BASED ON ITS INTRINSIC VALUE

                                                       Anih Sa’diah

        English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan
                             dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung


        The objectives of this research entitled “An Analysis of the movie entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The
        Voyage of the Dawn Treader Based on its Intrinsic Values” ware to know the intrinsic value and to know the
        beneficial inputs of analyzing intrinsic value of the movie. The research method used in the research was
        descriptive method and the type of approach was Abram’s approach relating to the intrinsic value. The
        population was 894 dialogues of the movie and the sample of this research was entire populations. The data
        were collected by reading all the movie script and watching the movie. The instrument of this research was
        the movie script in order to discover the elements of intrinsic value. The reseach findings were written in
        colorful paper. The result of the research showed that the theme of the movie was the Voyage to the
        magician’s island for finding the seven lost Lords of Narnia and the characters named Lucy, Edmund,
        Caspian, and Eustace as the main characters. The setting in this story was in the world of Narnia and had a
        plot which wasforward, covering the exposition that described the main characters who came to the world
        of Narnia by painting, rising action described The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, climax described the battle
        of the main character with the devil, falling action described the three lords awoke from their sleep, and the
        resolution described that the main characters returned to the real life by panting. The beneficial inputs of
        analyzing the intrinsic value of this movie were it can be used as the instructional media to learn English and
        for future teachers, the activity of studying movie was very fruitful, as there was a lot of information that can
        be discussed with their students later on.

        Key word: Movie, Intrinsic Value, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

A. BACKGROUND                                                        ones. However the way how to analyze the movie is
                                                                     the same as the way how to analyze the literary
      Being future teachers, studying literature is not              works. For some people especially student, movie
only entertainment but also it is our task and it is                 can be used as the instructional media to learn
important because it can be used as teaching                         English, for future teachers, the activity of studying
material. By studying literature we can improve our                  movie is very fruitful, as there is a lot of information
skills of English such as listening, speaking, reading,              that can be discussed with their students later on.
and writing for example by reading poetry and novel                        Based on the background above, this study is
we can improve our pronunciation, and our                            intended to “An Analysis of the movie entitled The
vocabulary. We also can learn the culture of other                   Chronicles of Narnia: the Voyage of the Dawn
nation and appreciate the literary works by analyzing                Treader Based on its Intrinsic Values”, the writer
the liteary works. “Literary works consist of three                  hopes that it can be fruitful to teach as the
parts; they are poetry, prose and play or drama”.                    instructional media to learn English.
      Movie or film is known as a part of drama as it
is said that drama is a play on TV, theatre or cinema,               B.    THEORETICAL FOUNDATION
the other reason why movie is admitted as a
development of drama, which automatically makes                      1.    Definition of Literature
movie to be possibly called literary work is that
movie is made by using artistic technique and                             According to the writer’s classroom experience
involves many things related to literary work.                       when attending the lecture in the class, literature is
Studying movie for English learners is important                     defined as literature in the broad sense and literature
since movie is derived from literary works. As we                    in a narrow sense. Literature in a broad sense, it is
know many stories in the movie are originally                        kind of information that can be read for exa mple
literary works, especially prose, either old or modern               advertisement, pamphlet, brochure, and many others.
Literature in the narrow sense is a piece of writing           4.   The Chronicles of Narnia
valued as work of art compared to technical
language.                                                           The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of English
      According to Baldick (2001:142):                         fantasy films from Walden Media that are based on
      Literature, a body of written works related by           The Chronicles of Narnia, a series of novels written
    subject-matter (e.g. the literature of computing),         by C. S. Lewis. From the seven books, there have
    by language or place of origin (e.g. Russian               been three film adaptations so far—The Lion, the
    literature), or by prevailing cultural standards of        Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), Prince Caspian
    merit. In this last sense, 'literature' is taken to        (2008), and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    include      oral,   dramatic,    and     broadcast        (2010).
    compositions that may not have been published                   The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, based on the
    in written form but which have been (or deserve            novel with the same title, was directed by Michael
    to be) preserved.                                          Apted and was the third official film in the series.
      Based on the definition above, literature is the         The story follows the two younger Pevensie children
art of written works of the creative and creative,             as they return to Narnia with their cousin, Eustace.
fictional (not factual), stories (not histories), it can       They join the new king of Narnia, Caspian, in his
be form as works of poetry, drama, fiction, and                quest to rescue seven lost lords to save Narnia from
nonfiction.                                                    a corrupting evil that resides on a dark island.

2.   The Division of Literary Works                            5.   Relationship between Movie and Literary
     Peck and Coyle (1989:1) said that “genre means
a type or class of literature”. The main generic                     Klarer (2004:56) stated that “film is made by
division of literary work is into poetry, drama and            literary techniques, conversely, literary practice,
prose. All works of a certain kinds have a great deal          developed particular features under the impact of
in common and are therefore grouped together under             film”.
board heading. Literary works consist of three parts;                Drama or film is a piece of work consisting of
they are poetry, prose and play or drama. In this              literary aspect and aspect of performed. Literary
study the writer would like to analyze movie as a              aspect of drama in the form of script and the literary
part of drama.                                                 aspect of film is a scenario. As the movie is
     According to the writer’s classroom experience            developed based on the novel so the writer analyzes
when attending the lecture in the class, drama is              the movie based on the same way of analyzing the
piece of writing written to be performed on the                novel, it means that how to analyze the movie is the
stage, TV, and theatre or cinema. Diyanni (2000:5)             same as the way how to analyze the literary works
said that “Drama is meant to be performed on a                 because Movie is derived from literary works.
stage” In line with the statement above, Abrams
(1999:69) stated that:                                         6.   Intrinsic Value of Fiction and Drama
     Drama is the form of composition designed for
   performance in the theater, in which actors take                  Abram provides two steps which is called
   the roles of the characters, perform the indicated          extrinsic and intrinsic value. Extrinsic value covers
   action, and utter the written dialogue. (The                the universe, which related the writer’s background
   common alternative name for a dramatic                      the reader, who has got the right to put forward
   composition is a play).                                     his/her opinion and the writer whose biography
     From the statements above, Movie or film is               written by others.
known as a part of drama as it is said that drama is a               A work of literature as something which stands
play on TV, theatre or cinema.                                     free from what is often called "extrinsic"
                                                                   relations to the poet, or to the audience, or to the
3.   Movie                                                         environing world. Instead it describes the literary
                                                                   product as a self-sufficient and autonomous
     According to Kindem (2000:1) “movies are                      object, or else as a world-in-itself, which is to be
both art and commerce, creative expressions of                     contemplated as its own end, and to be analyzed
national/cultural interests and preoccupations and                 and judged solely by "intrinsic" criteria such as
part of a global entertainment market”. In line with               its complexity, coherence, equilibrium, integrity,
the statement above, Quinn (2006:165) stated that                  and the interrelations of its component elements
“film is a general term for a particular motion                    (Abrams, 1999:52).
picture or for motion pictures in general”.
According to the writer’s classroom experience                Plot is the structure of a story. The sequence is
when attending the lecture in the class, Intrinsic            in which the author arranges events in a story. The
Value is one of the approaches which are used for             stages of plot in figure below:
analysis novel based on the elements of novel. There
are some elements which consist of intrinsic value in                                Climax
novel; they are theme, character, setting, plot, and
point of view.                                                   Rising action                 Faling action
     In this study focuses on the intrinsic value as
the way to analyze the literary works and the way to                                PLOT
appreciate the literary works.                                  Exposition                             Resolution

a. Theme                                                                          Figure 1
                                                                    The plot based on Freytag's Pyramid
      Abrams (1999:258) stated that “Theme is a
salient abstract idea that emerges from a literary            c. Character and Characterization
work's treatment of its subject-matter; or a topic
recurring in a number of literary works. In other                  Abrams (1999:32) stated that:
opinion like Peck and Coyle (1989: 141) said that:                 Characters are the persons represented in a
      Theme is large idea or concept it is dealing. In           dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted
    order to grasp the theme of literary work we have            by the reader as being endowed with particular
    to stand back from the text and see what of short            moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by
    of general experience or subject of the story and            inferences from what the persons say and their
    can usually be expressed in the form of                      distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue.
    expression.                                                    According        to      Baldik,      (2001:48)
      The writer can put forward that the theme is the        “Characterization is representation of persons in
central idea or conception of the movie that author           narrative and dramatic works”
wants to share. The theme can give the people who
watch can imagine general of the story.                       d. Setting
b. Plot                                                             Quinn (2006:384) said that “setting is the time
                                                              and place of a narrative and drama and, by
     Abrams (1999:224) said that “plot is constituted         extension, the social and political context of the
by its events and actions, as these are rendered and          action”.
ordered toward achieving particular artistic and                    Abrams (1999:284) stated that:
emotional effects”. According to Freytag (1863) in                The overall setting of a narrative ordramatic
Abrams (1999:227) “an analysis of plot that is                    work is the general locale,historical time, and
known as Freytag's Pyramid. He described the                      social circumstances in which its action occurs;
typical plot of a five-act play as a pyramidal shape”.            thesetting of a single episode or scene within
   This is the figure of the plot which is divided into           such a work is the particular physical location in
five stages.                                                      which it takes place.
Exposition      : Background information regarding                  It means that Setting is the places or locations
                the setting, Characters and plot.             of the action where the story takes place.
Rising Action : The part of a film which begins with
                the exposition and conflict often             e. Point of view
                develops between the protagonist and
                antagonist.                                        According to Abrams (1999:231):
Climax          : climax is the most difficult problem             signifies the way a story gets told—the mode
                in encountered by the main characters.           (or modes) established by an author by means of
Falling action: Falling action is the series of event,           which the reader is presented with the characters,
                which take place off set the climax; it          dialogue, actions, setting, and events which
                is where the protagonist must react to           constitute the nanative in a work of fiction.
                changes that occur during the climax
                of the story.
Resolution      : The way the story turns out.

f. Style                                                            McMillan (2001:69) stated that “sample the
                                                              group of elements, or a single element from the data
     Abrams (1999:303) explained that “has                    obtained”. The sample of this study was entire
traditionally been defined as the manner of linguistic        populations. The writer should analyze the list of
expression in prose or verse—as how speakers or               intrinsic value in the movie.
writers say whatever it is that they say”. According
to Peck and Coyle (1989:121) “style means the                 c.   Research Data Collection
writer’s characteristic manner of expression”                      There were several steps that were used by the
     Based on explanation above, all the element of           writer to collect the data form, and then the writer
intrinsic value is important which make the story in          took steps as follow;
the movie alive. It arouses expectations in the               1) Formulated the problems and determined the
audience or reader about the course of events and                  title.
actions in the story.                                         2) Watched the movie comprehensively
                                                              3) Taking note from the movie
C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                       4) Searched the available source related to the
                                                                   problem that will be solved
1.   Research Method                                               The data were collected by watching the movie
                                                              and reading the movie script.
     According to Crowl (1996:9) “Types of
Educational research are; historical, descriptive,            6.   The Research of Data Analysis
correlational, and group comparison”. In analyzing
of the data which have been evaluated, this research              The collected data were identified, classified,
was based on descriptive research. In this research,          and analyzed based on the intrinsic value/the
the writer used Descriptive research method to                elements of Literature. To find out the intrinsic value
analyze the movie entitled The Chronicles of                  on movie entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The
Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S.               Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Narnia part 3) by C.S
Lewis so the writer can found the intrinsic values of         Lewis.
the movie.
                                                              D.   RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION
2.   Research Instrument
                                                               1. Finding of Intrinsic Value in the movie
     McMillan       (2001:189)       explained     that           entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The
“instrument is a tools or implement, especially                   Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Narnia part 3)
something used in performing an action, e.g. in
scientific work”.                                                                  Table
     Instrument of this study was the movie script in              The Intrinsic Value and Its Description
order to discover the elements of intrinsic value. The
research findings were written in colorful pieces of            INTRINSIC                  DESCRIPTION
papers illustrating the intrinsic values of the movie,            VALUE
start from the theme, characters, plot, setting, point         Theme           the Voyage to the magician’s island
of view etc.                                                                   for finding the seven lost Lords of
                                                               Setting of      The Word of Narnia (At Eustace’s
3.   Population and Sample                                     place           home, in the sea, on the ship, the lone
                                                                               Island, trebecca Island, in front of the
a. Population                                                                  house or mansion, at the beach,
                                                                               Aslan’s table or at the Romundus
     McMillan (2001:69) claimed that “population is                            Island, in front of Aslan’s country)
a group of elements or single elements, from data              Character and  Lucy Pevensie: The youngest of
are obtained”. The population of this study was 849            characterizati-    the four Pevensie children. as a
dialogues of the movie entitled The Chronicles of              on                 Protagonist
Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.                                         Edmund Pevensie: Brave, Smart.
                                                                                  as a Protagonist.
                                                                                Eustace Scrubb: A cousin of the
b. Sample
                                                                                  four Pevensie siblings. Eustace is
                                                                                  portrayed as arrogant, whiny, and
                                                                                  self-centered. He is as a

Protagonist                                                into a dragon.
        Caspian X: The King of Narnia.                              Climax
         Caspian is described as noble,                                 Upon arriving at Dark Island, the
         handsome, brave and merry. He is                           crew discovered the seventh lord,
         as a Protagonist                                           Lord Rhoop and brought him abroad.
        Aslan: the Great Lion is the creator                       Rhoop warned them not to think of
         and one true king of the world of                          their fears, but Edmund failed and his
         Narnia, and generally a figure of all                      fear manifested as a sea serpent that
         that is good. Aslan is wise. as a                          attacked the ship. And battle with the
         Protagonist                                                devil was happen. The mist tried to
        Reepicheep: He is a valiant mouse                          distract Edmund by appearing as
         who is a main ally to King Caspian                         Jadis when he was trying to kill the
        Lord Drinian: The Captain of the                           sea serpent.
         Dawn Treader. He is brav and                                Falling action
         strong                                                         Aslan turned Eustace back into a
        Seven Great Lords of Narnia:                               boy and sent him back to Ramandu's
         Characters central to the plot;                            Island to place Rhoop's sword with
         Caspian is aboard to the Dawn                              the others. Eustace suceeded in
         Treader to help find these lost                            getting the seven swords together and
         Lords.                                                     Edmund managed to overcome his
        Tavros: a Narnian Minotaur, who                            own demons as he slayed the sea
         sailed as part of the crew on the                          serpent. The spell was lifted, the three
         Dawn Treader. Tavros is shown to                           lords awoke from their sleep, the
         be a brave and fierce warrior.                             sacrificed people, including Gael's
        Lilliandil: She is very beautiful,                         mother, reappeard and Eustace
         smart and kind.                                            rejoined the crew.
                                                                     Resolution
Plot     Exposition :                                                  At the end, Caspian, Reepicheep,
           The writer began the story by                            Lucy, Edmund and Eustace headed to
       describing the main characters, they                         the World's End, sailing in a small
       are youngest Pevensie children, Lucy                         boat through a sea of lillies until they
       and Edmund, stayed with their cousin                         reached a shore with a massive wave.
       named Eustace Scrubb, one day, they                          Aslan appeared and told them that
       observed a painting in Lucy's room.                          His Country lay beyond the wave.
       Suddenly The painting came to life                           Aslan then opened a portal in the
       and the water spilled out into the                           wave to send the children home.
       room, transporting the three children         Synopsis        One year passed since the Pevensies'
       into an ocean in world of Narnia.                            last adventure in Narnia. Lucy and
       They were helped by Caspian (The                             Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia
       king of Narnia) who Voyaged of the                           with their cousin Eustace. They
       Dawn Treader for finding the seven                           observed a painting in Lucy's room
       lost Lords of Narnia.                                        of a grand ship on the sea that looked
         Rising Action                                             very Narnian, only to be interrupted
            The voyage of the Dawn Treader                          by Eustace who mocked them.
       for finding seven lost lords of Narnia,                      Suddenly, the painting came to life
       all of the crew of the Dawn Treader                          and the water spilled out into the
       stoped at a volcanic island, where                           room, transporting the three children
       Caspian, Edmund and Lucy found a                             into an ocean in world of Narnia.
       pool of water that turns anything it                         They were helped by Caspian (The
       touches to gold, along with Lord                             king of Narnia) who Voyaged of the
       Restimar, who fell into the pool and                         Dawn Treader for finding the seven
       was turned to gold himself. After                            lost Lords of Narnia. Along the way
       successfully claiming his sword,                             they encounter dragons, dwarves,
       Edmund was tempted by the pool's                             merfolk, and a band of lost warriors
       powers and challenged Caspian over                           before reaching the edge of the
       who is more worthy of being king.                            world.
       When Caspian, Edmund and Lucy                 The Point of    In The Chronicles of Narnia: The
       returned to the boats and realized that       View           Voyage of the Dawn Treader the
       Eustace was missing, Caspian and                             author using first person of view
       Edmund went looking for him. They                            because the author use “I”, “you” and
       all realized that Eustace transformed                        mention the name.
2.   Discussions                                               2.   Suggestions

     The research finding showed that the intrinsic                 It can be suggested that watching movie is the
value in the movie entitled The Chronicles of                  positive way for improving our knowledge,
Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Narnia                 understanding the culture of other nations; it can
part 3)are: The theme of the movie is the Voyage               help to increase our etc. Besides, we can learn about
to the magician’s island for finding the seven lost            the characters, plot, how to write synopsis and many
Lords of Narnia. the character named Lucy,                     others.
Edmund, Eustace, Caspian, and Aslan as the main                     In addition, the writer would suggest that the
characters. The setting in this story is in the world of       other researcher to find out whether or not, the
Narnia and had a plot which is forward, covering the           synopsis of the movie can be fruitful used as
exposition, rising action, climax, Falling action, and         teaching material to students of senior high school.
resolution.                                                    He/she may conduct the experimental research to
                                                               move that the synopsis of the movie is sufficient
E. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION                                   used as the teaching material.

1.   Conclusions                                               BIBLIOGRAPHY

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the intrinsic value or the elements of the movie                    seventh edition. United State of America.
entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of                    Heinle & Heinle
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was the Voyage to the magician’s island for finding            Baldick, Chris.2001. The Concise Oxford Dictionary
the seven lost Lords of Narnia and the characters                    of Literary Terms. Oxford University Press
named Lucy, Edmund, Caspian, and Eustace as the
main characters. The setting in this story was in              Crowl, Thomas K. 1996. Fundamentals of
world of Narnia and had a plot which was covered                     Educational Research “second edition”.New
by the exposition that described the main characters                 York. Times Mirror Higher Education Group,
who came to the world of Narnia by painting, rising                  Inc
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described the battle of the main character with the                 Poetry And Drama. Singapure. McGraw
evil, falling action described the three lords awoke                Hill
from their sleep, the sacrificed people, And the
resolution described that Lucy, Edmund, and                    Kimtafsirah, Hand out. Foundation of Literature,
Eustace returned to Lucy's bedroom by painting.                     Prose and Play. Unpublished. STKIP
     The beneficial inputs of analyzing intrinsic                   Siliwangi Bandung.
values of the movie entitled The Chronicles of
Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Narnia                 Kindem, Gorham. 2000. The International movie
part 3) are:                                                        Industry. United States of America. Southern
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b. By conducting the research, the writer can have             Klarer, Mario. 2004. An introduction to literary
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     movie she can understand the story better.                      terms and Criticism. Macmillan Educational
e. For future teachers, the activity of studying                     LTD
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