise          earned her National Art Awards and inclusion in       international business degree. Since then I've      wild west coast of Auckland, New Zealand.”
 has continued to explore the use of galvanised,     public and private collections both here and          studied and honed my craft in New York,
                                                     abroad.                                               Honolulu, and San Francisco. I’ve travelled the                                                            > CHERISE THOMSON
 copper and No.8 wire in a range of one of a kind
 sculptures and unique sculpted lights. No two of                                                          world and spent time in the workshops of
                                                     "I've spent my life in love with the wild natural
Helen Fletcher          Josh O'Rourke
                                                         Grassy Knoll            Aktaia
                                                         Acrylic on canvas       Acrylic and gold leaf on birch ply
                                                         460mm x 600mm           841mm x 594mm
                                                         $600                    $2,200

                                                       Below: Richard Penn
                                                       Pattern Recognition 4
                                                       Pastel pigment on paper
                                                       660mm x 660mm

Karen Covic               Opposite page: David Young
Be Somewhere Else (vii)   Braided Blue
Oil on canvas             Acrylic on paper
800mm x 950mm             756mm x 620mm
$2,000                    $750
Bonco              Below: Bonco
                                                                                                          Conversation       Subdue
                                                                                                          Acrylic on linen   Acrylic on aluminium
                                                                                                          750mm x 570mm      360mm x 470mm
                                                                                                          $2,400             $1,200


BONCO aka Paul Nathan                                                                                                                               Below: Bonco
                                                                                                                                                    Acrylic on aluminium
                                                                                                                                                    360mm x 470mm

NEW TO THE KING’S COLLEGE ART                      making at the New York Film Academy. He has
EXHIBITION THIS YEAR IS BONCO, PAUL                been involved in numerous group and solo
NATHAN’S ALTER EGO, CREATED WHILE                  exhibitions both in the USA and in New Zealand,
HE WAS COMPLETING HIS MASTERS OF                   and received awards for both photography and
FINE ARTS AT ELAM, UNIVERSITY OF                   painting.
AUCKLAND.                                          His current work is situated within the field of
Prior to completing his MFA, Bonco was a           geometric abstraction. He is interested in
photographer concentrating on portraits,           discovering the spiritual, through an
fashion, beauty, and advertising. His editorial    investigation of the modernist grid, and its
and personal work has been published and           variations. While appearing scientific,
featured in The Times magazine, Harpers Bazaar,    mathematical and modern, the grid’s mythical
New York magazine, Marie Claire, The Wall Street   power is that it acts as a symbolist window,
Journal, Grazia, New York Post and L’Officiel to   offering an opportunity to explore the universe.
name a few.                                        Bonco’s work is created to explore ideas around
Bonco has a degree in Art History and Art          a utopian world, Boncosmos. By using the grid
Theory from the University of Canterbury and       as a proxy for society and then subverting it, he
has studied at Sotheby’s in London and the         is searching for its unseen structure. His aim is to
International Centre of Photography in New         construct a truly dynamic yet harmonious
York, where he was awarded the Herbert             environment - a ‘good world’ as it were.
Keppler Scholarship. He also studied film
Juliet McArthur
                      Jamie Adamson                                       Coastlines
                      Unfolding                                           Oil paint on linen canvas
                      Steam bent cedar                                    1200mm x 450mm
                      970mm x 970mm x 150mm                               $1,350
                      $3,800                                                                                                  Mark Hill
                                                                                                                              Stainless steel and ceramics
                                                                                                                              1700mm x 1500mm x 1500mm
                                              Aaron Scythe                                                                    $7,500
                                              Yobitsugi style bowl dish
                                              Porcelain and stoneware
                                              60mm x 260mm x 260mm

                                                                                     Below: Mandy Joass
                                                                                     Pīwakawaka Whānau (fantail
                                                                                     Recycled aluminium
                                                                                     1000mm x 1000mm x 200mm

                                                                                                      Greg Tuthill
Artu Peatoo
                                                                                                      Nonagon Acorn
That Waffle is Hot!
                                                                                                      Mild steel and oak
Oil on canvas
                                                                                                      270mm x 270mm x 270mm
900mm x 1200mm
Left: Sam Poots
                                                            Marian Fountain                                                                     Falling Truly Deeper
                                                            Ecstasy Boat                                                                        Ink and gold leaf on
                                                            Mixed media on aluminium composite                                                  watercolour paper
                                                            239mm x 160mm x 200mm                                                               900mm x 700mm
                                                            $7,500                                                                              $3,250
                                                            Courtesy of Artis Gallery

                   Slim Aarons
                   Surfing Brothers
                   Archival matte photographic paper
                   1016mm x 1525mm

                                                                                                                     Graham Young
                                                                                                                     Forgotten Ohura
                                                                                                                     Oil on stretched canvas
                                                                                                                     750mm x 1200mm

                                                                                                                                 Right: Anna Jacobi
                                                                                                                                 The Surfer
                                                                                                                                 Wooden oar with decoupage
                                                                                                                                 2020mm x 110mm

Alexandra Weston                    Nicholas Pound
Common Thread 29                    Yoricka
Ink on perspex                      Oil paint on placemat                                        Left: Michelle Viskovich
1000mm x 1000mm                     300mm x 250mm                                                Clifton I, Hawke's Bay
$2,610                              $1,200                                                       Acrylic on tondo board
                                                                                                 800mm x 800mm
1                                                                                    2



 4                                                                                                                                                                                                    13


                                      5                                                         7


                                                                                                             8                                                                                                                                     15

1. Hydrangea and the Dahlia's by Margot Goodwin, $650. 2. Spring Song by Kristin Hyde, $385. 3. Orange Crush Skinny by Rae West,            9. Concrete Man Freestanding Clock by Jodie Hewitt, $35. 10. Kete Whakairo by Andrew Pendergrast, $180. 11. Floral Wreath by
$450. 4. Ceramic Coasters by Ema Frost, $45 set of 4. 5. Falling in Dreamtime (4 in series) by Margot Goodwin, $350 each. 6. Inner Spirit   Floralcentric, $550. 12. Concrete Hugs and Kiss Set by Jodie Hewitt, $20. 13. 9 Three by Three by Susan Hurrell-Fieldes, $720.
by Kate Hursthouse, $650. 7. Moth and Cherub by Pam Sparksman, $600. 8. Drinking Glasses by Keith Grinter, $46 each.                        14. Wire Fox Terrier ‘Truffle’ by Angela Croft, $515 15. Huia by Just Like You Aotearoa, $30.

Slim Aarons / The Edit Room Ltd represents            Bridget hopes to convey a sense of peace and            sees her process as an ongoing creative                 [A BOU T THE A RTIST]
photography from the late Slim Aarons. Slim           calm that creates a moment in time to ponder and        response to her travels. She is known for her
was an American photographer noted for                simply be.                                              expressive gestural abstraction, vivid colours          GRANT SHARMAN
photographing socialites, jet-setters and                                                                     and bold contrasts.
                                                      Andrew Barns-Graham / Andrew (School House,
celebrities. Slim never used a stylist or a makeup                                                                                                                    MNZM (Parnell 1975-79)
                                                      1980-84) has a BFA from Elam School of Fine Arts        John Blackburn / John is a critically acclaimed
artist. He made his career out of what he called
                                                      and has been a full-time artist for 20 years. He has    abstract artist who is known for his use of striking
photographing attractive people doing attractive
                                                      been a finalist in the Wallace Art Awards and in the    motifs and mixed media assemblages. During              AFTER BECOMING A TETRAPLEGIC AT THE AGE OF 15 FROM A
things in attractive places.
                                                      Adams Portraiture Award. Andrew has also been a         the early 1960s, having spent eight years in New        RUGBY ACCIDENT AT KING’S COLLEGE, GRANT HAS GONE ON
Richard Adams / Richard paints when he is             King’s College Artist-in-Residence twice.               Zealand, John was arguably one of the most
not playing the jazz violin for Nairobi Trio. He                                                                                                                      TO LEAD A FULL LIFE ON BOTH THE SPORTING FIELD AND IN
                                                      Kay Bazzard / Kay's ceramic practice focuses on         radical painters working in Auckland at the time.
is a contemporary abstract artist. He draws his                                                               He returned to the UK to pursue a business venture      THE ART DOMAIN.
                                                      the human figure and through it she explores the
inspiration from nature: from colours, textures,                                                              and it was after an absence of 26 years, that
                                                      human psyche as expressed in gesture, expression                                                                On the sporting stage he has represented New Zealand in wheelchair
shapes and surfaces. Richard has been painting for                                                            John was re-launched back into the London art
                                                      and movement drawing on her experience
over 40 years and his work is collected throughout                                                            world with a full-scale retrospective in 2006. This     rugby at two Paralympics; winning bronze in Atlanta 1996 and Sydney
                                                      and observation. Her work is in galleries and
New Zealand as well as internationally.                                                                       was followed by an exhibition at the prestigious
                                                      private collections in Aotearoa, Europe, the USA                                                                2000, and then went on to coach the Wheelblacks to win gold at the
Jamie Adamson / For Jamie, wood is a natural          and Australia.                                          Osborne Samuel Gallery in Mayfair, London, where
                                                                                                              he continues to exhibit today. John currently lives     Paralympics in Athens 2004.
pleasure to work with. As he works, the process
comes from an instinctual space. He enjoys the        Tori Beeche / Tori’s painting practice seeks to         in the UK and held his first solo exhibition at ARTIS
                                                      reference both personal and shared histories                                                                    Retiring from wheelchair rugby he returned to competitive sport and
physicality of the forms he creates, emulating                                                                Gallery in 2009, courtesy of the Harvey family of
natural shapes, flowing lines and working with the    capturing notions of style that refer to another        Parnell, offering him accommodation and a studio        competed in Shooting Para, representing New Zealand in a number of
organic nature of the material.                       time. She explores notions of ‘restorative’ and         at Muriwai in 2008. John has exhibited every year       world cups.
                                                      ‘reflective’ nostalgia; extracting poetic moments       since, with ARTIS Gallery, and his latest exhibition
Azita Agnew / Azita is a photographer based in        from historical archives and encoding them with a       (in February 2021) Extended Stay, reflected on his
Auckland. Azita was granted special permission        subjective reality to create an aesthetic encounter.                                                                                                                                                                                          Grant Sharman
                                                                                                              forced hiatus in New Zealand last year, due to the
to photograph Mt Eden Prison while she and her
husband were shooting their documentary for           Karl Bishop / After 30 years as an engineer, it         COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                                                                                                    Morris 8
TVNZ on runaway kids in Auckland. Two of these        was time for Karl to change direction. He is still      Deborah Body / Deborah’s work considers                                                                                                                                               Acrylic on board
photos are presented for this year’s King’s College   working with metal, which he loves, but in a far        aspects of the human condition, relating to                                                                                                                                           300mm x 400mm
Art Exhibition.                                       more creative way! His love of the outdoors             melancholy, temporality, transience, absence and
                                                      and New Zealand is reflected in his work; he can                                                                                                                                                                                              $828
Susan Badcock / Since graduating with a                                                                       degeneration. Deborah works in oils describing
                                                      honestly say that he loves what he does!                figures that are leaving the present, becoming
Bachelor of Fine Arts (photography major) and                                                                                                                                                                                               As an artist Grant is an internationally recognised mouth painter and a
a Diploma of Teaching, Susan has opened her           Hélène Bizouerne / Auckland-based Hélène                amorphous and ill-defined. Currently studying at
own studio/gallery, managed an artist residency       graduated from Central St Martins and moved to          Browne School of Art, Deborah has exhibited at                                                                                member of the the Association of Mouth & Foot Painting Artists (MFPA)
programme, worked as a photographic technician,       New York where she worked in the fashion industry.      BSA, Railway Street and Silver Space.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            based in Europe. He was first introduced in 1980 to well-known mouth
a photography assistant and a photographic tutor.     Unfulfilled, she started painting professionally 13     Renée Boyd / Renée hand casts her vases and
She lives in Geraldine.                               years ago. Her work focuses on abstract portraiture                                                                                                                                   painter Bruce Hopkins who suggested he give it a go. His first six attempts
                                                                                                              applies glazes which she has designed. She uses
                                                      where gender, sexual identity and ethnicity are         the simplicity of the monochromatic glaze palette                                                                             were rejected by the MFPA but in 1988 his art was accepted and he was
Stephen Bailey / Stephen undertook a course           questioned and explored.
in art and design in the north of England, from                                                               mixed with hand-drawn dash and dot markings.                                                                                  made a full member of the association, giving him financial independence
there he went on to gain a degree in ceramics at      Kirsty Black / Kirsty is a full-time abstract artist    As a recent finalist in the Portage Ceramic Awards,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and a greater quality of life. Since then he has travelled internationally to
the University of Sunderland. Since moving to New     working from her studio in Maraetai, Auckland. For      Renée’s work is gaining attention nationally.
Zealand in 2005, he has developed his ceramics        Kirsty storytelling is a family tradition - it brings                                                                                                                                 many parts of the world, made great friendships and was elected on to the
                                                                                                              Emma Brewis / BAYA is the brainchild of Emma
practice from his studio in Auckland where he         people together and creates a sense of belonging.       Brewis, a charity she created in 2014 while living in                                                                         International Board - the pinnacle of his artistic career.
continues to explore texture and form, both           She sees painting as an extension of this tradition,    South East Asia. Compelled to act after watching
informed by travel and the remembrance of place.      a medium where imagination has free rein, both in       the documentary The Cove about the barbaric             > GRANT SHARMAN                                                       We are very honoured to be able to exhibit Grant’s work at the King’s
                                                      the creation and interpretation of the work.
Bridget Baker / Bridget pursues dualities,                                                                    capture of dolphins in Japan every year, she                                                                                  College Art Exhibition.
achieving stillness of the mind whilst                Janine Blackburn / Janine is an artist                  designed high quality, ethically made bracelets
simultaneously embracing the flourish of creativity   participating in the Browne School of Art’s Visual      to create awareness and raise money for those
that arises from the unpredictability of the          Arts Mentoring Programme. Inspired by urban             helping to release dolphins back into the wild
materials. Through the simplicity of these pieces,    bush, local beaches and nature reserves, Blackburn      where they belong.
Katie Brown Glass / According to Katie the               porcelain piece is fired three times and will be in     Angela Croft / Doggieology Art Ltd is Angela
                                                                    nature of working with molten glass has enabled          the kiln for a period of just over one week until it    Croft's company that has been created from her
                                                                    her to capture fluid moments of patterns and lines       is finished.                                            love of all things canine. She has lifted her skillset
                                                                    within her desired forms. The challenge, she finds,                                                              in graphic design to create these wonderfully
                                                                                                                             Peter Collis / Well-known New Zealand potter,
                                                                    is to learn a technique and change it into her own                                                               evocative printed artworks presented in archival
                                                                                                                             Peter has had three successful exhibitions since he
                                                                    creation. She says there’s something medieval                                                                    inks on cotton rag paper. Working from her studio
                                                                                                                             returned from an eight-month stay in Los Angeles
                                                                    about the process - it’s dangerous, rewarding,                                                                   in the Far North Angela also creates bespoke
                                                                                                                             California. He was there to support his wife, actor
                                                                    addictive, and extremely difficult. She loves how it                                                             portraits in both traditional drawing styles and her
                                                                                                                             Julie Collis, and they both decided to return to
                                                                    keeps her real. Some days she is on fire and others                                                              Doggieology style.
                                                                                                                             the security of New Zealand during the COVID-19
                                                                    she wonders if she will ever be satisfied.
                                                                                                                             pandemic. The opportunity to exhibit this new work      Glenys Cullimore / Glenys is an award-winning
                                                                    Desmond Burdon / After a top advertising                 has been the driving force for a burst of energy.       artist who holds a Diploma in Figurative Studies.
                                                                    photography career in London, Desmond moved              The perfect platform for him to be able to put into     She mainly works in oil and acrylics on canvas,
                                                                    to New Zealand in 2004 and headed in a new               practice the development of the wheel-thrown and        focussing on landscapes and figurative works. She
                                                                    direction. His new work uses a technique of              constructed form he is well known for, and further      uses personal references to capture local colour
                                                                    layering photographs with texture and graphics           them as vehicles for his exploration.                   and dramatic compositions. Her painting essence
                                                                    and has now developed to include his own painted                                                                 is attained with loose brush strokes and enhanced
                                                                    and hand-illustrated images as part of the process,
                                                                                                                             David Corson / As a full-time farmer, and with no       colours. Glenys is influenced by Post Impressionists
                                                                                                                             formal artistic training, David (Selwyn, 1976-80)
                                                                    with virtually no photographic content, still layering                                                           and Fauvists with their vibrant colours and strong
                                                                    all the personally created elements together to          paints in his spare time with a focus on equine and     shapes. She has exhibited in solo and group shows
                                                                    produce his own archival prints from his studio          wildlife subjects. He has a particular interest in      in New Zealand, Australia and the USA.
                                                                    in Titirangi. These new creative images are a final      capturing the sport of polo.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Cathy Davies / Cathy is an award-winning
                                                                    ambition to make his own personal statement,             Jason Courtis / roOm is the talent of                   expressionist artist. Enchanted and intrigued by
                                                                    each image is unique and a cumulation of 50+             photographer, Jason Courtis. He loves the               the human face, the character and the subtle
                                                                    years of endeavour.                                      anonymity that photography brings. He wants             differences that make us unique, as well as the
                                                                    David Carson / David is an artist from the Tasman        people to focus on the image, not the artist. He        commonalities that make us so similar, she tries
                                                                    district. He likes to explore processes and material     loves the personal vision of photography; his           to capture that magical moment, that one simple
                                                                    often with what is close to hand. These works are        eye sees differently from the audience and the          gesture, expression, or emotion, that touches,
                                                                    moulded from waffle cones combined with wax              audience sees differently to his. roOm captures         moves and fascinates the viewer.
                                                                    then ceramic shelled and cast in bronze. Each work       solitude and isolation in his images, seeking remote
                                                                                                                             locations to photograph in low light.                   Marina de Wit / Fine Art Floral Photography is
                                                                    is slightly different as a result of the process of
                                                                                                                                                                                     the creation of South African born, Auckland-based
                                                                    applying wax to the cone.                                Karen Covic / Karen attended London’s Slade             Marina de Wit, a fine art botanical photographer.
                                                                    Cathy Carter / Cathy (MVA Hons, AUT) is a six-           School of Art and has been serious about painting       Marina uses natural light, texture, and softly
                                                                    time finalist in the Wallace Art Awards including the    ever since. Karen also attended BSA for four years.     muted colours to create her ethereal photographs
                                                                    People’s Choice Award 2019, a three-time finalist        Her work is gestural, expressive, confronting and       of flowers. Reminiscent of the classical works of
                                                                    in Australia’s HeadOn Prize, a four-time finalist in     colourful. Her themes are emotional landscapes;         the Old Masters, Marina’s beautiful floral images
                                                                    the Walker & Hall Waiheke Art Award, a two-time          abstract as narrative; our personal stories. Drawing    provide a welcome sense of nostalgia. Marina’s
                                                                    finalist in the Parkin Drawing Prize and for the first   on myriad sources she approaches each canvas as         artwork was selected for the juried exhibition at the
                                                                    time this year a finalist in the 3D Molly Morpeth        an arena in which to act these things out.              Royal Horticultural Society’s annual Botanical Art
                                                                    Awards. Cathy’s work has been exhibited across           Kyla Covic / Kyla explores the relationship             Show in London, July 2019, where she received a
                                                                    New Zealand and extensively overseas. It is held in      between colour and light. How light shines brighter     silver medal.
                                                                    public, private and corporate collections including      when darkness is present. Kyla is interested in how     Helen Dean / Helen creates multi-layered abstract
                                                                    the Wallace Arts Trust and the Parliamentary             a halo of colour often appears around a very bright
Above left: Hazel Foot                                                                                                                                                               paintings that combine playful, organic shapes and
                         Above right: Desmond Burdon                Collection. Cathy is represented in Auckland by          source of light. Observing how purple fringing and      harmonious colours. She obtained her Bachelors
Awakened                 Agave Cactus                               Föenander Galleries, Mt Eden.                            chromatic aberrations occur when facing into the        of Fine Art in the UK but has lived in Auckland
Acrylic on canvas        Fine art cotton rag and museum grade ink   Trish Clarke / Trish is a Whangārei-based                light, causing edges to shift in colour. The dramatic   since 2003. Helen's work is available through
1015mm x 760mm           1189mm x 841mm                             artist who is a regular contributor to major New         light and atmospheric effects found in New Zealand      selected galleries as well as direct from her
$1,500                                                              Zealand outdoor sculpture shows. Trish has been          are something Kyla feels compelled to paint. The        Titirangi art studio.
                         $3,600                                                                                              ever changing sky and sea are Kyla's inspiration to
                                                                    working on a large public sculpture in Whangarei
                                                                                                                                                                                     Philina den Dulk / Philina is a full-time artist and
                                                                    which houses a Camera Obscura, and opened in             observe dramatic changes in patterns of colour and
                                                                                                                                                                                     owner-operator of Art On Tyne in Oamaru. She
                                          Right: Jo Richards        November 2020.                                           light, bringing about a sense of peace and stillness.
                                                                                                                                                                                     loves to work with various textures while exploring
                                          Released II               Dawn Clayden / Auckland-based ceramicist                 Mark Cowden / Mark is a Dunedin-based artist            the use of visual language. Philina believes that
                                          Ceramic                   Dawn specialises in one-off pieces and small             whose works belong to the genre of kinetic              memories from the past or present are all influential
                                                                    production runs. Dawn’s current body of work runs        and optical art. Mark is mostly known for his           and inspirational and are a story she wants to
                                          120mm x 380mm x 110mm
                                                                    with themes of the romantic and whimsical, which         “multiplanes” which present a different image           tell. Her Platefuls series takes vintage crockery
                                                                    include vases adorned with cascading flowers             depending on the angle from which they                  and adds modern images, invokes nostalgia and
                                                                    with additions of gold and platinum lustre. Each         are viewed.                                             breathes freshness into beautiful ceramics. She
loves that her creations create memories and            Olivier Duhamel / Born in France, a New                   and pleased her the most. It's big work and totally
invoke conversations.                                   Zealander since 1987, Olivier is an established           unique. This isn't taught, it morphed from humble
                                                        sculptor, a prolific artist and a regular exhibitor who   beginnings, led by her intuition and a gift, handed
Flox Design Studio / As an aerosol and stencil
                                                        has acquired a masterful command of the figurative        down from her Dutch grandfather. Annemieke
artist with a fine art degree, Flox has been
                                                        form. His bronze figurines and laminated sculptures       puts her heart and soul into every placement in
making her mark on the inner cityscape of                                                                         every artwork, so much so that sometimes they feel
                                                        have won awards and are held in many private and
Auckland since 2003.                                                                                              like an extension of herself. Apart from glass and
                                                        public collections.
Ekaterina Dimieva / Ekaterina is an abstract                                                                      pounamu, she sources everything herself. Every
                                                        Nick Duval-Smith / Nick was born and educated
artist based in Auckland. Her painting practice                                                                   artwork starts with hunting and gathering in nature
                                                        in Ōtepoti, Dunedin. He studied at the Otago
explores complexity, multiplicity and pattern.                                                                    - her happy place.
                                                        Polytechnic School of Fine Arts from 1988 to
Ekaterina received an MFA from Elam School of           1990, and again in 2007 and 2008, majoring in             Fatu Feu'u / Fatu is an internationally
Fine Arts in 2020.                                      sculpture and jewellery. He now lives in Motueka,         recognised Samoan-New Zealand artist. He has
Mark Dimock / Mark is a full-time painter               and his studio is at Frost and Fire, the gallery and      been pivotal in shaping interest in contemporary
and sculptor. He has been exhibiting since 1975         workspace started by Darryl Frost in Tasman. Nick's       Pacific art globally and nurturing a generation
and has had over 25 solo shows in that time.            creative practice searches for a meeting point            of Pacific artists. He is represented by ARTIS
                                                        between his love for natural form and for simplicity.     Gallery, Auckland.
Experimentation with images and materials is
important to his work. Mark lives and works in          He aims to make things that people can attach             Melanie Field / Melanie's work is heavily
Eketāhuna, Wairarapa where he has a gallery.            meaning to, and make their own stories with.              influenced by nature and the mystical. Underlying
                                                        He particularly enjoys creating art people can            elements of the natural world - pattern, rhythm,
Neil Donaldson / Neil is a retired engineer. As         play with.                                                sacred geometry, cyclical phases e.g. birth, death,
a young man, he spent all his spare time making                                                                   rebirth and relationships are some of her principle
things out of steel. He has spent his life working
                                                        Lang Ea / Lang is a multi-media artist who has
                                                        developed a layered art practice expressing with          areas of interest. Melanie paints completely
with steel and in his spare time enjoys the challenge                                                             intuitively, not having an endpoint in sight instead,
                                                        paint, sculpture, and installation, has been a finalist
of making art that stands out and is different.                                                                   the painting 'arrives' at completion through the
                                                        in numerous national and international awards,
Richard Douglas / Richard is a New Zealand              and was selected to attend several international          process. The feeling or sensory experiences in life                                   Above: Stephen Bailey
photographer. He was born and raised in Tāmaki          artists residencies. Artworks have been exhibited         are what informs her work as Melanie is attracted                                     Vessel 03
Makaurau where he has spent most of his adult life.     locally and internationally and held in public and        to the unseen, the ‘underneath', the hidden realms,                                   Stoneware ceramic
He has a great love for the New Zealand landscape       private collections.                                      what we don’t see, but what we sense. We all know
                                                                                                                                                                                                        255mm x 125mm x 125mm
and its history. All proceeds from the sale of prints                                                             how something ‘looks’ but how does it ‘feel?’.
                                                        Adele Eagleson / Adele loves to paint the                                                                                                       $395
go to The Waterloo Foundation NZ, a charitable          landscape and its relationship with sea and sky.          Helen Fletcher / Helen has been painting since
trust established to support education                  Where a painting ends up is not always intentional,       2010 and is studying at Browne School of Art,
in medicine and the health sciences at The              but what is intentional is capturing or suggesting        Auckland. Her work focuses on landscape, using
University of Auckland. Richard Douglas is an           a memory of a place in our subconscious. Adele’s          colour to invite a fresh look at a familiar scene and      Above: Tori Beeche
academic ENT surgeon.                                   works explore abstract seas with landforms derived        to portray her feelings. She is influenced by New          Finse
                                                        mostly from her imagination but inspired by the           Zealand artists Old Collegian Don Binney (Peart,           Oil on canvas
Rachel Downey / The work of this contemporary                                                                     1953-57) and Rita Angus, and American artist
mixed media artist goes beyond aesthetics.              beauty of New Zealand. She enjoys playing with                                                                       600mm x 755mm
                                                        layers, building up, parring back, scraping and           Milton Avery.
Following an accident in 2012 that resulted in nerve                                                                                                                         $1,900
damage, chronic pain and her inability to work in       excavating parts to reveal colours underneath, then       Hazel Foot / Hazel’s acrylic on canvas paintings
her business, Rachel now uses art as a therapeutic      repainting.                                               are expressionist landscapes, suspended between
                                                                                                                  reality and illusion, providing a catalyst for recalling
process for expressing and exploring her emotions.      Lucy Eglington / Lucy originates from the UK but                                                                     Far right: Jemma Ennis
                                                                                                                  personal experiences. The fragility of nature and
“I express my feelings through imagery and work         trained in New Zealand. Lucy has works in private
                                                                                                                  the importance of conservation are key concepts.           Blooming Marvellous
out my ongoing frustrations living with physical        collections in New Zealand and internationally.
                                                                                                                  She sites her inspiration as being the New Zealand         Acrylic flashe on canvas
pain, depression and anxiety” she says. The             Working mainly in oils, Lucy enjoys portrait work
                                                                                                                  landscape. Hazel studied art at Browne School of           600mm x 600mm
energy and tempo of music affect her process as         and is happy to work on commission.
                                                                                                                  Art, Auckland.                                             $1,200
she works. Automatic, sweeping gestural marks           Jemma Ennis / Jemma is one of six artists based
vigorously applied to her chosen substrate are                                                                    Marian Fountain / Marian was introduced to
                                                        in Studio 6, an artist’s space on Queen Street
followed by a layered, additive and subtractive                                                                   the bronze casting technique while studying
                                                        in Auckland. Her work has been purchased by
process to resolve her work.                                                                                      at Elam School of Fine Arts. She now lives and             Right: Sally Smith
                                                        collectors from New Zealand, overseas and by
                                                                                                                  works in Paris. Marian uses the female form, plant
Wilhelmiina Drummond / Wilhelmiina is                   the Wallace Arts Trust. Her latest series of works                                                                   Kawakawa
                                                                                                                  life and the animal kingdom, often in states of
predominantly a self-taught ceramic artist based        explores fragmentation – the breaking up and                                                                         Copper
                                                                                                                  metamorphosis, to explore themes of fertility,
in Hamilton. Born and raised in Finland, she            putting back together of an image.                                                                                   700mm x 700mm x 50mm
                                                                                                                  womanhood, conflict, change and growth. She
settled in New Zealand in 2011. She favours the         Annemieke Farmilo / Annemieke is a self-                  has exhibited at the British Museum, The National          $1,800
ancient Japanese raku firing method due to its          taught applied artist. Her work developed from            Gallery of Scotland, the Museo Archeologico of
characteristic unpredictability and the soft and        picture framing. After many years of working on           Milan, York Museum, Auckland War Memorial
calm results that rise from the flames and smoke.       many different art forms, this work challenged            Museum and the French Mint. She exhibits
regularly in Europe and has kept a continuous            detail. She uses photography and mixed media           Keith Grinter / Keith runs the Grinter Glass studio      experiences both in New Zealand and the UK
                           presence in the New Zealand art world. She is            to ‘illustrate’ her visions, often utilising new-age   in Whangārei. His artworks include painted and           they bring a style that is fresh and contemporary,
                           represented by ARTIS Gallery, Auckland.                  digital technology intermixed with traditional         blown glass as well as painting and sculpture. His       inspired by all that nature offers.
                           Chas Foxall / Chas has been an art teacher and           methods to create works of art that are detailed,      fascination with modernist painting has provided         Jodie Hewitt / Jodie's enterprise, Say It With
                           Head of Faculty and Art at both secondary and            uplifting and inspiring. Lucy has been an artist in    inspiration for his glasswork. He uses the glass         Concrete, offers a range of handcrafted concrete
                           tertiary levels, specialising in photography, painting   residence at Studio One Toi Tū, Ponsonby and is a      shard pick-up technique and mixtures of coloured         products. She has a passion for designing and
                           and design. He recently retired as Head of Visual        professional photographer and Fellow Member            frits to create the unique patterns in his glasswork.    creating new products made from concrete for the
                           Art at King’s College. His passion lies with the         of the NZIPP.                                          His artworks are often based on blind contour            home and garden.
                           outer islands of the Hauraki Gulf and beyond, the                                                               drawings made while walking. This is a technique
                                                                                    Robyn Gavaghan / Robyn's discrete works
                           mountains of Aotearoa and their spiritual link to the                                                           that he developed whilst studying for his Master's
                                                                                    are made in response to our current times.
                           tangata whenua. His work is in several collections                                                              degree as a means to investigate the everyday.
                                                                                    Over a period of uncertainty, they are sited on
                           in Aotearoa including the Wallace Arts Trust             an imaginary platform. Painted in an implied           Peter Hackett / Peter (St John's, 1975-78)
                           collection. Chas is a surfer and sailor and travels      framework suggesting 'bubbles' as we have come         believes being a painter does not depend on a
                           extensively collecting resources for his work.                                                                                                                                                       Kay Bazzard
                                                                                    to know during COVID-19 lockdowns. A more              talent born or acquired. Being a painter depends on
                                                                                                                                           a willingness to work in the face of uncertainty, to                                 Hamlet
                           Ema Frost / Ema has been captivating her fans            organic pleasure and freedom is experienced
                           with her unique style. Her bright colours give life      following environmental liberation that becomes        make a career of doing something there may be no                                     Red sculpture clay
                           to beautiful images, the inspiration of which comes      fluid animated, colourful sequences.                   reward or recognition for.                                                           410mm x 130mm
                           from her fascination and deep respect for the                                                                   Matthew Hall / Matthew is a classically trained                                      $850
                                                                                    Wanda Gillespie / Wanda is a mystical
                           mystery and magic found in Māori and Japanese                                                                   New Zealand glassblower working with the medium
                                                                                    archaeologist creating sculptural artefacts from
                           folklore. The often delicate and always delightful                                                              for over 20 years. As well as producing his own
                                                                                    realms on the periphery of reality. Employing a
                           characters she creates are the perfect marriage of                                                              work he works under contract for Lukeke Design -
                                                                                    range of mediums to realise her concepts, Wanda
                           these mythical cultures. Part of the charm of her                                                               an Auckland based glass design company gaffing
                                                                                    is mostly known for her finely detailed wood-
                           work is in the little idiosyncrasies that can be found                                                          production and technically assisting Luke Jacomb.
                                                                                    carved figures and abacus sculptures. By using
                           only upon closer inspection of her images. Look                                                                 Over the last 20 years, Matt has been lucky enough
                                                                                    traditional craft techniques in contemporary ways,
                           carefully and you’ll see little characters peeking                                                              to work with, technically assist and collaborate with
                                                                                    she attempts to challenge historical ideas of the
                           out from unsuspecting places and the omniscient                                                                 many New Zealand artists and leading international
                           Tiki watermark that protects all life in the world of    artefact. She completed her BFA at Elam School
                                                                                    of Fine Arts in 2003 and MFA at Victorian College      glass blowers. Working with Gaffer Glass producing
                           her imagination.
                                                                                    of the Arts, Melbourne in 2009. Wanda has an           colour rods to travelling to the Czech Republic or
                           Helen Frost / Sculpting and handcrafting original        extensive exhibition history and has been the          Muran, Italy, to attend a workshop he immersed
                           and unique pieces from her studio in Waihi, Bay          recipient of many awards.                              himself in the world of glass.
                           of Plenty, Helen is living her dream. Helen spent
                                                                                    Eliza Glyn / Eliza is a New Zealand-based artist.      Guy Harkness / Guy is an Auckland artist,
                           her childhood in the lush grass hills of Waikato’s
                                                                                    Born in Dorset UK, she graduated from Bennington       living and working in Mount Eden. Working
                           beautiful Ngutunui where she was immersed in
                                                                                    College, Vermont USA with a Bachelor of Arts. Eliza    mostly in oil on canvas, his paintings include local
Top left: Mandy Gargiulo   colours and textures. Awarded Lewis’ of Cambridge
                                                                                    came to New Zealand in 2008 and lives in Dunedin       landscapes and the occasional still life, portrait and
                           Emerging Artist Award 2005, Helen’s work adorns
Wave Vessel                                                                         with her family. She paints primarily in oils on       abstract pieces.
                           homes all over the world.
Porcelain                                                                           canvas and hardwood.                                   Brendon & Jane Harley / Grounded Art NZ is the
130mm x 120mm x 120mm      Deborah Fuller / Deborah has been a full-
                           time artisan since 2000. By combining a love of          Margot Goodwin / Margot has been painting for          company Brendon and Jane from Nelson created.
$550                                                                                the last 15 years using both acrylic and oil paint.    They are passionate Kiwi gardeners with a creative
                           photography and painting, she explores where
                           the camera becomes the paintbrush. Capturing             While she tends towards realism, she enjoys giving     eye and flair for all things metal. Grounded Art NZ
Top right: Guy Harkness    moments of light, shadow and texture images              it a contemporary feel. She loves feeling passionate   reflects their shared love of art and landscaping -
                           merge into landscapes of turquoise blue and              about an image and making it come to life.             and keeps this husband and wife duo busy creating
                           burnt umber. Dwellings, vacant chairs and objects                                                               unique metal art and sculpture for New Zealand
Oil on canvas                                                                       Belinda Griffiths / Belinda is a conceptual            homes and gardens.
                           narrate a story. Calm and stillness appear with an
1000mm x 750mm                                                                      figurative artist based in Auckland. Working
                           underlying tone of ambiguity leaving the viewer to                                                              Mette Hay / Mette’s creative practice is centred in
$1,250                                                                              within the disciplines of painting and printmaking,
                           impart their own meaning.                                                                                       a strong belief that when the boundaries between
                                                                                    her art explores the expressive potential of the
                           Mandy Gargiulo / Mandy is a Nelson artist                gestural mark. Belinda was the recipient of the        art and science are effaced, the potential for
                           working exclusively in porcelain. She draws              Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Award in 2010 and The        magic occurs. With nature’s orchestra as her
Left: Filipe Tohi          inspiration from the shapes and textures of nature.      Estuary Artwork Award in 2013. She has been a          muse and materiality as her guide, Mette makes
Untitled                   Flowers, leaves and the sea are strong influences.       finalist in the Wallace Art Awards, the New Zealand    the invisible … visible.
Ink on canvas              Pieces are either crisp and unglazed or juxtaposed       Painting and Printmaking Award and the Adam            Ainsley Henry / Floralcentric is a collaboration of
                           with a soft, smooth, glazed interior.                    Portraiture Award. Her work is held in                 work by Michele Coomey and Ainsley Henry and is
860mm x 570mm
                           Lucy Gauntlett / Formerly an architect, Lucy is          public and private collections both in New             a creative floral design studio located in Auckland,
                           an interdisciplinary artist pursuing photography,        Zealand and overseas. Belinda is represented by        offering floral creations for weddings, events and
                           design and art. With both professions, the               Föenander Galleries in Auckland and Solander           special occasions as well as flowers for your home
                           fundamentals lie with composition, colour and            Gallery in Wellington.                                 or workplace. Along with some amazing floral
Mark Hill / Mark is a New Zealand sculpture                work. She has exhibited in several galleries within      Aaron Kereopa / Aaron is a self-taught artist.
artist. From his studio in Arrowtown, he creates           New Zealand and major public exhibitions and her         His journey carving up-cycled surfboards began
forged and welded corten and stainless steel               work can be found in homes worldwide.                    over 20 years ago. His work fuses traditional
works, typically on a large scale. Mark’s sculpture                                                                 carving ideas with a contemporary art practice,
                                                           Mandy Joass / Since graduating with a BFA
themes are based on organic natural forms, with a                                                                   with his storytelling depicted through his personal
                                                           from Ilam in 2015 Mandy has been part of 30
distinctive New Zealand flavour. Mark has had                                                                       life experiences. He is currently represented in
two major solo exhibitions, and his numerous               exhibitions including 'Waiheke Sculpture on the
                                                                                                                    the Netherlands.
public and private works are displayed throughout          Gulf ' 2019. Of Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Takoto, Te Pātū
New Zealand and exported to the USA, Australia             and European whakapapa, Joass's connection with          Kim Kobialko / Studio Reset's work is a result of
and Germany.                                               precious ancestral knowledge is expressed                combining three passions/professions to create
                                                           through raranga (weaving), celebrating joyful            a full circle in creative processes; beekeeping,
Runa and Holly / Collaborating artistic duo                diversity sustainably.                                   photography and encaustic art. Starting with a
Runa Kristjonsdottir Kuru, originally from Iceland                                                                  found substrate, usually an old tray or wooden
and Holly Tong a New Zealander, both based in              Anna Jacobi / Anna paints old wooden nautical
                                                                                                                    platter and assembling imagery, layering portions
Gisborne, combine floristry and photography.               oars using a mix of paint and decoupage. This
                                                                                                                    of photographs with Indian ink, carbon and
Inspired by the floral paintings of the Dutch greats       has evolved from her love for sailing, nature and
                                                                                                                    pigments, and building up the layers between many
during the 15th and 16th centuries, their painterly feel   practical art. She enjoys the use of design, colour,     fine sheets of beeswax. Creating nature-inspired
photographic works are conscious of space and the          interesting textures and space on old wooden oars        landscape compositions with depth, translucency
balance between light and dark. Illumination as            incorporating a nautical and unique look. The oars       and environmental meaning, the process is very
well as the edge of darkness are present but               can be hung both indoors and outdoors by the             much an organic one; supporting sustainability in
contained. Their images celebrate the peak of              nautical rope attached.                                  the art practice by the materials used.
beauty before the inevitable deterioration and
death of a cut flower.                                     Gaye Jurisich / Gaye works in various mediums            Anna Korver / Anna is a New Zealander working
                                                           exploring memory and circumstance of life,               nationally and internationally on exhibition work
Bruce Hunt / Bruce’s depictions of the New                 enjoying the connections between mediums. Gaye           with private and public commissions. She has been
Zealand landscape have the immediate hallmarks             teaches expressive drawing and painting.
of topographical accuracy while also evoking                                                                        a full-time professional sculptor since completing a
the unmistakable essential moods, atmospheres              Nejat Kavvas / Nejat has been practising as a            BFA in sculpture from the University of Canterbury
and interlocking structures which make it so               professional artist for over a decade from his studio    in 2003. She has been selected in the Wallace Art
extraordinary and distinctive. Bruce has been a            in the Wairau Valley, Auckland. Nejat says, “Artists     Awards twice, invited to exhibit work in many large
full-time artist since 1983 and has been exhibited         are storytellers of their time and of their society.     scale outdoor sculpture exhibitions, including Brick
extensively throughout New Zealand. As a studio            Their language is their lifelong experience shown        Bay Sculpture Trail and Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden,
painter, he travels widely in pursuit of visual            by the materials they use. I use different mediums       and has attended more than 60 national and
information but is drawn back again and again              like bronze, glass, stone and plastics to tell my        international sculpture symposiums. Anna’s works
to those few special locations that are the vital          story. It is a limitless joy to create artworks with a   are feminine in their identity and perspective,
inspiration to his work. He presently resides in           personality that transmit sensations with elements       inviting intimacy and personal connection.
Dunedin within reach of the hinterland that has            of fiction or fantasy. My art is me.” His work has       Tatyana Kulida / Tatyana is a Wellington-based
been the focus of his work for nearly three decades.       been exhibited in New Zealand.                           artist with paintings in museums and private
Susan Hurrell-Fieldes / Susan is a full-time artist.       Joseph Kelly / Joseph has been a photographer            collections in the USA, Europe and Australasia.
Her education and inspiration come from New York           for the past seven years focusing on landscapes          Having studied and taught classical painting at
where she works and studies every year. She has            in both urban and natural environments. He is            Italy's Florence Academy of Art she now passes          Above: Keith Grinter              Above: Richard Thurston   Above: Belinda Griffiths
exhibited widely in New Zealand and overseas. She          currently studying Industrial Design at RMIT             on Old Masters’ traditions at her Anthesis Atelier,
                                                                                                                                                                            Cylindrical Shard Vase - Orange   Superman                  Closer
works with printmaking and painting mediums.                                                                        teaching classical method, and painting work from
                                                           University in Melbourne, Australia. Joseph is an Old                                                             Free-blown glass                  Hahnemühle Photo Rag      Mixed media on board
Kate Hursthouse / Kate is a New Zealand-based              Collegian (Averill, 2013-17).                            life, in natural light, specialising in portraits and
                                                                                                                    still life.                                             360mm x 150mm x 150mm             840mm x 594 mm            1000mm x 750mm
abstract artist and mother who helps women find
                                                           Philip Kelly / Philip has an MFA with First Class                                                                $420                              $1,200                    $4,200
their inner joy and calm through colour. Her vibrant                                                                John Lancashire / John is a contemporary New
                                                           Honours from Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland
abstract artworks explore the idea of contained                                                                     Zealand painter living in Hawke’s Bay. Working in
                                                           University and a Diploma in Visual Communication
chaos, pushing the limits with colour, pattern                                                                      fine oils on canvas, he specialises in expressionist
and abstract marks, reflecting the feelings and            Design from Wellington Polytechnic School of
                                                                                                                    works imbued with character. John’s work can be
emotions that live within us.                              Design. His work focuses on the relationship
                                                                                                                    found in private collections in New Zealand and
                                                           between sound and image.
Kristin Hyde / Kristin is a full-time Auckland                                                                      Australia. He was born in England and emigrated
mixed media and resin artist who enjoys working in         Brett Keno / Brett Tutauanui Keno is a                   to Sydney as a child. Now living in New Zealand, he
various mediums. A passionate creative who also            Wellington-based sculptor. Brett is whakapapa            has gathered a strong following for his distinctive
enjoys silversmithing, creating original art jewellery,    to Ngaiterangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāi Tahu.            style and painterly approach to his chosen
she describes herself as an intuitive painter, and her     His inspiration comes from the natural world,            subject. He was a finalist in the 2015 and 2019
genre can be anything from whimsical to abstract.          and through his Māori heritage. Traditional              Molly Morpeth Painting Awards. John has been
Kristin has a passion for colour and texture and           or stylised Māori designs are incorporated               represented in the Muse Gallery since 2017 and the
finds it humbling to watch people connect with her         into Brett's sculptures.                                 Parnell Gallery since 2020.
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