Advancing systems and accelerating progress - Building a transparent, traceable and sustainable palm oil supply chain
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Cargill 2018 Palm Oil Annual Report July 2019 Advancing systems and accelerating progress Building a transparent, traceable and sustainable palm oil supply chain
Contents Cargill’s palm oil 2018 progress update and 2019/2020 action plan 2 A message from John Hartmann, 6 Strengthening our commitments 18 Engagement • Suppliers 26 Key learnings Global Sustainability Lead, Cargill Agricultural Supply 9 2018 palm impact scorecard • Landscape projects 27 2019/2020 palm sustainability action plan 14 Chain and Cargill Global • Smallholders Systems and processes Edible Oils Solutions implemented • Cargill plantations 32 Abbreviations 5 Operating a global palm oil 15 Transparency • Labor and human rights supply chain • Traceability • Grievances 25 Verification 33 Contact Us Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 1
Achieving transformation requires a willingness to engage with a variety of stakeholders globally. Advancing systems and accelerating progress Cargill is committed to transforming our supply chains and operations As we approach 2020, there is increasing pressure on brands, to meet the needs of today without compromising future resources. traders and refiners to achieve the commitments set forth in “No To do so, we seek to be deforestation-free, mitigate impacts on the Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation” (NDPE) requirements. climate, expand opportunities for communities in palm producing We know more work is needed to transform the palm oil supply countries and improve the future of the palm industry. Achieving chain, but at the same time there is value in acknowledging these aims requires collaboration. We work closely with a variety the significant progress made. There has been unprecedented of partners – from NGOs and industry groups to our customers, collaboration, co-creation of solutions to increase adoption of NDPE suppliers and smallholder farmers – to improve transparency and policies, and implementation of time-bound action plans that deliver drive positive change. on commitments to protect forests and uphold labor rights. John Hartmann Our approach Global Sustainability Lead We recognize there is still much work to be done – and we believe production driven by market forces outside Europe and the U.S., Cargill Agricultural that for sustainable practices to become mainstream, we must known as “leakage” markets. Rather than immediately banning all Supply Chain and invest to improve and reform those already engaged in the market. noncompliant producers, Cargill seeks to engage them to transform Cargill Global Edible Oils Otherwise, the industry risks continued growth of unsustainable practices using the “verify, engage and transform” approach. Solutions Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 2
Deeper understanding Our journey to establish and advance robust systems has placed on us a steep applied this deeper understanding in concrete ways, including reviewing and updating learning curve. We have invested time and resources to better understand the our policies, strategies and processes to better address key challenges. Examples of environmental and social impacts that stem from our operations, those of our supplier these developments are noted below. partners, the constantly evolving stakeholder landscape and the improvements we must make to become an increasingly sustainable business. Our aim is to be a leader A major driver of improvements in 2018 was the work we did on the ground to address in promoting transformational change in the industry. the root causes of deforestation, peat and human rights issues and develop long-term solutions. This report includes several examples of ways we worked to address those As our understanding of the root causes of issues facing the palm industry evolves, issues through partnerships, including projects on landscape initiatives, labor and we strive to remain agile and transparent in our response. In 2018, our business human rights, smallholder inclusion and on our own plantations. Grievance process Monitoring Reporting and verification We updated our grievance We supported the development process and developed guidance We partnered with Global Forest of an NDPE Implementation Framework on topics such as child labor, forced and Watch to improve our monitoring process to facilitate reporting of progress toward bonded labor, deforestation and peat using radar technology and developed stated commitments. clearance to address instances of detailed guidelines for verifying noncompliance in a more compliance with our consistent and supplier policy. transparent manner. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 3
Looking ahead during the past year. To pursue scale Sustainability remains core to our so far. We will continue working with and greater impact, we are prioritizing operations. We believe achieving producer groups, industry peers and We are on track to achieve our goal of key activities in line with our strategic transformation requires a willingness to others to drive change. We appreciate ensuring a traceable, transparent and pillars of transparency, engagement and engage with a variety of stakeholders your support and collaboration on this sustainable supply chain by 2020. In verification, which are detailed in this globally, and we applaud the efforts of our journey. 2019 and 2020, we will continue to build report and outlined in the updated palm partners and the key stakeholders who on the robust systems we put in place oil sustainability content on have been instrumental in our progress John Hartmann Global Sustainability Lead Cargill Agricultural Supply Chain and Cargill Global Edible Oils Solutions Cargill palm sustainability timeline Published Published Launched Palm Published 2020 Convened Collaborate Cargill Policy first progress Sustainability Roadmap, industry to transform Achieve on Sustainable report and Dashboard, established collaboration the industry industry Palm Oil, action plan, supported the key processes, around alignment on began launched Palm High Carbon Stock policies, landscape Pursue scale and principles reporting mill Grievance Approach (HCSA) procedures approach and traceability Procedure convergence, began development of evaluate impact reporting plantation implementation traceability progress framework 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 4
Operating a global palm supply chain Our footprint Cargill operates a global palm oil supply chain with physical assets suppliers1. We buy some of that oil directly from mills; the majority of 17 Cargill operations in the form of plantations, mills and refineries. As a trader of major the oil we purchase is sourced indirectly on the open market through commodities around the globe, our key activities in the palm supply traders and refiners. We also purchase smallholders’ palm oil through chain include sourcing, trading and refining oil from third-party mill cooperatives and indirectly from independent smallholder farmers. 1 Our mill list can be found on our Palm Sustainability Dashboard. REFINERIES 12 Hamburg Izegem 5 MILLS Rotterdam Sidney Turyağ Fullerton Charlotte Karachi Nantong Dongguan Kandla Yangjiang Tula PLANTATIONS 22,000 * South Sumatra Port Klang Westport • 2 plantations • 4 mills Itumbiara West Kalimantan • 3 plantations Kooragang SMALLHOLDERS • 8 mills (plantations
Strengthening our commitments In March 2019, Cargill announced our updated Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil, which replaces the policy we launched in 2014. Cargill’s commitment to producing and sourcing palm oil in an economical, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner is embodied in our requirements, which aim to deliver palm oil that is produced in accordance with “No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation” (NDPE) practices. Cargill commits to a traceable, transparent and sustainable palm oil supply chain that: • Protects high conservation value (HCV)1 areas, high carbon stock (HCS) 2 forests and peatlands regardless of depth • Respects and upholds the rights of workers, indigenous peoples and local communities • Enables smallholders to become successful businesspeople, improving their livelihoods through responsible production, maximizing yields and improving quality • Supports the inclusion of smallholder farmers These renewed NDPE commitments are based on strengthened industry standards and evolving understanding about key issues and their root causes. Highlights include: Strengthened Zero tolerance Commitment to High standards standards on social of retaliation and the High Carbon for transparency issues and human intimidation Dedicated Stock Approach and monitoring rights protections for section on (HCSA) workers, indigenous smallholder peoples and local inclusion communities We will work to ensure that all palm oil and palm products that Cargill produces, trades or processes are in line with these commitments (see policy for more details). We collaborate and seek the support of suppliers, customers, governments, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to implement this policy. Broader commitments The palm oil industry faces challenges and is focused on reducing deforestation and upholding human rights, labor and land rights in the palm supply chain. In addition to addressing these topics in our Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil, Cargill’s broader updated Forest Policy and Human Rights Commitment also govern our actions. These documents articulate Cargill’s commitment to eliminate deforestation and protect human rights in our supply chains. Our Supplier Code of Conduct is another key element of our palm oil policy. 2 HCV assessments are used to identify whether proposed development areas support vital natural ecosystems and biodiversity or maintain the subsistence or culture of local communities. 3 Cargill publicly endorsed the HCSA on November 8, 2016. We were active participants in the HCS convergence process and continue to contribute in the implementation framework of the approach. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 6
Commitment to the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals Cargill is committed to using our global gender equality, advancing sustainable reach within the agriculture, food and economic development, addressing nutrition sector to help achieve the U.N.’s climate change and ensuring prosperity Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for all. For more infomation visit Cargill. which are aimed at ending poverty, com/SDGs improving food security, promoting Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 7
2018 in review We set a high bar for palm sustainability. Meeting our goals by 2020 will be challenging but we are making solid progress as shown in the 2018 impact scorecard. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 8
Traceability scores: PALM Q3 Q4 KERNEL Q3 Q4 100% Europe, Russia, USA, Malaysia, 100% Europe, Russia, USA, Malaysia, 92% Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Australia/New Zealand Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Australia/New Zealand Cargill Global Traceability score Traceability India 98% India N/A to mill level to Mill Level 85% 44% 92% China China by Market 51% 100% PALM Q3 Q4 KERNEL Q3 Q4 74% Europe Europe 49% 66% 43% 20% 35% Russia 17% Russia 38% 12% 24% USA USA 42% 17% 22% 97% 35% Malaysia 98% Malaysia 39% Cargill Global Traceability Brazil 49% 77% Brazil 24% 32% Traceability score to plantation level to Plantation Mexico 42% 66% Mexico 60% 73% Level by 31% India 53% India N/A 27% 11% China Market Pakistan N/A 24% China Pakistan 4% 35% 20% Austalia/ 97% Austalia/ N/A New Zealand 98% New Zealand Other 43% Other 33% Markets 36% Markets 39% Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 10
Sustainability performance: Q4 2018 Number of third- Monitoring party mills and Cargill is using satellite imagery to monitor for potential land use ref ineries in Cargill changes in 100% of our palm supply chain 33 Third-Party Ref ineries 1,369 Third-Party Mills 121 Segregated Mills supply chain. 100% Labor & Mill prioritization HIGH MEDIUM LOW Human Rights 100% 30% Human rights issues 328 470 571 have been socialized with direct for engagement mills through Cargill programs 69% Direct trades/ref iners with comprehensive human rights policies *Cargill is using the Global Forest Watch Pro Palm Risk Tool Methodology to categorize the mills from high to low Creating Impact 65% NDPE POLICY & 36% FIELD ASSESSMENT with Our CODE OF CONDUCT 26% SELF ASSESSMENT Sustainability 39% REFINERY 24% CONTINUOUS Programs ACTION PLAN IMPROVEMENT PLAN 45% GROUP 30% NDPE WORKSHOP ACTION PLAN Direct Trader/Ref iner Direct Mills 44% HIGH RISK MILLS FIELD ASSESSED Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 11
Sustainability performance: Smallholder Landscape Program Cargill Plantations Program (Siak/Pelalawan) % mills RSPO certified 83% 3,384 CERTIFIED 37% 17% MEDIUM NON CERTIFIED New farmers certified in a Cargill % plantations RSPO certified program in 2018 20% 43% 62% CERTIFIED 38% NON CERTIFIED HIGH LOW 4 Cargill mill priority in % managed smallholders RSPO certified Siak /Pelalawan 73% CERTIFIED 30 Smallholder projects (NORAD, WildAsia, Solidaridad, Development 27% of Smallholder Empowerment Tool) NON CERTIFIED 100% Fresh Fruit Bunches originate from NDPE-compliant sources Total number of mills in Cargill supply 100% Cargill Operations and surrounding chain engaged in Siak /Pelalawan communities (5km) covered by a fire prevention Landscape Program and awarenesss program Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 12
Grievances: LOCATION OF GRIEVANCES ADDRESSING GRIEVANCES 19% Deforestation MALAYSIA 21% Investigation 6% Developing Action Plan 7% Verification 6% Monitoring Implementation 3% Suspended LATIN 78% AMERICA 60% INDONESIA Labor/human rights GRIEVANCES LOGGED 7 51 30% Monitoring Implementation Suspended Direct Third Indirect Third Parties Parties 70% Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 13
Systems and processes implemented in 2018 Traceability Supplier engagement • Risk-calibrated approach for traceability to plantation • Producer groups roadmap template • Mill traceability verification guidelines • NDPE modules for capacity building of suppliers • Mills self-assessment template • “Connected 4 Change” Latin America platform Approach to deforestation • Policy Compliance guidelines for supplier verification • Updated environmental mills risk assessment (GFW Palm Risk Tool) • GFW monitoring process Grievances • Landscape prioritization methodology • Updated grievance procedure • Response protocol for alerts management (draft) • Guidelines addressing social and environmental issues in the context of grievances Approach to labor and human rights Reporting • Regional social risk assessment methodology • NDPE implementation framework • Ethical recruitment due-diligence tool • Cargill-owned plantations labor audit checklist • Global labor risk management system (draft) We continue to adjust our strategies based on what we learn during implementation. We measure and regularly report our progress (see the Palm Sustainability Dashboard on ). Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 14
Transparency Traceability the mill level to a radius of 50 kilometers • We focus on collecting traceability- Improving traceability in India around the mill provides a sufficient level to-plantation data in origins where Goal: of detail, allowing us to direct resources we buy directly from mills (primarily in We are making progress by increasing Traceability to plantations by 2020 to areas at higher risk of deforestation. Malaysia and Latin America – where traceability across our global palm oil in high-priority landscapes By targeting high-risk landscapes and most of our volume comes from supply chain. In India, for example, prioritizing our efforts to gather more data Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala). traceability to the mill level has grown at the plantation level there, we are able significantly in four years – from 0% at the Cargill is increasing the transparency of to achieve greater impact. • For indirect purchases from traders end of 2014 to 90% at the end of 2018. our supply chain and sourcing practices and refiners, we request plantation- in four ways: Our strategies for achieving our level information from our direct traceability-to-plantation goal are based counterparts and support them to 1. We map our supply chain to the on the following factors: collect this data over time. “We believe there are plantation level. • Traceability to plantations is a • In all cases, we engage our suppliers growth opportunities for 2. We share our mill list. resource-intensive process, so Cargill prioritizes the collection of data in high- to disclose concession boundary maps to improve tracking, monitoring sustainable sourcing in 3. We disclose noncompliant suppliers priority landscapes where the risk of and responding to deforestation or India. Through a strategic on our dashboard. noncompliance is greater. other noncompliance and grievances in our supply base. decision to procure palm oil 4. We engage with our direct and indirect • In 2018, we worked with partners to only from controlled and develop a new, risk-calibrated approach suppliers to make their concession for collecting data. This approach is Commitment to reducing limited suppliers, we have boundary maps publicly available by uploading them on the GeoRSPO and based on the principle that NDPE- deforestation consistently increased our related risks vary among production Global Forest Watch platforms. regions and more detailed data is Cargill is committed to protecting traceability scores. As one of needed on plantation locations where forests and native vegetation and the leading importers of palm Cargill’s goal is to have all palm oil risk is higher than where it is low. For ending deforestation in our palm supply volumes we produce, trade (ship and high-risk areas, palm production should chain. We are using various tools and oil, we will continue to set the physically handle) and process traceable be traceable to the individual production approaches to address deforestation, pace and engage in meaningful to plantations in high-risk supply chains by including: 2020. While initially Cargill was pursuing unit (e.g., the farm); for low-risk areas, palm can be traceable to the level of a dialogues with our suppliers 100% traceability to plantations, we village or municipality. • Mapping – We are mapping our to help ensure a sustainable revised our approach in 2018 to focus supply chain in high-risk landscapes on areas at higher risk of unsustainable • The risk-calibrated approach is currently to the plantation level using our risk- supply chain.” practices, including deforestation, being finalized and is based on defining calibrated approach. peatland clearance and fires. We collect high-risk land and mill locations as Pratik Pattanayak, traceability data in order to identify, areas with forest, uncultivated peat and • Reactive approach – We monitor Trader, Cargill Global monitor and reduce risks in our supply protected areas including a 1 kilometer our supply chain for any land Edible Oil Solutions chain. In regions where we already know buffer. development and take action when the risk is low, expanding traceability at development is identified, including Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 15
verification and engagement. We have a strong grievance process in place is designed to increase transparency about the progress that has been made so far, with clear guidelines for deforestation grievances. Any verified deforestation what still needs to be done, and the challenges that must be addressed in order for will lead to an immediate stop-work order and moratorium followed by companies to deliver on NDPE commitments. development of an action plan with clear milestones. The framework’s methodology standardizes the process of researching and • Proactive approach – We strengthen capacity at the producer group level to categorizing mills into pre-defined categories of progress to ensure consistency and prevent deforestation from taking place through workshops to raise awareness improve accuracy. The objective is to evaluate each mill using criteria to measure about deforestation, development of policies around no-deforestation and new progress related to deforestation, peat and labor, recognizing that progress may development, creation of processes for implementing policies, and mapping of differ on each topic. Cargill and other stakeholders conducted pilot studies in 2018 areas to protect the supply shed. using the framework and draft indicators, then shared the results and gathered feedback on the methodology. Leading up to the 16th annual Roundtable on • Landscape approach – We build upon existing public and private local efforts Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO ) meeting in Malaysia, Cargill, Pepsico and Proforest and multi-stakeholder platforms to advance a shared vision of a sustainable, facilitated a workshop to discuss outcomes from the pilot studies and gather input inclusive production model in order to develop scalable solutions for addressing from NGOs, brands, growers, traders and other stakeholders across the supply deforestation in a systemic way. We pilot multi-stakeholder approaches to chain in order to further improve the methodology and process. The discussion sustainable supply sheds and support and empower local organizations. led to further refinement of the framework as a tool to build greater transparency on progress, highlight remaining gaps and address challenges. We recognize that more effort will be required at the smallholder level – beyond the work we are doing at the mill and large-scale plantation level – to address In 2019, refinement of the framework will continue as Proforest and Earthworm deforestation. This will be one area of focus in the year to come. Foundation (formerly The Forest Trust) lead the industry effort to fine-tune the methodology (including adding the step of allocating palm volumes to the producers of fresh fruit bunches), scale up implementation, ensure compatibility NDPE Implementation Framework with the Accountability Framework and develop guidance on verification. Cargill In June 2018, Cargill began working with Proforest and other stakeholders to aims to start reporting the performance of its direct mills through the NDPE develop a standard approach for monitoring and reporting progress on NDPE implementation framework over the course of 2019. commitments. The resulting NDPE Implementation Framework, led by Proforest, Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 16
Grievances • Additional detail regarding the specific management of deforestation and Goal: peat development grievances: Cargill Report on all grievances in our supply is taking a more stringent approach chain transparently and publicly related to noncompliance on issues of deforestation and peat development in our supply chain. In line with our Our approach: verify, commitment to a deforestation-free engage, transform supply chain, we are taking immediate steps toward swiftly putting a stop to We hold ourselves and our suppliers any additional clearing upon detection accountable to respond to grievances, and verification, after which we engage set time-bound action plans to ensure with the supplier to define an action plan progress and close the grievance in with clear timelines and milestones. a timely manner as agreed to by the complainant. Cargill’s Palm Grievance Our focus on industry transformation Procedure provides a transparent, open has driven us to develop and adopt a and robust process for dealing with “Verify, Engage and Transform” approach grievances. Cargill does not tolerate to noncompliance. This approach retaliation against anyone who, in good has been successful in leading our faith, raises a concern or participates in suppliers to immediately implement an investigation or whistleblowing. moratoriums on development, introduce Fair Labor Association ( FLA ) , Proforest and Landesa to develop guidance policies and put in place processes to documents that provide a structured, consistent and transparent approach for We believe procedures must be reviewed prevent any further deforestation or determining expected actions and timelines. The guidance includes information regularly to ensure they reflect industry clearance of peatland. This approach about how to verify grievances, identify causes, develop action plans, minimize developments and lessons learned by our requires suppliers to immediately halt further noncompliance and communicate progress to stakeholders. The guidance team, so in 2018 we reviewed and updated noncompliant activities and suspension covers key topics, including peat development, deforestation, wages, forced the Grievance Procedure we introduced of suppliers who are unable or unwilling labor, child labor and land rights. in December 2015. The revised procedure to deliver on set milestones agreed upon includes the following additions: during the engagement process. Our We believe that to make sustainable practices mainstream, we must invest in engagement process requires suppliers improving and reforming those already engaged in the market. Otherwise, the industry • Greater detail around the scope of risks continued growth of significant, unsustainable volumes driven by market forces to adopt an NDPE policy, as well as the managing indirect supplier grievances, outside Europe and the U.S., known as “leakage” markets. Limiting the market implementation of a corrective action group associations and non-palm access of certain producers – particularly those who have not yet received plan and related processes. We monitor commodities information or training on NDPE – increases the likelihood that they will continue supplier progress on a monthly basis. unsustainable practices unchecked. We aim to avoid the worst-case scenario • Updated procedure flow on timelines in which these suppliers will be harder to reform without economic incentives. To support suppliers in addressing and activities around verification, It is our belief that the only way to ensure sector transformation is for upstream and resolving grievances, we have engagement and action plans as well actors to incentivize producers who are willing to advance their practices and to engaged experts from the Global as clear expectations on continued Environment Centre (GEC) Foundation, reward them with a viable free market. noncompliance Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 17
Engagement Suppliers Goal: Direct and indirect suppliers are 88% of our suppliers in Colombia compliant with Cargill’s NDPE policy and Guatemala are covered by self-assessments and Through our supplier engagement process, we help ensure our suppliers are operating in compliance with our NDPE policy commitments and our 58% of mills are covered by Supplier Code of Conduct. NDPE policies. In the markets where we buy directly from mills, we conducted field assessments in 2018 of 58% of mills located in high-risks areas to identify gaps in the mills’ performance, provide support to develop continuous improvement plans to address those gaps and verify compliance. We use the Aggregator/ Refiner Transformation (ART ) plan, an approach developed by Earthworm Foundation and the Proforest supplier engagement approach to ramp up the transformation process of high-priority mills on a wider scale than simply one mill catchment at a time, focusing on change efforts across an aggregator/refiner’s entire supply base. such as deforestation, labor issues Latin America To continue moving our suppliers toward We provided capacity-building activities and worker health and safety, and tool greater sustainability, we finalized in 2018 to support low-, medium- and development. We hosted workshops During 2018, we saw significant progress plans for our Connected 4 Change high-priority mills to help them meet that brought together representatives by suppliers in Colombia and Guatemala engagement program to measure supplier NDPE commitments; 19% of our from multiple mills for training and in meeting NDPE commitments. Across progress and provide online training for direct suppliers participated in NDPE development, providing a platform for the region, 88% of our suppliers are mills focused on reducing deforestation workshops in 2018. Activities included them to share insights directly about covered by self-assessments and 58% and protecting human rights. training, coaching on topics challenges and solutions. of mills are covered by NDPE policies. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 18
In Guatemala, Cargill participated in based palm oil suppliers, resulting in several capacity-building initiatives 1,858 hectares of HCV being identified for suppliers in 2018. Cargill and other and conserved. stakeholders supported a series of Social License to Operate workshops We support our suppliers to ensure developed by Earthworm Foundation their operations are free from forced to educate suppliers about managing and bonded labor risks. We connected social risks. Cargill shared our Earthworm with Charuk Putting Palm experiences during the first workshop Oil Mill, one of our long-term contract about risk assessment; subsequent suppliers to facilitate their participation workshops focused on technical in an ethical recruitment study. Findings capacity building and implementation. from the study were showcased in an Workshop participants included our ethical recruitment forum in June 2019. main Guatemalan palm oil suppliers. We In July the coalition of companies, together with Daemeter and Proforest, officially announced the also conducted two capacity-building Social risk assessment collaboration with the Siak government to support and strengthen the transformation towards sustainable palm oil in the Siak District. workshops for suppliers related to methodology human rights and water management We worked with Proforest in 2018 environmental, land and labor issues and we co-sponsored a conference to to apply its social risk assessment Landscape projects in the Siak and Pelalawan districts raise awareness about HCSA. methodology to approximately 2,000 Goal: of Indonesia. Cargill is one of seven mills in our supply chain. The high-level, palm oil purchasing and consumer Malaysia desk-based assessment covered 17 Common environmental, land and goods companies participating in a countries in Central and South America labor issues are addressed through collaboration with local government, We continue to encourage our suppliers and Asia, with particular focus on relevant landscape programs and NGOs, producers and smallholders to develop NDPE policies – so far 95% Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia and case studies to achieve sustainable land use. of our direct suppliers in Malaysia Mexico. The methodology helps identify We are building on existing efforts have NDPE policies in place. We labor- and land-related risks, such as to develop scalable solutions, pilot supported our suppliers’ continuous Many of the challenges in the palm oil sustainable approaches, support local child labor, forced labor, inadequate improvement efforts by engaging in supply chain, such as deforestation organizations, improve smallholder health and safety protections, land 2018 with four mills to conduct post self- and human rights concerns, are not livelihoods and share lessons learned rights abuses and land disputes. Cargill assessment and intensive verification specific to a single mill or to the palm with other landscape initiatives. hosted a stakeholder workshop in visits. From these engagements, we sector alone. These issues often are which participants from 10 companies In 2019, we are pursuing landscape worked with Earthworm Foundation common within a region and across and five NGOs came together to learn programs in other areas of Sumatra and to identify areas for improvement commodities. To drive meaningful about the social risk methodology and West Kalimantan, including Ketapang. and formulate action plans to close change, Cargill is focusing on supplier provide input. Proforest is revising the We also are exploring development of gaps. We provided funding for engagement not only at the mill methodology based on that feedback. initiatives in Latin America to address Earthworm’s Tools for Transformation level, but also through interventions Cargill will continue supporting the workers’ rights in the palm sector to give suppliers immediate access to more broadly at the landscape level, work of Proforest to produce a tool that through collaboration with public, resources. We also helped to fund an especially in high-priority landscapes. delivers a higher degree of granularity private and civil society stakeholders. HCV assessment and a social impact that will aid in making informed sourcing In 2018, we joined a multi-stakeholder assessment at one of our Malaysia- decisions. landscape-level intervention to address Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 19
Smallholders In 2018, an action plan was developed to Malaysia address issues identified during a rural Goal: dynamics diagnostic review conducted In Malaysia, we worked with Wild Asia, Smallholders included in our supply in 2017, which included interviews with a Tian Siang Air Kuning Palm Oil Mill and a chain and their livelihoods improved sampling of 73 farmers and 15 stakeholder fresh fruit bunches dealer in Air Kuning, groups. That review revealed that while Perak to help smallholders achieve yields met or exceeded productivity RSPO certification. Through the program, We promote the inclusion of smallholders expectations for two-thirds of the farmers, smallholders are encouraged to avoid in our supply chain and improvement of many of them were unable to generate application of herbicides and use palm their livelihoods. Our approach includes stable profits and required more training oil mill by-products, including empty fruit collaborating with mills in our supply chain on key sustainability issues. The action bunches, as natural fertilizer. In 2018, to help them deliver on their smallholder plan identifies activities for 2019-2021 to “I can give my family more than 260 farmers participated in transformation plans and participating in improve delivery of technical assistance the opportunities they the program, representing one third programs focused on building smallholder of all RSPO-certified independent capacity and promoting responsible farm to farmers, promote more open and deserve. Two of my smallholders in Malaysia. As of June transparent communication between development. In 2018, we supported the supplier and the farmers, improve children have graduated 2019, the number of participating farmers smallholders through engagement efforts social conditions, and pilot the HCSA with from college and my had grown to 335. in Brazil, Guatemala, Malaysia and near farmers at the landscape level. Cargill’s operations in Indonesia (see Cargill youngest is working on the Peatland restoration in Indonesia plantations section for Indonesia details). Guatemala farm alongside me so that As part of Cargill’s commitment to Brazil In Guatemala, Cargill formed an alliance he can one day take over.” prioritizing landscapes for targeted with Solidaridad and palm supplier action, we continued our focus in 2018 In the Brazilian state of Pará, Cargill Palmas del Ixcán to help 105 smallholder Hugo Walter Cruz, on protecting peatlands in Indonesia. is working with our palm oil supplier palm farmer in Chisec, Guatemala who Along with our supplier Musim Mas, we palm farmers from the regions of Ixcán participates in a sustainable farming program Biopalma, Earthworm Foundation and and Quiché implement good agricultural with Cargill, Solidaridad and Palmas del Ixcán are supporting the work of Proforest others to support the Rurality project practices and achieve RSPO certification. in collaboration with the Indonesian that is helping 675 smallholder farmers The objective is to help these farmers Peatland Restoration Agency’s Peat Care improve productivity, achieve NDPE improve social, environmental and Village program in four villages in Riau, compliance and a better quality of life. economic sustainability at their farms and Sumatra. Cargill has helped fund a pilot The program includes: interviewing develop a segregated, RSPO-certified program, including training of two village farmers to understand current practices supply chain to meet market demand for facilitators, to lead community-based and challenges; mapping plantations sustainable oils. The program includes identification, protection and restoration using GPS data to improve logistics for use of a digital application that facilitates efforts of local HCV and HCS peatlands. transporting farmers’ fresh fruit bunches; traceability, self-assessment and training. The next step will be to bring together engaging with local stakeholders, such as experts in community engagement, government entities, NGOs, companies, botany, birds and mammals to engage trade unions and other groups; and with village members, further integrate developing action plans to help farmers the HCV-HCS approach and scale the improve yields and livelihoods. rollout more broadly across the Siak- Pelalawan landscape. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 20
Cargill plantations Forest conservation PT Indo Sawit Kekal, PT Maya Agro Investama, PT Andes Agro Investama Goal: In 2018, Cargill announced our 25-year and PT Andes Agro Lestari. The project Cargill-owned mills/plantations (and commitment to finance the Nanga design was validated under the Plan smallholders supplying to them) are Lauk Village Forest Conservation Vivo and Verified Conservation Area compliant with our NDPE policy Project, a community forestry project standards. in Indonesia’s Heart of Borneo region. The project enables community Fire prevention “Our partnership with members to sustainably protect and RSPO certification manage the forest while also obtaining Cargill has committed to strengthening for smallholders Cargill has enabled us an income from sustainable use of its processes to monitor, detect to adopt sustainable natural resources, such as ecotourism and suppress fires in and around At Cargill’s plantations in West Kalimantan and South Sumatra, Indonesia, we agricultural practices. and wild forest products. The project its plantation concessions in South is funded through the Sustainable Sumatra and West Kalimantan. During provide support through smallholder Our yields have increased Commodities Conservation Mechanism the dry season, Cargill will improve empowerment programs to help farmers achieve and maintain RSPO certification along with our ability to (SCCM) developed by Lestari Capital in transparency by publishing regular, partnership with Cargill. online updates of its hotspot monitoring and International Sustainability and operate more efficiently. within its plantation concessions. Carbon Certification ( ISCC) standards. RSPO’s certification is a SSCM is a new financial mechanism In 2018, 3,019 smallholders across eight that promotes long-term conservation Cargill has in place a comprehensive cooperatives at Cargill’s PT Poliplant great endorsement of our through global commodity markets, system to protect against fires, powered Sejahtera oil palm plantation in West sustainable practices and allowing companies to meet sustainability by state-of-the-art technology. Recently, Kalimantan received RSPO certification. commitments and comply with RSPO Cargill deployed a thermal sensing They join four other groups of smallholders successful partnership Remediation and Compensation camera system to detect hotspots and in Cargill’s Indonesian supply chain with with Cargill. We anticipate Procedures. SSCM addresses a critical smoke within a five-kilometer radius RSPO certification (at PT Hindoli in South greater improvements to lack of long-term financing for conservation of our PT Hindoli plantation in South Sumatra and PT Harapan Sawit Lestari and and restoration initiatives and ensures that Sumatra, covering a total of 9,000 PT Indo Sawit Kekal in West Kalimantan). our livelihoods, now that corporate sustainability standards and hectares. When a hotspot is detected, To date, Cargill has helped more than our fresh fruit bunches certifications have verified impact. Cargill’s on-site team will immediately 16,500 of its 21,600 smallholders in investigate the coordinates provided Indonesia to be RSPO certified. can feed into the global The Nanga Lauk project supports by the system and work with local certified sustainable palm biodiversity, protection of HCV land authorities to contain and suppress the and the livelihoods of 195 households. oil market.” The project is expected to prevent fire. By automatically and continually monitoring for hotspots, this technology deforestation and forest degradation complements existing hotspot Suherman, while protecting carbon stocks and head of Subur Makmur Cooperative, detection measures, such as manned West Kalimantan, Indonesia, which achieved ecosystems. The 1,430 hectares watch towers and drones, to provide RSPO certification in 2018 covered by the project are located in more comprehensive monitoring of West Kalimantan, helping to support fire-prone areas. RSPO certification for four Cargill operations located in the province: Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 21
more comprehensive monitoring of monitoring and patrolling of HCV and fire-prone areas. HCS lands with the SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tools) To date, Cargill’s Fire Free Village system. Cargill’s PT Hindoli plantation Program includes 48 villages in fire- started to deploy the SMART system prone communities and its efforts were in 2018 through our partnership with recently recognized by the provincial the Zoological Society London on government of South Sumatra through landscape management and KELOLA an award for Cargill’s comprehensive Sendang, a program protecting HCV fire prevention, monitoring and control areas and the natural environment by measures. supporting holistic restoration projects in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Indonesia. NDPE training SMART’s approach covers three areas: software, capacity building and site- Cargill regularly trains our employees based protection standards. in best practices to ensure they understand how to implement our Cargill commits to continue deploying Sustainable Palm Oil Policy. In October SMART software to all Cargill plantation 2018, for example, more than 40 HCV/HCS areas in order to measure, participants attended a three-day evaluate and improve the effectiveness workshop at our Learning Academy of our wildlife law enforcement patrols in West Kalimantan focused on our and site-based conservation activities. NDPE commitment and classification, Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 22
Labor and human rights 2018 initiatives in any of our operations anywhere in the world, and we aim to exert a positive influence on labor Goal: In 2018, Cargill participated in several multi-stakeholder practices on palm oil plantations owned by our Human rights are protected in Cargill supply chains initiatives to better understand and address complex suppliers. labor and human rights challenges in the palm supply chain. Cargill worked with Earthworm Foundation on a Cargill is committed to protecting the human rights of project focused on ethical recruitment to prevent • Malaysia – The Malaysian palm oil industry faces workers, indigenous people and local communities in labor exploitation and human trafficking in the palm challenges, including recruitment and treatment of our supply chains. Our approach addresses specific supply chain in Malaysia. The project included an migrant workers, forced labor and debt bondage. As labor challenges in our supply chain and systemic assessment of challenges, including recruitment a result, Cargill has undertaken a proactive series of issues requiring collaborative, industry-level actions. fees paid by foreign workers, lack of due diligence assessments, system reviews and tool development for our supply chain in Malaysia, including our by some companies using recruitment agents Our labor program is tailored to fit the different roles own refineries and supplying mills as well as more and contractors, employment conditions of we play in the palm oil supply chain. For example, broadly through industry discourse and research sub-contracted workers, issues of deception in our plantations aim to lead by example in ensuring on key issues. We worked with multiple partners in recruitment, and instances of debt bondage. We the highest standards of labor and human rights is 2018 to help improve practices related to ethical partnered with Earthworm to develop an ethical embodied across our operations and seek to positively recruitment and migrant labor in Malaysia. recruitment due diligence tool based on insights influence independent smallholders and neighboring from the assessment so that suppliers can more estates. In Malaysia, where we own refineries and Cargill joined with industry partners to commission effectively analyze and adapt their approach to therefore have direct commercial relationships with an assessment of recruitment practices, fees and worker recruitment. mills, our program is tailored toward assessing supplier working conditions of migrant laborers in the palm performance, building awareness and strengthening Cargill encourages our suppliers to conduct due oil sector. The assessment, conducted by Embode, capacity with aspiration for continuous improvements diligence on recruitment agents and contractors, looked at migration of workers brought to Malaysia and alignment with our policy commitments. Where we understand fees paid by workers, review from Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and are linked to mills and plantations through our trading employment conditions, and ensure their operations Burma by networks of recruitment agents. program, we strive to develop resources which our are not at risk of forced labor or human trafficking. suppliers can benefit from and cascade down their The assessment revealed how the involvement of To address the common practice of employers supply chain. several stakeholders along the labor supply chain withholding migrant laborer passports, for contributes to the complexity of the situation. example, we worked to raise awareness among We believe all stakeholders have a role to play in our third-party mill suppliers about the importance preventing exploitation of workers. Cargill does not of returning passports to their workers. In 2018, tolerate the use of illegal, abusive or forced labor three of our suppliers declared their intention to Our approach to protecting labor and human rights Comprehensive and Piloting worker voice Developing effective Championing industry robust commitments at Proactive monitoring tools and deploying processes and efforts to address corporate and supply and risk identification awareness programs at procedures systemic challenges chain level field level Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 23
return the documentation. The story of one of those • Guatemala – In Guatemala, we collaborated the initiative seeks to improve the protection of human suppliers – the first in the state of Terengganu to with Proforest and Oxfam to develop a series of and labor rights of workers in the agriculture sector and return migrant worker passports – is featured on the three webinars for suppliers focusing on NDPE empower rural communities by establishing cross- Earthworm website. suppliers – the first in the state and human rights for plantation workers. We industry and stakeholder partnerships to address of Terengganu to return migrant worker passports – communicated Cargill policies and expectations barriers and going beyond compliance. is featured on the Earthworm website. and provided our perspective on addressing social risks. We are collaborating to advance work within the We are participating in an additional program led by Decent Rural Living Initiative by partnering with a customer and a labor rights organization focused • Colombia – In Colombia, we participate in three growers, consultants, trade unions and NGOs to on assessing labor conditions in the Malaysian industry initiatives to improve NDPE practices and identify priority areas and potential solutions. In palm oil sector, including issues related to labor and protect labor and human rights: Indonesia, our initial focus is on identifying and scaling human rights, compensation and hours, and health solutions that improve family well-being, with a focus – Through our participation in the multi- and safety. The assessment includes a sampling on women’s role in their dual capacity as earners and stakeholder Sustainable Trade Platform, we of our supplier mills and their supply bases that primary caregivers within their families. Cargill also are collaborating with 25 organizations to help indirectly provide palm oil to Cargill’s Port Klang participates in the RSPO Human Rights and Labor transform the palm oil value chain. refinery. The assessment examines health and Working Groups and the Latin American Consultative safety practices and identifies opportunities to – We are part of the Tropical Forest Alliance Group of the RSPO. improve systems and processes associated with Colombia, which promotes sustainability in the the management, monitoring and mitigation of palm oil sector, including a zero deforestation Next steps labor and human-rights related social issues and agreement. risks. Based on the outcome of the assessment, Moving forward, we plan to focus on rolling out tools to capacity-building and monitoring programs will – Cargill is part of the core technical group that provide workers with an amplified voice in the effort to be designed to improve conditions and support is establishing the national interpretation of the strengthen identification and monitoring of labor issues compliance with labor and human rights standards. new RPSO principles and criteria in Colombia. in the palm oil supply chain. We also will conduct a comprehensive review of our Cargill Malaysia • Indonesia – In Indonesia, Cargill participated in an refinery and supply base, including a labor and health assessment conducted by LINKS in collaboration Industry engagement and safety assessment to identify opportunities to with the RSPO and trained our palm plantation improve systems and processes associated with the To address the need for systemic changes, Cargill employees about the UNICEF 10 Business Principles management, monitoring and mitigation of labor and joined Golden-Agri Resources, Musim Mas, Sime of Children’s Rights and mitigation of potential risks. human rights-related social issues and risks. We also Darby, and Wilmar in signing the Decent Rural Living Learn more. will participate in an ethical recruitment stakeholder Initiative in 2018. Convened by Forum for the Future, forum in collaboration with Earthworm Foundation. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 24
Verification Goal: to cloud cover, radar can pierce through the clouds and provide data that cannot be NDPE compliance verified across Cargill supply chain obtained using optical sensors alone. Radar systems also are capable of capturing data at night. The addition of radar technology provides more timely and reliable deforestation detection. We monitor practices and verify progress to ensure our suppliers are complying with Cargill’s Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil and NDPE commitment. Data from both these satellite and radar monitoring technologies are integrated into the Global Forest Watch platform to enable effective monitoring. Satellite and radar technology Policy compliance verification To verify practices, we monitor for potential deforestation using Global Forest Watch Pro, a satellite imagery system that provides alerts on deforestation-related In 2018, we began developing palm sustainability policy verification guidelines issues within our supply chain. We actively monitor 100% of our mills using the and indicators to demonstrate the level of compliance with our NDPE policy Global Forest Watch Pro system. If issues are identified, we engage with our commitments across our supply chain. We are partnering with independent suppliers to develop corrective action plans. parties to perform a technical review of our guidelines and conduct relevant stakeholder consultations to verify supplier compliance with NDPE commitments. In 2018, we collaborated with World Resources Institute to begin using radar Our goal is to develop a common verification approach that can be adopted by the technology to track issues across our supply chain in near-real-time and entire industry. Following the review, we will pilot this policy compliance verification address concerns in accordance with our grievance procedure. In areas prone approach with the traders and refiners who supply palm oil to us. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 25
Key learnings As we collaborated with stakeholders Grievances to advance robust systems in 2018, we gained additional insights in the areas Cargill’s commitment to transform of supplier engagement, management our supply chain drives us to support of grievances and implementation of suppliers in the development of landscape projects. We will apply this action plans and identification of deeper understanding and adjust our thresholds to monitor processes strategies accordingly as we move leading to transformation. We must forward in 2019 and beyond. Key invest in existing suppliers so they learnings from 2018 are listed below. adopt sustainable practices and support them to resolve grievances Supplier engagement rather than pushing for removal of unsustainable volumes from the supply For all our suppliers globally, we have chain, which could result in growth learned that personalized one-on-one of unsustainable volumes in markets engagement is important and more outside Europe and the U.S. Being successful in driving transformation open and transparent with stakeholders than engaging in a larger group setting creates an environment of trust and a with multiple suppliers. Yet investment platform for greater collaboration. We in one-on-one capacity building is not will identify clear indictors for potential enough to ensure continuous progress risks and develop a proactive rather of suppliers. We need to put in place than reactive approach to monitoring better systems that support and measure and addressing deforestation alerts. long-term transformation. Integrated data management systems are Landscape projects required to clearly understand supplier performance and monitor progress. Investing time and resources to There also is a need to provide incentives balance varied interests and achieve and encourage suppliers to go beyond alignment among multiple stakeholders national legal frameworks in order to is a valuable step when designing a achieve sector-wide transformation. landscape project. Once alignment is Recognizing the value of being part of achieved, it enables greater impact on global markets is necessary to drive a broader scale. change on the ground. Cargill 2018 Annual Sustainable Palm Oil Report 26
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