ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21 - Our analysts share their outlook and top stock picks for FY21 - OncoSil Medical

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Our analysts share their outlook and top stock picks for FY21.
To learn more about the stocks mentioned in this           CONTENTS

report, speak to your adviser or refer to the Client       BANKS & GENERAL INSURERS				3
Access Research Library.                                   DIVERSIFIED FINANCIALS & FINTECH			   4
                                                           LISTED INVESTMENT COMPANIES				5
Please note that Speculative securities may not be         AGRICULTURE & FMCG					6
suitable for retail clients (refer to final page of this   TECHNOLOGY							7
report).                                                   DISCRETIONARY RETAIL 					8
                                                           INDUSTRIALS							9                                      RESOURCES & ENERGY 					11
1300 0 BELLS (1300 023 557)                                HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH					15                                     EMERGING COMPANIES					17
                                                           DISCLAIMER & DISCLOSURES				18
BANKS & GENERAL INSURERS.                                                                                                                                         TS Lim

Our FY2021 top three picks                Macquarie Group (MQG)                       Commonwealth Bank (CBA)                     MyState (MYS)
possess strong risk management
                                          MQG remains our top stock pick.             FY20 profit will be dragged down by         Our positive view is based on few
capabilities and defensive qualities
                                          Underlying earnings numbers were            COVID-19 but underlying income should       distractions facing the bank, an
including healthy balance sheets
                                          strong despite having none of the huge      be stable and costs are expected to         organic growth strategy that is
and surplus capital that could be         prior year asset sales – and if COVID-19    be well-managed. The balance sheet          profitable, future-focused and built
returned to shareholders. These           related charges are excluded, profit        remains in good shape with sufficient       around a scalable, digital platform.
companies have undergone massive          would have been 4% higher in FY20.          capital, funding and provisions, and        MYS is an approved lender in both
transformation over the years to          MQG’s annuity-style and markets-            sound overall asset quality. The            the government’s Coronavirus SME
improve the quality and consistency       facing activities continue to work well,    announced sales of interests in Colonial    Loan Guarantee and First Home Loan
of their earnings.                        being capital efficient in ensuring         First State and the Indonesian life         Deposit schemes, which should provide
                                          capital can be shifted to activities        business should lift CET1 to 11.4-11.5%     a lending backstop to underpin organic
Our selection comprises one diversified   with higher incremental returns.            and place CBA ahead of its domestic         revenues. Cost discipline remains a
financial (MQG), one major bank           Capital management flexibility is also      peers and near the top end of the global    key value lever (restructuring benefits
(CBA) and one regional bank (MYS).        characterised by a final dividend in FY20   “unquestionably strong” club. Excluding     should start to flow in 2H20) and the
The operating environment remains         that was entirely funded by non-bank        COVID-19 and other provisions,              long term aspiration of ~60% CIR is
positive for MQG (e.g. capitalising       activities. In essence, MQG remains a       underlying organic capital generation in    unchanged. We also take comfort in the
on rising global demand for asset         longer term “Cash and Growth” story         3Q20 was strong at +12bp and we still       quality of its lending book, with arrears
and risk management services and          with $25bn equity yet to be deployed in     think there is scope for CBA to declare a   well below industry levels by at least
infrastructure/green investments)         infrastructure and other assets.            small 2H20 dividend of 100¢ in August.      90bp.
while CBA and MYS appear well-placed
given sound underlying fundamentals       Buy, Price Target $135.00                   Buy, Price Target $72.00                    Buy, Price Target $4.50
to capitalise on postpandemic

                                                                                                                                               ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.      3
DIVERSIFIED FINANCIALS & FINTECH.                                                                                                                  Lafitani Sotiriou

AMP (AMP)                                 Trio of Fund Managers (JHG, PDL, PPT)      Afterpay (APT)                               Life 360 (360)

We believe the worst is over. AMP’s       We recommend Buying a trio of Fund         APT remains a key pick despite its           Life360 (360) is our other high
Life sale provides a meaningful capital   Managers for exposure to a sector          strong run. We believe the stock             conviction pick which has languished
injection, for the company to complete    that is relatively cheap, still paying     remains in an upgrade cycle, with the        in its share price performance of late.
its transformation project which          healthy dividends, and set to experience   next catalyst being the June quarter         We see 360 as one of the few microcaps
includes $140m in post-tax synergies      meaningful positive mark-to-markets        update due out around mid-July. We           on the ASX with a true global footprint,
and to potentially embark on a share      in the June quarter given equity market    believe a key to Afterpay’s continued        with approximately 28m monthly active
buyback, organic and inorganic growth     gains are around 17% during the period     success will be its ability to further its   users. We see a catalyst being its new
opportunities. The company has largely    in both Australia and MSCI index. More     integrations with other key e-commerce       product launch which is set for around
repriced its front and back book,         specifically, JHG is the cheapest, with    and payment infrastructure players           July this year with new pricing and
and is on track to be 80% through its     a meaningful buyback and high cash         in the market with its one-to-many           features to be announced.
remediation program this year, with       generation, PDL’s performance fees are     strategy (i.e. integrate with a key piece
the Royal Commission impact largely       set to return and PPT has the Trillium     of infrastructure and the growth can
factored in.                              acquisition and Corporate Trust growth     accelerate). Key examples include its
                                          to look forward to.                        integrations being worked on with Visa,
                                                                                     Mastercard, eBay (possible outside of
                                                                                     Australia), and Wix (a competitor to
                                                                                     Shopify). Further, it has geographic
                                                                                     expansion it is chasing, with Canada
                                                                                     flagged to launch before the end of this
                                                                                     calendar year.

                                                                                                                                              ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.      4
LISTED INVESTMENT COMPANIES (LICs) &                                                                                                                      Will Gormly

2020 has reminded investors to              MFF Capital Investments Limited (MFF)       Magellan Global Trust (MGG)                 WCM Global Growth Limited (WQG)
expect the unexpected whilst
                                            MFF’s primary focus is to invest in large   MGG is a Listed Investment Trust that       WQG aims to provide access to an
remaining vigilant and flexible             listed international companies that have    seeks to invest in a focused portfolio of   actively managed portfolio of quality
with their investment portfolios.           attractive business characteristics at      outstanding global companies and seeks      global companies found primarily in
                                            a discount to their assessed intrinsic      to purchase investments when they are       the high growth consumer, technology,
Stalling economic growth from the           values. The Company has provided            trading at a discount to their assessed     and healthcare sectors. The portfolio
global pandemic has resulted in a wide      shareholders with a net total return of     intrinsic value. Magellan undertakes        is managed by WCM Investment
variety of administrative actions from      over 18% p.a. over the past 10 years, as    extensive fundamental analysis on the       Management (WCM), a California-based
each country and state. Geographical        at 31 May 2020. Over the same period        individual companies and the industries     specialist global equity firm with an
diversification is as important now as it   the MSCI World Index (in AUD) returned      in which they operate. MGG aims to          outstanding long-term investment track
has ever been, and our top picks focus on   11.9% p.a. The portfolio is highly          invest in 15 to 35 of the world’s best      record. WCM’s investment process is
how to easily gain access to diversified    concentrated, with the top holdings         global stocks whilst targeting a 4% p.a.    based on the belief that corporate culture
equity portfolios via high quality global   at the end of May being Visa (18.6%)        cash distribution yield. As at May 2020,    is the biggest influence on a company’s
LIC/LITs.                                   and MasterCard (17.2%). Net cash as         the Fund had returned 12.5% p.a. since      ability to grow its competitive advantage
                                            a percentage of investment assets and       inception. This is an outperformance of     or ‘moat’. As at May 2020, WQG recorded
The FY21 top picks are MFF Capital
                                            cash had grown to 46.7%, at 12 June         1.5% p.a. over the MSCI World Net Total     a 12-month net shareholder return of
Investments Limited (MFF) which
                                            2020. At this time MFF traded at a          Return Index (AUD) over that period.        19.0% (not adjusted for option dilution),
has delivered superior long-term
                                            1.9% discount to the pre-tax NTA. As a      MGG traded at a 2.7% discount to the        outperforming the MSCI ACWI ex-AUS
performance and now holds a large cash
                                            result of large profitable realisations     NAV at this time and was trading on an      Index (AUD) by ~8.0%. On 12 June
balance, Magellan Global Trust (MGG)
                                            of investments, MFF continues to            annualised 12-month net yield of 3.64%.     2020, WQG traded at a 14.2% discount
which provides access to a high quality
                                            pay large tax instalments which             This provides investors with income         to the NTA before tax and provided
manager of leading global companies,
                                            ultimately decreases the NTA. However,      diversification whilst still maintaining    shareholders with an annualised
and WCM Global Growth Limited (WQG)
                                            shareholders will benefit from the pass     a current exposure that is weighted         unfranked dividend yield of 3.4%. With
which invests in global quality companies
                                            through of franking credits attached        towards some of the largest internet &      large weightings in the portfolio towards
with a rising competitive advantage and
                                            to future dividends, and the franking       eCommerce, technology, and payments         Information Technology (~24.1%) and
a corporate culture that supports the
                                            credit balance has grown significantly      companies.                                  Health Care (~23.6%), WQG is well
expansion of this moat.
                                            in 2020 to an estimated ~$100m. We                                                      positioned for the post-COVID-19
                                            calculate MFF’s indirect cost ratio at                                                  recovery that seems set to change
                                            ~0.41% and the Company does not incur                                                   consumer behaviour. The top position
                                            a performance fee.                                                                      at the end of May was Shopfiy Inc., a
                                                                                                                                    Canadian e-Commerce platform for
                                                                                                                                    online stores.

                                                                                                                                                ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.        5
AGRICULTURAL & FMCG.                                                                                                                             Jonathan Snape

Investments in the Agricultural           Inghams Group (ING)                         Elders (ELD)                                 Rural Funds Group (RFF)
& FMCG sector should be
                                          ING is a leading vertically integrated      ELD is a leading supplier of fertiliser,     Rural Funds Group (RFF) is a listed
considered high risk and come             poultry producer (from stock feed to end    agricultural chemicals and animal health     agricultural REIT with a portfolio
with volatility. For this reason we       products) with a market leading position    products to rural and regional Australia,    covering 50 properties, focused on,
tend to focus on stocks where we          in Australia and the number 2 participant   with strong agency positions in livestock,   almond orchards, vineyards, cattle,
see either: a structural uplift in        in New Zealand.                             wool and real estate.                        cotton and macadamias. Assets in the
                                                                                                                                   portfolio are some of the most productive
ROIC through the cycle, cyclical          We see ING as a second derivative           The recent share price of ELD has            in the industry and leased to high quality
growth stories, or counter-               beneficiary of improved seasonal            benefited from rainfall and strong cattle    tenants including Treasury Wine Estates,
seasonal crop exposures.                  conditions, lifting Australian grain        prices . However, we continue to see         Olam, Select Harvests, AACo and Stone
                                          production. We expect a normalisation       consensus FY21-22e earnings as yet to        Axe Pastoral, with a WALE of 11.3 years.
Our key commodity call for 2020 has       in cropping volumes to drive a rapid        reflect the annualised benefit of the AIRR   RFF is externally managed by Rural
been the unwinding of the drought         contraction in Australian wheat prices,     acquisition (and synergy realisation), a     Funds Management (RFM), who have
induced dislocation between domestic      which should result in a material           normalisation in the summer crop (sales      been managing agricultural investments
cattle prices and export meat prices      contraction in feed costs from 2H21e.       flow in 1H21e) or incorporating the scale    since 1997.
on a normalisation in weather patterns    Between FY16-19 Australian benchmark        of upside from integrating three generic
and more recently the normalisation of    wheat prices rose ~85% resulting in         portfolios across the combined ELD +         The RFF portfolio continues to transition
domestic grain prices to international    Australian grain trading at a premium to    AIRR business. We also see upside from       to natural resources (from 46% to 59% of
benchmarks. The three stocks listed       US wheat three times historical levels. A   migrating independents onto the AIRR         FY20e revenues), which are appreciating
below carry varying degrees of exposure   normalisation in this historical premium    platform (~600 independents in the           rather than depreciating assets, and
to these dynamics.                        is likely to prove a tailwind to earnings   market).                                     towards assets with market linked rental
                                          in an environment where competing                                                        reviews (from 37% to 43% of FY20e
                                          protein prices face upward pressure. We                                                  revenues). Over time as capex is deployed
                                          are already seeing a rapid contraction in                                                we expect favourable asset revaluations
                                          new season crop prices and expect ING                                                    and growth in rental incomes from
                                          to benefit from this dynamic in Fy21e, at                                                newly acquired assets. In addition as the
                                          a time when COVID-19 related demand                                                      investment in the cattle sector has lifted
                                          headwinds are likely to be weakening.                                                    so too has the exposure the business
                                                                                                                                   has to cattle prices, through EYCI rent
                                                                                                                                   linkages on some leases.

                                                                                                                                               ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.        6
TECHNOLOGY.                                                                                                                                                   Chris Savage

We continue to be positive on the               Uniti Group (UWL)                           Infomedia (IFM)                               PWR Holdings (PWH)
technology sector in Australia
                                                Uniti is a diversified provider of          Infomedia is a leading provider of software   PWR is a leading provider of customised
as, in an environment of low                    telecommunications services, specialising   solutions to the parts and service sectors    cooling solutions to the global motorsports
interest rates and low growth,                  in fixed-wireless, fibre and specialty      of the global automotive industry. The        market as well as the wider automotive
we believe there are a number of                telecommunication services. The company     company has a solid growth outlook due        industry. While it is technically a
good quality stocks in the sector               has grown rapidly through a number of       to good momentum in its Service business      manufacturer we also see it as a tech
with reasonable to strong growth                acquisitions over the past 12 months and    and expected rapid growth in its relatively   company due to the high level of IP in its
outlooks.                                       is now a strongly profitable and highly     new Data business. The shares have            products. The company has been negatively
                                                cash generative business. Uniti looks       underperformed the sector, however, due       impacted by COVID-19 – due to the
We acknowledge many stocks in the sector        set for further strong growth over the      to an equity raising in April which was not   cessation of elite motorsport globally – and
have had a strong re-rating over the past       next 12 months through both organic         done in conjunction with an acquisition.      we have had to downgrade our FY20 NPAT
few years but believe there is still some       growth and the proposed acquisition of      We do, however, expect acquisitions to        forecast by around 25%. We do, however,
value in the sector with a number of good       Opticomm which is scheduled to go ahead     commence in 1HFY21 and for this to            expect a strong recovery in FY21 – due to
quality stocks on reasonable forward PE         in September or October. The stock looks    provide a catalyst for the share price. The   the recommencement of elite motorsport
ratios. Our goal is to find good quality tech   reasonable value on an FY21 PE ratio of     stock looks reasonable value on an FY21 PE    – and an unusually strong 1HFY21 result
stocks with strong growth outlooks that         around 25x.                                 ratio of around 25x.                          which should provide a catalyst for the
are currently trading on forward PE ratios                                                                                                share price. The stock looks reasonable
of around 25x or less and that, over time,      Buy, Price Target $2.25                     Buy, Price Target $2.00                       value on an FY21 PE ratio of around 25x.
can re-rate up to over 30x as has happened
with stocks like WiseTech Global (WTC) and                                                                                                Buy, Price Target $5.00
Altium (ALU).

                                                                                                                                                      ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.          7
DISCRETIONARY RETAIL &                                                                                                                                     Sam Haddad

Retail                                      Temple & Webster (TPW)                      City Chic Collective (CCX)                    Professional services
The COVID-19 pandemic has had some          TPW is Australia’s largest online only      CCX is a global multichannel retailer,        IPH Limited (IPH)
significant impacts on the retail sector,   furniture and homewares retailer            with almost two-thirds of sales online,
although the key overarching trend          with >180,000 products on sale from         specialising in plus-size (size 14+)          IPH wholly owns Spruson & Ferguson,
that has emerged is the acceleration        hundreds of suppliers. TPW is the most      women’s apparel, accessories and              Pizzeys, AJ Park, Griffith Hack,
to online shopping. While the easing        leveraged retailer to the online shift in   footwear. It is a collective of customer-     Shelston IP and Practice Insight. IPH
of social distancing restrictions will      our research coverage. The company          led brands including City Chic, Avenue        is the leading Intellectual Property
see some unwind of this, we believe         has a strong balance sheet with ~$29m       and Hips & Curves. City Chic appeals          (IP) services group in the Asia-Pacific
there will be some enduring impacts on      in net cash at hand, a flexible cost        to fashion-forward women and its              region, with specialist services spanning
consumer shopping behaviour.                structure and a low risk inventory model    multichannel model comprises: a               the protection, commercialisation,
                                            with drop-ship accounting for ~80% of       network of >90 stores across Australia/       enforcement and management of IP.
We believe the outlook for consumer         revenue. Drop-ship is a capital light       New Zealand; multiple websites                The group comprises a team of ~1000
discretionary spending remains highly       and negative working capital fulfilment     operating in Australasia and USA; and         staff that services a diverse client
uncertain. Key risks to consumer            model where products are sent directly      marketplace and wholesale partnerships        base of Fortune Global 500 companies
demand include: 1) increased                to customers by suppliers, enabling a       in the USA and Europe. Avenue targets         and other multinationals, public
unemployment and the outlook for            larger product range, faster delivery       value-conscious women and Hips &              sector research organisations, foreign
this once JobKeeper unwinds coupled         times and reducing the need to hold         Curves is an intimates brand; both are        associates and local clients. The key
with weak business confidence; 2) the       inventory. The drop-ship range is           online only with a significant customer       positive factors we see for IPH include:
unwind of other government support          complemented by a private label range       following throughout the USA. We              1) market leader in a sector that has
initiatives such as rent relief and loan    which is sourced directly by TPW from       believe CCX is well positioned in this        proven relatively resilient through
deferrals; and 3) a ‘second wave’           overseas suppliers. There are several       environment given the company’s: strong       previous economic downturns; 2)
scenario of COVID-19 cases, impacting       initiatives underway or in the pipeline     online presence; minimal debt position;       strong cash flow generating business
the recovery of foot traffic in malls.      to drive sales growth including: adding     flexible supply chain (able to align intake   (gross conversion >90%); 3) strong
                                            depth and breadth to the company’s          to consumer demand/preferences);              and expanding exposure to the high
Our favoured retailers also have a          core offer; continuing to invest in the     and low fixed costs structure (including      growth Asian IP market; 4) synergy
strong balance sheet, flexible cost         trade and commercial segment; adding        recent successful rent reductions with        opportunities from recent acquisitions
structure, and low risk inventory model.    new adjacent categories; raising brand      landlords). has (as at CCX’s       (including XIP and AJ Park); and 5)
                                            awareness (TV advertising recently          25 May update) traded resiliently during      expansion prospects in new secondary
                                            commenced); and the launch of a             the pandemic. We attribute this to            IP markets.
                                            mobile app.                                 Avenue’s strong offering in casual wear
                                                                                        which we believe is resonating strongly
                                                                                        in the current difficult environment.

                                                                                                                                                   ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.      8
INDUSTRIALS.                                                                                       Alex McLean, James Filius & Hamish Murray

Carbon Revolution (CBR) (Speculative)       Corporate Travel (CTD)                        Emeco Holdings (EHL)                           Johns Lyng Group (JLG)
Carbon Revolution (CBR) is an advanced      CTD is a corporate travel service             Emeco Holdings (EHL) is a leading              Johns Lyng Group (JLG) is an integrated
manufacturing company that has              provider with operations in Australia &       provider of earthmoving equipment              building services group that primarily
developed the only single piece carbon      New Zealand, North America, the UK            rental and maintenance services to the         delivers insurance building and
fibre automotive wheels to Original         and Asia. CTD’s business model revolves       Australian mining industry.                    restoration services (IB&RS), and
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) quality        around its customer value proposition                                                        commercial building services across
                                                                                          EHL is exposed to the Australian mining
standards with commercial adoption          which combines superior client service                                                       Australia. With JLG anticipated to deliver
                                                                                          production cycle that has remained
across several major OEM models.            and technology solutions to deliver                                                          a strong FY20 result benefiting from
                                                                                          relatively resilient to date. The resilience
                                            return on investment and cost savings                                                        insurance panel wins, increased job
COVID-19 left CBR exposed to the                                                          of mining production was reflected in the
                                            to corporate clients. In our view, we                                                        volumes and acquisitions which will
closure of key customer factories in the                                                  company’s strong FY20e guidance, which
                                            see CTD continuing to leverage this                                                          see JLG enter the Strata Management
US, Italy, Canada and Spain, delaying                                                     had only minor impacts from increased
                                            value proposition, further increasing                                                        market, we believe that the company is
the production of end-vehicles and                                                        operating costs relating to COVID-19,
                                            its market share both domestically and                                                       well positioned as we enter FY21e, for
disrupting the delivery of finished                                                       plus some headwinds relating to east
                                            internationally. Despite the uncertainty                                                     the following reasons:
wheels.                                                                                   coast coal markets. We expect further
                                            facing the outlook for global travel, we      coal related headwinds to impact the           1. JLGs core IB&RS remains relatively
With all customer factories now             remain attracted to CTD as a pure play        company in FY21e, although this looks             insulated from COVID-19 trading
reopened and some manufacturers,            on the corporate travel market, exposure      priced in, while increased exposure               restrictions owing to its “essential
like Ferrari, planning to catch up lost     to domestic travel (c.60% of total            to underground gold mining and the                service” status.
production in the second half of CY20,      turnover) and ability to operate profitably   strength of iron ore should partially
CBR is positioned to return to more         off a low base due to its lean operating                                                     2. The company enters FY21e with a full
                                                                                          offset any coal weakness.
normalised volumes in 1QFY21.               model driven by automation.                                                                     job order book resulting from record
                                                                                          EHL’s high funding costs present some             insurance job registration volumes
In our view, CBR should continue to
                                            Buy, Price Target $13.75                      additional risk, although we expect               arising from 6 recent catastrophic
rerate if the company can achieve
                                                                                          the company to close FY20e with                   weather events including East
the pre-COVID volumes implied by
                                                                                          close to $100m in cash which could be             coast bushfires, and QLD & NSW
prospectus forecasts in FY21e. Longer-
                                                                                          used to amortise debt, while a partial            hailstorms. During the calendar
term, we continue to like CBRs first
                                                                                          refinancing of the senior notes remains           year to May 2020, JLG has registered
mover advantage, Intellectual Property,
                                                                                          an option if credit markets continue to           ~55,000 jobs, which compares to
and ability to generate material revenues
                                                                                          improve. At just 8.5x FY21e underlying            ~61,000 jobs in CY19, which we believe
off relatively low implied vehicle
                                                                                          P/E, EHL looks oversold on a normalised           positions the company strongly for
                                                                                          basis.                                            work completions in FY21e; and
Buy (Speculive.), Val. $2.42ps
                                                                                          Buy, Price Target $1.52

                                                                                                                                                    ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.         9
INDUSTRIALS.                                                                                      Alex McLean, James Filius & Hamish Murray

3. We anticipate that the benefits of JLGs   Mader Group (MAD)                           Rhipe (RHP)
   integration and cross sell of services
                                             Mader Group (MAD) is a leading provider     RHP provides cloud-based subscription
   into the Strata management market
                                             of specialised contract labour for          software and service licenses to a
   will begin to emerge over the course
                                             maintenance of heavy mobile equipment       growing channel of IT service providers
   of FY21e, which will deliver additional
                                             in the resources industry.                  across Asia Pacific (APAC). Software
   revenue gains and improved operating
                                                                                         subscriptions are distributed at a
   leverage across the business.             MAD has experienced some disruption         wholesale level from world leading
Overall we see JLG as a well-funded and      from COVID-19, having had to temporarily    software vendors such as Microsoft,
strongly positioned business to deliver      suspend its international division (~5%     Citrix and Symantec. We believe RHP
solid organic growth during FY21e. We        of FY20e revenues), although it’s FY20e     remains well positioned to deliver a
see the potential for the business to        guidance range suggests continued           solid full year result for FY20 despite
grow into its multiple as it expands its     growth in Australia and the US has offset   the uncertainty facing markets due to
footprint within the strata management       the majority of the lost International      its lean operating model and exposure
market, with opportunities for strategic     revenue.                                    to the digital economy. Ultimately, we
acquisitions in this space likely to be      We continue to forecast below trend         believe the cloud computing megatrend
highly EPS accretive.                        growth in FY21e given possible              – RHP’s key structural growth driver -
                                             headwinds in east coast coal markets        remains intact in a post COVID-19 world
Buy, Price Target $2.90
                                             (17% of 3Q20 revenue). However, strong      and supports RHP’s long-term growth
                                             growth in its home market of Western        outlook. We see two positive catalysts
                                             Australia (64% of 3Q20 revenue) and         for the stock over the medium term: (1)
                                             North America (6% of 3Q20 revenue)          RHPs entry into the Japanese market
                                             means MAD’s growth prospects look           starting to become a reality; and (2)
                                             cheap at 8.7x FY21e P/E.                    $60m net cash position will be used on
                                                                                         complementary acquisitions to improve
                                             Buy, Price Target $1.18                     FY21 EPS by up to +50%.

                                                                                         Buy, Price Target $2.30

                                                                                                                                   ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.   10
RESOURCES & ENERGY.                                                                                          Peter Arden, David Coates & Stuart Howe

The FY21 outlook has been                      to benefit as a portfolio diversifier, but     Oil prices have rebounded strongly            capacity expansions in Europe and Asia to
materially altered by the                      this kicked up a gear with the risks of        following a destructive price war             meet projected demand in 2022 and 2023.
                                               the COVID-19 pandemic boosting the             between the world’s second largest oil        While deferral and possible cancelation of
emergence of the COVID-19                      safe haven trade and what has been a           producer (Saudi Arabia) and Russia.           a number of lithium development projects
pandemic and the implementation                steady stream of fiscal and monetary           Recently improved sentiment in the            from the combined impacts of falling
of social and economic                         policy announcements that have added           oil sector has been boosted by OPEC+          prices and reduced funding ability will
restrictions to contain it.                    to gold’s appeal as a store of wealth.         members complying with production cut         tighten the projected market balance.
                                               “Whatever it takes” stimulus packages          arrangements.                                 The market for high-purity alumina is also
For base metals this has certainly had         from Central Banks to support market           Whilst the risk of a second wave of           expected to be chronically undersupplied
an impact on the demand outlook. Major         liquidity have raised currency debasement      COVID-19 infections that could further        as its use is recognised in advancing
global economies have been pushed into         as a thematic and a further attraction         slow the global economy remains, that         lithium ion battery efficiency and safety.
negative growth and technical recessions.      for investors to increase exposure to          risk is being outweighed by the effects
Key indicators of consumption such as          gold. Low interest rates and negative          of a compliant OPEC+ and forecasts
manufacturing PMI’s have shown rates           real interest rates, together with the US      for gradually recovering global growth.
of contraction not seen for a decade or        dollar falling back from its highs, round      Under this scenario, we see oil prices
more. However, the flip side of this has       out an extremely supportive gold price         remaining relatively steady around current
been supply disruption in both the scrap       environment.                                   levels over the next two years, as global
market and dominant metal producing
                                               Energy policy and energy technology are        oil inventories are gradually reduced in an
jurisdictions – particularly in South
                                               recurring themes for a post COVID-19           improving economic climate.
America. This has resulted in forecasts for
                                               economic recovery.
the supply-demand balance in the market                                                       Battery raw material markets are
remaining relatively tight. A further          We have a positive medium term outlook         expected to strengthen as governments
mitigating factor has been stimulus            for domestic gas markets. The ACCC Gas         and industry promote electric vehicle
packages announced by Governments              inquiry 2017-25 continues to highlight         (EV) take-up and other carbon abatement
which have included significant                the risk of a supply shortfall in east         technologies.
infrastructure programs. Notably, while        coast markets over the medium term,            Markets for lithium are expected to return
China as an end user consumes ‘just’           particularly in southern states. This          to deficit over a 3-year outlook. Global
~50% of global copper production, the          shortfall is driven by declining Bass Strait   auto majors have firm plans for major
single largest copper metal user globally,     supply, increased reliance on Queensland       new investments in EV capacity and new
China Grid (State power utility) has had its   coal seam gas and restrictions with            models; in cases like Toyota, EVs could
development budget increased by 10%.           respect to developing new supply. Strong       become their dominant product by the
                                               term prices for gas sales out 24+ months
The gold price in early 2020 continued                                                        middle of the decade. Battery cathode
                                               also reflect this expected supply deficit.     manufacturers are planning further

                                                                                                                                                        ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.        11
RESOURCES & ENERGY.                                                                                    Peter Arden, David Coates & Stuart Howe

Alpha HPA (A4N)                              Byron Energy (BYE)                          Comet Ridge (COI)                           Mincor Resources (MCR)

A4N’s HPA First Project is aiming to         BYE continues to advance the growth of      COI is positioned to develop two coal       MCR’s Kambalda Nickel Project has
supply 99.99% high-purity alumina (4N        oil and gas output with the installation    seam gas projects over the next two         significant attraction but it has not
HPA) to the lithium ion battery and LED      of the SM58 G Platform underway and         years. The Mahalo JV (COI 40%) in           been getting anything like the market
manufacturing sectors. 4N HPA is a           expected to lead to new production in       partnership with Santos and APLNG, is       attention of some recent nickel
preferred ceramic for coating polyolefin     September 2020. The new platform            expected to be development-ready by         discoveries despite delivering further
separators in lithium batteries. The         will also facilitate drilling of multiple   the end of 2020 and will net COI around     high grade Cassini extensions and being
market for 4N HPA is expected to grow        exploration wells in the next two years     1.5mmboe pa in gas sales. Mahalo            a low capex development underpinned by
from around 30ktpa now to 100ktpa by         for which the company is now well           North (COI 100%) could be fast-tracked      its attractive and strategic concentrate
2028. The HPA first definitive feasibility   funded, having recently raised nearly       to produce 0.6-1.3mmboe pa in the           offtake arrangement with BHP. MCR
study supported 10,000tpa production         $30m that included a much larger SPP        near term, mostly through existing          remains well funded (net cash was
and annual pre-tax cash flow of $133-        component after strong shareholder          infrastructure. COI also has longer dated   $51.9m at 31 March 2020) and is making
280m from capex of $308m. Chemical           support. Our oil price forecasts reflect    gas projects, including in the Gunnedah     solid progress towards a nickel restart,
major Orica is partnering with A4N for       the improved pricing since May 2020,        Basin, which could eventually be tied-in    advancing its debt funding process and
input supply and by-product offtake.         with our average forecast WTI prices        to STO’s Narrabri Gas Project.              readying the very high grade Cassini
A4N could be in production in 2022 and       being US$46.45/bbl, US$32.78/bbl                                                        deposit for development. Provided
benefit from supply deficits and strong      and US$38.48/bbl for FY20 to FY22           Speculative Buy, Valuation $0.19/sh         nickel prices improve and global nickel
pricing.                                     respectively. Our long term WTI price                                                   inventories decline as expected and
                                             forecast is US$45/bbl and we see the                                                    assuming further easing of COVID-19
Speculative Buy, Valuation $0.36/sh          Louisiana Light Sweet (LLS) crude price                                                 restrictions, FID is likely in 3Q20 so
                                             (which BYE receives) gradually returning                                                nickel processing can potentially restart
                                             to a modest premium to that over time.                                                  around late 2021. Our valuation, which
                                             While we are forecasting small losses                                                   incorporates a higher discount rate
                                             in FY20 and FY22 and a moderate loss                                                    (12%) to reflect the greater global
                                             for FY21, we see the company’s low                                                      economic uncertainty of COVID-19, is
                                             operating costs enabling it to continue                                                 $0.87/share and our rating is Speculative
                                             to generate very useful and growing                                                     Buy.
                                             operating cash flows, aided by useful oil
                                             price hedging. Our target price is $0.40/
                                             share and our recommendation is Buy.

                                                                                                                                                ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.        12
RESOURCES & ENERGY.                                                                                    Peter Arden, David Coates & Stuart Howe

Nickel Mines (NIC)                          Pantoro (PNR)                               Regis Resources (RRL)                         Senex Energy (SXY)

In late 2019 NIC achieved the key           After a disappointing 2019, PNR is          We continue to view RRL as an attractive,     SXY has a strong earnings growth profile
milestone of the completion of the ramp-    coming off a low share price base with      reliable gold producer. Consistent            as the company builds production from
up phase at the Hengjaya and Ranger         room to deliver on a more conservative      operating margins have been maintained        its two Queensland coal seam gas
Nickel Projects at the Indonesia Morowali   mine plan, exploration success at its 50%   across the business. RRL’s 1HFY20             projects. Roma North (1mmboe pa) is
Industrial Park (IMIP) in Sulawesi. All     owned Norseman Gold Project (NGP)           EBITDA margin of 50% is competitive           now running at design capacity and
four NPI production lines reached full      and the first outline of its development    with, or ahead of, key industry peers.        delivering to the GLNG joint venture
production and are now operating at         strategy for that asset. Over the medium    RRL’s ongoing CAPEX is in-line with our       under gas sales agreements. Atlas
~42-44ktpa Ni in NPI and at all-in costs    term, PNR also stands to benefit from       expectations and, in our view, represents     (2mmboe pa) is ramping up production
of ~US$7,800/t, comfortably below           a re-rating upon becoming a multi-          investment into attractive, capital           and delivering gas to east coast industrial
our original steady state forecast of       mine producer as the NGP comes into         efficient growth options that leverage        and utility customers. Both of these
US$8,300/t.                                 production.                                 off RRL’s existing infrastructure – an        projects have expansion potential. SXY
Most recently, NIC has exercised its                                                    aspect of its operations that set it apart    has a strong balance sheet with net debt
                                            PNR’s balance sheet is debt free and
option to acquire an additional 20%                                                     from many peers. RRL also remains one         expected to peak in the September 2020
                                            offers full gold price exposure and
interest in the Hengjaya and Ranger                                                     of the sector leaders for shareholder         quarter before operating cash flows
                                            cash flows that are highly leveraged to
RKEF Nickel Projects, lifting its                                                       returns. Its most recent dividend equates     support rapid deleveraging.
                                            the gold price. This is due to its gold
ownership levels of both from 60% to                                                    to a payout of $40.7m and a payout ratio
                                            production being entirely unhedged                                                        Buy, Target Price $0.33/sh
80%. Due to the US$120m acquisition                                                     of 43% of NPAT. While RRL does carry
                                            (since end April 2020), making it one of
being funded entirely by equity, NIC                                                    a large hedge book which is out of the
                                            just a handful of ASX gold producers with
retains a very strong balance sheet with                                                money, it is almost entirely spot deferred
                                            no hedge book.
just US$65m debt remaining. Attributable                                                offering greater flexibility than flat
production lifts from ~24ktpa Ni in NPI     This puts PNR in a strong positon to        forward sales. We have estimated that
to ~32ktpa Ni in NPI on our current         fund exploration and development at         over 2HFY20 and FY21 it would result in a
forecasts. On NIC’s current production      Norseman in a market that is giving good    realised gold price at a 5.1% discount to a
run-rate this is higher, at ~35ktpa Ni in   recognition for exploration success.        spot price of A$2,700/oz.
NPI, making NIC the largest pure-play       Buy, Target Price $0.17/sh                  Buy, Target Price $5.72/sh
nickel exposure on the ASX. We retain
NIC as one of our top picks on the basis
of it remaining cheap relative to peers
and its pure nickel commodity exposure –
one of our preferred base metals.
Buy, Target Price $1.08/sh

                                                                                                                                                  ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.         13
RESOURCES & ENERGY.                         Peter Arden, David Coates & Stuart Howe

Westgold Resources (WGX)

Although WGX’s latest quarterly
production was below expectations,
gold output and costs are expected to
improve in 4Q20 and in the next few
years, generating growing free cash flow,
particularly as sub-level cave mining
at Big Bell moves up to the targeted
rate. Big Bell is now expected to build
to targeted production by the end of
2020, providing long term, low cost
feed that is expected to make it WGX’s
flagship mine and potentially one of
the lowest cost gold mines in Australia
if it can achieve its targeted operating
parameters. The company has continued
to have significant near mine exploration
success across its three operations in
the Murchison of WA, with recent high
grade extensions being made at Great
Fingal, Starlight and Trev’s Lode. Our
target price is $2.65/share and our
recommendation is Buy.

                                                                  ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.   14
HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH.                                                                                                                                                      Tanushree Jain

For the healthcare and biotech sector,               Mesoblast (MSB) (Speculative)                     Genetic Signatures (GSS) (Speculative)             Opthea (OPT) (Speculative)
COVID-19 has necessitated a shift in focus
this year with companies either trying to            Mesoblast is the leading allogeneic               Genetic Signatures (GSS) is a specialist           Opthea is a Melbourne-based
keep their base businesses on track or               regenerative medicine player with one of          molecular diagnostics (MDx) company                biopharmaceutical company focused on the
trying to make the most of the opportunity in        the most diversified pipelines and several        which is focused on developing multiplexed         development of therapies for the treatment
developing treatments, vaccines or diagnostic        products in late stage. It has strategic          molecular diagnostic tests for infectious          of eye diseases. Its drug OPT-302 is targeting
tests for COVID-19. Companies with                   licensing agreements with Tasly for China         diseases (branded EasyScreen) using its            wet age-related macular degeneration (wet
COVID-19 tailwinds or neutral impact from            (heart) and Grunenthal for EU and LATAM           proprietary platform technology, 3Base.            AMD) and Diabetic Macular Edema (DME),
COVID-19 are likely to outperform:                   (back pain). The company is heading               These tests help hospitals and pathology           an attractive market with two standard of
                                                     towards a transformational 2020, with             laboratories screen for a wide variety of          care (SOC) anti-VEGF-A drugs generating
1. COVID-19 tailwinds: The pandemic                  3QCY20 expected to be the most important          infectious disease pathogens (such as              US$10bn+ revenue. Last year results
presents an opportunity for companies                quarter in its history with multiple catalysts.   coronavirus) rapidly, accurately and in high       from OPT-302’s Phase 2b wet AMD trial
focused on developing treatments, vaccines           COVID-19 has provided tailwinds with the          volumes. COVID-19 has provided tailwinds,          demonstrated strong vision gain with OPT-
or diagnostics.                                      company developing its Remestemcel-L              accelerating the company’s path to market          302 combination over SOC Lucentis alone
2. Key COVID-19 challenges: Declines in              cell therapy to treat ARDS, a lung disease in     penetration and customer acquisition in            (results were statistically significant) and
elective or non-urgent medical procedures            ventilator dependent COVID-19 ICU patients        international markets. The company reported        led to a strong re-rating of the stock. The
and patients seeking non-COVID-19 care;              linked to high mortality. Initial data from       record revenues for 3QFY20 driven by initial       meaningful additional efficacy offered by
Delay of new trials and enrolment in ongoing         compassionate use was encouraging and             sales of its COVID-19 test kit in Australia        OPT-302 and its potential to be combined with
trials has been paused; A slowdown in                now the company is running a pivotal trial in     and Europe. Formal regulatory approvals for        any anti-VEGF-A agent makes the company a
licensing and M&A activity for anything              US, expected to read out in 3QCY20. If positive   the Kit in both these markets was received         strong candidate for takeover or partnering.
non-COVID-19 related; Review timelines for           we expect a partnering deal and launch in         in April. All indications are that 4Q20 will       An earlier stage Phase 2A trial in DME which
some non-urgent applications have been               FY21. Remestemcel-L is also awaiting FDA          be another record quarter (BPe $5m). US            reported recently has extended the safety
delayed by the FDA; Business travel and              approval for SR-aGvHD in children, with           approval for the kit is expected shortly           data of the drug now with the second SOC
medical conferences have been impacted;              approval expected by 30th Sep’20 and launch       and will a key catalyst. In the short-term         drug Eylea and provided signals that the drug
Less face to face meetings with healthcare           soon after. Revenues from Remestemcel-L           COVID-19 revenues will lead the company to         has biological activity in a second indication.
professionals impacting new product                  for both these indications could see MSB          profitability in FY21 and in the long term the     We continue to expect a strategic transaction
launches and new customer acquisitions. We           becoming profitable in FY21. The company          foothold from equipment placed in EU and US        in FY21 (we model a US$1.4bn deal). While
expect with easing of restrictions all of these      is also on track to report top-line results       for COVID-19 will fast track the adoption of its   the company believes the results from the
activities will resume in FY21, however the          from two key Phase 3 trials (advanced heart       other test kits from FY22 onwards. Currently       DME trial warrant exploring its drug in larger
pace is likely to be slower than what we saw         failure and low back pain) in 3QCY20. The         95% of the company’s revenues are from             trials in DME, its primary focus remains on
pre-COVID-19.                                        recent capital raising has strengthened           Australia and expansion into Europe and US         wet AMD, where it has solid, unequivocal
We continue to believe that companies that           its balance sheet, allowing it to proceed         markets represent significant growth drivers       data. Phase 3 trials for wet AMD are on track
deliver solid, unequivocal data and commercial       with manufacturing scale up for the ARDS          for the company.                                   to initiate recruitment in Dec’20.
outcomes in FY21 are likely to be rewarded for       opportunity and also have a stronger position
their efforts in terms of stock price appreciation   in partnering negotiations.
and will attract investors and partners/suitors.

                                                                                                                                                                       ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.            15
HEALTHCARE.                                                                                                                                            John Hester

The quality of Australian                Oncosil Medical (OSL) (Speculative)          Avita Medical (AVH) (Speculative)            Volpara Health Technologies (VHT)
Biotechnology continues                  Oncosil Medical is a commercial stage        Avita Medical is commercialising Recell      Volpara Health Technologies is a medical
to improve with numerous                 drug developer and is expected to            for the treatment of severe burns. This      technology company focussed on the
companies now at the                     commence generating revenues in 2H           Australian technology was developed          early detection of breast cancer by
commercialisation phase or in            CY2020 at the rate of $25,000 per sale.      by Dr. Fiona Wood and was approved by        improving the quality of screening using
                                         The first indication is for the treatment    the FDA for use in the United States in      artificial intelligence. The company
late stage clinical development.
                                         of locally advanced pancreatic cancer        2018. The company has moved quickly          utilises technology originating from the
                                         where Oncosil (in combination with           to expand adoption with more than 70         University of Oxford designed to provide
Oncosil Medical, Avita Medical and       systemic chemotherapy) extended overall      specialist burns centres in the US now       objective data on breast tissue density
Volpara Health Technology are three of   survival from 8.5 months to 16 months        familiar with its use. The average selling   – a key risk marker for breast cancer.
our best. The common thread to each      and also increased the rate of surgical      price is US$6,500 and the product is sold    The vast majority of the revenues are
is outstanding management. In each       resection from 7% to 24%. The safety         via a direct sales force of approximately    earned in the United States although
case the CEO and direct reports have     profile of the drug is outstanding with no   20 FTE’s. Avita intends to expand            the core Volpara density product is
built careers in large pharmaceutical    serious adverse events being recorded        the indication for Recell into trauma        approved in more than 50 countries
companies or technology and hence        during a recent clinical trial. Product      wounds, vitiligo, chronic wounds and         around the globe. The product suite is
their market knowledge is deep. Each     launch is expected to occur in the UK        facial rejuvenation in the years ahead.      delivered via a Software as a Service
company’s earnings are protected by      and Germany later this calendar year         The combined addressable market is           (SaaS) business model to various
significant patents, trade secrets and   with 16 hospitals targeted for training in   expected to be ~US$2bn. Several of           independent or corporate mammography
other forms of intellectual property     the initial roll out. The company recently   these projects are under way and in the      providers. Since the SaaS model began
protection.                              raised capital to fund the launch. The       clinic. The company will be redomiciled      in 2016 the company has increased the
                                         European business unit will be run by Mr     to the United States from 1 July 2020 and    product suite from the single breast
                                         Nigel Lange, formerly the head of Sirtex     maintain a secondary listing on the ASX      density assessment tool to a complete
                                         in the same region.                          where its CDI’s will be listed.              suite of products covering all aspects
                                                                                                                                   of risk assessment and accuracy for a
                                                                                                                                   mammography practices.

                                                                                                                                               ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.      16
EMERGING COMPANIES.                                                                                                                           Damien Williamson

PointsBet (PBH) (Speculative)                  wagering, resulting from the forced         Resimac (RMC)                                RMC has also benefitted from the three
                                               closure of TAB outlets, pokies and                                                       25bp RBA cuts between June-October
Founded in Melbourne in 2015, PBH              casinos. The trading update for the 55      RMC is one of Australia’s leading non-       2019, followed by a further two in March
commenced operations as an Australian          days spanning 1 April – 25 May 2020         bank mortgage providers, servicing over      2020. RMC profitability remains highly
corporate bookmaker in February                has seen PBH report Group Net Win of        50,000 customers with principally funded     sensitive to movements in the net
2017. The May 2018 decision by the             $18.5m split $18.2m Australia, $0.3m        assets under management of $11.4bn.          interest margin, where we estimate a
US Supreme Court to overturn the               US, matching the entire 2Q20 Net Win        Resimac is the pioneer of securitisation     1bp improvement in the net interest
Professional and Amateur Sports                of $18.0m and 3Q20 of $18.8m. On a
Protection Act (PASPA) has provided                                                        of Australian residential mortgages with     margin increases RMC’s FY20 net profit
                                               daily basis, Group Net Win has surged to
the opportunity for PBH to expand its                                                      its first Australian Residential Mortgage-   by ~$1.1m.
                                               >$336k for 4Q20, versus ~200k in 2Q20
corporate bookmaking business into the         and 3Q20, and $80k in 4Q19.                 Backed Security (RMBS) issuance dating
                                                                                           back to 1988 under the name Fanmac.          While RMC has noted ~6% of customers
US market, as individual states introduce
                                               We see further momentum to PBH from:                                                     have requested COVID-19 hardship
legislation to permit both online wagering                                                 To date, RMC has issued ~$30bn across
and sports betting.                            - Resumption of NRL on 28 May and AFL       50 domestic and international RMBS           payment moratoriums, the company has
                                                 on 11 June                                issues. RMC does not have the overhead       not revised its 2H20 net profit guidance
To apply for a US online sports betting
                                               - NBA, MLB and NHL working towards a        of maintaining an extensive nationwide       of matching the 1H20 result, given the
licence, PBH is required to partner
with a licensed operator in the form of          season resumption in July                 branch network, rather relationships         net interest margin tailwind provided by
a casino or racetrack. PBH currently                                                       with over 85% of Australia’s mortgage        the current 1 month bank bill of 0.09%
                                               - Minimal near term impact from
partnerships in 12 US states with a                                                        brokers, where customer service and a        being 0.16% lower than the RBA Cash
                                                 reopening of TABs, Pokies and Casinos:
combined population of 94m. PBH                  given restricted access from social       quick approvals process have been key        Rate of 0.25%.
accepted its first customer bet in New           distancing, while some TAB customers      factors for RMC increasing originations.
Jersey in January 2019, Iowa in August           may permanently shift betting to online
2019 and Indiana in March 2020. PBH              bookies.                                  The 1H20 Normalised Net Profit of
is currently the 4th largest online                                                        $26.9m represented an increase of
bookmaker of the 17 operating in New           - Customer leakage from Sportsbet
                                                                                           85.5% versus the $14.5m reported
Jersey after reporting 5.6% share of             / BetEasy merger: Following the
                                                 completion of the merger of Flutter       in 1H19, driven by an increase in Net
online sports wagering turnover in the                                                     Interest Margin from 1.27% to 1.58%,
March 2020 quarter. PBH is targeting a           (Sportsbet) and The Stars Group
                                                 (BetEasy) on 5 May, PBH’s domestic        21% growth in its principally funded
launch in Illinois in July 2020, followed by
                                                 business is likely to benefit from        mortgage book, and cost to income ratio
Colorado in the December 2020 quarter,
and Michigan in the March 2021 quarter.          BetEasy being absorbed into Sportsbet.    reducing from 57% to 42%.
PBH’s domestic business has been a                                                         With a majority of its funding consisting
major beneficiary of the continuation of                                                   of domestic floating rate Residential
Australian racing during the lockdown                                                      Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS)
period, as well as the shift to online                                                     priced at a margin to 1 month bank bill,

                                                                                                                                                   ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.       17
The following may affect your legal rights:                 Bell Potter Securities acted as Co-Manager to CBA        of an exploration company lies in science and is          certifies that with respect to each security or issuer
This document is a private communication to clients         PERLS XII Capital Notes (CBAPI, October 2019) and        generally only accessible to the layman in a limited      that the analyst covered in this report: (1) all of the
and is not intended for public circulation or for the use   MQG’s Capital Notes 2 (MBLPC, May 2020) received         summary form adds further to the riskiness with           views expressed accurately reflect his or her personal
of any third party, without the prior approval of Bell      fees for that service.                                   which investments in exploration companies ought          views about those securities or issuers and were
Potter Securities Limited.                                  T S Lim, authoring analyst, holds long positions in      to be regarded. Stocks with ‘Speculative’ designation     prepared in an independent manner, including with
                                                            CBA, CBAPH, CBAPI, MBLPC, MQG, MQGPC, MQGPD.             are prone to high volatility in share price movements.    respect to Bell Potter, and (2) no part of his or her
This is general investment advice only and does not                                                                  Exploration and regulatory risks are inherent in          compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly,
constitute personal advice to any person.                   Lafitani Sotiriou, authoring analyst, holds long
                                                            positions in JHG, PDL, APT and 360.                      exploration stocks. Exploration companies engage          related to the specific recommendations or views
Because this document has been prepared without                                                                      in exploration programs that usually have multiple        expressed by that research analyst in the research
                                                            Jonathan Snape owns shares in SM1 and SHV.
consideration of any specific client’s financial                                                                     phases to them where positive results at some             report.
                                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager of
situation, particular needs and investment objectives                                                                stages are not indicative of ultimate exploration
                                                            UWL’s capital raisings in August and December 2019
(‘relevant personal circumstances’), a Bell Potter                                                                   success and even after exploration success, there is
                                                            and received fees for those services. Bell Potter
Securities Limited investment adviser (or the financial                                                              often insufficient economic justification to warrant
                                                            Securities and its associates have a net long position
services licensee, or the representative of such                                                                     development of an extractive operation and there is
                                                            of 0.5% or more of the issued capital of UWL.
licensee, who has provided you with this report by                                                                   still significant risk that even a development project
arrangement with Bell Potter Securities Limited)            Bell Potter Securities acted as lead manager for
                                                                                                                     with favourable economic parameters and forecast
should be made aware of your relevant personal              GSS’ A$35m capital raise in 4QCY19 and received
                                                                                                                     outcomes may fail to achieve those outcomes.
circumstances and consulted before any investment           fees for that service.
                                                                                                                     Investors are advised to be cognisant of these risks
decision is made on the basis of this document.             Bell Potter Securities acted as lead manager for         before buying such a stock.
                                                            MSB’s A$75m capital raise in Oct’19 and A$138m
While this document is based on information from                                                                     Biotechnology Risk Warning:
                                                            capital raise in May’20 and received fees for that
sources which are considered reliable, Bell Potter                                                                   The stocks of biotechnology companies without
Securities Limited has not verified independently                                                                    strong revenue streams from product sales or
the information contained in the document and Bell          Bell Potter acted as Lead Manager of A4N’s $3.5m
                                                            placement in July 2019 and received fees for that        ongoing service revenue should always be regarded
Potter Securities Limited and its directors, employees                                                               as speculative in character. Since most biotechnology
and consultants do not represent, warrant or                service.
                                                                                                                     companies fit this description, the speculative
guarantee, expressly or impliedly, that the information     Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager to          designation also applies to the entire sector. The
contained in this document is complete or accurate.         the $55m Placement of June 2019 and Joint Lead           fact that the intellectual property base of a typical
Nor does Bell Potter Securities Limited accept              Manager to the $231m Entitlements Issue of June          biotechnology company lies in science not generally
any responsibility to inform you of any matter that         2020 for NIC and received fees for that service.         regarded as accessible to the layman adds further to
subsequently comes to its notice, which may affect                                                                   the riskiness with which biotechnology investments
any of the information contained in this document and       Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager
                                                            for the $14m placement and underwriter for the           ought to be regarded. Stocks with ‘Speculative’
Bell Potter assumes no responsibility for updating                                                                   designation are prone to high volatility in share price
any advice, views, opinions, or recommendations             $11.4m rights issue in December 2019 and as Lead
                                                            manager for the $16m placement in May 2020 for           movements. Clinical and regulatory risks are inherent
contained in this document or for correcting any error                                                               in biotechnology stocks. Biotechnology developers
or omission which may become apparent after the             BYE and received fees for that service.
                                                                                                                     usually seek US FDA approval for their technology
document has been issued. Past performance is not a         John Hester owns 20,000 shares in Avita Medical.
                                                                                                                     which is a long and arduous three phase process
reliable indicator of future performance.                   Bell Potter Securities Limited acted as Lead             to prove the safety, effectiveness and appropriate
Except insofar as liability under any statute cannot        Manager to the PBH IPO in Jun 2019 and Institutional     application or use of the developed drug and even
be excluded, Bell Potter Limited and its directors,         Placement and Entitlement Offer in Oct 2019 and          after approval a drug can be the subject of an FDA
employees and consultants do not accept any liability       received fees for these services.                        investigation of subsequently discovered possible
(whether arising in contract, in tort or negligence or      Bell Potter Securities acted as the Lead Manager         links between the drug and other diseases not
otherwise) for any error or omission in this document       on MAD’s SEP’19 IPO and received fees for that           previously diagnosed. Furthermore, the Australian
or for any resulting loss or damage (whether direct,        service.                                                 exchange listed biotechnology sector is subject
indirect, consequential or otherwise) suffered by the                                                                to influence by the global biotechnology sector,
recipient of this document or any other person.             Bell Potter Securities acted as a Joint Lead             particularly that in the USA. Consequently, Australian
                                                            Manager on CBR’s Nov’19 IPO and Mar’20 Capital           exchange listed biotechnology stocks can experience
                                                            Raising and received fees for that service.              sharp movements, both upwards and downwards,
Bell Potter Securities Limited, its employees,
                                                                                                                     in both valuations and share prices, as a result of a
consultants and its associates within the meaning           Exploration Risk Warning:
                                                                                                                     re-rating of the sector both globally and in the USA,
of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Law may receive            The stocks of resource companies without revenue         in particular. Investors are advised to be cognisant of
commissions, underwriting and management fees               streams from product sales should always be              these risks before buying such a stock.
from transactions involving securities referred to in       regarded as speculative in character. Since most
this document (which its representatives may directly                                                                ANALYST CERTIFICATION
                                                            exploration companies fit this description, the
share) and may from time to time hold interests in the      speculative designation applies to all exploration       Each research analyst primarily responsible for the
securities referred to in this document.                    stocks. The fact that the intellectual property base     content of this research report, in whole or in part,
                                                                                                                                                                                                ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR FY21.                  18
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