ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute

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ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute

 A Commitment to Education & the Economy

            April 29-30, 2012

            T H E U M S T E A D H OT E L
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute
The Governors Education Symposium, conceived by the James B. Hunt, Jr.
Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy, is designed to bring the
nation’s governors together to engage in candid dialogue about critical
challenges facing education. Each session examines a variety of core
education issues, incorporating information from nationally recognized experts.
Governors have extensive opportunities to interact with these experts and share
practices in their states.
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute

The Hunt Institute appreciates the support of the following
foundations: The Atlantic Philanthropies, the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, and The State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation.

                  THE ATLANTIC PHILANTHROPIES are dedicated to bringing about lasting changes
                  in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people. Atlantic focuses on four critical
                  social problems: Aging, Disadvantaged Children & Youth, Population Health and
                  Reconciliation & Human Rights. Programs funded by Atlantic operate in Australia,
                  Bermuda, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United States
                  and Viet Nam.

                  Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the BILL & MELINDA GATES
                  FOUNDATION works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing
                  countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift
                  themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure
                  that all people – especially those with the fewest resources – have access to the
                  opportunities they need to succeed in school and life.

                  THE STATE FARM COMPANIES FOUNDATION was established in 1963 as
                  an independent private foundation. The Foundation is primarily committed to
                  education, helping to raise the level of student achievement in our elementary and
                  secondary schools, as well as supporting key higher education initiatives.
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute

                    elcome to the 2012 Governors Education Symposium: Advance America |A Commitment

  W                 to Education & the Economy. The Hunt Institute and the Foundation for Excellence in
                    Education are proud to co-host this event, which serves as a valuable opportunity to
gain greater insight into challenges facing public education and sound investments that make for
systemic improvement.

As governors, you continue to face a time of great economic challenge. Key to recovery and the ability to compete in the global
market is ensuring that all students graduate from high school ready to succeed in college or career. To reach that goal, we must
overcome a number of challenges before us.

The nation currently has 3.2 million unfilled jobs – despite that there are more than 14 million unemployed. One of the
reasons: the available skills in the labor pool aren’t aligned with the available jobs, particularly in high-tech fields. Over the next
decade, the nation will need 22 million students to earn a college degree to meet the demands of the workforce – a goal that
America is expected to fall short by at least 3 million.

Moreover, a recent study conducted by McKinsey & Company tells us that by 2020, and despite rising educational attainment
across advanced economies, the United States may have 1.5 million too few workers with college or graduate degrees and nearly
6 million too many who have not completed high school. As if that weren’t enough, a recent report released by the Council on
Foreign Relations shows that America’s failure to educate is posing a threat to our national security. These outcomes, and the
repercussions that are sure to follow, should matter to everyone who cares about education.

During our time together at the Symposium, we will hone in on a number of critical topics including teacher effectiveness,
improved assessments, and technology that will transform education for the digital age. To inform our discussions, a number
of the nation’s leading education experts will be on hand to help facilitate the exchange of ideas and strategies.

As Symposium co-chairs, we thank you for your active participation and hope that you find the working sessions informative
and useful to your work on education and the economy. The challenges we face could be viewed as daunting, but working
together, we can come back stronger and better prepared than ever!

		James B. Hunt, Jr.						JEB BUSH
		Chair								Chair
		Hunt Institute 							Foundation for Excellence in Education
		               Governor of North Carolina | 1977-1985 | 1993-2001   			Governor of Florida | 1999 - 2007
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute

2012                 THE UMSTEAD HOTEL
                     CARY, NC | April 29- 30, 2012

Governors Education Symposium
ADVANCE AMERICA | A Commitment to Education & the Economy


11:00 am – 5:30 pm    REGISTRATION                                                                                                 Salon Foyer

1:00 – 1:15 pm        WELCOME
                         JAMES B. HUNT, JR.                                                                                        Salon
                      		Chairman, James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy
                      		 Governor of North Carolina | 1977-1985 | 1993-2001
                      		JEB BUSH
                      		 Founder and Chairman, Foundation for Excellence in Education
                      		 Governor of Florida I 1999-2007

1:15 – 2:15           SESSION I – The Business of Education                                                                        Salon
                      Business and military leaders need better prepared employees to ensure competitiveness in the global
                      economy. Governors and leaders in these sectors will discuss the evolving skills and knowledge required
                      for success in the workforce and the potential economic impact for states that do not prepare students to
                      meet these new demands.
                      Moderator: MARGARET SPELLINGS, Margaret Spellings and Company
                      Resource Experts:
                      BENJAMIN C. FREAKLEY, U.S. Army Accessions Command, Ret.
                      ROBERT L. CORCORAN, General Electric Company
                      ERIC D. FINGERHUT, Battelle Memorial Institute

2:15 – 3:00           SESSION II – Education Data Mining | Interpreting Your State’s Numbers                                       Salon
                      There is incredible potential for the use of data analytics to impact education and uncover how states are
                      faring. Governors will review information from their own states to gain insight and discuss what different
                      data points reveal.
                      Moderator: KATI HAYCOCK, The Education Trust

3:00 – 3:15           BREAK

3:15 – 5:00           SESSION III – New Demands in Teaching & Learning: English Language Arts & Mathematics                        Salon
                      The English language arts and mathematics standards recently adopted by 48 states and territories will
                      change what occurs in classrooms across the country. Governors and resource experts will discuss the
                      shifts in teaching and learning that must take place with implementation and how to ensure that both
                      teachers and students are prepared.
                      Moderator: ANDRÉS HENRÍQUEZ, Carnegie Corporation of New York
                      Resource Experts:
                      DAVID COLEMAN, Student Achievement Partners
                      JASON ZIMBA, Student Achievement Partners
                      JOHN B. KING, New York State Education Department

6:00 – 6:30 pm        RECEPTION                                                                                                    Ballroom

6:30 – 8:30           DINNER – Being Audacious | A Conversation with Jim Hunt and Jeb Bush                                         Ballroom
                      Governors will join Jim Hunt and Jeb Bush for an interactive conversation that will touch upon lessons
                      learned during their terms, why they remain passionate about improving education years after leaving
                      public office, and much more.
                      Moderator: DAN KATZIR, The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute
AGENDA                                                                                                                             5


7:30 – 1:00 pm      REGISTRATION                                                                                                Salon Foyer

7:30 – 8:45 am      GOVERNORS-ONLY BREAKFAST                                                                                    Cedar

7:00 – 8:45         BREAKFAST                                                                                                   Ballroom

9:00 – 9:30         New Research Release | Math Standards Matter                                                                Salon
                    Moderator: MICHAEL COHEN, Achieve
                    Resource Expert: WILLIAM SCHMIDT, Michigan State University

9:30 – 10:30        SESSION IV – Technology & Digital Learning                                                                  Salon
                    Technology is vitally important to college readiness both inside and outside the classroom. Governors
                    and resource experts will dive into what policies are necessary to successfully harness the technology
                    power needed to transform education in the digital age, including the benefits, opportunities, and
                    challenges of transitioning public schools to blended learning models.
                    Moderator: JEB BUSH
                    Resource Experts:
                    BOB WISE, Governor of West Virginia | 2001-2005
                    STEPHEN L. BOWEN, Maine Department of Education

10:30 – 11:40       SESSION V – Developing & Measuring Effective Teaching                                                       Salon
                    Effective teaching is key to ensuring that students leave K-12 ready for college and careers, and teacher
                    preparation programs, professional development, and evaluation systems need to adapt to meet the
                    needs of today’s classrooms. Governors will examine strategies to ensure that new teachers and those
                    already in the classroom are prepared to drive their students towards academic success and college and
                    career readiness.
                    Moderator: JAMES B. HUNT, JR.
                    Resource Experts:
                    VICKI PHILLIPS, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
                    KEVIN S. HUFFMAN, Tennessee Department of Education

11:40 – 11:50       BREAK

11:50 – 1:00 pm     SESSION VI – Assessments & Accountability                                                                   Salon
                    Comprehensive accountability systems will ensure that students are achieving. New common
                    assessments that are benchmarked against new state standards will first be administered in the
                    2014-15 school year, and thought must be given to the political and capacity challenges that will
                    come with them. Governors will discuss the implications of introducing new assessments and hear
                    from state education leaders who have considered these challenges and are addressing them directly.
                    Moderator: MICHAEL COHEN, Achieve
                    Resource Experts:
                    TONY BENNETT, Indiana Department of Education
                    MITCHELL D. CHESTER, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

1:00 – 2:00         LUNCH and Discussion with The Honorable Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education                            Ballroom
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute

            Governor James B. Hunt, Jr.
            chairman, james b. hunt, jr. institute for educational leadership and policy
            Former Governor, North Carolina | 1977-1985 | 1993-2001
            Former Governor Jim Hunt is a nationally recognized leader in education and led
            his state through 20 years of dramatic economic change. Serving a historic four
            terms as governor, Hunt has been at the forefront of education reform in his state
            and in the nation. The Rand Corporation reports that North Carolina public schools
            improved test scores more than any other state in the 1990s. Governor Hunt called
            for them to be “first in America” by 2010 in his book, First in America: An Education
            Governor Challenges North Carolina. To further this mission, he chairs the board
            of the James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy.
            As governor, Hunt focused on early childhood      rigorous approaches to measuring student
            development and improving the quality of          performance, requiring mastery for promotion
            teaching in America. During the last 20 years,    and graduation, and providing assistance to
            he has devoted much of his time to excellence     turn around failing schools. In 2006, he was
            in teaching in the United States. A strong        named one of the most influential people in
            supporter of high standards in public schools,    American education in a study released by
            Hunt has served as chairman of the National       the Editorial Projects in Education Research
            Education Goals Panel and vice chairman of        Center – publisher of Education Week, Teacher
            the board of Achieve, Inc. He put into place in   Magazine, and
            North Carolina one of the nation’s most

            Governor Jeb Bush
            founder and chairman, foundation for excellence in education
            Former Governor, Florida | 1999-2007
            Jeb Bush is the 43 rd governor of the state of Florida, serving from 1999 through
            2007. He was the third Republican elected to the state’s highest office and the only
            Republican in the state’s history to be re-elected.
            Throughout his two terms as governor, Bush        of the $16 billion state-federal partnership
            remained true to his conservative principles –    that pays for the healthcare of 2.2 million
            cutting $20 billion in taxes, vetoing more than   poor, disabled and elderly citizens.
            $2.3 billion in earmarks and reducing the state   Since leaving office, he maintains his passion
            government workforce by more than 13,000.         for education reform as chairman of the
            His limited government approach helped            Foundation for Excellence in Education
            create 1.4 million net new jobs and improve       and the Foundation for Florida’s Future.
            the state’s credit ratings on Wall Street.        He is honorary chairman of Volunteer USA,
            During his two terms, Bush championed             and serves on the National Civic Leaders
            major reform of government programs. In           Advisory Board of America’s Promise
            education, Florida raised academic standards,     Alliance, the George H.W. Bush Presidential
            required accountability in public schools         Library, the George W. Bush Institute Board
            and created the most ambitious school choice      and the Bloomberg Family Foundation Board.
            program in the nation. After gaining              Bush is also the president of the consulting
            permission from the federal government,           firm Jeb Bush and Associates and a senior
            Florida also launched Medicaid Reform to          advisor to Barclays Capital.
            improve quality and control the rising cost
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute
RESOURCE EXPERTS                                                                                                                                        7

                                      Tony Bennett, Ed.D.
                                      Indiana State Superintendent of Public Instruction
                                      Tony Bennett is the Indiana superintendent of Public Instruction. Bennett’s success is the result
                                      of his lifelong commitment to the education of Indiana children. For more than 20 years, he has
                                      served as a teacher, coach and administrator, helping Indiana students receives the first-class
                                      education they deserve. After nine years as a science teacher, Bennett began his career in
                                      administration quickly developing a reputation as a leader with a talent for school management,
 tony bennett                         strategic planning and efficient budgeting. He was highly influenced by his time as principal at
 Indiana Department of Education      Prosser School of Technology in New Albany, IN, a career-technology center focused on preparing
 Statehouse                           students for success in a 21st century economy.
 200 West Washington Street
                                      Since being elected superintendent of public instruction,    Bennett received his doctorate and superintendent’s
 Room 228                             Bennett has established Indiana as the leader of the         license from Spalding University. He earned his
 Indianapolis, IN 46204               nation’s comprehensive education reform movement.            certification in secondary administration and
 317.232.6665                         Indiana’s 2011 legislative session produced new laws         supervision, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in            that empower school leaders, recognize and reward            secondary education from Indiana University
                                      great educators and provide families quality options.        Southeast. He is currently chair of Chiefs for Change,
                                                                                                   a bi-partisan group of state school chiefs committed
                                                                                                   to education reform.

                                      Stephen L. Bowen
                                      Commissioner, Maine Department of Education
                                      When sworn in as Commissioner of Maine Department of Education, Stephen L. Bowen immediately
                                      embarked on a statewide listening tour, meeting with teachers and principals, superintendents,
                                      parents, students and others to discuss the concerns, strengths, and challenges of Maine’s education
                                      system. He and his team immediately used the feedback to work on a series of education reform
                                      initiatives and developed a strategic plan for improving the education for Maine’s students.
 stephen l. bowen                     Before joining the Department of Education, Bowen            Bowen taught social studies in middle and high
 Maine Commissioner of Education      directed the Center for Education at the Maine               schools for 10 years in Fairfax County, VA, and in
                                      Heritage Policy Center, a Portland-based public policy       Camden, ME. While in Fairfax County, he served a
 23 State House Station
                                      think tank, where he researched and wrote dozens of          role in the state’s development of a standards-based
 Augusta, ME 04333-0023               policy briefs on issues from school district consolidation   approach to education. In 2002, he was elected to
 207.624.6620                         and school funding to online learning and charter            the Maine House of Representatives, and also served                schools; authored numerous op eds, columns, and              briefly as a senior policy adviser on education to
                                      blog posts on education-related issues; and regularly        Governor Paul LePage before becoming commissioner
                                      presented the findings of his research to policymakers       of education.
                                      and the public.

                                      Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D.
                                      Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education
                                      Mitchell D. Chester began his tenure as Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary
                                      Education in May 2008. He is responsible for the public education of the Commonwealth’s nearly
                                      1,900 schools and more than one million students.
                                      Chester began his career as a teacher, assistant             Chester served as the executive director for
                                      principal, and a district curriculum coordinator.            accountability and assessment for the School District of
                                      Before joining the Massachusetts Department of               Philadelphia, and as chief of the Bureau of Curriculum
 mitchell d. chester                  Education, he worked for the Ohio Department of              and Instructional Programs of the Connecticut State
 Massachusetts Department of          Education, where he oversaw standards, assessments,          Department of Education. He has presented nationally
 Elementary and Secondary Education   accountability, policy development, strategic planning,      on accountability, assessment, teacher induction and
 75 Pleasant Street                   and the state’s implementation of the federal No Child       retention; and served as a consultant to states and
 Malden, MA 02148                     Left Behind Act.                                             school districts regarding curriculum and instruction,
                                                                                                   teacher evaluation, student achievement, and
                                                                                                   assessment and accountability.
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute

                                     Michael Cohen
                                     President, Achieve
                                     A nationally-recognized leader in education policy and standards-based reform, Mike Cohen
                                     became president of Achieve in 2003. Achieve, created in 1996 by the nation’s governors and
                                     corporate leaders, is an independent, bipartisan, non-profit education reform organization based
                                     in Washington, DC that helps states raise academic standards and graduation requirements,
                                     improve assessments and strengthen accountability so all students graduate ready for college,
 michael cohen                       work and citizenship.
 Achieve                             Under Cohen’s leadership, Achieve launched the          education policy at the National Governors
 1400 16th St NW                     American Diploma Project Network, formed the            Association and director of planning and policy
 Suite 510                           Partnership for the Assessment of College and Career    development at the National Association of State
 Washington DC 20036                 Readiness (PARCC) – one of two multi-state              Boards of Education. During the Clinton
 202.419.1540                        consortia developing common assessments – and           Administration he served as assistant secretary for
                                     helped develop the Common Core State Standards.         elementary and secondary education, special assistant
                                     Cohen’s career spans more than 20 years in education,   to President Clinton for education policy, and senior
                                     serving several key roles including director of         advisor to U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley.

                                     David Coleman
                                     Founding Partner, Student Achievement Partners
                                     David Coleman is a founding partner of Student Achievement Partners, a nonprofit that assembles
                                     educators and researchers to design actions based on evidence to improve student outcomes.
                                     A Rhodes Scholar and a Yale University graduate,        After McGraw-Hill, Coleman co-founded Student
                                     Coleman founded Branch – an innovative                  Achievement Partners, where he had a key role in the
                                     community service program that worked with              development of the Common Core State Standards
                                     inner city students – while attending Yale. He          in math and literacy. Coleman now helps lead their
 david coleman                       is also a co-founder of The Grow Network, an            work with teachers and policymakers to achieve the
 Student Achievement Partners Inc.   education technology company that helps state           promise of the State Standards.
 1 Union Square South, 22E           and district school systems use assessment to inform
                                     instruction. McGraw-Hill acquired the organization
 New York, NY 10003
                                     in 2005.

                                     Robert L. Corcoran
                                     Vice President, Corporate Citizenship, General Electric Company
                                     President and Chairman, GE Foundation
                                     Bob L. Corcoran is vice president of Corporate Citizenship, and president & chairman of the
                                     GE Foundation where he is responsible for GE’s global citizenship and philanthropic activities,
                                     including health, public education, community building, disaster relief, and volunteerism
                                     initiatives throughout the company.
 robert l. corcoran                  As CEO, Prior to his current position, Bob was chief    human resources leadership roles in GE’s healthcare,
 GE Foundation                       learning officer responsible for GE’s Management        aviation, lighting and aerospace businesses. He was
                                     Development Institute in Croton Ville, NY, and          elected a corporate officer by the GE Board of
 3135 Easton Turnpike - E1A
                                     served as vice president of human resources for GE      Directors in 2000.
 Fairfield, CT 06828                 Healthcare. His 33-year career at GE included key
ADVANCE AMERICA A Commitment to Education & the Economy - April 29-30, 2012 - The Hunt Institute
RESOURCE EXPERTS                                                                                                                               9

                                 The Honorable Arne Duncan
                                 U.S. Secretary of Education
                                 Arne Duncan was nominated to be U.S. Secretary of Education by President Barack Obama and
                                 was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 2009. Prior to his appointment
                                 as Secretary, Duncan served as the chief executive officer of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS),
                                 a position to which he was appointed by Mayor Richard M. Daley, from June 2001 through
                                 December 2008, becoming the longest-serving big-city education superintendent in the country.
  arne duncan                    As CEO, Duncan’s mandate was to raise education           schools, CPS students posted gains on the ACT at
  U.S. Department of Education   standards and performance, improve teacher and            three times the rate of national gains and nearly
  400 Maryland Avenue, SW        principal quality, and increase learning options. In      twice that of the state’s. Also, the number of CPS high
                                 seven and a half years, he united education reformers,    school students taking Advanced Placement courses
  Washington, DC 20202
                                 teachers, principals, and business stakeholders behind    tripled and the number of students passing AP classes
  202.401.3000                   an aggressive education reform agenda that included       more than doubled. Duncan has increased graduation
                                 opening more than 100 new schools, expanding              rates and boosted the total number of college
                                 after-school and summer learning programs, closing        scholarships secured by CPS students to $157 million.
                                 down underperforming schools, increasing early            Prior to joining the CPS, Duncan ran the nonprofit
                                 childhood and college access, dramatically boosting       education foundation Ariel Education Initiative
                                 the caliber of teachers, and building public-private      (1992-1998), which helped fund a college education
                                 partnerships around a variety of education initiatives.   for a class of inner-city children under the I Have
                                 Among his most significant accomplishments during         A Dream program. He was part of a team that later
                                 his tenure as CEO, an all-time high of 66.7 percent of    started a new public elementary school built around
                                 the district’s elementary school students met or          a financial literacy curriculum, the Ariel Community
                                 exceeded state reading standards, and their math          Academy, which today ranks among the top
                                 scores also reached a record high, with 70.6 percent      elementary schools in Chicago.
                                 meeting or exceeding the state’s standards. At high

                                 Eric D. Fingerhut
                                 Vice President, Education and STEM Learning, Battelle Memorial Institute
                                 Eric D. Fingerhut, a nationally recognized leader in education and economic development policy,
                                 is the vice president for education and STEM learning at the Battelle Memorial Institute, the
                                 largest non-profit research and development organization in the world. Fingerhut previously
                                 served as the Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents, as an Ohio State Senator and as a member
                                 of the U.S. House of Representatives.
 eric d. fingerhut               Under Fingerhut’s leadership, Battelle is helping         Strategic Plan for Higher Education to make higher
 Battelle Memorial Institute     lead the campaign for globally competitive science        education more efficient while expanding educational
 505 King Avenue, 11-8-009       standards for primary and secondary schools to            opportunities to students, and reframing the
                                 increase the number of college students earning           relationship between business and higher education
 Columbus, OH 43201-2696
                                 STEM degrees, and to support and connect schools          to create new jobs and a highly skilled, globally
 614.424.5482                    and educators who are demonstrating excellence in         competitive workforce. Fingerhut’s career in elected         STEM education.                                           office includes 10 years in the Ohio Senate and two
                                 As chancellor, Fingerhut led the University System        years in the U.S. House of Representatives.
                                 of Ohio and provided the state a measurable 10-year

                                    Benjamin C. Freakley
                                    Lieutenant General, U.S. Army Accessions Command, Ret.
                                    Lieutenant General Benjamin C. Freakley, who recently retired after more than 36 years of active
                                    military service, was the commanding general, U.S. Army Accessions Command.
                                    As an infantry officer, Freakley commanded at all          In addition to his service with Combined Joint Task
                                    levels through division and combined joint task force.     Force-76, Freakley’s joint assignments included
                                    His operations assignments began with 24th Infantry        deputy director for operations, National Military
                                    Division in Fort Stewart, GA and Operations Desert         Command Center, J-3, The Joint Staff, Washington,
 benjamin c. freakley               Shield and Desert Storm, Saudi Arabia, first as S-3,       DC; deputy director for Joint Warfighting Capability
 544 Jess Sine Road                 then as executive officer, 1st Brigade, and later as       Assessment, J-8, The Joint Staff; and commanding
 Woodstock, VA 22664                assistant G-3 from October 1990 to February 1992.          general, United States Army Infantry Center/
                                    From March 2003 to June 2003, he served as assistant       commandant, United States Army Infantry School,
                                    division commander, 101st Airborne Division,               Fort Benning, GA.              Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq. In January 2006, he         Among his other assignments, Freakley commanded
                                    took command of 10th Mountain Division and Fort            1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, 2d Brigade, 1st Cavalry
                                    Drum/commanding general, Combined Joint Task               Division, Fort Hood, TX, from February 1992 to July
                                    Force-76, Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan,         1994, served as G-3 from June 1995 to August 1996,
                                    where he served until February 2007.                       and then served briefly as deputy chief of staff,
                                                                                               III Corps, at Fort Hood before taking command of
                                                                                               3d Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division in February 1997.

                                    Kati Haycock
                                    President, The Education Trust
                                    Kati Haycock is one of the nation’s leading advocates in the field of education. She currently
                                    serves as president of The Education Trust, which works for the high academic achievement of all
                                    students at all levels. The organization’s goal is to close the gaps in opportunity and achievement
                                    that consign too many low-income students and students of color to lives on the margins of the
                                    American mainstream.
 kati haycock                       Known for years as a powerful force on education           Before coming to The Education Trust, Haycock
 The Education Trust                policy, The Trust is often described as “the most          served as executive vice president of the Children’s
 1250 H Street, NW Suite 700        important truth teller” in American public education.      Defense Fund, and founded and served as president of
                                    But the organization also works hand in hand with          The Achievement Council – a statewide organization
 Washington, DC 20005
                                    educators and civic leaders in their efforts to            that provided assistance to teachers and principals in
 202.293.1217                       transform schools and colleges into institutions that      predominantly minority schools in improving student
 khaycock@edtrust.rog               serve all students well.                                   achievement. Haycock also served as director of out-                                                                               reach and student affirmative action programs for the
                                                                                               University of California system.

                                    Andrés Henríquez
                                    Program Officer, Carnegie Corporation of New York
                                    Andrés Henríquez is a program officer in the National Program of Carnegie Corporation of
                                    New York, where he leads the Corporation’s work on standards and assessments as well as the
                                    work in adolescent literacy.
                                    Prior to joining the Corporation, Henríquez served         MTV Networks, a researcher at Sesame Workshop
                                    as the assistant director at the Center for Children and   and taught for five years at a public elementary school
                                    Technology at the New York offices of the Education        in East Harlem, NY. He received his undergraduate
 andrés henríquez                   Development Center, Inc. He has also worked as a           degree in psychology from Hamilton College and a
 Carnegie Corporation of New York   program officer at the National Science Foundation         M.Ed. from Teachers College, Columbia University.
 437 Madison Avenue                 in Washington, DC, as a senior research analyst at
 New York, NY 10022
RESOURCE EXPERTS                                                                                                                                   11

                                       Kevin S. Huffman
                                       Tennessee State Commissioner of Education
                                       Kevin Huffman became Tennessee’s Commissioner of Education in April 2011. Prior to his
                                       appointment, Huffman spent nearly two decades working with public education systems as a
                                       teacher, lawyer, a nonprofit executive and nonprofit board member.
                                       Huffman began his education career as a first             systems, desegregation litigation and special
                                       and second grade bilingual teacher in the Houston         education hearings and trials.
                                       Independent School District, teaching students            Huffman joined the senior management of Teach
  kevin s. huffman                     in English and Spanish. He was a member of his            For America in 2000, serving as the general counsel,
  Tennessee Department of Education    school’s elected shared decision making committee,        the senior vice president of growth strategy and
  6th floor, Andrew Johnson Tower      and trained new teachers as a faculty advisor and         development, and the executive vice president
  710 James Robertson Parkway          school director at Teach For America’s summer             of public affairs during more than a decade with
  Nashville, TN 37243                  training institutes.                                      the organization.
  615.741.5158                         As a lawyer at the Washington, DC law firm of             Huffman won the Washington Post’s America’s Next               Hogan & Hartson, Huffman represented school               Great Pundit writing competition in 2009. He has
                                       districts, state departments of education and             written columns, articles and blogs for multiple
                                       universities, working on policy and litigation            publications, including the Post’s editorial page.
                                       matters including challenges to state finance

                                       Dan Katzir
                                       Senior Advisor, The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
                                       Dan Katzir worked with Eli Broad to develop the vision for The Broad Foundation’s
                                       education work and has been a part of the foundation since the education division formally
                                       launched in 1999.
                                       Early in his career, Katzir worked as a consultant to     School Management Program and the Los Angeles
                                       the international management consulting firm Bain &       regional director of Sylvan Learning Systems. Katzir
                                       Company. He later became chief operating officer for      has a bachelor’s degree in history from Dartmouth
 dan katzir                            Teach For America, executive director of the UCLA         College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
 The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
 8128 Tianna Road
 Los Angeles, CA 90046

                                       John B. King, Jr., Ed.D.
                                       New York Commissioner of Education
                                       President of the University of the State of New York
                                       As New York State Education Commissioner, John B. King, Jr. oversees more than 7,000 public
                                       and independent elementary and secondary schools, serving 3.1 million students, and hundreds
                                       of other educational institutions across New York State – including higher education, libraries,
                                       and museums.
 john b. king, jr.                     King is a strong voice for education reform and was a     He earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University,
 University of the State of New York   driving force in New York’s successful Race to the Top    a master’s degree from Teachers College, Columbia
                                       application. A former high school teacher and middle      University, a law degree from Yale Law School, and a
 New York State Education Department
                                       school principal, King has earned a national reputation   doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University.
 89 Washington Avenue                  for his vision and commitment to education reform.
 Albany, NY 12234

                                   Vicki Phillips, Ed.D.
                                   Director of Education and College Ready, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
                                   Vicki Phillips serves as director of education and college ready for the Bill & Melinda Gates
                                   Foundation. She oversees the work to ensure U.S. high school students graduate ready to succeed;
                                   and to improve access to college.
                                   Phillips has built a strong education reform record            Ed Rendell’s appointed secretary of education and
                                   throughout her career, at all levels – from                    the state’s chief state school officer. At the state level,
                                   neighborhood schools to the federal government.                she served her home state of Kentucky by helping to
 vicki phillips                    For nearly three decades, she has endeavored to                implement the sweeping changes demanded by the
 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation   improve education – as a teacher, state-level                  Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990. Phillips
 1432 Elliott Ave West             policymaker, leader of a nonprofit education                   also worked with the U.S. Office of Education in
 Seattle, WA 98119                 foundation, superintendent of a large urban school             Washington, DC, and was a middle and high school
 206.709.3674                      district, and now as the director of education for the         teacher. She holds a doctorate from the University of          Gates Foundation.                                              Lincoln in England, and served as a founding member
                                   Prior to joining the Foundation, she was                       of the governing council for England’s National
                                   superintendent of Portland Public Schools in                   College for School Leadership.
                                   Oregon, and served as Pennsylvania Governor

                                   William H. Schmidt, Ph.D.
                                   Director of the Center for Study of Curriculum and co-Director of the Education Policy Center,
                                   Michigan State University
                                   William H. Schmidt received his undergraduate degree in mathematics from Concordia College
                                   in River Forrest, IL and his doctorate from the University of Chicago in psychometrics and applied
                                   statistics. He carries the title of University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University,
                                   and is currently the director of the Center for Study of Curriculum and co-director of the Education
                                   Policy Center at Michigan State University.
 william h. schmidt
                                   Previously, Schmidt served as national research                Measurement. He has co-authored seven books
 Michigan State University
                                   coordinator and executive director of the U.S.                 including, Why Schools Matter. Schmidt’s current
 620 Farm Lane                     National Center, which oversaw participation of                writing and research concern issues of academic
 238 Erickson Hall                 the United States in the IEA sponsored Third                   content in K-12, assessment theory, the effects of
 East Lansing, MI 48824            International Mathematics and Science Study. His work          curriculum on academic achievement, and educational
 517.353.0701                      has been published in numerous journals including,             policy related to mathematics, science, and testing in                  the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal   general. Schmidt’s next book, Inequali, will be released
                                   of Educational Statistics, and the Journal of Educational      in the summer of 2012.
RESOURCE EXPERTS                                                                                                                                 13

                                     Margaret Spellings
                                     President and CEO of Margaret Spellings and Company
                                     Margaret Spellings is president and CEO of Margaret Spellings and Company and a leading
                                     national expert on public policy. Spellings also serves as a strategic advisor to the U.S. Chamber of
                                     Commerce and president of its U.S. Forum for Policy Innovation. As well, her work includes guid-
                                     ing philanthropic and private sector organizations in meeting their strategic goals.
                                     Spellings served as U.S. Secretary of Education from      Prior to her service as secretary of education,
 margaret spellings                  2005 to 2009. As a member of the President’s Cabinet,     Spellings served as White House Domestic Policy
                                     she led the implementation of the No Child Left Behind    Advisor from 2001 to 2005, as senior advisor to
 Margaret Spellings & Company
                                     Act. In higher education, Spellings launched a national   then-Texas Governor George W. Bush, various
 1333 New Hampshire Ave. NW          policy debate and action plan to improve accessibility,   leadership capacities for the Texas legislature, and
 Suite 601                           affordability, and accountability in our nation’s         worked for local education organizations including
 Washington, DC 20036                colleges and universities.                                Austin Community College.

                                     Bob Wise
                                     President, Alliance for Excellent Education
                                     Former Governor, West Virginia | 2001-2005
                                     Bob Wise is president of the Alliance for Excellent Education and former governor of West
                                     Virginia. He currently co-chairs the Digital Learning Council with Jeb Bush, former governor of
                                     Florida, and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
                                     Under Wise’s leadership, the Alliance continues to        of Education, White House Transition Team, and
                                     build its reputation as a respected authority on high     frequently testifies before the U.S. Congress. In 2011,
 bob wise
                                     school policy by advocating for reform in America’s       Wise was named to The NonProfit Times Power &
 Alliance for Excellent Education    secondary education system and working to ensure          Influence Top 50, an annual listing of the fifty most
 1201 Connecticut Ave, NW            that all students graduate from high school ready         influential executives in the nonprofit sector.
 Suite 901                           for success in college, work, and citizenship in the      As governor, he is credited for creating the PROMISE
 Washington, DC 20036                21st century.                                             Scholarship program and the Governor’s Helpline
 202.828.8028                        Since joining the Alliance in February 2005, Wise         for Safer Schools. During his administration, West                    has become a sought-after speaker and advisor on          Virginia saw a significant increase in the number of
                                     education issues. He has advised the U.S. Department      students completing high school and entering college.

                                     Jason Zimba, Ph.D.
                                     Founding Partner, Student Achievement Partners
                                     Jason Zimba is a founding partner of Student Achievement Partners, a nonprofit that assembles
                                     educators and researchers to design actions based on evidence to improve student outcomes. As a
                                     contributing author of the Common Core State Standards for mathematics, Zimba was instrumental
                                     in achieving a new state of the art, college – and career-ready standards based on evidence.
                                     A Rhodes Scholar and a Majorana Prize recipient for       Zimba is a co-founder of The Grow Network, an
 jason zimba                         theoretical physics, Zimba has held faculty positions     education technology company that helps state
                                     in physics and mathematics at Grinnell College and        and district school systems use assessment to inform
 Student Achievement Partners Inc.
                                     Bennington College. He is the author of Force and         instruction. He was the company’s head of education
 1 Union Square South, 22E           Motion: An Illustrated Guide to Newton’s Laws.            and product development until its acquisition by
 New York, NY 10003                                                                            McGraw-Hill in 2004.

                                                                The James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute
                                                                for Educational Leadership and Policy
                                                                1000 Park Forty Plaza | Suite 280
                                                                Durham, NC 27713
                                                                phone 919.425.4160 | fax 919.425.4175

  james b. hunt, jr.                         april d. white                             huimin lu
  Chairman                                   Director of Communications                 Communications Coordinator
  judith a. rizzo, ed.d.
  Executive Director and CEO                 davon clack                                ashley perry                  Business Services Coordinator              Policy Analyst
  adrienne davis
  Deputy Director of Strategic Initiatives   tracie b. ford                             casey wyant remer
  and Resource Development                   Communications Specialist                  Policy Analyst               

  stephanie dean                             michele jordan
  Director of Research and Policy Analysis   Events Coordinator         

  michael gilligan                           emily loney
  Director of Strategic Initiatives          Policy Analyst
  and Resource Development         

                                                                Foundation for Excellence in Education
                                                                P.O. Box 10691 | Tallahassee, FL 32302
                                                                phone 850.391.4090 | fax 786.664.1794 |

  jeb bush                                   jaryn emhof                                matthew ladner, ph.d.
  Founder and Chairman                       Director of State Initiatives              Senior Advisor of Policy and Research
                                             and Communications               
  patricia levesque                
  Executive Director                                                                    lowell matthews, jr.                     nadia hagberg                              Senior Policy Advisor
                                             Director of Advocacy             
  mary laura bragg                 
  Director of State Policy Implementation                                               cari miller                    christy hovanetz, ph.d.                    Policy Advisor
                                             Senior Policy Fellow             
  brandi l. brown                  
  Director of Events
Founded by Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. in 2001, the James B. Hunt, Jr.
Institute   for   Educational    Leadership    and    Policy   works     with   lead-
ers to secure America’s future through quality education. Working at the
intersection of policy and politics, the Hunt Institute connects leaders
with the best strategies for developing and implementing policies and
programs to improve public education.

To that end, the Institute convenes governors, policymakers, legislators,
and business and civic leaders across the nation to provide them with
the best information to make informed policy decisions. An affiliated
center of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Institute is
non-partisan, non-profit entity that does not lobby for, or take positions on,
state and federal legislation.

Foundation for Excellence in Education is a not for-profit, non-partisan policy
organization focused on state-level education reform. The Foundation supports
Governors, lawmakers, statewide education officials, business leaders and reform
advocates in their efforts to initiate, advance, adopt and implement reforms
that improve the quality of education in classrooms across our nation.
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