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AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Subcommittee on Management of Sinusitis and Committee on Quality Improvement Clinical Practice Guideline: Management of Sinusitis ABSTRACT. This clinical practice guideline formu- This clinical practice guideline is not intended as a sole lates recommendations for health care providers regard- source of guidance in the diagnosis and management of ing the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of children, acute bacterial sinusitis in children. It is designed to ages 1 to 21 years, with uncomplicated acute, subacute, assist pediatricians by providing an analytic framework and recurrent acute bacterial sinusitis. It was developed for evaluation and treatment. It is not intended to replace through a comprehensive search and analysis of the med- clinical judgment or establish a protocol for all patients ical literature. Expert consensus opinion was used to with this condition. enhance or formulate recommendations where data were insufficient. ABBREVIATION. CT, computed tomography. A subcommittee, composed of pediatricians with ex- pertise in infectious disease, allergy, epidemiology, fam- ily practice, and pediatric practice, supplemented with an BACKGROUND otolaryngologist and radiologist, were selected to formu- T late the practice parameter. Several other groups (includ- he ethmoid and the maxillary sinuses form in ing members of the American College of Emergency the third to fourth gestational month and, ac- Physicians, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head cordingly, are present at birth. The sphenoid and Neck Surgery, American Academy of Asthma, Al- sinuses are generally pneumatized by 5 years of age; lergy and Immunology, as well as numerous national the frontal sinuses appear at age 7 to 8 years but are committees and sections of the American Academy of not completely developed until late adolescence. The Pediatrics) have reviewed and revised the guideline. paranasal sinuses are a common site of infection in Three specific issues were considered: 1) evidence for the children and adolescents.1 These infections are im- efficacy of various antibiotics in children; 2) evidence for portant as a cause of frequent morbidity and rarely the efficacy of various ancillary, nonantibiotic regimens; may result in life-threatening complications. It may and 3) the diagnostic accuracy and concordance of clini- be difficult to distinguish children with uncompli- cal symptoms, radiography (and other imaging methods), and sinus aspiration. cated viral upper respiratory infections or adenoid- It is recommended that the diagnosis of acute bacterial itis from those with an episode of acute bacterial sinusitis be based on clinical criteria in children 6 years of age. nose. When the patient with bacterial infection of the Computed tomography scans of the paranasal sinuses paranasal sinuses has purulent (thick, colored, and should be reserved for children who present with com- opaque) nasal drainage, the site of infection is the plications of acute bacterial sinusitis or who have very paranasal sinuses; the nose is simply acting as a persistent or recurrent infections and are not responsive conduit for secretions produced in the sinuses. to medical management. The common predisposing events that set the stage There were only 5 controlled randomized trials and 8 case series on antimicrobial therapy for acute bacterial for acute bacterial sinusitis are acute viral upper sinusitis in children. However, these data, plus data de- respiratory infections that result in a viral rhinosi- rived from the study of adults with acute bacterial sinus- nusitis (a diffuse mucositis that predisposes to ap- itis, support the recommendation that acute bacterial si- proximately 80% of bacterial sinus infections) and nusitis be treated with antimicrobial therapy to achieve a allergic inflammation (that predisposes to 20% of more rapid clinical cure. Children with complications or bacterial sinus infections).4 Children have 6 to 8 viral suspected complications of acute bacterial sinusitis upper respiratory infections each year; it is estimated should be treated promptly and aggressively with anti- that between 5% to 13% of these infections may be biotics and, when appropriate, drainage. Based on con- complicated by a secondary bacterial infection of the troversial and limited data, no recommendations are paranasal sinuses.5–7 Acute bacterial otitis media and made about the use of prophylactic antimicrobials, ancil- acute bacterial sinusitis are the most common com- lary therapies, or complementary/alternative medicine plications of viral upper respiratory infections and for prevention and treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis. are probably the most common indications for the prescription of antimicrobial agents.8 The middle ear cavity connects to the nasopharynx via the eusta- The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course chian tube. In a sense then, the middle ear cavity is of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate. also a paranasal sinus.9 The pathogenesis and micro- PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2001 by the American Acad- biology of acute otitis media and acute bacterial si- emy of Pediatrics. nusitis are similar.9 This similarity allows us to ex- 798 PEDIATRICS Vol. 108 No. 3 September Downloaded 2001 from by guest on April 24, 2021
trapolate information known about the treatment of METHODS acute otitis media and apply it to the treatment of To develop the clinical practice guideline on the management acute bacterial sinusitis. This is especially helpful of acute bacterial sinusitis, the American Academy of Pediatrics when considering antimicrobials and antibacterial subcommittee partnered with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and colleague organizations from family practice and resistance. Data on antimicrobial efficacy and anti- otolaryngology. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality bacterial resistance also may be derived from the worked with the New England Medical Center Evidence-based study of adult patients with acute sinusitis, in whom Practice Center, as one of several centers that focus on conducting there have been more recent systematic inquiry.10,11 systematic reviews of the literature. A full report was produced by the New England Medical Center on the diagnosis and manage- This practice guideline focuses on the diagnosis, ment of acute sinusitis.15 However, because there were only 5 evaluation, and treatment of children, ages 1 to 21 randomized studies in children, a supplemental analysis was con- years, with uncomplicated acute, subacute, and re- ducted that included nonrandomized pediatric trials. The subcom- current acute bacterial sinusitis. Neonates and chil- mittee used both reports to form the practice guideline recommen- dren younger than 1 year of age are not considered. dations but relied heavily on the pediatric supplement.16 For the pediatric supplement, the major research questions to Although bacterial sinusitis does occur rarely in chil- be analyzed through the literature on acute bacterial sinusitis in dren less than 1 year of age, their exclusion reflects, childhood were 1) evidence for the efficacy of various antibiotics in part, the difficulty in conducting clinical investi- in children; 2) evidence for the efficacy of various ancillary, non- gation in this age group. This is a consequence of the antibiotic regimens; and 3) the diagnostic accuracy and concor- dance of clinical symptoms, radiography (and other imaging small size of the paranasal sinuses and the difficulty methods), and sinus aspiration. in safely performing sinus aspiration.12 This practice The literature was searched in Medline, complemented by Ex- parameter does not apply to children with previ- cerpta Medica, from 1966 through March 1999, using the word ously recognized anatomic abnormalities of their “sinusitis.” Search criteria were limited to human studies and paranasal sinuses (facial dysmorphisms or trauma), English language and appropriate pediatric terms. More than 1800 citations were reviewed. One hundred thirty-eight articles were immunodeficiencies, cystic fibrosis, or immotile cilia fully examined, resulting in 21 qualifying studies. These studies syndrome. included 5 controlled randomized trials and 8 case series on A discussion of chronic sinusitis (defined by the antimicrobial therapy, 3 controlled randomized trials on ancillary presence of symptoms for 90 days) and acute exac- treatments, and 8 studies with information on diagnostic tests. The heterogeneity and paucity of the data did not allow for formal erbations of chronic sinusitis are not included in this meta-analysis. When possible, rates were pooled across different guideline. The role of bacterial infection as a primary studies and heterogeneity assessed. cause of chronic sinusitis is controversial.11,13 The draft clinical practice guideline underwent extensive peer Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses may review by committees and sections within the American Academy of Pediatrics and by numerous outside organizations. Liaisons to be a consequence of noninfectious conditions such as the committee also distributed the draft within their organiza- allergy, environmental pollutants, cystic fibrosis, or tions. Comments were compiled and reviewed by the subcommit- gastroesophageal reflux. tee and relevant changes incorporated into the guideline. This guideline is intended for use by clinicians The recommendations contained in this practice guideline are who treat children and adolescents in a variety of based on the best available data. Where data are lacking, a com- bination of evidence and expert opinion was used. Strong recom- clinical settings including the office and emergency mendations were based on high-quality scientific evidence or, department. The purpose of the guideline is to en- when such was unavailable, strong expert consensus. Fair and courage accurate diagnosis of bacterial sinusitis, ap- weak recommendations are based on lesser-quality or limited data propriate use of imaging procedures, and judicious and expert consensus. Clinical options are identified as interven- tions for which the subcommittee could not find compelling pos- use of antibiotics. itive or negative evidence. These clinical options are interventions that a reasonable health care professional may or may not wish to consider. DEFINITIONS Acute bacterial sinusitis: Bacterial infection of the paranasal sinuses lasting less than 30 days in which RECOMMENDATIONS symptoms resolve completely. Methods of Diagnosis Subacute bacterial sinusitis: Bacterial infection of Under normal circumstances the paranasal sinuses the paranasal sinuses lasting between 30 and 90 days are assumed to be sterile.17–19 However, the parana- in which symptoms resolve completely. sal sinuses are in continuity with surface areas, such Recurrent acute bacterial sinusitis: Episodes of as the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx, which are bacterial infection of the paranasal sinuses, each last- heavily colonized with bacteria. Although it is rea- ing less than 30 days and separated by intervals of at sonable to assume that the paranasal sinuses are least 10 days during which the patient is asymptom- frequently and transiently contaminated by bacteria atic. from neighboring surfaces, these bacteria, which are Chronic sinusitis: Episodes of inflammation of the present in low density, are probably removed by the paranasal sinuses lasting more than 90 days. Patients normal function of the mucociliary apparatus. Ac- have persistent residual respiratory symptoms such cordingly, the gold standard for the diagnosis of as cough, rhinorrhea, or nasal obstruction. acute bacterial sinusitis is the recovery of bacteria in Acute bacterial sinusitis superimposed on chronic high density (ⱖ104 colony-forming units/mL) from sinusitis: Patients with residual respiratory symp- the cavity of a paranasal sinus.20 Although sinus toms develop new respiratory symptoms. When aspiration is the gold standard for the diagnosis of treated with antimicrobials, these new symptoms re- acute bacterial sinusitis,11 it is an invasive, time- solve, but the underlying residual symptoms do consuming, and potentially painful procedure that not.14 should only be performed by a specialist (otolaryn- Downloaded from by AMERICAN ACADEMY guest on April 24, 2021 OF PEDIATRICS 799
gologist). It is not a feasible method of diagnosis for consecutive days that helps to define the severe pre- the primary care practitioner and is not recom- sentation of acute bacterial sinusitis.23 Children with mended for the routine diagnosis of bacterial sinus severe onset of acute bacterial sinusitis may have an infections in children. However, the results of sinus intense headache that is above or behind the eye; in aspiration have been correlated with clinical and ra- general, they seem to be moderately ill. diographic findings in children with acute respira- Unfortunately, the physical examination does not tory symptoms.21,22 generally contribute substantially to the diagnosis of acute bacterial sinusitis. This is explained by the Recommendation 1 similarity of physical findings in the patient with an The diagnosis of acute bacterial sinusitis is based uncomplicated viral rhinosinusitis and the patient on clinical criteria in children who present with with acute bacterial sinusitis.2 In both instances, ex- upper respiratory symptoms that are either persis- amination of the nasal mucosa may show mild ery- tent or severe (strong recommendation based on thema and swelling of the nasal turbinates with limited scientific evidence and strong consensus of mucopurulent discharge. Facial pain is an unusual the panel). complaint in children. Facial tenderness is a rare Acute bacterial sinusitis is an infection of the para- finding in small children and may be unreliable as an nasal sinuses lasting less than 30 days that presents indicator of acute bacterial sinusitis in older children with either persistent or severe symptoms.4,23 Pa- and adolescents. Reproducible unilateral pain, tients are asymptomatic after recovery from episodes present on percussion or direct pressure over the of acute bacterial sinusitis. body of the frontal and maxillary sinuses, may indi- Persistent symptoms are those that last longer than cate a diagnosis of acute bacterial sinusitis.27 Like- 10 to 14, but less than 30, days. Such symptoms wise, observed or reported periorbital swelling is include nasal or postnasal discharge (of any quality), suggestive of ethmoid sinusitis. Examination of the daytime cough (which may be worse at night), or tympanic membranes, pharynx, and cervical lymph both. nodes does not usually contribute to the diagnosis of Severe symptoms include a temperature of at least acute bacterial sinusitis. 102°F (39oC) and purulent nasal discharge present The value of the performance of transillumination concurrently for at least 3 to 4 consecutive days in a of the sinuses to assess whether fluid is present in the child who seems ill. The child who seems toxic maxillary and frontal paranasal sinuses is controver- should be hospitalized and is not considered in this sial. The technique is performed in a completely algorithm. darkened room (after the examiner’s eyes are Uncomplicated viral upper respiratory infections adapted to the dark) by placing a transilluminator generally last 5 to 7 days but may last longer.24,25 (high-intensity light beam) either in the mouth or Although the respiratory symptoms may not have against the cheek (for the maxillary sinuses) or under completely resolved by the 10th day, almost always the medial aspect of the supraorbital ridge area (for they have peaked in severity and begun to improve. the frontal sinuses) to assess the transmission of light Therefore, the persistence of respiratory symptoms through the sinus cavity.27 Transillumination is dif- without any evidence that they are beginning to ficult to perform correctly and has been shown to be resolve suggests the presence of a secondary bacte- unreliable in children younger than 10 years.22,28 In rial infection. Significant fever or complaints of facial the older child it may be helpful at the extremes of pain or headache are variable. It is important for interpretation; if transillumination is normal, sinus- the practitioner to attempt to differentiate between itis is unlikely; if the transmission of light is absent, sequential episodes of uncomplicated viral upper the maxillary or frontal sinus is likely to be filled respiratory tract infections (which may seem to coa- with fluid.18 lesce in the mind of the patient or parent) from the Subacute sinusitis is defined by the persistence of onset of acute sinusitis with persistent symptoms. mild to moderate and often intermittent respiratory The objective of treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis symptoms (nasal discharge, daytime cough, or both) is to foster rapid recovery, prevent suppurative com- for between 30 and 90 days. The nasal discharge may plications, and minimize exacerbations of asthma be of any quality, and cough is often worse at night. (reactive airways diseases).26 Low-grade fever may be periodic but is usually not Children with acute bacterial sinusitis who present prominent. The microbiology of subacute sinusitis is with severe symptoms need to be distinguished from the same as that observed in patients with acute those with uncomplicated viral infections who are bacterial sinusitis.29 moderately ill. If fever is present at all in uncompli- Patients with recurrent acute bacterial sinusitis are cated viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, it defined as having had 3 episodes of acute bacterial tends to be present early in the illness, usually ac- sinusitis in 6 months or 4 episodes in 12 months. The companied by other constitutional symptoms such as response to antibiotics is usually brisk and the pa- headache and myalgias.24 Generally, the constitu- tient is completely free of symptoms between epi- tional symptoms resolve in the first 48 hours and sodes. then the respiratory symptoms become prominent. The most common cause of recurrent sinusitis is In most uncomplicated viral infections, purulent na- recurrent viral upper respiratory infection, often a sal discharge does not appear for several days. Ac- consequence of attendance at day care or the pres- cordingly, it is the concurrent presentation with high ence of an older school-age sibling in the household. fever and purulent nasal discharge for at least 3 to 4 Other predisposing conditions include allergic and 800 CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Downloaded MANAGEMENT OF SINUSITIS from by guest on April 24, 2021
nonallergic rhinitis, cystic fibrosis, an immunodefi- very young children. Correct positioning may be ciency disorder (insufficient or dysfunctional immu- difficult to achieve and therefore the radiographic noglobulins), ciliary dyskinesia, or an anatomic images may overestimate and underestimate the problem.23 presence of abnormalities within the paranasal sinus- es.36,37 The college would reserve the use of images Recommendation 2a for situations in which the patient does not recover Imaging studies are not necessary to confirm a or worsens during the course of appropriate antimi- diagnosis of clinical sinusitis in children
Recommendation 3 TABLE 1. Comparative Bacteriologic Cure Rates (as Deter- mined by Sinus Puncture) Among Adult Patients With Acute Antibiotics are recommended for the manage- Community-Acquired Bacterial Sinusitis* ment of acute bacterial sinusitis to achieve a more rapid clinical cure (strong recommendation based Comment Regarding Number (%) of Treatment Bacteriologic Cures on good evidence and strong panel consensus). To promote the judicious use of antibiotics, it is Antibiotic concentration was 19/21 (90) ⱖ MIC of causative bacteria essential that children diagnosed as having acute Antibiotic concentration was 15/33 (45) bacterial sinusitis meet the defining clinical presen- ⬍ MIC of causative bacteria tations of “persistent” or “severe” disease as de- Appropriate antimicrobial and 278/300 (93) scribed previously.41 This will minimize the number dose given of children with uncomplicated viral upper respira- Suboptimal dose given 53/76 (70) tory tract infections who are treated with antimicro- MIC indicates minimum inhibitory concentration. bials. * Adapted from Gwaltney.11 In a study comparing antimicrobial therapy with placebo in the treatment of children with the clinical and radiographic diagnosis of acute bacterial sinus- The microbiology of acute, subacute, and recurrent itis, children receiving antimicrobial therapy re- acute bacterial sinusitis has been outlined in several covered more quickly and more often than those studies.20 –22 The principal bacterial pathogens are receiving placebo.31 On the third day of treatment, Streptococcus pneumoniae, nontypeable Haemophilus 83% of children receiving an antimicrobial were influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. S pneumoniae is cured or improved compared with 51% of the chil- recovered from approximately 30% of children with acute bacterial sinusitis, whereas H influenzae and M dren in the placebo group. (Forty-five percent of catarrhalis are each recovered from about 20%.23 In children receiving antimicrobial therapy were cured the remaining 30% of children, aspirates of the max- [complete resolution of respiratory symptoms] com- illary sinus are sterile. It is noteworthy that neither pared with 11% receiving placebo.) On the 10th day Streptococcus aureus nor respiratory anaerobes are of treatment, 79% of children receiving an antimicro- likely to be recovered from children with acute bac- bial were cured or improved compared with 60% of terial sinusitis.22 children receiving placebo. Approximately 50% to Currently, approximately 50% of H influenzae and 60% of children will improve gradually without the 100% of M catarrhalis are likely to be -lactamase use of antimicrobials; however, the recovery of an positive nationwide.44,45 Upper respiratory tract iso- additional 20% to 30% is delayed substantially com- lates of S pneumoniae are not susceptible to penicillin pared with children who receive appropriate antibi- in 15% to 38% (average 25%) of children; approxi- otics. mately 50% are highly resistant to penicillin and the A recent study by Garbutt et al42 has challenged remaining half are intermediate in resistance.1,46,47 the notion that children identified as having acute The mechanism of penicillin resistance in S pneu- sinusitis on clinical grounds alone (without the per- moniae is an alteration of penicillin binding proteins. formance of images) will benefit from antimicrobial This phenomenon, which varies considerably ac- therapy. When children randomized to low-dose an- cording to geographic location, results in resistance tibiotic therapy were compared with those receiving to penicillin and cephalosporin. Table 2 shows the placebo there were no differences observed in out- calculation for the likelihood that a child with acute come, either in the timing or frequency of recovery. bacterial sinusitis will harbor a resistant pathogen The discrepancy in results between this investigation and not respond to treatment with amoxicillin. The and the Wald31 study may be attributable to the following should be considered: the prevalence of inclusion in this study of a larger cohort of older each bacterial species as a cause of acute bacterial children (who may not have had sinusitis) and the sinusitis, the prevalence of resistance among each exclusion of more seriously ill children with a tem- bacterial species, and the rate of spontaneous im- perature ⬎39°C or facial pain. Current recommenda- provement. Extrapolating from data derived from tions for antibiotic management of uncomplicated patients with acute otitis media, 15% of children with sinusitis vary depending on a previous history of acute bacterial sinusitis caused by S pneumoniae will antibiotic exposure (in the previous 1–3 months), recover spontaneously, half of the children with attendance at day care, and age. Some of the children acute bacterial sinusitis caused by H influenzae and in the Garbutt study might have qualified for high- half to three-quarters of the children infected with M dose amoxicillin-clavulanate to overcome antimicro- catarrhalis also will recover spontaneously.48 Further- bial resistant pathogens. more, only S pneumoniae that are highly resistant to Comparative bacteriologic cure rates in studies of penicillin will not respond to conventional doses of adults with acute sinusitis indicate the efficacy of amoxicillin. Accordingly, in the absence of any risk antimicrobial treatment.11,43 The findings of these factors, approximately 80% of children with acute studies indicate that antimicrobials in adequate bacterial sinusitis will respond to treatment with doses with appropriate antibacterial spectra are amoxicillin. Risk factors for the presence of bacterial highly effective in eradicating or substantially reduc- species that are likely to be resistant to amoxicillin ing bacteria in the sinus cavity, whereas those with include 1) attendance at day care, 2) recent receipt inadequate spectrum or given in inadequate doses (⬍90 days) of antimicrobial treatment, and 3) age less are not (Table 1). than 2 years.49,50 802 CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Downloaded MANAGEMENT OF SINUSITIS from by guest on April 24, 2021
TABLE 2. Calculation of the Likelihood that a Child With Acute Bacterial Sinusitis Will Fail Treatment With Standard Doses of Amoxicillin*† Bacterial Species Prevalence Spontaneous Prevalence of Failure to Cure Rate Resistance Amoxicillin (%) (%) (%) Streptococcus pneumoniae 30 15 25 3 Haemophilus influenzae 20 50 50 5 Moraxella catarrhalis 20 50–75 100 5–10 * This table is based on data obtained from treatment of acute otitis media. † Consider that 50% of resistant strains are highly resistant to penicillin and only highly resistant isolates will fail to respond to standard doses of amoxicillin (45 mg/kg/day); Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of susceptible S pneumoniae ⱕ0.1 g/mL; MIC of moderately resistant S pneu- moniae ⫽ 0.1–1.0 g/mL; MIC of highly resistant S pneumoniae ⱖ2.0 g/mL. The desire to continue to use amoxicillin as first- doxime. A single dose of ceftriaxone (at 50 mg/kg/ line therapy in patients suspected of having acute d), given either intravenously or intramuscularly, bacterial sinusitis relates to its general effectiveness, can be used in children with vomiting that precludes safety, and tolerability; low cost; and narrow spec- administration of oral antibiotics. Twenty-four hours trum. For children younger than 2 years of age with later, when the child is clinically improved, an oral uncomplicated acute bacterial sinusitis that is mild to antibiotic is substituted to complete the therapy. Al- moderate in degree of severity, who do not attend though trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and erythro- day care, and have not recently been treated with an mycin-sulfisoxazole have traditionally been useful in antimicrobial, amoxicillin is recommended at either a the past as first- and second-line therapy for patients usual dose of 45 mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses or a with acute bacterial sinusitis, recent pneumococcal high dose of 90 mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses (Fig 1). surveillance studies indicate that resistance to these 2 If the patient is allergic to amoxicillin, either cefdinir combination agents is substantial.51,52 Therefore, (14 mg/kg/d in 1 or 2 doses), cefuroxime (30 mg/ when patients fail to improve while receiving amoxi- kg/d in 2 divided doses), or cefpodoxime (10 mg/ cillin, neither trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole nor kg/d once daily) can be used (only if the allergic erythromycin-sulfisoxazole are appropriate choices reaction was not a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction). for antimicrobial therapy. For patients who do not In cases of serious allergic reactions, clarithromycin improve with a second course of antibiotics or who (15 mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses) or azithromycin (10 are acutely ill, there are 2 options. It is appropriate to mg/kg/d on day 1, 5 mg/kg/d ⫻ 4 days as a single consult an otolaryngologist for consideration of max- daily dose) can be used in an effort to select an illary sinus aspiration to obtain a sample of sinus antimicrobial of an entirely different class. The Food secretions for culture and sensitivity so that therapy and Drug Administration has not approved azithro- can be adjusted precisely. Alternatively, the physi- mycin for use in patients with sinusitis. Alternative cian may prescribe intravenous cefotaxime or ceftri- therapy in the penicillin-allergic patient who is axone (either in hospital or at home) and refer to an known to be infected with a penicillin-resistant S otolaryngologist only if the patient does not improve pneumoniae is clindamycin at 30 to 40 mg/kg/d in 3 on intravenous antibiotics. Some authorities recom- divided doses. mend performing cultures of the middle meatus Most patients with acute bacterial sinusitis who instead of aspiration of the maxillary sinus to are treated with an appropriate antimicrobial agent determine the cause of acute bacterial sinusitis.53 respond promptly (within 48 –72 hours) with a dim- However, there are no data in children that have inution of respiratory symptoms (reduction of nasal correlated cultures of the middle meatus with cul- discharge and cough) and an improvement in gen- tures of the maxillary sinus aspirate.54 eral well-being.11,23,31 If a patient fails to improve, The optimal duration of therapy for patients with either the antimicrobial is ineffective or the diagnosis acute bacterial sinusitis has not received systematic of sinusitis is not correct. study. Often empiric recommendations are made for If patients do not improve while receiving the 10, 14, 21, or 28 days of therapy. An alternative usual dose of amoxicillin (45 mg/kg/d), have re- suggestion has been made that antibiotic therapy be cently been treated with an antimicrobial, have an continued until the patient becomes free of symp- illness that is moderate or more severe, or attend day toms and then for an additional 7 days.23 This strat- care, therapy should be initiated with high-dose egy, which individualizes treatment for each patient, amoxicillin-clavulanate (80 –90 mg/kg/d of amoxi- results in a minimum course of 10 days and avoids cillin component, with 6.4 mg/kg/d of clavulanate prolonged courses of antibiotics in patients who are in 2 divided doses). This dose of amoxicillin will asymptomatic and thereby unlikely to be compliant. yield sinus fluid levels that exceed the minimum inhibitory concentration of all S pneumoniae that are Adjuvant Therapies intermediate in resistance to penicillin and most, but No recommendations are made based on contro- not all, highly resistant S pneumoniae. There is suffi- versial and limited data. cient potassium clavulanate to inhibit all -lactamase Adjuvant therapies used to supplement the effect producing H influenzae and M catarrhalis. Alternative of antimicrobials have received relatively little sys- therapies include cefdinir, cefuroxime, or cefpo- tematic investigation.55 Available agents include sa- Downloaded from by AMERICAN ACADEMY guest on April 24, 2021 OF PEDIATRICS 803
Fig 1. Management of children with uncomplicated acute bacterial sinusitis. line nasal irrigation (hypertonic or normal saline), Currently there are no data to recommend the use antihistamines, decongestants (topical or systemic), of H1 antihistamines in nonallergic children with mucolytic agents, and topical intranasal steroids. acute bacterial sinusitis. There is a single prospective 804 CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Downloaded MANAGEMENT OF SINUSITIS from by guest on April 24, 2021
study in which children with presumed acute bacte- Complementary/Alternative Medicine for Prevention and rial sinusitis were randomized to receive either de- Treatment of Rhinosinusitis congestant-antihistamine or placebo in addition to No recommendations are made based on limited amoxicillin. The active treatment group received and controversial data. topical oxymetazoline and oral decongestant-antihis- A substantial number of children, adolescents, and tamine syrup (brompheniramine and phenylpropa- their parents use nonprescription cold medicines or nolamine). No difference in clinical or radiographic simple home-based remedies such as soups, fruit resolution was noted between groups.56 juices, or teas as alternatives or complements to con- There has been a single study of intranasal steroids ventional therapy for the treatment of upper respi- as an adjunct to antibiotics in young children with ratory infections including rhinosinusitis.63,64 Others presumed acute bacterial sinusitis. Intranasal budes- use herbal remedies and nutritional supplements or onide spray had a modest effect on symptoms only seek care from acupuncturists, chiropractors, homeo- during the second week of therapy.57 A multicenter, paths, naturopaths, aromatherapists, massage and double-blind, randomized, parallel trial evaluating therapeutic touch practitioners, and a variety of flunisolide spray as an adjunct to oral antibiotic ther- other healing modalities.64 – 67 apy was reported in patients at least 14 years of Few of these therapies for upper respiratory tract age.58 The benefit of flunisolide was marginal and of infection or rhinosinusitis have been validated in minimal clinical importance. There is little reason to randomized controlled trials. Claims that homeo- pathic medicines,68 –70 vitamin C preparations,71 or expect a substantial benefit from intranasal steroids zinc lozenges72 prevent upper respiratory infections in patients with acute bacterial sinusitis when anti- or hasten their resolution are controversial. A re- biotics work effectively in the first 3 to 4 days of cently published study provides evidence that zinc treatment. nasal gel is effective in shortening the duration of No clinical trials of mucolytics have been reported symptoms of the common cold when taken within 24 in nonatopic children or adults with acute bacterial hours of their onset.73 Studies performed among sinusitis.59 Neither saline nose drops nor nasal spray adults indicating efficacy of Echinacea preparations in have been studied in patients with acute bacterial stimulating the immune system, thereby reducing sinusitis. However, by preventing crust formation the incidence, duration, or severity of respiratory and liquefying secretions, they may be helpful. In infections, are debated74,75; however, a recent meta- addition, saline also may act as a mild vasoconstric- analysis suggested a predominance of generally pos- tor of nasal blood flow.59 A method for performing a itive effects.76 nasal saline flush was reported anecdotally by Physicians treating children and young adults Schwartz.60 should be aware that many of their patients are using complementary therapies, often without informing them. Most of these remedies are harmless and, Antibiotic Prophylaxis whether through pharmacologic or placebo effect, a No recommendations are made based on limited perception of efficacy in providing relief from symp- and controversial data. toms has stood the test of time. Nevertheless, many Antibiotic prophylaxis as a strategy to prevent herbal medicines sold in the United States are of infection in patients who experience recurrent epi- uncertain efficacy, content, and toxicity and carry a sodes of acute bacterial sinusitis has not been potential for serious adverse effects.77 Of particular systematically evaluated and is controversial.59 Al- concern is the ability of the botanicals, either by direct though previously successful in children who expe- interaction or by altering excretion mechanisms, to rience recurrent episodes of acute otitis media,61,62 magnify or oppose the effect of conventional medicines there is little enthusiasm for this approach in light of that patients may be using concurrently.78 Physicians current concerns regarding the increasing prevalence should inquire about the use of complementary medi- of antibiotic-resistant organisms. Nonetheless, it may cine for upper respiratory tract infections among their be used in a few highly selected patients whose patients, particularly those on long-term medication for infections have been defined meticulously (always chronic conditions. Information on dietary supple- fulfilling criteria for persistent or severe presenta- ments is available on a regularly updated Internet tion) and are very frequent (at least 3 infections in 6 site.79 months or 4 infections in 12 months). Amoxicillin (20 mg/kg/d given at night) and sulfisoxazole (75 mg/ Recommendation 4 kg/d in 2 divided doses) have been used successfully Children with complications or suspected com- to prevent episodes of acute otitis media. Usually plications of acute bacterial sinusitis should be prophylaxis is maintained until the end of the respi- treated promptly and aggressively. This should in- ratory season. It is appropriate to initiate an evalua- clude referral to an otolaryngologist usually with tion for factors that commonly predispose to the consultation of an infectious disease specialist, episodes of recurrent acute bacterial sinusitis such as ophthalmologist, and neurosurgeon (strong recom- atopy, immunodeficiency, cystic fibrosis, and dys- mendation based on strong consensus of the panel). motile cilia syndrome. Children with craniofacial ab- The complications of acute bacterial sinusitis usu- normalities also are at risk to develop acute bacterial ally involve either the orbit, the central nervous sys- sinusitis. tem, or both. Although rare, complications can result Downloaded from by AMERICAN ACADEMY guest on April 24, 2021 OF PEDIATRICS 805
in permanent blindness or death if not treated AREAS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH promptly and appropriately. The extensive Medline searches to review the lit- Periorbital and intraorbital inflammation and in- erature for the diagnosis and treatment of acute bac- fection are the most common complications of acute terial sinusitis in children uncovered the fact that sinusitis and most often are caused by acute eth- there are scant data on which to base recommenda- moiditis. These disorders are commonly classified in tions. Accordingly, areas for future research include relation to the orbital septum. The orbital septum is the following: a sheet of connective tissue continuous with the peri- osteum of the orbital bones that separates tissues of 1. Conduct more and larger studies correlating the the eyelid from those of the orbit. Preseptal inflam- clinical findings of acute bacterial sinusitis with mation involves only the eyelid, whereas postseptal findings of sinus aspiration, imaging, and treat- inflammation involves structures of the orbit. Com- ment outcome. plications can be classified as 1) periorbital (or pre- 2. Develop noninvasive strategies to accurately di- septal) cellulitis or sympathetic edema (periorbital agnose acute bacterial sinusitis in children. cellulitis is not a true orbital complication. The peri- a. Correlate cultures obtained from the middle orbital swelling is attributable to passive venous meatus of the maxillary sinus of infected in- congestion; infection is confined to the paranasal dividuals with cultures obtained from the sinuses), 2) subperiosteal abscess, 3) orbital abscess, maxillary sinus by puncture of the antrum. 4) orbital cellulitis, or 5) cavernous sinus thrombosis. b. Develop imaging technology that differenti- Mild cases of periorbital cellulitis (eyelid ⬍50% ates bacterial infection from viral infection or allergic inflammation. closed) may be treated with appropriate oral antibi- c. Develop rapid diagnostic methods to image otic therapy as an outpatient with daily patient en- the sinuses without radiation. counters. However, if the patient has not improved 3. Determine the optimal duration of antimicrobial in 24 to 48 hours or if the infection is progressing therapy for children with acute bacterial sinus- rapidly, it is appropriate to admit the patient to the itis. hospital for antimicrobial therapy consisting of intra- 4. Determine the causes and treatment of subacute venous ceftriaxone (100 mg/kg/d in 2 divided and recurrent acute bacterial sinusitis. doses) or ampicillin-sulbactam (200 mg/kg/d in 4 5. Determine the efficacy of prophylaxis with anti- divided doses). Vancomycin (60 mg/kg/d in 4 di- microbials to prevent recurrent acute bacterial vided doses) may be added in children in whom sinusitis. infection is either known or likely to be caused by S 6. Determine the impact of bacterial resistance pneumoniae that are highly resistant to penicillin. among S pneumoniae, H influenzae, and M ca- If proptosis, impaired visual acuity, or impaired tarrhalis on outcome of treatment with antibiotics extraocular mobility are present on examination, a by the performance of randomized, double- CT scan (preferably coronal thin cut with contrast) of blind, placebo-controlled studies in well-defined the orbits/sinuses is essential to exclude a suppura- populations of patients. tive complication. In such cases, the patient should 7. Determine the role of adjuvant therapies (muco- be evaluated by an otolaryngologist and an ophthal- lytics, decongestants, antihistamines, etc) in mologist. Suppurative complications generally re- patients with acute bacterial sinusitis by the per- quire prompt surgical drainage. An exception to this formance of prospective, randomized, clinical is the patient with a small subperiosteal abscess and trials. minimal ocular abnormalities for whom intravenous 8. Determine the role of complementary and alter- antibiotic treatment for 24 to 48 hours is recom- native medicine strategies in patients with acute mended while performing frequent visual and men- bacterial sinusitis by performing systematic, pro- tal status checks. Patients who have changes in visual spective, randomized clinical trials. acuity or mental status or who fail to improve within 9. Assess the effect of the pneumococcal conjugate 24 to 48 hours require prompt surgical intervention vaccine on the epidemiology of acute bacterial and drainage of the abscess. Antibiotics can be al- sinusitis. tered, if inappropriate, when results of culture and 10. Develop new bacterial and viral vaccines to re- sensitivity studies become available. duce the incidence of acute bacterial sinusitis. In patients with altered mental status, neurosurgi- cal consultation is indicated. Signs of increased in- CONCLUSION tracranial pressure (headache and vomiting) or This clinical practice guideline provides evidence- nuchal rigidity require immediate CT scanning (with based recommendations for the management of bac- contrast) of the brain, orbits, and sinuses to exclude terial rhinosinusitis in children ages 1 to 21 years. intracranial complications such as cavernous sinus The guideline emphasizes 1) appropriate diagnosis thrombosis, osteomyelitis of the frontal bone (Pott’s in children who present with persistent or severe puffy tumor), meningitis, subdural empyema, epi- upper respiratory symptoms; 2) the utility of imag- dural abscess, and brain abscess. Central nervous ing studies to confirm a diagnosis; 3) treatment ther- system complications, such as meningitis and empy- apies such as antibiotic use including prophylaxis, emas, should be treated either with intravenous ce- adjuvant treatment, and alternative interventions; fotaxime or ceftriaxone and vancomycin pending the and 4) management of complications. The guideline results of culture and susceptibility testing. provides decision-making strategies for managing 806 CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Downloaded MANAGEMENT OF SINUSITIS from by guest on April 24, 2021
sinusitis to assist primary care providers in diagnos- and physical examination. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1992;90:433– 436 5. Aitken M, Taylor JA. Prevalence of clinical sinusitis in young children ing and treating children with this common health followed up by primary care pediatricians. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. problem. 1998;152:244 –248 6. Ueda D, Yoto Y. The ten-day mark as a practical diagnostic approach for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS acute paranasal sinusitis in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1996;15:576 –579 The subcommittee wishes to acknowledge the Agency for 7. Wald ER, Guerra N, Byers C. Upper respiratory tract infections in Healthcare Research and Quality and the New England Medical young children: duration of and frequency of complications. Pediatrics. Center Evidence-based Practice Center for their work in develop- 1991;87:129 –133 ing the evidence report. We especially thank John P. A. Ioannidis, 8. McCaig LF, Hughes JM. 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