Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...

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Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...
Aratohu tika tangata ki te
whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa
Framework Guidelines on the right
to a decent home in Aotearoa
August 2021

Te Kāhui Tika Tangata
Human Rights Commission
Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...
Aratohu tika tangata ki te
        whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa
        Framework Guidelines on the right
        to a decent home in Aotearoa
        The New Zealand Human Rights Commission (the Commission) is established and operates
        under the Crown Entities Act 2004 and the Human Rights Act 1993. Independent of government,
        the Commission is accredited as an ‘A status’ national human rights institution under the Paris
        Principles. Information about the Commission’s activities can be found on our website:

2   Human Rights Commission
Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...
Status of the Framework Guidelines
The Human Rights Act (1993), which establishes the Human Rights Commission, is designed:

   “to provide better protection of human rights in New Zealand in general accordance with
   United Nations Covenants or Conventions on Human Rights”.1

The Act sets out the Commission’s primary functions, the first of which is:

   “to advocate and promote respect for, and an understanding and appreciation of, human
   rights in New Zealand society”. (section 5(1)(a))

Additionally, the Act gives the Commission numerous specific functions, including:

   “to prepare and publish, as the Commission considers appropriate, guidelines and voluntary
   codes of practice for the avoidance of acts or practices that may be inconsistent with, or
   contrary to, this Act”. (section 5(2)(e))

In accordance with its statutory functions, the Board of the Human Rights Commission adopted
these Framework Guidelines on the Human Right to a Decent Home in Aotearoa in April 2021.

The Commission’s management will review the Guidelines every 12 months and, if necessary,
recommend revisions to the Board. The Board will review and, if necessary, revise, the Guidelines
every three years.

      These Guidelines are designed to advance the Human Rights
                     Commission guiding purpose,
            Te Whakamana Tāngata: A Life of Dignity for All.
                                 (Strategic Direction, 2020-2024)

                                                                              Human Rights Commission 1
Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...
     The Commission worked closely with Pou Tangata and Pou Tikanga from the National Iwi Chairs
     Forum (NICF), Community Housing Aotearoa and many others in the preparation of the Guidelines.
     Prior to the drafting of the Guidelines, preliminary consultations were held with a wide range of
     stakeholders from June 2020 to the end of August 2020. During this period, the Commission and
     Community Housing Aotearoa convened a number of hui to seek feedback on a discussion paper.
     Meetings were conducted predominately via Zoom as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with
     participation by people from around Aotearoa New Zealand.

     The Guidelines were released as a draft consultation document on 12 November 2020 and a consultation
     period ran until 21 December 2020. The Commission welcomed submissions by email and in person.
     The Commission received numerous responses with feedback, including from local and central
     government, advocacy organisations, and individuals. During January 2021 the Commission met with a
     range of stakeholders who wished to discuss the Guidelines and their feedback in more detail.

     The feedback the Commission received throughout this process was invaluable in re-drafting and
     refining the Guidelines. Following the consultation period, the Commission produced a second draft of
     the Guidelines which were again provided to NICF for their review and comment.

     For more detail on methodology, please refer to Appendix 1.

2   Human Rights Commission
Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...
Executive Summary                                                                          4

Section 1: Introduction                                                                   11
 More than a house: a decent home                                                         13
 International human rights law                                                           13
 The unique context of Aotearoa                                                           14
 Rights and responsibilities                                                              15
 Central and local government: a shared responsibility                                    16
 How can the Guidelines help?                                                             16
 Limitations and annual reviews                                                           17

Section 2: Colonisation and Te Tiriti o Waitangi                                          19
 Te Tiriti o Waitangi                                                                     21
 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples                           22
 Conclusion                                                                               22

Section 3: Key features of the right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti o Waitangi    23
 A. Values                                                                                24
 B. The UN ‘decency’ housing principles                                                   25
 C. Freedoms and entitlements                                                             27
 D. Equity, equality and non-discrimination                                               27
 E. Participation                                                                         28
 F. A human rights-based housing strategy grounded on Te Tiriti                           28
 G. Constructive accountability                                                           29
 H. International assistance and cooperation                                              30

Section 4: Obligations and Violations                                                     31
 Progressive realisation                                                                  32
 Indicators and benchmarks                                                                33
 Core obligations of immediate effect                                                     33
 Resources, priorities and trade-offs                                                     34
 Obligations to respect, protect and fulfil human rights                                  35

Section 5: Private sector                                                                 37

Section 6: Conclusion                                                                     39

Appendix 1: Consultations and methods                                                     41

Appendix 2: Key international standards on the right to a decent home                     43

Appendix 3: Resources on housing in Aotearoa New Zealand and the right to a decent home   44

Appendix 4: Resources on colonisation, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and UN Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples                                                              47

Endnotes                                                                                  48

Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...

    Executive Summary
    The Framework Guidelines on the Right to a Decent        International human rights law
    Home in Aotearoa (Guidelines) aim to:                    For many years, successive governments in
    • introduce the international right to adequate          Aotearoa New Zealand have committed to
       housing                                               implement the right to a decent home, as set out
    • signal the different ways this human right             in the International Bill of Rights, Convention on
       can contribute to a fair and dynamic housing          the Rights of the Child, Convention on the Rights
       system in Aotearoa New Zealand.                       of Persons with Disabilities, and United Nations
                                                             Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
    They are designed to raise the profile of the right
    to adequate housing.                                     Most of these commitments are binding on central
                                                             and local government in international law, yet the
    The Guidelines are relevant to central and local         right to a decent home is almost unknown and
    government, communities, iwi, hapū, the private          invisible in Aotearoa.
    sector, civil society organisations and individuals.
    They provide an introductory framework and               International law is silent on the socio-economic
    suggest how they can be developed and applied.           system (e.g. private, public or mixed) required to
                                                             implement the right to a decent home, except for
    The Guidelines raise some technical issues, but they     three conditions. The socio-economic system – or
    aim to be as accessible as possible. They are not        road – chosen:
    primarily written for lawyers and experts.               • must be consistent with human rights and
                                                                 democratic principles
    A decent home                                            • must reach the destination i.e. it must enhance
    International law usually refers to the right to             enjoyment of the right to a decent home,
    ‘adequate housing’. The extensive literature on this         including for the most disadvantaged
    human right is clear: the right to adequate housing      • in Aotearoa, the road chosen – and destination
    is more than a physical structure, it is about having        – must be consistent with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
    a decent home.
                                                             The unique context of Aotearoa
    Te Ao Māori, and the worldview of many Pacific,          If human rights are to be made ‘real’ in Aotearoa,
    Asian and other communities in Aotearoa, also            they must be considered and implemented within
    understand that housing is much more than a              the country’s unique historical and current context
    physical structure.                                      which includes:
                                                             • the systematic dispossession of Māori
    For these reasons, the Guidelines do not use the             from their land and the ongoing impact of
    right to ‘adequate housing’ as a shorthand. Instead,         colonisation
    they refer to the right to a ‘decent home’, defined      • Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Te Tiriti) and the crucial
    as the right to a warm, dry, safe, secure, affordable,       importance of ensuring the culture of tangata
    accessible, healthy, decent home.                            whenua flourishes

4   Human Rights Commission
Aratohu tika tangata ki te whai whare rawaka i Aotearoa Framework Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa - Te Kāhui Tika Tangata ...
•   enduring discrimination on ethnicity, religion,   local government are deeply complementary.
    disability, gender, and other prohibited          They share common values, such as wellbeing,
    grounds                                           and they must support and enable each other.
•   the need for a dynamic inclusive                  Central and local government have a shared
    multiculturalism grounded on Te Tiriti and        responsibility to do everything in their power to
    underpinned by respect (manaakitanga) and         deliver the right to a decent home for everyone in
    human rights for all.                             Aotearoa.

Rights and responsibilities                           How can the Guidelines help?
Human rights and Te Tiriti not only place             The right to a decent home grounded on human
obligations on central and local government, they     rights and Te Tiriti has several constructive roles
also place responsibilities on others, including      including:
individuals. In the context of the right to a         • empowering individuals, hapū, iwi and
decent home, the Guidelines outline the rights of         communities
individuals, communities, hapū and iwi (rights-       • helping to improve and strengthen housing
holders) and the responsibilities of government,          policies and initiatives
private sector, landlords, property managers,         • holding those with responsibilities
service-providers and tenants (duty-bearers).             accountable.

Central and local government: a shared                In this way, the Guidelines can assist both rights-
responsibility                                        holders and duty-bearers to understand their
In relation to housing, the roles of central and      rights and responsibilities.

Colonisation and Te Tiriti o Waitangi
The Guidelines are informed by the systematic         Te Tiriti, the country’s foundational document,
dispossession of Māori from their land, the           establishes the relationship between Māori and
ongoing impact of colonisation, Te Tiriti, the        the Crown. It affirms the status of whānau, hapū
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of           and iwi as tangata whenua and recognises their
Indigenous Peoples, and values that are integral      pre-existing rangatiratanga. It envisages a sharing
to Te Ao Māori e.g. whanaungatanga (kinship),         of power and authority and a partnership of
kaitiakitanga (stewardship) and manaakitanga          equals. Te Tiriti requires government to work in
(respect).                                            partnership, and share decision-making, with its
                                                      Tiriti partners, and to respect and support the
It is impossible to implement the right to a decent   rangatiratanga authority of tangata whenua. The
home in Aotearoa without recognising its colonial     right to a secure, peaceful, decent home – both
history and the lasting impact of colonisation        for tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti – is at the
on Māori rights and wellbeing. Colonial and           core of the Tiriti agreement.
discriminatory policies were designed to be
inequitable and their impact on the housing of        These issues are outlined in Section 2:
Māori persists to this day.                           Colonisation and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Key features of the right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti
    The Guidelines outline eight key features of the right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti. It is
    important these interconnected features are read together, and with Te Tiriti and the United Nations
    Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

    1. Values                                             4. Equity, equality and non-discrimination
    Values, such as whanaungatanga (kinship),             Housing must be equally accessible to all.
    kaitiakitanga (stewardship), manaakitanga
    (respect), dignity, decency, fairness, equality,      5. Participation
    freedom, wellbeing, safety, participation,            All individuals and communities are entitled
    autonomy, partnership, community, and                 to active and informed participation on issues
    responsibility, are embodied in the right to a        relating to their housing, including policy making
    decent home.                                          and accountability.

    2. The United Nations ‘decency’ housing               6. A human rights-based housing strategy
    principles                                            grounded on Te Tiriti
    The following overlapping United Nations              Realisation of the right to a decent home
    principles must be considered when determining        grounded on Te Tiriti will not happen
    whether housing is ‘adequate’ or, to use the          spontaneously. It will require an overarching
    language of the Guidelines, ‘decent’:                 housing strategy.
        • habitable
        • affordable                                      7. Constructive accountability
        • accessible to everyone, including               Effective and accessible accountability is a crucial
            disadvantaged groups, such as those           feature of human rights, including the right to a
            living in poverty, including people who are   decent home. Without accountability, the right to
            homeless; tangata whenua; Pacific people      a decent home can become an empty promise.
            and other ethnic minorities; faith-based      Accountability need not be about blame and
            communities; disabled people; children        punishment, it can be about identifying what
            and young people; women; rainbow              works, so it can be repeated, and what does not
            communities; older people; beneficiaries      work, so it can be adjusted. This is sometimes
            and migrants                                  called ‘constructive accountability’. All housing
        • services, facilities and infrastructure         initiatives must be subject to effective, accessible
        • location                                        and constructive accountability in relation to the
        • respect for cultural diversity                  right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti.
        • security of tenure.
                                                          8. International assistance and cooperation
    3. Freedoms and entitlements                          The government’s aid and development
    The right to a decent home includes both              programme, and its delivery, must be consistent
    freedoms (e.g. freedom from discrimination) and       with Aotearoa’s human rights obligations. If
    entitlements (e.g. the provision of temporary         the programme includes housing initiatives,
    emergency housing when needed).                       the government has a responsibility to ensure
                                                          the initiatives are consistent with human
                                                          rights principles and standards, including the
                                                          international right to a decent home.

6   Human Rights Commission
Obligations and violations
Progressively realised over time                      attention should be given to elaborating these
International human rights law allows for the full    core obligations for the right to a decent home in
implementation of the right to a decent home          Aotearoa.
to be realised over time. Progressive realisation,
however, is not an excuse for government              A human rights approach to policy making
to avoid or delay implementation of binding           The human right to a decent home is subject
international legal obligations. The United Nations   to resource availability. Even high-income
has confirmed that the government is required         countries, such as Aotearoa, cannot avoid difficult
to take “steps which are deliberate, concrete         decisions about resource allocation. Prioritisation
and targeted as clearly as possible towards”          and trade-offs are common features of every
realisation of the right to a decent home.            approach to policy making. The human rights
                                                      approach grounded on Te Tiriti is distinctive
How to measure progressive realisation:               because of the conditions it imposes on the
indicators and benchmarks                             policy making process. The Guidelines outline the
The United Nations has also confirmed that            conditions that apply to policy making in relation
progressive realisation of the right to a decent      to the right to a decent home grounded on Te
home should be tracked by using indicators and        Tiriti.
benchmarks. The indicators are broken down
into areas of prohibited discrimination, such as      Obligations to respect, protect and fulfil human
ethnicity, disability, gender and age.                rights
                                                      Human rights give rise to different types of
By way of Tiriti partnership and a consultative       obligations, widely known as obligations to
process, attention should be given to identifying     respect, protect and fulfil. Understanding that
suitable national indicators for the right to a       human rights give rise to these obligations makes
decent home in Aotearoa. The indicators will have     it easier to hold central and local government
to reflect Te Ao Māori, tikanga and Te Tiriti.        (and other duty-bearers) accountable and to
                                                      identify human rights violations. The Guidelines
Core obligations of immediate effect                  outline some obligations and corresponding
The United Nations recognises that some features      violations in relation to the right to a decent home
of the right to a decent home are so important        grounded on Te Tiriti.
they are deemed core obligations of immediate
effect i.e. these features are not subject to
progressive realisation over time. By way of
Tiriti partnership and a consultative process,

Role of the private sector
    The private sector has a significant role in          The government has a responsibility to prevent
    Aotearoa’s housing system. Investors, businesses      the private sector from interfering with the
    and individuals develop, build, sell and rent         enjoyment of the right to a decent home. But,
    housing. Financial institutions provide access        additionally, the private sector itself has human
    to credit. Private households purchase, build or      rights and Tiriti responsibilities. The Guidelines
    improve their own housing and may rent it to          outline these responsibilities of the private
    others. The private sector has the power to affect,   sector e.g. to provide an appropriate supply of (i)
    both positively and negatively, enjoyment of the      affordable (rather than luxury) housing, and (ii)
    right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti.         accessible homes for disabled people.

    Located within the unique context of Aotearoa,        •   developing and applying the eight key features
    the Guidelines are a step towards a better                of the right to a decent home grounded on Te
    understanding of the right to a decent home               Tiriti
    grounded on Te Tiriti. They provide a framework       •   preparing detailed guidance about disability
    on which we can all build while taking into               and the right to a decent home grounded on
    account evidence of what works. More mahi is              Te Tiriti.
    needed, by one organisation or another, such as:
    • clarifying what a decent home means for             The Guidelines will be reviewed and, as necessary,
        tangata whenua                                    revised every 12 months.
    • clarifying the shared responsibility of central
        and local government to deliver the right to a
        decent home grounded on Te Tiriti

8   Human Rights Commission
The Framework Guidelines

1. In Aotearoa, the housing system must be explicitly    8. The right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti is
   based on values (as outlined in Guideline 10), the       a framework on which everyone who is committed
   international right to a decent home, Te Tiriti o        to tackling the housing crisis can build respectful
   Waitangi and evidence of what works.                     relationships, multiple partnerships and effective
2. Grounded on Te Tiriti, the international right to
   a decent home is more than a right to shelter,        9. The right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti
   bricks, mortar or a house. It is the human right to      requires acknowledging and addressing the
   a warm, dry, safe, secure, affordable, accessible,       impacts of colonisation, systematic dispossession
   healthy, decent home, as understood by Te Ao             of Māori from their land, and destruction of their
   Māori. By way of shorthand, these Guidelines refer       traditional ways of living, including communal
   to the ‘right to a decent home’.                         land ownership. Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the
                                                            United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
3. Agreed by successive New Zealand governments,            Indigenous Peoples have a critically important
   the right to a decent home is ethically compelling       role to play in advancing the right to a decent
   and binding on New Zealand in international law.         home in Aotearoa.
   This human right does not favour one particular
   socio-economic system, but it requires that the       10. Values, such as whanaungatanga (kinship),
   selected system is consistent with human rights           kaitiakitanga (stewardship), manaakitanga
   and democratic principles, enhances enjoyment of          (respect), dignity, decency, fairness, equality,
   the right to a decent home, and honours Te Tiriti.        freedom, wellbeing, safety, autonomy,
                                                             participation, partnership, community and
4. The international right to a decent home must be          responsibility, are embodied in the right to a
   located and applied within the unique historical,         decent home. These values, and the right to a
   demographic, economic, social, cultural,                  decent home grounded on Te Tiriti, must lie at
   environmental and legal context of Aotearoa.              the centre of all housing-related initiatives in
5. Te Tiriti and the right to a decent home not
   only place obligations on central and local           11. All housing initiatives must comply with the seven
   government, they also place responsibilities on           UN ‘decency’ housing principles read with Te Tiriti
   others, including the private sector, landlords,          o Waitangi: habitable; affordable; accessible for
   property managers, service-providers and tenants.         everyone; services, facilities and infrastructure;
                                                             location; respect for cultural diversity; and security
6. Central and local government have a shared                of tenure. If homes and housing initiatives do
   responsibility to do everything in their power to         not comply with a ‘decency’ principle they are
   deliver the right to a decent home, grounded on           not complying with the right to a decent home,
   Te Tiriti, for everyone in Aotearoa.                      unless it can be shown that all reasonable steps
                                                             have been taken to comply with the principle (see
                                                             section 4).
7. The right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti
   empowers individuals, hapū, iwi and communities
   in their engagement with central and local            12. Because the right to a decent home includes
   government; helps policy makers strengthen their          freedoms, all restrictive housing laws, regulations,
   housing initiatives; and helps ensure that housing        rules and practices must be fair, reasonable,
   commitments are honoured.                                 proportionate and culturally appropriate.

13. A decent home must be accessible to everyone               When prioritising in relation to the right to a
         without discrimination on prohibited grounds,              decent home, certain conditions apply, such as
         such as disability, ethnicity, religion, age, gender       consideration of colonisation and its continuing
         or sexual orientation. Effective measures, designed        impacts, Te Tiriti and the most disadvantaged
         to address the unfair disadvantage experienced by          individuals and communities, including those
         some individuals and communities, are required.            living in poverty.

     14. In accordance with international human rights          19. Central and local government have obligations
         treaties and declarations, ensure all individuals          arising from the right to a decent home grounded
         and communities have the opportunity for active            on Te Tiriti. The obligation to respect places
         and informed participation on housing issues               a responsibility on government to refrain
         that affect them. Additionally, Te Tiriti requires         from interfering directly or indirectly with the
         government to work in partnership, and share               enjoyment of the right to a decent home grounded
         decision-making, with its Tiriti partners.                 on Te Tiriti. The obligation to protect means
                                                                    that government must prevent third parties,
     15. Central and local government must have an                  such as private landlords, from interfering with
         overarching housing strategy. The housing                  the enjoyment of the right to a decent home
         strategy must be based on human rights and Te              grounded on Te Tiriti. The obligation to fulfil
         Tiriti. Te Tiriti and human rights-based housing           requires government to adopt all appropriate
         strategy must have the right to a decent home at           measures, including legislative, administrative
         its centre.                                                and budgetary, to ensure the full realisation of
                                                                    the right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti.
                                                                    Breaches of these obligations may give rise to
     16. All housing initiatives must be subject to                 violations of the right to a decent home grounded
         constructive accountability i.e. initiatives must          on Te Tiriti.
         be assessed against the human right to a
         decent home grounded on Te Tiriti. Constructive
         accountability must be both effective and              20. The private sector has obligations arising from the
         accessible to those in need.                               right to a decent home. Further attention should
                                                                    be given to (a) clarifying the responsibilities of the
                                                                    private sector in relation to the right to a decent
     17. If the government’s development and aid                    home grounded on Te Tiriti and (b) identifying
         programme includes housing initiatives, it has             suitable constructive accountability arrangements
         a responsibility to ensure the initiatives are             in relation to these private sector responsibilities.
         consistent with the right to a decent home and,
         where the recipient country has indigenous
         peoples, the United Nations Declaration on the         21. These Guidelines provide a framework on which
         Rights of Indigenous Peoples.                              we can all build. All stakeholders are encouraged
                                                                    to develop and apply the framework with a view
                                                                    to enhancing the right to a decent home grounded
     18. The right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti           on Te Tiriti for everyone in Aotearoa.
         places measurable obligations on central and
         local government. Full implementation of the right
         to a decent home may be progressively realised
         over time. But central and local government
         must take deliberate, concrete and targeted
         steps towards realisation of the right to a decent
         home. Government has a specific and continuing
         obligation to move as expeditiously and effectively
         as possible towards the human right’s full
         implementation. Progress (or otherwise) must be
         tracked by suitable indicators and benchmarks.

10   Human Rights Commission
Section 1: Introduction

                          Section 1: Introduction   11
Section 1: Introduction
     1. Reinforced by the international right to a              Section 5 signals the role of the private sector
        decent home, a fair and effective housing               in relation to the right to a decent home
        system plays a vital role in society. In Aotearoa,      grounded on Te Tiriti.
        this fundamental human right is grounded
        on Te Tiriti. These Guidelines aim to advance a         The Guidelines provide a framework and the
        housing system that is based on a set of explicit       Conclusion points out some of the work that is
        values, the human right to a decent home, Te            needed to develop and apply this framework in
        Tiriti and evidence of what works.2                     the months and years ahead.

     2. The Guidelines have six sections:                    3. Four Appendices provide supplementary
        This Introduction provides background,                  information and resources.
        explains terms and outlines how the Guidelines
        can help all of us improve housing in Aotearoa.      4. Each of the sections includes one or more
                                                                Guidelines. In total, there are twenty-one
        Section 2 highlights the unique context within          Guidelines. Each is clearly highlighted for ease
        which the Guidelines are located, with a focus          of reference.
        on colonisation and Te Tiriti.
                                                              Guideline 1: In Aotearoa, the housing system
        Section 3 is the heart of the Guidelines: it          must be explicitly based on values (as outlined
        outlines eight key features of the right to a         in Guideline 10), the international right to a
        decent home grounded on Te Tiriti.                    decent home, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and evidence
                                                              of what works.

        Section 4 explains the obligations or
        responsibilities which arise from the key
        features outlined in section 3 e.g. it briefly
        outlines a human rights approach to policy
        making in relation to the right to a decent
        home grounded on Te Tiriti.

12   Human Rights Commission
More than a house: a decent home
5. International law usually refers to the ‘right to      including health protection, work and active
   adequate housing’. Sometimes the term the              participation in the community.
   ‘right to shelter’ is used. However, the human
   rights literature is clear: the right to adequate   8. Recently published by the World Health
   housing is much more than shelter, bricks,             Organization, Housing and Health Guidelines
   mortar or a house. It is about having a decent         also take this view: “Healthy housing provides a
   home.3                                                 feeling of home, including a sense of belonging”.5

6. The understanding that a home is more               9. In these circumstances, the Guidelines do not
   than a house resonates strongly with Te Ao             use the term the ‘right to adequate housing’
   Māori. Within this worldview, the idea of a            or the ‘right to shelter’. Instead they prefer the
   home includes reciprocal relationships and             ‘right to a warm, dry, safe, secure, affordable,
   responsibilities, as well as an abiding sense          accessible, healthy, decent home’ - for short,
   of love for Papatūānuku (the earth) to which           the ‘right to a decent home’.
   tangata whenua belong. Kāinga is more than a
   home, it also means a village, relationships and    10. The Guidelines outline what the right to a decent
   responsibilities to place, people and the natural       home, grounded on Te Tiriti, means in the
   environment.4                                           unique context of Aotearoa.

7. The understanding that a home is more than           Guideline 2: Grounded on Te Tiriti, the
   a physical structure (i.e. more than bricks and      international right to a decent home is more
   mortar) also chimes with the worldview of            than a right to shelter, bricks, mortar or a
   many Pacific, Asian and other communities in         house. It is the human right to a warm, dry, safe,
                                                        secure, affordable, accessible, healthy, decent
   Aotearoa. This understanding was a recurring
                                                        home, as understood by Te Ao Māori. By way of
   theme during the consultations that preceded
                                                        shorthand, these Guidelines refer to the ‘right to
   the drafting of these Guidelines. Another
                                                        a decent home’.
   recurring theme was the importance of housing
   to the enjoyment of other human rights,

International human rights law
11. The International Bill of Rights, which New           the Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Zealand helped to draft, provides the                 and the Convention on the Rights of Persons
    foundation for all international human rights.        with Disabilities, include the right to a decent
    Successive governments in Aotearoa have               home (see Appendix 2). The United Nations
    committed to implement the International Bill         Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
    of Rights, which includes the right to a decent       includes numerous provisions that highlight
    home.6                                                the critical importance of home (kāinga) and
                                                          land (whenua) to tangata whenua. Successive
12. Building on the International Bill of Rights,         New Zealand governments have helped to write
    additional human rights agreements have               these additional human rights agreements and
    been adopted and several of them, such as             have also promised to implement them.

                                                                                      Section 1: Introduction   13
13. Many of the international human rights                     decent home, including for the most
         promises made by New Zealand governments                   disadvantaged, such as those living in
         are ethically compelling and they are binding              poverty
         in international law. The right to a decent             c) in Aotearoa, the road chosen - and
         home is one of the human rights that New                   destination - must be consistent with Te
         Zealand has agreed to implement under                      Tiriti.
         binding international law. This human right is
         well-established in international law. It is not    15. In addition to its binding international legal
         a one-liner – it’s not a bumper-sticker – it has        obligations in relation to the right to a
         substantive content. Although it is binding on          decent home, New Zealand has committed
         New Zealand in international law, the right to a        to reaching Sustainable Development Goals,
         decent home is almost unknown and invisible             including: “By 2020, ensure access for all to
         in Aotearoa.                                            adequate, safe and affordable housing and
                                                                 basic services”.8
     14. International law is silent on the socio-
         economic system (e.g. private, public or mixed)      Guideline 3: Agreed by successive New
         required for implementation of the right to a        Zealand governments, the right to a decent
         decent home.7 This deliberately neutral position     home is ethically compelling and binding
         is subject to three important conditions. The        on New Zealand in international law. This
         socio-economic system - or road - chosen:            human right does not favour one particular
                                                              socio-economic system, but it requires that
         a) must be consistent with human rights and
                                                              the selected system is consistent with human
             democratic principles
                                                              rights and democratic principles, enhances
         b) must reach the destination i.e. it must
                                                              enjoyment of the right to a decent home, and
             enhance enjoyment of the right to a
                                                              honours Te Tiriti.

     The unique context of Aotearoa

     16. Internationally there are thousands of books,       18. Although the existing international literature,
         articles, reports and guidance on what the right        as well as law cases decided in other countries,
         to a decent home means and how to apply it              provide useful guidance on what the right
         in practice.9 But the literature on the right to        to a decent home means, we must consider
         a decent home in the distinctive context of             and apply this human right within the unique
         Aotearoa is extremely limited.                          historical, demographic, economic, social,
                                                                 cultural, environmental and legal context of
     17. Many countries have placed the right to a decent        Aotearoa.
         home in their national law and this has led to
         law cases which clarify what the human right        19. These Guidelines outline what the right to a
         means.10 But New Zealand has not placed the             decent home means in the unique context of
         right to a decent home in its national law and so       Aotearoa. This context includes: the systematic
         there are no law cases in Aotearoa to throw light       dispossession of Māori land and the ongoing
         on the meaning of this human right.11                   impacts of colonisation; Te Tiriti and the crucial
                                                                 importance of ensuring the culture of tangata

14   Human Rights Commission
whenua, the uniquely indigenous people
    of Aotearoa, is recognised and flourishes;             Guideline 4: The international right to a decent
    enduring discrimination on race, ethnicity,            home must be located and applied within the
    religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation       unique historical, demographic, economic,
    and other prohibited grounds; the need for a           social, cultural, environmental and legal
                                                           context of Aotearoa.
    dynamic inclusive multiculturalism grounded
    on Te Tiriti and underpinned by respect
    (manaakitanga) and human rights for all. This
    unique context is outlined in the following

Rights and responsibilities
20. When discussing human rights, the focus                  sector and individuals. For example, the
    is usually on the rights (or ‘entitlements’)             private sector has a responsibility to support
    of individuals and the obligations (or                   Māori housing aspirations and needs, such
    ‘responsibilities’ or ‘duties’) of government.           as intergenerational living and care for
    Although this understanding of human rights is           Papatūānuku (the earth). Also, private landlords
    very important, it is not the complete picture.          and tenants have a responsibility not to
                                                             discriminate on prohibited grounds, such as
21. Human rights and Te Tiriti not only place                disability, ethnicity, religion, age, gender or
    obligations on central and local government,             sexual orientation.
    they also place responsibilities or duties on
    others. For example, the Universal Declaration of     23. The following sections of the Guidelines outline
    Human Rights sets out a catalogue of rights and           (a) the rights of individuals, communities,
    it adds, “everyone has duties to the community            hapū and iwi (rights-holders) and (b) the
    in which alone the free and full development              responsibilities of government, private sector,
    of their personality is possible” (article 29(1)).        landlords, property managers, service-
    For its part, Te Tiriti bestows “rights and duties        providers and tenants (duty-bearers).
    of citizenship” (article 3). So, both the Universal
    Declaration of Human Rights and Te Tiriti place        Guideline 5: Te Tiriti and the right to a decent
    responsibilities on individuals.12                     home not only place obligations on central
                                                           and local government, they also place
22. This understanding has important implications          responsibilities on others, including the private
                                                           sector, landlords, property managers, service-
    for the right to a decent home. It means this
                                                           providers and tenants.
    human right, grounded on Te Tiriti, places
    responsibilities on government, the private

                                                                                        Section 1: Introduction   15
Central and local government: a shared responsibility
     24. As emphasised in the preceding paragraphs,              Central and local government have a shared
         human rights, including the right to a decent           responsibility to do everything in their power to
         home grounded on Te Tiriti, place obligations           deliver the right to a decent home for everyone
         on central and local government. In relation            in Aotearoa.
         to housing, the roles of central and local
         government are deeply complementary. They             Guideline 6: Central and local government
         share common values, such as wellbeing, which         have a shared responsibility to do everything
         is enshrined in the Local Government Act 2002         in their power to deliver the right to a decent
         and Treasury’s Living Standards Framework.            home, grounded on Te Tiriti, for everyone in
         They must assist and enable each other.               Aotearoa.

     How can the Guidelines help?

     25. Grounded on Te Tiriti, the right to a decent         27. For these reasons, the Guidelines clarify what
         home has several constructive roles. For                 the right to a decent home, grounded on Te
         example, it can:                                         Tiriti, means. Once the meaning is clearer, the
         a) empower individuals, hapū, iwi and                    human right can:
            communities                                           a) empower individuals, hapū, iwi and
         b) help to improve, deepen and strengthen                     communities in their engagement with
            housing policies and initiatives                           central and local government and others
         c) hold accountable those with responsibilities          b) help policy makers strengthen their
            arising from the right to a decent home                    housing initiatives
            grounded on Te Tiriti.                                c) help ensure that the right to a decent
                                                                       home and Te Tiriti are honoured.
     26. But these roles depend upon a degree of
         clarity about what the right to a decent home,       28. More specifically, the Guidelines can help to:
         grounded on Te Tiriti, means:                            a) advance the partnership between
         a) individuals, hapū, iwi and communities                   kāwanatanga (Crown) and rangatiratanga
             cannot be meaningful rights-holders (as                 (hapū and iwi) in the context of housing
             opposed to ‘service-users’), if the right to a       b) ensure that critically important values,
             decent home is unclear                                  such as kaitiakitanga (stewardship),
         b) central and local government, the private                whanaungatanga (kinship), manaakitanga
             sector and others cannot be responsible                 (respect), fairness, decency, equality,
             duty-bearers, if the right to a decent home             wellbeing and community are at the centre
             is unclear                                              of all housing initiatives
         c) policy makers cannot use the right to a               c) advance Māori housing aspirations and
             decent home to improve their initiatives if             needs
             they do not know what it means                       d) improve the Government Policy Statement
         d) it is impossible to hold anyone accountable              on Housing and Urban Development,
             for the right to a decent home if nobody                Housing Acceleration Fund, New Zealand
             knows who is accountable for what.

16   Human Rights Commission
Building Code, Residential Tenancies Act,           j)   hold central and local government, and
      and governmental regulatory frameworks                   other duty-bearers, accountable for their
   e) ensure that key features of housing (e.g.                responsibilities arising from the right to a
      habitability, affordability, accessibility,              decent home grounded on Te Tiriti.
      security of tenure) are given sustained and
      systematic attention                              Guideline 7: The right to a decent
   f) accelerate universal design so there is           home grounded on Te Tiriti empowers
      increased supply of housing suitable for          individuals, hapū, iwi and communities in
      people of all abilities and stages of life,       their engagement with central and local
                                                        government; helps policy makers strengthen
      including disabled people13
                                                        their housing initiatives; and helps ensure that
   g) ensure an increase in accessible housing
                                                        housing commitments are honoured.
   h) improve access to home ownership, and
      other forms of secure housing, for everyone
   i) eliminate homelessness14

Limitations and annual reviews

29. By outlining what the right to a decent home,      31. The Guidelines did not begin with a blank
    grounded on Te Tiriti, means in the unique             page, they are located within the parameters
    context of Aotearoa, the Guidelines provide a          provided by New Zealand’s international
    framework for respectful relationships, multiple       human rights agreements and Te Tiriti o
    partnerships and effective collaboration across        Waitangi. Where appropriate they refer to
    the country.                                           existing housing codes in Aotearoa, such as
                                                           Healthy Homes Standards. They draw from
30. The Guidelines do not aim to provide an                a wide range of national and international
    assessment of the right to a decent home               experience and literature. The Guidelines will be
    grounded on Te Tiriti i.e. they do not collate         reviewed and, as necessary, revised every 12
    evidence and make evaluations. But the                 months.
    Guidelines will help stakeholders make such
    assessments in the future. Neither are they         Guideline 8: The right to a decent home
    comprehensive, nor a detailed tool kit on how       grounded on Te Tiriti is a framework on
    to operationalise the right to a decent home        which everyone who is committed to tackling
    grounded on Te Tiriti. The Guidelines are a         the housing crisis can build respectful
                                                        relationships, multiple partnerships and
    framework for this and other mahi in the
                                                        effective collaboration.

                                                                                      Section 1: Introduction   17
Section 2: Colonisation and Te
Tiriti o Waitangi

                  Section 2: Colonisation and Te Tiriti o Waitangi   19
Section 2: Colonisation and
     Te Tiriti o Waitangi
     32. The Guidelines outline what the right to a         35. After most of the land was taken from tangata
         decent home means in the unique context of             whenua, colonial housing policies made it
         Aotearoa. This context includes colonisation,          difficult or impossible for Māori to access
         the systematic dispossession of Māori from             home ownership. They were hampered in
         their land, ongoing impacts of colonisation            their efforts to maintain or build traditional
         and Te Tiriti. This section briefly highlights         forms of housing on communally owned land
         this context, as well as the United Nations            (papakāinga). As individuals, they struggled to
         Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous                access adequate urban housing. They faced
         Peoples. Key additional resources on these             racism in both access to mortgage home
         issues are provided in Appendix 4.                     ownership and the private rental market.

     33. It is impossible to implement the human right      36. Today, some local and national government
         to a decent home in Aotearoa today without             rules and practices, as well as Pākehā legal
         recognising its colonial history and the lasting       assumptions about individual ownership and
         impacts of colonisation on Māori rights and            denial of rangatiratanga (authority), continue
         wellbeing. The arrival of Pākehā settlers              to impede Māori communal and other housing
         resulted in colonisation and the systematic            initiatives. Māori have lower rates of home
         dispossession of Māori from their land.                ownership (28%) compared to New Zealand
         Generations of policies disenfranchised tangata        Europeans (57%). Colonial and discriminatory
         whenua and destroyed their traditional ways of         policies were designed to be inequitable and
         living, including communal land ownership.             their impact on the housing of Māori persists
                                                                to this day. At the end of her visit to Aotearoa
     34. Taken by violence, confiscation and purchase,          in 2020, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right
         tangata whenua lost control of 95% of their            to adequate housing likened this to “a dark
         land. Purchases often breached Te Tiriti o             shadow that hangs over the country”.15
         Waitangi. The Native Land Court converted
         customary collective ownership into individual
         title, an alien concept to tangata whenua
         and at odds with tikanga Māori. This process
         accelerated Māori alienation from their land.
         Today, land collectively owned by Māori
         accounts for less than 5% of Aotearoa’s total
         land area.

20   Human Rights Commission
Te Tiriti o Waitangi

37. There is a deep synergy between Te Ao Māori,           treatment. It requires putting right the wrongs
    Te Tiriti and the United Nations Declaration on        committed and damage inflicted, honouring
    the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (‘Declaration’).      the pre-existing Te Tiriti and indigenous human
    Each one bears upon the right to a decent              rights of tangata whenua, and reconciliation.
    home in Aotearoa. Te Tiriti is interpreted in
    light of the Declaration. Both instruments are      40. In the context of the right to a decent home,
    briefly outlined in these paragraphs.                   article 2 requires closer consideration. It
                                                            affirms tangata whenua rights to “te tino
38. Te Tiriti, the country’s foundational document,         rangatiratanga o ratou wenua, o ratou kāinga
    establishes the relationship between Māori              me o ratou taonga katoa” (the absolute
    and the Crown. It affirms the status of                 authority over their lands, homes/villages and
    whānau, hapū and iwi as tangata whenua and              all their treasures). Rangatiratanga entails the
    recognises their pre-existing rangatiratanga.           authority to manage traditional territories,
    It envisages a sharing of power and authority           manaaki (care for) and tiaki (protect) the
    and a partnership of equals. Te Tiriti requires         people, lands and resources within them. In the
    government to work in partnership, and share            English version of article 2, this is referred to as
    decision-making, with its Tiriti partners, and          the “full, exclusive and undisturbed possession
    to respect and support the rangatiratanga               of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and
    authority of tangata whenua.                            other properties which they may collectively or
                                                            individually possess”.
39. Articles 1 and 2 of Te Tiriti provide for co-
    existing systems of governance: iwi and hapū        41. In short, the right to a secure, peaceful, decent
    rangatiratanga and Crown kāwanatanga                    home – both for tangata whenua and tangata
    authority. Article 3 promises Māori equal               Tiriti – is at the core of the Tiriti agreement.16
    enjoyment of citizenship rights, placing                Claims of breaches of these rights are currently
    obligations on the Crown to ensure equity for           being examined by the Waitangi Tribunal in its
    Māori alongside other New Zealanders. But the           Housing Policy and Services Kaupapa Inquiry
    Crown’s commitment to Māori under Te Tiriti             (Wai 2750).
    goes much further than a promise of equitable

                                                              Section 2: Colonisation and Te Tiriti o Waitangi     21
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

     42. Affirmed by New Zealand in 2010, the                44. At the core of the Declaration is the rights of
         Declaration complements New Zealand’s                   indigenous peoples to self-determination, to
         constitutional obligations under Te Tiriti. It          make their own decisions and control their own
         reinforces the Crown’s obligations to work in           destiny, as well as to participate in government
         partnership, actively protect rangatiratanga,           decision-making that affects them. The right of
         and advance Māori equity.                               self-determination is also found in international
                                                                 human rights treaties ratified by New Zealand,
     43. The Declaration reflects existing international         such as the International Covenant on Civil and
         human rights standards, including the right to          Political Rights (article 1(1)).
         a decent home, and outlines how they apply
         in the specific circumstances of indigenous         45. Appendix 2 provides links to some of the
         peoples. It reaffirms indigenous peoples’ rights        provisions of the Declaration which are
         to their lands, territories and resources, and to       especially significant in the context of the
         their culture, identity and way of life.                human right to a decent home.

     46. The systematic dispossession of Māori land,          Guideline 9: The right to a decent home
         ongoing impacts of colonisation, Te Tiriti and       grounded on Te Tiriti requires acknowledging
         the Declaration inform these Guidelines. The         and addressing the impacts of colonisation,
         Guidelines are also informed by the values that      systematic dispossession of Māori from their
                                                              land, and destruction of their traditional ways
         are integral to Te Ao Māori. One of the key
                                                              of living, including communal land ownership.
         features of a right to a decent home grounded
                                                              Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the United Nations
         on Te Tiriti, these values are outlined at the
                                                              Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
         beginning of the next section.
                                                              Peoples have a critically important role to
                                                              play in advancing the right to a decent home
                                                              in Aotearoa.

22   Human Rights Commission
Section 3: Key features of
the right to a decent home
grounded on Te Tiriti o Waitangi

       Section 3: Key features of the right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti o Waitangi   23
Section 3: Key features of the
     right to a decent home grounded
     on Te Tiriti o Waitangi
     47. This section outlines eight key features              accountability which includes redress. So, it is
         of the right to a decent home grounded                important that the interconnected key features
         on Te Tiriti. Most of the key features are            are read together, and with Te Tiriti and the
         interconnected. For example, it is not possible       United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
         to compartmentalise equity, equality and non-         Indigenous Peoples.
         discrimination; participation; and constructive

     A. Values

     48. All societies, institutions and processes are         on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As
         driven by one set of values or another. Whether       discussed in the Introduction, the idea of a
         explicit or implicit, values are exceedingly          home includes a web of relationships and
         important. They shape lives, communities and          responsibilities, as well as an abiding sense
         the future. They also shape human rights.             of love for Papatūānuku (the earth) to which
         The following values should be woven into             tangata whenua belong.
         all the features of the right to a decent home
         grounded on Te Tiriti.                             52. In Aotearoa, our values encompass Te
                                                                Ao Māori and the worldviews of other
     49. Te Ao Māori is underpinned by whakapapa                communities. These values not only include
         (genealogy) and whanaungatanga (kinship). In           whakapapa, whanaungatanga, kaitiakitanga
         this worldview, relationships between people           and mana (as outlined above), they also
         - past, present and future - are of central            include manaakitanga (respect), dignity,
         importance. Also, the relationship between             decency, fairness, equality, freedom, wellbeing,
         people and the natural world is crucial.               safety, autonomy, participation, partnership,
                                                                community and responsibility.
     50. Kaitiakitanga (stewardship), a system of
         reciprocal rights and responsibilities, arises     53. These values are embodied in the human
         from these relationships. Kaitiakitanga includes       right to a decent home and Te Tiriti. Crucially,
         intergenerational responsibilities and it also         the Guidelines are driven by these values and
         has spiritual dimensions. Mana (authority,             the right to a decent home grounded on Te
         power, leadership) requires the maintenance of         Tiriti. This combination of values, the right to
         these relationships and responsibilities.              a decent home and Te Tiriti should also lie at
                                                                the centre of legislation, strategies, policies,
     51. Te Ao Māori reflects an indivisible relationship       programmes and other housing-related
         between Māori and whenua which is reinforced           initiatives in Aotearoa.
         by Te Tiriti and the United Nations Declaration

24   Human Rights Commission
Guideline 10: Values, such as whanaungatanga (kinship), kaitiakitanga (stewardship), manaakitanga
 (respect), dignity, decency, fairness, equality, freedom, wellbeing, safety, autonomy, participation,
 partnership, community and responsibility, are embodied in the right to a decent home. These
 values, and the right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti, must lie at the centre of all housing-
 related initiatives in Aotearoa.

B. The UN ‘decency’ housing principles
54. Since 1991, the United Nations has repeatedly       57. Accessible
    highlighted seven principles which must                 Access has several dimensions, for example,
    be considered when determining whether                  physical, systemic (i.e. without discrimination)
    housing is ‘adequate’ or, to use the language           and financial (i.e. affordable, see preceding
    of these Guidelines, ‘decent’.17 The UN ‘decency’       paragraph).
    housing principles overlap. The following
    paragraphs briefly introduce each of the seven         A decent home must be accessible to everyone.
    ‘decency’ principles which must be read with           This is not happening in Aotearoa today. The
    Te Tiriti and the United Nations Declaration on        housing crisis is not confined to disadvantaged
    the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.                      groups. A very large number of people who
                                                           are not historically disadvantaged do not
55. Habitable                                              have access to a decent home. However,
    Housing must provide for adequate space and            disadvantaged groups are disproportionately
    protection from cold, damp, heat, rain, wind,          affected by today’s crisis. For example, the
    structural hazards, disease and other threats          rates of home ownership in relation to Pacific
    to health. It should provide protection from,          peoples, Māori and New Zealand Europeans
    and mitigate, climate change.                          are 19%, 28% and 57%, respectively.19 Only 2%
                                                           of the housing stock is physically accessible
   The Healthy Homes Standards, established in             for disabled people but 1 in 6 people require
   the Residential Tenancies Act, and HomeFit              some form of adaptation.
   and Homestar, developed by the New Zealand
   Green Building Council, elaborate what the              Some of the disadvantaged groups that are
   habitable ‘decency’ principle means, subject to         finding it especially hard to have access to a
   two qualifications. First, these codes should be        decent home are:
   revisited by Te Tiriti partners to ensure they          a) those living in poverty, including people
   conform to Te Tiriti. Second, the codes are a               who are homeless e.g. people living
   non-exhaustive elaboration of the right to a                in carports, garages, cars, lean-tos,
   decent home in Aotearoa.18                                  sleepouts, makeshift housing, temporary
                                                               accommodation, ‘couch-surfing’, and on
56. Affordable                                                 the street;20
    Housing costs, including for energy, should            b) tangata whenua;
    not compromise the ability of people to afford         c) Pacific people21 and other ethnic
    other reasonable needs. Tenants should                     minorities;
    be protected by appropriate means against              d) faith-based communities;
    unreasonable rent levels and increases.                e) disabled people;

                       Section 3: Key features of the right to a decent home grounded on Te Tiriti o Waitangi   25
f)   children and young people;                         of living that include the extended family
        g)   women;                                             (whānau or aiga). The national housing system
        h)   rainbow communities;22                             is required to reflect our cultural diversity
        i)   older people;                                      and Te Tiriti foundations: one model does not
        j)    beneficiaries;                                    suit all. Also, regeneration and other projects
        k)   migrants.                                          must not sacrifice places of special cultural
        Some of these groups suffer from overlapping
        forms of disadvantage e.g. disabled Māori and        61. Security of tenure
        Pacific women.                                           Everyone should have security of tenure which
                                                                 guarantees legal protection, including due
        Effective measures to ensure everyone has                process in relation to eviction, discrimination,
        access to a decent home must give particular             harassment and other unfair treatment.
        attention to disadvantaged individuals,                  Tenure, which has a cultural dimension, takes
        communities and populations.                             a variety of forms, including Māori systems
                                                                 of land tenure, owner-occupation, rental
     58. Services, facilities and infrastructure                 (public and private), individual and collective,
         Housing must ensure facilities essential for            cooperative housing, social housing and
         health, security, and comfort, including for            emergency housing. It should take account
         Aotearoa’s rural and remote communities.                of the interests of children, disabled people,
         For example, residents should have access to            at-risk adults, all family types, and people of
         safe drinking water, sanitation and washing             different stages of life and cultures. Tenure
         facilities, refuse disposal and emergency               places obligations on all parties, including
         services, and energy for heating, lighting, and         tenants who have a responsibility to treat with
         cooking.                                                respect other occupiers, landlords, neighbours
                                                                 and their community.
     59. Location
         Housing must allow access to employment             62. Conclusion on ‘decency’ principles.
         options, healthcare services, accessible                One way for individuals, communities,
         transport routes, schools including te reo              government and the private sector to
         education, childcare and other social facilities,       implement some of the UN ‘decency’
         including for rural and remote communities.             housing principles is to promote universal
         Housing should not be so close to pollution             design. Universal design advances
         sources that inhabitants’ health is jeopardised.        inclusive, accessible, healthy buildings and
                                                                 environments, and respect for cultural
     60. Respect for cultural diversity                          diversity.24 It considers people throughout
         Housing has a very important cultural                   the life cycle from childhood to old age,
         dimension. In Aotearoa, which aspires to a              and is alert to different scenarios, including
         dynamic inclusive multiculturalism grounded             disability. The importance of security of tenure
         on Te Tiriti, this dimension is crucial. For            should not be overlooked. Tenure insecurity
         example, Māori, Pacific people and numerous             contributes to a major housing problem in
         culturally diverse communities have models              Aotearoa: high transience among renters.

26   Human Rights Commission
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