Advancing Chiropractic in Today's Health Care - Logan ...

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Advancing Chiropractic in Today's Health Care - Logan ...
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     Advancing Chiropractic in Today’s Health Care
                          On campus and at the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark

                                      September 16-19, 2021

                Logan University is eager to welcome alumni, faculty, staff and hundreds of
               leaders in chiropractic and health care back to Symposium this fall. Join us for
              24 hours of continuing education featuring experts and thought leaders in their
                 professions, exhibitors, social and networking events, and an address from
                            Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD.

Advancing Chiropractic in Today's Health Care - Logan ...
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              Logan University thanks our sponsors for the
         generous support that makes Symposium 2021 possible.

                          GOLD SPONSORS

                          SILVER SPONSORS

                         BRONZE SPONSORS

                         SPEAKER SPONSORS

LOGAN.EDU/GIVE                                   LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2021 19
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                                                     about musculoskeletal problems to provide a         ness and focus on the most commonly seen con-
THURSDAY, SEPT. 16                                   common-sense approach to decrease pain,             ditions within this patient population along with
                                                     increase motion and live a more vibrant life.       treatment options and educational strategies.
Logan University Campus
10 a.m.                                              5 – 7 p.m.                                          11 – 11:50 a.m.
Registration opens                                   Purser Center Social Event                          Microbiome in Gut Health: Target
                                                     Sponsored by Loomis Enzymes                         Prebiotic and Probiotics
                                                     Join us for a cocktail reception and networking     Sponsored by Standard Process
1 – 1:50 p.m.		                                      event in the William D. Purser Center at Logan.     Weston Bussler, PhD
Leading the Way Into 2021 with Evidence-
                                                                                                         Dr. Bussler is part of the research and
Informed Myofascial Therapy
Sponsored by Active Release Techniques®              FRIDAY, SEPT. 17                                    development team at Standard Process as a
                                                                                                         nutrition scientist. His work involves translating
Michael Leahy, DC                                    Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark                    novel research insights and natural product
Jason Pajaczkowski, CSCS, CPT, DC,                                                                       innovations into successful products and
FRCCSS(C), FCCPOR(C), DACRB®, ART®,                                                                      educational material for health care practitioners
                                                     7:30 – 8:20 a.m.                                    to support health and wellness. In the first hour,
Dr. Leahy is founder of ART® and the Elite           Unification: A Call for Collaboration/EPIC –        Dr. Bussler will provide an overview of the lower
Provider Network. Dr. Pajaczkowski is an Active      Our Greatest Global Opportunity                     gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including common GI
Release Techniques® (ART®) instructor and            Sponsored by Logan University                       issues and gut permeability and its connection
Fellow of the College of Chiropractic Sports         Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD                    to the microbiome and whole-body health.
Sciences. In this session, Drs.Pajaczkowski          Richard Brown, DC, LLM, FRCC, FBCA,
and Leahy will lead a fast-paced review of the                                                           12 – 1:30 p.m.
                                                     FEAC, FAECC
current literature related to the role of fascial                                                        Logan University Awards & Scholarship
tissue and how it interacts with muscles, nerves     Dr. McDonald serves as president of Logan
                                                     University, a role he assumed in March 2013.        Luncheon (Invitation only)
and other tissues. They will address the overall
effect it has on a patient’s health and well-being   In 2018, Dr. McDonald was named Educator
and provide a demonstration.                         of the Year by the Missouri Chiropractic            1:30 – 2:20 p.m.
                                                     Physician’s Association. Dr. Brown is the           Microbiome in Gut Health: Target
                                                     secretary-general of the World Federation           Prebiotic and Probiotics
2 – 2:50 p.m.                                        of Chiropractic (WFC) and is responsible for
The Cervical Spine                                                                                       Sponsored by Standard Process
                                                     strategic policy development. In this session,
Sponsored by Logan University                        Drs. McDonald and Brown will discuss how            Weston Bussler, PhD
Michael Wittmer, DC (‘80)                            every chiropractor can integrate the WFC’s          In the second hour, Dr. Bussler will explore
                                                     global principles to advance chiropractic           lifestyle influences on the GI microbiome, roles
Dr. Wittmer maintained a private practice for                                                            biotics play in supporting health, different types
30 years and has been serving on the faculty of      through evidence-based, people-centered, inter-
                                                     professional and collaborative care.                of pro- and prebiotics, and strategies for combin-
Logan since 1984. In this session, Dr. Wittmer                                                           ing various microbiome-modifying substances.
will present on the anatomy and biomechanics
of the cervical spine, diagnosis and assessment      8:30 – 9:20 a.m.
of various conditions, and adjusting concepts,       Technique: How We Adapted for the Future:           2:30 – 3:20 p.m.
including manual and vertebral contacts.             To be a Success You Must Have the Following:        The Future of Cybersecurity: Emergency
                                                     Great Content, Repetition and Accountability        Responses and How to Prevent Attacks
3 – 3:50 p.m.                                        Sponsored by Activator Methods                      Sponsored by Dr. Ty the Compliance Guy
Utilizing an HVLA Technique in the Lumbar            Arlan Fuhr, DC (’61)                                Ty Talcott, DC (’78), CHPSE
Spine for Multiple Pain Generators                   Dr. Fuhr is founder and chairman of Activator       Dr. Talcott is a certified HIPAA privacy and
Sponsored by Logan University                        Methods International and co-inventor of the        security expert and has consulted thousands
Anthony Miller, DC (‘99)                             Activator Adjusting Instrument and Activator        of health care practices relative to business
                                                     Method Chiropractic Technique. He will review       development and protection. In this session,
Dr. Miller is an associate professor at Logan                                                            Dr. Talcott will present a case study and
University and chiropractic physician at Esquire     the three keys to performing the Activator
                                                     Method, introduce the Activator Methods             address how to handle a cyberattack and
Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation in St. Louis.                                                           prevent ransomware attacks.
Dr. Miller will discuss lumbar anatomy, pain         International virtual training platform and share
generators in the lower back, and challenges         recent clinical research trials.
using the HVLA technique to address pain. He                                                             3:20 – 4 p.m.
will also demonstrate the HVLA technique.            9:20 – 10 a.m.                                      40-minute break
                                                     40-minute break
4 – 4:50 p.m.                                                                                            4 – 4:50 p.m.
Review of Up-to-Date Science-Based Studies           10 – 10:50 a.m.                                     Chiropractic Care and the Pregnant Mom
Related to Structural Problems, Loss of              Adolescent Health: A Focus on Care                  Sponsored by Logan University
Range of Motion and Pain                             Sponsored by Logan University                       Tiffany Daniels, DC, MCS-P
Sponsored by Food Enzyme Institute                   Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, DC, MS, FICC, FACC        Dr. Daniels owns and operates Chiropractic
Dennis Frerking, DC, FIACA                           Dr. Petrocco-Napuli serves as assistant dean of     Care of Lexington. She is a member of the
Dr. Frerking serves as director of clinical          Logan’s College of Chiropractic and president       International Chiropractic Pediatric Association
sciences for the Food Enzyme Institute™ and          of the American Chiropractic Association’s          and is certified in the Webster Technique. She
has been a Logan University postgraduate             Council on Women’s Health. In this session,         will discuss the importance of chiropractic care
faculty member since June 2019. Dr. Frerking         Dr. Petrocco- Napuli will address the importance    during pregnancy, adjustments for pregnant
will present up-to-date, science-based studies       of educating families and young women on well-      women, and tools to educate obstetricians

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and patients on why pregnant women should           Christine Goertz, DC, PhD (Dr. Beatrice              4 – 4:50 p.m.
receive chiropractic care.                          B. Hagen Award winner)                               Logan University & Mizzou Athletics –
                                                    Dr. Goertz is a professor in musculoskeletal         Advancement in Chiropractic Care
5 – 5:50 p.m.                                       research at the Duke Clinical Research Institute     Sponsored by Logan University
Healthy Solutions for Your Chiropractic             and director of system development and               Brittany Ramirez, DC (’15), MS (’18), LAT,
Patients that Suffer from E.P.P. (Excessive         coordination for Spine Health in the Department
                                                    of Orthopedic Surgery at Duke University. She        ATC, CCSP®
Pandemic Pounds)                                                                                         Dr. Ramirez is the program director for
                                                    is also the chief executive officer of the Spine
Sponsored by ChiroThin, LLC                         Institute for Quality. Dr. Goertz will address the   Logan’s Master of Science in Sports Science
Chris Colgin, DC                                    role of the Doctor of Chiropractic as primary        & Rehabilitation, a team chiropractor for the
Dr. Colgin’s chiropractic practice, iChoose Well-   spine practitioner and the current evidence          University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou)
ness Center in San Mateo, California, focuses       base for chiropractic care.                          Athletics and the owner of Columbia
on offering patients all-natural, supervised                                                             Chiropractic Group. She will provide an
weight loss programs, lifestyle modifications,                                                           overview of the partnership between Logan
                                                    11 – 11:50 a.m.                                      and Mizzou Athletics as well as discuss
leaky gut solutions and science-based nutrition.
In this session, Dr. Colgin will examine why        President’s Roundtable Discussion:                   advancements of chiropractic care within the
adult obesity is increasing as well as how chiro-   The Future of Chiropractic                           interdisciplinary sports medicine team, statistics
practors can integrate nutrition into their prac-   Sponsored by Logan University                        and treatment outcomes.
tices to better assist patients.                    Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD
                                                    Ron Oberstein, DC                                    5 – 5:50 p.m.
6 – 8 p.m.                                          John Scaringe, DC, EdD                               Clinical Biomechanics of Spinal Disorders
Mix & Mingle Reception                              Dr. McDonald, president of Logan University;         Sponsored by NCMIC
Sponsored by ChiroThin, LLC                         Dr. Oberstein, president of Life West; and           Bryan Bond, DC, MS, PhD
                                                    Dr. Scaringe, president of Southern California       Dr. Bond is a professor and co-director of
SATURDAY, SEPT. 18                                  University of Health Sciences, join to discuss
                                                    the future of the chiropractic profession and
                                                                                                         research in the Department of Physical Therapy
                                                                                                         at the University of Saint Mary. He will examine
Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark                    obstacles they see in educating the next             anatomy and biomechanics and therapeutic
                                                    generation of Doctors of Chiropractic.               exercises for low back pain.
7:30 – 8:20 a.m.                                    12 – 1:30 p.m.                                       7 p.m.
How to Become More ESSENTIAL                        Lunch - Enjoy on your own!
in the Health Care Space                                                                                 Benefactor Appreciation Dinner (Invitation only)
Sponsored by Dr. Fab’s Private Label Nutrition                                                           Hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Clay McDonald and the
                                                    1:30 – 2:20 p.m.                                     Logan University Board of Trustees
Fab Mancini, DC
                                                    Feet and Ankles: What Your Patients Don’t
World-renowned chiropractor with more than
30 years of experience, Dr. Mancini is an
                                                    Realize and How You Can Help
                                                    Sponsored by Foot Levelers, Inc.
                                                                                                         SUNDAY, SEPT. 19
internationally acclaimed educator, business
leader, speaker, consultant and president           Kevin Wong, DC                                       Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark
emeritus of Parker University. In this              Through his practice, Orinda Chiropractic &
session, Dr. Mancini will share how chiropractors   Laser Center, Dr. Wong has provided                  7:30 – 9:20 a.m.
have a unique opportunity to reposition             chiropractic care to the Lamorinda, Berkeley,
themselves as essential health care providers in    Walnut Creek and many other East San                 Sexual Harassment, Abuse and Cultural
the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.                  Francisco Bay Area communities for more              Diversity Awareness
                                                    than 24 years. In this session, Dr. Wong will        Sponsored by NCMIC
8:30 – 9:20 a.m.                                    demonstrate how to analyze a patient’s feet and      Mario Fucinari, DC, CCSP®, APMP,
Relevant Rehab: Lumbar Spine Exercises              ankles, treat them, and assist with home and         CPCO, MCS-P
Choosing Extension vs. Flexion vs.                  lifestyle care.                                      Dr. Fucinari is a member of the Carrier
Neutral Spine                                                                                            Advisory Committee for Medicare, a Certified
Sponsored by Performance Health                     2:30 – 3:20 p.m.                                     Professional Compliance Officer (CPCO),
Donald DeFabio, DC                                  Hospital-Based Chiropractic Practice: Is it          Certified Medical Compliance Specialist (MCS-
Dr. DeFabio is a 1984 graduate of New York          Right for You?                                       P), and a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Chiropractic College and currently serves           Sponsored by Logan University                        (CCSP®). Dr. Fucinari will discuss risk factors
as chief of chiropractic services at DeFabio                                                             pertaining to sexual harassment and diversity
                                                    David Vincent, DC (’91)                              and the reporting process of sexual harassment.
Spine and Sports Rehab in Berkeley Heights,
New Jersey. Dr. DeFabio will review the             Dr. Vincent is the Buoncore family endowed           He will also lead participants in the development
biomechanics of the lumbar spine and disc load,     director of chiropractic medicine at University      of policies and procedures.
the use and indications of flexion, extension and   Hospitals Connor Integrative Health Network
neutral spine exercise, and exercise principles     in Cleveland, Ohio. In this session, Dr. Vincent     9:30 – 11:20 a.m.
and progressions for rehab of the lumbar spine      will introduce the typical hospital-based practice
                                                    models available to chiropractic physicians and      Prevention of Medical Errors Amidst a
in flexion, extension and neutral spine.                                                                 Pandemic
                                                    discuss the pros and cons of practicing in a
                                                    hospital-based environment.                          Sponsored by NCMIC
9:20 – 10 a.m.
                                                                                                         Mario Fucinari, DC, CCSP®, APMP,
40-minute break                                     3:20 – 4 p.m.                                        CPCO, MCS-P
                                                    40-minute break                                      In this two-hour session, Dr. Fucinari will
10 – 10:50 a.m.                                                                                          present an overview of potential medical errors,
American College of Physicians GUIDELINE                                                                 factors contributing to the occurrence of these
ON LOW BACK PAIN – Why, What and Who                                                                     errors, and steps to prevent errors in the
Sponsored by Logan University                                                                            chiropractic practice amidst a pandemic.

LOGAN.EDU/GIVE                                                                                                LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2021 21
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    Christine Goertz, DC, PhD
    2021 Dr. Beatrice B. Hagen Award Winner
       A chance meeting with a fellow                                                        prevalence of spine-related disorders
    student at the University of Minnesota                                                   combined with the risk/benefit profile
    put Christine Goertz, DC, PhD on                                                         of many conventional treatments has
    the chiropractic path. “The more my                                                      many patients, payers, clinicians and
    chemistry lab partner talked about                                                       employers searching for other options.
    chiropractic, the more I was intrigued,”                                                 However, there are several barriers that
    she said. “I was really excited by                                                       stand in the way of full integration of
    the whole-person approach that                                                           chiropractic care.”
    chiropractic represents.”                                                                   Dr. Goertz said those barriers include
       Today, Dr. Goertz is a professor in                                                   individuals who do not have chiropractic
    musculoskeletal research at the Duke                                                     on their radar screen and inconsistencies
    Clinical Research Institute, director of                                                 with the quality of care among
    system development and coordination                                                      chiropractic physicians. As chiropractors,
    for spine health in the Department of                                                    she said, we need to do a better job
    Orthopedic Surgery at Duke and CEO                                                       of making sure we are familiar with the
    of the Spine Institute for Quality (Spine                                                evidence for chiropractic and share that
    IQ). She is also the 2021 recipient of                                                   knowledge with both patients and other
    the Dr. Beatrice B. Hagen Award,                                                         health care providers.
    which will be presented during this                                                         “We need to be straightforward
    year’s Symposium where Dr. Goertz                                                        about what we know and don’t know,”
    will speak about the role of Doctors                                                     Dr. Goertz said. “In addition, we need
    of Chiropractic as primary spine                                                         to consider what it takes to be a part of
    practitioners and the current evidence      Spine IQ (, she said,        an integrated health care team. Patients
    base for chiropractic care.                 is committed to providing both. For          appreciate it when their clinicians—MDs
       Six years ago, Dr. Goertz founded        example, Spine IQ BACKfacks increases        and DCs—work together to help them
    Spine IQ with the goal of defining          knowledge about best spine practices,        achieve the best possible outcomes.”
    quality, demonstrating value and            and the organization’s searchable
    building trust among those concerned        map provides access to thousands of
    with spine care. She said it all started    chiropractic practices across the country
    when someone from Sen. Tom Harkin’s         that meet certain quality criteria. In         “There’s never been
    (Iowa) office stumped her when they         addition, the weekly BackBlog helps            a better time to be a
    called to ask how to find a “good           DCs keep up with the latest research,
    chiropractor” in Alexandria, Virginia.      while SpineIQ’s patient satisfaction           DC. Changes in health
    “I started to think about what it would     data collection program can be used to         care delivery represent
    mean to both chiropractic physicians        improve care, prevent malpractice claims
    and patients if we could use data           and ethically market chiropractic practice     tremendous opportunities
    instead of personal opinion to answer       while also contributing to chiropractic
    that question,” Dr. Goertz said.            research efforts.
                                                                                               for the profession as well as
       Dr. Goertz believes that for patients       “There’s never been a better time to        the patients we serve.”
    to make an informed choice about            be a DC,” she said. “Changes in health
    which of the many options for spine         care delivery represent tremendous                   –Dr. Christine Goertz
    care is best for them, they need to         opportunities for the profession as
    have access to tools and knowledge.         well as the patients we serve. The high

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    REGISTRATION                                                                                 HOTEL
    Registration for Logan University Symposium 2021 is                                          ACCOMMODATIONS
    available online by scanning the QR code at right, by
    phone or by mail.                                                                                                       Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark
                                                                                                                            1 S. Broadway
    COST                                                                                                                    St. Louis, MO 63102

    $125 per Symposium registration by September 2 (social events included)
                                                                                                 Logan rate: $145 per night
    $150 after September 2
                                                                                                 Book online by scanning this
    Guest fees for social events are listed below.                                               QR code or call 1-314-421-1776.


     Prefix    Name                     					                                 Suffix          Maiden Name (if applicable)

     State                  License #

     Address                      						                                      City			                                               State        Zip

     Phone 								                                                           Email Address

     How did you hear about the Symposium?

     Symposium Registrant                                                                        Payment
     $125 by September 2; $150 after September 2                      $                          Pay by phone with your credit card by calling
                                                                                                 1-800-842-3234 or 636-227-2100, ext. 1960
     Guest cost for social events:
                                                                                                 Or pay online at
        Purser Center Social Event                             x $25 = $
                                                                                                 Or mail check (payable to Logan University) to:
        Mix & Mingle Reception                                 x $25 = $                         Logan University Alumni & Friends House,
                                                                                                 1851 Schoettler Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017
        Total number of attendees:                                                               *If a refund is requested prior to September 16,
                                                                                                 2021, a cancellation fee of $25 per registration will
                                                                                                 be applied. No refund will be given for requests
        Amount enclosed                                               $
                                                                                                 submitted on or after September 16, 2021. Allow
                                                                                                 two weeks after the Symposium for a refund.

LOGAN.EDU/GIVE                                                                                                      LOGAN UNIVERSITY • SUMMER 2021 23
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