Page created by Curtis Hayes
Analysis of
YouTube USDT
crypto scams
Andrew Patel,
WithSecureTM Intelligence, 2023

 1. Abstract.......................................................... 4
 2. Introduction.................................................... 5
 3. The anatomy of a USDT
 mining pool video and app.................................. 8
 4.Analysis of YouTube activity related to
 paxxk[.]biz mining pool scam............................15
 5. Analysis of YouTube activity related to
 ocitt[.]site mining pool scam............................. 20
 6. Analysis of YouTube activity related to
 #usdtmining YouTube hashtag......................... 22
 7. Additional analysis........................................ 25
 8. Crypto transaction analysis.......................... 28
 9. Recommendations for YouTube................... 33
 10. Conclusions................................................ 34
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

1       Abstract                                                                                                    2 Introduction

WithSecure™ Intelligence has discovered thousands         Cryptocurrency wallet addresses associated with           Cybercriminals have been quick to adopt crypto              Roughly speaking, USDT mining scams work in
of videos advertising fraudulent web-based apps that      these fraudulent apps were directly extracted from        currencies as a means to receive payment for their          the following manner. A victim is first lured in via
pose as USDT (Tether) investment schemes. These           several YouTube videos. Patterns found in transac-        malicious activities. This is due to the fact that crypto   advertising on social media or recommendations
videos, hosted on YouTube, promise returns that scale     tions associated with these wallets suggest that there    currencies are pseudonymous, decentralized, and             from YouTube’s algorithm. YouTube hosts thousands
on the amount of currency invested. YouTube chan-         may be thousands of additional apps and crypto            often not subject to traditional financial regulations.     of videos that advertise these “make quick money”
nels with significant numbers of subscribers and view     wallets involved in these operations. By collecting       This has resulted in a proliferation of cybercriminal       schemes. Videos of this nature often promise unre-
counts post new videos of this type on a daily basis.     transaction history for these wallets, a set of 900       activities that would not have been possible without        alistic returns, with some boasting whole-number
Some of the participating channels are even YouTube       victims were identified. Summing the transactions         crypto currencies.                                          percentage points per day.
verified accounts.                                        between victim wallets and app wallets provided
                                                          an estimate that operations associated with these         Many relatively unknown criminal schemes exist within       The YouTube videos analyzed in this report appear to
Many videos of this nature receive inauthentic engage-    scams made just over 100,000 USD between July and         the crypto currency ecosystem. One such example             follow a set script. It is likely that the group involved in
ment boosts, designed to game YouTube’s recommen-         November 2022.                                            is mining pool or liquidity mining scams, which are         the creation of these scam apps provide set scripts
dation algorithms, from hundreds of YouTube channels                                                                fraudulent operations designed to trick holders of          that contracted YouTubers must follow. These YouTu-
controlled by a small group of Telegram users. These      These operations use hundreds or possibly thousands       crypto currencies into investments with reportedly high     bers are likely compensated monetarily for publishing
inauthentic YouTube channels also use automation          of cryptocurrency wallets, all of which make very small   returns. Victims who invest in these schemes hand           such videos. A majority of the videos found during this
to post copy-paste comments to videos in an effort        and frequent transfers between each other. Mapping        money over to scammers who never give it back.              research were presented in languages spoken in the
to make the advertised fraudulent apps appear             the flow of money in these operations represents an                                                                   Indian region.
legitimate. Description fields attached to the videos     extremely complicated endeavor. However, it is possi-
also employ a unique style of “SEO”, likely designed to   ble to identify large amounts of money flowing through
game YouTube’s search functionality.                      a few downstream wallets in the blockchain.

At the time of writing, approximately 700 URLs            This report details the anatomy of the videos and apps
associated with fraudulent apps of this nature were       behind this scam, analyses two associated scam apps
identified via data capture and analysis techniques.      in detail, explores the #usdtmining YouTube hashtag,
The YouTube hashtag #usdtmining also reportedly           describes blockchain analysis methodology used on
contains over 3,900 similar videos.                       crypto wallets associated with the scam, and finally
                                                          presents recommendations for YouTube and some
                                                          final conclusions.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

According to the video script, victims are required to    Videos published on YouTube usually demonstrate             All apps studied in this report utilize the USDT1 crypto    The operations detailed in this report utilize a “hands-
create an account in the advertised app. Apps come        withdrawal functionality from within the advertised         currency. USDT, also known as Tether, is a crypto           off” approach via YouTube videos and “apps”. This
in the form of web pages, mobile applications, and in     app. This is to trick victims into understanding that       currency that is reportedly “tethered” to the value of      contrasts with the hands-on confidence-based social
some cases, automation that interacts with users on       they can cash out at any time. However, the opposite        the US dollar. Such a currency is known as a “stable        engineering methodology used in “pig butchering”
the Telegram social network. As part of the account       is always true. Victims will not be able to retrieve any    coin” and cannot be mined. The only thing you can do        scams that are currently popular. One reason why
creation and registration process, the victim must        funds deposited into the app. This fact was verified        with USDT is buy it for approximately 1 USD and sell it     YouTube infrastructure is used in preference to a
deposit a small amount – normally just tens of USD        by tracking transactions from wallets associated with       for approximately the same price. It is worth noting that   hands-on approach might be because most of the
– of currency into the app. This is the point where the   these apps – although victims sent currency to the          a great deal of controversy surrounds USDT, including       videos are presented in non-English languages and
scammer steals money from the victim.                     app wallet, no transactions in the other direction were     allegations that it was used to manipulate the value of     are thus designed to tap into a pool of victims without
                                                          observed.                                                   Bitcoin in 2017 and 2018.                                   the need for social engineers who can fluently speak
Many of these videos encourage victims to invite                                                                                                                                  those languages.
friends and family in, claiming that for each person      YouTube videos demonstrating mining pool invest-            Research into crypto-based scams is widespread. The
invited, they’ll receive a small amount of money. The     ment schemes appear to be largely directed towards          following links lead to recently published reports on
apps also include bonus “VIP” structures that unlock      people who are already familiar with the crypto             crypto scams similar in nature to this one.
better “investment” options that boast higher invest-     currency ecosystem and who likely already have hold-
ment returns. These “VIP” schemes usually require         ings in some of those currencies. The apps that are         •
the user to deposit more currency into the app. Some      demonstrated require a victim to transfer funds from            ity-mining-scams-add-another-layer-to-cryptocur-
of the videos on YouTube go into great length about       an already created wallet. Although some videos show            rency-crime/
these complicated VIP bonus structures.                   the viewer how to create a wallet and put real money        •
                                                          into it, the end-to-end process of creating a wallet,           ing-pool-scams-targeting-self-custody-wallets-
Different apps are structured in different ways. Some     populating it with money, registering with a scam app,          543ffe698724
are intended to make the victim believe that their        and finally moving crypto currency into it is rather        •
investment is used for “mining” – simply leave your       lengthy and fiddly.                                         •
money in the pool and you’ll earn a commission.                                                                           usdt-pool-mining-review-defi-mining-liquidity-scam
Others contain daily “tasks” or “grabs” that the user     The “apps” themselves are shoddily constructed and          •
must click on to “earn” money. We even encountered        full of badly written, hardly legible English. They are         publish-details-of-usdt-fraud-case-in-effort-to-
a farming game where the user invests money to raise      clearly not convincing as vehicles for serious invest-          raise-public-awareness-of-crypto-scams.htm
cartoon chickens, cows, and horses, each costing          ment. Simply clicking through their “work description”      •
different amounts of money.                               or “company profile” sections should be enough to               tether-usdt-phishing-fake-walletconnect-scam/
                                                          raise an alarm. Many of the apps investigated appear        •
In all cases, the app interface will report an increase   to be reskinned versions of each other. It is thus possi-       broken-dreams-and-piggy-banks-pig-butchering-
in the victim’s balance either periodically, or after     ble that these operations utilize an “app customization         crypto-fraud-growing-online
performing app-specific tasks. In these schemes,          kit”, allowing non-technical workers to configure and
higher investments typically yield higher returns.        deploy new apps with ease. The videos that advertise
Victims, upon observing good returns on a small           these apps are of similar poor quality.
investment, are thus tempted to invest more.

                                                                                                                      1. Tether_(cryptocurrency)

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

                                                                                             In the analyzed video, the present-
3 The anatomy of a USDT                                                                      er starts by introducing the app’s
                                                                                             registration process (Figure 3),
mining pool video and app                                                                    explaining that new users must
                                                                                             make an account and set a pass-
                                                                                             word. There’s an invitation code
                                                                                             field that the presenter advertises
Most of the relevant mining pool scam videos observed on YouTube had the same                in his video. People using the
basic structure. This section outlines the script that they usually follow and is            invitation code will supposedly
accompanied by screenshots from a video about an app called paxxk[.]biz. This                earn the presenter’s account some
URL was identified by a WithSecure™ Intelligence researcher as a potentially                 money.
fraudulent site prior to the initiation of this research effort. This app is the focus of
more detailed analysis in a later section of this report.                                    The presenter then goes into          Figure 3: introducing the paxxk[.]biz registration process
                                                                                             length about how account holders
                                                                                             can earn free USDT by inviting
                                                                                             friends and family (Figure 4).
Figure 1 shows the thumbnail of
the video used in this example.                                                              The app contains a number of
It was the first hit presented by                                                            gamification mechanisms, includ-
YouTube while searching for                                                                  ing bonuses for inviting new people
“paxxk[.]biz” in the web UI and was                                                          and a various “VIP” schemes.
posted by an account called “Your                                                            Some of these mechanisms are
Crypto Helper”. Most videos of this                                                          depicted in Figure 5.
ilk are audio narrated but this one
included a video presenter, which
is extremely rare, and may account
for the video receiving a lot of
engagement and thus showing up
as the top hit.                       Figure 1: Thumbnail shown in YouTube search                                                  Figure 4: the presenter encourages the video’s
                                      results for example vide                                                                     audience to invite friends and make money

The paxxk[.]biz app is a simple
web site designed to be displayed
on a mobile phone. The site can
be accessed from any browser.
Since it is designed to be viewed
on a phone (and therefore look
like a phone app), it comes over
as clumsy when viewed from a
desktop browser (Figure 2).

                                      Figure 2: paxxk[.]biz displayed in a desktop browser                                         Figure 5: Thumbnail shown in YouTube
                                                                                                                                   search results for example vide

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

The app also utilizes “recharge                                                    The presenter then talks about
rewards” that claim to provide                                                     the app’s withdraw functionality,
monetary bonuses for adding more                                                   emphasizing that there are no
currency to the app (shown in                                                      withdrawal fees (Figure 9).
Figure 6). This “recharge reward”
concept is strikingly similar to                                                   However, the actual withdrawal
“spending reward” structures                                                       functionality is not properly
commonly used in mobile games.                                                     demoed and watching further into
In fact, the gamification aspects                                                  the video (Figure 10) verifies that
of many of these apps also mirror                                                  the presenter didn’t withdraw any
common mobile gaming tropes                                                        funds. This is, of course, working
where users are incentivized to                                                    as intended, since the app’s with-
perform menial tasks to earn                                                       drawal functionality does nothing.
                                        Figure 6: paxxk[.]biz “recharge rewards”                                          Figure 9: presenter discusses withdrawal functionality
small rewards.                                                                     Note the presenter’s important
                                                                                   message in Figure 10 – if you want
The paxxk[.]biz app includes a                                                     to make more money you have to
scrolling “tickertape” of suppos-                                                  deposit more.
edly delivered commissions
(Figure 7). This part of the display                                               The presenter finally shows
is designed to make the victim                                                     viewers that the app has customer
think that others are reaping huge                                                 service functionality and then signs
commissions (which, of course,                                                     off (Figure 11).
require huge investments). Since
analysis of wallets attached to
these scams show very few trans-
actions in most cases, this part of
the interface is almost definitely
just randomly generated.
                                        Figure 7: commission tickertape                                          Figure 10: 10 an important message from the
The video continues with a brief
tutorial on how to “recharge” – i.e.,
how to move crypto currency
from your own crypto wallet to
the app. The video’s presenter
“transfers” 20 USDT to the app
during this demo (Figure 8). This is
an important part of the video since
scammers need victims to perform
this step in order to make money.
Note how the wallet address
attached to the scam app is visible
in this screenshot.

                                        Figure 8: using paxxk[.]biz app’s
                                        “recharge” functionality                                                          Figure 11: presenter shows viewers the existence of
                                                                                                                          “dedicated customer service” functionality

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                11
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

Based upon anecdotal evidence                                                               Interestingly, this video and
from people who have fallen for this                                                        most others that were manually
scam, the customer service func-                                                            inspected during this research
tionality does sometimes work.                                                              appear to use a form of “SEO” in
Supposedly, when your withdrawal                                                            their YouTube video description
doesn’t go through and you contact                                                          field. Examples from this video are
customer service, they’ll ask you to                                                        presented in Figure 15. They likely
pay additional fees (which you also                                                         represent interesting YouTube
won’t get back).                                                                            search criteria for future research
                                         Figure 12: paxxk[.]biz “Work Description” dialog   around crypto scam video content.
Some videos of this ilk include
words from the presenter urging                                                             A YouTube search for “paxxk[.]biz”
viewers to “do their own research                                                           retrieves dozens of videos. Figure
and risk analysis before investing”.                                                        16 shows some descriptions which
These statements are probably                                                               largely insinuate that the withdraw-
designed to cover the channel                                                               al functionality is real.
owner from liability. However, such
statements are moot when consid-
ering the fact that these content
                                         Figure 13: Figure 13 paxxk[.]biz “Company
creators record and publish videos       Profile” dialog
instructing people how to use sites
that are specifically designed to
steal money.

The paxxk[.]biz app contains a                                                                                                     Figure 15: “SEO” embedded in video description

button labeled “Work Description”
that presents the dialog depicted in
Figure 12. Some interesting points
in there are the fact that it costs 20
USDT to become a member and
the fact that withdrawals are limited
to once per day. It also states that
“paxxk is a legitimate and legiti-
mate platform” just in case you had
had any doubts.
                                         Figure 14: paxxk[.]biz “system notifica-
                                         tion” modal dialog
A “Company Profile” button opens
the dialog depicted in Figure 13.
What is written here is a guar-
anteed work of fiction. It is likely
re-used in many other apps from
the same creators.

Clicking on any item in the UI
causes a troublesome “system
notification” modal dialog (Figure
14) to block interaction until
dismissed. This made navigation of
the app tiresome after even a short
amount of time.
                                                                                                                                   Figure 16: YouTube video descriptions pertaining to

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                         13
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

After scrolling past the 30 or
so videos the YouTube web UI                                                                     4. Analysis of YouTube
presented when searching for
“paxxk[.]biz”, YouTube’s recom-                                                                  activity related to paxxk[.]
mendation algorithm kicked in and
provided a few additional sugges-                                                                biz mining pool scam
tions, shown in Figure 17.

Similar USDT-based mining pool
scams can be found by searching                                                                  Given that paxxk[.]biz is a textbook
YouTube for the hashtag “#usdt-                                                                  example of a USDT scam app, it
mining”, which reportedly contains                                                               seemed a perfect starting point
3.9k videos (Figure 18).                                                                         for analysis of YouTube activity.
                                                                                                 A YouTube search (depicted in
                                                Figure 17: YouTube recommendations related to
The next sections of this report                search for “paxxk[.]biz”                         Figure 19) for “paxxk[.]biz” returns
will focus on analysis of YouTube                                                                a handful of videos demonstrating
videos and channels using data                                                                   how to use the app to make money.
retrieved via the YouTube API2
and pyyoutube3 .                                                                                 Using api.search_by_
                                                                                                 keywords(q=keyword, count=100),
                                                                                                                                         Figure 19: An example of the output of a YouTube
                                                                                                 100 search items were returned          search for “paxxk[.]biz”
                                                                                                 that included 30 videos that string-
                                                                                                 matched “paxxk” in either title or
                                                                                                 description. All captured videos
                                                                                                 were found to be hosted on differ-
                                                                                                 ent channels. All were published
                                                                                                 between the 21st and 24th
                                                                                                 August 2022. These videos were
                                                                                                 presented in a variety of languages
                                                                                                 including English, languages from
                                                                                                 the Middle East, and languages
                                                                                                 from the Indian subcontinent. All
                                                                                                 but 6 of the videos included replies
                                                                                                 in their comments sections. The
                                                Figure 18: #usdtmining on YouTube reports 3.9k
                                                videos and 792 channels
                                                                                                 number of replies varied from 1 to
                                                                                                 131. Basic statistics are depicted in
                                                                                                 Figure 20.                              Figure 20: Basic statistics of videos found using a
                                                                                                                                         YouTube search for “paxxk[.]biz”

                                                                                                 As depiscted in Figure 20, all
                                                                                                 channels involved have published
                                                                                                 multiple videos and have, in most
                                                                                                 cases, high numbers of both
                                                                                                 subscribers and viewers. One of
                                                                                                 the channels was identified to be
                                                                                                 a YouTube verified account with
                                                                                                 close to 600,000 subscribers and
                                                                                                 over 4 million total views.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

The YouTube API was then used to                                                             Using some simple text processing
obtain a list of all videos on each of                                                       and regular expression tricks, a
the channels identified during the                                                           total of 144 telegram usernames
prior search. A total of 8,338 videos                                                        were extracted from this list. In
were found across the 30 accounts                                                            most cases, a single Telegram
during this process. The API was                                                             username could be linked to
subsequently used to obtain all                                                              dozens of individual YouTube
top-level comments posted in reply       Figure 21: statistics related to YouTube comments   channels. An example is depicted
to all 8,338 videos. A total of 8,016    from accounts posting about paxxk[.]biz             in Figure 24.
of the threads included top-level
replies, and 125,362 comments                                                                The number of posts on individual
posted by 61,048 unique channels                                                             channels and videos for each set
were obtained in this fashion.                                                               of accounts corresponding to a
Figure 21 presents some statistics,                                                          Telegram username was also
including a list of the ten channels                                                         counted. The results are depicted
that received the most comments.                                                             in Figure 25.
                                                                                                                                   Figure 24: YouTube channels associated with Tele-
                                                                                                                                   gram username ‘wendytrad45’
The channel that received the                                                                For the five most active Telegram
most comments is depicted in                                                                 users identified, a count of which
Figure 22. The account’s name is                                                             channels they most frequently
“Excellent Kumar’S Tutorial”. It is                                                          engaged with was then performed.
a YouTube verified account. Upon                                                             A sample of the output is shown in
closer inspection it was determined                                                          Figure 26.
that videos on both the “Excellent
Kumar’S Tutorial” and “Your Crypto       Figure 22: Top most commented channel related to    Finally, summing up all engage-
                                         paxxk[.]biz                                                                               Figure 25: Most active Telegram users in the paxxk[.]
Helper” channels are presented                                                               ment from all Telegram users          biz dataset
by the same person. Most of                                                                  shows which YouTube channels
the videos posted on “Excellent                                                              are boosted the most by this group.
Kumar’S Tutorial” channel appear                                                             This is depicted in Figure 27.
to be legitimate. However, videos
posted on “Your Crypto Helper” are
almost exclusively related to these
scams. Likewise, many of the other
YouTube channels posting these
videos published at high volume
and did not post about much else.

Analysis of YouTube channels             Figure 23: Channel names from paxxk
                                         dataset that mention Telegram
that posted large numbers of
comments led to the discovery that
many of those accounts contained
                                                                                                                                   Figure 26: Accounts most engaged by most active
titles that included Telegram user-                                                                                                Telegram users’ YouTube channels
names. Figure 23 depicts a sample
of those channel names.

                                                                                                                                   Figure 27: Channels most boosted by accounts
                                                                                                                                   belonging to Telegram users in the paxxk dataset

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                       17
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

If you scroll through “reply”                      YouTube displays a list of other                       A Twitter search for URLs shown in                      The green node labelled 314.0 is     The accounts involved in this
sections on any video “boosted”                    uploaded videos from the same                          Figure 29 was performed. Only one                       the account that posted the most     boosting behavior did not belong to
by these Telegram users, you’ll                    author. These are often videos                         tweet was found, depicted in Figure                     comments in this dataset. It is      the previously identified Telegram
see many comments designed                         linked to other scam apps. An                          30. During the period in which this                     depicted in Figure 32. The channel   users. A list of YouTube channel
to make viewers think that what                    example from the “PSEB STUDY                           research was performed it was rare                      hosts no videos and was only used    names is presented in Figure 34.
is being demonstrated in the                       HALL” channel is shown in Figure                       to find malicious links on Twitter.                     to publish comments.
video is legitimate. Most of those                 29. As you can see in the screen-                                                                                                                   It is not possible to clearly visualize
comments are posted by accounts                    shot, the list of such apps goes on                    A node-edge graph of all comment                        The orange cluster of accounts       nodes on the graphviz related to
that mention Telegram usernames                    and on. New ones are added daily.                      interactions in the dataset is                          with comment counts between          identified Telegram users due to
in their channel name. An example                  This high rate of turnover prevents                    presented in Figure 31.                                 110 and 140 represent a small        the highly distributed nature of their
is shown in Figure 28.                             potential victims from looking up                                                                              group of YouTube channels that       boosting activities.
                                                   these URLs on “known scam”                                                                                     published most of their comments
When visiting accounts that are                    services.                                                                                                      to two channels, one called “Get
boosted by these Telegram users,                                                                                                                                  Set Earn” – depicted in Figure 33
                                                                                                                                                                  and another called “EARNING

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Figure 32: Most actively commenting YouTube
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         channel in the paxxk dataset

                                                                                   Figure 29: Other uploads on the “PSEB STUDY HALL” channel

Figure 28: A sample of comments published by accounts associated with identified
Telegram users

                                                                                                                                   Figure 31: Node-edge graph
                                                                                                                                   of interactions in the paxxk
                                                                                                                                   dataset. Nodes are labelled
                                                                                                                                   by weighted out degree.
                                                                                                                                   The higher the number, the
                                                                                                                                   more comments the account

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Figure 33: Get Set Earn channel, boosted by hundreds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of comments from a handful of accounts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Figure 34: Accounts that boosted Get Set Earn and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EARNING STORE channels

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              19
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

                                                                                                The channel that received the most
5 Analysis of YouTube                                                                           comments in this dataset was
                                                                                                “Offer Tricks”, a YouTube verified
activity related to ocitt[.]                                                                    account, depicted in Figure 37.

site mining pool scam                                                                           A set of 177 Telegram users was
                                                                                                found from commenters in this
                                                                                                dataset. The list of most active
                                                                                                ones closely resembled the list
A similar scam was identified                                                                   gathered from the paxxk dataset
using the url: ocitt[.]site. Using                                                              and is shown in Figure 38.
the same analysis methodology
as for paxxk[.]biz, a set of obser-                                                             Channels that were most comment-
                                                                                                                                          Figure 37: “Offer Tricks” account, the most
vations were recorded. Using api.                                                               ed on by Telegram users is displayed      commented on account in the ocitt dataset
search_by_keywords(q=keyword,                                                                   in Figure 39. This list has significant
count=100), 100 search items                                                                    overlap with the one extracted from
were returned that included 77                                                                  the paxxk dataset. “Your Crypto
videos posted by 73 channels that                                                               Helper” is on the top in both, and one
string-matched “ocitt” in either their                                                          might at this point extrapolate that
title or description. All videos were                                                           the person behind that channel is
published between the 16th and                                                                  one of the Telegram users.
24th August 2022. This represents
                                         Figure 35: Statistics on videos related to
a slightly larger volume and longer-     ocitt[.]site with high view counts

run campaign than the one that ran
for the paxxk[.]biz app. A sample of                                                                                                      Figure 38: Most active Telegram users in the
                                                                                                                                          ocitt dataset
gathered statistics from videos with
the highest view counts is depicted
in Figure 35. Note how comment
counts do not correlate with view
counts in any meaningful way.

As with the paxxk example, all chan-
nels involved in pushing this scam
have published multiple videos and
have, in most cases, high numbers of
                                                                                                                                          Figure 39: Channels most boosted by accounts
both subscribers and view counts.                                                                                                         belonging to Telegram users in the ocitt dataset

                                         Figure 36: statistics related to YouTube comments
The YouTube API was then used to         from accounts posting about ocitt[.]site degree. The
obtain a list of all videos on each of   higher the number, the more comments the account
the 73 channels identified during the
prior search. A total of 15,221 videos
were found during this process.
The API was subsequently used
to obtain all top-level comments
posted in reply to all 15,221 videos.
A total of 264,277 comments from
130,106 unique channels were
obtained in this fashion. Figure 36
presents some statistics, including a
list of the ten channels that received
the most comments.
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                             21
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

                                                                                                  A total of 11,710 comments were       some statistics, including a list of         comments. This graph illustrates that
6 Analysis of YouTube                                                                             harvested. Statistics are presented   the ten channels that received the           many of the videos in the #usdtmining
                                                                                                  in Figure 41.                         most comments.                               hashtag received comments from
activity related to                                                                                                                                                                  entirely separate groups of accounts.
                                                                                                  A total of 11,710 comments from       A node-edge graph of interactions            The mess in the middle of the graph
#usdtmining YouTube                                                                               5,256 unique channels were            between channels captured in the             shows where overlap between
                                                                                                  obtained in this fashion. Note that   #usdtmining dataset is presented             commenters happened.
hashtag                                                                                           only 485 of the videos contained      in Figure 43. Nodes are labelled by
                                                                                                  comments. Figure 42 presents          in-degree – the number of incoming

A YouTube page containing the
hashtag #usdtmining can be
displayed via the web UI. The page,                                                                                                                                            Figure 42: Statistics related to YouTube comments
                                                                                                                                                                               from the #usdtmining dataset
which is depicted in Figure 40,
reports that the hashtag represents
3.9k videos and 792 channels. This
page can be displayed using the url:

Unfortunately, the YouTube API
cannot be used to list items on a
hashtag page, so search functional-
ity had to be used to obtain results.
Our results significantly differ from
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Figure 43: Node-edge graph of
those shown in Figure 40. The                                                                                                                                                                        interactions in the #usdtmining dataset.
YouTube API imposes a daily usage                                                                                                                                                                    Nodes are labelled by in-degree
                                         Figure 40: YouTube #usdtmining results
quota of 10,000 operations. A            page as shown by the web UI
single search query consumes 100
operations, and via experimentation
it was determined that 25 search
results use up that 100-quota
block. This restricts searches to a
maximum of 2,500 results. Given
that the hashtag page displayed in
the web UI reported 3.9k videos, it
was assumed that it would not be
possible to retrieve them all via the
API. A test search in the form api.
count=1000) was performed which
returned 527 videos of which 520
                                         Figure 41: Statistics on videos related to #usdtmining
included the term “usdt” in either the   with high view counts
video title or description. A total of
269 channels were identified during
this search. Given the large number
of channels found, additional videos
for each channel were not harvest-
ed. However, top-level comments
on all videos returned by the initial
search were captured using the API.
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

The channel that received the most
comments in this dataset was                                                                  7. Additional analysis
“Crypto Master 2022”, depicted in
Figure 44. Not a verified account
this time.
                                                                                              It is easy to observe that the
A total of 92 Telegram account                                                                accounts boosted by Telegram
names were found from YouTube                                                                 users post a great deal of videos
channel names in this dataset.                                                                related to these scams. Figure 47
They were responsible for posting                                                             shows a sample of videos hosted
1,554 comments. A list of the ten                                                             by the “PSEB STUDY HALL”
most active Telegram users is                                                                 channel. Note how the number
presented in Figure 45.                                                                       of views on each video in the
                                                                                              screenshot is similar (between
A list of the ten accounts that       Figure 44: Crypto Master 2022” account, the most        6k and 10k). It can be assumed
                                      commented on account in the usdtmining dataset
received most comments from                                                                   that other forms of inauthentic
Telegram users is shown in Figure                                                             activity (such as fake likes, views,
46. The overlap with previous lists                                                           and subscribes) are being used,        Figure 47: Videos uploaded to the PSEBSTUDYHALL
                                                                                                                                     YouTube channel
is quite evident.                                                                             in addition to the comments
                                                                                              posted by Telegram users, to
                                                                                              boost engagement. Such actions
                                                                                              make these videos more likely to
                                                                                              be recommended by YouTube’s

                                                                                              Figure 48 shows a sample of
                                      Figure 45: Most active Telegram users in the #usdt-     videos hosted by “Crypto Master
                                      mining dataset                                          2022”. Although Crypto Master
                                                                                              2022 was “boosted” more than
                                                                                              PSEB STUDY HALL, the number
                                                                                              of views on videos in the screen-
                                                                                              shot varied quite dramatically.
                                                                                                                                     Figure 48: Videos uploaded to the CryptoMaster2022
                                                                                                                                     YouTube channel
                                                                                              Also of note is the fact that these
                                                                                              channels post multiple videos
                                                                                              advertising the same scam apps
                                                                                              as shown in Figure 49. Thumbnails
                                      Figure 46: Channels most boosted by accounts
                                      belonging to Telegram users in the usdtmining dataset   and video durations indicate that
                                                                                              these are always re-uploads of the
                                                                                              original video.

                                                                                                                                     Figure 49: Video duplication via re-uploading (PSEB
                                                                                                                                     STUDY HALL channel)

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                           25
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

While performing this research it                                                                 As an aside, the hashtag
was evident that many channels                                                                    #USDTMINING was found on
involved changed their channel                                                                    Twitter. It was being used to
name regularly. For instance,                                                                     indirectly advertise USDT mining
the “TIGER EARNING” channel                                                                       pool scams. Tweets posted by
renamed to “Crypto With Earning”.                                                                 accounts with female avatars ask
Tracking these channels using their                                                               people to direct message them to
YouTube channelId allows name                                                                     learn how to mine USDT. All tweets
changes to be followed.                                                                           were published at about the same
                                                                                                  time, and were identical in content,
URLs were extracted from titles                                                                   suggesting that automation was
and descriptions of videos                                                                        used. A sample of such tweets
obtained from all three datasets. A                                                               is presented in Figure 54. A
total of 700 unique app URLs were                                                                 #miningusdt hashtag also exists
                                                                                                                                         Figure 53: Comments from brainscott001 by similarity
obtained in this way. Figure 50        Figure 50: Most seen URLs from video titles and            on Twitter.                            of first 40 characters. The number to the left indicates
                                       descriptions captured in all three datasets                                                       how many times that exact comment was seen in the
presents statistics for a top sample                                                                                                     data
of the obtained URLs that includes
campaign start and end dates,
duration in days, and number of
videos posted. The consistency
in number of videos from about
a third of the way down the list –
fifteen give or take a few – likely
indicates the size of the regular
group of channels posting videos
as new scam apps are created.

Comments associated with
channels associated with Telegram
users were harvested. For each
user, comments were grouped by                                                                                                           Figure 54: Example tweets containing the #USDTMIN-
                                                                                                                                         ING hashtag
the first 40 characters found. This
                                       Figure 51: Channels associated with each scam
allowed near-identical comments to     app URLt
be discovered. All Telegram users
published near-identical comments
over and over across multiple
videos. Sometimes the same
comment was posted multiple times
in response to the same video.
Figure 52 and Figure 53 depict the
copy-paste nature of comments
posted by two Telegram users.

                                       Figure 52: Comments from wendytrad45 by similarity
                                       of first 40 characters. The number to the left indicates
                                       how many times that exact comment was seen in the

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                               27
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

                                                                                                                             Some wallets had no activity on them whatsoever (0            the YouTube API didn’t return all possible results) or (ii)
8 Crypto                                                                                                                     transactions). This includes wallets associated with          half of those potential app wallets were misidentified.
                                                                                                                             apps that were advertised on YouTube over a month             It is likely that both hypotheses are correct to a certain
transaction analysis                                                                                                         prior to the investigation. This further supports the idea    extent, and the true explanation lies somewhere in
                                                                                                                             that the apps being demonstrated in these YouTube             between.
                                                                                                                             videos are custom demo builds with no real functionality.
                                                                                                                             It can thus be concluded that those YouTubers are know-       From manually inspecting wallets associated with
Since YouTube videos associated with this scam instruct       Wallet addresses extracted from all associated videos          ingly and willingly lying when they claim to be demon-        successful scam apps, the following was observed:
viewers on how to move funds from their personal crypto       were part of the Tron cryptocurrency scheme. Tron              strating withdrawal functionality, and hence are fully
currency wallets into the app, it is possible to determine    can be used to facilitate USDT transactions, and wallet        aware that they are participating in a criminal endeavor.     •   Victim wallets sent USDT to app wallets. No USDT
wallet addresses associated with each app by manually         addresses of this type can be examined on sites such                                                                             was sent back to any victim wallet, verifying that the
inspecting videos. Wallet addresses can be extracted          as An example of’s web              Some of the queried wallets received a small                      “withdraw” functionality is indeed fake.
from videos in two ways – either by transcribing the          interface is shown in Figure 55. Tronscan also exposes         whole-number sum of USDT from one wallet and                  •   App wallets that received payments from victims
address or by scanning a QR code shown in the video.          a free API that can be used to query up to the last 10,000     subsequently sent the same amount to a different wallet.          periodically sent USDT to “receiving” wallets,
The latter is preferable. Using this process, a total of 30   transactions for any valid wallet address.                     In the case of videos published by the “PSEB STUDY                where it was then sent on to other wallets, and so
wallet addresses were extracted from videos posted                                                                           HALL” YouTube channel, the sending wallet address was             on. Most payments made in this manner were for
from a variety of YouTube channels associated with            For the purposes of this research, data was collected on       always identical. For other channels, such as “Crypto             small amounts, and on a frequent basis.
these operations. Note that a total of 700 unique URLs        Friday 28th October 2022 for transactions going back a         Master 2022” and “EARNING MONEY 89”, seeding was
were found via analysis of YouTube metadata, and, as          maximum of 120 days.                                           performed by a different wallet address each time. A total    To gather a list of potential victim wallets, transactions
such, these 30 addresses represent a tiny fraction of all                                                                    of 5 seeding wallets were found in this manner. Further       related to each of the 1,576 app wallets were analyzed
wallets involved.                                             All 30 wallet addresses extracted from YouTube videos          manual extraction of app wallets from videos posted           as follows: (i) a list of wallets that made a payment of
                                                              were queried using tronscan. Of those, 29 were valid.          by those YouTube channels may reveal further seeding          at least 10 USDT to any app wallet was collected, (ii)
Manually extracting wallet addresses from the YouTube         The wallet address associated with paxxk[.]biz could           wallets, and possibly an overlap of addresses.                of those, any wallet that received a payment from any
videos in question was a cumbersome process. Videos           not be queried on tronscan, suggesting that it may have                                                                      wallet in the dataset was discarded, and any wallet that
must be opened in an incognito browser window, since          been made up. This wallet address appears in multiple          The “PSEB STUDY HALL” seeding account was                     made a payment to any wallet other than potential app
opening them while logged into your own account will          videos on YouTube, where the app’s functionality is            observed sending money to six app wallet addresses            wallets was also discarded. This analysis yielded a total
cause YouTube to start heavily recommending such              demonstrated on-camera. The fact that the wallet               extracted from YouTube videos. The wallet, TKnN-              of 915 potential victim wallets.
content, even after viewing only a small number of            address is invalid conclusively proves that the app            86vWQtz3PyjfTGbgurGZvSTtdJKKVW, had performed
videos. Nowadays, YouTube shows advertisements,               demonstrated in paxxk[.]biz videos is a special build          7832 transactions at the time of capture. Over its lifetime   During a cursory examination of potential victim
that cannot be blocked, for every few minutes of video        created for demonstration purposes.                            it received a total of 12,950 USDT and sent a total of        accounts, it was observed that some had millions of
content viewed. As such, while manually extracting                                                                           12,473 USDT. A thorough analysis of this wallet could be      US dollars in holdings and had a history of millions of
wallet addresses from these scam videos, we were                                                                             the basis of an entire report.                                transactions. For the purposes of brevity, accounts of
forced to sit through many, many ads. Having to sit                                                                                                                                        this type will be denoted as “whales”.
through hours of ads was the reason we stopped after                                                                         Wallets that received small (
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

Each of the 7,251 wallet addresses      highly illogical. It was not possible   app wallets, victims, and receiving
in the dataset were queried for         to correlate any of the whale           wallets. As you can see, the situa-
transaction count. Those with over      addresses with known trading            tion is quite a mess, and untangling
1 million transactions were denoted     platforms or crypto exchanges           any further inferences would be
as whales. A total of 28 such           via lookups on As         highly problematic. However,
accounts were found. Interactions       such, this phenomenon remains           clusters of potential victim wallets,
between whale accounts and other        a mystery, and one that cannot          and their connections to potential
wallets in the dataset is depicted in   be solved with our current under-       app wallets are easily observable,
Figure 56.                              standing of the TRON ecosystem.         even in such a complex graph
The fact that these whale accounts      After filtering whale accounts from
interact with such an obscure           the previously determined potential
scam, especially one that requires      victim wallets, the number was
manually registering for, and inter-    reduced to 900. Figure 57 depicts
acting with a shoddy and clearly        all USDT-related financial inter-
                                                                                                                                       Figure 58: A sample of top-grossing potential app
fraudulent web “apps” seems             actions between active potential                                                               wallets identified

                                                                                          Figure 56: Interactions between whale
                                                                                          accounts and other wallets in the collect-
                                                                                          ed data. Wallet addresses are truncated
                                                                                          to the first six characters..                Summing all USDT payments from all potential victim         The wallet associated with the ocitt[.]site app - TBsVA-
                                                                                                                                       wallets to potential app wallets discovered during          Jb9U2WfiQf876CzHqfesdWhiqPmey - received at
                                                                                                                                       this process yields a value of roughly 115,628 USDT.        total of 7504.200462999997 USDT and sent a total of
                                                                                                                                       Given that only 700 URLs were discovered during             6370.372544 USDT during its lifetime. Not all of these
                                                                                                                                       analysis of YouTube channels involved in these              transactions can be attributed to victim payments, and
                                                                                                                                       operations (from data gathered via the YouTube API),        it can be assumed that this wallet was used for other,
                                                                                                                                       it is possible that some of the wallets included in this    additional purposes. Of note, TP8ojbCEoV25KS-
                                                                                                                                       calculation didn’t belong to scam apps. Conversely,         B75iVYK9MNXtH1ApwtkA received a total of 2892
                                                                                                                                       it is possible, given the analysis of just five “seeding”   USDT from it. By analyzing transactions associated
                                                                                                                                       wallets, that the number of actual app wallets identified   with TP8ojbCEoV25KSB75iVYK9MNXtH1ApwtkA, a
                                                                                                                                       in this capture represents only a fraction of all wallets   great deal of currency can be seen changing hands.
                                                                                                                                       involved. As such, the profit value calculated here is      Figure 59 shows a sample of the top summed transac-
                                                                                                                                       likely to be highly inaccurate in both directions. Unfor-   tions to and from this account.
                                                                                                                                       tunately, there is no way to map app wallet addresses
                                                                                                                                       back to YouTube videos. In order to accurately verify       The wallet TNR8hnL8EGei35yxYJtWHb2PJW5h-
                                                                                                                                       that potential app wallet addresses uncovered in this       PQao6D that received close to 60,000 USDT from
                                                                                          Figure 57: Interactions between active
                                                                                          potential app wallets, victims, and          analysis are really part of this scam, manual inspection    TP8ojbCEoV25KSB75iVYK9MNXtH1ApwtkA is not a
                                                                                          receiving wallets. Wallet addresses are
                                                                                          truncated to the first six characters.       of all possible YouTube videos would be required. This      whale account. At the time of capture, the account was
                                                                                                                                       represents an infeasible task (especially due to the        holding approximately 8,000 USD worth of currency
                                                                                                                                       number of ads that one would need to suffer through).       and had performed just over 1,300 transactions.
                                                                                                                                       The profit value calculated here is also subject to         However, analysis of transactions on this address
                                                                                                                                       change – it was calculated at the time of analysis, and     shows even more money being moved around. This is
                                                                                                                                       it is possible that scams, especially freshly published     depicted in Figure 60. Note that this activity happened
                                                                                                                                       ones, bring in new victims, and thus new revenue.           over a 120-day period at the time of query. By gather-
                                                                                                                                       To properly track these operations, analysis of both        ing all transactions over this wallet’s entire lifetime, it is
                                                                                                                                       YouTube and wallet activity should be performed on a        possible to determine that over 1.4 million USD moved
                                                                                                                                       regular basis over an extended period of time.              through this account. Whether the money flowing
                                                                                                                                                                                                   through this wallet is attached just to these particular
                                                                                                                                                                                                   crypto scams or if it includes other “business ventures”
                                                                                                                                                                                                   is currently a point of speculation.

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              31
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

                                                                             Figure 59: Top summed transactions
                                                                             associated with TP8ojbCEoV25KS-
                                                                                                                         9 Recommendations
                                                                                                                         for YouTube

                                                                                                                         The research involved in this report was straightfor-        A cursory glance at results returned by an Internet
                                                                                                                         ward to perform and was seeded with the discovery            search for “buy YouTube views” illuminates the exis-
                                                                                                                         of a single scam app (paxxk[.]biz). Discovering              tence of many services selling YouTube likes, views,
                                                                                                                         hundreds of channels and URLs associated with these          comments, and subscribes. It is clear that inauthentic
                                                                                                                         fraudulent schemes was trivial, and only limited by the      amplification is being used to boost engagement
                                                                                                                         speed at which data could be gathered. Independent           numbers on many of the videos highlighted in this
                                                                                                                         researchers constantly find examples of malicious and        report (such as videos published on the PSEB STUDY
                                                                             Figure 60: Top summed transactions
                                                                             associated with TNR8hnL8EGei35yxYJt-        inauthentic activity on social media platforms. Those        HALL channel). While we're aware that detecting inau-
                                                                                                                         investigations work with rate-limited APIs and a limited     thentic activity on social networks is a difficult endeav-
                                                                                                                         set of metadata, and yet they’re able to discover            our, with regards to the videos highlighted in this
                                                                                                                         phenomena unnoticed by the owners of those sites.            report, determining patterns and channels involved in
                                                                                                                         It is the responsibility of those platforms to act upon      their actions was a straightforward task that required
                                                                                                                         such findings by utilizing additional metadata only          very little API usage. It would be nice to know that
                                                                                                                         available with employee access.                              YouTube’s administrators take inauthentic amplification
                                                                                                                                                                                      seriously and are devising more generic methods to
                                                                                                                         YouTube’s free API rate limits are quite restrictive,        detect and counter such activity in the future.
                                                                                                                         especially with regards to search functionality.
                                                                                                                         However, the YouTube API web user interface is very          The fact that YouTube verified accounts have partici-
                                                                                                                         informative in that it allows tracking of rate-limit usage   pated in the advertising of these scams is worrying. It
                                                                                                                         in almost real-time. We would welcome functionality in       conveys the idea that verified status isn’t something
                                                                                                                         the YouTube API to allow videos listed under a hashtag       that can be trusted and that verified badges are issued
                                                                                                                         to be fetched without the need to use search queries.        far too easily.
Although it is possible to continue following this trail of   only definite associations we have are a small number of
money, the obfuscated nature of crypto currency wallets       wallets associated with apps advertised on YouTube. As     Given the number of channels discovered that were
makes it impossible to associate accounts with individ-       far as who might be running these operations, how large    posting fraudulent content, the frequency at which
uals or businesses. It was generally observed that these      they are, whether they are associated with other crypto    they published, and the length of time at which these
operations moved small amounts of currency through            scams (such as “pig butchering”), or anything else         operations had been running, it is highly surprising
multiple accounts, an observation that is backed by the       would require a great deal of further investigation.       that they weren’t already spotted and taken down.
complex node-edge graph depicted in Figure 57. The                                                                       Now that we know about these operations, videos
                                                                                                                         of this nature should be thoroughly enumerated and
                                                                                                                         removed by the YouTube safety team, along with any
                                                                                                                         other channels participating in similar operations
                                                                                                                         (both those publishing videos and those automated
                                                                                                                         to post comments and boost engagement). If this isn’t
                                                                                                                         something YouTube is willing to do, they should, at the
                                                                                                                         very least, suppress their algorithm’s recommendation
                                                                                                                         of these videos. YouTube should also make an effort to
                                                                                                                         understand how the “SEO” text found in the descrip-
                                                                                                                         tion fields of these videos might affect YouTube’s
                                                                                                                         search and recommendation algorithms.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               33
Analysis of YouTube USDT crypto scams

10 Conclusions

Although many “USDT mining” scam videos have               Crypto currency of significant dollar value can be
been created by many YouTubers, one group involved         observed flowing through wallets further along the
in this scam likely consists of a tightly coordinated      payment chain, suggesting that these scam apps may
team containing around thirty members. This hypothe-       be part of one or more larger cyber criminal operations.
sis is supported by examination of the overlap between     An article from The Times of India published on 9th
unique URLs and the channels that actively promote         September 20224 suggests that operations similar
them (Figure 50 and Figure 51) and an overlap across       to those detailed in this report can be attributed to
Telegram users that comment on videos (Figure 25,          Chinese operators. However, no details regarding attri-
Figure 38, and Figure 45).                                 bution methodology are given in the article. Addition-
                                                           ally, our research didn’t uncover any data or indicators
Analysis of transactions performed on wallets associ-      that could be used for attribution purposes.
ated with these scam apps proves that they are fake.
(i) some app wallets have no transactions on them          These scams rely on victims finding and watching
(despite videos demonstrating otherwise), (ii) victim      YouTube videos. Although most videos analyzed in
wallets have not been seen to receive transfers from       this research have thousands of views, activity on
the app wallets.                                           wallets associated with their scam apps suggests
                                                           that either the schemes themselves are not very
By extracting wallet addresses from YouTube videos         convincing, or that all those views come from inau-
of this nature, it was possible to map out a potential     thentic sources designed to boost the video’s chances
network of “seeding” accounts, app wallets, victims,       of being recommended. The poor quality of videos
and receiving addresses. Estimates suggest that            and the apps associated with them is probably a
these various operations earned as much as 100,000         contributing factor behind the lack of success of such
collectively USD between July and November 2022.           operations. That said, the entities behind these various
However, analysis of crypto transactions involved in       operations continue to create new apps and post new
these operations was limited and may have simply           videos on a daily basis. This suggests that they are
missed a large number of additional wallets.               playing a numbers game and hoping that, every now
                                                           and then, they hook a whale that will deliver them huge
Given that the running costs of these operations must      profits. It is quite possible that these groups will modify
include registering domains, creating apps, paying         certain aspects of their operations going forward. If the
content creators to publish and boost videos, and          accounts and videos detailed here do end up being
managing the flow of currency through potentially          taken down by YouTube, we fully expect the entities
thousands of crypto wallets, they don’t appear to be       behind these operations to rebuild and continue doing
very lucrative. One must wonder how YouTube content        what they’re doing.
creators are incentivized to create endless videos
of this nature. This is especially the case for verified
accounts with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
Perhaps YouTube’s lax policies and inability to find
and shut down such content emboldens them even if
incentives are meagre.


34                                                                                                                                                         35
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