Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School

Page created by Raymond Rice
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
Admissions Pack
for Year 7 students starting
     in September 2021
Compassion  Achievement  Respect  Endeavour
   The cornerstones of our learning community
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
School For
Your Child
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
 Information for new
 students and their










The cornerstones of our
learning community
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s)                                        them with an opportunity to experience life
                                                               at Imberhorne. They will participate in some
We are very pleased that you have chosen                       lessons, meet their form group and form
Imberhorne School for your child.                              teacher as well as getting a chance to orientate
Our priority is to make the transition from                    themselves at the Windmill Lane site.
Primary to Secondary Education as smooth and                   Near to this date your child’s form teacher will
effective as possible, ensuring that all students              create a short video introducing themselves to
begin life at Imberhorne School feeling confident              you which we will then share. This gives an
and assured. The transition programme is led                   opportunity for you to see and hear from the
by Mr Darren Jones and Mrs Heather Timson,                     member of staff responsible for providing the
Assistant Headteachers with responsibility for                 first level of pastoral support in the school. If
Key Stages 3 and 4 respectively.                               you have particular questions or queries we
                                                               ask that you email your child’s form teacher
It is important that you and your child find out as            at this stage. You will have an opportunity to
much as you can about Imberhorne and that we,                  meet your child’s form teacher in November
in turn, learn about our new students. To achieve              2021 after their first 10 weeks of school.
this, we have been busy gathering information
from your son’s/daughter’s primary school and                  On the evening of 14th July key staff will be
ensuring that we have detailed discussions with                available for you to talk with, one to one, by
their class teacher. All letters and information               video link. We are providing this opportunity
about transition will be posted on our website -               for parents to discuss or raise any queries or   concerns you may have at this stage. We
                                                               envisage parents choosing one of the following
We ask that you provide us with as much                        staff to talk to, if appropriate. Please do not
information as possible. You will have received                feel it is necessary or expected to partake in
an admission form to complete and return to us                 these discussions. The staff available on this
already. In addition to this we also ask that you              date are as follows:
complete some additional forms and will share                  • Mrs Marchant, SENDCo
these via our parental online platform, EduLink                • Mrs Yates - Family Engagement Officer
One. Details about this will be shared at a                    (attendance, vulnerable students, pupil
later date.                                                    premium etc)
                                                               • Mrs Price (vulnerable students, pupil
We plan to create and share a short welcome                    premium etc)
video for all Year 6 students, and their parents.              • Mrs Cook – Medical welfare and school
It is a way for us to introduce ourselves and                  transport coordinator
provide further details about the school and the               • Mr Dunn, Head of Year (pastoral leader for
key staff your son/daughter will get to know.                  Year 7 from September 2021)
All Year 6 students, intending to join us in                   • Mrs Timson and Mr Jones, Assistant
September, are invited to attend our induction                 Headteachers (pastoral overview of all Year
day on Wednesday 14th July, this will provide                  groups in the school and safeguarding)
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
In addition to this both myself and the two
Deputy Headteachers, Dr Barr and Mr Conroy
will be available to discuss any general matters
regarding the curriculum and learning in Year 7
and more widely in Key Stage 3.
I would like to take this opportunity to
highlight the importance of good, regular
communication from the school. Almost all
of our communication will be electronic in the
form of emails. We have a well-developed
website that contains lots of useful information
about the school as well as being a home for
our correspondence and many other types of
communication. We also use social media,
Facebook and Twitter, to celebrate student
achievements as well as providing information
and reminders about forthcoming events and
activities. Please note that you do not have
to be a Facebook or Twitter account holder
to view and

Please would you be kind enough to inform
the Area Education Office on 033 301 42903
(School Admissions) if, for any reason, this
school place is not required.

We are very much looking forward to
meeting with you and your child, and
welcoming you to our school community.

Yours faithfully

Mr M Brown
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
            Compassion  Achievement  Respect  Endeavour
                 The cornerstones of our learning community

As a school, Imberhorne is committed               Key aspects of our partnership with parents
to its students. One of the most important         includes
ways to achieve this success is for students,      • Regular communication between the
parents and the school, including the              school and home regarding academic
school governors, to work together.                and personal development
This partnership is highly valued by the           • Mutual support regarding school
school and built upon mutual respect and           expectations, including upholding
shared responsibilities.                           school rules and promoting the highest
                                                   levels of attendance and punctuality
                                                   • Clear communications about all
                                                   matters to do with safety and
                                                   wellbeing that helps support effective
                                                   pastoral care

                                                   We ask all parents to tell us if they have
                                                   any concerns or information about a child’s
                                                   progress or wellbeing.
                                                   Once your child begins their time at
Assistant             Head of Year 7               Imberhorne, please contact your child’s
Headteacher with      Mr Chris Dunn                Form Tutor in the first instance, with any
responsibility for                                 concerns or questions.
Key Stage 3
Mr Darren Jones                                    Our Pastoral Support Assistants are also
                                                   available during the school day, they
                                                   can be contacted by email at any time:
Other Key Staff at Key Stage 3 are:

Pastoral             Pastoral          KS3 Admin Manager/   KS3              KS3
Assistant            Assistant         Medical Welfare /    Secretary        Receptionist/
Mrs Lisa             Mrs Sam           Transport            Mrs Tracey       Admin
Galloway             Perks             Coordinator          Monaghan         Mrs Patricia
                                       Mrs Sandra Cook                       Heron
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
Term Dates
Please find below term time and holiday dates
for the academic year 2021/2022

Autumn term
•     Starts: Friday 3rd September 2021 for Years 7, 11 & 12
•             Monday 6th September 2021 for all other year groups
•     Half term: Monday 25th October to Friday 29th October 2021
•     Ends: Friday 17th December 2021

Christmas break
• Monday 20th December 2021 to Monday 3rd January 2022

Spring term
• Starts: Tuesday 4th January 2022
• Half term: Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February 2022
• Ends: Friday 8th April 2022

Easter break
• Monday 11th April to Friday 22nd April 2022

Summer term
• Starts: Monday 25th April 2022
• Half term: Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June 2022
• Ends: Friday 22nd July 2022

The school will be closed for four INSET days during 2021/2022 - dates will be posted on the
Dates page of the website when confirmed.

During the year there will be seven parent consultation days when the school will be closing at
2.30pm. You will be notified nearer the time of the dates.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you need any further information regarding
school holiday dates, or visit our website.
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
Induction Day
Our Induction Day is on Wednesday 14th July 2021
Your child will spend a day at Imberhorne lower school where he/she will participate in a
variety of activities designed to provide experience of an ‘Imberhorne Day’.

The details are as follows:
Times: Students should arrive at Windmill Lane by 8.30am. The day will end at 3.00pm.

Meeting Place: As soon as students arrive at Windmill Lane they should report to the Sports
Hall. There will be lots of help on hand to assist with directions.

Transport: Special arrangements for coach transport has been made for students who attend
the following primary schools: Crawley Down, Copthorne, Turners Hill
and West Hoathly. These will be explained by your child’s primary school Headteacher.

Clothing: Your son/daughter will be expected to wear their primary school uniform. On this
occasion we would like students to wear trainers to school in case one of their lessons is PE.

Details of the Day: Students will be placed in their new form groups and attend a number of
lessons during the day.

Food: Please make sure your child brings a packed lunch (including a snack for
       breaktime) and sufficient water for the day.

Equipment: A pencil case with pen, pencil, eraser, coloured pens/pencils, and ruler.

We look forward to seeing your child on Wednesday 14th July 2021.
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
Medication in School and Whilst on School Trips
If your son/daughter is on any regular medication, even if this is administered at home, the
school must be informed.

Prescription items from your doctor or hospital can be sent into school in the correctly-
marked packaging and can be administered according to the instructions on the packet. If
your child needs to take medication whilst at school, please complete the Medicine in School
- Parent/Carer Consent Form which can be downloaded from the Parents section of our
website, or request a copy from the school office. Please note – any medicine/antibiotics that
are to be taken 3 times during the day should remain at home.

If your son/daughter is asthmatic please ensure that spare inhalers, clearly marked with the
student’s name and expiry date of inhaler, are handed to Mrs Cook, Medical Welfare.

Please also be aware that the Welfare Department are not allowed to administer any
medication without your permission.
Certain non-prescription items such as pain relief and hay-fever medication can be
brought into school but must be kept in the school medical room along with a completed
consent form.
We would also request that you ensure that your son/daughter is fully aware that they are
not to keep these drugs on their person whilst in school and never give their medication
to a friend.

Any medication given at school will be recorded showing the date and time administered.
If you have any queries about medication in school, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Admissions Pack for Year 7 students starting in September 2021 - Compassion Achievement Respect Endeavour - Imberhorne School
Cashless Catering
We have five star rated canteen facilities at both Imberhorne sites and they are
extremely popular with our students. Students may also choose to bring a packed
lunch, some choose a combination of both.

Our canteens operate a cashless catering system.
Each student has a canteen account which parents/             Pre order your meals
carers top up with money either online, using a credit
or debit card, or at a local convenience store using
cash via the PayPoint network. Canteen purchases
made by your son/daughter are then deducted from
this account.

Students are issued an ID Card on the first day of
term in September - this card gives them access
to their cashless catering account and should be
presented when they reach the canteen till.

Any student wishing to purchase food in our canteen
needs to have sufficient credit on their account to
cover the purchase.

We believe this cashless system offers a
number of benefits, including:
                                                             To help reduce wastage, and ensure
• Faster canteen service – it takes less time at the till    there is sufficient food available,
to process a cashless transaction                            we have introduced a pre-ordering
                                                             system for the lunch time main hot
• Ensuring dinner money is spent in the school
                                                             meal of the day. Other food offerings
canteen and not in shops on the way to school
                                                             continue to be available on a “turn
• Removing potential issues associated with students         up and buy” basis – baguettes,
having money in school, such as loss                         sandwiches, snacks, salads, cakes,
                                                             drinks, jacket potatoes and such like.
• Allowing parents to view online details of the             If your son/daughter would like to
purchases their son/daughter has made                        have a main hot meal at lunch time it
                                                             will need to be pre-ordered using the
• Assisting students in learning about money                 pre-order app or website.
management – students can view their
balance each time they make a purchase.
(Optionally, low balance reminders can be
e-mailed to parents/carers)
                                                                    Log in details
                                                            Further information about ParentPay
• Greater equality – students that qualify for a free       and the pre-ordering system, along with
school meal have a daily allowance credited to their
account automatically, appearing in the same way            details of how to log-in and register, will
as that credited by parents. (Parents can still top up      be posted home towards the end of the
these accounts to allow for extra purchases                 Summer holidays.
above the allowance if desired)
Order your favourite school meals
      straight from your phone!
   This will be
   available for
   your child in September
   You will receive log-in details towards
   the end of the Summer holidays.

                     SCHOOL                                                                                                           14 Jun, 12 Ju
                                                                                                   cing: 19 A             pr, 17 May,
                                                                                    W   eek Commen
Sample             eek 1
       ER TERM - W
                                                                                                                                                    ll           £1.00
                                                                                                        Break                               Bacon Ro
                                                                     Break                                             ich                                        £1.20
                                                                                                         Toas ted Sandw                     Cheese Tw
                                 Break                                                     £2.20
                                                                      Panini                             £1.30
 Break                                           rger                                      £1.20                              £1.20
                                     Chicken Bu                                                           Pizza                              Lunch
                     £2.20                                            ½ Panni
 Panini                              £1.60                                                                                                                  & Peas
                     £1.20                          e Roll                                                                                    Fish, Chips
 Sausage Ro
            ll                       Vegg  ie Sausag
                     £1.20                                                                                Lunch                               £2.20
           rger                      £0.85
 Veggie Bu                                                                                                             Salad                             rger, Chips
                                                                        Lunch                              Quiche &                            Veggie Bu
                                      Lunch                                                                                                               £2.20
                                                                                   , Yorkshire
                                                                                              s,           £2.20                               Peas
  Lunch                                        urry, Rice
                                                          &             Roast Beef      g £2.20                          e & Salad
                                      Chicken C         £2.20                toes &  Ve                     Veg Quich
             Basil Pasta                                                Pota
   Tomato &           £2.20           Naan                                                   £2.20          £2.20                                      tato with
   Bake & Sa
                                      Quorn Cur
                                                ry, Rice &      SUMMER TER
                                                                         Quorn Roas
                                                                                      t                                                      Jacket Po
                                                                                                                                                         ans, Tuna
               Pasta Bake              Naan
                                                         £2.20                               M - Week 2                                      Cheese, Be
                                                                                                                                              Mayo, Col
                       £2.20                                                                                                   tato with
    & Salad                                                                               tato with              Jacket Po                 Commencing            £1.70
                                                                            Jacket Po                                  es e, Beans, Tuna      1 topping : 26 Apr, 24
                                                                                         Be an s, Tu na          C he
                                                                                                                                      w                                               May, 21 Jun,
                                        Jacket Po
                                                     tato with              Chees    e,
                                                                                             law                  Mayo, Col
                                                                                                                                 esla                             £2.25                                  19 Jul
                                                          s, Tuna            M ayo, Coles                                                  £1 2 toppings
              tato with                 Chees   e,  Be an
    Jacket Po                                 Break
                                                      eslaw                                           £1 .7 0     1  topp  ing
                ans, Tuna                Mayo, Col                                    ing
    Cheese, Be                                                               1 topp Break                                                   £2.25
     Mayo, Col
               eslaw                         Panini             £1.70                                  £2.25       2 toppings
                                         1 topp  in g               £2  .20   2 topp   ings                             Br ea  k                          Baguette
                        £1.70                                                      Sausage in
     1 topping
                                             Cheese Twist        £2.25             £1
                                                                                                   a Roll                                                     Break
                                          2 topp  ings              £1 .20            .00                               Pa  nin i           £2.3£20        £2.30                               Break
                         £2.25                                                                             .3 0         gu et te                    .20      To asted Sand
     2 toppings                                                                   Cr ois               £2           Ba
                                                                                                                       ½                                                    wi ch
                                            Lunch                              Baguet nt te
                                                                                         sa                               Pa  nini                           £1.30                            Pa nini
                                                                                                           £0.95                                £1.20                                                             £2.20
                                                                 £2.30            Veggie Saus
                                           Ba       te                                             age Roll                                                  Pizza                            Bacon Roll
                             £2.30                hetti Bologna                  £1.00                                                                                                                            £1.00
                                                                  ise &                                                                                                          £1 .20
          Baguette                         Garlic Bread
                                                                                 Lunch                                Lunch                                                                  Lunch
                                           Veggie Bolog                                                                                                     Lu nc h
                                                            naise &
                                           Garlic Bread                         Beef Curry,                           Ro as                                                                 Cottage Pie
                                                                                                Rice &                      t Chicken,                     Sausage, M                                      & Veg
                                          £2.20                                 Naan                                  Potatoes &                                        ash & Peas          £2.20
                                                                                                         £2.20                       Veg £2.20             £2.20
                                                                                Quorn Curry                          Cheese & Ve                                                            Quorn Pie &
                                                                                                , Rice &                               g Bake             Veggie Saus                                     Veg
                                                                               Naan                                 £2.20                                               age, Mash          £2.20
                                         Jacket Pota                                                    £2 .20                                            &  Pe as
                                                        to with
                                         Cheese, Be                                                                                                       £2.20
                                                       ans, Tuna
                                         Mayo, Coles
                                                        law                   Jacket Pota                          Ja
                                                                                              to with                  ck et Potato wi                                                    Jacket Pota
                                        1 topping                             Cheese, Be                                                  th                                                            to with
                                                               £1.70                         ans, Tuna             Cheese, Be                                                             Cheese, Be
                                                                                                                                   ans, Tuna             Jacket Pota                                   ans, Tuna
                                                                              Mayo, Coles                          M  ay o, Coleslaw                                  to wi th            M ay  o, Coleslaw
                                        2 toppings                                            law                                                        Cheese, Be
                                                               £2.25                                                                                                 ans, Tuna
                                                                             1 topping                            1 topping                             Mayo, Coles                      1 topping
                                                                                                      £1.70                                £1.70                      law
                                                                             2 toppings                           2 toppings                            1 topping                        2 toppings
                                       Baguette                                                      £2.25                                 £2.25                             £1.70
                                                              £2.30                                                                                                                                           £2.25
                                                                                                                                                       2 toppings
                                                                            Baguette                             Baguette                                                               Baguette
 *Prices subject                                                                                    £2.30                                £2.30
                                                                                                                                                      Baguette                          £2.30
 to change                                                                                                                                                                £2.30
School uniform identifies students with Imberhorne School and
should be worn with pride and a sense of responsibility.
All uniform can be purchased via our online                                                                                      These sessions will be available to book on the
shop Further                                                                                   uniform website and will be on selected dates
information and images showing our uniform                                                                                       after school towards the end of the summer
are also available on our website.                                                                                               term. There will also be a few sessions during
                                                                                                                                 the summer break.
All orders will be available for delivery to your
home address. We are also hoping to be open                                                                                      Please use a tape measure to measure your
on certain dates for collections and exchanges                                                                                   son/daughter to ensure you buy the correct
from Imberhorne Upper School, Imberhorne                                                                                         sizes. A free printable measuring tape can be
Lane, but this is subject to change depending                                                                                    found on our website or at: https://tinyurl.
on Government guidance and if the ‘Roadmap’                                                                                      com/imbertape
stays on track. These dates will be published
on the uniform website from June onwards.                                                                                        All our sizes are in inches and are true to size.
                                                                                                                                 Measuring and style information can be found
If collecting your order, please do so by Friday                                                                                 on each individual product on the website.
20th August to allow time for any exchanges.                                                                                     Measure chest size for t-shirts, jumpers and
                                                                                                                                 PE tops, hips for PE shorts and waists for girls’
Our uniform store is located at Imberhorne                                                                                       skirt measurement. Also measure from waist to
Upper School, Imberhorne Lane. When                                                                                              just above the knee for skirt length.
collecting uniform please park in the main car
park (the gate nearest to Heathcote Drive)                                                                                       If you require financial assistance with
and walk towards the large blue Sports Hall                                                                                      purchasing the school uniform, subsidies and
building. The uniform collection point will be                                                                                   payment plans are available. The payment
signposted as you approach the Sports Hall.                                                                                      plans are available for those who wish to order
                                                                                                                                 and receive uniform early but pay over several
We have been made aware of potential                                                                                             months. This can be arranged by emailing
national supply issues within the school                                                                                Printable order
uniform industry. Therefore, to ensure that                                                                                      forms can be found on the next 2 pages if
uniform is received in time for the start of the                                                                                 these are more convenient for you to use.
new term, please order online by Friday
16th July.                                                                                                                       If you have any queries regarding school
                                                                                                                                 uniform purchases, please contact
As we are unable to have our usual ‘Meet                                                                                         Miss K Moss at
and Greet’ sessions, we are hoping to have
uniform ‘try on’ sessions by appointment only.

                            Imberhorne School Uniform                                                                                                     Imberhorne School PE Kit
 BOYS: Plain black regular.
 No jean, flared, skinny or
 chino style/material.
                                    Polo Shirt
                                    Imberhorne shirt to be
                                    worn at all times with
                                    no other clothes visible
                                                                                         Imberhorne jumper to be worn
                                                                                         on top of the polo shirt. It can be
                                                                                         taken off but not worn around the
                                                                                                                                  GIRLS                                                                                                                                BOYS
 No decorative items                underneath.                                          waist or shoulders.
 e.g studs, zips.
 GIRLS: Plain black regular.
                                                                                                                                  Training Top                                                                                                                         Imberhorne
 No jean, flared, skinny or
 chino style/material. No                                                                Hair                                     (White polo or base layer can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rugby Shirt
 decorative items e.g zips,                                                              Must be a uniform style, not shaved
 laces, embroidery, glitter or                                                                                                    be worn underneath)
                                                                                         or cut very short. Lines cut into the
 slits. Trousers should not be                                                           hair are expressly forbidden. Dyed
 hipsters, cropped or                                                                    hair must be discreet and natural in
 tight-fitting from hip to ankle.                                                        appearance.

                                                                                                                                  Imberhorne                                                                                                                           Imberhorne
                                                                                         Jewellery                                Football                                                                                                                             Rugby Shorts
                                                                                         One small stud in each ear lobe.
                                                                                         No additional piercings or
                                                                                                                                  Shorts                                                                                                                               ONLY WORN BY BOYS
                                                                                         jewellery allowed.                       ONLY WORN BY GIRLS

                                                                                                                                  Imberhorne                                                              Unisex                                                       Imberhorne
                                                                                         Make-Up &                                                                                                      Plain White
                                                                                         Nail Varnish                             Football                                                                                                                             Football
                                                                                         Students should not wear nail            Socks                                                                  Polo Shirt                                                    Socks
                                                                                         varnish / acrylics etc at either
                                                                                         key stage. KS4 girls may wear a
                                                                                         discreet amount of make up.

                                                               Skirts                                                             Footwear                                                                                                                             Footwear
                                                               Imberhorne school
                                                               skirt which carries the
                                                                                         Shoes & Socks                            Plain White socks                                                                                                                    Plain White socks
                                                               school logo above         Plain black, low heeled and soled
                                                               the hem to be worn at     shoes. No boots, trainers, pumps         White Trainers                                                                                                                       White Trainers
                                                               knee length.              or plimsolls. No sling backs or
                                                                                         backless shoes.                          Football/Rugby boots                                                                                                                 Football/Rugby boots
                                                                                         Plain black socks or tights.
                                                                                                                                                             EXTRAS - SHIN PADS, GUM SHIELD, GIRLS IMBERHORNE TRINITY TRACKSUIT BOTTOMS (OPTIONAL ), NAVY SPORTS LEGGINGS
                                                                                                                                                             (OPTIONAL), NAVY BASE LAYER (OPTIONAL), NO JEWELLERY TO BE WORN AND LONG HAIR MUST BE TIED BACK
Boys’ Uniform
 This printed form to be BOYS'
                         used if no internet
                               UNIFORM       access
                                         ORDER FORMavailable:
               Student name :                                            Current school:
         Parent email address:
              Delivery address
            Delivery postcode:                                            Manageable payments requested: Yes / No

 Required from uniform shop          Recommended           Item and Size                   Price           Qty
 Imberhorne grey jumper                   2                Imberhorne rugby shirt
 Imberhorne pale blue polo                3                               26/28            £       22.00
 Imberhorne rugby shirt                   1                               30/32            £       22.00
 Imberhorne rugby shorts                  1                               32/34            £       22.00
 Imberhorne sports socks                  1                               34/36            £       22.00
 OPTIONAL Navy Hooded Top                 1                               36/38            £       22.00
                                                                          38/40            £       22.00
Item and Size                    Price           Qty                      42/44            £       22.00
Imberhorne grey jumper                                                    46/48            £       22.00
Chest Size             26/28     £       24.50                            50/52            £       22.00
                       30/32     £       24.50             Imberhorne rugby shorts
                       32/34     £       24.50               Waist size   22/24            £       14.00
                       34/36     £       24.50                            26/27            £       14.00
                       36/38     £       24.50                            30/32            £       14.00
                       38/40     £       24.50                            34/36            £       14.00
                       42/44     £       24.50                            38/40            £       14.00
                       46/48     £       24.50                            42/44            £       14.00
                       50/52     £       24.50
Imberhorne pale blue polo                                  Item and Size                   Price           Qty
Size                 Age 7-8     £       12.00             Imberhorne hooded zip top
                    Age 9-10     £       12.00             Size              Age 9-11      £       18.00
                  Age 11-12      £       12.00                              Age 12-13      £       18.00
                           XS    £       12.00                                       XS    £       21.00
                            S    £       12.00                                        S    £       21.00
                           M     £       12.00                                       M     £       21.00
                            L    £       12.00                                        L    £       21.00
                           XL    £       12.00                                       XL    £       21.00
                          XXL    £       12.00                                     XXL     £       21.00

 Imberhorne sports socks                                   Total Cost                       £
Shoe size                2-5 £            8.00             Paid By         CASH          CARD        CHQ
                         6-9 £            8.00             Cheques Payable to : 'Imberhorne School'
                       10 - 13 £          8.00             if paying by card we will call you to take payment details .
                                                           Contact Number

 You have ordered                      Quantity                     You also require
 Imberhorne grey jumper                                            SCHOOL UNIFORM             Black school shoes
 Imberhorne pale blue polo                                         Plain black trousers          Black socks
 Imberhorne rugby shirt                                         PE/SPORTS KIT REQUIRED             Trainers
 Imberhorne PE shorts                                                Plain white polo     Football boots with studs
 Imberhorne sports socks                                            Plain white socks            Gum shield
 PAID                          £
                    If you have any queries please contact Miss K Moss on
Girls’ Uniform
This printed form toGIRLS' UNIFORM
                     be used         ORDER FORM
                              if no internet      2021/2022
                                             access available:
             Student name:                                        Current school :
      Parent email address:
          Delivery address:
         Delivery postcode:                                            Managable payments requested: Yes / No

Required from uniform shop with logo                     Recommended                 Imberhorne PE shorts
Imberhorne jumper grey                                        2                       Waist Size             Price               Qty
Imberhorne polo pale blue                                     3                           22/24 £ 12.50
Imberhorne PE training top                                    1                           26/27 £ 12.50
Imberhorne PE shorts                                          1                           30/32 £ 12.50
Imberhorne sports socks                                       1                           34/36 £ 12.50
OPTIONAL Pleated skirt                                                                    38/40 £ 12.50
                                                             2 or 3
(or plain black trousers may be worn)                                                     42/44 £ 12.50
                                                                                     Imberhorne sports socks
Imberhorne grey jumper                    Imberhorne training top                      Shoe Size             Price               Qty
Chest Size            Price       Qty             Size      Price        Qty               13 - 1 £          8.00
         26/28 £     24.50                      26/28 £ 22.00                               2-5 £            8.00
         30/32 £     24.50                      30/32 £ 22.00                               6-9 £            8.00
         32/34 £     24.50                      32/34 £ 22.00                            10 - 13 £           8.00
         34/36 £     24.50                      34/36 £ 22.00                        Imberhorne pleated skirt
         36/38 £     24.50                      36/38 £ 22.00                         Waist Size          Price all sizes
         38/40 £     24.50                      38/40 £ 22.00                                22" £                             18.00
         42/44 £     24.50                      42/44 £ 22.00                                24"
         46/48 £     24.50                      46/48 £ 22.00                                26" Using a cloth or paper tape
                                                                                                  measure around the waist and
         50/52 £     24.50                      50/52 £ 22.00                                28" then for length from waist to just
Imberhorne pale blue polo                 Imberhorne hooded zip top                          30" above knee, as a general guide
                                                                                                  20" length is for average height
       Age 7-8 £     12.00                        Size      Price        Qty                 32" girls, 18" for shorter girls and 22"
      Age 9-10 £     12.00                   Age 9-11 £ 18.00                                34"             for taller girls.
                                                                                                   There is little give in the waist
    Age 11-12 £      12.00                  Age 12-13 £ 18.00                                36" band so you are better going a
            XS £     12.00                          XS £ 21.00                               38"         size up if in between.
             S £     12.00                           S £ 21.00                         Waist Size         Circle Length
            M £      12.00                          M £ 21.00                                   "        18 20 22
             L £     12.00                           L £ 21.00                                  "        18 20 22
            XL £     12.00                          XL £ 21.00                                  "        18 20 22
           XXL £     12.00                        XXL £ 21.00                                   "        18 20 22

Total Cost                              £                                   Cheques Payable to : 'Imberhorne School'
Paid By       CASH         CARD         CHQ                 if paying by card we will call you to take payment details .
                                                           Contact Number

You have ordered              Quantity               As well as uniform with logo above you will also require
Imberhorne grey jumper                               Black school shoes             Plain black trousers (if not wearing
Imberhorne blue polo                                 Black socks or tights                   Imberhorne skirt)
Imberhorne pleated skirt                             PE/sports kit required        Plain white socks (indoor PE)
Imberhorne training top                              Plain white polo              Football boots with studs
Imberhorne PE shorts                                 Trainers                      Gum shield
Outdoor sports socks

                   If you have any queries please contact Miss K Moss on
                                Imberhorne School Uniform Checklist
                               Imberhorne School Uniform Checklist
Uniform item                                                  Purchased From                                      ✓
Uniform item
Imberhorne jumper                                          Purchased From
                                Imberhorne School Uniform Checklist
                                                                         online shop                          ✓
Imberhorne                                                          Imberhorne online shopshop
           polo shirt                                                  Imberhorne  online
  Uniform item
Imberhorne   polo shirt
Imberhorne hooded zip top
                                                                    Imberhorne     Fromshop
                                                                        Imberhorne online shop                ✓
  Imberhorne jumper                                                  Imberhorne online shop
Imberhorne                                                          Imberhorne online shop
Black shoes hooded   zip topand soled.
             - Low heeled
  Imberhorne   polo shirt                                               Suitable retailer
                                                                     Imberhorne    online shop
No boots,
Black shoestrainers or canvas
            - Low heeled      shoes
                          and soled.
                                                                    Suitable retailer
No boots, -trainers
  Imberhorne  Plain   or canvas
                 hooded          shoes
                           zip top                                   Imberhorne online shop
Trousers   - Plain black, regular.                                      Suitable retailer
No  jean,shoes
  Black    flared,  skinny
                 - Low heeledor chino style material
                                and soled.                          Suitable
   jean,                                                             Suitableretailer
      boots, trainers or canvas shoes material
Socks - Plain black
                   skinny  or chino style
                                                                        Suitable retailer
Socks - Plain- Plain
  Trousers     blackblack, regular.                                 Suitable retailer
Imberhorne skirt                                                     Suitable retailer
Imberhorne skirt skinny or chino style material
     jean,  flared,                                                     Imberhorne online shop
To be worn at knee length with black tights or socks                Imberhorne online shop
ToSocks - Plain
   be worn      blacklength with black tights or socks
            at knee                                                  Suitable retailer
P.E. kit uniform
P.E. kit uniform
  Imberhorne  skirt
                                                                       Purchased From
                                                                                online shop
  To be worn rugby
              at kneeshirt (Boys
                      length withonly)
                                  black tights or socks                Imberhorne online shop
Imberhorne rugby shirt (Boys only)                                  Imberhorne online shop
  P.E. kit uniform
Imberhorne   rugby shorts (Boys only)
Imberhorne rugby shorts (Boys only)
                                                                     Purchased From
                                                                       Imberhorne online shop
                                                                    Imberhorne online shop
  Imberhorne rugby shirt (Boys only)                                 Imberhorne online shop
Imberhorne training top (Girls only)                                   Imberhorne  online
Imberhorne training top (Girls only)
  Imberhorne rugby shorts (Boys only)                               Imberhorne online shopshop
                                                                     Imberhorne online shop
Imberhorne  footballshorts
                             (Girls only)
                                  only)                                Imberhorne online  shop
  Imberhorne training top (Girls only)                              Imberhorne
  Imberhorne football shorts (Girls
                                        The following items are for all students
                                    following items are for Imberhorne
                                                            all studentsonline shop
Imberhorne redfootball
                        socks                             Imberhorne   online
                              The following items are for all students
                                                       Imberhorne  online shopshop
Polo  shirt
  Imberhorne        red football socks                                 Suitable
                                                                    Suitable     retailer
                                                                                   online shop
Plain white
Plain  white
  Polo shirt
Socks                                                                Suitable retailer
  Plain white                                                          Suitable
                                                                    Suitable     retailer
Plain white
Trainers                                                             Suitable retailer
  Plain white for indoor P.E.                                       Suitable retailer
                                                                       Suitable  retailer
Non   marking
Football/rugby        boots
                       boots                                         Suitable retailer
  Non marking soles                                                 Suitable retailer
                                                                       Suitable  retailer
With  studs  for    soft
       studs for soft
  Football/rugby          ground
                        boots         outdooruse
Thermal   base     layer   top                                       Suitable retailer
Thermal    base
  With studs     forlayer   top
                       soft ground    outdoor use                   Suitable retailer or order via SWI
  Thermal -base
                                                                       Suitable  retailer or order  via SWI
OPTIONAL      - plain
                  plain  navy
                      layer    (to
                          navy   (tobebeworn
                                                                     Suitable retailer or order via SWI
  OPTIONALbase     layer
                - plain    bottoms/leggings/sports    tights
Thermal    base      layernavy    (to be worn underneathtights
                            bottoms/leggings/sports        kit)     Suitable retailer or order via SWI
  Thermal      plainlayer
             base       navybottoms/leggings/sports
                              (must be worn under shorts)
                                                        tights         Suitable retailer or order via SWI
OPTIONAL- plain navy (must be worn under shorts)                     Suitable retailer or order via SWI
Shin  pads
  OPTIONAL-       plain navy (must be worn under shorts)
Shin pads                                                           Suitable retailer
For football,
  Shin pads     rugby     and hockey                                   Suitable retailer
For football, rugby and hockey                                       Suitable retailer
  For shield
       football, rugby and hockey
Gum    shield                                                       Suitable retailer
For rugby/hockey
  Gum    shield                                                        Suitable  retailer
For  rugby/hockey                                                    Suitable retailer
  For rugby/hockey
                                                   Important information
                                                    Important   information
For Health and Safety reasons, we prefer students not to wear jewellery. However, one small stud in each
ear    Health
    lobe        andaccepted.
                be    Safety reasons,
                    Safety    reasons, we
                                        we prefer
                                                                     wearjewellery. However,
                                                                           jewellery.        oneone
                                                                                      However,   small studstud
                                                                                                     small  in each
                                                                                                                in each
  ear  lobe
No           will
     lobe will be be  accepted.
                 piercings  or jewellery allowed.
For   additional
    P.E.           piercings are
                   students    or jewellery
                               or           allowed.
                                   not allowed
                                  jewellery     to wear any jewellery
  For P.E. lessons students are not allowed to wear any jewellery
For P.E. lessons students are not allowed to wear any jewellery
No  nail varnish at either Key Stage.
  No nail varnish at either Key Stage.
    nail    4 girls at
          varnish   may   wearKey
                       either    a discreet amount of make up at the discretion of the Pastoral Team.
        Stage  4 girls may  wear a Stage.
                                     discreet amount of make up at the discretion of the Pastoral Team.
Key Stage 4 girls may wear a discreet amount of make up at the discretion of the Pastoral Team.
         a uniform style
           a uniform      and
                      style   not
                            and   shaved.
                                not shaved.Lines
Must     and
  discreet   natural
       be aand       in
            uniform      appearance
                        in appearance
                     style  and not shaved. Lines cut into the hair are forbidden. Dyed hair must be
discreet and natural in appearance
                     TRAVEL GUIDANCE
The School Travel Plan works in conjunction with West Sussex County Council

  Imberhorne School is served by         during the day. We encourage
  many routes to enable students         safe cycling to school and
  to travel to and from school. This     helmets are strongly advised.
  guidance outlines the options
  open to students on both sites         • Pedestrians have good
  and also provides information of       pathways around the sites. There
  who to contact in the case of          is a light operated pedestrian
  any queries.                           Toucan crossing at Imberhorne
                                         Lane near the entrance to the
                                         site. Access for Lower School can
                                         be gained in Dorset Avenue for
                                         pedestrians and cyclists away
                                         from the front of the school where
                                         the buses and coaches drop off
                                         and collect.

                                         • We do realise that some
  • The majority of students are         students do not have any option
  brought to school by transport         other than to travel by car and
  funded by West Sussex County           so we would encourage car
  Council. Students who live near        sharing by families.
  the school are encouraged                                                     Cars should wait at the front
  to walk, or make use of the            • As agreed with the County            of the school in Windmill Lane
  excellent cycle routes around          Council, the Dorset Avenue             and students should take care
  both sites. There are also cycle       pedestrian gate should not             crossing this road which can
  parks on both sites, where             be used by parents dropping/           become busy at the beginning
  students can lock their cycles         collecting students by car.            and end of the school day.

  West Sussex County Council fund        allocate assisted or free transport.
  school transport for students in       A small number of students are
  Years 7-11, who live over 3 miles      brought to school by taxi if there
  from the school site, and whose        are special circumstances; the
  address is within the catchment        local authority allocate these
  area. Sixth Form students need to      services.
  contact their designated council
  to see if they qualify.                USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS:
                                         West Sussex County Transport:
  Coaches and double decker              01243 753530
  buses are used to transport            Surrey County Council Transport:
  students from Sharpthorne, West        0300 200 1004
  Hoathly, Crawley Down, Turners
  Hill and Copthorne.                    Metrobus also offer a season
  Students who have an address           ticket facility to all students who
  outside West Sussex County             catch their public service vehicles
  have to apply to their own local       and information regarding
  authority i.e. Smallfield, Lingfield   the cost and how this scheme
  and Horley, would need to              operates can be found by               LOST PASSES
  contact Surrey County Council.         contacting Metrobus direct on          METROBUS PASSES—01293 449191
  It is the Council’s discretion to      01293 449191.                          COACHES— 01243 753530
We use a wide range of electronic services at Imberhorne - both to aid
teaching and learning, and as a means of communication with parents....

Student Computer Access                              task. All three systems allow students to log on
Students are provided with their own login to        from virtually any device – Windows PCs, Apple
the school computer system. This provides            Macs, Android Phones and Tablets, iPads,
them with a secure place to store documents,         iPods, iPhones, Chromebooks.
and their own school e-mail account. All
students are given access to the internet, which     Student Owned Devices
is filtered in accordance with our Online Safety     Students may bring their own devices into
policy. Students are allocated a six digit numeric   school to aid with their studies – although there
username (e.g. 010150) and choose their              is no obligation to do so. The most common
own password in their first Computing lesson.        device is a smartphone, but tablets or even
Students’ e-mail addresses are their username        laptops are equally welcome.
followed by (e.g. 010150@          Such devices may be connected to our wireless                                    network to give internet access. Students must
                                                     follow any direction from their teacher about the
Printing                                             use of their device in lessons. Mobile phones
We provide students with an amount of                should not be used at any other time during
school funded print credit at the start of each      normal school hours.
academic year. The amount of free credit varies      As with any personal property sent in to school,
depending on the year group the student is           we would strongly recommend that devices are
in, and the type of subjects they are studying.      labelled with the student’s name and form. In
We regularly review this level of school-funded      the case of a phone, a sticky label in the battery
credit to ensure it meets the needs of the           compartment works well. Alternatively, some
majority of students                                 devices allow you to set the lock screen to
If a student uses all their school funded credit     display ownership information.
allocation they will need to add extra credit –      Students may configure their mobile devices to
this can be done by visiting the I.T. Support        collect their school e-mail and calendar using a
office with cash or a cheque, or you may             system called ActiveSync – you can find guides
request that our I.T. Support team add it as an      for configuring this on our website.
option on ParentPay
Paper size       Black & White      Colour           Homework
   A4                  3p             12p            We set homework electronically and students
   A3                  6p             24p            view this through their calendar in their school
                                                     e-mail account – either via Outlook Web
Remote Access                                        Access, full Remote Access, or on their mobile
As well as being able to access computers in         device. Parents are able to see homework set
school, students are able to access our system       through EduLink One. Please see next page for
from home. “Foldr” allows them to see their          more information.
files and files in our shared resources drive
using a web browser. “Outlook Web Access”            Microsoft Office 365 and Google G Suite
allows them to check their e-mail and calendar       Students are also able to make use of the
(which contains their timetable and details          variety of online services provided by both
of homework set). Finally, “Remote Access”           Office 365 and Google G Suite using their
gives them full access to the school system,         school e-mail address and their password.
including their files and all school software. We    Indeed, anywhere they see a “Sign in with
recommend Foldr and Outlook Web Access               Microsoft account” or “Sign in with Google” link
over Remote Access – the latter is in most           these credentials will work too.
cases a more long-winded way of completing a
Microsoft Office                                      EduLink One
Thanks to our licencing                               EduLink One allows parents to log in and view
agreement with                                        key pieces of information about their children.
Microsoft, students                                   You can view homework, achievements,
are licensed to use Microsoft Office on up to         behaviour issues, assessment results,
five of their own devices. There is a version         timetables and the contact details we hold for
of Office available for Windows, macOS, iOS,          you. It is also possible to view and update the
and Android. This can be downloaded from the          contact information we hold in our records.
Office 365 website – a link is available under        You will be issued login details for EduLink
Students > Online Services on our website.            One shortly after your son/daughter starts at
                                                      Imberhorne – if this is part of a September
Thinking of Purchasing a Computer?                    intake this will be at the first Parents’ Briefing

                                                      ParentPay allows you to add credit to your son/
                                                      daughter’s cashless catering account, as well
                                                      as making payments for school trips and other
                                                      items we may request parental contributions
                                                      For students joining us in September,
If you are thinking of purchasing a computer or       ParentPay details will be posted home during
device to support your child as they join us, we      the last week of the Summer Holidays. For
can offer the following advice:                       students joining mid-year, login details will be
• Virtually any device will connect to our school     sent home during their first week with us.
system – Windows, macOS, Android, iOS,
Chromebook                                            E-mails Home
• We run Microsoft Windows in school                  We send copies of most correspondence
• A physical keyboard will make producing             home via e-mail. Such messages are sent
longer assignments easier                             to the e-mail address we have on record for
• If purchasing a Windows device, we’d                you, which you can check via EduLInk One.
recommend looking at something with an Intel          We deliver e-mails to whoever is listed as
Core i series processor – an i3 would suffice,        “contact priority 1” on your student’s record,
an i5 is better, i7 perhaps overkill – and at least   as well as any other contacts that have the
4GB RAM.                                              correspondence flag set. If you don’t receive
• If you intend the device to come to school,         e-mails from us, the first port of call is to check
don’t forget a sturdy case. It may also be worth      we have the right address. If we do, then check
considering insuring it for accidental damage         your junk mail (or spam) folder and settings as
too.                                                  some e-mail systems catch our mail in error.
• There are several free anti-virus programs
(AVG Free, Avast!) which are adequate for most        Help & Further Details
uses                                                  Details of all our Online Services can be found
• There is no requirement to purchase Microsoft       on our website, either under Students > Online
Office – Imberhorne students can use it for free      Services or Parents > Online Services. At the
Currently we don’t offer any schemes allowing         bottom of each of these pages is a “Having
you to purchase devices through us – however          Problems” section with contact details for our
in particular circumstances we are able to offer      I.T. Support team - they’re always more than
loan devices – predominantly to pupil premium         happy to answer any queries – and contacting
students.                                             them direct is the fastest way to solve any
Learn about it:                                        Talk about it:
Teach your child some simple rules                     Tips for a meaningful conversation
Make sure your child knows not to share personal       Ask them for advice on how to do something
information like their phone number or email           online and use this as a conversation starter
address online                                         Make sure they know they can come to you if
Only talk to real life friends or family on social     they’re upset by something they’ve seen online
media sites and in chatrooms                           Be sensitive and praise them when they share
Use privacy settings wherever they exist to            their online experiences with you
keep their information private                         Make sure they know how to block abusive
Don’t arrange to meet people in real life that         comments and report content that worries them
they’ve only talked to online                          If your child comes to you with an issue,
Use secure and legal sites to download music           stay calm and listen without judging them
and games                                              Tackle peer pressure by explaining that if they
Check attachments and pop ups for viruses              are talked into bullying someone online or
before they click or download anything                 sending inappropriate images it may get
Use Public Friendly WiFi when they’re out and          reported to their school or even the police
about to filter inappropriate content                  Teach them to treat others as they’d like to be
Don’t post things online that they wouldn’t            treated online and set a good example with your
want you to see                                        own internet use

Deal with it:                                        Learn more about apps
You can find out where to get help and advice
                                                     It can be difficult to stay on top of what
on the Take Action page of,
where we include information on how to report
                                                     apps your child is using and who they
problems – and which relevant organisations          are talking to online
and agencies to turn to.                             – find out more about the latest apps
On this page, we also provide information on
how to deal with any specific issues you may
encounter with your child; such as cyberbullying,
finding inappropriate content, your child’s online
reputation and online grooming.
Be Ready
• Arrive at lessons on time
• Have all the equipment you need
  to learn
• Maintain a positive attitude to learning

Show Respect
• Be polite and kind in your
  interactions with others, respecting
  them and their property
• Move around our school safely
  and sensibly

Have Pride
• Wear our school uniform correctly
• Be a good role model for our school
• Look after our school eg. Don’t drop
You can also read