American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE

Page created by Yvonne White
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
    Title		                                 Page

    Foreword                                   3

    Soccer Scholarship Journey                 4

    Studying in the USA                        5

    Thinking about studying in the USA?        5
    Why study in the USA?                      5
    What course should I choose?               6

    Eligibility                                7

    Are you eligible to study in the USA?      7
    Admissions Criteria                        7
    Football Representation                    7
    Academic Performance                       8
    GCSEs and A Level Results Converter        8
    NCAA, NAIA & NJCAA                         9
    Professional/Apprentice Eligibility        9

    Entry Requirements                        10

    Overview – The SAT Test                   10
    Overview – The ACT Test                   10
    Study Material                            10
    SAT and ACT Dates                         10
    SAT Scores                                10
    SAT Centres                               11

    Sports Scholarships                       12

    Overview                                   12
    How to get a Scholarship                13–14
    PASS4Soccer                                15
    LFE and PASS4Soccer Event Cycle            16

    PFA Charity Grants                        17

    Stories from the States                 18–19

    Useful Contacts                           20

2   American Scholarships Guide              @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
    Welcome to the Guide to American     In recent seasons a growing number of Apprentices have
                                         taken advantage of the opportunity to start scholarships
    Scholarships. The purpose of         in America.
    this booklet is to offer practical   This has provided a number of advantages including the way
    and independent advice to current    that their degree is funded. Others include the opportunity
                                         to experience a new culture and lifestyle and of course the
    and former Apprentice footballers    chance to play football at a good level while studying towards
                                         a degree.
    who are considering taking up a
                                         This booklet is designed to help you understand the
    soccer scholarship to study in The   background and process involved in obtaining a scholarship.
    United States of America.            It should also help you evaluate whether this is the right option
                                         for you.

                                         LFE is aware that the eligibility criteria regularly changes
                                         which can sometimes cause difficulty for players to access
                                         this opportunity. However we are seeing a consistently high
                                         number of Apprentices making the transition and you can
                                         consider this option as a realistic possibility.

                                         We hope this booklet provides you with much of the
                                         information that will assist you in pursuing your ambition to
                                         start university life in the United States and as you read on
                                         you will also find a variety of referral contacts who can offer
                                         further guidance.

                                         Yours faithfully

                                         Alan Sykes
                                         Chief Executive

3   American Scholarships Guide                               @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
Soccer Scholarship Journey


              2                                                                   SAT TEST

                                                        3                              PASS

                                                         9                                 8
                                                                                 STUDENT VISA

    1 Eligibility Check                                                 5 Using the Web for your advantage
    It is important to understand whether you are eligible to study     Individualise and strengthen your CV by offering coaches
    and compete at USA University level before you take any of          access to footage of you in action.
    the below steps. Read the ‘Eligibility’ section on page 7 in this
    guide and/or call LFE’s Progression Team on 01772 326875.            6 Initial Eligibility Clearing House (IECH)
                                                                        Register with the appropriate IECH i.e. NCAA, NAIA to
     2 Research                                                         show prospective colleges/universities that you are eligible
    Investigate which Universities & Colleges offer Men’s               to study at their institution.
    Soccer at Varsity level at, and                                                        7 The SAT exam
                                                                        Register for and sit the SAT or ACT Test. Remember to take
    Then check out who offers scholarships in Men’s Soccer by           advantage of the tips and test preparation information
    visiting individual University and College athletic department      available via, and www.
    web pages.                                                

    3 Making your Selection                                             8 Visa
    Obtain contact details for coaches at universities and              Once you have been offered a place your College/University
    colleges which offer soccer scholarships and match this             will issue you with an I-20 form (The document you need
    list against institutions that you feel can help you fulfil your    to apply for is an F-1 student visa) and guidance on applying
    academic and personal aspirations. Then draw up your                for a Visa.
    shortlist. i.e. make sure that the institutions to which you are
    going to apply offer a course you will want to major in.             9 Your new Journey begins
                                                                        Once your Visa application has been approved book your
     4 Highlighting your talent                                         flights and head across the pond to start your new life as a
    Contact coaches on your shortlist and send out your CV and          scholar in the United States.
    covering letter that explains both your academic and soccer
    playing abilities in terms that they understand. For additional
    support see the PASS4Soccer section in Sports Scholarships
    on page 15.

4   American Scholarships Guide                                                            @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
Studying in the USA
    Thinking about studying for a degree in                             Why study in the USA?
    the USA?
                                                                        Interested in heading to the USA to study? You’re in good
    You may now be starting to think for the first time about           company. Last year, over 10,000 UK students chose the USA
    playing elite-level football in a different country and             for undergraduate study because it will allow you to:
    developing yourself as more than a footballer. This process
                                                                        1. Choose from the wide range of universities on offer
    in itself can be quite exciting as well as daunting. If you are
                                                                        There are over 4,500 US universities offering undergraduate
    considering going to University and playing football in The
    United States of America, it is important to explore the cultural
    differences that you may encounter and how studying in the          2. Take advantage of funding opportunities
    USA fits within your long term personal development and             Many students are able to fund their studies through
    career aims.                                                        scholarships from US universities and external funding
                                                                        bodies. Every year over 600 US universities offer international
    When deciding what degree you would prefer to do, take the
                                                                        students scholarships of $20,000 or more. Scholarships
    opportunity to see what career possibilities could follow from
                                                                        can be offered on merit, financial need and extracurricular
    the subject you are interested in.
                                                                        achievement but you will most likely be seeking a scholarship
                                                                        which will be offered in recognition of your ability to
                                                                        play soccer.
       Did you know...                                                  3. Experience American college life
       Last year, over 10,000 UK                                        US universities are known for their vibrant campus life,
       students chose the USA for                                       marked by a plethora of opportunities for students to
       undergraduate study.                                             get involved on campus and in the community. There are
                                                                        literally hundreds of student organisations, athletic and
                                                                        campus events that allow students to pursue their interests
                                                                        in the arts, sport, leadership, voluntary service and more,
                                                                        all whilst getting their college degree.

                                                                        4. Have the flexibility to explore your academic interests
                                                                        Generally speaking, the undergraduate curriculum in
                                                                        the US is quite flexible. It is perfectly acceptable to be
                                                                        undecided about your major or field of study when applying
                                                                        to university. US universities teach under what is called
                                                                        the ‘liberal arts philosophy’. This means students take
                                                                        classes from a variety of subjects during the first 1–2 years
                                                                        of university study before specialising in their major field.
                                                                        Students also have the option to complete a ‘double major’,
                                                                        degrees in two academic fields, which are often completed
                                                                        within the normal four years of study. Students may also earn
                                                                        a minor qualification, which is awarded upon completing 3–5
                                                                        classes in one field.

                                                                        5. Internationalise and strengthen your CV
                                                                        When the Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE)
                                                                        surveyed 230 major UK recruiters, 65% of employers
                                                                        favoured applicants with overseas work experience.
                                                                        International students in the US have the opportunity to gain
                                                                        work experience during their studies and to work in the US
                                                                        for up to one year after graduation on the Optional Practical
                                                                        Training scheme.

                                                                        6. Travel in the US and learn about another culture
                                                                        The US spans six time zones and has a great diversity in
                                                                        geography and culture. Long university summer holidays and
                                                                        programmes organised by the international students office,
                                                                        such as holiday trips and host family schemes, offer students
                                                                        a great opportunity to see the US.

5   American Scholarships Guide                                                            @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
What course should I choose?
    At University in the USA, your ‘major’ is the main academic
    subject that you will study on your degree. It is your field
    of specialisation during your undergraduate studies. You
    will also be required to study a core curriculum. Therefore
    unlike the UK system in your first year (freshman) you will be
    required to study a compulsory core curriculum which may
    include Mathematics, Science, English, History, Logic and
    Philosophy, but which also allows you to choose electives
    in subjects that interest you. This is also your chance to take
    introductory courses in what you hope will become your main
    subject of study (known as your major).

    In your second year as a Sophomore, you will complete the core
    curriculum and advance in some subjects to the next level. At
    this point if you have decided on a major subject you may begin
    taking classes specific to that subject. However, you are not
    required to formally declare a major until your third (Junior) year.

    Your third year or Junior year should see you commence the
    advanced coursework for your major, which will see you build
    up to your fourth (Senior) year where you will complete your
    undergraduate study and take your final exams.

               Did you know...
                                the USA,
               At University in
                                  e main
               your ‘major’ is th
                                ct that you
               academic subje
                                 ur degree.
               will study on yo

6   American Scholarships Guide                                     @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
    Are you eligible to study in the USA?                               Admissions Criteria
    Athletic associations govern college sports and set rules           As a general rule, US universities will expect to see a similar
    regarding scholarships and athletic recruitment. There are a        type of qualification and results as British universities of a
    number of associations that colleges or universities can join,      similar level of prestige and competitiveness.
    most notably:
                                                                        As a minimum requirement for four-year Bachelor’s degrees,
    • National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)                  you should have completed at least five GCSEs at grade C or
       There are over 1200 member universities and colleges             above (or five Scottish Standard Grades), including English
       classified within three NCAA divisions (Divisions I and II       and Maths, plus be completing or have completed a post age
       being the most competitive). Athletic standards are high         16 qualification. A small number of high ranking academic
       and the level of competition is intense. Only students with      universities will require A Levels for entry. Students aspiring to
       the very highest standard of ability tend to be recruited.       very high academic universities are recommended to research
       (                                                   their individual requirements.

    • National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)         If you have completed your BTEC and your NVQ during your
      There are around 350, mostly smaller colleges in the              apprenticeship, you are eligible to apply to almost all NCAA
      NAIA, organised by districts. Many NAIA colleges have             universities. However, certain universities in the states will
      excellent sports programmes and may offer some sports             prefer those that have completed their extended diploma. Call
      scholarships. The level of athletic ability is still high,        LFE’s Progression Team for more details on this.
      although the standard is not set as high as for NCAA
      Division I teams. (
                                                                        Football Representation
    • National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA)
                                                                        Signing an agreement with an agency or agent to represent
       Member colleges are accredited two-year institutions.
                                                                        you and support your football career can result in loss of
       The NJCAA is comprised of two divisions. Division I colleges
                                                                        eligibility for entering a scholarship in the USA. You should
       may offer full scholarships, whereas Division III do not offer
                                                                        consider this before entering into any agreement and if you
       scholarships. (
                                                                        seek advice or guidance relating to representation then you
    Students hoping to be considered for a sports scholarship           should contact The PFA on 0161 236 0575.
    must meet normal university/college entrance requirements
    (published on the university admissions page) and continue
    to obtain satisfactory grades at university in order to
    receive and retain their scholarships. As a guideline, various
    sporting authorities have set their own minimum academic
    requirements for competing students.

                                                 Did you know...
                                                  Signing an agre
                                                  with an agent to all
                                                  you and your fo
                                                                    lt in loss of
                                                  career can resu
                                                   eligibility for sc
                                                                      sider this
                                                   in the USA. Con
                                                                       into any
                                                   before entering

7   American Scholarships Guide                                                             @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
Academic Performance                                       GCSEs and A Level Results Converter
    Your academic abilities will be evaluated in the first
                                                                UK Numerical   US Letter         US Grade
    instance by your GCSE results and or your predicted
                                                                Grade          Grade             Point Average
    A Level/BTEC results.

    However, your academic aptitude will also be assessed       7, 8, 9        A                 4.0
    through your performance on admissions tests.               5 or 6         B                 3.0
    Admissions tests are used as a common denominator
    to compare applications from different US states (there     4              C                 2.0
    is no national curriculum) and different countries.
                                                                1, 2 or 3      F                 0
    The stronger your academic record inside the classroom
    and on standardised tests, the stronger your chances
    of admission. If you have done particularly well in your
    previous study, you may be awarded advanced standing
    by the US university you attend. However, academic
    achievements alone will not guarantee entrance to
    competitive US university programmes.

    Unfortunately, there is not an official grade conversion
                                                                     Did you know...
    between US and UK marks. Instead, US university                  The stronger yo
                                                                                     ur academic
    admissions officers either evaluate international               record inside th
                                                                                     e classroom
    credentials internally or require that students use an          and on standar
                                                                                   dised tests,
    external credential evaluator. On the right-hand side           the stronger yo
                                                                                    ur chances
    is a chart displaying approximate grade conversions             of admission.
    that may be useful in determining competitiveness
    for admission and funding.

    American universities may use this Grade Point Average
    to help them form an opinion of an applicant’s academic
    strength. Please note, if you are applying to go to the
    US, Fulbright does not recommend converting your
    UK grades in to US scores on your application. Your UK
    results should be submitted in their original format.

8   American Scholarships Guide                                                @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
National Collegiate Athletic Association                      Professional/Apprentice Eligibility
                                                                  If looking to attend an NCAA governed University and
    • Five or more different academic subject passes at GCSE     you have been a professional footballer then you could
       grades A–E or Scottish Standard grades 1–7 including       still be eligible.
      maths, English, science and social studies (history,
                                                                  However spending a year or more out of formal education
      geography etc.) with an overall average of grade ‘C’
                                                                  or earning wages/bonuses above the set threshold will
      or ‘3’.
                                                                  make you ineligible.
    • The NCAA applies a sliding scale for the minimum
                                                                  Completing your BTEC and NVQ ensures you are eligible
       SAT scores that are required for acceptance to NCAA
                                                                  to go to university in America without ‘topping up’ your
       Division I colleges. This will depend on your average
       academic grade. The higher your average academic
       grade is, the lower the minimum SAT score required.        As long as you don’t receive more than the financial
                                                                  threshold playing for a football club in that gap year then
    The higher your average academic grade is, the lower
                                                                  you should retain your eligiblity.
    the minimum SAT score required.
                                                                  Please note, if you continue formal education after your
    National Association of Intercollegiate                       Apprenticeship then this may extend the deadline for you
    Athletics (NAIA)                                              to start US University.

    ‘C’ or ‘3’ grade average overall in GCSE subjects, Scottish   It is important to seek advice about the above because
    Standards, or an alternative qualification such as GNVQ       eligibility is complicated and should not be assumed.
    or GSVQ if the school authorities can confirm your marks      All entries to Universities/Colleges will go through to
    were in the ‘Top Half’ of the class.                          the governing body’s clearing house who will determine
    You must have a minimum score of 18 on the ACT or             your eligibility.
    940 on the SAT (if you take the SAT more than once,           Each application is dealt with on an individual basis and
    combining scores is NOT acceptable) to compete at             not always uniformly. As such there have been cases
    a NAIA institution.                                           where some players have received bans restricting their
                                                                  ability to play for their University soccer team.
    National Junior College Athletic Association
                                                                  In addition in certain cases bans have been imposed
    (NJCAA)                                                       on some former Apprentices but not others that are in
    Talented individuals who do not qualify for either of the     attendance at the same University.
    above may be able to gain admission to a junior college.
                                                                  All former Apprentices should note that NCAA
    Each college will set its own entrance requirements.
                                                                  Universities/Colleges apply stricter criteria to entry in
    NJCAA colleges in general do not have a minimum               to their programmes.
    passing score for the SAT although individual colleges
                                                                  LFE recommends you seek free eligibility advice from
    may set one.
                                                                  PASS4Soccer on 0191 229 5236.

                                                                                    Something to check...
                                                                                    Too much time spent out of
                                                                                    formal education or earning
                                                                                    wages/bonuses above the
                                                                                    set threshold will make
                                                                                    you ineligible.

9   American Scholarships Guide                                                       @LFEonline   /LFEonline
American Scholarships - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2018 - LFE
Entry Requirements
     Overview – The SAT Test                                          Study Material
     The SAT Test, also known as SAT Reasoning Test, is a    is the college board
     standardised test for college admissions in the USA. The SAT     recommended study material.
     is owned, published, and developed by the College Board, a
     non-profit organisation in the USA. The College Board claims
     the test can assess a student’s readiness for college.           SAT and ACT Dates
     The current SAT test consists of two main sections (Math         SAT and ACT Reasoning Tests are run at a variety of centres
     and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing), whilst there is also      across the country. There is generally a requirement to pre-
     an optional essay which a small number of universities may       register for these tests at least six weeks prior to the test date:
     also require.
                                                                      SAT Test Dates:
     The cost to register for the SAT Reasoning Test is $54.40 +      2nd December 2017 (register by 3rd November 2017)
     an International Processing Fee of $38.                          10th March 2018 (register by 9th February 2018)
                                                                      5th May 2018 (register by 6th April 2018)
     To register an account and book your seat for a test please
     visit                                       ACT Test Dates:
                                                                      9th December 2017 (register by 17th November 2017)
                                                                      14th April 2018 (register by 23rd March 2018)
     Please note: Testing of English as a Second Language may
                                                                      9th June 2018 (register by 18th May 2018)
     also be required for Apprentices who do not consider English
     to be their first language. In addition the test often require   Please consult the table on the following page to find your
     candidates to use American spellings, language                   nearest venue. Some test centres do not provide a service on
     and grammar.                                                     all of the test dates so early registration is recommended.

     Overview – The ACT Test                                          SAT Scores
     The ACT test is another standardised test for college            SAT consists of 2 major sections with each section receiving
     admissions in the USA. You can undertake this test instead of    a score on the scale of 200–800. This means that your overall
     the SAT if you preferred, as both are equally reputable.         SAT score could range between 400-1600 points.

     The cost to register for the ACT Test is $46.50 + an
     international testing fee of $47.50.

     To book onto an ACT Test, or to learn more about the ACT,
     please visit

                      Did you know...
                     The current SAT
                     consists of 2 se
                     and is scored o
                                     ut of

10   American Scholarships Guide                                                           @LFEonline   /LFEonline
SAT Centres
     A number of venues across Great Britain host the SAT Reasoning Test, these include:

      Testing Centre                                                Town
      Pestalozzi International Village Trust                        Battle
      Brentwood School                                              Brentwood, Essex
      Bromsgrove School                                             Bromsgrove
      Wellington College                                            Berkshire
      Immanuel College                                              Bushey, Hertfordshire
      ACS Cobham International School                               Cobham, Surrey
      ACS Hillingdon International School                           Hillingdon, Middlesex
      Kingsdale Schoo                                               London
      Southbank International School                                London
      London University College School                              London
      EF International Academy                                      Oxford
      Sevenoaks School                                              Sevenoaks
      Concord College                                               Shrewsbury
      TASIS: The American School                                    Surrey

     Please note, not all centres offer all available test dates.

11   American Scholarships Guide                                                     @LFEonline   /LFEonline
Sports Scholarships
     The process by which you could be considered for a sport       a small number of large awards into a larger number of
     scholarship can be a lengthy and complicated one. Unlike       lesser-value awards. For example, a university that has
     academic scholarships where you would simply submit an         three 100% scholarships to offer per year may split them
     application indicating an interest in receiving funding to     up to award six 50% scholarships to twice the number of
     study at a university, students must engage in a highly-       student-athletes.
     regulated recruitment process (please see below for
     further details).                                              Importantly, whilst playing for a college team a
                                                                    scholarship can pay for the cost of earning an
     Sport scholarships are granted by the university or            undergraduate degree, you do not attend university
     athletics association in which a university participates       solely to play your sport. Students with sports
     with athletic directors or coaches playing a central role      scholarships must be working toward an undergraduate
     in decision making.                                            degree (in any field offered by the university). There are
                                                                    no degrees in sports themselves, but students whose
     Scholarships can be awarded for a number of different          main interest is in sports can often take a degree in
     sports including: American Football, Athletics, Baseball,      exercise science, physical therapy or an allied field. For
     Basketball, Rowing, Golf, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey,              more information about choosing, applying for and other
     Lacrosse, Swimming, Tennis and Football or as it is more       funding opportunities related to US universities, please
     commonly named in the US, Soccer.                              visit
     Scholarships are provided on a yearly basis, generally         High school student-athletes in the US are somewhat at
     renewable for four years which is the normal time              an advantage to international students hoping to obtain
     required to complete a US undergraduate degree.                a sport scholarship as they will have had some level of
     If you enter university with transfer credit or advanced       exposure to college and university coaches at local,
     standing, you will still be considered a first-year student    regional and national competitions.
     for sports scholarship purposes. Award amounts vary and        Coupled with the fact that their coaches may have
     can be anywhere from a few thousand dollars to $50,000         contacts within university programmes and university
     for one academic year. It is very important to keep in mind    scouts may be tracking their progress in the news or at
     that sport scholarships do not necessarily cover the full      competitions, engaging in the recruitment process to
     cost of tuition and maintenance. Scholarships are often        pursue their sport at the collegiate level can be somewhat
     offered on a percentage basis (i.e. a 75% scholarship will     more straightforward, and will certainly start earlier, than
     cover 75% of the total cost of tuition fees for one year),     for an international athlete.
     and universities have strict limits on the total amount they
     can award each year. Therefore, a university may split         However, every year talented international students
                                                                    are successful in receiving scholarships in a variety of
                                                                    sports at a wide range of US universities every year. The
                                                                    important thing to remember is, whichever avenue you
                                                                    choose to take in the recruitment process, is that the
                                                                    earlier you start and the more time you put in, the more
                                                                    likely you are to achieve your goal.

                                                                             Did you know...
                                                                                                    provided on a
                                                                             Scholarships are
                                                                                                    erally renewable
                                                                             yearly basis, gen                      al
                                                                                r fo u r ye ar s w hich is the norm
                                                                                                    complete a US
                                                                             time required to

12   American Scholarships Guide                                                       @LFEonline   /LFEonline
How to get a Scholarship

     1. The DIY Scholarship

     The first option is the ‘do-it-yourself’ approach, contacting    6. 	You may want to include a link to online video footage
     university coaches directly to inform them of your interest in        and a reference from a current or former coach in your
     their programme and of your talent. To get started, you may           correspondence with university coaches. (Make sure to
     wish to follow the steps outlined below:                              provide the name and status of the coach providing the
                                                                           reference in your cover letter).
        Visit the NCAA website (, or one of
        the other athletic associations mentioned earlier, to         7.	Register with the appropriate Eligibility Center. This is
        view both the list of universities offering your sport            an agency that provides initial eligibility certification
        at the varsity level and the eligibility rules for being          for prospective athletes, but is not a placement agency.
        considered for a sport scholarship at their member                It provides initial eligibility certification results to
        universities. Determine whether you meet the eligibility          colleges/universities that request the information.
        criteria and make a list of universities to consider.
                                                                         With luck, you should receive responses from
        After identifying which universities offer your sport,           universities within a few weeks. Some may invite you
        you should then do some research into whether or not             to submit a video of you participating in your sport,
        that institution provides scholarships for athletes and          others may send a recruiter to see you in action for your
        what the criteria for selection are, both of which should        club or invite you to visit their university.
        be readily available on the athletic department’s
        webpage for each university. At this point, it is also        9.	
                                                                         Receiving notice of a coach’s interest in you is a great
        very important to do some research into the                      start, but you still need to apply for admissions to
        qualifications and reputation of each coach as you               the university through the same channels as other
        want to ensure that you will be well-supported and               students. So you will need to register for and sit the
        receive good training within your sport during your              SAT exam, as well as submit all required application
        four years at university.                                        materials by the deadlines set by each institution.

      You may also wish to consider other factors that are
                                                                      10.	Throughout the process, keep in mind that students
      important in choosing a university to help narrow down
                                                                          who are interested in pursuing sport at the varsity level
      your list.
                                                                          in university should focus on the recruiting process
                                                                          towards becoming a university athlete rather than a
     3. 	Compile a list of contact information for the coaches at        quest for funding through a sports scholarship. Sports
          each university in which you are interested.                    scholarships are often offered only late in the recruiting
     4. 	Draft a CV that includes, academic, personal and
          football accomplishments. Be sure to include teams          	
                                                                       This includes the Ivy League and all NCAA Division III
          played for, number of years, tournament/league results       universities. Additionally, because receiving a sport
          and or records held. You can request a template of           scholarship is extremely competitive, you will also want
          this type of CV from LFE’s Simon Williams via email:         to look into other sources of funding and have fall back
                                         options for your undergraduate education, should you
                                                                       not receive a scholarship from the universities you’ve
     5. 	Write a letter/personal statement to the relevant coach      selected, or choose to attend a university that cannot
          at each institution that explains both your academic         offer a sport scholarship.
          and athletic abilities in terms that can be identified by
          him or her (this is where the CV comes in as an easy
          reference tool for athletic accomplishments).

     For more information on funding options, please visit
     Undergraduate Study in the US – Finances section on

13   American Scholarships Guide                                                          @LFEonline   /LFEonline
How to get a Scholarship

     2. Sports Scholarship Agencies

     The second option is to work with a sport scholarship
     agency or placement service to connect with US
     universities actively seeking international student
     athletes and offering scholarships. These organisations
     will charge a fee for their assistance, but generally offer
     a comprehensive service that can make navigating the
     often complicated recruitment process clearer.

     Students that choose to use an agency typically view
     paying their fee as an investment in their expertise
     and university contacts. However this does not always
     guarantee a scholarship offer.

     Please note LFE does have an agreement with a sport
     scholarship agency and more information about this
     can be found on page 15.

     Other additional costs and things to consider are:

     • International Medical Insurance
     • Travel & Accommodation Costs
     • Tuition Fees and The level of Scholarship offered
     • Your eligibility
     • Which institution you are offered a place at
     • US Visa

                 Scholarship Ag
                Agencies can b
               in navigating a useful
               complicated sc often
               recruitment pro larship

14   American Scholarships Guide                            @LFEonline   /LFEonline
     During 2013 LFE conducted a thorough assessment               What the PASS4Soccer Programme covers:
     process on sport scholarship agencies, who specifically
                                                                   • Academic & Athletic Eligibility Assessment including, Grade
     work on helping players obtain American Soccer
                                                                      Point Average (GPA) calculations & SAT Test guidance
     Scholarship and as a result formed a relationship with who are now the only agency               • Individual promotion to US coaches
     LFE recommend.
                                                                   • A Player profile directly accessed by US coaches with player
     Recommended by the English Schools’ Football                    personal video highlights package
     Association, PASS4Soccer have been helping students to        • Access to Showcase events
     gain soccer scholarships since 2002.
                                                                   • E xtensive NCAA Eligibility Centre Advice and Knowledge
     LFE has secured a significant discount for Apprentice
                                                                   • University & Visa application assistance
     players (£995 instead of a full cost of £1800) wishing to
     access PASS4Soccer’s network of services – which covers       • University specific suitability advice each individual
     all aspects of gaining a scholarship as well as placement     • University suitability based on academic/athletic ability
                                                                   • Post placements support for duration of studies including
     PASS4Soccer also operate a US Coach Showcase event              post graduation assistance
     each December which is timed to take advantage of
     US Coaches having full budgets available to them for the
                                                                   Why PASS4Soccer?
     recruitment of prospective players. So if you’re thinking
     about heading to the States start the process sooner          • Vetted by LFE
     rather than later to take advantage of this.                  • Extensive experience of securing scholarships and links
                                                                     with US Coaches.
     The Showcase which takes place in December at Bisham
     Abbey National Sports Centre, is available to Apprentices     • Generate increased number of scholarship offers and USA
     (with club permission) and regularly attracts over 60 US        university choices.
     Universities, the majority attending from NCAA DI and
                                                                   • First-hand experience of the American college and
     NCAA DII Universities.
                                                                     university system.
     Getting into the system early will help you to promote        • US based representative to help with all your needs.
     your profile to those institutions and generate scholarship
     offers sooner.                                                • Instant email and telephone guidance available.

                                                                   • Have assisted players who went onto be drafted into Major
     In addition to the December Showcase, PASS4Soccer also
                                                                      League Soccer and play in the English Football League.
     hold an May Showcase alongside the LFE Assessment
     Trials that is specifically for LFE Apprentices seeking       • Alumni which consists of NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA
     soccer scholarships. This event is an opportunity to find        National Champions.
     out detailed information about USA scholarships as well as
     further exposure to recruiting coaches.                       If players or parents have any questions about studying
                                                                   in the USA, please contact PASS4Soccer using the details
                                                                   below and they will be happy to help:
            Did you know...
                                 gnificant                         Head Office
            LFE has secured a si                                   0191 229 5236
            discount for Appren
                                  d of a
            players (£995 instea                                   Daniel Gray
            full cost of £1800) w
                                                                   07763 749028
            to access PASS4Soc

             network of servic es                                  Danny Gibson
                                                                   07810 830443

15   American Scholarships Guide                                                         @LFEonline     /LFEonline
LFE and PASS4Soccer Event Cycle

                                                 USA Guide                                PASS4Soccer
                                                 published                                UK Showcase
                                                                            sign up

                        SEP                        OCT                        NOV              DEC            Ideal
                                                                                                              to sit

                       AUG                                                                     JAN

                                                            YEAR ROUND

                                                           Assessment days

                                                         Presentation seminars
                                                           at individual clubs
                        JUL                                                                    FEB
                                                          Regional seminars for
                                                         interested apprentices

                       JUN                         MAY                           APR          MAR             Ideal
                                                                                                              to sit

                            Ideal time to sit SAT Test
                                                                                            USA Tour
                                               UK Showcase

16   American Scholarships Guide                                                 @LFEonline    /LFEonline
PFA Charity Grants
     The PFA provide grant aid for a variety of courses to help
     all members and ex-members of The PFA prepare for a
     second career. Members studying at University outside
                                                                  Did you know...
     the UK can receive a £1250 bursary per year of study.        Members of the
                                                                  can apply* for a
                                                                                      ar to
                                                                  of £1250 per ye
     You will need to apply for this bursary at the start of
                                                                                    ion for
                                                                  help in preparat
     the academic year by contacting Pat Lally (Director
                                                                  a second career
     of Education) or Oshor Williams at PFA Education.
                                                                                     of writing
     Tel: 0161 236 0637                                           *correct at time

     PFA Education
     11 Oxford Court
     M2 3WQ

17   American Scholarships Guide                                                           @LFEonline   /LFEonline
Stories from the States
      Luke Greaves
      Former club: Accrington Stanley
      Now: Manhattan College

                                                                          “I’ve been playing well here. You come up against a lot more
                                                                           athletic players compared to England. The American players
                                                                           work hard and are all really athletic.

                                                                          “I think a lot of people might think that the standard is not
                                                                           as professional compared to clubs back home but soccer is
                                                                           taken very seriously in Division 1 and standards are high.”

                                                                          Greaves was a key performer for the Manhattan Jaspers
                                                                          in his freshman year and used the summer to play in the
                                                                          Premier Development League (PDL) for Portland Phoenix.

                                                                          “The PDL is a summer league for players who are trying to
                                                                           go pro, so it is a great stage for college players to impress
                                                                           United Soccer League (USL) or Major League Soccer (MLS)
     The powerful centre-back turned down the offer of a
                                                                           scouts,” he added.
     professional deal at Stanley just over a year ago.
                                                                          “As a result, you are playing against some of the best college
     “I chose to leave Accrington because I was thinking of my
                                                                           players in the country. It also gives you the opportunity to do
      long-term future. Taking the pro deal would have been great
                                                                           a lot of travelling and I’ve seen a lot of great places whilst I
      for a year or two, but the future wouldn’t have been solid.
                                                                           have been here.”
      I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t got another
      contract,” he told Touchline.                                       Greaves was an ever-present in a solid backline that was
                                                                          ranked fifth out of the sixty-three teams involved, helping
     Instead of staying at the Crown Ground, Greaves looked to
                                                                          Portland to a play-off position after a 13-game unbeaten run.
     the U.S. for opportunities to complement his football and
     academic ambitions.                                                  While that journey ended in the Eastern Conference
                                                                          Championship final with a 4-0 defeat to the New York Red
     “I contacted LFE and they got my information out to American
                                                                          Bulls, Greaves is determined to use it as a learning curve.
      coaches, who then contacted me,” he continued.
                                                                          “The PDL was a great experience. The most important thing
     “I had my dream of being a professional in my hands but I
                                                                           for me is that I have continued to develop during my time
      turned it down because I wanted a future that I know I can
                                                                           here while also having a lot of fun.”
      rely on.”
                                                                          Aside from football, Greaves the student adores the New
     The six-foot defender initially struggled to adjust to his new
                                                                          York City lifestyle.
     surroundings and found the early stages tough.
                                                                          “The best thing about this whole journey for me is living in
     “The transition was difficult. The hardest thing is adapting
                                                                           New York City. I just get on the subway outside school and
      to the American culture and the changes in academic
                                                                           I’m in Times Square in 30 minutes,” he said.
      standards. I really struggled during my first semester at
      college,” he said.                                                  “You can never get bored of this city; there is always
                                                                           something happening. Now I never want to leave.
     “It is a lot different from being at an English club in regards to
      the balance of being focused on football and academics at           “I missed home a lot during my first three months but after
      the same time, which can be very challenging when there is           going home for Christmas and then coming back it wasn’t a
      a lot of work.”                                                      problem anymore. You realise the potential that’s here.
     However, now into his second year, Greaves is thriving in his        “My plan for the next few years is to keep working hard on
     adopted home.                                                         and off the pitch and to see where it takes me whether
                                                                           in football or a career in business in New York – the
     “Once I became accustomed to the differences, I realised it
                                                                           opportunities are endless”
      was the best decision I’ve ever made.

18   American Scholarships Guide                                                               @LFEonline   /LFEonline
Stories from the States
     Josh Thomas
      Former club: Nottingham Forest
      Now: Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
     While the lure of Disney draws many to Florida each year,
     former Nottingham Forest apprentice, Josh Thomas’ presence
     is rather more permanent and he’s applied his own sparkle in
     a fairytale few months.

     The 19-year old swapped Nottingham for the Sunshine State and
     now studies and plays for Florida Institute of Technology (FIT).

     The tricky winger spent ten years climbing through the age
     groups at Forest but in the summer of 2013 then manager,
     Billy Davies decided there was not enough room to
     accommodate Thomas as a professional.

     “I was devastated and left searching for an opportunity to show
      my ability,” Thomas told Touchline.

     “I trialled at Aston Villa, Derby County and West Brom but I
      ended up at Worksop Town.

     A spell under boss Mark Shaw provided the youngster with
     experience of a non-league play-off final and a Young Player         “I was given the number 7 shirt and asked to play wide right in
     of the Year award.                                                    4-2-3-1 formation which was new to me but I’ve loved every
                                                                           second of it so far.”
     “Mark knew how to get the best out of me and I found new
      confidence in myself to push on.”                                   FIT won all four of their preseason games with Thomas
                                                                          contributing no less than five goals and five assists, a sign of
     And that he did. With help from LFE, Thomas received a full
                                                                          what lay ahead for him and the Panthers.
     scholarship though the infamous SAT entry test almost proved
     an unsurmountable barrier.                                           “The season flew by, we finished second in our conference and
     “I found it unbelievably hard but with the help of a private maths    qualified for the NCAA Cup,” Thomas said.
      tutor I hit the required mark on my second attempt. Then it         “I scored in both the quarter and semi-finals to help us through
      was just a case of arranging my visa, signing the contract and       to the final against the hosts, Lynn University who are ranked
      asking my Dad, nicely, to book a flight to Orlando.”                 4th in the USA.
      His life in the States started in August and he settled quickly.    “In front of a partisan crowd, I hit one in to the stanchion from
     “I was paired in residence with a 6ft 3in defender from               20 yards and as a team we battled to half-time at 2-2. They were
      Gainesville called Zak. Next door are two Norwegians and             awarded a penalty after the interval while we lost our chance to
      one German, who have all also played for professional clubs,”        progress to the Nationals there was no disgrace in losing 3-2.
      continued Thomas.                                                   “My freshman experience has been indescribable and I’m
     “Training is very similar to Forest, an early start every morning     weighing-up four offers to play in the Premier Development
      for two hours but in the heat of the sunshine which can be           League next summer which I can’t wait for.”
      hard and humid at times.”                                           Thomas’ performances have earned him a string of accolades.
     “We then eat breakfast together as a team before heading off         He was named in the NCAA 2nd XI of the Year, in the NCAA
      to class. I’m studying for a sports management degree. After        Cup XI of the Year and most notably FIT Student Athlete of
      class we train for another two hours.                               the Year.

     “I couldn’t believe how amazing the facilities are, everything       “I do miss things in the UK – family, friends, Mum’s Sunday
      you can imagine, the coaches have helped me to settle into           roast dinner and Jeff Stelling but if you’d asked me a year ago
      my new life (they love the English) and the food is just like an     about my future, I was unsure. I can safely say I now have a
      all-inclusive hotel. There is so much choice and as much as          direction and am living the dream,” he added.
      you want!”
                                                                          “This lifestyle has opened my eyes to a bigger world than I
     The big challenge for Thomas was to cement a place in the             realised was out there and I want to thank my family, Sean
     starting eleven and show coaches Robin Chan, Ryan Moon                England, Simon Williams, John Barton and Nick Marshall for
     and Nick Robinson what he could bring to the side.                    helping to make that happen.”

19   American Scholarships Guide                                                               @LFEonline   /LFEonline
Useful Contacts
     College Board
     Provides information tips on dates & fees, online registration,
     SAT test preparation etc

     The ACT
     An alternative to the SAT test

     NCAA Eligibility Center
     This agency provides initial eligibility certification for
     prospective NCAA athletes. It provides initial eligibility
     certification results to colleges/universities that request
     the information.

     NAIA Eligibility Center


20   American Scholarships Guide                                @LFEonline   /LFEonline
League Football Education
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10-12 West Cliff
Preston PR1 8HU

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