Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School

Page created by Charles Mclaughlin
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.)
             Year 8 Great Reads
                    Adventure / Survival
    Paul Adam: Max Cassidy series          Katherine Rundell: The Good
     Max Cassidy is a teenage              Thieves
    escapologist. His father went          Desperate to help her beloved
    missing two years ago and his          grandfather, Vita and her mother
    mother is serving a life sentence      go to New York. She has one goal:
    for his murder. Max's mission to       to break into Hudson Hall and
    learn the truth takes him to           retrieve the jewels that the sinister
    central America, to the horrors of     Victor Sorrotore stole from her
    the terrifying Shadow Island.          family. With her new friends, she
     Book#1                                plans a scary heist.

    Lauren St John: The One Dollar         Bear Grylls: Mission Survival
    Horse series                           series
    Casey Blue volunteers at a local       Beck is in Colombia. His uncle and
    riding school, but her dream is to     Don Rafael know where the lost
    win the Badminton Horse Trials.        city is, but they are both
    She rescues a starving, half-wild      kidnapped. Beck must set off into
    horse, but she has reckoned            the wilds of Colombia, build a raft,
    without her father’s criminal          negotiate wild river rapids, make
    record, or the boy with melty,         camp, and defend his friends from
    dark eyes, with whom she refuses       wild animals in the jungle.
    to fall in love.                       Book#1

    Mitch Johnson: Pop!                    Lauren Wolk: Beyond the Bright
     When the recipe to the world's        Sea
    most popular drink - thought to        Crow has always been curious
    be lost forever - washes up at her     about the world around her, but it
    feet, Queenie's life instantly         isn't until the night a mysterious
    changes. Everyone wants it, and        fire appears across the water that
    with a $10 million bounty on her       the unspoken question of her own
    head, Queenie's soon on the run.       history forms in her heart. Soon, a
    Can she and her friend Todd do         chain of events is triggered, leading
    something to fix this crazy,           Crow down a path of discovery and
    messed up world?                       danger.

    Peter Bunzl: Cogheart series           Wilbur Smith: Cloudburst
    Lily’s father is missing, and now      The classic tale of a boy from a
    silver-eyed men stalk her.             Mississippi River town. He
    With her friends—Robert, the           recounts his adventures as he
    clockmaker’s son, and Malkin, her      travels down the river with a
    mechanical fox—Lily is plunged         runaway slave, encountering a
    into a murky and menacing world        family involved in a feud, two
    of murder, mayhem and mystery          scoundrels pretending to be
    set in this gripping Victorian         royalty, and Tom Sawyer's aunt.
    steam punk adventure.
    Vashti Hardy: Crowfall                 Robert Muchamore: Robin Hood
    Ironhold is an orderly place but       series
    when Orin Crowfall, a lowly            After Locksley’s car plants shut
    servant boy, learns the island         down, the prosperous town has
    itself is in danger, this knowledge    become a toxic land. The Sheriff of
    makes him a target. He narrowly        Nottingham and Guy Gisborne
    escapes on a boat, fights for          control the council. When Robin’s
    survival with his robot friend,        dad is framed for a robbery, he and
    Cody, pursued by a sea monster.        Little John must survive in
    Orin will need to dig deep for         Sherwood forest, sheltering the free
    courage and trust. fantasy             spirits and outlaws. But Robin has
    adventure.                             plans. Book#1
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Real Life
Samira Ahmed: Love, Hate and            Lisa Williamson:
Other Filters                           Paper Avalanche
Maya -an Indian American                 When it comes to flying under the
Muslim teen confronts                   radar, Ro Snow is an expert: No
Islamophobia and a reality she          friends, No boys,
can neither explain nor escape.         No parties, and strictly NO
She is torn between two worlds.         VISITORS. Then Tanvi Shah, the
But in the aftermath of a horrific      girl who almost died, comes back
crime, her life is turned upside        into her life, and Ro finds herself
down by fear, bigotry, and hatred.      losing control of her lies.

Sita Brahmachari: When                  Elizabeth Acevedo:
Secrets Set Sail                        The Poet X
Usha is devastated when her             Xiomara feels unheard in her
grandmother Kali Ma dies. When          Harlem neighbourhood. She
her new adoptive sister Imtiaz          discovers slam poetry to
arrives, they clash instantly. They     understand her place in the world.
both feel lost. Kali Ma's ghost         She joins a school slam poetry club
appears with a task for them: to        and can’t stop thinking about her
go on a quest through London. If        poems. Because though the world
they can set the secrets of             might not want to hear, Xiomara
generations free, will they be in       refuses to be silent.
time to save their home?
Onjali Rauf: The Night Bus Hero         Penny Joelsen: Things the Eye
I've been getting into trouble for      Can’t See
as long I can remember. Recently        The day that the boy gives her a
no one believes me about                secret note to deliver changes
anything - even when I'm telling        everything. Then, the boy goes
the truth! It's worse since I played    missing, and no one – except Libby
a prank on the old man in the           and her new friend Kyle – thinks
park. Everyone thinks I'm just a        there is anything to worry about.
bully. They don't believe I could       Libby is visually impaired but with
be a hero. But I'm going to prove       Samson, her guide dog, she wishes
them all wrong. Bullying and            she could be more independent.
homelessness themes.
Nielsen: Optimists Die First            Anne Frank: The Diary of a
Petula has shut herself off from        Young Girl
the world after a tragedy. Now she      Discovered in the attic in which she
sees danger in everything. She          spent the last years of her life,
goes to art therapy class, though       Anne Frank’s remarkable diary has
she has nothing in common with          become a world classic—a powerful
these teenage misfits, who all          reminder of the horrors of war and
carry their own guilt. When she is      an eloquent testament to the
forced to do a project with Jacob,      human spirit.
he helps her to face her fears,
until a hidden truth threatens to
derail everything.
Sarah Crossan: Moonrise                 Angie Thomas: Concrete Rose
Joe hasn't seen his brother for ten     The story of Maverick Carter,
years, because Ed is on death row.      Starr's father, set seventeen years
His date for execution has been         before The Hate U Give. With his
set, and Joe is determined to           King Lord dad in prison and his
spend those last weeks with him,        mom working two jobs, Maverick
no matter what other people think       helps the only way he knows how:
This poignant, stirring, novel asks     slinging drugs. Life's not perfect,
big questions. What value do you        but it’s under control. then he finds
place on life? What can you             out he's a father! It’s not easy to
forgive? And just how do you say        deal drugs and finish school with a
goodbye?                                baby dependent on him.
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Crime, Mystery, Thrillers and Spies
Anthony Horowitz: Alex Rider           Andrew Lane: Young Sherlock
series                                 Holmes series
Fourteen-year-old Alex is              When Sherlock Holmes is fourteen
recruited into MI6. Armed with         - on a break from boarding school,
secret gadgets, he is sent to          he stays with his uncle and aunt.
investigate Herod Sayle, a man         When two local people die from a
who is offering Stormbreaker           plague, Holmes begins to
computers to every school. But         investigate what really killed them,
the teenage spy soon finds himself     helped by his new tutor, an
in mortal danger.                      American named Amyus Crowe.
Book#1                                 Book#1

Robin Stevens: The                     Chris Ryan: Agent 21 series
Guggenheim Mystery                     Agent 21-first in an action-packed
A painting is stolen but I did not     adventure series by a real-life SAS
see what the problem was, even if      hero. When Zak Darke's parents
it was worth £9.8 million.             die in a mass murder he's alone in
Perhaps that's because of my very      the world, until he's sought out by
unusual brain. But when Aunt           a mysterious man from a
Gloria was blamed for the theft, I     government agency. 'Zak becomes
had to find the painting, and          Agent 21. What happened to the 20
discover who took it.                  agents before him he'll never know.
                                       What he does know is that his life
                                       is about to change.
Katherine Woodfine: The                Robert Muchamore: The
Clockwork Sparrow                      Henderson Boys and Rock War
In a world of mysteries, the           series
daring theft of the clockwork          In World War Two, the British
sparrow takes place! The most          secret service is about to discover
dastardly criminals in London          that kids working undercover will
enact their wicked plans! Our          help to win the war. For official
bold heroines, Miss Sophie Taylor      purposes, these children do not
and Miss Lilian Rose, crack codes,     exist.
devour ice-buns and vow to bring       Book#1
the villains to justice…

Andy McNab: Boy Soldier series         Charlie Higson: Young Bond
Danny sets out to track down and       series
expose his grandfather – a traitor.    James Bond will one day become
Now people want them both dead.        the world’s most famous spy, but
This is a thrilling, fast-paced        for now his challenge is to fit in at
series full of breath-taking action,   his new school - making friends
SAS procedures and surveillance        and facing up to bullies. But there
and survival techniques. A fast-       is an even tougher challenge
moving, action-packed thriller.        awaiting him- something
Book#1                                 mysterious and deadly lurking in
                                       the water. It’s called SilverFin.

Charlie Higson: The Enemy              Robin Stevens: Murder Most
series                                 Unladylike Series
Charlie Higson's The Enemy is          1934. Daisy and Hazel set up a
the first in a jaw-dropping zombie     secret detective agency at School.
horror series for teens. Everyone      But then they discover the body of
over the age of fourteen has           the Science Mistress, -and the body
succumbed to a deadly zombie           disappears! Now the girls have to
virus and now the kids must keep       solve a murder and prove a murder
themselves alive.                      has happened in the first place
Book#1                                 before the killer strikes again.
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
History and War
Tom Palmer: After the War:               Hilary McKay: The Swallows’
From Auschwitz to                        Flight
Ambleside'                               Companion novel to The Skylarks'
1945: Three Polish teenagers are         War. Erik and Hans are Germans.
brought from the horrors of a            Ruby and Kate are English. One
concentration camp to the safety         day there are choices to be made.
of the Lake District for                 How is courage lost, and found?
recuperation. The story follows          Who is really the enemy? And what
Yossi and his friends Mordecai           does friendship truly mean, in the
and Leo as they attempt to rebuild       middle of a war? Rupert and Clarry
their shattered lives.                   work secretly for peace - and a
Dyslexia-friendly                        future for them all.
Michael Morpurgo: Listen to              Markus Zusak: The Book Thief
the Moon                                 By her brother's graveside, Liesel's
May 1915. Alfie and his fisherman        life is changed when she finds a
father find a girl on a small island     book: The Gravedigger's
in the Scillies - injured, lost... and   Handbook. It is her first act of book
with no memory. She can say only         thievery. So begins a love affair
one word: Lucy. Where has she            with books and words, as Liesel,
come from? Is she the victim of a        with the help of her foster father,
German U-boat, or a German spy?          learns to read. But these are
WW1 is raging, suspicion is              dangerous times because it is 1939
growing, and Alfie and Lucy are          in Germany.
under threat.
Sam Angus: Soldier Boy                   Michelle Magorian: Goodnight
Stanley's dad hasn't been the            Mister Tom
same since his wife died and his         Young Willie is evacuated to the
eldest son went to war. Now              country as Britain stands on the
Stanley's only friend is his dad's       brink of the Second World War. A
greyhound, Rocket. Stanley runs          sad child, he slowly begins to
away and enlists in the army to          flourish under the care of old Tom
train as a dog handler and is soon       Oakley - but his new happiness is
heading to France with a great           shattered by a summons from his
Dane called Bones by his side.           mother back in London. Tom soon
                                         grows worried.

Rosemary Sutcliff: The Eagle             Philip Pullman: Sally Lockhart
of the Ninth                             series
When the Romans conquered
                                         Soon after Sally Lockhart's father
England, they attempted to go            drowns at sea, she receives a
further North. The Ninth Legion          strange letter containing a dire
marched into the mists of
                                         warning which makes a man die of
northern Britain - and they were         fear. Wanting to discover the truth
never seen again. Four thousand          about her father's death, Sally is
men disappeared, and their eagle
                                         plunged into a terrifying mystery in
standard was lost. Can a young
                                         the dark heart of Victorian London,
Roman find out why?
                                         at the centre of which lie a deadly
                                         blood-soaked jewel.
Catherine Johnson: Sawbones              Tanya Landman: Beyond the
Ezra has been trained by a top           Wall
surgeon, which will secure him a         The story of a runaway slave girl
trade for life. But his world is         and her dangerous journey through
turned on its head when a failed         Britain. Cassia does not fear death.
break-in at his master's house sets      Beyond Hadrian's Wall there is
off a disturbing series of events        freedom. With dogs on her trail
that involves grave robbing, body        and a bounty on her head the
switching and murder. Loveday            journey seems impossible. But then
Finch, daughter of the late              Cassia meets Marcus - slick, silver-
magician, asks Ezra to investigate.      tongued - a true and perfect son of
                                         Rome. And her only hope.
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Horror and Supernatural
Darren Shan: Zom-B series               Joseph Delaney: Spooks series
Zom-B is a radical series about a       'Someone has to stand against the
zombie apocalypse, told in the          dark. And you're the only one who
first person by one of its victims.     can.'
The series combines classic Shan        For years, the local Spook has been
action with a fiendishly twisting       keeping the County safe from evil.
plot and hard-hitting and               Now his time is coming to an end,
thought-provoking moral                 but who will take over? Just one
questions dealing with racism,          boy is left. Thomas Ward. He is the
abuse of power and more.                last hope.
Book#1                                  Book#1

Neil Gaiman: Coraline                   Frances Hardinge: A Skinful of
When Coraline steps through a           Shadows
door in her family's new house,         Sometimes, when a person dies,
she finds another house, strangely      their spirit looks for someone else
like her own (only better). At first,   to hide in. Some people are perfect
things seem marvellous. But             for hiding.
there's another mother and              Makepeace has learned to defend
father, and they want her to stay       herself from the ghosts that try to
and be their little girl. Coraline      possess her in the night, desperate
will have to fight with all her wits    for refuge - but one day she drops
if she is to save herself.              her guard. Now she has a spirit
                                        inside her.
Chris Priestley: Mister Creecher        Jonathan Stroud: Lockwood and
Billy is a street urchin,               co. series
pickpocket, and petty thief. Mister     Britain has a horrifying epidemic of
Creecher is a monstrous giant of a      ghosts. Lucy joins the smallest,
man who terrifies all he meets.         most ramshackle agency in the city,
Their relationship becomes a            run by Anthony Lockwood. When
bond between these two misfits as       one of their cases goes horribly
their bloody journey takes them         wrong, Lockwood & Co. must stay
ever northwards on the trail of         the night in a haunted house and
their target, Victor Frankenstein.      try to escape alive. A scary and
A frightening book of friendship,       funny detective ghost series.
trust and betrayal.                     Book#1

Alex Bell: Frozen Charlotte.            Derek Landy: Demon Road
Dunvegan School for Girls has           Trilogy
been closed and converted into a        Amber is smart but insecure,
family home long ago. Sophie            spending most of her time online,
arrives at the old schoolhouse to       to avoid her aloof parents. When
spend the summer with her               an encounter reveals a horrifying
cousins. Brooding Cameron with          secret, she is forced to go on the
his scarred hand, strange Lilias        run from killer cars, vampires,
with a fear of bones and Piper,         undead serial killers, and red-
who seems just a bit too good to        skinned, horned demons. She races
be true and the girl with a room        across America before her parents
full of dolls. The girl that died!      catch up with her. Book#1
Cornelia Funke: Ghost Knight            Charlie Higson: The Enemy series
Jon never expected to enjoy             Everyone over the age of fourteen
school, or to be confronted by a        has a deadly zombie virus and now
pack of vengeful ghosts. Ella has a     the kids must keep themselves
taste for adventure. They must          alive. When the virus came, every
work to find the secrets of an old      adult fell ill. Some died. The others
murder, while being haunted by          are crazed, hungry and confused.
ghosts intent on revenge. Jon           The children are fighting to
summons the ghost of the late           survive. Rumours speak of a safe
knight Longspee to protect them,        place to hide, so a gang of children
but can he be trusted? Bravery,         move across London-but can they
friendship - and ghosts!                make it there - alive? Book#1
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Dystopian and Science Fiction
Alice Broadway: Ink series             Suzanne Collins: The Hunger
There are no secrets in                Games series
Saintstone. Everything you do is       In the ruins of North America lies
tattooed on your skin. After her       the nation of Panem, a shining
father dies, Leora finds solace in     Capitol surrounded by twelve
the fact that his skin tells a         outlying districts. The Capitol is
wonderful story, until she sees a      harsh and cruel forcing teenagers
mark on his neck...the symbol of       to participate in the annual Hunger
the worst crime a person can           Games, a fight to the death on live
commit.                                TV. Katniss Everdeen fights for
Book#1                                 survival. Book#1 read the Prequel:
                                       Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes!
Malorie Blackman: Noughts              Michael Grant: Gone series
and Crosses series                     One day everyone above age 15
Two young people are forced to         disappears! Just as suddenly, there
make a stand in this thought-          are no phones, no internet, no
provoking look at racism and           television. Hunger threatens.
prejudice in an alternate society.     Bullies rule. A sinister creature
Sephy is a Cross Callum is a           lurks. On your 15th birthday, you
Nought. Noughts and Crosses            disappear just like everyone else. A
simply don’t mix. A romance            science fiction/ dystopian fantasy
builds between Sephy and Callum        world of survival against monsters,
-- a romance that is to lead them      bullies and each other.
into danger. Book#1                    Book#1
James Dashner: The Maze                Patrick Ness: Burn
Runner series                          Sarah and her father, outcasts in
When the lift opens, the only          Frome, are forced to hire a dragon
thing Thomas remembers is his          to work their farm, which only the
name. Boys welcome him to the          poor have to do. Sarah is curious
Glade, a camp in a maze. They          about Kazimir. He supposedly does
have no idea what's happened to        not have a soul but seems intent on
the world outside. All they know       keeping her safe. Kazimir has a
is that every morning when the         prophecy that involves a deadly
walls slide back, they will risk all   assassin, a cult, two FBI agents in
to find out. Book#1                    hot pursuit—and, Sarah herself.
Jonathan Stroud: The Outlaws           Neal Shusterman: Arc of a scythe
Scarlett and Browne series             series
Set in a future England, where         A world with no hunger, no
gunfights and monsters collide,        disease, no war, no misery.
and where the formidable outlaw        Humanity has conquered all those
Scarlett McCain discovers a            things and even death. Scythes are
wrecked coach with only one            the only ones who can end life—
survivor, Albert Browne. Scarlett      and must, in order to keep the
agrees to escort him to safety, but    population under control.
soon, new enemies are on their         Citra and Rowan are chosen to be
heels.     Book#1                      an apprentice scythe—a role that
                                       neither wants. Book#1
Veronica Roth: Divergent series        Philip Reeve: The Mortal Engines
Society is divided into five           series
factions, each dedicated to the        In a dangerous future, huge
cultivation of a particular virtue—    motorised cities hunt, attack and
Candor (the honest), Abnegation        fight each other for survival. As
(the selfless), Dauntless (the         London pursues a small town,
brave), Amity (the peaceful), and      young apprentice Tom is flung out
Erudite (the intelligent). On an       into the wastelands, where a
appointed day of every year, all       terrifying cyborg begins to hunt
sixteen-year-olds must select the      him down… The start of a brilliant
faction to which they will devote      Steam-punk dystopian fantasy.
the rest of their lives.               Book#1
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Sarah Driver: The Huntress              Derek Landy: Skulduggery
series                                  Pleasant series
Ever since Ma died, Mouse has           Meet Skulduggery Pleasant: Ace
looked after her little brother,        Detective, Razor–tongued Wit,
Sparrow, dreaming of her destiny        Crackerjack Sorcerer and
as captain of the Huntress. But         fire-throwing Skeleton! —as well as
now Da’s missing, Sparrow is in         ally, protector, and mentor of
danger, and a deathly cold is           Stephanie, a very unusual and
creeping across Trianukka. A sea-       darkly talented twelve-year-old.
churning, beast-chattering,             These two must defeat an all-
dream-dancing, whale-riding,            consuming ancient evil. Will they
world-saving adventure. Book#1          stop the end of the world? Book#1
Sophie McKenzie: The Medusa             Rick Riordan: The Magnus Chase
Project series                          series
Prof. Fox places a gene inside 4        Magnus’ uncle Randolph rambles
teenagers, but is then killed by his    about Norse history and Magnus's
partner, Jack. Jack has plans for       birth right: a weapon that has been
the kids - IF he can track them         lost for thousands of years. Puzzle
down. Fox's brother, Fergus, is         pieces fall into place, but he doesn't
determined to stop him and keep         have time to consider it all before a
the kids safe: Nico - telekinetic;      fire giant attacks the city, forcing
Ketty - clairvoyant: Dylan - a          him to choose between his own
mind-reader and Alicia - able to        safety and the lives of hundreds of
withstand pain.       Book#1            innocents.      Book#1
Cassandra Clare: The City of            Shannon Messenger: Keeper of
Bones series                            the Lost Cities series
When Clary heads out to the             Sophie has a secret. She’s a
Pandemonium Club, she                   Telepath—someone who hears the
witnesses a murder committed by         thoughts of everyone around her.
three teenagers covered with            Then she meets Fitz, a mysterious
strange tattoos and brandishing         boy another telepath. She discovers
bizarre weapons. Then the body          she is an elf and has magic powers.
disappears into thin air. Can she       In this riveting story one girl must
call the police when the culprits       figure out why she is the key to her
are invisible to everyone else?         brand-new world, before the wrong
Book#1                                  person does. Book#1
Philip Pullman: The Northern            Dan Walker: Sky Thieves series
Lights trilogy                          A band of sky thieves 'steal' Zoya
When Lyra's friend Roger                away from her orphanage, landing
disappears, she and her dæmon,          up in the clouds, on board the deck
Pantalaimon, determine to find          of the Dragonfly. There, she finds a
him. The quest leads them to the        world of meteorite storms, sword
North, where armoured bears rule        fights, midnight raids, floating
the ice and witch-queens fly            islands, and long-lost treasure.
through the frozen skies - and          Book#1
where a team of scientists is
conducting horrible experiments.
Eoin Colfer: Artemis Fowl series        Joseph Elliott: The Good Hawk
Twelve-year-old Artemis is a            Agatha is a Hawk, patrolling the
millionaire, a genius, and a            walls of their island home. Jaime,
criminal mastermind. But when           thoughtful and anxious, is an
he kidnaps a dangerous fairy,           Angler, but he hates the sea. He’s
Captain Holly Short of the              been chosen for a duty: to marry.
LEPrecon Unit, he is in for a           The elders won’t say why they have
riveting, magical adventure.            promised him to a girl in a next
Read the book: see the film.            clan, but when clan is kidnapped, it
Book#1                                  is up to Agatha and Jaime to travel
                                        across the mainland of Scotia to
                                        Norveg, with help many animals
                                        drawn to Agatha’s extraordinary
                                        gift of communication.
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Kwame Alexander: Crossover               Dan Freedman: Unstoppable
series                                   Fourteen-year-old twins, Kaine and
A verse novel about basketball.          Roxy, used to be close, but not
Josh and Jordan must come to             anymore. Roxy hates the way her
grips with growing up on and off         brother behaves - Kaine might be
the court. They realise breaking         brilliant at football, but he's always
the rules comes at a terrible price,     in trouble and seems determined to
as their story's heart-stopping          tear the family apart. Kaine
climax proves a game-changer for         despises the way his supposedly
the entire family.                       perfect sister dominates their
Book#1                                   parents in her ambition to reach

Tom Palmer: Rugby Academy                Alan Gibbons: The Beautiful
series                                   Game
Woody is a footballer and must           Lennie hears Man U fans chanting
decide if he’s prepared to give          about Hillsborough. He retaliates
rugby his all. Rory feels like he’s      with a chant about the Munich
losing his focus, as his parents         Disaster. His dad and granddad
may be in danger. Owen finds             take Lennie on a whistle-stop tour
himself at the centre when               of the dark side of the game. Full of
conflict breaks out within the           facts about the history of football,
team. What are the chances of            the great disasters of the twentieth
them making it to the end of the         century and the black footballers
rigorous schools’ tournament?            who blazed a trail in the UK

Matt Oldfield: Ultimate                  Jason Reynolds: Ghost
Football Heroes series                   Running. That's all that Ghost has
Salah, Messi, Aguerro – these are        ever known. But never for a track
just a few of the names in this          team. But when he challenges an
series about football heroes.            elite sprinter to a race - and wins -
Mohamed Salah is Liverpool's             the Olympic medallist track coach
superstar forward. Follow his            spots his crazy natural talent. But
adventures from the heat of Egypt        Ghost has a lot of anger, and a past.
to the magic of Rome, the roar of        Can Ghost harness his raw talent
Anfield stadium and - finally - his      for speed and meld with the team,
big chance in a Champions                or will his past finally catch up to
League Final.                            him?

Mitch Johnson: Kick                      Dan Freedman: Jamie Johnson
Budi's plan is simple...He's going       series
to be a star, instead of sweating        A popular series about a boy’s
over each football boot he makes.        football career.
He's going to play for the greatest      Jamie's desperate to become
team on earth, rather than in the        Highwood School's star football
square behind the factory where          player (and in his dreams,
he works. But now he owes the            Hawkstone United's too). But after
Dragon, the most dangerous man           he wrecks his chances at the trials,
in all Jakarta. Soon his life is at      the pressure's on to prove himself.
stake.                                   Book#1

Marcus Rashford: You Are a               Nikesh Shukla: The Boxer
Champion                                 Sunny feels isolated in the city he's
It’s hard to know what is possible       just moved to, so he joins a boxing
until you start. You have to be          club to protect himself after a racist
able to dream big and be prepared        attack. He finds the community
to work towards your dreams. I’ve        he's been seeking at the club, and a
achieved a lot so far, but it didn’t     mentor in trainer Shona, who helps
come in one go; big things rarely        him find his place in the world. But
happen overnight, and good               racial tensions are rising in the city,
things rarely happen as if by            and when a march turns violent, he
magic.                                   is faced with losing his new best
                                         friend Keir to radicalisation.
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
Gill Lewis: Gorilla Dawn                Cory Leonardo: Call Me Alastair
Deep in the African jungle, a baby      A funny, heart-shattering novel
gorilla is captured by a group of       about a fierce parrot,
rebel soldiers. Two children, Bobo      a big-hearted boy and a spirited
and Imara are also imprisoned.          elderly widow, all learning to live
When they learn that the gorilla        fully-fledged lives. Born in the back
will be sold into captivity, they       of a pet store, Alastair the African
swear to return it to the wild. Will    grey parrot dreams of escape, and
the bond between the gorilla and        flying off with his beloved sister,
the children give them the              Aggie.
courage they need to escape?

Stacy Gregg: Pony Club Secrets          Piers Torday: The Last Wild
series.                                 series
Issie’s instructor asks her to care     In a world where animals no longer
for Blaze, an abandoned pony,           exist, Kester is locked away in a
and Issie’s riding skills are really    home for troubled children. So,
put to the test. Will she tame the      when he meets a flock of talking
spirited new horse Blaze? And can       pigeons and a bossy cockroach,
Mystic somehow return to help           Kester thinks he's crazy. But the
her?                                    animals need him. He is drawn into
Book#1                                  an adventure to save them.
Lauren St. John: Animal Healer          Michael Morpurgo: The Fox and
series                                  the Ghost King
Martine must leave her white            “Every fox in the whole town, in the
giraffe, Jemmy, for 2 weeks as she      whole country just about, is a
is on a school trip to South Africa.    football fan… And we all have an
When a storm blows up and               impossible dream.” In a cosy den
Martine and her friends s are           under a garden shed lives a family
thrown overboard into shark-            of foxes. They love to watch
infested waters. They are saved by      football, but their favourite team
dolphins but end up on an island.       keeps losing until a ghost king
A gripping tale of courage and          turns up...
Erin Hunter: Warriors series            Sam Angus: A Horse Called Hero
Four Clans of wild cats have            In the Second World War London
shared the forest and the laws laid     is a target for German bombs.
down by their ancestors. But the        Dodo and Wolfie are evacuated to
Thunder Clan cats are in danger         the country, where they find an
from the Shadow Clan, warriors          orphaned foal. They raise Hero and
are dying - and some deaths are         learn to ride. But the shadow of
stranger than others. During this       war looms over their peaceful
turmoil a cat named Rusty               existence, and soon Hero must live
appears, who may turn out to be         up to his name
the bravest warrior of them all.

Megan Rix: The Great Escape             Nilanjana Roy: The Wildings
The Great Escape follows three          A thrillingly original story of the
pets as they set off on the             adventures of a small band of feral
adventure of their lives across a       cats in Delhi who communicate by
country preparing for war. Robert       whisker mind-link When a
and Lucy love them, but the threat      terrifying new enemy emerges from
of the War forces them to flee to       the shadows, the Wildings must
Devon and the animals are sent to       fight for their territory and their
be put down. Buster, Tiger and          tribe's survival. For readers of Life
Rose make a daring escape and           of Pi and Philip Pullman.
try to find their owners.               Book#1
Adventure / Survival Sandringham Learning Resources Centre (L.R.C.) Year 8 Great Reads - Sandringham School
              M.G. Leonard: Battle of the              Lara Williamson: A Boy
              Beetles series                           Called Hope
              Darkus is miserable. His dad has         I'm Dan Hope and deep inside
              disappeared, his neighbours are          my head I keep a list of things
              disgusting. A giant beetle called        I want to come true… like help
              Baxter comes to his rescue. Can          Sherlock Holmes solve his
              they solve the mystery of his dad’s      most daring mystery yet, land
              disappearance, when links emerge         on the moon, get my dog to
              to cruel Lucretia Cutter and her         stop eating then throwing up.
              penchant for beetle jewellery?           And my biggest dream of all, I
              Book#1                                   want my dad to love me. This
                                                       is a brave, bold and funny
                                                       debut about families.
              David Walliams: Midnight Gang            David Baddiel: Head Kid
              Midnight is the time when all            From the million-copy
              children are asleep, except of           bestselling author of THE
              course for... the Midnight Gang.         PARENT AGENCY and
              When Tom gets hit on the head by         BIRTHDAY BOY comes a
              a cricket ball, he goes to Hospital,     wildly entertaining wish-
              and is greeted by a terrifying-          fulfilment adventure that asks
              looking porter. Then he meets the        the question: what would
              wicked matron in charge of the           happen if the strictest head
              children's ward. But Tom is about        teacher swapped bodies with
              to embark on the most thrilling          the naughtiest kid in school?
              journey! This is a heart-warming,
              funny story
              Maz Evans: Who Let the Gods              Tom McLaughlin: The
              Out series                               Accidental Prime Minister
              Elliot's mum is ill, but a shooting      Grown-ups have had their turn
              star crashes to Earth. The star is       at running things, and let's
              Virgo - a young Zodiac goddess on        face it, they've been rubbish!
              a mission. But they accidentally         It's time that a kid was in
              release Thanatos, a wicked               charge. Where there is
              daemon, and they must go to the          grumpiness, may we bring
              Olympian gods for help. Are Zeus         giggles, where there is jelly,
              and his crew up to the task of           may we bring ice-cream,
              saving the world?                        where there are chairs, may we
                                                       bring whoopee cushions!

              Andy Mulligan: The Boy With              Pseudonymous Bosch: The
              Two Heads                                Secret series
              How would you feel if you woke           WARNING: DO NOT READ
              up and found another head                THIS BOOK! For amongst its
              growing out of your neck? With a         strange and alarming contents
              rude, sharp tongue and an evil           you will find: two
              sense of humour. It knows all            extraordinary adventures...
              your thoughts and it’s not afraid        a missing magician's diary...
              to say what it thinks . . . to           a symphony of smells...
              ANYBODY. Part thriller, part             and a deadly secret. But wait,
              horror, part comedy.                     you already know too much! It
                                                       is too late!

 This is just a selection of our stock. We also have many books suitable
 for dyslexic readers, also audio C.D.s and e-Books – just ask the L.R.C.
     staff or check on Accessit Learning Resource Centre catalogue.
                              Keep reading!
June 2021
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