Page created by Luis Anderson
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association' 15(2):133-152, 1999
Copyright O 1999 by the American Mosquito Control Association, Inc.

                    VETERINARY IMPORTANCE
                                         MIR S. MULLA      ENN TIANYUN      SU

                   Depdrtment of Entomobgy,     University of Califomia,   Riverside, CA 92521-O314

       ABSTRACT. Botanical insecticides are relatively safe and degradable, and are readily available sources of
   biopesticides. The most prominent phytochemical pesticides in recent years are those derived from neem trees,
   which have been studiedlxtensively in the fields of entomology and phytochemistry, and have uses for medicinal
   and cosmetic purposes. The neem products have been obtained from several species of neem trees in the family
   Meliaceae. Sii spicies in this family have been the subject of botanical pesticide research. They are ATadirachta
   indica A. Jrtss, Azadirachta excelsa Jack, Azadirachta siamens Valeton, Melia azedarach L., Melia toosendan
   Sieb. and Z1cc., and Melia volkensii Giirke. The Meliaceae, especially A. indica (Indian neem tree), contains at
   least 35 biologically active principles. Azadirachtin is the predominant insecticidal active ingredient in the seed,
   leaves, and other parts of the neem tree. Azadirachtin and other compounds in neem products exhibit various
   modes of action against insects such as antifeedancy, growth regulation, fecundity suppression and sterilization,
   oviposition repellency or attractancy, changes in biological fitness, and blocking development of vector-borne
   pathogens. Some of these bioactivity parameters of neem products have been investigated at least in some
   ipecies of insects of medical and veterinary importance, such as mosquitoes, flies, triatomines, cockroaches,
   fllas, lice, and others. Here we review, synthesize, and analyze published information on the activity, modes of
   action, and other biological effects of neem products against arthropods of medical and veterinary importance'
   The amount of information on the activity, use, and application of neem products for the control of disease
   vectors and human and animal pests is limited. Additional research is needed to determine the potential useful-
   ness of neem products in vector control programs.

      KEY WORDS           Meliaceae, neem, azadirachtin, insecticides, mosquitoes, flies, triatomines,   cockroaches,
   fleas, lice, pest control

                  INTRODUCTION                                (Mulla 1997). Interest in botanical insecticides start-
                                                              ed in the early 1930s and continued to the l950s
   The extensive and widespread use of synthetic in-          (Campbell et al. 1933; Jacobson 1958), but the in-
secticides during the past half century, since the dis-       terest in their development and use was phased out
covery of DDT during World War II, for the control            when synthetic insecticides appeared on the scene.
of household, agricultural, and sylvan pests, as well         Interest in the development of natural products has
as human disease vectors has caused some concerns             been revived during the last 2 decades. Thus far
regarding the toxicity and environmental impact of            about 10,000 secondary metabolites or phytochem-
some of these agents. Some inherent features and use          icals have been isolated, but their total number is
patterns of the conventional synthetic insecticides           estimated to be much higher, close to 500,000
that lead to these concerns are toxicity to mammals           (Ascher 1993). More than 2,000 plant species re-
including livestock, fish, birds, and beneficial organ-       portedly possess chemicals with pest control prop-
isms; human poisoning, especially in Third World              erties (Ahmed et al. 1984), and among these about
countries; adverse effects on the environment, caus-          344 species ofplants have been shown to have some
ing contamination of soil, water, and air; resurgence         degree of activity against mosquitoes (Sukumar et
of insect pest populations because of the emergence           al. 1991). The most prominent phytochemical pes-
and widespread occurrence of physiologic resistance           ticides studied in recent years are those based on the
to conventional insecticides; the high cost of the de-        neem prducts, which have been researched exten-
velopment of new synthetic insecticides, which puts           sively for their phytochemistry and exploitation in
the new agents out of the reach of pest control pro-          pest control programs. This paper presents a concise
grams in Third World countries; and not meeting the           review of recent advances in research on the activity,
modern criteria of use in integrated trrestmanagement         efficacy, and potential uses ofneem products for the
programs.                                                     control of arthropods of medical and veterinary im-
   Because of these problems and concerns, the                portance.
search for new, environmentally safe, target-specific
insecticides is being conducted all over the world.                  OVERVIEW         OF NEEM       PRODUCTS
To find new modes of action and to develop active
agents based on natural plant products, efforts are                                   Neem tree
being made to isolate, screen, and develop phyto-                Six species in the family Meliaceae have been
chemicals possessing pesticidal activity. These cat-          studied for pesticidal properties in different parts of
egories of pesticides are now known as biopesticides          the world. They are Azadirachta        indica A. Juss

t34                        JounNer- op tHe AN4BRrcnNMosguno     CoNTRor- AssocrnrtoN              V o L . 1 5 ,N o . 2

(syn. Melia azadirachta, Antelaea azadirachta\.           have been reported to contain AZ (Morgan and
commonly known as the neem tree, Margosa tree,            Thornton 1973). The detailed chemistry of AZ cart
or Indian lttlac1'Aaadirachta excelsa Jack (syn. A.       be found in Ley et al. (1993).
integrifoliola), called the Philippine neem tree or           In addition to AZ, a number of other active in-
marrango; Azadirachta siamens Valeton, or the Si-         gredients have also been isolated and identified from
amese neem tree or Thai neem tree: Melia azedar-          different parts of the neem tree. Compounds such as
ach L., commonly known as Persian lilac, china-           salannin, salannol, salannolacetate, 3-deacetylsalan-
berry, Australian bead tree, Chinese umbrella tree.       nin, azadiradion, l4-epoxyazadiradion,        gedunin,
or pride of India; Melia toosendan Sieb. andZrtcc.;       nimbinen, deacetylnimbinen, 23-dihydro-23p-meth-
and Melia volkensii Giirke. Varieties of these            oxyazadirachtin, 3-tigloylazadirachtol,  and l-tigloyl-
named species occur, some of which have been as-          3-acetyl- 1 1-methoxyazadirachtin were isolated from
signed species status in some countries. Generally,       oil extracted from neem seed kernels (Schmutterer
the neem tree is referred to A. indica. However.           1990). Vilasinin derivatives, meliantriol, azadiradi-
herewith we use neem products for all of the bio-         one, l4-epoxyazadiradione, 6-0-acetylnimbandiol, 3-
active components originating from this group of          deacetylsalannin, and deacetylazadirachtinol       were
plants in the family Meliaceae. Plants in the family      also recovered from neem seed oil (Schmufterer
Meliaceae, especially A. indica, contain at least 35       1990), whereas nimocinolide and isonimocinolide
biologically active principles (Rao and Parmar            were recovered from fresh leaves (Siddiqui et al.
1984) and these products have many industrial, me-        1986). Some other compounds, such as alkanes,
dicinal, and pesticidal uses. Various components of       were isolated from dried leaves (Chavan 1984,
the tree have potential uses in toiletries, pharma-       Chavan and Nikam 1988), and nonterpenoidal con-
ceuticals, the manufacture of agricultural imple-         stituents, isocoumarins, coumarins, and saturated hy-
ments and furniture, cattle and poultry feeds, nitri-     drocarbons were recovered from fresh, uncrushed
fication of soils for various agricultural crops, and     twigs (Siddiqui et al. 1988). Although the bark,
pest control (Koul et al. l99O).                          heartwood, leaves, fruit, and seeds of neem have
                                                          been investigated chemically for their main biocidal
                                                          components, the renewable parts (seeds and leaves)
                 Active ingredients
                                                          received major research attention.
    A number of bioactive components have been
isolated from various parts of the neem ffee. These
                                                                            Mode of action
chemical compounds have different designations,
among which azadirachtin (AZ) (C..ItoO,)         is the      Neem products are capable of producing multiple
major component. The insecticidal properties of           effects in insects such as antifeedancy, growth reg-
products from the neem tree were flrst reported by        ulation, fecundity suppression and sterilization, ovi-
Chopra (1928). Forty years later, AZ, a steroidlike       position repellency or attractancy, and changes in
tetranotriterpenoid (limonoid), was isolated by But-      biological fitness. These aspects are discussed in
terworth and Morgan (1968) from A. indica. How-           detail in recently published comprehensive reviews
ever, it was not until 1987 that the chemical struc-      (Ascher 1993; Mordue and Blackwell               1993;
ture of AZ was completely elucidated by Kraus et          Schmutterer 1988, 1990). Most of the information
al. (1987). Azadirachtin is the predominant insec-        reviewed in these papers was gathered with regard
ticidal active ingredient in the seeds of the neem        to phytophagous insects. Some of these phenomena
tree. The AZ content in neem oil was highly cor-          are briefly reviewed and discussed below.
related with its bioactivity against test insects (Is-       Antiftedancy.' Chemical inhibition of feeding has
man et al. 1990). A marked difference has been            been studied in detail for a few phytophagous in-
reported in the yield of AZ from neem seeds from          sects. The mechanism of feeding inhibition could
different geographical origins (Schmutterer and Ze-       be a blockage of the input from chemoreceptors
bitz 1984, Chirathamjaree et al. 1997), or even in        normally responding to phagostimulants, which can
different seasons in the same geographical area           be reversed by increasing the amount of phagosti-
(Sidhu and Behl 1996). Azadiachtin        analogs, de-    mulants, or stimulation of specific deterrent cells or
pending on the minor variations in chemical struc-        broad spectrum receptors, or through both of these
ture, were given different designations. Azadirach-       mechanisms (Chapman 1974, Schoonhoven 1982).
tin-A is the major component of the total AZ              Azadirachtin and AZ-containing extracts from the
(Rembold 1989). Azadirachtin-B (3-tigloylazadi-           neem tree show distinct antifeedant activity, pri-
rachtol) is present at concentrations of up to l5Vo       marily through chemoreception (primary antifee-
of the total AZ. Other AZ analogues such as AZ-           dancy), but also through reduction in food intake
C through AZ-G occttt at much lower concentra-            due to toxic effects after consumption (secondary
tions. Recently, 2 new tetr:rnortriterpenoids, 1 1-epi-   antifeedancy) in lethal quantities. However, clear
azadirachtin H (Ramji et al. 1996) and AZ-K               differences exist in the magnitude of these effects,
(Govindachari et al. 1992), have been isolated from       depending on the concentration and formulation of
neem seeds. In addition to A. indica, other plants        the active principle, the methods of application of
in the family Meliaceae, such as M. azedarach, also       the neem products, and the species of test insects.
JuNe 1999                                 EFFEcrs oF NEEM Pnoousrs                                         135

By applying the neem products in different ways,         ness of many insect species was substantially re-
antifeedant activity of neem products has been           duced even at neem concentrations and dosages be-
found in Orthoptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera, Coleop-        low those interfering with the molting process.
tera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera (Mordue and Black-        Changes in biological fitness included reduced life-
well 1993).                                              span (Wilps 1989), high mortality (Dorn et al.
    Growth regulation: The growth regulatory ef-         1987), loss of flying ability (Wilps 1989), low ab-
fects of AZ and other neem-related products are of       sorption of nutrients (Wilps 1989), immunodepres-
considerable theoretical and practical interest.         sion (Azambuja et al. 1991, Azambuja and Garcia
Tfeatment of insects by injection, oral ingestion, or     1992), enzyme inhibition (Naqvi 1987), and disrup-
topical application of AZ caused larval growth in-       tion of biological rhythms (Smietanko and Engel-
hibition, malformation, and mortality. These are ef-     mann 1989). This means that AZ has subtle effects
fects that are similar to those observed in treating     on a variety of tissues and cells, especially those
insects with insect growth regulators (IGRs). This       with rapid mitosis, for example, epidermal cells,
activity has been proven in Orthoptera, Hemiptera,       midgut epithelial cells, ovary, and testis, which
Lepidoptera and Diptera (Ascher 1993; Mordue and         form part of the overall toxic syndrome of poison-
Blackwell 1993; Schmutterer 1988, 1990). A major         ing.
action of AZ is to modify hemolymph ecdysteriod
and juvenile hormone titers (significant reduction or                                    and persistence
                                                            Commercial    formulations
delays) by inhibiting the release of morphogenetic
peptide, prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH), and             The pesticidal neem products used in practice in-
allatotropins from the brain-corpus        cardiacum     clude those from leaves. whole seed. decorticated
complex (Ascher 1993). Extracts from various parts       seed, seed kernels, neem oil, and neem cake after
of the neem tree had different degrees of IGR type       extraction or extrusion of the oil from the seeds.
of activity. For example, with the diamond-back          Large-scale chemical synthesis for pesticidal use is
 moth (Plutella rylostella L.) the order of growth-      precluded by the extremely high cost of synthesis
inhibiting potency of neem extracts was seeds >          of the complex structure of AZ and other bioactive
leaves ) bark/twig ) wood (Tan and Sudderuddin           neem constituents. Therefore, it is only practical to
 1978).                                                  extract neem bioactive agents from the renewable
    Fecundity suppression and sterilization.' The in-    parts of the tree and to manufacture various pesti-
terruption of insect reproduction is also an impor-      cidal formulations. The commercial formulations of
tant feature of AZ compounds. Because ecdysteroid        neem products produced by Indian companies in-
is one of the hormones regulating vitellogenesis,        clude RD-9 Repelin (ITC Ltd., Andhra Pradesh, In-
 arld AZ can modify hemolymph ecdysteriod by in-         dia), Neemgard (Gharda Chemicals, Bombay, In-
hibiting the release of PTTH and allatotropins from      dia), and Neemark (West Coast Herbochem,
the brain-corpus cardiacum complex, adverse ef-          Bombay, India). These products are used for the
fects on ovarian development, fecundity, and fertil-     control of a variety of pests. In the USA, an AZ-
ity (egg viability) occur in Orthoptera, Hemiptera,      enriched, concentrated neem seed kernel extract
Heteroptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and       formulation, Margosan-O (Vikwood Ltd., Sheboy-
Hymenoptera (Ascher 1993; Mordue and Blackwell           gan, WI, USA), has been granted registration by
 1993; Schmutterer 1988, 1990). In addition, the sex     the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the
behavior of the males and females in mating and          control of pests in nonfood crops and ornamentals.
response to sexual pheromones (Dorn et al. 1987),        Other formulations of neem, Azatin WP4.5, Azatin
and spermatogenesis in males (Shimizu 1988) were         EC4.5. Azad WP10. Azad EC45. and Neernix
affected by AZ treatment.                                EC0.25 by the Thermotrilogy Co. (Columbia, MD);
    Oviposition repellency: When oviposition sites       Bioneem and Neemesis by Ringer Corp. (Minne-
were treated with AZ or other neem-related prod-         apolis, MN); Neemazal by Trifolio M GmBH (D-
ucts, oviposition repellency, deterrency, or inhibi-     6335 Lahnau 2, Germany); and Safer's ENI by
tion occurred in Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Dip-       Safer Ltd. (Victoria, BC, Canada) are also avail-
tera (Schmutterer 1988, 1990: Dhar et al. 1996).         able. Other companies in Europe are involved in
    Blocking the development of vector-borne path-       formulating and distributing pesticidal formulations
ogens: This aspect of the mode of action has been        based on neem products.
studied in the infection of triatomid bugs by try-          Like other natural products, the degradation of
panosomes. Complete blocking of the development          AZ under field conditions takes place faster than in
of Trypanosoma cruzi in triatomine vectors was ob-       the laboratory because of the effects of untraviolet
served after a single treatment with AZ (see details     (UV) light, temperature, pH, and microbial activity
below; Garcia 1988; Garcia et al. 1989a, 1989b.          (Sta* and Walter 1995, Sundaram 1996, Szeto and
 1991, 1992: Rembold and Garcia 1989; Azambuja           Wan 1996). The degradation of AZ at a basic pH
and Garcia 1992; Gonzalez and Garcia L992). To           is faster than at acidic pH (Szeto and Wan 1996).
date, no similar studies have been reported on other     For increasing the effiCacy and longevity of AZ,
vector-pathogen systems.                                 degradation was shown to be lower with the addi-
    Changes in biological fitness: The biological fit-   tion of UV absorbers and protectants such as 2,4-
136                       JounN,rt-or rns AN{snrcaNMosquno CoNrnol AssocrertoN                  VoL. 15, No. 2

dihydroxybenzophenone to AZ-A at a rate of 1:l          tomines, cockroaches, fleas, lice, sandflies. and
(w/w) (Sundaram 1996). Under field conditions the       ticks. The actions of neem products against these
residual effect of neem pesticides lasts about 4-8      arthropods were considered to include but not be
days, and in the case of systemic effects some days     limited to antifeedancy or landing repellency,
longer.                                                 growth regulation, fecundity reduction, reduced fit-
                                                        ness, and blocking of the development of vector-
         Effects on nontarget                           borne pathogens. Information on these aspects of
                                                        neem products is synthesized and summarized in
   Because of a relatively weak contact mode of         Table 1. Information for each group of arthropods
action in insects and lack of activity against pred-    is presented and discussed in more detail below.
ators and parasitoids, neem products have been
shown to be very safe to beneficial organisms such
as honeybees, natural enemies of pests, and so                               Mosquitoes
forth.                                                      Most of the investigations related to the potential
   Neem products are relatively safe to mammals         of neem products for the control of insects of med-
and humans according to tests carried out to date.      ical and veterinary importance were conducted on
Neem flowers and leaves are eaten as vegetables in      mosquitoes during the past 20 years, where the
Asian countries (India, Myenmar, Thailand). More-       neem preparations used were extracts prepared in
over, some neem products obtained from the fruit,       the laboratory from different parts of the neem tree.
bark, or leaves have played a prominent role in In-     The major interest was focused on the IGR type of
dian traditional medicine for many centuries. Neem      activity ofneem preparations in both the laboratory
products are also incorporated into a number oftoi-     and the field, even though a few investigations were
letry and pharmaceutical products in India, Paki-       also conducted to study the repellent activity of
stan, and Germany. However, neem products are           neem oil on adult mosquitoes, and the effects on
not risk free. Adverse effects of neem components       reproductive capacity of mosquitoes.
were noted in nontarget aquatic invertebrates (Stark       Activity against immature stages: Laboratory
1997), fish (Tangtong and Wattanasirmkit 1997),         tests. Laboratory tests with different neem prepa-
some mammals (Ali and Salih 1982, Ali 1987), and        rations against the immature stages of mosquitoes
humans (Reye's syndrome) (Sinniah and Baskaran          have been mostly carried out on the following 7
1981; Sinniah et al. 1982,1986). Finally, aflatoxins    species, Anopheles arabiensis Patton, Anopheles
were usually present in neem extracts if the fungus     culicifacies Glles, Anopheles stephensi Liston, Cu-
Aspergillus was present during the storage of neem      lex pipiens molestus Forskal, Culex quinquefascia-
products (Sinniah et al. 1982,1983, 1986, Hansen        /ns Say, Aedes aegypri (L.), and Aedes togoi Theo-
et al. 1994). Therefore, caution must be exercised      bald. The IGR activity of neem and related products
to control the level of these toxins to insure safe     are discussed below.
use. In genereLl,AZ products are considered to have         The neem tree has received much attention as a
a good margin of safety to fish, wildlife, and other    source of active agents for mosquito larval control.
nontarget biom.                                         More than 2 decades ago small-scale tests of neem
                                                        products against An. stephensi were conducted (see
                                                        Zebitz 1984), which was rhe lst attempt in this
           Development     of resistance
                                                        field. Extracts from A. indica seeds such as neem
   No cases of resistance to neem products have         oil and neem seed kernel extracts (NSKEs) provid-
been reported. Laboratory selection experiments for     ed a good source of pesticidal ingredients. Attri and
                                                                                     "neem oil extractive," a
resistance to neem products it P. rylostella did not    Prasad (1980) tested the
result in derrelopment of resistance (Vdllinger         waste from neem oil refining, against larvae of this
1987), which may be because the products were           species. The complete failure of lst-stage larvae to
mixtures of various related compounds with differ-      develop to the adult stage occurred at the concen-
ent modes of action. Development of a high level        tration of O.OOSVo  of neem oil. But the material was
of resistance to chemicals or products that possess     also toxic to mosquito fish (Gambusia sp.) and tad-
numerous modes of action is somewhat difficult.         poles at t his concentration. Continuous exposure
                                                        of 4th-stage larvae of Ae. aegypti in water treated
                                                        with crude or Az-effiched NSKEs resulted in no-
                                                        ticeable growth disrupting effects. An extreme pro-
   THE CONTROL   OF ARTHROPODS                OF
                                                        longation of the larval period was attained when
                                                         lst-stage larvae were continously exposed in treat-
                                                        ed water until adult emergence. The effectiveness
   Relatively little information is available regard-   of the extracts increased with decreasing polarity of
ing the effects of neem products on arthropods of       the solvents used for extraction. The time necessary
medical and veterinary importance. Studies, testing.    for lethal action of NSKEs was similar to that re-
and evaluation started in the early 1970s. Neem         ported for some synthetic IGRS (zebitz 1984).
products were tested against mosquitoes, flies, tria-    Singh (1984) found that aqueous extracts from de-
Jurn 1999                                    EFFEcrs oF NEEM PRoDUcrs                                                 t37

    Table 1.    Effects of neem products on feeding, reproduction, and survivorship of arthropods of medical and
                                               veterinary imPortance. I

      Species            Stages     Type of action      Neem components                         References

Antifeedancy or repellency
 Anopheles culici-     Adult       Repellency            Neem oil                  Sharma et al. (1993a)
 Aiopheles and         Adult       Repellency            Neem oil                  Sharma et al. (1993a, 1993b), Sharma
     Cukx spp.                                                                       and Ansari (1994)
 Culzx quinquefas-     Larvae      Antifeedancy          AZ formulations           Su and Mulla (1998a)
 Cx. tarsalis          Larvae      Antifeedancy          AZ formulations           Su and Mulla (1998a)
 Musca domestica       Adult       Antifeedancy          Ethanol extract of        Warthen et al. (1978)
 Phormia terraeno-       Larvae    Antifeedancy          AZ                        Wilps (1987)
 Rhodnius prolixus       Nymph     Antifeedancy          AZ                        Garcia et al. (1984), Garcia and Rem-
                                                                                     bold (1984)
 Phlebotomus ar-         Adult     Repellency            Neem oil                  Sharma and Dhiman (1993)
Insect growth regulation
  An. arabiensis        Larvae     IGR                   Fruit kemel exhact'       Mwangi and Mukiama (1988)
  An. culicifacies      Larvae     IGR                   AZ-rich fractions         Rao et al. (1988)
  An. stephensi         Larvae     IGR                   NSKEs, AZ, oil ex-        (see Z.ebtlz 1984), Kumar and Dutta
                                                            tracts                    (1987), Zebitz (1987)
  Cr. spp.               Larvae    IGR                   Lipid/AZ-rich frac-       Rao (1987), Rao and Reuben (1989),
                                                            tions, neem cake          Rao et al. (1992,1995)
  Cx. pipiens            Larvae    IGR                   AZT-VR-K-Er               Tnbttz (1987)
  Cx. p. molestus        Larvae    IGR                   Acetone extracts4         Al-Sharook et al. (1991)
  Cx. quinquefascia-     Larvae    IGR                   Petroleum ether,          Chavan et al. (1979), Attri and Prasad
    tus                                                     chloroform, alco-         (1980), Chavan (1984), Singh (1984),
                                                            hol leaves extracts,      Zebitz (7987), Chavan and Nikam
                                                            alkanes,neem oil          (1988), Rao et al. (1988), Sinniah et
                                                            extract, NSKEs,           al. (1994), Amorose (1995), Irungu
                                                            AZ, AZ-richfrac-          and Mwangi (1995), Sagar and Sehgal
                                                            tions, defatted           (1996), Mulla et al. (1997)
                                                            cake, AZ-based
                                                            formulations. fruit
 Cx. vishnui sub-        Larvae    IGR                   AZ-ricVneem oil for-      Rao (1997)
   group                                                    mulations
 Ae. aegypti             Larave    IGR                   Neem oil, NSKEs,          Zebitz (1984, 1987), Hellpap and Zebitz
                                                            AZ, nimocinolide         (1986), Naqvi (1987), Naqvi et al.
                                                            and isonimocinoli-       (1991), Sinniah et al. (1994), Mwangi
                                                            de of fresh winter       and Rembold (1987, 1988)
                                                            leaves, extracts of
 Ae. togoi               Larvae    IGR                   NSKEs, AZ                 Hellpap and Zebitz (1986), Zebitz
  Calliphora vicina      Larvae    IGR                   AZ                        Bidmon et al. (1987)
  Haematobia irri-       Larvae    IGR                   AZ, seed kernel           Wilps (1995), Miller and Chamberlain
    tans, Stomorys                                                                   (1989)
    calcitrans, and
    M. domestica
  Lucilia cuprina        Larvae    IGR                   AZ                        Meurant et al. (1994)
  M. autumnalis          Larvae    IGR                   AZ                        Gaaboub and Hayes (1984a)
  P. terraenovae         Larvae    IGR                   AZ                        Wilps (1987)
  R. prolixus            Nymph     IGR                   AZ, AZ-A, AZ-8,7-         Garcia and Rembold (1984), Garcia et
                                                           acetyl AZ-A               al. (1984, 1986, 1987, l99oa, 1990b,
  Triatoma vitticeps'    Nymph     IGR                   AZ-A                      Garcia et al- (1989a)
  Blana orientalis6      Nymph     IGR                   Seed extract              Adler and Uebel (1985)
  B. germanica           Nymph     IGR                   AZ                        Adler and Uebel (1985), Prabhakaran
                                                                                     and Kamble (1996)
  Periplaneta ameri-     Nymph     IGR                   AZ                        Qadri and Narsaiah (1978)
  Ctenocephatides        Larvae    IGR                   NSKEs                     Kilonzo (1991)
    felis and
     Xenopsylla brasi-
138                               JounNnr- oF rne Ar\4nntcen Mosquno             Coxrnol    AssocrenoN                     VoL. 15, No. 2

                                                           Thble l.    Continued.
       Species             Stages         Type of action              Neem components                         References
 X. cheopis               Larvae         IGR                          AZ                        Chamberlain et al. (1988)
 Bovicola ovis            Larvae         IGR                          AZ                        Heath et al. (1995)
Reproduction suppression and ovicidal activity
 An. culicifacies     Adult        Antioviposition, GC                Neem oil, volatiles       Dhar et al.
                                      impaired, vitello-
                                      genesis impaired
 An. stephensi        Adult        Antioviposition, GC                Neem oil, volatiles       Dhar et al. (1996)
                                      impaired, vitello-
                                      genesis impaired
 Cx. quinquefascia-   Adult        Oviposition repellen-              Neem oil, AZ formu-       T.ebitz (1987), Irungu and Mwangi
   tus                                cy                                lations, fruit ex-        (1995), Su and Mulla (1998c)
 Cx. quinquefuscia-       Eggs           Ovicide                      Seed extract, AZ for-     Zebitz (1987), Su and Mulla (1998a)
   tus                                                                  mulations
 Cx- tarsalis             Adult          Ovi-modification             AZ formulations           Su and Mulla (1998b)
 Cx. tarsalis             Eggs           Ovicide                      AZ formulations           Su and Mulla (1998c)
 Ae. aegypti              Adult          Oocyte growth re-            AZ                        Ludlum and Sieber (1988)
 Glossina morsitans       Adult          Fecundity reduction          Neem oil, NSKEs           Kaaya (see Wilps 1995)
    G. m. centralis
 L. cuprina               Adult          Antioviposition              Petroleum ether, ex-      Rice et al. (1985)
                                                                        tracts of ripe fruits
 L. sericata              Adult          Antioviposition              Neem oil                  Hobson (1940)
 M- autumnalis            Adult          Fecundity reduction          AZ                        Gaaboub and Hayes (1984a)
 P. tenaenovae            Eggs           Ovicide                      NSKEs
 P. terraenovae           Adult          Fecundity reduction          AZ, NSKEs                 wilps (1995), wilps (1989)
 S. calcitrans            Eggs           Ovicide                      AZ                        Grll (19'72) (see Wilps 1995)
 R. prolixus              Adult          Fecundity reduction          AZ, AZ-A                  Garcia et al. (1987, l99oa), Feder et al.
                                                                                                  (1988), Moreira et al. (1994)
 Amblyomma amer-          Adult          Fecundity reduction          AZ                        Kaufman (1988), Lindsay and Kaufman
   icanum                                                                                         ( r988)
Blocking the development of trypanosomes
 R. prolixus          Nymph        Block development                  AZ                        Garcia (1988), Garcia et al. (1989a,
                                     of Typanosoma                                                1989b), Rembold and Garcia (1989),
                                     cruzi                                                        Azambuja and Garcia et al. (7992)
 R. prolixus, T. in-  Nymph        Block development                  AZ                        Gonza\ez and Garcia (1992)
   festans, Dipetalo-                of T. cruzi
    gaster maximus
Change biofitness
 G. m. morsitans,         Adult          Increased mortality          Neem oil, NSKEs           see Wilps (1995)
   G. m. centralis,
   G. pallidipes
 M. domestica             Adult          Enzyme inhibition            Petroleum ether frac-     Naqvi (1987)
                                                                        tion of fruits
 M. domestica             Adult          Splitting of activity        AZ                        Smietanko and Engelmann (1989)
 P. teraenovae            Adult          Changes in metabo-           NSKEs                     wilps (1989)
 B. germanica             Nymphs         Enzyme inhibition            Neutral fraction of       Naqvi (1987)
 R. prolixus              Nymph          Immune depression            AZ                        Azambuja et al. (1991), Azambuja and
                                                                                                  Garcia (1992)
  I AZ, azadirachlin; IGR, insect growth regulationl NSKEs, neem seed kernel extracts; GC, gonotrophic cycle.
  2 From Melia volkensii.
  I AZT-VR-K-E     was prepared from neem seed kemels in a Soxhlet apparatus using an zeotropic mixture of lerr-butylmethyl ether
and methanol. Fatty components were separated by petrol ether extraction and cmling.
  a From M. volkensii and Melia azedarach.
  5Including the following species: Triatomo vitticeps, T. pseudorcculata,   T. maculata, T. brasiliensis, T. lecticulqris, T. mtogrossensis,
T- infestans, Rhodnius prolixus, R. neglectus, R. robustus, Panstrongylus megistus, nd P. herrera.
  6 Including the following species: Blatta orientalis, B. germanica, Byrsotiafumigata,   Gromphadorhina protentosa, P. americana, and
Supella longipalpa.
JuNe 1999                                 Errecrs or Nser\aPnonucrs                                        r39

oiled neem seed kernels caused 10070 mortality in        tant effect was larger than expected and showed a
Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae at 62.5, 125,250, and        synergistic action (Hellpap and 7ob1tz 1986). ZE-
50O ppm after 8, 6,4, arrd2 days of exposure, re-        bitz (1987) investigated the IGR effects of NSKEs
spectively. The reduced concentration of 31.2 ppm        and crude and pure AZ on mosquito larvae and
still yielded 85Vo mortality within 12 days of ex-       their joint activities with methoprene, a juvenile
posure. Another comparable study conducted re-           hormone analog (JHA). The susceptibility of young
cently by Sagar and Sehgal (1996) also confirmed         4th-stage larvae of 4 species of mosquitoes to
the activity of the aqueous extracts of deoiled neem     NSKEs was studied. Their susceptibility in decreas-
 seed kernel, which was more active than those of        ing order was Ae. togoi, An. stephensi, Cx. quin-
karanja (Pongamia glabra Vent) seed kernel               quefasciatus, and Ae. aegyptL Azadirachtin and
 against the same species. Four new AZ-rich frac-        NSKEs exerted a pronounced IGR type of effect
tions prepared from neem seeds with different ex-        during preimaginal development. Joint action of
traction procedures, designated as nemidin, vemi-        methoprene and NSKEs resulted in pronounced
din, vepcidin, and nemol, were tested for larvicidal     synergistic effects. The results pointed out a strong
 activity against the early 4th-stage larvae of An.      interference of AZ with hormonal balance, most
 culicifacies   and Cx. quinquefasciatus.      Among     probably with ecdysteriod titer. The petroleum ether
 these, nemidin, which was found to have a high          extracts of various parts of neem tree also had syn-
 content of AZ, showed high larvicidal activity          ergistic effects with synthetic chemical insecticides,
 against both test species as shown by low median        such as phenthoate and fenthion (Kalyanasundaram
 lethal concentration (LCro) values of t.lZ and 3.9      and Babu 1982).
 ppm, respectively. However, the other fractions            In addition to A. indica seeds, the leaves of this
 showed moderate larvicidal activity only. Nemidin       species also contain some mosquitocidal compo-
 produced rectal prolapse in Cr. quinquefasciatus        nents. Tests by Chavan et al. (1979) showed that
 larvae but not in An. culicifacies (Rao et al. 1988).   extracts of neem leaves with organic solvent were
 Sinniah et al. (1994) tested neem oil extract from      toxic to 4th-stage larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus.
 crushed seeds against Ae. aegypti and. Cx. quinque-     Dried leaves were extracted with petroleum ether,
fasciatus. At concentrations of O.O2Vo (relatively       ether, chloroform,     and ethanol, and the solvents
 high concentration) or more, lNVo mortality was         were removed from the extracts in a water bath,
 attained irr 24 h for these 2 species. At a concen-     yielding residues of the active compounds. The res-
 tration of O.OOlVo,59 and 63Vo mortality, and at a      idues were redissolved in a solvent and bioassayed
 concentration of O.ONSVo, 2 and 22Vo mortality          against larvae of this species. At tEo concentration,
 was obtained in 96 h for these 2 species, respec-        lNVo mor1lality of mosquito larvae occured within
 tively. Amorose (1995) tested the larvicidal effica-    24 h when petroleum ether and ether were used as
 cy ofneem oil and defatted neem cake on Cx. quin-       exffaction solvents. However, under identical con-
 quefasciatus. Against 3rd- and 4th-stage larvae,        ditions, the residues from extracts with chloroform
 LC,os were 0.99 and 1.20 ppm for neem oil, and           and ethanol at lVo only yielded 65 and 6OVo mor-
 0.55 and O.72 ppm for the deoiled neem cake.            tality, respectively, within the same period of ex-
 Third-stage larvae were more susceptible than were      posure. The residues from extracts with petroleum
 4th-stage larvae. The growth-modifying effects of       ether and ether also exhibited good residual activity
 the methanolic extract from neem seeds in Ae, ae-        (up to 144 h) at the concentrations of I and,0.2Vo,
 gypti often was not correlated with the AZ content,     respectively (which are very high by current stan-
 which implied the existence of other principles ex-     dards). Residues from petroleum ether extract was
 hibiting synergistic or antagonistic effects on the     further purified with a neutral alumina colunm and
 active ingredients contained in neem seed extract       by eluting with different solvent systems. Benzene
 (Schmutterer andZebitz 1984). Most likely, differ-      eluate showed promising results and yielded a ma-
 ent components from the crude extracts of neem,         terial that crystallized and gave IOOVo mortality at
 not AZ alone, act together against mosquito larvae.      l0 ppm, which also had residual activity producing
    As to the interaction between the seed extracts       lOOTo mortality for 5 days. When used at the very
 of A. indica and microbial and chemical insecti-        high concentration of 100 ppm, IOOVo mortality
 cides, when 4th-stage larvae of Ae. togoi were ex-      was obtained for 8 days (Chavan 1984). Chavan
 posed in water treated with NSKEs, Bacillus thu-        and Nikam (1988) discovered that the alkanes sep-
 ringiensis israelensis, or mixtures of both at          arated from petroleum ether extracts of neem leaves
 different concentrations until adult emergence, the     were effective larvicides against Cx. quinquefascia-
 dead larvae to dead pupae ratio was shifted to a        /as. The concentration of 100 ppm yielded 1007o
 higher number of dead pupae in the combination          mortality; l0 ppm caused 6OVo mor1lality in 24 h.
 mixtures compared with the ratios obtained after        Naqvi (1987) and Naqvi et al. (1991) tested 2 new
 application of each material alone. In most of the      compounds and their parent fractions obtained from
 combinations, the resultant effect of the 2 substanc-   fresh winter neem leaves against the larvae of Ae.
 es was the same as the value expected on the basis      aegypti. The LC.os were 0.58 ppm for a neutral
 of the single material, which amounts to an additive    fraction of winter neem leaves extracts containing
 action. However, in some combinations the resul-        mostly nimocinolide       and iso-nimocinolide     and
140                         JounNaL oF THE AMERTcANMoseurro      Con-rnol AssocrATtoN              V o L . 1 5 ,N o . 2

 some other tetranotriterpennoids in small quantity,       tion (Mwangi and Rembold 1987, 1988). A fraction
 0.625 ppm for nimocinolide (CrrH.uOr, melting             of the fruit kernel extract from M. volkcnsii was
point 160'C), and O.74 ppm for its isomer iso-ni-          tested against the larvae of An. arabiensis. The
 mocinolide (C2sH36O7,melting point 165"C). Thus,          LCro in 48 h was 5.4 pglml. At low concentrations,
it can be concluded that the fresh leaves have more        this fraction had growth-inhibiting      activity, pro-
 active ingredient than the dried leaves as used by        longing the duration of larval instars, where lethal
 Chavan (1984).                                            effects were exhibited during ecdysis. Further frac-
     Upon the availability of experimental formula-        tionation of this fraction yielded 7 bands in thin-
 tions of AZ, Mulla et al. (1997\ tested the larvicidal    layer chromatography, among which 2 of the most
 activity of Azad WP10, Neemix F;CO.25, and Nee-           lipophilic bands showed acute toxic effects against
 mazad EC4.5 (Thermotrilogy          Co.) against Cx.      the larvae, the next 2 bands had growth inhibiting
 quinquefas c iatus. Tlre susceptibilities of 2nd-stage    effects, and the 3 trailing bands had no activity at
 larvae and early and late 4th-stage larvae of this        all. More work is needed to isolate and identify
 species to the test materials were essentially the        these principles. The acute toxicity and growth-in-
 same. Larvicidal activity was very much a function        hibiting effects of the bioactive principles were de-
 of the formulation; the wettable powder (WP) was          stroyed by heat during the drying of the fruit
 10 times more active than the emulsifiable concen-        (Mwangi and Mukiama 1988). The larvicidal ef-
trate (EC). The cumulative mortality (larvae, pupae,       fects of acetone extracts from the seeds of M. volk-
 and adults) was greater than 807o when 4th instars        ensii and M. azedarach were compared with pure
 were treated at 0.1-l ppm AZ of different formu-           AZ-A for their morphogenetic effects against Cr.
 lations. Neem products are believed to affect the         pipiens molestus. The insecticidal activities of the
 feeding activity of mosquito larvae, which is an ad-      crude extracts were significantly different. Acetone
 ditional advantage of AZ formulations when used           extract of M. volkensii was equally toxic for both
 as larvicides. Antifeedancy of 3 neem formulations        larvae and pupae, with an LC.n of 30 pglml. Ace-
 (Azatin WP4.5, Azad EC4.5, and Neemix 8C4.5,              tone extract of M. azedarach was exclusively lar-
Thermotrilogy Co.) against mosquito larvae was             vicidal with an LC.o of 40 pglml, and had no in-
 found in Culex tarsalis Coquillett and Cx. quinque-       hibitory effect on the pupal stage. Like the crude
fasciatus. A significant level of antifeeding activity     extract from M. volkensii, pure AZ-A was also
 was indicated at 5 and l0 ppm AZ for all test for-        equally toxic to both larvae and pupae, with an
 mulations. Within the test concentration range of         LCro of l-5 pg/ml. The bioactive compounds from
 AZ (l-l0 ppm), 5 ppm was the minimum effective            M. volkensii were thermostable (different from the
 concentration for antifeedancy expression in most         results reported by Mwangi and Mukiama 1988)
 cases. The Cx. tarsalis larvae were more suscepti-        and partially soluble in water (Al-Sharook et al.
 ble than were Cx. quinquefasciafas larvae to Alad          1991). A chromatographically      enriched fraction
 EC4.5 in tenns of antifeedancy effects. Formula-          from dry fruits of M. volkensii was purified from a
 tion-related differences in antifeedancy activity         crude methanolic extract by cold precipitation and
 were noted when the concentration of AZ was in-           elution of the precipitate dissolved in a hexane-
 creased to 10 ppm. At this AZ concentration, in Cx.       ethyl acetate solvent system through a silica gel
 tarsalis, AzadEC4.5 and Neemix EC4.5 were more            column. Larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus were
 effective in causing antifeedancy than was Azatin         reared in water containing the fraction at concen-
 WP4.5. ln Cx. quinquefasciatus, Azatin WP4.5 and          trations of between 5 and 200 ppm. The LCro for
 Neemix EC4.5 were more effective than Azad                this fraction was 34.72 pglml in 48 h. Second-stage
 EC4.5 (Su and Mulla 1998a).                               larvae were more susceptible to fraction B when
     In addition to products of A. indica, several other   compared to 4th-stage larvae. All 4th-stage larvae
 species of Meliaceae have been investigated in the        that survived the treatment molted into short-lived
 laboratory against mosquitoes during the past few         larval-pupal    intermediates (Irungu and Mwangi
 years. Kumar and Dutta (1987) tested the larvicidal        1995).
 activity of oil extracts of 10 species of plants in 8
 genera against An. stephensi. Melia azadirachta
                                                                             FIELD      TRIALS
 ranked 4th with an LCro of 88.5 ppm, with the
 range of 63.2-113.0 ppm for all tested plants. Ex-             A few semifield or field tests of neem materials
 tracts from dry fruits of M. volkensii exhibited          such as NSKEs and neem cake have been carried
 growth-inhibiting activity against the larvae of Ae.      out in the breeding sites of culicine mosquitoes, and
 aegypti. At a concentration of 2 p"glml in wate! the      the efficacy was reported to be promising. In a sem-
 active fraction prolonged the duration of the larval      ifield trial using drums, Zebitz (1987) showed the
  stage. Mortality in treated larvae was high, espe-       final concentration of 10-20 ppm of NSKEs to be
 cially during the molting and melanization process-       effective in diminishing populations of preimaginal
 es. The LCro for larval mortality was 50 pglml in         stages of Culex pipiens L. for at least 4 wk. Eval-
 48 h. The active compound was not identical to AZ,        uation of samples of larvae taken from treated and
  and had greater acute toxic and growth inhibiting        untreated drums revealed that lst- and 2nd-stage
  effects ofi Ae. aegypti than the AZ-containing frac-     larvae died during molting to the following larval
Eppscrs oF NEEM Pnooucrs

instar; most 3rd- and 4th-stage larvae died as pu-        promise as an environmentally benign method for
pae.                                                      rice-field mosquito control that could be self sus-
    Rao and his colleagues conducted field studies        taining and implemented by farmers (Rao et al.
using neem cake powder to control immature rice           1995). Recently, in India, application of AZ-ich
field-breeding mosquitoes. Based on their studies         and neem oil-based formulations either alone or
on the larvicidal activity of neem cake powder in         coated over urea at the time of transplantation in
simulation trays planted with rice (Rao 1987), a          rice paddies was shown to significantly reduce the
dosage of 500 kg/ha (a very high dosage) was used         density of the Culex vishnui subgroup, including
in a 6,000 m2 fleld. In these tests 81 and 43Vo re-       C ulex tritaenioy hync hus Glles, Culex vis hnui'fheo-
ductions of late larval instars and pupae of culicine     bald, Culex pseudovishnui Colless, and Culex bi-
mosquitoes were attained, respectively. Subse-            taeniorhynchas Giles. The neem oil-based formu-
quently, Rao and Reuben (1989) carried out trials         lations were also effective in reducing the pupal
using urea coated with neem powder in rice fields         density of Anopheles subpictus Grassi and Anoph-
but failed to control immature populations of culi-       eles vagus Donitz when combined with intermittent
cines or to enhance rice yield because of the intrin-     irrigation (Rao 1997).
sic poor quality of the test materials. Therefore,            Effects on adult mosquitoes: Landing and blood-
Rao et al. (1992) developed a laboratory bioassay         feeding repellency were tested in the laboratory and
to screen neem cake powder against the larvae of          field against anopheline and culicine mosquitoes,
Cx. quinquefasciatus. Only samples of neem caus-          but the conclusions were variable. Additionally, the
ing more thar' 9OVobioassay mortality at a 2qo con-       neem products might exert detrimental effects on
centration within 48 h were used in field trials.         the reproductive events of mosquitoes, which has
When good-quality neem cake powders were ap-              been tested in An. culicifocies, An- stephensi, Cx.
plied at the dosage of 500 kgftta, either alone or        tarsalis, Cx. quinquefosciatus, and Ae. aegypti.
coated over urea, a striking reduction occurred in            Landing and bloodfeeding repellency. The land-
the abundance oflate larval instars and pupae. Only       ing and bloodfeeding repellency effect against mos-
 14 pupae were obtained over a period of 13 wk in         quitoes was investigated under laboratory and field
plots treated with neem cake powder, and 4 pupae          conditions. Sharma et al. (1993a) reported the re-
were obtained in plots treated with neem coated           sults of field studies on the repellent action of neem
urea, compared with 101 pupae in control plots. In        oil against An. culicifacies and other anopheline
another field trial, neem cake-coated urea was test-      mosquitoes. Even at concentrations as low as 0.5
ed at 500 kg/ka and 250 kg/ha in combination with          and l7o, strong repellent action was observed when
water management practices. Both rates of appli-          the material was applied to the skin. At a concen-
cation yielded similar results. Larval abundance in       tration of 2Vo, no anophelines bit and the protection
plots under water management alone did not differ         provided was lOOTo during a l2-h period. Further-
 significantly from the controls, but was signiflcantly   more, burning neem oil in kerosene may provide
reduced when water management was combined                personal protection from mosquitoes (Sharma and
 with neem products. Two stable formulations,             Ansari 1994). Kerosene lamps containing neem oil
Neemrich-I (lipid rich) and Neemrich-Il (AZ rich),        were burned in a living room, and mosquitoes rest-
 gave good suppression of immature culicines. All         ing on the walls or attached to human bait were
the treatments with neem also gave higher grain           collected inside rooms from 180O to 060O h. Neem
 yield than the control.                                  oil (0.01-1.OVo) mixed in kerosene reduced biting
    Considering that neem cake powder is bulky and        of human volunteers and catches of mosquitoes
 deteriorates under improper storage conditions,          resting on the walls in the rooms. Protection was
 which made large-scale use impractical, Rao et al.       more pronounced for anopheline than for culicine
 (1995) field-tested relatively stable lipid-rich frac-   mosquitoes. A l7o neem oil-kerosene mixture may
 tions of neem, which were as effective as good-          provide economical personal protection from mos-
 quality crude neem products in the control of cu-        quito bites. Considering the effective repellent ac-
 licine vectors of Japanese encephalitis, and             tion of neem oil on mosquitoes, neem oil could be
 produced a slight trut significant reduction in pop-     a good substitute for pyrethroids in some mosquito-
 ulations of anopheline pupae. Neem-based formu-          repellent products such as coils and mats (Sharma
 lations coated over urea significantly increased         et al. 1993b). However, in cage tests with female
 grain yield, but neem products used alone did not.       Ae. aegypti, neem oil showed no repellent potency
 Combination of neem-coated urea and water man-            (Zebitz 1987). Azadirachtin fed in bloodmeals to
 agement by intermittent irrigation had a greater ef-      adult female Ae. aegypti through an artificial mem-
 fect on grain yield than that of water management        brane did not cause feeding inhibition over a wide
 alone. The neem fractions are relatively cost-effec-     dose range (0-2OO ng/female) (Ludlum and Sieber
 tive, and the combined water management and               1988), Different formulations and methods of usage
 neem-coated urea strategy is acceptable to the            seem to yield different results. Equally important is
 farmers, who are already aware of benefits of the        the species of mosquitoes, which may respond dif-
 use of neem-coated urea, and of water manage-            ferently to neem or other related products.
 ment. Therefore, this technology has considerable            Effects on reproduction. The application ofneem
142                        JounNel or rnr Augntcnu Moseurro CoNrnol AssocrATroN                   V o r . 1 5 ,N o . 2

products and their uptake through cuticle or inges-       pensions at concentrations of 0.5, l, 5, and 10 ppm
tion caused detrimental effects on the reproductive       AZ, oviposition attractancy was indicated at 1, 5,
events in adult mosquitoes. The gonotrophic cycle         and 10 ppm AZ for the WP, and repellency was
of female An. stephensi and An. culicifacies was          found at 5 and 10 ppm AZ for the EC in Cx. tar-
impaired by exposure to volatile compounds con-           salis. These 2 formulations did not have any effects
tained in a neem extract. Vitellogenesis was im-          on the oviposition behavior of Cx. quinquefascia-
paired irreversibly by long-term exposure to neem         tus. ln multiple tests for longevity, the aged sus-
odor and some extracts. The effect of volatiles           pensions of the WP at 0.5 and I ppm AZ were more
seemed to be regulated by absorption through the          attractant to Cx. tarsali,s. The attractancy of the sus-
cuticle, although passage through the spiracles           pensions of the WP was lost in 14- and 21-day-old
could not be excluded (Dhar et al. 1996). In Ae.          preparations of 0.5 and I ppm AZ, respectively.
aegypti, a high dose of ingested AZ falled to inhibit
                                                          The repellency of the EC suspension at 5 pprn AZ
or delay oviposition. However, significant transient
                                                          against Cx. tarsalis was lost in >1-day-old suspen-
retardation of oocyte growth was observed for up
                                                          sions. In Cx. quinquefosciatus, the oviposition re-
to 72 h after feeding. Immature oocytes were ob-
                                                          pellency of both the WP and the EC suspensions at
served in86% of AZ-fed females decapitated 10 h
                                                          l0 ppm AZ was lost in >4-day-old suspensions.
after a blood meal, whereas 96Vo of decapitated
                                                          Among other species of Meliaceae, gthe component
control females contained maturing oocytes (Lud-
                                                          from M. volkensii also has the property of ovipo-
lum and Sieber 1988). This suggests that AZ delays
the release of one or more factors from the brain         sition deterrency against gravid mosquitoes. A
that regulate oogenesis. Adult females were pro-          chromatographically      enriched fraction from dry
posed to overcome the effect of AZ by rapid me-           fruits of M. volkensii was purified from a crude
tabolism rather than by excretion of the compound,        methanolic extract by cold precipitation and elution
because as soon as 2 h after ingestion of art AZ-         of the precipitate dissolved in a hexane-ethyl ace-
enriched blood meal, only O.lVo of ingested AZwas         tate solvent system through a silica gel column.
recovered from excreta and 5Vo was recovered from         This extract was found to be an oviposition deter-
the body (Ludlum and Sieber 1988).                        rent at a concentration of 20 ppm and greater
   Effects on oviposition behavior. A few studies         against Cx. quinquefasciatus (Irungu and Mwangi
have indicated that neem products act as an ovi-          195).
position repellent or deterrent or attractant against        Effects on egg viability: Egg rafts of Cx. quin-
mosquitoes. For instance, neem oil containing 40O         quefasciatus oviposited on water treated with
1tg AZJg was an oviposition repellent against Cx.         NSKEs at concentrations of 2.5, 5,7.5, 10, and 2O
quinquefasciatrs at various test concentrations. The      ppm had reduced hatching ability (Zebitz 1987).
dilutions of 0.125, O.25, O.5, and l7o yielded ovi-       Recently, Su and Mulla (1998b) conducted a de-
position activity indexes (OAIs) of -O.2727,              tailed study on ovicidal activity of various formu-
 -0.4762, -0.9176, and -1, respectively (Zebitz
                                                          lations of AZ against Cx. tarsalis and Cx. quinque-
1987); here the minus values indicated oviposition       fasciatus. The formulations tested were Azad
repellency. In another study, a brief exposure (90        WPIO, Azad EC4.5, and technically pure AZ. T\e
min) to the volatiles from broken neem seed ker-          ovicidal activity of the test neem products was in-
nels, neem oil, and neem volatile fraction sup-           fluenced by concentration of AZ, age of the egg
pressed rather than inhibited oviposition in gravid       rafts, and age of the neem preparations. Other fac-
An. stephensi ard An. culicifacies. Complete inhi-        tors such as formulation and mosquito species were
bition of oviposition was caused by exposure of           also involved in the degree of ovicidal activity.
mosquitoes to odors from neem oil and one fraction        When the egg rafts were deposited directly in fresh
containing volatile components for I-7 days (Dhar
                                                          neem suspension and left there for 4 h before trans-
et al. 1996). All these neem products tested con-
                                                          fer to untreated water, I ppm AZ produced almost
tained numerous compounds rather than a single
                                                          I$OVo mortality in eggs. When 0-, 4-,8-, l2-, and
material. It will be interesting to determine which
                                                          24-h-old egg rafts were exposed to 10 ppm neem
specific compounds induce the observed effects.
                                                          suspensions for 36 h, ovicidal activity was attained
Recently, the effects of experimental AZ formula-
tions Azad WP10 and Azad EC4.5 on oviposition             in the egg rafts deposited directly (0 h old) in the
behavior of the mosquitoes Cx. tarsalis and Cx.           neem suspension. On aging, depending on the for-
quinquefasciat s were investigated by Su and Mul-         mulations and mosquito species, the neem suspen-
la (1999). In paired tests of distilled water vs. neem    sions at 1 ppm completely lost ovicidal activity
suspension, the WP showed significant oviposition         within 7-20 days. The egg rafts of Cx. quinquefas-
attractancy in Cx. tarsalis at the concentrations of      ciatus were slightly more susceptible to the EC and
0.5, 1, 5, and 10 ppm AZ. The repellency of the           the technical AZ than those of Cx. tarsalis.
EC was noted at higher concentrations of 5 or 10          formulated neem products were more persistent and
ppm AZ. ln Cx. quinquefasciatus, repellency was           slightly more effective than technical AZ. In Cx.
only found at 10 ppm AZ of both formulations. In          tarsalis, the WP had greater ovicidal activity than
multiple tests using distilled water and neem sus-        the EC.
JuNr 1999                                 EFFEcrsoF NEEMPnooucrs                                           143

                        Flies                          weighing 15-20 mg resulting from starvation with-
                                                       out neem treatment completed eclosion successfully
     A variety of neem products have been evaluated     (Wilps 1987). Injection of AZ into larvae of the
 and found to have different types of activities       blow fly led to a number of abnormal biological
 against both immatures and adults of several spe- effects. In a dose- and stage-dependent manner, in-
 cies of flies. The antifeedancy effect was shown in    jected AZ caused a delay in pupariation of larvae
Musca domestica L. and Phormia terraenovae L.           when injected in the first one half of the last larval
 Insect growth regulator activity was found in Cal-    instar (but no effect when injected into late instars),
 lip ho ra vic ina Robineau-Desvoidy, H aemato bia ir- reduction of pupal weight, and inhibition of adult
 ritans L., Lucilia cuprina Wied., Musca autumnalis    emergence. Adults emerging from AZ-treated lar-
 De Geer, M. domestica, P. terraenovae, arld Sto-      vae were smaller and showed various malforma-
 morys calcitrans L. Reproduction suppression oc-      tions (Bidmon et al. 1987).
 curred in Glossina morsitans centralis Machado. G.         Azadarachtin was also found to impact the im-
 m. morsitans Westwood. and M. autumnalis. and mature stages of the horn fly H. irritans, the stable
 oviposition inhibition occuned in L. cuprina and fly S. calcitrans, and the house fly M. domestica.
Lucilia sericata Meigen. Ovicidal activity was seen When an ethanolic extract of ground up seed (2.7
 in S. calcitrans and P. terraenovae, and flnally, re-  mg AZJg) was blended into cow mankure, the LC.o
 duced biological fitness occurred in G. m. centralis,  and LCeo for the larvae of horn flies were 0.096 and
 G. m. morsitans, Glossina pallidipes Austen, M.       0.133 ppm AZ, respectively. For the EC formula-
 domestica. and P. terraenovae.                        tion of Margosan-O (3 mg AZnD, the LCro and
    Activity against immature stages: Azadirachtin     LCnn were 0.151 ppm and 0.268 ppm AZ in ma-
 and other related neem products act as IGRs to in-     nure, respectively, for the larvae of this species. For
 hibit the development of the immature stages of        larvae of stable flies. the EC formulation had an
 muscoid flies, even at very low concentrations.       LC,n of 7.7 ppm and an LC* of 18.7 ppm AZ in
 When 3rd-stage larvae of the face fly M. autum-        manure. Against the larvae of house flies, the LC.o
 nalis were exposed in 0.OOO01pglml and O.OOOO39 and LC* were 10.5 and 2O.2 ppm AZ in manure,
 pglml suspensions of AZ in aqueous acetone for 2O respectively. From this bioassay, among muscoid
 min,2.75 and ll.5vo of the larvae died, respective-    flies, horn flies clearly are more susceptible than
 ly, and 21.4 and 52.6% of inhibition of adult for-     stable flies and house flies to the test EC formula-
 mation was recorded, respectively (Gaaboub and        tion. When the ethanolic extract was administered
 Hayes 1984b). Exposures for 10 or 20 min to the       daily per os in gelatin capsules at the rate of0.023-
 AZ aqueous acetone suspensions, ranging from          0.045 mg AZlkg body weight, horn fly develop-
 O.fiDOl to 0.1 pglml, caused about 20-83.5Vo or       ment in manure produced by treated cattle was al-
 22.5-97.6Vo inhibition of adult formation, respec-    most completely inhibited. The same level of
 tively. Doses required to inhibit the emergence of    efficacy was attained under identical conditions
 5OVoof the adults (ICro) were very low, O.OO241t"g/ when the EC formulation was given at >0.03 mg
 ml and 0.000039 pClrnl, for the l0- and 20-min         AVkgbody weight or ground up seeds at >lO mg/
 exposures, respectively. The effects on pupae (pro-   kg body weight. However, when the ground up
portion of undeveloped individuals) and adults (in-    seeds were mixed with the feed and fed daily at the
complete eclosion, attachment to puparia, or in-       high rate of 100-400 mg seeds/kg body weight,
 ability to fly) were dose-dependent (Gaaboub and      inhibition of development of stable flies in the ma-
 Hayes 1984a).                                         nure was less than 507o (Miller and Chamberlain
    The addition of AZ to the culture medium of         1989).
larvae of the blow fly P. tercaenovae l;.ad an anti-        Regarding the mechanism of action of AZ on the
feedant effect and resulted in a lower growth rate.    development and growth of immature stages of
Intake of this substance, at approximately 3.5 1rg/g synanthropic and synzootic flies, the key factor is
fresh weight, produced larvae weighing one half as the disruption of endocrinologic events by the treat-
much as controls. A higher intake of AZ was cor- ment with AZ. For example, in C. vicina, the treat-
related with a further decrease in weight and an ment of larvae with AZby injection had a negative
increase in mortality. Depending on the AZ quan-       dose-dependent effect on the ecdysteroid content of
tities consumed, the ratio of the amount of food       larvae and pupae. Azadirachtin caused a delay in
converted into body weight to the amount of food       the appearance of ecdysteroid, which triggers pu-
ingested decreased from 64Vo in controls to I6Vo in    parium formation, in the larvae. The peak of the
the treatment when the larvae consumed AZ at 15 hormone titer in AZ-treated larvae was lower but
pglg fresh weight. Accordingly, the body weight of     lasted longer. The negative effects of AZ on the
the resulting pupae was reduced from 65 mg in the      production of ecdysteroid (biosynthesis and re-
control to 15 mg in treatment. Pupae resulting from    lease) were further demonstrated in vitro with iso-
t}re AZ treatment weighing
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