ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors

Page created by Jeffrey Hall
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors

A QUARTER-CENTURY                                                                                   Contents
OF AMBITION AND                                                                                     Konecranes in brief                                                                          3

GROWTH                                                                                              Year 2019 in numbers                                                                         4
                                                                                                    Highlights of 2019                                                                           6
2019 marked the 25th year of Konecranes’ operations as an independent                               CEO’s review                                                                                 7
company. From our modest beginnings in the town of Hyvinkää in the early
1990s, Konecranes has grown to become a leading lifting equipment solution                          Megatrends                                                                                   9
provider on a global scale.
                                                                                                    Strategy                                                                                   11
The global material handling market continues to evolve rapidly, driven by
increasing digitalization, the introduction of productivity-enhancing technologies                  Business area reviews                                                                      12
and the need for more sustainable operations, and Konecranes is well-placed to
benefit from these trends. Through intelligent design and the implementation
                                                                                                    Research and technology development                                                        19
of digital solutions that make our products smarter, we ensure our customers’
                                                                                                    Sustainability                                                                             24
operations are safer and more efficient.
                                                                                                    Konecranes as an investment                                                                27
The integration of MHPS, where we made good progress in 2019, means we
are now stronger and better-equipped to anticipate and meet future challenges
while also able to seize new business opportunities. We will do this with strong
contributions from all of our three Business Areas – Port Solutions, Industrial
Equipment and Service – with the latter to be our growth engine in the years to

Add to this a new President and CEO at the helm in 2020, and it’s clear that               Information about Konecranes’ Annual Report 2019
Konecranes is now ready to take the next steps in its strategy, leveraging our             Konecranes’ Annual Report 2019 consists of four separate reports: Annual Review, Financial
many strengths to play an even greater role in the material handling ecosystem             Review, Sustainability Report and Governance document. All documents are downloadable
of our customers.                                                                          on our Annual Report website at

                                                                                           This publication is for general informational purposes only. Konecranes reserves the right at any time, without
                                                                                           notice, to alter or discontinue the products and/or specifications referenced herein. This publication creates no
                                                                                           warranty on the part of Konecranes, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty or
                                                                                           merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Annual Review 2019         2
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors
YEAR 2019             STRATEGY          BUSINESS AREAS             R&D           SUSTAINABILITY            KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

                                                                               INDUSTRIAL                                                                  PORT
                                                                               EQUIPMENT                                                                 SOLUTIONS

Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting            handling needs through one supplier. In addition to        petroleum and gas, paper and forest, container
Businesses™, serving a broad range of customers. We       offering a wide range of lifting solutions, we provide     handling, shipyards, power and metals production.
are truly a global company: in 2019, we had 16,200        specialized maintenance services and spare parts for all   We are a part of our customers’ processes, as they
employees in 50 countries. As a leading manufacturer      types and makes of industrial cranes, hoists and port      do not only invest in equipment and services but look
of lifting equipment, Konecranes offers a vast range      equipment – from single units of equipment to entire       for solutions they can rely on. We constantly strive to
of advanced lifting solutions and services to different   operations.                                                improve our performance in product design, service
industries worldwide. The solutions provided by our                                                                  solutions, safety and sustainability to stay ahead of our
three Business Areas – Service, Industrial Equipment      Our customers operate in fields including the              customers’ needs.
and Port Solutions – complement each other and            automotive sector, waste to energy and biomass,
enable our customers to meet their lifting and material   general manufacturing, mining, nuclear energy,

                                                                                                                                                                                 Annual Review 2019   3
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors

                  YEAR 2019 IN NUMBERS

3,167.3 3,326.9                                                               8.3%
        MEUR (+2.5%)                        MEUR (+5.4%)                        Adjusted EBITA
         Order intake                         Net sales

1,824.3                               2,300                                   52.6%
       MEUR (+6.3%)                        Number of active and                     Gearing
        Order book                           pending patents

                                                                                                            Annual Review 2019   4
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors
YEAR 2019             STRATEGY                    BUSINESS AREAS               R&D         SUSTAINABILITY   KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

                  Orders by customer segments, 2019                                                                     Being close to our customers through a local presence
                Personnel by region, 2019
                          10%              4%                5%
                        Construction and   Power          Transportation
                          engineering                       Equipment
         9%                                                              Metals Production

                                                                              Paper and Forest

                                                                               Container handling



                                                        Net sales per region, 2019                                             Personnel by region, 2019
                                                           Sales per region, 2019                                               Personnel by region, 2019
                                                            14%                                                                 17%
                                                          APAC 467.0 MEUR                                                        APAC 2,751

                                                                                                       34%                                               20%
                                                                                                    AME 1,145.8 MEUR                                     AME 3,319

                                                        52%                                                                63%
                                                                                                                          EMEA 10,126
                                                     EMEA 1,714.1 MEUR

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors

Konecranes starts its 25th year as an
independent company, having grown from
a Nordics-focused company of under 3,000
employees to a global leader in lifting                                                           Konecranes boosts its Service business
equipment and services with a presence in                                                         in Italy by acquiring Italian Trevolution
50 countries and some 18,000 employees.                                                           Service SRL.

Konecranes announces a milestone                                                                  Konecranes announces the next step in
contract win with the Hadarom container                                                           its development by naming Rob Smith as
terminal in Israel. The order consists of                                                         its new CEO effective February 1, 2020.
a complete line of automated container
cranes and software intelligence, including                                                       Konecranes launches three new lifting
Konecranes’ own terminal operating system                                                         products – the S-, M- and C-series cranes
and Equipment Control System.                                                                     and electric chain hoists.

                                                Konecranes finalizes diversity goals                                                                  Konecranes signs an agreement to fully
                                                to ensure it has the most competitive                                                                 acquire MHE-Demag, a leading supplier of
                                                talent pool for the future. By end-2021                                                               industrial cranes and services in Southeast
                                                the company targets that in business                                                                  Asia, from joint venture partner Jebsen &
                                                management positions no one gender                                                                    Jessen.
                                                comprises more than 75% of the total, and
                                                no one nationality group can exceed 50%.                                                              Konecranes finalizes its climate change
                                                                                                                                                      risk assessment to understand how
                                                The 2,000th Konecranes Gottwald                                                                       different climate scenarios will impact
                                                Mobile Harbor Crane is delivered to the                                                               business and operations. The analysis will
                                                Ership terminal in the Mediterranean port                                                             be integrated into Konecranes’ operations
                                                of Cartagena in South-eastern Spain.                                                                  and continuous sustainability work.
                                                Konecranes invented the Mobile Harbor
                                                Crane 64 years ago.

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors
YEAR 2019             STRATEGY          BUSINESS AREAS            R&D          SUSTAINABILITY            KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

Dear shareholders,                                        Belgium’s Luminus to modernize two cranes at a site      in our history – highlights included an order from
                                                          in Liège.                                                Yilport Holding for 18 Automated Rubber Tired
Konecranes marked its 25th year of operations with                                                                 Gantry Cranes for three European container
solid financial results and a large acquisition in the
                                                          In Industrial Equipment, it was a year of mixed          terminals, an important step forward for our Path
Asia Pacific region, underscoring its readiness to
                                                          performance. The launch of the S-, M- and C-series       to Port Automation approach. We celebrated some
embark on its next phase of growth following the
successful acquisition and integration of MHPS.           cranes and electric chain hoists in September was        milestones, too, delivering our 2,000th Konecranes
                                                          a clear highlight, refreshing and reinforcing our        Gottwald Mobile Harbor Crane to the Ership terminal
We had many reasons to celebrate in 2019: a               industry-leading portfolio and giving a strong push      in Spain and marking 25 years of Konecranes Lift
healthy order book at year-end; strong profitability      to our platform consolidation program. The launch        Trucks, with nearly 10,000 lift trucks sold across 120
in Service; three new product launches from               also showed the innovation that is at the heart of       countries to date.
Industrial Equipment; and a stellar showing by            Konecranes: The S-series crane uses synthetic rope
Port Solutions including a landmark deal in Israel        to deliver greater lifting performance and longer-       These achievements show the robust condition of
that highlighted our strengths across software,           lasting use, and we have a total of 20 patents either    two of our core business cornerstones: a superior
hardware and services. When you add to this other         awarded or pending for the three new products.           product offering and unmatched service network.
achievements including the establishment of a data
                                                          Deliveries of the new cranes have now started, and       The third cornerstone is our digital capabilities, and
science laboratory in France, it’s remarkable to see
                                                          initial customer feedback has been very positive.        2019 highlights included the French data science
how much we have grown since our founding in
Hyvinkää, Finland in 1994.                                                                                         lab and the renewal of our digital strategy to better
                                                          From a financial performance perspective, however,       target customers and new business opportunities.
Here are some further examples of this progress.          Industrial Equipment struggled. This was due to          We strongly believe that the rapid digitalization of
                                                          factors including the streamlining of manufacturing      our business keeps us ahead of our competitors
Business Area and integration milestones                  operations in France and Germany; non-recurring          and thus in excellent shape to grab the business
In Service, full-year sales and profits improved,         costs relating to certain process crane projects;        opportunities of the industrial internet era.
as did the annual value of our agreement base             and the effects of the slowing global economy.
and orders, reinforcing the business’ importance to       Earnings fell sharply from a year ago, but we are        We’re especially proud that all of this happened
Konecranes as a whole. In August we strengthened          convinced that the recovery actions now underway         while we continued to deliver MHPS acquisition
our presence in Italy through the acquisition of          in Industrial Equipment, when combined with the          synergies. In July 2019 we announced that the
Trevolution Service SRL, one of the country’s largest     boost we expect from the new products, will improve      EUR 140 million synergy savings program had
independent crane service companies specializing          profitability and eventually return the business to      ended. This was a great achievement, and we have
in crane maintenance, repairs, modernizations,            clear growth.                                            continued with this work to ensure that our cost
spare parts, and hoists and components. We also                                                                    structure remains well balanced with our current
announced contract wins during the year including         In Port Solutions, both sales and profits rose           business, especially in Industrial Equipment.
a maintenance and consulting services agreement           in 2019. In addition to the Israeli Hadarom deal
with GE Power in France and an agreement with             mentioned earlier – the fourth-biggest contract          None of this could have happened without the

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors

dedication, focus and drive of our people, and warm       also agreed targets to ensure Konecranes has a
thanks go to all Konecranes employees. This positive      more diverse employee base – and thus one that is
reputation has been noticed outside the company,          even more competitive. By end-2021 our goal is that
with Konecranes ranking well, for example, in an          in business management positions no one gender
external Finnish employer survey from Academic            can comprise more than 75% of the total, and no
work in 2019.                                             one nationality group can exceed 50%.

Strategic steps for 2020 and beyond                       These are all critical ingredients for our new
While we rightly celebrate successes like these,          corporate strategy, which we will be sharing at
agile companies are always thinking multiple steps        our Capital Markets Day in June 2020. We aim
ahead and acting decisively. During 2019 that’s what      to leverage the leadership we have in our core
Konecranes did.                                           businesses and digitalization to tap growing
                                                          customer demand for more comprehensive solutions
In October, we announced that Rob Smith would             and not just individual products and services.
be Konecranes’ next President and CEO effective
February 1, 2020. He joins Konecranes from AGCO,          To close, we extend our deepest thanks to our
where he led the Europe and Middle East business          shareholders, personnel and customers for their
with annual sales of roughly $5.4 billion. He is a        support in delivering the successes of the past 25
leader who has delivered sales and profitability          years. Thanks to you we start our next quarter-
growth via innovative business strategies, deep           century with solid financial foundations, a growing
expertise in digitalization and strong customer focus.    international footprint and an inspired and innovative
                                                          group of employees. Konecranes has the size and
In December, we agreed to buy the other half of           the drive to succeed – and we will.
our 50-50 MHE Demag joint venture from Jebsen
& Jessen. The final closing price was EUR 143             Warm regards,
million in cash. This move significantly improves
our market position in fast-growing Southeast Asian
markets, creates further opportunities for Service
and simplifies the distribution channel for industrial
cranes. The deal closed in January 2020 and
integration activities are underway.

And, during 2019, we took concrete steps
reflecting the growing and strategic importance of
sustainability in the years to come. We finalized a       Teo Ottola                Rob Smith
4-month climate change risk assessment study to
understand how different scenarios will impact our
business and operations, and will incorporate those
results into our continuous sustainability work. We

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors


Today, the world is changing at an ever-increasing pace and companies are working hard to tackle the business
opportunities that are unfolding alongside the change. At Konecranes, we have identified four megatrends that have
a significant impact on our customers and us: digitalization, productivity, sustainability and geopolitics. They provide
great opportunities for us to develop our business now and in the future.

                     Digitalization – the fourth              new technologies. Autonomous equipment such as            Leveraging digitalization, big data and the internet of
                     industrial revolution                    automated guided vehicles, robots and cobots improve      things (IoT) provides huge possibilities to automate
                                                              productivity and safety.                                  equipment, processes and total operations in the very
                                                                                                                        near future.
                                                              Port and terminal operations are also impacted.
Digitalization is accelerating at an exponential rate and     Planning software and applications model, simulate        For Konecranes, digitalization will enable more
companies across multiple sectors are thinking how            and optimize the throughput and operations                and better-quality data to be collected from our
to best exploit the opportunities it brings. Industrial       of whole terminals. We are even seeing fully              customers’ operations. We can use this to, for
companies are getting ready for the fourth industrial         automated terminals in operation. But there is more.      example, provide better maintenance services where
revolution, Industry 4.0, which is profoundly changing        Approximately 90% of the goods in global trade are        we predict equipment failures before they occur, and
production. Robots, augmented reality and production          carried by the ocean shipping industry each year. Port    optimize service activities according to our customers’
simulations offer ways for smarter automation and             authorities, Customs, terminal operators, different       production cycles. Digitalization will also bring new
operational excellence. Big data and analytics enable         logistics players and shipping lines all work their       ways for our customers to manage and monitor
more customer-centric design and production, and the          hardest to make the port function as efficiently as       equipment as well as train employees how to use them
production process is continuously improved by these          possible, still mainly through paper-based processes.     safely and efficiently.

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - Investors

                     Productivity                                               Sustainability                                           Geopolitics
                     – high on the agenda                                       – a prerequisite for                                     – threats and opportunities
                                                                                business success

Productivity improvement continues to be high on         Sustainability is a growing value for customers and       In recent years, the world has become increasingly
the agenda for all companies, and especially so in       society. The safety of our products and services          unpredictable. Changes in geopolitics, and especially
capital-intensive industrial production. Research        has been in focus for us for many years now. We           the increasing protectionism in many markets,
shows that companies with excellent productivity         continuously improve the safety features of our           are reflected in the operating environment and
growth also create more value for their shareholders.    offering and a have a strongly rooted safety culture      conditions of businesses across the world.
This is true for us and for our customers. Optimizing    in the company.
the manufacturing process with maximimum uptime                                                                    Asia has become the global manufacturing hub and
and minimum downtime is critical.                        Stakeholders demand that companies do more                will likely continue to be so in the future. China is
                                                         in areas such as combatting climate change and            the largest market in the region and has a growing
Today, we already offer our customers many               advancing circularity. We reduce our own carbon           and significant global impact. China has several
solutions which improve productivity and profitability   footprint by improving the energy efficiency of           high-level development programs to strengthen its
through smart, connected equipment and optimized         our factories and services. The carbon handprint,         competitiveness and power in the global arena, such
maintenance. Examples include our lift trucks for        the good we can do, is about how we reduce the            as Made in China 2025 and the One Belt, One Road
both ports and industrial clients, our offering in       emissions from the operations of customers with the       initiative. These will, however, bring opportunities for
automatic warehouse management, our automated            help of our eco-efficient products and services.          other global and local players as well.
guided vehicles for maneuvering large containers in      Our goal is not only to comply with the laws, rules
ports, and our monorail systems employing overhead       and regulations that apply to our business; but           Due to trade barriers, there has been some shift
rails to transport materials within factories, e.g. in   also strive to abide by the high standards of ethical     of manufacturing closer to more mature markets.
the automobile industry. As we proceed, we will          business conduct. Companies that have aligned their       There will be good business opportunities for
place increased strategic focus on the crane as part     business growth strategies to their ethics will be a      the manufacturing industry in Europe and North
of the entire material handling ecosystem.               step ahead in future-proofing their business.             America, too, as long as it is leveraging automation
                                                                                                                   that is necessary for cost-effective manufacturing.

                                                                                                                                                                              Annual Review 2019   10
YEAR 2019              STRATEGY               BUSINESS AREAS            R&D             SUSTAINABILITY               KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

For the past three years, we have worked very hard                excellent basis for embarking on the next chapter        customer satisfaction, employee engagement
to integrate the Terex MHPS acquisition. As we begin              for Konecranes and fulfilling our ambition for           and an innovative offering. An industry-leading
2020, we have made signifigant progress with the                  profitable growth.                                       company excelling in profitable growth has the
integration and we are starting to look at the next                                                                        means to invest in innovative products and
steps for Konecranes.                                             Strategic cornerstones                                   services, attracts and attains the best talent
                                                                  Our strategy is based on five cornerstones:              and consistently delivers a world-class customer
We plan to fully leverage the four global megatrends              growth, profitability, customers, people and             experience.
and our core competencies. We have a strong                       technology. In the long term, we aim for profitable
customer base across industries around the world,                 growth the exceeds market growth. We also want
a highly competent team, leading technologies                     to have the best profitability among our peers.
and a world-class service approach. This is an                    Profitable growth is strongly correlated with

                                     Mission                                                    We know in real time how millions of lifting devices perform.
              We are not just lifting things, but entire businesses.                           We use this knowledge around the clock to make our customers’
                                                                                                            operations safer and more productive.

      Exceeding                           Best among                              Satisfied                    Engaged                             Innovative          What success looks like and
     market growth                           peers                               customers                    employees                             offering           how we measure it

       Growth                          Profitability                       Customers                           People                          Technology              Strategic cornerstones


                                          SERVICE                                                                         EQUIPMENT
                                Lifecycle Care in Real Time                                                              Core of Lifting
                   Service for all types and makes of cranes and hoists                               Direct and Indirect channels in Industrial Equipment
                                    Global service network                                                            Multi-brand strategy
              Improve the safety and productivity of our customers’ operations                                   Need based customer offering
                                       Solution selling                                                                  Solution selling

                                                                                                                                                                                        Annual Review 2019   11

Business Area Service provides specialized maintenance service and spare
parts for all types and makes of industrial cranes and hoists, from a single
piece of equipment to entire operations. Our objective is to improve
the safety and productivity of our customers’ operations. Lifecycle
Care in Real Time is our comprehensive and systematic approach to
maintenance, connecting data, machines and people.

Industrial Equipment
Business Area Industrial Equipment offers hoists, cranes and material
handling solutions for a wide range of customers from General
Manufacturing to various kinds of process industries like Waste-to-
Energy, Paper and Forest, Automotive and Metals Production. Products
are marketed through a multi-brand portfolio.

Port Solutions
Business Area Port Solutions offers a full range of container handling
equipment and automation technology: equipment for handling bulk,
general and project cargo, shipyard handling equipment and heavy-duty
lift trucks, all backed by a complete range of services and software.

                                                                                                                                     Annual Review 2019   12
YEAR 2019            STRATEGY          BUSINESS AREAS              R&D           SUSTAINABILITY           KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT


Growth of service agreements                              providing opportunities for growth and helping to          Operational and commercial excellence
For 2019, Business Area Service set out to maintain       secure the Demag legacy.                                   Profitability in 2019 also improved due to synergy
our track record of profitable growth, with a focus                                                                  realization, sales mix and continuous impro-
on service agreements. These agreements form the          Digitalization                                             vement in sales and delivery processes and
basis of our customer relationships and underpin our      Industrial companies all over the globe are talking        execution.
entire service offering. More specifically, our aim was   about digitalization and the Internet of Things (IoT).
to improve general agreement profitability and to         Konecranes Service is not just talking about it, we        The maturity of our transformation can be
expand the scope of existing agreements.The annual        are transforming the delivery of maintenance               observed in the sales efficiency and volume
value of the agreement base in 2019 grew 8.2%             services in every aspect of our day-to-day opera-          growth realized from those product and service
year-on-year at comparable currency rates, a good         tions.                                                     segments supported by centralized inside sales
foundation for 2020.                                                                                                 call centers located in the US, Canada and UK.
                                                          Our well-established digital transformation conti-         We plan to expand these to other major
Demag integration                                         nued according to plan in 2019. Spain and India            markets. Staffing of these call centers will con-
As planned, the integration of the Demag and Kone-        went live with oneKONECRANES tools and systems             tinue due to the promising signs of sustainable
cranes Service organizations in Germany under one         in Q1, followed by Poland, Hungary and South               and continued growth in the customer segments
legal entity was completed at the end of Q2, and          Africa in in Q2 and Germany´s integrated Demag             they serve.
overall 18 out of 19 countries are now integrated         service operations in H2. Preparations are procee-
with the expected run-rate synergies achieved. De-        ding in other countries. The target of having 90%
mag service products – e.g. Status Control, Demag         oneKONECRANES global coverage by the end of
hoist retrofits and general overhauls – have been         2019 was achieved.
incorporated into the Konecranes service offering,

                                                                                                                                                                          Annual Review 2019   13
YEAR 2019             STRATEGY         BUSINESS AREAS                R&D             SUSTAINABILITY              KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

Other milestones
                                                                                                      Order book at the                                                               Number of employees
• I n August we acquired Trevolution Service SRL, one of Italy’s                                    end of 2019, MEUR                        Adjusted EBITA, %                        at the end of 2019
  largest independent crane service companies specializing in crane
  maintenance, repairs, modernizations, spare parts and hoists and
  components. The acquisition enlarges Konecranes’ field service                                      215.7                                       16.6                                   7,762
  operations and provides an excellent opportunity to take on even
  larger projects and agreements in Italy.

• I n July, we launched a TRUCONNECT® retrofit that can give customers
                                                                                                          Orders received, MEUR                                                Net Sales, MEUR
  a comprehensive fleet view by allowing Demag assets to be added to
  the same remotely-monitored fleet with Konecranes-branded assets.
                                                                                            1,400                                                          1,400
  The retrofit equips Demag DMR SafeControl-equipped hoists and
                                                                                            1,200                                                          1,200
  cranes with the hardware needed for Konecranes TRUCONNECT®
                                                                                            1,000                                                          1,000
  Remote Monitoring.                                                                         800                                                             800
                                                                                                            986.5             1,015.1                        600
                                                                                                                                                                          1,192.5              1,259.7
                                                                                             400                                                             400
                                                                                             200                                                             200
                                                                                               0                                                               0
                                                                                                             2018                   2019                                      2018                2019

      Lifting GE Power’s business in France
      In October 2019, Konecranes won an agreement with             be on site at GE’s Belfort and Bourogne locations for two              and minimize downtime during every shift, while providing a
      GE Power in northern France to provide service to 264         years, and Konecranes’ TRUCONNECT® Remote Service will be              transparent view of all their crane-related events and activities.
      cranes and jibs.                                              activated for 14 of the cranes to help support GE’s maintenance
                                                                    operations and improve safety and productivity.                        The agreement is the largest for Konecranes’ northern France
      The agreement included MAINMAN Planned Maintenance,                                                                                  branch and a testament to the Konecranes model of improving
      Routine Maintenance, assistance for compliance inspections    Konecranes aims not only to keep GE’s cranes running                   customers’ business efficiency, safety and performance.
      and Consultation Services. Two Konecranes technicianas will   sufficiently; we also want to help them maximize productivity

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Annual Review 2019   14
YEAR 2019            STRATEGY          BUSINESS AREAS               R&D           SUSTAINABILITY           KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT


Highlights of 2019: new products and                      level in countries, while opportunities in Waste-           operations from the ongoing restructuring in Wetter,
platform consolidation                                    to-Energy remained steady or even grew. Paper               Germany and in Vernouillet, France; from 25% higher
2019 was a significant year for BA Industrial             and Forest remained strong, while the automotive            US custom tariffs for the import of crane components
Equipment: we launched three new innovative               industry declined.                                          from China; from national strikes in Finland at the
products. We also made significant progress in                                                                        end of 2019; and from certain process crane projects.
streamlining the combined operations of Konecranes        Geographically, the EMEA region showed the first
and Demag and in reducing the number of our               signs of softening demand, although there were              As part of the difficult decisions of the MHPS
product platforms. We performed well in various           variations by sub-region. The Nordic and Southeast          integration project, 12 production plants have been
industries including Waste-to-Energy, Paper and           European countries stayed reasonably steady, while          discontinued globally. Adjustments to the operational
Forest, and Automotive. In all these areas, our           the large Central European market weakened,                 set-up and modernization of production facilities in
automated solutions and safety and productivity-          especially Germany and the UK. Demand in North              Wetter proceeded, as did the closing process of our
enhancing smart features were well appreciated by         America remained fairly strong but continued to             chain hoist factory in Vernouillet.
customers. Whatever we develop, it must be part of        be low in South America. Asia’s demand was fairly
the increasingly digitalizing world.                      stable.                                                     When considering the Demag integration and our
                                                                                                                      ongoing development work in commercial and lean
Challenging year, focus on strengthening                  The market changes impacted volumes of our                  projects, we believe we are on a path towards
our base for future growth                                fast-cycle component business to distributors and           growth. Our Asian presence and market coverage
From a market point of view, 2019 was challenging         independent crane builders during the year; the             will substantially increase through the acquisition of
due to increasing business and political uncertainty      product mix turned less favorable as the weighting          full ownership of MHE-Demag, which has a strong
in many areas in the world. The activity level by         of components declined and the portion of complete          position in strategically important and fast-growing
industry and geographic area varied. Demand in            heavier industrial cranes increased in our order book       Southeast Asia.
General Manufacturing, with its smaller individual        and sales, affecting our profitability. Simultaneously,
opportunities, followed the overall investment activity   there were temporary, additional cost burdens to our

                                                                                                                                                                               Annual Review 2019   15
YEAR 2019           STRATEGY            BUSINESS AREAS            R&D          SUSTAINABILITY               KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

Building the framework for future growth
                                                                                                  Order book at the                                                         Number of employees
• I n 2019, our product families were modernized with the launch of three new                   end of 2019, MEUR                      Adjusted EBITA, %                    at the end of 2019
   core products. The new C-, S-, and M-series represent the next generation in
   their fields with new technology and innovations.
                                                                                                     648.9                                    1.5                             5,397
  he new products enable us to reach our target of reducing the number of
 product platforms to 14. In 2019, we not only improved cost efficiency, but
 simultaneously added new product features to our traditional products.
                                                                                                         Orders received, MEUR                                        Net Sales, MEUR

  e have made signicant progress in streamlining our combined operations of                 1,400                                                    1,400
 Konecranes and Demag. The long-term operational cost base has improved                      1,200                                                    1,200
 despite the higher-than-expected temporary implementation costs.                            1,000                                                    1,000
                                                                                              800                                                      800
  e had continuous success in global projects for the Waste-to-Energy                        600
                                                                                                          1,248.9           1,251.5                    600
                                                                                                                                                                   1,150.9          1,185.5
 industry. The market has been active, and many high-capacity municipal waste                 400                                                      400
 incineration plants globally use our technology. Similarly, several paper industry           200                                                      200
 customers are using our automatic storage and retrieval systems for paper rolls.               0                                                        0
                                                                                                             2018               2019                                 2018              2019

    Setting the benchmark for precise, smooth and speedy load handling
    WD Steelworks is a modern metal works focused on                The new Konecranes S-series crane met all of WD Steelworks’        Digital intelligence does not end there, as Konecranes
    a wide range of marine equipment such as fuel tanks,            expectations. An industry-first, geometrically aligned rope        TRUCONNECT® provides fully transparent and real-time
    targa bars and other boat parts for Boomerang boats.            drum design and off-set reeving with synthetic rope allows         information on crane performance and maintenance needs,
    With a special set of requirements for precision and            for balanced wheel loads and longer lifetime for all reeving       allowing for the best possible operational efficiency.
    process cleanliness, they were looking for a lifting            components. In addition to the mechanical intelligence,
    solution to meet all their needs.                               Konecranes Smart Features bring tangible benefits to               “So far the crane has been excellent, and we have been
                                                                    everyday work.                                                     wondering how we managed before. This definitely creates
    “For motor installations, we needed a crane that was very                                                                          new opportunities for our future,” Tikander said.
    precise and smooth as we are talking about millimeters          “Pulling or pushing the hook takes the crane above the
    when it comes to the potential to scratch surfaces. We didn’t   load and automatic Hook Centering takes care of the rest.
    want any greasy ropes or chains touching the boat,” said        Snag Prevention makes working a lot safer. We appreciate
    WD Steelworks Chairman of the Board Wille Törnqvist.            precision, smoothness, speed and cleanliness. Now we have
                                                                    them all,” said WD Steelworks CEO Daniel Tikander.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Annual Review 2019   16


Solution selling and automation driving                and predictability, while software-based intelligence    the container yard. We also retrofit Smart Features
future success                                         optimizes container throughput and the operation of      and automation technology on non-Konecranes
In 2019, Port Solutions focused on further             entire container terminals.                              equipment.
developing its solution-selling business model,
better aligning with the customer buying process       There are over 30 highly automated container             Port Solutions’ expertise in automation is backed up
for equipment, software and services. The model        terminals in the world. Konecranes has supplied          with the world’s best in-house container handling
is designed to ensure maximum customer value           automated equipment systems to 65% of these              knowledge, which lets Konecranes efficiently define
by minimizing the customer’s integration burden        sites. Konecranes has a wide and deep offering           the type and amount of equipment needed to meet
when purchasing equipment, software and services       of manned equipment, automated equipment,                the customer’s required performance level. It means
as separate categories. The solution approach has      software, and system engineering and integration.        we can integrate equipment, service and software
already made an impression on customers, one           This offering covers both greenfield and brownfield      efficiently, as the customer needs, because the
being the Port of Ashdod in Israel.                    sites, where Konecranes Port Services’ ability to        expertise and interfaces are in our hands. Regardless
                                                       retrofit Smart Features on existing equipment gives      of the brand, we can create a turnkey, tailored
Another key target area for Port Solutions continued   customers the ability to move towards automation to      and modular service environment that boosts data
to be tapping the opportunities stemming from          the degree, and at the speed, they desire.               visibility, safety, eco-efficiency and the customer’s
increasing automation at customer sites. Container                                                              bottom line.
handling equipment such as Automated RMGs,             A good example of this is our customer in Turkey,
Automated RTGs, Automated Guided Vehicles and          DP World Yarimca, where we have retrofitted remote
Automated Straddle Carriers increase productivity      operation technology on two Konecranes RTGs in

                                                                                                                                                                        Annual Review 2019   17

Year 2019 in numbers

Overall the market sentiment for Business Area Port Solutions remained stable
and at a good level in 2019. Full-year net sales totaled EUR 1.12 billion, an                    Order book at the                                                     Number of employees
annual rise of 10.2%, and adjusted EBITA was up by 21.8%. There was                             end of 2019, MEUR                  Adjusted EBITA, %                    at the end of 2019
particularly good project execution in 2019 for large ongoing projects which
helped boost Port Solutions’ EBITA.
                                                                                                 959.7                                  7.8                              2,938
Good order intake continued throughout the year for Rubber Tired Gantry
Cranes, Lift Trucks and Port Services. Mobile Harbor Cranes, however,
experienced a decline in order intake in 2019.
                                                                                                      Orders received, MEUR                                     Net Sales, MEUR
Great progress was made in the harmonization of the Port Solutions product
portfolio, integrating container handling management software into the                  1,400                                                   1,400
offering in a seamless manner. A number of customers announced large                    1,200                                                   1,200
infrastructure investment plans, with an increasing focus on brown field over           1,000                                                   1,000
green field projects.                                                                    800                                                     800
                                                                                                       1,096.0        1,147.3                    600
                                                                                                                                                             1,012.9          1,115.7
After a decline in early 2019, global container throughput reached a new all-            400                                                     400
time high in August before declining again during the last months of the year.           200                                                     200
At the end of December, global container throughput was approximately 2.5%                 0                                                       0
                                                                                                         2018            2019                                   2018             2019
lower than the year before.

Celebrating important milestones for key products in 2019

  eorgia Ports Authority continued its strategic partnership with Konecranes
 with an order for a fleet of 20 Konecranes Rubber Tired Gantry (RTG)
 cranes to support the expansion of the Port of Savannah – bringing
 the number of Konecranes RTGs there to around 180.
                                                                                                  A significant strategic win for
  he 2,000th Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Crane was delivered to
                                                                                                  the Port Solutions business
 the Ership terminal in the Mediterranean port of Cartagena in south-eastern
 Spain. Konecranes invented the Mobile Harbor Crane 64 years ago, and                             In the spring of 2019, Port Solutions secured a milestone win with the Hadarom container
 Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Cranes have been sold to over 100                              terminal in the Port of Ashdod, Israel. This customer was looking for an unprecedented
 countries.                                                                                       degree of integration between container handling equipment and software intelligence for
                                                                                                  terminal operation and management. Konecranes is delivering a complete solution
  onecranes Lift Trucks celebrated 25 years in of operations. Since the first                    comprising automated container handling equipment, a Terminal Operating System and an
 truck was made in 1994, Konecranes has sold nearly 10,000 lift trucks                            Equipment Control System. The order is one of the largest ever received by
 across 120 countries. Konecranes Lift Trucks are renowned for their                              Konecranes and a major step forward in the execution of Port Solutions’ strategy with its
 advanced technology, excellent build quality and service network.                                solution-based business model.

                                                                                                                                                                              Annual Review 2019   18

Konecranes invests a considerable amount of money in technology
development every year. We do this because we expect a specific
payback from this investment: technology leadership is the leading
factor for revenue growth among top companies. There are no
successful industrial companies, past or present, that have not
invested in technology and innovation.

Three new product platforms
launched in one go
Years of research and product development were
rewarded when Konecranes launched three new
product platforms in September 2019: Konecranes S-,
C- and M-series. The previous flagship wire rope hoist,
Konecranes CXT, was a major innovation of its time
and remains one of the most successful wire rope
hoists in the market. However, available technologies
have changed and brought new ideas for product

These products resulted from the Konecranes open
innovation culture that turns great ideas into great
products, like the Konecranes S-series’ synthetic rope.
The Konecranes S-series hoist has several unique and
patented features visible in the hoist’s appearance:
reeving arrangement, tilted rope drum and synthetic
rope fixing. The innovative design enables lighter
structures resulting in improved material usage and
lower environmental impact.

                                                                                                                                   Annual Review 2019   19
YEAR 2019            STRATEGY          BUSINESS AREAS            R&D             SUSTAINABILITY           KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

The journey from idea to product takes time and           “Participating in the Konecranes CheckApp                   where we have succeeded and where we can
involves many people and disciplines. Safety is a         pilot started with a discussion about our                   improve. This allows us to react to customer needs
top priority and we test the products extensively in      real needs and problems and ended with a                    more quickly and use feedback to improve products
our Reliability & Testing Centers. The testing of the     solution to solve them.” Peter Hutchinson, Site             and services.
synthetic rope began already in 2014.                     Service and Maintenance Manager, Caterpillar, UK
                                                                                                                      Extending the innovation
Digital embedded                                          Other digital technologies, such as virtual reality         ecosystem continues
Konecranes has developed a digital strategy to            and augmented reality, are used to train service            The systematic build-up of an innovation ecosystem
support its vision and increase the profitability and     technicians on new products and increase their              started a couple of years ago. In 2019, we already
growth of the company. The strategy is executed           understanding of maintenance needs and correct              saw concrete results from this effort. Last year
through a portfolio of digital initiatives that improve   operating procedures.                                       Konecranes discovered a Swedish AI-start-up
our current operations and offering, and explore                                                                      through our own systematic startup program,
totally new business opportunities. In addition, we       Information technology development at Konecranes            REACH. We are now using their AI-powered
established the Digital Accelerator organization to       now follows agile methodologies, based on iterative         troubleshooting software commercially in Business
support digital transformation work, fuelling internal    work sprints, reviews and nimble communication.             Area Service to increase technical support efficiency
projects in the area.                                     This allows the development teams to work more              and serve our customers even faster than before.
                                                          efficiently and with improved quality.                      Another highlight is our partnership from 2017 with
For port customers, Konecranes has expanded its                                                                       a deep tech startup, with first customer installations
port automation offering by continuing to develop         First Data Science Lab established                          now completed. Their solution analyses the
a state-of-the-art Terminal Operating System              Konecranes has tens of thousands of connected               structural integrity of sea containers during lifting
concept for e.g. automated container terminals.           devices across the world and digital lifecycle records      to reduce quality costs and processing time from
This will work with the Equipment Control System,         from over 1.1 million customer assets. In order to          container logistics. The REACH program continued
accompanied by our equipment and service offering.        take advantage of this massive amount of data,              through 2019 and we started collaborating with
Another milestone in port technology development          Konecranes established a Data Science Lab in Lyon,          three new startups, with use cases from Port
was the demonstration in Q4 of our capability to          France that builds analytics and insights from data.        Solutions and Service.
retrofit competitor equipment with Konecranes’            With centralized data science skills, Konecranes
brand neutral automation solutions. Both solutions        can capitalize, share and turn data models into             Co-operation with ecosystems like DIMECC’s
enable growth and new business for Konecranes.            production.                                                 Intelligent Industry Ecosystem and startup hubs,
                                                                                                                      like Maria 01, are an important part of our extended
For industrial and port customers, the digital            The Data Science Lab projects are in full speed. One        innovation ecosystem. The benefits of embracing
customer offering widened with several new digital        concrete project to increase customer-centricity is         open innovation hve been now extended by
services, like Konecranes CheckApp for Daily              the further analysis of our customer feedback data.         launching the first internal project accelerator at
Inspections, TRUCONNECT® Wire Rope Monitoring             After a service or equipment delivery, Konecranes           Maria 01 with four R&D projects. The teams are
and Remote Operation Station 2.0. The services            measures customers’ experience with the Voice of            working in a startup-like environment to quickly
address specified customer problems and needs, and        Customer survey. With data science and AI-driven            develop customer-centric digital solutions.
we collaborate with multiple industrial companies to      analysis, we can derive more information from
ensure the services fit their purpose.                    ratings and free text comments and see better

                                                                                                                                                                               Annual Review 2019   20
YEAR 2019             STRATEGY                  BUSINESS AREAS               R&D             SUSTAINABILITY               KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

                                                                                                                           From optimized, systematic maintenance services to leading
PRODUCT OVERVIEW 2019                                                                                                      lifting solutions and software, Konecranes’ products fulfill
                                                                                                                           every need.

SERVICE                                     YOURKONECRANES.COM                               PARTS                                        KONECRANES STORE                                MODERNIZATIONS
Konecranes provides specialized             yourKONECRANES is our cloud-based                We offer genuine Konecranes spare parts      Konecranes STORE offers 24/7 access             We can completely modernize an existing
maintenance services and spare parts        customer portal. Crane usage data,               as well as replacement parts for all other   to spare parts and accessories for many         crane as an alternative to replacing it.
for all types and makes of industrial       maintenance data and asset details are           makes and models. Konecranes’ ability to     brands, makes and models of cranes and          Modernizations can help increase capacity,
cranes and hoists. Our offering includes    linked, giving a transparent view of events      design and manufacture parts includes        hoists, and selected pre-configured lifting     speed, duty, ergonomics and load control.
inspections and preventive maintenance,     and activities.                                  rebuilding, reverse engineering, made-to-    equipment.
predictive maintenance and remote                                                            order parts, and component and assembly
monitoring, corrective maintenance                                                           modernization.
and retrofits, consultation services,
modernization services, new equipment
and spare parts.

Konecranes Smart Features are available     TO-ORDER CRANES (CTO)                            TO-ORDER CRANES (ETO)                        Konecranes’ light lifting products offer        ENVIRONMENTS
for electric overhead traveling cranes      Konecranes’ range of Configured-to-Order         Konecranes’ Engineered-to-Order              safe and reliable material handling for         Our comprehensive range of explosion-
and port cranes, bringing improvements      industrial cranes, from standard to the          cranes incorporate intelligent features,     workstations and production lines across a      proof cranes and components draws from
to both safety and productivity through     most advanced, covers almost every lifting       ergonomic controls and automation to         wide range of manufacturing operations. In      our long experience in explosion-proof
software and hardware. Boasting             application. Launched in 2019, our new           assist operators. Our newly launched         2019, we introduced the new C-series: built     applications. World-class engineering and
features such as Sway Control and Target    S-series crane has never-before-seen             M-series is the most compact and modular     for over a million operations, it is our most   product development defines the lifting
Positioning, they can be installed on new   features like the tilted drum, offset reeving,   heavy winch in the business, maximizing      advanced electrical chain hoist to date.        equipment, which is designed for extremely
cranes or retrofitted to existing ones.     synthetic rope and the girder sliding            performance and minimizing downtime.                                                         demanding work environments.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Annual Review 2019      21
YEAR 2019              STRATEGY                BUSINESS AREAS               R&D             SUSTAINABILITY             KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

UNIVERSAL CRANES                            PROCESS CRANES                                 MODULAR CRANES                             REMOTE OPERATING STATION (ROS)                 KONECRANES LIVE CHANNEL
Our Demag universal crane portfolio         We tailor our Demag process cranes             Our Demag modular crane components         Featuring the same controls as an              Konecranes Live Channel allows a
includes single and double-girder           to meet customers’ production needs,           can be combined to create individual       operator’s cabin, our ROS enables remote       prospective buyer to test-drive a crane
overhead traveling cranes and suspension    maximizing efficiency, availability and        suspension monorails, suspension cranes    crane control through real-time camera         without leaving the office. Using a crane
cranes. Built on decades of experience,     safety. We provide fully automated crane       and pillar-mounted and wall-mounted        views. The ROS brings savings and              equipped with the latest Konecranes Smart
they deliver quality, efficiency and        solutions for industrial storage spaces and    slewing jib crane systems, from a          ergonomics of use to the customer since        Features, customers can conveniently
reliability.                                manufacturing processes.                       single working station up to a complete    no operating cabin is needed on the crane.     experience our products via an online call.
                                                                                           intralogistics system.

COMPONENTS                                  FORKLIFT TRUCKS                                CONTAINER LIFT TRUCKS                      REACH STACKERS                                 PORT SERVICE
Our Demag components include hoists,        Konecranes heavy-duty forklift trucks have     Maneuverable, strong and reliable,         Powerful, efficient and offering proven        We provide technical support for all makes
control units and other crane modules       lifting capacities ranging from 10 to 65       Konecranes container lift trucks handle    performance, Konecranes reach stackers         and models of equipment in container
as well as drives, wheel blocks, travel     tons. The OPTIMA cabin provides increased      empty (8–10 tons) and laden (30–45         have lifting capacities ranging from 10 to     handling, bulk handling and shipbuilding
units, inverters, energy supply lines and   safety and visibility and the latest engines   tons) containers at ports and intermodal   80 tons for container handling, with special   operations. We help customers to maintain
control systems. We offer a complete        are eco-efficient and powerful.                terminals.                                 attachments for a wide range of industrial     the safety and reliability of their equipment
range of products, from sub-assemblies to                                                                                             applications.                                  throughout its lifetime.
complete systems.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Annual Review 2019        22
YEAR 2019            STRATEGY                BUSINESS AREAS                R&D              SUSTAINABILITY               KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

TERMINAL OPERATING SYSTEM                   SHIPYARD CRANES                                CONTAINER HANDLING EQUIPMENT                   MOBILE HARBOR CRANES                             STRADDLE CARRIERS
Our TBA Group’s Terminal Operating          Konecranes’ offering for shipyard material     Konecranes’ offering for container handling    Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Cranes         Konecranes Noell Straddle Carriers
Systems (TOS) enable users to manage        handling includes plate and block handling     includes ship-to-shore cranes, rubber-         are a very efficient and flexible solution for   are available in several sizes, stacking
cargo flow within container, bulk and       cranes for hull manufacturing, floating dock   tired gantry cranes, rail-mounted gantry       handling containers, bulk materials, general     containers 1-over-2 or 1-over-3.
general cargo ports and terminals.          cranes, single-boom and double-boom            cranes, automated RTG and RMG cranes,          cargo and project cargoes in terminals.          Maneuverable, fast and reliable, these
Integration with on-site equipment, and     cranes for ship outfitting, and the Goliath    automated guided vehicles and straddle                                                          machines can be fully automated without
real-time reporting, allows users to plan   gantry crane for ship block assembly.          carriers.                                                                                       the need for additional yard infrastructure.
workloads, define storage locations,
improve decision making and efficiently
manage operations.

AUTOMATED STACKING CRANE                    AUTOMATED HORIZONTAL                           RAIL MOUNTED GANTRY CRANE                      SHIP-TO-SHORE (STS) CRANES                       NUCLEAR CRANES
(ASC) SYSTEMS                               TRANSPORT                                      (RMG)                                          Used for container ship loading and              We provide nuclear cranes, specialized
Konecranes offers automated rail-mounted    Konecranes offers a complete portfolio         Konecranes’ RMG sets the standard              unloading, our STS cranes have a lifting         lifting equipment and licensing support
gantry (ARMG) and automated rubber-         of automated horizontal transport              for intermodal container handling. It          capacity of up to 65 tons and an outreach        for our customers throughout the global
tired gantry (ARTG) systems. They offer     for automated container handling in            incorporates a host of technological           of up to 70 meters.                              nuclear industry.
container terminals all the advantages of   terminals. This includes the Konecranes        innovations, most notably smarter cabin
fully automated operations.                 Noell A-SPRINTER, Konecranes Gottwald          with video and monitoring technology
                                            Automated Guided Vehicles and Automated        that provides superb visibility to container
                                            Terminal Tractors.                             handling operations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Annual Review 2019       23

We believe that sustainable growth
results from strong, responsible
performance. We create value
for our stakeholders on multiple
fronts, through circular economy,
digitalization and our deeply rooted
safety culture. For our customers,
we offer solutions they can rely on
and on-time, impeccable service.
With our service concept, all lifting
equipment can be maintained
in excellent condition for top
performance, extending the life
span to the fullest.

                                                                                                                  Annual Review 2019   24
YEAR 2019            STRATEGY           BUSINESS AREAS             R&D            SUSTAINABILITY           KONECRANES AS AN INVESTMENT

                                                             natural hazard risk assessments at certain company        In 2019 we:
Sustainable offering and circularity
                                                             sites.                                                    • Reviewed basic HR procedures such as
We design our products with their complete life
                                                          • Finished an extensive Life Cycle Assessment                  recruitment, career development, rewarding,
cycle in mind, as the majority of the environmental          (LCA) calculation on one product group to find               and learning & development to ensure that
impact of products’ lifecycle is defined at the product      improvement areas.                                           diversity issues are properly taken into account,
design stage. Building our processes around circular      • Started drafting of a Climate road map with the top          our decision-making process is transparent, and
economy principles helps us improve our resource             management                                                   selections can be justified.
and energy efficiency while creating value for the                                                                     • Prepared a training on unconscious bias for top
customer by reducing their environmental footprint.       Safe workplace and safe products                                leadership and line managers and established an
                                                          Safety at Konecranes begins with providing our                  internal platform for sharing ideas on diversity and
In 2019 we:                                               customers with equipment and services that enable               inclusion.
• Continued our work on making circularity an            them to work efficiently and safely throughout the           • Launched an initiative where Executive Managers
   integral part of key internal processes                                                                                are mentoring a female mentee.
                                                          product lifecycle. We incorporate safety into the
• Held internal workshops and trainings on circular      design, manufacturing, maintenance and servicing
                                                          of our products. Our safety culture is based on
• Started work on a Circular Economy roadmap
                                                          the principle that there is no work so urgent or
Climate action and resource efficiency                    important that it cannot be done safely. We strive
                                                          for a working culture where workplace injuries and
We are committed to providing our customers with
sustainable solutions and services while preventing       illnesses are prevented with our established standard
                                                          operating procedures and behavioral safety rules.
                                                                                                                            Our targets
and minimizing emissions and waste. The focus of
our climate work is to strive for energy efficiency
and emission reductions and to analyze the possible       In 2019 we:                                                       • Code of Conduct training
direct and indirect impacts climate change might          • Identified the strategic focus areas for Safety. For           • Assessing suppliers for sustainability
have on on our business. We work hard to reduce              more details, see the Sustainability Report                    • Certified ISO 14001 Environmental
our carbon footprint through setting challenging          • Rolled out the Konecranes Life Saving Behaviors                    Management Systems in all our factories
targets for energy efficiency and emissions.              • Improved our Lost-Time Accident (LTA) rate by                   • Reducing energy intensity
                                                             9.4%                                                           • Reducing emission intensity in each Business Area
In 2019 we:
                                                                                                                            • Decreasing our Lost-Time Accident level
• Continued to work towards meeting our                  A diverse, inclusive and engaging work
                                                                                                                            • Significantly reducing serious injuries and achieving zero fatalities
   environmental targets which include reducing           environment
   our energy intensity (MWh/sales) by 25% and            Our innovation not only focuses on products,                      • Certified Occupational Health and Safety management systems
   greenhouse gas emission intensity (tCO2e/sales)        technologies and service solutions, but also on                      OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001 in all factories
   by 50% during 2017−2025. In addition, we               new ways of working and leveraging workforce                      • Tracking, monitoring and managing subcontractor safety
   are committed to powering our factories with           diversity to amplify innovation. Fostering diversity              • Increasing the proportion of women in top management
   100% renewable electricity by 2025. See the            in terms of gender, age, cultural and educational                 • Balancing nationalities in our Group management to maintain
   Sustainability Report for more information about       backgrounds has been repeatedly proven to                            a global mindset
   our 2019 performance.                                  encourage innovation and deliver exceptional
• Finalized a climate risk scenario analysis to          organizational performance.
   strengthen our understanding of climate change                                                                           See the Sustainability Report for more details.
   and its physical and transitional risks as well as
   related market risks. We have also conducted

                                                                                                                                                                                        Annual Review 2019   25
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