AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek

Page created by Jessie Mendez
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
N   AD676 Experience & Systems:

        Subject To Change

                   Kamila Filipek
                          Level 6
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
                Project Introduction      3-5

            Chapter 1 - The User(s)       6-31
                         Walt Disney     10-15

    N                     P. L Travers
        Characters inter-relationship
                       Mary Poppins
                                                 IN TRODUCTION

                                                 This project is all about designing a ‘Public House’
              Chapter 2 - Mapping        32-49   for ‘The Unlikely Bedfellows’. By inspiring myself
                          The Site       34-35   from semester one where we were dealing with
             Understanding the Site      36-43   issues surrounding spatial (in-)justice. We used

    E                       History      44-45   that information to find ½ of the household for the
                                                 ‘public house’ and second part are the ‘opposite’.
                  Context Mapping        46-49   Together they will form the ‘unlikely bedfellows’.
                                                 The main aim of this project is to meet the challenge to

                Chapter 3 - Strategy             design a house and ensure that both of the households
                        Precedent 1      50-63   can coinhabit with one another. Additionally,
                        Precedent 2      54-57   designing a space for the ‘social event’ where all
                        Precedent 3      58-59   (households and public) will have a chance to meet.

    T                   Bibliography
                                         60-63   Throughout this almanac, you will be introduced
                                                 into the process of designing the ‘Public House’.
                                                 At the end you will have a clear idea who are the

                                         64-67   bedfellows, how they cooperate with each other and
                                                 how the house will function at the social event. You
                                                 will have a chance to see how different processes
                                                 of thinking can lead to the success of this project.
                                                 This process includes deep research into the
                                                 users of the house, precedents of existing project
                                                 in order to inform design strategy and material
                                                 exploration to get the feeling of the final design.

2                                                                                                           3
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
Semester 1                                         Semester 2

    In the first semester we were designing             In semester 02, I will carry on with the idea of
    installations for Brighton Fringe Festival in the   childhood and play. When it came to choose
    summer 2021. We were dealing with the issue         my first character, I was looking for someone
    of spatial (in-)justice. The project was called     that has something to do with play, fun or
    ‘Bring the playtime back’ and was about kids,       childhood, someone that never grew up.
    that can’t be kids anymore in this world. We        After research, I have decided to choose Walt
    often forget that children today are growing        Disney and the reason behind this is that, I
    up in a very tech-focused environment that          feel like he has a lot to do with the thing I
    is the antithesis of how many of us grew up         was looking for. Disney was a huge part of
    in the world of fun and outdoor playing.            most peoples childhoods as many of us were
                                                        watching and growing up with his cartoons.
    The main aim of this installation was to help
    kids feel the freedom we used to have as a          For my second character I was looking for
    kid and let them explore things in the way          someone that is the opposite from Walt
    their parents and grandparents did years            Disney, someone with more of a serious
    ago without any fear, crime or technology.          personality. So, I have chosen P. L Travers. The
                                                        main reason behind choosing Travers was
                                                        that I find out that they used to work together.
                                                        The second reason was that her personality
                                                        is the completely opposite to Disney’s.

                                                        The main connection between my two
                                                        characters is that both knew each other in the
                                                        past when they were making the film ‘Mary
                                                        Poppins’, but their relationship wasn’t too
                                                        good as they had many arguments because
                                                        Travers did not like Disneys ideas for adding
                                                        animations to the movie. On the other
                                                        hand, they both had something to do with
                                                        childhoods; Disney was creating cartoons and
                                                        animations and Travers was writing books for
                                                        kids.They both were very strong-willed artists.

4                                                                                                          5
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek

     As a designers, it is important to understand
     deeply what the needs are of our users.
     In this chapter, we will go further in getting to know
     the characters of this project as closely as we can.
     You will find unexpected connections between
     both characters as well as their difference in
     personalities. After this chapter you will have
     clear knowledge of the users of the ‘Public House’

6                                                             7
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
Meet Characters Closer....
                                    I carried out the research on my selected characters. What I wanted to achieve by this, was to get as
                                    much information as possible about my users. The reason behind being that this information will be very
                                    useful for me during this project and it will be much easier for me to meet the needs of my bedfellows.

                CHARACTER       1
                                                                             character 2

           1                                                       2

                  Walt Disney                                      Pamela Lyndon Travers

8                                                                                                                                      9
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
That’s the real trouble
      with the world, Too
     many people grow up.

                   --Walt Disney--

10                                   11
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
Walt Disney

     Walt Disney (1901-1966) was an American          he was rejected as he was underage. This
     entrepreneur, animator, writer, voice actor      didn’t stop him as he joined the Red Cross
     and film producer. Disney was a co-founder       and went to France to drive an ambulance
     of Walt Disney Productions which became          for a year. In 1919 he moved back to the U.S.
     one of the best-known motion-picture             From that year, Disney started to work at
     production companies in the world. He            the Kansas City Film Ad Company. During
     was also best known for his production of        the same year, Disney started experimenting
     cartoons such as Mickey Mouse or Sleeping        with a camera, doing hand-drawn cel
     Beauty. Walt was a very successful man           animations. This made him open his own
     as he won a total of 32 Academy Awards           animation business. In 1923, Disney, his
     between 1931 and 1968 and was the founder        brother and cartoonist Un Iwerks moved
     of a popular theme park widely known             to Hollywood and to open the Disney
     today: Disneyland and Walt Disney World.         Brothers’ Cartoon Studio which soon
     Walt had a great affinity for toys and           changed the name to Walt Disney Studio.
     his biggest hobby was building trains.           Disney created more than 100 feature films.
                                                      The ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’
     Early Life and Education:                        were the first full-length animated films.
     Disney spent most of his childhood in            Disney’s last major success that he
     Marceline, Missouri, where he began drawing,     produced himself was the motion picture
     painting and selling pictures to neighbours      Mary Poppins, which came out in 1964
     and family friends. Later, he started to         and mixed live action and animation.
     develop his hobby towards trains. It all
     started when his family moved to Kansas City     Disney’s personality:
     in 1911 when his father and uncle worked on      Walt was a very honest, enthusiastic and
     railroads and Disney worked selling snacks       couraging person. His persistence and
     and newspapers to travellers at the station.     ferocious temper made him a very good
     Walt attended to drawing and photography         leader and innovator. He was able to
     classes in McKinley High School in Chicago,      get people to trust him and his dreams.
     during that time he also was taking courses
     at the Art Institute of Chicago. At the age of
     16, he dropped school to join the Army, but                                                          5

12                                                                                                            13
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
It was 6:30 in the morning, Disney opened his eyes and quickly jumped of the bed with a
                                                                                                                                                                              quick movement he put on his suit, he looks at his ties [1] and puts one on, his wardrobe was
                                                         Walt Disney’s Flatlay                                                                                                rich in ties and bows because Disney believed they add an elegant image.Then, he put on his
                                                                                                                                                                              favourite watch[2] to keep him on time during the busy day at work. Quickly looked around
                                                                                                                                                                              the dark bedroom which was lit only by the sunrise.A small, shiny object caught his attention,
                                                                                                                                                                              it was his wedding ring[3], he always wore it as a sign of a happy marriage with his wife.

                                                                                                                                                                              Disney walked through a large, heavy, wooden doors of his company, greeting people
                                                                                                                                                                              with a smile on his face when with a bold step, he headed forward to his office. Walt
                                                                                                                                                                              stopped in front of the office door and looked at the nameplate saying ‘Walt Disney’,
                                                                                                                                                                              a big smile appeared of his face and with an optimistic movement he opened the
                                                                                                                                                                              door. He took a deep breath and looked around. A large wooden desk stood in the
                                                                                                                                                                              right corner of his office, behind there was a cupboard with all Disney’s achievements
                                                                                                                                                                              and small character figures from his cartoons. Looking further, there was a piano,
                                                                                                                                                                              armchairs with coffee table and a bookcase. At one moment, Disney stopped his sight
                                                                                                                                                                              on the old drawing and painting equipment[4]. He closed his eyes and moved back
                                                                                                                                                                              with his memories to the times he lived in Marceline, Missouri, as a young boy he
                                                                                                                                                                              loved to paint, where later he was selling his painting to neighbours and family friends.

                                                                                                                                                                              He opened his eyes and smiled, then went straight to his clean desk. As a busy man, Walt
                                                                                                                                                                              loved to keep his desk organised.The left side was like a private side, he had a table lamp with
                                                                                                                                                                              a picture of his daughters next to it.Then, there was a metal train toy[5] because trains were
                                                                                                                                                                              one of his biggest hobbys and also there was a Mary Poppins movie ticket[6], he kept it for a
                                                                                                                                                                              souvenir. On the other side there was a typewriter[7],which Disney used for writing laters,etc..

                                                                                                                                                                              Disney took a quick look at his watch and it was approaching to 3pm, Disney took his
                                                                                                                                                                              pen, pencils, journal and notebook[8,9,10,11] and placed the, in his bag and headed
                                                                                                                                                                              to the meetings. On the way, he reached to his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes
                                                                                                                                                                              and a lighter[12,13], as an addicted person to cigarettes he always had them with him.

                                                                                                                                                                              After long hours of work, he leans back on his leather armchair to take a short break
                                                                                                                                                                              from the hard work. His relaxation was interrupted by a crack in his pocket, there
                                                                                                                                                                              were nuts & crackers[14,15], Disney immediately knew it ment a quick snack time.

                                                                                                                                                                              It was approaching 7pm, when Walt entered his home, a dark interior with heavy, wooden
                                                                                                                                                                              furniture appeared in front of his eyes. He took his favourite armchair in the living
                                                                                                                                                                              room and asked his wife for a glass of scotch mist drink.[16] Disney did not drink a
                                                                                                                                                                              lot but after long day he liked to finish it with his favourite liquor- scotch mist drink.

information source:
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek

     character 1

     Walt Disney   Pamela Lyndon Travers

16                                         17
AD676 Experience & Systems: Subject To Change Kamila Filipek
Pamela Lyndon Travers (P.L Travers) was an      Sydney’s Normanhurst Girls School, she
                             American-British writer, she was born on        began to love theatre. After, her wealthy
                             August 9, 1899 in Maryborough, Queens-          family didn’t approve and like her gained
                             land, Australia and died on April 23, 1996 in   reputation as a dancer and Shakespearean
                             London, UK. The best-known author for the       actress, travers decided to move to Eng-
                             Mary Poppins series. She was very rich in       land, settling herself in London during
                             fantasy kind of person who loved fairy tales    1924. Her biggest success was when she
                             and animals. This creativity led her to write   published ‘Mary Poppins’ book in 1934. Af-
                             stories and poems at an early age. Travers’     terall, she was feared not be taken serious-
                             original name was Helen Lyndon Goff. She        ly as a writer, so she started to write young
                             decided to change it in around 1921, she        adult novels, a play, essays and lectures on
                             used her stage name of ‘Pamela Lyndon           mythology and symbols. In 1964, Travers
                             Travers’, taking Travers from her father’s      worked with Disney on Mary Poppins film
                             name and Pamela because ‘she thought its a      which gave her great popularity and income.
                             ‘pretty’ name and that ‘flowed’ with Travers.   P.L Travers was never married or had kids.
                                                                             In 1939, she adopted a son called Camillus.
                             Early Life and Education:
                             P. L Travers moved to New South Wales
                             with her mother and sister after her fa-        Traver’s personality:
                             ther’s death. Travers Goff (her father) was     Travers was very strict, proper and se-
                             a very heavy drinker and an unsuccessful        rious. She was also very stubborn, de-
                             bank manager. After his death, her aunt was     manding and commanding so working
                             supporting them. Travers was attending to       with her wasn’t an easy job. We can also
                             Sydney’s Normanhurst Girls School. Her          say that Pamela was very sentimental.
                             writing talents emerged during her teen
     Pamela Lyndon Travers   years, when she began publishing poems in
                             Australian periodicals. During her time in

18                                                                                                                           19
It was a cloudy morning in one of London’s boroughs. The row of white terrace
            houses attract attention, especially one with pink doors. Peering inside this house you
            could feel the silence, the whole house was silent, everything was perfectly stacked
            in place. One of the front rooms was an office, heavy, wooden furniture were placed
            on the both side walls, between them there was a wall with large bay window. In the
            middle of this office was a heavy but not too big desk where she was sitting, Mrs P. L
            Travers, with her eyes closed, lost in her thoughts. Suddenly, a bell rang all over the
            house. She opened her eyes and looked around. On the shelf on the right side there
            was a photo of her as a child with her family. Next to it there was an old theatrepass
            [1] remembering her the times when she was acting in theatre during the beginning
            of her career. Travers got up and went to open the door, it was Mr Russell, her agent.
            -‘Hello Mrs Travers’ he said and walk in,
            -‘hello Mr Russell’, Travers answered, ‘what brings you here?’ she asked.
            He held a ticket from the premiere of ‘Mary Poppins’ [2] where Disney recreated
            her novel about magical nanny into a movie. Pamela wasn’t happy with this movie
            and she didn’t want to agree to it, she only have done it because of the money.
            -‘I got something for you…’ he said.
            -‘oh god, why you bring this? This movie was a disaster. I knew Mr Disney will apply his
            treatment and change it to one of his musicals’, Travers said
            and looked at her book ‘Mary Poppins’ [3] that was on her desk.
            This novel bring her lots of success and she was very proud of it.
            -‘But this movie was received very positive and as I told you before, you received a lot of
            income..’ her agent said and looked at her.
            -‘I don’t care!...’ she said
            and sat back at her desk. Her workspace was perfectly organized, as was the rest of the house.
            On the right side there was a desk lamp, and telephone. In the middle she had a typewriter [4]
            that she used to write her books on. On the other side, there was a pile of notebooks, a journal
            and pens [5,6,7] because as a busy woman and traveller she needed to keep herself organised.
            -‘ohh Pamela..’ Mr Russell started but she stopped him,
            -‘Mrs Travers!’ she said,
            he sighed and started again
            -‘Mrs Travers, you should be happy, everyone liked this movie and your ‘Mary Poppins’
            will not be forgotten’, now it was her who sighed,
            -‘is there anything else? Because I have to go’ she said, stood up and went straight to
            the mirror in her living room and started putting on her jewellery.[8] Travers was a very
            elegant woman and loved to wear her earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Then she took
            her bag [9] full of old train tickets [10] and her passport [11] as she travelled a lot in
            her life. She took her wallet with money [11] and pu it t in her bag. Travers looked at
            her agent, who was standing and looking at her.
            ‘I really have to go’ she said and started walking in the direction of front door. Mr
            Russell followed her and together they left the house.

information source: ‘Saving Mr Banks’ -
20                                                                                                                    21
Don’t you know that
     everybody’s got a Fairlyland
            of their own?


22                                      23
Connection between characters

                                       As mentioned before the connection between
                                       chosen characters; Disney and Travers, is that they
                                       used to work together on the movie ‘Mary Poppins’.
                                       The story behind their collaboration started back
                                       in 1940 when Disney’s daughters fell in love with P.
                                       L Travers’ book Mary Poppins and Walt promised
                                       them, he would adapt the enchanting story into a
                                       movie. It wasn’t that easy as he thought because
                                       Pamela didn’t want to agree to sell him screen
                                       rights. That did not discourage him. For about
                                       20years, Disney tried unsuccessfully to persuade
                                       Travers to sell him screen rights. Finally, in 1964,
                                       after Mary Poppins books royalties has dwindled
                                       and at the urging of her agent, Travers agreed
                                       just because of the need of money, to spend 2
                                       weeks with Disney’s creative team. Travers went
                                       to California with a specific attitude because
                                       she wanted fully to sabotage the film and have
                                       the right for the script. This all was because
                                       “she was aghast at the idea of her Mary Poppins
                                       being sentimentalized by the ‘Disney treatment.’”

                                       They   both   are     completely different
                                       people  but I     believe, what  connects
                                       them the most is the fairy tale world.
                                       In order to know as much as possible about the
                                       relationship between Disney and Travers, I was
                                       inspired by the movie ‘Saving Mr Banks’. this film
                                       is ‘based on true story’ . It is not a documentary,
                                       but a highly-entertaining feature film loosely
                                       based on the deeply antagonistic collaboration
                                       between my two very strong-willed artists.

scenes from Mary Poppins movie


author:Kamila Filipek - Mary Poppins movie

24                                                                                                     25
Mary Poppins
                                                                                                                                     “Practically perfect in every way.”
                                                                                                                                                                   -Mary Poppins
I decided to do deeper research into Mary Poppins film because I want to have the best knowledge as possible about
the magical nanny. What I hope I would learn from it, is not only the story of Poppins but also what made Travers
create the magical character.

                         Originally, Mary Poppins is a children’s book by P. L
                         Travers. In 1964s, Travers together with Walt Disney have
                         created a movie based on the book. Poppins became
                         one of Disney’s most iconic and endearing characters.
                         When creating Poppins,Travers was inspired by her great-
                                                                                                                             Mary Poppins flying Mr.Banks’ house on her umbrella
                         aunt, Helen Morehead. There is many probabilities that
                         Travers was inspired by her own childhood memories.
                         The story is about a magical nanny who used adventures
                         and music to help two neglected children to get closer to
                         their father called Mr banks. The story goes back to the
                         year 1910 when she took care of twins, Michael and Jane.
                         What describes Poppins the most are the words
                         “practically perfect in every way”. She looks like she
                         has no faults, and the kids adore her in every way.

                         Quick Summary of the movie.
                         The movie begins with Poppins sitting on the clouds.
                         During the east wind, Mary Poppins flies on her
                         umbrella to the Banks family living on 17 Cherry Tree
                         Lane in London. She comes to respond to Children’s
                         advertisement for a kind nanny. From the beginning
                         she started using her magic and music to teach twins
                         a lesson about life. The children are very thrilled with                                                               Mary Poppins

                         their new nanny as together with her good friend, Bert,
                         she provides them an amazing adventure that they can
                         learn a lot from. Poppins has let them jump inside a
                         chalk drawing which took them into an animated fantasy
                         world, where they went on the horse race and performed
                         musical numbers. She took them to her uncle Albert
                         who floats when he laughs and makes them walk on
                         the rooftops. When her duties finished, Mr Banks has
                         changed and went to fly a kite with his kids. Mary Poppins
                         leaves and fly away on her umbrella during the east wind.

                                                                                                                     Mary Poppins with children, Jane and Michael and her good friend Bert

26                                                                                                                                                                                           27
Key Dates of
                                         Mary Poppins
In order to understand the production of Mary Poppins better, I have produced a timeline with the key
dates of Mary Poppins to see when the story about magical nanny started.




                                                                                                                    16                                  Disney tried to convince      17
                                                                                                                                                        Travers for about 20
                                                                                                                                                        years but didn’t want to
                                                                                        15                                                              agree. In 1961, she finally
                                                                                                                                                        agreed but only if she had
                                                                                       In 1934 first part of the                                        the rights for the script.
                                                                                       book Mary Poppins
     14                                                                                was           published.
     1899 is the year when P. L                                                        This      book      havs
     Travers was born, this is                                                         8     series     written
     were all have began as it was                                                     from 1934 to 1988.
                                           At the end of the year of 1933
     her fanatsy about writing
                                             P. L. Travers began to                                                                                                                   After three years
     children’s books. Travers and
                                           write      Mary       Poppins                                                                                                              of    working   on
     her family story was the reason                                                                                        Disney with his daughters
     of creation Mary Poppins.                                                                                      In 1940, Disney’s daughter,                                       the    movie, the
                                                                                                                    Diane fell in love with the book                                  final    premeiere
                                                                                                                    Mary Poppins. In this year                                        was     on    23rd
                                                                                                                    Disney made a promise to her                                      December      1964.
                                                                                                                    that he will create a movie based
                                                                                                                    on Travers’ book ‘Mary Poppins’

28                                                                                                                                                                                                  29
As you noticed in my earlier research about my
     chosen characters, you could see that both of them
     have passed away now so, in this case it is not
     possible to design the ‘Public House’ for them.
     In order to meet the project requirements, I have
     created a third character who is very obsessed with
     Disney, Travers and the whole story of Mary Poppins.
     He    is    an   older    man   who    was  growing
     up     with    the     story  of    magical   nanny.

     I decided that my ‘public house’ will be called “The House
     of Mary Poppins’ magical memories’ and it is going to be
     a B&B inspired by Mary Poppins and the old man will be
     the owner. People who will come visit the B&B willl have
     a chance to experience the magical meomires of Mary
     Poppins.Also, I want to play with public and private spaces
     so I will have to it in mind when designing the interior.

     Also, my intensions are to design a B&B that will
     not be very big. It will have two bedrooms so it will
     accommodate 4 people or 2 small families of three.
     In addition to social event I decided to design a ‘movie
     nights’ because it will have some connection to my
     first two characters . To bring the feeling of childhood
     again, during the ‘event’ pepople could watch old good
     films or cartoons. It also will not be avery big space so I
     think I will try to accommodate 10to 15 people at once.

30                                                                 31

     In this chapter we will be getting to know the site of the
     project. The main aim of this chapter is to get to know
     the site from a different perspective than just from its
     exterior. So, in order to do this we will meet the site
     context linked to the site of the ‘Public House’, its history
     and the materiality & constrcuction. After this chapter
     you will learn what the site is and why it was choosen.

32                                                                   33
The Site

                               15 & 16 Trafalgar Street
                 The site I chose is a house no. 15&16 on Trafalgar
                 street. Folowing on from semester 01, I chose
                 to look at Grand Parade Garage again but in
                 much closer and wider way. I have expanded
                 last semesters’ threshold site and chose to
                 redesign the whole building. The main reason
                 for choosing this house is that I needed a
                 house that is not too big , ideally a 2 bedroom.
                 Also, I realy enjoyed working with this site last
                 semster so I thought it will be very interesting
                 to get to know more about the whole building.
                 Another reason for choosing this site was
                 that as a future B&B, the location is crucial so
                 this site is perfect as it is in the city centre,
                 few minutes from the train station, beach
                 and other attractions the city has to offer.

34   author - Kamila Filipek                                          35
Materiality & Construction of the Site
On this page you can find precise research of the materials and construction of my site. I
wanted to do this research to have better understanding of the building but also to decide
what I would like to leave and what to exchange when designing and creating my project.


The first thing that caught       The tiles in some places are       Surprisingly, the      rest   of   The south side of the building, I        The existing entrance to the          Another thing that I think is
my attention from my chosen       damaged which suggests its         the building is made of red        believe is also made with bricks         shop on the ground floor is           interesting, is the idea that this
site is its green tiles. There    history and that it wasn’t         brick. It is quite an original     but from that side they are              mostly glazed. I like it how it       building is quite mysterious
is no other building like this    renovated for a     long time      combination of green tiles and     painted white. It is very difficult      looks but I feel like I will have     as you can’t get behind the
around the city. This green       if ever. Also, you can clearly     red brick, but to be honest, it    to see what materials it is as           to change it as in this room          gate because it is private. You
material occurs only around       see the inscription (Grand         gives the building charm and       the site is private which means          there will be a social event-         can still see what is going
the entrance of the threshold.    Parade Garage - established        originality as the rest of the     I didnt have full access to do           movie night so I will not be able     on behind the gate but it
I really enjoy the shade of       1918) of old owner’s company.      buildings on Trafalgar street do   my site survey and had to look           to let a lot of natural light fall    makes you want to come in
green and the texture, which is                                      not have such a combination.       on google earth to routhly see.          inside, as this place will have to    and see the whole courtyard.
very shiny that at some point                                                                                                                    be quite dark. I am not planning
you could see your reflection.                                                                          The picture above shows south            to change it completely but I
                                                                     I feel that I should keep the
                                                                                                        side from the google earth. It is        could do some changes in order
                                                                     bricks as well, once again to
                                                                                                        not very clear but at least I got an     to make it more ‘magical’ so it
                                                                     keep its originality and also to
                                                                                                        idea how does it look from other         could fit the rest of the building.
                                                                     keep what the history has left.
                                                                                                        side. I feel like south side it’s
Another thing that caught         In order to keep the histo-                                           losing its unusual look that this
my attention is that the arch     ry but also the unique of this                                        building has at the north side.
                                                                                                                                                                                       You can’t even fully see the
of the threshold entrance is      building, I will leave green                                                                                                                         entrance to the flat because its
similar as the ones in Dis-       tiles. the reason behind this                                                                                                                        kind of hidden away in the wall.
ney’s theme parks but my site’    is that my project is all about                                                                                                                      The only part you can clearly
is in much smaller scale, but     magic and uniqueness experi-                                                                                                                         see and get access to is
the similarity is very clear.     ence so I would like my quests                                                                                                                       the shop at the north side.
                                  could get their attention on
                                  the     uniqueness    of    this                                      Afterall, I still like it as I believe
                                  building     from   the    start                                      that the window sizes and the
                                  before     they   get    inside.                                      dormer roof is helping to keep
                                                                                                        the uniqueness of this building.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                   37
In order to have better                            can give me knowledge of the                     the building from only ist exterior.
understanding of the building                     interior without needs of being                   From this research I learned that
and its structure, I have carried out             inside. Both windows and roof                     I need to know a bit more of the
research about the construction                   are very interesting on my chosen                 history of the construction of this
and materiality of the site. I mostly             site because they are more                        buiding as the roof construction
concentrated at windows and                       unusual. What I’m hoping I will                   has changed over the years.Also,
roof types this time. The reason                  learn at the end of this research                 another thing I concentrate
behind this is that whether its                   is better knowledge of the site                   on is how my chosen site is
windows or a roof, both of them                   and that I learn how to read                      similar and what connection it
                                                                                                    has to the Mary Poppins’ house.

                                                            Roof Analysis


                                                                                                                           gable roof

                                                                        The photos I took help me identify what type of
                                                                        roof occurs at my site. I believe the orginal shape
                                                                        of the roof before reconstruction was gable roof.

                                                                        Years after the construction of this house, the owner
                                                                        decided to add two attic rooms. They have added 5
                                                                        dormer windows which is not very common to have 3
                                                                        dormer windows close to each other (see image below).
                                                                        Because of these additional windows, the house has
                                                                        gained more space, which is favorable for my project.


                                                                                                                                                                             I believe the structure of the present roof is similar to
                                                                                                                                                                             the diagrams above as they both are the same roof shape.
                                                                                                                                                                             Also, those diagrams show and explain the structure of
                                                                                                                                                                             the dormer window, I used this photo in order to help
                                                                                                                                                                             me understand the probable structure of the dormer.

                                                                                                                                            image source:
                                                                                                                                            4 - Shed Dormer Plans New Result Building For A Gable -
38   images source:,-0.13711106,59.32672928a,11.7661018d,35y,-120.09782121h,30.61409222t,0r       5 -                                                                39
Windows Analysis

                                                                                                                                        North side                                                South side

                                                                    When I was doing window analysis,
                                                                    things I was concentrating at were types
                                                                    of the windows, how they open and if
                                                                    the whole building has the same types.

                                                                    From the images on the left we can clearly
                                                                    see that all the windows are different,
                                                                    the type of window and size. The north
                                                                    side of the building, window above the
                                                                    gate and dormer windows are single
                                                                    hung windows. The window on the left
                                                                    is called a bow window, they are usually
                                                                    designed to create space by projecting
                                                                    beyond the exterior wall of a building,      From the south side windows are also single hung but they don’t have grids. Also, we can see that they are not
                                                                    and to provide a wider view of the street    that large as are at the north side. Dormer windows are also different sizes. Front of the house has much bigger
                                                                    outside. All the windows have grids.         than the back. It is very interesting and at the same time a bit strange why the whole house has different windows

                                                                                                                                           When I was trying to
                                                                                                                                           compare my chosen site
                                                                                                                                           with the house from
Types of windows found within the site                                                                                                     Mary Poppins movie, the
                                                                                                                                           things I have found in
                                                                                                                                           common are single hung
Single Hung Windows       Single Hung Windows   Single Hung Windows with grids   Bow Window with grids                                     windows with grids. Both
without grids             with grids
                                                                                                                                           the type, size and even the
                                                                                                                                           colour is similar to the
                                                                                                                                           house from the movie.
                                                                                                                                           (see image on the right)

                      6                    7                    8                                   9                                                                                                                   10

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                             41

The understanding of the          extensions added. The ground         plans on next page we can see                                                        2
building is not only about the    floor is the smallest floor          that the bathroom is within
exterior but also its interior.   because a big part of it, is taken   the house but is located in the
                                                                                                                                                                    Second Floor
I have carried out the research   by the threshold (archway)           extension that is attached to the
about the interior and room       called ‘Grand Parade Garage’.        hosue. From the rear elevation
locations, the reason behind      Also, we can clearly see that        we can see it has to sit between
this research is because          there is not many rooms located      the ground and firts floor.
this house is private, I don’t    apart of the shops. Throught         On the second floor they have
have accesss to the interior. I   the archway we can get to the        allocated two drome bedrooms,                                                    5
believe this research is very     resiedential access to the hosue.    with two windows in each room
                                                                                                                                                2                       4
useful for me because it let                                           to let the naturalight come into
me understand the building        The first floor is where the         the rooms. From the previous
in every aspect not only what     house is starting. The lounge        research I have found that this
can be seen form the outside.     and bedroom can be found at          building didn’t have the drome                               3
                                  the front of the house, whereas      when it was built, after the
From this reasearch I learned     kitchen and another bedroom          years they decided to enlarge
what can be found on each         were placed at the back. This        the hosue and they have added                                                2
floor. Also, it helps me          floor has small terrace that is      two rooms, turning the attic                                                                 First Floor
understand if all the rooms are   linked to the terrace from the       into two additional bedrooms.
in the house or may it have any   building opposite. From the



                                                                                                                                            7                   8

                                                                                                           kitchen 1
                                                                                                           bedroom 2                                                Ground Floor

                                                                                                           lounge 3
                                                                                                           bathroom 4
                                                                                                           terrace 5
                                                                                                           wc 6
                                                                                                           shop 7
                                                                                                           residential access   8

42                                                                                                         refuse 9                                                                43
                                                                   15&16 Trafalgar Street                               Later, in 1934, dramatic changes happened to the
                                                                   Trafalgar Street was described by the Pevsner        places premises, Mr H Goldberg, a coppersmith
                                                                   Architectural Guide as a “small-scale nineteenth-    from Poland purchased it for £2,000 and
                                                                   century industrial buildings and artisan housing,    transformed into a garage. Goldberg firstly moved
                                                                   mostly opening directly to the street”. Trafalgar    to London but then in 1918, he moved to Brighton,
                                                                   Street was originally named Trafalgar Place          he didn’t know English at all but still invented his
                                                                   and was one of the east-west leakways (tracks)       own formulae for fluxes for ferrous metals. From
                                                                   that acted as a boundary between the 3rd and         that time the old slaughterhouse was changed into
                                                                   the 4th ‘furlongs’. (‘Furlongs’ were sections of     motor repair and engineering business with making
                                                                   agricultural land into which the North Laine was     metal body parts for cars. Later he was chosen to
                                                                   divided until landowners began selling off land      repair the copper domes on the Royal Pavilion.
                                                                   for building development in the early part of the
                                                                   19th century.) Development of Trafalgar Place        Later on, Goldberg family (Goldberg and his 2
                                                                   began in the early part of the 19th century with     sons) began to contract to the Brighton & Hove
                                                                   a few houses built at the eastern end. It was not    Hebrew Congregation to start carry out funerals.
                                                                   until the coming of the railway in the 1840s that    They developed a funeral business for the Jewish
                                                                   there was large-scale development of the street.     community which relied on making coffins and
                                                                   Trafalgar Street was very much now a major           providing transport to the Jewish burials at
                                                                   retail street. The residents of the nearby streets   Florence Place and Ditchling Road. In 1953, Mr
                                                                   could purchase all their needs in this street.       H Goldberg died, leaving his sons to carry on
                                                                                                                        the business. After one of the sons dies (Louis
                                                                                                                        Goldberg), second one (Bernie Goldberg) retired
                                                                   A rich with its history, Trafalgar Street, has one   the premises was sold to a local developer who
                                                                   building that address of particular my interest      obtained planning permission to turn it into flats
                                                                   is number 16 (now known as Trafalgar Mews).          and live/work units, now called Trafalgar Mews.
                                                                   This building was originally a butcher and
                                                                   slaughterhouse, it’s one of the remaining building
                                                                   associated with the meat industry during 19th        We can still see the green tiles and
                                                                   century. In 1869, the owner of the building was      the garage door with the inscription
                                                                   William Adams, who commissioned to extend            ‘Grand Parade Garage - established 1918’.
                                                                   in into a yard so he could build a separate WC
                                                                   and washing area between the house and the
                                                                   slaughter room behind which was a two-storey
                                                                   bullock pen and stable, both with lofts above.

44                                                                                                             45
Context Mapping
This context mapping shows relevant location
for my project within 1 mile from my site. All the
locations have connections with my characters.                                                                                                                                               11

Two     of  my    locations      extends   beyond                                                                                                         Jubilee Library - Jubilee St, Brighton - 0.7mil from
                                                                                                                                                          the site.
Brighton to where my characters come from.                                                                                                                As both Travers and Disney were writers, I put the
                                                                                                                                                          library to the list on my context map.

Key:                                                                                            13


     animation studios

     film production studios                                                                                                                              Brighton Toy and Model Museum - Trafalgar St,
                                                                                                                                                          Brihgton - 0.2mil from the site.
                                                                                           12                                                             Train toys were Disney’s the biggest hobby so the
                                                                                                                                                          musuem of train toys has to be on the context map.
     toy shops

     train shop

     books shops

                                                                                                                                                          Picture Book Films Brighton - New England Rd,
                                                                                                                                                          Brighton - 0.4mil from the site.
                                                                                                                                                          This is film production studio, I chose it because it
                                                                                                                                                          does connect to Disney as he was making movies.


                                                                                                                                                          Duke of York’s picturehouse - Preston Rd, Bright-
                                                                                                                                                          on- 0.9mil from the site.
                                                                                                                                                          I chose cinema because both of my character has
                                                                                                                                                          something to do with film and acting.
                                    Walt Disney Animation Studios (2100 Riverside Dr
                                    Burbank CA 91506, USA)
                                    I put this animation studio because Disney was the
                                    owner of this studio with his brother.
                                    What I like about this is that even Disney has
                                    passed away he building still is in function, making
                               18   it one of the oldest-running animation studio in the
                                    world.                                                                                                                                                        15

                                                                                                                                                          Dukes at Komedia Picturehouse- 44-47 Gardner St -
                                                                                                                                                          0.5mil from the site.
                                                                                                                                                          Komedia is theatre in Brighton. I put theatres on my
                                                                                                                                                          map because Travers was acting in theatre during
                                                                                                                                                          her career.



                                                                                                                                                          Daisy Daisy - North Laine Shopping District -
                                                                                                                                                          0.3mil from the site.
                                                                                                                                                          Both Disney and Travers had something to do with
                                                                                                                                                          playing/childhood, that’s why I have put the toy
                                                                                                                Mary Poppins, Maryborough in Queensland   shops on my list.

46                                                                                                                                                                                                      47
Multimedia  Museum                     of      Mary  Poppins
                                                                                                                                                                                              in     Maryborough                      in        Queensland.

                                                                                                                                                                                              A former bank that was the place where Mary
                                                                                                                                                                                              Poppins creator P.L. Travers was born, has been
                                                                                                                                                                                              converted into a multimedia museum in the
                                                                                                                                                                                              heritage city of Maryborough in Queensland.

                                                                                                                                                                                              I have choose this location on my context map
                                                                                                                                                                                              because this museum was the first existing space I
                                                                                                                                                                                              was taking inspiration from as my first initial idea
                                                                                                                                                                                              was more towards musuem/gallery. I still decided
                                                                                                                                                                                              to put this on my map becasue I really like the
                                                                                                                                                                                              idea of converting the house into the museum
                                                                                                                                                                                              of Mary Poppins, what is even more interesting
                                                                                                                                                                                              about this is that they have used Poppins as an
                                                                                                                                                                                              inspiration for decorating the city. For example,
                                                                                                                                                                                              the traffic lights, when the red lights are on the
                                                                                                                                                                                              poppins stand with umbrella down, when it’s
                                                                                                                                                                                              green the umbrella is up (see the images below)


                                                                                                                                                                                              20                                    21

                                                                                                                                                          image source:
                                                                                                                                                          20. red lights -

                                                                                                                                                          21. green lights -
48 images source: 19. musuem of Mary Poppins -                                                                                                                                                  49

     This part of the almanac is all about the strategy. You will find the
     precedents of existing buildings that were used as an inspiration
     and compare with the strategy that will be applied on the ‘Public
     House’. Also, you will have t hechance to see the beginning of the
     designing process. At the end of this chapter, you will have clear
     idea of what and how the ‘The house of Mary Poppins’ will look like.

50                                                                           51
Spatial Planning

I decided that I will seperate the house in
two and create 2 different experiences. The
ground floor will be for the social event which
is going to be a movie night. It will be open
for public aswell as for the B&B visitors.

First and second floor is intended for a B&B.
The main reason for this is because my chosen
site has 2 seperate entries, one to the public shop
and one to the apartaments which is private.

On the right side you can see the spacial
planning for the interior and where each
room will be located in the house. I have
chosen key moments from the movie
Mary Poppins and will be designing the
interior based on those key from the movie.

My intention for the future of this project is to
not only decorate the house but also give people
the experience of a magical place. For example,
the kitchen will be inspired by the Uncle
Albert Scene where they flew from laughter,
so I will try my best to recreate this scene
and feeling of levitating when in the kitchen.
Also, I will different methods to make the
house seems bigger. For example, my first idea
will be to use mirrors to optically enlarge the
flat.I could use one way mirrored screens
which is mirror from the outside walls of
the room and transparent from the centre.

52                                                    53
Strategy 1

                                                                                                                           Expensify, Portland Office
                                                                                                                                   ZGF Architects,
                                                                                                                                                    location: Portland, Oregon

                                                                                                            This building is located in Portland, Oregon and was designed
                                                                                                            by local practice ZGF Architects. The company leased the
                                                                                                            national Landmark First National Bank (1916). It is a century-
                                                                                                            old bank . The orginal building was designed by Codidge
                                                                                                            and Shattuck, classical columns and stone cladding define
                                                                                                            the buidling’s stoic exterior. ZGF partnered with Expensify
                                                                                                            in order to design an interior that will perfectly reflect on the
                                                                                                            comapny’s signature which is ‘choose-your-own-adventure’
                                                                                                            work setting. That means that emplyees are able to work
                                                                                                            where they want to because the seating is not assigned.
                                                                                                            The company had to undertake a bold project, bearing in
                                                                                                            mind that the building is rented out. “design interventions
                                                                                                            had to speak not only to the enduring grandeur of the
                                                                                                            existing interiors but also the realities of a finite lease term”

                                                                                                            The reason behind choosing this building as one
                                                                                                            of my precedents is that it is very interesting,
                                                                                                            especially the way designers managed to insert
                                                                                                            the   intervention to fit the  existing building.

                                                                                                            I really enjoy the way they inserted intervention to create
                                                                                                            an office with embodied company spirit. From this project
                                                                                                            I learned the way I could use ‘gloating’ box in order to
                                                                                                            divide my house into two parts to show different experience.

                                                                                                            I will use this precedent only for inspiration for the ‘floating’
                                                                                                            room as this project is in a much bigger scale than my site
                                                                                                            and it doesn’t have a similar theme. On the next page you
                                                                                                            will see how I used this idea and applied it to my site.

                                          ZGF Architects balanced the company’s space needs and
                                          the historical importance within this building during
                                          designing a couple of floating conference rooms which
                                          were hung opposite and above the bank’s main entrance
                                          staircase by referenncing the historic details and proportions.

54                                                                                                                                                                               55
images sources:
Applying strategy 1 to the site

     By taking inspirations from           By inserting this ‘box’, I           room where the guests will
     the precedent mentioned on            will achieve my plans and            be able to spend their time
     last page, I have decided to          will    create   unexpected          during the day. Additionally,
     apply similar strategy which          experience for my bedfellows.        I’m planning to insert two
     is ‘insertion’ to my building.        This intervention is going           different types of stairs (see
     The reason behind this                to be inserted between               diagrams below) inspired by
     choice is that my main aim            first and ground floor to            each character (Disney and
     is to divide the interior into        give a feeling of ‘floating’.        Travers). Those staircases        Also, my other aim was to play with
     ‘two’ to give two experiences.        Also,    this   intervention         will lead to the bedrooms         private and public. So, I decided
                                           will turn into a living              on     the    second     floor.   to cut out some bits from the
                                                                                                                  first floor to open it up with the
                                                                                                                  ground floor. When people will
                                                                                                                  come for the event they will have
                                                                                                                  a chance to see the life in the b&b.

                            Floating Box                       Scissor Switch            Spiral Stairs

                                                                                                                                                         Quick Sketches

56                                                                                                                                                                        57
Strategy 2

     Behind the scenes of The Red Barn
     The red barn is a 12 man stage crew show. Having that
     many bodies on stage requires a ton of coordination
     so that they do not run into each other. They don’t
     only move the trucks but also set the scenes. All the
     props and furniture is made on the trucks so it’s a
     complicated process. With the sliders opening and
     closing, the crew has something to hide behind when
     setting the next scene directly behind the sliders. This
     gives the impression of a cinematic world, tracking
     and panning through the scenes as they play out. The
     sliders and wagons are being moved by people who
     have been trained to move them in a specific way.

     I am trying to make my project magical and unique in
     every aspect. In order to make my ‘social event’(movie
     night) space very interesting, im planning to do
     something more than just chairs and the screen.

     I took the red barn as an inspiration because I find
     their work very inspiring. I really like the way a
     group of people can make something that incredible.
     What I hoped to learn from them is the way they create
     the scenes so I could get inspiration and use similar
     way in my own project. After the reasrch I have enough
     information to start applying this idea to my own space.

                                                                                                         The images above shows one of the scene
                                                                                                         from the Red Barn, we can see that the walls
                                                                                                         are getting closer to finish the scene. They
                                                                                                         not only move across but also up and down.

58                                                              photos sources:                             59
Strategy 3

     Kinetic Landscape

     “Kinetic Landscape is an attempt to create a sculptural
     object which value lies within the discovery of its
     functional nature. The sliced sculptural forms invite
     exploration and an opportunity for the audience
     to install their own narrative, seeing perhaps
     the sliced landscape, skeletal or eroded forms.”

     Existing installation using kinetic landscape
     Hyper-Matrix is a kinetic landscape installation created
     for the Hyundai Motor Group Exhibition Pavilion in
     Korea, the 2012 Yeosu EXPO site. The installation
     is made up of a bespoke made steel construction to
     support the weight of thousands of stepper motors
     which have control over the cubes which project out
     of the internal front of the building. The cubes consist
     of foam and are attached to actuators which move
     them back and forth by the steppers, forming patterns
     crosswise the three-sided screen. It looks, what at first
     appears to be three blank white walls, Hyper-Matrix
     installation rapidly comes to life as thousands of
     separate cubes constructing a screen of pixels begin
     to move, pulsate, and create dynamic patterns across
     the hall, forming an infinite number of configurations
     in the vertical. Also, the cubes can act as a moving
     screen for pictures or movies projected onto it.

     When I came across the kinetic landscape for the
     first time, it immediately caught my attention. It
     is something more than moving cubes, I really
     like the fact that it can be used to create a moving
     screen and also a screen for movie projections.

     In order to get better understanding of this
     type of screens/instalations I did   research
     on exhibition for Hyundai Motor Group.

60                                                               images source:   61
Applying strategy 2 and 3 to the site

After deep research of precedents        The reason behind blending them       Those precedents will be used
2 and 3, mentioned on last pages, I      together is that both of them I       only on the ground floor where
will take the information I learned      found very interesting and I didn’t   the social event will take place.
and try to apply them to my site.        want to stop myself on only one.
Both often are very interesting          Also, I would like to experiment
for me so I have decided to              more with my designing and try
combine them together to                 something new, in order to create
give unexpected expeirience.             an unusual and ‘magical’ interior.

My initial idea is to have
the whole screen of cubes                                                                                                      Kinetic landscape screen will move foward towards
hidden away during when                                                                                                        people sitting at some scenes. It will have a
its not being used.                                                                                                            combination of moving cubes and projecting objects.
                                                                                                                               Drawings above shows how the wall move fowards.
                                                                                                                               The wall but also the cubes will move at the
                                                                                                                               same time if the scene of the movie it requires.

moveable walls                                                                                                                 How is it going to work?
hide on the sides
                                                                                                                               Cubes will move because of the stepper
of the room when
there is no event.                                                                                                             motors which will have control over the cubes.
                                                                                                      the stage comes up
                                                                                                      only for the events.

                                                                               scale 1:50

                                 ---->                                          ---->
                                                                                                                              Being inspired by precedent no.2 I will have the
                                                                                                                              same idea of closing the walls on the screen the
                                                                                                                              same way they were closing the screens on the
                                                                                                                              stage. The walls in our house will only move in the
                                                                                                                              horizontal plane unlike the screens in precedent no.2.
                                                                                                                              Drawing above shows how the walls close up.

kinetic wall when off                      kinetic wall when on                             kinetic wall when the movie can
                                                                                            be projected on.

62                                                                                                                                                                                     63
-       15 - Mary Poppins book -
Bibliography                                                                                                               trated-by-mary-shepard-new-york-reynal-and-hitchcock-1934-/a/683-57215.s
Chapter 01                                                                                                                 -       16 - Disney with daughter Diane, ‘Interview’, FILM blogging the reel world
Walt Disney:                                                                                                               -       17 – film poster, by EJLightnin007arta -
- Editors, ‘Walt Disney Biography’, The website, April 2, 2014                           1964-poster-MPR-Version-782038519
-       Cain, Aine ‘A look inside the daily routine of Walt Disney…..’, Insider,Mar 7, 2018 - https://www.businessinsid-   Flatlays:                                                                          Disney:
                                                                                                                           5 -
P. L Travers:                                                                                                              6 -
- Editors, ‘P. L Travers Biography’, The website, April 2, 2014                                                                                Travers:
-       ‘P.L Travers…Hard Medicine & Strong Magic’, Routine Matters, -          1 -
travers/                                                                                                                   2 -
-       Hone Joseph, ‘Steely, self-centred, controlling-the Mary Poppins I knew’, Irish Examiner - https://www.irishex-    3 -                                                                                    10 -
Connection between characters:
-       Henderson, Amy. ‘How Did P.L Travers, the Prickly Author of Mary Poppins, Really Fare Against Walt Dis-
ney?’ December 20, 2013                                                                                                    Quotes:              -       “That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up.” – Walt Disney

Mary Poppins:                                                                                                              -       “Don’t you know that everybody’s got a Fairyland of their own?’ – P. L Travers
-       Libbey, Dirk. ‘Everything you need to remember about Mary Poppins Before Seeing the Sequel’, December 18,
2018                    -       “was aghast at the idea of her Mary Poppins being sentimentalized by the ‘Disney treatment’.” – Amy Hender-
ing-the-sequel                                                                                                             son
-       ‘Marry Poppins (Character), Fandom -             
-       Witter Brad, ‘it took Walt Disney more than 20years to make ‘Mary Poppins’’, Biography - https://www.biogra-       really-fare-against-walt-disney-180949052/

-        1 -Disney Black&white – ‘Walt Disney is a tres’, Zenerjen,
-        2 -Travers black&white -
-        3 -Disney with Mickey mouse, ‘grandson of Walt Disney in longstanding inheritance battle’, Mastry Law,
-        4 – Disney with Mickey and Dinald, ‘Year 3-Walt Disney’, KAPS - https://www.kensingtonavenueprimary.
-        5- Disney with Travers, ‘Saving Mr Banks’, Disney+,
-        6 - Travers, ‘How Disney Sold P.L Travers Down the River (Twice), The Cycle Fitch Report by David Finkle -
-        7 -Travers signature - :
-        8 – P. L Travers, ‘How Disney Sold P.L Travers Down the River (Twice), The Cycle Fitch Report by David Fin-
kle -
-        9 – Disney, Travers and Disney’s daughter, ‘The Story Behind Saving Mr Banks’, by Stacy Contadt - https://
-        10 – Disney and Travers,by Jolanda van Trier
-        11 -Mary Poppins on umbrella -
-        12 – Mary Poppins:
-        13 -Mary Poppins with children and Bert, ‘Half Day Movie: Mary Poppins’-
-        14 -Travers as a young lady -
64                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          65
Chapter 2                                                                                                              Chapter 3

History:                                                                                                               Strategy no.1:
-       Trafalgar Street history – ‘Trafalgar Street’, mhms:myhousemystreet -   -       McKnight, Jenna, ‘ZGF Architects transforms historic Portland bank building into Expensify office’, DEZEEN -
-                       -       ZGD Architects -
-       Disney animation studio, wikipedia -
                                                                                                                       Strategy no.2: Simenon Georges, Hare’s David, The Red Barn, Brhind the scene chsngesc-
-       1 – Disney theme park entrance -         Strategy no.3: hyper matrix vertical kinetic landscpaes by jonpasang, designboom -
will-soon-have-new-entrances-at-every-single-theme-park                                                                technology/hyper-matrix-vertical-kinetic-landscapes-by-jonpasang/
-       2 – google earth images -,0,0a,22251752.77375655d,35y,0h,0t,0r
-       3 – Roof type, Bondright Roofing Services -     Quotes:
dential-roofing-types.php                                                                                              - “Kinetic Landscape is an attempt to create a sculptural object which value lies within the discovery of
-       6 – single hung window without grids -            its functional nature. The sliced sculptural forms invite exploration and an opportunity for the audience
struction-White-Exterior-Single-Hung-Window-Rough-Opening-18-in-x-36-in-Actual-17-5-in-x-35-5-in/3681922               to install their own narrative, seeing perhaps the sliced landscape, skeletal or eroded forms.”- https://
-       7 – single hung widow with grids -
-       8 - single hung widow with grids open -
-       9 – bay window -
-       10 -Poppins house, Lowne, Cathy -
-       11 – Jubilee Library -
-       12 – Train museum/shop -
-       13 – Picture book film brighton -!1s0x487585132a8f0897%3A0x7a98f-
-       14 – Duke of york’s picturehouse -
-       15 – Komedia theatre -
-       16 – Daisy Daisy -
-       17 – ‘the magic of Mary Poppins in Maryborough, Queensland’
-       18 – Disney’ studio animation -

66                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      67
Kamila Filipek
                                                Level 6
                                Student no. 18827333
                                University of Brighton
                                 Interior Architecture
     AD676: Experience and Systems: Subject to Change

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