An Ireland For All - FIANNA FÁIL - Fianna Fail

An Ireland For All - FIANNA FÁIL - Fianna Fail
An Ireland
  For All

    T H E R E P U B L I CA N PA R T Y
An Ireland For All - FIANNA FÁIL - Fianna Fail

   Córú Fhianna Fáil / 3
   Welcome Message from Micheál Martin TD / 4
   General Secretary’s Welcome / 6
   Membership Information / 8
   Dates for Your Diary / 9
   Wolfe Tone Commemoration / 11
   Ógra Fianna Fáil / 12
   Polasaí Fhianna Fáil i leith na Gaeilge / 16
   Parliamentary Party Contact Details / 18
   Current Ard Chomhairle / 29
   Honorary Secretaries’ Report / 30
   Superdraw Information / 33
   Media Engagement / 34
   Joint Honorary Treasurers’ Report / 36

Ard Fheis Elections
   Vice President / 44
   Committee of 15 / 48
   Northern Ireland Representative / 56

   Social Protection / 59
   Communications, Climate Action and Natural Resources / 59
   Health / 61
   Housing, Planning and Local Government / 63
   Defence / 65
   Justice and Equality / 66
   Finance and Public Expenditure / 67
   Office of Public Works / 68
   Transport, Tourism and Sport / 69
   Education and Skills / 70
   Business, Jobs and Innovation / 71
   Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht / 72
   Foreign Affairs, Trade, Northern Ireland and Europe / 72
   Agriculture / 73
   Organisation / 74

                                                              78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 1
An Ireland For All - FIANNA FÁIL - Fianna Fail
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                Contact Head Office
         There are four ways to contact Fianna Fáil:

               Log on to the website:                   Email:

               Phone: 01 676 1551                       Write to:
                                                        Fianna Fáil Headquarters,
                                                        65/66 Lower Mount Street.
                                                        Dublin 2
                                                        D02 NX40

                Social Media
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An Ireland For All - FIANNA FÁIL - Fianna Fail
Córú Fhianna Fáil

          Córú Fhianna Fáil
       Fianna Fáil is a National Movement. Its aims are:

   I   To secure in peace and agreement the unity of Ireland and its people.

  II   To develop a distinctive national life in accordance with the diverse traditions and
       ideals of the Irish people as part of a broader European culture, and to restore and
       promote the Irish language as a living language of the people.

 III   To guarantee religious and civil liberty, and equal rights, equal treatment and equal
       opportunities for all the people of Ireland.

 IV    To develop the resources and wealth of Ireland to their full potential, while making
       them subservient to the needs and welfare of all the people of Ireland, so as to
       provide the maximum sustainable employment, based on fostering a spirit of
       enterprise and self-reliance and on social partnership.

  V    To protect the natural environment and heritage of Ireland and to ensure a balance
       between town and country and between the regions, and to maintain as many
       families as practicable on the land.

 VI    To promote the family, and a wider sense of social responsibility, and to uphold the
       rule of law in the interest of the welfare and safety of the public.

VII    To maintain the status of Ireland as a sovereign State, as a full member of the
       European Union and the United Nations, contributing to peace, disarmament and
       development on the basis of Ireland’s independent foreign policy tradition.

VIII   To reform the laws and institutions of State, to make them efficient, humane,
       caring and responsive to the needs of the citizen.

       Note On Schedule
       The schedule of events for the 78ú Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis is outlined separately in
       your Ard Fheis mailing and will also be available in the RDS throughout the event.

       Please make sure to consult it for the most up-to-date time and location
An Ireland For All - FIANNA FÁIL - Fianna Fail
Message from Micheál Martin TD
        Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil

        Fáilte go dtí 78ú Árd Fheis Fhianna Fáil.         issues that we do not agree with but we
                                                          have also used our influence to achieve far
        Tá súil agam go mbuailfidh mé libh i rith         more progressive policies. The pension was
        an deireadh seachtaine agus muid ag plé na        increased. We committed to deliver better
        ndúshláin thábhachtacha gur gá don Pháirtí        public services and we succeeded in getting
        aghaidh a thabhairt orthu sa todhchaí.            more than a 2:1 split on investment in
                                                          services and tax cuts in the first Budget of the
        I would like to sincerely welcome you all to      Confidence & Supply arrangement. We have
        our 78th Ard Fheis.                               also repeatedly said that more investment
                                                          needs to be allocated to preparing for Brexit.
        It is now nearly 20 months since the last         Ireland needs to have a plan for Brexit.
        general election and I want to thank you all
        for your dedicated work in your communities       While there is still a long way to go to address
        to help us elect more TD’s across the country.    the two-tiered recovery, our Party’s influence
        With your continued dedication we can             made the 2017 Budget the first progressive one
        continue to build on this success.                in six years.

        Fianna Fáil entered the Confidence and            We have approached this year’s Budget in the
        Supply Arrangement in May 2016 to enable a        same way trying to achieve more investment
        minority led government to be put in place.       in services rather than prioritising tax cuts
        This decision was made in the interests           for the high earners. As a result of this
        of the Country. It was the responsible and        arrangement there will be a better public
        constructive thing to do.                         teacher ratio, better services in health as more
                                                          patients will be treated through the National
        It is the first arrangement of this type in       Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) and more
        Ireland and it has been a great challenge         investment in delivering affordable and social
        particularly when political opponents accuse      houses.
        us of being in government rather than
        opposition. We are clearly in opposition,         There was also a commitment in the C&S
        holding the government to account, but we         arrangement to reduce USC for low and
        have agreed to support policy areas that are in   middle income earners and we have ensured
        the best interests of the people and provided     that this commitment is delivered for the
        that our policy commitments get delivered         second year in a row. Mortgage interest relief
        upon.                                             has also been extended and this is helping
                                                          thousands of home owners.
        Since May 2016, we have opposed the
An Ireland For All - FIANNA FÁIL - Fianna Fail
Leader’s Welcome

We have brought forward many policy ideas       of urgency. Delays in this issue make no
to try to constructively address the housing    financial or moral sense. Apartment blocks
issue in Ireland. Unfortunately some of these   should be higher to allow more families to
have been selectively attacked while others     be housed. Vacant units above shops across
ignored. To tackle the housing issue we         Ireland should be given incentives to convert
believe all options should be considered.       and be utilised for housing in the medium
                                                term. We also suggested that VAT be reduced
Over 20 months ago, in our general election     for affordable houses. These are just some of
manifesto, we suggested NAMA should be          our suggestions and all are available on www.
used. The government have recently agreed to
utilise NAMA but have not yet spelt out how
this is going to be done.                       I look forward to meeting you all and I look
                                                forward to listening to your contributions
Credit unions should be utilised to help        to our debates on Housing, Health, Climate
young couples to buy affordable housing and     change and Brexit, to mention but a few, over
affordable owner occupier and rental housing    the next coming days.
schemes need to be introduced for middle
income households. The restrictive and over     Finally, I want to wish all of the candidates
bureaucratic planning processes need to be      who are putting themselves forward for
streamlined and severe sanctions against        election to the National Executive the very
hoarding of lands need to be introduced.        best in what looks like to be a very tight
Everyone is aware of bordered up houses
across the country and these should be          Le gach dea ghui.
prioritised for refurbishment as a matter

                                            Micheál Martin TD
                                            Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil

                                                                                  78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 5
General Secretary’s Welcome
        Seán Dorgan
        Welcome back to the RDS for the 78ú Fianna          identifying and supporting candidates
        Fáil Ard Fheis. I hope this year’s Ard Fheis will   and constituencies. We will be focused on
        be a hugely productive and enjoyable one for        winning at least one seat in each of the 11
        our members and observers.                          Dublin constituencies, along with the other
                                                            28 constituencies outside of Dublin. Members
        This year’s schedule will examine the key           can be assured that this work is underway and
        issues facing Ireland today. I hope that            is being progressed in a planned and strategic
        you will fully participate in the weekend’s         way.
        programme. I also hope that you will
        enjoy yourself in the process, meeting and          In addition to national election planning,
        interacting with your fellow members from           the next local and European elections are
        around the country.                                 now just 19 months away. We will be in
                                                            contact with members and units in relation to
        Since our last Ard Fheis, we fought a very          preparations for these elections in due course.
        successful general election, winning 44             Both contests are very important for the Party
        seats. It was an important milestone on our         and being well prepared is a key part of that
        renewal journey, coming after very successful       process.
        local elections in 2014. Our organisational
        focus since last year’s election has been on        As we continue to renew, we still have
        strengthening our organisation, growing             much work to do. Ógra has had a successful
        our membership and supporting our                   number of years and we must continue to
        representatives. We must be ever-vigilant and       encourage young people to join Fianna Fáil,
        focused on consolidating the gains we made          making it a vibrant place for them. We must
        in 2014 and 2016 and also in identifying and        also continue to encourage young people
        focusing on other opportunities for electoral       to seek selection and election. The same
        growth.                                             applies to continuing to encourage women
                                                            to join, participate in and seek selection and
        In that regard, we have much work to do. The        election. While we had a successful general
        National Constituencies Committee (NCC),            election campaign in 2016, with more women
        under the chairmanship of Chris Flood, has          contesting the election on a Fianna Fáil ticket
        been busy in ensuring that our candidate            than ever before, this remains a challenge and
        selection process is underway and planned.          a continuing important priority.
        For example, in Dublin, while we made very
        significant gains in 2016, there are still five     I would like to thank all our members and
        constituencies where we have no TD. Our             units for their efforts over the past year in
        objective is to complete the selection process      fundraising for the Party. The 2016 Super
        in these constituencies as a matter of priority,    Draw was our most successful for over five
General Secretary’s Welcome

years. This allowed us to continue to decrease     Fheis. They work tirelessly to ensure that the
the Party debt levels significantly. Further       work of our Party is carried out, every day and
details of the Party’s spending and fundraising    done in a professional way. You will meet them
over the last year can be found in the Joint       over this weekend and I know you will agree
Honorary Treasurers’ Report, located later         with me that they are great ambassadors of our
in this Clár. Once again, Fianna Fáil owes a       party.
huge debt of gratitude to our membership and
supporters, who continue to support the Party.     Please study this Clár, particularly the schedule.
                                                   There will be a more detailed schedule available
Membership of Fianna Fáil is now at record         as you enter the RDS. You should consult this
levels, since the introduction of One Member       also, in case any changes have been made.
One Vote (OMOV). Thanks to each of our 20,000
members for their continued active involvement     I’d welcome any suggestions or comments you
in, and commitment to, the Party.                  may have on any aspect of this Ard Fheis, or on
                                                   wider organisational issues. Please feel free to
Earlier this year, the Party launched its Public   write to me at Fianna Fáil HQ or email me at
Representative Assistance Programme. This is
a confidential service, provided by an external
professional expert organisation, offering         Enjoy the Ard Fheis and thank you for your
counselling and support on a range of matters.     continued commitment and loyalty to Fianna
It is available to each of our 320+ public         Fáil.

Finally, I would like to thank the staff at                                            Seán Dorgan
Headquarters and Leinster House for their                                          General Secretary
commitment and hard work since our last Ard

                                              Seán Dorgan
                                              General Secretary

                                                                                    78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 7
Fianna Fáil Membership

         Fianna Fáil Membership

         There are two different forms of Fianna             Associate Members are those who choose
         Fáil membership.                                    not to pay their subscription. Associate
                                                             members can attend cumann meetings and
         Fully subscribed Voting Members are                 other events but may not vote in any Party
         those who have paid their subscription.             decisions.
         Following a 12 month waiting period,
         voting members have rights at their                 Members who wish to become, or remain,
         Cumann, Chomhairle Ceantair and                     fully subscribed Voting members can do so
         Chomhairle Dáil Cheantair. They also have           using the appropriate membership form,
         voting rights at selection conventions              obtainable from Fianna Fáil Headquarters or
         convened in their area and at Ard                   from the Fianna Fáil stand in the Ard Fheis
         Fheiseanna. Voting members can also                 Exhibition area. Alternatively, you can pay
         vote in the election of the Party Leader as         your membership subscription online at
         well as a vote that will determine whether
         Fianna Fáil should participate in future
         coalition governments.

         Membership Subscription Options
          One year membership          €20
          Three year membership        €50
          Five year membership         €80
          Life membership              €200

         How To Join Fianna Fáil

         There are four ways to apply to join Fianna Fáil:

              Log on to the website:                              Email:

              Phone: 01 6761551                                   Write to:
                                                                  Membership Department,
                                                                  Fianna Fáil Headquarters,
                                                                  65/66 Lower Mount Street.
                                                                  Dublin 2
                                                                  D02 NX40
Dates for Your Diary


Annual Wolfe Tone Commemoration                    President’s Dinner
Sunday 22 October 2017
                                                   Saturday, 18th November 2017
Bodenstown Cemetery, Sallins, Co. Kildare.         Clayton Hotel (Formerly the Burlington)
Earlier start time of 11.00am.                     Burlington Road, Dublin 2.

Superdraw 2017                                     Ógra National Youth Conference
Wednesday 20 December
                                                   Friday 16th & Saturday 17th
1st Floor, 65-66 Lower Mount Street,               February 2018
Dublin 2.

Arbour Hill Commemoration
Sunday, 22nd April 2018
Starts at 12 Noon
Arbour Hill Church & Cemetery
Dublin 7.

Please note that further events will be added throughout this year and next year.

For information and updates, please refer to the weekly Party Bulletin.

You can sign up for it at, email or contact
Party Headquarters on 01 6761551.

                                                                                 78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 9
                                     T H E R E P U B L I C A N PA R T Y

         Cairde Fáil 2017
                       PRESIDENT’S DINNER

               Saturday 18th November
          Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road (formerly The Burlington)
                 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4

                            Tickets: €80           Table of 10: €750

    For more details or to book tickets, contact Anne Quinn on (01) 6649233 or
Fianna Fáil
Wolfe Tone

You are invited to the Annual Fianna Fáil Commemoration at
Bodenstown Cemetery, Kildare on Sunday, 22nd October 2017 at 11.00am.

Micheál Martin TD, Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil, will lay a wreath at the grave of
Theobald Wolfe Tone and deliver the Oration, commemorating the contribution
made by Wolfe Tone and his comrades.

TDs, Senators, Ard Chomhairle members, Local Authority members, members and
supporters of Fianna Fáil will be in attendance and all are welcome.

Please note the earlier time of 11.00am for the 2017 commemoration.

                                                                   78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 11
                                          James Doyle Dublin Fingal

                    Policy & Campaigns                           Events Director
                    Peter Caulfield                              Dion Davis
                    Mayo                                         Limerick City / UCC

                    Membership &                                 3rd Level Organiser
                    Recruitment, Niamh                           Joanne Keating
                    Traynor Dublin Fingal                        Cork North Central / UCC

                    Irish Language &                             Dublin Organiser
                    Cultural Officer                             Aoibheann Mahon
                    Caolán Mac Grianna / TCD                     Dublin Bay North

                    Munster Organiser                            Connacht / Ulster
                    Róisín Redmond                               Organiser, Tom
                    Cork North Central / CIT                     Cahill Galway East / NUIG

                    Northern Organiser                           Leinster Organiser
                    Paul MacNamee                                Eimhin Boland
                    Belfast                                      Offaly / AIT
Ógra Fianna Fáil

Uachtarán Ógra Fhianna Fáil, James Doyle

A Chairde, tá fáilte romhaibh ar ais chuig         party. We thank the Irish people for placing
Baile Átha Cliath. Tá áthas an domhain orm         such confidence in our party once again. We
go bhfuil an Ard Fheis ar ais i m’áit dúchais.     will not let them down. Members of Ógra
Nuair a bhíonn an ócáid seo ar siúil san RDS,      Fhianna Fáil played a key role in the party’s
bíonn atmaisféar speisialta timpeall na háite!     success. Our members slogged it out, hail,
Tá súil agam go mbainfidh sibh sult as an          rain, and shine supporting our local Fianna
deireadh seachtaine.                               Fáil candidates. We are particularly proud
                                                   that young TDs such as Jack Chambers and
It’s a pleasure to welcome you back to my          Lisa Chambers were elected to Dáil Éireann.
home city of Dublin for the 78th Fianna            I have no doubt that they are merely the first
Fáil Ard Fheis. There is always a great buzz       of a new generation who will run for public
when we get together here in the RDS and           office. I am also grateful to Uachtarán Fhianna
I trust that you will find the weekend both        Fáil Micheál Martin TD for recognising
productive and enjoyable. Since the last           the contribution of Ógra members to the
Ard Fheis, I am happy to report that Ógra          election campaign in his post-election media
Fhianna Fáil has continued to thrive and           interviews. Mar a deirtear, mol an Óige agus
develop across the thirty-two counties. This       tiocfaidh sí.
has not come easily. It is down to the hard
work of grassroots members of Ógra in                 Comhdháil Náisiúnta Ógra 2016
constituencies and third level institutions
throughout Ireland. When I see these talented,       National Youth Conference 2016
dedicated and diligent young people who
selflessly commit their time and efforts to this   Last November, the Treaty City played host to
organisation, I am reassured that the future       the National Youth Conference of the Fianna
of our party will be a truly bright one. I am      Fáil party. The theme for the weekend was
particularly glad to see Ógra members contest      ‘Shape Our Nation’, and Ógra members turned
internal elections – we wish them and every        out in force to debate and discuss a wide range
other candidate the best of luck.                  of topical issues and to elect a new Central
                                                   Officer Board. The organisers David O’Sullivan
                                                   and Limerick City Ógra, ably assisted by
            Olltoghchán 2016
                                                   Fintan Phelan, our National Youth Officer,
         General Election 2016                     hosted a weekend that will be remembered for
                                                   years to come. The officers elected were:
Seo é an chéad Ard Fheis tar éis Olltoghchán
2016. This is the first Ard Fheis since Fianna     Uachtarán | James Doyle
Fáil won the 2016 General Election. We may
not have finished with the most seats, but         Policy & Campaigns Director |
our gains far exceeded those of any other          Peter Caulfield

                                                                                   78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 13
Ógra Fianna Fáíl               Uachtarán Ógra Fhianna Fáil, James Doyle

        Events Director | Dion Davis                       the renewal of units in all constituencies and
                                                           in third level institutions. After last month’s
        Membership & Recruitment Director |                fantastic third level recruitment campaign,
        Niamh Traynor (Dublin Fingal)                      we will continue to engage with these new
                                                           members and ensure that they are listened
        3rd Level Organiser | Joanne Keating               to and are involved in the organisation. It
                                                           may be a cliché, but these new members
        Irish Language & Culture Officer |                 are the public representatives of tomorrow.
        Caolán Mac Grianna                                 As the first person in my family to become
                                                           involved in politics, and as someone who has
        Dublin Organiser | Aoibheann Mahon                 risen through Ógra’s ranks, I know it can be
                                                           daunting when you first join. I hope that both
        Munster Organiser | Róisín Redmond                 Ógra and senior party members will always be
                                                           cognisant of this and continue to extend the
        Connacht/Ulster Organiser |                        hand of friendship and welcome to our latest
        Northern Organiser | Paul McNamee
                                                           It has been a privilege to travel to cumann
        Leinster Organiser | Eimhin Boland                 meetings in all parts of the country, and I
                                                           am grateful to Ógra members for the warm
        Subsequently, and after an open competition,       welcome which they have extended to me
        the COB appointed Mike Forde (Cork East) as        on many occasions. From Cork to Belfast,
        Press Officer. At the AGM of Ógra’s National       constituency based Ógra units which
        Council, Gavin Curry (Galway West) was             are embedded in local communities are
        elected Chairperson and Malachy Hand               invaluable. The Central Officer Board has
        (Roscommon) was elected Secretary. In              developed a local recruitment leaflet which
        addition to this, Keith Henry (Sligo) was          has been rolled out to all interested cumainn.
        re-elected as International Officer and Seán-      Our growing social media presence has also
        Diarmuid Kelliher (Kerry/UCC) was elected          been of great assistance in boosting our
        Diversity & Equality Officer. Tá na hoifigigh go   recruitment of new members.
        léir ag obair go dian ar son an pháirtí.

                                                                     Gníomhaíocht Ógra
             Ag Forbairt & Ag Tacú le Cumainn
                                                                          Ógra Activity
            Developing & Supporting Cumainn
                                                           An essential component of our success has
        One of my main priorities as Uachtarán Ógra        been activity on the ground and on social
        has been the encouragement and support of          media. Ógra has actively supported positive
Ógra Fianna Fáil

mental health through our ‘Christmas Catch
Up’ campaign and many of our members also
                                                             Tuaisceart na hÉireann
participated in the Pieta House “Darkness into                 The North of Ireland
Light” event. We have held many different
events over the past year. The De Valera             The progress of the party in the Six Counties
Cup English language debating competition            is a key concern for Ógra members north and
was won by Fionnán Long and Conor Rock               south of the border. In light of Brexit and the
of UCD and the Irish language competition            recent difficulties concerning the Legislative
was won by Caolán Mac Grianna and Gavin              Assembly, the need to engage with Northern
Curry. Sligo Ógra retained the Jack Lynch Cup        politics is more acute than ever before. Ógra’s
in football, beating Mayo, and the De Valera         Northern Organiser Paul McNamee has done
Shield Tag Rugby tournament was held at              Trojan work in recruiting new members
the Ógra Summer School. Over the summer,             and reconnecting with people who had
our members marched in Pride parades in all          fallen away. Ógra fully supports the drive to
major cities. We ran a successful recruitment        contest elections in the North in 2019 and will
campaign on college campuses. We have                continue to promote issues which affect our
actively participated in commemorations and          northern members.
national events. We have also had plenty of
social activities such as Laois-stock and the
                                                           Na Dúshláin atá Romhainn
Roscommon Ógra BBQ. Similarly, our local
cumainn have been actively participating on                  The Challenges Ahead
the ground in local activities. All in all, it has
been a busy year.                                    As I enter my last few months as Uachtarán,
                                                     and indeed with only a few short years left
The Central Officer Board has been active on a       in Ógra, I am acutely aware of the challenges
European level through our interaction with          ahead. I believe that the next Central Officer
our sister parties in LYMEC. I have attended         Board will inherit an organisation which is in
two congresses with International Officer            rude health. The most immediate challenge
Keith Henry and together we have put forward         will be to capitalise on this organisational
Ógra’s thoughts and positions on topical             strength and further increase our active
issues affecting the entire continent, such as       membership. We need to be fighting fit when
Brexit and regional transport. As a mark of the      the next election is called and we have a duty
respect in which our former Uachtarán Eoin           to be an effective voice for young people in
Neylon is held, he was invited to chair the          modern Ireland. This will require innovation
LYMEC Spring Congress in Stockholm – a first         and hard work. Níl dabht ar bith agam – beidh
for any Ógra member.                                 sé ar ár gcumas an ról sin a glachadh.

                                                                                     78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 15
Polasaí Fhianna Fáil i leaith na Gaelige

      Polasaí Fhianna Fáil i leith na Gaeilge

       Eamon Ó’Cuív TD                     Aindreas Ó Muimhneacháin TD

        Tá polasaí láidir ag Fianna Fáil i leith na      labhraíonn an Ghaeilge gach lá.
        Gaeilge agus bhí cur chun cinn na Gaeilge mar
        bhun aidhm ariamh ag an bpáirtí ó bunaíodh       Níor cuireadh an Stráitéis Fiche Bliain don
        é í 1926. Idir 1997 agus 2011 thóg Fianna Fáil   Ghaeilge i bhfeidhm agus gearradh siar ar
        céimeanna móra chun an Ghaeilge a chur           acmhainni don teanga
        chun tosaigh
                                                         Cuireadh deireadh le toghadh ionadaithe ó
        Orthu seo bhí:                                   phobal na Gaeltachta ar Bhord Údarás na
        Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003
        Bunú oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga               Sa gcomhaontú a rinneadh idir Fianna Fáil
        Bunú Fhoras na Gaeilge                           agus Fine Gael roimh bhunú an rialtais seo
        Cearta teanga a chur san áireamh i ndlithe       d’éiligh Fianna Fáil agus d’aontaigh Fine
        éagsúla mar shampla in achtanna oideachais       Gael go gcuirfí geallúint sa gComhaontú
        agus in achtanna pleanála                        Muiníne agus Éilimh maidir le breis acmainní
        Bunú Choimisiún na Gaeltachta                    don Ghaeilge. Tá an gheallúint seo fós le
        Forbairt agus glacadh leis an Straitéis Fiche    comhlíonadh ag an Rialtas agus beidh Fianna
        Bliain don Ghaeilge                              Fáil ag brú go láidir go ndéanfar san.
        Mór-chuid caiteachais a dhéanamh ar bhun
        structúr Gaeltactha agus Gaeilge                 Má thóghtar muid ar ais i Rialtas leanfar den
        Bunú COGG(An Chomhairle Oideachais Um            obair a bhí ar bun ag Fianna Fail don Ghaeilge
        Ghaelscolaíocht agus Oideachas Ghaeltachta)      suas go 2011.

        I rith ár dtréimhse in oifig tháinig méadú ar    I measc na mór pholasaithe a bheidh ag
        líon na gcainteoirí Gaeilge taobh istigh agus    Fianna Fáil beidh-:
        taobh amuigh den Ghaeltacht
                                                         Acmhainní breise a gcur ar fáil don teanga
        Faraor le sé bliana anuas theip ar na Rialtais   agus don Ghaeltacht mar atá á éileamh ag na
        faoi cheannas Fhine Gael ar an nGaeilge agus     heagraíochtai Gaeilge
        ar an nGaeltacht.
                                                         An Straitéis Fiche Bliain don Ghaeilge a chur
        Thainig meath suntasach ar líon na ndaoine       i bhfeidhm go hiomlán agus de réir mar is
        a deir go bhfuil Gaeilge acu agus orthu siúd a   gá leasuithe a ndéanamh air chun é a láidriú
Polasaí Fhianna Fáil i leaith na Gaelige

agus a chur in oiriúnt d’athruithe sa sochaí.       Láidriú a dhéanamh ar Acht na dTeangacha
                                                    Oifigiúla trí reachtaíocht nua a thabhairt
Béim faoi leith a chur ar ládriú na teanga sa       isteach.
                                                    Úsáid na Gaeilge a spreagadh i measc
Greasáin Gaeltachta a bhunú ar fud na tíre in       comhluchtaí príobháideacha.
áit ar bith go bhfuil Gaelscoil lonnaithe agus
meadú mór a chur ar na deiseanna sna pobail         Breis tacaíochta a thabhairt don chraoladh trí
seo an Ghaeilge a úsáid taobh amuigh den            Ghaeilge ar a airítear TG4, Raidio na Gaeltachta,
chóras oideachais.                                  Raidio Rí Ra agus Raidio na Life.

Cur le fostaíocht ar fud na Gaeltachta (go mór      Tacaíocht láidir a thabhairt do phobal an
mhór fostaiocht teanga lárnaithe) le pobal na       Tuaiscirt ina n-éileamh i leith na teanga. Ar
Gaeltachta a láidriú.                               na héileamh seo áirítear Cearta Gaeilge sa g
                                                    córas oideachais, Acht Teanga, Gaeilge sna
Cinntiú uair amháin eile go mbeidh                  meáin cumarsáide agus acmhainní do phobal
tromlach Bhord Údaras na Gaeltachta tofa go         labhartha na teanga i ngach pobal.
                                                    Breis tacaíocthaí a thabhairt don luath
Feabhas a chur ar bhunstructúr na Gaeltachta        oideachas trí Ghaeilge.
trí na scéimeanna Gaeltachta éagsúla a
thabhairt ar ais.                                   Úsáid na Gaeilge a laidriú taobh istigh
                                                    d’eagraíocht Fhianna Fáil agus Ógra Fhianna
Feabhas mór a chur ar mhúineadh na Gaeilge          Fáil.
sa gCóras Oideachais.
                                                    Molann muid an obair ata déanta le bliain
Cur leis na cúrsaí triú léibhéal a bheidh ar        anuas ag Ógra Fhianna Fáil agus molann muid
fáil trí Ghaeilge le cinntiú go mbeidh dóthain      go speisialta an obair éachtach atá déanta ag
soláthar de dhaoine le Gaeilge ann le seirbhísí     Patrick Ó Déaghain í leith na teanga.
a chur ar fáil trí Ghaeilge sa nGaeltacht agus ar
fud na tíre.                                        Ba mhaith linn ar mbuíochas a chur in iúl
                                                    do bhaill Choiste Gaeilge Fhianna Fáil faoi
Cur leis na deiseanna atá ag daoine óga             Chathaoirleacht Lábhrás Ó Murchú don obair
tréimhse a chaitheamh sa Ghaeltacht.                mhór atá déanta acu le blianta beaga anuas ag
                                                    cur na teanga chun cinn i bPáirtí Fhianna Fáil.
Cur go láidir le fás na Gaelscoláiochta agus
Gaelcholáistí ag an gcéad agus dara leibhéal        Tá Fianna Fáil ag iarraidh bhur dtuairimí
oideachais agus freastal ar an éileamh atá ann      maidir le polasaí Gaeilge an pháirtí. Cuir
ón bpobal do Ghaeloideachas.                        aon tuairimí ata agat chuig eamon.ocuiv@
                                           led bhur dtoil.
Múineadh na Gaeilge a fheabhsú sa gcóras
oideachais i gcoitinne.                             Éamon Ó Cuív TD agus Aindreas Ó
                                                    Muimhneacháin TD

                                                                                   78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 17
Your Team in Leinster House

          Dáil Éireann

 Bobby Aylward TD        Junior Spokesperson on Farming & Skills
                         Tel: 056 7764726
                         Office: Knockmoylan, Mullinavat, Co.Kilkenny

     John Brassil TD     Junior Spokesperson on Primary Care &
                Kerry    Community Health Services

                         Tel: 066-712 9565
                         Office: Main Street, Ballyheigue, Co. Kerry

             Declan      Junior Spokesperson on North-South Bodies &
      Breathnach TD      Cross-Border Co-Operation
                         Tel: 042 93 52446
                         Office: Knockbridge, Dundalk, Co Louth

  James Browne TD        Spokesperson on Mental Health
                         Tel: 053 9235046
                         Office: Lower Church St, Enniscorthy, Co.Wexford

      Mary Butler TD     Junior Spokesperson on Older People &
         Waterford       Public Health Promotion
                         Chair of the Enterprise Committee

                         Tel: 051 852532

  Thomas Byrne TD        Spokesperson on Education and Skills
       Meath East
                         Tel: 01 618 3310
                         Office: Turnpike House, Bridge Street, Ashbourne, Co Meath
Your Team in Leinster House

  Jackie Cahill TD   Junior Spokesperson on Food & Horticulture
                     Tel: 0504 24632
                     Office: 8-9 Parnell Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

 Dara Calleary TD    Spokesperson on Public Expenditure and Reform
                     Tel: 096 77613
                     Office: 19 Pearse Road, Ballina, Co. Mayo

    Pat Casey TD     Junior Spokesperson on Urban Renewal & Housing
                     Tel: 0402 42105

Shane Cassells TD    Junior Spokesperson on Local Government
   Meath West
                     Tel: 046 948 7599
                     Office: Newman’s Mill, Athboy, Co. Meath

Jack Chambers TD     Junior Spokesperson on Community &
   Dublin West       National Drugs Strategy

                     Tel: 01 6183784
                     Office: Laurel Lodge Shopping Centre

Lisa Chambers TD     Spokesperson on Defence
                     Tel: 094 92 50577
                     Office: 12 Lucan St., Castlebar, Co. Mayo

                                                                 78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 19
Your Team in Leinster House

      Niall Collins TD   Spokesperson on Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation
Limerick County
                         Tel: 061 300149
                         Office: Red House Hill, Patrickswell, Co. Limerick

    Barry Cowen TD       Spokesperson on Housing, Planning & Local Government
                         Tel: 057 9321976
                         Office: Patrick Street, Tullamore, Co. Offaly

     John Curran TD      Chair of the Social Protection Committee
 Dublin Midwest
                         Tel: 01 618 3792

            Stephen      Spokesperson on Brexit
         Donnelly TD
           Wicklow       Tel: (01) 201 7300
                         Office: Carriage House, Church Road, Greystones.

  Timmy Dooley TD        Spokesperson on Communications, Environment &
                Clare    Natural Resources

                         Tel: (01) 6183514
                         Office: 8 Mill Road, Ennis, Co. Clare

   Sean Fleming TD       Chair of the Public Accounts Committee
                         Tel: 057 873 2692
                         Office: Silveracre, Castletown, Portlaoise, Co Laois
Your Team in Leinster House

       Pat The Cope     Junior Spokesperson on Marine & Fisheries
       Gallagher TD
          Donegal       Tel: 016184038

   Sean Haughey TD      Junior Spokesperson on European Affairs &
 Dublin Bay North       EU Single Market

                        Tel: 01 6183695

    Billy Kelleher TD   Spokesperson on Health
      Cork North
         Central        Tel: 021-4502289
                        Office: 28a Ballyhooley Road, Dillon’s Cross, Cork

     John Lahart TD     Deputy Chief Whip and Spokesperson on Dublin
Dublin South West
                        Tel: 01 61833712

  James Lawless TD      Junior Spokesperson on Science, Technology,
    Kildare North       Research and Development

                        Tel: 045 898 476
                        Office: Wolfe Tone Street, Naas, Co Kildare

 Marc MacSharry TD      Committee of Public Accounts
                        Tel: 071 9143616

                                                                78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 21
Your Team in Leinster House

  Micheál Martin TD   Leader & Spokesperson on Northern Ireland
       Cork South
          Central     Tel: 021-432 0088
                      Office: 137 Evergreen Road, Turner’s Cross, Cork

           Charlie    Spokesperson on Agriculture, Food & the Marine
   McConalogue TD
            Donegal   Tel: 0749373131
                      Office: Chapel Street, Carndonagh, Co. Donegal

            Michael   Spokesperson on Finance
         McGrath TD
       Cork South     Tel: 021-4376699
          Central     Email:
                      Office: Main Street, Carrigaline, Co Cork

             John     Chair of the Finance, Public Expenditure
     McGuinness TD    and Reform, & Taoiseach Committee
                      Tel: 056 7770672
                      Office: O’Loughlin Road, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny

           Aindrias   Junior Spokesperson on Gaeltacht & Natural Resources
        Moynihan TD
Cork North West       Tel: 021 482 6644
                      Office: St Martins Place, West End, Main Street,
                      Ballincollig, Co Cork

            Michael   Fianna Fáil Whip
        Moynihan TD
Cork North West       Tel: 029-51299
                      Office: Percival Street, Kanturk, Co Cork
Your Team in Leinster House

          Eugene      Junior Spokesperson on Office of
        Murphy TD     Public Works & Flood Relief
        Galway        Tel: 071 963 3000
                      Office: Elphin Street, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon

   Margaret Murphy    Spokesperson on Disability
      O’Mahony TD
Cork South West       Tel: 023-8841179

 Darragh O’Brien TD   Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs & Trade
                      Tel: 01 6183802
                      Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

 Jim O’Callaghan TD   Spokesperson on Justice and Equality
Dublin Bay South
                      Tel: 01 475 89 43
                      Office: 37 South Richmond Street, Portobello, Dublin 2

  Eamon Ó’Cuív TD     Spokesperson on Regional Development,
    Galway West       Rural Affairs & the Gaeltacht

                      Tel: 091 562846
                      Office: Kirwan House, Flood Street, Galway City

    Willie O’Dea TD   Spokesperson on Social Protection
    Limerick City
                      Tel: 061-454488
                      Office: 2 Glenview Gardens, Farranshone, Limerick

                                                              78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 23
Your Team in Leinster House

   Kevin O’Keeffe TD   Junior Spokesperson on Sport
          Cork East
                       Tel: 022-25320
                       Office: Ballylough, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork

 Fiona O’Loughlin TD   Junior Spokesperson on Equality, Immigration & Integration
     Kildare South     Chair of the Education & Skills Committee

                       Tel: 045 436792
                       Office: Cappanargid 63, The Great Southern, Newbridge, Co. Kildare

  Frank O’Rourke TD    Junior Spokesperson on Financial Services,
     Kildare North     eGovernment & Procurement

                       Tel: 01 6183109
                       Office: Main St., Celbridge, Co Kildare

   Anne Rabbitte TD    Spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs
       Galway East
                       Tel: 01 618 3901

  Eamon Scanlon TD     Junior Spokesperson on Employment & Small Business
                       Tel: 071-9197903
                       Office: The Rock, Ballymote, Co.Sligo

      Brendan Smith    Chairman of the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party
Cavan–Monaghan         Chair of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Defence Committee

                       Tel: +353494362366
                       Office: 3 Carrickfern, Cavan
Your Team in Leinster House

 Niamh Smyth                        Spokesperson on Arts and Heritage
  Monaghan                          Tel: 042 966 66 66
                                    Office: Adelaide Row, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan

                                    Spokesperson on Transport, Tourism & Sport
Robert Troy TD
  Longford–                         Tel: +353 44 933 4857
 Westmeath                          Email:
                                    Office: The Manse, Castle Street, Mullingar, Co Westmeath

*Seán Ó Fearghaíl TD was elected in Kildare South and
subsequently elected Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann.

                                                                                     78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 25
Your Team in Leinster House

            Seanad Éireann

             Senator         Seanad Group Leader &
            Catherine        Spokesperson on Social Protection
                             Tel: (01) 6183039
                             Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

             Senator         Seanad Deputy Group Leader & Spokesperson
            Mark Daly        for Foreign Affairs, Irish Overseas and the Diaspora

                             Tel: (01) 618 3830
                             Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

              Senator        Spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and Marine
             Paul Daly
                             Tel: (01) 6183965
                             Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

             Senator         Spokesperson on Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation
         Aidan Davitt
                             Tel: (01) 6183519
                             Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

             Senator         Spokesperson on Education
            Gallagher        Tel: 047 75050
                             Office: 18 Glaslough St., Monaghan.

            Senator          Spokesperson on Finance
       Gerry Horkan
                             Tel: (01) 6183846
                             Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Your Team in Leinster House

 Senator Lorraine   Spokesperson on Justice, Children and Youth Affairs
                    Tel: (01) 6183747
                    Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

          Senator   Spokesperson on Communications,
     Terry Leyden   Climate Change & Natural Resources

                    Tel: 01 618 3853
                    Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

 Senator Jennifer   Spokesperson on Housing, Planning
Murnane O’Connor    & Local Government

                    Tel: 01 6183307
                    Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

   Senator Denis    Cathaoirleach/ Chairman of Seanad Éireann
                    Cathaoirleach / Chairman of Seanad Éireann

         Senator    Spokesperson on Transport, Tourism & Sport
   Ned O’Sullivan
                    Tel: 01-6183730
                    Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

  Senator Doctor    Spokesperson on Health and Mental Health
  Keith Swanwick
                    Tel: (01) 6183736
                    Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

         Senator    Group Whip & Spokesperson on Public Expenditure & Defence
  Diarmuid Wilson
                    Tel: 01-6183561
                    Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 27

        Brian Crowley   MEP for Ireland South
     Ireland South      Tel: 021 4896 433
                        Office: Maryborough Lodge, Maryborough Hill,
                        Douglas, Co. Cork

      Party Trustees

                           Micheál Martin TD

                           Chris Flood

                           Rich Howlin
Current Ard Chomhairle

Current Ard Chomhairle

Uachtarán                 Michael Smyth                  Ciaran O’Loughlin
Micheál Martin TD         John Kirwan                    Chris Wall
                          Alan Bracken                   Bridget Manton
Vice Presidents           Gerard Fogarty                 Deirdre Doherty Ryan
Kathryn Byrne             Cllr Gearóid Murphy            Noel Ahern
Timmy Dooley, TD                                         Tony Kelly
Arthur Griffin Jnr        Female PP Rep                  Mary McKenna
Éamon Ó Cuív TD           Mary Butler TD                 Niall McEneaney
Fiona O’Loughlin TD                                      Donal Foley
                          Dublin Euro Councillor Rep     Luke Martin
Honorary Secretaries      Cllr Ed O’Brien                Eamonn Gilligan
Dara Calleary TD                                         Mary Corbett
Margaret Conlon           Midlands North West            Fionnán Fitzgerald
                          Constituency Rep               Gearoid Lohan
Honorary Treasurers       Cllr Frankie Keena             Gerry Bridget
Niall Collins TD                                         Tom Holden
Mary Devine O’Callaghan   South Euro Constituency Rep    David Ryan
                          Cllr Niall Kelleher            Cllr Sinead Guckian
Committee of 15                                          Jimmy Flannery
Northern Ireland          Ógra Representatives           Michael Lane
Briege MacOscar           James Doyle                    Joe Murphy
                          Niamh Traynor                  Leonard Ryan
Committee of 15           Dion Davis                     Michael Thompson
Female Panel              Peter Caulfield                Rory McEvoy
Róisín Bradley            Joanne Keating                 Cllr Tony McCormack
Mary Byrne                                               Larry Brennan
Cllr Jennifer Cuffe       Constituency Delegates         Gerry O’Connor
Cllr Kate Feeney          Hugh Conaghan                  Frank Begley
Brig Ryan                 Cllr Clifford Kelly            Seánaí Kiely
Aideen Ginnell            Gerry Reidy                    Cllr Bill Collentine
Madeleine Thornton        Cllr Frank O’Flynn             Lorcan Allen
                          Kevin Fitzgerald               James Doyle
Committee of 15           Tom McCarthy
Male Panel                Dermot Walsh                   Honorary Life Members
Garrett Greene            Deirdre Kelly                  David Andrews
Eoin Muldoon              Shane Coughlan                 Gerard Collins

                                                                     78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 29
Honorary Secretaries’ Report

      Dara Calleary TD                  Margaret Conlon

        Bhailiumuid i lár mBaile Atha Cliath don an        advance for any omissions.
        78ú Ard Fheis. As a Party, we have achieved
        immense progress since our last formal Ard-
                                                                         76ú Ard Fheis
        Fheis in 2015. We had a very solid performance
        in Election 2016, gaining an additional 25 seats   The Árd Fheis of 2015 held in Dublin was a
        and laying the foundations for further gains at    hugely successful occasion with over 3,000
        the next election.                                 people in attendance, excellent debates on
                                                           issues such as water charges, finance, local
        When others ran from the responsibilities          government and enterprise. It saw heavily
        presented by the results of Election 2016,         contested elections to the reformed Árd
        Fianna Fáil faced up to them. On three             Chomhairle and laid a solid platform for the
        occasions after the election, Micheál Martin       election period that followed.
        TD was proposed as Taoiseach. However,
        we could not get sufficient support from
                                                            Carlow Kilkenny By-Election 2015
        Independents and other parties. Rather
        than force another election, we faced up to        We had a wonderful bye-election result in
        the responsibility given to us and signed a        Carlow-Kilkenny with the re-election of Bobby
        Confidence & Supply Agreement with Fine            Aylward. There was a mammoth effort put
        Gael to facilitate the election of a government.   in by the local organisation and by party
        Through that agreement, this government            members from across the country. We thank
        has implemented fairer policies than its           Director of Elections, Barry Cowen TD, Bobby
        predecessor, while we still hold Fine Gael and     and his family and the entire Carlow-Kilkenny
        the Independents to account for their failures     Organisation for their work.
        in Housing, Health, Regional Development,
        and Education and in so many other areas.
                                                              Marriage Equality Referendum
        As we are constrained by space here, we may        We fought an active and vibrant campaign
        unwittingly omit some activities over the          for a YES vote in the Marriage Equality
        period since we last gathered. We apologise in     Referendum. We organised an extensive
Honorary Secretaries’ Report

canvass, a series of public meetings across the   each and every member and supporter of the
country and assisted other organisations. We      party who canvassed or assisted the campaign
thank Director of Elections, Niall Collins TD,    in any way.
for his commitment to the campaign.
                                                         1916 Commemorations &
                                                               Coiste 1926
   General Election, February 26th
                                                  Coiste 1916 led by Éamon Ó Cuív TD oversaw
      2016 – An Ireland for All
                                                  a series of excellent commemorative events
2015 and early 2016 was dominated by              across the Island which captured the spirit of
General Election preparations. Candidate          1916. Local Commemorations were also held in
selection continued and candidates were           each constituency. The Coiste 1916 will oversee
actively campaigning in their communities.        all the Party commemorations between
Our manifesto was completed. When the             now and 2026 and we thank them for their
election was called in February 2016, we had      commitment.
a substantial volume of campaigning work
completed owing to the commitment and
dedication of our organisation. “An Ireland for
                                                               Ógra Fianna Fáil
All” was the policy theme of our campaign.        Under the presidencies of Eoin Neylon
Our manifesto highlighted the challenges          and James Doyle, Ógra grew from strength
facing our country and proposed a range of        to strength over the past 2 years. They
solutions. Our leader, Micheál Martin TD, led     are expanding across the country and we
a vigorous and active campaign with results       encourage all attending this Ard Fheis to visit
that exceeded most expectations. Our first        their stand and learn how you can help them
preference vote increased by to over 24.5%, we    in your community.
achieved 44 seats; including 21 first time TDs.

                                                      Fianna Fáil Women’s Network
We also achieved a strong result in the Seanad
election and we thank all who contested.          The Fianna Fáil women’s Network has been
Our Seanad team, led by Senator Catherine         reactivated in line with the recommendations
Ardagh, continues to work hard and to use the     of the Markievicz Commission and has had
powers of Seanad Éireann effectively.             an excellent series of events under the chair
                                                  of Niamh Smyth TD. Election 2016 was a
In 2017, Stephen Donnelly TD joined our Party,    particularly notable one as we returned 6
increasing our Dáil team to 45.                   women TDs and 3 Senators. The Network
                                                  is committed to working to increase that
We thank all the candidates who contested         level of representation at the next general
the last General Election campaign, their local   election and also at the 2019 Local & European
organisations and their families. We thank        elections.
our staff at Election HQ, our Directors of
Organisation and Elections across the country,
the National Constituencies Committee and

                                                                                  78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 31
Honorary Secretaries’ Report

           Honorary Secretaries’ Report                             Contd.

                                                          have moved on to pursue other opportunities.
                    Councillors’ Forum
                                                          We thank them for their service. We
        The Councillors’ Forum continues to               remember Keelin Cooney and Kathleen
        proactively represent the voice of Councillors    Redmond who passed on to their eternal
        across the country working with the               reward.
        frontbench and with our spokesperson on
        local government, Shane Cassells TD. Fintan
        Phelan has taken on the role of full time
        Councillor Liaison Officer at HQ and this will    Our Fianna Fáil family bade farewell to
        considerably enhance the effectiveness of the     many stalwarts since 2015. We extend our
        forum.                                            deepest sympathies to the families of all Party
                                                          members who passed away and we thank
                                                          them for supporting their loved ones in the
                    Leader’s Activities                   service of our Party. Ar dheis de go raibh
        Our leader Micheál Martin TD has continued        h-anam.
        to give an outstanding commitment to the
        job and to the party. He has continued his        We think in particular of our former TDs Seán
        strong Dáil performances, media appearances       Ardagh, Eddie Filgate, Paddy Lalor, Bobby
        and his passion for a fairer Ireland. We thank    Molloy & Tom Fitzpatrick and former Senators
        him, his wife Mary and their family for his       Des Hanafin, Tony Bromell & PJ Mara, Sitting
        commitment and dedication to the job.             Councillors Joe Crowley, Dan Joe Fitzgerald,
                                                          Fergus Kehoe, Seán McEniff and serving
                                                          AC Representatives Frank Corcoran & Dan
               Fianna Fáil Administration                 O’Connell.
        Our staff at Party HQ in Mount Street and at
        Leinster House continue to serve the party
                                                          We gather this weekend proud of the
        Buiochas le Seán Dorgan and all the staff at      achievements of the past two and a half years,
        both locations and across the country for their   but conscious that we have much work to do.
        work.                                             Ireland needs a government that will place
                                                          fairness & compassion at the heart of its work.
        We wish to particularly acknowledge former        It needs Fianna Fáil in government nationally
        Party staff members Russell Bryce, Martin         and locally. Let’s all re-dedicate ourselves to
        Flanagan, Margaret Kenny, Jackie Lally, Adam      that task.
        Ledwith, Donal Kitt & David McManus who

        Dara Calleary                                      Margaret Conlon
Media Engagement
               The All New                                       FIANNA FÁIL
                                                                 T H E R E P U B L I CA N PA R T Y


                                           Something Here

  Includes new monthly                                     Highest ever
  €1,000 Bonus Draw                                        Constituency Rebate
            How It         Every ticket costs €50 and a book of 12 is €500, giving 2 bonus tickets. Each CDC has a
                           target number of tickets to sell. Tickets can be purchased by cash, credit/ debit card or
            Works          cheque. Alternatively, you can spread the cost of a ticket over the year by signing up to
                           our direct debit option. Tickets can be purchased individually or by syndicates.

    Rebates To             There are signifcant rebates on offer to your CDC which will help campaigns locally.
                           The current rebate structure sees between 30% – 50% of all monies raised returned to
     Your CDC              the CDC.

        National           On December 20th we will have our main prize Draw. The top prize is a new 181 VW
                           Golf or €20,000. Second and third prizes are €10,000 and €5,000 respectively. There are
         Prizes            a further 17 prizes announced on the night varying from €1,000 fight vouchers to
                           luxury weekends away. Please note that the cash equivalent is available on all prizes.
                           Top prize is worth €20,000.

         All New           This year, for the frst time in addition to the main prize Draw in December, all
                           purchasers will be entered into a monthly Draw for €1,000. We will have one winner a
         Monthly           month for 10 months from February to November inclusive.
For more information contact Annie Keegan in Fianna Fáil Headquarters on 01-676-1551 or
                                                                                      78ú Ard-Fheis Clár 33
Media Engagement

    Media                                                           Fighting The
    Engagement                                                     Party’s Corner
    Members regularly express concern about anti-FF bias in the media and co-ordinated campaigns
    against us on social media. All of our members can play a role in helping to bring balance to these
    discussions. Whether it’s in a debate on Facebook and Twitter or biased commentary on RTÉ or
    TV3, each one of us has the power to be heard and to fight the party’s corner.

     Don’t Surrender Social Media
    Social media is the primary source of news and current affairs for growing numbers of people across
    the country. As we have seen in elections in other countries, the capacity to influence voters with
    fake news and commentary on social media is significant and as a party we must fight hard to coun-
    ter any such effort in this country.

    We encourage members to share and like material from the party’s official Facebook and Twitter
    accounts, but also to get involved in the debate that takes place on these sites. We are regularly the
    subject of co-ordinated campaigns against us, and while the party centrally works to counter this, it
    is no substitute for the efforts of our grassroots organisation. If you see untrue and unfair attacks
    against us on social media, call it out and engage directly with those making the claims.

    Social media is also a good way to interact with national and local media broadcast programmes - if
    you see or hear bias or feel that the FF point of view is going unheard, tell them! Some useful details
    are included below.

     Dear Editor...                                          Make A Complaint
    Even with the growing role of social media,              Each of the broadcasters have an obligation
    there is still great value in a well argued letter       to treat issues fairly and not to let a present-
    to the editor of our national and local news-            er’s personal opinion colour their treatment
    papers. Some relevant contact details are in-            of a subject. If you feel they don’t live up to
    cluded below.                                            this obligation, you should make a formal
                                                             complaint. Detailed information on how
                                                             to make a complaint concerning broadcast                                  content can be found at
You can also read