Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9

Page created by Marion Vazquez
Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
accoya                        ®

Wood Information Guide V3.9

Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               1   INTRODUCTION



    Accoya wood
                                   About this guide
    properties            3

3   Transport and storage 13

4   Wood moisture                  Welcome to the Accoya Wood Information Guide. This document
    content              15
                                   has been written for professionals wishing to use Accoya wood to
5   Processing           17        create beautiful, reliable and highly durable end products and has
6   Gluing               23        been compiled to offer best practices and recommendations for
7   Contact with                   the handling and use of Accoya wood.
    other materials      27
    Metals               28
                                   The guide is composed from current
    Non-metals           30        good practice, without aiming to
8   Weathering           33        be exhaustive and is produced as
                                   part of the supporting information
9   Coatings             41        portfolio to the “Accoya wood –
10 Fire behaviour        48        Certificate of Warranty”.

11 Contact               51        In addition, Accsys runs an
                                   approved Manufacturer Training
                                   Programme and we would               This is version 3.9 of the Accoya
                                   encourage all manufacturers          Wood Information Guide. To
                                   planning to use Accoya to            confirm this is the most up to
                                   participate in this training         date version and check for other
                                   programme.                           potentially useful information
                                                                        please check our website:
                                   Should you require any further
                                   information or guidance,
                                   please contact your local sales
                                   representative or send an email

                                                                                                                  ® ®
                                                                                                                                            | |V3.9
                                                                                                                                                V3.9|| 2020   2
Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties

1   Introduction          2        Accoya wood has been produced commercially since 2007,
2   Accoya wood                    initially in small volumes, then growing as manufacturers
    properties            3
                                   and architects gained an appreciation for its characteristics.
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   Adoption has accelerated to the extent that almost
4   Wood moisture                  350,000m3 has been used around the world for a range of
    content              15
                                   exterior applications. Accoya represents a major development
5   Processing           17
                                   in wood technology that has made the consistent supply
6   Gluing               23        of durable, dimensionally stable and reliable wood from
7   Contact with                   a sustainable source possible.
    other materials      27
    Metals               28        Accoya wood’s performance           K EY P ROP ERTIES & BENEFITS
    Non-metals           30        credentials have been extensively
8   Weathering           33
                                   researched and repeatedly
                                   demonstrated. Accoya wood has                  H I G H LY          H I G H LY                  IDEAL FOR                    E XCE L L E N T
9   Coatings             41        properties that exceed those of                S TA B L E          DUR ABLE                    COAT I N G                   M ACH I N A B I L I T Y

10 Fire behaviour        48        the world’s best woods yet it is
                                   manufactured by modifying wood
11 Contact               51        sourced from well-managed
                                                                                  NON                 B A R E F OOT               S T RU C T U R A L LY        S US TA I N A B LY
                                   sustainable forests through                    TOX I C             F R I E N D LY              CE R T I F I E D             SO U RCE D
                                   acetylation without the
                                   introduction of toxins.
                                   Accoya performance testing                     LOW CO 2            I N S EC T                  10 0 %
                                                                                                                                                               E N V I RO N M E N TA L
                                   is reviewed in detail in the                   E M I SS I O N S    R E S I S TA N T            R EC YCL A B L E
                                                                                                                                                               I M PAC T
                                   Performance Testing Summary

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Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        2.1 Appearance                                                  Property                       Test method                           Value
2   Accoya wood                    Accoya wood is supplied as rough
    properties            3                                                                        Durability                     EN 113 (EN84), ENV 807 and EN 252     Class 1*
                                   sawn and finger jointed in various                                                             AS5604                                Class 1
3   Transport and storage 13       sizes and grades.
                                                                                                   Density                        65% RH, 20°C (70oF)                   515 ± 80 kg/m³
4   Wood moisture
                                   Detailed information on available                                                                                                    32 lb /ft3 ± 5 lb /ft3
    content              15
                                   dimensions is available at:                                     Shrinkage (avg)                ISO 4469
5   Processing           17
                                                                                                     Wet to 65% RH, 20°C          Radial                                0.4%
6   Gluing               23
                                   Details of end product                                                                         Tangential                            0.8%
7   Contact with                   manufacturers and Accoya
    other materials      27                                                                          Wet to Oven Dry              Radial                                0.7%
                                   stocking distributors can be
                                                                                                                                  Tangential                            1.5%
    Metals               28        found at:
    Non-metals           30                                     Equilibrium moisture           65% RH, 20°C (70oF)                   3 – 5%
8   Weathering           33        2.2 Material properties                                         Thermal conductivity           EN 12667                              0.12 W/m K
9   Coatings             41        This table shows the average                                                                   ASTM C-177                            0.10 W/m K

10 Fire behaviour        48        properties of Accoya wood made                                  Janka hardness                 ASTM D143                             Side 4,100 N
                                   from radiata pine and has been                                                                                                       End 6,600 N
11 Contact               51
                                   compiled using data from official test
                                                                                                   Brinell hardness               EN 1534                               2.4 kgf/mm2
                                   reports from independent institutes
                                                                                                                                                                        24.0 N/mm2
                                   in Europe, USA, Australia and New
                                   Zealand. For further information on
                                   a wider range of testing information
                                                                            *What is Class 1 Durability? Wood resistance to rot and decay is measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being
                                   please see the Accoya Performance
                                                                            the most durable. Provisional durability class can be determined in a 16 week petri dish test (EN113). Official
                                   Testing Summary brochure,                durability class can only be determined from long term, real life durability testing (EN252). Results show many
                                   available at:             wood types can under perform in EN252. Accoya achieves durability class 1 in both EN113 and EN252. As there
                                                                            is no durability class system in the USA, Accoya has been tested alongside other durable woods including FEQ
                                                                            Burmese teak, sapele mahogany and western red cedar. This five year ground contact test in accordance with
                                                                            AWPA E9 standards was run by an independent lab at their Gainesville Florida test site. Accoya outperformed
                                                                            all tested durable woods. Please see the Accoya Performance Testing Summary brochure available at
                                                                   for more details.

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Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        2.3 Mechanical properties                                                                     Characteristic values for strength class:
                                                                                Property strength [N/mm2]
2   Accoya wood                    The Accoya acetylation process                                                                C16 (A2 Grade)       C22 (A1 grade)
    properties            3
                                   improves hardness and compression            Bending                           fm,k           16                   22
3   Transport and storage 13       strength significantly. Accoya is
                                   approved for a general building use
4   Wood moisture
    content              15        by the German Institute for Building           Parallel to grain               ft,0,k         10                   13
                                   Technology (DIBt) for load bearing
5   Processing           17                                                       Perpendicular                   ft,90,k        0,5                  0,5
                                   structural applications. This DIBt
                                   approval qualifies the strength class of     Compression
6   Gluing               23
                                   A1 and A2 solid Accoya timber, based           Parallel to grain               fc,0,k         17                   20
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        on the European strength class system
                                   of C classes (EN338).                          Perpendicular                   fc,90,k        2,2                  2,4
    Metals               28
                                                                                Shear                             fv,k           1,8                  2,4
    Non-metals           30        Accoya A1 quality is classified as
                                   C22 strength grade and Accoya                Stiffness [kN/mm2]
8   Weathering           33
                                   A2 quality is classified as C16 (see
                                                                                Mean MOE parallel                 E0,mean        8                    10
9   Coatings             41        adjacent table). The approval applies
                                   to Accoya wood in the widths 100mm           5% MOE parallel                   E0,05          5,4                  6,7
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   to 250mm with a thickness of 25mm            Mean MOE perpendicular            E90, mean      0,27                 0,33
11 Contact               51        to 100mm, and can be used both flat
                                   and upright. C22 and C16 strength            Mean shear modulus                Gmean          0,5                  0,63

                                   classes are common for structural
                                                                                Density [kg/m3]
                                   timbers produced from spruce and pine
                                   in the UK and Mainland Europe.               Density                           0k             310                  340

                                                                                Mean density                      Pmean          370                  410
                                                            cont on page 6...

                                                                                 NB: Characteristic values are used in structural grade classification and stated as the
                                                                                 average result minus two standard deviation.

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Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        The standard wood design safety         To achieve design values, the              •	Maximum residual acetyl
2   Accoya wood                    factors (kdef, kmod) as given in        characteristic values are divided             compounds content of individual
    properties            3        EN 1995-1 were determined in            by a material factor and multiplied           samples ≤ 1.8%
                                   the DIBt test programme to be           by climate, load duration and beam
3   Transport and storage 13                                                                                          Although levels are controlled,
                                   appropriate and may be used.            height modification factors (EN
4   Wood moisture                  Accoya wood may be fastened                                                        freshly cut or planed Accoya wood
    content              15        to a timber sub-frame with nails,                                                  may have a slight vinegar-like odour.
                                   clamps, wood screws, dowels and         Accoya wood in B grade is not              Some of the residual acetic acid
5   Processing           17
                                   bolts. For non pre-drilled holes, the   strength graded in any way and             will dissolve in water absorbed by
6   Gluing               23
                                   minimum spacing distance and            is not included in the scope of            Accoya wood. In wet circumstances,
                                   edge/end clearance (EN 1995-1-          the DIBt work programme or                 the Accoya wood will therefore have
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        1, table 8.2) should be in line with    certification.                             a pH in the range of 4 – 5.5. At these
                                   wood with a density between 420                                                    levels a wide range of coatings,
    Metals               28
                                   and 500kg/m³.                           2.5 Residual acid                          glues, fixings and other products can
    Non-metals           30
                                                                                                                      be used with Accoya. Please see the
                                                                           Many durable wood species                  applicable sections for each in this
8   Weathering           33        2.4 Property characteristic             naturally contain a quantity of            guide.
9   Coatings             41        values for strength class               acid. Accoya wood contains a small
10 Fire behaviour        48        The strength class determining          amount of residual acetic acid from
                                   properties of timber are strength,      the acetylation process. Since acids
11 Contact               51                                                can create compatibility issues
                                   stiffness and density. The values
                                   mentioned in EN 338 are so-             with coatings, glues and fixtures,
                                   called characteristic values of the     the acetic acid content is measured
                                   material properties. For safety         as part of the quality control
                                   reasons, these are threshold values     procedures of Accoya wood and
                                   that at least 95% of the pieces         within our KOMO® approved Quality
                                   of timber will meet. Hence these        System. Individual batches are only
                                   characteristic values are lower than    released for sale if the residual acetic
                                   the average mechanical property         acid level is within specification:
                                   values commonly reported for                                                       Q UA L I T Y CO N T RO L SA MPL I N G
                                                                           •	Average residual acetyl
                                   timber species. Average mechanical                                                 Note: Accoya carries out destructive testing
                                                                              compounds content of samples
                                   property values should not be used                                                 on the core of the wood from every batch.
                                                                              ≤ 1.0% (mass/mass oven dry
                                   for structural calculations.

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Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        2.6 Acetylation and                                      All audits involve factory visits
                                                                                            and destructive testing by the
2   Accoya wood                    Durability
    properties            3                                                                 certification body. Thus consistent
                                   Accoya wood is modified uniformly                        quality and performance in
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   through the cross section, not just                      accordance with set standards
4   Wood moisture                  at the surface. The entire cell wall                     is assured. Accoya wood always
    content              15        structure is altered to the effect                       meets the requirements of Durability
5   Processing           17        that it repels moisture, greatly                         Class 1 for Use Classes 1-4 in
                                   reducing the capacity for bound                          accordance with EN 350-1 & EN
6   Gluing               23        water and therefore swelling and                         335-1. See 2.8 for more information.
7   Contact with                   shrinkage. This bulking up of the
    other materials      27        structure in turn gives it excellent               Accoya wood has evidenced
                                   even when wet.                Pure science
                                   protection and sustained strength                  improved performance in multiple
                                                                                      tests and in numerous regions
                                                                                      against        various        fungal, termite
                                                           From non durable woods             to Accoya       ®
                                                                                                                 through acetylation
8   Weathering           33        The wood structure is modified                     and other insect species in many
                                   through the process to give it its                 locations around the world.
9   Coatings             41                                          Hydroxyl groups
                                   unique stable, durable and inertHydroxyls are hydrophilic (attract water),                                                                Non durable                                   Distillation of

10 Fire behaviour        48        properties with high thermal causing cellulose to swell (and shrink when                                                                  wood species                                  by-products
                                                                     subsequently dried) and become more
                                   insulation that all helps to deliver                                       ACE T YLATION P RO C ESS
                                                                     susceptible to attack by biological organisms.
11 Contact               51
                                   long term performance. Accoya                                                                                                                             Acetylation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Water returned to
                                                                     Acetyl groups
                                   wood performs in the harshestWood  of cellulose contains a small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ground water system

                                   environments and even lends itselfnumber of naturally occurring acetyl
                                                                     groups which are hydrophobic (repel                                                                                                          Acetic anhydride and

                                   to being coated black.            water). There are an insufficient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  acetic acid reused

                                                                            number of acetyls in natural wood to
                                                                            provide durable, stable performance
                                   Modification quality of each batch                                              Naturally
                                                                                                                   occurring acetyl

                                   produced is validated to the Acetylation                                                           Free hydroxyls                                                                        Acetylated wood
                                                                   Reaction of wood with acetic anhydride
                                   core of the wood by a range of (concentrated acetic acid) at high temperature                         Cellulose

                                   sophisticated and proven tests tothat
                                                                      precisely increase the level of moisture
                                                                                                                                                       Acetic anhydride
                                                                   resistant acetyl groups.
                                   take place in Accsys’ laboratories.
                                   This quality control approach is                                                                                           Acetyl group

                                   independently audited on a regular
                                   basis by organisations from USA,
                                   France and the Netherlands.

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Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        2.7 Classification of natural            established for that region. Testing               2.8 Durability use classes
                                                                            on the US Pacific coast is ongoing
2   Accoya wood                    wood durability to wood-                                                                    The EN 335 gives general definitions
    properties            3                                                 with no attack after 4 years.
                                   destroying fungi                                                                            of use classes for different service
3   Transport and storage 13                                                Accoya wood is warranted for                       situations and is relevant to solid
                                   Accoya wood is resistant to salt
4   Wood moisture                                                           50 years above ground, 25 years                    timber and wood-based products.
                                   and can be used around saltwater
    content              15                                                 in ground contact and freshwater                   Accoya wood is suitable for use
                                   (for instance as marina decking
                                                                            immersion. A copy of the warranty                  classes 1-4 defined in this standard.
5   Processing           17        and boardwalks). Accoya is used
                                                                            is available in the warranties
                                   in permanent salt water immersion                                                                                      cont on page 9...
6   Gluing               23                                                 section on
                                   but is not warranted for resistance
7   Contact with                   against attack from marine
    other materials      27        organisms. However, Accoya wood           Use class           Conditions of use                              Wetting                       Wood moisture content
    Metals               28        has been tested in the waters of
                                   Northern Europe for more than a           1                   No contact with the ground,                    Permanently dry               Permanently dry < 20%
    Non-metals           30
                                                                                                 sheltered and dry
                                   decade without attack and a 10
8   Weathering           33
                                   year service life position has been       2                   No contact with the ground, sheltered          Occasionally exposed to       Incidental short term wood
9   Coatings             41                                                                      with little chance of becoming wet             moisture                      MC >20%

10 Fire behaviour        48         Durability class   Description           3                   No contact with the ground, not                Regularly exposed to          Regular, short-term
                                                                                                 sheltered in all weather conditions            moisture                      exposure >20%
11 Contact               51
                                    1                  Very Durable
                                                                             4                   In contact with the ground                     Permanently exposed or in     Permanent exposure to
                                    2                  Durable                                                                                  contact with fresh water      water with wood MC >20%

                                    3                  Moderately Durable    5                   In contact with salt or salt water             Permanently exposed to        Permanent exposure >20%
                                                                                                 splash zones¹                                  brackish water                to salt water
                                    4                  Slightly Durable
                                                                            ¹ The Accoya warranty covers use in salt water splash zones, for instance Marina decking. Accoya is suitable in full salt water
                                    5                  Not Durable          immersion though the warranty does not cover attack by marine organisms.

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Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        The AWPA standard U-1 describes
2   Accoya wood                    use category designations and
    properties            3        typical applications. Accoya wood
                                   is suitable for Use Classes UC1 –
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   UC4A in this standard.
4   Wood moisture
    content              15
                                    Use category           Service conditions                                        Use environment                               Typical application
5   Processing           17
                                    UC1 Interior,          Interior construction Above Ground, Dry                   Continuously protected from weather or        Interior construction and furnishings
6   Gluing               23         Dry                                                                              other sources of moisture

7   Contact with                    UC2 Interior,          Interior construction Above Ground, Damp                  Protected from weather, but may be            Interior construction, sill plates
    other materials      27         Damp                                                                             subject to sources of moisture
    Metals               28
                                    UC3A Above Ground,     Exterior construction Above Ground, Coated & rapid        Exposed to all weather cycles, including      Coated millwork, siding, trim
    Non-metals           30         Protected              water runoff                                              intermittent wetting

8   Weathering           33         UC3B Above Ground,     Exterior construction Above Ground, Uncoated or poor      Exposed to all weather cycles including       Decking, railings, joists and beams
                                    Exposed                water run-off. Excludes above ground applications with    intermittent wetting but with suffcient air   for decks and freshwater docks, fence
9   Coatings             41
                                                           ground contact type hazards.                              circulation so wood can readily dry           pickets, uncoated millwork
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                    UC4A Ground Contact,   Ground Contact or Fresh Water Non-critical components     Exposed to all weather cycles, including      Sawn fence, deck and guardrail
11 Contact               51         General use            (Includes above ground applications with ground contact   prolonged wetting                             posts, joists and beams for decks and
                                                           type hazards or that are critical or hard to replace)                                                   freshwater docks

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Accoya Wood Information Guide V3.9
                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        2.9 Dimensional stability             MOVEMENT LEVELS FROM GREEN TO OVE N D RY CO N D I T I O N

2   Accoya wood                    comparison                                                                 Typical characteristic values      Wetting                 Warranty
    properties            3                                               Species
                                                                                                              Radial                             Tangential              Maximum5
                                   Accoya wood exhibits superior
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   dimensional stability compared to      Accoya                              0.8%                               1.6%                    2.5%
4   Wood moisture                  other naturally durable species, in    (Acetylated radiata pine)4
    content              15        both radial as well as tangential
                                                                          Douglas fir¹                        4.8%                               7.6%                    -
5   Processing           17        direction (table adjacent).
                                                                          Ipe1                                6.6%                               8.0%                    -
6   Gluing               23        This provides short and long term
                                   benefit. In the short term, Accoya     Kebony3                             1.4%                               2.5%                    -
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        remains stable during processing.
                                                                          Meranti¹                            3.0%                               6.6%                    -
                                   In the medium term, joinery remains
    Metals               28
                                   stable and resists movement when       Merbau¹                             2.7%                               4.6%                    -
    Non-metals           30        environmental conditions fluctuate
                                                                          Radiata pine4                       3.4%                               7.9%                    -
8   Weathering           33        after installation.
                                                                          Sapele¹                             4.6%                               7.4%                    -
9   Coatings             41        Further on in service, deck boards
                                   remain flat, stable around fixings     Siberian larch2                     4.0%                               9.0%                    -
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   and with practically no splinters.
                                                                          Teak (Burmese FEQ)¹                 2.5%                               5.8%                    -
11 Contact               51        Cladding boards and louvres retain
                                   their flush and smooth lines and       Thermally modified ash3             2.3%                               4.0%                    -
                                   coated products benefit from the
                                                                          Western red cedar1                  2.4%                               5.0%                    -
                                   board stability placing less stress
                                   on the coating and leading to
                                                                         ¹ Wood Handbook, USDA Forest Products Laboratory. Green to Oven Dry measurements
                                   requiring earlier maintenance.        ² Rosenfeld Kidson – Species Fact Sheet Larix sibirica
                                                                           Internal testing Accsys
                                                                           Dimensional stability of Accoya wood under different moisture conditions, SHR Report 6.322
                                                                           Accoya wood - Certificate of Warranty

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                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        2.10 Expansion and                                   Species                     Characteristic values      Wetting                          Warranty
2   Accoya wood                    Contraction                                                                      Radial sawn (inch/mm)      Tangential sawn (inch/mm)        Maximum (inch/mm)
    properties            3
                                   The adjacent table shows average                     Accoya                      0.04 / 1.0                 0.09 / 2.2                       0.14 / 3.6
3   Transport and storage 13                                                            (Acetylated radiata pine)
                                   movement from green (soaked) to
4   Wood moisture                  oven dry boards of 5 3/4” or 145mm                   Douglas fir                 0.27 / 7.0                 0.43 / 11.0                      -
    content              15        width. Accoya wood’s enhanced
                                   dimensional stability often allows                   Ipe                         0.38 / 9.6                 0.46 / 11.6                      -
5   Processing           17
                                   for:                                                 Kebony                      0.08 / 2.0                 0.14 / 3.6                       -
6   Gluing               23
                                   •	Greater widths on cladding                        Meranti                     0.17 / 4.4                 0.38 / 9.6                       -
7   Contact with
    other materials      27           without excessive cupping
                                                                                        Merbau                      0.15 / 3.9                 0.26 / 6.7                       -
    Metals               28        •	Narrower gaps between
                                                                                        Radiata pine                0.19 / 4.9                 0.45 / 11.5                      -
    Non-metals           30           deck boards
                                                                                        Sapele                      0.25 / 6.4                 0.42 / 10.7                      -
8   Weathering           33        •	Gaps between deck boards
                                      not closing up when soaked                        Siberian larch              0.23 / 5.8                 0.51 / 13.1                      -
9   Coatings             41
                                      in winter months.                                 Teak (Burmese FEQ)          0.14 / 3.6                 0.33 / 8.4                       -
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   It is however still necessary                        Thermally modified ash      0.13 / 3.3                 0.23 / 5.8                       -
11 Contact               51
                                   to take into account the expected
                                                                                        Western red cedar           0.14 / 3.5                 0.29 / 7.3                       -
                                   expansion in installing
                                   Accoya products.

                                                Tangential or flat sawn

                                                               Quarter or radial sawn

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                               2   Accoya wood properties
                                   technical data

1   Introduction          2        2.11 Design and allowance              2.12 Slip resistance                     •	If decking boards are coated,
                                                                                                                      stains are more suitable in
2   Accoya wood                    for expansion                          The slip resistance of all wooden
    properties            3                                                                                           terms of slip resistance than
                                   Accoya wood is extremely               (decking) boards and many other             oils, although that is heavily
3   Transport and storage 13                                              materials depends on factors such
                                   dimensionally stable but this does                                                 dependent on the particular
4   Wood moisture                  not mean it is completely inert.       as degree of weathering, surface            coating system and the cleaning
    content              15        Changes in humidity can cause          profiling, coating, wetness of the          maintenance.
                                   slight changes in its dimensions and   boards and maintenance – i.e. the
5   Processing           17
                                   these should be taken into account     presence of a biofilm of bacteria,       •	Smooth surfaces have a higher
6   Gluing               23        for product design and installation.   fungi and algae. Test methods               coefficient of sliding friction
                                   In extreme conditions the movement     vary greatly across the world (even         compared to grooved surfaces,
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        tolerances in section 2.10 should      throughout Europe) and only a few           and are therefore less slippery.
                                   be allowed. Installation guides        countries have official requirements
    Metals               28                                                                                        Generally speaking, the results
                                   that cover dimensional stability       covering the slip resistance of
    Non-metals           30                                               flooring surfaces.                       for Accoya wood when tested by
                                   considerations for common wood
8   Weathering           33
                                                                                                                   these methods are comparable to
                                   products should be more than
                                                                          The most common slip resistance          unmodified wood species with the
9   Coatings             41
                                   sufficient for Accoya wood.
                                                                          measures express results on new          same surface specifics (including
10 Fire behaviour        48        The Accoya Lumber Grade Guide          boards in wet and dry condition:         dimensions, profile details, surface
                                   lists the maximum allowable                                                     finish and the presence of a
11 Contact               51                                               •	Most dry timber decking boards        lubricant and/or biofilm).
                                   shape tolerance for delivered
                                                                             can be considered as sufficiently
                                   sawn Accoya planks. Accoya’s
                                                                             slip resistant.
                                   dimensional stability does ensure
                                   it can resist distortion in all but    •	When wet, the slip resistance
                                   the most severe applications.             of decking boards is decreased
                                   Traditional approaches such               by approximately 35%
                                   as engineered component                   in comparison with dry
                                   development may not be required           circumstances and are therefore
                                   but will improve performance in           considered more slippery.
                                   particularly severe applications          Designing for easy water run-
                                   such as oversize doors coated             off and ventilation beneath the
                                   black. For more specific information      boards are therefore important.
                                   on dimensional stability values and       A shaded location will also affect
                                   distortion risk, please contact your      the time for the boards to dry out.
                                   local Accsys sales representative.                                              Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   12
                               3   TRANSPORT AND STORAGE

1   Introduction          2        3.1 Accoya wood packages            3.2 Transport
2   Accoya wood                    All Accoya wood undergoes           In order to prevent damage,
    properties            3
                                   inspection before leaving the       products made of Accoya should
3   Transport and storage 13       plant. Accoya wood is strapped      be carefully transported. Protection
4   Wood moisture
                                   with banding straps into standard   of joints, frame corners, projecting
    content              15        labelled packages, each with a      profiles (cills) and hardware is
                                   unique number. The packages are     especially important. To prevent
5   Processing           17
                                   covered with paper wrapping for     water uptake during transport,
6   Gluing               23        dust protection – the wrapping      storage and at the building site,
                                   is not water resistant. Accsys      it is strongly recommended that
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        supplies Accoya wood in rough       Accoya and Accoya products are
                                   sawn dimensions in dry condition    stored under cover or covered
    Metals               28
                                   and ready for use (wood moisture    in suitable, breathable and
    Non-metals           30        content
                               3   TRANSPORT AND STORAGE

1   Introduction          2        3.3 Storage                             As with other wood species,            with each board is printed at one
2   Accoya wood                                                            storage at the building site should    end of the board’s sawn surface.
                                   Accoya wood that needs further          be a minimum of 10cm above
    properties            3
                                   processing, gluing or coating           concrete flooring and 30cm above       Batch number should be recorded
3   Transport and storage 13       should be carefully stored                                                     as part of a manufacturer’s
                                                                           (unpaved) ground. Additional
4   Wood moisture
                                   (preferably horizontally), in closed    protection from rain is strongly       production record-keeping per
    content              15        and well ventilated sheds to            recommended but sufficient             job. In case of doubt, Accsys will
                                   prevent water/moisture uptake.          ventilation underneath the sheets is   verify the product’s authenticity.
5   Processing           17
                                   Please see section 4 for more           required to prevent surface moulds.    In addition, Accoya wood can
6   Gluing               23        details on determining whether                                                 generally be traced through the
                                   Accoya wood has absorbed                When storing bundles of (rough)        supply channel by its packaging
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        excess water and for drying             Accoya please note bearers need        number. It is therefore imperative
                                   considerations.                         to be at least every 1.2m and in       to retain all relevant documents.
    Metals               28
                                                                           line with stickers in the bundle.      This tracking is also needed if
    Non-metals           30        Accoya wood can be manufactured         Any bundles stored on top of each      you intend to offer products with
                                   into parts, even with long intervals    other should have the bearers          sustainable wood certification such
8   Weathering           33
                                   before assembly. Unlike many            and stickers aligned to ensure the     as FSC. The packaging number
9   Coatings             41        wood species, changes in size,          transfer of pressure does not cause    is to be quoted in the case of any
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   straightness and shape of parts         undue stress on the boards. Storing    queries, complaints or warranty
                                   due to dimensional stability issues     bundles of processed products          claims.
11 Contact               51        are minimal, and thus it is typically   (e.g. cladding boards) should be
                                   possible to pre-manufacture days’       horizontally on bearers at least       3.5 Information transfer
                                   worth of assembly versus having to      every 800mm, with a minimum
                                   keep tight schedules between time                                              It is important to inform the
                                                                           of 3. Again, bundles on top of
                                   of machining and assembly. Direct                                              owner and third parties performing
                                                                           each other should have the
                                   exposure to water and changing                                                 installation that Accoya has been
                                                                           bearers aligned.
                                   climate (temperature and relative                                              used in the manufacture of the
                                   humidity) should still be avoided.                                             (end) product. Sections of this
                                                                           3.4 Traceability
                                   Note that all freshly machined                                                 guide, such as proper storage
                                   surfaces have the best surface          Accoya wood is primarily               at the building site, appropriate
                                   energy and give best coating            identified by its packaging labels,    fasteners and fixtures to use
                                   and bonding results.                    which feature the Accoya logos.        for final installation and related
                                                                           Additionally the batch number          considerations, should be
                                                                           and grade (A1 and A2) associated       communicated.

                                                                                                                  Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   14
                               4   WOOD MOISTURE CONTENT

1   Introduction          2        Wood releases moisture in dry climates and absorbs moisture
2   Accoya wood                    in humid conditions. The moisture within wood takes two
    properties            3
                                   forms; “free water”, which is contained in the cell cavities
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   (or lumen), and “bound water”, which is contained in the
4   Wood moisture                  cell wall matrix.
    content              15

5   Processing           17        While Accoya wood in any                 It is therefore also important that    in a sustained climate of 95%
                                   condition will have minimal              buildings that introduce high levels   relative humidity/20oC (70oF).
6   Gluing               23        bound water, which is what               of water via the building materials    As such, overseas shipping
7   Contact with                   accounts for many of its superior        require careful management             and regional/seasonal climate
    other materials      27        properties, it can still contain free    to maintain a suitable climatic        fluctuations can have an influence
    Metals               28        water (for example as a result           environment and equilibrium.           on moisture content.
    Non-metals           30
                                   of not using effective end grain
                                   sealer in window manufacture or          4.1 Definition                         Typically, moisture gain or loss due
8   Weathering           33        in horizontal application). Final                                               to fluctuating humidity occurs in
                                                                            In line with normal convention,        the cell walls and is bound. More
9   Coatings             41        product quality can be harmed by
                                                                            wood moisture content, as              excessive moisture gain through
                                   free water during manufacture;
10 Fire behaviour        48                                                 expressed in this guide, is the mass   soaking quickly fills the cell wall
                                   it is therefore essential that the
                                                                            of the water contained in wood,        absorption limit and is deposited in
11 Contact               51        moisture content of the wood
                                                                            expressed as a percentage of the       the cell wall cavity (fibre lumen) as
                                   is determined prior to further
                                                                            mass of absolutely dry wood.           free water.
                                   processing such as gluing and
                                   coating if there is a suspicion that
                                                                            4.2 Wood moisture content
                                   the boards have become wet prior
                                                                                                                          Equilibrium moisture content at fluctuating relative humidity levels
                                   to the manufacturing step.               Accsys dispatches Accoya wood
                                                                            in dry condition (wood moisture               EMC during adsorption
                                                                                                                          and desorption sequence [%]
                                                            Cell cavity     content
                               4   WOOD MOISTURE CONTENT

1   Introduction          2        4.3 Measuring for                   4.4 Water absorption
2   Accoya wood                    excess water                        properties
    properties            3
                                   The typical wood moisture           End grain water absorption of
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   content of Accoya wood cannot       Accoya is particularly high due
4   Wood moisture                  be measured accurately with         to the cell structure. Liquid water
    content              15        standard moisture meters prior to   absorption can be deep and
5   Processing           17        processing because its moisture     Accoya takes longer to dry out
                                   content is below the measuring      than many species. If there has
6   Gluing               23        range. However, standard moisture   been a risk of sustained wetting
7   Contact with                   meters may be used to determine     prior to product manufacture,
    other materials      27        whether Accoya wood has an          measurements for possible excess
    Metals               28        excess of “free water”.             water should therefore be to the
                                                                       core of boards. Extra care should
    Non-metals           30        For pin-type (electric) moisture    be taken in storage and effectively
8   Weathering           33        meters an Accoya setting is         sealing end grain of coated wood,
                                   not available. For indicative       which is discussed further in
9   Coatings             41
                                   measurements either radiata pine    section 9 on coatings.
10 Fire behaviour        48        or another pine setting may be
                                   chosen. For capacitive meters a     Good design and fit for purpose
11 Contact               51
                                   density setting of around 510 kg/   practices should be adopted in
                                   m3 should be used. A measurement    Accoya use and application. The
                                   showing a moisture content of 8%    potential for water ingress should
                                   or more may indicate the presence   be considered and addressed
                                   of “free water” and the wood        by employing good design and
                                   should be allowed to dry before     assembly practices appropriate
                                   further processing, gluing          to the location of the installation,
                                   or coating.                         such as should be employed when
                                                                       working with any timber. For           PI N ME T E R
                                                                       example, avoid water traps such as
                                                                       horizontal surfaces, allow plenty of
                                                                       ventilation for cladding and decking
                                                                       and use a protective coating for
                                                                       external windows and doors.
                                                                                                              Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   16
                               5   PROCESSING

1   Introduction          2        Processing of Accoya wood does not affect its unique
2   Accoya wood                    properties, such as durability and dimensional stability,
    properties            3
                                   as the wood is modified throughout the cross section to
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   a uniform level and these properties are not leachable.
4   Wood moisture
    content              15

5   Processing           17        Accoya is easy to process and           against a wide range of standards
                                   can be compared, in general, to a       in many regions and have shown
6   Gluing               23        harder softwood species such as         no issues.
7   Contact with                   yellow poplar (tulip wood). Accoya
    other materials      27        typically runs better through           As with other wood species
                                   machines than softwoods such as         with higher acid levels (for example
    Metals               28
                                   Douglas fir, cedar and larch and        oak and WRC), caution should
    Non-metals           30
                                   much better than most durable           be taken to prevent long term
8   Weathering           33        tropical hardwoods.                     exposure of wood machinery and
                                                                           exhaust systems to high moisture
9   Coatings             41
                                   Special tools are not required for      levels combined with dust and
10 Fire behaviour        48        standard operations such as cross       shavings to prevent corrosion.
                                   cutting, ripping, planing, routing or   Prior to machining the wood,
11 Contact               51
                                   drilling. Depending on the required     moisture content should be
                                   coating, sanding before finishing       checked (section 4). A moisture
                                   is often not required, due to the       content reading below 8%
                                   particularly smooth surfaces            indicates suitability for processing.
                                   of Accoya after machining and           Also note that the tracking number
                                   subsequent resistance to grain          printed on the Accoya sawn boards
                                   raising from moisture pick up.          (see section 3.4) should be
                                                                           recorded against the job sheet
                                   It should be noted that a light         prior to processing.
                                   vinegar-like odour may become
                                   apparent when Accoya wood is
                                   processed. With proper suction /
                                   ventilation this can be reduced to
                                   a minimum. Health and safety tests
                                   have been successfully performed
                                                                                                                   Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   17
                               5   PROCESSING

1   Introduction          2        5.1 Visual grades                      factors such as the amount of
2   Accoya wood                                                           resin in particular logs and boards.
                                   Accoya wood is a high                  Individual boards are spaced with
    properties            3
                                   performance, all-natural solid         small battens, typically leaving a
3   Transport and storage 13       wood and as such offers the            lighter mark where they meet the
4   Wood moisture
                                   beauty, versatility and charm of       board – known as sticker marks.
    content              15        the original wood species. Accoya
                                   is available in a range of different   The acetylation process can
5   Processing           17
                                   qualities. Consistent with the grade   result in discoloration generally
6   Gluing               23        purchased, the timber may show         up to 6mm in depth with sticker
                                   certain visual defects after being     marks up to a similar depth, and
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        processed, which are not visible       due to natural wood variation,
                                   on the sawn boards’ surfaces as        occasionally deeper. Removal
    Metals               28
                                   graded. The boards are sold on         of this surface discolouration is
    Non-metals           30        the basis of defects visible on the    not required when using opaque
8   Weathering           33        sawn boards. Defects arising after     coatings or for parts that will
                                   processing might include internal      not be visible. Discolouration
9   Coatings             41                                                                                      D I SCO LO U RAT I O N : RO U G H BOA R D, A F T E R SU R FAC I N G 3MM
                                   cracks, internal resin pockets and     and sticker marks visible on           A N D A F T E R SU R FAC I N G 6MM FRO M RO U G H
10 Fire behaviour        48        movement. For more information         surfaced, non coated product
                                   on grade names and definitions for     applications or translucent stain
11 Contact               51
                                   Accoya radiata pine, please see        coated applications will fade over
                                   the Lumber Grading Specifications,     the course of days and months
                                   available on           proportionate to the level of UV
                                                                          exposure. Discolouration can be
                                   5.2 Discolouration                     more apparent once the wood is         1mm

                                   Accoya boards have a discoloured       wet or translucent coated.
                                   zone around the perimeter. Wood        As an example the drawing to the
                                   resins move from the core of the       right shows a 18mm thick cladding
                                   wood to outer zone during kiln         board produced from 25mm
                                   drying. These resins are then          Accoya by setting the bottom knife
                                   solubilised and darkened during        to remove 1mm from the back side
                                   the acetylation process which          and 6mm (plus any over thickness)
                                   causes discolouration in this          from the top side.
                                   outer zone. The level and depth
                                   of discolouration depends on                                                  Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020                    18
                               5   PROCESSING

1   Introduction          2        5.3 Changed properties                   • Accoya wood has an outer zone         marks during processing and to
2   Accoya wood                                                               of discolouration which should        avoid contact with products that
                                   Due to the acetylation process,            be considered in profiling.           will contaminate the surface, such
    properties            3
                                   a number of wood properties                Please see section 5.2.               as oil, lubricant or rust, particularly
3   Transport and storage 13       have been altered that are of                                                    if the wood is to be coated or glued,
4   Wood moisture
                                   importance for machining                 •	Please reference section 5.2         as this can affect appearance
    content              15        of Accoya wood:                             on discolouration when setting       and compatibility.
                                                                               up for profiling to achieve the
5   Processing           17        •	The Janka and Brinell hardness           best result.                         Accoya wood has a low wood
6   Gluing               23           increases from the original wood                                              moisture content and shavings
                                      used to produce Accoya (refer to      For further guidance and detailed       are fine and may become
7   Contact with                      section 2 for ratings). As a guide,   information please contact your
    other materials      27                                                                                         electrostatically loaded due to
                                      Accoya wood is more comparable        local Accsys sales representative       friction caused from machining.
    Metals               28           in machining to species like yellow   and consider arranging an Accoya        This can lead to impressions of
    Non-metals           30           poplar/tulip wood.                    Manufacturer Training Programme         shavings if the exhaust system has
8   Weathering           33
                                                                            session at your workshop.               too low capacity and/or a large
                                   •	Since the moisture content
                                      of Accoya is generally below                                                  section of the wood is profiled
9   Coatings             41                                                 5.4 Sawing, planing                     in one run. Solutions include
                                      5%, this can make some of the
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                      material a little more brittle than
                                                                            and profiling                           increasing the blade rotation
                                      unacetylated wood.                                                            velocity (rpm), improving the
11 Contact               51                                                 Accoya wood is easy to cut in any
                                                                                                                    exhaust/extraction system, using
                                                                            direction. Skilful sawing will give a
                                   •	Density has increased (avg.                                                   antifriction lubricants or otherwise
                                                                            smooth appearance with very few
                                      515 kg/m³) as compared to                                                     reducing static energy at the rotary
                                                                            flaws. Standard techniques such
                                      unacetylated radiata pine.                                                    blades.
                                                                            as using back boards can be used
                                   •	Internal stress within the wood       when very fine results are desired.     Despite Accoya wood’s improved
                                      is reduced by the process. This                                               properties, boards may harbour
                                                                            Accoya wood is easily planed
                                      eases the process of ‘working’                                                tension and flaws internally, similar
                                                                            to a very smooth surface finish.
                                      the timber compared to                                                        to other comparable wood species.
                                                                            Special tools are not required. It
                                      untreated radiata pine and many       is important to avoid machining                              cont on page 20...
                                      other wood types used
                                      for exterior use.

                                                                                                                    Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   19
                               5   PROCESSING

1   Introduction          2        These typical wood guidelines also
2   Accoya wood                    apply to Accoya wood:
    properties            3
                                   •	Similar to other wood species,
3   Transport and storage 13          re-sawing, ripping or heavily
4   Wood moisture                      planing Accoya boards can
    content              15           reveal stresses created during
                                      drying and processing. Ripping
5   Processing           17
                                      to create thinner boards is not
6   Gluing               23           recommended with boards
                                      having an original thicknesses
7   Contact with
    other materials      27           of more than 38mm and should
                                      be approached cautiously in
    Metals               28
                                      all instances. Please consult
    Non-metals           30
                                      your Accsys sales manager for
8   Weathering           33           guidance on specific situations
                                      or variations.                       • W
                                                                              hen planing Accoya wood          • To attain the highest surface
9   Coatings             41
                                                                             ensure that knives are aligned       finish quality on Accoya wood,
10 Fire behaviour        48        •	Checks and resin pockets can           correctly and are sharp. If          it is best you contact your
                                      appear, especially after heavy         working with multiple species        machine and tooling provider for
11 Contact               51           planing or re-sawing.                  and knives that are rapidly          optimum feed and cutter speed
                                                                             dulled, it is advised to machine     settings advice. When machining
                                   •	Although the Accoya wood
                                                                             Accoya wood first before the         Accoya wood for the first time
                                      process relieves a lot of the
                                                                             other species.                       it is best to produce some test
                                      stresses that can cause
                                                                                                                  runs to establish the appropriate
                                      distortion, normal selection         •	Due to the smooth Accoya            parameters for a particular
                                      processes still apply for reducing      surface after planing all           machine and set up.
                                      the chances of change beyond            cutter marks may be more
                                      acceptable limits. Thus, for            defined and show through the      • The in-feed rollers can be
                                      critical parts and for deep             coating. Special care is needed     aluminium but the out feed
                                      milling, wood pieces with               and feed speeds should be           rollers of equipment should
                                      pronounced slope of grain,              adjusted accordingly. A feed        preferably be rubber to prevent
                                      irregular growth rings and              speed comparable to durable         surface damage.
                                      similar issues should be avoided        hardwoods is common while
                                      or used in more tolerant areas.         experience is developed.
                                                                                                                Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   20
                               5   PROCESSING

1   Introduction          2        5.5 Drilling                             5.6 Sanding
2   Accoya wood                    Accoya wood drills in a manner           Sanding Accoya wood presents no
    properties            3
                                   and quality consistent with most         challenges. Experience from Accsys
3   Transport and storage 13       softwoods. For deep drilling, care       manufacturing customers over the
4   Wood moisture
                                   may be needed to remove debris,          years has shown that it is often not
    content              15        given the fine smaller shavings that     necessary to sand Accoya wood
                                   are produced by Accoya wood. For         between coats of water based
5   Processing           17
                                   dowel connections it is important        coatings since fibres scarcely
6   Gluing               23        that the diameter of the drill is no     ‘bloom’ or roughen the surface after
                                   smaller than the diameter of the         moisture absorbance. Nevertheless,
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        plug to prevent splitting.               advice should be taken from your
                                                                            coatings partner on good process
    Metals               28        Best practice for wedges for door        detail, as poor practice may result
    Non-metals           30        construction is to make sure the         in reduced surface aesthetics.
                                   dimensions of rebate and wedge
8   Weathering           33
                                   are sufficiently large, the wedge is     When sanding of the wood
9   Coatings             41        flattened rather than pointed and        surface is required, a belt sander
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   care should be taken in installing:      with a 120 grit pad will give good
                                   a series of taps will avoid splitting.   coating quality results. Orbital palm
11 Contact               51        See section 6.3 for additional           sanders may create a “washboard”
                                   details.                                 effect as the soft pad will sink in
                                                                            and erode the softer summerwood,
                                                                            leaving the denser winterwood
                                                                            high. Avoid this type of machinery                    D O O R WE D G ES
                                                                            or make sure the sander has a
                                                                            hard and rigid base (no Velcro type
                                                                            fixing of the pad).

                                                                                                                    Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   21
                               5   PROCESSING

1   Introduction          2        5.7 Fasteners                           is recommended. This model             components to achieve optimal
2   Accoya wood                                                            largely follows the guidelines of      product service life. Further it is
                                   Accoya wood can be fixed in the         the popular Cradle to CradleTM         recommended to design in such
    properties            3
                                   same way as other commonly              (C2C) philosophy to close biological   a manner that product or material
3   Transport and storage 13       used softwood species and the           and technological cycles as far as     re-use is facilitated, as the service
4   Wood moisture
                                   same general rules regarding            possible and re-use materials.         life of Accoya wood might be
    content              15        pre-drilling, countersinking and        The model consists of the following    exceeding the (economical) service
                                   keeping sufficient distance from        possible waste management              life of the product.
5   Processing           17
                                   the edges should be applied. Like       scenarios in which prevention is
6   Gluing               23        most durable woods, Accoya              the most desirable option and          If this is not possible, it is
                                   contains a small amount of acid. It     dumping is the least.                  recommended that Accoya wood
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        is therefore strongly recommended                                              is used for energy production
                                   that corrosion resistant fixings,       • Avoiding waste                       through incineration. The
    Metals               28
                                   such as high quality stainless steel,   •	Designing products that             German wood research institute
    Non-metals           30        are used. For further information          integrate waste avoidance and       Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut (wki)
8   Weathering           33        on stainless steel and other metal         re-use at the end of their life     has confirmed that Accoya wood
                                   options, please refer to section 7.     •	Re-use of the product               may be incinerated for energy
9   Coatings             41
                                                                           •	Re-use of the material              production in the same manner
10 Fire behaviour        48        5.8 Waste wood and                      •	Use for energy production           as untreated wood.
11 Contact               51        end-of-life considerations                 (incineration)
                                                                           •	Burning                             The last resort should be
                                   Accoya wood waste can be                                                       composting where Accoya wood
                                                                           • Dumping
                                   handled in the same way as                                                     can be handled in the same way
                                   untreated wood. Accoya wood             Since Accoya wood has a long           as untreated wood. Please bear
                                   is non toxic and does not require       service life, it is often the proper   in mind that the decomposition
                                   any special disposal considerations.    selection and maintenance of other     process will be longer than for
                                   Given its long life, multiple           components that now become             untreated wood because of
                                   applications and non toxicity,          the critical success factors. It is    Accoya wood’s resistance to
                                   Accoya wood is suited for               therefore recommended integrating      biological degradation.
                                   re-use and recycling.                   Accoya wood’s performance into
                                                                           the overall design strategy of a
                                   In the end-of-life phase, the
                                                                           product, and apply an appropriate
                                   adoption of the “preferential
                                                                           maintenance interval for coatings
                                   sequence for waste management”
                                                                           and other finished product

                                                                                                                  Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   22
                               6   gluing

1   Introduction          2        As with all wood species, the optimal glue choice will depend
2   Accoya wood                    on the application and the required performance of the glue
    properties            3
                                   bond. Accoya wood has been tested with various types of
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   adhesives for many applications.
4   Wood moisture
    content              15
                                   In general, Accoya wood can
5   Processing           17
                                   be glued using most commonly
6   Gluing               23        used wood adhesive systems.
                                   Particularly good results are
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        obtained with polyurethane (PU),
    Metals               28
                                   emulsion poly isocyanate (EPI),
                                   epoxy and phenol resorcinol
    Non-metals           30
                                   formaldehyde (PRF) adhesives.
8   Weathering           33        The results of gluing with polyvinyl
                                   acetate (PVAc) improve with longer
9   Coatings             41
                                   clamp times but it should not be
10 Fire behaviour        48        solely relied on for strong joints.
                                   Melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF)
11 Contact               51
                                   should be avoided.

                                   When gluing Accoya wood it is
                                   strongly recommended to test
                                   first and if needed contact your
                                   adhesive supplier(s) as they have
                                   in-depth knowledge of the gluing
                                   process and their adhesives. Use
                                   should always be in line with best
                                   practice, design and performance
                                   specific demands. Gluing Accoya
                                   and products offered by adhesive
                                   system partners is part of the
                                   Accoya Approved Manufacturer
                                   training programme.
                                                                                                   Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   23
                               6   gluing

1   Introduction          2        6.1 Changed properties                  as a catalyst and those consisting     •	With water based adhesives,
2   Accoya wood                                                            of two or more components that            possibly increase the clamp time
                                   Comprehensive testing has shown         could migrate differently may             or press time to allow the water
    properties            3
                                   that Accoya wood has good gluing        have weaker bonds.                        to be absorbed and the adhesive
3   Transport and storage 13       properties. However, it is imperative                                             to produce adequate green
4   Wood moisture
                                   that the product’s modified             For further information about the         strength to bond the Accoya
    content              15        properties are taken into account.      moisture content of Accoya wood,          wood pieces.
                                   This is of particular importance        please refer to section 4.
5   Processing           17
                                   because common wood adhesives                                                  •	The applied pressure during
6   Gluing               23        (PVAc, EPI, PU, PRF) either harden      Aspects that require extra attention      gluing should be adapted to the
                                   on contact with moisture or part of     for the effective gluing of Accoya        strength of Accoya wood, as
7   Contact with                                                           wood are detailed hereafter. The
    other materials      27        the water content of the adhesive                                                 should the temperature if heat
                                   needs to be absorbed by the wood.       presence of a low amount of acetic        is applied. Accoya wood should
    Metals               28                                                acid in Accoya wood, as with many         be treated as moderately hard
    Non-metals           30        The acetylation process                 other durable woods, can affect the       softwood in this context.
                                   substantially reduces the ability of    adhesive, especially acid catalysed
8   Weathering           33
                                   the wood to swell. This can impact      adhesives and adhesives with a         •	The curing time and the best
9   Coatings             41        properties such as the ability of       large amount of alkaline additives.       curing conditions.
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   joints to ‘self-clamp’. Another
                                   effect is that the equilibrium          6.2 Optimising the adhesion            •	The properties of glued and
11 Contact               51        moisture content of Accoya                                                        finished product should be fit
                                   wood is substantially lower than                                                  for purpose.
                                   untreated wood in the same              It is highly recommended that you
                                   climatic conditions. While this         consult your adhesive supplier in
                                   makes Accoya wood dimensionally         order to obtain the best results for
                                   stable, it can mean that absorption     gluing Accoya wood. Points
                                   properties of the adhesive into the     to consider include:
                                   Accoya wood are different due
                                                                           •	The quantity of adhesive to
                                   to the hydrophobic nature of the
                                                                              be applied should, if possible,
                                   wood surface, especially during the
                                                                              be even on both sides in
                                   first few minutes after the adhesive
                                                                              accordance with the adhesive
                                   is applied to the surface of Accoya
                                                                              manufacturer’s instructions.
                                   wood. Adhesives that require water

                                                                                                                  Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   24
                               6   gluing

1   Introduction          2        6.3 Joints                                 6.4 Finger jointing
2   Accoya wood                    It is strongly advised that any            Good results have been achieved
    properties            3
                                   end-grain that will be exposed             with EPI, PRF and PU. Special care
3   Transport and storage 13       be sufficiently sealed using a             is required in producing the fingers.
4   Wood moisture
                                   suitable product as recommended            Sharp, damage free knives need
    content              15        by the supplier. This is particularly      to be used to ensure high quality
                                   critical for joinery. For a long lasting   fingers as blunt knives can result
5   Processing           17
                                   result, the importance of a proper         in “broken” fingers.
6   Gluing               23        frame corner joint is emphasized.
                                   Despite the improved durability            Due to the short-term
7   Contact with                                                              hydrophobicity of the Accoya
    other materials      27        and dimensional stability of Accoya
                                   wood, it is still important to make        wood surface and dimensional
    Metals               28                                                   stability of the Accoya fingers
                                   the frame corner joint connection
    Non-metals           30        watertight to avoid possible paint         (reducing the self clamping benefit
                                   performance problems and                   after adhesive application), it
8   Weathering           33
                                   other damage.                              might be necessary to increase
9   Coatings             41                                                   pressing time and curing time.
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   Dowels, biscuits and similar               Press pressures should be
                                   devices, if not made from Accoya           adjusted to softwoods or to the
11 Contact               51        wood, may swell (much) more                specific settings recommended
                                   than Accoya wood. Plastic dowels           by the adhesive supplier.
                                   graded to the application may be
                                   used as an alternative to wooden           6.5 Laminating                          pressure because Accoya wood is
                                   dowels. For dowel connections it                                                   smoother and may expel adhesives
                                                                              Good results can be achieved
                                   is important that the diameter of                                                  from the gluing surface. Take
                                                                              with PU (both 1 and 2 component
                                   the drill is exactly the same as                                                   advice from your adhesive supplier
                                                                              types), PRF and EPI. The best
                                   the diameter of the plug. This is                                                  on best practice for surface
                                                                              results are obtained with structural
                                   to prevent splitting of the ends.                                                  preparation (roughening) before
                                                                              PU and PRF adhesives and only
                                                                                                                      laminating. Adhesive may also
                                                                              these types should be used in
                                                                                                                      require more time to penetrate the
                                                                              uncoated use or applications which
                                                                                                                      surface of the Accoya wood.
                                                                              will be subject to regular wetting.
                                                                              It is important to work on a flat                            cont on page 26...
                                                                              surface and not apply excessive
                                                                                                                      Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   25
                               6   gluing

1   Introduction          2        Due to the high dimensional             Whilst EN14080:2013 suggests
2   Accoya wood                    stability of Accoya wood, the           that the durability of glued
    properties            3        annual ring orientation and the         laminated products shall be taken
                                   amount of balancing of layers           as the natural durability according
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   is of less importance.                  to EN 350-2 of the timber from
4   Wood moisture                                                          which they are made, and therefore
    content              15        6.6 Best practice in design             DC1 with Accoya, professional
5   Processing           17        of structural laminate                  bodies such as the Structural
                                                                           Timber Association (STA) in the UK
6   Gluing               23        The physical and chemical changes       consider the use of well-maintained
                                   associated with acetylation, can        water-repellent stain finishes        6.7 Best practice           • Protecting end grain
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        affect the curing process of the glue   together with rain screening and
                                   line. In particular adhesives which
                                                                                                                 in designing                •	Orienting lamella to achieve
    Metals               28                                                other protection measures as
                                   require moisture for hardening can      essential when used in Glulam
                                                                                                                 for moisture                   vertical grain on surfaces to
    Non-metals           30                                                                                                                     mimimise checking and water
                                   be affected by the particularly low     applications, and therefore the       management in
8   Weathering           33        moisture content of Accoya.                                                                                  ingress points
                                                                           Accoya Warranty will only apply       glulam beams
9   Coatings             41                                                to Glulam applications where this     includes:                   •	A robust adhesive to
                                   Testing has so far been undertaken
                                                                           guidance and moisture exclusion                                      prevent delamination and
10 Fire behaviour        48        on Accoya wood by Dynea and
                                                                           is achieved and maintained.                                          moisture ingress
                                   Henkel, in accordance with EN301
11 Contact               51        and EN 302-1 (PRF adhesives)            Please contact your Accsys                                        •	Regular inspection for
                                   or EN 15425 (PU adhesives), to          sales manager for best practice                                      identification and repair
                                   confirm that their adhesives are        guidelines related to structural                                     of splits or delamination
                                   suitable for structural bonding of      laminate design and maintenance.
                                   Accoya. It may be possible to                                                                             •	A maintained, film
                                   use other adhesives, but these                                                                               forming coating
                                   would need to be confirmed by
                                   the relevant manufacturers.                                                                               •	Drainage, particularly on
                                                                                                                                                horizontal surfaces and

                                                                                                                 Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020           26
                               7   CONTACT WITH OTHER MATERIALS

1   Introduction          2        All wood contains organic acids, although the quantity
2   Accoya wood                    varies by species. In moist conditions, these organic acids
    properties            3
                                   contribute to the corrosion of metal fasteners used in wood.
3   Transport and storage 13
                                   Accoya wood has comparable acid levels to many other
4   Wood moisture                  durable species such as oak and western red cedar. In wet
    content              15
                                   circumstances, the Accoya wood will have a pH in the range
5   Processing           17
                                   of 4 – 5.5. For a list of system suppliers in your region, please
6   Gluing               23        visit the More about Accoya / System Suppliers section of our
7   Contact with                   website
    other materials      27
    Metals               28
                                   Tests have shown that base metals       species such as oak and western
    Non-metals           30        and galvanized metals that are          red cedar should be adopted.
8   Weathering           33        in direct or indirect contact with
                                   wood containing acids will corrode      Indirect contact issues can occur in
9   Coatings             41        in damp climatic conditions. It is      non-ventilated high humidity areas
                                   therefore strongly recommended          with a high risk of condensation (for
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   that high quality stainless steel,      example lock rebates, swimming
11 Contact               51        corrosion resistant aluminium           pool enclosures, bathrooms). High
                                   or naval brass products be used         quality hardware and/or corrosion
                                   in areas exposed to moisture or         avoiding techniques described
                                   condensation. When stainless            further on in this section should
                                   steel, corrosion resistant aluminium    be considered for these areas. As
                                   or naval brass is not available it is   with any installation, pit or galvanic
                                   important to take precautions using     corrosion must also be avoided by
                                   lesser grade metals. The metal          using fasteners that are compatible
                                   and/or the Accoya wood should be        with the metals used in hinges,
                                   coated or otherwise separated to        locks and other hardware.
                                   avoid direct contact between the
                                                                           Please consult your fixings supplier
                                   wood and these metals. Similar
                                                                           to avoid any issues.
                                   good practices that are commonly
                                   used in the industry for reference
                                                                                                                    Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020   27
                               7   CONTACT WITH OTHER MATERIALS

1   Introduction          2        7.1 Stainless steel                      7.2 Naval brass and                                       7.3 Coated hardware
2   Accoya wood                    The use of corrosion-resistant           aluminium                                                 When stainless steel fixtures or
    properties            3
                                   stainless steel fasteners and            Corrosion testing on naval brass                          other corrosion resistant metals
3   Transport and storage 13       fixtures that conform to EN                                                                        are not available, coated fixtures
                                                                            (brass containing tin) and higher
4   Wood moisture
                                   10088-1 is recommended, such             quality aluminium products show                           (such as with epoxy, lacquer,
    content              15        as widely used 1.4301 (A2) or            that these metals are highly                              polyurethane or powder coating)
                                   1.4401 (A4) quality stainless            corrosion resistant in direct                             can be considered for those
5   Processing           17
                                   steel. The A4 quality should be          contact with Accoya and may be                            locations where moisture and
6   Gluing               23        used in particularly challenging         considered as well.                                       condensation exposure risk is
                                   environments, such as in coastal                                                                   low (for example the dry side of
7   Contact with
    other materials      27        regions or near highly polluted          For example the following                                 windows and doors). Damage
                                   industrial zones. An international       aluminium grades performed                                to the coating during installation
    Metals               28
                                   comparison of grade specifications       well in internal testing: 3003,                           should be prevented to reduce
    Non-metals           30        is shown in the table below.             6005, 6060 and 6063. Accsys                               risk of corrosion. For example,
8   Weathering           33                                                 anticipate the following grades                           by predrilling for fasteners.
                                   These comparisons are                    will also perform well: 6061, 5154,
9   Coatings             41        approximate only since exact                                                                       It should be noted that the
                                                                            5052, 3052 and 1100, since they
10 Fire behaviour        48
                                   properties vary by standard. The         are commonly used in industrial                           performance of coated fixtures
                                   list is intended as an example           manufacture and transport of                              varies, and no particular standard
11 Contact               51        of commonly available highly                                                                       that can be cited.
                                                                            acetic acid.
                                   corrosion resistant stainless steel
                                   fasteners known to work well
                                                                            S TA I N L E S S S T E E L G R A D E S P E C I F I C AT I O N S
                                   with Accoya. Many other grades
                                   of stainless steel exist, of which        USA       UNS          Old         EN           Euronorm         Name               ISO    French          Swedish   Japanese
                                   many are also highly corrosion                      No           British                  No                                  3506   AFNOR           SS        JIS
                                   resistant, but it is best to work with                           BS

                                   your supplier to understand the           304       S30400       304S31      58E          1.4301           X5CrNi 18-10       A2     Z 6 CN 18 09    2332      SUS 304
                                   compatibility of these other grades       304L      S30403       304S11      -            1.4306           X2CrNi 19-11       -      Z 2 CN 18 10    2352      SUS 304L
                                   with Accoya wood.
                                                                             3016      S31600       316S31      58H, 58J     1.4401           X5CrNiMo 17-12-2   A4     Z 6 CND 17.11   2347      SUS 316

                                                                             316L      S31603       316S11      -            1.4404           X2CrNiMo 17-13-2   -      Z 2 CND 18.13   2348      SUS 316L

                                                                                                                                      Accoya® Wood Information Guide | V3.9 | 2020                28
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