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Arena Holdings is one of Africa’s largest English-language news publishers in print (titles include Sunday Times, Business Day, Financial Arena serves over 10-million Mail, The Herald, Sowetan and Daily readers a month in SA Dispatch) and online (titles include across its websites. Of these, TimesLIVE, SowetanLIVE, BusinessLIVE, TimesLIVE – is one of South DispatchLIVE, HeraldLIVE and Vrye Africa’s largest websites and is Weekblad, amongst others). The the company’s most significant company broadcasts on DStv (via online brand. The Sunday Business Day TV, Ignition and The Home Times is SA’s biggest weekend Channel) and radio (via Vuma FM and newspaper. Rise FM in SA) and owns a number of B2B and B2C magazines as well as an events division, amongst others.
RESPECT NOB IL IT Y treat everyone with no b i l i t y o f c ha ra c ter, g ui d ed by dignity a nd hum a nity. st ro ng et hi c a l va l ues . Ac t w i t h i nteg ri t y at a l l t i mes . ACCO UN TA B IL ITY E XC E L L E NC E AGIL IT Y acce p t re sp on sibility P ro d uce q ua l i t y co ntent b ei ng res p o n si ve to for our actions. co ns i stent l y a nd emb ra ce c ha ng e w i t h cre at i vi t y g l o b a l b est p ra c t i ce. a nd s p eed .
V IS ION co nnec t i ng p eo p l e o f al l c ul t ures , ena b l i ng eco n o m i e s to t hri ve. MISS ION to enri c h l i ves w i t h news an d entert a i nment t hat i nfo r m s, ed uc ates a nd up l i f t s.
NEWS At t h e h e a rt of A re n a is a world-c la ss n ews ro o m that is committe d to providing the co u n t r y w ith b re akin g news from a round the g lo b e. With some of South Afric a ’s favourite a n d o lde st p u b lications form ing pa rt of our p o r t fo lio, (in clu d ing Time s Live a nd Sunday Tim e s) , we d e live r to re ad e rs a continuous fe e d o f n ews an d information, ra nging f ro m B u s i ne ss n ews , sp orts covera ge to p o lit ica l a nalysis. A s exp e rts in the industry, we u n d e r stand the in tricate needs of our re a de r s a n d p rid e ou rse lve s on m etic ulous d iss e m in ation of cu stomise d inform ation a c ro ss e a ch me d ia p latform . Sunday Times 13/06/2010 01 01st1306Mainbody 1 WC 12/06/2010 07:20:56 PM Sunday Times 16/12/2007 01 01st1612main 1 All Round 15/12/2007 07:25:50 PM Sunday Times Combined Metros 1 - 08/12/2013 08:53:11 PM - Plate: News BLACK ST Mainbody, 13-June-2010-Page 1, Cyan ST Mainbody, 13-June-2010- Page 1, Magenta ST Mainbody, 13-June-2010-Page 1, Yellow ST Mainbody, 13-June-2010- Page 1, Black 1st EDITION ST Mainbody, 16-Dec-2007-Page 1, Cyan ST Mainbody, 16-Dec-20 ST Mainbody, 16-Dec-2007-Page 1, Yellow ST Mainbody, 16-De N-1 JDCP owetan #SAWUBONAQHAWEKAZI š Picture: MUNTU VILAKAZI D-DAY Coloured for The Times on 9. 12. 2013 In the know on the move R5.20 (Swaziland, Bots 5.20 incl tax) Friday April 13, 2018 After mon of acrimo the crunch come at la MOIPONE MALEFANE, jet and immediately went into a than R4-million from convicted toral BRENDAN BOYLE, meeting with ANC veteran Win- fraudster Schabir Shaik over a Clean wa, to BUDDY NAIDU, NDIVHUHO MAFELA, PADDY HARPER, nie Madikizela-Mandela, who has been trying to broker a 10-year period; ý Zuma supporters moved to sweep the co to ma MPUMELELO MKHABELA and truce between the two men this have the voting done manually for the posal DOMINIC MAHLANGU week. Madikizela-Mandela’s because they do not “trust” the feren meeting with Mbeki followed a electronic voting system; ANC “I h ANC presidential hopeful Jacob similar meeting with Zuma at ý ANC stalwart and North REAR GUARD: electo Zuma has vowed that he will not his Forest Town home on Fri- West provincial Speaker Thandi A soldier eryth step down as ANC leader if he is day. Zuma told Madikizela- Modise defied her province and watches the v charged. Mandela that he would not accepted the Zuma camp’s nom- cleaners on be rec Zuma’s comments, made to agree to “leadership by arrange- ination for the deputy secretary- their way to “Th the BBC on the eve of his elec- ment” and rejected any attempt general position; and prepare the tion,” toral battle with President to introduce a “subverted ý Zuma supporters prepared University of “If TISO BLACK STAR ARCHIVES Thabo Mbeki at the ANC’s con- to issue a warning to ANC na- Limpopo doubt ference in Polokwane, came as tional chairman and Mbeki ally for the cusse the National Prosecuting Au- thority indicated that it was ‘Why should I Mosiuoa Lekota to recuse him- self from chairing the confer- 6 000 ANC Me delegates, nesse ready to pile new corruption and tax evasion charges on him step down? You ence or else conduct the pro- ceedings impartially. observers and ANC journalists town. next year. “Why should I step down? You know what that “Our feeling is that we should allow him to continue and only who Wh descended on memb know what that would mean, if there were charges and I would mean, if push to have him removed if he misbehaves and abuses the Polokwane the ba yesterday block stepped down? It would mean that I plead guilty before even there were chair during the first day, par- ticularly the electoral commis- Unive Picture: spend going to court,” he said. “What would be the logic of it? charges and I sion session,” said one Zuma ally. SIMPHIWE star a NKWALI Pric I see no logic in it. The day, if I am taken to court, that the judge stepped down? It In his interview with the BBC, Zuma said he would let Mbeki game Polok says: ‘Zuma, we find you guilty’, as I walk out of court I will say to would mean that finish his presidential term. “Why should he leave office R3 10 tels c the ANC I am stepping down, I have been found guilty.” I plead guilty early? He must finish out his term smoothly and nicely. It’s ý See Acc Touri Voting for the top six positions before even going not a problem. That space also Pages 4 a 50k will take place today, and the allows the ANC president to and 5 venue result will be known tomorrow. The rest of the NEC will be to court’ — Jacob Zuma lead the [2009 election] cam- paign without necessarily hav- ple a night announced later in the week. ing to deal with government demanding that the other’s pre- said: “We think this is an at- Mbeki campaigners have not his presidency of the country — such All major roads leading in and democracy”. every morning so that he can ferred candidate stand down. tempt by Mbeki’s supporters to thrown in the towel. is going to be absolutely critical pane out of Polokwane have been In a day of dramatic last- put every effort into the ANC.” Registration of delegates was control Jacob Zuma once he is Gauteng Premier Mbhazima in order for him not to once have Mb manned by traffic cops and sol- minute developments: Zuma dismissed Archbishop disrupted as security staff bat- elected.” Shilowa addressed delegates at to look over his shoulder and his C diers since Friday as an expect- ý Madikizela-Mandela ap- Desmond Tutu’s opposition to tled to control a large number of Another said: “It is too late for his home village of Olifantshoek doubt whether he must com- the u See pages 6, 8 & 9 ed 6 000 delegates, journalists and observers started trickling pealed to the ANC’s Top Six for an “opportunity” to address the his candidacy, saying he should stay out of politics. Mbeki and Zuma supporters who insulted each other and any kind of a deal. There is only one way that this is going to be in Limpopo where he urged them to vote for President plete his task. “We are too delicately poised Luxu down in. conference this morning and “I have avoided answering the sang songs praising their re- settled and that is through the Thabo Mbeki. to afford a President who has to Stree A task team of ANC officials sell her unity plan directly to question about Tutu because I spective candidates. Busloads of vote.” Shilowa addressed them on look over his shoulder,” he said. four-s and the SA Police Service is co- delegates; respect him. The business of the delegates from the OR Tambo The ANC Youth League also Friday at the Royal Kraal, where He said it would “take pure of his ordinating the security effort for ý The Zuma camp rejected an leaders of the church, in terms region in the Eastern Cape had strongly rejected Madikizela- he distributed “a yellow doc- guts on the part of the President And the party’s most important con- offer from the Mbeki camp that of what God has said: they must arrived moments earlier wear- Mandela’s proposal. ument” that allegedly rub- to get to 2009 if he is not pres- ager ference in its history. government policy chief and pray for people, not condemn ing “100% Zuma” T-shirts and “We remain opposed to the bished Zuma, saying that the ident of the party”. Gatew A heavily guarded Zuma ar- Mbeki ally Joel Netshitenzhe them. I will expect him to pray, singing: “Phuma Mbeki! Ngena subversion of ANC internal ANC had warned him not to He went on: “Based on my a “mi rived in Polokwane in a nine-car stand for the pivotal position of not to condemn.” Zuma!” (Get out, Mbeki! In with democracy for political expedi- have a relationship with Schabir experience, he would have to find a security convoy with 12 body- secretary-general unopposed He said it was “dangerous” for Zuma!) ency. Leadership must be an Shaik. develop a thick skin to with- A h guards, following unverified re- while current secretary-general the clergy to become involved in In a bid to control potential expression of the will of the For his part, Rasool invited stand indignities, retreat into volvin ports that an informant had told Kgalema Motlanthe stand for politics. damage, government members people [and] must be elected by Western Cape delegates to his areas of high principle so as not ligenc police of a plot to assassinate the less powerful chairmanship The mood was tense as del- Susan Shabangu and Thoko the people and not by arrange- residence to explain his un- to do unpleasant things that are servic him. The Sunday Times under- unopposed; egates arrived at the Polokwane Didiza expelled photographers. ment,” said Youth League pres- equivocal support for Mbeki asked of him and try to exude a has b stands that a senior security ý Western Cape Premier airport for official registration. Explaining the rejection of the ident Fikile Mbalula. over Zuma. dignity that is under constant Unive Big bonuses, Henry’s missing boots and power cuts official briefed Zuma in person Ebrahim Rasool warned that if Delegates defiantly wore Zu- compromise list proposal, a Despite the seemingly pro- He told the Sunday Times that attack.” the m SASHNI PATHER, SUTHENTIRA opening game seems to have on Friday about the alleged Mbeki did not win, the “disciples ma T-shirts, flouting the party’s KwaZulu-Natal Zuma lobbyist Zuma sentiment in Polokwane, Mbeki needed to be in full con- The head of the ANC’s elec- held. GOVENDER, SUBASHNI NAIDOO, Fifa stumped. plot. of Jacob Zuma” would “make directive banning all T-shirts trol at least until the end of his BUYEKEZWA MAKWABE and Soccer’s world governing ANTON FERREIRA body said there was a “block of Fuelling paranoia in the Zuma camp was a burglary at his his life hell” between now and 2009; bearing faces of candidates. Tempers flared outside the ‘We remain opposed to the term in April 2009 and probably should be there to “mentor in” a ‘We are too delicately Send-of f like no other about 800 empty seats” at the Durban beachfront flat on ý The National Prosecuting registration hall with Mbeki lob- subversion of ANC internal successor over the following few afford a President who W ORLD Cup-crazy tory. Fifa decided to pay a bonus ident Joe Biden, Blatter, and vote in the first democratic elec- ciations would receive a $250 000 Fifa sold the marketing and Eskom hopes to prevent from Bafana Bafana vs Mexico Thursday. Authority alleged in its Con- byist Andile Nkuhlu exchanging years. South Africans to its 208 members. Mexico’s President Felipe tions. We hosted Africa’s first bonsela. television rights to this year’s recurring; “It’s ticket holders not show- Zuma’s rival, Mbeki, flew in to stitutional Court papers that strong words with a Zuma lob- “The leadership of Thabo have helped make “Previously there was talk Calderon. World Cup and having Arch- According to financial news event for $3.2-billion, 30% more ý Hundreds of empty seats at ing up or much too late . . . some Polokwane in the presidential Zuma had in fact received more byist, Bobo Thwane, with each democracy for political expediency’ Mbeki — at least to see through over his shoulder’ this the most lucra- that this World Cup could leave “Friday’s opening game can bishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu service Bloomberg, Fifa gener- than it did for the 2006 tour- Soccer City on Friday; and of the tickets seemed to belong tive tournament in Fifa’s history. Fifa financially bankrupt, but be counted as one of the great there was a great moment.” ated a record $1-billion of rev- nament in Germany. ý There’s the strange case of to performing artists, but we are That’s the word from Danny the international broadcast moments in our history,” Jor- Blatter announced bonuses enue last year, and holds the Though Fifa’s bank balance France star Thierry Henry’s still looking into the matter,” Jordaan, CEO of the local or- rights alone have been a major daan said. “We waited 27 years all round this week — including same amount in its reserves. has swelled, there were some soccer boots being detained by Fifa said in a statement. ganising committee. source of income.” for Mandela to be released from R1.8-million for the SA Football Almost all the income is derived minor hiccups at the start of customs. However, the chief of commu- Jordaan said: “(Fifa president Jordaan watched the opening jail and we waited 16 years to Association. from selling commercial and Africa’s first World Cup. These The tournament has not been nications for the local organising Sepp) Blatter is very very hap- game from the VIP suite at Soc- host this event. This was worth Blatter said Fifa had done so broadcasting rights to the included: without its fare share of off-field py. This has been the most suc- cer City in the company of Pres- the wait. It was a day as big as well financially last year that World Cup, sport’s most- ý Power outages in Orlando, drama. ý Turn to Page 3 Lala ngoxolo Qhawekazi cessful (World Cup) in their his- ident Jacob Zuma, US vice-pres- when South Africans cast their each of the 208 member asso- watched event. Soweto, that electricity utility The empty seats at Friday’s Thousands of police, soldiers deployed for Mandela memorial service and funeral GRAEME HOSKEN In Gauteng, there will be around-the-clock We are, because of you! THE memorial service and funeral of Nelson INSIDE MANDELA’S HOUSE aerial surveillance over Johannesburg and Pretoria. Mandela will involve the activation of South CHANDRÉ PRINCE eldest daughter, Makaziwe, wrote to her The Union Buildings, where Mandela’s Africa’s tightest security plan ever and the nephew, Mandla Mandela, demanding that body will lie in state from Wednesday, will be deployment of thousands of police and ABATHEMBU King Buyelekhaya he remove his four dogs from Mandela’s heavily guarded by police and defence force soldiers. Dalindyebo moved swiftly yesterday to house in Qunu, Eastern Cape. special forces soldiers. The plan to secure the world icon’s memo- quell any lingering Mandela family feuds Mandla has been at loggerheads with FNB Stadium, where world leaders, in- rial service, the lying in state and the funeral, ahead of the memorial service and funeral Makaziwe and the rest of his family over cluding US President Barack Obama, and his and the protection of the huge number of VIP of Nelson Mandela. Mandela’s final resting place. wife Michelle, will attend the memorial ser- mourners, has been four years in the making. King Dalindyebo visited Mandela’s In July, Makaziwe and 16 other family vice, will be in security lockdown. Yesterday the government said everything Houghton, Johannesburg, home to offer his members, including stepmother Graça State security services, including military was in place to ensure the safety of more than condolences and pray for peace ahead of Machel, took Mandla to court to force him and police intelligence agencies, have been 50 world leaders, royalty, scores of other official ceremonies this week. activated to detect any threat. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela foreign and South African dignitaries, and His visit was two days after Mandela’s ý Continued on Page 2 Minister in the Presidency for Perfor- Born: 26 September 1936, Mbizana Local Municipality, South Africa | Died: 2 April 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa thousands of mourners expected to attend mance Monitoring and Evaluation Collins this week’s events across South Africa. Chabane yesterday refused to comment on “Winnie served our people‚ she did not serve her own family. She did not serve any other interests. She only knew to serve the people of SA and that is what she was committed to. Officials said the security plan was based izela-Mandela, and President Jacob Zuma, has been put in place for the funeral in Qunu, security arrangements. Throughout her life as a political activist‚ she did not conform to the politics of respectability and sexist gender roles. She did not see women as being inferior to men… she emerged on that for the 2010 soccer World Cup. “What we can say is that … all the events out of every situation meant to break her even stronger and more powerful‚ more courageous and much more determined‚“ President Cyril Ramaphosa. attended a service at Bryanston Methodist Eastern Cape, on Sunday. Security manpower will be brought into Church, Johannesburg, yesterday. Deployed with armoured vehicles, their job and those who attend them are safe. I assure Gauteng from other provinces. At Bethesda Methodist Mission, in is to secure Mthatha airport. At least two SA you, we have very strict security measures in Yesterday thousands of people attended Houghton, Johannesburg, the Rev Mzwandile Navy frigates will be stationed off the East- place.” church services in remembrance of Mandela Molo said that Mandela lived “so magnificent ern Cape coast. A no-fly zone has been By late yesterday, 59 heads of state had and to pray for the wellbeing of the country. a life that it cannot be held in a grave”. imposed over Mthatha airport, with Mandela’s former wife, Winnie Madik- The 800-strong 14 SA Infantry Battalion continuous aerial surveillance. ý Continued on Page 2
NAT I ON A L NEWS D IG ITA L & PRINT Ti m e s L I V E , SA’s s e co n d - l a rg e st n ews we b s i te, p u b l i s h e s Times Select is a digital publication that curates sharply b re a k i n g n ews , a n a l ys i s , s p o r t , e n te r t a i n m e n t a n d l i fe st y l e written news, opinion, analysis and commentary from s eve n d ays a we e k . I t i s t h e h o m e o f t h e S u n d ay Ti m e s leading writers in the Sunday Times newsroom into a n ews p a p e r Ts h i s a L I V E , w h i c h fo c u s e s o n ce l e b r i t y n ews ; a n d single daily edition published every weekday morning at Ti m e s L I V E M o to r i n g . 5am. SA’s first daily digital news publication, Times Select offers a 20 minute read format and includes news that is Th e Ti m e s wa s e st a b l i s h e d a s SA’s f i r st i n te ra c t i ve n ews p a p e r, exclusive to Times Select, as well as national, lifestyle, p u b l i s h e d co n c u r re n t l y w i t h Ti m e s L I V E . I n N ove m b e r 2 01 7, t h e sport and business news. n ews p a p e r wa s re p l a ce d by a d i g i t a l o n l y d a i l y e d i t i o n . www.t i m e s l i z a Th e S u n d ay Ti m e s i s SA’s b i g g e st S u n d ay n ews p a p e r, p u b l i s h i n g h a rd - h i t t i n g , re l eva n t , i n d e p e n d e n t a n d a u t h o r i t at i ve n ews , p a r t i c u l a r l y o n t h e p o l i t i c a l f ro n t . H i g h l y re g a rd e d fo r i t s i n - TshisaLIVE is one of SA’s top digital entertainment news d e p t h i nve st i g at i ve j o u r n a l i s m , i t a l s o p u b l i s h e s i n f l u e n t i a l providers, providing breaking news, in-depth interviews co l u m n i st s , a n a l ys i s a n d a ra n g e o f l i fe st y l e co n te n t . and all the gossip from the world of celebrities to more E st a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 0 6 , t h e p a p e r ’s f i r st s l o g a n wa s ‘A p a p e r fo r than 1.5-million readers a month. TshisaLIVE has a home t h e p e o p l e ’ w h i c h wa s l ate r c h a n g e d to ‘ Th e p a p e r fo r t h e on TimesLIVE and is the digital identity of the TimesLIVE p e o p l e ’ . Th i s l at te r s l o g a n re m a i n s i n p l a ce to d ay. Th e S u n d ay entertainment section. Ti m e s i s d i st r i b u te d t h ro u g h o u t t h e co u n t r y, i n c l u d i n g i n n e i g h b o r i n g co u n t r i e s . www.t i m e s l i z a /s u n d ay- t i m e s / The Sowe tan is a d aily, En g li sh -lang u age n ewspape r t hat The popular SowetanLIVE website publishes content was e stab lish e d in 1 98 1 as a libe ratio n stru g gle publ i cati on . from the print edition of the Sowetan along with unique It se r ve s a p rou dly So uth Af r ican re ade rsh ip wi th news, online-only content seven days a week. Content includes spor t, l ife style and e nte rt ain me n t co nte nt , p u blis he d general and political news, entertainment and celebrities Mon d ay to F rid ay. M any p eo ple mi staken ly assu me d t he news, soccer and other sport, and much more. One of pa pe r c ar rie d n ews on ly f rom S oweto wh ich in it i al l y SA’s largest online publications with more than 1.5 million re su lte d in slow re ad er shi p growth . Tod ay, howeve r, t he readers each month, SowetanLive offers a free subscription pa pe r is on e of th e l arge st newsp ap e r s in the cou nt ry. service which is subject to an online registration. www.s owe ta za Vrye Weekblad, the historic anti-apartheid newspaper which launched in 1988 and was forced to shut down 25 years ago, was relaunched as a weekly Afrikaans-language digital publication earlier this year with founding editor Max Du Preez at the helm. P ublished weekly, Vrye Weekblad provides Afrikaans-language speakers with an insightful weekly dose of comment, news analysis and long-form reporting. While it is published in Afrikaans, the paper targets readers who value unique insight into SA’s issues.
E AST&EDIGITAL PRINT RN CAPE N EWS PRINT & DIGITAL The Weekend Post is the weekend market leader in the Eastern Cape. Its editorial content blends award- The H e rald, fir st p r in te d i n 18 45 , i s t he o ld e st newspape r winning exclusives, news and features, with a strong in SA. It se rve s t he Easte r n Cap e’s N el so n Mande la Bay focus on leisure and lifestyle content in keeping with with d aily loc al n ews, l ifestyle and s por t in p rin t an d i s the latest trends. The paper aims to provide content pu b lishe d fro m Mo nd ay to Fr iday e a ch we e k , as well as that motivates, uplifts and inspires. In addition to local on lin e. news, it provides readers with insight into local and www.he ra l international issues. The Daily Dispatch is the highest-circulating daily newspaper in the eastern half of the Eastern Cape and is known for its award-winning investigative journalism. Its H e raldLIV E is the on lin e ho me of Th e H e rald an d t he readers are fiercely loyal and passionately engaged with We eken d Post , pu b lishi ng fre sh n ews , ins ig h ts , o pi ni ons , local issues. The region’s best selling daily paper, the Daily spor t an d e n te r tain me n t re p or ts s eve n days a wee k fo r Dispatch focuses on local news, sports, politics, business, re ad e rs with an in te re st in th e E aste r n Cap e’s Nels on jobs and community events. The newspaper became Man d e la B ay. internationally renowned for the friendship of its editor, www.he ra l Donald Woods and apartheid struggle activist, Steve Biko between 1965 and 1977. Disp atch LIVE is th e le a din g so urce o f local o nline breaki ng n ews for th e e aste r n h al f of t he E aste rn C ape an d h as The Rep has served the community in and around Komani, su cce ssf u lly g rown it s au d ie nce e ach ye ar. Con te nt Eastern Cape, for the past 160 years with both hard focu se s o n local issu es wh ile sp ort a nd op in ion are and community news. One of SA’s oldest community cove re d in de tail. Re ad e r en g age me n t wi th co nten t i s hi gh. newspapers, it has a strong legacy of serving the region Disp atch LIVE is th e on lin e h ome of t he Daily Dis patch , with high-quality, balanced journalism. The Rep has shown wh e re re ade r s can a cce ss a se le ction o f fre e article s o r a growth in readership over the past few years. su bscr ib e for fu ll a cce ss. www.disp atch li a GO! & Express has been East London’s favourite weekly community newspaper for the past 24 years, publishing Readers along the Eastern Cape’s Sunshine Coast, from softer community-orientated news in the Buffalo City Nanaga to Fish River, trust Talk of the Town to cover metro and King William’s Town. The respected newspaper important news, from hard-hitting stories to community also partners with the Daily Dispatch for broader coverage. events. In its 24 years, the newspaper has garnered an The publication has a circulation of 42 900 copies, excellent following. A website launched in December 2016 featuring a mix of editorial content that is newsworthy and has shown healthy growth. entertaining as well as community news, wining and dining.
B U S I N E SS N EWS PRINT & DIGITAL The Financial Mail is a weekly national magazine in SA which is regarded as a must-read by the business and B usin e ssLIV E is a n ati on al news we bs ite focus in g o n investor community, publishing financial, economic and fi nan ce an d bu sin e ss n ews , an alysis an d in sig ht; fin anci al political articles that go far beyond beat reporting to mar ke ts; an d t he p olitical e con omy. It p u blish es conte nt provide in-depth analysis of industry and commerce. from Bu sin e ss Day, F in anci al Mail, S un d ay Tim es Bu si ne ss The publication was launched in 1959 and since then has Time s an d B us in e ss Day T V. become the most widely read weekly business publication www.b za in the country. An online version features the same content as the printed edition. B usin e ss Day is a n ational d ail y news pape r in SA, laun ch ed in 1 9 85 . Th e pu b lication fe at ure al l m ajo r nati on a l an d in te rn ati on al n ews, wi th a s pe cifi c fo cus o n th e SA Sunday Times Business Times, published every Sunday e con omy, th e bu sin e ss sector, the p olitical eco no my, with the Sunday Times, takes stock of the week’s biggest comp an ie s a nd f in an cial mar ke ts. The web site i s u pdate d business and financial news stories by going deeper into con tin ual ly on a da ily b asis wit h or ig inal onl in e o nl y the facts and looking ahead to the most pertinent news con ten t as we ll a s con te nt s ou rce d f rom o th e r pu blicat io ns topics of the coming week. su ch a s F ina n cial Mail, Bu si ne ss Day, B us in e ss Day TV a nd S un d ay Ti me s Bu sin e ss Ti me s. www.b za/ bd / B is a n in n ovat ive o nline -on ly b usine ss t hat se r ve s Sou th Afr ica n s with a global mi nds et . H i gh qu ali ty co nte n t is p rod uce d by an i nter n ational te am o f Page 1 15/02/18 01 01bd1502 bdprod9 11:39:03 PM 14/02/18 exp er ie n ce d e ditor s wh o provide the ration al pe rspe ct ive PETER BRUCE KHAYA SITHOLE 02618 to a d isce r nin g a ud ie n ce. Its Biznews Pre mi um i s r un in Spare us the fussing President’s hostilities THURSDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2018 over Zuma’s ejection must be swiftly undone R21.30 INCL VAT 9 771015 070005 ZIM US$3.00 Page 6 Page 7 BUSINESSDAY.CO.ZA pa rtn e r sh ip wi th th e Wall Stre et J ou rn al. Fou n de d i n 2013 by in te rn e t p u bl is hin g pione er Ale c H o gg, Bi znews . Zuma resigns Out Today BUSINESS BRIEFS com’s mission is to con tr ib u te to g rowing S out h Afr i can Exclusive CEO to defend his name Exclusive Books CEO, Benjamin Trisk says he plans to defend his “name and reputation”, following his suspension this week by the Exclusive Books prospe r ity by su pp or tin g de mocracy an d exp os in g board pending the outcome of a disciplinary •• Rand strengthens against dollar and euro enquiry. /Page 9 Ramaphosa now poised to take over PPC appoints Claassen as CEO Natasha Marrian, Genevieve my compatriots wish that I NEWS PPC has appointed Johan Quintal, Theto Mahlakoana be removed from office, they cor r up tion . Claassen as CEO and and Claudi Mailovich must exercise that right and do executive director of the 30 so in the manner prescribed by Zimbabwean cement group with President Jacob Zuma has the number the Constitution. immediate effect. /Page 9 opposition leader resigned. Since he was fired as deputy of days within which “I fear no motion of no con- fidence or impeachment, for Tsvangirai dies Emira upbeat on president in 2005, he has been a new they are the lawful mechanisms the single most influential, president has for the people of this beautiful Morgan Tsvangirai, the veteran dividend growth divisive and controversial to be elected country to remove their presi- Zimbabwean opposition figure in post-apartheid South by the dent,” he said. Emira Property Fund www.b iznews .co m leader who fought Robert African politics. National Zuma said he did not fear Mugabe’s regime for indicated on Wednesday ANC president Cyril Assembly leaving political office. “The ANC many years, died on some signs of recovery Ramaphosa is now poised to should never be divided in my Wednesday aged 65 after since decreasing its take over from Zuma, without name, I have therefore come to battling cancer, a party official dividend payout in its 2017 his predecessor facing the the decision to resign,” he said said. Elias Mudzuri, one of the financial year. /Page 10 humiliation of a motion of no in an address to the nation late vice-presidents of the confidence in Parliament, on Wednesday. Movement for Democratic scheduled for Thursday. Zuma said he had served as Change, said on Twitter: “As Steinhoff share The rand strengthened to president “in the prism” of you are aware that our MDC-T sinks lower R11.66 against the dollar while the country’s “much acclaimed president Dr Morgan Richard Zuma addressed the nation, but Constitution”. Tsvangirai has not been The share price of weakened marginally to about His address was televised feeling well for some time, it is Steinhoff International R11.70 by the time he finished nationally, drawing to a close his sad for me to announce that dropped a further 2.22% speaking. The rand also tumultuous nine years in office. we have lost our icon and to R5.28 on Wednesday, strengthened against the euro, Zuma stepped down after fighter for democracy. Our with shares in the reaching a level of R14.50. political parties in Parliament thoughts and prayers are embattled global retailer Hawks swoop: Police close off roads around the home of the Gupta family, friends of President Jacob Zuma, in Zuma said he had served at agreed, in an unprecedented with the family, the party and having now lost almost a Johannesburg, on Wednesday. Raids, targeting properties owned by the family and its associates, are linked to a the behest of the ANC, that he fashion, to remove him in the the nation at this hour.” quarter of its value so far Hawks investigation of the controversial Vrede dairy farm project. /Reuters still believed he should be motion of no confidence — and Tsvangirai’s death was in February. /Page 10 removed via Parliamentary also after the ANC took a confirmed by another senior SAXONWOLD RAID processes, but that he was decision to recall him from Atul Gupta must come in party member. /Ray Ndlovu resigning anyway. office on Monday. TV ads nearing Defiant to the end, he said he It has been a tumultuous 48 end of the road did not fear a motion of no hours for SA, with uncertainty De Lille savours confidence or impeachment, but judge’s decision Advertisers may be leaving or be a fugitive — Hawks he did not want violence in his Continued on Page 2 TV for good. Television name or to divide the ANC. “I More reports: Pages 3 and 5 Cape Town mayor Patricia de advertising sales in the US must accept that if my party and Opinion: Page 7 Lille said on Wednesday she fell 7.8% to $61.8bn in felt vindicated after a judge 2017, the steepest drop ruled in her favour on the outside of a recession in at eve of a no-confidence least 20 years, while sales Genevieve Quintal conspiracy to “swindle” to the Hawks at 2pm on vote. /Page 3 at cable networks slumped and Stephan Hofstatter R220m from the Free State, Wednesday, but did not. for the first time in almost which was meant for emerging Mulaudzi said one of them a decade. /Page 11 The Directorate for Priority black dairy farmers. R220m had contacted the Hawks and CPS stays involved Crime Investigation, known as The Asset Forfeiture Unit the amount would hand themselves over in in grant payments Lactalis sold the Hawks, has called on approached the High Court in involved in Bloemfontein on Thursday. one of the controversial Bloemfontein for a preserva- the Free “The other one is still quiet. Net1 subsidiary Cash recalled baby milk Gupta brothers, Atul, to hand tion order to seize the farm and State So if you are still quiet then of Paymaster Services (CPS) will himself in or face being government grants worth dairy-farm course the law will have to take continue to provide back-end French retailers, defending branded a “fugitive”. R220m, allegedly funnelled to ‘swindle’ its course,” he said. banking systems for the their role in a Business Day understands Gupta-linked companies. Mulaudzi would not con- entire social grant distribution contaminated baby milk that Atul Gupta’s lawyer has On Wednesday morning, firm who the five suspects process until at least the end scandal on Wednesday, been contacted by phone and the Hawks raided the Gupta were. However, Business Day of September. /Page 3 said they had received SMS and told to ensure his family’s Saxonwold compound understands they include products after the recall client hands himself over. in Johannesburg and several Kamal Vasram, an IT sales- deadline and that This was evidently after the other properties in connection man at the Guptas’ Sahara Exxaro CEO disputes communication by dairy lawyer told the media with its investigation into the Computers who ran the dairy Eskom claims producer Lactalis was confusing. /Page 11 earlier that none of the Guptas dairy farm. project through his company had been arrested. Hawks spokesman Brig Estina; former Free State Exxaro Resources CEO Mxolisi “We called the lawyer and Hangwani Mulaudzi said that agriculture department head of Mgojo has rejected claims by said ‘you bring that man, if you five people connected to the department Peter Thabethe and former Eskom executives that Court stalls Fox don’t bring him you must know dairy farm project were arrest- his former chief financial officer the power utility had an bid for Sky that he will be regarded as a ed and would appear in the Seipati Dlamini, who both established practice of fugitive’,” a reliable source said. Bloemfontein Magistrate’s served under Mosebenzi making prepayments for coal 21st Century Fox faces the Last month, the National Court on Thursday. supplies. /Page 2 prospect of another hurdle Prosecuting Authority placed Two other people were Continued on Page 2 in its bid for Sky after a UK the Guptas at the heart of a meant to hand themselves over In-Depth: Page 5 high court judge allowed a Pricing: SA Airlink legal challenge to proceed SA MINING ASSET headed for tribunal over whether the pay-TV provider would remain fit Privately owned regional carrier SA Airlink is to face prosecution after its to hold a broadcasting licence under the control of billionaire Rupert South Deep mine drains Gold Fields passengers on the Murdoch. /Page 12 Johannesburg-Mthatha route Allan Seccombe continues to struggle to bring the a full-year results presentation. overpaid about R100m over Resources Writer South Deep mine to account in Citi analyst Johan Steyn pressed five years, the Competition UK companies to the first year of a R2.3bn, six- Holland on how many heads of Commission said. /Page 2 pay big increases The blot on the Gold Fields year plan to bring the mine to R29bn operations had left South Deep landscape remains its sole steady-state production of the amount over the past eight years. British workers are in line remaining asset in SA, the South 480,000oz in 2022. absorbed by Steyn suggested it was this Can Lions go for their biggest pay rises Deep mine, which has absorbed Gold Fields on Wednesday the South rapid turnover of five or more all the way? since 2008 as a higher minimum wage kicks in, R29bn so far and has little to revised the final target down Deep mine leaders that had led to the unset- show for it, leaving the inter- from the 497,000oz released in so far tled nature of leadership and Having lost in Super Rugby according to a Bank of national assets to generate cash March 2017 when CEO Nick which was contributing to dif- finals twice in a row, distinct England survey that is for the group in 2017. Holland unveiled the plan. ficulties, a point Holland conced- opinions will naturally be likely to fuel concern Gold Fields is pouring mil- The frustration Holland felt ed was unsatisfactory. Holland formed around the Lions and about inflation among its lions of dollars into Australia, with South Deep and the also rowed back from expecta- their ability to go one better in policymakers. /Page 12 Ghana and Chile to replace and inevitable flood of questions 2018. /Back Page grow its gold ounces as it about the mine were clear at Continued on Page 2 FT-JSE INDICES BONDS/FORWARDS CURRENCIES COMMODITIES FOREIGN MARKETS All Share Top 40 R186 R207 R/ US$ R / UK£ R/€ Gold PM Fix Brent Futures Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 57,399.60 50,556.00 8.37 6.96 11.82335 16.45045 14.6251 1,325.35 62.88 24,645.21 7,168.01 0.33 0.30 0.83 0.93 1.17 0.98 1.02 0.23 0.63 0.02 0.13 Figures at 8pm SA time All bold figures are expressed as a percentage move For advertising call Kay Naidoo on: 011 280 3710 / For BDFM subscriptions or queries call: 0860 52 52 00
MAGAZINES O u r ma g azine title s p rovid e rea ders with a n in d u lge nt e scap e from the world in th e co m fo rt of the ir ow n hom e. We a re d e d icate d to b rin g ing mag a zines to life th ro u gh a u niq ue b le nd of newsworthy i n fo r m at ion an d e n te rtainment foc used re a din g. F rom Wan te d ’s lu xury l ife st y le focus, to Mims’ me dic a l foc us, we st r ive to e nthral re ad e rs by prov iding co n te n t t hat is b oth re levant a nd th o u g h t - provoking .
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TV & ENTERTAINMENT Th e wo r ld is continuously evolv ing, a nd a lo n g wit h this come s a d yna m ic c ha nge in co n s u me r d e man d s. At A re na , our tea m is d e d icate d to ke e p ing up w ith this fa st-pa ced e n e rg y a nd in d oing so, we c ater for a n a r ray o f aud io-visu al e nte rtainm ent needs. Th ro u g h ou r ch an ne ls we take v iewers from th e late st tre n d s in home d écor to c utting e d g e bu s in e ss and inve stment inform ation to e n te r t aining motorin g p rogra m m es. Bleed Bleed Trim Trim Live Live Bleed Bleed Trim Trim Live Live File Name YELLOW THE HOBBIT: TBOTFA - INTL - ADVANCE ONE-SHEET 100 27"x 40" 68% 10.03.14 1 175 340 id 1 Final Size Block% Dmax Billing Build% (07/10/14) Proof L/S WB Rev# Date Date M AG E N TA 309850 1 Warner Bros. INTL FULL PAGE Customer Sub Job Description Billing Block Used Job CYA N Live Live BLACK Trim Trim Bleed Bleed Bleed Bleed Trim Trim Live Live
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RA D I O B R OADC AST Vuma FM is a bilingual isiZulu and English-language commercial radio station in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal which RI S E f m is Mpu mala nga ’s com me rcial radio stati on , also broadcasts online. Providing adult radio for the young ap pe alin g to p rog re ss ive bl ack li ste n er s in th e provin ce at heart, the station targets economically active urban ag ed b e twe en 2 5 an d 49. Th e station p lays a d iver s e and educated 25 to 49-year-olds, providing inspirational ble n d of in ter n ation al and So uth Afr ican R&B, so ul a nd and lifestyle content with a 50/50 split between local and Af ropop mu s ic. Th e stati on i s s itu ate d in Nel sp r uit . international music, as well as news, current affairs, events www.ris e a and roadshows.
EVENTS We h o st a n d manag e some of th e mo st me morab le an d nota ble b u s in e ss an d corp orate eve nts in Af r ica . The se eve nts are created to e n co u ra ge me an ing ful con nec tions b e t we e n sp on sors an d atte ndees th at le a d to long lastin g b usiness re lat io n s hip s. O ur b e sp oke events n o t o n ly provid e le ad g e n e ration a nd p o te n t ia l for Sale s, b ut cre ate a lso c re ate m e morab le B ran d im pressions i n t h e m ind s of all atte n d e e s.
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