Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)

Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni

   Guelphs and Ghibellines:
 the Capture of King Enzius
at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)


                      Sir Chester Cobblepot Wargames
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)
Ventura Battle System                                                                                                      Ventura Battle System

                   ; Guelphs and Ghibellines ;                                                                                                                       ; Introduction ;
             uelphs and Ghibellines were two opposi-            ck II. On the anti-imperialist front, around Milan, the             n the following pages you will find the four
    G        te factions which dominated the Italian poli-
             tical scene since the 12th century until the
                                                                cities of Bologna, Piacenza, Brescia, Treviso, Verona
                                                                and Padua are being flanked ever more aggressively            I     medieval scenarios designed by the authors to
                                                                                                                                    recreate the events of the historic battle of Fos-
    rise of Signorie (i.e. seignories, in the 14th century).    by the papacy.                                                salta in 1249, which led to the capture of King Enzius.
    The origins of their names date back to the struggle            We are in the countryside between the Panaro River            Each Scenario has a different number of rounds,
    for the crown of the Holy Roman Empire between the          and Via Aemilia, an area that has long been the subject       specific tactical objectives and Soldiers. It goes
    Bavarian and Saxon Welfen dynasty (which the word           of territorial disputes between the cities of Bologna         without saying that by playing the Scenarios in order,
    «Guelph» derives from) and the Swabian Hohenstau-           and Modena: the lands of the Nonantola monastery              you will experience the natural flow of history, but
    fen dynasty, lords of the castle of Waiblingen (origin      and the territory under the Frignano jurisdiction have        each scenario is its own event and can be played freely.
    of the word «Ghibelline»). Having won command of            been the scene of repeated clashes, with mixed results.           Every Scenario takes place in the lands of Fossalta,
    the Empire, the Swabian family sought to expand its             It is the dawn of May 26: the silence of the rural        not far from Modena, in an area between the town and
    rule in the Kingdom of Italy as well: the terms «Guel-      landscape is abruptly interrupted by the sound of a           the Panaro River. This flat area features terrains and
    ph» and «Ghibelline» were used to designate those           small group of horses galloping. It’s imperial soldiers,      terrain elements recurring in every map.
    who supported the Empire (the Ghibellines) and tho-         mostly from Cremona, and they are heading southeast                                                                            Fossalta: The third Scenario is certainly the most
    se who opposed it by supporting the papacy (the Guel-       along a dirt road.                                                Strategy and tactical advice                             challenging one, presenting a dilemma for the Ghibel-
    phs).                                                           King Enzius, son of Emperor Frederick II, is in                                                                        line player on which tactical objective they should try
        The year is 1249 AD. Emperor Frederick II, excom-       Cremona as a representative of the empire: just last              Reconnaissance: Even if you are experienced              to achieve in order to win. Crossing the creek is a key
    municated and deposed, is experiencing a moment of          night he received the news that Modena was attacked           players, the first scenario can prove to be very useful      moment for the player controlling King Enzius’ for-
    decline, contrasted on the battlefield by the Second        by a militia formed by Bolognese, Ferrarese and papal         to become familiar with the rules of the Ventura Batt-       ces.
    Lombard League and strongly opposed by Pope Inno-           soldiers. The decision to intervene was immediate; the        le System™, such as understanding Initiative mechani-            San Lazzaro: Just like the previous one, this
    cent IV. Many cities of the Po Valley, such as Cremona,     Guelph attack cannot go unpunished.                           cs, learning how to steal a turn from the opponent at the    Scenario also requires the Ghibelline player to make
    Modena, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Pavia and Bergamo,                Here begins The Fall of the King: what happens in         right times, and managing your markers so as not to          the right choices, such as when to retreat into the chur-
    are still siding with the Emperor. However, war ope-        the next hours will go down in history as the battle of       run out at crucial moments.                                  ch. In every scenario the battle ends when the set num-
    rations by the cities of the League, including assaul-      Fossalta and the fate of King Enzius will change fore-            Sant'Ambrogio: The second Scenario presents              ber of rounds has been played and only scoring will
    ts, sieges and skirmishes, trouble the sleep of Frederi-    ver. Are you ready to travel through time?                    the first real challenge: the Ghibelline player must act     determine who’s triumphant. Never give up, never for-
                                                                                                                              quickly and decisively to focus their forces on conque-      feit the fate of your soldiers: making it to the end of the
                                                                                                                              ring the bridge, so that history does not repeat itself.     battle is the only thing that counts!

            Filippo degli Ugoni                                                         King Enzius                                                  Guido Geremei                                                 Buoso da Dovara

2                                                                                                      Historical Scenarios   Historical Scenarios                                                                                                       3
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)

       I. Reconnaissance
                                                                                            Ghibelline Faction

          arly hours of dawn on May 26 1249, in the Mode-                        H Trinca della Cella as Acting Captain with 8
          na countryside, between the Panaro River and                      
                                                                                 blue markers 
          Via Aemilia. A Ghibelline vanguard from Cre-
    mona, made up of Cremonese and Modenese knights,                            I Cremonese Ally
    is heading towards the city of Modena, currently under                      J Cremonese Ally
    attack by a Guelph militia formed by Bolognese, Fer-                        K Cremonese Ally
    rarese and papal soldiers. What should have been a
    simple reconnaissance soon turns into the first contact                  LMN Modenese Allies
    between the two opposing factions.                                               Tactical Objectives               Points
                                                                            Guarding the crossroads (points for each
     Duration: this Scenario has a maximum dura-                           Soldier, +50 points in case of exclusive     10x
      tion of 4 rounds, at the end of which points are sco-                 control)
      red.                                                                                    Guelph Faction

     Initiative: the Guelph player starts with fewer                            B Filippo degli Ugoni Condottiere
      piles, so they receive the Initiative token.                           C Mattolo Galluzzi
                                                                                 D Guido Geremei
      Acting Captain: only in this Scenario, Constable Trinca                    E Lambertino Lambertini                         West                                                                                                              East
      della Cella will be «Acting Captain», thus leading the Ghi-           
                                                                                 F Michele degli Orsi                                                                             Ghibelline Tactical       Guelph Tactical
      belline Faction as a Condottiere. In the first phase of each
      round, he will receive 8 blue markers , instead of the pur-                                                                                                                    Objective               Objective
                                                                                 G Gerardo Caccianemici
      ple ones  shown on his card.                                         
                                                                                 H Monsarello Asinelli

      Guarding: many Tactical objective require guarding cer-                        Tactical Objectives               Points
      tain areas or terrains. To do so, players must bring their Sol-       Guarding the crossroads (points for each                                                                                                                      Group
      dier tiles to garrison at least part of the designated area. If the   Soldier, +50 points in case of exclusive     10x                                        Ghibellines
      area is also occupied by enemy tiles, the difference between          control)
      the two will be scored. To gain exclusive control of the area,
      no enemy tiles must be present.



                 Gerardo Caccianemici                                                            Marino da Eboli                                                                                                              Formation

4                                                                                                                                       Historical Scenarios                                    South
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)

       II. Sant’Ambrogio
                                                                                            Ghibelline Faction

           arly afternoon.The troops of the imperial army,
                                                                                 B King Enzius Condottiere                                                                                                                Panaro River
           personally led by King Enzius, come in sight
                                                                                 C Buoso da Dovara                                                                                                                              Impassable
           of the bridge of Sant’Ambrogio, on the Panaro                                                                                                                                                                        terrain section
    River. A group of Bolognese carpenters are working                           D Guido da Sesso
    to make the bridge accessible again: as soon as they                    
                                                                                 E Marino da Eboli
    see enemy soldiers arriving, the engineers give the                                                                                                                                 Challenging
                                                                                 F Ubertino dell’Andito                                                                                 terrain section
    alarm, promptly rushing the infantry of the Bolognese                                                                                                                                                                                    Sant’Ambrogio Bridge
    army camped nearby. King Enzius did not expect such                          G Ugolino da Persico
    a rapid response from the Guelphs: obtaining control                                                                                                                                                                                                Open terrain, edges
                                                                             PQ Saracen Archers                                                                                    Formation                                                           are impassable
    of the bridge now could not be as easy as he had hoped.                                                                                  Group
                                                                             RS Saracen Archers
     Duration: this Scenario has a maximum dura-                                    Tactical Objectives               Points                                  Via Aemilia (Road)
      tion of 6 rounds, at the end of which points are sco-                 Eliminating Engineers (points for each)     10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ghibelline Tactical
                                                                            Guarding Sant’Ambrogio Bridge (+20          30
                                                                            points for exclusive control)
     Initiative: the Ghibelline player starts with                                                                                                                                                                              Panaro River
      fewer piles, so they receive the Initiative token.                                      Guelph Faction
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Riverbank                    Impassable
                                                                                 I Bornio Samaritani Condottiere                West                                                                                                     terrain section                         East
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Challenging
      Guarding: many Tactical Objectives require guarding cer-                   TUVW Bolognese Footmen                                                                                           terrain section
      tain areas or terrains. To do so, players must bring their Sol-
      dier tiles to garrison at least part of the designated area. If the        J Bonaccorso degli Albari Constable
      area is also occupied by enemy tiles, the difference between               KLMN Lanzalonga Spearmen
      the two will be scored. To gain exclusive control of the area,                                                                            Ghibellines
      no enemy tiles must be present.                                            OPQR Crossbowmen with                                                                                                        Separating Foam
                                                                                 white indicators 
      Panaro River: the River is divided into four sections (one                 S Lambertolo Bottrigari Constable                                                                                                              Panaro River
      to the north of the bridge and three to the south), clearly sepa-     
      rated by white foam. Only one of the sections is easily cros-              XYZ8 Bolognese Footmen                                                                                                                               Challenging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      terrain section
      sable: the Guelph faction will have to choose whether to                  Engineers Civilians                                                                                                                                                                   Guelphs
      Cross it or to pass over the bridge.                                                                                                    Formation
                                                                                     Tactical Objectives               Points
                                                                            Capturing B King Enzius                     50

                                                                                                                                                                                      Rough terrain
                                                                                                                                                                                      section                             Panaro River

                                                                                                                                                     Group                                                                       Rough terrain
                               Crossbowmen                                                        Saracen Archer                                                                                                                 section

6                                                                                                                                      Historical Scenarios                                   South
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)
                                                                                          Ghibelline Faction
                                                                              B King Enzius Condottiere                                   Ghibelline Tactical
                                                                                                                                                                                  Guelph Tactical
       III. Fossalta                                                      E Marino da Eboli

            fter the first clash at Sant'Ambrogio bridge,                     F Ubertino dell’Andito

            King Enzius orders a retreat and stays behind                     C Buoso da Dovara
            to protect the rear guard with his knights.                  
                                                                              D Guido da Sesso
                                                                                                                                                            Tiepido Creek
    The movements of the Ghibelline army, however, are                                                                                                          Rough terrain                                Ghibellines
    slower than expected due to the swollen Tiepido Cre-                     G Ugolino da Persico                                                              section                   Group
    ek, near Fossalta. It is precisely here that King Enzius’                 H Trinca della Cella Constable
    troops are reached by the Guelph army, determined to                 
                                                                              IJK Cremonese Allies
    prevent the enemy’s escape at all costs.
                                                                          LM Modenese Allies
                                                                                                                                                                       Separating Foam
     Duration: this Scenario has a maximum dura-                         NO Modenese Allies
      tion of 8 rounds, at the end of which points are sco-
                                                                                   Tactical Objectives                    Points
                                                                         Crossing the Creek and reaching the North         50
                                                                         side of the battlefield with King Enzius                                               Tiepido Creek
     Initiative: the Guelph player starts with fewer                                                                                                                                                                                 Via Aemilia (Road)
      piles, so they receive the Initiative token.                       Inflicting damage to the Vehicle (points for      5x
                                                                                                                                                                      Rough terrain
                                                                         each indicator )                                                                            section

                                                                         Destroying the Vehicle (in addition to damage)    10
      Tiepido Creek: In this scenario, the rough waters of the
      creek play an important role in the Ghibelline faction's strate-                      Guelph Faction                         West                                                                                                                                                  East
      gy. Only one of the four creek sections (separated by white
      foam) is easily crossable, which is crucial to achieve their            B Filippo degli Ugoni Condottiere
      Tactical Objective.                                                     C Mattolo Galluzzi                                                                         Riverbank

                                                                          D Guido Geremei                                                                                      Rough
                                                                              E Lambertino Lambertini
                                                                              F Michele degli Orsi
                                                                                                                                                            Tiepido Creek
                                                                              G Gerardo Caccianemici                                                                                                                                                       Formation
                                                                                                                                                                   Challenging
                                                                              H Monsarello Asinelli                                                                 terrain section                                                                                              Group

                                                                              J Bonaccorso degli Albari Constable
                                                                          KLMN Lanzalonga Spearmen
                                                                              OPQR Crossbowmen
                                                                              S Lambertolo Bottrigari Constable                                                                                                                                                            Formation
                                                                              TUVWXYZ8 Bolognese Footmen                                  Tiepido Creek                                                                       Crops
                                                                              Bolognese Carroccio Vehicle                                                                       Group                                                                              Group
                                                                                                                                                 Impassable                                                                      Rough
                                                                                                                                                terrain section                                                                 terrain
      Monsarello Asinelli                                                     9: Carroccio Guards on board
                                                                                   Tactical Objectives                    Points              Formation                                             Single
                                                                         Reaching the North side of the battlefield        100
                                                                         with the Vehicle
8                                                                                                                                            Historical Scenarios                                                     South
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)

                                                                                                                                            Guelph Tactical
        IV. San Lazzaro
                                                                                              Ghibelline Faction                                                        Church door
                                                                                  B King Enzius Condottiere
            he retreat of King Enzius’ army towards Mode-
                                                                                  C Buoso da Dovara
            na is becoming increasingly disorderly. Having                   
                                                                                  D Guido da Sesso                                                                                                                                          Group
            finally reached San Lazzaro, the young soverei-                                                                                                               Church of San Lazzaro
     gn seeks a safe refuge inside the church. However, the                       E Marino da Eboli
                                                                                                                                                          Impassable walls, to enter
     Guelph militias led by Filippo degli Ugoni are in clo-                       F Ubertino dell’Andito                                                  Interact with an accessible
                                                                                                                                                          entrance; tiles are guarding only
     se pursuit, leaving him in a tight spot: this is the final              
                                                                                  G Ugolino da Persico                                                    if they are completely inside
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ghibelline Tactical
                                                                              PQ Dismounted Saracen Archers
                                                                                                                                                                                               Church door                Ghibellines               Crops
      Duration: this Scenario has a maximum dura-                            RS Dismounted Saracen Archers                                                                                                                                            Rough
       tion of 8 rounds, at the end of which points are sco-                           Tactical Objectives                  Points
                                                                                                                                                                          Via Aemilia (Road)                                                            terrain
                                                                             Guarding the Church of San Lazzaro with         50
                                                                             King Enzius
      Initiative: the Ghibelline player starts with                                                                                                                                                    Group
                                                                             Inflicting damage to the Vehicle (points for
       fewer piles, so they receive the Initiative token.                    each indicator )                               5x                                                                                            Low Wall

                                                                             Destroying the Vehicle (in addition to                                                                                                              Accessible terrain element providing
                                                                                                                             10                                                                                                  light cover, can be Bypassed
       Low Wall Cover: the Low Wall provides light cover in                  damage)
       both ranged and melee combat by penalizing -1 standard die
                                                                                                Guelph Faction                                                                                                                                                     Group
       off the Combat Skills of each Soldier fighting across the                                                                     West                                                                                                                                                   East
       Wall.                                                                      B Filippo degli Ugoni Condottiere                                                                            Formation
                                                                                  C Mattolo Galluzzi
       Interacting with the Church Door: in order to                         
                                                                                                                                                                                Crops                                         Ghibellines
       enter the Church of San Lazzaro, it is necessary to Interact               D Guido Geremei
       with its doors. After performing the Action, the correspon-                                                                                                                   Rough
                                                                                  E Lambertino Lambertini                                                                            terrain
       ding door receives a white indicator, meaning it is now open.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Formation
       To close it and thus remove the indicator, the Action must be              F Michele degli Orsi
       repeated.                                                              G Gerardo Caccianemici
                                                                                  H Monsarello Asinelli                                                                                                                                                      Guelphs
       Guarding: many Tactical Objectives require guarding cer-
       tain areas or terrains. To do so, players must bring their Sol-            S Lambertolo Bottrigari Constable
       dier tiles to garrison at least part of the designated area. If the   
                                                                                  TUVW Bolognese Footmen
       area is also occupied by enemy tiles, the difference between
       the two will be scored. To gain exclusive control of the area,         XYZ8 Bolognese Footmen
       no enemy tiles must be present.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Group
                                                                                  Bolognese Carroccio Vehicle
                                                                                  9: Carroccio Guards on board
                                                                                       Tactical Objectives                  Points
                                                                             Capturing B King Enzius                         50
                                                                             Reaching the Northwest corner of the            50
                                                                             battlefield with the Vehicle

10                                                                                                                                          Historical Scenarios                                                  South
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)
Ventura Battle System

        The authors                                                  For a 3D experience
                     Aldo Ghetti is from Faenza, where he            Miniatures. Experienced wargamers probably
                     lives with his wife Anna and his chil-      have already realized that Ventura Battle System™ can
                     dren, Fabio and Giada. He has been          be easily developed on a three-dimensional level by
                     playing wargames since 1973; he was         replacing the tiles with 28 mm plastic or metal minia-
                     one of the founders of Gruppo Modelli-      tures without any change to the game rules.
     smo Battaglie in Scala (Scale Model Battle Group) in            To do this, you only need to equip mounted soldiers
     1974 and Lega Italiana Wargame (Italian Wargame             with 40 mm diameter bases and foot soldiers with 25
     League) in 1978.                                            mm bases.
         He published his first game rules in 1977 on the            Elements. Even the battlefield can be transfor-
     magazine Modelli Militari. In June 2019, Aldo was           med into a three-dimensional diorama: the first step
     awarded the title Knight of Order of Merit of the Ita-      could be the creation of buildings such as the Church
     lian Republic for his culturally relevant work as a         of Scenario IV or the Bridge of Scenario II.
     history communicator.                                           The most skilled and ambitious hobbyists can
         He has also been involved in historical re-enact-       set up even more detailed and spectacular dioramas,
     ments (mainly jousts and Palios) and he authored two        although players should bear in mind that this could
     historical board games (Waterloo Enemy Mistakes™            slightly hinder the precision of maneuvers and measu-
     in 2015 and Su le Teste!™ in 2019).                         rements during gameplay.
         During Lucca Comics & Games 2019, he received               Modules. If you are not satisfied with a handful
     the Valerio Conan Laurenzi Award as Wargame Perso-          of soldiers and you are not afraid of longer battles, feel
     nality of the Year.                                         free to expand the battlefield by combining multiple
                                                                 maps, possibly involving a greater number of players
                     Gianluca Raccagni was born in               in the project. After all, the more the merrier!
                     Ravenna, studied Medieval History at
                     the University of Bologna and moved
                     to the United Kingdom, where he obtai-
                     ned a doctorate and a postdoctoral
     degree from the University of Cambridge. After a brief
     stay in Japan's University of Tokyo, he settled in Scot-
     land, where he is currently working as a Lecturer in
     Medieval History for the University of Edinburgh.
     Besides history (not confined to the Middle Ages),
     board games and wargames are big passions of his.
        Gianluca combined such passions by designing and
     contributing to the creation of historical games and by
     using games in his teaching and his academic research.

                                                                                                Saracen Archer

12                                                                                                        Historical Scenarios
Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249) Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249) Aldo Ghetti Gianluca Raccagni - HISTORICAL SCENARIOS - Guelphs and Ghibellines: the Capture of King Enzius at the Battle of Fossalta (1249)
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