Antagonistic bioagent mechanisms of controlling potato soft rot

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Antagonistic bioagent mechanisms of controlling potato soft rot
Review                                                               Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


Antagonistic bioagent mechanisms of controlling
potato soft rot
Richard Osei, Chengde Yang*, Lingxiao Cui, Lijuan Wei, Mengjun Jin,
Xingying Wei

College of Plant Protection, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, P.R. China
*Corresponding author:

Citation: Osei R., Yang C., Cui L., Wei L., Jin M., Wei X. (2022): Antagonistic bioagent mechanisms of controlling potato soft
rot. Plant Protect. Sci., 58: 18–30.

Abstract: Bacterial antagonists are effective as an alternative to synthetic bactericides in the control of potato soft
rot. The use of bioagents reduces the application of synthetic bactericides, which are harmful to humans and the envi-
ronment. However, the mechanisms of some bioagents, such as some fungi and bacteria, are not yet understood. This
paper reviews the current situation of potato soft rot, biological controls, antagonistic bioagents and their mechani-
sms, application strategies and future directions in today’s agriculture. These mechanisms include mycoparasitism,
competition, rhizosphere colonisation, synthesis and release of metabolites. Bioagents increased the defensive system
of plants by increasing the antioxidants genes, such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT),
and eventually increased the plant growth and yield production.

Keywords: bacteria; biological control; phytopathogens; disease; induced systemic resistance

  Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum, L.) are an eco-                  involved in the disease development (Cladera-Ol-
nomically essential staple crop grown on a huge                 ivera et al. 2006), pectinases, break down pectins
scale all over the world, with successful large-scale           in the middle lamella and plant cell walls, leading
production, consumption, and affordability, as well             to tissue breakdown, cell damage, and cell leakage
as easy open-market availability (FAOSTAT 2015).                (Wiesel et al. 2014; Romanazzi et al. 2016; Syed
At present, the cultivation is affected by many dis-            Ab Rahman et al. 2018), and finally, then the host
eases (Walker 2004), such as blackleg, scab, late               shows symptoms of soft rot.
blight, brown rot (Agrios 2006). Among them, soft                 Many approaches, including physical methods,
rot continues to be a problem for the potato pro-               have been used to control the soft rot of potatoes,
duction industry in many growing regions of the                 but these methods are costly, time-consuming, and
world (Czajkowski et al. 2015; Pritchard et al. 2016).          have not been able to eliminate the pathogen’s pas-
Potato soft rot is caused by several species of Dick-           sage (Hajhamed et al. 2007). Chemical approaches
eya and Pectobacterium (Agrios 2006). The inte-                 using synthetic bactericides have also been applied
grated production of several exoenzymes, such                   to suppress bacterial pathogens, but are not more
as pectinases, cellulases, and proteases by Pecto-              useful due to their harmful effects on humans and
bacterium spp. degrades the plant cell walls and re-            the environment and the risk of selecting multid-
leases nutrients for bacterial growth (Degefu et al.            rug-resistant bacterial strains (Gracia-Garza et al.
2013; Massart et al. 2015). The major exoenzymes                2002; Jess et al. 2014).

Supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Gansu Agricultural University (No. GAU-XKJS-2018-148), and
the Project of National Potato Industry Technology System (No. CARS-10-P18).

Antagonistic bioagent mechanisms of controlling potato soft rot
Review                                                       Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


  The use of bacterial agents is an essential alterna-   Current situation of potato soft rot
tive to synthetic bactericides (Santoyo et al. 2012).      Soft rot is one of the most serious potato dis-
A successful bio-bactericide must produce factors        eases that occurs wherever potatoes are grown (Ma
harmful to the pathogens and bring beneficial bac-       2007). It is caused by different types of bacterial
teria to the right place at the right time and then      pathogens, such as Clostridium, Dickeya and Pec-
colonise it. Therefore, endophytic bioagents have        tobacterium (Agrios 2006). Soft rot disease causes
advantages over synthetic bactericides because           an estimated loss of between 15–30% of the total
they colonise host tissues internally without harm-      yield (Walker 2004). Pathogenic bacteria enter
ing the hosts or causing disease symptoms (Rein-         the potato tubers through wounds or open cuts,
hold-Hurek & Hurek 2011). In addition, biological        which usually occur during harvesting and grading,
controls are recognised as a safe and environmen-        where bruises are created on the tubers.
tally friendly method to reduce the soft rot of po-        In the field, symptoms of soft rot include weak
tatoes (Algeblawi & Adam 2013). Biological agents        plants with curled and drooping leaves that usually
can invade the internal tissues of host plants with-     look like bacterial wilt disease or a water deficiency
out damaging the cell (Oshnoei et al. 2017). Bac-        (Ngadze et al. 2010). Leaf yellowing occurs when
teria such as Pseudomonas fluorescence, Bacillus         the bacteria invade the tissues and block the vascu-
subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus thuringien-   lar system, leading to leaf wilting. In storage, symp-
sis and Pantoea agglomerans are the most prom-           toms of soft rot begin as water-soaked areas on
ising biocontrol agents against soft rot pathogens       the small part of the tuber and later spread to other
under different environmental conditions (Algeb-         parts if not treated. The affected tubers become soft
lawi & Adam 2013). These bioagents have shown            and slimy with a slight colour change often ending
the biological control of potato soft rot by produc-     with an unpleasant odour as a result of secondary
ing several secondary antibacterial metabolites in-      infections (Walker 2004).
cluding siderophores, antibiotics, lytic enzymes,          In addition, bacterial soft rot has been reported
and surfactants (Abd-El-Khair & Karima 2007).            to affect most cruciferous and other crops, such
Metabolites released by antagonistic bacteria and        as cabbages, cauliflowers, carrots, turnips, rad-
fungi affect the survival and virulence of patho-        ishes, rape, tomatoes, lettuces, onions, beetroots,
gens by mycoparasitism, competition, antibiotics         spinach, mangoes, celery, sunflowers, chicory, co-
and rhizosphere colonisation to destroy or damage        riander, arracacha, cucumbers, giant pumpkins
the pathogens on the host plants (Kai et al. 2007;       (Takimoto 1931; Smith 1944; Chakravarti & Ran-
Marimuthu et al. 2013). However, the use of antag-       garajan 1966; Arsenijevic 1970; Wimalajeewa 1976;
onistic bacteria and fungi is contemporary as they       Guevara et al. 1980; Romeiro et al. 1988; Gallois
can be applied directly to the seed at planting or       et al. 1992; Schuerger & Batzer 1993; Phokim et al.
mixed into the soil before or after planting (Zhao       2006). Soft rot is responsible for about 30% of loss-
et al. 2013). Therefore, biological controls based on    es in potato tubers (Farrar et al. 2009). Moreover,
the use of antagonists are considered a promising        Rahman et al. (2012) reported that Pectobacterium
alternative to defending against soft rot pathogens      species causing potato soft rot in Bangladesh re-
(Etminani & Harighi 2018).                               duced the tuber reserves by about 37% each year
  Unlike synthetic bactericides, biological controls     under storage conditions.
with bio-antagonists do not leave toxin residues
that remain in the environment and do not create         Biological control of soft rot
resistant insect strains (Kefi et al. 2015; Doolot-        The application of antagonistic microbes to
keldieva et al. 2016). They use natural enemies          a host plant that inhibits pathogen growth is re-
of pathogens to eliminate their population in the        ferred to as a biological control (Charkowski 2015;
environment (Arwiyanto & Hartana 2001). This             Selim et al. 2017). The degree of disease suppres-
paper reviews the current situation of potato soft       sion achieved with biocontrol agents can be com-
rot, the biological controls, antagonistic bioagents     parable to that achieved with chemicals (Makhlouf
and their mechanisms, strategies for the applica-        & Abdeen 2014). The use of chemicals is wide-
tion of antagonists and future directions in current     spread due to their relatively low cost, ease of ap-
agriculture to provide a basis for the broad control     plication and efficacy availability and stability.
of soft rot.                                             In addition to these advantages, the use of chemi-

Antagonistic bioagent mechanisms of controlling potato soft rot
Review                                                                      Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


cals has the following disadvantages: they are toxic                 duce losses during storage and improve the potato
to the target organisms and other beneficial organ-                  yield quality (Pieterse et al. 2014).
isms, only effective for a short period and harmful                    Numerous studies have described encouraging
to the health of some plants and animals. Consid-                    results on the biological control of soft rot bacte-
ering the negative effects of chemical bactericides                  ria in potatoes with bacterial competitors or plant-
on the environment and natural habitats, this ar-                    growth-promoting rhizobacteria from the genera
ticle presents an alternative method of controlling                  Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Serratia, Lactobacillus,
potato soft rot caused by bacterial pathogens with                   Lactococcus and quorum-quenching bacteria from
direct implications for the protection of humans                     the genera Delftia, Ochrobactrum, and Rhodococ-
and the environment.                                                 cus showing up to a 50% reduction in the soft rot
  The biological control of plant diseases involves                  infestation (Basu 2009; Czajkowski et al. 2011; Di-
the use of one or more antagonistic microbes                         allo et al. 2011) (Table 1). The possibility of the bio-
against pathogenic agents (Choudhary & Johri                         logical control of soft rot with antagonistic bacte-
2008). Mechanisms of bioagent antagonism in-                         ria or with plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria,
clude antibiosis, competition, mycoparasitism, or                    P. fluorescent, and endophytic bacteria in potatoes
the production of cell wall degrading enzymes,                       has been successfully demonstrated in in vitro stud-
the production of secondary metabolites and or-                      ies (Krzyzanowska et al. 2012; Nissinen et al. 2012).
ganic compounds (Bélanger et al. 2012; Calvo-Gar-                      Another biological measure to control soft rot is
rido et al. 2014; Spadaro & Droby 2016; Heimpel                      the use of bacteriophages, which are viruses that in-
& Mills 2017) as shown in Figure 1. Ideally, the de-                 fect and degrade bacterial cells (Buttimer et al. 2017).
velopment of environmentally friendly control                        They are specific to their hosts without infecting
measures against soft rot-causing bacteria can re-                   other pathogens, self-replicating, constant in the

                                                          Pathogen attack                                Diseased plant
                         Healthy plant

                                            System acquired                                                                Disease
                                            resistance (SAR)                                                              symptom

                                                     Pathogens infection
  resistance                                                       Niche           Competition
      (ISR)                                                       overlap              for space
                                                                                                         Pathogen attack


                                      Competition        Hyperparasitism                    Antibiotic
                 Induce beneficial                                                          secretion
                change in microbial                                                                                  Lytic
                     diversity                                                                                     enzymes



Figure 1. Mechanism of actions by bioagents for controlling potato soft rot
                        Figure 2: Mechanism of Actions by Bioagents for Controlling Potato Soft rot
Antagonistic bioagent mechanisms of controlling potato soft rot
Review                                                               Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


Table 1. Bioagents used in controlling soft rot

Bioagent                                      Mechanism                   Host plant               Reference
Bacillus thuringiensis                       antibiosis, ISR                potato             Bravo et al. (2007)
Bacillus subtilis                                 antibiosis                potato              Chen et al. (2016)
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens                  antibiosis, toxins              potato             Munir et al. (2018)
Pseudomonas fluorescens                           antibiosis                potato           Haas and Defago (2005)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa                      antibiosis, toxins              potato             Rahme et al. (1997)
Pseudomonas putida                          mycoparasitism                  potato              Ling et al. (2010)
Streptomyces lydicus                          competition                   potato          Yuan and Crawford (1995)
Pseudomonas brassicacearum 3Re2-7                 antibiosis                potato            Nelkner et al. (2019)
Bacillus simplex BA2H3                            antibiosis                potato             Khayi et al. (2015)
Trichoderma harzianum                         competition                   potato              Chen et al. (2016)

ISR = induced systemic resistance

environment, and safe to use, as they are not harm-              kore 2006). Rhizobacteria can inhibit the growth
ful to the health of humans and animals (Cladera-                of various phytopathogens in different ways; they
Olivera et al. 2006). Bacteriophages have been found             compete for space and nutrients, produce bacteri-
to have the potential to control plant pathogenic                ocins, lytic enzymes, antibiotics, and siderophores
bacteria such as Pectobacterium carotovorum (Jones,              (Jing et al. 2007). Similarly, antagonistic bacteria
1901) Waldee, 1945, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens                deprive the pathogen of iron by producing si-
(Smith & Townsend, 1907) (Jones et al. 2007). How-               derophores and ultimately exclude the pathogen
ever, their applications are limited although they are           from the slot (Beneduzi et al. 2012). Several bac-
stable and control pathogens rapidly (Kamysz et al.              terial genera have demonstrated their importance
2005). In summary, the biological control method is              as antagonists against plant pathogens under
environmentally friendly, and harmless to crops and              greenhouse experiments, and these include Bacil-
humans, and has a long-lasting effect.                           lus, Azospirillum, Serratia, Pseudomonas, Pythi-
                                                                 um and Coniothyrium (Heidarzadeh & Baghaee-
Merits of antagonistic bacteria over chemical                    Ravari 2015). Over time, the application of these
bactericides in pathogen control                                 microorganisms has proven successful in colonis-
  Chemical bactericides, such as bismerthia-                     ing the rhizosphere of plants and promoting their
zol, amicarthiazol, ethylicin, starner, micron-                  growth (Berg 2009; Tariq et al. 2010; Becker 2018).
ite soreil, streptomycin sulfate, and thiadiazole
copper, have been used in agriculture for many                   Mechanism of antagonistic bacteria
years to successfully control pathogens and, thus,                 Biological control agents control pathogens
increase crop production (Paoletti & Pimentel                    that cause damage to potato plants through dif-
2000). Despite their benefits, they also pose a seri-            ferent mechanisms (Bélanger et al. 2012). For ex-
ous threat to plant and animal life because they                 ample, they induce resistance to pathogenic infec-
do not degrade or decompose and they pollute                     tions without direct antagonistic interactions with
the environment (Gilden et al. 2010). Synthetic                  the pathogen, while others act through nutrient
bactericides are also non-targeting because they                 competition or other mechanisms that modulate
affect a wide range of microorganisms includ-                    the pathogen growth conditions (Pieterse et al.
ing plant beneficial bacteria. Bio-bactericides are              2014; Conrath et al. 2015).
a promising alternative to chemical bactericides.                  Since the biological control is a pool of differ-
Bio-bactericides have several advantages over                    ent interactions among microbes, researchers have
conventional bactericides. Compared to synthetic                 paid much attention to characterising the particu-
bactericides, bio-bactericides are safe to use and               lar mechanisms that occur in different experimental
have targeted activity against specific pathogens                situations (Islam et al. 2005). Bacteria, as bioagents,
(Jankutė et al. 2020). They are also more readily                negatively affect the growth of other pathogenic
degradable than conventional bactericides (Tha-                  bacteria and other microbes. However, pathogens

Review                                                       Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


are antagonised by the presence and activities           (Viveros et al. 2010). They play an important role
of other microbes with which they are confronted.        in controlling soft rot.
   Siderophores are low molecular weight substanc-         Bacteriocins are proteinaceous toxins secreted
es that chelate iron. In the microbial rhizosphere,      by bacteria living in a competitive microbial en-
iron is solubilised by the release of siderophores.      vironment. They destroy neighbouring bacterial
However, iron siderophores are formed and diffuse        species by damaging bacteriocinogenic cells (Riley
to cell surfaces (Andrews et al. 2003). The produc-      & Wertz 2002; Beneduzi et al. 2012). Bacteriocins
tion of siderophores as a bacterial mechanism            have a limited killing spectrum compared to con-
has proximity to the formation of a complex with         ventional antibiotics and have a damaging effect on
ferric ions which enhances the solubilisation            the bacteria closely related to the bacteriocin-pro-
of iron and allows its removal from natural com-         ducing bacteria (Riley & Wertz 2002). Since bacte-
plexes or minerals (Zhou et al. 2016). A low sup-        riocins are very effective in suppressing the growth
ply of iron (III) in the environment leads to the re-    of soft rot pathogens, there is a need to work on
duced growth of pathogens, which eventually leads        them to improve their antagonistic potentials.
to the eviction of pathogens from the niche (Hib-          Finally, polymeric compounds, such as cellulose,
bing et al. 2010). The iron siderophores complex         hemicellulose, chitin and protein, can be hydrolysed
has a significant effect on the uptake of iron by po-    by the lytic enzymes produced by a variety of mi-
tato plants when other metals, such as cadmium           crobes. Microbes can directly inhibit the growth and
and nickel, are present (Beneduzi et al. 2012).          activities of pathogens by secreting lytic enzymes.
Iron plays an important role in the cellular growth      Hydrolytic enzymes, including glucanases, proteas-
and metabolism through the production of si-             es, chitinases, and lipases, are involved in the lysis
derophores which is an important factor for the          of pathogen cell walls (Neeraja et al. 2010). These
competitive fitness of bacteria around plant roots       enzymes either consume the pathogens or affect
and competition with other microbes for iron             components of the cell wall of bacterial pathogens.
in the rhizosphere (Haas & Defago 2005). Sidero-         This is one of the important mechanisms for the en-
phores produced by Pseudomonas are conspicuous           vironmental-friendly control of bacterial pathogens
for their high affinity for iron ions. Pyoverdines are   (Kobayashi & El-Barrad 1996).
effective siderophores that can suppress the growth
rate of bacteria that are not effective in iron reduc-   Mechanism of antagonistic fungi
tion under in vitro conditions. P. putida produces         The antagonism of pathogens can be direct or
pseudofactin siderophores that can prevent patho-        indirect. Direct antagonism results from physical
gens from the rhizosphere by reducing the soil’s         contact between two microbes where the bioagent
iron supply (Beneduzi et al. 2012). Several bacte-       defeats the pathogen through space occupancy and
rial genera have been reported to produce sidero-        nutrient competition (Harman et al. 2004). The in-
phores, these include Streptomyces (Goudjal et al.       direct antagonism mechanism, on the other hand,
2016), Azospirillum (Banik et al. 2016), Paeniba-        involves the use of biocidal agents that do not tar-
cillus (Liu 2017), Pseudomonas (Deori et al. 2018),      get a pathogen, but rather enhance and stimulate
and Azotobacter (Romero-Perdomo et al. 2017).            plant defence mechanisms (Harman et al. 2004).
   The use of antibiotics is considered the most ef-     However, the effectiveness of antagonists as bio-
ficient treatment and has an antagonistic effect         control agents depends on the efficient colonisa-
to suppress phytopathogens (Figure 2). However,          tion of the plant root zone (des Essarts et al. 2016;
antibiotics play an important role in disease con-       Abdallah et al. 2018; Munir et al. 2018). The appli-
trol as they can be used as biocontrol agents (Fer-      cation of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and Bacil-
nando et al. 2005). Antibiotics are low molecular        lus subtilis (Ehrenberg, 1835) Cohn, 1872 to potato
weight organic compounds involved in the inhi-           tubers prior to planting prevented the development
bition of growth and metabolic activities of vari-       of soft rot disease (Chen et al. 2016).
ous pathogens. Antibiotics produced by the plant           Trichoderma suppresses the pathogen growth
growth-promoting rhizobacteria include kanosa-           population in the rhizosphere through competition,
mine, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, oligomycin A,          thus reducing disease development. It produces an-
butyrolactones, xanthobaccin phenazine-1-car-            tibiotics and toxins, such as trichothecene and a ses-
boxylic acid, pyrrolnitrin, and viscosinamide            quiterpene, trichodermin, which have a direct effect

Review                                                               Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


                     Advantages of bioagents
                     Induction of systemic resistance
                                                                     Antagonistic bioagents
                     Increase nutrient uptake
                                                                     Trichoderma virens
                     Increase antioxidant activity
                                                                     Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
                     Increase potato yield
                                                                     Bacillus subtilis
                                                                     Pseudomonas fluorescens F113
                                                                     Paenibacillus macerans
                                                                     Streptomyces lydicus

                                                                                           Causative agents
                                                                                           Dickeya and
                                                                                           Pectobacterium species

                                                            Potato soft rot
      Increase storage period by thickening
      tuber skin to avoid pathogen invasion

                                                        Induction of systemic resistance
               Healthy potato tubers

Figure 2. Impact of antagonistic microbes on potato plant

on other  organisms.
       Figure         Theofmode
              1: Impact          of action
                           Antagonistic    of T. harzi-
                                         Microbes         2017).
                                                  on Potato PlantInduced plant defence mechanisms, involving
anum is described as mycoparasitism, secreting cell the reduction of reactive oxygen species, phytoalex-
wall-degrading enzymes, such as glucanases and chi- ins, phenolic compounds, or the elevation patho-
tinases, but T. harzianum is also known to produce genesis-related proteins or the formation of physi-
antifungal compounds, such as alkylpyrones, in- cal barriers, such as modifications of cell walls and
hibitory furanones, and antibiotic peptides (Lugten- cuticles, by the induced plant (Harman 2006; Wiesel
berg et al. 2017; Ghorbanpour et al. 2018). These et al. 2014).
antibiotics function by either killing or suppressing
the bacterial growth (Table 2). Microbial genomic Application strategies
analyses have revealed a large number of cryptic            Overall application. The successful applica-
antibiotic gene clusters encoding antibiotics (Raai- tion of biological control strategies requires more
jmakers & Mazzola 2012; Koch et al. 2018). Antimi- knowledge-intensive management (Heydari et al.
crobial metabolites are often considered the most 2004). Knowledge of the timing, method and cor-
potent action mechanism of microbes against com- rect bioagent use against a particular pathogen can
petitors, enabling antibiotic-producing microorgan- be profitable in integrated pest management sys-
isms to compete in resource-limited environments tems (Heydari et al. 2004). From previous work,
(Raaijmakers & Mazzola 2012; Garge & Nerurkar the consideration of the timing and method of ap-

Review                                                               Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


Table 2. Antibiotic mechanism of bioagents in controlling potato soft rot pathogens

Bioagents                             Antibiotic                   Target pathogen            Disease          Reference
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens       bacillomycin, fengyci       Pectobacterium atrosepticum      soft rot Koumoutsi et al. (2004)
Bacillus subtilis                   xanthobaccin A          E. carotovora subsp. carotovora   soft rot     Islam et al. (2005)
Lysobacter sp. strain SB-K88           gliotoxin                  Rhizoctonia solani          soft rot    Wilhite et al. (2001)
Trichoderma virens                   mycosubtilin             Pythium aphanidermatum          soft rot    Leclere et al. (2005)
Bacillus subtilis BBG100       2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol           Pythium spp.              soft rot   Shanahan et al. (1992)
Pseudomonas fluorescens F113          agrocin 84             Pectobacterium carotovorum       soft rot    Azaiez et al. (2018)
Bacillus subtilis QST713              herbicolin                 Erwinia amylovora            soft rot    Sandra et al. (2001)

plication of a biological control strategy can lead             Migula, 1895 to the soil at the point of the mini tu-
to success (Heydari et al. 2004). A direct applica-             ber placement was effective in controlling soft rot
tion, such as coating the tubers and soaking them               in potatoes (De Capdeville et al. 2002; Janisiewicz
with the antagonistic bacteria and fungi in powder              & Peterson 2004).
form or suspension treatments, to protect the tu-                 P. fluorescence, B. subtilis, and E. herbicola
bers can be used (Heydari & Misaghi 2003; Hey-                  showed activity against E. carotovora subsp. caro-
dari et al. 2004). It is considered necessary to apply          tovora (Vanneste & Yu et al. 1996). Streptomyces is
bioagent products to the infected and unaffected                a well-known genus of the family Actinomycetace-
areas of tubers to reduce the spread of soft rot                ae. They usually colonise the soil and often improve
pathogens. Also, a one point and time application               the soil’s fertility. The application of these bacte-
is another strategy involving biological controls.              ria to the soil can colonise the root zone of plants
In this strategy, bioagents are applied in the same             and, thus, inhibit the growth of pathogens. These
location each cropping year, but at lower popula-               prokaryotes have properties that make them useful
tions, which then breed and spread to other plant               as biocontrol agents against bacterial plant patho-
parts that are protected from bacterial pathogens.              gens (Kieser et al. 2000; Algeblawi & Adam 2013).
For example, using plant growth-promoting rhizo-                Treating the soil with a plant growth-promoting
bacteria and fluorescent Pseudomonas strains on                 rhizobacteria can improve the uptake of nutrients
potato tubers (Bloom et al. 2003; Kloepper et al.               for plants and/or produce plant growth-promoting
2004). However, the one-time application at lower               compounds. They also protect plant root surfaces
populations allows pathogens to multiply before                 from colonisation by pathogenic microbes through
antagonists arrive, which is detrimental to plant               direct competitive action and the production of an-
growth. As a result, it is critical to know the mode            timicrobial agents (Kloepper 1993).
of application of the antagonists to prevent a path-              Seed treatment. Potato seedlings are protected
ogen invasion.                                                  from pathogens by fungi spore suspension and
  Pathogen populations are kept below threshold                 bacteria pre-treatment. Although seed treatment
levels by a single application. Hypovirulent strains            will not control stem and foliar diseases that attack
of the pathogen, on the other hand, may develop                 the plants, the root is the first contact of patho-
resistance in the inoculated host plant (Milgroom               gen interaction in the soil, and the spore of either
& Cortesi 2004). If the antagonists are only used               the fungi or the bacteria colonises the root at its
once, they may fail to multiply and suppress patho-             initial emergence. It is an excellent alternative
gen populations below threshold levels as a result              for reducing soft rot by directly applying bioagent
of environmental changes. As a result, it is recom-             materials to potato seeds/tubers before planting.
mended that a second application should be con-                 Botanicals, such as garlic and Allamanda tablets,
sidered if the first application fails to keep patho-           as well as the BAU-bio-fungicide, are promising
gen populations below threshold levels.                         bioagents used for the treatment of seeds. Both
  Soil treatment. Bacteria and fungi soil treatments            of these are reported to be an effective and envi-
are one of the most widely used methods for suc-                ronmentally friendly method of controlling soft rot
cessfully controlling several bacterial plant path-             (Janisiewicz & Peterson 2004). BAU-bio-fungicide
ogens. Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens                   is derived from Trichoderma grown on an organic

Review                                                         Plant Protection Science, 58, 2022 (1): 18–30


substrate to protect against various pathogen-caus-       In addition, new bioagents with a wider range
ing diseases such as potato soft rot.                     of applications need to be explored. The defined
                                                          mechanisms of the bioagents in controlling potato
Future directions                                         soft rot are the production of antibiotics, sidero-
  Biological control research related to pathogen         phores, cell wall degrading enzymes, volatile or-
control has had a lot of success under controlled         ganic compounds, mycoparasitism, and competi-
conditions (in vitro), but it was not that success-       tion for space and nutrients. It can be concluded
ful under open field conditions. However, in or-          that fungal biocontrol agents, such as T. harzi-
der to predict the long-term effects of bioagents         anum, Trichoderma viride Pers. and Trichoder-
that have been released into the environment, new         ma virens, and bacterial biocontrol agents, such
developmental directions must be added to the pre-        as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus
vious success and moved forward. Because bacteria         megaterium, and P. fluorescens, can control most
pathogens are so diverse, and their pathogenicity         pathogens of the potato soft rot disease. Combina-
varies depending on the host plants, it is necessary      tions of chemicals, such as chitosan, and biologi-
to look for new and different biocontrol agents with      cal agents, such as Pseudomonas, T. viride, or Ba-
different mechanisms. As a result, the following ar-      cillus, have been proven to control P. carotovorum
eas require further investigation: the use of unchar-     subsp. carotovorum during potato tuber storage
acterised microbes as biological control agents, re-      (Abd-El-Khair & Karima 2007). However, to our
search into the roles of genes and gene products          knowledge, no combination of bacterial biocon-
involved in pathogen suppression, and the efficacy        trol agents has yet been reported upon to protect
of different strain combinations in comparison            potatoes against soft rot diseases. We, therefore,
to individual agents.                                     suggest that the combination of multiple biocon-
  Potato soft rot has been effectively controlled         trol agents strengthens the reproducibility of crop
by biological control agents that act as bio-pro-         protection, but also potentially increases the range
tectants. The development of new formulations is,         of the target pathogens.
without a doubt, the most difficult challenge in an-
tagonistic biocontrol research. In China, progress          Acknowledgement: The authors are grateful
has been made in recognising the new impact on            to Prof. Dr. Chengde Yang for critical edit of the
the production process of quality biocontrol prod-        review paper.
ucts and high-efficiency methods for identifying
factors that affect the efficacy and shelf life of bio-
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                                                                                               Received: November 19, 2020
                                                                                                       Accepted: July 9, 2021
                                                                                        Published online: November 30, 2021

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