Page created by Tyler Baker

 COVID-19 / 01-04-2020


                         D V J   I N S I G H T S   © 2 0 2 0

DVJ Insights

Description of the study:
DVJ has been measuring to what extent people in The Netherlands, The United Kingdom and Germany are
worried about the coronavirus and which measures are taken, as well as assessing the consequences this
has for consumers purchasing behaviour. This report represents the public opinion of the three countries.

Sample size per market
The Netherlands: 540
The United Kingdom: 500
Germany: 500

Measurement moments
For each country we have performed multiple measurements so far. These measurements were on the
following dates:
The Netherlands: 03/02, 24/02, 05/03, 13/03, 16/03, 20/03 and 30/3
United Kingdom: 17/03, 20/03 and 30/3
Germany: 17/03, 20/03 and 30/3                                                                                    2
ATTITUDE TOWARDS CORONA –                                                                     KEY TAKE OUTS

The majority of people are worried, which is true for each of the         Worry is increasing over time, but it has risen more slowly over the last
countries.                                                                few days.
                                                                                                                              81%                          85%
                                                                                                                            76%               83%          84%
                      15%                 11%               16%

 Worrying                                                                 Worry over
                            85%                                     84%                     March - M1   March - M2        March - M3   March - M4   March - M5
                                                89%                       time                05/03        13/03             16/03        20/03        30/03
                                                                                                                      NL          UK     GE

The Dutch are most satisfied with the information from their              People used to think the media was spending too much attention on the
government.                                      Government               coronavirus. For the UK and Germany this is decreasing, but for the
                               Satisfied with
                                                 takes enough             Netherlands it is slowly increasing.
                              information by
                                government         measures
                                  78%                 63%                                                                     50%          50%
                                                                                                           52%                          43%             37%
Government                        76%                 54%                 Media attention                                                     38%       34%

                                                                                            March - M1   March - M2        March - M3   March - M4   March - M5
                                  66%                 66%                                     05/03        13/03             16/03        20/03        30/03
                                                                                                                      NL          UK     GE                                                          3
MEASURES ALREADY TAKEN                                                                        – KEY TAKE OUTS
 Below a timeline of the taken measures in each country is shown.

             10 March                   13 March                      15 March                      15 March                23 March                31 March
             Social restraint from      Stay home when you’re sick,   Restaurants closed, self      Schools closed till 6   All big events          Partial lockdown
             people living in Brabant   no more shaking hands         isolation                     April                   cancelled till 1 June   extended till end of

             12 March                   16 March                      20 March                      20 March                23 March
             First government press     Stay home when you’re sick,   Restaurants closed, self      Schools closed till     Partial lockdown – go
             conference                 no more shaking hands         isolation                     Further notice          out only once a day

              10 March                  11 March                      13 March                      16 March                    22 March
              Ban on large gatherings   Discouragement to travel,     Schools closed till 6 April   Restaurants limited opening Restaurants fully
              with 1000+ people         and advice to stay at home                                  hours, self isolation       closed

Source: national governments                                                                    4
BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS CORONA –                                                                 KEY TAKE OUTS
    The measures are taken the most seriously by people in the Netherlands and UK, followed up by Germany.

                                                                                               The top 5 measures taken are:
                                                                                               •   Staying at home as much as possible
                                                                                               •   Washing hands more often
                       6%              5%             12%
                                                                                               •   Stopped shaking hands
                                                                                               •   Avoiding contact with others as much as
Taking measures                                                                                •   Avoiding events and/or places with a lot
                        94%             95%                 88%
                                                                                                   of people                                                       5
ATTITUDE TOWARDS CORONA                                                                                – KEY TAKE OUTS
Most of the people are satisfied with the information that comes from the government (this is the least in Germany). The measures that these
governments take are enough to prevent further spreading.

                                            e                                                               NL       UK              GER

                                                                                                            %        %                %

 I am satisfied with the information the government is providing about the coronavirus                      78%      76%             66%

 The government needs to close the schools for longer than they are currently planning on                   71%      51%             73%

 The government is taking enough measures to prevent the further spreading of the coronavirus               63%      54%             66%

 The media is paying too much attention to the coronavirus and its consequences                             42%      37%             34%

 In my opinion, the measures taken in my country are better than those taken in other countries             38%      37%             59%

 Public transport must be shut down                                                                         25%      52%             39%

 It is unnecessary that the government is taken measures to prevent the spreading since the spreading is
                                                                                                            11%      21%             19%
 already at such a stage that we can not control it any more                                                                         6
ADDITIONAL MEASURES                                                                                                – KEY TAKE OUTS
 At least half of the consumers studied expect even further measures to be taken in future. People living in the Netherlands and Germany are expecting stricter measures,
 probably because measures aren’t as strict as in UK yet (total lock down). A total lock down and restrictions to go out are expected. In the UK some people also expect
 that public transport will shut down.

                                                                                                                                                       “Totale lockdown”          “Winkels sluiten”
              NL                                  40%                                                                                 60%           “Verlenging maatregelen”    “Scholen langer dicht”
                                                                                                                                                      “Meer beperkingen”

                                                                                                                                                    ”Total/stricter lockdown”
              UK                                            51%                                                                               49%     “Travel restrictions”      “Not going out at all ”
                                                                                                                                                        “Close borders”

              GE                          30%                                                                                 70%                       “Kontaktsperre”

                                                                                                 No     Yes

Q Do you expect that the government will take even stricter measures within the upcoming week to decrease the spreading of the coronavirus?                                                                                                         7
EXPECTATION ‘NORMAL’ SITUATION                                                                                                                                     – KEY TAKE OUTS
Even though there are expectations about heavier measures, half of the people studied believe the situation will return to normal in three months. In Germany people
expect the situation to go back to normal a bit earlier (in May), whilst in the Netherlands and UK more people expect that this will be June.

                                                                   March 2020         2%                                                      2%                                      3%

                                                                    April 2020                     13%                                              7%                                                17%
                                                                                                                              54%                                              48%                                64%
                                                                     May 2020                           15%                                                  14%                                            28%

                                                                     June 2020                                 24%                                                       26%                          16%

                                                                     July 2020                    11%                                                              19%                          10%

                                                                  August 2020                8%                                                          12%                               6%

                                                              September 2020                  9%                                                        9%                                4%

                                                                 October 2020           4%                                                         5%                                 3%

                                                              November 2020            3%                                                     1%                                     2%

                                                              December 2020            3%                                                      3%                                         4%

                                                                 January 2021        2%                                                       1%                                     1%

                                                               February 2021>               6%                                                 3%                                          6%

Q: When do you expect that Netherland/UK/Germany can drop their measures regarding the coronavirus and everything will go back to 'normal'?                                                                                                       8
The majority of people are not planning to cutback their expenses because of the coronavirus. Comparing the three countries, people living in the UK are most often to
plan to make a list of expenses in the upcoming weeks.



Q: Are you planning on making a list of expenses you can possibly cut back on the upcoming weeks?                                                                                          9
EFFECT ON EXPENDITURES                                                                                                      KEY TAKE OUTS
And in line with the previous findings (of people staying at home more often), there is an effect on the cutbacks in the upcoming 6 months. The categories of holidays,
buying clothes and nights out the biggest cutbacks that are seen across all countries.

                                                                                                                                           NL    UK        GER

                                                                                                                                           %     %            %
                                                                                                                   Going on a holiday      42%   56%        50%
                                                                                                                         Buying clothes    41%   57%        46%
                                                                                                                        Buying furniture   40%   58%        47%
                                                                                            Buying electronics/household appliances        38%   56%        45%
                                                                                                                  Having a night out*      37%   59%        49%
                                                                                                                Going out for dinner*      37%   64%        47%
                                                                                                                   Going on a day-trip     35%   55%        43%
                                                                                                               Magazine subscription       33%   52%        43%
                                                                                                                   Sport membership        32%   51%        46%
                                                                                                                  Spotify subscription     31%   50%        45%
                                                                                                                     (Alcoholic) drinks    30%   47%        48%
                                                                                                              Newspaper subscription       28%   49%        42%
                                                                                                    Subscribtions to streamingservices     26%   41%        45%
                                                                                                                    Grocery shopping       21%   42%        34%
                                                                                                                             Insurances    18%   36%        34%
                                                                                    Internet/television/mobile phone subscription          17%   43%        32%
                                                                                                                                                         *as soon as possible
Q: Are you planning to cut back on your expenses for any of the items below within the next 6 months?                                                                                                   10
As a results of the measures taken, physical exercises, such as going biking, running and working out, are done less frequently in all countries. In contrary indoors
activities such as watching series are done more often.

                                                                        e                                                                              NL     UK     GER
                                                                                                                                                        Δ      Δ      Δ

.Doing chores in and around the house                                                                                                                  37%    50%    4%*
.Watching Netflix, Disney+ or other video services, series or movies                                                                                   29%    42%    15%
.Reading books                                                                                                                                         18%    32%    18%
.Playing games (online)                                                                                                                                17%    15%    8%
.Gardening                                                                                                                                             14%    29%    -2%
.Playing games (offline)                                                                                                                               12%    11%    7%
.Online shopping                                                                                                                                       7%     16%    2%
.Restore contacts with friends (online)                                                                                                                4%     26%    0%
.Going for a walk                                                                                                                                      3%     -9%    -31%
.Listening to podcasts                                                                                                                                 -9%    0%     -11%
.Go biking                                                                                                                                             -18%   -23%   -24%
.Running                                                                                                                                               -21%   -18%   -22%
.Roller skating                                                                                                                                        -26%   -25%   -27%
.Working out                                                                                                                                           -36%   -6%    -19%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More – Less
* German translation of this element = Heimwerkeln (drinnen / draußen)                                                                                                         11
EATING AND DRINKING HABITS                                                                                                                             – KEY TAKE OUTS
The current situation and its measures have also influenced the eating habits of people, with a significant number of people eating healthier due to the coronavirus. In
the Netherlands and in Germany these healthier eaters constitute the biggest group, while in the UK people have started snacking more often. A remarkable difference
between countries is that in Germany people tend to drink much less alcohol than in the UK and Netherlands, although in all market's alcohol consumption is decreasing.

                                                                                                                                                          NL       UK     GER
                                                                                                                                                           Δ        Δ      Δ

.Eating healthy                                                                                                                                           17%      13%    16%

.Treating myself more with food                                                                                                                           0%       12%    -3%

.Eating candy                                                                                                                                             0%       -3%    4%

.Snacking                                                                                                                                                 -10%     19%    -3%

.Eating meat                                                                                                                                              -13%     -9%    -12%

.Drinking alcohol                                                                                                                                         -18%     -14%   -25%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More - Less                                                                                                         12
All countries share the opinion that supermarkets cope best with the situation. In the UK, the Tesco supermarket is explicitly mentioned, next to the NHS. In Germany
Amazon is perceived to have coped well.

                       NETHERLANDS                                                                      UNITED KINGDOM                           GERMANY

 Because the behavior towards visiting a supermarket has changed in such a dramatic way, we have explored this behavior more in detail. In the coming slides the
 behavior towards supermarkets will become clear.

Q: Many companies have to adapt to the circumstances that the coronavirus entails. What do you think are the best companies to deal with this?
DECREASE IN VISITING SUPERMARKET                                                                                                                           – KEY TAKE OUTS
As a possible result from the measures put in place by governments as a response to coronavirus, consumers are visiting the supermarket less often. This is seen the most
in the UK with 65%, followed by consumers from Germany (60%) and the Netherlands (55%).

             NL           7%                                               38%                                                                       55%

             UK                13%                                   22%                                                                 65%

             DE            10%                                         30%                                                                     60%

                                                                                                         More        Equal        Less

Q: Can you indicate whether you go to the supermarket more or less often since coronavirus has started playing a big role?                                                                                                             14
Amongst all countries, roughly half of people seem to use a fixed, pre-prepared grocery shopping list. Leaflets in supermarkets are still not given attention to that often
with a bigger group ignoring them than looking at them. There does not seem to be a big difference in grocery shopping behavior across countries as most people don’t
look at leaflets of supermarkets more often, don’t visit other supermarkets and don’t buy premium brands.

                                           e                                NL                            UK                             GER

                                                                    Agree        Disagree         Agree         Disagree         Agree          Disagree

 .I do grocery shopping based on a fixed grocery list               57%            16%            46%             23%             49%             25%
 .I'm starting to do my groceries more based on a list I make
                                                                    38%            32%            51%             18%             42%             26%
 before I go grocery shopping
 .I look at the supermarket leaflets more often                     36%            26%            19%             50%             25%             39%

 .I bought more groceries last week than I usually do               27%            55%            34%             36%             26%             52%
 .When deciding on which supermarket to go to, I pay more
                                                                    22%            42%            21%             47%             24%             35%
 attention to what they offer in .leaflets I have seen
 .The past few weeks I have been paying more attention to
                                                                    20%            49%            27%             44%             26%             38%
 .Currently I am reading the leaflets of supermarkets more
                                                                    18%            50%            17%             50%             25%             41%
 .While visiting a supermarket, I catch myself doing more
                                                                    14%            64%            28%             45%             19%             50%
 impulsive purchases
 .I visit other supermarkets than I usually do                      13%            70%            29%             50%             14%             62%

 .I started buying more premium brands                               9%            58%            15%             52%             13%             50%

Q: Can you indicate to what extent these statements apply to you?                                                                     15
Overall people feel that businesses should adjust their advertising towards the current situation – with a bigger group agreeing with this in the UK.

                                                                                   71%                                                           29%

                                                                                            80%                                                        20%

                                                                     56%                                                                   44%

                                                                                                                                Yes   No

Q: Do you think businesses should change their advertisement and communication to the current situation regarding the coronavirus?                                                                                                        16
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                                                                                                     – KEY TAKE OUTS
According to the majority, companies should go even further and adapt their social responsibility towards the current situation. This group is the biggest in the UK, and
about 3 quarters agrees with this statement in the Netherlands and Germany.

                                                                                                                          15%                                                                                 25%


Q: In the business sector a lot of companies are working on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This means that companies are aware of their impact on people, the environment and their business operations. Do you think
that companies should adapt their social responsibility based on the current crisis and thereby emphasize the coronavirus.                                                                                                           17
◦ The number of people worrying about the coronavirus has increased over time in all countries, and slowly keeps on
  increasing. This also results in the majority of people taking preventive measures, mostly consisting of washing hands more
  often, and staying at home more often. Staying at home effects many other areas of daily life:
     ◦ People visit supermarkets less often. In the Netherlands this group consists of about 55% of the people, increasing to
        60% of the German people and up to 65% in the UK.
     ◦ A large group are worried about their physical or mental health. Especially younger people are worried about their
        mental health and becoming isolated.
     ◦ About a third of people started eating healthier due to the coronavirus. On the other hand, there is a group of
        (especially younger) people that treat themselves more with snacking.
     ◦ Physical exercises, such as cycling, running and working out, are done less frequently in all countries. In contrary
        indoors activities such as watching series are done more often.
◦ More than half of people are expecting additional measures, such as a total lockdown. In the Netherlands and Germany this
  expectation is stronger than in UK, probably because these two countries restrictions are not as strict.
◦ People living in the UK are most likely to plan their shopping in order to cutback on expenses. Expenses such as groceries,
  insurances and phone/internet subscriptions are not typical to cut back on.
◦ People do not see an immediate urge to invest in the next six months. If they do, they will typically look to save money on
  their savings account.                                               18

           >   Attitude towards Corona
               Impact on behaviour
               Brand and business
               Thoughts about the future
ATTITUDE TOWARDS CORONA                                                                            (COUNTRY COMPARISON 30-3-2020)
Irrespective of which country people live in, all share concerns regarding the coronavirus. This is a continued trend since the coronavirus became larger in Europe.

                           15%                                                    11%

                                            85%                                                                                                             84%

Q: Are you worried about the coronavirus?                                                                    20
ATTITUDE TOWARDS CORONA                                                                                (COUNTRY COMPARISON 30-3-2020)
Even though many are worried about the coronavirus, the attitude towards the information provided by the media/government is good. In the Netherlands and in the UK,
information that comes from the government is sufficient in the public eye – in Germany this can be increased.

                                            e                                                               NL                  UK                   GER

                                                                                                            %                     %                    %

 I am satisfied with the information the government is providing about the coronavirus                      78%                 76%                   66%

 The government needs to close the schools for longer than they are currently planning on                   71%                 51%                   73%

 The government is taking enough measures to prevent the further spreading of the coronavirus               63%                 54%                   66%

 The media is paying too much attention to the coronavirus and its consequences                             42%                 37%                   34%

 In my opinion, the measures taken in my country are better than those taken in other countries             38%                 37%                   59%

 Public transport must be shut down                                                                         25%                 52%                   39%

 It is unnecessary that the government is taken measures to prevent the spreading since the spreading is
                                                                                                            11%                 21%                   19%
 already at such a stage that we can not control it any more                                                                         21
As one might expect with the current situation, the amount of people worrying about the virus has increased in each country.

                                                                     76%                                                            84%




        March - M1                                March - M2                    March - M3                    March - M4       March - M5

                                                                           NL         UK      GE

Q: Are you worried about the coronavirus? - Yes                                                                         22
The attitude of people towards the government seems to fluctuate a little. In the Netherlands, the sentiments towards the government seems to plateau (non-
significantly). In the UK, people are satisfied with the information shared by the government. In all countries less people share the opinion that the media is paying too
much attention to the coronavirus and its consequences.

       The government is taking enough measures to                    I am satisfied with the information the government        The media is paying too much attention to the
      prevent the further spreading of the coronavirus.                        is providing about the coronavirus.                   coronavirus and its consequences.

                                                                                               77%                     78%
                                                                          69%       69%                                76%
                                                         65%    66%                                       66%
                                        61%                                                    63%                     66%
           56%                                           54%    63%
                       52%                                                                                63%                    63%                    50%        50%
                                                                54%                            56%
                                                          49%                                                                                52%                   43%          42%
                                     47%                                                                                                                39%
                                                                                                                                                        35%        38%          34%

     March - M1 March - M2 March - M3 March - M4 March - M5           March - M1 March - M2 March - M3 March - M4 March - M5   March - M1 March - M2 March - M3 March - M4 March - M5
                                NL         UK            GE                               NL         UK    GE                                      NL      UK       GE

Q: Do you agree with the following statements? - Agree                                                                               23
SUMMARY OF ATTITUDES                                                                                             (TREND NL)
Dutch people's attitudes have stabilized, the trend remains similar to the measurement of a week ago.

                                        e                                                                            05/03                      13/03                     16/03                 20/03   30/3

                                                                                                                         %                         %                         %                   %       %

 Are you worried about the coronavirus?                                                                  Yes            42%                       61%                       75%                  82%    85%

 The government is taking enough measures to prevent the further                                     Agree              56%                       52%                       70%                  65%    63%
 spreading of the coronavirus
                                                                                                  Disagree              25%                       35%                       19%                  26%    30%

 I am satisfied with the information the government is providing about                               Agree              69%                       69%                       77%                  81%    78%
 the coronavirus                                                                                  Disagree              19%                       22%                       16%                  14%    18%

 The media is paying too much attention to the coronavirus and its                                   Agree              63%                       52%                       35%                  43%    42%
 consequences                                                                                     Disagree              28%                       39%                       53%                  49%    53%

 In my opinion, the measures taken in my country are better than those                               Agree                                                                                       33%    38%
 taken in other countries                                                                         Disagree                                                                                       31%    33%

                                                                                                     Agree                                                                                              25%
 Public transport must be shut down
                                                                                                  Disagree                                                                                              63%

                     Significantly higher than the previous measurement / No significant differences compared to the previous measurement / Significantly lower than the previous measurement                                                                                                24
SUMMARY OF ATTITUDES                                                                                             (TREND UK)
In the UK, the biggest changes are seen in the increase of satisfaction with the government over time and a decrease in the opinion that the media is paying too much
attention to the coronavirus.

                                        e                                                                              17/03                       20/03                          30/03

                                                                                                                          %                            %                             %

 Are you worried about the coronavirus?                                                                  Yes             81%                          87%                           89%

 The government is taking enough measures to prevent the further                                     Agree               47%                          49%                           54%
 spreading of the coronavirus
                                                                                                  Disagree               42%                          40%                           33%

 I am satisfied with the information the government is providing about                               Agree               56%                          63%                           76%
 the coronavirus                                                                                  Disagree               32%                          29%                           17%

 The media is paying too much attention to the coronavirus and its                                   Agree               50%                          50%                           37%
 consequences                                                                                     Disagree               42%                          42%                           55%

 In my opinion, the measures taken in my country are better than those                               Agree                                            32%                           37%
 taken in other countries                                                                         Disagree                                            47%                           33%

                                                                                                     Agree                                                                          52%
 Public transport must be shut down
                                                                                                  Disagree                                                                          34%

                     Significantly higher than the previous measurement / No significant differences compared to the previous measurement / Significantly lower than the previous measurement                                                                                                25
SUMMARY OF ATTITUDES                                                                                             (TREND GER)
Just like in the UK, people are more satisfied about the amount of measures taken by the government. Not only are people in Germany more satisfied about the amount
of measures, they also feel that the measures taken are better than those in other countries.

                                        e                                                                              17/03                       20/03                          30/03

                                                                                                                          %                            %                              %

 Are you worried about the coronavirus?                                                                  Yes             76%                          83%                           84%

 The government is taking enough measures to prevent the further                                     Agree               61%                          54%                           66%
 spreading of the coronavirus
                                                                                                  Disagree               33%                          41%                           27%

 I am satisfied with the information the government is providing about                               Agree               63%                          66%                           66%
 the coronavirus                                                                                  Disagree               28%                          30%                           25%

 The media is paying too much attention to the coronavirus and its                                   Agree               39%                          38%                           34%
 consequences                                                                                     Disagree               52%                          55%                           58%

 In my opinion, the measures taken in my country are better than those                               Agree                                            41%                           59%
 taken in other countries                                                                         Disagree                                            46%                           25%

                                                                                                     Agree                                                                          39%
 Public transport must be shut down
                                                                                                  Disagree                                                                          51%

                     Significantly higher than the previous measurement / No significant differences compared to the previous measurement / Significantly lower than the previous measurement                                                                                                26
Almost half of the people are experiencing joyful moments, mostly found in the solidarity and togetherness with others created by the experience. Next to that, the time
people can spend with others is also appreciated.

                        NETHERLANDS                                                         UNITED KINGDOM                          GERMANY

             NO HAPPY MOMENTS 55%                                                        NO HAPPY MOMENTS 48%             NO HAPPY MOMENTS 59%
Q: What is your biggest joy at the moment. What do you like most about this situation?
However, other people can also be a source of frustration. This mainly applies to people ignoring the rules (UK/Netherlands) and people stocking up (Germany). In
Germany, people are experiencing less frustrations in comparison to the Netherlands and the UK.

                       NETHERLANDS                                                                     UNITED KINGDOM                                                       GERMANY

                NO FRUSTRATION 40%                                                                 NO FRUSTRATION 44%                                                   NO FRUSTRATION 59%
Q: When you think about the current situation and the way in which the government, companies and people react. What is your biggest annoyance / irritation right now?
BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS CORONA                                                                              (COUNTRY COMPARISON)
Not sticking to the rules and measures is a big frustration, which comes from those having taken measures to protect themselves from coronavirus. In Germany, the
percentage of people who haven’t taken action is somewhat higher (12%).

                                  6%                                               5%

                                          94%                                                                                                         88%

Q: Have you taken any measures to prevent infection with the coronavirus?                                                                  29
In line with the increase in ‘worry’ about the coronavirus, the number of people taking protective measures continues to increase similarly.

                                                                                                                                          Stick to the measures of the RIVM. (NL)

                                                                                                                  75%                     I don't wear a cap, but I wash my hands every time
                                                                                                                                          and only go out when I have to get out. (NL)
                                                                                  60%                                                     Stay at home as much as possible, beyond
                                                                                                                                          necessary. (NL)

                                                                                                                  51%                     Voluntary quarantine. (GER)

                                                                                            42%                                           Have not been out of the house since advised to stay
                                                                                                                                          in. (UK)
                                                                                                                                          Have been in self isolation for the past week and a
                                                                                                                                          half. (UK)

              March - M1                            March - M2                           March - M3             March - M4   March - M5

                                                                                    NL         UK     GE

Q: Have you taken any measures to prevent infection with the coronavirus? - Yes                                                                                           30
ZOOMING IN: ATTITUDINAL TRENDS                                                                                         (SOCIAL DISTANCING)
Across all countries, people are social distancing themselves from others more often. Whilst in earlier measures the Dutch were social distancing most often, the UK and
Germany now have almost equal numbers in the most recent measurements.

                                                                                                                       I avoid events and/or places with a lot of people
               I stay at home as much as possible             I avoid contact with others as much as possible

                                                       87%                                                     85%
                                    75%        80%     86%                                        79%           84%
                                                                                                                                                 76%        70%          75%
                                                79%    84%
                                                                                      68%         71%           81%                                                       74%
                                    69%                                                                                                         68%         67%
                                                 67%                                                                              59%                                    70%
                                     65%                                               65%        64%                                                        65%
                                                                         55%                                                                   57%

            29%                                                25%

     March - M1 March - M2 March - M3 March - M4 March - M5   March - M1 March - M2 March - M3 March - M4 March - M5   March - M1 March - M2 March - M3 March - M4 March - M5

                               NL         UK   GE                                NL         UK     GE                                     NL           UK    GE

Q: What measures have you taken?                                                                       31
BEHAVIOUR IN DETAIL                                                                         (COUNTRY COMPARISON 20-3-2020)
 Staying at home as much as possible, washing hands more often/better and avoiding contact with others are implemented measures by 8 out of 10 people. In the UK,
 people are less strict about no longer shaking hands with other people.

              I no longer shake hands with other people                                                   91%                                  72%                                       86%

                      I stay at home as much as possible                                             87%                                              86%                                86%

                     I wash my hands more often/better                                               87%                                              85%                                85%

         I avoid contact with others as much as possible                                            84%                                              81%                                 84%

       I avoid events and/or places with a lot of people                                      74%                                              70%                                 75%

                    I no longer travel by public transport                             52%                                               57%                                     67%

          I avoid sports competitions/trainings for now                          45%                                        35%                                            51%

I keep my surroundings (at home or at work) extra clean                          45%                                                    53%                               48%

                         I purchase disinfectant hand gel                      38%                                                44%                                    44%

                                 I work from home more                     34%                                        25%                                          33%

  I purchase extra stocks for food (with a long shelf life)              29%                                                36%                                   32%

 I have not yet bought tickets for events that I normally…         20%                                                28%                                         30%

                                   I purchase face masks      8%                                                12%                                         18%                                                                                      32
SUMMARY OF BEHAVIOUR                                                                                              (TREND NL)
In the Netherlands, people are still increasing their measures to prevent infection with the coronavirus. Less people have bought disinfectant hand gel in the most recent

                         e                                                                                                                            05/03             13/03            16/03     20/03   30/3

                                                                                                                                                          %                 %                  %    %       %

 Have you taken any measures to prevent
                                                                                                                                             Yes         22%              31%              42%      51%    94%
 infection with the coronavirus?

 What measures have you taken? Top 6                                                                 I wash my hands more often/better                   81%              80%              87%      85%    87%

                                                                                             I no longer shake hands with other people                   47%              73%              85%      84%    91%

                                                                                                       I stay at home as much as possible                29%              55%              75%      79%    87%

                                                                                        I avoid contact with others as much as possible                  25%              55%              65%      71%    84%

                                                                                      I avoid events and/or places with a lot of people                  34%              59%              76%      67%    74%

                                                                                                          I purchase disinfectant hand gel               64%              58%              54%      62%    38%

                    Significantly higher than the previous measurement / No significant differences compared to the previous measurement / Significantly lower than the previous measurement                                                                                               33
SUMMARY OF BEHAVIOUR                                                                                              (TREND UK)
Just like the Netherlands, the UK faces an increase in most of the measures taken.

                         e                                                                                                                            17/03            20/03              30/3

                                                                                                                                                          %                %                   %

 Have you taken any measures to prevent
                                                                                                                                             Yes         67%              75%              95%
 infection with the coronavirus?

 What measures have you taken? Top 6                                                                 I wash my hands more often/better                   77%              79%              85%

                                                                                             I no longer shake hands with other people                   66%              68%              72%

                                                                                        I avoid contact with others as much as possible                  65%              64%              81%

                                                                                                       I stay at home as much as possible                65%              67%              86%

                                                                                                          I purchase disinfectant hand gel               58%              55%              44%

                                                                                      I avoid events and/or places with a lot of people                  57%              65%              70%

                    Significantly higher than the previous measurement / No significant differences compared to the previous measurement / Significantly lower than the previous measurement                                                                                               34
SUMMARY OF BEHAVIOUR                                                                                             (TREND GER)
Also in Germany there has been an increase in the frequency of usage of most protective measures. Buying bacterial hand gel isn’t one of the measures that has
increased over time (which again is similar for all countries).

                        e                                                                                                                            17/03            20/03              30/3

                                                                                                                                                         %                %                   %

 Have you taken any measures to prevent
                                                                                                                                            Yes         60%              67%              88%
 infection with the coronavirus?

 What measures have you taken? Top 6                                                                I wash my hands more often/better                   80%              81%              86%

                                                                                            I no longer shake hands with other people                   73%              78%              86%

                                                                                                      I stay at home as much as possible                69%              80%              84%

                                                                                       I avoid contact with others as much as possible                  68%              79%              85%

                                                                                     I avoid events and/or places with a lot of people                  68%              70%              75%

                                                                                                         I purchase disinfectant hand gel               59%              60%              48%

                   Significantly higher than the previous measurement / No significant differences compared to the previous measurement / Significantly lower than the previous measurement                                                                                              35

               Attitude towards Corona
           >   Impact on behaviour
               Brand and business
               Thoughts about the future
As a result of the measures taken, physical exercises, such as going biking, running and working out, are done less frequently in all countries. In contrary indoors activities
such as watching series are done more often.

                                                                        e                                                                              NL     UK     GER
                                                                                                                                                        Δ      Δ      Δ

.Doing chores in and around the house                                                                                                                  37%    50%    4%*
.Watching Netflix, Disney+ or other video services, series or movies                                                                                   29%    42%    15%
.Reading books                                                                                                                                         18%    32%    18%
.Playing games (online)                                                                                                                                17%    15%    8%
.Gardening                                                                                                                                             14%    29%    -2%
.Playing games (offline)                                                                                                                               12%    11%    7%
.Online shopping                                                                                                                                       7%     16%    2%
.Restore contacts with friends (online)                                                                                                                4%     26%    0%
.Going for a walk                                                                                                                                      3%     -9%    -31%
.Listening to podcasts                                                                                                                                 -9%    0%     -11%
.Go biking                                                                                                                                             -18%   -23%   -24%
.Running                                                                                                                                               -21%   -18%   -22%
.Roller skating                                                                                                                                        -26%   -25%   -27%
.Working out                                                                                                                                           -36%   -6%    -19%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More – Less
* German translation of this element = Heimwerkeln (drinnen / draußen)                                                                                                         37
ACTIVITIES DURING CORONA – NL                                                                                                                           (MORE)
About a third of people in the Netherlands are doing more chores in and around the house, mostly driven by women. Younger age groups watch more series or movies
via, for example, Netflix or Disney+.

                                                        e                                                                 Total                                Age                        Gender
                                                                                                                                              18-34    35-49         50-65   65+    Male      Female
.Doing chores in and around the house                                                                                       37%                39%     42%           33%     34%    27%        47%
.Watching Netflix, Disney+ or other video services, series or movies                                                        29%                48%     37%           19%     9%     28%        30%
.Reading books                                                                                                              18%                10%     13%           17%     33%    11%        24%
.Playing games (online)                                                                                                     17%                35%     14%           14%     4%     12%        23%.
.Gardening                                                                                                                  14%                 7%     16%           14%     19%    18%        10%
.Playing games (offline)                                                                                                    12%                29%      9%            6%     3%     9%         15%
.Online shopping                                                                                                            7%                 29%      9%            -6%    -7%    7%             6%
.Restore contacts with friends (online)                                                                                     4%                 14%      5%            -4%    0%     -2%        10%
.Going for a walk                                                                                                           3%                  4%      4%            -1%    7%     5%             1%
.Listening to podcasts                                                                                                      -9%                11%      -9%          -17%    -23%   -9%            -9%
.Go biking                                                                                                                 -18%                -18%    -28%          -14%    -12%   -13%       -24%
.Running                                                                                                                   -21%                 -6%    -13%          -28%    -37%   -15%       -26%
.Roller skating                                                                                                            -26%                -10%    -23%          -32%    -39%   -24%       -27%
.Working out                                                                                                               -36%                -25%    -35%          -41%    -46%   -35%       -37%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More - Less                                                                                                         38
ACTIVITIES DURING CORONA – UK                                                                                                                            (MORE)
Overall, one third of consumers are shopping online more, but among the 18-34 year olds this number is considerably higher. Young people also tend to play more games,
both online and offline. Over 65’s are more likely to start doing more chores in and around the house and gardening relative to younger age groups.

                                                        e                                                                 Total                                Age                        Gender
                                                                                                                                              18-34    35-49         50-65   65+    Male      Female
.Doing chores in and around the house                                                                                       50%                34%     52%           58%     57%    45%        54%
.Watching Netflix, Disney+ or other video services, series or movies                                                        42%                56%     44%           40%     23%    37%        46%
.Reading books                                                                                                              32%                41%     20%           27%     39%    28%        36%
.Gardening                                                                                                                  29%                14%     22%           41%     43%    29%        30%
.Restore contacts with friends (online)                                                                                     26%                38%     10%           24%     29%    19%        33%
.Online shopping                                                                                                            16%                28%     15%            -9%    27%    19%        12%
.Playing games (online)                                                                                                     15%                39%      9%            5%     3%     13%        18%
.Playing games (offline)                                                                                                    11%                30%      8%            3%     0%     15%            7%
.Listening to podcasts                                                                                                      0%                 15%      -6%           -4%    -6%    5%             -4%
.Working out                                                                                                                -6%                 7%     -13%          -12%    -7%    -8%            -4%
.Going for a walk                                                                                                           -9%                 3%      -7%          -24%    -11%   -14%           -5%
.Running                                                                                                                   -18%                -11%    -15%          -18%    -28%   -15%       -20%
.Go biking                                                                                                                 -23%                -24%    -26%          -24%    -18%   -27%       -20%
.Roller skating                                                                                                            -25%                -25%    -28%          -26%    -22%   -24%       -26%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More - Less                                                                                                         39
ACTIVITIES DURING CORONA – DE                                                                                                                           (MORE)
In Germany it is striking that more people have started to read books more often, for both younger and older age groups. Younger people in the aged 18 to 34, also watch
more series or movies and are more likely to keep in contact with friends online.

                                                        e                                                                Total                                 Age                        Gender
                                                                                                                                              18-34    35-49         50-65   65+    Male      Female
.Reading books                                                                                                             18%                 13%      9%           21%     29%    9%         27%
.Watching Netflix, Disney+ or other video services, series or movies                                                       15%                 47%     32%            -2%    -13%   12%        19%
.Playing games (online)                                                                                                     8%                 25%     18%            -3%    -8%    4%         11%
.Playing games (offline)                                                                                                    7%                 26%     14%            -4%    -9%    1%         11%
.Doing chores in and around the house*                                                                                      4%                  3%     13%            6%     -3%    -1%        10%
.Online shopping                                                                                                            2%                  6%     11%            -4%    -4%    -3%            6%
.Keep in contact with friends (online)                                                                                      0%                 17%     11%            0%     -27%   0%             0%
.Gardening                                                                                                                  -2%                -8%      -9%          11%     -5%    -2%            -2%
.Listening to podcasts                                                                                                     -11%                -5%      3%           -19%    -19%   -12%           -9%
.Working out                                                                                                               -19%                -16%     -5%          -25%    -29%   -16%       -22%
.Running                                                                                                                   -22%                -15%    -15%          -25%    -31%   -19%       -24%
.Go biking                                                                                                                 -24%                -24%    -17%          -22%    -32%   -15%       -33%
.Roller skating                                                                                                            -27%                -24%    -24%          -27%    -32%   -27%       -27%
.Going for a walk                                                                                                          -31%                -24%    -36%          -29%    -34%   -23%       -38%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More – Less
* German translation of this element = Heimwerkeln (drinnen / draußen)                                                                                                         40
ACTIVITIES FOR SOCIETY                                                                                              (COUNTRY COMPARISON 30-3-2020)
In all countries doing groceries for someone else is the most likely extra activity a consumer has done due to the coronavirus. In the Netherlands, around 1 in 4
consumers send post cards to friends or family. Less than half of people in all countries are not doing anything extra for society.

                                      Did groceries for someone else                              27%                                    35%                            30%

                                Send a post card to friends or family                            27%                               14%                          13%

                                    Send flowers to friends or family                 13%                                     9%                          7%

                      Got more takeaway from nearby restaurants                       12%                                          14%                            17%

                                                       Something else                12%                                 6%                          3%

             Purchased a voucher from a local business in a duped
                                                                                5%                                       6%                                9%

              Purchased a voucher from a big company in a duped
                                                                               4%                                        6%                               6%

                                           I did not do anything extra                                        42%                              41%                            47%

Q: Can you indicate whether you have done something extra for society or for others due to the coronavirus?                                                                                                    41
EATING HABITS                                                               (COUNTRY COMPARISON 30-3-2020)
The current situation and its measures also influence the eating habits of people. A significant amount of people have started eating healthier due to the coronavirus. In
the Netherlands and in Germany these healthier eaters constitute the biggest group, while in the UK most people started snacking more. A remarkable difference
between countries is that in Germany people tend to drink much less alcohol compared to the UK and Netherlands.

                                                                                                                                                       NL     UK     GER
                                                                                                                                                        Δ      Δ      Δ

.Eating healthy                                                                                                                                        17%    13%    16%

.Treating myself more with food                                                                                                                        0%     12%    -3%

.Eating candy                                                                                                                                          0%     -3%    4%

.Snacking                                                                                                                                              -10%   19%    -3%

.Eating meat                                                                                                                                           -13%   -9%    -12%

.Drinking alcohol                                                                                                                                      -18%   -14%   -25%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More - Less                                                                                                         43
In the Netherlands, people aged between 18 and 34 years old have started treating themselves more often with food. Even though this younger age group drinks less
alcohol, it still is significantly higher than the older age groups.

                                                        e                                                                 Total                                Age                        Gender

                                                                                                                                              18-34    35-49         50-65   65+    Male      Female

.Eating healthy                                                                                                             17%                16%     14%           18%     21%    14%        20%

.Treating myself more with food                                                                                             0%                 18%      -2%           -8%    -9%    1%             0%

.Eating candy                                                                                                               0%                 11%      5%            -2%    -17%   -2%            2%

.Snacking                                                                                                                  -10%                13%      -6%          -22%    -30%   -13%           -8%

.Eating meat                                                                                                               -13%                -10%    -11%          -12%    -20%   -11%       -15%

.Drinking alcohol                                                                                                          -18%                 -8%    -15%          -22%    -29%   -16%       -20%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More - Less                                                                                                         44
In the UK, the 18 to 49 year olds have started snacking more often due to the coronavirus. Next to that, it appears that people in the UK have slightly reduced their meat
consumption; a trend that grows with age.

                                                        e                                                                 Total                                Age                        Gender

                                                                                                                                              18-34    35-49         50-65   65+    Male      Female

.Snacking                                                                                                                   19%                34%     22%           12%     7%     18%        21%

.Eating healthy                                                                                                             13%                23%      -6%          10%     26%    13%        14%

.Treating myself more with food                                                                                             12%                23%     22%           10%     -11%   4%         19%

.Eating candy                                                                                                               -3%                13%      -8%           -8%    -12%   -9%            2%

.Eating meat                                                                                                                -9%                 0%     -11%          -13%    -16%   -9%        -10%

.Drinking alcohol                                                                                                          -14%                -20%     -7%          -14%    -17%   -17%       -12%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More - Less                                                                                                         45
In Germany it appears that the 18-34 age group is divided; on the one hand they are eating healthier but on the other hand they are snacking more as well. Similar to the
UK, eating less meat mainly comes from the older age groups.

                                                        e                                                                 Total                                Age                        Gender

                                                                                                                                              18-34    35-49         50-65   65+    Male      Female

.Eating healthy                                                                                                             16%                12%      8%           19%     26%    15%        18%

.Eating candy                                                                                                               4%                 17%     13%            6%     -16%   3%             6%

.Snacking                                                                                                                   -3%                19%      9%           -19%    -20%   -4%            -2%

.Treating myself more with food                                                                                             -3%                 -6%     -1%           -4%    -2%    -5%            -2%

.Eating meat                                                                                                               -12%                 0%      -5%          -18%    -25%   -13%       -12%

.Drinking alcohol                                                                                                          -25%                -27%    -11%          -24%    -35%   -20%       -29%

Q: Can you indicate whether your behavior has changed due to the coronavirus with respect to each of the following elements below? - Δ = More - Less                                                                                                         46
DECREASE IN VISITING SUPERMARKET                                                                                                                           (COMPARISON)
In the UK almost two thirds of the respondents go to the supermarket less often since the coronavirus pandemic began, followed by respondents from Germany (60%)
and the Netherlands (55%). In contrast, the number of people who go the supermarket more often is the highest in the UK with 13%.

             NL           7%                                               38%                                                                       55%

             UK                13%                                   22%                                                                 65%

             DE            10%                                         30%                                                                     60%

                                                                                                         More        Equal        Less

Q: Can you indicate whether you go to the supermarket more or less often since coronavirus has started playing a big role?                                                                                                             47
BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS CORONA                                                                            (COUNTRY COMPARISON)
Compared to the other countries, Germany has the largest number of people who are afraid to go to the supermarket to do groceries. In the UK and the Netherlands
approximately one third of consumers are afraid to go to the supermarket.



Q: Are you afraid to go to an 'offline' supermarket?                                                                48
GROCERY SHOPPING (1)                                                                 (COUNTRY COMPARISON 30-3-2020)
Amongst all countries, around half of people seem to use a fixed, pre-prepared grocery shopping list. Next to that, consumption patterns seem to go back to normal again
with about of consumer indicating to buy similarly to before the corona crisis. Leaflets in supermarkets are still not paid attention to that often with a bigger group
ignoring those than looking at it more often.

                                                             e                                                NL                    UK                   GER

                                                                                                              %                      %                     %

                                                                                                    Agree.    57%                   46%                   49%
 .I do grocery shopping based on a fixed grocery list
                                                                                                  Disagree.   16%                   23%                   25%

                                                                                                    Agree.    38%                   51%                   42%
 .I'm starting to do my groceries more based on a list I make before I go grocery shopping
                                                                                                  Disagree.   32%                   18%                   26%

                                                                                                    Agree.    36%                   19%                   25%
 .I look at the supermarket leaflets more often
                                                                                                  Disagree.   26%                   50%                   39%

                                                                                                    Agree.    27%                   34%                   26%
 .I bought more groceries last week than I usually do
                                                                                                  Disagree.   55%                   46%                   52%

 .When deciding on which supermarket to go to, I pay more attention to what they offer in           Agree.    22%                   21%                   24%
 .leaflets I have seen                                                                            Disagree.   42%                   47%                   35%

Q: Can you indicate to what extent these statements apply to you?                                                                             49
GROCERY SHOPPING (2)                                                            (COUNTRY COMPARISON 30-3-2020)
There does not seem to be a big difference in grocery shopping behavior as most people are not looking at leaflets of supermarkets more often, not visiting other
supermarkets and are not buying premium brands more often. In the UK, 28% of consumers are doing more impulsive purchases, whilst in the Netherlands and Germany
this a smaller group.

                                                             e                                           NL                    UK                  GER

                                                                                                          %                     %                    %

                                                                                           Agree.        20%                   27%                  26%
 .The past few weeks I have been paying more attention to sales
                                                                                         Disagree.       49%                   44%                  38%

                                                                                           Agree.        18%                   17%                  25%
 .Currently I am reading the leaflets of supermarkets more thoroughly
                                                                                         Disagree.       50%                   50%                  41%

                                                                                           Agree.        14%                   28%                  19%
 .While visiting a supermarket, I catch myself doing more impulsive purchases
                                                                                         Disagree.       64%                   45%                  50%

                                                                                           Agree.        13%                   29%                  14%
 .I visit other supermarkets than I usually do
                                                                                         Disagree.       70%                   50%                  62%

                                                                                           Agree.         9%                   15%                  13%
 .I started buying more premium brands
                                                                                         Disagree.       58%                   52%                  50%

Q: Can you indicate to what extent these statements apply to you?                                                                 50

               Attitude towards Corona
               Impact on behaviour

           >   Brand and business
               Thoughts about the future
All countries share the opinion that supermarkets are coping the best with the situation. In the UK, Tesco is explicitly mentioned, alongside the NHS. In Germany Amazon
is seen to be coping well.

                       NETHERLANDS                                                                      UNITED KINGDOM                           GERMANY

Q: Many companies have to adapt to the circumstances that the coronavirus entails. What do you think are the best companies to deal with this?
MEASURES BY SUPERMARKETS                                                                                                                (COUNTRY COMPARISON)
One of the reasons that supermarkets are mentioned as coping well with the situation is due to the fact, that they are taking protective measures against the coronavirus
whilst remaining open. This applies to all countries.

                               11%                                                                           13%                                                                    9%

                                           89%                                                                            87%                                                               91%

Still too hard to keep your distance, aisles too small.                                   Too slow to stop panic buying and not introducing social distancing   Not enough for distances and number of visitors.
                                                                                          measures quick enough
Not every supermarket clean the carts. In one the employees wear                                                                                                Do not distribute gloves at the entrance, you can’t
gloves, in the other not.                                                                 They are trying but they should close and give the elderly and        clean your hands at the entrance
                                                                                          vulnerable priority slots for delivery

Q: Do you think that supermarkets are taking enough measures regarding the coronavirus?                                                                                               53
Where supermarkets often cope quite well with the situation, outdoor markets in the Netherlands don’t. In the UK Sports Direct is mentioned a lot, whilst in Germany
restaurants and smaller entrepreneurs appear.

                        NETHERLANDS                                       UNITED KINGDOM                                           GERMANY

Q: What are the businesses that are coping the worst, according to you?
National health services such as the NHS, and hospitals in general are named as the few best responding services to the current situation. This is similar across all
countries. In Germany and the Netherlands, the police plays a smaller role as well.

                        NETHERLANDS                                                                   UNITED KINGDOM                                                      GERMANY

 One and a half meters away marked on the street.                                     Pharmacy that are still open and delivering medicine.        Corona care, hospitals and doctors. The cashiers and sellers
                                                                                                                                                   who continue to fill the shelves.
 Companies that convert their production to help others to                            The emergency services as they train for things like this.
 make face masks and companies that come up with                                                                                                   Deutsche Post and parcel services do their best and also
 alternatives to help the weaker ones in society.                                     Restaurants already doing takeaways leaning more on this     have gloves on. You leave packages at the storage place.
                                                                                      service as shut to table customers.                          That is great!
 Delivery services, gyms that offer digital (group) lessons.
                                                                                                                                                   Mostly online shops.

Q: What are services that responding the best to the current situation regarding the coronavirus?
Products that respond well to the situation differ per market, with a bigger focus on food in the UK and Germany, while in the Netherlands ways to fight the coronavirus
have a more central role.

                        NETHERLANDS                                                                     UNITED KINGDOM                                                       GERMANY

 The products such as disinfectants, which are sold cheaper.                          Fresh fruit and vegetables - that are handled by lots and      Disinfectants, dry products such as pasta and rice or frozen
                                                                                      lots of people.                                                foods, as well as cosmetics and toilet paper.
 Hand soap. By the way, services such as Netflix and Ziggo
 make extra options available to watch (together) (extra)                             Alcohol, desinfectans, hand washes.                            The spit protection, disinfectant, soap and water, mouth
 films and series.                                                                                                                                   protection and gloves.
                                                                                      Products that have a longer shelf life, like dried or tinned
 Clothing companies that are now going to make masks for                              products.                                                      Pasta, toilet paper, flour, kitchen rolls, disinfectant, face
 the hospital and car companies that will develop breathing                                                                                          masks.

Q: What are products that are responding the best to the current situation regarding the coronavrius?
Overall people feel that business should adjust their advertising towards the current situation – with a larger group agreeing with this in the UK.

                                                                                   71%                                                           29%

                                                                                            80%                                                        20%

                                                                     56%                                                                   44%

                                                                                                                                Yes   No

Q: Do you think businesses should change their advertisement and communication to the current situation regarding the coronavirus?                                                                                                        58
Often people share the opinion that commercials addressing certain aspects such as using public transport or promoting a holiday should be stopped. Also many people
think that commercials should contain more information about how we can stay positive within this situation.

                      NETHERLANDS                                      UNITED KINGDOM                                             GERMANY

     “Geen reclame meer voor uitjes en vakanties                                                                     “in der gegenwärtigen Phase ganz auf
      of andere buiten de deur zaken, maar voor                                                                               Werbung verzichten”
              bezigheden binnenshuis.”                              “Warning people to stay inside”
                                                                                                                 “Lebensmittelprospekte mit Sonderangeboten
      “Reisbureaus moeten nu geen advertenties                 “Advertising products that encourage going         sollten vorübergehend verboten werden da
       plaatsen voor een weekendje weg in april                          out should be stopped”                    das zu noch höheren Kundenandrang und
                     bijvoorbeeld”                                                                                     somit höherer Ansteckung führen”

                  DON’T KNOW 53%                                      DON’T KNOW 56%                                        DON’T KNOW 66%

Q: In what way should businesses change their communication?
The majority of people have not seen commercials that play into the coronavirus. This group is even smaller in Germany.

                                                      34%                                          66%

                                              25%                                            75%

                                                             42%                                         58%

                                                                                  Yes   No

Q: Have you seen any commercials that play into the coronavirus?                                                                  61
The type of brands/companies that are tapping into the situation differ per country. In the Netherlands, we see that mostly (online) grocery stores are considered to be
the best at playing into the situation, while in the UK again the NHS pops up. In Germany different supermarket brands get mentioned, with Edeka being the biggest.

                       NETHERLANDS                                        UNITED KINGDOM                                              GERMANY

Q: Can you name which brands/companies play into the current situation?
 In line with their current importance, most people would like to create a commercial for a supermarket. The main messages people want to send out is how to maintain
 safety and hygiene and how we can support those that are facing more difficulties within this situation such as the elderly and vulnerable. More ideas can be found in our
 separate storybook.

                                                 BRAND                                                                                                                        APPROACH

                                                                                                                                                   ‘’Laten zien dat je toch veilig kunt bestellen en zo je lokale
                                                                                                                                                   restaurant ondersteunen.’’

                                                                                                                                                   “Vertellen dat er voldoende voedsel is, het introduceren van
                                                                                                                                                   een extra uurtje voor 70 plussers en oproepen om alleen
                                                                                                                                                   boodschappen te komen doen.”

                                                                                                                                                   “Reclame maken om de bedrijven te blijven steunen door nu
                                                                                                                                                   bijvoorbeeld tegoedbonnen te kopen om bedrijven te steunen
                                                                                                                                                   en er later hier heen te gaan, zodat er nu ook inkomsten zijn en
                                                                                                                                                   de bedrijven kunnen blijven bestaan”

                                                                           *Excluding “Don’t know/No idea” ~=51%

Q: If you were to create a commercial yourself about this situation for an arbitrary company. For which company would you make a commercial? What would you want to show in the commercial and how would
you show this?                                                                                                      63
 Besides Tesco, people would also like to advertise for the National Health Service so that they can continuously provide the right information. More ideas can be found in
 our separate storybook.

                                                 BRAND                                                                                                                        APPROACH

                                                                                                                                                   “Informational approach, using either actors or animation
                                                                                                                                                   showing the best and safest way to travel on public transport.
                                                                                                                                                   show the correct actions (traveling at staggered times, trying
                                                                                                                                                   to reduce crowding, working from home where you can, being
                                                                                                                                                   careful with coughing and tissues) as well as what not to do.
                                                                                                                                                   Clearly show the symptoms and what to do if you think you
                                                                                                                                                   have them. I would provide a link at the end of the advert to
                                                                                                                                                   the website, dedicated to information about the virus and how
                                                                                                                                                   to travel safely (own webs.)”

                                                                                                                                                   “Reiterate that they provide food orders online as an
                                                                                                                                                   alternative to people using supermarkets online or in store”

                                                                           *Excluding “Don’t know/No idea” ~=43%

Q: If you were to create a commercial yourself about this situation for an arbitrary company. For which company would you make a commercial? What would you want to show in the commercial and how would
you show this?                                                                                                      64
 Generally speaking German people want to show the public how their company of choice is able to continue its operations in a safe manner. Best practise Edeka gets
 mentioned more often here. More ideas can be found in our separate storybook.

                                                 BRAND                                                                                                                        APPROACH

                                                                                                                                                   “Ich würde zeigen, dass das Unternehmen eigene
                                                                                                                                                   Verhaltensgrundsätze erstellt hat und diese auch lebt und dass
                                                                                                                                                   die Mitarbeiter und vor allem deren Gesundheit dem
                                                                                                                                                   Unternehmen wichtig sind. Das würde ich mit Beispielen wie
                                                                                                                                                   aufgestellten Desinfektionsspendern oder umorganisierten
                                                                                                                                                   Arbeitsplätzen, sodass die Mitarbeiter gebug Abstand halten,

                                                                                                                                                   “deutlich machen dass man als Unternehmen
                                                                                                                                                   Schutzmaßnahmen ergreift. Schutz der Mitarbeiter, der
                                                                                                                                                   Kontakpersonen. dass Produkte z.B. unter hygienischen
                                                                                                                                                   Bedingungen verpackt werden.”

                                                                           *Excluding “Don’t know/No idea” ~=42%

Q: If you were to create a commercial yourself about this situation for an arbitrary company. For which company would you make a commercial? What would you want to show in the commercial and how would
you show this?:                                                                                                      65
SHOW TAKEN MEASURES                                                                    (COUNTRY COMPARISON)
In line with people taking measures themselves, people want companies to take measures and show these as well. This group is the largest in the Netherlands.

                                                                                     21%                                                22%

                                                                                                79%                                                     78%

Q: Should businesses show what measures they are taking regarding the coronavirus?                                                                           66
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                                                                                                     (COUNTRY COMPARISON)
Companies should take their responsibility even further and adapt their social responsibility towards the current situation. This group is the biggest in the UK, and about 3
quarters agrees with this in the Netherlands and Germany.

                                                                                                                          15%                                                                                 25%


Q: In the business sector a lot of companies are working on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This means that companies are aware of their impact on people, the environment and their business operations. Do you think
that companies should adapt their social responsibility based on the current crisis and thereby emphasize the coronavirus.                                                                                                           67

               Attitude towards Corona
               Impact on behaviour
               Brand and business

           >   Thoughts about the future
 At least half of respondents expect even further measures to be taken in the future. People living in the Netherlands and Germany are expecting stricter measures,
 probably because measures aren’t as strict in comparison to other countries, such as the UK (total lock down). A total lock down and restrictions on leaving the house are
 expected. In the UK some people also expect that public transport will shut down.

                                                                                                                                                       “Totale lockdown”          “Winkels sluiten”
              NL                                  40%                                                                                 60%           “Verlenging maatregelen”    “Scholen langer dicht”
                                                                                                                                                      “Meer beperkingen”

                                                                                                                                                    ”Total/stricter lockdown”
              UK                                            51%                                                                               49%     “Travel restrictions”      “Not going out at all ”
                                                                                                                                                        “Close borders”

              GE                          30%                                                                                 70%                       “Kontaktsperre”

                                                                                                 No     Yes

Q Do you expect that the government will take even stricter measures within the upcoming week to decrease the spreading of the coronavirus?                                                                                                        69
Even though there are expectations about heavier measures, half of the people think the situation will go back to normal again in three months. In Germany people
expect the situation to go back to normal a bit earlier (in May), whilst in the Netherlands and UK more people expect that this will be June.

                                                                   March 2020         2%                                                      2%                                      3%

                                                                    April 2020                     13%                                              7%                                                17%
                                                                                                                              54%                                              48%                                64%
                                                                     May 2020                           15%                                                  14%                                            28%

                                                                     June 2020                                 24%                                                       26%                          16%

                                                                     July 2020                    11%                                                              19%                          10%

                                                                  August 2020                8%                                                          12%                               6%

                                                              September 2020                  9%                                                        9%                                4%

                                                                 October 2020           4%                                                         5%                                 3%

                                                              November 2020            3%                                                     1%                                     2%

                                                              December 2020            3%                                                      3%                                         4%

                                                                 January 2021        2%                                                       1%                                     1%

                                                               February 2021>               6%                                                 3%                                          6%

Q: When do you expect that Netherland/UK/Germany can drop their measures regarding the coronavirus and everything will go back to 'normal'?                                                                                                       70
In the Netherlands the CPB has created a few scenarios about the impact of the coronavirus. Scenario 2 will be the most likely to happen, in which all different industries
are suffering because of the coronavirus, but due to measures bankruptcies are unlikely. Unemployment will happen, but not as severe as during the last economic crisis.


                                                                        32%                                                                                       13%

                                                                                                                                           Don’t know 16%
                                                                                                                                                  Other 1%
Q: Which scenario is the most likely to happen for the Netherlands?
People are most worried about their physical health or the health of their loved ones, but mental health is a worry as well. In the UK especially, we see many are worried
about the mental health of themselves and others (40%). Worries regarding the pension funds are the highest among Dutch people. A quarter of the Dutch people do not
expect to experience any changes in their personal situation.

        I worry about the physical health of myself and my loved ones                           43%                               50%                               49%

         I worry about the mental health of myself and my loved ones                    23%                                 40%                               30%

                       I expect to eventually receive less pension funds                22%                     10%                               12%

                                   I expect to have to work fewer hours           11%                                16%                                19%

                                         I expect a decrease in my salary         11%                                 20%                          14%

                                                  I expect to lose my job    6%                                 8%                              10%

        I expect that I can not continue or finish my current education     3%                              6%                               7%

                                                                   Other    4%                             1%                              2%

                                                             I don't know   6%                              6%                                  9%

         I (barely) expect any changes regarding my personal situation                    27%                         18%                            17%

Q: Which consequences do you expect for your personal situation?                                                                                      72
Older people and men are least likely to expect any changes in their personal situation. Worries about mental health are more prominent among younger people, with
31% of the 18-34 age group worried, while only 11% of the 65% olds are worried about mental health. Also in work related scenarios we see differences across age.
Younger people are somewhat more worried to loose their job/salary or working hours, while older people are more worried about their pension fund.

                                                         e                                                         Total                   Age                    Gender
                                                                                                                           18-34   35-49     50-65     65+   Male     Female
                                         I worry about the physical health of myself and my loved ones              43%    41%     41%           48%   40%   37%       49%

                                          I worry about the mental health of myself and my loved ones               23%    31%     26%           23%   11%   20%       27%

                                                          I expect to eventually receive less pension funds         22%     9%     16%           24%   43%   23%       21%

                                                                     I expect to have to work fewer hours           11%    15%     15%           13%   1%    11%       12%

                                                                           I expect a decrease in my salary         11%    19%     13%           10%   1%    12%           9%

                                                                                    I expect to lose my job         6%     13%      6%           3%    0%    6%            5%

                                         I expect that I can not continue or finish my current education            3%     10%      2%           1%    0%    4%            3%

                                                                                                     Other          4%      2%      3%           6%    4%    4%            4%

                                                                                              I don't know          6%      7%      6%           7%    2%    6%            6%

                                          I (barely) expect any changes regarding my personal situation             27%    22%     30%           23%   35%   31%       23%

Q: Which consequences do you expect for your personal situation?                                                                                              73
More or less, the same patterns are seen in the UK as The Netherlands. In general, older people and men are least expectant of any changes in their personal life. Mental
health worries are the lowest among elder people (65+) and younger people are the most worried about their jobs.

                                                         e                                                         Total                   Age                    Gender
                                                                                                                           18-34   35-49     50-65     65+   Male     Female
                                         I worry about the physical health of myself and my loved ones              50%    38%     50%           54%   61%   37%       63%

                                          I worry about the mental health of myself and my loved ones               40%    46%     40%           46%   27%   29%       51%

                                                                           I expect a decrease in my salary         20%    31%     20%           21%   4%    19%       20%

                                                                     I expect to have to work fewer hours           16%    30%     13%           17%   1%    17%       16%

                                                          I expect to eventually receive less pension funds         10%     7%     10%           17%   6%    10%       10%

                                                                                    I expect to lose my job         8%     15%      8%           8%    2%    9%            8%

                                         I expect that I can not continue or finish my current education            6%     15%      6%           2%    0%    5%            6%

                                                                                           Other, namely:           1%      1%      0%           2%    2%    1%            2%

                                                                                              I don't know          6%      6%      8%           5%    4%    8%            4%

                                          I (barely) expect any changes regarding my personal situation             18%     5%     20%           17%   32%   24%       12%

Q: Which consequences do you expect for your personal situation?                                                                                              74
Also in Germany older people are least expectant that the coronavirus will impact their personal situation. Worries related to jobs are more prominent among younger
people. It is especially noteworthy that younger people have more worries about the pension funds than elder people.

                                                         e                                                         Total                   Age                    Gender
                                                                                                                           18-34   35-49     50-65     65+   Male     Female
                                         I worry about the physical health of myself and my loved ones              49%    46%     45%           54%   51%   46%       52%

                                          I worry about the mental health of myself and my loved ones               30%    33%     35%           28%   25%   27%       33%

                                                                     I expect to have to work fewer hours           19%    33%     22%           20%   1%    23%       15%

                                                                           I expect a decrease in my salary         14%    23%     16%           14%   3%    18%       11%

                                                          I expect to eventually receive less pension funds         12%    22%      5%           10%   9%    14%           9%

                                                                                    I expect to lose my job         10%    20%     10%           8%    2%    11%           9%

                                         I expect that I can not continue or finish my current education            7%     17%      7%           1%    1%    8%            5%

                                                                                           Other, namely:           2%      2%      6%           1%    2%    2%            3%

                                                                                              I don't know          9%      7%     17%           9%    5%    8%        10%

                                          I (barely) expect any changes regarding my personal situation             17%     5%     10%           19%   32%   17%       17%

Q: Which consequences do you expect for your personal situation?                                                                                              75
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