Accounting for Income Taxes| Quarterly Hot Topics - Deloitte

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Accounting for Income Taxes| Quarterly Hot Topics - Deloitte
Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021

Accounting for Income Taxes| Quarterly Hot Topics

US Federal
Tax News & Views, published by the Deloitte Tax LLP Tax Policy Group in Washington, DC,
provides a compact, reader-friendly perspective on the latest tax developments coming out          In this edition
of Congress affecting businesses and high-wealth individuals.

For updates and perspective on the latest tax developments coming out of Congress please           US Federal
subscribe to Tax News and Views.
                                                                                                   Federal Periods and Methods
Ways and Means Committee approves budget reconciliation tax
                                                                                                   US Multistate
The US House Ways and Means Committee, the week of 13 September 2021, approved,
almost entirely along party lines, a tax package that calls for significant revenue-raising        Accounting Developments
provisions targeting large corporations and high-income individuals to pay for lower- and
middle-class tax relief, bankroll tax breaks, and new spending on traditional physical
infrastructure projects and “human” infrastructure initiatives, and to address climate change.

For additional details, please see the Deloitte article dated September 17, 2021.

Deloitte Tax materials on budget reconciliation available
New resources from Deloitte Tax LLP that look at provisions in the budget reconciliation
legislation being developed by US congressional tax-writing leaders in September 2021 are
available here, dated September 17, 2021.

Accounting for Income Taxes| Quarterly Hot Topics - Deloitte
Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021

Credits and incentives for                        Federal Periods and                               Delaware
clean energy, community                           Methods
development proposed                                                                                New law codifies practice of
                                                                                                    limiting NOLs to amounts
                                                  IRS issues procedural guidance
On 10 September and 13 September                                                                    claimed on federal return
2021, the US House of Representatives             for final revenue recognition
Ways and Means Committee released                 regulations                                       New law limits a Delaware corporate
markups of pieces of the Build Back Better                                                          taxpayer’s net operating loss deductions to
Act (Act) (bill number not yet released), a       On 12 August 2021, the US IRS released            those deductions that were claimed on its
large legislative proposal that is part of the    Revenue Procedure (Rev. Proc.) 2021-34 and        federal income tax return. Under the new
budget reconciliation proposed legislation.       Rev. Proc. 2021-35, which provide guidance        law, any net operating loss that exceeds the
The bill includes numerous measures to            for a taxpayer to comply with Treasury            amount claimed on a corporate taxpayer’s
combat climate change by stimulating              Regulations under IRC sections 451(b),            federal income tax return is not permitted
the development of clean energy. The bill         451(c), and 1275. Additionally, Rev. Proc.        in the calculation of its Delaware corporate
also encourages economic and affordable           2021-34 provides guidance for a taxpayer          income tax.
housing and community development,                to change its methods of accounting for
among many other credits and incentives           certain inventory costs to comply with IRC        For additional details, please refer to the
proposals.                                        sections 263A, 461, and 471 if they are made      August 13, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.
                                                  in connection with a change in accounting
For additional details, please see Deloitte       method to comply with Treas. Reg. sections        Florida
tax@hand article dated September 14, 2021.        1.451-3 and/or 1.451-8.
                                                                                                    New law updates state
Senators unveil draft bill                        For additional details, please see Deloitte       conformity and contains some
fleshing out details of                           tax@hand article dated August 16, 2021.           decoupling
international tax “framework”
                                                                                                    New law updates corporate income tax
                                                  US Multistate                                     statutory references in Florida to conform
US Senate Finance Committee Chairman
Ron Wyden, D-Ore., along with Senate                                                                to the IRC provisions as in effect on January
Democratic tax writers Sherrod Brown of
                                                  Arizona                                           1, 2021 and decouples from certain federal
Ohio and Mark Warner of Virginia, unveiled                                                          tax provisions involving IRC sections 163(j),
                                                  Combined reporting of                             168(e), and 172.
draft legislation for international tax reform
on August 25, 2021 that provides additional       parent and affiliates deemed
                                                  necessary to accurately reflect                   For additional details, please refer to the
detail on proposed changes within the
                                                                                                    July 2, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters and
high-level “framework” the trio previously        income
                                                                                                    the August 20, 2021 edition of State Tax
released in April.
                                                  Services provided by a parent company were        Matters.
For additional details, please see the Deloitte   deemed operational components of the
article dated August 27, 2021.                    core business embodied in the products and        Hawaii
                                                  services provided by its unitary affiliates and
                                                  thus Arizona combined reporting of overall        New law updates state
                                                  net income by the parent and the affiliates       conformity
                                                  was deemed necessary to clearly reflect the
                                                                                                    New law updates statutory references to the
                                                  taxable income earned by those subsidiaries
                                                                                                    IRC providing that references to the IRC in
                                                  with Arizona income factors.
                                                                                                    Hawaii income tax laws refer to the federal
                                                  For additional details, please refer to the       law in effect as amended as of December 31,
                                                  July 2, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.        2020.

                                                                                                    For additional details, please refer to the
                                                                                                    July 2, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.

Accounting for Income Taxes| Quarterly Hot Topics - Deloitte
Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021


Adopted rules reflect state
treatment of interest expense
limitations under IRC section
The Iowa Department of Revenue adopted
administrative rules implementing
adjustments to income for Iowa individual
and corporate income and franchise taxes
for interest expense deductions under
IRC section 163(j), which are limited for
federal income tax purposes but which are
permitted in full for Iowa purposes.

For additional details, please refer to the
July 2, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.        New Hampshire                                  Oregon

Louisiana                                         New law lowers rates on BPT                    Adopted rules implement
                                                  and BET                                        Portland metro area’s new
New law extends                                                                                  business profits
carryforwards of some NOLs                        Recently enacted budget legislation includes
for an indefinite period                          provisions that lower tax rates under New      Adopted administrative rules seek to
                                                  Hampshire’s business profits tax (BPT) from    implement a new voter-approved business
New law extends the period in which               7.7% to 7.6% and business enterprise tax       profits tax that is imposed within the
taxpayers may carry forward certain net           (BET) from 0.6% to 0.55%.                      Portland Metro District with the first annual
operating losses for Louisiana corporate                                                         tax returns due by April 15, 2022 for calendar
income tax deduction purposes.                    For additional details, please refer to the
                                                                                                 year filers.
                                                  July 2, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.
For additional details, please refer to the                                                      For additional details, please refer to the
July 2, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.        New Jersey                                     July 30, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.

Maine                                             COVID-19 temporary                             Texas
                                                  suspension period for
New law updates state                             corporate tax nexus purposes                   Texas Supreme Court accepts
conformity                                        ends October 1                                 review of case on sourcing
                                                                                                 satellite radio subscription
New law conforms state corporate and              The New Jersey Division of Taxation posted
personal income tax references to the IRC
                                                  updated guidance addressing the impact
to the federal IRC as in effect as of April 30,   of telecommuting and nexus in light of         The Texas Supreme Court granted review
2021.                                             the COVID-19 pandemic, providing that          of a 2020 decision involving a satellite radio
                                                  its temporary waiver of New Jersey’s           subscription service and how to source its
For additional details, please refer to the
                                                  corporation business tax nexus standard for    subscription receipts for Texas franchise tax
July 9, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.
                                                  employees working in New Jersey as a result    purposes.
                                                  of the COVID-19 pandemic no longer applies
                                                  on and after October 1.                        For additional details, please refer to the
                                                                                                 September 10, 2021 edition of State Tax
                                                  For additional details, please refer to the    Matters.
                                                  August 6, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.

Accounting for Income Taxes| Quarterly Hot Topics - Deloitte
Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021

Appellate Court says company                      West Virginia                                  Since 2017, the 139 member countries of
qualified for reduced rate and                                                                   the inclusive framework have jointly been

COGS Deduction                                    Revised rules reflect newly                    developing a “two-pillar” approach to
                                                  adopted single sales factor and                address the tax challenges arising from the
                                                                                                 digitalization of the economy. This led to
Under substance over form reasoning,              market-based sourcing
a Texas Court of Appeals affirmed that                                                           the publication of two detailed “blueprints”
a company engaged in selling business             The West Virginia Department of Revenue        in October 2020 on potential rules for
equipment through the use of certain              has adopted amended state corporation          addressing nexus and profit allocation
sales-type leases qualified for the reduced       net income tax rules reflecting legislation    challenges (Pillar One) and for global
Texas franchise tax rate applicable to entities   that adopts a single-sales factor formula,     minimum tax rules (Pillar Two). The proposals
primarily engaged in retail or wholesale trade    eliminates the sales factor throw-out rule,    were updated and simplified by the US Biden
and may include costs related to the sales-       and implements market-based sourcing of        Administration in April 2021 and formed the
type leases in its cost of goods sold (COGS)      certain receipts.                              basis for the political agreement reached by
deduction.                                                                                       the G7 countries in June 2021.
                                                  For additional details, please refer to the
For additional details, please refer to the       August 6, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.   For additional details, please see the Deloitte
September 3, 2021 edition of State Tax                                                           article dated July 1, 2021.
                                                  International                                  Australia
                                                  This compilation is intended to be an          Accounting for the revised R&D
New law eliminates $10K                           overview of major international tax            tax incentive
                                                  developments during the quarter that
penalty associated with unitary
                                                  may have ASC 740 implications. For more        In October 2020, the Australian government
combined information reports                      summaries of other current international       announced some long-awaited key changes
                                                  income tax news and developments for           to the research and development (R&D) Tax
In 2021 Special Session II of General
                                                  the current quarter, please refer to the       Incentive (RDTI) regime, with most taking
Assembly, the $10,000 penalty associated
                                                  additional publications listed at the end of   effect for income years commencing on or
with failure to timely file Virginia’s one-time
                                                  this section.                                  after July 1, 2021.
unitary combined information report was
stricken from the Code of Virginia. Legislation
was enacted earlier this year requiring some
                                                  Multiple Jurisdictions                         The government chose to backtrack on some
                                                                                                 controversial prior proposed amendments,
corporations that are members of a unitary
                                                  OECD                                           with the following changes now having taken
business to file an informational report by                                                      effect as from July 1, 2021:
July 1, 2021, containing the unitary group’s
                                                  Inclusive framework statement
combined net income and tax.                                                                     • The refundable R&D tax offset is now fixed
                                                  agrees taxation of digital
                                                                                                   at a premium rate of 18.5% above the
For additional details, please refer to the       economy, global minimum rate                     prevailing corporate tax rate;
August 20, 2021 edition of State Tax Matters.                                                    • A single tier intensity threshold mechanism
                                                  On July 1, 2021, the G20/OECD Inclusive
                                                                                                   now provides a non-refundable R&D tax
                                                  Framework on BEPS (“inclusive framework”)
                                                                                                   offset basic rate of 8.5%, with a 16.5%
                                                  published a statement on the key
                                                                                                   premium rate for any expenditure above a
                                                  components of global tax reform, agreed by
                                                                                                   2% intensity threshold;
                                                  130 of its members.

Accounting for Income Taxes| Quarterly Hot Topics - Deloitte
Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021

• Amendments to the claw back and catch-          France                                             new guidance regarding intercompany loans
  up mechanisms to ensure accuracy; and                                                              by a foreign financing company to a German
• A permanent increase in the R&D                 2021 Amended finance bill                          borrower.
  expenditure cap from AUD 100 million to         becomes law
  AUD 150 million.                                                                                   For additional details, please see the Deloitte
                                                  Parliament has adopted the 2021 amended            article dated July 28, 2021.
For additional details, please see the Deloitte   finance bill, which includes provisions that
article dated September 5, 2021.                  temporarily extend the loss carryback              MOF grants extension of
                                                  mechanism and amend the rules on the               deadline for certain ORIP-
Brazil                                            taxation of nonresidents’ capital gains to         related filings
                                                  comply with European Union law.
Chamber of Deputies approves                                                                         The German Ministry of Finance (MOF)
income tax reform bill                            For additional details, please see the Deloitte    published a decree on July 14, 2021 that
                                                  article dated July 21, 2021.                       extends the deadline for certain filings that
On September 2, 2021, Brazil’s Chamber of                                                            are required in connection with the German
Deputies approved the income tax reform           Germany                                            extraterritorial taxation of royalty payments
bill (No. 2,337/2021) initially presented                                                            derived by nonresidents (“ORIP” cases)
on June 25, 2021, although with several           Federal Constitutional Court                       from the original December 31, 2021 date
important proposed changes. The bill now
                                                  rules interest rate on tax                         to June 30, 2022. Despite the extension,
will move forward to the Senate for approval.                                                        affected taxpayers should be aware that
                                                  payments unconstitutional
                                                                                                     the application of the relevant rules can be
Although still subject to review, amendment,
                                                  In a decision dated July 8, 2021 and               highly complex and that they should not
or even rejection by the Senate, certain
                                                  published on August 18, 2021, Germany’s            delay in taking necessary actions.
changes to the original draft bill have been
                                                  Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) held
proposed by the Chamber of Deputies,                                                                 For additional details, please see the Deloitte
                                                  that the 6% annual interest rate applied
which include a reduction of the proposed                                                            article dated July 14, 2021.
                                                  on direct and indirect tax payments and
withholding tax rate on dividends from 20%
                                                  refunds for the year 2014 and subsequent
(30% when paid to beneficiaries located in
                                                  periods violates German constitutional
tax havens or tax-privileged regimes) to 15%,
and a reduction in the proposed corporate                                                            CBDT provides formula to
income tax (IRPJ) rate from 12.5% in 2022         For additional details, please see the Deloitte    recalculate minimum alternate
and 10% in 2023 to 8% as from January 1,          article dated August 20, 2021.                     tax following TP adjustments
                                                  Updated transfer pricing                           India’s Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)
For additional details, please see the Deloitte
                                                  principles provide new                             issued a notification on August 10, 2021
article dated September 6, 2021.
                                                                                                     setting out the formula for adjusting the
                                                  MOF guidance on financing
                                                                                                     minimum alternate tax (MAT) payable
China                                             structures                                         in a year in which transfer pricing (TP)
                                                                                                     adjustments are made for past years (i.e.,
STA issues simplified                             The German Ministry of Finance (MOF)
                                                  published a decree providing updated               additional income is included in the books
procedures for unilateral APAs                                                                       of account) following the conclusion of
                                                  “Administrative Principles regarding Transfer
On July 30, 2021, China’s State Taxation          Pricing” on July 14, 2021. The updates             an advance pricing agreement (APA) or a
Administration (STA) issued Bulletin              generally were made in response to recently        secondary adjustment.
[2021] No. 24, which sets forth simplified        enacted legislation (specifically, the law
                                                                                                     For additional details, please see the Deloitte
procedures for unilateral advance pricing         to implement the EU anti-tax avoidance
                                                                                                     article dated August 10, 2021.
arrangements (APAs) for enterprises that          directive (“ATAD implementation law”) and
meet certain conditions. Bulletin 24 will         the law on the modernization of withholding
become effective on September 1, 2021.            tax relief and certification of withholding tax)
                                                  and the February 2020 guidance on financial
For additional details, please see the Deloitte   transactions provided in chapter X of the
article dated August 2, 2021.                     OECD transfer pricing guidelines; however,
                                                  the decree also provides some unexpected

Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021

Mexico                                            U.K.                                              Accounting Developments
Large taxpayers with low                          New patent box regime
                                                                                                    Environmental, social and
effective tax rates may be
                                                  From July 1, 2021, the new patent box             governance (ESG)
subject to increased audit risk                   regime applies to all UK claimant companies,
                                                  regardless of when the company elected into       Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
Large taxpayers should be aware that                                                                matters may impact a company’s financial
they may be subject to an increased risk          the regime. The new rules meet the revised
                                                  OECD nexus principles and can limit the           accounting and reporting in the context of
of a tax audit if their effective tax rate is                                                       the existing accounting guidance and the
below the relevant industry-specific rate         qualifying intellectual property (“IP”) profits
                                                  based on the proportion of R&D activity           current regulatory environment. While these
in a list published by Mexico’s Service Tax                                                         effects will vary depending on the company’s
Administration (SAT) on June 13, 2021.            undertaken by the company, by applying the
                                                  “nexus fraction.” The effective benefit, which    industry, along with factors such as relevant
                                                  is currently 9%, will increase to 15% from        regulatory, legal, and contractual obligations,
For additional details, please see the Deloitte
                                                  April 1, 2023, when the corporation tax rate      entities should evaluate ESG-related financial
article dated July 21, 2021.
                                                  increases to 25%.                                 accounting and reporting implications.
Russia                                                                                              To learn more about how ESG may impact a
                                                  For additional details, please see the Deloitte
                                                                                                    company’s current accounting and financial
Recent developments affecting                     UK Banking & Capital Markets newsletter
                                                  dated July 23, 2021.                              reporting, please see Deloitte’s Heads Up
IT companies                                                                                        article dated May 26, 2021.

As from January 1, 2021, qualified, eligible IT   Notification of uncertain tax
                                                                                                    Reminder: FASB ASU 2019-12,
companies registered in Russia (including         positions
the local subsidiaries of multinational                                                             Simplifying the Accounting for
corporations) may enjoy the following new         Draft legislation for the requirement to          Income Taxes, now effective
tax benefits (subject to certain conditions):     notify HMRC of uncertain tax treatment was
                                                  published on July 20, 2021. Under the current     As a reminder, the amendments under FASB
• Preferential 3% corporate income tax rate;      drafting, businesses would be required to         ASU 2019-12, Simplifying the Accounting for
  and                                             report to HMRC where:                             Incomes Taxes, are now effective for public
• Reduced social security contribution rates                                                        business entities (PBEs).
  (total rate of 7.6% vs 30% standard rate).      • A provision has been recognized in the
                                                    accounts of the company or partnership in       The ASU impacts various topic areas within
To claim these benefits, software developers        accordance with accounting principles;          ASC 740, including accounting for taxes
must meet the following requirements:             • Reliance was placed on an interpretation        under hybrid tax regimes, accounting for
                                                    or application of the law that is not in        increases in goodwill, allocation of tax
• Obtain an accreditation certificate from the      accordance with HMRC’s known position;          amounts to separate company financial
  Ministry of Communications and Media;             or                                              statements within a group that files a
  and                                             • There is a substantial possibility that         consolidated tax return, intraperiod tax
• Generate at least 90% of their income from        a court or tribunal would, if it were to        allocation, interim period accounting,
  qualified IT activities.                          consider the treatment, conclude that the       and accounting for ownership changes in
                                                    way the amount has been arrived at is           investments, among other minor codification
For additional details, please see the Deloitte                                                     improvements.
article dated August 2, 2021.
                                                  For additional details, please see the Deloitte   For non-PBEs, the ASU is effective for fiscal
                                                  UK Banking & Capital Markets newsletter           years beginning after December 15, 2021,
                                                  dated July 23, 2021.                              and interim periods within fiscal years
                                                                                                    beginning after December 15, 2022. Early
                                                                                                    adoption of the ASU is permitted.

                                                                                                    For additional details and a full summary of
                                                                                                    ASU 2019-12, please refer to our
                                                                                                    December 19, 2019 Heads Up.

Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021

Reminder: FASB ASU 2020-06,                       Join us at the Deloitte Tax Accounting
Accounting for Convertible                        Conference–2021 Virtual from
                                                  November 29–December 9, 2021 for tax
Instruments & Contracts in an
                                                  accounting sessions delivered by well-known
entity’s own equity                               Deloitte speakers. Join discussions on key
                                                  topics and explore insights from the comfort
On August 5, 2020, the FASB issued ASU
                                                  and safety of your virtual office.
2020-06,1 which simplifies the accounting
for certain financial instruments with
characteristics of liabilities and equity,        Learn More
including convertible instruments and
contracts on an entity’s own equity. The
                                                  Additional resources you may
ASU is part of the FASB’s simplification
initiative, which aims to reduce unnecessary
                                                  find helpful
complexity in US GAAP.                            • Accounting for Income Taxes—Quarterly
                                                    Hot Topics Archive
The ASU’s amendments are effective
                                                  • TaxFirst Webcast Series
for PBEs that are not smaller reporting
                                                  • Deloitte Tax Accounting & Provision
companies, fiscal years beginning after
                                                    Services Home Page
December 15, 2021, and interim periods
                                                  • Deloitte Tax Accounting & Provisions
within those fiscal years. For all other
                                                    Dbriefs Webcasts Series
entities, fiscal years beginning after
                                                  • Deloitte Heads Up Newsletter Archive
December 15, 2023, and interim periods
                                                  • Global Tax Developments Quarterly—
within those fiscal years. The guidance may
                                                    Accounting for Income Taxes
be early adopted for fiscal years beginning
                                                  • tax@hand
after December 15, 2020, and interim
periods within those fiscal years.                As always, we are interested in your
                                                  comments on our publications. Please take a
For additional details and a full summary of
                                                  moment to tell us what you think by sending
ASU 2020-06, please refer to our
                                                  us an e-mail.
August 5, 2020 Heads Up.

Other                                             Talk to us
                                                  If you have any questions or comments
For other information regarding newly issued
                                                  about the ASC 740 implications described
accounting standards, exposure drafts,
                                                  above or other content of Accounting
and other key developments, refer to our
                                                  for Income Taxes Quarterly Hot Topics,
Quarterly Accounting Roundup.
                                                  contact the Deloitte Washington National
For upcoming webcasts that give                   Tax Accounting for Income Taxes Group
you valuable insights on important                at: USNationalWNTActIncomeTaxesGrp@
developments affecting your business and
feature practical knowledge from Deloitte
specialists and CPE credits, please visit us at
Dbriefs Webcasts.

Accounting for Income Taxes | October 2021

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