ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019 - Our analysts share their outlook and top stock picks for 2019.

Page created by Joseph Jacobs
Our analysts share their outlook and top stock picks for 2019.
To learn more about the stocks mentioned in this           CONTENTS

report, speak to your adviser or refer to the Client       BANKS & GENERAL INSURERS				3
Access Research Library.                                   DIVERSIFIED FINANCIALS					4
                                                           LISTED INVESTMENT COMPANIES				5
Please note that Speculative securities may not be         HYBRID MARKET 						6
suitable for retail clients (refer to final page of this   AGRICULTURE & FMCG					7
report).                                                   TECHNOLOGY							8
                                                           DISCRETIONARY RETAIL 					9                                      INDUSTRIALS 						10
1300 0 BELLS (1300 023 557)                                RESOURCES							11                                     HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH					14
BANKS & GENERAL INSURERS.                                                                                                                                   TS Lim

Our 2019 top three picks                   Macquarie Group (MQG)                    Insurance Australia Group (IAG)           Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC)
possess strong risk                        MQG’s value lies in its ability to       IAG is our preferred stock in the         WBC has been the most consistent
                                           manage risk and adapt to changing
management and execution                                                            general insurance space given its         major bank in terms of earnings growth,
                                           market conditions. This has allowed      better risk-adjusted return profile and
capabilities in addition to                                                                                                   ROE and clean results. Its strategy is
                                           itself to gradually transform and push   front/back office capabilities. 2019      underpinned by a relatively stronger
strong balance sheets and                  for higher sustainable risk-adjusted     guidance (based on further premium        credit risk profile (conservative approach
the ability to return surplus              returns. MQG is largely a global asset   increases in short tail personal and      due to retaining sufficient corporate
                                           and risk manager with world-class        commercial lines, modest volume
capital to shareholders.                   expertise in infrastructure investment
                                                                                                                              memory over credit losses in the early
                                                                                    growth and ongoing cost discipline)       1990s) and we see significant ROE and
These companies have also undergone        and capabilities in finance and          was reaffirmed at the last AGM but we     value upside from further productivity
massive transformation since the           banking. These attributes in addition    believe its GWP growth target of 2-4%     and efficiency gains within the retail
GFC and are now considered much            to predominantly lower-risk annuity-     is conservative given Steadfast Group’s   and business banks – and even more
more resilient as the financial services   style earnings streams (~70% of Group    recent bullish top line comments.         so should they rationalise some of the
sector heads into a new and noisy          net profit contribution) and capital     Surplus capital may have declined         overlapped St George and Westpac
election year. Our X’mas stocking          management flexibility (~$1.5bn          following its $592m capital return        branches in NSW. WBC would also be
comprises one diversified financial        surplus capital based on 10.5% RWA)      and special dividend but this should      the least impacted major bank should
(MQG), one general insurer (IAG) and       continue to underpin our bullish view    start to build up given expectations of   proposed higher capital requirements in
one major bank (WBC). Despite some         of the stock. As a lower risk, higher    strong organic capital generation and     New Zealand be implemented.
negative sector publicity to date, the     return investment proposition, MQG       ultimate divestment of residual Asian
                                           remains our top sector pick.                                                       Buy, price target $28.00
overall setting remains in good shape                                               investments.
for MQG (e.g. strong prospects in          Buy, price target $135.00                Buy, price target $8.20
the global asset management and
infrastructure space), IAG (premium
cycle still favourable) and WBC
(e.g. resilient domestic economy
underpinned by low unemployment
and interest rates, least exposure to
proposed New Zealand bank capital

                                                                                                                                         ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.         3
DIVERSIFIED FINANCIALS.                                                                                                                             Lafitani Sotiriou

Leaders                                                                                  Emerging

Janus Henderson Group (JHG)                   Pendal Group (PDL)                         Afterpay Touch Group (APT)                 Netwealth (NWL)
JHG is navigating perhaps the worst           We believe PDL is close to a possible      The Afterpay customer growth rate          Our view is that the momentum in
quarter in global equity markets since        low point on many fronts including         in the U.S. has jumped in the last         the independent investment platform
the Global Financial Crisis, with the         performance fees, share price, and net-    month, from an already rapid rate.         space will continue apace, particularly
MSCI Global Index on track for a ~12%         flows. With regards to performance fees,   In November, Afterpay U.S. is set to       given the significant structural shift
decline for the December quarter.             FY19 (end of calendar 2018), is likely     add ~140,000 new customers, which          occurring in the sector, with a move
Despite the ~12% decline and the well-        to be the low point in the JO Hambro       compares to the ~70,000 added in           to greater independence and away
publicised negative flows the company         performance fee, which is on track for     October in that market. The doubling in    from large fully-integrated players.
is experiencing, the total FUM is on          ~$15m, vs a previous high of $114m.        the number of new customers added in       Further, it appears that the fee cuts
track to only fall ~7% this year (despite a   JO Hambro performance fees can’t go        a single month bodes well for the future   from Panorama hasn’t had the impact
share price fall of ~45%). The relatively     negative, providing limited downside to    outlook of the U.S. business, which now    some feared in the sector and the
modest fall in the total FUM highlights       future performance fee revenue.            boasts over 450,000 total customers.       Royal Commission is likely to reshape
the breadth and depth of JHG’s funds          Further, net-flows may be passing the      We have upgraded our overall customer      the industry in favour of independent
management business. The global               low point, with the MySuper transition     (which includes A&NZ) growth numbers       players like NWL.
reach of JHG, varying asset classes           and the retiring JO Hambro Portfolio       to 210,000 per month in the December       BUY, Price target $10.50
and positive flows in certain areas           Manager impact absorbed in recent          quarter, which we believe remains
(Alternative Assets), provides support        years.                                     conservative until more detailed
to the overall business to navigate the                                                  information is provided for the wider
current extreme market conditions.            Finally, we may be approaching the         group and until we have more history of
                                              share market and sector low, where         progress.
We believe the main downside has              we believe the main downside has
occurred with the sector having de-rated      occurred with the sector having de-        BUY, Price target $23.63
by around 3-4 PE points on the back           rated by around 3-4 PE points on the
of primarily macro drivers to do with         back of primarily macro drivers to do
the Trade War between U.S. and China,         with the Trade War between U.S. and
possible hard Brexit, and the momentum        China, possible hard Brexit, and the
of passive funds. JHG flows have been         momentum of passive funds.
poor, but well known and factored into
our forecasts. Further, we expect the         BUY, Price target $13.15
Buyback to be renewed throughout 2019.
BUY, Price target AU$51.65

                                                                                                                                                 ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.    4
LISTED INVESTMENT COMPANIES (LICs).                                                                                                               Will Gormly

The LIC sector has grown                MFF Capital Investments (MFF)             Global Value Fund (GVF)                 MCP Master Income Trust (MXT)
~8.1% over the past 12                  MFF aims to invest in global              GVF invests using a discount            MXT is a fixed income LIT that
months to a market                      companies with attractive business        capture strategy, owning a diverse      aims to provide exposure to the
                                        characteristics at a discount to their    range of global assets purchased at     Australian corporate loans market
capitalisation of $41.3bn,              assessed intrinsic values. During         a discount to their intrinsic value.    with diversification by borrower,
covering 114 securities.                a time of increasing volatility in        The Company aims to provide             industry and credit quality. Metrics
                                        global equity prices we see value         an alternative source of market         Credit Partners (The Manager) is
Historically LICs were                  in investing with a Manager with a        outperformance compared to a            an alternative asset manager with
predominately Australian Equity         proven and sustained investment           strategy of global equity selection,    an experienced investment team
focused, but in recent times LICs       history. The portfolio can be             utilising listed debt instruments,      that have the capability to cover all
with Long/Short, Global and             reviewed and quickly changed in the       listed private equity and listed        fundamentals of direct lending and
Alternative focused mandates are        event market conditions present           hedge funds in addition to listed       private credit including originating,
rising in popularity. With domestic     more attractive investments, with         equity. GVF is trading on an            structuring and distributing private
asset prices expected to continue       the potential shift in focus away         indicative FY19 yield of ~6% (70%       debt. MXT has a target return of the
the volatility into 2019, LICs and      from predominately large cap              franked), based on a distribution of    RBA Cash Rate +3.25% (currently
Listed Investment Trusts (LITs)         securities. MFF’s 10yr Pre-Tax            6.3c as per the Board’s guidance.       4.75%) net of fees. MXT has a 1yr
can provide cost efficient solutions    NTA (incl. div) has outperformed          GVF has a 3yr share price (incl. div)   share price return (incl. div) of
to gaining access to a diversified      the MSCI World Acc. Index (A$)            return of ~6.2% p.a. and is trading     ~7.5% and is trading at a premium
portfolio with low correlation to the   by ~6.7% p.a. and it increased its        at approximately par to the Pre-Tax     to NAV of ~4.3%. The Company is
domestic equity market. Three LIC/      dividend by 1c to 3c (fully franked) in   NTA.                                    actively invested in a well-diversified
LITs to consider include:               2018. MFF is trading at a discount to                                             pool of ~90 individual loan assets.
                                        Pre-Tax NTA of ~5.0%.

                                                                                                                                       ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.    5
HYBRID MARKET.                                                                                                                    Damien Williamson

The ASX listed hybrid market             non-reinvested CBAPC redemption          should the elected Government           Crown Subordinated Notes II
performance has zig-zagged               on 17 December, and $325m                support the continuation of cash        (CWNHB)
                                         for AMPHA on 18 December. A              rebates on surplus franking credits.
throughout 2018. We saw                  majority of hybrid securities also       Redemption and reallocation of          Since being priced at a margin of
strength up to early February,           pay dividends in December. On 17         NABPC funds may be considered           4.00% in March 2015, Crown has
issuance and ALP franking                                                                                                 significantly de-risked, focusing
                                         December alone, 14 securities are        under an adverse policy.
                                                                                                                          operations on its casino monopoly
policy related weakness up               scheduled to pay a total of $150m        Call Date 23 March 2020                 in Melbourne and Perth, and its
until late May, a recovery up            of cash income, plus an additional
                                                                                  Fair Value $100.89                      Barangaroo development in Sydney.
                                         $60m of franking credits. We expect
until early October supported            hybrid investors will receive ~$1.5bn                                            Net debt has reduced from $2.4bn
by net redemptions, and now              in cash in the week commencing 17        Macquarie Group Capital Notes 2
                                                                                                                          (Dec 2014) to the group sitting on
have the current weakness                                                                                                 $221m of net cash at June 2018
                                         December.                                (MQGPB)
                                                                                                                          following several divestments.
associated with increased                The outlook for new issuance into                                                These included realising A$4.3bn
                                                                                  As a security paying income that
equity market volatility,                2019 is fairly skinny, with only two     is currently 45% franked, MQGPB         from its 34.3% stake in Melco,
issuance (CBAPH and WBCPI),              projected refinancing transactions.      provides an option to address the       US$264m from the sale of the
and rising wholesale funding             We expect the $1.5bn NABPA will          ALP’s election policy of scrapping      Alon Las Vegas site and A$150m
costs.                                   be refinanced ahead of its 20 March      the cash rebate when franking           (including advanced loans) for the
                                         2019 call date, and IAG will refinance   credits exceed tax paid. We             sale of its 62% stake in CrownBet.
With the CBAPH and WBCPI issues          the $550m IANG security ahead of         currently forecast MQGPB will pay
closed and settled, we see the                                                                                            Call Date 23 July 2021
                                         its December 2019 call date.             $7.29 of grossed up income over
potential for a Christmas rally. Since                                            the next 12 months. If MQGPB was
December 2011, the average trading       NAB Capital Notes (NABPC)
                                                                                  100% franked, cash income would
margin on major bank hybrids has         Investors concerned about the            be $5.10, with $2.19 of franking. The
firmed 0.37% during the month from       impact of the ALP’s policy of            cash top up required for 45% partial
the high in mid-December to the low      scrapping the franking rebate            franking increases cash income to
in early January. This is consistent     when franking credits exceed tax         $6.11, while franking reduces to
with December historically being the     paid may consider a strategy of          $1.18.
strongest month for performance.         buying shorter dated hybrids such
                                                                                  Call Date 17 March 2021
One key factor to drive the market       as NABPC. As we expect a NABPC
is upcoming redemptions support,         refinancing transaction ahead of its     Fair Value $106.17
where we estimate $0.8-1.1bn for         23 March 2020 call date, investors
                                         may consider Reinvestment,

                                                                                                                                     ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.   6
AGRICULTURAL FMCG.                                                                                                                            Jonathan Snape

Investments in the               Synlait Milk (SM1)                               Select Harvests (SHV)                        Nufarm (NUF)
Agricultural & FMCG sector       SM1 is NZ’s fourth largest milk processor        Select Harvests (SHV) is an integrated       NUF is a leading supplier of off-patent
                                 (accounting for ~4% of NZ’s milk intake) and     grower, processor and marketer of            agricultural chemicals (~77% of the
should be considered high        a B2B supplier of dairy ingredients (SMP,        almonds owning and operating farming         contestable market), seeds and seed
risk and come with volatility.   WMP & AMF), infant formula (IMF) products        and processing assets in Australia. SHV      treatments globally, with a marketing
For this reason we tend to       and Lactoferrin. SM1 counts global FMCG          offers a vertically integrated model with    presence in over 30 countries and sales in
                                 companies among its client base, including       core capabilities in farming, processing     over 100 countries
focus on stocks where we see     the a2Milk Co (A2M) for which SM1 is the         and marketing. SHV operates a diversified    The share price of NUF has fallen
either: a structural uplift in   exclusive supplier of infant formula in China,
                                                                                  portfolio of almond orchards as well
                                 Australia and NZ.                                                                             materially from its 2018 highs as the
ROIC through the cycle (SM1),                                                     as state of the art processing facility in   impact of less than ideal seasonal
                                 The key driver of SM1’s recent earnings          Carina VIC and value added processing in
cyclical growth stories (SHV),   growth acceleration has been the                                                              conditions in Australia and Europe,
                                                                                  Thomastown VIC.
or counter-seasonal crop         transition of its revenue streams from bulk                                                   increased competition in Australia,
                                 commodities to higher value consumer             Long-run almond price cycles historically    unfavourable US rulings around
exposures (NUF).                                                                  have run 9-10 years with a bottoming in      glyphosate and a capital raising to
                                 packaged and IMF products, with this
                                 process largely driven by the success of A2M     prices emerging in year 3-4. We are now      deleverage the balance sheet impacted
                                 branded products in Australia and China.         ~3 years removed from the previous peak      the share price. While we acknowledge
                                 Looking into FY19e we continue to view the       suggesting we are now at or approaching      the heightened ESG overlay owing to the
                                 growth trajectory of A2M IMF products in         the bottom of the current long-run pricing   potential risk around glyphosate liabilities
                                 China as a key driver of earnings for SM1,       cycle. Given its maturing orchard asset      and the potential impact of a weaker
                                 but also expect the company to increasingly      base, we see SHV as having greater           selling window in Europe, we see the
                                 benefit from a more diversified portfolio        operating leverage to elevated almond        current ~20% discount to its global peer
                                 of customers (particularly in FY20-21e           prices in this cycle than the last, with     group, which carry a similar risk profile,
                                 when ~NZ$400m of capital deployment              production at its peak (FY24-26e) forecast   as excessive. We see the likely share price
                                 begins to contribute) as supply agreements       to exceed FY15 levels (the previous peak     catalyst as being a return to more normal
                                 with New Hope Nutritionals, Bright Dairy,
                                                                                  when SHV generated EBITDA of $100m)          seasonal conditions in both Australia and
                                 Munchkin and Foodstuffs commence.
                                                                                  by ~50%. In the short term a weaker than     Europe, the latter now representing ~50%
                                 If SM1 is successful in gaining required
                                                                                  expected Californian crop (~80%) of global   of earnings.
                                 regulatory approvals for these brands and in
                                 developing its asset base, then we estimate      supply) could also prove a tailwind for
                                 SM1 has the scope to double its EBITDA           almond prices as we enter FY19e.
                                 by FY21-22e, which would put it on a pace
                                 to generate earnings growth in excess of
                                 A2M, something not reflected in its relative

                                                                                                                                           ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.          7
TECHNOLOGY.                                                                                                                                 Chris Savage

We continue to be positive               Technology One (TNE)                     Citadel Group (CGL)                     Integrated Research (IRI)
on the technology sector                 Technology One is an end-to-end          Citadel is a software and services      Integrated Research is a software
in Australia as, in an                   provider of enterprise software in       company that specialises in             company that has one key product –
                                         Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia         managing information in complex         called Prognosis – which monitors
environment of low interest              and the UK. In our view the              environments. The company is            the performance of a customer’s
rates and low growth, we                 company is in the strongest position     currently transitioning from being      communications, infrastructure and/
believe there are a number               it has ever been in with its Cloud       more of a services company to more      or payments system. The company
of good quality stocks in the            business now starting to take off,       of a software company as Citadel        has many of the attributes we
                                         the Consulting business turning          provides more solutions through         look for in a tech company: global
sector with reasonable to                around and the UK business nearing       the use of its own software. Our        presence, leading market position,
strong growth outlooks.                  profitability. We believe these          key investment thesis is that, over     high quality customers, large
                                         factors will enable the company to       time, the PE ratio will re-rate from    recurring revenue, long history,
We acknowledge that many stocks          increase its annual NPAT growth          that of a managed services company      barriers to entry, strong balance
in the sector have had a strong          target from 10-15% to 15-20% and         (i.e. c.15-20x) to more of a software   sheet and good management.
re-rating over the past couple of        this will occur either this year or      company (i.e. 25-30x) and this          The share price fell in 2018 due
years but believe there is still some    next (i.e. FY19 or FY20). The stock is   indeed started to occur in 2018. The    to a relatively flat FY18 result and
value in the sector with a number of     not cheap – the FY19 PE ratio is >30x    stock is now trading on an FY19         also the resignation of both the
good quality stocks on reasonable        – but with this positive outlook we      PE ratio of >20x and on the back        Chairman and the CEO. We believe
forward PE ratios. Our goal is to        believe the PE ratio can re-rate up to   of both good earnings growth and        the company will return to growth
find good quality tech stocks with       around that of Altium which trades       further contract wins with its own      in FY19 and combined with some
strong growth outlooks that are          on an FY19 PE ratio of >40x.             software we believe the re-rating       continuity in management we expect
currently trading on forward PE                                                   will continue in 2019.                  a rebound in the share price.
                                         BUY, PT $7.50
ratios of around 25x or less and that,                                            BUY, PT $10.00                          BUY, PT $3.50
over time, can re-rate up to over 30x
as has happened with stocks like
WiseTech Global (WTC) and Altium

                                                                                                                                     ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.   8
DISCRETIONARY RETAIL &                                                                                                                                 Sam Haddad

Temple & Webster (TPW)                     in the trade and commercial segment;        5) material efficiency opportunities in    Zealand are ripe for consolidation with
TPW is Australia’s largest online only     adding new adjacent categories; and         AJ Park; 7) neutralising losses in the     a long tail of independently owned
furniture and homewares retailer with      expansion into new geographies.             Data Services business; 8) potential       operators. PFP also stands to benefit
over 130,000 products on sale from over                                                FX tailwinds on the back of weakness       from the compelling fundamentals of
700 suppliers. The TPW e-commerce                                                      in the $A/$US FX rate; and 9) potential    the death care industry, including the
                                           IPH (IPH)                                   earnings accretive acquisitions that       positive long term trend in the number
platform includes the integration of
ZIZO (formerly Wayfair Australia) and      IPH wholly owns Spruson & Ferguson          provide cost and revenue synergy           of deaths underpinned by an increasing
Milan Direct, all now trading under        (which now includes former FAKC and         benefits.                                  and ageing population, the industry’s
the Temple & Webster brand. TPW            Cullens), Pizzeys and AJ Park. IPH                                                     highly defensive attributes and the
targets the ‘impulse’ buyer looking        is the leading Intellectual Property                                                   relatively high barriers to entry. We
                                           (IP) services group in the Asia-Pacific     Propel Funeral Partners (PFP)              believe PFP’s current share price levels
for a discovery experience as well as
the ‘intent’ buyer seeking a planned       region, with specialist services spanning   PFP is the second largest provider of      presents an attractive entry ahead of
purchase. TPW is well positioned to        the protection, commercialisation,          death care services in Australia and       death volumes normalising back to
benefit from a number of structural        enforcement and management of               Zealand. PFP’s portfolio footprint         growth (off soft market death volumes
trends, including: the migration to        IP. The group comprises a team of           comprises 109 locations including          in 2018) and with an active acquisition
online (only 4% of Australia’s furniture   ~630 staff that services a diverse          25 crematoria and 8 cemeteries. We         pipeline at hand.
and homewares sales is online, vs          client base of Fortune Global 500           believe PFP’s location footprint is
14% in the US and UK); online savvy        companies and other multinationals,         difficult to replicate as many of its
millennials now entering TPW’s core        public sector research organisations,       funeral homes have been operating
demographic; and faster internet/          foreign associates and local clients.       since the late 1800s and early
mobile speeds. With a stabilised           The key positive factors we see for IPH     1900s. Management have significant
platform and strong balance sheet in       include: 1) improved underlying market      experience investing in the death care
place (net cash of $10.5m at 30 Sept       conditions with impacts of the America      industry spanning over 10 years and
2018), management can now focus more       Invests Act (AIA) now behind; 2) which      is strongly aligned through significant
attention to accelerate top-line growth.   in turn should support solid organic        equity ownership, the majority of which
Early benefits are evident with the        growth, especially in Asia where growth     is escrowed for 10 years. Based on a
acceleration in sales growth from 22%      is two-fold including growth of the         proven growth strategy, the leadership
in 3Q-FY18 to 28% in 4Q-FY18 to 39% in     market itself and market share gains;       of an experienced management team
1Q-FY19. There are several initiatives     3) the recent expansion into China,         and the backing of a strong balance
underway to accelerate sales growth        opening significant long-term growth        sheet, we believe PFP is well positioned
including: adding depth and breadth to     prospects; 4) the realisation of FAKC       to drive further industry consolidation.
the company’s core offer; investing more   - Cullens merger efficiency benefits;       Both markets in Australia and New

                                                                                                                                               ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.     9
RESOURCES: BASE &                                                                                                                                         David Coates

After carrying some strong                    lithium ion battery / renewable energy        debt-free balance sheet. With interest      Nickel Mines (NIC)
momentum into 2018 the Resource               thematic remains a key factor in demand       in the gold equities increasing for safe-   We see several important company-
                                              growth and a catalyst for higher prices to    haven/defensive positioning and the gold    specific catalysts for NIC in 1HCY19
equities overall have been fairly             incentivise a required supply response.       price, particularly in Australian dollar
rangebound through the course of                                                                                                        which, combined with a compelling
                                              The gold price has remained resilient in      terms, holding up well we rate RRL as       value proposition from the current share
the year. We are however seeing               the face of a strong US dollar and steadily   one of our top picks.                       price, make it one of our top picks.
some divergence into the end of               rising real interest rates. With the          Buy, Target price $4.90/sh                  Construction of the four Rotary Kiln
2018, with the gold producers                 combination of its counter-cyclical role                                                  Electric Furnace (RKEF) lines in which it
trading at the top of their ranges            and the potential for real interest rates                                                 has an interest with Tsingshan Group, the
                                              to stabilise or drop on lower inflation       Pantoro (PNR)                               world’s largest stainless steel producer,
and the base metal and diversified
                                              expectations, we may see some of the          PNR is a growing gold production            is well advanced. Commissioning is
miners trading at the bottom of               headwinds to the gold price removed. We       company, operating its flagship, 100%       scheduled for the end of the June 2019
their ranges.                                 also point out that the Australian dollar     owned, Halls Creek Project (including the   quarter but we see the potential for this
                                              gold price remains very strong and local      Nicolsons Gold Mine) in the Kimberley       to come in ahead of schedule and for NIC
This has been driven by a shift in            producers are making excellent margins.       Region of Western Australia. PNR is         to make the transition from developer to
sentiment as concerns about slowing                                                         now debt free and has just completed        Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) producer by early
growth and elevated equity market             Overall, while the demand outlook is
                                              clouded by the US-China trade dispute,        a major capital investment program          2HCY19. The recent announcements
valuations have seen increased interest                                                     which is planned to lift production from    of qualification for material tax relief
in counter-cyclical and safe-haven            key fundamental indicators remain
                                              supportive and value is starting to           ~50kozpa to 80-100kozpa and lower All-      benefits over the first nine years of
investments – a function which gold and                                                     In-Sustaining Costs (AISC) to A$1,000/      production and the securing of fixed price
gold equities have traditionally fulfilled.   emerge across the sector.
                                                                                            oz. While delays to achieving this have     production growth (the third and fourth
In contrast, exposure to “Dr Copper”, the                                                   been reflected in the recent share price    RKEF lines) we believe are yet to be
rest of the base metals complex and iron      Regis Resources (RRL)                         decline, it is our view that PNR is well    factored in by the market. As production
ore – driven by various forms of industrial                                                 placed to meet this target. The mill has    approaches we think these will be
demand and construction growth – has          RRL is an established, low-cost
                                              Australian gold producer with an              been upgraded, the Wagtail underground      incorporated into NIC’s valuation and
lost its appeal.                                                                            is commencing production and the            drive a material share price re-rating.
                                              excellent track record of production and
In the base metals, however,                  cost performance as well as delivering        balance sheet has been strengthened.        Speculative Buy, TP $0.65/sh
fundamental indicators remain                 sector-leading shareholder returns. It        We expect production growth, Resource
encouraging with all markets facing           also has one of the strongest organic         growth and increasing free cash flow to
supply deficits and stockpile drawdowns       growth pipelines among the multi-mine         drive a share price re-rating in CY19
over 2018-2019. Copper and nickel             gold producers and the capability to fund     Buy, TP $0.31/sh
remain favoured exposures as the EV /         that growth itself, thanks to a strong,

                                                                                                                                                   ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.         10
RESOURCES:                                                                                                                                                    Peter Arden

In the energy sector, the oil               with strong storage battery growth           with a 40% interest in Blocks A2 and A5        Gruyere points to the potential for
price has retraced by 35% from              points to continued strong demand            in The Gambia, close to and in a similar       significant additional standalone gold
                                            growth for lithium and associated            geological setting as the SNE field. While     production from prospects such as
recent four-year highs under                battery components (nickel, cobalt           the recent well drilled into the Samo          Smokebush, Wanderrie, Toppin Hill,
the combination of relative                 and copper). The lack of meaningful          Prospect in these blocks by FAR and its        Tamerlane, and Corkwood/Ibanez.
oversupply that has caused a                lithium pricing information and              joint venture partner, the global oil major,   Speculative Buy, Valuation $1.04/sh
significant build in oil stockpiles         the largely extraneous influence of          PETRONAS, did not encounter economic
and forecasts of lower growth in            non-demand factors on the Chinese            oil, it provided valuable data that            Metals X (MLX)
                                            spot lithium carbonate price has             enhances the value of nearby prospects
2019.                                       contributed to what we believe is a          and targets.
                                                                                                                                        MLX is a copper and tin producer. Its 100%
                                                                                                                                        owned Nifty mine in WA is undergoing
                                            false perception of lithium demand           Speculative Buy, Valuation $0.22/sh            a renewed transition to produce about
OPEC and other producers led by             weakness in 2018. There is growing                                                          35ktpa of copper in concentrate after
Russia have agreed to total cutbacks        evidence that underlying demand for          Gold Road Resources (GOR)                      having experienced delays and production
of 1.2 million barrels of oil per day, so   higher quality lithium products has
                                                                                         GOR is a gold development and                  issues related to the rundown nature of
prices are expected to stabilise and        actually been quite firm in 2018 and so
                                                                                         exploration company. Through its fully         the historic mining areas. Nifty’s future
should then head higher as economic         with very limited new supply coming
                                                                                         funded 50% ownership of the Gruyere            production is based on a new Resource
conditions improve again. Gas prices        on, this points to a growing likelihood
                                                                                         Gold Project in WA, the build of which is      containing predominantly recently
in Eastern Australia have also retraced     of firmer lithium prices in 2019.
                                                                                         being managed by JV partner Goldfields         discovered ore outside the historic mining
from their peaks after guarantees of
                                                                                         and is nearing completion, first gold          area. MLX also has a 50% interest in and
greater supply availability but they        FAR Limited (FAR)
                                                                                         production from the world class Gruyere        is Operator of the world scale Renison tin
are set to at least remain around           FAR has a 15% interest in several major      open pit mine is scheduled in Q2 of 2019       mine joint venture (JV) in Tasmania where
current levels because of their close       oil discoveries in offshore Senegal that     and to average 300kozpa for 12 years.          it is currently increasing high margin tin
relationship to the LNG netback             are economically attractive at current       GOR’s average annual share of gold from        output by about 15% using ore sorting
price and they are set to potentially       oil prices and now about to enter the        Gruyere of 150koz is expected to generate      technology and the JV partners are
move higher in coming years as the          development phase. With 2C Resources of      very strong cash flows averaging around        considering a further 55% increase in tin
global LNG market is undergoing             641 million barrels (Mbbls) (recoverable),   $100m at current gold prices through low       output to about 13ktpa (100% basis) from
strong demand growth. The continued         the SNE field is still one of the largest    forecast all in sustaining costs averaging     the Rentails fuming project. MLX is also
increase in battery density and             oil discoveries in the last four years and   A$1,025 per ounce. There is scope to           investigating high grade cobalt deposits
expansion of electric vehicle models        along with the nearby FAN discovery          expand and enhance Gruyere’s production        in its 100% owned huge Wingellina
by the major car makers, (assisted          (with 2C Resources of 198Mbbls) is           by exploiting shallow deposits around          nickel-cobalt limonite project in Central
by a range of government measures           nearing a development decision in early      Gruyere. Exploration success in GOR’s          Australia.
that includes quite generous subsidies      2019. FAR has also been very active in       100% owned regional areas surrounding          Buy, Target Price $0.85/sh
in some major countries) along              the adjoining areas, where it is Operator

                                                                                                                                                    ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.        11
RESOURCES: COAL.                                                                                                                        Stuart Howe

The key themes for coal       Metallurgical and thermal coal prices     Coronado Global Resources (CRN)             Whitehaven Coal (WHC)
                              have remained strong to the end
markets are persistent but    of 2018 and are comfortably above
                                                                        CRN is the largest dedicated supplier       WHC expect coal production of 22.0-
steady levels of demand,                                                to the global metallurgical coal            23.0Mt (100% basis) in FY19, with
                              consensus estimates for 2019. A high
                                                                        trade, and the fifth largest among          the majority being thermal coal
increasing barriers to new    level of demand across the Asia-
                                                                        its commodity diversified peers. The        (around 80%) and sourced from its
supply and the likelihood     region for coal products has persisted.
                                                                        company’s majority and founding             two flagship mines; Narrabri and
                              The supply-side response to the high
of market consensus coal      coal prices over 2016-18, from easily
                                                                        shareholder (PE group EMG at 80%)           Maules Creek. Company management
                                                                        has committed to paying 100% of             have established an enviable track
price outlook upgrades        accessible projects in established
                                                                        free cash flow to the end of 2019 as        record developing and operating
all increasing the value of   producing regions, has been
                                                                        dividends. With a portfolio of mature       coal assets, and managing WHC’s
                              exhausted. Therefore future supply
installed coal production     growth will mostly be dependent on
                                                                        assets and stable capex, CRN will           balance sheet through the commodity
capacity.                                                               have strong earnings to free cash           cycle. Its growth projects could see
                              the development of new projects
                                                                        flow realisation and therefore a very       production lift to over 25Mtpa by 2023
                              which are facing ever increasing
                                                                        high dividend yield is likely. Its assets   and potentially to over 30Mtpa in
                              environmental permitting and debt
                                                                        are diversified across key global           the longer term. WHC has a strong
                              financing barriers.
                                                                        metallurgical coal producing regions;       balance sheet and is positioned
                                                                        the Bowen Basin (Queensland) and the        to generate sufficient cash flow to
                                                                        Central Appalachian Basin (US).             maintain a dividend and develop its
                                                                                                                    growth projects.

                                                                                                                               ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.     12
HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH.                                                                                                                                                 Tanushree Jain

The fundamentals and                              Pharmaxis (PXS)                                  Mesoblast (MSB)                                  Starpharma (SPL)
                                                                                                                                                    Starpharma is a Melbourne-based platform
demographic trends for the                        Pharmaxis is a biopharmaceutical company         Mesoblast is the leading allogeneic
                                                                                                                                                    company commercialising the science of
                                                  focused on the development of drugs for          regenerative medicine player with one of
healthcare and biotech sector                     inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. Its          the most diversified pipelines and several       nanoscale polymers called dendrimers.
remained strong in 2018.                          lead assets Phase 2 SSAO/VAP-1 inhibitor         products in late stage. We view the positive     Its proprietary dendrimer technology is
                                                  BI_1467335 partnered in a multi-million          results to date from its paediatric GvHD         versatile with wide applicability across the
We expect this momentum to continue into          dollar deal with Boehringer Ingelheim (BI)       (Graft vs. Host Disease) Phase 3 trial as an     pharmaceuticals sector. In drug delivery the
2019, based on the following 3 key themes:        and currently unpartnered Phase 1 LOXL-          important de-risking milestone for it which      company is focused on oncology (cancer) with
1. Friendly regulatory environment - the          2 inhibitors are targeting Non-alcoholic         not only validates its technology platform,      platform validated by partner AstraZeneca. In
     US FDA not only approving more drugs,        Steatohepatitis (NASH), a multibillion           but also takes it closer to having its first     2018, SPL licensed its VivaGel BV (bacterial
     but also making efforts to expedite the      dollar market with currently no approved         product approved in the US market. Positive      vaginosis) product for most of Ex-US markets
     approval of much needed innovative           treatments. PXS’ LOXL-2 assets have              meetings with the FDA recently keep MSB          to Mundipharma with launch expected
     drugs.                                       successfully cleared Phase 1 trials which        on track to file for approval in 1Q19, with      in 1HCY19 and to ITF Pharma for the US
                                                  has increased their probability to partner       approval expected by end CY19. Other             market. We expect the company will move
2. Increased activity in licensing and
                                                  significantly. The results indicated no safety   Key catalysts: a) completion of enrolment        from an R&D stage company to a commercial
     M&A - driven by large pharma and
                                                  or tolerability issues and have demonstrated     in Phase 3 trial with advanced CHF in            stage company with recurrent revenues
     biotech’s need to replenish pipelines
                                                  dose dependent, significant and long lasting     1QCY19 and b) FDA BLA meeting to discuss         from VivaGel BV starting in 2019 from Ex-
     following the expiry of patents on their
                                                  inhibition of LOXL-2 highlighting its best-      regulatory filing under RMAT designation         US markets. US launch of the product is
     legacy blockbuster products and US
                                                  in-class profile. PXS is already engaged         for MPC-150-IM in end stage CHF patients         potentially delayed following FDA asking for
     tax reforms. We have already seen an
                                                  with multiple companies in discussions           requiring LVAD in 1HCY19. We continue to         additional confirmatory clinical data. Cash of
     uptick in licensing and M&A activity in
                                                  around partnering this asset. Data on long       believe that the selloff following the results   A$49.5m provides more than 2 years runway.
     2018 in both US and Australia.
                                                  term tox studies to make the LOXL-2 assets       from the NIH run Phase 2b LVAD trial in          Key upcoming catalysts include a) initiation of
3. Companies approaching maturity phase                                                                                                             Phase 1 trial with SPL/AZN’s AZD0466 asset
                                                  Phase 2 ready are imminent. These tox            end stage CHF patients is overdone. While
     - several of the ASX listed biotech and                                                                                                        which triggers a US$3m milestone to SPL,
                                                  data would complete the data package and         the trial missed on the overall primary
     healthcare stocks we cover will reach                                                                                                          b) launch of VivaGel BV by Aspen in Australia
                                                  enable the company to move into serious          endpoint, significant results on it were
     maturity, with sentiment overall likely to                                                                                                     and Mundipharma in Europe and other
                                                  partnering negotiations. PXS has a strong        observed in a large subgroup of patients
     be driven by late stage trial read outs,                                                                                                       licensed markets from 2019, c) Initial data
                                                  cash position with A$47m providing at            and statistically significant benefit on GI
     regulatory approvals and launches,                                                                                                             from ongoing Phase 2 DEP docetaxel trial
                                                  least 2 years runway and several upcoming        bleeding and related hospitalisations was
     increased commercial momentum and                                                                                                              and Phase 1 cabazitaxel trial and d) Clarity on
                                                  value inflexion points which include: Tox        reported, which have been advised by FDA to
     partnering activity.                                                                                                                           US approval and launch timelines for VivaGel
                                                  studies results from LOXL-2 assets, with         be an approvable and clinically meaningful
In view of these factors we believe the           a partnership deal expected to follow in         endpoint. The selloff therefore has created a    BV following meeting with the FDA later in
following stocks stand out as potential           1HCY19 and results from Phase 2A trials in       buying opportunity.                              1QCY19.
winners:                                          NASH for partnered asset with BI expected
                                                                                                   Buy, speculative, Valuation $4.03/sh             (Buy, speculative, Valuation $1.88/sh).
                                                  in mid CY19.
                                                  Buy, speculative, Valuation $0.52/sh

                                                                                                                                                                 ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.            13
HEALTHCARE.                                                                                                                                                      John Hester

Avita Medical (AVH) (Speculative)                                                            Elixinol (EXL) (Speculative)
Avita Medical remains on the key               In addition the company expects the           Elixinol is a leading brand in the emerging    The Australian operations of the group
picks list from mid year 2018. AVH is a        first large procurement order from            US market for hemp based nutraceutical         include Hemp Foods Australia (HFA) being
medical device company specialising            the Biomedical Advanced Research              products. The category has continued           a company focussed on the development
in the treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree         and Development Authority (BARDA)             to experience explosive revenue growth         of the market for Hemp Foods. This
burns requiring hospitalisation. Recell        in CY2019. This is part of a long term        which we now believe will further              category is also expected to grow rapidly
was approved for use by the US FDA in          contract expected to generate tens of         accelerate with the imminent passing           from a zero base. The catalyst for the
September 2018. The next major catalyst        millions in revenues over the next three to   of the 2018 Farm Bill in the US. The Bill      sector was the inclusion of hemp foods on
will be the US product launch and the          five years.                                   will reclassify industrial hemp off the        the Foods Standards Code.
reporting of first commercial sales in the     Following a recent capital raise of $40m,     controlled substances act and the growing      The Group is led by Chief Executive Paul
US.                                            the company has plans to accelerate           of hemp will now be regulated by the US        Benhaim who is the co-founder of both
The data from the US clinical trials           its clinical program in the treatment         Department of Agriculture. In our view         Elixinol US and Health Foods Australia.
demonstrates ReCell has an excellent           of Vitaligo and for aesthetic use in the      this is another important step toward          Following the most recent capital raise
safety profile with comparable healing         minimally invasive cosmetic market.           industrial hemp products becoming              he retains 62% of the listed entity and is
rates in burns patients. The major                                                           mainstream in the United States.               the largest shareholder by a considerable
benefits of the device are the up to                                                         Recently the FDA approved the first            margin. Mr Benhaim is considered an
~30% reduction in the size of the donor                                                      medicinal cannabis product in the US for       expert in the field of industrial hemp and
site for grafting, improved aesthetic                                                        the treatment of Epilepsy in children. In      medicinal cannabis following more than
outcomes and shortened length of stay for                                                    our view this event is likely to have a flow   two decades of experience in the sector in
hospitalisation. The shortened length of                                                     on effect for other market participants        Australia, the US and Europe.
stay is equally as important as the clinical                                                 including for the over the counter hemp        The company has not provided earnings
outcomes for commercial adoption. The                                                        CBD products marketed by Elixinol US.          guidance for CY18, however, quarter on
device is predominantly for hospital use                                                                                                    quarter revenue growth has exceed 24%
and the hospital must be able to justify                                                                                                    this year and annual revenues are on
the use of new technology by either cost                                                                                                    track to increase by ~140% to ~$40m.
savings or additional revenue generation.
ReCell can potentially achieve both

                                                                                                                                                        ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.        14
The following may affect your legal rights:                 Disclosures                                               Peter Arden owns 850,000 shares in FAR Ltd (FAR);        the riskiness with which biotechnology investments
This document is a private communication to clients         T S Lim holds long positions in MQG and and MQGPC.        100,000 shares in Gold Road Resources (GOR); and         ought to be regarded. Stocks with ‘Speculative’
and is not intended for public circulation or for the use                                                             200,000 shares in Metals X Ltd (MLX).                    designation are prone to high volatility in share price
                                                            Bell Potter acted as Co-manager in the following                                                                   movements. Clinical and regulatory risks are inherent
of any third party, without the prior approval of Bell      transactions and received fees for the services: WBC      Bell Potter Securities acted as lead manager and
Potter Securities Limited.                                                                                            underwriter in the March and September 2017              in biotechnology stocks. Biotechnology developers
                                                            Capital Notes 5 & 6 offers (Feb & Nov 2018).                                                                       usually seek US FDA approval for their technology
This is general investment advice only and does not                                                                   placements of MSB and received fees for those
                                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as Co-Manager in MQG’s       services.                                                which is a long and arduous three phase process
constitute personal advice to any person.                   May 2018 Capital Notes 3 (MQGPC) offer and received                                                                to prove the safety, effectiveness and appropriate
Because this document has been prepared without             fees for that service.                                    Bell Potter Securities acted as joint lead manager in    application or use of the developed drug and even
consideration of any specific client’s financial                                                                      the August 2018 placement of PXS and received fees       after approval a drug can be the subject of an FDA
                                                            Lafitani Sotiriou, authoring analyst, holds a long        for that service.
situation, particular needs and investment objectives       position in JHG, PDL and APT.                                                                                      investigation of subsequently discovered possible
(‘relevant personal circumstances’), a Bell Potter                                                                    Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead manager of AVH’s    links between the drug and other diseases not
Securities Limited investment adviser (or the financial     Bell Potter Securities acted as co-manager of the         capital raisings in October 2017 and June 2018 and       previously diagnosed. Furthermore, the Australian
services licensee, or the representative of such            $117m August 2018 placement for APT and received          received fees for that service.                          exchange listed biotechnology sector is subject
licensee, who has provided you with this report by          fees for that service.
                                                                                                                      Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead manager of the      to influence by the global biotechnology sector,
arrangement with Bell Potter Securities Limited)            Bell Potter Securities acted as a manager of the          EXL’s 2017 IPO and lead manager of the 2018 $40m         particularly that in the USA. Consequently, Australian
should be made aware of your relevant personal              November 2017 IPO of NWL and received fees for that       placement and received fees for that service.            exchange listed biotechnology stocks can experience
circumstances and consulted before any investment           service.                                                                                                           sharp movements, both upwards and downwards,
decision is made on the basis of this document.             Bell Potter Securities was a Co-Manager of the MFF                                                                 in both valuations and share prices, as a result of a
While this document is based on information from            Renounceable Rights issue in May 2015 and received a      Exploration Risk Warning:                                re-rating of the sector both globally and in the USA,
sources which are considered reliable, Bell Potter          fee for the service.                                      The stocks of resource companies without revenue         in particular. Investors are advised to be cognisant of
Securities Limited has not verified independently           GVF paid a service fee equal to 2.50% (excluding          streams from product sales should always be              these risks before buying such a stock.
the information contained in the document and Bell          GST) of the Application Monies provided with valid        regarded as speculative in character. Since most
Potter Securities Limited and its directors, employees      Application Forms bearing a Licensee’s stamp to the       exploration companies fit this description, the
                                                                                                                                                                               ANALYST CERTIFICATION
and consultants do not represent, warrant or                extent Shares were allotted. Bell Potter Securities and   speculative designation applies to all exploration
guarantee, expressly or impliedly, that the information                                                               stocks. The fact that the intellectual property base     Each research analyst primarily responsible for the
                                                            its Advisers shared in this Fee.
contained in this document is complete or accurate.                                                                   of an exploration company lies in science and is         content of this research report, in whole or in part,
                                                            Bell Potter Securities was a Co-Manager for the MXT       generally only accessible to the layman in a limited     certifies that with respect to each security or issuer
Nor does Bell Potter Securities Limited accept
                                                            Entitlement Offer in March 2018 and received a fee for    summary form adds further to the riskiness with          that the analyst covered in this report: (1) all of the
any responsibility to inform you of any matter that
                                                            the service.                                              which investments in exploration companies ought         views expressed accurately reflect his or her personal
subsequently comes to its notice, which may affect
any of the information contained in this document and       Jonathan Snape owns 7,000 shares in SM1 and 5,000         to be regarded. Stocks with ‘Speculative’ designation    views about those securities or issuers and were
Bell Potter assumes no responsibility for updating          shares in SHV.                                            are prone to high volatility in share price movements.   prepared in an independent manner, including with
any advice, views, opinions, or recommendations             Bell Potter Securities Limited has acted as Co-           Exploration and regulatory risks are inherent in         respect to Bell Potter, and (2) no part of his or her
contained in this document or for correcting any error      manager to the following issues: AMPHA, ANZPD,            exploration stocks. Exploration companies engage         compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly,
or omission which may become apparent after the             ANZPE, CBAPC, CBAPD, CBAPE, CBAPF, IANG,                  in exploration programs that usually have multiple       related to the specific recommendations or views
document has been issued. Past performance is not a         MXUPA, MQGPB, MQGPC, NABPA, NABPB, NABPD,                 phases to them where positive results at some            expressed by that research analyst in the research
reliable indicator of future performance.                   NFNG, TSHA, WBCPF, WBCPG, and WBCPH. Bell                 stages are not indicative of ultimate exploration        report.
Except insofar as liability under any statute cannot        Potter Securities Limited received fees for these         success and even after exploration success, there is
be excluded, Bell Potter Limited and its directors,         services.                                                 often insufficient economic justification to warrant
employees and consultants do not accept any liability                                                                 development of an extractive operation and there is
                                                            Bell Potter Securities Limited is acting as Co-
(whether arising in contract, in tort or negligence or                                                                still significant risk that even a development project
                                                            manager to the CBAPH and WBCPI issues and will
otherwise) for any error or omission in this document                                                                 with favourable economic parameters and forecast
                                                            receive fees for this service.
or for any resulting loss or damage (whether direct,                                                                  outcomes may fail to achieve those outcomes.
                                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as lead manager and          Investors are advised to be cognisant of these risks
indirect, consequential or otherwise) suffered by the       underwriter to PFP’s IPO in November 2017 and
recipient of this document or any other person.                                                                       before buying such a stock.
                                                            received fees for that service.
Disclosure of Interest:                                                                                               Biotechnology Risk Warning:
                                                            David Coates owns 1,400 shares in RRL.
Bell Potter Securities Limited, its employees,                                                                        The stocks of biotechnology companies without
                                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager to the       strong revenue streams from product sales or
consultants and its associates within the meaning           $13.7m equity raise of PNR in September 2018 and
of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Law may receive                                                                      ongoing service revenue should always be regarded
                                                            received fees for that service.                           as speculative in character. Since most biotechnology
commissions, underwriting and management fees
from transactions involving securities referred to in       Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager to the       companies fit this description, the speculative
this document(which its representatives may directly        $27m pre-IPO funding round in January 2018 and            designation also applies to the entire sector. The
share) and may from time to time hold interests in the      Lead Manager to the $200m August 2018 IPO for NIC         fact that the intellectual property base of a typical
securities referred to in this document.                    and received fees for that service.                       biotechnology company lies in science not generally
                                                                                                                      regarded as accessible to the layman adds further to
                                                                                                                                                                                                ANALYST OUTLOOK FOR 2019.                  15
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