Activity groups with activity service levels, performance measures and targets

Page created by Jonathan Guzman
Activity groups with activity service levels, performance measures and targets
The following is a summary of our activity groups and the service levels, performance measures and targets of our activities. We undertake these activities in order
to achieve our vision of being a leading edge district. Our activities fall into twelve groups:

    1.    Water supply
    2.    Stormwater drainage
    3.    Sewerage and the treatment and disposal of sewage
    4.    Provision of roads and footpaths
    5.    Parks and recreation
    6.    Community and cultural
    7.    Economic development
    8.    Community facilities and services
    9.    Transportation
    10.   Investments
    11.   Corporate

Water supply
Safe drinking water is a fundamental requirement for public health. Water systems play a vital role in ensuring the health and safety of communities, a productive
economy and a healthy environment. The activities included in the group are:
    • Water supply

Stormwater drainage
Stormwater collection and its disposal are necessary in order to protect the health and safety of people and their land and property. By managing the stormwater
piped network, and waterways and natural drainage systems from point source, to discharge, to natural environment, a degree of protection is applied to land,
property, the receiving environment and life. The activities included in the group are:
    • Stormwater
    • Waterways and natural drainage

Sewerage and the treatment and disposal of sewage
As well as providing a convenience to households by enabling easy sewage disposal, the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater is also important to
maintain public and environmental health, as well as the quality of our natural environment, e.g. waterways. The activities included in the group are:
    • Wastewater
Provision of roads and footpaths
This group manages the district’s roads, bridges, traffic management and control systems and streetlights and contributes to our economic and social wellbeing.
The activities included in the group are:
    • Roading
    • Footpaths and berms

Parks and recreation
This group of activities includes services and facilities that underpin the maintenance of a district that works for everyone. It ranges from the provision of parks,
open spaces, reserves and sportsgrounds, which contribute to the health and social fabric of the community, to swimming pools which, although not essential
services, are important facilities for the social connectivity and wellbeing of our district. The activities included in the group are:
    • Parks and reserves
    • Swimming pools
    • Cooks Gardens

Community and cultural
This group of activities oversees the management of key cultural facilities; ensures the appropriate stewardship of nationally-important collections; works closely
with central government departments and supports achievement of strategic outcomes through a combination of direct delivery models and collaboration with
community agencies and organisations.

This strategic development and operational implementation stretches across the following:
    • Community
    • Libraries
    • Sarjeant Gallery
    • Royal Wanganui Opera House
    • War Memorial Centre
    • New Zealand Glassworks

We also provide support for the Whanganui Regional Museum.

Economic development
This group of activities aims to promote the district as a tourism destination and facilitate the growth and development of the district’s economy. These functions
are provided by the council-controlled organisation Whanganui & Partners, with support provided by the Council. The activities included in the group are:
    • Whanganui & Partners – Economic development
    • I-site
Community facilities and services
This group of activities includes services and facilities that help to sustain the safety and welfare of our community, preserve our exceptional heritage and
infrastructure and protect our environment and awa. The activities included in the group are:
    • Cemeteries
    • CBD maintenance
    • Waste minimisation
    • Pensioner housing
    • Community buildings
    • Emergency management
    • Animal management
    • Building control
    • Environmental health
    • Parking services
    • Resource management
    • Environmental policy

Transport provides and maintains connections both within the district and beyond and is essential for economic prosperity and social connectedness. The activities
included in the group are:
    • Airport
    • Port and river
    • Durie Hill elevator

This group intends to enhance the development of our district and provide an acceptable financial return to the community. The activities included in the group
     • Investments – including:
            o Whanganui District Council Holdings Limited
            o Harbour Endowment property portfolio
            o City Endowment property portfolio
            o Quarry
This group of activities provides support for Council staff and elected members to work together for the benefit of the community. The activities included in the
group are:
    • Governance
    • Corporate management
    • Community and operational property
Water Supply
    Community        Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance            Initiatives to improve levels
    Outcomes         service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure        of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 1         Year 1          Year 2            Year 3        Years 4-10
                                                                                                                              Target          Target            Target           Target
                                                                                                                              (2021-          (2022-            (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                               2022)           2023)             2024)            2031)
    Works for        A continuous               Responsiveness        The total number of                 63               < 100
Community         Customer levels of         Customer                                               Customer service performance measures                                             Performance       Initiatives to improve levels
    Outcomes          service                    value                                                                                                                                    level procedure   of service
                                                                      Performance measure                 Baseline 1        Year 1           Year 2           Year 3        Years 4-10
                                                                                                                            Target           Target           Target          Target
                                                                                                                            (2021-           (2022-           (2023-          (2024-
                                                                                                                             2022)            2023)            2024)           2031)
                                                                      (measured from the time                                                                                                               contractor and report on
                                                                      that notification is received                                                                                                         response times within the
                                                                      to the time that the service                                                                                                          monthly contract meetings.
                                                                      personnel reach the site)                                                                                                             Update current CRM process.
                                                                      Median response time for           1 hour 14        22 hours        22 hours         22 hours        22 hours       Council CRM       Continue to maintain high
                                                                      resolution of urgent call          minutes                                                                          system            levels of service from
                                                                      outs (measured from the                                                                                                               contractor and report on
                                                                      time that notification is                                                                                                             response times within the
                                                                      received to the time that                                                                                                             monthly contract meetings. .
                                                                      the service personnel                                                                                                                 Update current CRM process.
                                                                      confirm resolution of the
                                                                      fault or interruption)
                                                                      Median response time for           1 hours 32       24 hours        24 hours         24 hours        24 hours       Council CRM       Continue to maintain high
                                                                      attending non-urgent call-         minutes                                                                          system            levels of service from
                                                                      outs (measured from the                                                                                                               contractor and report on
                                                                      time that notification is                                                                                                             response times within the
                                                                      received to the time that                                                                                                             monthly contract meetings.
                                                                      the service personnel reach                                                                                                           Update current CRM process.
                                                                      the site)
                                                                      Median response time for           1 days 18        4 days          4 days           4 days          4 days         Council CRM       Continue to maintain high
                                                                      resolution of non-urgent call      minutes                                                                          system            levels of service from
                                                                      outs (measured from the                                                                                                               contractor and report on
                                                                      time that notification is                                                                                                             response times within the
                                                                      received to the time that                                                                                                             monthly contract meetings. .
                                                                      the service personnel                                                                                                                 Update current CRM process.
                                                                      confirm resolution of the
                                                                      fault or interruption)
                                                                      The percentage of real             35%              < 40%           < 40%            < 40%           < 40%          Modelled based    Flow modelling and capital
                                                                      water loss from the                                                                                                 on minimum        work and upgrades.
                                                                      network reticulation                                                                                                night flows to
                                                                      system 3                                                                                                            the average
                                                                                                                                                                                          consumption in
                                                                                                                                                                                          the water
                                                                      The average amount of              330 litres       350 litres      350 litres       350 litres      350 litres     Total             Installation of flow meters on
                                                                      water consumed per                                                                                                  consumption –     domestic connections.
                                                                      resident per day                                                                                                    industry

    Due to absence of water meters in the reticulation system this is calculated by comparing minimum night flows to the average water consumption in combination with the water model.
Community   Customer levels of   Customer                              Customer service performance measures                             Performance       Initiatives to improve levels
Outcomes    service              value                                                                                                   level procedure   of service
                                            Performance measure         Baseline 1     Year 1       Year 2       Year 3     Years 4-10
                                                                                       Target       Target       Target       Target
                                                                                       (2021-       (2022-       (2023-       (2024-
                                                                                        2022)        2023)        2024)        2031)
                                                                                                                                         divided by 365
                                                                                                                                         days divided by
            Water is safe to     Quality    The extent to which the    100%          100%         100%         100%         100%         Register of       Following the sampling and
            drink                           water supply will comply                 compliance   compliance   compliance   compliance   Community         testing requirements in the
                                            with part 4 of the New                                                                       drinking Water    Drinking-water Standards of
                                            Zealand drinking water                                                                       Supplies          New Zealand (DWSNZ) 2005
                                            standards (bacteria                                                                          (Ministry of      (Revised 2008)
                                            compliance criteria)                                                                         Health).
                                 Quality    The extent to which the    100%          100%         100%         100%         100%         Annual            As above
                                            water supply will comply                 compliance   compliance   compliance   compliance   independent
                                            with part 5 of the New                                                                       survey
                                            Zealand drinking water                                                                       conducted by
                                            standards (protozoal                                                                         the Ministry of
                                            compliance criteria)                                                                         Health.
    Community        Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                  Performance           Initiatives to improve levels
    Outcomes         service                    value                                                                                                                                           level procedure       of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 4         Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                              Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                              (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                              2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
    Environment      Monitor flood              Responsiveness        The median response time                       05         4 hours          4 hours          4 hours          4 hours      Monthly               Operation of a Customer Help
                     warnings and                                     to attend a flooding event                                                                                                reports from          Desk during working hours
                     respond promptly                                 (measured from the time                                                                                                   maintenance           and provision of an after-
                     during emergency                                 notification is received to                                                                                               contractor            hours service for handling
                     management                                       the time that the service                                                                                                                       complaints; operation of a 24
                     flooding events                                  personnel reach the site)                                                                                                                       hour on-call maintenance
                     Ensure a safe and          Health and            Number of flooding events 6                    07
Community          Customer levels of          Customer                                                  Customer service performance measures                               Performance       Initiatives to improve levels
    Outcomes           service                     value                                                                                                                         level procedure   of service
                                                                         Performance measure                   Baseline 4    Year 1       Year 2       Year 3       Years 4-10
                                                                                                                             Target       Target       Target         Target
                                                                                                                             (2021-       (2022-       (2023-         (2024-
                                                                                                                             2022)        2023)        2024)          2031)
                                                                         (Expressed per 1000                                                                                                       compliance with NZS: 4404
                                                                         properties connected to                                                                                                   and Council’s companion
                                                                         storm water system)                                                                                                       document; use of electronic
                                                                                                                                                                                                   measurement and alarm
                                                                                                                                                                                                   systems; quality audits of
                                                   Health and            Compliance with all                            0                                                        WDC CRM           As above
                                                   safety                resource consents for                                                                                   system
                                                                         discharge from the
                                                                         stormwater system.
                                                                         Measured by the number
                                                                         abatement notices                                            0            0            0            0
                                                                         infringement notices                                         0            0            0            0
                                                                         enforcement orders                                           0            0            0            0
                                                                         convictions                                                  0            0            0            0
                                                                         Received by Council in
                                                                         relation to those resource
                       Network System              Works for             Number of urban floor-                     2,250       2,200        2,120        2,040          1,607   WDC CRM           Planned capital upgrades to
                       Performance                 everyone              levels at risk, during the                                                                              system            the stormwater network.
                                                                         flood design-event. 8

    As defined by the Horizons One Plan, the Building Act and the Whanganui District Council District Plan rules
Waterways and natural drainage
    Community          Customer levels of         Customer                                              Customer service performance measures                         Performance       Initiatives to improve levels of
    Outcomes           service                    value                                                                                                               level procedure   service
                                                                    Performance measure                   Baseline 9    Year 1        Year 2    Year 3   Years 4-10
                                                                                                                        Target        Target    Target     Target
                                                                                                                        (2021-        (2022-    (2023-     (2024-
                                                                                                                        2022)         2023)     2024)      2031)
    Environment        Effective warnings         Reliability       Compliance with the                       100%       100%          100%      100%       100%      Emergency         Annual review of the action
                       and responses are                            Whanganui River Flood                                                                             event post-       plan in conjunction with
                       given to protect                             Action plan                                                                                       event debrief     Horizons Regional Council
                       people and property                                                                                                                            reports
                       from the
                       Whanganui River’s
                       rising flood waters

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report.
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance           Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure       of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 10        Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                              Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                              (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                               2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
 Environment         The sewerage               Responsiveness        The number of dry weather                   0.83
Community   Customer levels of   Customer                                     Customer service performance measures                               Performance       Initiatives to improve levels
Outcomes    service              value                                                                                                            level procedure   of service
                                               Performance measure             Baseline 10    Year 1       Year 2       Year 3       Years 4-10
                                                                                              Target       Target       Target         Target
                                                                                              (2021-       (2022-       (2023-         (2024-
                                                                                               2022)        2023)        2024)          2031)
            adverse effects of                                                                                                                    Infringement      Continuous sampling and
            wastewater                                                                                                                            Notices           monitoring of the new
                                               abatement notices                                       0            0            0            0   Enforcement       process.
                                                                                                                                                  Orders, and       Maintaining all electrical and
                                               infringement notices                                    0            0            0            0   Convictions       mechanical equipment to a
                                                                                                                                                                    high standard.
                                               enforcement orders                                      0            0            0            0

                                               convictions                                             0            0            0            0

                                               in relation to the resource
                                 Reliability   The total number of                    16.2
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance           Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure       of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 11          Year 1           Year 2           Year 3       Years 4-10
                                                                                                                                Target           Target           Target         Target
                                                                                                                                (2021-           (2022-           (2023-         (2024-
                                                                                                                                2022)            2023)            2024)          2031)
 Economy             The provisions of a        Safety                The change from the                 20               -1               -1               -1               -1               New Zealand           Continuing to work on road
 Connectivity,       safe and secure                                  previous financial year in                                                                                               Police Crash          safety issues with the NZ
 Community           local roading                                    the number of fatalities or                                                                                              Assessment            Police, Horizons Regional
                     network                                          serious injury crashes on                                                                                                System (CAS)          Council, NZTA and ACC
                                                                      the local road network                                                                                                   and regular site      through a Road Safety Action
                                                                                                                                                                                               safety audits         Plan (RSAP) group; Using Low
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cost/Low Risk work category
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to undertake safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     improvement works; carrying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     out a formal Crash Reduction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Study (CRS) every three years;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     following regular maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     programmes for key
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     components of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     infrastructure; ensuring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     corridor design and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     construction for new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     subdivisions complies with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NZS:4404 and Council’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Companion Document
                     A local roading            Quality               The average quality ride on         79.9%            88-92%           88-92%           88-92%           88-92%           NZTA                  Programming work that
                     network that                                     a sealed local road network,                                                                                             Achievement           targets rough roads and
                     provides a smooth                                measured by smooth traffic                                                                                               report                maintains investment levels
                     travel experience                                exposure                                                                                                                                       that achieve appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     levels of service.
                                                Quality               The percentage of the               4.49%            > 4%             > 4%             > 4%             > 4%             NZTA                  Identifying and producing the
                                                                      sealed road network that is                                                                                              Achievement           resealing works programme a
                                                                      resurfaced                                                                                                               report                year in advance.
                     A local road               Responsiveness        The percentage of customer          83.9%            >90%             > 90%            > 90%            > 90%            CRM system            Investigation of customer
                     corridor network                                 service requests that are                                                                                                                      complaints; Intervention
                     that meets the                                   actioned within five working                                                                                                                   Strategy Plans that allow
                     needs of the users                               days                                                                                                                                           solutions to customer issues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     that are linked to long-term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     asset management strategies;

   The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. . Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before
then it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
ensuring Council’s ‘Road Asset
Maintenance Management’
(RAMM) system is current and
linked to the roading
programme; undertaking ‘All
Fault’ asset surveys which
identify network degradation
and its effect on customers’
health and safety
Footpaths & Berms
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance           Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure       of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 12       Year 1            Year 2           Year 3        Years 4-10
                                                                                                                             Target            Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                             (2021-            (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                             2022)             2023)            2024)            2031)
 Economy,            Footpaths help             Responsiveness        The percentage of footpath          74%              >90%             > 90%            > 90%            > 90%            CRM system            Investigation of customer
 Connectivity,       people move about                                requests actioned within                                                                                                                       complaints; Intervention
 Community           safely and                                       five working days of                                                                                                                           Strategy Plans that allow
                     comfortably and                                  notification 13                                                                                                                                solutions to customer issues
                     get them where                                                                                                                                                                                  that are linked to long-term
                     they need to go                                                                                                                                                                                 asset management strategies;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ensuring Council’s ‘Road Asset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Maintenance Management’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (RAMM) system is current and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     linked to the roading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     programme; undertaking ‘All
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fault’ asset surveys which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     identify network degradation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and its effect on customers’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     health and safety.
                                                Quality               The percentage of footpaths         99% 15           >90%             >90%             >90%             >90%             Footpath              By continuing to monitor
                                                                      that meet Council’s                                                                                                      condition rating      footpath condition through
                                                                      standard of a defect 14 score                                                                                            survey                rating surveys.
Parks and Reserves
 Community           Customer levels of        Customer value                                                Customer service performance measures                                               Performance           Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                                                                                                                                                                     level                 of service
                                                                            Performance measure                Baseline 16       Year 1           Year 2          Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                                 Target           Target          Target           Target
                                                                                                                                 (2021-           (2022-          (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                                  2022)            2023)           2024)            2031)
 Economy             Parks and Reserves        Quality                      The percentage of the              73%             75%              80%             85%              85%             Independent           Ongoing monthly monitoring
 /Connectivity       are well                                               community satisfied with                                                                                             Community             of contract areas against the
 / Creativity        maintained and                                         the maintenance and                                                                                                  Views Survey          specific contract
                     presented.                                             presentation of our open                                                                                                                   specifications –(mowing
                                                                            spaces                                                                                                                                     height, weeds, litter);
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       investigate and remedy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       issues raised through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CRM system; programme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       maintenance within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Annual plan process;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       investigate customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       complaints and undertake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       maintenance as required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and within budgeted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       monies; encourage use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       volunteer workforce where
                     Shared pathways           Accessibility                Percentage increase in             New             >5%              >5%             >5%              >5%             Permanently           Implementation of the
                     are well connected                                     users of river shared                              increase         increase        increase         increase        installed trip        Active Transport Strategy;
                     and provide links                                      pathway and Te Tuaiwi                              on               on              on               on              counter.              undertaking regular
                     throughout our                                         shared pathway.                                    previous         previous        previous         previous                              inspections on the walkways
                     communities                                                                                               year             year            year             year                                  and programme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       maintenance as required.

                     Open Space areas                                       The percentage of                        --        90%              90%             90%              90%             Identify              Identify where need for
                     are well distributed                                   households within 800m                                                                                               percentage of         greenspace is required to
                     throughout the city                                    walking distance of an                                                                                               houses within         meet targets through
                     to ensure                                              open space area (premier                                                                                             800m walking          provision analysis
                     reasonable access                                      or passive park)                                                                                                     distance of
                     for all residents.                                                                                                                                                          greenspace
                                                                                                                                                                                                 areas with

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
Community/    Public toilet           Health and safety/         The percentage of people         50%   70%   70%   70%   70%   Independent    Ongoing monthly monitoring
Economy /     facilities are clean,   Quality/                   who are satisfied that                                         Community      of contract areas against the
Environment   fit for purpose and     Accessibility/             there are adequate toilet                                      Views Survey   specific contract
              meet the needs of       Availability               facilities to meet user                                                       specifications; reactive
              users.                                             needs.                                                                        maintenance to be
                                                                                                                                               undertaken in a timely
                                                                                                                                               manner; planned
                                                                                                                                               maintenance and capital
                                                                                                                                               expenditure to be
                                                                                                                                               undertaken within the
                                                                                                                                               annual plan process and in
                                                                                                                                               response to condition rating
                                                                                                                                               process in Asset Register;
                                                                                                                                               investigate and remedy
                                                                                                                                               issues raised through the
                                                                                                                                               CRM system; assess need
                                                                                                                                               for new facilities against
                                                                                                                                               known demand.
                                      Health and safety/         The percentage of people         54%   70%   70%   70%   70%   Independent    As above
                                      Quality                    who are satisfied with the                                     Community
                                                                 standard of toilet facilities.                                 Views Survey
Community /   Sportsgrounds           Reliability/Availability   The percentage of the            63%   80%   80%   80%   80%   Independent    Investigate and remedy
Economy       within the district                                community satisfied with                                       Community      issues raised through the
              meet community                                     the district’s                                                 Views Survey   CRM system; planned
              need.                                              sportsgrounds                                                                 maintenance and capital
                                                                                                                                               expenditure to be
                                                                                                                                               undertaken within the
                                                                                                                                               annual plan process and in
                                                                                                                                               response to condition rating
                                                                                                                                               process in Asset Register;
                                                                                                                                               implement Sports and
                                                                                                                                               Recreation Strategy; work
                                                                                                                                               with the Sport and
                                                                                                                                               Recreation Advisory Group
Cooks Gardens
 Community           Customer levels of          Customer                                             Customer service performance measures                                                   Performance           Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                     value                                                                                                                                        level procedure       service
                                                                  Performance measure                   Baseline 17           Year 1           Year 2           Year 3        Years 4-10
                                                                                                                              Target           Target           Target          Target
                                                                                                                              (2021-           (2022-           (2023-          (2024-
                                                                                                                               2022)            2023)            2024)           2031)
 Economy             Cooks Gardens is            Accessibility    The number of functions              New               70               75               80                80               Internal              Improvements to pricing
                     recognised as a                              held each year at Cooks                                                                                                     Monthly               structures, contracts and terms
                     premier sporting                             Gardens Function Centre.                                                                                                    Records               and conditions of hire
                     and event facility,
                     available for use or        Accessibility    The number of days each              New               110              115              120               120              Internal              Marketing and
                     hire.                                        year that Cooks Gardens                                                                                                     Monthly               communications strategy to
                                                                  track and grounds are                                                                                                       Records               promote the Cooks Gardens.
                                                                  used 18.

                                                 Quality          The percentage of the                30%               40%              45%              50%               50%              Annual                Client feedback to identify
                                                                  community who have used,                                                                                                    Community             areas of focus to improve
                                                                  visited, or attended an event                                                                                               Views Survey          service delivery.
                                                                  at Cooks Gardens.
                                                 Quality          The percentage of hirers that        New               85%              90               90                90               Internal Survey       Hirers feedback to identify
                                                                  are satisfied with their                                                                                                                          areas of focus to improve
                                                                  experience at Cooks                                                                                                                               service delivery.

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
    Includes events, games and organised practices for organisations with MOUs to utilise Cooks Gardens track and grounds.
Swimming pools
 Community           Customer levels of        Customer value                                                Customer service performance measures                                               Performance          Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                                                                                                                                                                     level                of service
                                                                            Performance measure                Baseline 19       Year 1          Year 2           Year 3        Years 4-10
                                                                                                                                 Target          Target           Target          Target
                                                                                                                                 (2021-          (2022-           (2023-          (2024-
                                                                                                                                 2022)           2023)            2024)           2031)
 Economy,                                      Reliability/Availability/    The percentage of users           87%              90%             90%              90%             90%              Internally           Delivery of intercept surveys
 Community,          Aquatic facilities        Health and Safety /          satisfied with the Splash                                                                                            delivered            to keep up to date with
 Environment,        provide a good                                         Centre                                                                                                               survey of            customer issues and needs;
 Connectivity        visitor experience                                                                                                                                                          swimming pool        operation of a revolving
                                               Affordability                                                                                                                                     customers            schedule of programmes;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      encouraging contractors to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      better engage with schools;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      hosting a variety of events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      with widespread appeal
                                                                            The percentage of users           87%              90%             90%              90%             90%              Internally           As above
                                                                            satisfied with the                                                                                                   delivered
                                                                            Whanganui East Pool                                                                                                  survey of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 swimming pool
                                                                            The percentage of pool            87%              80%             80%              80%             80%              Internally           Obtaining and responding to
                                                                            users satisfied that aquatic                                                                                         delivered            feedback from customers in
                                                                            facilities provide value for                                                                                         survey of            relation to their experiences
                                                                            money.                                                                                                               swimming pool        and ideas for future services
                                                                                                                                                                                                 customers            and programmes where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      these can be delivered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      within budget.

   The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before
then it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
  Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                                Customer service performance measures                                                   Performance            Initiatives to improve levels of
  Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                           level procedure        service
                                                                    Performance measure                    Baseline 20       Year 1            Year 2           Year 3          Years 4-10
                                                                                                                             Target            Target           Target            Target
                                                                                                                             (2021-            (2022-           (2023-            (2024-
                                                                                                                              2022)             2023)            2024)             2031)
  Community,          Effective                  Support            The percentage of resource            New              100%              100%             100%              100%             Council records        Continuing to work
  Connectivity        relationships are                             consent applications                                                                                                                                collaboratively with our Iwi
                      developed in a                                received by Council are                                                                                                                             partners; continue to provide
                      mutually                                      provided to mana whenua                                                                                                                             mana whenua opportunities to
                      appropriate way to                            within seven workings days.                                                                                                                         engage on council
                      support Māori                                                                                                                                                                                     strategies/policies.
                      participation in the
                      decision making
  Creativity,         Whanganui is a fun,        Quality            Perception of Whanganui to            New              70%               75%              80%               80%              Independent            Implementation of Whanganui
  Economy             creative and vibrant                          be a creative place.                                                                                                         Community              Arts Strategy; engage and
                      place to be.                                                                                                                                                               Views survey           include local artists; makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Whanganui a creative arts hub;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        work with arts learning
                                                 Accessibility/     The percentage of residents           77% 22           70%               77%              85%               85%              Independent            As above; delivering targeted
                                                 Quantity           participating 21 in creative                                                                                                 Community              promotional campaigns;
                                                                    activities                                                                                                                   Views survey           facilitates the participation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        toi Māori
                                                 Effectiveness      Contribution that creative            New              > previous        > previous       > previous        > previous       Infometrics            As above.
                                                                    arts and industries makes to                           year              year             year              year             Creative arts
                                                                    the Whanganui District                                                                                                       industries
                                                                    economy.                                                                                                                     sector GDP 23;
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                 assessment for
                                                                                                                                                                                                 events and film.

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
    This includes participating as a performer or artist in any arts events or activities, as well as more passive involvement as an audience member or visitor to cultural institutions or performances, which includes shows; events; concerts; screenings; or
school, amateur/club and professional performances. Arts includes craft and object art, visual arts, Ngā toi Māori, Pacific arts, Asian arts, Theatre, Dance, Literature, Music, Museums and Film.
    Audience Atlas 2017 – The audience atlas has an extended definition of what participation in ‘cultural performance’ from the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan.
    Architecture, graphic design, animation, film production and cinemas, video game development, TV and radio production, galleries, artists, craftspeople (including glass artists, potters, jewellers, carvers and weavers), fashion, music including musicians,
bars and performance venues, theatre and dance venues and performers, tattoo and ta moko artists, writers & journalists and interior designers.
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                              Customer service performance measures                                                  Performance           Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                        level procedure       service
                                                                  Performance measure                   Baseline 24       Year 1           Year 2            Year 3          Years 4-10
                                                                                                                          Target           Target            Target            Target
                                                                                                                          (2021-           (2022-            (2023-            (2024-
                                                                                                                           2022)            2023)             2024)             2031)
 Economy,            Our libraries are          Quality           The number of items issued           476,592          500,000          520,000           540,000          560,000          Library               Analysis of users’ revealed
 Community,          inclusive places and                         per annum                                                                                                                  management            preferences to improve
 Environment         the library’s services                                                                                                                                                  system                targeting of collection
                     are well used by the                                                                                                                                                    database              procurement.
                     people of                  Quality           The rate of collection ‘turn         5.125            6                6.5               6.5              7                Library               Continued refreshment of the
                     Whanganui.                                   over’ each year 25                                                                                                         management            library’s spaces; extension of
                                                                                                                                                                                             system                the Davis Library; development
                                                                                                                                                                                             database              of additional community hubs
                                                Accessibility     The number of people                 Physical         Physical         Physical          Physical         Physical         Door counter          Continuing to offer a diverse
                                                                  visiting our libraries,              visits:          visits:          visits:           visits:          visits:                                programme of services with
                                                                  measured by physical visits.         290,689          320,000          340,000           360,000          380,000+                               broad appeal; extending the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Davis Library; providing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   community library hubs
                                                Quality           The percentage of library            84%              90%              90%               90%              90%              Independent           Continually engaging our
                                                                  users satisfied with the                                                                                                   Community             community, offering diverse
                                                                  service provided                                                                                                           Views Survey          programmes of services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   extending the Davis Library,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   providing community library
                                                Accessibility     The percentage of the                52%              60%              63%               66%              70%              Independent           Continually engaging our
                                                                  Whanganui population that                                                                                                  Community             community, offering diverse
                                                                  uses the library                                                                                                           Views Survey          programmes of services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   providing community library
 Creativity          The community’s            Accessibility     The number of public                 76,547           80,000           85,000            90,000           90,000           Library               Improves to connectivity and
                     digital capability                           internet sessions.                                                                                                         management            equipment to match changing
                     and access is                                                                                                                                                           system                user expectations.
                     supported and

   The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before
then it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
   The ‘turn over’ rate shows the demand placed on stock and the durability of resources. The higher the rate, the higher the demand that is placed on that resource.
Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare o Rehua Whanganui
 Community              Customer levels of         Customer                                               Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance           Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes               service                    value                                                                                                                                        level procedure       of service
                                                                        Performance measure                 Baseline 26       Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                              Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                              (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                               2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
 Creativity,            The Gallery is used,       Accessibility        The Number of users of the         54,348           57,000           57,000           88,900           90,000+          Data collected        Active promotion of the
 Economy,               supported and                                   Gallery                                                                                                                 and recorded          exhibition programmes;
 Community,             valued by diverse                                                                                                                                                       daily via door        responsiveness to customer
 Connectivity,          communities.                                                                                                                                                            counting              feedback
 Environment                                                                                                                                                                                    devices and
                                                   Accessibility        The percentage of the              26%              30%              30%              35%              35-40%           Independent           As above
                                                                        Whanganui population that                                                                                               Community
                                                                        uses the Gallery                                                                                                        Views Survey
                                                   Quality              The percentage of visitors         96%              90%              90%              90%              90%              Regular visitor       Regular reviews of visitor
                                                                        satisfied with the Gallery's                                                                                            surveys               feedback
                                                   Quality              The percentage of visitors         96%              90%              90%              90%              90%              Regular visitor       Regular reviews of visitor
                                                                        satisfied with their Gallery                                                                                            surveys               feedback
                        The Gallery                Quality              The total number of items          3,460            3,750            4,000            4,250            4,500            Recorded on           Items are cared for in
                        preserves its                                   in the collection                                                                                                       the Vernon            accordance the Sarjeant
                        significant                                     catalogued to best practice                                                                                             database              Gallery Collections Policy.
                        collections for                                 international standards
                        future generations

26 The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then

it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
Royal Wanganui Opera House
 Community           Customer levels of          Customer                                             Customer service performance measures                                                   Performance           Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                     value                                                                                                                                        level procedure       service
                                                                  Performance measure                   Baseline 27           Year 1           Year 2           Year 3        Years 4-10
                                                                                                                              Target           Target           Target          Target
                                                                                                                              (2021-           (2022-           (2023-          (2024-
                                                                                                                               2022)            2023)            2024)           2031)
 Creativity,         The Royal Wanganui          Accessibility    The number of events each            50                85               90               90                90               Internal              Improvements to pricing
 Connectivity,       Opera House is                               year that the Royal                                                                                                         Monthly               structures, contracts and terms
 Environment,        recognised as a                              Wanganui Opera House                                                                                                        Records               and conditions of hire.
 Economy             special and unique                           hosts
                     cultural facility,          Accessibility    The number of locally                20                30               35               35                35               Internal              Marketing and
                     available for                                produced, community events                                                                                                  Monthly               communications strategy to
                     community and                                at the Royal Wanganui                                                                                                       Records               promote the Royal Wanganui
                     professional hire.                           Opera House.                                                                                                                                      Opera House.
                                                 Accessibility    The percentage of the                30%               35%              35%              35%               40%              Annual
                                                                  Whanganui population that                                                                                                   Community             Collaborating with regional
                                                                  attends one or more events                                                                                                  Views Survey          theatres to support marketing
                                                                  at the Royal Wanganui                                                                                                                             of events to the community
                                                                  Opera House                                                                                                                                       Improvements to seating,
                                                 Quality          The percentage of the                                                                                                                             especially for those with
                                                                  community satisfied with             62%               65%              65%              65%               70%              Annual                restricted access.
                                                                  their experience at the Royal                                                                                               Community
                                                                  Wanganui Opera House.                                                                                                       Views Survey          Investment into ticketing and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    improvements to added value
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    services offered.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Investment and improvement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of technical equipment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Client feedback to identify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    areas of focus to improve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    service delivery.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Development of added value
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    services to generate additional

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
Quality          The percentage of hirers that   95% 28   90%   90%   90%   90%   Internal survey   Hirers feedback to identify
                                                                 are satisfied with the Royal                                                       areas of focus to improve
                                                                 Wanganui Opera House.                                                              service delivery.

     Baseline is from 2017/18 Annual Report where a similar performance measure was used.
War Memorial Centre
 Community             Customer levels of         Customer                                              Customer service performance measures                            Performance       Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes              service                    value                                                                                                                  level procedure   service
                                                                    Performance measure                   Baseline 29     Year 1     Year 2       Year 3    Years 4-10
                                                                                                                          Target     Target       Target      Target
                                                                                                                          (2021-     (2022-       (2023-      (2024-
                                                                                                                           2022)      2023)        2024)       2031)
 Economy               The Whanganui War          Accessibility     The number of events days            92             120        130          140        140           Internal          Marketing and
                       Memorial Centre is                           each year that the                                                                                   Monthly           communications strategy to
                       recognised as a                              Whanganui War Memorial                                                                               Records           promote the Whanganui War
                       special and unique                           Centre hosts.                                                                                                          Memorial Centre as a venue
                       conference and                                                                                                                                                      Investment into ticketing and
                       convention facility,       Accessibility     The number of locally                29             30         35           40         40            Internal          improvements to added value
                       available for                                produced, community events                                                                           Monthly           services offered
                       community and                                at the Whanganui War                                                                                 Records           Improvements in customer
                       professional hire.                           Memorial Centre.                                                                                                       service through internal
                                                                                                                                                                                           processes, guest feedback, and
                                                                                                                                                                                           staff training.
                                                  Quality           The percentage of the                53%            55%        60%          65%        70%           Annual            Client feedback to identify
                                                                    community satisfied with the                                                                         Community         areas of focus to improve
                                                                    Whanganui War Memorial                                                                               Views Survey      service delivery.
                                                                    Centre.                                                                                                                Development of added value
                                                                                                                                                                                           services to generate additional
                                                  Quality           The percentage of hirers that        95% 30         90%        90%          90%        90%           Internal Survey   Customer feedback to identify
                                                                    are satisfied with their                                                                                               areas of focus to improve
                                                                    experience at the War                                                                                                  service delivery.
                                                                    memorial Centre.

     The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report.
     Baseline is from 2017/18 Annual Report where a similar performance measure was used.
Whanganui Regional Museum
Service levels, performance measures and targets
The Council will continue to monitor and report on actual performance against the deliverables set out in the Service Level Agreement.

The Whanganui Regional Museum plays an important role in our community and its collections represent a significant and irreplaceable public inheritance. We
fund the Whanganui Regional Museum Trust to operate the Museum activity.

We have a service level agreement with the Museum Trust. This sets out what will be purchased and provided by way of Museum services and establishes clear
performance measures for monitoring service outcomes. The priority areas addressed in the service level agreement are stewardship, access and standards.
NZ Glassworks
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                               Customer service performance measures                                                   Performance           Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure       service
                                                                   Performance measure                   Baseline 31        Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                            Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                            (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                            2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
 Community,          New Zealand                Quality            The percentage of                    97%               90%              90%              90%              90%               Internal survey       Becoming the leading place for
 Connectivity        Glassworks was                                Glassworks customers                                                                                                                              all the community to access
                     established to                                satisfied with their                                                                                                                              and experience all aspects of
                     enrich the arts and                           experience                                                                                                                                        glass art.
                     build on
                     existing reputation
                     as a centre of glass
                     art excellence.
                                                                   The percentage of                    87%               85%              85%              85%              85%               Internal survey       Providing a glass centre of
                                                                   Glassworks users satisfied or                                                                                                                     excellence.
                                                                   very satisfied with the
                                                                   services and facilities
                                                                   Number of hours booked by            1167              1251             1288             1326             1365              Financial             Promotion of facility;
                                                                   working glass artists per                                                                                                   reporting             implement business plan
 Creativity,         Provide a national         Sustainability     The number of visitors to NZ         27,592            28,140           28,700           29,280           29,860            Visitor counter       Becoming the leading place for
 Economy             centre for                                    Glassworks                                                                                                                                        community to access and
                     community glass in                                                                                                                                                                              experience all aspects of glass
                     Whanganui,                                                                                                                                                                                      art; implement business plan.
                     benefitting the
                     community through
                     reducing reliance on
                     rate payers.

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
Whanganui & Partners – Economic development
Service levels, performance measures and targets

The Council will continue to monitor and report on actual performance against the deliverables set out in the Statement of Intent for Whanganui and Partners.

The Whanganui and Partners plays an important role in our community to undertake economic development and marketing of Whanganui. We fund Whanganui
and Partners to undertake the economic development activity.

The priority areas addressed in the Statement of Intent include:
    • A thriving business community – Our businesses and sectors are adapting, innovating, growing and operating sustainably.
    • Our capability unlocked – Our workforce is skilled, engaged in lifelong learning and connected to opportunities.
    • An aspirational brand – A distinguished, differentiated brand contributes to a strong reputation and experience, particularly for first-time visitors
    • A creative identity – A strong and vibrant creative sector generates employment, grows innovation and enhances Whanganui’s attractiveness
i-SITE Visitor Information Centre
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                               Customer service performance measures                                                  Performance            Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                         level procedure        service
                                                                   Performance measure                   Baseline 32       Year 1            Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                           Target            Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                           (2021-            (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                            2022)             2023)            2024)            2031)
 Connectivity        The i-Site provides        Effectiveness      The number of visitors               20,536           25,000            25,250           25,500           25,750           Internal               Continued i-Site membership
                     an attractive and                             served by the i-SITE                                                                                                       Monthly                and tourism product training.
                     engaging space for                                                                                                                                                       Records using          Collaboration with tourism
                     locals and visitors –                                                                                                                                                    electronic door        product providers to enhance
                     encouraging people                                                                                                                                                       counters and           service.
                     to visit, spend time                                                                                                                                                     manual records.
                     and do business
                     with us
                     The i-Site provides        Quality            Customer satisfaction with           4.5              4.5               4.5              4.5              4.5              Trip Advisor,
                     excellent customer                            service received at the i-SITE                                                                                             Facebook,
                     service with the                                                                                                                                                         Google or other
                     right information                                                                                                                                                        online rating
                     delivered to locals                                                                                                                                                      service:
                     and visitors                                                                                                                                                             Aggregate score

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                              Customer service performance measures                                                  Performance           Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                        level procedure       service
                                                                  Performance measure                   Baseline 33       Year 1           Year 2            Year 3          Years 4-10
                                                                                                                          Target           Target            Target            Target
                                                                                                                          (2021-           (2022-            (2023-            (2024-
                                                                                                                           2022)            2023)             2024)             2031)
 Community,          There is adequate          Availability/     There is adequate capacity           New              2500             2500              2500             2750             Data base             Maintaining records on the
 Environment         capacity to meet           Reliability       to meet 5 years capacity for         2186                                                                                  maintained,           number of plots available;
                     future burial and                            future burial and cremation                                                                                                recording             investigate and remedy issues
                     cremation needs of                           needs.                                                                                                                     number of             raised through the CRM system
                     the community.                                                                                                                                                          available plots
 Connectivity,       Cemetery grounds           Quality           The percentage of people             --%              90%              90%               90%              90%              Independent           Regular auditing and scoring
 creativity          provide a special                            satisfied with cemetery                                                                                                    Park Check            against the contract
                     place of                                     facilities                                                                                                                 Survey                specification using the pre-
                     remembrance for                                                                                                                                                                               defined performance scoring
                     loved ones amongst                                                                                                                                                                            criteria in the contract
                     attractive and well                                                                                                                                                                           specification (eg timeliness of
                     maintained grounds                                                                                                                                                                            work, quality of physical works,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   administration, health and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   safety, Presentation and public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   liaison, quality plan etc).
                     Heritage records are       Accessibility     The number of official               30,883           45,000           Complete          Complete         Complete         Database report       Implement a reliable data base
                     maintained to help                           cemetery records available                                                                                                 quarterly             system that allows the public
                     people to connect                            on the Council website                                                                                                                           to find information about the
                     with the past                                                                                                                                                                                 deceased from the website.

   The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before
then it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
Central Business District maintenance
 Community           Customer levels of          Customer                                             Customer service performance measures                                                   Performance            Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                     value                                                                                                                                        level procedure        service
                                                                  Performance measure                   Baseline 34        Year 1           Year 2           Year 3           Years 4-10
                                                                                                                           Target           Target           Target             Target
                                                                                                                           (2021-           (2022-           (2023-             (2024-
                                                                                                                           2022)            2023)            2024)              2031)
 Community /         The CBD is safe,            Quality          The percentage of residents          71%               75%              80%              80%               80%              Independent            Continue to maintain the high
 Economy /           vibrant and                                  satisfied with the                                                                                                          Community              levels of service our
 Environment         contributes to the                           contribution the town centre                                                                                                Views Survey           community receives.
                     positive image of                            makes to the image of
                     Whanganui                                    Whanganui
                                                 Safety           The percentage of residents          58%               70%              70%              70%               70%              Independent            Maintain a strong working
                                                                  that feel safe in the CBD                                                                                                   Community              relationship with Mainstreet
                                                                  during the evening                                                                                                          Views Survey           and the Police.
 Community /         The CBD is clean            Quality          The percentage of residents          78%               90%              90%              90%               90%              Independent            Maintain current levels of
 Environment         and attractive                               satisfied with the standard of                                                                                              Community              service.
                                                                  the presentation in the town                                                                                                Views Survey
                     Public toilets in the       Quality          The number of complaints             3
Waste minimisation
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                               Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance            Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                        level procedure        service
                                                                   Performance measure                  Baseline 35        Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                           Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                           (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                           2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
 Environment         Waste minimisation         Quality            The percentage of users of          99%               95%              95%              95%              95%              Survey of              Continuing investigation of
                     and waste                                     the Resource Recovery                                                                                                     Resource               further product lines for waste
                     collection services                           Centre that are satisfied                                                                                                 Recovery               minimisation through the
                     are accessible and                            with the overall service                                                                                                  Centre users           centre
                     effective                                     provided                                                                                                                  conducted              Providing opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                                             throughout the         customers to provide feedback
                                                                                                                                                                                             year                   and responding to initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for improvement
                                                Effectiveness      Iconic events 36 held in public     100%              100%             100%             100%             100%             Parks and              Increase resources and
                                                                   parks and reserves will have                                                                                              reserves usage         knowledge for event waste
                                                                   an appropriate waste                                                                                                      application            minimisation plans to assist
                                                                   minimisation plan                                                                                                         form                   event organisers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ensure that waste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    minimisation planning is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    condition of use for events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    licence to occupy.
                     Council supports           Effectiveness      The amount of product               4128              Maintain or      Maintain or      Maintain or      Maintain or      Recycling              Continuing investigation of
                     and provides                                  recycled through the centre         tonnes            improve          improve          improve          improve          Centre daily           further product lines for waste
                     incentives for waste                          each year                                             from             from             from             from             records                minimisation through the
                     reduction, reuse                                                                                    previous         previous         previous         previous                                centre
                     and recycling in line                                                                               year             year             year             year                                    Investigate opportunities to
                     with its Waste                                                                                                                                                                                 increase waste services in the
                     Management &                                                                                                                                                                                   community and waste product
                     Minimisation Plan                                                                                                                                                                              received through the Centre
                                                Accessibility      The number of educational           9                 >5               >5               >5               >5               Resource               Increase delivery of
                                                                   visits to schools on waste                                                                                                Recovery               educational visits through all
                                                                   minimisation                                                                                                              Centre records         schools and institutions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Adherence to customer care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and expectations.

   The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before
then it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
36 Iconic events are large scale events that expect to attract crowds of 100+, and do not include smaller scale one-off events. Measurement is that a waste minimisation plan is received - we do not monitor the achievements within it.
Pensioner housing
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance           Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure       of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 37       Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                             Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                             (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                             2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
 Community           Pensioner housing          Quality               Tenants' overall satisfaction       93%              90%              90%              90%              90%              Internally            Implementation of outcomes
                     is healthy, safe,                                with Council's Pensioner                                                                                                 delivered             from the pensioner housing
                     warm and well                                    Housing service                                                                                                          survey to a           review; tendering of the
                     maintained                                                                                                                                                                random sample         welfare services contract to
                                                                                                                                                                                               of pensioner          ensure delivery of the best
                                                                                                                                                                                               housing tenants       service possible
                     Tenant wellbeing is        Responsiveness        The percentage of tenants           66%              70%              70%              70%              70%              Internally            As above
                     maintained through                               who are satisfied with                                                                                                   delivered
                     welfare and                                      welfare services                                                                                                         survey of
                     connectivity                                                                                                                                                              pensioner
                     services                                                                                                                                                                  housing tenants
                     Provision is based         Responsiveness        The percentage of                   97%              90%              90%              90%              90%              Management            Council reviewing long-term
                     on the needs of our                              pensioner housing units                                                                                                  report                sustainability of portfolio to
                     community                                        that are occupied                                                                                                                              assist with improving the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     occupancy levels.

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
Emergency management
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance            Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure        of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 38       Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                             Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                             (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                             2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
 Community           The community is           Responsiveness        The percentage of the               86%              >80%             >80%             >80%             >80%             Independent            Continuing to deliver public
                     properly prepared                                community indicating they                                                                                                Community              awareness campaigns and
                     for and educated                                 are prepared to be self-                                                                                                 Views Survey           targeted advertising
                     about emergency                                  sufficient for at least three
                     events                                           days during an emergency
                                                Responsiveness        The number of community             20               20               20               20               20               Council records        Working with partner
                                                                      engagement meetings or                                                                                                                          organisation and community
                                                                      community focused                                                                                                                               groups to increase awareness,
                                                                      exercises conducted                                                                                                                             public profile and availability.
                     A continuous 24-           Responsiveness        The percentage of                   100%             100%             100%             100%             100%             MCDEM                  Maintenance of a roster of
                     hour emergency                                   emergency management                                                                                                     contractor             experienced staff on duty
                     management                                       calls responded to within 15                                                                                             records and            officer call-out. On call duty
                     response service is                              minutes                                                                                                                  duty officer           officer includes vehicle with
                     provided                                                                                                                                                                  event logs             siren and lights as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      tsunami warning capabilities.
                     The functional roles       Quality               Number of EOC activations,          2                2                2                2                2                Council records        Ongoing staff training and
                     required for an                                  for events or exercises, with                                                                                                                   capability development.
                     effective EOC                                    all function desks necessary
                     (CIMS3) capability                               for responding to the event                                                                                                                     Engagement with NEMA in
                     in response to                                   or exercise appropriately                                                                                                                       the Capability Development
                     emergency events                                 staffed.                                                                                                                                        space in order to emphasise
                     are able to be                                                                                                                                                                                   and shape local level training
                     covered by
                     trained staff.
                     Civil Defence sirens       Responsiveness        Any fault identified through        100%             100%             100%             100%             100%             Council records        Monthly monitoring of the
                     operate when                                     monthly testing of the                                                                                                                          siren network with
                     tested and are                                   tsunami sirens is rectified                                                                                                                     maintenance work as
                     rapidly repaired if                              within 10 working days and                                                                                                                      required. Siren upgrade
                     faults are identified                            any gaps are covered by                                                                                                                         initiative includes
                                                                      alternate means.                                                                                                                                environmental hardening.
                     Pandemic                   Responsiveness        That Council’s pandemic             100%             100%             100%             100%             100%             Council records        Regular review of the
                     Readiness                                        response resurgence plan is                                                                                                                     Council’s pandemic response

38 The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then

it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
reviewed at least quarterly   plan to make sure that it
to maintain alignment with    maintains flexibility and
the Regional and National     usability while aligning with
Pandemic Response Plan        the latest guidance along with
and the WDHB.                 compatibility with the All of
                              Government approach at
                              regional and national levels.
Animal control
 Community           Customer levels of         Customer                                                 Customer service performance measures                                                 Performance            Initiatives to improve levels
 Outcomes            service                    value                                                                                                                                          level procedure        of service
                                                                      Performance measure                  Baseline 39       Year 1           Year 2           Year 3         Years 4-10
                                                                                                                             Target           Target           Target           Target
                                                                                                                             (2021-           (2022-           (2023-           (2024-
                                                                                                                              2022)            2023)            2024)            2031)
 Community,          A dog registration         Responsiveness        The percentage of known             98%              97%              97%              97%              97%              Property &             Provision of proactive
 Economy             service and system                               dogs that are registered                                                                                                 Rating database        education with the
                     is delivered                                                                                                                                                                                     community
                                                Effectiveness         Percentage of responsible           New              65%              68%              70%              80%              Property &             Provision of proactive
                                                                      dog owners                                                                                                               Rating database        education with the
                     Excellent customer         Quality               The percentage of the               49%              50%              51%              52%              53%              Independent            Provision of a greater public
                     service is provided                              community satisfied with                                                                                                 Community              profile.
                     to our customers                                 the animal control services                                                                                              Views Survey
                     and the animal                                   provided                                                                                                                                        Extra patrols under taken so
                     control activity                                                                                                                                                                                 the community see us a
                     minimises nuisance                                                                                                                                                                               proactive not reactive.
                     and makes
                     Whanganui a safer
                     place to live
                                                Responsiveness        The percentage of Priority 1        96%              98%              98%              98%              98%                                     Reduce Officer administration
                                                                      (Urgent) 40 call outs that are                                                                                           CRM system             to increase mobility and
                                                                      responded to within 1 hours                                                                                                                     response time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Prevention initiatives to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reduce P1 type incidents.

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
40 Priority 1 includes: dog attack (bite), dog rushing, police/agency request, secured dog or wandering stock (if state highway).
Building control
 Community           Customer levels of          Customer                                             Customer service performance measures                                                   Performance           Initiatives to improve levels of
 Outcomes            service                     value                                                                                                                                        level procedure       service
                                                                  Performance measure                   Baseline 41        Year 1           Year 2           Year 3          Years 4-10
                                                                                                                           Target           Target           Target            Target
                                                                                                                           (2021-           (2022-           (2023-            (2024-
                                                                                                                           2022)            2023)            2024)             2031)
 Community,          Whanganui’s                 Safety           The maintenance of building          Achieved          Achieve          Achieve          Achieve           Achieve          Annual internal       Delivery of internal quality
 Economy,            building integrity is                        consent authority                                                                                                           audit plus a          audits; operational
 Environment         protected so that                            accreditation status                                                                                                        two-yearly            management team reviews;
                     buildings are safe                                                                                                                                                       external audit        strategic management team
                     and fit for use                                                                                                                                                                                reviews
                     The building                Timeliness       The percentage of building           93%               100%             100%             100%              100%             Property &            Utilisation of improved
                     consent process is                           consents processed within                                                                                                   Rating database       technologies, (e.g. phone apps)
                     compliant, efficient                         statutory timeframes.                                                                                                       and results of        and continuing to improve
                     and user friendly                                                                                                                                                        building              timeliness by enhancing our
                                                                                                                                                                                              consent audits        online services such as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ability to complete Code
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Compliance Certificate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    application forms online.
                     Building consent            Quality          The percentage of customers          87%               90%              90%              90%               90%              Internally            Adherence to the Customer
                     services are                                 satisfied with the building                                                                                                 delivered             Care Strategy; providing more
                     professional and                             consent services provided                                                                                                   survey of             opportunities for customers to
                     meet the needs of                                                                                                                                                        building control      engage and feedback
                     customers                                                                                                                                                                customers from
                                                                                                                                                                                              the previous 12

    The ‘baseline’ reflects actual achievement from the last year as reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Where this differs from the Annual Report a footnote is used and an explanation given. If it has not been measured in the Annual Report before then
it will say ‘New’. However, if it is a new measure and data is available then a baseline has been added. It is important that we track progress over the period of the Long Term Plan from a beginning point or ‘baseline’.
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