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Quarterly Magazine, Volume XIII september 2021 ISSUE 3 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT A A Cultural Heritage Technologies rcheomatic international ArcheoFoSS 2021 conFerence GIS, 3D, oPen DATA WorKShoPS Pre AcTS
EDITORIAL ArcheoFoSS 2021 PreSenTATIon • Introduction: The ArcheoFOSS 2021 Conference. The 15th edition of the international conference ArcheoFOSS Open Software, hardware, processes, data, and formats in archaeology is now open. Italian. The conference will address a range of important topics and themes relating to data sharing, open tools, processes and formats in the archaeological domain. • The structure of the conference. • A ‘light version’ for a ‘complex issue’. years. • The FOSS way to organise ArcheoFOSS • State of the art management. • Closing • Credits by Domizia D'erasmo, Cristina Esteban Gonzalez, Paolo Rosati, Matteo Serpetti, Livia Tirabassi
IN THIS ISSUE Section 1: GiS uSinG qGiS, qfield and pyarchinit in the maaSSer el-Shouf archaeoloGical proJect open Source GiS for coloSSeum Study and (lebanon) manaGement Silvia feStuccia, roberto montaGnetti, eliSa cella, fabio fumaGalli, pietro Giovanna verde Giannini, Silvia impinna,franceSco laddaGa, barbara nazzaro, federica from micro-reGional to intra-Site analySeS: rinaldi, Jacopo ruSSo, emiliano tondi, the maipe GiS in the kurdiStan reGion martina almonte, Simona morretta of iraq aS a caSe-Study valentina oSelini, luca peyrone, eliSa an open Source platform addreSSinG Ginoli, michael campeGGi, andrea Structural Stability riSk aSSeSSment in pezzotti, luca forti hiStorical centerS renzo carlucci, charilaoS maniatakiS, un ecoSiStema diGitale per la conoScenza, philip fayad, andrea di iorio, nikolauS la conServazione e la valorizzazione del SketakiS, coStantine SpyrakoS, hariS Sito archeoloGico medievale di Satrianum SaroGlou, aleSSio di iorio, alexandroS (tito, pz). Strumenti foSS. paraSkeuaS, nikoS papadopouloS GiorGia dato, euGenio Saccà, aleSSandro Spadaro, mo(v)eit: proof of concept of a road Graph for late antique eGypt Section 3: 3d Julian boGdani Sapienza univerSity of rome virtual tour realizzato con pannellum ed inteGrazioneleafletJS palaeo-landScape feature identification: martina frau, valerio de luca a foSS cloud-baSed python approach throuGh GooGle earth enGine (Gee) the roman villa of l’albir (alicante, Guillem dominGo-ribaS, filippo brandolini Spain). the uSe of blender and the extended matrix in the virtual recreation Section 2: GiS Jaime molina, carolina fríaS, Javier muñoz, laia fabreGat, aleJandro martín, qfield, pyarchinit and bradypuS, daniel teJerina, interchanGe of protocolS and workflowS for academic reSearch uSe of 3d modellinG and open-Source by GiuSeppe Guarino, paolo roSati proGramS for Student reSearch proJectS on the ancient maya Site of pacbitun, belize. Sheldon SkaGGS, hadJa Jalloh, GeorGe micheletti, terry powiS ArcheomaticA CULTURAL HERITAGE TECHNOLOGIES chIeF eDITor Renzo CaRluCCi Quarterly Magazine, Volume XII Special Issue 3 2021 MAnAGInG eDITor Archeomatica, quarterly published since 2009, is the MiChele Fasolo eDITorS MaRia ChiaRa spezia eDITorIAl BoArD annalisa CipRiani, MauRizio FoRte, liCia RoMano tation, analysis and diagnosis, restoration and mainte BeRnaRd FRisCheR, Giovanni ettoRe GiGante, MaRio MiCheli, steFano Monti, valeRio CaRluCCi FRanCesCo pRospeRetti, MaRCo RaMazzotti, antonino saGGio, FRanCesCa salveMini, luCa papi RodolFo MaRia stRollo
combination of StandardiSed methodS 25/11/2021 to create a detailed Source-baSed reconStruction of thetepidarium at wikimedia italia and archeofoSS, l’alcudia de elche, alicante, Spain wikiproJect 2021 the meaninG and the criStina Gonzalez-eSteban upload of the archeofoSS 2019-20 articleS in wikibookS Section 4: open data by paolo roSati uSinG proGramminG environmentS for encodinG and inputtinG ancient eGyptian academic reSearch and writinG and coptic for further diGitization of morGan lemmer-webber cultural heritaGe in the future by So miYaGawa re3draGon – the archaeoloGical floS reSearch reSource reGiStry and api for #mich, il primo contatto: da pyarchinit data draGonS a extended matrix in blender per le thiery allard-meeS ricoStruzioni 3d di Sequenze StratiGrafiche by enzo cocca, luca mandoleSi, emanuel epiGraphic databaSe rome (edr) towardS demetreScu, bruno fanini relational openneSS: development of the JSon format 26/11/2021 Silvia orlandi, Saverio Giulio malateSta, lanfranco fabriani direttiva 2019/790/ue e beni culturali by pierGiovanna GroSSi, marco ciurcina workShopS dalla carta al SiStema informativo 24/11/2021 territoriale archeoloGico: il caSo di rubiera (re) full immerSion in cultural heritaGe by pierGiovanna GroSSi, alberto beluSSi, environmentS: a new ideha for data annaliSa capurSo, Sara miGliorini, manaGinG and diSplayinG by luca bevilacqua, bruno fanini, nicola open hiStory map - cloud firSt mariniello, auGuSto palombini, vladimiro Scotto infraStructure fordiGital humanitieS di carlo, antonio SorGente, paolo vanacore by marco montanari, lorenzo GiGli bduS4 reSt api: proGrammatic acceSS to open hiStory map data index - monitorinG bduS4 web databaSeS to build rich internet the quality and coveraGe of open data of applicationS or deSktop appS the paSt by Julian, boGdani marco montanari dal cielo alla terra fin Sulla carta con open hiStory map pyarchinit marco montanari, lucia marSicano, by roberto montaGnetti raffaele troJaniS, Silvia bernardoni a publication Science & Technology Communication SuBScrIPTIonS GrAPhIc DeSIGn tatiana iasillo daniele CaRluCCi Science & Technology Communication MediaGeo soC. Coop. PuBlISher PrInTeD By via palestRo, 95 MediaGeo soC. Coop. SySTeM GrAPhIc Srl 00185 RoMa Archeomatica è una testata registrata al VIA DI Torre SAnTA AnASTASIA 61 00134 roMA tel. Tribunale di Roma con il numero 395/2009 Fax. del 19 novembre 2009 ClosinG date: 11 noveMBeR 2021
ARCHEOFOSS - SECTION 1: GIS OPEN-SOURCE GIS FOR COLOS- The database currently consists of thousands of geom- etries, images, or technical relations, accessible both via SEUM STUDY AND MANAGEMENT the QGis platform for the cartographic part and with an ap- plication for complex queries.The maintenance manage- by Elisa Cella, Fabio Fumagalli, Pietro Giannini, Silvia ment app object of this presentation is currently un- Impinna, Francesco Laddaga, Barbara Nazzaro, Federica Rinaldi, Jacopo Russo, Emiliano Tondi, Martina Almonte, Simona Morretta an integral partof the general system and was created through an OS Webgis laying on the mapping dataset, integrated by an intervention management dashboard.The app generates a location-based alert, like textual and - tics of the intervention needed. The reporting activity the archaeological site (engineers, workers, cleaners, rejects the ticket and is in charge of opening new activities, such as assigning priorities, deadlines, setting chronologi- details to the original tracker. He also has itsmanage- ment dashboard in a desktop environment, connected to the same PostGIS database used by the "tracker."Every report or ticket is connected to a reference system based on the architectural characteristics of the Colosseum and is called "Flavian Coordinates." Instead of latitude, longi- Both the architectural and fruition complexity of the Flavi- tude, and altitude, we have adopted three coordinates an Amphitheatrehas become even more evident during the identifying the fornix, the ring, and the order, divid- pandemic lockdowns: the past months saw the increase ing the monument into univocal and coded reference units. of maintenance and conservation activities, together with Opening a ticket starts a procedure designed for adaptive the last phase of the restoration works of the hypogea, as screens and optimized for mobile devices: the system pro- the second act of a broader intervention on the vides a three screens wizard for locating the anomaly by entire monument, started in 2011 by SSCol Superin- simply tapping the surface of the device in correspondence with the Flavian coordinates in which the element is; com- and Southern Colosseum fronts. It gave a chance to design - in 2016 an OSS GIS for the storage of all the conser- cabularies and accessible text areas; uploading one vation mappings and interventions carried out on the - areas to control. Once saved, the report becomes part of ment's architectural and archaeological elements. Mainly the tickets archive. It is visible in a summary map of allthe intended as an atlas, the system allowed the query of alerts waiting for check: thanks to this procedure, all any information from the drawings or documents stored, the interventions deriving from a report are stored, as including images at the deepest detail, as in the case of the well as the evolutions in priorities or intervention planning, brick curtain wall of the southern front, consisting of about tracking the historical memory of the maintenance status of 22,000 bricks vectorized in 1:1 scale. In 2018, at the start every single element reported. Thanks to this archive, the Colosseum maintenance app expand the GIS system, creating a broader atlas of res- may become a core tool for managing a monument that toration, architectural and archaeological features of the would provide challenging tasks even if it were not open to entire monument. Most of all, the whole dataset was the public. The chance to historicize and track any inter- used to enhance and computerize the daily, complex, ventions and check over the past years' reports allows one and multifaceted management of the building's ordinary to better understand the anomalies of the moment. It im- plements the ordinary integrated maintenance of the mon- the use of OS software, considering the constant updates, ument, providing a helpful tool to strengthen long-lasting - strategies. The entire OS GIS is, in fact, much broader and ligation to comply with the Digital Administration Code. more complex than illustrated and obviously allows to in- A vast interdisciplinary team developed a programming and terrogate and manage, for documentation and research ac- monitoring system for structural and ordinary management tivities, all the archaeological and archival aspects, through issues; the range of activities goes from cleaning and complex queries of historical cartography, drawings, and electrical systems report management to consolidation in- photographs through the use of metadata; however, the terventions, based on a dataset of all the restorations car- system is designed to interact with future activities, as it is ried out on the walls of the monument from 2017 onwards. provided for the connection to the BIM system, related to The management heart of the OS system architecture is the the 3D survey of the entire monument for the new forth- PostGIS database. It counts hundreds of cross-checking re- coming seismic monitoring. ports and automation, guaranteeing the consistency of - cation system allows the safe management of different users' needs, with varying authorization levels. 6 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 7 BiBliographical sources Symposium, 2 – 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France. E. Cella, A.Palombini (2012) Il futuro della professione di Paolini, A. et al., (2012). Risk Management at Heritage archeologo, fra la tutela del diritto intellettuale e il libero Sites: a case study of the Petra World Heritage Site, Am- accesso ai dati, in MapPapers 3-II: pp. 76-80. M. Acerno, D.Fiorani (2019) Innovative Tools For Managing - Historical Buildings: The Use Of Geographic Information tenance and Monitoring of Monuments and Sites. Available System And Ontologies For Historical Centers, in ISPRS An- at: [Accessed June 7, 2011]. nals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Waller R., (1995) Risk management applied to preventive Information Sciences. G. Panzarino (2016) WebGIS e divulgazione del dato ar- eds. Storage of natural history collections: A preventive cheologico con software open source. Il progetto “Siponto conservation approach, pp.21–28. aperta" 2016, in F. Stanco, G. Gallo (a cura di), Proceed- ings of ArcheoFOSS. Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. VIII workshop (Catania, 18-19 giugno 2013), Archaeopress, pp. 101-111. Keywords M. Canciani, F. Chiappetta, M. Michelini, E. Pallottino, M. Colosseo; ParCo; PostGIS; QGIS; WebGIS Saccone, A. Scortecci (2014) A new Gis-based map of Villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths, in ISPRS An- authors nals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Elisa Cella1, Fabio Fumagalli2, Pietro Giannini3, Silvia Im- Information Sciences. pinna3 3 1 , Federica, A. Salvatori (2009) Web Map Service nei processi di ricerca Rinaldi Jacopo Russo , Emiliano Tondi , Martina Almonte1, 1 3 3 archeologica, in Archeologia e Calcolatori, Suppl. 2, pp. Simona Morretta4 145-152. O. Vileikis, B. Dumont, E. Serruys, K. Van Balen, V.Tigny, P. Parco archeologico del Colosseo1, Freelance2, Poleis scarl3, Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio And Monitoring With The Support Of The Silk Roads Cultural di Roma4. Heritage Resource Information System, in ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Infor- mation Sciences, Volume II-5/W1, XXIV International CIPA ® ACADEMY ®
AN OPEN-SOURCE PLATFORM Geometrical data ADDRESSING STRUCTURAL STABILITY RISK ASSESSMENT IN Satellite data HISTORICAL CENTERS Vulnerability data The Structural Model processor Fig. 1 - The indicative output of the code for the test case in Nafplion (Greece). algorithms and create models and applications with this. Introduction eling system with the integration of different data, from spectral data. mation, to create deformation soil maps. To achieve those The structural data The risk map generation compact format for transferring geospatial information. The Seismic hazard data of points within the area of interest. The side of the grid is timate of the spectral displacement of the expected hazard The GIS platform Structural data open format. 8 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 9 ABSTrAcT Actual achievements KeyWorDS BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS AuThorS 1 2 , An 5 6 , ing, , 10 11 Orsini12 10,11 . SoFTWAre AnD lIcenSe Structures odology to determine elastic displacement spectra in the ing, Soil Dynamics Hazards and Earth System Sciences Remote Sens. 2021, Remote Sens. Rev. Geo phys. stitute
MO(V)EIT: PROOF OF CONCEPT OF A ROAD GRAPH FOR LATE graph. ANTIQUE EGYPT general landscape. Screenshot of MOvEIT web application the polyline representing the Nile, while farther sites were Nile. application to their own data sets. The road graph information. The Web application dered as a point layer, and providing the nodes of the graph. The second, a polyline layer, connecting these nodes and as lished explaining the methodology followed to localize and the already listed sites and in providing geographical coor 10 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 11 the application. aBstRaCt tation of the Atlas. authoR list oF Floss soFtwaRe used/ data RepositoRy and liCenCe: Via Indipendenza, 106 46028 Sermide - Mantova - Italy Phone +39.0386.62628
PALAEO-LANDSCAPE FEATURE IDENTIFICATION: A FOSS CLOUD-BASED PYTHON APPROACH THROUGH GOOGLE EARTH ENGINE (GEE) by Test case area ity and effectiveness of the methodology that we propose. Contemporary landscapes materialise from the complex ing this type of approach. activities as active geomorphological agents that modify velopment perspectives. scape research. These tools have improved the analysis of landscape dynamics over different spatial and temporal Materials and methods mercial archaeological companies do not normally receive a high investment, software companies’ licenses can hinder 12 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 13 ABSTrAcT for any area of the world. KeyWorDS 2 AuThorS 1 Filippo Brandolini2 Final remarks , 1 2 regarding the mitigation of specialist software, data licens lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS Comput ing in Science & Engineering World Archaeol ogy In to Reading the Landscape Heritage & Society towards their integration into everyday archaeological Environmental
ARCHEOFOSS - SECTION 2: GIS QFIELD, PYARCHINIT AND BRADY- PUS , INTERCHANGE OF PROTO- COLS AND WORKFLOWS FOR ACA- DEMIC RESEARCH From PyArchInit to BraDypUS and vice versa by Giuseppe Guarino, Paolo Rosati own OS. Name Type standardise 0 N 1 sito digitally standardised. 2 nazione regione 5 descrizione 6 provincia software to aid in developing a criterion for the creation sito Tab 1. PyArchInit “Scheda Sito” - Site table, (credits Enzo Cocca 2021) The systems used Soprintendenza’ 1 14 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 15 KeyWorDS From GIS archaeological platform to QField AuThorS 1 2 1 2 . lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence enD noTeS 1 2 BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS Archeologia e tecnologie di rete. Me todi, strumenti e risorse digitali cessi di ricerca archeologica” Field.’ In Di Ricerca Archeologica” Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica” ABSTrAcT
USING QGIS, QFIELD AND Construction, processing, and development of the Geographic Information System (MeSAP QGIS) PYARCHINIT IN THE MAASSER EL-SHOUF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROJECT (MESAP) by Silvia Festuccia, Roberto Montagnetti, Giovanna Verde veyed. ritory in the this area is very im archaeological and ecological heritage. in press the area. et alii, in press settlement and paying attention to the exploitation systems scape. et alii, in press Another priority is the extensive excavation of the area of 16 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 17 ABSTrAcT nean coast, from the Bronze age to the Ottoman period. Concerning the archaeological investigation interventions, search. team. m space. veys, remote sensing, geoprocessing and conservation and KeyWorDS AuThor 1 2 1 Conclusions lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS per la gestione dei dati di scavo, Archeologia e Calcolatori, cheologica archaeologist, et alii in print et alii in print, Landscape/Heritage Preservation Strategies’
FROM MICRO-REGIONAL TO INTRA- The geomorphological approach for the reconstruction of the archaeological landscape between Helawa and Aliawa SITE ANALYSIS: THE GIS OF THE ITALIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPE- DITION IN THE ERBIL PLAIN (KURD- ISTAN REGION OF IRAQ) Forti, Elisa Ginoli, Andrea Pezzotta, Luca Peyronel the different landforms with several linear and polygonal 2 . The archaeological survey collection data management . The Fig.1 - Slope Analysis of Helawa with the indication of excavation areas and the characterisation of the anthropic environment around the mound and the natural sides, in which diagnostic materials were collected and lo gullies. The colour shades indicate steepness in percentage. The MAIPE team has realised the Slope Analysis of Helawa with QGIS on the basis of the Digital Elevation Model developed in 2013 (©MAIPE). etc. drainage system together with the Siwasor and the Bastora et al. tion. 1 managing the archaeological and paleoenvironmental data At Aliawa, a similar collection and digitisation methodology spatial development and its geomorphological setting in the 18 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 19 QGIS for the archaeological excavation ABSTrAcT etc relation to other layers, dimensions, elevation, and associ ated materials. analyses considering the complex diachronic development KeyWorDS phology AuThorS Valentina Oselini1 * 2 5 6 Conclusions Italy1 created with licensed software and to integrate data made BIBlIoGrAPhy Archeologia e Calcola tori ogy pettive per la ricerca. Archeologia e Calcolatori Archeo logia e Calcolatori Mesopotamia th
UN ECOSISTEMA DIGITALE PER LA CONOSCENZA, LA CONSERVAZIONE E LA VALORIZZAZIONE DEL SITO ARCHEOLOGICO MEDIEVALE DI mento delle campagne. SATRIANUM (TITO, PZ). Satrianum STRUMENTI FOSS ta.1 by Giorgia Dato, Eugenio Saccà, Alessandro Spadaro, , attra Francesca Sogliani Festivalia. storytelling digitale e di SmartLab inseriti Heritage Smart Lab coordinato dal Cluster Basilicata Creativa. Satrianum,2 e la realizzazi di archiviazione digitale. database open source mettesse di organizzare, analizzare, gestire e rappresen tare dati spaziali. database nasce dall’esigenza di localizzandoli nello spazio attraverso la geolocalizzazione. data set Service e, nello specif delle ortofoto di maggior dettaglio relative alle tre aree ge layer geometrico poligonale pi divisi in schede e menù a tendina, organizzati e gestiti tramite il widget Fig. 1 - Panoramica del sito archeologico di Satrianum in GIS e focus sul data- base pertinente alle strutture della cattedrale. one. Satri anum in Basilicata. ad esempio, in occasione di eventi meteorologici, tanto di dataset on 20 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 21 ABSTrAcT ) in formato raster to di Satrianum database spaziale e sono state salvate in formato data set completo così one di interventi volti alla conservazione, la valorizzazione Satrianum. . KeyWorDS 5 ware open source Structure From Mo Satrianum tion mesh l’ortofoto zenitale del modello per la rappresentazione AuThorS Digital Elevation Model. 1 2 , Alessandro Spadaro , Francesca Sogliani formato . 1 I dataset . Attraverso l’ 2 interpolate per ottenere la mesh relativi layers sono stati poi organizzati all’interno dell’outliner collection mesh lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence 2 tonici nel loro contesto geomorfologico e altimetrico in am enD noTeS 1 BIBlIoGrAPhy ani. 2 Archeologia e Calcolatori drone Archeomatica ,a 5
ARCHEOFOSS - SECTION 3: 3D VIRTUAL TOUR REALIZZATO CON tiles PANNELLUM ED INTEGRAZIONE set di tiles LEAFLETJS di Martina Frau, Valerio De Luca popup diali, permettono l’approfondimento delle conoscenze del sito in oggetto. titlebar scenename credits della mappa di navigazione. 5 metrie del sito totalmente personalizzate. open source alizzazione di mappe interattive, sia per dispositivi l’esperienza in loco che da remoto. mento di conoscenza, potente mezzo di conservazione e valorizzazione, oltre che essere fondamentale nell’ottica momento, e a prescindere dalla propria posizione geogra .I popup nano le sfere secondo il percorso di visita ideale, sono stati inoltre integrati da tooltip informativi in situ che appare al passaggio del mouse scename. esempio, di campagne di scavo o per il monitoraggio di archeologiche. fenomeni di degrado. interessati al soggetto. Tool1 2 . 22 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 23 BIBlIoGrAPhy KeyWorDS In Archeologia e Calcolatori, AuThorS 1 , 1 ABSTrAcT 1 erare le tiles delle immagini sferiche e l’intero processo avviene in locale. lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence 1 2 e sono stati ag titlebar erbar enD noTeS 1 2 5 Sottocontrollo tel. +39 02 4830.2175 Strumenti per: Indagini archeologiche e pre-scavo Mappatura di cavità e oggetti sepolti Ispezione di muri, colonne, pareti… CODEVINTEC Tecnologie per le Scienze della Terra Innovativi Georadar per indagini pre-scavo e profili 3D del sottosuolo
THE ROMAN VILLA OF L’ALBIR period, which is part of a large town that is partially miss (ALICANTE, SPAIN). THE USE OF BLENDER AND THE EXTENDED posed that allows visiting not only the initial thermal space, MATRIX IN THE VIRTUAL RECREATION by Jaime Molina, Carolina Frías, Javier Muñoz, Laia Fabre gat, Alejandro Martín, Daniel Tajerina, that affects the creation of characters, their clothing and This tool allows incorporating elements that do not neces on a series of historical events and an economic, social and and a series of secondary characters who participate in the atic excavation and end with their consolidation, enhance In addition to the characters, we also proceeded to create a comes into play, which is committed to a research and inno transparent and, on the other hand, that the whole team the next phase. ing to the characters and the addition of environmental 24 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 25 ABSTrAcT and recreation of the entire archaeological site, as well as the excavated archaeological remains. In parallel, we also Keywords the management of the archaeological site itself. AuThorS 1 2 , BIBlIoGrAPhy 5 6 proach lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence: ware. 1 Francia.
USE OF 3D MODELLING AND OPEN- SOURCE PROGRAMS FOR STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS ON THE AN- CIENT MAYA SITE OF PACBITUN, BELIZE Terry G. Powis El Quemado El Q ca. El Q - re (600-300 BC) at Pacbitun, Belize. tifacts is standard practice for all archaeologists today, and with the advent of digital cameras, the limits on the et al. 2 . Next, animations et al. et al. 26 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 27 BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl SourceS tural Heritage KeyWorDS AuThorS 1* 2 , An Archaeo 1 2 Pacbitun lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcenSe 2013 Field Season enD noTeS 1 2 ABSTrAcT L E V A ME RI E NT TEL O 3 D M NI O TO RA G GIO G IS IS E WEBG E ZION VA O N RMAZION IN GNSS FO E RICERCA E
COMBINATION OF STANDARDISED METHODS TO CREATE A DETAILED SOURCE-BASED RECONSTRUCTION EM OF THE TEPIDARIUM AT L’ALCUDIA DE ELCHE, ALICANTE, SPAIN RU GS Fig. 1 - Standardised recording of metadata and paradata for the proposed reconstruction of the Tepidarium of the Western Thermae of L’Alcudia de Elche, Alicante, Spain. Tepidarium of L’Alcudia th th wards, this land was farmed and looted, as rich remains Thermae Tepidarium st data and paradata standardisation. Thermae st rd th th et al. Caldarium Standardisation techniques renamed Tepidarium. The room shows its history of repairs, ry has shown a growth in recordings and displays of archaeo c. th Methodology Nevertheless, representations of archaeological interpre three of them. 1. 2. scanner 5. 28 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 29 6. Applied Sciences 11, . Discussion 919, Nevertheless, a series of limitations evidence the need to . 1. . The method separates each step Ciudades Romanas Valencianas. Actas de las Jornadas sobre Ciudades Romanas Valencianas. Actualidad de la investigación historicoarqueológica, cel edited terpretations, as they are very common in Archaeology . the Caldarium switched into a Tepidarium 2. Novelty 2010s, its application has not expanded yet, meaning ABSTrAcT 3. Incipient discipline. There are still not many experts recording and display of archaeology. It aims to create new of the process. The Tepidarium 1. Time/Effort KeyWorDS els of heritage sites. 2. Potential search. AuThor Conclusions lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence . Tepidarium BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS .
ARCHEOFOSS - SECTION 4: GENERAL USING PROGRAMMING ENVIRON- my dissertation in the same repository . MENTS FOR ACADEMIC RE-SEARCH AND WRITING to rely on assistance from a more experienced developer port. Incorporating git and git annex as someone with mini experience and experimentation with the tools. For revision written on the physical draft of her dissertation into the scribble sourcecode (right monitor), which is displayed via html in the browser (left monitor)”. decade. For most of that time, my free software advocacy space for experimentation and to show progress on a pro 1 ments as research and writing tools. 5 2 to write an academic paper 6 . predate and differ from most of the standard commands 30 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 31 KeyWorDS AuThor lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence enD noTeS 1 2 - 5 front, and the source code on the reverse. 6 tors who made changes, when and preserves older copies BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS ABSTrAcT
RE3DRAGON – A RESEARCH REGISTRY RESOURCE API FOR DATA DRAGONS by Florian Thiery, Allard W. Mees , re Fig. 1 – re3dragon Hic sunt 5 dracones 6 tool Cocoda . . 1 2 lado10 and wd11 property value rdf:type lado:DataDragonLair owl:sameAs wd:Q611299 rdfs:label Getty AAT lado:description controlled vocabulary used for describing items of art, architecture, and material culture lado:author Getty Research Institute lado:sparqlendpoint lado:hasLegalType lado:ResearchInstitution lado:language lado:en Tab. 1 - Dragon Lair example as RDF (Getty AAT). 32 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 33 /re3dragon/rest/search?repo=gettyaat&q=lion [{ “displayLabel”: { tive Methods in Archaeology. “en”: “Panthera leo (species)” }, „type“: [„“], „lair“: { „scheme“: „Getty AAT“, Hic Sunt Dracones! The „legaltype“: „lado:ResearchInstitution“, „id“: „ULBU3XXM“, . „type“: „Thesaurus“, „wikidata“: „wd:Q611299“, Organization Systems’. „quality“: „lado:qualityHigh“, . „group“: „lado:chreferencethesauriGroup“ }, “uri”: “”, „displayDesc“: { „en“: „Large, powerful species of cat that is well-muscled, with a large head, short legs, size and appearance that varies considerably between the sexes, and is . unique among the cats in living in family groups or prides. [...]“ }, „similarity“: { ABSTrAcT „levenshtein“: 20.0, „dameraulevenshtein“: 20.0, „jarowinkler“: 0.52, „normalizedlevenshtein“: 0.91, „searchstring“: „lion“, „lairstring“: „Panthera leo (species)“ } }] Tab. 2 - Dragon Lair example as RDF (Getty AAT). KeyWorDS AuThorS provides a standard 1 tions, mapping properties, as well as space and time typolo lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS . . enD noTeS 1 2 5 . 6 . . 10 11 CAA2015. Keep the
EPIGRAPHIC DATABASE ROME (EDR) TOWARDS RELATIONAL entered. ad hoc OPENNESS: DEVELOPMENT OF THE JSON FORMAT on the epigraphs of their competence, never separated Hispania enrichment and enhancement of epigraphic images and Epigraphica regiones in Aemilia Apulia et Calabria 1216, Etruria Latium et Campania Liguria Picenum , Regio incerta Roma Sabina et Samnium Sardinia Sicily Transpadana Venetia et Histria heritage. 34 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 35 completed. Instead, the management of the images is photographs relating to the epigraphs were also moment. From this point of view, we therefore hope for greater awareness of the opening and sharing BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl reFerenceS C’è vita nel nostro mondo. AuThorS 1 , Silvia Orlandi2 2 ABSTrAcT KeyWorDS lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence
ARCHEOFOSS - WORKSHOP FULL IMMERSION IN CULTURAL DAL CIELO ALLA TERRA FIN SULLA HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTS: CARTA CON PYARCHINIT A NEW IDEHA FOR DATA by Roberto Montagnetti MANAGING AND DISPLAYING Augusto Palombini, Vladimiro Scotto di Carlo, Anto nio Sorgente, Paolo Vanacore dall’impianto del rilievo dalla fotogrammetria da di ricerca o legati all’archeologia preventiva e alle Carte di potenziale archeologico. Vedremo vari BDUS4 REST API: PROGRAMMATIC ACCESS TO BDUS4 WEB DATABASES TO BUILD RICH INTERNET APPLICATIONS OR DESKTOP APPS 36 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 37
DIRETTIVA 2019/790/UE E BENI CULTURALI quater espressamente prevede che di Marco Ciurcina, Piergiovanna Grossi . 1 5 tesi6 del procedimento2. opera o altri materiali presenti permanentemente nelle loro casi previsti. necessaria a tale conservazione. quater . ai mandati ad esso conferiti dai titolari di diritti, a certe con quater previsto dallo Schema di decreto legislativo, che fa venir meno il diritto loro raccolta. bis invitati a intervenire con domande o osservazioni. ter all’art. 1, comma 1, lett. m, l’adozione degli articoli da ABSTrAcT undecies septiesdecies3. KeyWorDS 38 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 39 AuThorS 1 2 Verona, Verona, Italia1 enD noTeS 1 2 idenza il 6 agosto 2021. Schema di decreto legislativo recante 5 6 index121.htm.
DALLA CARTA AL SISTEMA INFORMATIVO TERRITORIALE 5 6 ARCHEOLOGICO: IL CASO DI RUBIERA (RE) Grossi, Sara Migliorini taglio la progettazione e i software impiegati. Fig. 1 – re3dragon . sociate alle schede le immagini degli scavi e dei reperti. ministrazioni o enti di ricerca che necessitino di accedere titolo di esempio, il datato ma importante lavoro di sintesi raccolta digitale complessiva dei dati di archivio e editi, A partire dal modello dei Sistemi Informativi Archeologici 1 2 40 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 41 BIBlIoGrAPhIcAl SourceS ABSTrAcT 1 2 , Verona, Italy1, 2 rona, Verona, Italy KeyWorDS AuThorS * lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence
ARCHEOFOSS - WORKSHOPS WIKIMEDIA ITALIA AND ARCHEOFOSS, WIKIPROJECT 2021 THE MEANING AND THE UPLOAD OF THE ARCHEOFOSS 2019-20 dati in modo che possano essere reimpiegati da altri ap ARTICLES IN WIKIBOOKS plicativi. dei vari applicativi. sistemi differenti. Nella prima fase verranno mostrate le e i processi di analisi e sintesi che portano dalle evidenze ENCODING AND INPUTTING ANCIENT EGYPTIAN AND COPTIC FOR FURTHER DIGITIZATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE FUTURE #MICH, IL PRIMO CONTATTO: DA PYARCHINIT A EXTENDED MATRIX IN BLENDER PER LE RICOSTRUZIONI 3D DI SEQUENZE STRATIGRAFICHE by Enzo Cocca, Luca Mandolesi, 42 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 43
OPEN HISTORY MAP - CLOUD FIRST INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DIGITAL ally Tile Server HUMANITIES ponents, as, for example, a service might not need to write Open History Map Cloud Architecture principle and other general principles of software architec Beyond the main map, all other tools are always carto Street View. Both mainly contain points, in contrast with 44 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 45 KeyWorDS of the form of the world in history, respectively. lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence AuThorS 1 2 1 2 from the main map, optimized for point management. from local storage. BIBlIoGrPAhIcAl reFerenceS 2015 Digital Heritage . Archeologia e Calcolatori 2 . Historical Social Research / Historische Sozi ABSTrAcT
OPEN HISTORY MAP DATA INDEX - MONITORING THE QUALITY AND COVERAGE OF OPEN DATA OF THE PAST in modern ages. categorization of imprecise temporal assertions in an ap Based on these two approaches, with the latest iteration of form collects and imports. The importance of an external are into six dimensions. Open History Map Data Index status dashboard Agriculture Climate in climate in the past. Economy past with modern economic conditions. whole. The change of paradigm in the import of the data Entertainment ema. Industry Infrastructures Politics Religion Urban tion over time. Ephemeral datasets and research regard Class Dimension Meaning movements of people, ships, Objective Spatial Coverage What area or areas does the research cover? War Period What time frame or time frames does the research cover? and research regard detailed as pects of war. Topic What topic or topics does the research cover? Geography Subtopic What kind of information is collected about the topic? datasets and research regard Process Reliability How reliable is the research? What methodologies have been used? Subjective Quality How precise is the information collected? 46 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 47 Location Structure cities, areas. Model Events descriptor for the single dataset or for the whole collec Usage BIBlIoGrAPhy elements. Indexes Journal General . ABSTrAcT already partial. KeyWorDS AuThorS lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence Apache 2.0 Apache 2.0 or errors. Space coverage ohm:area geonames:6295630 Period coverage ohm:from_time 1750 ohm:to_time 1855 ohm:topic ephemeral ohm:topic:topic location Data quality ohm:source_quality 6 Data reliability ohm:source_reliability 5
OPEN HISTORY MAP In addition to these already existing parts, the following tologies and different representations for similar aspects. platforms. ferent ways to read the data contained in the core data in history or, on the contrary, similar points of view on very distant events over time. 48 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021
Cultural Heritage Technologies 49 ABSTrAcT ported into the system. This component is one of the core new importers for their own open datasets. In addition to sets, i.e. representation of vicinity for historical characters KeyWorDS license of all the code is Apache 2.0 in order to facilitate AuThor 1 2 , Sil BIBlIoGrAPhy via Bernardoni Archeologia e Calcolatori n. . lIST oF FloSS SoFTWAre uSeD/ DATA rePoSITory AnD lIcence . Apache 2.0 Apache 2.0 Sciences . 2.0 2015 Digital Heritage . Historical Social Research / Historische Sozi
ARCHEOFOSS SCIENTIFIC AND ORGANIZING COMMITTEE How to cite this content: Organising committee: 2021 15th conference’s This is an open access content unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original commercial purposes. Dal 1986 Teorema lavora a fianco dei professionisti per fornire la tecnologia topografica LEICA GS18I più avanzata, la migliore formazione tecnica IL NUOVO ROVER GNSS RTK ed una accurata assistenza post-vendita. INNOVATIVO E VERSATILE CON TECNOLOGIA VISUAL POSITIONING Progettato per i professionisti del rilievo, al fine di misurare punti che prima non potevano essere misurati, in modo rapido e preciso con un sistema GNSS RTK. Adesso, è possibile acquisire rapidamente immagini dal sito e misurare punti diretta- mente in campo od in ufficio utilizzando le immagini. La fusione dei sensori GNSS e IMU in combinazione con una fotocamera, creano la tecnologia Visual Positioning, dando vita ad un rover GNSS RTK così potente e versatile, che vi consentirà di misurare tutto quello che vedete. per maggiori informazioni Contattaci, scoprirai molto di più! Via A. Romilli, 20/8 20139 Milano • Tel. 02 5398739 • 50 ArcheomaticA N°3 september 2021 • •
Cultural Heritage Technologies 51 Paestum Salerno 25-28 novembre 2021 Tabacchificio Cafasso Basilica Parco Archeologico • Museo Nazionale 19 98 2 0 21 12 eventi unici al mondo tutti in una Borsa ArcheoExperience ArcheoIncontri ArcheoStartUp Conferenze International Salone Espositivo Laboratori di Archeologia Conferenze stampa Presentazione di nuove imprese Organizzazioni Governative e Archaeological Discovery Award Salone Internazionale unico Sperimentale per la divulgazione e presentazioni di progetti culturali e progetti innovativi di Categoria, Istituzioni ed Enti “Khaled al-Asaad” al mondo che promuove delle tecniche utilizzate dall’uomo culturali e di sviluppo territoriale. nel turismo culturale e nella Locali, Associazioni Culturali Il Premio alla scoperta le destinazioni turistico- nel realizzare i manufatti di uso valorizzazione dei beni e Professionali si confrontano archeologica dell’anno intitolato archeologiche con 100 espositori, quotidiano. archeologici in collaborazione con su promozione del turismo all’archeologo di Palmira che di cui 20 Paesi. l’Associazione Startup Turismo. culturale, valorizzazione, ha pagato con la vita la difesa da giovedì 25 a sabato 27 gestione e fruizione del patrimonio. novembre ore 10-19; del patrimonio. domenica 28 novembre ore 10-13 ArcheoIncoming ArcheoLavoro ArcheoVirtual Incontri con i Protagonisti Premi “Antonella Fiammenghi” Workshop con i buyer esteri Spazio espositivo e Workshop con Orientamento post diploma Mostra e Workshop internazionali Il grande pubblico con i più noti “Paestum Mario Napoli” selezionati dall’ENIT e i tour i tour operator che promuovono le e post laurea con area di realtà virtuale e robotica in Divulgatori culturali, Archeologi, “Sebastiano Tusa” operator nazionali destinazioni italiane per l’incoming espositiva dedicata alle collaborazione con ISPC Istituto Direttori di Musei, Accademici, Assegnati a personalità impegnate Incontro dei buyer esteri del turismo archeologico. Università per la presentazione di Scienze del Patrimonio Giornalisti. a favore dell’archeologia, del selezionati dall’ENIT (provenienti dell’offerta formativa e delle Culturale del CNR. dialogo interculturale, del turismo da 8 Paesi Europei) e dei tour figure professionali. archeologico subacqueo e a operator nazionali con l’offerta del laureati con tesi sul turismo turismo culturale. archeologico. sabato 27 novembre ore 10-14 | 15-18 con il sostegno di in collaborazione con con il patrocinio di vettore ufficiale Ideazione e Organizzazione Leader srl seguici su #BMTA2021
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