American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...

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American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
American Rescue Plan Act
Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities
American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...

•   ARPA funds allocation
•   Program timelines
•   Eligible & ineligible uses of
•   Deployment process
•   Program monitoring, review &

American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
What’s in the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Package?
                                             Transportation Small Business
Allocations                          Agriculture 3%               3%

                                   Stimulus                    COVID Response
                                   Checks                           6%
    $350 billion                     22%
    earmarked for                                             Expanding Tax Credits
    Governments             Government

                    Unemployment                         Source: The Wall Street Journal

American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (nationwide)

      States & District of     Counties: $64.1 billion   Metropolitan Cities: $45.6
   Columbia: $195.3 billion                                       billion

  Tribal Governments: $20.0   Non-Entitlement Units of    Territories: $4.5 billion
            billion           Local Government: $19.5
                                                           Source: U.S. Department of Treasury
American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
How Much Allocated to Minnesota?

              Estimated $7.9 - $8.5 Billion Expected

                                       (In Millions)   Minnesota Fiscal Recovery Funds

          $2,800              $2,800                   Counties
                                                       Metropolitan Cities
                                                       Non-Entitlement Units of Government
                                                       Capital Projects
                                                       Funds from other ARPA Stimulus Sources
       $179        $644
       $377                                              Source: Minnesota Management & Budget

American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
ARPA Funding & Deployment Timeline

                                                                                                  Dec. 31, 2026
                                                                  Late Jul. –     Dec. 31, 2024
                                                                  Early Aug.                      Funds must
                                                                  2021                            be expended
                                                   Mid-Late                        Funds must     & work
                                                   June 2021                       be obligated   complete
                                   Early                           Deadline for
                                   June 2021                       state to
                                                   NEUs may        distribute
                 May 10, 2021                      request FRFs    FRFs to
                                   Minnesota       from State      NEUs
Mar. 11, 2021                      receives its
                   US Treasury     allocation of
                   releases        Fiscal
   ARPA signed     guidance;       Recovery
   into law        counties &      Funds
                   metro areas     (FRFs), along
                   eligible to     with that for
                   request funds   Non-
                                   Units of
American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
Fiscal Recovery Funds: Eligible & Ineligible Uses

                Public Health                                     Extraordinary Deposits to

                Negative Economic                                 Pension Funds
                Impacts                                           Replenishing Rainy Day or
                                                                  Other Reserve Funds
                Premium Pay
                                                                  Debt Service on Outstanding
                Revenue Loss

                Water & Sewer, Broadband
                                                                  Paying Settlements or
                Infrastructure Investment
                                                                  General Infrastructure*
                                                                  Expenses prior to 3/3/21**

               *Unless project responds to public health or negative economic impacts, or funds derived under revenue loss provision.
                                                              **Unless funds being used for premium pay retroactively back to 1/27/20.
American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
Fiscal Recovery Funds: Deployment Process
As soon as you receive funds…
1. Establish a separate fund account
2. Invest funds in an effort to maximize benefit to your community
3. Calculate revenue loss for 1st of four time periods:
    ✓ December 31, 2021
    ✓ December 31, 2021
    ✓ December 31, 2022
    ✓ December 31, 2023

American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
Deployment Process: Continued…

4. Identify general revenue from most recent fiscal year prior to
   1/27/20 (derived from underlying economy)

                  Include:                               Exclude:

     • Taxes                                • Utility revenue
     • Current charges                      • Liquor store revenue
     • State & local government transfers   • Insurance trust revenue
     • Other misc. revenues                 • Refunds & correcting transactions
                                            • Debt issuance proceeds
                                            • Investment sales
                                            • Federal transfers
                                            • Agency or private trust transactions

American Rescue Plan Act - Fiscal Recovery Funds for Minnesota Communities - Minnesota Association of County ...
Deployment Process: Continued

5. Calculate counterfactual revenue
        Base year revenue X [(1 + growth adjustment) ^ (n/12)]
            n = # of months elapsed since end of base year

6. Leverage one of two growth adjustment factors
                                4.1% - OR -
     Avg. annual revenue growth in 3 full fiscal years prior to 1/27/20

Deployment Process: Continued

                          Take your time!
Develop a spending plan that
ensures FRFs targeted toward
programs & projects that create
greatest impact for your

The Spending Plan: How it’s Done

   Assemble working team

   •   Departmental leads
   •   Elected officials
   •   Partnership organizations
   •   Community leaders

   Engage constituents & stakeholders

   • Community outreach
   • Relationship building

The Spending Plan: How it’s Done

   Review funding considerations

   • Overlapping jurisdictions
   • State administered programs
   • Federal administered programs

   Create “ideal” wish list

   • Programs & services
   • Improvements & capital projects
   • Payroll, etc.

The Spending Plan: How it’s Done

   Create decisioning matrix

   • Evaluate preliminary expenditures to determine eligibility risk
   • Prioritize each expenditure based on community impact

   Determine position & finalize plan

   • Refine wish list based on identified risks & opportunities
   • Reprioritize projects based on funds available for use

Fiscal Recovery Funds: Spending Plan Management

Implementation   Administration   Reporting

Spending Plan Management: Why?

•   Federal government deployed
    funds in 2 tranches to:
    ✓ Encourage communities to
      adapt to new development &
      changing demands
    ✓ Review how FRFs were spent
      during initial 12 months

Fiscal Recovery Funds: Required Reporting

   Counties & Metropolitan                  Non-Entitlement Units of
           Cities                             Local Government

 • 8/31/21: Deadline to submit interim    • 10/31/21: Deadline to submit first
   report (receipt of funds – 7/31/21)      annual report (receipt of funds –
 • 10/31/21: Deadline to submit first       9/31/21)
   quarterly report (receipt of funds –   • Interim reporting not required
 • If population >250,000, then
   required to submit Annual Recovery
   Performance Plan

Fiscal Recovery Funds: Final Thoughts

        •   You have broad flexibility relative to use
            of funds
        •   Take time to develop a plan that
            maximizes community benefits
        •   Create the “dream list,” then whittle
            down based on eligibility risk &
            community opportunities
        •   Seek guidance from advisors, auditors
            & other independent professionals

Let’s Talk!

Your Presenters

          Keith Dahl                       Todd Hagen
          Municipal Advisor                Senior Municipal Advisor
          Ehlers                           Ehlers
          651-697-8596                     651-697-8508

       All our Minnesota advisors are ready to help!
             Contact us for more information.

Important Disclosures
Ehlers is the joint marketing name of the following affiliated businesses (collectively, the “Affiliates”): Ehlers & Associates, Inc. (“EA”), a
municipal advisor registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”);
Ehlers Investment Partners, LLC (“EIP”), an SEC registered investment adviser; and Bond Trust Services Corporation (“BTS”), a holder of a
limited banking charter issued by the State of Minnesota.

Where an activity requires registration as a municipal advisor pursuant to Section 15B of the Exchange Act of 1934 (Financial Management
Planning and Debt Issuance & Management), such activity is or will be performed by EA; where an activity requires registration as an
investment adviser pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Investments and Treasury Management), such activity is or will be
performed by EIP; and where an activity requires licensing as a bank pursuant to applicable state law (paying agent services shown under Debt
Issuance & Management), such activity is or will be performed by BTS. Activities not requiring registration may be performed by any Affiliate.

This communication does not constitute an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any investment (including without limitation, any
municipal financial product, municipal security, or other security) or agreement with respect to any investment strategy or program. This
communication is offered without charge to clients, friends, and prospective clients of the Affiliates as a source of general information about the
services Ehlers provides. This communication is neither advice nor a recommendation by any Affiliate to any person with respect to any
municipal financial product, municipal security, or other security, as such terms are defined pursuant to Section 15B of the Exchange Act of
1934 and rules of the MSRB. This communication does not constitute investment advice by any Affiliate that purports to meet the objectives or
needs of any person pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 or applicable state law.

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