April 17 - 19, 2023 | austin, tx - 28th annual - Forum for Healthcare Strategists

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April 17 - 19, 2023 | austin, tx - 28th annual - Forum for Healthcare Strategists
28 t h a n n u a l

                                   april 17 – 19, 2023 | austin, tx

Strategic Marketing
Communication Strategies
Interactive & Digital Strategies
Data Strategies                                                        With Special
Engagement Strategies                                                 Support From
Physician Relations & Sales

April 17 - 19, 2023 | austin, tx - 28th annual - Forum for Healthcare Strategists
Join Us at Healthcare’s Leading Marketing &
    Physician Strategies Summit
                                                                                                                  28 t h a n n u a l
    The Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit (HMPS23)
    continues a 28-year tradition of identifying the rapidly changing
    healthcare marketing, communications, digital, and physician
    relationship opportunities and challenges and tackling them head-on.
    It is THE place where actionable strategies and solutions are shared
    by senior-level executives from healthcare organizations nationwide.

                                                                                                      april 17 – 19, 2023 | austin, tx

    Dear Colleague:
                                                                                                      Who Should Attend
    Throughout the years, the roles of healthcare marketing,
    communications, strategy, and physician relations executives                                      HMPS23 is designed for the following
                                                                                                      executives from hospitals, health systems,
    have evolved and significantly grown. The Healthcare Marketing
                                                                                                      academic medical centers, integrated
    & Physician Strategies Summit (HMPS) has kept pace with
                                                                                                      networks, and medical groups:
    those changes, calling attention to important themes, new
    developments, and innovations.                                                                    • Chief Marketing Officers/Marketing
    Regardless of how our roles and organizations have evolved,                                       • Chief Communications Officers/
                                                                                                        Communication Executives
    a common thread has continued to be the importance of
    communicating, connecting, and developing long-lasting                                            • Chief Strategy Officers/Senior Strategists
    relationships. Increasingly, those ends are being achieved via                                    • Business Development/Planning
    digital channels—but traditional channels remain important as
    well. As the balance evolves, we can learn from our colleagues                                    • Digital/Web/Social Media Strategists
    and benefit from sharing success strategies.                                                      • Physician Relations & Sales Executives
                                                                                                      • Physician Referral/Outreach Directors
    That’s why this year’s Summit is more important than ever.
                                                                                                      • Public Relations Executives
    Through more than 65 cutting-edge sessions, you’ll have the
                                                                                                      • Advertising Executives
    opportunity to examine the critical issues and challenges your
                                                                                                      • CRM Directors
    peers face every day. We’re confident that you’ll emerge with new
                                                                                                      • Consultants
    ideas and strategies that will help you face—and shape—the future.

    We hope you’ll join us this year in Austin.

    HMPS23 Chairs

                                                                                                      The Forum for Healthcare Strategists
                                                                                                      provides networks of communication and
                                                                                                      support and opportunities for professional
                                                                                                      development, with the ultimate purpose
    Susan Alcorn              Kriss Barlow      Chris Boyer                 Terri Goren               of inspiring new, more effective models of
    Strategic Counselor       Principal         Vice President, Digital &   Principal
    Alcorn Strategic          Barlow/McCarthy    Marketing Intelligence     Goren & Associates, LLC   care. www.healthcarestrategy.com
    Communications and                          Beth Israel Lahey Health
    Jarrard Phillips Cate &

April 17 - 19, 2023 | austin, tx - 28th annual - Forum for Healthcare Strategists
Pre-Summit Strategy Sessions                                                             Summit Schedule
The Pre-Summit Strategy Sessions are designed to give attendees time to
explore and interact on timely issues.                                                   At-A-Glance
Monday, April 17 | 8:00 – 10:00a
                                                                                         SUNDAY, APRIL 16
Note: Separate conference registration fees apply to the Pre-Summit Strategy Sessions.
Please check the Registration Form for details.
                                                                                         3:00–6:00p      Registration

Fuel Marketing Impact Using Mapping, Personas & Human                                    MONDAY, APRIL 17
Empathy and human understanding have never been more important in                        7:30a–5:45p     Registration
marketing. Learn how to capture human-centered insights and leverage mixed-
methods research into the strategic and creative design process. Hear how to             8:00–10:00a     Pre-Summit Strategy Sessions
build powerful journey maps and related personas. Take home a set of proven
tools and resources!                                                                     10:15-11:15a    Concurrent Sessions
Christina Deidesheimer, VP, Communications & Outreach, Chief Communications
Officer, Beebe Healthcare                                                                11:15a–12:00p   New Attendee Meet & Greet
Jordis Rosenquest, VP, Brand Development & Planning, Baylor Scott & White Health
                                                                                         12:15-1:15p     Concurrent Sessions
David McDonald, Co-Founder & CEO, LIFT Healthcare
                                                                                         1:30–2:30p      Concurrent Sessions
Crisis Planning for the Modern Moment
                                                                                         2:30–3:15p      Break in the Exhibit Hall
Every healthcare communications pro knows that a crisis will come their way.
Join us for interactive scenario planning, laying the groundwork for crisis
                                                                                         3:15–4:15p      Concurrent Sessions
communications, then identifying the acuity of different situations and working
through communications plans for each tier in a time-constrained scenario that           4:30–5:45p      General Session
mimics the real pressures of a challenging day. Bring your questions, issues, and
crises and let’s practice crisis tools for quick responses.                              5:45–7:15p      Opening Reception in the
James Cervantes, SVP & Practice Leader and                                                               Exhibit Hall
Kim Fox, Partner & Regional Practice Leader, Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock

                                                                                         TUESDAY, APRIL 18
Google Analytics 4: What’s It All About?
Google is close to sunsetting its current measurement platform, Universal Analytics,     7:30a–5:00p     Registration
and replacing it with GA4, a next-generation tool. You may have added new
tags to your site, but that’s just the start! Attend this hand-on workshop to            7:30–8:00a      Continental Breakfast
examine GA4’s new features, learn what to do (and what not to do) as you get
started, and discuss best practices for maximizing your business impact.                 8:00–9:15a      General Session
Allison Urffer, Director, Marketing Data Intelligence, Geisinger
                                                                                         9:15–10:15a     Break in the Exhibit Hall
James Gardner, Director, Healthcare Strategy and
Adrienne Ritchie, Strategist, Growth & Insights, OHO Interactive                         10:15–11:15a    Concurrent Sessions

Build a Future-Driven MarTech Function                                                   11:30a–12:30p   Concurrent Sessions

As consumerism and technology trends continue to reshape the landscape for               12:30–2:00p     Luncheon Keynote
health systems, digital transformation is a baseline requirement. Hear how
seasoned leaders are evolving their teams to be future-ready. Examine key roles,         2:15–3:15p      Concurrent Sessions
responsibilities, and job functions, as well as the evolution of skills required in
MarTech, content, and more. Explore how to deal with “doing more with less.”             3:15–4:00p      Break in the Exhibit Hall
Sue Omori, Executive Director, Marketing Account Services, Cleveland Clinic
Rob Whitehouse, VP, Marketing & Communications, TriHealth                                4:00–5:00p      Concurrent Sessions
Tom Hileman, CEO & President, Hileman Group
                                                                                         5:00–6:30p      Reception in the Exhibit Hall

New Volume Building Strategies in a Competitive Market
With the tightening of physician alignment and economic pressures to grow
                                                                                         WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19
referrals, developing innovative field strategies to beat the competition is front       7:00–11:45a     Registration
and center for physician relations leaders. Learn how to manage market
disruptions, reprioritize retention strategies, and enhance business planning            7:00–8:00a      Sunrise Breakfast
and targeting. Take home tools and techniques to strengthen relationship-
building skills and grow market intelligence.                                            8:00–9:15a      General Session
Raymond Anderson, SVP & Chief Strategy Officer and                                       9:30–10:30a     Concurrent Sessions
Ann De Los Santos, VP, Physician Partnerships & Strategic Growth, Ascension Texas
Veronica Campbell, Network Director, Physician Relations & Market Development,           10:45–11:45a    Concurrent Sessions
                                                                                         11:45a          Summit Adjourns
Susan Boydell, Partner, Barlow/McCarthy

April 17 - 19, 2023 | austin, tx - 28th annual - Forum for Healthcare Strategists
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023

                 STRATEGIC MARKETING                                 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES                           INTERACTIVE & DIGITAL STRATEGIES
                 Sponsored by Wolters Kluwer                         Sponsored by Revive                                Sponsored by Reason One

                 Balancing the Brand Care Team                       Reducing Health Inequities: Identifying            Execute a Sizable Web Content Update
10:15 – 11:15a

                 Marketers at Arkansas Children’s saw the            Needs of Specific Patient Populations              Children’s Health set out to update more than
                 benefit of working with a coordinated team          Good Shepherd Health Care System analyzed          2,000 web pages. The goal…to boost search
                 of subject matter experts, both within and          community health data to uncover disparities       results and increase appointments to key service
                 outside the organization. Hear how they             and opportunities for care. Examine how they       lines. Hear about the tools used to prioritize
                 orchestrate collaborative teams of best-in-         use multimedia and digestible content to help      service-lines and how they created standardized
                 class partners across the marketing spectrum        address such issues as obesity and nutrition,      content templates; gained physician buy-in;
                 to plan and deploy campaigns smarter, faster,       health screenings, and behavioral health           and kept writers, reviewers, and stakeholders
                 and in line with systemwide goals.                  access with target audiences.                      on-track. Initial results…a 142% increase in
                 Stephanie Pierce, VP, Strategic Marketing           Jessica Reker, RN                                  web traffic to revamped pages and a 236%
                 Arkansas Children’s                                 Director, Community Health & Outreach and          increase in appointment requests.
                 Joel Cessna, VP, Sales, Eruptr                      Catherine Wisniewski                               Kristen Kimmel, Director Digital Marketing
                 Mickey Wildt, Associate Director, Client            Community Health Educator                          Children’s Health (Dallas)
                  Engagement, Core Health                            Good Shepherd Health Care System                   Justin Matlick, Founder
                 Lauren Minors (Facilitator), Marketing Manager      Jana Distefano                                     Message Lab
                 Reason One                                          Director of Community Health, PRC

                 A Proactive Strategy for Sponsorships &             The Power of Video Brand Story Building            The Digital Team of the Future
12:15 – 1:15p

                 Partnerships                                        Video is one of the most powerful brand            Digital teams are evolving to shape consumer
                 Are your sponsorships relevant and aligned          story building mediums. Hear how brands            and provider experiences. Hear how digital and
                 with your brand? Learn how to evaluate              use video to tell their stories in impactful,      marketing executives partner with CIOs and
                 longstanding commitments and create a               cost-effective ways. Examine topics including      others as they hire, train, and retain employees.
                 proactive strategy and rules of engagement          ideation, content planning and strategy,           Examine the data and tools needed to improve
                 across marketing, community relations, DEI,         budgeting, video scripting, filming and            effectiveness in a cost-effective way.
                 and the executive team. Hear how to do an           production, repurposing, and curation.             Pamela Landis, SVP Digital Engagement
                 effective asset mix evaluation and opportunity      David Perry                                        Hackensack Meridian Health
                 analysis to preserve mission, community             EVP, Strategy                                      Margo Schneider, Senior Executive Director,
                 benefit, and political capital.                     Bowstring Studios                                   Digital Strategy, UW Medicine
                 Kathy Smith                                                                                            Matthew Sluzinski, Senior Director, Digital &
                 VP, Chief Marketing & Digital Officer                                                                   Web Strategy, RUSH
                 Roper Saint Francis Healthcare                                                                         Dalal Haldeman (Facilitator), CEO
                 Matt Yonan, President                                                                                  Haldeman Marketing, LLC
                 Tigris Sponsorship & Marketing, Inc.

                 The Long & Short of It: Brand-Building vs.          From Celebration to Violence                       Lead with Content Strategy for a
1:30 – 2:30p

                 Acquisition                                         Healthcare workers have gone from being            Successful Rebrand and New Website
                 As the pressure for proving marketing               celebrated as heroes to encountering an            Kettering Health focused on content and
                 effectiveness builds, marketers struggle            alarming rise of violence. Hear how to build       digital strategy to promote its rebrand. Hear
                 with the right balance of brand-building and        a better environment by listening to team          how the content strategy created powerful
                 acquisition marketing, and especially the           members and working with the C-suite               user experiences that generated a 20%
                 proper measurement of each. Examine an              to review and update policies. Explore             increase in Net Promoter Score and a 235%
                 evidence-based model to build, execute,             technology solutions, communications,              lift in location engagement. Learn how
                 and assess a balanced, efficient marketing          and advertising aimed at supporting workers        Kettering uncovered stories, aligned teams,
                 program. Hear how a long and short                  and ensuring safety.                               and defined a clear “why” for content.
                 marketing structure can put roles, budget           Elizabeth Baker, Executive Director, System        Jimmy Phillips, VP, Marketing & Communications
                 allocation, measures, and expectations into          Marketing                                         Kettering Health
                 the right perspective.                              Indiana University Health                          Ahava Leibtag, President
                 Bill Robertson, CEO, MultiCare Health System        Ara Telbelian, Director of Marketing, Brand        Aha Media Group
                 Jerry Hobbs, President, PrairieDog                   Management & Marketing Operations                 Brandon Scott, VP of Digital
                                                                     Henry Ford Health                                  Ten Adams

                 EHR Powered Marketing: Supercharge                  Communication Strategy Counts During               The Time is NOW to Prepare Your Website
3:15 – 4:15p

                 Your Marketing Game                                 Labor Unrest                                       for the 5G Revolution
                 An EHR can support an organization’s                Negotiations between hospitals and unions          Increasingly, healthcare organizations are
                 marketing priorities, including communication       have always been complicated. Today, they          focused on connecting with customers
                 with patients before, during, and following         are regularly becoming longer in duration and      whenever and wherever they want. The
                 their visits. Hear how integrated delivery          more contentious, and are receiving a higher       goal…to strengthen customer loyalty and
                 networks can better engage their patients,          level of public scrutiny. Hear how to develop      protect market share. But, can your website
                 and increase loyalty, by leveraging the EHR         strategies to communicate effectively with         infrastructure and content support this faster
                 functionality                                       internal and external audiences. Examine the       connection? Hear how to prepare your
                 Don Stanziano, Chief Marketing &                    impact on your brand.                              website to bring out the most in your content.
                  Communications Officer                             Maureen Richmond                                   Christopher Catallo
                 Geisinger                                           VP, External & M&A Communications                  Chief Executive Officer
                 Sam Seering, Product Manager – Cheers               Bon Secours Mercy Health                           HealthNxt | a Tech Mahindra Company
                 Epic                                                Alan Shoebridge                                    Sujal Raju
                 Ben Texter, Co-CEO & Co-Founder                     AVP, National Communication                        Founder & CTO
                 Digital Health Strategies                           Providence                                         Enqbator

                 Sponsored                     Wow, Work With, and Win Customers Now
4:30 – 5:45p

                 by Actium                     A “one size fits all” customer experience is no longer viable. Understanding and catering to customers—including
                 Health                        employees and physicians—based on racial, ethnic, generational, and lifestyle differences is key to exceeding
                                               expectations. Hear how to listen to customers…really listen.
                                               Kelly McDonald, Diversity, Marketing & Customer Experience Expert & Bestselling Author

4                5:45 – 7:15p OPENING RECEPTION IN THE EXHIBIT HALL                        Sponsored by Doximity
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023

                 DATA STRATEGIES                                        ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES                               PHYSICIAN RELATIONS & SALES
                                                                        Sponsored by IQVIA                                  Sponsored by Marketware

                 Market-Specific Intelligence Can                       Teamwork, Passion & Consumer Insights:              Money is Tight: Challenges & Actions for
10:15 – 11:15a

                 Safeguard & Grow Your Network                          Bring a New Brand Promise to Life                   Your Referral Program
                 By turning data into intelligence, CHRISTUS            UMC Health System transformed from “just” a         The current environment has previously
                 Health is tackling patient out-migration and           county hospital to the market share leader by       high-performing organizations struggling to
                 physician referral leakage. Hear how visibility        optimizing its brand’s position in consumers’       meet financial goals. What’s the role of the
                 into provider-specific referral patterns,              minds. Examine how market research guided           physician relations team? This off-the-record,
                 loyalties, and patient interactions fuels              the process to ensure internal and external         interactive discussion will shine a light on the
                 field conversations that support physician             consistency. Hear how to engage buy-in and          challenges and how teams are responding.
                 alignment and network expansion. Examine               commitment to living the brand.                     Speakers TBD
                 how claims data is used to identify unmet              Susie Pfeiffer, Creative Director
                 needs and opportunities for growth.                    and
                 Keith Yezer, VP, Strategy Management                   Kala Waits, Director of Marketing
                 CHRISTUS Health                                        UMC Health System
                 Michael Faulkenberry, VP, Strategic Advisory           Rob Klein, Founder & CEO
                  Services                                              Klein & Partners
                 Stratasan, a Syntellis Company

                 Big Data vs. Thick Data: The Road to Data-             Engage Consumers with Custom Experiences            Hire, Train, Develop & Retain the Right Team
12:15 – 1:15p

                 Driven Marketing                                       Built around technology, the UPMC marketing         Having the right team in place and knowing
                 When you combine the powers of quantitative            team focuses on supporting consumers’               how to get the most out of them is key
                 and qualitative data, the possibilities are endless.   needs for health and wellness content               to delivering results in today’s healthcare
                 Examine approaches as well as limitations. Learn       while providing opportunities to connect to         environment. Learn how to assess your
                 how to apply the principles of sound market            advanced care providers. Learn how UPMC             current talent, determine what skills and
                 research, ethnography, and critical analysis to        has grown its digital footprint and increased       capabilities may be missing, and implement
                 healthcare problem solving. Hear practical             its opt-in consumers, online conversions,           solutions for addressing gaps—whether
                 steps to achieve true data-driven marketing.           content creation, and website engagement            through internal development or new
                 Dean Browell                                           exponentially. Hear how data informs internal       recruitment. Hear how to work with HR for
                 Principal                                              and external stakeholders.                          successful efforts!
                 Feedback                                               Christine Lesniakowski                              John Hall, SVP, Corporate Sales
                 Danny Fell                                             Director, Digital Media and                         CommonSpirit
                 Senior Strategist                                      Lindsey O’Donnell                                   Christy Stallings-Shoemake
                 Optum                                                  Senior Director, Digital Strategy                   Corporate Senior Director of Provider Relations
                                                                        UPMC                                                Community Health Systems

                 Tracking Results: From First Contact to                Re-Engage Lapsed Patients                           Robust Internal Engagement Strategy
1:30 – 2:30p

                 Downstream Revenue                                     Consumers know preventive care is important,        Leads to Success
                 From digital to direct mail to outdoor advertising,    but COVID disrupted the normal cadence. Hear        By their nature, physician relations programs
                 tracking impact of your campaigns is critical          how two systems used CRM to strategically           are externally focused. Yet, understanding the
                 to demonstrate ROI. But following a customer           target lapsed primary care and mammography          strategic direction of the organization, and
                 from first contact to downstream revenue is an         patients and motivate re-engagement,                leadership goals and values, is mandatory for
                 ongoing challenge. Hear from an organization           resulting in a positive ROI. Examine how to         success. Hear how Mayo developed a process
                 that has cracked the code and is successfully          implement landing pages that make the               for true engagement, one that focuses on
                 tracking patients from CRM to EHR to better            patient journey easier. Learn how to determine      working with the internal team to design an
                 understand the effectiveness of their                  areas of success and opportunity.                   approach, as well as outcomes for success.
                 marketing and adapt strategies as needed.              Janice Lamy, Chief Marketing Officer                Angela Puffer
                 Vikash Negandhi, MD                                    Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System   Operations Administrator – Enterprise Referring
                 VP of Operations, Ardent Health                        Stacey Nelson, Marketing Director                    Provider Office
                 Chief Medical Officer, Verato                          Parkview Health                                     Mayo Clinic
                 Mark Erwich                                            Cheryl Hodgson, Senior Account Director
                 Chief Marketing Officer, Verato                        LionShare

                 Decode Your Marketing Technology Strategy              Strategic Patient Engagement in a Highly            Impactful Roadmap to Results: Using Data
3:15 – 4:15p

                 Marketing technologies are constantly changing.        Competitive Market                                  & Market Intelligence
                 Join digital leaders to decipher the components        In New York’s highly competitive market,            AdventHealth has developed a thoughtful and
                 of a MarTech stack. Hear how to prioritize             Catholic Health (Long Island) launched a            intentional outreach plan driven by data and
                 technology investments; develop business               CRM-intelligence-driven campaign to help            market intelligence. Examine the steps. Hear
                 cases; and leverage digital technologies to            patients understand their cardiac risks. Hear       how to develop confidence and resiliency
                 support organization-wide strategies.                  how patient data was used to build tailored         in the field while executing strategies. Learn
                 Chris Boyer, VP, Digital Strategy & Marketing          AI Models for intelligent audience generation       how to build internal and external alignment
                  Intelligence, Beth Israel Lahey Health                and outreach, and to develop targeted               of goals.
                 Jeremy Harrison, Director, Digital Services            personalized communications. Examine                Brad Jones, Division Director of Physician
                 MultiCare Health System                                the results.                                         Relations
                 Aaron Watkins, Sr. Director of Internet Strategy       Scott Orstad, VP, Marketing                         and
                 Johns Hopkins Medicine                                 Catholic Health                                     Kelly McBreen, Physician Relations Manager
                                                                        Jenn Misora, VP, Client Success Group               AdventHealth West Florida
                                                                        Actium Health

                 Sponsored                      Wow, Work With, and Win Customers Now
4:30 – 5:45p

                 by Actium                      A “one size fits all” customer experience is no longer viable. Understanding and catering to customers—including
                 Health                         employees and physicians—based on racial, ethnic, generational, and lifestyle differences is key to exceeding
                                                expectations. Hear how to listen to customers…really listen.
                                                Kelly McDonald, Diversity, Marketing & Customer Experience Expert & Bestselling Author

                 5:45 – 7:15p OPENING RECEPTION IN THE EXHIBIT HALL                             Sponsored by Doximity                                                          5
                                 Digital Transformation: Design Your Future
8:00 – 9:15a

                                 We don’t have a choice on whether we digitally transform...the choice is how well we do it. The key is not only
                                 understanding digital trends—social media, loT, AI, Blockchain, mobile, and more—but understanding how they work
                                 together. Leaders in this digital age are made, not born. Examine current and future digital trends to maximize your
                                 organization’s impact.
                                 Erik Qualman, Top Digital Transformation Expert, Futurist & Bestselling Author

                  STRATEGIC MARKETING                                 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES                            INTERACTIVE & DIGITAL STRATEGIES
                  Sponsored by Wolters Kluwer                         Sponsored by Revive                                 Sponsored by Reason One

                  How to Handle the Tough MarCom                      Integrate DEI Into Your Culture                     The Social Determinants of the Healthcare
10:15 – 11:15a

                  Questions                                           Healthcare organizations are committed to           Consumer
                  Leaders of Mount Sinai’s MarCom team will           integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion        Healthcare consumers are driven by
                  provide a toolkit to guide you in answering         practices into culture. Join a panel of your        convenience, access, cost, relationships,
                  the tough questions from stakeholders.              colleagues and explore how MarCom leaders           and flexibility. Can healthcare organizations
                  Examine responses when the requests for             can impact the brand’s ability to connect with      meet consumer expectations? Indeed, what
                  support seem difficult or unreasonable. Bring       diverse communities, as well as help drive DEI      kind of technology is required to do just
                  your own scenarios and join us for real-world       within their own organizations.                     that? Examine the intersection between what
                  role playing!                                       Deb Pappas, VP, Chief Marketing &                   drives healthcare consumer behavior and the
                  Wendi Chason, Senior Group Director, Service         Communications Officer                             ongoing struggle healthcare organizations
                   Line Marketing and                                 Connecticut Children’s Medical Center               have in meeting their needs.
                  John Davey, VP, Marketing Technology and            Victor Reiss, System VP, Consumerism &              Matt Gove, Chief Marketing Officer
                  Lucia Lee, VP, Public Affairs and                    Insights, UNC Health                               Summit Health
                  Karen Wish, VP & Chief Marketing Officer            Michiko Tanabe, VP, Chief Marketing Officer,        Brian Gresh, President
                  Mount Sinai Health System                            Stanford Health Care                               Loyal
                                                                      Chris Bevolo, Chief Brand Officer, Revive

                  Brand Lessons from Outside Healthcare               Coping with Controversies                           Taming the Online Scheduling Beast
11:30a – 12:30p

                  Piedmont Healthcare, led by a Chief                 Every organization will be dealing with a           Luminis Health’s newly launched website
                  Marketing Officer who came from outside             divisive issue over the next few years. Will your   delivers a one-of-a-kind digital consumer
                  healthcare, is disrupting tradition using data,     organization take a stand or stand back and         experience. Examine the preparation and
                  insights, and change management tactics             let the controversy swirl? Join your colleagues     launch, including how questions about
                  in new ways. In this fireside chat, you’ll hear     for an off-the-record, interactive discussion.      technology selection and integration with
                  how perspectives born from B2B and B2C              Selima Khan, VP, Marketing & Corporate              MyChart and other platforms were addressed.
                  experience at Proctor & Gamble and Georgia-          Communications, Memorial Healthcare System         Hear how open access to scheduling
                  Pacific shape unique approaches that                Michael Knecht, EVP, Chief Marketing &              increases patient access, reduces wait times,
                  challenge expectations and drive change in           Communications Officer, RWJBarnabas Health         and improves the patient experience.
                  support of creating an ever more hassle-free,       Gayle Sweitzer, VP, Marketing & Corporate           Jes Burke, Senior Web Strategist, Developer &
                  unified healthcare experience.                       Communication, The University of Kansas Hospital    Data Architect and
                  Douwe Bergsma, Chief Marketing Officer              Susan Alcorn (Facilitator), Strategic Counselor,    Eileen Harberts, Director, Marketing & Digital
                  Piedmont Healthcare                                  Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock                     Experience, Luminis Health
                  Justin Wartell, Managing Principal, Monigle                                                             Bryce Cannon, President, Modea

                    12:30 – 2:00p LUNCHEON & FIRESIDE CHAT with Sam Glick, Global Leader, Health and Life Sciences, OliverWyman

                  Loyalty Killers: What’s Driving Patients Away?      New Media Channels for a Changing                   TikTok in Healthcare
2:15 – 3:15p

                  With record levels of care deferment, stubbornly    Audience                                            Nationwide, healthcare organizations are
                  high levels of ‘no preference,’ and consumers       To attract the attention of consumers in a          integrating TikTok into their marketing
                  who complete a care journey with no desire to       changing media marketplace, University              strategies. Hear how to create content that
                  return, healthcare has a commitment problem.        Hospitals is focusing on new channels to            inspires and educates! Examine lessons
                  Examine the factors that interrupt loyalty and      connect with them whenever and wherever             learned and next best steps from early
                  keep patients from connecting to a provider         they consume content. Hear how they’ve              adopters.
                  before, during, and after care. Learn the           increased engagement among diverse                  Katie Hunter
                  surprising ideas and tactics that can reverse       audiences through the use of podcasts,              Senior Creative Specialist and
                  the loyalty dip and restore relationships           influencers, and more.                              Stephen Strong
                  between caregivers and care receivers.              Joanna Laytin, VP, Brand Marketing                  Director, Digital Marketing
                  John Berg, AVP, Marketing                           University Hospitals                                Northwestern Medicine
                  UF Health                                           Anna Clement, Director, Healthcare Vertical         Diane Lang
                  Ryan Donohue, Strategic Advisor                     Pandora | SXM Media                                 Director, Social Media
                  NRC Health                                                                                              Nationwide Children’s Hospital

                  Stories from the Trenches: What’s Change            Unify Brand & Recruitment Marketing                 UX Research: Provide a Roadmap for Success
4:00 – 5:00p

                  Got to Do with It?                                  Too often, recruitment marketing is                 No matter how good your web designers
                  Your lives are likely to change again…soon.         conducted in isolation of brand marketing.          are, they’re not your users. Whether you’re
                  Is there a new CEO? A merger or acquisition?        Yet, unifying the two brings cohesiveness.          designing new digital capabilities, battling
                  Budget cuts or staff reorganizations? Join          Hear how Michigan Medicine and Moffit               internal stakeholders, or dealing with an
                  your colleagues for this interactive, off-the-      Cancer Center did just that! Examine the            underperforming website, user experience
                  record session.                                     lessons learned and results.                        (UX) research has a wide range of tools to
                  James Blazar, EVP & Chief Strategy Officer          Rian Brooks, Manager, Workforce Planning            help. Hear how UX research can engage
                  Hackensack Meridian Health                           & Talent Acquisition and                           consumers, drive revenue and impact the
                  David A. Feinberg, SVP, Chief Marketing &           Rebecca Priest, Director of Marketing               bottom line.
                   Communications Officer, Mount Sinai Health         Michigan Medicine                                   Eric Fletcher
                   System                                             J. L. Grayson, Brand Strategy Manager               SVP, Chief Strategy Officer
                  Suzanne Hendery, Chief Marketing,                   Moffitt Cancer Center                               Mary Washington Hospital
                   Communications & Customer Officer, Renown Health   Joel English, Managing Partner                      Ben Dillon
                  Jean Hitchcock (Facilitator), CMO                   BVK                                                 Chief Strategy Officer
                  Phoenix Children’s Hospital                                                                             Geonetric

6                 5:00 – 6:30p RECEPTION IN THE EXHIBIT HALL
                                 Digital Transformation: Design Your Future
8:00 – 9:15a

                                 We don’t have a choice on whether we digitally transform...the choice is how well we do it. The key is not only
                                 understanding digital trends—social media, loT, AI, Blockchain, mobile, and more—but understanding how they work
                                 together. Leaders in this digital age are made, not born. Examine current and future digital trends to maximize your
                                 organization’s impact.
                                 Erik Qualman, Top Digital Transformation Expert, Futurist & Bestselling Author

                  DATA STRATEGIES                                     ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES                               PHYSICIAN RELATIONS & SALES
                                                                      Sponsored by IQVIA                                  Sponsored by Marketware

                  Patient Loyalty: An Analytical Solution             Personalization vs. Privacy: Balancing              Reduce Referral Leakage with Analytics
10:15 – 11:15a

                  Relationships between primary care providers        Ethics & Compliance                                 Using data from internal systems as well
                  and patients are more important than ever.          With so much information available to               as third-party claims, this organization has
                  But quantifying those relationships, as well as     marketers, and increased demand for                 developed a process for successfully tackling
                  a patient’s willingness to change providers,        personalized marketing, how do you ensure           referral leakage. Examine the process, which
                  has been difficult. Examine a unique approach       your targeting and segmentation approaches          identifies leakage points, targets efforts where
                  to assessing loyalty/likelihood to switch           are not only effective but also compliant? Join     they are most needed, and uses performance
                  using claims-based analytics and propensity         your colleagues to examine best practices.          data to measure results. Hear how alignment
                  modeling. Hear how the answers can tie              Jeremy Rogers, Executive Director, Digital          is hardwired and enforced.
                  strategic growth and functional marketing            Marketing & Experience                             Josh Cameron
                  together.                                           Indiana University Health                           Executive Vice President
                  Milissa Holland, Director of Healthcare             Sarah Sanders, Chief Marketing & Brand              Marketware, A Division of Medsphere
                  Coastal Cloud                                        Experience Officer, UCSF Health
                  Bill Moschella, CEO & Co-Founder                    Thomas Ingalls, JD, Member, Cozen O’Connor
                  Populi                                              John Simpson (Facilitator), Co-CEO &
                                                                       Co-Founder, Digital Health Strategies

                  Data Drives Enterprise-Wide Patient                 Omnichannel Engagement & Healthcare’s               Emory’s Data Journey: Lessons & Pitfalls
11:30a – 12:30p

                  Engagement Strategies                               CX Balancing Act                                    Over the past 12 years, Emory Healthcare
                  Franciscan Health’s “Enterprise-Wide CRM”           Meeting consumer expectations for                   has advanced its level of data sophistication,
                  approach connects and aggregates data to            personalized, omnichannel engagement                moving from macrolevel, hand-collected data
                  make it available and useful across the ENTIRE      can be a challenge in healthcare. Hear how          to sophisticated microlevel data gathered
                  healthcare journey. Learn what’s needed to          St. Luke’s digital approach is meeting the          from multiple sources. Examine the journey,
                  gather and combine external data and how to         challenge, as well as reinforcing brand values      including how to gain organizational buy in
                  use it to make informed decisions about care        such as non-discrimination, exceptional             for data validity and operational support for
                  that will build loyalty, drive retention, improve   patient experience, and community health.           addressing issues uncovered by data. Learn
                  clinical outcomes, and increase lifetime value.     Cindy Graham                                        how to avoid common pitfalls.
                  Larry Meade, System Marketing Director,             Director of Digital Strategy                        Lori McLelland, RN
                   Engagement Platform                                St. Luke’s Health System                            Corporate Director, Integration Outreach
                  Franciscan Health                                   Annie Haarmann                                      Emory Healthcare
                  Rachel Beachy, Sr. Director, Growth Strategy        Head of CX Strategy, North America                  Aviva Zupancic
                  Innovaccer                                          Reputation                                          Director, Healthcare Analytics Offerings, IQVIA

                    12:30 – 2:00p LUNCHEON & FIRESIDE CHAT with Sam Glick, Global Leader, Health and Life Sciences, OliverWyman

                  We Finally Have CRM! Now What?                      Make It Easy for Patients to Take Action            Accelerate the Time to Physician Engagement
2:15 – 3:15p

                  With no prior CRM infrastructure or                 The time is NOW for healthcare organizations        Ochsner redesigned its physician engagement
                  experience, UCSF Health established an              to activate patients before, after, and between     approach to become a leading regional
                  enterprise platform. Learn how marketing can        each visit—and personalization is the key.          referral destination. Learn how decision
                  be a strong partner for digital transformation      Learn how to use advanced analytics to              factors research, best practice benchmarking,
                  across the organization. Hear how to unify          uniquely adapt communication channels               and insights from gaming were used for
                  datasets, including EMR, CRM, CMS, MSO,             and content to the individual. Hear how             executive buy-in, improved execution, and
                  and platforms for engagement and marketing          the approach eliminates common barriers             quicker impact. Examine results from their
                  automation. Examine the challenges, wins,           to patient engagement by digitally guiding          first campaign, highlights of their multi-
                  opportunities, and impact on customers.             patients to the services they need while            faceted physician engagement strategy, and
                  Molly Busch, CRM Campaign Manager and               driving a significant ROI.                          how they’re using technology.
                  Kellie Spellman Davis, CRM Marketing Strategist     Ben Albert                                          Courtney Patrick, Marketing Manager
                   and                                                CEO & Co-Founder                                    Ochsner Health
                  Marc Fredson, Director, Marketing Operations,       Upfront                                             Ryan Nash, President
                   Technology & Analytics, UCSF Health                                                                    RTRN Strategy, an Endeavor Management Company

                  Achieve Population Health Goals with CRM            Improve Customer Experience with a                  Lessons for Smaller Teams: Balancing the
4:00 – 5:00p

                  & Marketing Automation                              Disruptor Mindset                                   Many Obligations
                  Emory Healthcare’s marketing team helped            Health system efforts to improve the customer       Doing more with less is a challenge for
                  the system meet the population goals of its         experience often focus on the patient care          everyone, but even more so for physician
                  clinically integrated network by using CRM          component at the expense of the beginning           relations teams in specialty practices or rural
                  and marketing automation tools. Three               and end of the journey. Learn how to take a         markets. How do you accomplish all you
                  months after the launch of automated                disruptor mindset to identify pain points and       need to do with a small team? When do you
                  campaigns to achieve shared savings and             develop and implement solutions that improve        say no? Hear proven, practical lessons from
                  quality gaps, the system booked more than           access, convenience, and more.                      the trenches.
                  1,100 annual wellness visits, with efforts for      Matt Gove, Chief Marketing Officer, Summit Health   Ashley Hilliard
                  mammography and colonoscopy to follow.              Katie Logan, Chief Consumer & Strategic             Sr. Director, Practice Growth & Referral Relations
                  Hear how!                                            Planning Officer, Piedmont Healthcare              Texas Oncology
                  Amy Comeau, VP, Marketing and                       Sumi Paul, Senior Director, Content Marketing       Zan Smith, DNP, MHA, MSN, RN
                  Jared Johnson, Senior Manager, CRM Analytics        Ria Health                                          Director of Service Line & Program Development
                  Emory Healthcare                                                                                        Adventist HealthCare System Fort Washington
                                                                      Sondra Brown (Facilitator), President, MDRG, Inc.
                                                                                                                           Medical Center

                  5:00 – 6:30p RECEPTION IN THE EXHIBIT HALL                                                                                                                   7

                 7:00 – 8:00a SUNRISE BREAKFAST: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS

                 Stay Tuned
8:00 – 9:15a

                 STRATEGIC MARKETING                               COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES                       INTERACTIVE & DIGITAL STRATEGIES
                 Sponsored by Wolters Kluwer                       Sponsored by Revive                            Sponsored by Reason One

                 A Market Development Plan for Growth              Mental Health: A Call to Action                Leverage SEO to Drive Patient Acquisition
9:30 – 10:30a

                 UT Southwestern worked with a cross-              You’ve read the statistics. You’ve seen        & Satisfaction
                 functional team including Strategy, Physician     the impact. Anxiety and depression have        With over 70% of people consulting Dr.
                 Outreach, Marketing, and Operations to            increased by a massive 25% globally,           Google to find health information, it is
                 develop a Market Development Plan for             according to WHO, and possibly more.           increasingly important to understand
                 growth. Hear how to identify key stakeholders     Yet, people wait weeks or even months          Google’s constantly changing algorithms
                 to drive collaboration, as well as to bring       to access behavioral health services. Join     and how it surfaces results. Hear how
                 alignment to the Clinical Strategic Plan.         your colleagues to explore the direct,         Beacon Health leveraged technology to
                 Review a tracking system for process,             and in-direct, implications for marketing,     drive significant SEO improvements by
                 prioritization, and accountability.               communications, digital, and physician         understanding Google and the “Google
                 Alan Kramer                                       relations executives.                          machine.” The results? Increased patient
                 Associate VP, Health System Emerging Strategies   Martin E. Hickey, MD, Chairman of the Board,   satisfaction and acquisition.
                  & Market Development                              True Health New Mexico & New Mexico State     Matt Klawitter
                 and                                                Senator                                       Senior Digital Strategist, Beacon Health System
                 Pamela Zippi                                      Chris Hemphill, Sr. Director, Commercial       Carrie Liken
                 Assistant VP, Market Development Strategy          Intelligence, Woebot Health                   Head of Industry, Healthcare, Yext
                 UT Southwestern Medical Center

                 Marketing Strategy for Small Budgets in           Managing the Partnership Implications of       UTSW Digital Strategy to Execution
10:45 – 11:45a

                 Complex Markets                                   Rebranding                                     UTSW set out to build a unified digital
                 Located in a highly competitive and complex       Rebranding can clarify and deepen              experience by integrating their key patient-
                 market on the Eastern seaboard, Bayhealth         partnerships, ensuring connection with         facing applications, including MyChart, Find
                 competes with local, regional, and super          patients and employees. Hear proven ways       a Provider, Video Visits, Wayfinding, and
                 regional competitors with national draws.         to engage with partners that will gain their   more. Learn more about their strategy to get
                 And they do so with shrinking budgets. Hear       support and encourage cooperation. Learn       buy-in from internal stakeholders, journey
                 how they work on a constant stream of             how to manage the complexities that            to implementation, and adoption efforts that
                 rapid innovations, developing low budget          arise when multiple entities provide care      led to over 50,000 users, 1,000 reviews in the
                 marketing strategies that drive recruitment,      and service from a single location while       app store, and a 4.8 star rating in the first few
                 generate volume, and create grass-roots           maintaining brand integrity.                   months after rollout.
                 brand awareness.                                  Holly Sullivan, VP, System Brand & Marketing   Chelsea Landon
                 Kevin Snyder                                      Corewell Health                                Director, Health System Emerging Strategies
                 VP, Marketing & Communications                    Donna Lee Ubertalli, VP, Marketing & Digital   UT Southwestern Medical Center
                 Bayhealth                                          Channels, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
                 Paula Serios, SVP                                 Philip Guiliano, Partner, BrandActive

                        Let’s Talk Sessions
                                                                                                                       HMPS23 Exhibit Hall
                 Increasingly, the issues facing healthcare                                                            Are you looking for help with your website?
                 marketing, communications, digital,
                                                                                                                       Content strategy? CRM or analytics
                 and physician relations executives
                                                                                                                       solutions? Market strategy? Physician
                 change in the blink of an eye. Now
                                                                                                                       outreach or referral development? Visit
                 more than ever, sharing and learning
                 from your colleagues is key. To that                                                                  with top solutions vendors in the HMPS23
                 end, the HMPS23 agenda features                                                                       Exhibit Hall! Don’t miss this opportunity to
                 a number of Let’s Talk Sessions,
                                                                   New Attendee Meet & Greet!                          learn about the latest and greatest solutions
                 facilitated sessions led by seasoned              Are you new to HMPS? Are you wondering              for all of your marketing, communications,
                 healthcare executives and designed                how to maximize your experience? Join               digital, and physician relations needs.
                 for interactive dialogue. Look for the            Advisory Panel members and faculty
                 Let’s Talk symbol and join in the                 at the New Attendee Meet & Greet on
                 off-the-record conversation!                      Monday for lunch and talk!

                 Summit Scholarships
                 Interested in attending HMPS23 but don’t have the budget?
                 Apply for a Summit scholarship sponsored by Prairie Dog:

                 7:00 – 8:00a SUNRISE BREAKFAST: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS

                 Stay Tuned
8:00 – 9:15a

                 DATA STRATEGIES                                   ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES                                 PHYSICIAN RELATIONS & SALES
                                                                   Sponsored by IQVIA                                    Sponsored by Marketware

                 Data Engages Providers in Patient                 Create Patients for Life                              Boost Pediatric Referrals with Content
9:30 – 10:30a

                 Experience                                        Keeping patients throughout their lives is            Does your referring physician content engage
                 Observational research harvests stories rich      key. Hear how to develop tactical plans,              loyalists and splitters and lead to great
                 in facts and feelings that shed new light on      including marketing automation and                    relationships and volume growth, or does it
                 patient ratings…and physicians listen! Examine    outreach, targeted at segmented audiences.            need improvement? Learn how to gauge the
                 the use of mystery shopping data to engage        Examine the use of internal and claims data           strength of your content, identify gaps, and
                 providers in real solutions that elevate the      to develop a focused campaign strategy.               develop a strategy to capitalize on what’s
                 patient experience. Documenting facts and         Learn how to develop a results dashboard              working and improve what isn’t.
                 feelings, mystery shoppers hold up a mirror       to share the success.                                 Teddi Marzofka, Clinical Content Strategist
                 on people, processes, and environmental           Chelsea Osoling, Marketing Consultant and             Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare
                 factors that either build or erode trust.         Laura Simson, Advertising & Brand Manager             Garland Stansell, Chief Communications Officer
                 Hear how!                                         Children’s Wisconsin                                  Children’s of Alabama
                 Jean Bunker, VP, Marketing, Communications        Kathy Dean (Facilitator), Senior Advisor              Nancy Vanselow, Senior Manager, Marketing
                  & Physician Relations                            SPM Group                                              Development, Children’s Wisconsin
                 MedStar Medical Group                                                                                   Shannon Cummins, VP, Business Development
                 Kris Baird, President/CEO, Baird Group                                                                  GLC, part of SPM Group

                 From Healthcare to Health: Personalization        How to Ensure Physicians Actually Care                Strategies for Field Success: Skills Matter
10:45 – 11:45a

                 at Scale                                          About Your Content                                    In relationship strategy, field staff must be
                 Most healthcare organizations struggle            Physicians aren’t your typical consumers.             able to connect with referring physicians.
                 to turn their extensive data resources into       They’re notoriously hard to reach, and getting        Learn techniques and innovations for success,
                 compelling experiences. Hear how to meet          your message seen, read, and digested can             including how to get through the door, prove
                 the challenges around adjusting personalized      be a challenge. Learn how Catholic Health             your value-add, and gain internal traction.
                 content and data to scale, access, self-service   cracked the code on creating compelling               Examine field tested actions to fine-tune your
                 opportunities, and price transparency. Examine    content that captures physicians’ attention           gatekeeper technique, as well as strategies to
                 how to transform patient and member               and keeps them engaged. Hear the results.             create messages that resonate.
                 experiences to drive growth, engagement,          Sumita Yadav                                          Penny Nichols
                 and longer-lasting relationships.                 System VP, Operations & Cardiovascular Service Line   Physician Outreach & Referral Management
                 Adam Rice                                         Catholic Health                                        Executive
                 SVP, Marketing                                    Amit Phull                                            Adventist Health
                 CommonSpirit Health                               Medical Director & SVP, Strategy & Insights
                 Tom Swanson                                       Doximity
                 Head of Healthcare Strategic Marketing

                 Visit the Forum at www.healthcarestrategy.com/register to register online.

                 Hotel Information                                                                                Reserve
                 The official hotel for the Summit is the JW Marriott                                              Room
                 Austin. Located in the heart of downtown Austin,
                 the hotel is just steps from the best attractions,
                 dining, and entertainment Austin has to offer.

                 To reserve a room at the special rate of $295 single/
                 double, click here or call the hotel at (512) 474-4777
                 and identify the meeting as the “Healthcare Marketing
                 & Physician Summit.” The room rate includes guest
                 room Internet access, as well as Health Club access.

                 Be sure to make your reservations early! The room
                 block will be released on March 24th, but is likely to
                 sell out before that date.

Summit Sponsors

                     Diamond Sponsor
                      oyal is an end-to-end digital and AI-powered solution spanning the entirety of the patient
                     journey. Guiding patients through every step of their omni-channel healthcare experience,
                     we are the preferred solution among leading health systems. Advancing quality health is at
                     the heart of everything Loyal does.

                     Platinum Sponsors
                     Actium Health is the CRM intelligence and patient activation engine that unleashes the
                     untapped value of health systems’ accumulated patient data, using sophisticated predictive
                     analytics to generate prioritized next best actions and enable proactive, ongoing dialogue
                     with every individual healthcare consumer.

                     Coastal Cloud is a Salesforce Healthcare Expert Partner with deep experience with physician
                     relationships, healthcare marketing, and patient consumer experience. Coastal Cloud has
                     been awarded the Global Salesforce Partner Innovation Award in Customer Success for two
                     years in a row.

                     Digital Health Strategies is one of the nation’s leading healthcare fundraising solutions
                     providers. Leveraging data science, digital technologies and creativity, we develop and
                     implement innovative programs to solve the most complex marketing and fundraising
                     challenges for some of the largest health systems in the country.

                     Doximity is the largest medical network with 1.8M+ verified members, enabling collaboration
                     across specialties and every major medical center. Members can search and find clinicians,
                     stay up-to-date with the newsfeed of medicine, exchange HIPAA-secure messages, and
                     engage in telehealth visits.

                     Marketware’s Physician Strategy Suite includes 4 web-based platforms designed to
        Marketware   strengthen the competitive advantage for healthcare teams working in physician relations,
                     analytics, recruitment and onboarding.

                     Modea is a healthcare digital consultancy focused on improving the patient experience
                     by helping organizations establish and nurture strong relationships with their customers.
                     We specialize in designing and building digital consumer experiences and providing digital
                     transformation consulting for healthcare organizations.

                     NRC Health is committed to achieving Human Understanding and bringing healthcare
                     organizations closer to their customers. Helping its partners design experiences that exceed
                     expectations, inspire loyalty, and improve well-being, NRC Health is enabling organizations
                     to understand what matters most to each person they serve.

                     Populi is an Analytics-as-a-Service company that makes access to Commercial Healthcare
                     Analytics easy. We enable healthcare organizations to market and sell to patients, consumers,
                     and healthcare providers, by delivering the analytics they need in the platforms they work
                     in everyday.

                     Revive works with brands who lead the way in health—brands that drive transformation,
                     make things better, shape the future of health. We deliver success by building brand,
                     marketing, advertising, and communications solutions that are effective today and prepare
                     our clients for tomorrow.

Summit Sponsors, continued

                 Gold Sponsors
                 Enqbator creates digital solutions, from websites and mobile applications to custom portals
                 and integrations. We’re proud of our healthcare partnerships and our dedicated team is ready
                 to work for you.

                 IQVIA is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions and clinical
                 research services to the life sciences industry dedicated to creating intelligent connections
                 that deliver unique innovations and actionable insights.

                 Julia Balfour, LLC solves problems. Design, development, and branding – traditional or way
                 outside the box, we inspire change in every way.

                 LionShare’s exclusive platform ignites CRM efforts to create sophisticated, automated
                 marketing and relevant conversations, resulting in quantifiable ROI, marketing objectives met,
                 and your efforts proven. As your partner, we create measurable, data-driven marketing efforts
                 with unmatched support and unmistakable smarts.

                 Monigle is a creative experience company fueled by humanizing brands that move people.
                 Our teams create and deliver powerful brand experiences across a spectrum of services,
                 including insights, strategy, creative, culture, activation, branded environments, and BEAM.

                 Reason One is a full-service digital agency serving healthcare systems and foundations.
                 With a full suite of services, we design websites, intranets, and campaigns that connect in a
                 consumer-centric way.

                 Reputation is a unified platform to drive provider selection, connect patients with doctors
                 and improve care with deep insight into patient feedback!

                 SXM Media reaches the largest addressable audience across digital audio—music, sports,
                 talk, and podcasts. Together, SiriusXM, Pandora, and Stitcher reach half of all Americans. 88%
                 of its 150M listeners listen with ads, allowing healthcare marketers to reach and connect with
                 consumers at scale.

                 Verato, the identity experts for healthcare, enables smarter growth, improved care quality,
                 and better population health by solving the problem that drives everything else—knowing who is
                 who™. Get identity right from the start, visit Verato.com.

                 Wolters Kluwer is a provider of information, business intelligence, and point-of-care
                 solutions for the healthcare industry. Serving 180+ countries, Wolters Kluwer’s customers
                 include professionals in medicine, nursing, and allied health.

                 Silver Sponsors
                 Marq enables your organization to deliver on-brand communications across all locations and
                 guarantee compliance on all patient material through a centralized platform that empowers
                 employees to tell your brand story.

                 Prairie Dog begins each conversation with curiosity. Because the first step to solving your
                 business problem is to be sure we’re solving the right problem. We then set out to solve it
                 with marketing discipline and flair. Every day since 1996.

                 Bronze Sponsor

                 Supporting Sponsor

Registration                                                                         Questions? Call 312-440-9080, ext. 23

     Healthcare Marketing &                                                               April 17 – 19, 2023
                                                                                          JW Marriott Austin
     Physician Strategies Summit                                                          Austin, TX

     1 Registrant Information                                                             4 Registration Fees
                                                                                          Early rates are available if the registration form with full payment
                                                                                          is received by Friday, January 20, 2023. Discounts for group
                                                                                          registrations (3 or more) are available for provider organizations.
     FULL NAME                                                                            Please contact the Forum directly. All registrations for attendees
                                                                                          from the same organization seeking discounts must be
                                                                                          submitted together.
     FIRST NAME AS YOU WISH IT TO APPEAR ON BADGE                                         Summit Rates                             Early                Regular
                                                                                                                              received by 1/20/23   received after 1/20/23

     TITLE			                                                                             Current Forum Member                         $1,250                 $1,395

                                                                                          Joining Member                               $1,495                 $1,695
                                                                                          (Includes one-year Forum membership, $225 value)
                                                                                          Non-Member                                   $1,525                 $1,725
                                                                                          (Does not include membership)
                                                                                          Pre-Summit Strategy Sessions
                                                                                          Fee includes continental breakfast.
     CITY		                                  STATE                  ZIP                   Marketing Impact		                           $95		                  $125
                                                                                          Crisis Planning		                            $95		                  $125

     PHONE		                                                                              Google Analytics		                           $95		                  $125
                                                                                          Future-Driven MarTech		                      $95		                  $125
                                                                                          Physician Relations		                        $95		                  $125

                                                                                          Total Due $
     2 How Did You Hear About the Summit?
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       Brochure                    Word of Mouth         Other ___________________
       Email                       Social Media                                           Your registration will be confirmed only after payment in full
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     3 Which Category Best Describes Your Organization?                                      check is enclosed, payable to Forum for Healthcare Strategists
                                                                                             CH Payment
       Hospital/Health System                        Insurer/Health Plan                    (Call the Forum at 312-440-9080, ext. 23, for banking details)
         Urban/Suburban                              Medical Group Practice                 I authorize you to charge:
         Rural                                       Vendor                                     VISA     MasterCard     Discover                AmEx
         Academic Medical Center                     Consultancy
       Integrated Delivery Network/ACO               Other ________________________
                                                                                          NAME ON CARD
     Cancellation Policy
     The Forum guarantees a refund, less a $400 administrative fee, if written
     notification is received on or before January 20, 2023. Verbal cancellations are
                                                                                          CARD NUMBER		                                EXPIRATION
     not accepted. Cancellations received after January 20, 2023 are not eligible for a
     refund. You may always send a substitute.

     Confirmation of Registration                                                         BILLING STREET ADDRESS
     All registrations will be confirmed within 3 days of receipt of the registration
     form and payment. If you do not receive a confirmation, please call 312-440-
     9080, ext. 23. Please do not mail forms without payment.
                                                                                          BILLING ZIP CODE
     Privacy Policy
     By registering for this event, you consent to receive emails from the Forum for
     Healthcare Strategists and for us to share your contact information with the         SIGNATURE
     event sponsors and exhibitors, who may contact you, by email or otherwise,
     about their related products and services. You may unsubscribe or change your
     email preferences through links in emails you receive. For more information,         6 Get This Form To Us
     see the Forum’s Privacy Policy.                                                      Mail registration form(s) with payment to:
                                                                                          Forum for Healthcare Strategists
                                                                                          980 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1090
                                                                                          Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                          Register online at: www.healthcarestrategy.com/register

980 North Michigan Avenue
     Suite 1090
     Chicago, IL 60611
     Tel: 312-440-9080

                    28 t h a n n u a l

     april 17 – 19, 2023 | austin, tx
     Early Registration Savings End January 20!

     For 28 Years, the Leading Summit
                                                   ACT T
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