Page created by Rodney Hampton
Captain’s Choice
     Journeys saved for a select few


Photograph by: Petter Nyquist.

                                                          Captain’s Choice
                                                    Journeys saved for a select few

                                             A POLAR

Driven by a ceaseless impulse to explore places that few                 In 2013, Eric led a team to the South Pole through inland
others dare to venture to, Eric Philips is a true adventurer.            Antarctica as part of the charity initiative, Walking With
Beginning with a trip to the Panhandle in Alaska when                    The Wounded. Alongside personalities like Prince Harry,
he was just 24, Eric has spent his lifetime cultivating                  Alexander Skarsgård and Dominic West, Eric guided one
a passion for the planet’s furthest reaches.                             of three teams of wounded soldiers from Australia as they
                                                                         skied 200 kilometres across the icy continent, in aid of
After numerous journeys to the Arctic, Eric spent a season               injured former service men and women as they transition
with the Australian Antarctic Division in 1996, crossing                 back into civilian life.
into the Antarctic Circle for the first time aboard the
icebreaker, Aurora Australis. As summer’s warmth faded                   In the same year, Eric also led a team of young Greenpeace
from the region, he set about organising his very first                  advocates on a ski expedition to the North Pole. Once
visit to the captivating South Pole. It was a challenging                there, a time capsule filled with the signatures of over
expedition, with the journey taking 84 days.                             2.5 million people was lowered down to the sea bed,
                                                                         in support of greater protection of the Arctic region.
In 2002, Eric completed a much smoother journey to the                   The endeavour took ten days, and the participants
North Pole, spending his 40th birthday at the very top of                endured harsh conditions and freezing winds, with
the Earth, and becoming the first Australian, along with                 temperatures dropping below -30°C.
his companion Jon Muir, to ever ski across both poles.
                                                                         Despite turning his focus towards guided expeditions,
Having now traversed both polar regions and their                        Eric still often embarks on personal adventures of his own.
surroundings – and surviving encounters with polar                       In March of 2016, he and his daughter Mardi kite-skied
bears, extreme conditions, frost bite and lost equipment                 across the Svalbard Islands, located just off mainland
– Eric turned his attention towards becoming a guide.                    Norway. Renowned for its far-reaching ice sheets and
Since 2004, he has journeyed to the polar lands countless                soaring fjords, it is recognised as one of Earth’s last true
times, and has established the International Polar Guides                wilderness areas. It took the pair nine days to complete
Association, of which he is President.                                   the journey, facing extreme cold, polar bears and sea ice.

                                                                         As we begin our own journey, venturing into the mystifying
                                                                         wilderness of Antarctica, there are no better tracks to
                                                                         follow, no greater adventures to share in, than those
                                                                         of our remarkable guide, Eric Philips.
Captain’s Choice
                       Journeys saved for a select few

               OF YOUR
                   13 Days – 26 November 2019

       This adventure to the ends of the Earth is one that will prove
     exhilarating to even the most worldly of explorers. Stand before
  towering icy structures, watch on as emperor penguin chicks grapple
   with life on Antarctic shores, and descend beneath the ground into
  ice caves seldom visited, all whilst staying in the comfort of our polar
         safari camp. Welcome to an adventure of the rarest kind,
                         available to just 12 guests.

                                                                             Weddell Sea

      Emirates flights
      Included private flights
  1   Stay (nights)

    South Atlantic
       Ocean                                       SOUTH

                              CAPE TOWN      3


                                      Queen Maud Land
Atka Bay Emperor
 Penguin Colony


                     South Pole
At over 260 million years old, the ancient Table Mountain towers over Cape Town.

DEPART AUSTRALIA,                                            where we savour the flavours of contemporary local
ARRIVE CAPE TOWN                                             cuisine, reflective of the ever-abundant landscape
(SOUTH AFRICA)                                               that surrounds us. The exquisitely authentic fare here
                                                             is rivalled only by the accompanying local wine and
Day 1 to 2                                                   breathtaking views of the waterfront at dusk.

Today we leave Australia behind in pursuit of the
rarest of experiences. Our journey takes us via Dubai,       QUEEN MAUD LAND (ANTARCTICA)
to Cape Town in South Africa, where we check in to
the lavish Cape Grace Hotel, our home for the next           Day 4
two nights. We enjoy a restful evening, in preparation
for tomorrow’s explorations.                                 To reach the icy climes of Earth’s southernmost continent,
                                                             most must face a long and uncomfortable journey across
                                                             the Drake Passage by sea. But that is not for us. Today
CAPE TOWN                                                    we board our private jet for the otherworldly destination
                                                             where our adventure takes place. After an easy five-hour
Day 3                                                        flight across the South Atlantic Ocean, we touch down on
What better way to orient ourselves in the vibrant city      Antarctic shores. Surreal landscapes stretch out before
of Cape Town than to begin our day admiring its greatest     us as we venture across the silvery terrain in six-wheel
views. Enjoy a morning ascent of the hazy Table Mountain     vehicles, bound for our base, Whichaway Camp. This
from the comfort of a cable car, before exploring the        exclusive retreat is perched between a glassy frozen lake
sprawling city below on foot. After stopping for lunch,      and a soaring wall of bluish ice. We spend the afternoon
we make our way to our polar safety briefing, where we       trekking around the rocky plateau of Schirmacher Oasis
learn more about the remarkable adventures ahead of          before finishing the evening with a hearty three-course
us. Tonight, we dine at the magnificent Signal Restaurant,   meal, made from the finest ingredients and paired with
                                                             exceptional South African wines.
The rarely visited Atka Bay Emperor Penguin Colony; our journey is timed to witness the emergence of its chicks.
QUEEN MAUD LAND                                               ATKA BAY
                                                              EMPEROR PENGUIN COLONY
Day 5
                                                              Day 6
After enjoying a delicious breakfast, the rest of today
is yours to spend as you like. You may wish to choose         This morning, we take a two-hour flight across the Polar
from one of the following Your World experiences:             Plateau to the normally inaccessible and remote emperor
                                                              penguin colony in Atka Bay. This exclusive event enables
   ake a leisurely trek to see magnificent nearby ice
                                                              us to bear witness to the new life that summer brings this
  wave structures and marvel at this force of nature
                                                              region. We watch on as young chicks, still coated in their
  as it remains frozen in time.
                                                              fluffy down, are fussed over by their devoted parents.
   ike to the Russian Antarctic station, Novolazarevskaya,
  H                                                           These inquisitive creatures, unafraid of their human
  and learn about the research work that has been             visitors, are drawn closer and closer to us, compelled
  carried out here.                                           by their curiosity. This is one of the most secluded
                                                              wildlife events on Earth and we are privileged enough
   o ice climbing with experienced guides, exploring
                                                              to witness it from a distance of mere metres. While here,
  the astounding ice formations this area has to offer
                                                              we also keep a lookout for predatory creatures – leopard
  as you ascend.
                                                              seals, southern giant petrels and south polar skuas are
   ake the unique opportunity to go kite skiing
  T                                                           all known to frequent this area. After a day filled with
  amidst the incredible vistas of this icy landscape.         adventure and investigation, we return to the camp
                                                              to share photographs and stories over dinner.
   dmire shimmering glaciers and brilliant white
  icebergs from a dazzling height, before abseiling
  back down to earth.

Our exclusive polar safari camp – driven by solar and wind energy – creates
minimal disturbance to the delicate environment, owing to its eco-friendly,
 fibreglass construction. From here, we enjoy rarely explored and icy vistas,
     joining the likes of past guests, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, adventurer
                        Bear Grills and Prince Harry.
QUEEN MAUD LAND                                             SOUTH POLE
         Day 7                                                       Day 8

         Today we journey downward to explore the subterranean       Today we embark on our captivating journey to the
         spectacle that lies beneath our campsite. Following a       South Pole. While some travellers may choose to stay
         series of intricate tunnels, we delve into ice caves that   at the camp and further explore the epic surrounds of the
         arch around us as though carved by hand. Snaking            Schirmacher Oasis, the rest of us rise early for a morning
         underpasses give way to imposing icy caverns that glow      flight to this most remote destination. Accompanied by
         blue as the sunlight from above etches in. After our        a guide and a designated doctor, we step off the plane
         journey through these sapphire chambers, we celebrate       and out into this dreamy landscape, where we’re greeted
         with a picnic lunch overlooking our sublime surroundings.   with an endless blanket of crisp white snow. The national
         Perched above the majestic expanse that encompasses         flags that flap in the breeze serve as a reminder that a
         us, we watch on as icebergs drift past us unhurried, as     visit to this cloistered place is indeed a triumph for each
         we sip on fine champagne. The afternoon is free to spend    of us. After lunch we are taken on a tour of the base, with
         as you like. You may wish to take some time to relax and    plenty of time to take photographs and contemplate these
         reflect on your otherworldly surroundings, but should you   dramatic surrounds. As our guide expertly assembles our
         wish to explore further, your guides are always at hand.    dedicated tented camp, we prepare for our night at the
                                                                     bottom of the world. This evening, we take rest in our
                                                                     Arctic Oven tents, enjoying toasty warmth even in the
                                                                     coldest conditions.

Photograph by: Jose Naranjo.
QUEEN MAUD LAND                                                      QUEEN MAUD LAND
Day 9                                                                Day 10

We wake amidst the surreal surrounds of our temporary                This morning, after breakfast, we learn a little
home on the ice. After a nourishing breakfast, we enjoy              more about the lesser-known history of Antarctica
the remainder of our time at the South Pole, marvelling              and the brave pioneers that have ventured here.
at the encircling snowy expanse as it glistens in the                We delve into stories of past expeditions, tales of early
endless sun. Our private turboprop returns us to our                 explorers, and details about the complex life cycle of
home away from home, Queen Maud Land, where we                       this majestic landscape from the comfort of our velvet
enjoy an afternoon of rest to recover our vigour. You may            armchairs. Later in the day, we make the most of the
choose to make the most of the camp’s extensive library,             spectacular conditions at our campsite with an afternoon
or perhaps steam the afternoon away in the sauna.                    spent kite skiing, before we ascend a towering glacial
Tonight, we toast to our adventures over dinner                      island on foot. Like a pillar, rising up above an otherwise
and revel in our remarkable experience.                              frozen setting, this is the perfect vantage point to admire
                                                                     one last high-altitude view of our surroundings, before
                                                                     abseiling back down to reality. Alternatively, you may
                                                                     choose to take a more gentle guided trek out over the
                                                                     expansive sea ice, where we witness incredible views
                                                                     of the ice wave fields. This evening, we enjoy our final
                                                                     dinner in this magnificent place.

                                  Having ascended a glacial island, we are provided exceptional vistas of our dreamlike Antarctic surrounds.
CAPE TOWN (SOUTH AFRICA)                                   DEPART CAPE TOWN
Day 11                                                     Day 12

Today we enjoy our final moments in mesmerising            We savour the end of our time in the bustling vibrancy
Antarctica. For the last time, we watch as colossal        of Cape Town, before we are transferred to the airport
glaciers float atop the water, and admire the endless      for a late morning flight back to Australia.
white surrounding us. Reluctantly, we must leave this
place behind. Boarding our private jet, we return to
Cape Town, where the warmer weather makes for              ARRIVE AUSTRALIA
a pleasant change. The staff at the Cape Grace Hotel
welcome our return and we take time to unwind, before
                                                           Day 13
enjoying a Farewell Dinner at the sumptuous La Colombe
                                                           As we step back on to Australian soil, our journey sadly
Restaurant. The camaraderie we've developed with our
                                                           comes to an end. We take solace in knowing that we have
fellow guests hits a peak as we relish each exquisite
                                                           explored a place where so few before us have ventured.
flavour and reflect upon our once-in-a-lifetime journey.
                            Captain’s Choice                          Situated on a private quay and offering breathtaking
                      Journeys saved for a select few                 views of nearby Table Mountain, Cape Grace Hotel
                                                                      embodies the colourful, warm ambience synonymous with

                                                                      Cape Town. Each room here is one-of-a-kind, inspired by a
                                                                      unique facet of the diverse South African landscape, and

           OF THE
                                                                      enhanced with the finest of amenities. During your stay,
                                                                      perhaps indulge in a trip to the tranquil day spa, unwind
                                                                      in the exclusive Bascule whiskey bar, or have a bespoke

                                                                      piece of jewellery expertly designed at Platandia.

         STANDARD                                                     WHICHAWAY CAMP
                                                                      Like a mirage in the white desert of Antarctica,
                                                                      Whichaway Camp provides lavish accommodation
                                                                      during summer, before disappearing without a trace
                                                                      as the warmth fades. This polar safari camp hosts a
                                                                      fortunate few each season, and is positioned so as to
       Welcome to your homes away from home. Each has a
                                                                      grant visitors a unique experience of inland Antarctica.
       certain something setting it apart from other residences,
                                                                      Powered completely by wind and solar energy, the camp
       whether that's owing to its undeniably unique location or
                                                                      is also equipped with a grand dining room, lounge room
       its distinctive sense of style and refinement. You will find
                                                                      furnished with books and maps, and eco-chic fibreglass
       everything from the decadent and ornate to the sublimely
                                                                      domes boasting everything you need to be comfortable,
       serene, as we take rest in some of the most uniquely
                                                                      including an ensuite. An on-site chef prepares three meals
       exquisite dwellings these regions have to offer.
                                                                      a day and champagne is also served throughout.

Whichaway Camp.

Set in the Schirmacher Oasis, our camp provides a unique base from which to embark upon our thrilling adventures.
JOURNEY FARES                                                JOURNEY NOTES
An 11 Day Journey                                            All fares are in Australian dollars.

Guests who wish to travel to and from South Africa
                                                             This journey is reserved for just 12 guests.
independently will join the journey in Cape Town for
dinner on Day 2 and depart Cape Town after breakfast
                                                             A Good Level of Fitness is Required
on Day 12.
                                                             Our overnight expedition to the South Pole is optional.
                                               per person   At approximately 4,000 metres above sea level, the
Twin share                                       $154,000   region maintains an ambient temperature of -25°C.
Solo traveller supplement price available on request.        If you cannot travel to high altitudes or are uncomfortable
                                                             with the temperature, you may choose not to participate in
                                                             this component of the journey and remain at Queen Maud
A 13 Day Journey with Flights from Australia                 Land where alternative activities will be available. Please
                                   per person, twin share   consult your medical professional for personalised advice.
Business Class                                   $162,800
First Class                                      $167,600

Solo traveller supplement prices available on request.

Fares include Emirates flights from Sydney, Melbourne
Brisbane or Adelaide. It would be our pleasure to arrange
your journey from other cities, enquire for details.
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