AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future

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AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
Global Banking & Securities

             AI-powered decision
             making for the bank of
             the future
             Banks are already strengthening customer relationships and
             lowering costs by using artificial intelligence to guide customer
             engagement. Success requires that capability stacks include the
             right decisioning elements.

             by Akshat Agarwal, Charu Singhal, and Renny Thomas

                                                                                 © Getty Images

March 2021
The ongoing transition to digital channels creates                          engaging with them continuously and intelligently
        an opportunity for banks to serve more customers,                           to strengthen each relationship across diverse
        expand market share, and increase revenue at lower                          products and services.
        cost. Crucially, banks that pursue this opportunity
        also can access the bigger, richer data sets required                  — Lower operating costs. Banks can lower costs
        to fuel advanced-analytics (AA) and machine-                             by automating as fully as possible document
        learning (ML) decision engines. Deployed at scale,                       processing, review, and decision making,
        these decision-making capabilities powered                               particularly in acquisition and servicing.
        by artificial intelligence (AI) can give the bank a
        decisive competitive edge by generating significant                    — Lower credit risk. To lower credit risks, banks
        incremental value for customers, partners, and                           can adopt more sophisticated screening of
        the bank. Banks that aim to compete in global                            prospective customers and early detection of
        and regional markets increasingly influenced                             behaviors that signal higher risk of default and
        by digital ecosystems will need a well-rounded                           fraud.
        AI-and-analytics capability stack comprising four
        main layers: reimagined engagement, AI-powered                         As banks think about how to design and build a highly
        decision making, core technology and data                              flexible and fully automated decisioning layer of
        infrastructure, and leading-edge operating model.                      the AI-bank capability stack, they can benefit from
                                                                               organizing their efforts around four interdependent
        The layers of the AI-bank capability stack are                         elements: (1) leveraging AA/ML models for
        interdependent and must work in unison to deliver                      automated, personalized decisions across the
        value, as discussed in the first article in our series                 customer life cycle; (2) building and deploying AA/
        on the AI bank of the future.¹ In our second article,                  ML models at scale; (3) augmenting AA/ML models
        we examined how AI-first banks are reimagining                         with what we call “edge” capabilities³ to reduce
        customer engagement to provide superior                                costs, streamline customer journeys, and enhance
        experiences across diverse bank platforms and                          the overall experience; and (4) building an enterprise-
        partner ecosystems.² In the current article, we focus                  wide digital-marketing engine to translate insights
        on the AA/ML decisioning capabilities required to                      generated in the decision-making layer into a set of
        understand and respond to customers’ fast-evolving                     coordinated messages delivered through the bank’s
        needs with precision, speed, and efficiency. Banks                     engagement layer.
        that leverage machine-learning models to determine
        in (near) real time the best way to engage with each
        customer have potential to increase value in four                      Automated, personalized decisions
        ways:                                                                  across the customer life cycle
                                                                                If financial institutions begin by prioritizing the use
        — Stronger customer acquisition. Banks gain an                          cases where AA/ML models can add the most value,
          edge by creating superior customer experiences                        they can automate more than 20 decisions in diverse
          with end-to-end automation and using advanced                         customer journeys. Within the lending life cycle, for
          analytics to craft highly personalized messages                       example, leading banks are relying increasingly
          at each step of the customer-acquisition journey.                     on AI and analytics capabilities to add value in five
                                                                                main areas: customer acquisition, credit decisioning,
        — Higher customer lifetime value. Banks can                             monitoring and collections, deepening relationships,
          increase the lifetime value of customers by                           and smart servicing (Exhibit 1, next page).

     Suparna Biswas, Brant Carson, Violet Chung, Shwaitang Singh, and Renny Thomas, “AI-bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?”
      September 2020,
     Violet Chung, Malcolm Gomes, Sailee Rane, Shwaitang Singh, and Renny Thomas, “Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the
      future,” October 2020,
      Edge capabilities refer to next-generation AI-powered technologies that can provide financial institutions an edge over the competition.
      Natural language processing (NLP), voice-script analysis, virtual agents, computer vision, facial recognition, blockchain, robotics, and
      behavioral analytics are some of the technologies that we classify as “edge capabilities.” These capabilities can be instrumental in improving
      customer experience and loyalty across multiple dimensions (engagement channels, intelligent advisory, faster processing), personalizing
      offers with highly accurate underwriting, and improving operational efficiency across the value chain (from customer servicing to monitoring,
      record management, and more.).

2       AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
Exhibit 1
Banks   shouldprioritize
                                 advanced    analytics
                                          analytics    (AA)
                                                    (AA) andand machine
                                                             machine     learning
                                                                     learning (ML)
(ML) in decisions  across   the customer   life
in decisions across the customer life cycle.    cycle.

Customer life cycle

       Customer                    Credit decisioning     Monitoring and            Deepening              Smart servicing
       acquisition                                         collections             relationships
   Hyperpersonalized                                       Early-warning       Intelligent offers (eg,
                               Credit qualification                                                       Servicing personas
        offers                                                signals          next product to buy)
                                                          Probability of                                  Dynamic customer
 Customer retargeting              Limit assessment                              Churn reduction
                                                         default/self-cure                               routing (channel, agent)
   Propensity-to-buy                                    VAR-based customer                                Real-time recom-
                               Pricing optimization                            Channel propensity
        scoring                                            segmentation1                                  mendation engine
                                                         Agent–customer                                    AI-enabled agent
   Channel mapping                 Fraud prevention                            Fatigue rule engine
                                                            mapping                                       review and training

  Monthly customer-              Credit-approval         Average days past        Deposit/AUM            Net promoter score,
  acquisition run rate         turnaround time, %       due, nonperforming        attrition rate,2        cost of servicing
                                 of applications              assets              products 6 per
                                    approved                                        customer

                                                           Key metrics
  VAR is value at risk.
2AUM is assets under management.

Customer acquisition                                                 profile of each customer, including financial position
The use of advanced analytics is crucial to the design               and provisional credit scoring. Based on real-time
of journeys for new customers, who may follow a                      analysis of a customer’s digital footprint, banks can
variety of paths to open a new card account, apply for               display a landing page tailored to their profile and
a mortgage, or research new investment opportunities.                preferences.
Some may head directly to the bank’s website, mobile
app, branch kiosk, or ATM. Others may arrive indirectly             These tools can also help banks tailor follow-up
through a partner’s website or by clicking on an ad.                messages and offers for each customer. Replacing
Many banks already use analytical tools to understand               much of the mass messaging that used to flow to
each new customer’s path to the bank, so they get an                thousands or tens of thousands of customers in a
accurate view of the customer’s context and direction               subsegment, advanced analytics can help prioritize
of movement, which enables them to deliver highly                   customers for continued engagement. The bank can
personalized offers directly on the landing page.                   select customers according to their responsiveness
Following local regulations governing the use and                   to prior messaging—also known as their “propensity
protection of customer data, banks can understand                   to buy”—and can identify the best channel for
individuals’ needs more precisely by analyzing how                  each type of message, according to the time of
customers enter the website (search, keywords,                      day. And for the “last mile” of the customer journey,
advertisements), their browsing history (cookies,                   AI-first institutions are using advanced analytics
site history), and social-media data to form an initial             to generate intelligent, highly relevant messages

AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future                                                                               3
and provide smart servicing via assisted channels to                                usage data, and more. This decisioning process
    create a superior experience, which has been shown to                               is automated from end to end, so it can be
    contribute to higher rates of conversion.⁴                                          completed nearly instantaneously, enabling
                                                                                        the bank to predict the likelihood of default for
    Credit decisioning                                                                  individuals in a vast and potentially profitable
    Setting themselves apart from traditional banks,                                    segment of unbanked and underbanked
    whose customers may wait anywhere from a day to a                                   consumers and SMEs. As banks build and refine
    week for credit approval, AI-first banks have designed                              their qualification model, they can proceed
    streamlined lending journeys, using extensive                                       gradually, testing and improving the model—for
    automation and near-real-time analysis of customer                                  example, by using auto-approvals for customers
    data to generate prompt credit decisions for retailers,                             up to a certain threshold with significantly lower
    small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), and                                       default risk and using manual verification to
    corporate clients. They do this by sifting through a                                review those estimated to have a higher default
    variety of structured and unstructured data collected                               risk and then gradually shifting more cases to
    from conventional sources (such as bank transaction                                 automated decisioning.
    history, credit reports, and tax returns) and new ones
    (including location data, telecom usage data, utility     — Limit assessment. Leading banks are also using
    bills, and more). Access to these nontraditional data       AA/ML models to automate the process for
    sources depends on open banking and other data              determining the maximum amount a customer
    sharing guidelines as well the availability of officially   may borrow. These loan-approval systems, by
    approved APIs and data aggregators in the local             leveraging optical character recognition (OCR)
    market. Further, while accessing and leveraging             to extract data from conventional data sources
    personal data of customers, banks must secure data          such as bank statements, tax returns, and
    and protect customer privacy in accordance with             utilities invoices, can quickly assess a customer’s
    local regulations (e.g., the General Data Protection        disposable income and capacity to make regular
    Regulation in the EU and the California Consumer            loan payments. The proliferation of digital
    Privacy Act in the US).                                     interactions also provides vast and diverse data
                                                                sets to fuel complex machine-learning models.
    By using powerful AA/ML models to analyze these             By building data sets that draw upon both
    broad and diverse data sets in near real time, banks        conventional and new sources of data, banks
    can qualify new customers for credit services,              can generate a highly accurate prediction of
    determine loan limits and pricing, and reduce the risk      a customer’s capacity to pay. Just a few data
    of fraud.                                                   sources that may be available for analysis (with
                                                                the customer’s permission) are emails, SMS, and
    — Credit qualification. Lenders seeking to determine        e-commerce expenditures.
         if a customer qualifies for a particular type of
         loan have for many years used rule-based or          — Pricing. Banks generally have offered highly
         logistic-regression models to analyze credit           standardized rates on loans, with sales
         bureau reports. This approach, which relies on         representatives and relationship managers
         a narrow set of criteria, fails to serve a large       having some discretion to adjust rates within
         segment of consumers and SMEs lacking a formal         certain thresholds. However, fierce competition
         credit history, so these potential customers turn      on loan pricing, particularly for borrowers with a
         to nonbank sources of credit. In recent years,         strong risk score, places banks using traditional
         however, leading banks and fintech lenders             approaches at a considerable disadvantage
         have developed complex models for analyzing            against AI-and-analytics leaders. Fortified with
         structured and unstructured data, examining            highly accurate machine-learning models for risk
         hundreds of data points collected from social          scoring and loan pricing, AI-first banks have been
         media, browsing history, telecommunications            able to offer competitive rates while keeping their

        Erik Lindecrantz, Madeleine Tjon Pian Gi, and Stefano Zerbi, “Personalizing the customer experience: Driving differentiation in retail,” April

4   AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
risk costs low. Some are also using their decisioning                          (e.g., fraud by sales agents), customer fraud, and
       capabilities to quantify the customer’s propensity                             payment fraud (including money laundering and
       to buy according to the customer’s use of different                            sanctions violations). Banks should continuously
       types of financial products. Some even leverage                                update their fraud detection and prevention
       natural-language processing (NLP) to analyze                                   models, as we discuss later with regard to edge
       unstructured transcripts of interactions with sales                            capabilities. Ping An, for example, uses an image-
       and service representatives and, in some cases,                                analytics model to recognize 54 involuntary micro-
       collections personnel. By basing the offered rate                              expressions that occur before the brain has a
       on both creditworthiness and propensity to buy, the                            chance to control facial movements.⁵
       bank can optimize the balance of total asset volume,
       risk, and interest income within a lending portfolio.                     AI-driven credit decisioning can build the business
                                                                                 while lowering costs. Sharper identification of risky
— Fraud management. As competition for credit                                    customers enables banks to increase approval
  relationships becomes concentrated in digital                                  rates without increasing credit risk. What is more, by
  channels, the automated processing of loan                                     automating as much of the lending journey as possible,
  applications and use of AA/ML models to expedite                               banks can reduce the costs of support functions and
  credit approval and disbursement of funds not                                  strengthen each customer’s experience with faster
  only positions the bank to acquire new customers                               loan approval and disbursement of funds, fewer
  and increase market share, but also opens new                                  requests for documentation, and credit offers precisely
  opportunities for fraud. The costliest instances of                            tailored to meet customer needs. Exhibit 2 illustrates
  fraud typically fall into one of five categories: identity                     how AI-enabled decisioning capabilities underpin a
  theft, employee fraud, third-party or partner fraud                            customer’s onboarding journey.

    “Chinese banks start scanning borrowers’ facial movements,” Financial Times, October 28, 2018,

    Exhibit 2
    The combination
    The combination of
                       AI and
                                                     onboarding journey
                                                       onboarding       for for
                                                                   journey  eacheach
    new customer.

                        Name: Joy                                        Family: Married, no children
                        Age: 32 years                                    Profile attribute: Avid traveler
                        Occupation: Working professional

                              model to identify                      AA-enabled real-
                              whom to retarget                           time credit              Joy
           Joy’s             Channel propensity                      underwriting, limit      completes       Hyperpersonalized
                                                         Joy                             online know-your-
       landing page            to identify right  receives a call to assessment, and                            cross-sell and
      shows her per-          outreach channel assist in journey;          pricing         customer form,        upsell offers
     sonalized offers:                                                                   provides details for
                                                     caller also                         employment verifi-
     personal loan for                                informs
     travel, 5% off on                                                                   cation, and sets up
                                                 Joy about custom                           an online pay-
     travel insurance                              travel services
                               Joy receives a                                              ment mandate Loan disbursed to
                                                                      Joy completes a
                                                                        streamlined                             Joy; curated
                                reminder for
                                                                      3-click journey                         catalog of offers
                                personal loan
     Analytics-backed                                                    to see the                            ahead of Joy’s
                              for travel at zero Analytics-enabled                        AI capabilities to
    hyperpersonalized                             customer–caller     offer terms  and    conduct relevant     travel sent by
      offers based on                               mapping   with       conditions       fraud  checks (eg,        email
         customer                                   specific cues                         facial recognition
       microsegment                               provided to caller                       with know-your-
                                                                                           customer docs)

AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future                                                                                      5
Monitoring and collections                                                   variety of external data partnerships for location
    Once a bank has employed AA/ML models to                                     data and transaction history can help the bank
    automate loan underwriting and pricing, it can also                          understand both the customer’s position and the
    deploy AI and advanced analytics to reduce the                               most effective approach, or contact strategy, for
    burden of nonperforming loans. Increasingly, banks                           averting default (Exhibit 3).
    are engaging with clients proactively to help them
    keep up with payments and work more closely                                 Contact strategy. To determine an appropriate
    with clients who encounter difficulties. By drawing                         contact strategy for customers at risk of default,
    upon internal and external data sources to build a                          banks can segment accounts according to value
    360-degree view of a customer’s financial position,                         at risk (VAR), which is the loan balance times
    banks can recognize early-warning signals that a                            the probability of default. This allows banks to
    borrower’s risk profile may have changed and that                           focus high-touch interactions on borrowers that
    the risk of default should be reassessed.                                   account for the highest VAR; banks can then use
                                                                                low-cost channels like telephoning and texting for
    Beyond conventional data sources like repayment                             borrowers posing less risk. Banks have used this
    data and credit bureau reports, banks can digitize                          approach to reduce both the cost of collections
    and leverage other interaction data from campaigns,                         and the volume of loans to be resolved through
    field visits, and collection agents’ comments to                            restructuring, sale, or write-off.⁶
    draw insights for collections strategy. Further, a

        Ignacio Crespo and Arvind Govindarajan, “The analytics-enabled collections model,” April 2018,

        Exhibit 3
        Advanced analyticsandand machine
                               machine      learning
                                         learning cancan classify
                                                      classify     customers
                                                               customers into into
        microsegments   for targeted   interventions.
        microsegments for targeted interventions.
                          Customer type

                          True low-risk              Absentminded               Dialer-based               True high-touch             Unable to cure
         Targeted     Use least                      Ignore or use              Match agents to            Focus on customers          Offer debt-
         intervention experienced agents             interactive voice          customers; send live       able to pay and at          restructuring
                      provided with set              message (segment           prompts to agents          high risk of not            settlements early for
                      scripts                        will probably              to modify scripts          paying                      those truly
                                                     self-cure)                                                                        underwater
         Impact           Onscreen prompts           10% of time saved,         Matching and               Added focus                 Significant increase
                          guide agent–client         allowing for               prompts can                addresses higher            in restructuring and
                          conversation based         reassignment of            increase sense of          probability of default      settlements
                          on probability of          agents to more             connection and             rates in this segment       increases chance of
                          breaking promises          difficult customers        likelihood of paying                                   collecting at least
                                                     and specific                                                                      part of debt

         Source: Ignacio Crespo and Arvind Govindarajan, “The analytics-enabled collections model,” McKinsey on Payments, August 2018,

6   AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
Treatment strategy. If contact strategies through                           a prediction algorithm to estimate the ideal
various channels are inadequate to help the                                 product-per-customer (PPC) ratio for each
customer resume timely payment, banks must                                  user, based on individual needs. If analysis of
pursue stronger measures, according to the                                  a customer’s needs produces an anticipated
customer’s ability and willingness to pay. Customers                        product usage ratio of eight but the customer
with high willingness but limited ability to pay in the                     uses only two products, the relationship
short term may require restructuring of the loan                            manager receives a prompt to reach out to the
through partial-payment plans or loan extensions.                           customer and cross-sell or up-sell relevant
In cases where the customer exhibits both low                               ecosystem products.⁷
willingness and limited ability to pay, banks should
focus on early settlement and asset recovery.                               Servicing and engagement
Advanced analytics, enabled by unstructured                                 AI-powered decisioning can enable banks to
internal data sources such as call transcripts                              create a smart, highly personalized servicing
from collections contact centers and external                               experience based on customer microsegments,
data sources such as spending behavior on other                             thereby enabling different channels to deliver
digital channels, can improve the accuracy of                               superior service and a compelling experience
determinations of ability and willingness to pay.                           with interactions that are fast, simple, and
                                                                            intuitive.⁸ Banks can support their relationship
Deepening relationships                                                     managers with timely customer insights and
Strong customer engagement is the foundation                                tailor-made offers for each customer. They can
for maximizing customer value, and leaders                                  also significantly improve agents’ productivity
are using advanced analytics to identify less                               with streamlined preapproved products crafted
engaged customers at risk of attrition and to craft                         to meet each customer’s distinct needs. Models
messages for timely nudges. As with any customer                            that analyze voice and speech characteristics
communication in a smart omnichannel service                                can match agents with customers based on
environment, each personalized offer is delivered                           behavioral and psychological mapping. Similarly,
through the right channel according to the time of                          transcript analysis can enable prediction of
day. Rich internal data for existing customers can                          customer distress and suggest resolution to
enable financial institutions to create a finely tuned                      the agent.
outreach strategy for each individual customer,
guided by risk considerations.
                                                                            Deployment of AA/ML models at
Deeper relationships are predicated on a bank’s                             scale
precise understanding of a customer’s unique                                Leveraging AI to automate decision making in
needs and expectations. A bank can craft offers to                          near real time is a complex and costly endeavor.
meet emerging needs and deliver them at the right                           If banks are to earn the required return on their
time and through the right channel. By doing so, the                        technology investments, they must begin with a
bank demonstrates that it understands customers’                            strategy and road map to capture maximal scale
current position and aspirations and can help them                          benefits in the design, building, and deployment
get from the former to the latter. For example, by                          of AA/ML models.
analyzing browsing history and spending patterns, a
bank might recognize a consumer’s need for credit                           As banks embark on this journey, leaders must
to finance an upcoming purchase of a household                              encourage all stakeholders to break out of siloed
appliance. Analysis of internal data on product                             mindsets and think broadly about how models
usage can also reveal areas where the bank can                              can be designed for uses in diverse contexts
make its offering more relevant to a customer’s                             across the enterprise. AI-first organizations have
current needs. Ping An, for example, has developed                          succeeded by organizing the effort around four

    “Ping An Bank: Change everything,” Asiamoney, September 26, 2019,
    Violet Chung, Malcolm Gomes, Sailee Rane, Shwaitang Singh, Renny Thomas, “Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the
    future,”, October 2020.

AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future                                                                                  7
main elements: First, they prioritize the analytics                 environment where cross-functional teams can
        use cases with the biggest impact on customer                       experiment with different approaches to achieving
        experience and the most value for the bank.                         the value-generating goals of a particular use case,
        Second, they ensure that the data architecture,                     moving from minimal viable product to scalable
        data pipelines, application programming interfaces                  solution in a matter of weeks. Building AA/ML models
        (APIs), and other essential components are available                at scale and deploying them across the enterprise
        for building and deploying models at scale through                  depend on matching the right talent and skills with
        standardized, repeatable processes.⁹ Third, they                    each of the roles required for a successful analytics
        establish a semiautonomous lab for experimentation                  lab and factory (Exhibit 4).10
        and prototype development and set up a factory for
        industrial-scale production of the solution. Fourth,                The lab combines talent from business, analytics,
        they assemble the right mix of talent for agile, cross-             technology, operations, and more. There are two
        functional teams and empower them to maximize                       main technical roles. One is the data scientist,
        value in close alignment with enterprise strategy.                  who is responsible for identifying the analytics
                                                                            techniques required to meet the business goal and
        Several leading banks have established semi-                        for programming advanced analytics algorithms.
        autonomous labs offering a test-and-learn                           The other is the data engineer, who scopes the data

     Tara Balakrishnan, Michael Chui, Bryce Hall, and Nicolaus Henke, “The state of AI in 2020,” November 2020,
    10Nayur Khan, Brian McCarthy, and Adi Pradhan, “Executive’s guide to developing AI at scale,” October 2020,

        Exhibit 4
        Diverse roles are necessary for building and deploying AA/ML models at scale.
        Diverse roles are necessary for building and deploying AA/ML models at scale.

        Lab environment                                                         Factory environment

        Product owner                           Data scientist                  Product owner                        ML engineer
        Leads the squad;                        Frames the                      First point of                       Optimizes ML
        typically a                             business problem                contact for                          models for
        business owner                          and develops                    external stake-                      performance and
        who provides voice                      advanced analytics              holders; defines                     scalability; deploys
        of the customer                         algorithms                      the solution criteria                the models into

        Data engineer                           Translator                      DevOps engineer                      Infrastructure
        Scopes the data                         Interfaces                      Develops CI/CD1                      architect
        available; builds                       between business                pipelines to                         Designs
        data architecture                       and technical                   automate parts of                    infrastructure
        and data pipelines                      stakeholders                    the software-                        components for the
                                                                                deployment pipeline                  analytics use case

        Designer                                Delivery manager                Full-stack
        Focuses on                              Responsible for all             developer
        interaction                             aspects of delivery             Develops software
        between end                             of the analytics                components for
        users and the                           solution to meet                the back and front
        analytics solution                      squad goal                      ends of AI solutions

            Continuous integration and continuous deployment.

8   AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
available, identifies major sources of data to be          Some edge technologies already afford banks
consolidated for analytics, develops data pipelines to     the opportunity to strengthen existing models
simplify and automate data movement, and sets up           with expanded data sets. For example, many
data architecture for storage and layering. In addition,   interactions with customers—via telephone,
the role of translator is crucial to ensure consistent     mobile app, website, or increasingly, in a
communication and smooth collaboration between             branch—begin with a conversational interface
business leaders and analytics specialists.                to establish the purpose of the interaction and
                                                           collect the information required to resolve the
On factory teams, one of the primary technical             query or transfer it to an agent. A routing engine
roles is the DevOps engineer, who is responsible           can use voice and image analysis to understand
for developing continuous integration (CI) and             a customer’s current sentiment and match the
continuous deployment (CD) pipelines for deploying         customer with a suitable agent. The models
software. In addition, the full-stack developer is         underpinning virtual assistants and chatbots
responsible for developing software components             employ NLP and voice-script analysis to increase
for other layers of the stack. The machine-learning        their predictive accuracy as they churn through
engineer prepares models for deployment at scale,          vast unstructured data generated during
and the infrastructure architect ensures that the          customer-service and sales interactions.
analytics solution is compatible with the architecture
of the core tech and data layer of the capability stack.   While each customer-service journey presents an
                                                           opportunity to deepen the relationship with the
The lab-and-factory setup requires flexible and            help of next-product-to-buy recommendations,
scalable technologies to handle the changing               banks should constantly seek to improve their
requirements of analytics engines. It is also important    recommendation engines and messaging
to give analytics teams access to the centralized          campaigns. Feedback loops, for example, can
data lake, and these teams must be able to draw            help marketing teams and frontline officers
upon raw data from diverse sources to generate data        gauge the effectiveness of an offer by analyzing
sets to be used in building models. The technology         customers’ ongoing browsing and transaction
supporting the solution must be modular to allow the       activity within the bank’s digital ecosystem and
transfer of developed solutions to factory production      beyond (Exhibit 5, next page).
using DevOps tools. Finally, it is crucial to embed
performance management and risk controls within            As edge capabilities become more powerful,
models to avoid adverse impacts on operations.             leaders are developing new, increasingly
                                                           complex analytics solutions to create a superior
Once the lab has developed a model, the factory            experience and introduce distinctive innovations.
takes over, running 24/7 to put the model into             Use of computer vision and voice-to-script
production and deploying it at scale in diverse use        conversion can speed the completion of forms—
cases across the enterprise.                               for instance, enabling a customer to respond
                                                           orally to questions and upload documents
                                                           from which relevant data can be extracted
Augmented AA/ML models with edge                           automatically using optical character recognition
capabilities                                               (OCR). Facial and sentiment analysis during an
The rapid improvement of AI-powered technologies           in-person consultation or videoconference can
spurs competition on speed, cost, experience, and          support frontline representatives with messages
intelligent propositions. To maintain its market           and offers finely tuned to the customer’s needs
leadership, an AI-first institution must develop           and aspirations.
models capable of meeting the processing
requirements of edge capabilities, including natural-      Several banks use voice recognition to verify
language processing (NLP), computer vision, facial         customer identity for certain low-value, high-
recognition, and more.                                     volume transactions. Some are using facial

AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future                                                           9
Exhibit 5
      Edge capabilitiesenhance
                        enhance  customer-service
                               customer-service     journeys.

       Digital self-cure Voice-recognition-    AI-enabled        Voice-analytics-             AI-enabled       Feedback loop via
         channels for       enabled IVR,1   customer profiling, and NLP-enabled2            service-to-sales     engagement
        customers (eg,     frontline bots    customer–agent         customer-                    engine            channels
       WhatsApp, mobile handling 30–50%         matching        sentiment analysis
         app, website)       of queries

         Customer may             If query is not        Customer        Contact-center      Customers are    Postcall feedback
        seek immediate          resolved through connected to the agents supported          prompted for any   and automated
          resolution of             automated        appropriate agent by live feedback      specific offers follow-up occur via
        queries through              channels,      (chat or call) based and prompts to     preapproved for    digital channels
       digital self-service       customer may        on type of query   sustain superior        them
            channels            contact bank via       and customer         customer
                                 chat or request          profiling        experience
                               call with live agent

        Interactive voice response.

     recognition to authenticate customers’ identity as soon          of customer behaviors, banks must go the last mile to
     as they enter a branch, approach an ATM, or open the             ensure that these analytical insights have an impact
     banking app on a mobile device. As noted earlier, facial         on customer behavior, such as purchasing a product,
     analysis is also useful in identifying                           making a loan payment, or exploring new service
     potential fraud.                                                 offers. In other words, an organization must establish
                                                                      a mechanism to “translate” analytical outcomes
     Leading banks are using blockchain to create smart               into compelling messages to communicate to the
     contracts, secure trade documents and automate the               customer at the right time, through the preferred
     release of funds upon delivery of goods, and establish           channel—be it email, SMS, mobile app, website,
     shared utilities to reduce the burden of know-your-              branch staff, or a relationship manager—according
     customer (KYC) and anti-money-laundering (AML)                   to the time of day.
     compliance for banks and customers. Edge capabilities
     deployed as part of an enterprise strategy to enhance            This last mile from decisioning to messaging is the
     the AI bank’s value proposition have the potential not           domain of the digital marketing engine. Seamlessly
     only to improve credit underwriting and fraud                    integrated with applications across the full AI-and-
     prevention but also to reduce the costs of document              analytics capability stack with the help of APIs,
     handling and regulatory compliance.                              from data infrastructure to engagement channels,
                                                                      this engine supports the nearly instantaneous
                                                                      processing of raw data to produce tailored messages
     Enterprise-wide digital marketing engine                         communicated via engagement channels. Exhibit 6,
     While the automated decisions generated by AA/ML                 on the next page, illustrates the position of the digital
     models provide highly accurate, real-time predictions

10    AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
Exhibit 6
The digital
The digitalmarketing
                      engine  requires
                            requires fullfull stack
                                          stack     capabilities.

     Engagement layer

                                                                                        Branch             Contact           ...
              Email                SMS             Mobile app        Website

     Decisioning layer                                                                                                         analytics/
                                       Martech stack                          Design and activation                          feedback loop
            relationship                 Data mgmt.              Content            Ad tech        Campaign            Testing
            management                    platform                mgmt.                              mgmt.
                                           (DMP)                 platform            server         platform           platform

                                                                    AA/ML1 models: Decisioning and personalization engine

         Edge                            Voice         Virtual     Computer   Facial    Blockchain Robotics             Behavioral
         capabilities                   analysis       agents        vision recognition                                  analytics

     Data lake layer

            Raw data lake                    Curated data lake
                                                                     Other use cases      Customer 360       Personalization store
                                                                                Additional derived
                                                                            elements for personalization

      Comprehensive set of data sources: internal structured data (eg, applications, product holding, payment behavior),
        unstructured data (eg, call logs), CRM, external data (eg, telco, clickstream data), campaign performance data

  Advanced-analytics and machine-learning.
2Natural-language processing.

marketing engine (or martech stack) within the                              and modified; (2) the ad tech server, which
decisioning layer of the AI-bank capability stack.                          automates advertisements based on data
                                                                            analysis; and (3) the campaign management
The digital marketing engine comprises platforms                            platform, which supports the creation and
and applications fulfilling four main functions:                            management of marketing campaigns, which
data management, design and activation,                                     are conducted automatically according to the
measurement and testing, and channel analytics.                             microsegmentation generated by the data
The data management platform, which forms part                              management platform.
of the core tech and data infrastructure layer of
the AI-bank capability stack, supplies the data                             Just as the AI-and-analytics capability
used to create and manage target customer                                   stack entails fundamental changes in the
segments. The design and activation function                                organization’s talent, culture, and ways of
has three elements: (1) the content management                              working, the success of digital marketing
platform, where messages, offers, advertisements,                           capabilities depends on an agile operating
and other interventions are created, managed,                               model. This model consists of autonomous

AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future                                                                                        11
cross-functional teams (or pods) drawing upon                    (CBA) leverages its mobile app to test messages
          the talent of different parts of the enterprise, such            and learn within hours what works and what must
          as business units, marketing, analytics, channels,               be changed. This cadence enables rapid scaling of
          operations, and technology. Each pod should also                 campaigns to similar customer segments.11
          include representatives from partner organizations
          crucial to the digital marketing effort—for example,             In measurement of campaigns’ impact, scientific
          user-interface and user-experience designers,                    rigor is crucial. To allow for precise measurement
          who lay out the campaign’s look and feel and its                 of the incremental value of the campaign, each
          flow, and copywriters, who finalize the language                 target segment should include a control group of
          of any intervention. The members of each pod                     customers excluded from the campaign. The tools
          collaborate on developing, managing, and improving               and capabilities for evaluating the effectiveness of
          engagement campaigns, and each member is                         customer-engagement campaigns help employees
          accountable for campaigns’ impact according to                   across the organization understand how they can
          clearly defined key performance indicators (KPIs).               enhance their impact on individual customers and
                                                                           add value to an AI-oriented culture.
          To achieve the desired outcome, an AI-first bank
          launching daily personalized communications to
          millions of customers must build tools for continual
          testing and learning. The measurement and testing       The rapid improvement of AI-powered technologies
          platform flags potential aspects of content or          spurs competition on speed, cost, experience, and
          distribution to improve, thereby enabling teams to      intelligent propositions. To remain competitive,
          evaluate in real time the effectiveness of campaigns. banks must engage customers with highly
                                                                  personalized and timely content to build loyalty.
          Another source of continual feedback is channel         Personalized offers with tailored communication
          analytics, which includes tools and dashboards          delivered at the right time through the customer’s
          for real-time tracking of engagement across each        preferred channel can help banks maximize the
          target segment. Every day, each pod leverages the       lifetime value of each customer relationship and
          channel analytics and measurement and testing           reinforce the organization’s market leadership.
          platforms to closely track various indicators,          To achieve these benefits, banks must build
          including delivery rates, email open rates, click-      AI-powered decisioning capabilities fueled by a rich
          through rates by channel for customers seeking          mixture of internal and external data and augmented
          more information (the first call to action), conversion by edge technologies. The core technology and
          rates, and more. These diagnostics help members         data infrastructure required to collect and curate
          of the pod experiment with potential enhancements increasingly diverse and voluminous data sets is the
          to messages, advertisements, and campaign design. topic of the next article in our series on the AI-bank
          As an example, Commonwealth Bank of Australia           capability stack.

      Akshat Agarwal is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Bangalore office. Charu Singhal a consultant and Renny Thomas is a
      senior partner, both in the Mumbai office.

      Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

      Paul McIntyre, “CommBank’s analytics chief on how its AI-powered ‘Customer Engagement Engine’ is changing everything,” Mi3, September

      21, 2020,

12   AI-powered decision making for the bank of the future
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