ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

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ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation
    2019 2020
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation
                  B Y DAV I D S A I N S B U RY
   TO R E A L I S E H I S C H A R I TA B L E O B J E C T I V E S .
                   NUMBER OF AREAS:

    SC I E N C E A N D E N G I N E E R I N G E D U C AT I O N
                           THE ARTS

   A B O U T S U P P O RT I N G I N N O VAT I O N . W E A R E
      TO U N D E R S TA N D T H E O P P O RT U N I T I E S
      A N D P RO B L E M S W E TA C K L E . W E TA K E A
L O N G -T E R M V I E W A S W E D O N O T T H I N K M U C H
      C A N B E A C H I E V E D B Y S H O R T, O N E - O F F
  P R O J E C T S . W E A R E A LW AY S E A G E R TO F O R M
                     SHARE OUR GOALS .
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

    I N T R O D UC T ION


    P L AN T S C I E NC E

    N E U R O S C I E NC E

      E D U C AT I O N



        THE ARTS
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

                  Settlor of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation

          I have always wanted Gatsby to be proactive
       and have never been content for us to sit back and
        wait for people to bring us interesting proposals.
         Gatsby has also always been focussed on areas
           that I think are vitally important and where I
         believe that Gatsby can make a real difference.
         As a result we have always been motivated to
              think innovatively and take bold action.
          This means that throughout Gatsby’s life we
        have mainly initiated projects rather than funding
          projects brought to us. This model is reliant
         on finding passionate and dedicated experts to
          lead our work – imaginative people capable
            of looking at an issue and bringing others
           together to create entirely new solutions.
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

                                             Whenever I travelled with Laurence, there   convinced that we should develop a
                                             was immense enthusiasm for his work –       project to transfer clonal technology
                                             his long commitment to collaboration        for growing improved Eucalyptus from
                                             and locally-led development, his wisdom     South Africa to Kenya – the start of our
                                             and intelligence, and his personal warmth   involvement with East African forestry.
                                             meant that he had a particularly special
                                                                                         Many years later, that involvement has
                                             place in the affections of all those
                                                                                         evolved into two sector programmes
                                             connected with our work in Africa.
                                                                                         seeking to transform commercial forestry
                                             The projects Laurence helped initiate       in Tanzania and Kenya. The programmes
                                             have benefitted many people across          have made substantial progress and there
                                             many different African countries. Perhaps   is real excitement about what could be
                                             as importantly, as our work in Africa has   achieved – particularly through innovation
In the mid-1980s we were becoming            evolved, we continue to benefit from        and the adoption of new processing
increasingly excited by the potential        his values and philosophy, which remain     technologies throughout different wood
impact that new developments in plant        imprinted on our work. With Laurence        value chains.
science could have on agriculture in         retiring in 2019, I wish to take this
                                                                                         The forestry programmes were led
Africa. But we lacked connections            opportunity to once again thank him for
                                                                                         and driven forward in recent years by
to the kind of expert we would need          his enormous contribution to Gatsby.
                                                                                         another exceptional individual, Luke
to lead on exploring and developing
                                                                                         Potter. Devastatingly, we lost Luke in
potential projects. A family friend
                                                                                         2019 in a terrorist attack on the place
with knowledge of Indian agriculture,
                                                                                         where he was working. I was fortunate
Robert Cassen, suggested we talk to
                                                                                         to work closely with him on several
a development economist who had
                                                                                         occasions, and he never failed to impress
worked on agricultural and rural
issues across more than ten African
                                               THE PROGRAMMES                            me. He had an irrepressible energy and
                                                                                         allied his excitement for new ideas with
countries – Laurence Cockcroft.                   HAVE MADE                              a deep practicality. It is clear that Luke’s
Laurence became our advisor and set                                                      teams were devoted to him, that he
about shaping our Africa programmes,             SUBSTANTIAL                             inspired others to push themselves
always guided by his firm principle that
it was only by working through local
                                                PROGRESS AND                             and fulfil their potential, and that he
                                                                                         was utterly selfless in giving his time
people that we could develop sustainable
projects and ensure any effort was
                                                 THERE IS REAL                           and energy to others.
                                                                                         In 2019 we also suffered the sudden loss
genuinely responsive to local needs.          EXCITEMENT ABOUT                           of Richard Kisang’, who had played an
He found imaginative ways to do this,
including by forging links between               WHAT COULD                              important role for Gatsby in setting up
                                                                                         Msingi – an industry development
UK and African agricultural research
organisations, and by setting up numerous        BE ACHIEVED                             organisation for East Africa. Richard had
                                                                                         subsequently moved to become Msingi’s
local institutions. Laurence played a
                                                                                         Head of Corporate Performance. He was
crucial role in relationship-building and
                                                                                         at Msingi’s heart – a great character able
in identifying local board members,
                                                                                         to keep his audience spellbound, and a
executives and advisors – including
                                                                                         proud Kenyan passionate about his
dynamic and impressive people such as
                                                                                         country and the region’s development.
Olive Luena, Ibrahim Sueshi, Joe Githongo    Despite Laurence’s retirement, work
and Susan Elango, who became the             that he helped initiate will continue for   Luke and Richard are both deeply missed.
charismatic leaders of the institutions.     many years – most notably through           Their hard work has helped position
                                             our forestry programmes in Kenya and        numerous initiatives to make the lives
                                             Tanzania. I remember Laurence relaying      of thousands of people better. We will
Above: Gatsby advisors Olive Luena and
                                             his experience of first meeting Kenyan      now work to realise that promise in
Laurence Cockcroft meeting Jakaya Kikwete,   plant pathologist Florence Wambugu –        memory of them.
then Tanzanian president, in 2009.           a “force of nature”. We were quickly
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

My great friend Roger Freedman first
triggered my excitement about the
possibilities of science when we were
together at university. Roger has acted
as an invaluable advisor throughout
Gatsby’s life, and was responsible for
shaping our programmes in plant
science and neuroscience.
Gatsby also supports the Two Blades
Foundation – a charitable organisation
chaired by Roger that seeks to develop
crops with durable disease resistance and
promote their deployment worldwide.
Roger is leading a Two Blades project to
tackle Wheat Stem Rust, a fungus which
at its worst can devastate crops and
cause 50–100% yield loss.
A new strain of rust arose in Uganda in          NEUROSCIENCE                                    PUBLIC POLICY
1999 and has been moving across East             My fascination with the brain also              We live in a period of dramatic economic
Africa and towards the Middle East.              stems back to my time at university –           change that is undoubtedly leading to
Roger and his team have been working             and particularly my studies under the           social and political upheaval in many
to “stack” resistant genes from wheat and        enormously charismatic Richard Gregory,         countries, including the UK. Economic
its wild relatives into preferred varieties      who used visual illusions to explore the        thinking has been dominated by theories
in East Africa, and last year successfully       relationship between our brains and             that privilege market efficiency, while
completed two field tests. Work now              our senses.                                     underplaying the role of innovation
proceeds to a full demonstration trial                                                           and creativity in driving growth in a
                                                 In the late 1990s, Roger and I began
in Kenya, which is exciting news.                                                                dynamic world.
                                                 exploring how Gatsby could support
                                                 neuroscience research in the UK.                More than ever, we need a dynamic
                                                 This eventually led to the creation of the      national innovation system – one that
                                                 Gatsby Computational Neuroscience               can identify opportunities and develop
                                                 Unit, designed to combine machine               strategies and policies that will deliver
                                                 intelligence with theoretical neuroscience      a high rate of innovation and high
                                                 to build neurobiologically realistic models     value-added jobs.
                                                 of the way the brain computes.
                                                                                                 This is why Gatsby supports the Centre
                                                 The Unit marked its 21st birthday in            for Science, Technology & Innovation
                                                 2019 with a special celebratory event,          Policy, based at Cambridge University’s
                                                 which included a talk from alumnus              Institute for Manufacturing. The Centre
                                                 Dr Demis Hassabis, the CEO of                   carries out practical policy research,
                                                 DeepMind – the artificial intelligence          exploring how national innovation
                                                 company that has developed algorithms           systems can effectively translate new
Above: Professor Nick Talbot (pictured)          capable of all sorts of activities, including   science and engineering ideas into
and Professor Sophien Kamoun of the              beating grandmasters at the complex             technologies, industries and wealth.
Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich are working
                                                 board game Go. The algorithms use deep
with collaborators in Bangladesh to fight                                                        The windows of opportunity for
                                                 learning – a field that was dramatically
wheat blast, a pathogen that has significantly                                                   innovation and the capabilities of firms
impacted wheat production.                       pushed forward by the Unit’s first head,
                                                                                                 to take advantage of them are at any one
                                                 Geoff Hinton, during his time there.
                                                                                                 time unevenly distributed among sectors
                                                 The possibilities are huge and I look
                                                                                                 and regions. So I am particularly pleased
                                                 forward to seeing what advances will
                                                                                                 that much of the Centre’s recent research
                                                 be made over the coming years.
                                                                                                 has examined the relationships between
                                                                                                 technology, manufacturing and sector
                                                                                                 policies – this will be critical to putting
                                                                                                 high-growth industries and high value-
                                                 Above: Glass panelling throughout the           added jobs back into communities that
                                                 Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural            have been devastated by globalisation
                                                 Circuits and Behaviour allows its researchers   over recent decades.
                                                 to brainstorm ideas, make notes and give
                                                 impromptu presentations.
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

EDUCATION                                    THE ARTS
A high-performing national innovation        Gatsby continues to support the
system needs to be backed with a             Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts.
fit-for-purpose education system that        The tour of the Centre’s exceptional
can equip young people with the technical    Alberto Giacometti: A Line Through                     IN 2019 THE
knowledge and skills needed to thrive
in the future.
                                             Time exhibition reminded me of the
                                             extraordinary talent both my parents
I continue to be delighted with the
                                             had for spotting great unknown painters
                                             and sculptors. They first met and began
                                                                                                ANNOUNCED THE
progress being made by Gatsby’s
education team in helping to shape
                                             supporting Giacometti when he was                  FIRST TWELVE IOTS
                                             practically unknown – his drawings and
technical education and career guidance
in England. The past five years have seen
                                             sculptures appealed to them greatly well             AND PLANS FOR
                                             before he became acknowledged as one
some extremely positive national policy
reform, often influenced by Gatsby’s
                                             of the twentieth century’s greatest artists.        A FURTHER EIGHT,
                                             My father’s bond with him was even
work. The challenge now is to ensure that
                                             more extraordinary given that my father            WHICH WILL MEAN
this reform is implemented successfully,
and this will be the focus of Gatsby’s
                                             couldn’t speak French and had to rely
                                             on my mother to translate.
                                                                                                THERE WILL BE ONE
education work for several years to come.
One notable example of Gatsby’s
                                             My parents’ friendships make me                      IN EVERY MAJOR
                                             reflect on my own friendships, and the
influence is the creation of Institutes
                                             great fortune I have had to meet the                CITY IN ENGLAND
of Technology (IoTs), collaborations
                                             extraordinary people who have done
between Further Education colleges
                                             so much to shape Gatsby’s work and
and universities, which specialise in
                                             my own life. I remain enormously
providing higher technical education
                                             grateful to all of them.
in science, engineering and technology.
Gatsby first presented the idea of IoTs to
government in early 2015. It is therefore
a source of great pride that, in 2019, the
                                                                                            Below: Lord Sainsbury of Turville presents
government announced the first twelve
                                                                                            the University of Warwick with an award to
IoTs and plans for a further eight, which                                                   mark their positive progress as a signatory of
will mean there will be one in every         David Sainsbury                                the Technician Commitment at a celebratory
major city in England.                       Settlor                                        event at the Tower of London.
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

                                                I N M E M O RY
                                         In 2019, Gatsby tragically lost two valued staff members –
                                      Richard Kisang’ and Luke Potter. We share the messages below
                                           from family, colleagues and friends in tribute to them.

                            TO CONTRIBUTE TO EAST AFRICA’S ECONOMIC
                             OF POVERTY FOR MILLIONS IN EAST AFRICA

                                                           RICHARD R. KISANG’

 “He was always committed to his work,           “Richard was a warm friend and more            “As a person, Kisang’ was very jovial, a
 always willing to go the extra mile – and         than a colleague – a dreamer and a          great guy to be around. He always lifted
always willing to help a friend or colleague     man of vision. He was full of love, good        the spirits of every team member he
   with the minimum amount of fuss.”              humour and a maturity well beyond           worked with. His brilliance shone through
                                                 his years. We were always stunned to         and in some instances, some of us would
“Richard was never one to turn down a
                                                  discover how young he actually was.           be shy to engage in a debate with him
request for help at any time or whatever
                                                 He was a wise man who demonstrated               because he had all his facts set out.”
kind. He always made an effort to assist.
                                               the values of love, prayer and forgiveness.”
 Be it with his time, skills, advice. He was                                                    “His star could not stop shining from its
      both brilliant and hardworking.                “Richard was simply a lovely guy.        first day. Kisang’ did not only have intellectual
He overcame many obstacles to achieve           He was always engaging, and had an ability      brilliance but also sharp entrepreneurial
       success at a very young age.”              to hold a crowd by speaking softly and       skills. We have indeed lost such a talented
                                                seriously – and was always well-informed             Kenyan, a friend and a comrade.”
    “As a testament of his brilliance and
                                                      about Kenya, speaking with the
 capability, he quickly established himself                                                          “Richard was a thought leader,
                                                   knowledge and wisdom of someone
as a go-to person within the department,                                                           independent-minded and a great
                                                   so much older. A smile was never far
very ably coming up with innovative ways                                                                  and generous soul.”
                                                 away – he had a great sense of humour
   to deliver exceptional service. It was
                                                 and was always great fun to be around.”           “You inspired me as a person and
   known if there was a difficult project,
                                                                                                   many more. You were always the
Kisang’ would be the guy to be consulted.”         “Richard was at the very inception
                                                                                                         best brain and soul.”
                                                     of the Msingi concept at Gatsby
                                                       years ago, putting in countless        “We must never forget the joy with which
                                                  hours to ensure the setup and success         Richard faced life. As he liked to say ‘eat
                                                   of the organisation. In his work, he          life with a big spoon’. Richard brought
                                                   embraced duty and friends as one,              great warmth into our office, he was
                                                 constantly reaching out to colleagues at      larger than life, who can forget his roaring
                                                 Msingi and the wider Gatsby family, and      laugh and his wonderful sense of humour.”
                                                 putting in time and effort to never leave
                                                                                               “He loved his family who were never far
                                                 anyone behind. His colleagues and vast
                                                                                               from his thoughts even on the busiest of
                                                    network of professional contacts
                                                                                                 days at work – our entire office knew
                                                 remember him as a natural leader who
                                                                                                     about Tina and the children.”
                                                    was knowledgeable, insightful and
                                                   a tireless champion for the country,           “May we as friends of Richard keep
                                                           region and continent.”                          his spirit alive.”
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

   “We have the choice and ability to          “It didn’t take long for me to realise how
improve society and fix the broken world,     lucky I was to have a boss and mentor like
    and Luke was a prime example of              Luke. He eagerly shared his wealth of
 someone who dedicated his working life        experience and ideas with me; he always
             to that cause.”                    had time, despite how busy he was; he
                                              pushed me to think big and be ambitious.
    “He was an incredibly hard worker,
                                                  And when we worked together on
  sometimes to his detriment. He simply
                                                something, he always made sure I was
  never put himself first. No matter how
                                               given the credit. Putting others first was
    challenging – he was unwavering in
                                              second nature to Luke. He was someone
 choosing what he saw as the right path.”
                                               to look up to, to aspire to be more like.”
“Luke possessed the dual qualities of being
                                              “This outpouring of love and praise would
 both a big thinker and understanding the
                                                have really embarrassed Luke, because
  detail needed to get there. It has to be
                                                  he was a very humble guy. He would
  said that sometimes the detail became
                                               probably have grinned for a moment, but
 overwhelming though, and many a time
                                                   then just got on with his work in his
 we would be bewildered by his complex
                                                diligent, thoughtful and humble way. He
 diagrams, concepts and pages crammed
                                              selflessly gave his time and energy to others.”
                full of notes!”
                                                                                                 “Family was hugely important to Luke.
                                                “He had a wicked and unique sense of
 “One of his most inspiring traits was his                                                         Eleni and Holly always featured in
                                                 humour, and those striking blue eyes
  deep interest in the world and how it                                                            his plans, and he couldn’t hide his
                                                always had a mischievous glint in them.
 worked. He was always open to all the                                                             excitement of sharing his passions
                                                 We will miss his smile, his crazy ideas,
endless possibilities for progress and was                                                            with his two favourite girls.”
                                                  his funny stories, and his quiet but
 always full of discussions as to how new
                                                  determined energy for life and for            “He was always surrounded by friends.
ways of thinking could make a difference.”
                                                           helping others.”                      Because he was the very fire around
“Luke would enter the office and make it a                                                      which others would warm themselves.”
                                                “Part of his legacy will be those many
 point to connect with everyone. And he
                                               smiling faces of farmers and their families      “He was extremely motivated to make
 remembered, no matter how long it was
                                                 whose livelihoods he so passionately           the world a better place and worked so
since you last spoke, where conversations
                                                          helped to improve.”                   hard to bring success not for himself but
     – both work and personal – left off.
                                                                                                for others. People love him and admire
 It was always these small things – the few   “He lit up the room with his smile and his
                                                                                                  his dedication. He will always be my
      minutes he took with people, the        gentleness. You felt like you were the only
                                                                                                    friend and source of inspiration.”
   thoughtful feedback he gave, how he’d       one in the room when he talked to you.
push you to think strategically and how he    Gracious, warm, good, kind, beautiful and           “Thank you for all you have given to
   made it a point to appreciate the work        smiley. You could see the love he had           everyone you touched, Luke, and we
    that you were doing – that made him         for his daughter when he talked about           will strive to honour your legacy by living
           such a great colleague.”               her and her dance competitions.”              your values and continuing your work.”

                            TO BUILD A COUNTRY, LONG-TERM STABILITY IS NOT

                                                              LUKE POTTER
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 2020 - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

                PL ANT SCIENCE

We aim to support research which                 We also sustain an extended group
builds a fundamental understanding of            of plant scientists through our Plant
plant biology. To this end we provide            Science Network, and award ad hoc
core funding for two major laboratories.         grants to researchers whose work
The Sainsbury Laboratory at Norwich              needs additional support from a funder
is a research centre for the study of            prepared to take risks in support of
plant-pathogen relationships. The more-          ground-breaking research.
recently established Sainsbury Laboratory
                                                 Some of the greatest challenges posed
Cambridge University is devoted to
                                                 by population growth and climate
the study of plant development.
                                                 change will only be met by translating
These centres of excellence attract              a fundamental understanding of plant
world-class researchers, and offer               biology into improvements in agriculture.
inspiration and opportunities to the             Where opportunities to advance
young scientists we encourage and                new knowledge into practical use are
support through our studentships,                identified, we provide support for
summer schools and educational projects.         their development.

Since 1987 Gatsby has supported TSL
to focus on understanding how microbes
manipulate plants and cause disease, and
how plants defend themselves against
this process. Over three decades, TSL
has built an outstanding international
reputation for scientific excellence.
Key discoveries over the past year
include: identification of a domain,
called MADA, present in a group of plant
immune receptors, which may be involved
in triggering plant cell death during
immunity; identification of a novel calcium
channel protein which is key to early
plant defence; and the discovery of new
disease resistance genes from wild potato
varieties, wheat, barley and legumes for
a range of significant crop diseases.
We recently carried out a comprehensive       THE GATSBY PLANT SCIENCE                           Seeking to nurture post-16 students to
review of all the Centre’s activities.        EDUCATION PROGRAMME (GPSEP)                        become the next generation of plant
Five TSL scientists – Jonathan Jones,         GPSEP aims to improve the teaching                 science researchers, in 2019 GPSEP
Sophien Kamoun, Cyril Zipfel, Nicholas        and learning of plant science at all ages,         further developed its plant science
Talbot and Joe Win – appeared in              engaging and inspiring the next generation         ‘masterclasses’, working with nine
the Clarivate Analytics Highly-Cited          of plant scientists through projects in            universities and reaching 300 16–18 year
Researcher List 2018, and group leaders       both schools and higher education. The             olds. With funding from EIT Food, an
have also raised significant external         programme is overseen by SLCU and the              online course for pre-university bioscience
funding from the UK’s Biotechnology           Cambridge University Botanic Garden.               students was also developed. The course,
and Biological Sciences Research Council                                                         ‘Improving Food Production with
                                              The Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS)
(BBSRC) and Global Challenges Research                                                           Agricultural Technology and Plant
                                              project provides engaging plant science
Fund, the European Research Council,                                                             Biotechnology’, launched in autumn 2019
                                              teaching resources for UK school teachers
international foundations and industrial                                                         and recruited nearly 1,000 participants.
                                              and technicians. In 2019 a new online
partners. Based on its excellent scientific                                                      2019 also saw the 15th annual Gatsby
                                              course was developed, focussing on
developments, outputs and future plans,                                                          Plant Science Summer School, at which
                                              building subject knowledge and confidence
we have confirmed renewed support for                                                            80 of the UK’s brightest bioscience
                                              in teaching plant science. Jointly developed
TSL for a further five-year research cycle.                                                      undergraduates participated in a series of
                                              with the National STEM Learning Centre,
                                                                                                 lectures, practical sessions and discussions
The Executive Director, Professor             over 650 UK educators have already
                                                                                                 with leading scientists and researchers.
Nicholas Talbot, is steering a new            participated in the course. SAPS also
strategic direction linking fundamental       continued to run its Train the Trainer
and translational research to address         courses for those who train student
emerging diseases, sustainable agriculture    science teachers. In 2019 these popular
and plant health. As part of this, TSL        courses enabled the cascade of SAPS
will recruit a new faculty member             activities to around 1,650 trainee
with complementary expertise, and             science teachers.                                           OVER 650
collaborative efforts will be fostered
between group leaders within TSL and                                                                   UK EDUCATORS
at other Gatsby-supported institutions.
A further new effort is an innovative                                                                   HAVE ALREADY
Masters degree programme on global
plant protection launching in 2020. It will                                                            PARTICIPATED IN
equip the next generation of leaders with
not only key knowledge of molecular plant     Above: Undergraduates identifying and                      THE COURSE
                                              classifying plants during a practical session at
pathology, but also with the expertise        the Gatsby Plant Science Summer School 2019.
to address contemporary challenges            –
in the control of emerging diseases in        Opposite page: SLCU Research Associate
global agriculture, as well as in knowledge   Stephanie Smith is investigating the control of
                                              shoot branching by nitrate availability in the
transfer and business practices.
                                              model monocot plant Brachypodium distachyon.

                                                                                             THE LABORATORY
                                                                                               CONTINUES TO
                                                                                            INVEST IN CUTTING-
                                                                                            EDGE TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                              TO FACILITATE ITS

SAINSBURY LABORATORY                        Research activities across SLCU continue      These researchers, from SLCU, TSL,
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY (SLCU)                 to integrate computational and theoretical    Cambridge University, Lancaster
The aim of SLCU is to develop an            approaches with diverse experimental          University and the John Innes Centre,
integrated understanding of the             methods. This year the Laboratory hosted      are developing innovations to increase
regulatory mechanisms underlying plant      the second Cambridge Developmental            productivity, increase crop yields
growth and development. Now in its          Biology meeting which focused on              sustainably, and empower farmers
second five-year research cycle, the        quantitative approaches. SLCU also            across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Laboratory has a highly collaborative       continues its ongoing computational           During the visit, Alok Sharma announced
and interdisciplinary research              biology workshops in collaboration            that DFID will provide a further
environment that draws on molecular,        with ENS-Lyon.                                £38 million of UK aid to contribute
cellular, whole plant, computational,                                                     to a portfolio of projects, and this
                                            The Laboratory continues to invest in
and population biology approaches to                                                      will strengthen DFID’s ongoing
                                            cutting-edge technology to facilitate its
investigate how plants are constructed.                                                   partnership with the Gates Foundation.
                                            experimental research. A new Zeiss
There are currently twelve research         upright confocal microscope for spectral      Every year, the Laboratory runs a range
groups, two of which joined recently.       detection has been acquired, and in-house     of outreach and engagement activities.
Dr François Nédélec, a group leader,        construction of a light sheet microscope      For Big Biology Day in October 2019,
studies cell morphogenesis and              as part of a cross-university collaborative   SLCU and the Cambridge University
development using synthetic and systems     project is nearing completion. SLCU           Botanic Garden jointly ran a hands-on
biology approaches, along with computer     contributes to the EPSRC-funded               exhibition with a theme of ‘Seeds,
modelling. His expertise at the physics/    FINESSE NanoBio initiative run by the         Bees and Pollen’. Through fun, engaging
biology interface combines molecular        university’s Department of Engineering,       activities, people of all ages explored
and cellular scales, using information to   and this will acquire a customised helium/    the special mechanisms that plants have
simulate the collective behaviours that     neon/gallium ion microscope for ultrahigh-    evolved to attract different pollinators
make cells ‘alive’. Dr Sarah Robinson, a    resolution imaging.                           and disperse their seeds. Activities
career development fellow, investigates                                                   included a new card game called Pollinator
                                            In October 2019, David Sainsbury
how cell and organ size and shape are                                                     Blitz, designed and created by SLCU
                                            welcomed Bill Gates (co-chair of the Bill &
determined by using biomechanics,                                                         researchers Pamela Ribone and Stefano
                                            Melinda Gates Foundation), Alok Sharma
modelling and genomic approaches;                                                         Gatti. Visitors could also take home
                                            (UK Secretary of State at the Department
she has developed a unique mechanical
                                            for International Development (DFID))         their own mini-hydroponics science
microscope that can track extensions
                                            and Professor Charlotte Watts (DFID           experiment to compare the differences
in live cells.
                                            Chief Scientific Advisor) to SLCU to          between monocot and dicot seeds –
                                            meet plant scientists working on projects     the two major divisions of flowering
                                            supported by the three organisations.         plants – when they germinate.

THE GATSBY PLANT                             In summer 2019 we supported seven            THE TWO BLADES
SCIENCE NETWORK                              research placements for second-year          FOUNDATION (2BLADES)
The Gatsby Plant Science Network             undergraduates, hosted at the universities   Gatsby provides core support to
consists of Gatsby-funded undergraduates,    of Bristol, Cambridge and Leeds, and         2Blades, a charitable organisation
postgraduates, postdocs and alumni, with     the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh       that supports the development of
mentors chosen from UK universities          and Kew. These undergraduates will           crops with durable disease resistance
with teaching and research interests in      now have the opportunity to apply for        and promotes their deployment in
plant science.                               Sainsbury PhD studentships and will also     agriculture worldwide, with a particular
                                             attend a training weekend in Cambridge       aim of benefitting developing countries.
A challenging and stimulating training
                                             in 2020. We are delighted that all eight     Over the past year, 2Blades reviewed
weekend for Sainsbury PhD students took
                                             undergraduates who participated in           its portfolio and is focussing on six
place in spring 2019 in Cambridge. After
                                             the undergraduate placement scheme           programmes, with its major efforts
the PhD students’ own presentations,
                                             in 2018 have now chosen to study for         remaining in wheat, soybean and maize.
Professor Dame Jean Thomas gave a very
                                             PhDs in plant science, including three
entertaining and inspiring account of her                                                 The importance of understanding
                                             who secured Sainsbury PhD studentships.
personal journey in science. The following                                                plant pathogens at the molecular level
day, two Sainsbury alumni, Dr Fabian         Ahead of the new academic year,              led 2Blades to help to complete the full
Kellermeier and Dr Fiona Robertson,          members of the Network met in                genome sequences of two of agriculture’s
each shared their experiences of very        Oxford. This annual meeting provides         most dangerous and complex fungi –
different career paths – Fabian having       an important forum for undergraduate         Wheat Stem Rust and Asian Soybean
started in industry and moved to a           and PhD students to meet influential         Rust. The long-running wheat programme
career in teaching, with Fiona staying       members of the UK plant science              has completed two field tests to evaluate
in academia and now lecturing at the         community. The evening lecture was           the performance of multiple-stacked
University of Zimbabwe.                      given by the zoologist and former            resistance genes. These were
                                             Chief Scientific Adviser at DEFRA,           exceptionally successful in protecting
                                             Professor Sir Ian Boyd, who spoke            plants from disease symptoms, and this
                                             on ‘The entropy problem and critical         promising finding will now progress
                                             trade-offs’.                                 towards a demonstration trial in Kenya.
                                                                                          The programme on Asian Soybean Rust
                                                                                          (ASR) includes two academic partners,
                                                                                          TSL and the Federal University of Vicosa,
                                                                                          and has recently secured a new industrial
                                                                                          partnership with Bayer. A further
                                                                                          exciting pipeline of ASR resistance gene
                                                                                          candidates from multiple species related
                                                                                          to soybean is coming out of the 2Blades
                                                                                          group at TSL directed by Dr Peter van
                                                                                          Esse. Finally, on maize, 2Blades is again
                                                                                          working with Bayer to identify resistance
                                                                                          against damaging ear and stalk rots
                                                                                          through the 2Blades and Zipfel research
                                                                                          groups at TSL.

                                                                                          Opposite page: SLCU’s Pamela Ribone and
                                                                                          Stefano Gatti have designed an interactive
                                                                                          plant science card game called Pollinator Blitz
                                                                                          for public outreach activities. Players have to
                                                                                          correctly match flowers with their pollinator
                                                                                          in a race against their opponents.
                                                                                          Left: The plant science advisors, Professors
                                                                                          Jane Langdale, Ottoline Leyser (front centre),
                                                                                          Liam Dolan and Nick Talbot (back centre), with
                                                                                          PhD students in their final year at the most recent
                                                                                          Gatsby Plant Science Network meeting in Oxford.


                  IN EXPERIMENTAL AND

One of the most exciting challenges of             Gatsby has also developed several
the 21st century is to understand how              innovative collaborative programmes
the brain performs the computations                around the world. In addition, we
which directly underpin our behaviour.             support cutting-edge research meetings,
Our approach is to work towards this by            and invest in education, outreach and
harnessing the efforts of a dynamic and            sector development programmes.
multi-disciplinary group of scientists with
a common interest in the workings of the
brain. We are partnering with Wellcome
and University College London to do
just that in the form of the Sainsbury
Wellcome Centre – a scientific research
centre using state-of-the-art techniques           Above: SWC Histology Research Scientist
to investigate how brain circuits process          Jessica Bron-Tabi adjusts a stereo dissecting
information to create representations              microscope in preparing histological reactions
                                                   to visualise brain samples.
and guide behaviour.                               –
                                                   Opposite page: Gemma Estrada Girona and
                                                   Yiota Demosthenous, two scientists in the recently
                                                   established SWC Virology Core, collaborate on
                                                   the design of new gene delivery tools to precisely
                                                   trace and manipulate brain circuits.

SWC is a research centre at University
College London (UCL) which will house
about 200 scientists and support staff
investigating how brain circuit function
underlies behaviours.
Research highlights include work
from Dr Tiago Branco’s group; this has
identified circuits and cellular mechanisms
involved in how an animal escapes from
threats, and opens up a promising way
to understand cognitive control of
instinctive behaviours. Dr Sonja Hofer’s
group elucidated the circuit mechanisms
in the brain’s visual area which facilitate   In September 2019, an international           and USA. This highlights the Unit’s
integration of contours in the environment,   panel of experts carried out an               exceptional training environment.
and so may be important in object             extensive review looking at how SWC has
                                                                                            In 2019, the Unit celebrated the success
grouping and in understanding the visual      developed over its initial research cycle.
                                                                                            of its PhD training programme when one
scene. And a new virology core has been       The reviewers were very complimentary
                                                                                            of its recent students, Wittawat Jitkrittum,
established to expand on the sharing of       of achievements to date including the
                                                                                            supervised by Professor Arthur Gretton,
viral reagents for circuit tracing already    calibre of the recruited researchers, the
                                                                                            won the Inaugural ELLIS (European
done by the Margrie and Murray labs.          core facilities and the research culture.
                                                                                            Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent
                                              They agreed SWC has great potential to
New faculty member Dr Athena                                                                Systems) PhD Award, which recognises
                                              make important discoveries over the next
Akrami joined SWC in autumn 2018.                                                           outstanding research achievements in
                                              five years. We look forward to working
Her research combines theory and                                                            artificial intelligence and machine learning.
                                              with SWC to finalise arrangements and
experiment to study the fundamental           support for the second research cycle.        Peter Orbanz joined GCNU in summer
principles by which the nervous system’s                                                    2019 as an Associate Professor of Machine
computations underlie learning and                                                          Learning. His research group will study
memory; high-throughput training is           GATSBY COMPUTATIONAL
                                                                                            network and relational data, Bayesian
used to combine sophisticated and             NEUROSCIENCE UNIT (GCNU)
                                                                                            nonparametrics, and exchangeability and
quantifiable behavioural paradigms            Gatsby founded GCNU at UCL over two
                                                                                            symmetry properties. More generally, he
with powerful tools to monitor and            decades ago to bring together a critical
                                                                                            is interested in all mathematical aspects of
manipulate neural circuits.                   mass of theoreticians focussing on the
                                                                                            machine learning and pattern recognition.
                                              computational theories of perception
SWC continues to develop deeper               and action in neural and machine systems.     The quality of GCNU research was
links with the Gatsby Computational                                                         further highlighted by securing two oral
Neuroscience Unit (GCNU; also located         In July 2019, a three-day ‘birthday’
                                                                                            presentations at Neural Information
within the SWC building). In addition to      symposium was organised to celebrate
                                                                                            Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2019, with
overlaps in PhD programmes, a senior          the 21st anniversary of the Unit. The first
                                                                                            papers on causal inference and on neural
post-doctoral fellowship programme            day was a public programme featuring
                                                                                            models for planning under uncertainty.
designed explicitly to link theory and        current and previous faculty members, as
                                              well as alumnus Dr Demis Hassabis (CEO,       NeurIPS is the foremost international
experiment has been launched. Each                                                          conference linking artificial and natural
fellow will be jointly mentored by SWC        Deepmind); they discussed their work and
                                              the key role the creation of GCNU had         intelligence, with only 0.5% of paper
and GCNU faculty, and will operate                                                          submissions selected for oral presentation.
with greater independence to pursue           played in the then burgeoning fields of
projects actively engaging both domains.      theoretical neuroscience and machine          In addition, GCNU have appointed
                                              learning. The remaining days consisted of     two key individuals: a skilled neuro-
UCL researcher Professor Neil Burgess         talks from student and post-doc alumni.       informatician who will support the
has been appointed as an affiliate            The meeting was a success, with               curation and professionalisation of
group leader to help further catalyse         approximately 70 of the world’s leading       GCNU’s outputs to increase their impact
breakthroughs at the theory-experiment        experts in theoretical neuroscience and       and collaborations with experimentalists;
interface. SWC will host a Wellcome           machine learning attending. Some former       and a scientific programme manager
collaborative award led by Professor          Unit members have gone on to large tech       to oversee partnerships and actively
Burgess and involving scientists from UCL     firms such as DeepMind, Uber, Amazon          develop broader engagement.
and Oxford focussed on representations        and Alibaba – whilst the majority have
of spatial transformations in the             retained academic positions in top
hippocampus and parietal areas.               universities throughout the UK, Europe

AT COLUMBIA AND HEBREW                          REVIEW AT RCPSYCH                             ASSOCIATION (BNA)
UNIVERSITIES                                    In partnership with Wellcome, we have         In late 2018, we provided a three-year
We renewed support for two world-class          renewed support to the UK’s Royal             grant to BNA to implement a new strategy
theoretical neuroscience centres as part        College of Psychiatry to update the           aiming to reposition the Association as a
of an on-going partnership with GCNU.           content of the postgraduate curriculum        powerful force supporting neuroscience
These are the Centre for Theoretical            for psychiatry to include neuroscience        and neuroscientists in the UK. This will
Neuroscience at Columbia University in          and technologies relevant to brain and        be achieved by a drive to increase and
the USA and the Gatsby Programme in             mental health disorders.                      broaden membership, the introduction
Theoretical Neuroscience at the Safra                                                         of bold annual themes, and a major
                                                During 2019, the College updated the
Centre for Brain Sciences (ELSC) at                                                           sector development project: Credibility
                                                neuroscience components of the syllabus
the Hebrew University in Israel. Gatsby                                                       in Neuroscience.
                                                and all candidates taking the written
funding is used by these centres to
                                                examination are now required to learn         The project on credibility started in
support graduate students and post-
                                                the new content. The bootcamp model           early 2019 and will explore issues of
doctoral scientists, bridging academic
                                                for teaching neuroscience principles          reproducibility, replicability and reliability
personnel, administrative support, and
                                                which was successful in early phases of       in neuroscience research over the next ten
a new IT infrastructure.
                                                the project is being continued, with more     years. The official launch took place at the
This support has been instrumental in           self-organised events around the UK.          Houses of Parliament in November 2019.
enabling the centres to develop further.                                                      SWC hosted a BNA workshop in late 2019
                                                We also provided twelve bursaries for
For example, the Columbia Centre                                                              on reproducibility, demands for research
                                                psychiatrist trainers to attend the British
secured significant US BRAIN Initiative                                                       that embodies excellence and impact, and
                                                Neuroscience Association (BNA) 2019
cooperative grants to link experiment                                                         the next Research Excellence Framework
                                                Festival of Neuroscience in Dublin; this
and theory on visual stimuli and on motor                                                     exercise (REF2021). BNA will host
                                                enabled them to expand their knowledge
control, while group leaders at ELSC                                                          the biennial Federation of European
                                                and contacts so as to lead new training
have formed international collaborations                                                      Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum
                                                events and strengthen greatly the
with the US and EU brain initiatives.                                                         in Glasgow in summer 2020.
                                                College’s regional ‘Neuroscience in
                                                Psychiatry Networks’ for the future.          Expansion in the staff team has allowed
                                                Appetite for the latest neuroscientific       BNA to continue existing activities such
                                                information continues, and an advanced        as the Festival of Neuroscience as well as
                                                bootcamp is being considered that             explore new ones, ensuring that the BNA
                                                could be used across the country.             is truly representative and relevant to
Below: Professor Maneesh Sahani, Director
                                                                                              everyone in neuroscience including those
of GCNU, giving a lecture on Machine Learning                                                 in the commercial sector, the clinic and
to PhD and Master’s students at UCL.                                                          in wider society.

      3,000 OF THE

MOONSHOT FOR AUTISM                            TRAINING PROGRAMME                                  NEUROPIXELS PROBES
We are supporting Professor Karl               We are partnering with FENS,                        Since 2013 a consortium of UCL (with
Deisseroth at Stanford University to           International Brain Research Organisation           funding from Gatsby and Wellcome),
discover the mechanisms of autism              (IBRO), Bordeaux Neurocampus and                    HHMI Janelia in Virginia, USA, and the
brain dynamics with a view to proposing        Champalimaud Foundation to support                  Allen Institute in Seattle have collaborated
therapies. Over the past year, his group       the continued development of the                    with Imec in Belgium to develop and
has developed an approach for cellular-        CAJAL programme, a dedicated                        manufacture state-of-the-art nano-
resolution, real-time identification and       neuroscience training facility. This                electronic devices for detecting the
control of social neurons in part of the       represents a much-needed European                   activity of hundreds of neurons.
brain called the orbitofrontal cortex.         equivalent to the highly-respected
Stimulation of these social neurons            cutting-edge hands-on intensive                     At the end of 2018, the successfully-
was found to modulate reward-related           training courses in the USA.                        developed Neuropixels probe was
feeding behaviour, suggesting that there                                                           commercialised. The probe is 10mm long
                                               The goal of creating a strong, sustainable          with 960 sites and 384 recording channels.
are subnetworks which can control
                                               programme is beginning to be realised.              This combination of dense recording sites
behaviours in relation to social influences.
                                               The programme was recently established              and a high channel count into a small and
The causal dynamics of social behaviour
                                               as an independent entity in Belgium.                light-weight probe allows implantation of
will be investigated over the coming year.
                                               An experienced executive manager is                 multiple probes and long-term recording
These findings will help the Deisseroth
                                               being sought to join in 2020. This new              of very large populations of neurons
group to create novel and effective
                                               role will develop and implement new                 simultaneously across several brain
therapies which will have an impact on
                                               plans, including a strategy for partnerships,       areas in freely-behaving animals.
the treatment landscape for Autism
                                               fundraising and marketing to continue
Spectrum Disorder.                                                                                 In early 2019, production was ramped up
                                               to grow the organisation.
                                                                                                   and Neuropixels probes started to ship
                                                                                                   to neuroscience groups all over the globe.
                                                                                                   By the end of 2019, more than 250
                                                                                                   laboratories have received Neuropixels
                                                                                                   probes, with about 3,000 probes
                                                                                                   distributed in total. SWC and the CAJAL
                                                                                                   programme provide training workshops
                                                                                                   on Neuropixels probes to increase access
                                               Above: Dr Tristan Chaplin, a postdoctoral fellow
                                               in the group of Professor Troy Margrie, aligns an
                                                                                                   to researchers across the world who have
                                               objective in a miniaturised microscope designed     not previously used probe technology
                                               to measure brain activity.                          in their neuroscience experiments.

                       E DU C AT ION

For over thirty years, Gatsby has                 Adopting this approach, 2019 has seen us
developed and facilitated innovative              inform national policy in areas including
programmes to strengthen science,                 technical education reform, career
technology, engineering and mathematics           guidance, funding for post-16 STEM
(STEM) skills in the UK. In recent years,         courses, and the recruitment and
we have focussed much of our effort on            retention of specialist science teachers.
seeking to influence national education
policy. We do this by undertaking
rigorous problem analysis, commissioning
high-quality research, proposing pragmatic
policy solutions and engaging closely             Above: In 2018, every secondary school
with government officials, sector bodies          in England received Gatsby’s Good Practical
and other stakeholders to support                 Science report, which specifies what world-class
implementation of positive reform.                practical science should look like in schools and
                                                  how it can be achieved.
                                                  Opposite page: Our local area programme works
                                                  in five localities to support coherent planning for
                                                  technical education reform, in order to provide
                                                  clear progression pathways for young learners.

TECHNICAL EDUCATION REFORM                  It is important that all parts of the FE     We are working with BCS, the Chartered
In June 2016, the government accepted all   sector understand the implications of        Institute for IT, and the Science Council
34 recommendations of the Independent       technical education reform and are able      to ensure that this opportunity will also
Panel on Technical Education, chaired by    to fully engage in its implementation.       be available for T-level students in IT- and
David Sainsbury. Since then, Gatsby has     To this end, we have partnered with the      science-related fields.
worked alongside the Department for         Association of Colleges and DfE to deliver
                                                                                         The apprenticeships system in England
Education (DfE) and key partners to         awareness-raising workshops to support
                                                                                         continues to undergo significant reform.
support a technical education system that   FE training providers’ planning for
                                                                                         As such our work is focussing on how
develops the skills needed by employers,    T-levels. We have also arranged several
                                                                                         to improve the quality of apprenticeship
and provides students with a clear route    international study visits, taking college
                                                                                         training and on exploring the mechanisms
to skilled employment or further study.     leaders and government officials to
                                                                                         other countries use. As part of this
                                            explore highly-regarded technical
Successful technical education reform                                                    approach, we have recently commissioned
                                            education systems in countries such
requires collaboration between national                                                  research to examine the quality of on- and
                                            as Switzerland and the Netherlands.
and local government, Further Education                                                  off-the-job training in apprenticeships to
(FE) institutions and employers. As such,   Industry placements will be a key            understand how it might be improved.
we continue to work with local decision-    component of T-levels, providing             We are also planning to convene an
makers across Mayoral Combined              students with an opportunity to spend        international symposium to bring together
Authorities and Local Enterprise            an extended period with an employer          renowned experts to discuss how to
Partnerships to support and encourage       and learn essential on-the-job skills.       ensure the quality of technical education
coherent planning.                          To support their success, we are piloting    while responding to the changing
                                            work to coordinate industry placements       demands of the modern workplace.
At the national level, government must
                                            across NHS Trusts. In 2019, we also
oversee a framework for qualifications
                                            published a report on international
that enable people to develop the
                                            insights to industry placements that
knowledge and skills which will see them
                                            illustrated various approaches which
flourish in future employment. We are
                                            could inform the expansion of
therefore delighted at the progress being
                                            placements in England.
made with the implementation of T-levels.
Alongside apprenticeships, T-levels – to    Professional registration helps to give
be introduced from September 2020 –         technical occupations the status they
will offer young people the strong          deserve. Apprentices already benefit
technical education they need to start      from strong links between apprenticeships
a rewarding career.                         and professional body registration.

                                                                                          REFORM REQUIRES
                                                                                         BETWEEN NATIONAL
                                                                                              AND LOCAL
                                                                                         FURTHER EDUCATION
                                                                                           (FE) INSTITUTIONS
                                                                                            AND EMPLOYERS

HIGHER TECHNICAL                                      STEM SKILLS IN THE WORKPLACE                  The TMiH campaign has already featured
EDUCATION REFORM                                      With significant reform to the                over 75 technician case studies from a
In 2019 the DfE launched a consultation               technical education system underway,          wide range of leading employers. CERN,
on proposals for how to establish a set               it is important that learners are aware       Audi, Volkswagen, the UK Atomic Energy
of employer-approved ‘Higher Technical                of the opportunities technical education      Authority and Wellcome Sanger are just
Qualifications’, ensuring that they are               can provide.                                  a few of those featuring in the past year.
offered by providers with demonstrably                                                              TMiH is also creating social media content
                                                      Our Technicians Make it Happen
high-quality technical provision, and                                                               that will engage as well as inform young
                                                      campaign ( TMiH) continues to go from
bringing awareness of them to young and                                                             people about the role technicians play in
                                                      strength to strength, and is increasingly
older learners alike. These qualifications,                                                         their world.
                                                      seen by government, careers professionals
at education levels 4 and 5, will provide
                                                      and education organisations as an             We continue to commission research
excellent progression pathways for T-level
                                                      excellent way of illustrating technical       to inform debate about the critical roles
graduates wanting to study further before
                                                      careers through case studies and other        technicians play in industry. In June 2019,
entering employment, as well as for
                                                      material. In 2019, a new TMiH website –       we published a report by Professor Paul
existing employees looking to upskill.
                                             – was launched to          Lewis of King’s College London about
Gatsby research has been fundamental
                                                      target an audience of young people,           the role technicians play in innovation.
in building these proposals and has been
                                                      parents and teachers. The campaign            In collaboration with the High Value
widely cited by DfE and others. The
                                                      also continues to exhibit at STEM and         Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) and
outcome of the government consultation
                                                      careers events attended by young              other centres of innovation, we also
will be published later in 2020 and we
                                                      people, including the Big Bang Fair           supported a series of international visits
will continue to engage with DfE to
                                                      and WorldSkills UK Live.
ensure the higher technical education                                                               to explore how other countries link
reforms deliver on their promise.                     With T-levels soon in delivery, seeking and   innovation and skills. We are now working
                                                      maintaining relationships with employers      with the HVMC and others to explore
In April 2019, government announced the
                                                      who actively champion their technician        how the lessons learnt on these visits can
first twelve Institutes of Technology (IoTs)
                                                      workforce is of increasing importance.        be made to work in an English context.
– collaborations between FE colleges,
universities and employers, which will
specialise in providing higher technical
education in STEM. Later that same year,
an additional £120m was announced to
create a further eight IoTs so that there
will be one in every part of England.
Having first presented the idea of IoTs to
government in 2014, we are pleased they
are being launched across the country
and are committed to supporting their
success in the future.

In 2019, an additional £120 million was announced
to create a further eight Institutes of Technology
so that there will be one in every part of England.

Right: Helen and Gillian, apprentice Light
Vehicle Service Technicians at Volkswagen Audi.
Credit: Leonora Saunders
Opposite page: A careers fair at Park View
Academy. Gatsby remains committed to ensuring
that schools and colleges are provided with
the support they need to give every young
learner access to good career guidance.

Since 2018, the Gatsby Benchmarks
for Good Career Guidance have been
at the heart of the government’s career
guidance strategy for schools and colleges.
All schools in England are now required to
work towards achieving the Benchmarks
and they are also included in Ofsted’s new
inspection framework. Our work in this
area has received international interest
over the past year, with Gatsby hosting
stakeholders from Italy, Hong Kong, India,
Australia, China and Spain, some of whom
have subsequently launched pilots of
their own career guidance frameworks
modelled on our Benchmarks.
We are committed to ensuring that
schools and colleges are provided with
the support they need to reach the
Benchmarks. In 2018, we published a
best practice guide, illustrating how
schools and colleges could approach
the achievement of each Benchmark in
practice. In 2019 we published further
guidance to support those working with
students with Special Educational Needs
and Disabilities (SEND), in partnership       SCIENCE AND MATHS IN SCHOOLS                  BUSINESS EDUCATION
with the Careers & Enterprise Company,        We continue to advocate the need for          FOR ENGINEERS
Disability Rights UK and expertise from       good practical science in schools, and        Each year the Sainsbury Management
across the SEND sector. One hundred           we work with partners to support and          Fellowships (SMF ) scheme provides
schools and colleges across England           promote best practice as articulated in       ten bursaries of £50,000 to encourage
have now reached the gold standard of         our 2017 Good Practical Science report.       outstanding, early-career engineers to
meeting all eight Benchmarks. Elsewhere,      We are also supportive of STEM Clubs in       study for an MBA at a top international
the proportion of schools and colleges        schools and colleges which allow students     business school. More than 350 engineers
achieving at least half of the Benchmarks     opportunities to explore STEM in more         have benefitted from the scheme since
has almost doubled over the past year.        informal settings. To this end, we are        it started over 30 years ago. Of these,
                                              supporting STEM Learning to deliver           more than 160 have gone on to found or
We are committed to supporting                face-to-face support to school staff, a       co-found businesses, collectively valued
parents and carers to help children make      set of dedicated online resources, and        at £4.6 billion and employing over 18,000
informed decisions about their future.        a scheme to develop and recognise             people. The SMF bursary scheme is
Over the next year we will be embarking       the achievements of the teachers and          managed by the Engineers in Business
on work to explore how schools and            technicians who run STEM Clubs.               Fellowship (EIBF ) which organises
colleges can best work with parents
                                              We also commission research to inform         networking events throughout the
and carers in this way.
                                              policy on the recruitment and retention       year for alumni of the scheme. We also
We are also working to establish              of science teachers. Gatsby’s 2018 report,    support EIBF to undertake other activities
a common understanding among                  What happens when you pay shortage-           to promote business education for
employers of the essential skills students    subject teachers more money? by               engineers. One such activity is a new,
need to thrive in the modern workplace.       Dr Sam Sims, for instance, was cited in the   inter-university competition in which
In 2019, we worked with several               government’s new teacher recruitment          undergraduates and recent graduates
organisations to launch the Essential         and retention strategy, and informed the      compete in teams to produce a
Skills Taskforce. The taskforce is striving   development of the government pilot           compelling business plan – and in
to develop a common framework of              of early-career retention payments now        some cases a working prototype –
employability/transferable skills that        underway. Similarly, we were pleased that     of an engineering-based product.
can be used by schools, colleges,             our 2018 analysis looking at the relative     Twenty-three universities participated
universities and employers.                   costs of teaching science and engineering     in the competition in 2019, and EIBF
                                              subjects to 16–19-year-olds was influential   hope to increase this to 50 by 2022.
                                              in the government’s decision to increase
                                              the funding weightings for these subjects
                                              from 2020.
You can also read