WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...

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WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...

Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees in
member organisations and supply chains by 2025 and over ten million by 2030.
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
2      Workforce Nutrition Alliance        3      Case Study Booklet
                                                                                                 improved health and wellbeing of individuals,
                                                                                                 their families and society at large.

                                                                                                 This booklet is a collection of case studies

    TABLE OF                               OUR THANK YOU                                         that showcase the work and direction

    CONTENTS                               MESSAGE
                                                                                                 of organisations that have made public
                                                                                                 commitments using the Nutrition Accountability
                                                                                                 Framework. We explore what these companies
                                                                                                 have done, the impact of their work and some
                                           To quote our manifesto’s opening line, “Good
    Our Thank You Message             3                                                          of the challenges. It’s a great place to start if
                                           nutrition is a key driver for both healthy lives
                                                                                                 you are looking to do the right thing for workers
    About Workforce Nutrition              and healthy businesses – and to create a better
                                      4                                                          across your offices and throughout your supply
                                           world”. This belief is the foundation on which the
                                                                                                 chains, and for your company!
                                           Workforce Nutrition Alliance was built, and it is a
    2021 in Review                    6
                                           belief that continues to guide us today.
                                                                                                 Looking ahead, we are calling on more
    Why It Matters                    7                                                          organisations to join this movement. In return,
                                           Over the last 12 months, we have seen more
                                                                                                 we will continue to provide you with the tools
    Case Studies                           companies join us on our journey, a journey
                                                                                                 and knowledge needed for employers like you
                                           focused on enhancing workforce nutrition
                                                                                                 to use in assessing your current workforce
         •   Ajinomoto                8    programmes and cementing this action through
                                                                                                 nutrition programme, planning your programme
         •   Eat Well Global          14   a positive commitment to improve workforce
                                                                                                 enhancements, and implementing your
         •   Google                   18   nutrition at work. This work was brought even
                                                                                                 enhanced programmes.
         •   Griffith Foods           24   further into the fore at the Nutrition for Growth

         •   Indofood                 28   Summit in Tokyo at the end of 2021, where
                                                                                                 Thank you to all the organisations who have
         •   Kao                      34   workforce nutrition was identified as a win-
                                                                                                 supported us over the last 12 months, and we
         •   ofi                      40   win-win – benefiting people, businesses and
                                                                                                 look forward to continuing our collaboration
         •   Olam                     46   economies.
                                                                                                 and helping to make workforce nutrition for all a
         •   Quorn Foods              54                                                         basic standard.
         •   Royal DSM                60   This was a proud moment for us, as our Alliance,

         •   Unilever                 66   built on the backdrop of the UN’s Decade of
                                           Action for Nutrition, supports the Nutrition for
                                           Growth framework calling for much-needed
    About Company Commitments         70   action on policy and financing commitments
                                           related to the UN Sustainable Development
    About CGF and GAIN                71   Goals (SDGs).

                                           We believe the “business case” for change is
                                                                                                   Wai-Chan Chan               Lawrence Haddad
                                           strong. With workers spending, on average, one         Managing Director            Executive Director
                                           third of their lives at work, the workplace is an       The Consumer                Global Alliance for
                                                                                                    Goods Forum                Improved Nutrition
                                           optimal point of intervention to contribute to              (CGF)                        (GAIN)
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
4   Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                      5   Case Study Booklet

                                   ABOUT THE
                                   The Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA) was                                           We advocate for the benefits of workforce nutrition
                                   launched by The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF)                                           programmes to improve the livelihoods of millions of
                                   and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition                                           people worldwide.
                                   (GAIN) in 2019 to bring access to and knowledge
                                   about healthy nutrition to millions of employees                              ?      Support
                                   in member organisations and supply chains.
                                                                                                                        We support you to assess your workforce nutrition
                                   The WNA is a trusted and credible framework
                                                                                                                        programme, develop an enhancement plan and
                                   enabling employers to implement workforce
                                                                                                                        implement your new programme.
                                   nutrition programmes for employees and
                                   indirect workers. Its framework and tools are
                                   also recognised by international benchmarks,                                        Monitor
                                   such as WBA and ATNI, for guiding employers’                                        We monitor progress in creating successful workforce
                                   contributions to achieving the SDGs                                                 nutrition programmes that support global nutrition
                                   The Alliance’s aim is to support employers
                                   to adopt and expand workforce nutrition
                                   programmes to positively impact over three                             The Alliance is built on a core foundation of strong values and
                                   million employees in member organisations and                          a culture of cooperation. This enables us, together with our
                                   supply chains by 2025 and over ten million by                          technical partners and our signatories, to leverage the workplace
                                   2030.                                                                  as a mechanism to bring healthy nutrition to millions of people
                                                                                                          worldwide. Read our manifesto to better understand what drives us,
                                   We make this impact by focusing on these three                         and then take the step to take part.
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
It’s about doing the right thing for workers                                      · Healthier workforces –
               across your offices and throughout your                                             better productivity
                                                                                                 · Less turnover, more loyalty
               supply chain, and for your company!
           6                                                                                     · Positive ripple effect across                7
                      Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                 families/society at large                          Case Study Booklet

               Globally, 1 in 9 people is                                                      The journey towards implementation

           2021 IN                                                                                                                                  WHY
                                                                                               of an effective and impactful
               undernourished, and 1 in 3 people
                                                                                               workforce nutrition programme starts
                                                                                                                                                                                                  As employers, business leaders, experts in
               is overweight or obese, bringing
               significant losses to individuals,                                              with a self-assessment scorecard.                                                                  the field of nutrition and advocates for the

           REVIEW                                                                                                                               IT MATTERS
               households, economies and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sustainable Development Goals, we realise
               businesses due to malnutrition.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that by working together, we can create
                                                                                                                                                                                                  healthy workforce nutrition programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that benefit employees and employers
               Our work enhancing workforce nutrition focuses on four pillars:                                                                  Globally, one in nine people is                   alike - to create a better world for everyone,
                     Healthy food at work             Nutrition education        Nutrition health checks         Breastfeeding support          undernourished, and one in three people           everywhere there is a workplace.
                                                                                                                                                is overweight or obese, bringing significant
                                                                                                                                                losses to individuals, households, economies      As such, we know the workplace is an
                                                                                                                                                and businesses due to malnutrition.               optimal point of intervention to contribute
               SUCCESSES                                                                                                                                                                          to improved health and wellbeing of
                                                                                                                                                We also know that most of us will spend one-      individuals, their families and society at
                                                                                                                                                third of our adult lives at work. By leveraging   large. By working on this, data shows us
                                                                                                                                                the workplace as a connector to people, we        that healthier workforces equal better

                                                                                                                                                can bring access to and knowledge about           productivity and they generate less turnover,
                                                                                       employees and workers along
                                                                                       the supply chain potentially reached                     healthy nutrition to millions of people around    but greater loyalty. Not to mention, there is
                                                                                       through company commitments
                                                                                                                                                the globe through workforce nutrition.            the positive ripple effect across families and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  society at large.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  The companies who have provided case

                            21         organisations part of the 1st technical
                                       support programme, reaching
                                       30 000 employees across 9 countries
                                                                                      10       companies have made
                                                                                               public commitments on
                                                                                               workforce nutrition
                                                                                                                                                                                                  studies for this booklet understand why it
                                                                                                                                                                                                  matters, and have made commitments on
                                                                                                                                                                                                  workforce nutrition; made at the Nutrition for
                             Accessed scorecard:                                                                                                                                                  Growth Summit in Japan in December 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Results against these will be tracked via the

                             38                                115                               30
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Global Nutrition Report.

                             companies                         offices or worksites              countries

                                                                                                                                                                                                  58% of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the global
      17%                                                48%                                                  29%                        6%                                                       population will
Beginner                      Bronze                                                            Silver                                   Gold
                                                                                                                                                                                                  spend at least
                                                                                                                                                                                                  1/3 of their adult
           WNA MESSAGING SHARED THROUGH                                                        REACHING
                                                                                                                                                                                                  lives at work.
       Our Stakeholder Eco-System, via online                                                 Investors / Governments /
       and face-to-face activities, with the Aim of:                                          Companies / Industry
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
8       Workforce Nutrition Alliance            9   Case Study Booklet

                                                                     We know that what is good
AJINOMOTO                                                            for employees is good for
                                                                     the company, and employee
GROUP                                                                engagement – employee
CASE STUDY                                                           passion – and business
                                                                     performance are strongly
                                                                     correlated. None of this
                                                                     can be achieved without
                                                                     programmes that prioritise
                                                                     and support our employees’
                                                                     mental and physical health,
                                                                     and I look forward to
                                                                     continuing to identify ways
                                                                     these programmes can be
                                                                     strengthened and expanded
                                                                     for even greater impact.

To demonstrate the company’s commitment
to workforce nutrition and to help deliver on
its 2030 targets, the Ajinomoto Group has
joined the Workforce Nutrition Alliance. This
facilitates further opportunities to improve
workforce nutrition efforts through tools such                                  Taro Fujie, President & CEO,
as the scorecard.                                                                           Ajinomoto Group
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
10      Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                       11     Case Study Booklet

The Ajinomoto Group’s vision is to contribute
to greater wellness for people worldwide,
                                                    ups, and maternity leave. Second, the company
                                                    will provide multiple nutrition education
                                                                                                           engagement and ultimately build an internal
                                                                                                           culture that values nutrition and wellness.
unlocking the power of amino acids to resolve       sessions to each employee, totalling 100,000                                                               THINKING & ACTING
the food and health issues associated with          touchpoints by 2025.                                   Therefore, it expects its workforce nutrition
dietary habits and aging. With this in mind,                                                               efforts will facilitate individual employees to     The Ajinomoto Group’s goal is to help
the company is seeking to help extend the        To demonstrate its commitment to workforce                feel supported in their health and wellbeing,       its employees improve their health and
healthy life expectancy of one billion people    nutrition and to help deliver on its 2030 targets,        which will enable them to produce more              wellbeing – simply by the act of working at
by 2030.                                         the Ajinomoto Group is proud to have joined               positive results in their work and increase         the Ajinomoto Group. They do this through
                                                 the Workforce Nutrition Alliance. This facilitates        their job satisfaction and engagement. All of       three steps: Learning, Thinking and Acting.
It recognises that employee health is the        further opportunities to improve workforce                this positively correlates with business results,   Employees naturally become aware and learn
first element to realising this outcome.         nutrition efforts through tools such as the               creating both social and economic value.            more about health issues to maintain healthy
While workplace nutrition is a goal across       initiative’s scorecard. This self-assessment                                                                  minds and bodies and foster a culture of
many industries, as a global food and health     mechanism provides the company with                       As a result of the company’s workforce              healthfulness. This “self-care” is additionally
company, the Ajinomoto Group believes it has visibility into its current situation, allowing it            nutrition efforts thus far – which span healthy     supported by company actions that are
a unique responsibility to improve the nutrition to understand where it is today and where it              meals in the workplace, nutrition education,        informed by employee feedback gathered
of its own employees as it works to make a       wants to be in the future – ultimately making its         health-focused seminars, annual health check-       during ongoing meetings.
positive impact on society.                      workforce nutrition initiatives more sustainable.         ups, and maternity leave – in the company’s
                                                                                                           2021 employee engagement survey, 81%                Some of the efforts initiated across the
In December 2021, the Ajinomoto Group                                                                      of Ajinomoto Group employees said that              company’s Japan headquarters and
developed its Commitment to Nutrition,                                                                     the company provides an environment and             throughout the Ajinomoto Group include
which supports the vision of the Nutrition for      CONCRETE                                               engages in measures to maintain and promote         health-focused seminars on topics such as
Growth Summit 2021, hosted by the Japanese
government. Through this commitment, it has
                                                    BENEFITS                                               health in consideration of employee mental
                                                                                                           and physical health.
                                                                                                                                                               non-smoking and reducing sugar consumption
                                                                                                                                                               and a health advice app. The company also
set specific targets to contribute to nutrition                                                                                                                provides 30-minute, annual consultations
                                                    Maintaining mental and physical health in
improvement by 2030. Among these targets                                                                                                                       with a health practitioner for all employees
                                                    our daily lives is the foundation for high
are two focused on promoting the nutrition                                                                                                                     at the Ajinomoto Group headquarters, with
                                                    performance in the workplace. Those at the
awareness and education of the company’s                                                                                                                       their individual health status easily accessible
                                                    Ajinomoto Group know that initiatives that
employees who form the foundation of its                                                                                                                       through an online system.
                                                    focus on employee mental and physical health
efforts to improve nutrition. First, the company
                                                    can improve motivation and productivity while
will help its employees improve and maintain
                                                    reducing absenteeism and presenteeism. The
their health by providing healthy meals in the
                                                    company also believes these initiatives provide
workplace, nutrition education, health check-
                                                    it with an opportunity to increase employee

“Having recently stepped into the role of CEO at the Ajinomoto Group, one of my first areas of focus is
corporate culture. Our culture must provide employees with the essence of happiness, the essence of
health, and the essence of excitement. In other words, it makes them passionate to come to work each
day. I would like employees to feel that ‘when I am with Ajinomoto Group, it makes me naturally excited,
naturally healthy, naturally happy’.”
                                                   Taro Fujie, President & CEO, Ajinomoto Group
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12     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                  13     Case Study Booklet

                                                                                                     recognises the situation is different in each     However, this can be a significant
In addition, the company has implemented
initiatives such as healthy lunches in its
                                                   CHALLENGES &                                      market. And in most cases, there is a need        undertaking, and it is difficult to know where
headquarters cafeteria and is expanding to         OPPORTUNITIES                                     to regionalise initiatives to take into account   to start or what to prioritise. For this reason,
large affiliates overseas. It provides a healthy                                                     local cultures, needs and regulations. Trying     the company is grateful to have the support
menu that allows employees to “self-care” in       Like other global companies, Ajinomoto has        to implement a one-size-fits-all programme        of the Workforce Nutrition Alliance. The self-
a way that suits them. The meal options meet       faced challenges in addressing workplace          that does not consider these factors would        assessment scorecard will help it visualise
a standard nutritional balance with a variety      nutrition across all of the markets in which it   limit its impact on employee mental and           the current situation and understand where
of dishes that are both delicious and good for     operates.                                         physical health.                                  to direct resources to achieve the company’s
you. Employees can then enter their lunch data                                                                                                         workforce nutrition goals.
into an app on their smart phones to receive       On one hand, there are universal initiatives      And here the company sees the opportunity
advice on dietary content based on nutritional     that the company can provide to its               to leverage its global network for the            It was recognised at the Nutrition for Growth
intake.                                            employees regardless of geography. For            betterment of all employees. What works in        Summit that Japan’s Ministry of Economy,
                                                   example, currently the company is rolling         one market might not be exactly replicable        Trade and Industry’s health and productivity
The company is now working towards its             out a nutrition literacy programme for all        in another, but there are precedents and          management and the Workforce Nutrition
goal of providing nutrition education to all       employees throughout the Ajinomoto Group.         learnings that can be translated across           Alliance are aligned in the goal of investing
its employees by 2025. Last year, it created       Understanding the basics of nutrition and what    geographies. This is especially true for          in employee health. There is an opportunity
a nutrition literacy programme and began           comprises a healthy diet is universal. But the    the Ajinomoto Group headquarters, where           for Japanese companies to help create
rolling it out, first with employees in Japan,     challenge is determining what can be the next     initiatives can be trialled with employees at a   synergies and amplify these public and
and has started introducing it to employees in     overall target that works across geographies.     large scale, and then provided to leaders in      private sector efforts.
Ajinomoto Group companies around the world.        Because on the other hand, Ajinomoto Group        other markets for inspiration and guidance.
                                                                                                     This focus on empowering regions at a
                                                                                                     local level will allow the company to make a
                                                                                                     difference in nutrition status of employees
                                                                                                     across the world.

                                                                                                     HOW TO PROGRESS
                                                                                                     The Ajinomoto Group prioritised workforce
                                                                                                     nutrition in recognition that employees
                                                                                                     are the company’s most important
                                                                                                     stakeholder. This is true for any business.
                                                                                                     When employees are healthy and happy,
                                                                                                     it boosts productivity. It is therefore vital
                                                                                                     that companies provide programmes that
                                                                                                     support employees’ mental and physical
                                                                                                     health. There is no downside of investing in
                                                                                                     your employees.
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
14      Workforce Nutrition Alliance          15   Case Study Booklet

GLOBAL                                                              As a fully remote
CASE STUDY                                                          organisation, Eat Well
                                                                    Global developed a
                                                                    fun, creative solution
                                                                    to offer healthy food
                                                                    at work, while being
                                                                    flexible, convenient
                                                                    and tailored to our
                                                                    team members’
                                                                    unique local food

Eat Well Global is supporting its workforce,
who all work remotely around the world,
                                                                            Erin Boyd-Kappelhof, Co-CEO,
with a home delivery service of fresh
                                                                                         Eat Well Global
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
16     Workforce Nutrition Alliance             17    Case Study Booklet

 Eat Well Global is a highly-specialised
 strategic communication consultancy on a
 mission to empower global change agents
 in food and nutrition. They employ a global
 team of credentialled health professionals
 who support their clients through 360⁰
 insights, nutrition strategy planning, and
 stakeholder engagement.

 Eat Well Global’s main motivation in
 developing a programme was to enable
 healthy eating habits for their team
 members. Operating on a remote business
 model, with 100% of employees working
 from home offices or local co-working
 spaces, posed a unique challenge in
 providing nourishing food at work. To tackle
 this, Eat Well Global decided to offer their
 core team members a regular home delivery
 service of fresh produce.                      FINDING THE RIGHT                               MEET THE NEEDS OF
                                                PARTNER                                         YOUR EMPLOYEES
                                                Eat Well Global primarily faced logistical
                                                                                                Eat Well Global recommends being creative
 Anecdotally, the programme launch was          hurdles when developing the programme.
                                                                                                and tailoring your approach to employees’
 well-received. Eat Well Global will measure    The process of finding local vendors offering
                                                                                                needs. In Eat Well Global’s case, the
 employee satisfaction by conducting an         fresh produce, home deliveries, and full
                                                                                                majority of their employees have formal
 annual survey. The organisation expects to     control of delivery frequencies proved to
                                                                                                backgrounds in nutrition, which is why
 see an improvement in self-reported eating     be challenging. Eat Well Global sees an
                                                                                                developing education resources was not a
 habits as a result of the programme.           opportunity to collaborate with more vendors
                                                                                                priority. Instead, they focused on identifying
                                                that emphasise impact, sustainability, and
                                                                                                a practical solution to make healthy eating
                                                responsible business practices, such as
                                                                                                easily accessible for employees: delivering
                                                fellow B-Corporations.
                                                                                                fresh and nourishing produce boxes to their
WORKFORCE NUTRITION ALLIANCE - CASE STUDY BOOKLET Working to bring access to and knowledge about healthy nutrition to over three million employees ...
18     Workforce Nutrition Alliance         19   Case Study Booklet


                                                                  The Workforce Nutrition
                                                                  Alliance has provided a
                                                                  meaningful platform for us to
                                                                  galvanise our efforts
                                                                  around employee wellbeing.
                                                                  We are motivated to use our
                                                                  Global Workplace Programs
                                                                  (Food, Health and
                                                                  Performance, and
                                                                  Sustainability) to optimise
                                                                  the workplace experience of
                                                                  our employees.

The mission of Food at Google (Google’s
workplace food programme) is to inspire
and enable the Google community to thrive
through food choices and experiences.
Google’s Global Workplace Programs team
recognised they had a unique opportunity
to make healthy and sustainable eating
accessible, easy and the default model for                             Michiel Bakker, VP, Global Programs,
workplace foodservice.                                                                               Google
20     Workforce Nutrition Alliance             21     Case Study Booklet

                                                     CONCRETE BENEFITS
The Food@Google mission is to inspire and
enable the Google community to thrive                The Workforce Nutrition Alliance
through food choices and experiences.                provides a fantastic framework
Google’s Global Workplace Programs team              and platform to create team
recognised they had a unique opportunity             alignment throughout an
to make healthy and sustainable eating               organisation. In today’s workplace,   CHALLENGES
accessible, easy and the default model               it is often the case that disparate
for workplace foodservice. When Google               teams work on workplace wellness
                                                                                           Google is working to overcome the
learned that the Workforce Nutrition                 and health. This “fragmented”
                                                                                           “isolation” of nutrition as a singular
Alliance was being formed to help drive              approach can make it challenging
                                                                                           opportunity or issue that a workplace
more progress in this space, they jumped             to create a cohesive and shared
                                                                                           employer might embrace. They like to think
at the chance to join forces with other like-        approach to employee wellbeing.
                                                                                           of nutrition as a driving force for good and
minded organisations. Google believes that           The WNA Scorecard provides a
                                                                                           ultimately a shared benefit to the topics
in order for the workplace to be a place             robust way to coordinate a variety
                                                                                           of sustainability, employee engagement
where employees are the most productive,             of team actions and it allows for
                                                                                           and retention, employee health and
better connected and most well cared for             teams to work together toward
                                                                                           wellbeing and an opportunity to surprise
employees, the company must ensure its               a common goal that supports
                                                                                           and delight their workforce. When working
food experiences support the health and              internal team alignment. Google
                                                                                           collaboratively with its company leadership,
wellbeing of its people and our planet.              is beginning to use the WNA
                                                                                           culinary talent, its sustainability leads, people
                                                     Scorecard to have constructive
                                                                                           operations teams, communications teams,
Google also believes deeply in the power             conversations about what they
                                                                                           procurement teams and its foodservice
of collective action. The company notes              want to achieve and how they
                                                                                           operations, the company finds greater
they find more success when organisations            can work together to make more
                                                                                           success than when working in isolation.
come together as a powerful coalition                progress.
to learn and share best practices and to                                                   As the company identifies a holistic and
adequately recognise the successes of                                                      relevant approach to transforming its food
their work. The culture of cooperation that                                                system, they can join forces to:
is cultivated through the Alliance creates a
tremendous amount of good will and allows
                                                                                           •   build deeper resilience to de-stabilising
for many experts to network and support                                                        climate shocks across Google’s
each other as members encourage deeper                                                         communities;
commitments to nutrition in the workplace.
                                                                                           •   build replicable supply chains that ensure
                                                                                               accessible and affordable nutrition to
                                                                                               more people; and

                                                                                           •   build delicious and nutritious options
                                                                                               across all food environments that inspire
                                                                                               consumer choice.
22      Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                         23   Case Study Booklet

Senior Leadership Engagement: One of the        Recognition: In addition, recognition of
biggest opportunities has been for Google’s     successes inspires even greater action.
senior leadership to become more deeply         If we can all work together to recognise
connected to its Workforce Nutrition Alliance   the accomplishments of our peers, we can
announcement and commitments. Google            motivate others to follow this work.
recommends that companies establish a
senior leader that can provide air cover and    Google hopes to drive more thought
support for the deep and detailed work of       leadership in the field of shifting diets
nutrition experts within a company.             and act as a model for other foodservice
                                                programmes. The Global Workplace
                                                Programs team looks forward to finding
                                                more synergies as it comes in contact with
                                                other purpose-driven teams.
24      Workforce Nutrition Alliance         25   Case Study Booklet

                                                                   “At Griffith Foods, we’re
GRIFFITH                                                           working with our suppliers
FOODS                                                              and customers to make
                                                                   food more nutritious and
                                                                   sustainable. As we do,
                                                                   we’re encouraging our
                                                                   people to think through
                                                                   how embracing healthier,
                                                                   more nutritious foods
                                                                   could enhance their
                                                                   personal wellbeing—
                                                                   and build a more vibrant
                                                                   nutrition and innovation
                                                                   culture across our

Griffith Foods is committed to providing
nutrition education to their employees
and they have already seen an increased
interest in voluntary activities to support
nutrition and health, and a desire to learn                                   Dave Bender, Global Vice President,
more amongst their employees.                                           Research and Development, Griffith Foods
26     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                               27     Case Study Booklet

                                                                                                   ONLINE LEARNING                                  RECOMMENDATIONS
 At Griffith Foods, they blend care and           employees will be able to 1) incorporate
 creativity to nourish the world. The company     the knowledge into a healthier lifestyle, 2)                                                      Be sure to include your own employees
                                                                                                   Griffith Foods’ employees have been offered
 believes that providing nutrition education to   support efforts to meaningfully contribute                                                        throughout the entire process. Identify
                                                                                                   an online learning programme developed by
 all employees serves to help the company         to the nutritional quality of the products                                                        regional ambassadors, internal experts,
                                                                                                   Registered Dietitians that provides education
 build a strong nutrition culture that enables    the company develops and how they                                                                 and pilot the programme and content with
                                                                                                   regarding basic nutrition information, and
 their purpose and directly benefits the health   communicate regarding the benefits of the                                                         employees. Allow for employee feedback,
                                                                                                   how nutrition can impact health and various
 and wellbeing of their workforce and their       company’s portfolio, and 3) build a strong                                                        and tailor content to a variety of interest
                                                                                                   conditions. The programme was provided
 families.                                        internal nutrition culture. The company                                                           levels, understanding, and time availability.
                                                                                                   in extended versions for those in research
                                                  has already seen an increased interest in        & development and customer-facing roles,
                                                  voluntary activities to support nutrition and    while their operators and other support
 NUTRITION                                        health, a greater focus on nutritious product
                                                  development and a desire to learn more
                                                                                                   staff received a more condensed version
                                                                                                   with the option to complete the original
 EDUCATION                                        amongst their employees.                         version should they choose. Knowledge and
                                                                                                   comprehension checks were included, and
 Through the company’s nutrition education                                                         post-course surveys from employees has
 efforts, Griffith Foods believes that their                                                       demonstrated significant interest in receiving
                                                                                                   additional nutrition education in many cases.

                                                                                                   Challenges identified included access to
                                                                                                   technology to view the online modules, time
                                                                                                   constraints to complete the course, language
                                                                                                   & translation issues, and ensuring culturally
                                                                                                   relevant examples and material. To address
                                                                                                   these, the company has collected feedback
                                                                                                   that will be used to revise and update the
                                                                                                   course. They are also investigating the use
                                                                                                   of ‘technical’ language translation and the
                                                                                                   use of updated technology platforms to
                                                                                                   allow for simplified viewing of the content
                                                                                                   and automated tracking capabilities.
28     Workforce Nutrition Alliance          29   Case Study Booklet

CASE STUDY                                                         Workforce nutrition
                                                                   programmes increase
                                                                   trust between the
                                                                   employer and
                                                                   employees, resulting
                                                                   in lowered personnel
                                                                   attrition for businesses
                                                                   and more a fulfilling,
                                                                   stable and satisfying
                                                                   workplace for staff.

Indofood has shown its commitment to
workforce nutrition by implementing the
Balance Nutrition Guidance and Lactation
Room Guidance from the Indonesian
Ministry of Health and guidance provided by                                         Axton Salim, Director,
the Workforce Nutrition Alliance.                                         PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
30       Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                      31      Case Study Booklet

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk was invited             (SUN) Business Network as a platform for                  building up to nine factories and reaching      •   Healthy Food at Work: calculate ideal
by the Global Nutrition for Growth Compact            accountable, transparent business action on               more than 5,000 employees in the last five          menus for carbohydrate and protein
in 2013 to participate in its society nutrition       the nutrition agenda.                                     years.                                              percentages.
improvement movement. The company then                                                                     •    Implementing breastfeeding support              •   Breastfeeding practices: check list of
reviewed what they could do to contribute             By taking these actions, the company intends              building up from 40 breastfeeding facilities        breastfeeding facilities and improvement.
to the movement. It was decided the least             to:                                                       in company factories and the head office        •   Nutrition focus health check: basic
they could do was to take action for their            • potentially reach up to 91,585 of Indofood’s            to 56 facilities in the last five years. The        calculator of BMI (Body Mass Index),
workforce. By improving their knowledge on                employees in Indonesia with their Nutrition           young mothers appreciate the facilities for         haemoglobin level, and use of health
nutrition, it will positively affect their families       Policy’; and                                          their comfort and privacy and assurance to          check data, such as cholesterol and blood
and, in the long run, will contribute to the          • improve maternal health and support                     collect quality breastmilk for the children’s       sugar, for nutrition improvement.
community’s health status and productivity of             breastfeeding for approximately 2,200                 needs.                                          •   Knowledge improvement: benefits of
the company.                                              working mothers who are an important part        •    Nutrition education, through webinars and           nutrition knowledge awareness lead to
                                                          of the company’s workforce.                           Zoom meetings, has been done over the               behaviour changes in consumption at work
PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk will                                                                              last two years, reaching approximately 800          and at home.
contribute to improve the nutrition, and,
consequently, the productivity and health
                                                      CONCRETE                                                  employees.

across their workforce. By December 2030,             BENEFITS                                              SIMPLE SUCCESS
the company will:
                                                      At first, the company implemented Balance             STORIES
•    Introduce a corporate nutrition policy for a     Nutrition Guidance and Lactation Room
     productive and healthy workforce; and            Guidance from the Indonesia Ministry of              The company has implemented numerous
•    Improve corporate policies for maternal          Health. Since this year, they are now also           actions that have led to simple successes:
     health, including breastfeeding support          using Workforce Nutrition Alliance guidance.
     for mothers. This support includes, to           Concrete benefits that the company have seen
     prevent stunting, six months exclusive           so far include:
     breastfeeding support and follow up
     support with complementary foods up to           •   Collaboration with the Faculty of Public
     24 months to further support nutritional             Health University of Indonesia on Piloting
     intake for the first 1,000 days, which is            Workforce Nutrition programmes. This
     known as the most effective intervention             includes increasing the number of
                                                          employees participating; from 3,500
The company looks to the Scaling Up Nutrition             employees in four factories previously,

“Having recently stepped into the role of CEO at the Ajinomoto Group, one of my first areas of focus is
 “Several members of the Scaling Up Nutrition Business Network (SBN), who have implemented work-
corporate culture. Our culture must provide employees with the essence of happiness, the essence of
 force nutrition programmes, shared the benefits of reduced sick leave, reduced medical costs and
health, and the essence of excitement. In other words, it makes them passionate to come to work each
 improved productivity, health and wellbeing.”
day. I would like employees to feel that ‘when I am with Ajinomoto Group, it makes me naturally excited,
naturally healthy, naturally happy’.”
                                         Axton Salim, Director, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
                                                 Taro Fujie, President & CEO, Ajinomoto Group
32     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                33   Case Study Booklet

 CHALLENGES &                                     RECOMMENDATIONS
 OPPORTUNITIES                                    Currently, most companies have not put
The company has had to overcome several           enough attention on workforce nutrition and
challenges when working to implement              do not understand the benefits of proper
workforce nutrition programmes across             nutrition to improve productivity of the
the company. These include the cost of            employee. The normal practise is to focus on
living and rising food prices, the availability   the cost of meals for employees.
of employee health data to enable the
company to set a baseline for nutrition           The recommendations that the company
improvement, ensuring the right type of           would like to share with other companies
employee education on nutrition and health        include:
and wellbeing, and reaching the requisite
number of people.                                 •   Seek support from the Workforce
                                                      Nutrition Alliance (WNA) for sharing
However, with challenges, there are also              knowledge and best practises.
opportunities. The company has seen               •   Start with low hanging fruit of Workforce
more opportunities for learning and                   Nutrition Pillars; in this case start with
best practice sharing with other nutrition            Breastfeeding support facilities and
partners and leaders and have been able               nutrition education.
to set a benchmark. They have also seen           •   Consider piloting as it is good to use the
improvements in nutrition awareness and               model of the Workforce Nutrition Alliance
more shifts toward positive behaviour                 covering topics like Breastfeeding
change from employees.                                Support, Healthy Food at Work, Nutrition
                                                      Education and Nutrition-related Health
All in all, investment in nutrition has proven        Checks
to be a good investment.
34     Workforce Nutrition Alliance       35   Case Study Booklet

                                                                The strength of Kao’s long-running
KAO                                                             health initiatives is our ability to
                                                                practice and propose evidence-
CASE STUDY                                                      based activities for incorporation
                                                                into daily living based on a
                                                                wealth of basic information and
                                                                healthcare insights that we have
                                                                cultivated over many years. One
                                                                example is how we have provided
                                                                our evidence-based nutrition
                                                                improvement program Smart
                                                                WASHOKU to our own employees,
                                                                with demonstrated healthcare
                                                                effects such as visceral fat
                                                                reduction. Going forward, we will
                                                                implement these activities for
                                                                working people in companies and
                                                                people living in various regions in
                                                                order to help boost global health
                                                                and nutrition.

Kao is committed to the spreading of
the evidence-based workplace nutrition
improvement programmes like “Smart
WASHOKU”, a culinary method based on the
company’s own proprietary research and                               Hideki Mamiya, Executive Officer, Human
insights.                                                              Capital Development, Kao Corporation
36     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                               37     Case Study Booklet

Kao Corporation believes that if their
employees and their families are healthy and
                                                 will help reduce productivity losses due to
                                                 absenteeism and presenteeism.
                                                                                                   SMART WASHOKU                                   Beyond just their own workforce in Japan,
happy, employee productivity and corporate                                                                                                         however, Kao believes more people,
                                                                                                   Examples of Kao’s work in this area include     including employees’ family members and
value will be boosted. The company also works    Encouraging people to undergo check-ups,
                                                                                                   them holding events to check visceral fat       overseas employees, should be able to
on workforce nutrition because they hope to      implementing programmes to help improve
                                                                                                   and lifestyle habits. This helps to visualise   obtain information on Smart WASHOKU and
contribute to the health and wellbeing of many   dietary and exercise habits, and making other
                                                                                                   people’s current health statuses and            get access to relevant meals.
people in society by sharing the knowledge,      efforts have boosted employees’ health
                                                                                                   prompts them to improve their diets, where
technology, and results cultivated in-house      literacy. The company has noted a decrease
                                                                                                   needed.                                         The company wants to spread awareness
with workplaces other than their own.            in healthcare costs per person among those
                                                 getting treated for lifestyle-related diseases                                                    about Smart WASHOKU throughout society,
                                                                                                   The company is also implementing “Smart         and secure partners to distribute information
REDUCING HEALTH-                                 as well as a drop in the number of employees
                                                 taking long-term leave.                           WASHOKU”, a culinary method based on            and meals together with this objective in
RELATED RISKS                                                                                      their own proprietary research and insights.
                                                                                                   The company provides internal seminars,
                                                                                                                                                   mind. The company hopes to achieve this
                                                                                                                                                   through the Workforce Nutrition Alliance.
                                                                                                   online videos, cooking classes, company
The company believes its work on workforce
                                                                                                   cafeteria lunches, and other activities so
nutrition will help drive a reduction in risks
                                                                                                   that all employees can obtain information on
pertaining to lifestyle-related diseases
                                                                                                   healthy food and get access to good food.
connected with obesity. They also believe this
38      Workforce Nutrition Alliance

There are multiple approaches that already        In addition, it is ideal to create an
exist to motivate people to start their journey   environment for such people to improve
towards eating more healthy food, each with       their eating habits without excessive stress,
different goals for nutrients. However, many      such as by leveraging technology to provide
people are unable to put these into practice.     meals that are very delicious and enjoyable,
                                                  as well as very healthy
It is crucial for people to first understand
their current health conditions and lifestyle
habits, to discover the importance of
improving their eating habits, and to develop
motivation for working on this as a personal
40     Workforce Nutrition Alliance         41   Case Study Booklet

                                                                      Improving nutrition is a
                                                                     critical part of food system
olam food                                                            transformation, and
ingredients                                                          implementing company-
CASE STUDY                                                           wide goals in our own
                                                                     workplace is one of the
                                                                     key levers for driving
                                                                     such improvements. We
                                                                     at ofi are proud to be
                                                                     recognised as an industry
                                                                     leader in workforce
                                                                     nutrition; an honour
                                                                     that strengthens our
                                                                     commitment to improving
                                                                     year after year.

ofi sees workforce nutrition is a business
imperative and as a huge opportunity to
improve health and nutrition outcomes
globally. The company is taking a holistic                       -                         Ashok Krishen,
approach to promoting health and wellbeing                                        CEO, ofi’s nuts platform
at work.
42     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                43    Case Study Booklet

 Promoting health and nutrition throughout        By establishing and strengthening workplace
 ofi’s workforce is part of making real the       nutrition programmes throughout their
 company’s purpose - to be the change             worksites, they expect employees will be
 for good food and a healthy future. As an        happier, be healthier and derive greater
 organisation underpinned by a 40,000+            satisfaction from their work. It is ofi’s hope
 strong workforce and a sourcing network of       that this will be reflected through employee
 over 2.5 million smallholder farmers, it’s a     satisfaction surveys.
 business imperative and huge opportunity
 to improve health and nutrition outcomes         Through strong nutrition education
 globally.                                        programmes in the workplace, employees
                                                  will be empowered to make healthy
 Evidence demonstrates that malnutrition          decisions related to their diets, and through
 and poor health around the world continue        breastfeeding support, mothers will be
 to negatively impact businesses as result        encouraged to follow best breastfeeding
 of working days lost to illness and reduced      practices, to the benefit of themselves and
 workforce productivity. Studies also clearly     their infants.
 illustrate how investments in employee
 nutrition and wellbeing lead to increased        With regards to the benefits for ofi as a
 worker output, and improved employee-            business, the company also anticipates that
 employer relationships, benefitting both the     these actions will improve their workplace
                                                                                                   there has been a positive response amongst
                                                                                                   female employees. An employee at one
                                                                                                                                                 GLOBAL EXAMPLES
 individual and the business.                     culture, boost worker productivity, and
                                                                                                   of their nuts factories told the company
                                                  reduce the risk of workplace accidents. As
                                                                                                   that the new lactation room, equipped         Last year, ofi’s coffee team in the Democratic
 ofi notes its workers are key to their success   a result, they expect to see reduced rates of
                                                                                                   with refrigerated storage, together with      Republic of Congo conducted an assessment
 as an organisation. The organisation wants       absenteeism, increased employee retention
                                                                                                   training on how to use a breast pump, was     of the overall diets of female employees, with
 to create an environment where employees         and improved intra-company relationships.
                                                                                                   instrumental in her decision to stop taking   results showing that only one in three women
 want to come to work every day – it’s in
                                                                                                   lactation-impeding medications and resume     were consuming adequate diets. In response,
 everyone’s best interest.                        Since ofi began rolling out the Workforce
                                                                                                   breastfeeding her child.                      the team began adapting the foods served in
                                                  Nutrition Alliance scorecard in 2021, 47
                                                                                                                                                 the canteen to address the specific nutritional
 HOLISTIC HEALTH                                  ofi worksites have developed action
                                                  plans to improve their workforce nutrition
                                                                                                                                                 deficiencies identified.

                                                  programmes, having completed the initial
 By encouraging the company’s business                                                                                                           Early this year, the team at ofi’s cashew factory
                                                  scorecard assessment.
 units globally to serve healthy food at                                                                                                         in Anyama, Côte d’Ivoire constructed a nursery
 work, boost nutrition education, provide                                                                                                        facility that can accommodate up to 60 children at
                                                  An example of ofi sites that are leading the
 employees with nutrition-oriented health                                                                                                        one time, with a dedicated breastfeeding space.
                                                  way in workforce nutrition, is the company’s
 checks and create breastfeeding-enabling                                                                                                        This is enabling new mothers to return to work
                                                  nuts business in Viet Nam. In 2021, the
 environments, ofi expects there will be                                                                                                         earlier than they would otherwise have felt able
                                                  business launched a programme to support
 tangible benefit for both their employees                                                                                                       to. It also provides new mothers with reassurance
                                                  new mothers in the workplace. From raising
 and for ofi as an organisation.                                                                                                                 that there is a safe and hygienic on-site day-care
                                                  awareness, providing counselling sessions
                                                                                                                                                 facility if they need it.
                                                  and creating breastfeeding-friendly spaces,
44     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                 45     Case Study Booklet

 In February 2021, the hazelnuts team in
 Turkey hosted a nutrition training with a
                                                   CHALLENGES &                                     capacity within business units will be key to
                                                                                                    growing the company’s programme.
 dietician for 114 employees to learn about        OPPORTUNITIES
 healthy eating practices and diet-related                                                          Nevertheless, as their Workforce Nutrition
 health concerns. Participants showed a high       A key challenge is expanding the scope           Programme grows, and the more they
 level of engagement and enjoyed a lively          of sustainability efforts to include the         engage with central HR and product teams
 discussion. During the follow-up, several         workplace. Many businesses units remain          on assessment and action planning, the
 employees revealed that they had since            unaware of the direct positive impact that       more empowered ofi’s management teams           RECOMMENDATIONS
 modified their eating habits as a result of       robust workforce nutrition programmes            will become to action workforce nutrition
 what they had learned during the session.         can have on their employees and on the           programmes to positively impact their           Appointing ambassadors for workforce
 Due to the success of this initiative, the team   business as a whole. As such, galvanising        employees. In addition to working with the      programmes in your business is key.
 now plans to make this training a regular         support for workplace-level interventions        individual teams to brainstorm and develop      From getting the balling rolling, to driving
 event.                                            and ensuring that workforce nutrition is         action plans, the company is actively           momentum once up and running, this point
                                                   addressed by ofi’s business units globally       disseminating ready-to-use tools such as        person will champion the business case for
 The cocoa team in Ecuador has begun               will require continuous sensitisation,           nutrition education materials, and knowledge    workforce nutrition and ensure aspirations
 distributing nutritious snacks to its 70          outreach, and internal dialogue.                 resources such as the Workforce Nutrition       translate into action.
 worksite employees throughout the week                                                             Guidebooks.
 as part of a healthy eating programme. This       Another challenge is the relative lack
                                                                                                                                                    Given workforce nutrition programmes are
 programme also includes free consultations        of subject matter expertise within the           There is also a large pool of expertise and     a relatively new phenomenon within many
 with nutritionists, and regular screenings        individual business units when it comes to       resources for companies to draw from, such      organisations, its essential that people
 for diet-related health indicators such as        improving workforce nutrition. As a result,      as training programmes organised by the         (ideally leaders) within the organisation be
 cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose. A        many business units have expressed their         Workforce Nutrition Alliance or knowledge       willing to speak up and share their views that
 number of employees have expressed their          desire for more support in this area, in order   partners like Alive & Thrive – a partner of     investing in nutrition should be considered
 appreciate for this scheme through direct         to bring about significant change when it        the ofi nuts team in Viet Nam - who can         part of any core business as it benefits both
 feedback to management.                           comes to workforce nutrition. Building this      offer valuable support to companies on their    employees and the business itself.
                                                                                                    journey to improving workforce nutrition.
                                                                                                                                                    Key to a successful workforce nutrition
                                                                                                                                                    programme is ensuring a comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                    strategy is in place to achieve your
                                                                                                                                                    objectives. At ofi, they are working to bring
                                                                                                                                                    nutrition support to 100% of their primary
                                                                                                                                                    employees. To achieve this, they’re rolling
                                                                                                                                                    out the workforce nutrition scorecard to
                                                                                                                                                    assess where they stand, and working
                                                                                                                                                    directly with teams to provide support and
                                                                                                                                                    guidance necessary to drive meaningful
46      Workforce Nutrition Alliance          47   Case Study Booklet

OLAM                                                                businesses understand
CASE STUDY                                                          that investing in
                                                                    nutrition is not simply
                                                                    about improving
                                                                    livelihoods and
                                                                    wellbeing, but it also
                                                                    delivers economic
                                                                    benefits. Collective
                                                                    action by companies
                                                                    will be a major step
                                                                    towards solving global

Building on over a decade of work
to improve health and nutrition for
communities, Olam Group strengthened its
commitment to nutrition in 2020 with a new
goal: 100% of its workforce will have access                             Julie Greene, Chief Sustainability Officer,
to nutrition programmes by 2030.                                                                      Olam Group
48     Workforce Nutrition Alliance             49   Case Study Booklet

It has been Olam’s longstanding ethos to
do business responsibly. As a purpose-
driven company with a total workforce                                     BENEFITS
of over 34,000 people, the organisation
believes supporting employee wellbeing
is their responsibility. Once they looked at                              There is a clear relationship between
how malnutrition impacts the countries and                                malnutrition and productivity: malnutrition
economies where Olam operates—including                                   contributes to presenteeism – where
its impacts on health, income, and poverty                                employees come to work, but lack stamina
—the need to invest in workforce nutrition                                and concentration to perform at their best –
became self-evident. Decades of research                                  and to absenteeism, as poor diets increase
show that by investing in nutrition, both                                 susceptibility to illness. This undermines a
people and businesses do better.                                          person’s wellbeing as well as productivity
                                                                          and profitability to the company.
Building on over a decade of work
to improve health and nutrition for                                       In places where Olam have supported
communities, Olam Group strengthened                                      nutrition at work, the organisation can see
its commitment to nutrition in 2020 with a                                reduced absenteeism, improved worker
new goal: 100% of its workforce will have                                 morale, lower staff turnover and increased
access to nutrition programmes by 2030.                                   productivity. A great example comes from
To date, they have assessed the level of                                  its worksites in Ghana, where employees
access to nutrition programmes of nearly                                  participate in annual wellness campaigns
5,500 employees across 21 worksites in six                                that raise awareness of the importance of
countries. Fifty-six percent of the assessed                              healthy eating and physical activity. These
employees work at offices, factories and                                  campaigns include initiatives such as
farms that have access to at least bronze-                                enhancing the canteen menu to incorporate
level workforce nutrition programmes as per                               fresh fruits as a standard component and
the Workforce Nutrition Alliance scorecard,                               sports activities for employees. Following
with access to comprehensive health check-                                this initiative, the Human Resources team
ups emerging as a global strength and                                     observed a decline in medical costs and
nutrition education as an area that can still                             absenteeism, as well as an increase in
be further scaled-up. For beginner-level                                  employee productivity and engagement.
worksites, the company is engaged in active                               Olam expects to see similar results in places
action planning to implement new activities                               where workforce nutrition programmes are
that will improve their scores.                                           now starting.
50     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                  51        Case Study Booklet

 Olam Agri’s rubber team in Cote d’Ivoire
 recently ran their first nutrition education
 session, hosted by an external nutritionist,
 for their workforce at a factory employing
 more than 220 people from the surrounding
 communities in Aniassué. In order to ensure
 that all workforce members had access to
 the training, they hosted several sessions
 throughout the day. They also introduced
 a pre- and post-knowledge survey to
 gauge the effectiveness of the educational
 sessions. Following the session, nearly
 all workers experienced an increase in
 their knowledge of healthy foods. This
 intervention will be complemented by
                                                   spark further nutrition education initiatives.
                                                                                                          OVERCOMING                                       vegetables in a traditional stew–can ensure
                                                                                                                                                           that efforts to improve diets are effective in
 efforts to improve the quality of the food
 served in their canteen and together these
                                                   Another outstanding example comes from                 CHALLENGES                                       the long-run.
                                                   our flour mills in Nigeria. After participating
 actions promise to yield good results for
                                                   in GAIN’s Technical Support Programme,                                                                  A key opportunity is identifying champions at
 the wellbeing of employees and their                                                                     A primary challenge is scaling best practices
                                                   our beginner-level sites are introducing                                                                each worksite to lead the specific design and
 engagement at work.                                                                                      while also accounting for local realities.
                                                   an array of activities, such as enhancing                                                               implementation of activities. To accomplish
                                                                                                          Interventions must be contextualised and
                                                   the quality of the meals served at their                                                                this, the organisation takes advantage of the
 In Mozambique, the nutrition leaders in                                                                  adapted to increase the chances that ideas
                                                   canteen, introducing annual health checks                                                               various opportunities, resources and tools
 our rice facilities have been exceptionally                                                              and activities will be positively received
                                                   for all employees and initiating nutrition                                                              offered by the Workforce Nutrition Alliance.
 passionate and motivated to implement                                                                    by employees. This is especially true for
                                                   education activities, including sensitisations                                                          For example, Olam recommend champions
 nutrition-focused activities for the workforce.                                                          Healthy Food at Work; Olam sometimes
                                                   on breastfeeding. By taking action in all four                                                          to the Alliance’s support programmes, share
 One notable activity is the introduction                                                                 hear hesitancy about replacing cherished
                                                   areas of workforce nutrition, these worksites                                                           Alliance guidebooks and promote local
 of a Health and Wellness WhatsApp                                                                        cuisine with some other type of “nutritious”
                                                   can encourage comprehensive change                                                                      partnerships that can increase capacity.
 group, where members will share low-                                                                     food. Olam recognises that food is incredibly
                                                   through their actions.                                                                                  To increase internal capability for activity
 cost, delicious and nutritious recipes, ask                                                              culturally significant and that good nutrition
                                                                                                                                                           implementation, Olam also organise internal
 questions and encourage each other to                                                                    can be embraced in any cuisine. For
                                                                                                                                                           webinars and make available internal case
 eat and live well. This small practice—when                                                              example, modifying commonly-consumed
                                                                                                                                                           studies that share different approaches to
 coupled with their distribution of healthy                                                               dishes—such as increasing the portion of
                                                                                                                                                           improving nutrition at work.
 foods—can serve to motivate employees and
52      Workforce Nutrition Alliance

For those who are looking to begin or              It is important to remember that workforce
strengthen their workforce nutrition journey,      nutrition programmes aren’t built in a day.
engaging with all members of the workforce         When getting started, focus on the quick
is vital. As a topic, food is fun to talk about;   wins as an entry point. You can start small
sharing local, nutritious dishes is a great        by having one or two offices implement a
way to initiate discussions about nutrition        new activity and ask them to share their
that are enjoyable and engaging. Find out          experiences and adjust before scaling up;
what employees would like to learn more            this will ensure that your approach grows
about when it comes to good health and             from the ground up in a sustainable way. As
nutrition, and find simple ways to support         we transition back to in-person work and
it. This way, the actions you take will reflect    meetings, you can also include nutritious
your workforce’s needs and desires,                food options wherever possible. This can
increasing employee engagement and the             include stocking healthier options in office
effectiveness of your interventions.               vending machines or subsidising more
                                                   nutritious foods at the workplace to make
                                                   healthy eating more affordable.
54      Workforce Nutrition Alliance        55   Case Study Booklet

                                                                  Our colleagues are the
QUORN                                                             heart of our business.
                                                                  Living our company
FOODS                                                             purpose - healthy food for
CASE STUDY                                                        people and planet, it is
                                                                  imperative for us to support
                                                                  better nutrition outcomes
                                                                  for our colleagues. We are
                                                                  proud of the commitments
                                                                  and progress we have
                                                                  made so far, and are
                                                                  looking forward to
                                                                  continuing to learn, develop
                                                                  and grow the impact of
                                                                  the programme over the
                                                                  months and years to come.

Quorn has started its workforce nutrition
journey by focusing on education,
promoting healthy meat switches and a
focus on fibre. The company also provides
free emails in some locations to help with
employee education around creating                                       Tongwen Zhao, Director of People
nutritious meals.                                                               and Planet, Quorn Foods
56     Workforce Nutrition Alliance                                                                                                                         57          Case Study Booklet

 Quorn is committed as a business to                                                                                                                                                                                                  started small, in just one factory, but now
 delivering healthy food for people and
 planet, and that includes their workforce.
 The company recognise that supporting
                                                                                            FIBRE FOCUS                                                                                                                               reaches all three UK manufacturing sites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      with a different recipe each month. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      company have served up more than 1,000
 their employees to eat better and lead                                                                         Meal Planner                                                                                                          meals to their employees since the start of
 healthier lives, helps in a number of ways.                                                                                                                                                                                          the initiative and the lunches have been very
                                                                                          Tuesday               Wednesday                Thursday                    Friday                                        Sunday
 A healthier diet for employees improves                           Monday                                                                                                                  SAturday                                   well received, especially in the absence of
 overall health, which in turn means they                         WHOLEMEAL                GRANOLA                    BRAN                OVERNIGHT                  WEETABIX                  OAT                BREAKFAST           staff canteens. Recipes have been requested

                                                                    BAGEL                 & YOGHURT                  FLAKES                 OATS                      CEREAL                 PORRIDGE              BURRITO
 can lead fuller, healthier lives. Educating                     with almond butter   with chopped peaches       with milk of choice       with berries &         with milk of choice        with berries        with oat and berry   so meal can be cooked at home further too.
 the company’s people as to what makes a
                                                                 & chopped banana            or pears           & chopped banana            chia seeds            & chopped banana             & seeds               smoothie

                                                                    13g of Fibre           7.5g of Fibre           9.2g of Fibre           11g of Fibre             9.2g of Fibre            11g of Fibre           7g of Fibre
 healthy, sustainable diet can help ensure                                                                                                                                                                                            In February 2022, in support of a fibre
 their families eat better too. Providing                                                                                                                                                                                             awareness initiative in the UK, the Nutrition
                                                                    HUMMUS                WHOLEMEAL              CORONATION               FIERY PESTO               POACHED                    PITTA               COURGETTE,
 access to healthy food in the workplace             Lunch           WRAP                   BAGEL                 JACKETS                   SPIRALS               EGGS OR BEANS               POCKETS           PEA & PESTO SOUP      Science & Culinary Teams created a
 can also help in a small part with making                          with spinach

                                                                  and red pepper
                                                                                            with beans

                                                                                            and cheese
                                                                                                                 with Quorn Pieces

                                                                                                                  in creamy sauce
                                                                                                                                           with Cauldron

                                                                                                                                       Middle-Eastern Falafel
                                                                                                                                                                   and avocado on

                                                                                                                                                                   wholemeal bagel
                                                                                                                                                                                             with Caudron

                                                                                                                                                                                           Morrocan Falafel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  with sourdough

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      fibre planner for distribution around the
 the current increased cost of living prices,                      7.2g of Fibre           15g of Fibre            13g of Fibre            18g of Fibre              14g of Fibre            11g of Fibre           9g of Fibre       company’s manufacturing sites and offices,
 just that little bit more bearable. For Quorn,                                                                                                                                                                                       to help ensure employees eat more fibre in
 having a healthier workforce means a more                                                                                                                                                                                            the diet. Employees were able to take home
                                                                      TIKKA                BOMBAY                   LENTIL             GARLIC ROASTED            CKN & CHICKPEA
 productive, happier workforce and less                                                                                                                                                  BRILLIANT BANGERS        CHILLI CON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the A5 meal planners and use the inspiration

                                                                     CURRY*                  PIE*                 BOLOGNESE               SALMON                     CURRY                     & MASH              QUORN*

 absenteeism. The company will have a                            with Quorn Pieces

                                                                  and spiced veg
                                                                                      Tikka Curry turned into

                                                                                              a pie
                                                                                                                with mushrooms and

                                                                                                                wholemeal spaghetti
                                                                                                                                        with new potatoes

                                                                                                                                              & peas
                                                                                                                                                                     with Quorn

                                                                                                                                                                                             with veggies           with Quorn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to increase their fibre consumption to the
                                                                                                                                                                                               & gravy                Mince

 more engaged workforce as a result, and by                        24g of Fibre           9.3g of Fibre            8.3g of Fibre           6g of Fibre              8.8g of Fibre            17g of Fibre         25g of Fibre        recommended 30g/day, whilst understanding
 having a workforce nutrition programme it                                                                                                                                           g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the health benefits that high fibre diets
                                                                         .2g                     31.
                                                                                                      8g                       .5g                 35
                                                                                                                                                       g                          32                 38
                                                                                                                                                                                                            g               41g
                                                                      44                                                   30
 shows the company care about their people,                                                                                                                                                                                           provide. Feedback has been really positive
 which is a brilliant way of retaining their                                                                                                                                                                                          around format and content and many staff
 existing staff and attracting new talent.                                                                                                                                                                                            reported using the planners at home.
                                                  what makes a healthy, sustainable diet and
                                                  that includes understanding the role that
 CONCRETE                                         mycoprotein plays and the role employees                                                                      EMPLOYEES
                                                  play in ensuring a sustainable food future.
 BENEFITS                                                                                                                                                       In 2021 Quorn launched an initiative called
                                                  The company also expect to see a year-on-                                                                     ‘Food for Our People’ whereby staff at the
 Quorn are at the start of their workforce        year improvement in employee engagement                                                                       company’s UK manufacturing sites are
 nutrition journey and will be implementing       scores, and a reduction in total absenteeism.                                                                 offered free monthly lunches featuring
 their workforce nutrition programme over         Quorn look forward to seeing a positive                                                                       Quorn mycoprotein. Not only do people
 the course 2022, starting with nutrition         response to the programme elements and to                                                                     receive free hot meals, but they are also
 education.                                       continue their implementation the company                                                                     able to see how easy it is to swap meat
                                                  will ensure they are embedded in to site                                                                      in their diet with meat substitutes, without
 Over time, the company are expecting to          plans and strategies.                                                                                         compromising on flavour, whilst doing good
 see an increase in employee awareness of                                                                                                                       for the planet at the same time. The initiative
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