Arsenic speciation in human hair: a new perspective for epidemiological assessment in chronic arsenicism

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                        Arsenic speciation in human hair: a new perspective for
                        epidemiological assessment in chronic arsenicism

                        Jorge Yáñez,*a Vladimir Fierro,a Hector Mansilla,b Leonardo Figueroa,c Lorena Cornejoc
                        and Ramon M. Barnesd

                          Department of Analytical & Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, University of
                          Concepción, Concepción, P.O. Box 160-C, Chile
                          Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, University of Concepción,
                          Concepción, P.O. Box 160-C, Chile
                          Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tarapacá, Arica, Chile
                          University Research Institute for Analytical Chemistry, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

                        Received 5th May 2005, Accepted 6th October 2005
                        First published as an Advance Article on the web 20th October 2005

                        The analysis for arsenic in hair is commonly used in epidemiological studies to assess exposure to this toxic
                        element. However, poor correlation between total arsenic concentration in hair and water sources have been
                        found in previous studies. Exclusive determination of endogenous arsenic in the hair, excluding external
                        contamination has become an analytical challenge. Arsenic speciation in hair appears as a new possibility for
                        analytical assessing in As-exposure studies. This study applied a relative simple method for arsenic speciation
                        in human hair based on water extraction and HPLC-HG-ICP-MS. The concentration of arsenic species in
                        human hair was assessed in chronically As(V)-exposed populations from two villages (Esquiña and Illapata)
                        of the Atacama Desert, Chile. The arsenic concentrations in drinking water are 0.075 and 1.25 mg L1,
                        respectively, where As(V) represented between 92 and 99.5% of the total arsenic of the consumed waters. On
                        average, the total arsenic concentrations in hair from individuals of Esquiña and Illapata were 0.7 and 6.1 mg
                        g1, respectively. Four arsenic species, As(III), DMA(V), MMA(V) and As(V), were detected and quantified in
                        the hair extracts. Assuming the found species in extracts represent the species in hair, more than 98% of the
                        total arsenic in hair corresponded to inorganic As. On average, As(III) concentrations in hair were 0.25 and
                        3.75 mg g1 in Esquiña and Illapata, respectively; while, the As(V) average concentrations were 0.15 and 0.45
                        mg g1 in Esquiña and Illapata, respectively. Methylated species represent less than 2% of the extracted As
                        (DMA(V) þ MMA(V)) in both populations. As(III) in hair shows the best correlation with chronic exposure
                        to As(V) in comparison to other species and total arsenic. In fact, concentrations of As(total), As(III) and
                        As(V) in hair samples are correlated with the age of the exposed individuals from Illapata (R ¼ 0.65, 0.69,
                        0.57, respectively) and with the time of residence in this village (R ¼ 0.54, 0.71 and 0.58, respectively).

                        Introduction                                                         than 1 mg L1.3 This situation greatly surpasses World Health
                                                                                             Organization and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                        Arsenic is a toxic element for humans and is commonly                recommendations for As concentrations up to 10 mg L1,
                        associated with serious health disruptions. The principal man-       respectively.4–6
                        ifestations of arsenicism affecting health are melanosis, kera-          It is well known that the toxicity of arsenic is highly
                        tosis and different forms of cancer (skin, bladder, lung, liver       dependent on its chemical form. In fact, As(III) is more toxic
                        and prostate among others).1 The most common form of                 than As(V) and methylated compounds that contain trivalent
                        massive and chronic exposure is by consumption of contami-           arsenic are more cytotoxic and genotoxic than arsenite.1,7–9
                        nated drinking water. Bangladesh, India, Mongolia, China,            Other organic compounds of arsenic, such as arsenobetaine,
                        Taiwan, Mexico, Argentina and Chile are countries where              arsenocoline and arsenosugars, can be ingested by seafood and
                        arsenic poisoning appears as a public health problem resulting       seaweed consumption, although their toxicity is lower than
                        mainly from consumption of As-contaminated water.2                   found for inorganic species.1,10
                           The northern zone of Chile, and especially the Atacama               Exposed individuals transform, accumulate, and eliminate
                        Desert, has been described as an arsenic-rich environment.           the ingested arsenic. Inorganic arsenic can be transformed into
                        Minerals of metallic sulfides containing arsenic are dissolved in     organic arsenic, mainly to methylated species such as dimethyl-
                        the Andes Mountains, affecting superficial and ground waters           arsinate (DMA(V)) and monomethylarsenate (MMA(V)).
                        that cross the Atacama Desert and are used as drinking water         Around 60–75% of the inorganic arsenic ingested by a normal
                        sources. Since 1970, drinking water is specially treated to          individual is excreted in urine in a few days, principally as
                                                                                             DMA(V) (60–80%) and MMA(V) (10–15%).11 Also arseno-
DOI: 10.1039/b506313b

                        remove arsenic in all the large cities of the Atacama Region,
                        such as Antofagasta.2 However, the populations of several            sugars are metabolized by humans into DMA(V), and then
                        small rural villages remain exposed to arsenic in drinking           eliminated through the urine. This fact restricts the use of
                        water. The problem of chronic arsenicism affects around               DMA(V) as a bioindicator of inorganic arsenic exposure,
                        50 000 people, mainly in rural populations of the Atacama            especially in seafood- or seaweed-consuming individuals.10
                        Desert in northern Chile. The affected populations drink water        On the other hand, reduced methylated arsenical species
                        from small waterfalls and rivers with arsenic contents greater       (MMA(III) and DMA(III)) have been measured in urine. Since

                                                    This journal is & The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005      J. Environ. Monit., 2005, 7, 1335–1341              1335
these species present low stability even at low temperatures        arsenic species in human hair collected from As(V)-exposed
       (20 1C),12,13 changes in arsenic species composition during        populations living in the Atacama Desert, Chile and to explore
       the transportation and storage before analysis need to be           possible correlation between arsenic species concentration in
       considered in data interpretation. This is an important limita-     hair with the exposure time (age and time of residence in the
       tion of using As-speciation in urine for epidemiological studies    selected villages).
       especially when sampling takes place in remote areas.14,15 As a
       result, sample preservation requires special consideration in       Material and methods
       order to assure the reliability of speciation analysis in urine.
          Part of the ingested arsenic can be found in keratin-rich        Reagents
       tissues, such as hair and nails. Metal and non-metal elements,      All reagents were of analytical grade. Milli-Q water (Millipore,
       such as arsenic, are transported in the blood and included in       Bedford, MA) was used for all experiments. Standard stock
       the fiber. Alpha-keratine of human hair contains about               solutions of arsenic species, containing 1000 mg L1 of As, were
       10–14% of cysteine,16 offering abundant thiol groups for             prepared by dissolving an appropriate amount of the following
       reaction with As compounds. Due to the high affinity of arsenic       salts: NaAsO2 and Na2HAsO4  7H2O from Merck, Ger-
       for keratin, arsenic concentrates in hair much higher than in       many, C2H6AsO2Na (DMA(V)) from SIGMA, USA and
       other tissues or biological fluids.17 A normal concentration of      CH5AsO2Na (MMA(V)) from Chem Service, USA. NaBH4,
       arsenic in hair ranges from 0.08 to 0.25 mg g1 in an unexposed     HCl, NaOH, NaH2PO4, Na2HPO4 and tetrabutylammonium
       population. In contrast, in chronically exposed populations,        hydrogen sulfate (TBAHSO4) were purchased from Merck,
       concentrations ranging from 1 to greater than 9 mg g1 have         Germany. The stock solutions were stored in the dark at
       been reported.18 Owing to the hair’s capacity to accumulate         4 1C, except for NaBH4, which was prepared daily in NaOH
       arsenic and its slow growth (0.44 mm day1 or 13 mm                 (0.05%) owing to its low stability in neutral water.
       month1), the total As concentration in hair has often been            Human hair certified reference material (GBW 09101 No 18)
       used for epidemiological studies in chronically exposed popu-       from the National Research Center for Certificated Materials,
       lations. However, poor correlation between total arsenic con-       Beijing, China was kindly provided by Dr Chitra J. Amarasir-
       centration in hair and water sources have been found in             iwardena. This standard contains a certified total As concen-
       different studies.17,18 Possible explanations for this observation   tration of 0.59  0.07 mg g1. GBW 09101 No 18 and was used
       are the existence of exogenous contamination and the poor           to determine the accuracy, precision, and extraction recoveries
       efficiency for removing exogenous arsenic from the hair prior         for total arsenic and species. The water standard reference
       to analysis.                                                        material SRM 1643c, trace elements in water was obtained
          In the last few years, arsenic speciation in hair has been       from the National Institute of Standards and Technology
       reported.19–22 One important advantage of arsenic speciation        (NIST, USA). The total arsenic concentration is 82.1  1.2
       in hair is related to the good stability of arsenic species when    mg L1. No individual As species is certified.
       compared to other biological samples. Other advantages are
       sample size that can be obtained (approximately 1 g) and the
       relative facility for sampling, transport and storage. Addition-
       ally, there is the possibility of differentiating endogenous and     Two small rural villages, Esquiña and Illapata, were selected
       exogenous arsenic species when they are characterized.              for this study. They are located in the middle of Atacama
          However, there is a lack of information about arsenic species    Dessert, Valley of Camarones River, Region of Atacama,
       concentrations in hair for exposed populations. Shraim et al.       Chile, 250 km southeast of the city Arica. The population of
       reported low extraction recoveries and the possibility of species   Esquiña consumes drinking water principally from small
       changes during extraction steps.20 Recently, Raab and Feld-         waterfalls present in the valley, while the population of Illapata
       mann described a new method for arsenic speciation in hair by       consumes drinking water mainly from the river and waterfalls.
       extraction with boiling water.22 They determined the species        In both villages, the drinking water was not treated prior to
       stability during extraction and quantified four species (As(III),    consumption. Esquiña and Illapata were selected because of
       As(V), DMA(V) and MMA(V)) in exposed populations from               previous information reporting the total arsenic concentrations
       West Bengal and Central India, where As(V) was the main             present in Camarones Valley waters as published by Figueroa
       species found in hair (55 and 63%, respectively).                   et al.3 According to this study, the arsenic concentration in
          The most widely used method for arsenic speciation is high       drinking water of Esquiña was 39 mg L1. In spite of this
       performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to spe-            information, the population of Illapata consumed As-contami-
       cific element detectors, usually elemental spectroscopy includ-      nated drinking water containing 55 and 1090 mg As L1 from
       ing atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), inductively               the waterfall and river, respectively.3
       coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) or              The populations in the Atacama Dessert and in both studied
       inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Re-          villages live in similar geological environments, consume the
       verse phase ion-pairing HLPC presents the advantages that it        same foods, and are exposed to the same sunlight intensity.
       can separate with high resolution inorganic and methylated          However, the magnitude of arsenic exposure by drinking
       species simultaneously in relatively short times (e.g., o10 min).   waters is very different.3 Illapata has about 60 inhabitants, 21
       Additionally, IP-HPLC has a good robustness for biological          of whom were sampled for the present work; 13 adults
       matrices23,24 and it have been coupled directly with ICP-MS         (5 females and 8 males) and 8 children. Esquiña has a stable
       for arsenic speciation in hair.25 Hydride generation improves       population of about 50 people, 22 of whom were sampled
       sensitivity and detection limits, and it provides supplementary     including 11 adults (6 females and 5 males) and 11 children.
       selectivity for the most toxic species (As(III), As(V), MMA(V),     Children were considered as individuals from 2 up to 12 year
       MMA(III), DMA(V) and DMA(V)), excluding non-toxic species           old.
       that do not form hydrides (arsenocoline (AsC) and arseno-              All sampled individuals were interviewed about their general
       betaine (AsB)). Although, the determination of AsC and AsB          health condition, food consumption, drug use, drinking water
       by using on-line photo oxidation HG been reported,26 con-           sources, the time of residence in the village, sun exposure and
       sidering the detection limits, the most powerful technique for      type of activity. As criteria for exclusion, sampled individuals
       arsenic speciation is HPLC-HG-ICP-MS.                               had to be older than 3 years old, have no incapacitating illness,
          To the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of available       not consume drugs and have lived at least one month in the
       information on arsenic speciation in hair from As(V)-exposed        village. Clinical examinations were not performed in this study.
       populations. The objective of this study is to characterize         All individuals selected for sampling were previously informed

1336    J. Environ. Monit., 2005, 7, 1335–1341
about the purposes of this work and voluntarily consented to              First, 25–100 mg of washed and dried hair was placed in
participate in the study.                                              polyethylene tubes. Then, 10 mL de-ionized water (o18 MO)
                                                                       was added to the tube with hair. Samples were leached at 90 1C
                                                                       for 3 h in an oven, with manual shaking every 30 min. After
Sampling and sample pretreatment                                       leaching, the samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min.
  Water. Water samples were collected in 1-L polyethylene              The leaching solution (supernatant) was carefully separated
containers from drinking water sources (waterfalls and Camar-          from the hair (pellet) and stored at 20 1C until speciation
ones River). To assess the total arsenic and speciation analysis,      analysis. When leaching was performed at lower temperatures
two different waterfalls were sampled in Esquiña. In Illapata,         (room temperature and 50 1C), lower recoveries were obtained.
samples from one waterfall and the river were collected. These         By boiling water, non-reproducible recoveries of As occurred
water sources are available to the population by installation of       presumably by volatile arsenic compound losses. Accordingly,
public water faucets. Samples were stabilized with 0.1% HCl            the leaching temperature for samples and certified reference
and kept in an ice-cooler at 0 1C during the transport to the          material (GBW 09101 No 18) was 90 1C.
laboratory. In the laboratory, samples were stored at 20 1C
until analysis. All samples were filtered with 0.5 mm membrane          Instrumentation for arsenic speciation
disks prior to analysis.
                                                                       Arsenic speciation was performed using ion-pair chromatogra-
                                                                       phy (IP-HPLC) combined with hydride generation (HG) and
   Hair. 0.5–1 g hair was collected from different parts of the         inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a
scalp using a stainless-still scissors, cutting at a distance of ca.   specific arsenic detector. The HPLC system consisted in a
1 cm from scalp. Hair was placed in polyethylene bags for              HPLC from Merck-Hitachi, Germany (model L-7100 La-
transport and storage. Since no well-established procedure             Chrom), a six-port HPLC valve from Rheodyne, USA (model
exists to differentiate between endogenous and exogenous                7725i) with a 20 mL sample loop and a monolithic HPLC
arsenic, in this work, samples were washed following the               column RP-C18 (100  4.6 mm) from Merck, Germany (model
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) protocol of                  Chromlith). The separation was performed at room tempera-
1978 for removing exogenous As contamination.27 This simple            ture and a flow rate of 1 mL min1. The HPLC mobile phase
method does not remove the endogenous arsenic in compar-               contained 0.35 mM of tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate
ison to other described methods.28 Briefly, hair samples were           (ion pair reagent), and a pH value of 5.75 was regulated using
first washed using a sufficient volume of acetone to cover the            phosphate buffer at 0.5 mM. The column was connected
hair sample in a 50-mL polyethylene centrifuge tube and the            directly to the hydride generation system, and consisted in a
acetone was separated by centrifugation. The hair (pellet) was         homemade flow injection device with two T-joints for contin-
washed using de-ionized water at room temperature with                 uous flow of HCl (15%) and NaBH4 (0.6%, in NaOH 0.05%).
successive shaking in a high-speed lab shaker for 1 min for            They were pumped at a flow 1 mL min1 using a peristaltic
proper homogenization followed by manual shaking for 10                pump into the HPLC effluent. Chemical reaction by volatile
min. After the water-cleaning step, the same washing proce-            hydride generation took place in a 1-mL loop made of PTFE
dure was repeated twice using acetone as described previously.         tubing. Separation of gaseous hydrides from the liquid was
Samples were dried overnight in an oven at 50 1C. The dried            performed in a glass gas–liquid separator (GLS). The GLS
hair was cut into small pieces (o1 mm) using stainless-steel           design was previously described for HG-AFS (atomic fluores-
scissors, and the pieces were stored in polyethylene tubes at          cence spectrometry),30 and it is used here for the first time
room temperature until analysis. Samples were weighed im-              applied to HG-ICP-MS. Hydrides were carried from the GLS
mediately before the digestion or extraction procedure.                to the ICP-MS using an argon flow rate of 0.75 L min1. A
                                                                       second makeup gas (argon) was necessary for obtaining opti-
                                                                       mal sensitivity. For this purpose, 0.5 mL min1 Ar was
Total arsenic in hair
                                                                       introduced after the GLS and before the plasma torch. The
The digestion method was adapted from Flores et al.29 Briefly,          ICP-MS (Agilent Technologies Model 7500a, Wilmington,
0.1 g of sample was digested by adding 3 mL of concentrated            Delaware) was operated under optimal conditions. The Ar-
HNO3 and 1 mL H2O2 (30%) in a Teflon PFA vessel using a                 senic ion signal was monitored at m/z 75. The m/z 77, 82 and 83
microwave oven (CEM MDS-2000). The vessels were closed                 signals were also monitored for interference correction. RF
and heated following the MW-program: 100 W (5 min), 250 W              power, sample depth, plasma and auxiliary gas flow rate were
(3 min), 400 W (5 min), 450 W (3 min), 630 W (1 min). To               1200 W, 6 mm, 16 and 1 L min1, respectively. Chromato-
avoid overpressure, each heating step was followed by 3 min            graphy software of the instrument was used for quantification.
without power. After cooling, the solutions were transferred           Fig. 1 shows a typical chromatogram of four arsenic in water;
and diluted in 25-mL polyethylene tubes. Determination of              As(III), As(V), MMA(V) and DMA(V), 50 mg L1 each, under
total arsenic was performed using hydride generation (HG)              the optimized chromatographic conditions. Acceptable separa-
and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)              tion (resolution) for the four species was achieved to quantify
(see below).                                                           target species. As(III) and MMA(V) have higher sensitivity in
                                                                       comparison with other species, which can be explained due to
                                                                       the differences of hydride species generation efficiency.
Speciation in hair
The arsenic leaching procedure was performed after washing             Results and discussion
the samples. Water has been described as a simple and effective
                                                                       Arsenic concentration in water sources
solubilization reactive for arsenic species in hair.19,20 In gen-
eral, water incubation softens keratine-rich tissues, increasing       The population of Illapata principally consumes water from
leaching agent accessibility and facilitating the dissolution of       the Camarones River. The total arsenic concentration in this
bonded compounds and ions. The effectiveness of water as a              drinking water source was 1252 mg L1, more than 100 times
leaching agent depends directly on the temperature. Previous           the accepted international levels (10 mg L1) and 25 times
work of Mandal et al. found that at room temperature, arsenic          greater than the Chilean standard (50 mg L1). Waterfall water
extraction from hair and fingernails was less that 1% of the            sampled in Illapata contains 48.7 mg L1 of total arsenic.
total arsenic.19 Increasing the temperature close to boiling           However, waterfall water is not the preferred drinking water
improves the leaching of the total arsenic from hair.                  because of its taste. In Esquiña, the population principally

                                                                                         J. Environ. Monit., 2005, 7, 1335–1341          1337
Fig. 1 Typical chromatogram of four arsenic species in water: As(III), DMA(V), MMA(V) and As(V) 50 mg L1 each. Separation conditions are
       described in text.

       consumes waterfall water from two sources with arsenic con-            presenting concentrations over the toxicity level (41 mg g1).
       centrations of 74 and 12.2 mg L1, respectively, slightly over the     The maximum concentration found in Esquiña was 3.3 mg g1
       maximum permitted levels by Chilean Standards. The water               for a 9-year-old child. In Illapata, 97% (29 from 30) of the
       was consumed without any prior treatment in both villages              individuals present values that exceed the normal and toxicity
       before sampling. The total arsenic concentrations found in             levels (41 mg g1), with 30% of these presenting values more
       water sources agree with values reported by Figueroa.3 Small           than 10 times the normal concentration. These values demon-
       differences can be explained by seasonal changes of arsenic             strate the chronic exposure of the Illapata population to
       concentration in water. Concentrations of total As and As              arsenic in contrast to the concentrations found in the Esquiña
       species in drinking water sources of Esquiña and Illapata are         population, evidently less chronically exposed than in Illapata.
       presented in Table 1. The speciation analysis shows that the              Correlation between the total arsenic in hair and the resi-
       principal species is As(V), representing between 92 and 99.5%          dence time was found for both populations. In general, the
       of the total arsenic of the consumed waters. No organic arsenic        longer the stay in town, the higher the arsenic concentration
       species were found in any of the analyzed water samples. This          found in hair. In the Illapata population, the total As concen-
       result permits the conclusion that the Esquiña and Illapata           tration in hair is highly correlated with the individual’s age.
       populations are exposed almost exclusively to As(V) in drinking        For individuals of Illapata, the correlation (R) between total
       water, although intake of other arsenic species contained              As in hair and age was 0.64, while the correlation of total As
       through vegetable consumption is also possible.                        concentration in hair and the residence time in the village was
                                                                              0.53. Fig. 2 presents the plotted correlation of total As in hair
                                                                              between age and time of residence for the Illapata individuals.
       Total arsenic in human hair
       The total arsenic concentrations in hair samples from Esquiña         Stability of As species during leaching from hair samples
       and Illapata were determined using HG-ICP-MS after nitric
       acid and hydrogen peroxide digestion in MW oven. For quality           The stability of the arsenic species was studied during the
       control, the total arsenic was determined in the hair CRM              leaching procedure. Clean hair was separately incubated at
       (GBW 09101 No 18), finding the value 0.62  0.06 mg g1 (N ¼            90 1C with standard solutions of 100 mg L1 As(III), As(V) and
       3), which agrees with CRM that contains 0.59  0.07 mg g1.            DMA(V). No significant changes between As(III) and As(V)
       The CRM was not washed prior to the total arsenic analysis.            were observed up to 3 h of extraction at 90 1C. In samples
          In Esquiña and Illapata, the average total arsenic values          collected after 4 h of incubation, a partial oxidation of As(III)
       were 0.7 and 5.8 mg g1, respectively. The median values for           to As(V) (15%) and no reduction of As(V) to As(III) was found.
       total arsenic are 0.4 and 4.7 mg g1, respectively. The values in      After 6 h of incubation, 16% oxidation of As(III) to As(V) and
       Illapata were around ten times greater than the accepted               12% reduction of As(V) to As(III) was found. DMA(V) results
       normal values for non-exposed individuals (o0.5 mg g1). A             stable up to 10 h incubation. Based on these results, hair
       value greater than 1 mg g1 is considered an indication of             sample leaching was performed at 90 1C for 3 h, excluding
       chronic exposure and toxicity.18 In Esquiña, 8 of the 23 (35%)        the possibility of species changes during extraction. Further
       individuals studied presented As concentrations over the re-           studies about the stability of arsenic species during the extrac-
       ferenced concentration (0.5 mg g1) with 4 individuals (17%)           tion procedure are presently being performed. The recovery of
                                                                              arsenic with 3 h leaching at 90 1C in the human hair CRM
                                                                              GBW 09101 No 18 (0.59  0.07 mg g1) was 66% (0.39  0.09
       Table 1   Arsenic species in Esquiña and Illapata water sources
                                                                              mg g1, N ¼ 3). For all samples (N ¼ 43), the mean recovery
                                                                              using the same conditions was 66%  21 mg g1. Further
                                    As in water/mg L1
                                                                              improvements in extraction efficiency could be achieved by
       Village   Water source       As(III) DMA MMA As(V)             Sum     controlling the size of the hair pieces.
       Esquiña Waterfall 1     1.1          N.D.    N.D.       72.9   74.0
                Waterfall 3     1.0          N.D.    N.D.       11.2   12.2   Arsenic species in human hair
       Illapata Camarones river 5.0          N.D.    N.D.     1247   1252
                Waterfall 1     1.4          N.D.    N.D.       47.3   48.7   The concentration of the arsenic species in water extracts of
       N.D. ¼ not detected.                                                   human hair samples from Esquiña and Illapata was assessed.
                                                                              As(III), As(V), MMA and DMA concentrations were measured

1338    J. Environ. Monit., 2005, 7, 1335–1341
g1, respectively. Mean values of As(III) and As(V) were 2.64
                                                                           and 0.27 mg g1, respectively. MMA(V) and DMA(V) were
                                                                           detected in 71 and 24% of the samples from highly exposed
                                                                           individuals with an average concentration of 0.16 and 0.04 mg
                                                                           g1, respectively. An interesting result was that four of the five
                                                                           samples where DMA(V) was detected, corresponded to chil-
                                                                           dren. No conclusion can be made due to the small number of
                                                                           samples. Table 2 presents the mean values of the four As
                                                                           species for the two villages studied.
                                                                              Fig. 3 presents a typical chromatogram of the extracted
                                                                           species from hair of an exposed individual (male, 75 years
                                                                           old) containing 15 mg g1 of total arsenic, distributed as 13.7
                                                                           As(III); oD.L. (0.07) DMA(V); 0.15 MMA(V) and 1.14 As(V)
                                                                           (all in mg g1). An unidentified As species was detected in hair,
                                                                           eluting between MMA and As(V).
                                                                              The arsenic species were also analyzed in human hair CRM
                                                                           (GBW 09101 No 18), which was used for recovery and
                                                                           accuracy studies. CRM was not washed prior to the speciation
                                                                           analysis. Human hair CRM contains a certified total As
                                                                           concentration of 0.59  0.07 mg g1. Nevertheless the concen-
                                                                           tration of each arsenic species is not certified in CRM. Nowa-
                                                                           days there is no available CRM of human hair containing
                                                                           certified concentration of arsenic species. The concentrations
                                                                           found in CRM were 0.14, 0.04 and 0.21 mg g1 for As(III),
                                                                           MMA and As(V), respectively. The sum (0.39 mg g1) repre-
Fig. 2 Plotted regression between total arsenic concentration in hair      sents only 66% extraction. This result confirms that the main
(mg g1) and (a) age of the sampled individual (years); (b) residence      proportion of As in hair is due to inorganic species, and that
time (years) in Illapata.
                                                                           organic species represent a minimum fraction. Recently, Raab
                                                                           and Feldmann have reported the predominance of inorganic
using HPLC-HG-ICP-MS. The results indicate greater abun-                   arsenic.22 They also found low arsenic recoveries when using
dance of inorganic species (As(III) and As(V)), which repre-               boiling water leaching (68.9%).
sented close to 98% of the total arsenic extracted from the hair              Moreover, comparing the species distribution obtained in
samples in both populations. In contrast, the organic species of           the exposed population and CRM, some differences have been
arsenic have lower concentrations, representing less than 2% of            found. As(III) represents only 36% in CRM, contrasting with
the total arsenic in hair. As(III) was detected in hair extracts of        68 and 88% found in Esquiña and Illapata, respectively. The
95% of the individuals from the Esquiña who are exposed to a              concentration of As(V) in the hair CRM represents 53% of the
lower arsenic concentration. In all the calculations of arsenic            extracted arsenic in contrast to the 30 and 11% found in
species concentration in hair, we have assumed that the species            Esquiña and Illapata, respectively. The higher proportion of
found in extracts represent the original species in the hair.              As(V) could occur due to exogenous arsenic in CRM (no
Nevertheless changes of the original species can occur when                previous washings were performed). No DMA was detected
arsenic is extracted. This issue is still not clear and further            in this CRM, coinciding with the low concentration found in
studies are required. Considering that the concentrations in               samples, where DMA was detected only in 5 of 43 samples.
extracts represent the original species in the hair, the As(III)
average concentration was 0.25 mg g1 (median value was 0.14
                                                                           Correlation of arsenic species in human hair with exposure time
mg g1. As(V) was detected in 70% of the individuals with an
average concentration of 0.15 mg g1 (median value 0.11 mg                 The correlation between inorganic species concentration and
g1). Considering the methylated species, only MMA(V) was                  the exposure time of the highly exposed population of Illapata
detected in 40% of the samples with an average and media                   was assessed. Even though the number of sampled individuals
value of 0.02 mg g1. DMA(V) was not detected in any extract               (N ¼ 43) is limited, the number of studied individuals repre-
from exposed individuals from Esquiña.                                    sents an important proportion of the total population living in
   In the highly exposed population from Illapata, both inor-              the studied villages (45 and 35% in Esquiña and Illapata,
ganic arsenic species, As(III) and As(V), were detected in all             respectively) validating interpretation regarding with those
extracts, presenting an average concentration 3.75 and 0.45 mg             populations.

Table 2   Arsenic species (As(III), As(V), MMA(V) and DMA(V)) in hair of the Esquiña and Illapata populations

                                                    As in hair, mg/g average (min.  max.)
Village                  Population                 As(III)                   DMA                     MMA                   As(V)
Esquiña (n ¼ 22)        Children (n ¼ 11)          0.40 (N.D.–1.53)          N.D.                    0.01 (N.D.–0.02)      0.15 (N.D.–0.37)
                         Adults (n ¼ 11)            0.13 (0.02–0.71)          N.D.                    0.02 (N.D.–0.03)      0.17 (N.D.–0.41)
                         SD                         0.37                                              0.01                  0.11
                         Average Esquiña           0.26                      N.D.                    0.02                  0.15

Illapata (n ¼ 21)        Children (n ¼ 08)          2.15 (0.56–3.24)          0.18 (N.D.–0.35)        0.02 (N.D.–0.03)      0.18 (0.1–0.47)
                         Adults (n ¼ 13)            4.74 (0.23–13.72)         0.07 (N.D.–0.07)        0.05 (N.D.–0.15)      0.614 (0.21–1.52)
                         SD                         3.87                      0.11                    0.04                  0.38
                         Average Illapata           3.75                      0.16                    0.04                  0.45
For calculation of averages, only values over the detection limits were considered.

                                                                                                 J. Environ. Monit., 2005, 7, 1335–1341         1339
Fig. 3 Typical chromatogram of water-extracted arsenic species from a highly exposed individual from Illapata (male, 75 years old and 60 years
       residence time in Illapata). Insert shows reduced scale of the same chromatogram.

          People in both villages have been drinking contaminated                    reduction of arsenic occurs, as occurs in the As-methylation
       water as long as they have lived there. The degree of exposure                pathways into the liver. Additionally, external contamination
       can be considered to be proportional to the individual’s age                  due to As(V) increases the possibility of an interpretation error
       and residence time in village (exposure time). For this popula-               since almost 99% of the external arsenic (from the Camarones
       tion, the calculated As(III) and As(V) concentrations in hair                 River) is in the form of As(V). Further experiments are required
       correlates with the age of the sampled individuals, presenting a              to explain this phenomenon. Additionally, another study
       correlation coefficient of 0.6923 and 0.5678, respectively. The                 suggested the limitations of hair analysis in exposure assess-
       correlations of As(III) and As(V) with the time of residence in               ment.31 According to our results, As speciation in human hair
       Illapata are 0.7109 and 0.5799, respectively. Fig. 4 shows the                offers more complete analytical information that should permit
       plotted regression of As(III) and As(V) in relation with the age              better assessment in As-exposure studies.
       and time of residence for the Illapata population. For the
       studied population, As(III) provided a better correlation than
       the total arsenic and As(V). The better correlation between
       As(III) and time of residence indicates that As(III) concentration            Conclusions
       in hair should be more closely related with the degree of                     In both villages, the arsenic concentration in drinking water
       exposure in the studied individuals. The explanation for this                 surpasses the recommended WHO value (10 mg L1). The
       phenomenon is still not clear, although it is likely that the                 populations of Esquiña and Illapata are exposed to As-con-
       explanation depends on understanding the arsenic inclusion                    taminated drinking water exceeding between 7.5 and 125 times
       processes in hair. It is not known, if during inclusion in hair,              the international referenced values. The result of arsenic

       Fig. 4 Correlations of As species in hair in highly exposed population of Illapata. Plotted regression between: (A) As(III) in hair (mg g1) and age of
       the sampled individual (years); (B) As(III) and residence time (years) in Illapata; (C) As(V) and age of the sampled individual (years); (D) As(V) and
       residence time (years).

1340    J. Environ. Monit., 2005, 7, 1335–1341
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