Annual Implementation Plan 2022 - Select Annual Goals and KIS Gleneagles Secondary College (8869) - Gleneagles Secondary ...

Page created by Seth Garcia
Annual Implementation Plan 2022 - Select Annual Goals and KIS Gleneagles Secondary College (8869) - Gleneagles Secondary ...
Annual Implementation Plan - 2022

  Select Annual Goals and KIS

  Gleneagles Secondary College (8869)

Awaiting for review by School Principal
Awaiting endorsement by Senior Education Improvement Leader
Awaiting endorsement by School Council President
Select Annual Goals and KIS

Four Year Strategic          Is this                Four Year Strategic Targets       12 month target
Goals                        selected for                                             The 12 month target is an
                             focus this                                               incremental step towards meeting
                                                                                      the 4-year target, using the same
                                                                                      data set.

2022 Priorities Goal         Yes                    Support for the 2022 Priorities
Some of our students
have thrived in the
remote learning
environment, others
have maintained their
learning progress, and
some need extra
learning and wellbeing
support despite the
best efforts of their
teachers and families.
In 2022 we will
continue to focus on
student learning - with
an increased focus on
numeracy - and
student wellbeing
through the 2022
Priorities Goal, a
learning Key
Improvement Strategy
and a wellbeing Key
Strategy. We will
teach and support
each student at their
point of need and in
line with FISO.

    Gleneagles Secondary College (8869) - 2022 - AIP - Annual Goals Targets and KIS
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Improve student              No                      NAPLAN – Increase medium and high growth across all NAPLAN achievement bands in
learning outcomes.                                  reading, writing and numeracy and to equal or exceed Like Schools in high growth. To
                                                    achieve 25%, 50%, 25% growth by category for each domain.

                                                    Note: this data is available in the NAPLAN Growth by Band report

                                                    NAPLAN – Increase the percentages of students in the top two bands of NAPLAN and
                                                    decrease students in the bottom two NAPLAN bands in reading, writing and numeracy.

                                                    Numeracy top two bands 25% and bottom two bands 15%.

                                                    Reading top two bands 20% and bottom two bands 25%.

                                                    Writing top two bands 15% and bottom two bands 33%

                                                    VCE –

                                                           • Achieve an all study score of 28.8 on average over the four year review period.
                                                           • Achieve higher rates of students with greater than 37 in comparison with similar
                                                           • Reduce the difference in student achievement at VCE reflected in Report 20.

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Improve student              No                      2.1 Improve the percentages of positive endorsement in the student attitudes to school
engagement in their                                 (AToS) survey measures for the Effective teaching practice for cognitive engagement
learning.                                           domain, the Teacher-student relations domain and the Learner characteristics and
                                                    disposition domain.

                                                           • percentage of positive endorsement for Stimulated Learning to increase to 55%.
                                                           • percentage of positive endorsement for Teacher Concern to 43%.
                                                           • percentage of positive endorsement for Resilience to increase to 65%.

                                                    2.2 Improve the percentages of positive endorsement in the staff opinion survey measures

                                                           • the average of Collective Focus on Student Learning factors to move towards 70%.
                                                           • teaching and Learning – Practice Improvement to move towards 60%
                                                           • Teaching and Learning Implementation to move towards 63%

                                                    ***Please provide benchmark % data for 2018 and target % data for 2022***

                                                     2.3 Improve the average percentage of positive endorsement factors in the parent opinion
                                                    survey for the Student Cognitive Engagement domain to 80% and negative endorsements
                                                    for each factor to decrease

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Improve student              No                     Improve the percentages of positive endorsement in the student attitudes to school (AToS)
wellbeing.                                          survey measures for the School safety and the Social engagement domains.

                                                    School Safety domain to improve towards or exceed similar schools and state for positive

                                                    Managing Bullying to equal or exceed 57%.

                                                    Social Engagement domain to improve towards or exceed similar schools and State and
                                                    positive endorsement for Student Voice and Agency to equal or exceed 52%.

                                                     3.2 The percentages of positive endorsement in the parent opinion survey for the Safety do
                                                     similar schools and State and maintain the current high level of positive endorsement..

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Goal 1                                              2022 Priorities Goal
                                                    Some of our students have thrived in the remote learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and
                                                    some need extra learning and wellbeing support despite the best efforts of their teachers and families. In 2022 we will continue
                                                    to focus on student learning - with an increased focus on numeracy - and student wellbeing through the 2022 Priorities Goal, a
                                                    learning Key Improvement Strategy and a wellbeing Key Improvement Strategy. We will teach and support each student at
                                                    their point of need and in line with FISO.

12 Month Target 1.1

Key Improvement Strategies                                                                                                                            Is this KIS selected for focus this

KIS 1                                               Learning - Support both those who need extra support and those who have thrived to                Yes
Priority 2022 Dimension                             continue to extend their learning, especially in numeracy

KIS 2                                               Wellbeing - Effectively mobilise available resources to support students' wellbeing and           Yes
Priority 2022 Dimension                             mental health, especially the most vulnerable

Explain why the school has selected this            Please leave this field empty. Schools are not required to provide a rationale as this is in line with system priorities for 2022.
KIS as a focus for this year. Please make
reference to the self-evaluation, relevant
school data, the progress against School
Strategic Plan (SSP) goals, targets, and the
diagnosis of issues requiring particular

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