Argentina Country outlook - Banco BPI

Page created by Nathaniel Malone
Argentina Country outlook - Banco BPI
Country outlook
Argentina Country outlook - Banco BPI

Closing date of this issue: 31/05/2019

                                                                                            Form of Government: Presidential federal republic

   Argentina                                                                                Capital: Buenos Aires

                                                                                            Official language: Spanish

                                                                                            Population: 44 million inhabitants (2018)

                                                                                            Currency: Argentinean peso (ARS)

                                                                                            Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 49.95 ARS (31/05/2019)
                                                                                                           1 USD = 44.77 ARS (31/05/2019)

                                                                                            GDP: $518 billion (0.6% of world GDP)

                                                                                            GDP per capita: $11,627 ($20,537 purchasing power parity)

                                                                                            Ease of doing business: 119th in the world out of 190
                                                                                            according to the World Bank (Doing Business)

                                                                                            Religion: Catholic: 88%

Country Outlook is a publication that is produced jointly by CaixaBank Research and BPI Research (UEEF) and it contains information and opinions from sources that we consider to be reliable. This
document is for information purposes only, so CaixaBank and BPI are not liable in any way for any use that may be made of it. The opinions and estimates are provided by CaixaBank Research and BPI and
may be changed without prior notice.

BPI RESEARCH                                                                                  MAY 2019                                                                                                    2
                                                                                                                                               PIB. Variación interanual (%)

Economic             GDP. Year-on-year change (%)                                                                       CPI. Year-on-year change (%)
forecast                 4

                                                                                                             2.5                                                          48.5
                                                                                             2.2                        50
                         0                                                                                              30

                                                                                     -1.2                               20
                     -2                                                                                                                                                                         17.8
                     -4                                                                                                  0
                               Average 2015       2016       2017      2018     2019           2020         2021               Average 2015   2016   2017   2018      2019         2020         2021
                               2010-14                                                                                         2010-14

                     Argentina is still in the midst of a difficult                                                     • Inflation is expected to fall from its current
                     economic situation. After the recession in 2018,                                                      high level in the near future, due to a
                     the macroeconomic adjustment being pursued                                                            combination of: i) the effects of the strong
                     by the country continues in 2019, so another                                                          monetary tightening, ii) the smaller impact
                     economic downturn is expected. In 2020-2021,                                                          of the depreciation of the peso on
                     with most of the fiscal and monetary                                                                 4
                                                                                                                           the prices of imported goods and iii) the
                     adjustments completed and the macroeconomic                                                          2contraction     of consumption, reducing
                     imbalances more contained, the economy is                                                             pressure on the demand side. Nevertheless,
                     expected to grow again, albeit at a moderate                                                         0the levels at the end of the 2019-2021 forecast
                     pace. However, the situation is very uncertain,                                                       will only just be lower than the average over
                     both with regard to the effectiveness of the                                                          the last decade.
                     planned adjustments and the political situation                                                     -4
                     (see the following section), so there is an equal
                     likelihood of it taking longer to exit the

Economic             Benchmark interest rate (%)
policy               and exchange rate (ARS/USD)                                                                             Fiscal balance (% GDP)
                                                                                            Forecast                                                                              Forecast
                     80                                                                                            80     0
                                                                               63.2                                                                                               -1.5          -1.4
                     60                                                                                            60    -2
                                                                                                      60.1                                                         -2.7
                                                   EE. UU.                      Eurozona56.9
                                                                              43.3                                    Emergentes
                     40                                                                                            40    -4
                             Fuente: CaixaBank Research, a partir de datos de Citigroup
                                                                                  35.8 y Bloomberg.

                     20                                                                                            20     -6

                         0                                                                                         0      -8
                              Average   Average 2015     2016   2017   2018    2019     2020        2021                       Average 2015   2016   2017   2018      2019         2020         2021
                              2010-14   2010-14                                                                                2010-14
                             Benchmark interest rate (left scale)
                             Exchange rate (right scale)

                    Current account (% GDP)                                                                             Public debt (% GDP)
                                                                                        Forecast                                                                                  Forecast
                    0                                                                                                   100
                    -1                                                                                                   80
                                                                              -2.0                                                                                                  69.0         65.1
               80 -2                                                                         -2.5          -2.5                                                                                             -2
                    -3                                                                                            80                                                                                        -4
               60                                                                                                        40
                                                                                                                  60     20                                                                                 -6
               40 -5

                    -6                                                                                                    0                                                                                 -8
               20            Average 2015       2016      2017      2018      2019          2020        2021                   Average 2015   2016   2017   2018     2019          2020         2021
                             2010-14                                                                                           2010-14
                    • Argentina has pledged to carry out an ambitious                                                  •
                                                                                                                         Despite the amount of aid provided by the
                       macroeconomic adjustment, combining 0a                                                            IMF, covering external funding needs remains
                       significant fiscal effort and a notable tightening                                                an active front, as capital outflows may
                       of monetary conditions. This adjustment is                                                        increase due to electoral uncertainty, especially
                       being carried out while receiving financial aid                                                   if the doubts regarding its 100ability to meet the
                       from the IMF (totalling 57 billion dollars). The                                                  targets agreed with the IMF intensify. Given
                       fiscal consolidation achieved in 2018 was                                                         the repayment     schedule 80with the IMF, it is
                       significant and this will continue in 2019,                                                       virtually certain that some60 form of additional
                       provided that the set targets are met (during                                                     financial -3scheme will be renegotiated
                                                                                                                                                                   with the
                       past election years, there has been a tendency                                                    Fund, a -4 scheme that may entail further
                       toward easing in this respect, so we believe                                                                                   20
                                                                                                                         structural-5reform commitments.
                       that there is reasonable likelihood of deviation                                                                -6                    0
                       from the fiscal targets).

BPI RESEARCH                                                                          MAY 2019                                                                                                          3

Financial        Private credit (% GDP)                                                 Gross external debt (% GDP)
conditions       25

                                                             22.0        21.5    21.0                                               65.3      63.0     65.1
                 20                                                                     60

                  0                                                                      0
                      Average 2015     2016   2017   2018   2019       2020      2021        Average 2015      2016   2017   2018   2019      2020    2021
                      2010-14                                                                2010-14

                The combination of the economic recession •         Ultimately, the agreement with the IMF will
                and high inflation has led to a significant fall in
                                                                     help   to contain the government’s financial
                credit and a decline in NPLs (albeit starting        needs, while helping to ensure that public debt
                from very low levels). Regarding the                 is channelled along a sustainable path. In this
                capitalisation level, following an increase in    15 context, the increase in external debt that
                capital consumption in the middle of 2018, this   10 occurred between 2015 and 2018, a period
                has recovered, with yield following a similar        during which it doubled (as a percentage
                pattern. Generally, the banking situation can        of GDP), should be followed by a period of
                be considered relatively stable due to a0            stabilisation, albeit while still be exposed to
                combination of ample liquidity, strong funding       areas considered risky for an emerging economy.
                of the sector and the government’s pledge to
                support the big banks if necessary.

Political      • The presidential elections in October 2019 are • After the elections, regardless of the result,
situation         still a strong source of uncertainty, given that  the key factor will be the extent to which the
                  they will occur against a backdrop of significant resulting government will be able to gain
                  economic and social costs for the electorate.     enough credibility with the markets. This
                  The available polls suggest that there will       rebuilding of confidence will ultimately
                  practically be a dead heat between the            depend on the IMF’s assistance being renewed
                  candidate Mauricio Macri, who is seeking re-      in a non-confrontational context and on
                  election, and the alternative Alberto             economic policy continuing along the rigorous
                  Fernández. If the anticipated fall in inflation   path established in 2018.
                  has materialised when the vote is held, the
                  current President’s chances will improve

Long-term      GDP growth (%)                                                           Population (milions of inhabitants)
outlook        2.5                                                                      50
                                                                2.0                                                                    48.6
               1.0                                                                                          44.7


               0.0                                                                      42
                          Average 2009 -18              Average 2019 -29                                2018                           2028

                 Without meaningful structural reforms, • To increase long-term growth potential, it is
                 Argentina’s long-term growth will continue to  essential for the authorities to make strong
                 be significantly lower than that of other      headway in the structural reforms that will
                 regional players. Although the demographics    allow them to boost productivity growth,
                 are at a somewhat higher stage of maturity     including any that improve the efficiency of
                 than the rest of Latin America (older and with the economy, promote competition in the
                 less dynamic population growth), the           goods and services market and increase the
                 institutional factors (essentially corruption, flexibility of the labour market. Furthermore,
                 democratic quality, rule of law and security)  the country must tackle corruption, reduce the
                 are the biggest obstacle to creating long-term distortions in the tax system and remove the
                 prosperity.                                    barriers to investment and international trade
                                                                that still exist.

BPI RESEARCH                                                 MAY 2019                                                                                    4

Country                                                         Last                                 CDS* 5 years (basis points)                               OECD credit risk rating
                                                Rating                           Outlook
risk                                                          changed
                                                                                                     2,000                                                     (from 0 to 7, with 0 being the best)
                                                   B         12/11/18             Stable             1,500

                                                  B2         29/11/17             Stable
                                                                                                      500                                                                 7
                                                   B          7/11/18           Negative                 0
                                                                                                             Average 2015-18        31/05/2019

                                 Indicates that the country has an “investment grade”. 		              *Credit default swap: measurement of country risk that reflects
                                                                                                         the cost of ensuring the non-payment of the sovereign bond.
                                 Indicates that the country does not have an “investment grade”.

Risks                          SHORT-TERM                                                                             LONG-TERM

                               • Tightening of global                                                                • Insufficient economic
                                 financial conditions		                               -                        +        liberalisation                                    -                           +
                               • Higher inflation                                    -                        +      • Lack of institutional
                               • Social instability due                                                                improvements                                      -                           +
                                 to the tightening 		                                 -                        +      • Inadequate investment
                               • Failure to meet                                                                      infrastructure                                    -                           +
                                 fiscal targets 		                                    -                        +

Business                       STRENGTHS                                                                           WEAKNESSES
environment                    • Potential of the domestic market.                                                 • Low productivity growth.
                               • Large business sector.		                                                          • Inadequate, low-quality infrastructures.
                               • Solvent, liquid banking sector.		                                                 • Low level of competition in some sectors.
                                                                                                                   • High level of corruption and political, legal and
                                                                                                                      social uncertainty.
                                                                                                                   • Low financial inclusion.

Main sectors                   EXPORTERS                                                                           IMPORTERS
                               • Waste, cereals, vehicles, vegetable and                                          • Vehicles, machinery, electronics, mineral fuels
                                  animal fats and oils, fruit, seeds and grains.                                     and plastics.

Source: BPI Research, based on data from Bloomberg, IMF, OECD, Oxford Economics and Thomson Reuters Datastream.

BPI RESEARCH                                                                              MAY 2019                                                                                              5

Taxation       In Argentina, the tax system is comprised of          Certain public services such as electricity, water,
               state, provincial and municipal taxes. At the         wastewater treatment and telecommunications
               federal level, the main taxes levied on legal         company subsidiaries are subject to a rate of
               entities are the income tax (IT) and the value-       27%. Equipment or production goods, public
               added tax (VAT). Meanwhile, the main                  transport, beef, fresh vegetables, accommoda-
               provincial taxes are the turnover tax, stamp tax      tion, interest on loans acquired by Argentinian
               and property tax. At the local level,                 financial institutions, some properties and
               municipalities essentially levy taxes on the          equipment, newspapers and magazines are
               public services provided, as well as other minor      subject to a VAT rate of 10.5%. Exports of goods
               specific taxes. Regarding corporate taxes, both       and services are not taxed. The 21% VAT is not
               residents and non-residents are subject to the        applied to foreign tourists who book their
               same tax treatment. Non-resident companies            travel in Argentina with a credit card issued
               must register for the VAT or Gross Income Tax         abroad or via a bank transfer made from
               (IIBB) if they provide taxable supplies in            outside Argentina. VAT-exempt supplies include
               Argentina. The standard corporate tax rate            education, books, international transportation
               (joint stock companies, limited liability             and certain basic necessities including water
               companies, limited partnerships) is 35%. Sale         and milk for qualifying buyers. The VAT rate is
               taxes are levied at the provincial level, in the      applied to the sales price. VAT registration is
               city of Buenos Aires and in some municipalities;      required for (a) corporations or other legal
               generally at a rate of between 3% and 5% of           entities that commence taxable activities in
               gross revenue. Higher rates may be imposed on         Argentina, and (b) individuals that have an
               certain services in some provinces. Industrial        annual taxable turnover of over ARS 300,000
               activities are usually exempt or subject to lower     for goods and ARS 200,000 for services. VAT
               rates. A financial transactions tax of 6% is levied   returns must be filed monthly. For imports, VAT
               on debits and credits in current accounts. Of the     is calculated and paid with custom duties.
               amount levied on credits, 0.2% may be taken as        Entities must register for the gross income tax if
               an advance payment of income tax or minimum           they provide taxable supplies as part of doing
               presumed income tax, resulting in an effective        business; no turnover limit applies. The gross
               rate of 0.4%, and thus 1% rate on a complete          income tax is a provincial tax applicable to self-
               collection/payment cycle. A stamp tax of 1% is        employed individuals on their net income. The
               levied on the formal execution of public and          average rate is 4% in the federal capital (city of
               private documents including contracts, notarial       Buenos Aires), and similar rates are applied in
               deeds and promissory notes. This rate is              the other provinces. Professionals who do not
               increased to 2.5% or 4% for real estate sales. In     operate as a company are exempt from the
               terms of consumption taxes, the general VAT           gross income tax in the city of Buenos Aires. The
               rate is 21% on the net amount of transactions.        tax is paid by filing monthly tax returns.

Investment     Foreign investment receives equal treatment           In terms of procedures related to foreign
               and is subject to the same burdens and                investment, there is freedom of establishment.
               incentives as domestic companies.                     Foreign investors are able to invest in all
               For the protection of foreign investors there         sectors of the economy on equal footing with
               are: bilateral agreements on investments with         national investors. The investment regime is a
               more than 60 countries; disputes registered by        liberal one. Foreign investment is not subject
               the UNCTAD; organisations offering assistance         to any authorisation or declaration, regardless
               with disagreements (International Chamber of          of the amount or the activity involved, even in
               Commerce, Argentina Chamber of Commerce               the case of taking a majority stake in a local
               and the International Centre for Settlement of        company. There is no obligation to declare,
               Investment Disputes); and Argentina has been          and there is no declaration nor specific
               a member of the Multilateral Investment               requests for authorisations except for large
               Guarantee Agency (MIGA) since 1992.                   projects which require the agreement of the
                                                                     competent ministry.

BPI RESEARCH                                      MAY 2019                                                            6

Establishment   LOCAL COMPANY
                The legal forms of companies in Argentina             25% of the capital must be used in the creation
                are: Individual Businessperson, which is a            of the company and the balance paid during
                single-person company. The number of                  the following two years. Partners’ liability is
                partners or shareholders is one person, there is      limited to the amount of capital contributed.
                no minimum or maximum capital, and the                Corporations must incorporate via a registered
                business owner is liable for the company’s            notarial deed. There are no restrictions in
                debts with their personal assets. Public Limited      terms of the residence or nationality of the
                Company (S.A.): the number of partners or             shareholders; however, if the shareholder is a
                shareholders is at least two shareholders, the        foreign commercial enterprise it must first
                minimum capital is ARS 12,000, and at least           register in the Companies Register.

                A branch or representative office, which is           assigns to its Argentina branch – is liable for all
                created when a foreign company opens a                the transactions carried out by the branch.
                branch in Argentina, does not require the             The branch’s account must be kept separate
                creation of a new legal entity. Although a            from the operations of the headquarters, and its
                branch must be registered in the Public               financial statements must be filed regularly in
                Companies Register corresponding to its               the Companies Register.
                location, the laws governing its existence and        The branch must be managed by a legal representa-
                validity are mainly the laws of the company’s         tive granted full administrative and judicial
                country of origin. A branch may undertake all         authority – which may be limited in certain
                the activities that the company’s headquarters        circumstances – to ensure that the business affairs
                engage in, on behalf of that headquarters,            and transactions of the entire branch are handled
                through the individual designated as the              efficiently. Branches are subject to oversight
                company representative. As a general rule,            from the corresponding Companies Register and
                the assets of all foreign businesses – that is, the   must comply with the same requirements as
                total capital value of the headquarters, and          corporations.
                not just the capital that the headquarters

Alliances       FREE TRADE ZONE
strategic       In Argentina there are currently: nine free           seven have been awarded, two have been
                trade zones in operation, two of them are in a        rejected and another one is in a regulatory
                tender process, two are in a process of drawing       process.
                up specifications, one has been pre-awarded,

                JOINT VENTURE
                There are two kinds of joint ventures, or             2. Foreign company and Argentinian company
                associations between two or more legal                   that sign a contract under which each
                entities that share resources, know-how,                 commits to contribute a series of resources
                interests and liabilities to develop a project:          to carry out the project in question. In this
                   Foreign company that associates with an               case, the joint venture does not have its
                   Argentinian company to create a third                 own legal personality independent of that
                   company in which become shareholders                  of the legal entities that comprise it.
                   through purchasing shares and which is             However, it should be remembered that
                   tasked with carrying out the project in            because there are no controls of foreign
                   question.                                          capital, there is free repatriation of capital,
                                                                      dividends and profits.

conditions      Because it is a member of Mercosur, Argentina does not have bilateral free trade treaties, but
                rather has free trade treaties as part of the regional block.

                FREE TRADE ZONES
                • Tucumán Free Trade Zone.                           • Comodoro Rivadavia Free Trade Zone.
                • Mendoza Free Trade Zone.                           • Río Negro Free Trade Zone.
                • Córdoba Free Trade Zone.                           • Santa Fe Free Trade Zone.
                • Bahía Blanca Free Trade Zone.                      • General Pico Free Trade Zone.
                • América Free Trade Zone.                           • San Luis Free Trade Zone.

BPI RESEARCH                                       MAY 2019                                                             7

Customs          Despite being a member of Mercosur, certain           Any imports of pharmaceutical products,
conditions       products like sugar, textiles, steel, cars and        insecticides and medical devices –among other
(continuation)   vehicle parts are protected with customs              items– require prior Government approval.
                 restrictions, quotas or high tariffs.                 Likewise, agricultural products, livestock and
                 Companies that wish to convert local currency         plants require public health certificates issued by
                 into foreign currency must request permission         a competent authority in the country of origin.
                 from the Federal Public Revenue Administration

Negotiations     BUSINESS CULTURE
and protocol     Argentines have a true business culture. The          Europe or the US. As they are in constant pursuit
                 turbulent economic cycles that the country has        of new solutions and opportunities, Argentines
                 experienced over the years has resulted in a          are quite open and often receive foreign
                 short- and medium-term outlook on business.           businessmen.
                 The general consensus is therefore to make            It is recommended to make an appointment at
                 quick investments.                                    least two weeks in advance for the first meeting,
                 Given that loans are practically non-existent or      and reconfirm three days prior. Avoid January
                 carry very high interest rates, local entrepreneurs   and February, when people usually take their
                 prefer to use their own funds. They therefore do      holidays.
                 not have the same circumstances as exist in

Top fairs        • Expoagro                                            • AgroActiva
                 • ExpoMEDICAL                                         • SIMATEX
                 • INTERSEC                                            • FIMAR

Websites         • Official website of the Argentinian State:
of interest      • AFIP - Federal Public Revenue Administration:
                 • CAME - Argentine Confederation of Medium-Sized Enterprises:
                 • Argentinian Chamber of Commerce:
                 • Argentinian Agency for Investments and International Trade:
                 • National Statistics Institute (INE):
                 • Invest in Argentina:
                 • Central Bank of Argentina:

Payment          The Central Bank established a new standard           an exchange rate set by the Central Bank, below
and charging     which repeals and modifies various aspects of the     the free-market dollar. Moreover, the
methods          red tape that existed for operating in the foreign    operation’s      supporting     documentation,
                 exchange market:                                      including a copy of the invoices, had to be
                 1. For charging abroad. Another major change          submitted in person in order to get the money.
                 affects physical persons or companies that            2. For purchasing real estate. The Central Bank
                 export services abroad. Now they can charge           also did away with the two million dollar per
                 for those services in dollars to a local bank         person limit for purchasing foreign currencies
                 account, with a limit of up to two million dollars    when being used to pay for real estate
                 per month.                                            purchases. In this situation, the transaction
                 Before, it was required to “liquidate” – change       must be done through a deposit or transfer to
                 to pesos – and the conversion was done using          the seller’s bank account.

BPI RESEARCH                                         MAY 2019                                                           8
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