Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands - The underlying reality of logistics and operations and its impact on brand ...

Page created by Rodney Holmes
Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands - The underlying reality of logistics and operations and its impact on brand ...
Amazon Prime Day
Cancelled in Canada: The
Implications for Brands
The underlying reality of logistics and
operations and its impact on brand
eCommerce and media plans
Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands - The underlying reality of logistics and operations and its impact on brand ...
Amazon’s statement:
                                                                         “Based on the impact of COVID-19 in
                                                                         Canada and the importance that we place
                                                                         on protecting the health and safety of our
                                                                         employees, we will not hold Prime Day in

The Situation                                                            Canada this year.”

After previously announcing that their annual largest               by the end of the year, with Amazon being the biggest
two-day marketing event would be postponed,                         driver of this shortage. The news reflects the struggles
Amazon has cancelled Prime Day 2021 in Canada due                   that Amazon will continue to face in their ability to
to the impact of COVID-19.                                          keep up with consumer demand in Canada. With
                                                                    eCommerce sales already experiencing record gains
While concerns over the health and safety of Amazon’s               during the pandemic, the implications of these
employees and customers was cited as the primary                    struggles could be much more problematic for brands
reason for cancelling Prime Day this year, we suspect               versus the lost revenue from the Prime Day
that ongoing storage capacity issues in Amazon’s                    cancellation.
fulfillment centres was another key reason. The
unprecedented surge of eCommerce sales has resulted                 Highlighted below are key implications and
in significant supply chain challenges. CBRE has                    recommendations that brands should consider to help
predicted that Canada could run out of warehouse space              better manage their inventory needs for Amazon.

      75 %                               13.4%
                                                                     •   The next big bet outside of Prime Day is now
                                                                         Black Friday & Cyber Monday (BFCM). Typically,
                                                                         Amazon sponsored campaigns can be planned
Retail eCommerce                                                         two weeks out, but brands need at least four to
                                     Projected eCommerce
growth in Canada                                                         eight weeks lead time at minimum for Amazon to
                                    penetration of Canadian
     last year
                                      retail sales in 2021               adjust the forecast and ensure inventory arrives in
                                                                         time for the start of the campaign. Brands should
                                                                         finalize workback timelines so they can pre-plan
                                                                         accordingly with their relevant stakeholders to
                                                                         ensure product stays in stock for the duration of
Advertising Inventory                                                •
                                                                         the campaign.
                                                                         Similar to prior years, we expect customers to
Requirements                                                             start holiday shopping earlier this season and
                                                                         recommend allocating a larger portion of
While we expect brands to reallocate their Prime Day                     dollars throughout October and November to
funding towards other key pulse periods throughout                       drive sufficient “Pre-BFCM” surge leading up to
the remainder of the year, even the best laid                            the event.
                                                                     •   Consider additional test and learn opportunities in
advertising strategy can prove to be fruitless if there
                                                                         other advertising channels, such as Criteo or
is insufficient inventory to support campaigns. As
                                                                         Walmart Connect, to diversify investment and
Amazon’s demand forecast algorithm does not                              assess performance. Although activating through
automatically adjust for the potential increased                         these channels may represent a smaller
demand when investing in paid advertising on                             proportion of eCommerce sales, we expect future
featured products, it’s essential for marketers to                       growth potential, particularly given some of the
connect internally with their Amazon account                             inventory constraints on Amazon.
manager to ensure that there will be sufficient stock                •    Should this be “media spend”? Or are they
when planning upcoming promotions.                                       referring to some other budget?

Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands                                                              1
Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands - The underlying reality of logistics and operations and its impact on brand ...
Product Packaging not                                               Alternative 1P Fulfillment
Optimized for eCommerce                                             Options
Amazon has specific guidelines regarding how                        Depending on the brand’s level of maturity on
products should be prepared and packaged for                        Amazon, there are additional fulfillment options that
optimal receipt and delivery to avoid damage upon                   vendors can utilize to guarantee in stock product and
arrival to the consumer. Many brands will find that                 avoid inventory backlogs if strictly operating in a 1P
listing the same product they normally merchandise                  environment.
on shelf and sell in a traditional brick-and-mortar store
may not physically hold up well to be shipped and
sold online.

Vendor chargebacks resulting from Amazon having to                    Recommendation:
prep items for shipping can be costly and erode
profits. Not only that, products that require prep are
automatically placed in the problem receipt line upon                            Vendor Flex
arrival at Amazon fulfillment centres, creating
additional delays to the turnaround time in which the
product will be made available to ship to the                         Vendor Flex: Vendor Flex is an invite-only
consumer.                                                             program in which vendors allocate dedicated
                                                                      space in their own warehouses for Amazon to use
A recent study from Profitero showed that it can take                 as a micro fulfillment centre. Not only can this
up to seven days for an Amazon Standard                               method help ensure that top sellers stay in stock
Identification Number (ASIN) to recover its original                  and significantly cut shipping lead times, there are
organic search rank placement on Amazon after                         also potential cost savings in terms of reduced
being out of stock for only two or more days. This                    shipping costs, chargebacks, and prep costs by
                                                                      leveraging this partnership. Brands should reach
clearly highlights the importance of addressing
                                                                      out to their Vendor Manager for more details
operational issues and reducing lead times where
                                                                      regarding eligibility.
possible to minimize lost sales and dropped search

                                                                                 Direct Fulfillment (Drop Ship)
•   We recommend vendors check their operational                      Direct Fulfillment (Drop Ship): Amazon’s Direct
    performance scorecard on Amazon Vendor                            Fulfillment, more commonly known as “Drop
    Central to review any associated chargebacks,                     Ship,” is heavily favoured by Amazon and other
    and run a cost-benefit analysis to assess if any                  eRetailers alike. Vendors ship inventory from their
    prep-related chargebacks can be performed in-                     own warehouse (or third-party partner) to deliver
    house prior to shipping to Amazon for items that                  direct to their end customers. Not only can drop
    have valid charges.                                               shipping streamline supply chain processes for
•   Brands should consider creating eCommerce                         Amazon, but it will allow brands to scale this
    specific bundles/SKUs that meet Amazon’s prep                     capability across other eRetailer marketplaces
    requirements and can drive incremental sales to                   and commerce platforms to fulfill demand
    their existing product catalogue.                                 regardless of where the consumer is shopping.

Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands                                                            1
Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands - The underlying reality of logistics and operations and its impact on brand ...
Lack of Inventory
as a 1P Seller
For manufacturers listed as a 1P vendor on Amazon a
main drawback is the lack of control over inventory
management and pricing. With consumer purchasing
behaviour increasingly shifting towards online
shopping, more retailers are leaning heavily into the
eCommerce space causing heightened price scraping
– where Amazon’s proprietary algorithm
automatically matches the lowest online retail price
on select identical products. This practice creates
profitability challenges from an Amazon and
manufacturer point of view as this activity is not
typically vendor funded and results in increased asks
from Amazon to offset the profit hit during annual

Recommendation:                                                                Share of units sold by
•   Adopting a hybrid 1P and 3P selling model has
                                                                            3rd party sellers on Amazon
    been a popular option for many brands. While
    historically, many demand generation and
    advertising tools were exclusive to 1P sellers, the
    distinctions have become less apparent. Currently,
    3P sellers benefit from similar offerings previously            Closing Remarks
    exclusive to 1P listings, and more capabilities are
    continually being added. One of the main                        In summary, there are many options brands can
    differences between 1P and 3P selling is that                   explore to further safeguard their Amazon business
    third-party sellers own their inventory and                     and mitigate inventory issues. Each of the
    therefore have more control over the amount of                  highlighted recommendations can be timely and
    stock that can be shipped to Amazon’s fulfillment               complex to set-up and execute, but will help sustain
    centres or through their own networks.                          growth for the long term. We are barely seeing the tip
•   We recommend that 1P vendors test and learn                     of the iceberg of what will continue to be a
    with a small subset of SKUs to sell via 3P to                   revolutionary time for commerce, driven by the
    identify the optimal strategy for their business                convergence of the decision journey and the
    moving forward. 1P and 3P operations on the                     acceleration of digital’s influence on current and
    Amazon side function independently of each                      future commercial models. Brands should encourage
    other, making it a delicate balance for brands to               the removal of internal silos across their cross-
    transition product listings over to 3P while still              functional teams while working hand in hand with
    protecting their core 1P assortment and                         their trusted partners to better understand these
    preserving the relationship with their vendor                   implications and how to best execute along their
    manager.                                                        eCommerce journey.

Amazon Prime Day Cancelled in Canada: The Implications for Brands                                                            1
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