Aptos Assortment Planning & Buying - Modo Network

Page created by Chester Hudson
Aptos Assortment Planning & Buying - Modo Network
Aptos Assortment

Planning & Buying
Aptos Assortment Planning & Buying - Modo Network
2                ▸▸ Aptos Assortment Planning and Buying

    Aptos: Engaging Customers Differently

    To succeed in today’s                The Aptos retail                Yet the Aptos advantage
    demanding retail                     suite includes:                 is about far more than just
    environments, you must                                               our solutions. We leverage
    be able to fully understand          ▸▸ Store / Mobile Store         more than 45 years of
    your customers; to profitably        ▸▸ Enterprise Order             best practices; utilize the
    align your offerings with              Management                    Cloud to drive efficiency,
    their traits and preferences                                         productivity and growth;
                                         ▸▸ Digital Commerce
    in every channel and                                                 support our clients through
    touchpoint; and to support           ▸▸ Customer Relationship        collaborative, long-term
    rich, effortless, customer-            Management                    partnerships; and link our
    centric shopping journeys.           ▸▸ Retail Merchandising         compensation directly to
                                                                         your satisfaction. In all these
                                         ▸▸ Merchandise Lifecycle
    Aptos delivers that                                                  ways and more, we engage
    advantage to apparel,                                                customers differently for
    footwear, specialty and              ▸▸ Audit and Operations         superior results.
    general merchandise                    Management
    retailers. Our singular retail
                                         ▸▸ Analytics
    platform and innovative
    Cloud solutions unify                ▸▸ Professional Services
    complex omni-channel                   and Support
    environments with the
    power of one product, one
    customer and one order,
    plus advanced analytics
    and data management,
    to enable seamless
    customer experiences and
                                                      #1                1300                    1000+
                                               Vendor for Tier   1*   Retail Specialists         Retail Brands
    optimized management of
    your entire enterprise.

                                                    130                 130K                    $570B
                                                    Websites               Stores              Annual Revenues

                                                                                                           *RIS Leaderboard
Aptos Assortment Planning & Buying - Modo Network
Aptos | Engaging Customers Differently                                      3

Aptos Assortment Planning & Buying

It’s one of retail’s toughest      At the same time, you must be      Mastering the                            You can conclude the
yet most critical challenges:      able to meet the operational                                                assortment planning cycle with
building ideal assortments         and financial demands of your      art and science                          a “virtual style out,” where the
that are perfectly aligned with    business by buying correctly       Aptos Assortment Planning and            look and feel of the collection
your locations, channels and       and efficiently, creating          Buying is up for this challenge          are tied to the numeric. You
seasons, as well as shifting       localized assortments that         in every way. It blends the              will be able to preview your
trends, all while working within   minimize markdowns and             art and science of planning              assortment visually, just as
your budget to drive growth.       maximize sales. With so many       to let you match flexible                your customers do when they
                                   competitors—just steps or          product attributes to customer           shop in your stores or on
Today, more than ever, you         clicks away—you can afford         segments, plan collections on            your website.
need to be able to engage and      nothing less. Yet this challenge   a localized basis per delivery
delight your customers in every    is more complex than ever          window, group stores based               With Aptos Assortment
different market with on-style,    – with the increased pace of       on customer preferences, and             Planning, you’ll benefit from:
on-point merchandise that          merchandise giving rise to more    then create option plans that            ▸▸ Customer-focused
appears to have been selected      assortments, and an increasing     balance the number of choices              assortments that meet
just for them. With so many        number of channels putting         to customer tastes, financial              localized demand
choices just steps or clicks       pressure on your methods           requirements and space
                                                                                                               ▸▸ Reduced inventory and
away, they have patience for       and time.                          capacities. You can review by
                                                                                                                 improved visibility of
nothing less.                                                         floor, set by store cluster, and
                                                                                                                 excess inventory
                                                                      view the assortment by defined
                                                                      attributes such as color, sleeve         ▸▸ More sales at full price,
                                                                      length, activity and more. You             and more products in place
                                   Read more about our
                                                                      can also easily understand the             where they have the best
                                   views on the challenges
                                                                      core vs. basic merchandise in              potential to sell
                                   and imperatives of
                                   assortment planning                a store assortment and review            ▸▸ Improved turns by
                                   in retailing today.                the financial impact when you              optimizing your assortment
                                                                      add or drop a style.                       breadth and depth

                                                                                                               With all of this, Aptos delivers
                                                                                                               an assortment planning
                                                                                                               solution that ensures
                                                                                                               collections both look great
                                                                                                               and result in a predictable
                                                                                                               financial outcome.

                                                                             A recognized industry leader…
                                                                             Aptos is a consistent leader on Gartner’s Magic
                                                                             Quadrant for retail assortment management
                                                                             applications and was top rated in the Q3 2017
                                                                             Forrester Wave for assortment, merchandise,
                                                                             financial, and inventory planning.
4                                  ▸▸ Aptos Assortment Planning and Buying

A comprehensive solution

Seven core modules within            wide range of factors such as           as well as key factors such        Size Decisions
Aptos Assortment Planning and        space utilization, sales and            as open-to-buy, space and
                                                                                                                Optimize the buy by size and
Buying equip you to create and       margin, as well as shopper              capacity, while providing
                                                                                                                prepare for allocations. This
control an on-target, localized      attributes, climate and more.           guidance for each scenario
                                                                                                                module automatically takes
mix of products across your          You can also dynamically group          and collection
                                                                                                                the assortment decisions
retail chain.                        stores by product segment to
                                                                                                                down to size level, using your
                                     support planning activities and         Item Selection
                                                                                                                size strategy and calculating
Assortment Planning                  in-season management. And
                                                                             This module enables your plan      the allocation need and
                                     if some stores need special
The Assortment Planning                                                      to reflect recent performance,     replenishment need by size.
                                     treatment, even within a
process begins by documenting        cluster, store exceptions let           fashion trends, choices from
assortment and collection            you accommodate their                   a manufacturer’s range, or net     Item Lifecycle Planning
goals, as well as strategic          unique characteristics.                 new items to be developed by
                                                                                                                With Item Lifecycle Planning
guidelines for achieving them.                                               sourcing and production
                                                                                                                you can project the sales of
Our Assortment Planning
                                     Breadth, Depth and                                                         key items and products across
module equips you to do that                                                 Omni-Channel
                                     Range Planning                                                             time, accounting for price,
with a thorough review of recent                                             Distribution Planning              promotions, receipt flows
success factors, fashion and         Determining the optimal
                                                                             Determine which clusters will      and exit strategies. You will
customer shopping trends and         number of customer choices
                                                                             be assigned the products,          determine the correct size
other key variables.                 is pure strategy, but the
                                                                             expectations for how big a buy     profiles to use at both chain
                                     process of creating that
                                                                             each product deserves, and         and store level and prepare to
Store Clustering                     strategy is simplified when
                                                                             strategies for both the buy and    purchase the approved items,
                                     you can simulate your options
The Store Clustering module                                                  flow plans. You will be able to    with an automated capability
                                     by channel and cluster. The
lets you accommodate                                                         review and adjust the collection   to help generate the style
                                     Breadth, Depth and Range
customer-focused differences                                                 and styles in different ways,      information and the purchase
                                     Planning module accounts for
by store. You can consider a                                                 both numerically and visually.     order detail for the ERP.
                                     channel and cluster options

                How important is assortment management to your business?
                It’s important to your competitors! According to Gartner, by 2021, 70 percent of Tier 1 multichannel
                retailers will have implemented advanced retail assortment management applications.
Aptos | Engaging Customers Differently                                     5

Proven in use
The Aptos Merchandise Lifecycle Management solution is used by more than 300 of the world’s leading fashion,
footwear, specialty and luxury retailers—from adidas, Bata and Columbia to REI, Sephora and TAGHeuer. They
rely on us to take their critical merchandising functions to the next level and to elevate their results.

What about you?

Fat Face
UK lifestyle clothing brand Fat        Fat Face implemented Aptos             With Aptos Assortment                    which channel the customer is
Face uses Aptos Assortment             Merchandise Planning and               Planning and Buying,                     using. The Aptos solution also
Planning and Buying to create          Assortment Planning solutions          assortment plans are now                 fit perfectly with our internal
collections that are perfectly         to support its fast-growing retail     specific to each store grade,            processes and where we
aligned with their brands,             enterprise. With operations in         graded at a lower level of               wanted to go; we didn’t have to
customers, markets and                 so many different local and            detail than was previously               teach people a completely new
financial goals, and to:               international markets—including        possible, and tailored by store          way of doing things.”
                                       more than 200 varied stores            profile, available space and
▸▸ Build more powerful,                in the UK, Ireland and the US,         geographical area.
  customer-centric store               as well as a growing array of
  assortments                          channels—the company needed            According to head of
▸▸ Streamline processes                to move beyond spreadsheets            merchandising Nick Stevenson,
  and reduce workloads                 into a collaborative planning          “The software gives us greater
                                       environment that balances              visibility and foresight in
▸▸ Improve data integrity
                                       strategic goals with                   theplanning process, helping
  and analysis for better
                                       merchandise plans to identify          us always provide a consistent
  buying decisions
                                       ideal product mixes                    product assortment across a
▸▸ Gain a single version               and volumes.                           growing business, no matter
  of the truth

”The Aptos solution is simple, yet powerful
 and efficient. Their consultants were quick to
 understand our needs and to turn our challenges
 and requirements into solutions.
 - Nick Stevenson, Head of Merchandising, Fat Face
6   ▸▸ Aptos Assortment Planning and Buying

                  A Leader on Gartner’s Magic Quadrant
                  For multiple consecutive years, Aptos (as TXT Retail) has been a leader
                  on the Gartner Magic Quadrant for retail assortment management
                  applications, and have continued to strengthen our assessed strengths
                  for vision, execution and other criteria.
Aptos | Engaging Customers Differently                                     7

A Forrester Wave™ Leader

Aptos was named a Leader          “TXT Retail [now Aptos] shines      “Reference clients endorsed
in “The Forrester Wave: Retail    in assortment, merchandise,         its merchandise, financial, and
Planning, Q3 2017,” receiving     financial, and inventory            assortment planning prowess.
the highest score in the          planning,” states the Forrester     TXT [Retail] is an attractive
category of Current Offering,     report. “In our evaluation, TXT     option for multinational
as well as the highest possible   [Retail] demonstrated best-in-      retailers or brands that need to
score for:                        class functionality in aggregate    integrate assortment, inventory,
                                  merchandise financial planning,     and campaign planning across
▸▸ Assortment Planning            assortment planning, inventory      channels and national borders.”
▸▸ Global Vision                  planning, campaign planning,
                                  simultaneous planning, and
▸▸ Past Performance
                                  solution scalability. With
▸▸ Market Approach                a portfolio of international

▸▸ Supporting products            clients, it isn’t surprising that

  and services                    TXT [Retail]’s global vision
                                  and supporting products and
▸▸ Tier-1 footprint
                                  services are also best in class.”

Extend your value

Aptos Assortment Planning         Used individually or together       to-use tools turn merchandising          And with the latest release
and Buying is one of              as a complete solution, the         and inventory insights into ideal        of our Merchandise Lifecycle
five core components              applications within Aptos           actions. The solution includes           Management solution, Aptos
of Aptos Merchandise              Merchandise Lifecycle               Advanced Store Grading with              delivers even greater usability
Lifecycle Management, our         Management enable you to            sophisticated algorithms to              and performance. It provides
comprehensive solution            align strategy with execution,      accurately cluster stores;               improved collaboration in
that also delivers advanced       synchronize accelerate and          Size Curve to align your size            assortment planning, stronger
functionality for:                coordinate all activities within    mix with demand in each                  visualization and reporting
                                  the merchandise lifecycle,          store type and location; Size            functionality, and enhanced
▸▸ merchandise financial
                                  and ensure that consumer            Pack Recommender to create               capabilities to support both
                                  demand is met consistently          optimal pack configurations              retail and wholesale buying
▸▸ allocation, replenishment      across all channels.                and maximize size selling                processes—giving you the
  and forecasting                                                     within packs; and Localized              ability to create, analyze
▸▸ product lifecycle              Added value is delivered            Assortment Planning to create            and socialize plans ever faster
  management                      through Aptos Analytics. Its        balanced assortments with                and smarter.
                                  powerful yet flexible and easy-     optimal breadth and depth.
▸▸ supply chain management
                                                                                                                  NORTH AMERICA
                                                                                                                  Atlanta, GA - Global Headquarters
                                                                                                                  945 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2500

About                                                                                                             Atlanta, GA 30326 USA
                                                                                                                  +1 866 493 7037
                                                                                                                  Columbus, OH
Aptos: Engaging Customers Differently                                                                             400 Venture Drive
                                                                                                                  Lewis Center, OH 43035 USA
Aptos is the largest provider of enterprise software focused                                                      +1 614 840 1400

exclusively on retail. Our cloud-based Singular Retail™ solutions                                                 Montreal, Canada
                                                                                                                  9300 Trans-Canada Hwy, Suite 300
are trusted by over 1,000 retail brands in 55 countries. With                                                     Saint-Laurent, QC H4S 1K5 Canada
                                                                                                                  +1 514 426 0822
industry-leading omni-channel commerce and merchandise
                                                                                                                  Monterrey, Mexico
lifecycle management solutions, we help retailers develop                                                         S. de R.L. de C.V., Boulevard Constitucion,
                                                                                                                  #2100 piso 14, oficina número 4
dynamic and responsive assortments, streamline operations and                                                     Col. Santa Maria, Monterrey NL
                                                                                                                  64650 Mexico
deliver integrated, seamless experiences…wherever shoppers                                                        +52(81) 8526 1145
choose to engage. More than 1,300 colleagues share our
collective passion for engaging customers differently, and we
                                                                                                                  Marlow, UK
are committed to developing relationships built on trust and                                                      Marlow International
                                                                                                                  Parkway, Marlow
tangible value by partnering with our clients to create agile retail                                              SL7 1YL UK
                                                                                                                  +44 (0)1628 362252
enterprises that are built to thrive in an era of constant change.
                                                                                                                  West Bromwich, UK
Learn more: www.aptos.com.                                                                                        Sandwell Business Centre
                                                                                                                  4th Floor, 1 Providence Place
                                                                                                                  West Bromwich, B70 8SZ UK
                                                                                                                  +44 (0)8708 506880

Contact                                                                                                           Milan, Italy
                                                                                                                  Via Frigia
                                                                                                                  27 20126 Milano, Italia
       1-866-880-4200                                               linkedin.com/company/aptos-retail
                                                                                                                  +39 02 25771.1
                                                                                                                  Paris, France
       info@aptos.com                                               twitter.com/aptos_retail
                                                                                                                  39, rue Saint-Lazare
                                                                                                                  75009 Paris, France
       www.aptos.com                                                facebook.com/AptosRetail                      +33 1 55807940
                                                                                                                  Chemnitz, Germany
                                                                                                                  Neefestrasse 88
                                                                                                                  09116 Chemnitz, Germany
                                                                                                                  +49 371 4 00 13-0
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contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate
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