Acute Vestibular Syndrome in Cerebellar Infarction: A Case Report

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Acute Vestibular Syndrome in Cerebellar Infarction: A Case Report
International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                         Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
Case Report                                                                      E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

              Acute Vestibular Syndrome in Cerebellar
                     Infarction: A Case Report
                   Diayanti Tenti Lestari1, Hanik Badriyah Hidayati2
                           Department of Neurology, 2Department of Neurology,
                      Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
                                    Corresponding Author: Diayanti Tenti Lestari

ABSTRACT                                                     Keywords: acute vestibular syndrome, vertigo,
                                                             cerebellum, HINTS
Introduction: Acute vestibular syndrome
(AVS) is characterized by rapid onset of vertigo,            INTRODUCTION
nausea and vomiting, and gait unsteadiness in                        Acute vestibular syndrome is
association with head motion intolerance and                 characterized by the sudden onset of
nystagmus, lasting days to weeks. Although the               dizziness/vertigo, nausea and vomiting, and
majority of AVS patients have acute peripheral
                                                             unsteadiness that lasts from days to weeks.
vestibulopathy, some may also have brainstem
or cerebellar strokes. Cerebellar infarctions                This syndrome causes static and dynamic
sometimes only cause vertigo. The Head                       imbalances in the vestibular system on one
Impulse Test, skew deviation, and nystagmus                  or both body sides.(1) The occurrence of
testing provide for great sensitivity and                    dizziness/vertigo due to central lesions
specificity in distinguishing between peripheral             usually occurs in association with other
vestibular impairment and stroke.                            neurological signs and symptoms, and the
Case: A 41-year-old male patient suffered from               diagnosis of vertigo is isolated from lesions
acute-onset vertigo and dizziness about 5 hours              of the brainstem and cerebellum. (1)
before admission, which started when he started              Dizziness/vertigo is the most common
doing his morning routine. Patients also feel gait           symptom of the posterior circulation
unsteadiness and almost fall to the left side.
                                                             ischemia. Based on literature, 62% patients
There was no weakness in extremities, skew
face or slurred speech. Patient's neurological               with vertigo due to vertebrobasilar
status showed the cerebellar examination was                 infarction had at least one episode of vertigo
positive left dysmetria, left dysdiadochokinesia,            and 19% patients presented vertigo as the
the Romberg test open eye fell to the left,                  initial symptom. (1) Acute vestibular
normal Head Impulse Test (HIT), with                         syndrome due to stroke is mostly due to
horizontal bidirectional nystagmus and negative              lesions in the posterior inferior cerebellar
skew deviation test. Cerebellum infarction was               artery (PICA) region of cerebellum. (2)
discovered using computed tomography                         Cerebellum lesions cause variety of
imaging. After passing through the acute stroke              audiovestibular symptoms and nystagmus.
period, patients are offered symptomatic therapy             (2) Nystagmus is caused by damage to the
in the form of betahistine, antiplatelet
                                                             intercalate nucleus and paramedian tract
medication, and vestibular rehabilitation
planning. On the tenth day after the onset, the              (PMT) cell group. (2)
patient's symptoms began to improve.                                 Dizziness and vertigo assemble for
Conclusion: Proper diagnosis of acute                        4.0% of visits to the emergency department
vestibular syndrome will guide the necessary                 and associated stroke in 3.2–4.0% of cases.
tests. The HINTS oculomotor test at the bedside              (2,3) Data show that approximately 15000
can detect acute vestibular stroke.                          to 25000 cases have a morbidity due to
                                                             misdiagnoses at the time of initial

                      International Journal of Research and Review (                                 29
                                       Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
Acute Vestibular Syndrome in Cerebellar Infarction: A Case Report
Diayanti Tenti Lestari Acute vestibular syndrome in cerebellar infarction: a case report.

admission. (4) Twenty-five percent of                             The prevalence of the causes of
patients with vascular risk factors who                           vertigo/dizziness Cerebrovascular in acute
present to emergency department with                              vestibular syndrome group was 10.0 % of
isolated severe vertigo, nystagmus, and                           strokes and transitory ischemic attack (TIA),
postural instability, turned out to have                          this is higher when compared to the
cerebellar infarction in the region of the                        occurrence of cerebrovascular causes among
medial posterior inferior cerebellar artery                       vertigo/dizziness patients who are not acute
PICA (mPICA) region. (5) Dizziness/                               vestibular syndrome as much as 3.6%. (3)
vertigo caused by acute vestibular syndrome                       This paper is intended to aid in the study of
have three times higher risk of                                   dizziness or sudden vertigo in posterior
cerebrovascular causes than dizziness                             circulation strokes, particularly cerebellar
without the syndrome of vestibular acute.                         infarction.


     Figure 1. Computed Tomography CT scan of the head without contrast, axial section; acute infarction of the cerebellum

Figure 2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Head; Restricted diffusion on Diffuse weight Imaging (DWI), cerebellar
hyperintense on T2 Fluid Attenuates Inversion Recovery FLAIR

        A 41-year-old man suffered from                           patient described that the head is floating as
acute-onset vertigo and dizziness about 5                         if it is light and everything around him
hours before admission, which started when                        seemed to be moving. The symptoms were
he started doing his morning routine. The                         not prompted by changes in his head, and

                          International Journal of Research and Review (                                     30
                                           Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
Diayanti Tenti Lestari Acute vestibular syndrome in cerebellar infarction: a case report.

they did not improve with sleep. The                      percent. Cerebellar infarct, hypodense
patient stated that he would want to fall to              region in the cerebellum, can be seen on a
his left side. The patient's hands and feet are           CT scan of the head without contrast.
unaffected. On the route to the hospital, the                     After the initial phase of the stroke,
patient vomits, his head jerks, and he                    patients were given betahistine 24 mg every
becomes uneasy. He denied any previous                    12 hours, Amlodipine 10 mg every 24
headaches,       tingling,     visual     field           hours, Domperidone 1 tablet every 12 hours
abnormalities, double vision, swallowing                  or as required, Acetyl Salicylic Acid 100 mg
difficulties, convulsions, or fever. The                  every 24 hours, Simvastatin 20 mg every 24
patient's previous medical history includes               hours, and Cawthorne-Cooksey exercise.
hypertension from 5 to 6 years ago, which
was not routinely treated, and no previous                DISCUSSION
stroke, tumor, or lump elsewhere, which the                       Acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) is
patient disputed. Traditional medicine was                characterized by acute onset of prolonged
used previously, and no painkillers were                  vertigo (days to weeks) with spontaneous
used. Patient has been a 15-year smoker                   nystagnation, postural instability and
who smokes 5-10 cigarettes per day and                    autonomic symptoms such as nausea or
does not drink alcohol. There are no                      vomiting. (1,4,5) Eleven percent of patients
relatives with hypertension, heart disease,               with cerebellar infarction showed clinically
diabetes mellitus, or stroke in the family                isolated vertigo and most (96%) had medial
history. Blood pressure was 210/150                       branch PICA territory infarction, including
mmHg, pulse was 98 beats per minute,                      nodules. (6) Cerebellar stroke will cause
respiratory rate was 18-20x/minute,                       severe ataxia, visual disturbances, headache,
temperature 36.6° Celsius on general                      and vertigo. However, about 10% of
examination.       Bidirectional     horizontal           patients    with      cerebellar    infarction
nystagmus without hearing loss, excellent                 experience only vertigo or nausea and
motor function, and normal exteroceptive                  vomiting. (7)
and proprioceptive sensory were discovered                        Pathophysiology of acute vestibular
on neurological examination. Both sides of                syndrome on cerebellum lesions is
the extremities have normal deep tendon                   associated with vestibular pathway and
reflexes, with no abnormal or primitive                   vascularisation into the vestibular system.
reflexes. Dysmetria on the left side, left                The cerebellum receives projections from
dysdiadochokinesia, positive Romberg's                    the vestibular labyrinth, vestibular nerve,
test, and a fall to the left side were the                and vestibular nucleus in the brainstem and
cerebellar signs. The Head Impulse HIT test               the projections back to the vestibular
revealed      a    bidirectional     horizontal           nucleus to control oculomotor and postural
nystagmus and no ocular deviation, which                  reflexes. The cerebellum is also involved in
were both within normal ranges. Fasting                   the visual suppression of ocular vestibular
glucose readings were 113 mg/dl,                          responses, including nystagmus caused by
postprandial blood sugar was 150 mg/dl;                   acute vestibular dysfunction. (8) The blood
urea was 15 mg/dl; serum creatinine was                   supply to the peripheral vestibular labyrinth,
1.57 U/L; albumin was 4.5 g/L; SGOT was                   vestibular nerve, the vestibular nucleus in
18 U/L; SGPT was 16 U/L; CRP was 9.4;                     the brainstem and cerebellum originates
WBC was 13,200/l; Hb was 1 5.2 g/dl;                      from the vertebrobasilar artery system. (8,9)
platelets were 425,000/l. HbA1C levels 5.7                The internal auditory arteries branch is a
percent, lipid profile: cholesterol 245 mg/dl,            branch of the AICA's Anterior Inferior
triglycerides 110 mg/dl, HDL 42 mg/dl,                    Cerebellar Artery, supplying the vestibular
LDL 89 mg/dl, electrolyte levels sodium                   and cochlear labyrinths. Branches of the
145 mmol/L, potassium 4.0 mmol/L,                         vertebral and basilar arteries supply the
chloride 103 mmol/L, HbA1C values 5.7                     vestibular nuclei in the brainstem. (6,8) The

                      International Journal of Research and Review (                       31
                                       Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
Diayanti Tenti Lestari Acute vestibular syndrome in cerebellar infarction: a case report.

posterior and anterior cerebellar arteries                              Diyan et al, 2020 and Kim Ah, 2012,
provide blood supply to the inferior                           described the most common causes of
cerebellum and the flocculonodular lobe                        posterior circulation infarcts are posterior
which are parts of the cerebellum that are                     inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and
closely related to the vestibular system.                      superior cerebellar artery (SCA) compared
(6,8)                                                          to the anterior inferior cerebellar artery
                                                               (AICA). Patients with cerebellar infarction
                                                               have clinical features of vertigo, nausea and
                                                               vomiting, horizontal nystagmus, limb
                                                               ataxia, unbalanced gait, and headache, may
                                                               be in the occipital, frontal, or upper cervical
                                                               region. Frequently, the clinical picture of
                                                               cerebellar artery infarction results from
                                                               infarction of the lateral medulla or pons, and
                                                               does not involve the cerebellum. These
                                                               clinical features include trigeminal and
                                                               spinothalamic sensory deficits or Horner's
                                                               syndrome. (5,6) The patient we reported
                                                               also presented with acute vertigo, head
                                                               discomfort, such as floating sensation
                                                               accompanied by a feeling of tumbling at the
                                                               acute onset and may lead to acute-onset
Figure 3: Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI of right inferior     limb ataxia and associated vascular risk
cerebellar infarction. Pathophysiological vascularization
illustration posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and
anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). (8)                         Also mentioned by Hotson and
                                                               Baloh, 1998; The sudden onset of isolated
        The pathophysiology of acute                           vertigo lasting for minutes in a person with
vestibular syndrome also occur through                         risk factors for stroke suggests an ischemic
involvement of the structures of the                           attack in the vertebrobasilar system or
vestibular nucleus, root entry zone of cranial                 transient ischemia of the vestibular
nerve VIII at the border of the pontomedula,                   labyrinth. Transient ischemic attacks often
dorsolateral or caudolateral rostral medulla,                  last for less than 30 minutes. Isolated
paramedian pons or mesencephalon                               transient vertigo may precede a stroke in a
tegmentum,      and     inferior    cerebellar                 branch of the vertebrobasilar artery that
peduncle. (6) Cerebellar vestibular ocular                     presents with similar symptoms over a span
reflex (VOR) function and associated                           of weeks or months. (8) In acute vestibular
vestibular abnormalities. Purkinje Cell of                     syndrome, factors that lead to stroke should
vestibulocerebellum have an inhibitory                         be considered, such as; age over 60 years,
effect, usually in the ipsilateral vestibular                  history of hypertension or diabetes mellitus,
nucleus. Damage of these Purkinje cells                        accompanying symptoms refer to the central
tend to increase the tonic activity of                         nervous system, spontaneous and acute
ipsilateral vestibular nucleus, causing                        onset of symptoms for the first time. (11)
spontaneous cerebellar nystagmus on the                                 Bed side examination of acute
lesion side. However, patients with floccular                  vestibular syndrome is important to
lesions exhibit much stronger spontaneous                      establish the diagnosis, even considered
nystagmus in response to abnormal head                         sensitive and specific for acute vestibular
impulses, suggesting that the flocculus has a                  syndrome, it’s hard to differentiate vascular
much more important role in controlling                        vertigo      isolated      from     peripheral
VOR than does the cerebellar tonsil. (10)                      vestibulopati acute. As described by Kim JS
                                                               and Choi KD, 2013, indicates that bed side

                          International Journal of Research and Review (                     32
                                           Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
Diayanti Tenti Lestari Acute vestibular syndrome in cerebellar infarction: a case report.

examination of oculomotor has three steps                            postural instability that is severe enough to
for hints: Head impulse test, nystagmus and                          fall during a vertigo attack, the doctor can
Test of Skew Deviation consists of a head                            easily detect that the vertigo stems from
Impulse Test HIT, nystagmus, and the                                 central vestibular dysfunction. (5) An
deviation of the eye is more sensitive to                            examination protocol that combines the
stroke while scheduling definitive imaging.                          Head Impulse test HIT with looking for
(1,2)                                                                nystagmus that changes direction in
        If a patient shows any signs of                              eccentric gaze or skew deviation is 100%
central vestibular dysfunction such as                               sensitivity and 96% specificity for stroke
vertical nystagmus in usual position,                                identification, whereas diffusion weighted
nystagmus due to head shaking movements,                             DWI Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
asymmetric oculomotor dysfunction, or                                can be missed in 12% of cases. (5,12)

Table 1. Characteristics of the clinical presentation of acute unilateral vestibulopathy, stroke in the posterior inferior cerebellar
artery PICA and stroke in the anterior inferior cerebellar artery AICA (13)
                                   Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy           Stroke (PICA)             Stroke (AICA)
Nystagmus                          Spontaneous horizontal unidirectional    Central       form    of Central form of nystagmus
Qualitative Head Impuls Test       Abnormal to one side, fast phase Normal bilateral                   Abnormal on the side of the
                                   nystagmus                                                           lesion
Quantitative Head impuls Test Ipsilateral;0.2-0.4                           Ipsilateral;0.7-0.8        Ipsilateral;0.3-0.4
(gain)                             Contralateral: 0.6-1.0                   Contralateral:0.7-0.8      Contralateral: 0.5-0.6
Skew deviation                     -                                        There's a possibility      There's a possibility
Vascular Risk                      Low Risk                                 High Risk                  High Risk

Hearing disorders                 probability does not exist               -                           Often there

        HINTs examination is useful to                               12 hours of the beginning of the event, the
reduce misdiagnosis of stroke or acute                               sensitivity of CT for ischemic stroke is just
vestibular syndrome and should be studied                            39%. With a sensitivity of 99 percent,
in head-to-head for the comparative cost-                            Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with
effectiveness of the neuroimaging by MRI                             sequence Diffusion Weight Imaging (DWI)
DWI. (13) The research of Kattah et al,                              is significantly more accurate. Another
2009 and Choi et al, 2017 also proves that                           study discovered that the sensitivity of MRI
finding one of the 3 dangerous oculomotor                            is reduced in minor lesions, stroke at the
signs (normal Head Impulse Test HIT or ni                            fossa posterior region, and if the MRI is
horizontal stagmus that changes direction in                         conducted within 24 hours of the beginning
eccentric gaze or skew deviation) is more                            of symptoms rather than within 2 to 4 hours.
sensitive than the presence of other                                 The DWI MRI procedure might be to blame
neurologic signs to identify if the acute                            for some of the decreased accuracy. (13)
vestibular syndrome is caused by stroke.                             However, a recent meta-analysis indicated
(14,15) The patient in this case report                              that, whereas only 6.8% of patients with
showed 2 out of 3 HINTS examination                                  ischemic stroke had negative DWI MRI
results that lead to stroke, namely normal on                        findings, posterior circulation strokes had
the Head Impulse Test (HIT) and the                                  this outcome five times more frequently.
presence of bidirectional horizontal                                 Concurrent clinical evaluation and vascular
nystagmus, plus a deficit in the cerebellar                          imaging (CT or MR angiography to detect
system such as acute limb ataxia and                                 the relevant occlusion or stenosis) may be
cerebellar signs, dysmetria.                                         useful in determining a diagnosis. (9)
        A computed tomography (CT) scan                                      In most cases, only CT is performed,
of the head is routinely done in individuals                         although in fact MRI is a better method for
with acute vestibular dysfunction. CT is a                           visualizing pathology in the posterior
fairly reliable diagnostic for cerebral                              cranial fossa as demonstrated by the higher
bleeding; however, when conducted within                             diagnostic yield of MRI in this and other

                           International Journal of Research and Review (                                         33
                                            Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
Diayanti Tenti Lestari Acute vestibular syndrome in cerebellar infarction: a case report.

studies. The use of CT as the only                       vestibular patients, isolated vascular vertigo
diagnostic investigation has several reasons,            is not recommended for thrombolysis.
including; limited medical resources,                    Patients with an NIHSS score of more than
unreasonable fears or concerns of patients               four were evaluated for intravenous
(false sense) and prevention of exposure to              thrombolysis or urgent endovascular
ionizing radiation. It is important to be more           surgery. In the case of acute vestibular
selective when selecting patients for                    syndrome, conservative therapy will be
neuroradiological treatment, and in larger               effective. (16) Symptomatic therapy may be
cases MRI can be used instead of CT                      administered in the event of a labyrinth,
because of the higher sensitivity for                    cerebellum, or brainstem infarction.
posterior fossa pathology. (3) Ideally,                  Exercise-based vestibular therapy is
patients with acute dizziness require                    necessary as soon as feasible. There may be
imaging. MRI is preferred over CT scan in                some improvement after therapy, but it is
the majority of cases. In certain cases, it is           not usually complete. Patients with infarcts
important to exclude bleeding prior to                   should be closely monitored to minimize
thrombolysis or to detect vertebral artery               brainstem compression caused by cerebellar
dissection using CT angiography. (4) The                 edema. (17) The patient in our case report
timing of MRI is also very important,                    got symptomatic therapy for vertigo and
because of the risk of false negatives in the            dizziness in the form of Betahistine
first 48 hours. In some cases, it is necessary           Hydrochloride 24 mg every 12 hours,
to perform a repeat MRI if the HINTS test                however thrombolysis could not be done
results suggest a central process but the                because it had been more than 4.5 hours
MRI results do not show any significance.                from the beginning when the patient arrived
(4) Imaging performed on our patient was a               at the neurology department.
head-CT scan, which was performed at the                         Prognosis for Acute vestibular
time the patient was admitted to the                     syndrome will improve with time and will
emergency department, 5 hours of onset and               necessitate vestibular therapy. (13) Because
found a suspected cerebellar infarction                  of central structural damage, dizziness or
according to Fig. 1, then on the sixth day of            vertigo might linger for months. Patients
treatment, the patient underwent MRI of the              may also have discomfort in their heads or
Head and was found to have infarction in                 eyesight, which may seem unsteady, as well
the cerebellar region as per Fig. 2 with                 as spontaneous nystagmus and impairment
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)                     to the central vestibular and cerebellar
results within normal limits. These imaging              circuits. (17)
results support the diagnosis of acute                           Antihistamines             betahistine
vestibular syndrome in this patient.                     hydrochloride 24 mg every 12 hours for 14
        The treatment of acute vestibular                days, Acetyl Salicylic Acid 10 mg every 24
syndrome is based on treating acute stroke;              hours, Amlodipine 10 mg every 24 hours
however, because this is linked with                     starting upon this fifth day after onset,
intravenous thrombolysis, it must be                     Simvastatin 20 mg every 24 hours were
modified to the time and severity of the                 prescribed to our patient as symptomatic
disease according to the National Institute of           treatment. On the tenth day, the patient's
Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) when the                     symptoms improved, and his vertigo was
patient arrives. (16) About 4% of patients               significantly reduced by around 50-60%,
with dizziness or vertigo and clinical                   and his postural disturbances were reduced
symptoms indicative of a posterior                       as well, allowing him to walk more steadily.
circulation stroke arrive to the emergency               The patient was then taught how to perform
room, but most have past the 4.5-hour time               Cawthorne Cooksey vestibular therapy at
window for intravenous thrombolysis                      home.
therapy. If the score is low in acute

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Diayanti Tenti Lestari Acute vestibular syndrome in cerebellar infarction: a case report.

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