Aligning implementation science with improvement practice: a call to action
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Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Implementation Science Communications DEBATE Open Access Aligning implementation science with improvement practice: a call to action Jennifer Leeman1* , Catherine Rohweder2, Matthew Lee3, Alison Brenner4, Andrea Dwyer5, Linda K. Ko6,7, Meghan C. O’Leary8, Grace Ryan9, Thuy Vu6 and Shoba Ramanadhan10 Abstract Background: In several recent articles, authors have called for aligning the fields of implementation and improvement science. In this paper, we call for implementation science to also align with improvement practice. Multiple implementation scholars have highlighted the importance of designing implementation strategies to fit the existing culture, infrastructure, and practice of a healthcare system. Worldwide, healthcare systems are adopting improvement models as their primary approach to improving healthcare delivery and outcomes. The prevalence of improvement models raises the question of how implementation scientists might best align their efforts with healthcare systems’ existing improvement infrastructure and practice. Main body: We describe three challenges and five benefits to aligning implementation science and improvement practice. Challenges include (1) use of different models, terminology, and methods, (2) a focus on generalizable versus local knowledge, and (3) limited evidence in support of the effectiveness of improvement tools and methods. We contend that implementation science needs to move beyond these challenges and work toward greater alignment with improvement practice. Aligning with improvement practice would benefit implementation science by (1) strengthening research/practice partnerships, (2) fostering local ownership of implementation, (3) generating practice-based evidence, (4) developing context-specific implementation strategies, and (5) building practice-level capacity to implement interventions and improve care. Each of these potential benefits is illustrated in a case study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network. Conclusion: To effectively integrate evidence-based interventions into routine practice, implementation scientists need to align their efforts with the improvement culture and practice that is driving change within healthcare systems worldwide. This paper provides concrete examples of how researchers have aligned implementation science with improvement practice across five implementation projects. Keywords: Implementation science, Improvement practice, Quality improvement, Cancer prevention and control, Case studies * Correspondence: 1 School of Nursing, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB #7460, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 2 of 11 efforts to design and redesign work processes and sys- Contributions to the literature tems with the goal of improving local outcomes [4]. Tension continues to exist between the fields of Across the USA and worldwide, healthcare systems implementation science and improvement practice. This are adopting Lean Six Sigma, quality improvement, and other improvement models as their primary approach to paper presents both the challenges and benefits to aligning improving practice [5–10]. Table 1 provides a list of the two fields. widely used improvement models [11]. This paper argues that greater alignment between The widespread adoption of improvement models is implementation science and improvement practice has the driven in part by requirements that health systems de- potential to strengthen the implementation of evidence- velop improvement programs to qualify for health insur- based interventions. ance reimbursement and other sources of funding [12– Five case studies provide concrete examples of how Cancer 15]. Concurrently, a host of organizations have emerged Prevention and Control Research Network members are to provide training and online resources to build im- provement capacity [16–20]. As a result, many health- achieving the benefits of aligning implementation science care systems are investing in improvement with improvement practice. infrastructure, hiring personnel with expertise in im- provement models, and training providers and staff to use tools such as root cause analysis, process flow dia- gramming, run charts, and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Background cycles [21–25]. In several recent articles, authors have called for aligning A central tenet of implementation science is that im- the fields of implementation and improvement science plementation strategies will be most successful when with the goal of strengthening both fields’ potential to they align with healthcare systems’ existing culture, in- improve care [1–3]. These authors contend that closer frastructure, and practices [26]. Consistent with this ten- alignment would promote “cross-fertilization,” with each ant, healthcare systems’ widespread adoption of field learning from and building on the other’s expertise, improvement models raises the question of whether and methods, and frameworks [2]. While we recognize the how implementation scientists might best align their ef- value of closer alignment between implementation sci- forts with improvement practice. In this paper, we de- ence and improvement science, we contend that imple- scribe three challenges and five benefits of aligning mentation science may gain as much or more from implementation science with improvement practice. We greater alignment with improvement practice. then illustrate each of the potential benefits of alignment Implementation science and improvement science in five case studies from the Centers for Disease Control both aim to produce generalizable knowledge to guide and Prevention (CDC)-funded Cancer Prevention and the improvement of healthcare services and health out- Control Research Network (CPCRN). comes but differ in their approach. Implementation sci- ence focuses on increasing the uptake of evidence-based Table 1. Sample improvement modelsa interventions (EBIs) whereas improvement science fo- Quality improvement model cuses on iteratively measuring and improving care pro- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) cesses and systems (2). Improvement science has its Donabedian Model foundation in the field of improvement practice, which European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model also focuses on improving care processes and systems ISO 9000-9004 (International Organization for Standardization) (1). Improvement practice is distinct from improvement Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) science in that its goal is to produce the local (rather Model than generalizable) knowledge needed to improve care Kooperation für Transparenz und Qualität im Krankenhaus (KTQ) in a specific setting [1]. In this paper, we acknowledge Lean Management other scholars’ observations on the value of aligning im- plementation science and improvement science: for ex- Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award (MBQA) ample, the opportunity to share their respective Quality Improvement (QI) expertise in assessing contextual factors and engaging Six Sigma practice-level stakeholders in the co-creation of solutions Strategic Collaborative Quality Management (SCQM) [2]. However, we move beyond this prior work by Total Quality Management (TQM) highlighting the need for greater alignment between im- a Models were referenced at least 3 times according to [9, 11] plementation science and improvement practice, with EBI evidence-based intervention, PDSA Plan-Do-Study-Act, HPV human improvement practice defined as practice-initiated papillomavirus, FIT fecal immunochemical test
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 3 of 11 Main text Challenge 3: The evidence base for the effectiveness of The challenges of aligning implementation science with improvement practice is limited improvement practice Systematic reviews of the literature have identified wide As detailed below, three primary challenges have im- variation in how healthcare systems are using improve- peded the alignment of implementation science with im- ment models and tools [30–32]. For example, Taylor provement practice. and colleagues [30] reviewed studies that used Plan-Do- Study-Act (PDSA cycles), a widely used improvement tool that involves multiple, small, rapid tests of a local Challenge 1: Implementation science and improvement improvement. They found that 81% (59/73) of studies practice use different models, terminology, and approaches failed to report the conduct of iterative cycles of change, Implementation science and improvement practice both and only two of the studies reviewed demonstrated promote specific approaches, referred to as “strategies” healthcare system compliance with all key principles of in implementation science and “interventions” or “tools” the PDSA cycle method [30]. Reed and Card (2016) de- in improvement practice [1, 2]. While the approaches termined that teams rarely completed the full PDSA have similar objectives, the two fields use different ter- cycle, putting most of their effort into “Doing” and far minology and apply different techniques. For example, less into “Studying” and “Acting” [31]. In a systematic both implementation science and improvement practice review of the literature, Hill et al. (2020) found mixed promote approaches for identifying contextual factors evidence for the effect of quality improvement on health that contribute to a problem and/or inform a practice services and little evidence for effects on health out- change. Both fields also promote strategies, interven- comes [32]. The limited evidence in support of effective- tions, and tools for use in developing and testing solu- ness may lead implementation scientists to dismiss tions to problems. The implementation science literature improvement practice as an approach that does not describes a multitude of strategies, with one widely cited work. However, this is not the conclusion of Hill et al. taxonomy listing 73 distinct strategies [27]. In contrast, who point to the poor quality of evaluation methods, each improvement model offers its own distinct and complexity of the changes being evaluated, and the need relatively small list of interventions and tools, such as for more well-designed studies to demonstrate quality Fishbone diagrams, the Five Why’s, and process flow di- improvement’s effectiveness [32]. agrams among others [28]. Although many of these in- terventions and tools are similar across models, they The benefits of aligning implementation science with may vary in terminology, format, methods, and frame- improvement practice works. These variations not only create barriers to com- In this paper, we advocate for the benefits of implemen- munication among implementation scientists and tation science and improvement practice aligning with improvement practice professionals, but also create con- and building on each other’s strengths. We do not argue fusion among the frontline providers and staff who are for the value of generalizing the findings from improve- central to the hands-on work of implementing EBIs. ment projects or for the effectiveness of improvement practice at improving health services and outcomes. Ra- ther, we highlight five potential benefits of aligning with Challenge 2: Improvement practice produces locally specific, improvement practice as a means of strengthening re- rather than generalizable, knowledge search/practice partnerships, fostering local ownership As noted above, implementation science and improve- of EBI implementation, generating in-depth knowledge ment practice have different objectives. Implementation of the practice context, and developing context-specific science aims to provide generalizable knowledge to im- implementation strategies. prove healthcare services and outcomes. In contrast, im- provement practice seeks to generate local knowledge to Benefit 1: Strengthen research/practice partnerships by improve healthcare services and outcomes in a specific supporting healthcare systems’ improvement projects setting [1]. The emphasis given to the difference be- Implementation science typically requires that re- tween science and practice contributes to the tendency searchers engage with healthcare providers, staff, and to view improvement practice as outside of implementa- multiple levels of system leadership in the healthcare tion science’s scope. For example, Mitchell and Cham- systems where they plan to implement EBIs. Engaging bers (2017) depict improvement science, implementation these stakeholders is challenging due to competing de- science, and other fields as forming an inter-related mands for their time and attention. Furthermore, these grouping of disciplines, and place quality improvement stakeholders may resist the input of researchers outside (a widely used improvement model) in a small oval com- their organizations, as reflected in a recent article where pletely outside that grouping [29]. authors refer to implementation science as tending
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 4 of 11 toward “scientific imperialism” and an “overall approach within a specific setting and population. In this way, that disrespects and undervalues primary care as a co- practical considerations drive the selection, testing, and producer of knowledge” [33]. This observation not only refinement of candidate solutions for a given evidence- applies to primary care but also to other healthcare sys- practice gap. By partnering with improvement teams on tems and providers. As noted above, many healthcare the use of process maps and other improvement tools, systems are adopting improvement models as their pri- implementation scientists can elicit the practice-based mary method for improving care processes. Recognizing evidence needed to select, adapt, and refine EBIs and im- and respecting this reality may be key to implementation plementation strategies [39]. This careful attention to scientists gaining entrée into healthcare systems and en- local knowledge may be particularly important to efforts gaging stakeholders in the adoption, adaptation, and im- to promote health equity, as it is key to identifying fac- plementation of new EBIs [34]. In addition to supporting tors that contribute to health disparities [40]. implementation research, engaged research/practice partnerships can strengthen healthcare systems’ im- Benefit 4: Conduct Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to provement projects by contributing expertise in potential develop and refine implementation strategies solutions to identified problems and methods for evalu- Another primary component of many improvement ating impact. models is the PDSA cycle. In conducting PDSA cy- cles, improvement teams design changes that they Benefit 2: Foster local ownership of EBI implementation and then rapidly test in multiple, small experiments with sustainment the goal of developing “fit-for-purpose solutions” to In improvement teams, providers and staff work to- improve care [30]. In contrast, many of the current gether to plan and test improvements in their unique approaches to developing implementation strategies healthcare setting, thereby promoting local ownership of require substantial, upfront investments of time and the change in practice [35]. Partnerships between im- resources (e.g., Implementation Mapping) [41, 42]. provement teams and implementation scientists can Furthermore, they often yield a multicomponent im- yield opportunities to co-create EBIs as well as imple- plementation strategy that is then “frozen” and dis- mentation strategies. Decades of research have shown tributed for replication across multiple settings [37]. that individuals are more likely to adopt and implement While settings may be encouraged to adapt multicom- interventions when they view themselves as the owners ponent implementation strategies, little guidance is of the interventions and are able to shape them to fit provided on how to identify and address contextual local needs and preferences [36]. Local ownership also is factors that may influence implementation in new set- essential to sustaining an intervention over time. Once tings [43]. PDSA cycles offer an approach that imple- engaged, an improvement team has the potential to mentation scientists might apply to engage local monitor implementation and respond to changes such improvement teams in rapid, iterative testing of im- as new regulations, new funding streams, or changes in plementation strategies. Multiple examples exist of staffing or in the population served [37]. implementation scientists using PDSA cycles to de- velop, test, and refine implementation strategies, such Benefit 3: Employ improvement tools to generate practice- as in the case of “implementation laboratories” [44] based evidence and multi-organization “learning evaluation” projects Eliciting local stakeholders’ knowledge of their local con- [45]. text is key to ensuring that an EBI and its implementa- tion align with a practice setting’s needs, assets, and Benefit 5: Build healthcare systems’ overall capacity to priorities. Recent years have seen a growing emphasis on implement EBIs and improve care the importance of this type of “practice-based” evidence, Strengthening healthcare systems’ use of improvement which Leeman and Sandelowski defined as “evidence models and tools is important for both the improvement concerning the contexts, experiences, and practices of teams and implementation scientists to achieve their healthcare providers working in real-world practice set- maximum potential. The literature includes examples of tings” [38]. Improvement models (e.g., Lean Six Sigma, implementation scientists partnering with healthcare the Improvement Model) typically consist of a system- systems to bolster application of their improvement atic, multistep approach that involves the use of specific models and tools, usually in support of a specific EBI tools to describe current processes (e.g., process maps) [46]. Efforts to strengthen a system’s use of improve- and identify the root causes of problems with or gaps in ment models and tools include the provision of training, those processes (e.g., fishbone diagrams). These tools are tools, and other support to build improvement capacity designed to capture team members’ local knowledge of as well as evaluations of improvement processes and the factors that influence care delivery and outcomes outcomes. Of note, efforts to build improvement
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 5 of 11 capacity may incorporate implementation science frame- described. Below, we highlight five case studies, each of works, strategies, and outcomes. For example, evalua- which was selected to illustrate one of the benefits of tions of improvement projects may draw on aligning implementation science and improvement implementation frameworks and outcomes. In addition, practice. programs intended to strengthen the use of improve- ment models and tools may include menus of imple- Case Study 1: Utilizing a research/practice partnership to mentation strategies to broaden the solutions available improve colorectal cancer screening rates (Benefit: to overcome barriers to improvement. Strengthen research/practice partnerships) Researchers at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCR Chapel Hill are partnering with a large, academic pri- N) case studies of implementation science/improvement mary care practice that serves 13,000 adult patients and practice alignment provides over 39,000 visits per year. The practice has ex- As summarized in Fig. 1, we describe five case studies tensive experience with quality improvement (QI) and that illustrate how CPCRN researchers are achieving the participates in a system-wide improvement collaborative. benefits of aligning implementation science and im- Recently, UNC researchers partnered on a clinic- provement practice in their cancer prevention and con- initiated project to address a sudden drop in colorectal trol projects. Each of the case studies was selected to cancer (CRC) screening rates. In October 2018, the prac- highlight one of the five benefits; however, in reality each tice’s QI committee noted a steep decrease in CRC case exemplifies multiple benefits. screening rates while reviewing standard clinical quality The CPCRN is a national network funded by the Cen- measures. A subgroup of the QI committee was formed ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Na- to study the problem and implement potential solutions. tional Cancer Institute (NCI). Since 2002, CPCRN The team conducted a root-cause analysis and found centers have conducted practice-engaged research to ac- that prior interventions, in which CRC screening home celerate the adoption and implementation of cancer pre- test kits were distributed during annual clinic visits, in- vention and control interventions [47, 48]. In this creased CRC screening rates. However, the interventions current funding cycle (2019–2024), the CPCRN created were not sustained over time, resulting in a drop in a cross-center workgroup to study the alignment of im- screening rates. To identify a more sustainable solution, plementation science and improvement practice. Work- the team engaged UNC researchers with expertise in group members from the eight CPCRN member sites mailed CRC test kit outreach, a CRC screening interven- completed an initial survey of implementation research tion that does not require a clinic visit and has limited projects that incorporated improvement models and impact on clinic workflows. Researchers partnered with tools. A total of 17 projects were identified and the team on multiple PDSA cycles to develop a protocol Fig. 1 Five case studies illustrating the five benefits of aligning implementation science and improvement practice within cancer prevention and control
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 6 of 11 for mailing CRC test kits, targeting patients who had screening. Patient navigation is an evidence-based inter- previously completed a screening kit but were now over- vention that employs patient navigators to guide patients due (Fig. 2). From November 2018 to April 2019, eligible through the health care system and reduce barriers to patients received (a) a mailed packet containing an intro- screening and treatment [51]. In 2018, CCSP partnered ductory letter and a screening kit, and (b) a reminder with National Jewish Health to develop training, mate- message through the patient portal. A total of 160 rials, and tools to expand patient navigation to lung can- screening kits were mailed across four waves. In the first cer screening. In 2019, CCSP invited members of their three waves, adjustments were made between mailings statewide network of clinic systems to pilot the materials to improve the materials (e.g., wave 2 included an edited and tools. Guided by the PRISM framework [52], the introductory letter, wave 3 included a Spanish language CCSP team conducted an assessment to determine clinic letter). As illustrated in Fig. 2, the project achieved its readiness and selected two community health centers goal of increasing CRC screening rates to above 77%. with the organizational capacity (i.e., commitment to This case study illustrates the importance of researcher cancer screening and staffing resources and time) and support for a practice-initiated project in developing environmental supports (i.e., access to hospital or radi- strong research/practice partnerships. Through their ology practices to provide low-dose computed tomog- decade-long partnership with this clinic, CPCRN re- raphy [CT] screening services) needed to pilot test the searchers have engaged clinic stakeholders in multiple lung cancer screening materials and tools. One of the researcher-initiated projects [49, 50]. tools was a process flow template outlining the processes that clinics and patient navigators would use to identify Case Study 2: Tailoring lung cancer screening to fit clinic patients eligible for screening, engage providers and pa- systems within the Colorado Cancer Screening Program for tients in shared decision making, refer patients to CT Patient Navigation (Benefit: Foster local ownership of EBI lung cancer centers/hospitals, and track processes and implementation) outcomes [53, 54]. Researchers and public health practitioners at the Uni- CCSP provided technical assistance to aid clinics in versity of Colorado Cancer Center and the Colorado adapting the process flow template and creating a School of Public Health have developed and imple- process flow diagram that was tailored to each clinic’s mented the Colorado Cancer Screening Program existing staffing, workflows, and referral arrangement (CCSP). With funding from state-level tobacco tax rev- with CT lung cancer centers/hospitals. For example, the enue, the CCSP has built extensive statewide partner- more urban of the two pilot clinics shares an electronic ships, including partnerships with nearly 150 clinic health record (EHR) with its CT provider. This shared systems and other organizations. The cornerstone of system allows their primary care team to have a stream- CCSP over the last decade has been the use of patient lined process flow diagram for referring patients and navigation to deliver multi-level EBIs to increase CRC tracking processes and outcomes (Fig. 3). In contrast, Fig. 2 Run chart of CRC test kit completion rates
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 7 of 11 Fig. 3 Process flow diagram for lung cancer screening the rural clinic does not have a formal connection with customizing workflows, while maintaining fidelity to its CT provider nor do they share the same EHR. As a the guidelines, allows the decision makers within each result, a more complex process flow diagram was system to embrace lung cancer screening and imple- needed to outline the processes needed to refer pa- ment it within existing capacity and resources while tients and track outcomes (see Additional File 1: Lung also planning for longer-term sustainability of their Cancer Screening Workflow). The approach to efforts.
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 8 of 11 Case Study 3: Diagramming process flow to scale up Case Study 4: Using Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles to implement colorectal cancer screening (Benefit: Generate practice- human papillomavirus vaccination programs (Benefit: based evidence) Develop implementation strategies) UNC researchers are incorporating process flow dia- Researchers at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine gramming throughout the design, implementation, are partnering with six community health centers (three and evaluation of their National Institutes of Health pediatric clinics and three school-based clinics) in (NIH)-funded Scaling Colorectal Cancer Screening Southwest Brooklyn to evaluate and support the imple- through Outreach, Referral, and Engagement (SCORE) mentation of their HPV vaccination programs for low- study. In collaboration with two community health income adolescent populations. As a first step, semi- centers, SCORE is testing the effectiveness of an structured key informant interviews are being conducted intervention that combines mailed CRC screening with multi-level stakeholders, including medical direc- home test kits, patient reminders, and navigation to tors and other organizational leaders, nurse practi- follow-up colonoscopy for patients with a positive test tioners, frontline staff, and administrators across all six result. Process flow diagrams are being used to high- clinics. Guided by the RE-AIM framework [55], these in- light key differences in the process steps and to delin- terviews serve the dual purposes of establishing and eate roles and resources needed based on feedback maintaining relationships with organizational leaders from clinic staff about their local context and stan- and staff across the community health centers and soli- dards of care. The research team iteratively developed citing multi-level perspectives on organizational pro- the process maps through multiple stakeholder- cesses and outcomes regarding the adoption, engaged sessions. The maps reflect input from pro- implementation, effectiveness, and sustainability of their gram directors and staff at the community health cen- HPV vaccination efforts. Analyses of the interview data ters where SCORE is being implemented. Each will include understanding and documenting: (a) im- diagram documents all steps in the process and iden- provements efforts and infrastructure that are currently tifies which individuals perform each step. The team in place at each clinic; (b) implementation strategies that created a separate diagram for each of the core com- are being used to support reach, retention, and equity; ponents of the SCORE intervention, which include and (c) ideas for how to improve the programs moving developing a registry of eligible patients, conducting a forward both in general and in response to the COVID- mailed screening program, and navigating patients 19 pandemic. with a positive screening test to follow-up Informed by findings from these key informant inter- colonoscopy. views, the NYU team will convene a virtual learning col- Early iterations of the process flow diagrams were used laborative and provide technical assistance to support to plan implementation of the intervention. Visualization each community health center as they conduct iterative of the planned steps helped identify outstanding ques- PDSA cycles to refine existing implementation strategies tions about both the intervention and implementation, and develop new ones as needed to address barriers to as well as prioritize decision-making. These decisions in- implementation. In addition to PDSA cycles, clinics will cluded (a) determining the total number of patient con- learn to use additional improvement tools that guide tacts (e.g., mail and phone reminders); (b) optimizing root cause and strength/weakness/opportunity/threat the order of intervention activities and the time intervals (SWOT) analyses (e.g., fishbone diagrams) for use in between activities; and (c) identifying the appropriate in- identifying and addressing potential threats as commu- dividual or organization to perform specific steps. The nity health centers seek to build capacity for and sustain process flow diagrams were then used to develop a com- high-quality HPV vaccination programs in the future. prehensive set of implementation outcomes to be mea- sured. For example, fidelity and cost measures were Case Study 5: Building capacity to monitor the mapped onto each process step, noting which tool(s) implementation of mailed CRC screening home test kits would be used for measurement, the frequency of meas- (Benefit: Build overall capacity) urement, and where these data would be tracked. The Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) pro- ongoing assessment of these measures during implemen- vide implementation and evaluation technical assistance tation will provide insight into the time and resources to community health centers across Washington State required for implementation, potential challenges to that participate in the CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control implementing the intervention as intended, and oppor- Program. In this role, UW researchers partnered with tunities to create efficiencies. The evidence gathered three community health centers to evaluate a mailed from the SCORE process flow diagrams will be used to CRC screening home test kit intervention to increase inform the adaptation and sustainment of the interven- CRC screening. The three community health centers op- tion in community health centers across the state. erate 45 medical clinics that mail out more than 2000
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 9 of 11 CRC test kits annually. UW researchers met individually notably, all cases resulted in stronger research/prac- with community health centers to learn about their CRC tice partnerships and increased capacity to imple- screening workflows and identify data capture points for ment EBIs and improve care. monitoring and improvement. During these visits, com- Investments are needed to build the capacity within munity health center partners reported that their current both implementation science and improvement practice. quality monitoring systems lacked the capacity and flexi- Ideally, implementation scientists would include orienta- bility to comprehensively monitor and evaluate imple- tion to improvement practice in the multiple trainings mentation of their mailed screening kit programs. being offered to build capacity in the field of implemen- Researchers developed a simple Microsoft Excel track- tation science [58] and would encourage attendees to ing tool for partners to use; tool contents were tailored participate in one or more of the many trainings on im- based on one-on-one consultations with each commu- provement practice [16]. To build practice-level capacity, nity health center to align with their needs and re- implementation scientists might “embed” themselves sources. The tool included patient-level implementation within healthcare systems’ improvement efforts [59, 60]. variables to track such as demographic data, key dates As illustrated in this paper’s case studies, implementa- (e.g., initial mailing date, reminder date(s), date screen- tion scientists, often in partnership with other intermedi- ing kit was returned), test result, referral to colonoscopy ary organizations (e.g., American Cancer Society, (if needed), and colonoscopy outcome. Researchers pre- National Jewish Health), provide learning collaboratives, programmed reports in the tool so that community training, and technical assistance to support clinics’ use health centers could generate reports to monitor imple- of EBIs and quality improvement models and tools. The mentation in real time. Feedback from community case studies illustrate how researchers began by asses- health center staff on the tool and its adaptations has sing partners’ capacity (or readiness) to use improve- been predominantly positive. One community health ment models and tools and then tailored their training center was able to work with their EHR vendor to add and other strategies accordingly. By doing so, they built some of the suggested implementation measures directly practice partners’ capacity to use improvement tools and into their EHR. A second community health center models to implement and sustain EBIs over time. In our made enhancements to the tool when it became clear examples, the improvement tools that CPCRN re- that their system had significant gaps in closing the col- searchers supported included run charts, process flow onoscopy referral loop and recording follow-up data. diagrams, root cause analysis, quality monitoring sys- The third community health center reported that the au- tems, and PDSA cycles. Most importantly, the case stud- tomated reports enhanced their ability to provide real- ies illustrate how positive outcomes can be achieved time reporting to leadership, whereas previous reports when both implementation scientists and improvement were less timely due to data lags caused by processing practitioners center their efforts on a common improve- internal data requests. In turn, community health center ment goal, and draw on the full breadth of their respect- partners have supported UW’s research efforts over the ive expertise to achieve that goal. past 5 years by providing letters of support for research Abbreviations applications and participating in emergent research ACS: American Cancer Society; CCSP: Colorado Cancer Screening Program; opportunities. CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CPCRN: Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network; CQI: Continuous quality improvement; CRC: Colorectal cancer; CT: Computed tomography; EBI: Evidence-based Conclusion intervention; EFQM: European Foundation for Quality Management; The number of EBIs available to prevent and control EHR: Electronic health record; HPV: Human papillomavirus; ISO: International cancer continues to increase [56, 57], and healthcare Organization for Standardization; JCAHO: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; KTQ: Kooperation für Transparenz und Qualität systems need support to fully implement and sustain im Krankenhaus; MBQA: Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award; NCI: National these life-saving interventions and programs over Cancer Institute; NIH: National Institutes of Health (PDSA) Plan-Do-Study-Act; time. In this paper, we contend that the alignment QI: Quality improvement; SCORE: Scaling Colorectal Cancer Screening through Outreach, Referral, and Engagement; SCQM: Strategic Collaborative of implementation science with improvement prac- Quality Management; SWOT: Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat; tice has the potential to improve EBI implementation TQM: Total Quality Management; UI: University of Iowa; UNC: The University and sustainment. We describe five benefits of this of North Carolina; UW: University of Washington alignment and present five case studies to illustrate how CPCRN researchers are leveraging improvement Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi. practice to implement CRC screening, lung cancer org/10.1186/s43058-021-00201-1. screening, and HPV vaccination EBIs in diverse healthcare settings. While we aligned each case study Additional file1:. with a single benefit for clarity, the projects actually achieved multiple, overlapping benefits. Most
Leeman et al. Implementation Science Communications (2021) 2:99 Page 10 of 11 Acknowledgements Received: 23 March 2021 Accepted: 25 August 2021 The authors would like to thank Christina McMillan and Dr. Shana Ratner at UNC for contributing their CRC screening case study; Mary Wangen for assisting with graphics; and Dr. Stephanie Wheeler and Dr. David Chambers for commenting on drafts of the manuscript. References 1. Nilsen P, Bender M, Thor J, Leeman J, Andersson G, Sevdalis N. Improvement science. In: Nilsen P, Birken S, editors. Handbook on Authors’ contributions Implementation Science. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing; 2020. p. 389–408. JL conceptualized and drafted the manuscript; CR substantively contributed to and revised the manuscript; ML, AB, AD, MO, GR, and TV contributed case 2. Koczwara B, Stover AM, Davies L, Davis MM, Fleisher L, Ramanadhan S, et al. studies and revised the manuscript; LK and SR revised the manuscript. 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