AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

Page created by Darryl Wheeler
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021
AMC Institute
Marketing and Creative Services
Strategy and Execution

August 2, 2021
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

The AMC Institute (AMCI) is a non-profit trade organization that is focused
on actively promoting the impact and opportunities that Association
Management Companies (AMC) provide to non-profit trade associations
and professional societies. AMCI offers expert support, resources and
best practices to help its 180+ members thrive, learn from each other and
elevate the AMC model to association executives, volunteer leaders and
leading association industry voices.

With a mission to advance the business interests of member association
management companies and the AMC industry, AMCI is dedicated to
elevating and positioning the AMC Model as a viable and beneficial choice
for associations and volunteer-run organizations. The entrepreneurial
spirit that powers many AMCs drives sound business strategies directed
by professional association management personnel. This provides many
organizations a better and more financially viable option to successfully
manage the association. AMC studies and research conducted by AMCI
offer impressive statistics that demonstrate the positive impact on
revenue models, operating costs and organization growth compared to
independently run organizations.

AMCI is seeking a marketing agency to provide strategy and an execution
plan for AMCI marketing and creative services designed to achieve the
Institute’s goals. Upon review of the information and resources provided
to CSG Creative (CSG), it is evident that AMCI has been steadfast in
pursuing marketing and promotional opportunities exposed in recent
research conducted by Avenue M Group. Over the course of the last year,
AMCI has taken many steps to implement the strategies and ideas put
forth to help AMCI achieve its near- and long-term goals. The discovery
that was completed by Avenue M provides clear and actional objectives for
AMCI, and the work that was completed over the last six months has had a
meaningful impact. We need to leverage and build on that success to
create a powerful and results-driven strategy for 2022.

From the research and insights provided, our extensive knowledge of the
association industry amassed through decades of working with
association leadership, boards, AMCs as well as personal conversations
with AMC owners, the primary objectives for the 2022 campaign will be to:

   1.   Continue to drive awareness of the AMC Model to drive interest in,
        and ultimately business to, AMC firms with a well-orchestrated and
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

       consistently communicated campaign that breaks through and
       makes an impact.

   2. Generate more RFPs for association management services and
      provide members with the most effective tools and resources to
      develop winning responses.

   3. Build a database of association CEOs, volunteer leadership, board
      members and other potential decision-makers informing an AMC
      hire. This will be even more critical in 2022 before third-party
      cookies are eliminated by Google.

   4. Build and generate buzz in the association and non-profit industry
      using AMC success stories. While AMCI is already working closely
      with ASAE, there are other related organizations that provide other
      opportunities to elevate the AMC model. Association media
      outlets, blogs, YouTube channels, leadership forums, podcasters,
      speaking engagements, CVBs, hotel sales reps and others often
      interface with AMC prospects or influencers, building close
      relationships with board members, staff and prospects.

   5. Illuminate the shifting needs and uncertain resources of many
      associations after COVID and how the time may be right to
      outsource functions and leadership if internal teams have
      downsized or positions have been eliminated. The organizations
      need economies and leadership to be well-positioned for growth
      and recovery in a post-COVID world.

why CSG?
CSG helps organizations build brands, think
strategically, grow audiences, and get results.

CSG was born from a need to provide the association community with an
agency that truly understand the needs of the association community.
From membership retention and recruitment to event marketing,
certification and education program promotion, CSG believes in the power
of cohesive messaging and branding to keep organizations effectively
positioned in the markets they serve, as well as emerging growth
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

audiences. Given the nature of our association client base and the unique
and myriad communities they represent, we are experts at marketing to
niche groups with disparate audiences and specialized value propositions
with impressive results. We are well positioned to support AMCI’s
marketing goals and have the creativity, passion and connections to be a
powerful partner.

More about us.
CSG is a full-service, strategic marketing and creative agency providing award-
winning branding, graphic design and integrated marketing solutions to our clients.
Our inspired creative, stellar service and innovative, strategic approach have made
CSG the premier agency supporting global association and non-profit marketing
initiatives, brand development, communication strategies, membership
development, conference and event promotion.
Always on top of our clients’ needs, CSG brings powerful ideas, best practices,
extensive experience and unparalleled service to any partnership. We have an
extraordinary team of creatives and account strategists fluent in the nuances of
association and event marketing and branding. At our core, we are down-to-earth
professionals who love what we do and thrive on building strong relationships with
our clients.

Our entire team is versed on the most effective channels and is
accustomed to the pace, messaging strategy, breadth of scope and raw
energy necessary to successfully orchestrate integrated, omnichannel
campaigns. Our strategies leverage digital and traditional tactics,
including paid digital and social advertising, inbound and outbound digital
campaigns, content marketing, direct mail, video, motion graphics, social
media, and more. Every one of these tactics needs to be orchestrated to
work in concert to amplify the message across all communication
platforms. Every win and positive result keeps us motivated to
continuously improve and innovate.

We are known for exceptional:
    • Marketing strategies that drive adoption, engagement and
    • Brand development and breakthrough creative
    • Strategic planning and tactical execution
    • Digital campaigns to amplify messages and drive conversions
    • Website experience and design, SEO, SEM and content strategies
    • Traditional direct-response marketing initiatives, including print
       advertising, direct mail and brand activations
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

     Most importantly, we are known for our ability to be a seamless extension
     of our clients’ teams — thinking and acting as if we are part of the
     organization, proven by our steadfast commitment to achieving goals and
     laser focus on their success.

     service. everyone says it. we mean it.
     The cornerstone of CSG's philosophy is service — exceptional, above-and-beyond
     service. Our commitment to client satisfaction means every member of our team is
     willing to do whatever it takes to please you and exceed your expectations.

                                     our goal
                                      is to become an
                                 extension of your team —
                                 a partner who does all the
                                    heavy lifting and lets
                                          you shine.

                                                                        our mission
 our passion                                                          is to be a premier strategic
     for marketing,                                                     marketing and creative
commitment to excellence                                                  agency that provides
and expertise of our team                                              award-winning marketing
  ensures your success.                                                solutions and unparalleled
                                                                          service to our clients.
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

comprehensive capabilities
With an evolving communications landscape and dynamic marketing platforms, we
have the expertise, experience and creative passion to find solutions that work
across all channels to increase your brand's awareness, engagement, impact and

• Branding and visual identity
• Logo design and development
• Brand activations

• Graphic design
• Print and digital design
• Copywriting
• Advertising
• Publications

• Audience acquisition strategy
• Marketing plan execution and support
• Customer journey mapping
• Partnerships and affiliate relationships
• List research and data segmentation

• Website design, development and programming
• Interactive engagement
• Game development
• Motion graphics and animation
• Geofencing/IP targeting
• Retargeting campaigns
• Native advertising and content marketing

• Barters and trade negotiations
• Media placements
• Media planning
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

• Focus groups
• Attitudinal segmentation and persona development

• Press release writing and distribution
• Media relations
• Social content and strategies
• Monitoring, tracking and measurement of media coverage

• Paid advertising campaigns
• Influencer programs
• Content development and organic content strategies

• Creative direction
• Videography and production services
• Interviews
• Editing
• Animation and motion graphics
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

creative solutions that
break through and engage
Good design is the art of creating great results. Our creative capabilities are born
from our belief in a collaborative environment and a talented team. We pull
inspiration and great ideas from the minds of all. We have a core team of creatively
unique designers who have been handpicked for their individual strengths. At CSG,
we don’t have a “look”; we have creatives with their own personal style. This gives
our clients a wide variety of design and graphic styles to evaluate.

CSG’s entire team understands how to develop and integrate outstanding and
award-winning campaigns. But, more importantly, we understand great design and
how to turn a big idea into big results. We thrive when we are given the opportunity
to think big, think freely and bring extraordinary concepts to life.

our creative process
Our process starts with research and strategy, then moves to ideation and concept
development. After initial concepts are developed, the internal team convenes to
review and refine concepts to make sure they support the approved creative
strategy. We will apply this proven process to develop a powerful campaign for
AMCI that will break through and resonate in the association and non-profit world.

award-winning brands and campaigns
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

    our work
    AMCI’s selected agency will design a marketing strategy and tactical plan that will
    help AMCI communicate the understanding and value of the association
    management model to volunteer leaders, association executives, consultants and
    influencers in the association community. The following outlines our approach and
    related experience to the desired scope of work:

1   Comprehensive Marketing Planning
    CSG has a thoughtful and strategic method to successfully develop and implement
    comprehensive, omni-channel marketing campaigns. The foundation of our plans
    always begins with research to understand market conditions and emerging trends,
    audiences and industry personas, new opportunities for growth, successful
    strategies, competitors, threats, and near- and long-term goals. These data points
    are essential to understand the customer journey and develop plans and tactical
    recommendations that introduce the right messaging at the right time, in the right
    channel and to the right audiences. Fortunately, AMCI has invested in both
    audience research as well as economic impact studies that will allow us to jump-
    start our strategy and tactical planning so we can hit the ground running on the
    2022 campaign.

    We will apply these principles to develop a smart, strategic and unified plan that
    leverages AMCI’s previous investments and applications but also layers in CSG’s
    creative strategy and purposeful approach to build awareness, generate interest,
    and ultimately more leads and RFPs being shared with the AMCI membership. The
    plan will incorporate multiple channels and touch points to ensure the AMC Model’s
    value propositions are clearly articulated and positioned to the high-value
    audiences. The effective use of various channels will amplify the messages and
    generate more impact and, ultimately, conversions. Live activations and
    promotional opportunities at major industry events will be a critical part of the
    complete plan.

    CSG’s recommended marketing tactics will include set KPIs and measurement to
    monitor and track performance. Each marketing tactic will be developed to achieve
    the goals set forth and with specific objectives to ensure strong ROI. CSG can
    discuss which specific and quantifiable metrics will be used to evaluate the
    efficacy of the campaigns.
AMC Institute Marketing and Creative Services Strategy and Execution August 2, 2021

ccess of our campaigns.

2   Content Marketing
    Video Production & Photography
    If a picture says a thousand words, a video says a million. CSG loves digital
    storytelling and understands that audiences expect to have an immersive video
    experience. Working with our production team in Hollywood, CSG brainstorms
    storyboards and creative direction to shoot and curate video that is not only
    compelling but also engages viewers, builds the brand and puts forth the right
    narrative. We believe that AMCI can go deeper with its video content to evoke more
    emotion, appeal to the audience’s needs and promote solutions to pain points
    experienced by associations and volunteer leaders.

    Our video production goes well beyond the traditional talking heads to content that
    evokes real emotion. We then leverage shorter edits of our videos for social and
    digital advertising.

    We also incorporate dynamic motion graphics to help tell our stories. These high-
    energy and revealing pieces are especially effective for unveiling new brands,
    messaging or show promotions.

    Finally, we know how to direct photography to capture the images that will
    complement our marketing efforts and most importantly, accurately reflect the
    diversity of the communities our clients represent and the commitment to DEI. Not
    known to leave anything to chance, we work side-by-side to art-direct shoots and
    stage shots to make sure we have what we need.

    Content Strategy and Management
    We also embrace the importance of content promotion in multiple channels. That
    postcard you put in the mail? Let’s repurpose it for a social media graphic. That
    video we created? Let’s do some shorter clips to use on Instagram and Twitter. The
    research report you just published? Let’s serve it up digitally as a white paper to
    drive lead generation. By removing the silos from your marketing approach, you’ll
    win with a more robust and integrated content strategy, and the investment you
    make in content development will have a stronger ROI by spanning across multiple
    channels and increasing impressions.

3   Digital and Social Media Strategies
    No marketing campaign is complete without a full integration of digital tactics. CSG
    has an entire digital team and strategic partners to design and execute digital
    strategies built to achieve our clients’ unique objectives. Our strategies are
    developed to deliver messages that build awareness, drive interest and
    engagement, encourage sharing, and, most importantly, generate conversions. Our
    most successful digital marketing campaigns have leveraged tactics including:

       •   Display and programmatic advertising
       •   IP/geofencing location-based advertising
       •   Retargeting and remarketing
       •   Paid social campaigns
       •   Influencer campaigns
       •   Organic social campaigns
       •   Lead generation campaigns
       •   InMail campaigns
       •   Content marketing and native advertising

    AMCI’s social and digital channels feature lots of video content and shares via
    industry resources or AMCI-generated programming and research. We will look to
    develop a unified strategy that integrates a combination of organic and paid
    tactics, and we can support that strategy with more cohesive messaging and
    creative assets.

    To scale the number of followers on AMCI social channels and eyes on the AMCI
    website, we may suggest investing in a native advertising strategy featuring
    content about the impact AMCs have had on volunteer-led organizations.
    Successful native advertising and sponsored content campaigns have increased
    traffic by tens of thousands to our clients’ websites.

    Another idea involves developing an AMC opportunity calculator. This tool could be
    used so that volunteer leaders, board members or other prospects could enter
    various data points for their association and the calculator would generate
    potential savings or revenue increases if working with an AMC. It could be a
    powerful tool that would be featured on a landing page as part of our digital
    campaigns and may also improve SEO.

    Based on insights from AMC owners and managers, many AMCs have niche
    business areas or industry focus. A digital advertising campaign that takes the user
    to a landing page where they would be asked what industry they serve and then
    provide AMC resources specific to their industry may be effective in generating real
    leads for members. This may help narrow the field for the user and would drive
    powerful and quantifiable metrics to show impact and engagement for members
    and the AMC model.

meet the team
Our talented team is comprised of marketing strategists, researchers, account
planners, exceptional designers, digital and interactive pros, and production gurus
who are all experts in developing, planning and executing award-winning marketing
campaigns. Our goal is to be a seamless extension of your team. We want to earn “a
seat at the table” by proving that we are a critical partner whose insights and
contributions are integral to your success.

CSG is a true partner and has been integral
to our success. Without a doubt, I consider
them some of the smartest and creative
minds in the non-profit world.

Megan Saad
International Association of
Amusement Parks and Attractions

scope of work and cost estimates
Marketing Strategy, Planning and Execution Support Services
CSG will become a seamless extension of the AMCI team to oversee the effective
execution of the campaign strategies and tactics.

As your strategic partner, CSG will provide:

    •    Strategic campaign planning and strategies to refine channel allocation,
         response rates, lead generation strategies and conversion tactics
    •    Project management and tactical execution for multichannel campaigns
    •    Development of campaign budgets and promotional timelines
    •    Brainstorm opportunities for elevating AMCI’s mission including activations
         at major industry events, sponsorships, speaking engagements, etc.
    •    Management, fulfillment and coordination of campaign deliverables and
         creative assets, including copywriting for related campaign promotions
    •    Client meetings, committee meetings and other related AMCI meetings as
    •    Benchmark reporting and metrics
    •    Media planning and fulfillment

Our professional service fees represent an average of 27 hours per month at
the blended rate of $150/hour. This does not include any fees related to graphic or
digital design and production services.

Fee: $4,000/month November 1, 2021, through December 31, 2022.

*does not include travel and related expenses to attend AMCI meetings, which will be billed back at our

Creative Campaign Concept
We will apply our proven creative process to develop a compelling and
breakthrough campaign concept that will elevate the AMC Model and will be
designed to support the campaign strategy. The core creative sets the theme,
tone, look and feel for the entire marketing campaign. This look and feel should be
used as the foundation for all promotional tactics and channels used to market
AMCI interests, including digital assets, social graphics, live experiences, print or
other related collateral, video content and more.
CSG will present at least three unique concepts and will build out the concepts to
showcase the design in multiple applications.
Creative Fee: $8,500

Social Media (organic content)
CSG will develop an editorial calendar that keeps relevant content flowing no fewer
than three times per week, continuing to position AMCI and the AMC Model as
leading the charge to increase business opportunities for AMCs. Social calendars
will integrate success stories, personal stories, partnerships, etc. We will develop
an overall content calendar and then create posts in advance for your team
to review and approve. We will also manage all postings, recommend
which content to boost and where to integrate paid advertising to
achieve your specified goals. CSG will also source/create images to support posts.
Different images, posting days/times and tone of voice will be tested for maximum
effectiveness, and progress reporting will be provided.

Organic social campaign planning and posting                 $2,000 per month
Organic social graphics (4 custom graphics per month)        $800 per month

Content Production
Our video team is an extension of our in-house designers and account service
personnel. Together, they work with our clients to bring engaging video footage to
life on screens. From motion graphics, animation and live-captured footage, the
team offers a varied skill set based on your digital storytelling needs.

Your dedicated CSG team can manage and art direct specific video and animations
as directed in the marketing plan and content strategy. The following represents
our video fee schedule:

Onsite Videography/Photography         $2,000 per day per crewmember
Video Editing                          $3,000 – $4,500 per :60 of completed video
Motion Graphics and Animations         $7,500 – $10,000, dependent on complexity
                                       of the storyboard, animations, etc.

Paid Digital Campaigns
CSG has an entire digital team to
design and execute digital strategies
built to pull qualified prospects and
members through the marketing funnel
into conversion.

CSG will research the most relevant
platforms to create paid digital ad
campaigns for AMCI. Our campaign
management includes campaign
strategy, setup and launch, conversion
tracking install, monthly optimizations,
and biweekly analysis.

We will also provide our interactive dashboard to AMCI, which offers daily views and
direct client access to the campaign performance (see sample screenshot here).
Based on our research of your audiences, plus final budgets, the final action plan
may include only a selection of these ideas:

   •   Display/programmatic
   •   Lead generation ads
   •   Email targeting
   •   Lookalike audiences
   •   Retargeting and remarketing
   •   Addressable geofencing /location-based advertising
   •   Content marketing and native advertising

Database Augmentation
Another tool we may suggest is database augmentation, using custom software
that will allow us to append records based on data AMCI already owns. The benefit
of using this tool is that the digital campaigns will reach deeper into existing
customers, layering in additional prospects that could expand your reach across all
platforms, at an extremely low cost. Another feature of this software is the ability
to create lookalike audiences. These lists will be used for all digital advertising
tactics outlined in the recommendations. It’s important to note that the data will be
encrypted and only readable by digital advertising platforms.

Should the database augmentation subscription be included as part of the final
action plan, the expense will be added to this budget allotment. An initial $650
subscription gives AMCI a subscription to the service for one year and will cover any
other digital campaigns managed by CSG within this year. Includes an initial first list
download of 10k or fewer contacts. Every additional list uploaded will be $50.

                                                              Project Estimate: $900

Search Engine Marketing
Based on the limited data available for the target prospect audiences, SEM
campaigns and responsive advertising will be a critical complement to the display
ad campaigns. We’d run SEM on Google only, focusing on likely keyword searches of
association managers, volunteer leaders and board members. We would want to
leverage lead generation tactics via landing pages to collect this valuable data and
get qualified prospects in our retargeting loop to feed them more information
about why they should use AMC services.

There will be three sets of fees associated with the digital plan:

Campaign Platform Management and Optimization
CSG’s campaign management includes campaign setup and launch, conversion
tracking install, monthly optimizations, and biweekly analysis.

Project fee: $750 per platform, per month

Digital Advertising Placement Fees
Recommended media spend*: $5,000/month
*CSG does not charge any markup or commission on media spend. We can put the expenses on a CSG
corporate credit card and invoice the client each month. Or the client can provide a credit card when we
set up the campaigns.

Creative Fees
As part of the digital plan, CSG will include recommendations for various display
formats to maximize engagement with your audiences. CSG can manage the
development of all creative assets and advertising units for the digital campaign.

Creative for up to 40 unique sizes: $8,000
SEM keyword research and copywriting: $3,000

Email Marketing
Email will be used to communicate with contacts in the AMCI database including
members, partners, and prospects. If AMCI requires additional support to execute
email marketing initiatives, the following fee schedule will apply:

    Email template design: $1,250/event
    Custom-designed HTML email w/formatted copy and coding: $2,000 each
    E-cards: $850 each

Other Digital Design Fees:

    Social media skins (per skin): $500
    Standard banner ad unit: $350
    AMC marketing toolkit development to be integrated into your website: $5,000

Print and Digital PDF Design Fees:

    Oversized postcard: $2,000
    Two-sided one sheet: $1,500
    Brochure (6-8 pages): $4,500
    Longer form brochure (24 pages): $10,500
    Unique format mail piece: $3,500

proposed timeline
  •   September 2021: Team kickoff and discovery

  •   October 2021: Stakeholder Interviews, campaign metrics and KPI
      assessment, and marketing plan development

  •   November 1, 2021: BOD presentation and plan presentation

  •   November – December 2021: Creative concept development and
      related creative units prepared for campaign launch

  •   January 2022: Campaign launches in market (PCMA activation)

  Chris Daw
  Associate Executive Director
  AASA – The School Superintendents Association
  Tel: 703-875-0713

  Colleen Phalen
  Chief Creative Officer
  American Association for Justice
  Tel: 202-944-2867

  Diane Tiberio
  Vice President, Marketing
  American Pet Products Association
  Tel: 203-532-3673

  Rick Church
  Head Coach
  CM Services
  Tel: 630.730.3589
AMCI Budget Projections by Cost Center*
                                                     *costs are based on the scope of work presented in the RFP and are estimates based on our best judgement
                                                     completing similar scopes, execution and work with other clients. Prices may adjust up or down once actual
                                                     marketing plan has been finalized and approved. CSG will present AMCI with final pricing estimates for approval
                                                     before any work commences.

                                                      Budget (annual impact or
                Cost Center                              project estimate as               2022 Estimated Cost             Budget Narrative/Fee Justification

                                                                                                                         Day to day campaign and project management
                                                                                                                         support, overarching marketing plans and
Comprehensive Marketing Planning, implementation
                                                              $4000/month                          $48,000               recommendations, project management,
         Support and Strategic Execution Services
                                                                                                                         reporting and monitoring of campaign
                                                                                                                         performance against established KPIs, etc.

                                Creative Concept                  $8,500                            $8,500

                             Social Media Content             $2000/month                          $24,000

                            Social Media Graphics              800/month                            $9,600

                                                                                                                         Video production services, photography, stock
                                                                                                                         and original, editorial content, blog posts, etc.
                       Video and Content Creation                $16,000                            $16,000
                                                                                                                         that will be used to support marketing

                     Digital Platform Management        $750/platform per month                    $27,000               recommend 3 platforms per month

        Digital Creative Assets and Graphic Design               $15,000                            $15,000

               Onsite Experiences and Activations                 $5,000                            $5,000               Merch, swag, etc. as needed

                         Digital Advertising Spend            $5000/month                          $60,000

              Web development and landing pages                   $5,000                            $5,000               To anchor digital campaigns

                                 Marketing toolkit                $7,500                                                 To support AMC with promotional tools.

Estimated 2022 Marketing Costs                                                                    $201,600
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