ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...

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ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...
July - August 2021                              PP 3809/03/2013 (031857)

The Malaysian


                              Value-Driven Accountant,
                              Are You Ready?
Customer Experience is the New Corporate Battlefield
The Malaysian Transfer Pricing Developments
How to Build a High-Performance Team
Journal of The Malaysian institute of Certified Public accountants
ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...
ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...
The Malaysian aCCounTanT                                                                                                                  ConTenTs


                       Value-Driven accountant,
       02              are you Ready?

                                                                                                              Customer experience is the new
                                                                                                              Corporate Battlefield

                                                                                                                                                    The Malaysian
                                                                                                                                                    Transfer Pricing

                         how to Build a
          16             high-Performance Team

EDITORIAL BOARD                                               PRINCIPAL OFFICE BEARERS
Datuk Robert yong Kuen loke (Chairman)                        President
alex Khaw (alternate Chairman)                                Dr Veerinderjeet singh
Dato' ahmad Fuaad Mohd Kenali
lee Tuck heng                                                 Vice President                                                The Malaysian Accountant is published by:
Mohd Muazzam Mohamed                                          Dato' Gan ah Tee                                              The Malaysian Institute of
Patrick ng Gan hooi                                                                                                         Certified Public Accountants
stanley Teo swee Chua                                         PRINCIPAL OFFICER
                                                                                                                            195801000106 (3246-u)
                                                                                                                            15, Jalan Medan Tuanku
                                                              Chief Executive Officer                                       50300 Kuala lumpur, Malaysia
                                                              novie Tajuddin (                           Tel: 03-2698 9622 Fax: 03-2698 9403
                                                              Concept & Design                                              e-mail:
                                                              Digibook sdn Bhd                                              Website:
                                                              Reign associates sdn Bhd

Note: The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the Institute or the Editorial Board. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the Institute or the Editorial Board.

ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...
1•PeRsPeCTiVe                                                    The Malaysian aCCounTanT

Institute News
22   Towards a Comprehensive
     system of Corporate Reporting          re accountants in Malaysia          almost two-thirds recognise that
                                            ready to be value-driven            customer engagement will be done
     - Communication of long-Term           accountants? Many                   predominantly via virtual platforms
     Value Creation                  accountants are still caught up in the     and are willing to partner with third
                                     old way of doing things. however, in       parties to deliver service to their
24   excellence awards 2019/2020     these current times, it is vital to keep   customers. hence, most Ceos are
26   Membership update               abreast of new developments and            prioritising technology investments
                                     ideas. and to move ahead,                  because of pandemic implications.
27   upcoming CPD Programmes         accountants need to broaden their          Read the article inside for more
                                     focus on value creation.                   information.
28   MiCPa Programme Term 1,
     2020 examination                There was a time when non-financial        Transfer Pricing is one of the top tax
                                     information played a secondary role        compliance concerns that medium to
29   MiCPa Programme Term 3,         to financial information. however,         large corporations as well as
     2020 examination                now it has somehow evolved to a            multinationals strive to achieve.
                                     great extent that it demands an            Malaysia has implemented several
                                     equal standing with financial              legislation and rules to uphold the
                                     information.                               transfer pricing regime in place. The
Young MICPA Corner
                                                                                article inside gives readers a good
33   Transfer Pricing as a Career    There is an expectation for value-         understanding of Transfer Pricing and
     in Malaysia                     driven governance. leaders must            how it affects businesses in Malaysia.
                                     lead with values to create a culture
                                     that elevates financial performance,       how does one build a high-
                                     encourage ethical practices,               performance team? outdated ideas
                                     develops social contribution, and          no longer work these days. KPis,
35   MasB update                     enriches the environment. There            bonuses are a thing of the past. The
36   iasB update                     must be a vibrant synergy in the           increment of productivity depends on
                                     accounting firm to create effective        how one motivates people because
38   iFaC update                     communication between accountants          poor leadership can destroy
                                     and stakeholders. Read the article         workplace environments.
Legal Update                         inside for more information.
                                                                                it has become imperative to improve
     landlords, Tenants and the      in a recent survey by KPMG, it was         the relationship between leaders and
     extended CoViD-19 act in
42                                   found that 35 per cent of Ceos in          their teams and allow the employees
     Malaysia                        asia Pacific believe that their            to achieve work-life balance. That
                                     business is changed forever due to         would play a significant role in
                                     the on-going pandemic. With the            boosting the team’s agility and
Global Insight                       unpredictable recovery timelines,          resilience.
                                     business leaders have recognised
44   news from Down under            that customer experience has               Many leadership practices are based
                                     emerged as the new corporate               on operational factors, such as how
46   World news                      playing field in this era of continuous    to delegate appropriately,
                                     disruptions. it is thus not surprising     communicate effectively, and
                                     that some companies and industries,        manage the day. There should also
                                     having recognised this fact, are           be a program that teaches leaders
                                     striding ahead in the game.                how to talk to upset employees, how
49   The Mystique of santorini                                                  to stop upsetting employees, and
                                     The survey also showed that 53 per         how to create a psychologically safe
                                     cent of Ceos in asia Pacific plan to       environment where employees
                                     invest more in customer-centric            aren’t scared to share their opinions.
Meet our Members
                                     technologies, such as chat bots,           For more information, read the
53   Dr lee Mei yee                  compared to the previous year.             article inside.

  July - august 2021
ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...
The Malaysian aCCounTanT                                                               FeaTuRe•2

Value-Driven Accountant,

Are You Ready?
       alue creation is working its     functions is evolving as the            “Many accountants are still
       way up the agenda of Boards      emphasis of professional                caught in an old paradigm where
       of Directors because of the      accountants continues to shift from     returns to shareholders are often
drive by investors across the globe     the production of accounts towards      looked at as the more important
to incorporate these aspects in their   value creation. Traditionally, value    key performance indicators. it’s
decision-making process.                creation has never been considered      time for accountants to broaden
increasingly more leaders are           or was always regarded as a             our focus on value creation to
turning towards value-driven            secondary role compared to the          include all stakeholders as well
leadership. of course, professional     provision of financial information.     as esG considerations on a
accountants should forge ahead to       The rising importance of non-           longer-term perspective,” said
become value-driven accountants         financial information in recent years   Dato’ ahmad Fuaad Bin Mohd
and collaborate with others to          is leading to a change in an            Kenali, President and Group
create, innovate, and preserve          organisation’s focus to create short,   Chief executive officer of uMW
value. The landscape of finance         medium, and longer-term value.          holdings Berhad.

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3•FeaTuRe                                                               The Malaysian aCCounTanT

                                                                                There are two broad categories of
                                                                                stakeholders. internal stakeholders
Value Creation through                  Step #1: Evaluate the Needs of

                                        Before reaching out to                  refer to individuals within a
                                        Stakeholders Internally
Engagement with
Stakeholders                            stakeholders, businesses are            business, such as shareholders,
                                        encouraged to perform a                 the board of directors, managers,
The question arises as to what is       preliminary evaluation of their         and employees. external
meant by value creation for a           stakeholders’ needs and                 stakeholders vary depending on the
business. Value is created through      expectations after dealing with         business model. Generally, it
a wide range of activities, including   them for many years. The                consists of customers, suppliers,
engagements, courses, and               preliminary evaluation helps identify   regulatory bodies, government
relationships. These activities         key stakeholders, set priorities,       agencies, strategic alliances,
generally occur in the economic,        prepare responses, and understand       media, and the community. a key
societal, and environmental context     their capabilities.                     stakeholder can have a positive or
within which the business operates
                                                                                negative effect on the value
and depends on. such activities
                                                                                creation of a business. hence, the
take place between the business
                                        Step #2: Identify Key
                                                                                identification of key stakeholders
and its stakeholders, such as           There are many different
                                                                                that affect the value creation of a
customers, employees, suppliers,        stakeholders in a business              business is crucial to achieving
regulators, the government,             organisation. The priorities of an      sustainable goals in the long-term.
community, and others, in the           organisation’s strategy can vary
context within which business           depending on who the key
activities are carried out. The         stakeholders are and what their
activities that we engage in with       perspectives are, i.e., their needs
stakeholders affect the level and       and expectations. Generally,
type of value that businesses can       stakeholders in a business can be
create.                                 categorised as follows:

one of the key reasons for
engaging stakeholders is
understanding their needs and
expectations and how they affect
the business’s activities. To some
extent, it helps determine the cost
and resources available as inputs
to carry out business activities and
create value for stakeholders. in
the process of creating value for a
business, the types of risk and
opportunities, including potential
uncertainties that could possibly
affect the business’s ability to
create value, should be identified
and managed throughout the value
creation process. an accountant is
expected to drive this process. The
following steps are intended to
guide accountants in engaging with
stakeholders and encouraging their
participation in a robust
sustainability strategy.

July - august 2021
ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...
The Malaysian aCCounTanT                                                                  FeaTuRe•4

                                        identified material matters. it is       businesses should consider
                                        recommended that the strategies          focusing on its link to
Step #3: Understand the Needs

                                        are accompanied by a list of             environmental, societal, and
and Expectations of

in order to be cognisant of             implementation plans to achieve          economic value. shared value is

stakeholders’ needs and                 the targets of the business. it is       based on the premise that having
expectations, information must be       important to know that whatever an       environmental, societal, or
elicited from them. an individual       organisation decides to include in       economic issues that are not
stakeholder’s request may or may        its strategy needs to be                 addressed increases the cost of
not represent the entire category of    implemented and integrated into          businesses. instances of such
stakeholders accurately. Therefore,     organisational behaviour.                issues are wasted water and
an evaluation of the request from                                                energy, air emission and air quality,
an individual stakeholder should be     This ‘match’ between societal and        and hazardous material use, which
carried out to ensure it represents     organisational input on the one          destroys the value or limits the
the wider stakeholder category.         hand and output, on the other hand,      extent of value creation over the
upon establishing the accuracy of       is a crucial condition for business      longer term. a business model
requests, they can be defined as a      integrity behaviour. The most            without addressing externalities
"wish list".                            important reason for identifying and     make businesses unsustainable in
                                        understanding stakeholders is that       the long term.
                                        it allows you to address their
                                        genuine concerns. stakeholder
Step #4: Identify and Categorise

an analysis of the ‘wish list’ is a     engagement is a continuous
as Material Matters
                                                                                 Value Creation for a
way of determining which requests       process. With the appropriate            Business Itself and for
have the most positive or negative      preparation, feedback, and               Other Stakeholders
influence on the value creation of a    implementation plan, businesses
business, what is likely to be most     can effectively create value for their   Traditionally, businesses are profit-
affected by value creation, and how     stakeholders in the short, medium,       oriented. Business owners or
a business should work alongside        and long term.                           managers have a profit-oriented
stakeholders with different levels of                                            mindset and aim at maximising the
interest and influence. hence, a        Value Creation                           income of the business for the sole
business should further analyse         Covering Externalities                   benefit of the shareholders or
which material requests can be                                                   owners. however, due to the
regarded as a material matter for       as for what value should be created      recent demand for non-financial
the business.                           by a business, certain outcomes          information by investors, the focus
                                        must be reviewed from how its            of businesses has increasingly
                                        business activities create an impact     shifted from profit-oriented to value-
                                        beyond the business, such as to          driven. a question arises as to
Step #5: Format a relevant

Through the above-mentioned             the environment, society, and            whether such value should be

stakeholder engagement, an              economy. externalities are seen as       created solely for shareholders,
organisation can learn about the        the responsibility of a business in      multiple stakeholders, or both. To
expectations stakeholders may           today’s world. externalities can be      answer this question, businesses
have and integrate these                positive or negative, resulting in a     get the most out of a society’s
appropriately in the business           net increase or decrease to the          limited resources, so in return, they
strategy. The next step is to form a    value created. in creating shared        should consider returning greater
list of strategies to address the       value with stakeholders,                 value to society. in other words,

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5•FeaTuRe                                                               The Malaysian aCCounTanT

businesses should consider the          secure a competitive advantage, as      the government, and the
pursuit of stakeholder value for        this distinguishes itself from others   community.
multiple stakeholders in addition to    in this competitive environment.
maximising its financial value for      such creation of value through          Value-Driven
shareholders. There are differences     innovation will also help businesses    Accountant
between financial value and             master new mechanisms to build
stakeholder value and how               sustainable growth. There are           Given the increasing demand for a
businesses manage the two.              various methods by which                value-driven business, the role of
Businesses should ask themselves        businesses measure value                the Chief Financial officer has
the following questions:                creation. The common                    grown to encompass a broader
                                        measurement methods such as             scope, which includes looking into
•   Does your business focus on         surveys, balanced scorecard,            non-financial information to the
    financial value, i.e. profits and   enterprise value, economic value-       value-driven business model,
    share price, to the point of        added, total contribution, total        leading to the emergence of the
    neglecting stakeholder value,       economic value, and total value are     Chief Value officer. The role of the
    i.e. customer safety, customer      generally adopted by businesses.        Chief Value officer is to assist in
    satisfaction, public trust and so                                           driving and creating value through
    on?                                 Trade-offs of Value                     the harnessing of the multi-capitals,
•   Do your products or services        Creation                                namely natural capital,
    create a positive or negative                                               manufacturing capital, intellectual
    impact on stakeholders?             inevitably, there will be times when    capital, financial capital, social and
•   Do your products or services        the stakeholders’ interests in a        relationship capital, and human
    add value to your customers in      business are not complementary.         capital. it means that they are
    the short, medium, and long         Traditionally, business leaders have    expected to be involved in
    term?                               skewed some of their decisions too      discussions about creating long-
•   Does your business allow itself     much toward the interests of            term value for the business and its
    to pursue projects that generate    shareholders. however, this should      stakeholders. in other words, their
    significant value to stakeholders   change moving forward.                  role has gradually been expanded
    but do not generate revenue?        Businesses should resolve the           to cover monitoring of long-term
•   are your products or services       conflicts by focusing on long-term      value creation in addition to the
    the most meaningful way to add      value creation, as the long-term        traditional role of overseeing short-
    value to stakeholders?              value of a business cannot be           term financial performance. Both
                                        maximised if any important group of     the value created and destroyed by
                                        people with shared interests is         the business is to be accounted for
Value Creation through                  ignored. The reality is that the        and disclosed to the board of
Innovation                              interests of different groups can be    directors, those charged with
                                        at odds with one another. strategic     governance, management, and key
Value creation for the business and     decisions involve trade-offs bearing    stakeholders through value-driven
other stakeholders should be a          in mind that businesses cannot          corporate reporting.
continuous process. in addition,        create sustainable value without
businesses are also encouraged to       having a good relationship with key
lay down strategies that innovate       stakeholders such as customers,
new outcomes regularly to help          employees, suppliers, regulators,

July - august 2021
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The Malaysian aCCounTanT                                                               FeaTuRe•6

“The role of a CFo has                achieving the planned outcomes.         business model needs to cascade
developed in ways previously          To fulfil such goals, the CFo cum       down and become part of the Dna
unanticipated. a modern CFo           CVo needs to change their               of the entire business.
holds responsibilities far beyond     mindsets to embrace value
just overseeing a company’s           creation. Traditionally, the focus is   a CVo is expected to manage
finances. simply put, a CFo of        always placed on financial key          value and drive all strategies,
today’s modern business must          performance indicators (KPis).          cultures and mindsets, processes
be involved in driving and            There is a need for a change to a       and organisational elements
creating value for the                multiple capital approach,              towards value. a brief competency
company’s shareholders and            managing other business capitals,       expected from a CVo includes:
stakeholders.” said encik             including natural, human, social        • Deploying value-based
Rozaini Bin Mohd sani, Group          and relationship, manufactured and          strategies, including the use of
Chief Financial officer of Johor      intellectual capitals. in addition to       multiple capital approach
Corporation.                          the KPis, CVos are involved in          • setting the tone from the top,
                                      setting and measuring non-financial         advocating a value-based
Competency of a Chief                 KPis, including innovation,                 culture and mindset, and
Value Officer                         customer satisfaction, employee             embracing integrated thinking
                                      engagement and quality of service.      • implementing value-based
Today, the CFos are becoming the      The deployment of a multiple                processes and managing risks
Chief Value officers (CVos) to lead   capital approach helps businesses           strategically
and report on how the business        move away from reporting in silos       • Generating both financial
deploys resources, i.e. multiple      and embrace integrated thinking.            outcomes for the organisation
capital approaches, to perform its    This requires communicating the             and value-based outcomes for
business activities to produce the    interconnected and interdependent           stakeholders
intended outputs with the aim of      nature of these capitals, and the

ACCOUNTANT - Value-Driven Accountant, The Malaysian Institute Of ...
7•FeaTuRe                                                               The Malaysian aCCounTanT

Customer Experience is

the New Corporate Battlefield
                                             By Datuk Johan Idris, Managing Partner of KPMG in Malaysia

          ore than a year since the      This isn’t to say that we’ll go back   believe their business is forever
          CoViD-19 pandemic first        to the normal as we knew it. earlier   changed, higher than the global
          became rampant, we are         this year, our 2021 KPMG Ceo           average (24 percent).
finally starting to see a viable path    outlook Pulse survey found that 35
forward now that most countries          percent of Ceos in asia Pacific
have begun their vaccination roll-
out. at this time of writing, the
                                         When do CEOs envision that their company will return to a normal
Malaysian Government has begun
                                         course of business?

to accelerate the nation’s
vaccination program to administer a
delivery rate of 200,000 doses daily
and our honorable Prime Minister
has also unveiled the national
Recovery Plan.

While the past year has thrown
everyone for a loop, this light at the
end of the tunnel means leaders
can now start to plan for a post-
pandemic future.

                                                    Source: 2021 KPMG CEO Outlook Pulse Survey

July - august 2021
The Malaysian aCCounTanT                                                                 FeaTuRe•8

Whatever the timeline that recovery     Majority of Ceos also noted             Today, most customers are now
takes, it’s clear that business         experiencing significant digital        comfortable using online channels
leaders have already recognized         acceleration in the creation of a       to buy what they need. adding on
that they are operating in an era of    seamless digital customer               the psychological impact of CoViD-
                                        experience. 31 percent of Ceos          19 on customer spend, there is also
continuous disruptions. in many
                                        said that their progress has sharply    a heightened expectation for
ways, this pandemic has been a
                                        accelerated, putting them years in      brands to deliver better, safer, and
global reset that has also leveled      advance of where they expected to       more seamless interactions at a
the playing field. Customer             be, while 65 percent said that their    lower cost.
experience is now the new               progress has accelerated by a
corporate playing field, and already    matter of months. only 4 percent        The companies getting customer
we see some companies and               were said to maintain the same          experience right have a crystal-
industries striding ahead in the        amount of progress as before the        clear understanding of who their
game.                                   pandemic.                               winning customers are today. They
                                                                                have deep insights into their likes,
                                                                                habits, preferences, needs and
our survey revealed 53 percent of
                                                                                value. These companies clearly
                                        Customer experience
Ceos in asia Pacific plan to invest     and the way forward                     understand who they want to win
more in customer-centric                                                        with and why.
technologies, such as chat bots,        For the near future, businesses will
compared to the previous year.          need to mesh two separate
almost two thirds (61 percent)          playbooks—one they’ve used this
                                                                                The New Reality
recognize that customer                 past year to survive the crisis and a   customer
                                        new one to help lead the company
engagement will be done
                                        into the post-pandemic future.          Customers in the new reality prefer
predominantly via virtual platforms,
                                        organizations can start with            contactless interactions, are more
and are willing to partner with third   strategically re-engaging with their    financially constrained and are
parties to deliver service to their     customers.                              more thoughtful and selective in
customers. unsurprisingly, a                                                    their decision-making. Most of all
majority of Ceos (69 percent) are       With lockdowns and social               they prefer to prioritize brands they
prioritizing technology investments     distancing in place, many               trust.
as a result of pandemic                 organizations have had to
implications.                           accelerate and augment their            •   Organizations will need to
                                        existing operating models to                rethink their business and
                                                                                    operating models. Value for
                                                                                    money has become one of the
                                                                                    most important factors in
                                                                                    decision-making and has
                                                                                    become a significant driver of
                                                                                    loyalty. The consumer’s search
                                                                                    for value for money is a
                                                                                    fundamental change in
                                                                                    purchase priorities and will be
                                                                                    prevalent for 12 months or
                                                                                •   as customers are now more
   Source: 2021 KPMG CEO Outlook Pulse Survey (Asia Pacific results)                comfortable using online
                                                                                    channels to buy what they need
one of the reasons for this is          maintain continued transactions             and gravitating towards
customer driven, as 46 percent of       and commercial cadence with their           touchless shopping and
Ceos mentioned that they are            customers, thereby creating                 contactless payments,
prioritizing these investments as       digitally savvy consumers that              organizations should
their customers are more open to        demand easy and effortless                  consider investing in new
these measures since the                interactions.                               digital methods of
pandemic.                                                                           communication and

9•FeaTuRe                                                                  The Malaysian aCCounTanT

      payments. use of chat                 The six Pillars of experience
      technologies and social media         excellence are inextricably                  supply chain risk was
                                                                                      3) Build in resilience

      has grown with a threefold            intertwined and, when utilized               considered one of the top risks
      increase in consumers claiming        properly can provide a powerful              to Ceos given the disruptive
      they will use social channels,        mechanism to help organizations              impact of CoViD-19, and was a
      webchat, messenger apps and           understand how well their customer           driver for organizations to
      sMs chat as their main means          experience is delivered across               become more agile in response
      of communicating with                 channels, industries, and company            to changing customer needs.
      organizations in the new reality.1    types.

•     Trust becomes multi-                                                               While embedding new
                                                                                      4) Keep it human

      dimensional. integrity and trust                                                   technologies such as ai and
                                            The future is customer
      are anchored in an                    centered                                     automation are likely to be
      organization’s purpose and sets                                                    critical in developing more
      an ethical standard that the          There are several key                        seamless interactions for
      business must live up to.             considerations that business                 customers, remember not to
      Consumers are more likely to          leaders can contemplate to make              lose the human touch at key
      gravitate towards firms who           faster progress towards a                    moments.
      have demonstrated resilient,          customer-centered strategy.
      moral principles and a
      commitment to humanity, the
                                                                                      5) Make use of new

      environment and social aims.                                                       Make sure that you research

                                                                                         into what new technologies are
                                            1) Keep close to what your

KPMG’s Customer experience                     The ability to think “outside in” is      available that could help you
                                               customers want

excellence Centre (CeeC)                       key in building a customer-               serve customers better or
research hub has validated six                 centric business. ensure that             connect your business up more
fundamental components of                      you are not deviating from your           seamlessly. are you utilizing
every great customer experience                original goal of delivering on            cloud effectively and securely?
journey, which applies across all              what your customers want,                 are you building in appropriate
industries. The results are based on           need and are willing to pay for;          automation and ai? are your
almost a decade of research and                keep looking up and outside of            teams empowered with
more than 2 million evaluations                the organization to ensure your           collaborative tools so that they
across multiple markets.                       mission is at the fore.                   can better work together and
                                                                                         share key information and data
                                                     2) Do things in an agile            easily?

                                                        Becoming a connected          This pandemic has been a

                                                        enterprise is a               challenging time but it has also
                                                        transformation — but that     emphasized the need to put
                                                        doesn’t mean the              customers at the heart of the
                                                        business needs to             business. Going forward, we
                                                        revolutionize itself          believe that digitally transformed
                                                        overnight. Break changes      companies can gain and maintain
                                                        down into specific steps,     competitive advantage when they
                                                        sequence them and             align their front, middle and back
                                                        implement them. Keep          office to deliver on the
                                                        assessing whether the         organization’s customer promise
                                                        change has been               and value proposition and do so
                                                        successful in a ‘test and     economically and profitably.
                                                        learn’ approach. it’s about
                                                        a series of small changes     1   Global Customer Experience
                                                        that together add up to a         Excellence research 2020: The
    Figure 1: The Six Pillars of Customer Experience    significant and impactful         COVID-19 special edition,
                       Excellence                       transformation.                   KPMG International
      Source: KPMG Global Customer Experience
              Excellence research 2020

July - august 2021
The Malaysian aCCounTanT                                                               F e a T u R e • 10

The Malaysian Transfer Pricing Developments
By H’ng Yee Ling and Kang Suit Gim

                                       crucial that arm’s length price is      and implemented. Thereafter,
                                       taken into consideration in             income Tax (Transfer Pricing) Rules
over the past decade, Transfer
Pricing has been undeniably one of     determining the pricing of              2012 [Pu(a)132/2012] and Transfer
the top compliance concerns facing     transactions between associated         Pricing Guideline 2012 were both
medium to large corporations as        persons. This is in line with section   issued on 11th May 2012 and 20th
well as multinational companies        140a of income Tax act (iTa) 1967       July 2012 respectively to ensure
(MnCs) in striving to achieve tax      which requires taxpayers to apply       consistent compliance among
efficiency within the group.           arm’s length price on controlled        businesses. The guidelines have
Therefore, Malaysia has                transactions. The establishment of      been updated with reference to the
implemented numerous legislation       controlled transactions would           organization for economic Co-
and rules to uphold the transfer       trigger the preparation of              operation and Development
pricing regime in place.               contemporaneous Transfer Pricing        (oeCD) Transfer Pricing Guideline.
                                       Documentation either simplified or      Moving forward, in year 2017,
Before diving into the development     full by businesses depending on the     updates on the Transfer Pricing
of Malaysian Transfer Pricing rules,   size and amount of related party        Guideline 2012 was made with the
let’s have a brief understanding on    transactions, which will be             addition of new chapter on the
what Transfer Pricing is all about     discussed in the later part of this     arm’s length principle, intangibles,
and how it affects businesses in       article.                                commodity transactions and
Malaysia. in general, transfer                                                 documentation followed by the
pricing refers to intercompany         The evolution of transfer pricing       revision of definition of ‘control’
pricing arrangements for transfer of   legislation goes all the way back to    under section 140a(5a) of iTa
goods, services and intangibles        1st January 2009, when section          1967 in year 2019. lastly, in year
between associated persons. it is      140a of the iTa 1967 was gazetted       2020, amendments on rules and

11 • F e a T u R e                                                       The Malaysian aCCounTanT

penalty which includes the               The new provision of section 113B       With the new provisions surfaced, it
introduction of surcharge on tax         of the iTa 1967 requires taxpayers      is evident that the iRBM has
adjustment made by inland                to furnish Transfer Pricing             switched sides to prioritize the
Revenue Board of Malaysia (iRBM)         Documentation within 14 days upon       Transfer Pricing compliance among
was introduced. The latest updates       request by the inland Revenue           companies. Therefore, taxpayers
on transfer pricing rules will be        Board. Failure to furnish Transfer      would want to re-examine their
discussed in the next chapter of this    Pricing Documentation to iRBM           level of compliance to the Transfer
article. For easier reference, the       within the stipulated timeframe         Pricing rules within the Group.
timeline for the evolution of Transfer   would expose the taxpayer to the        other than medium to large
Pricing legislation in Malaysia are      risk of penalty ranging from            corporations, the small and
illustrated below.                       RM20,000 to RM100,000.                  Medium enterprises (sMe) should
                                                                                 be on high alert too as related party
                                                                                 transactions are inevitable in this
                                                                                 fast-paced business world.

                                                                                 Transfer Pricing
                                                                                 Companies are required to prepare
                                                                                 contemporaneous Transfer Pricing
                                                                                 Documentation if related party
                                                                                 transactions exist. however, the
                                                                                 type of documentation prepared
                                                                                 differs, whether full or simplified,
                                                                                 depending on the size of related
                                                                                 party transactions entered. The
                                                                                 Malaysian Transfer Pricing
                                                                                 Guideline 2012 sets out the
                                                                                 threshold for the preparation of
                                                                                 Transfer Pricing Documentation to
                                                                                 ease taxpayers in determining
Recent updates of                        alongside with section 113B of iTa      whether full or simplified Transfer
Transfer Pricing                         1967, the introduction to section       Pricing Documentation should be
                                         140a(3a) and section 140(3B) of         prepared. however, it should be
in most cases, Transfer Pricing          iTa 1967 provides the Director          noted that transfer pricing is only
Documentation are considered             General of inland Revenue (DGiR)        applicable to controlled transactions
insignificant by taxpayers as it is      with the power to disregard any         between associated persons,
not mandatory to be submitted            structure in a controlled transaction   where at least one person is
together with the annual Return          if arm’s length basis is not applied    assessable or chargeable to tax in
Forms. however, effective from the       and adjustment shall be made to         Malaysia.
year 2021, Transfer Pricing              the structure as the DGiR thinks fit
Documentation should not be taken        to reflect the arm’s length basis. in   The threshold that requires a
lightly by businesses with the           addition, section 140a(3C) of iTa       taxpayer to prepare full Transfer
introduction of new provisions           1967 was also introduced to             Pricing Documentation includes
under the Finance Bill 2020.The          specifically provide that any           either:-
newly introduced sections clearly        adjustment made by the DGiR on          (a) a person carrying out business
have a significant impact to most of     the transactions would burden the           whereby their annual gross
the companies in Malaysia which          taxpayer to a surcharge of not more         income exceeding RM25
                                                                                     million, and the total amount of
have controlled transaction.             than 5% of the gross adjustment.

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    related party transactions                                                       For instance, if a company is selling
    exceeding RM15 million.                                                          a particular model of computers to a
                                            Arm’s length Principle
                                            The entire concept of transfer           third-party customer at RM2,000,
(b) a person provides financial                                                      the company also sells the same
                                            pricing could be acceptable to the
    assistance which exceeds                                                         model to its related company at the
                                            DGiR if the pricing is at the arm’s
    RM50 million (except
                                            length price. The arm’s length           same price of RM2,000. hence, we
    transactions involving financial
                                            principle is the manner of               can conclude that the transaction
                                            determining price in a transaction       with the related company is at arm’s
                                            between independent parties.             length price as the selling price to
Meanwhile, a taxpayer who does
                                            under section 140a of iTa 1967,          the related company is at the same
not fall into the scope set out above
                                            the pricing between related parties      price as an independent party.
may opt to prepare a simplified
version of Transfer Pricing                 would be acceptable for tax
                                            purposes if arrived at through the       however, there are a number of
Documentation. With that said,
                                            arm’s length principle. if the pricing   factors which could affect the price
below is a summary of information
                                            is not at arm’s length, then it may      or margin of a transaction:
required for both full and simplified
Transfer Pricing documentation: -           require adjustment of pricing.
                                                                                     •   the geographic location of the
                                                                                     •   the size of the market
                                                                                     •   the extent of competition in the
Full Transfer Pricing Documentation                 Simplified Transfer Pricing

                                                                                     •   the level of supply and demand
•   organisational and ownership                    •   organisational and               in the market as a whole and in
                                                                                         particular region
    structure                                           ownership structure
                                                                                     •   customer purchasing power
•   nature of business or industry and              •   Controlled transactions      •   cost of production including the
                                                                                         costs of lands, labour and
    market conditions                                                                    capital, and transportation cost
•   Controlled Transaction                          •   Pricing policies *           •   level of market
                                                                                     •   the date and time of transaction
•   Pricing policies *                                                               •   the availability of substitute
•   assumptions, strategies, and                                                         goods and services
                                                                                     •   the extent of government
    information regarding factors that                                                   intervention
    influence the setting of pricing policies
                                                                                     level of market that a company is
•   Comparability, functional and risk                                               servicing could have an impact on
    analysis                                                                         the margin, pricing for different
                                                                                     levels of the market could be
•   selection of the transfer pricing                                                different. if a company sells its
    method                                                                           product to its related company who
                                                                                     is a distributor, the margin that the
•   application of Transfer Pricing
                                                                                     company gets is lesser as
    Methodology                                                                      compared to the margin obtained
•   Financial information                                                            from selling to a third party who is
                                                                                     an end customer. For the end
•   supporting documents                                                             customers, the company can
                                                                                     charge a higher price and gain
                                                                                     more profit.
* Comparability study to ensure the arm’s length price is required

13 • F e a T u R e                                                             The Malaysian aCCounTanT

                                                                                       comparable data. however, in
                                                                                       many cases, it is difficult to
Transaction which falls                   Transfer Pricing
                                                                                       compare “apple to apple” as the
under Transfer Pricing                    Method
Transactions that fall under transfer     according to the Malaysian                   transaction between independent
pricing include tangible and              Transfer Pricing Guideline 2012,             parties that are similar enough with
intangible transactions. it covers        there are five transfer pricing              the controlled transaction are
sale, purchase, lease, provision of       methods to be applied to determine           difficult to be found, there will be
services and borrowing or lending         the arm’s length price. although the         comparability differences.
of money. it should be noted that         methods appeared to be so simple
even though it is not a business          in theory, sometimes it might be             Resale price method
transaction, transfer pricing law still   difficult to apply in our real-life intra-
applies. Bear in mind that the            group transactions. The company              Resale price method is generally
dividend transaction is not under         has to choose the most appropriate           most appropriate where the final
transfer pricing due to it has no tax     transfer pricing method which most           transaction is with an independent
implication on the company as it is       suit the controlled transaction to           distributor. it is suitable when one of
non-taxable under iTa 1967.               come up with the arm’s length                the parties performs a distribution
                                          charge of the transaction.                   function and does not take a
Tangible assets are the physical                                                       significant function that adds little
assets of a business, it could be         in Malaysia, traditional transaction         and no value then resells. The
current assets or fixed assets. The       methods are commonly preferred               resale price method begins with the
term “assets” are made up of              over transactional profit methods.           price at which a product that has
inventory and fixed assets.               Reason has to be given if the                been purchased from an associated
inventory include raw materials,          company chooses not to use the               enterprise is resold to an
work-in-progress, and finished            traditional transaction method but to        independent enterprise. The resale
products. Transaction in fixed            adopt the transactional profit               price is then reduced by an
assets are machinery and                  method.                                      appropriate margin in light of the
equipment, fittings and vehicles.                                                      selling and distribution expenses
intangible assets would be                                                             incurred and functions performed to
                                                                                       make an appropriate profit. it is
software, know-how, trademarks,
                                                                                       difficult in obtaining gross profit
                                          Uncontrolled Price
patents and skills. intangible assets
                                                                                       when doing the comparability
                                          (CUP) Method
can be categorized into two
categories which are trade                The Comparable uncontrolled Price            analysis as unable to obtain the
intangible and marketing intangible.      (CuP) method compares the price              gross margin information from the
Trade intangibles such as patents         charged for property or services             Companies Commission of
are created through risky and costly      transferred in a controlled                  Malaysia (CCM) as many
research and development, know-           transaction with the price charged           companies do not disclose gross
how, designs and models that are          for property or services in a                margin information in their audited
used in producing a product or in         comparable transaction undertaken            account.
providing a service. Marketing            between independent parties. This
intangibles are trademarks and            method requires an uncontrolled              Cost-Plus Method
trade names that are used in the          transaction to meet high standards
exploitation of the products,             of comparability. This is the most           Cost-plus method is similar to
customer lists, distribution channels     reliable method if the company is            resale price method. This method
and so forth.                             able to access high quality                  can be used in the case where
                                                                                       semi-finished goods are sold

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between associated parties, where        are applied to the consolidated          Whereas in the position of recipient
associated parties have concluded        profit of the parties involved. This     of service, does the service provide
joint facility agreements or where       method is most appropriate when          economic or commercial value?
the controlled transaction is the        both parties to the transaction hold
provision of services. it begins with    valuable intangibles, or when the        in general, activities that would not
the costs incurred by the related        operations are sufficiently              be considered as an intra-group
party supplier in the provision of       integrated to generate economies         service are shareholder activities,
goods or services to a related party     of scale and similar advantages.         duplicate services, services that
customer. an appropriate                                                          provide incidental benefits, and on-
percentage mark-up is applied to         Transactional Net                        call services. shareholder activities
the costs to give the arm’s length       Margin Method                            are activities performed by a parent
profit. The cost referred to in the                                               company solely because of its
cost-plus method is the aggregation      Transactional net margin method          ownership interest. it does not
of direct and indirect cost of           works in a similar manner to the         justify a charge to recipient
production. Direct cost is the cost      resale price method, by substituting     companies. Duplicate services are
identified specifically with a           the gross margin with the net            services performed by a group
particular activity such as material     operating margin with an                 member or by a third party that are
and supplies, compensation,              appropriate base such as costs,          duplicative. services performed by
bonuses, and travelling expenses         sales and assets. This is the most       a group member that only relates to
incurred by staff directly involved in   commonly used method in                  some group members but
the production. indirect cost is the     controlled transaction as it is useful   incidentally provides benefits to
cost that are not specifically           in instances where it is difficult to    other group members, this also
attributable to a particular activity    compare at gross profit margin           would not be considered as intra-
but it relates to direct costs or the    such as in a situation where             group services and would not justify
process of the activity such as          different accounting treatments are      a charge to other group members.
utilities, rental and the other          adopted. Moreover, information of        lastly, on-call service is where a
overhead cost. When applying cost-       comparable companies is easy to          parent company or a group service
plus method, appropriate                 be obtained from CCM website.            centre is on-hand to provide
adjustments should be made to the                                                 services such as financial,
data to ensure that the same type        Intra-Group Services                     managerial, technical, legal or tax
of costs are used in each case to                                                 advice to members of the group at
ensure consistency.                      The main issue for intra-group           any time. on-call service is
                                         services is that whether the             considered non-chargeable except
Profit Split Method                      services have actually been              if an independent person in
                                         provided. if the services have in        comparable circumstances would
The profit split margin method splits    fact been provided, then intra-group     incur such charges to ensure
the group profit among the parties       charges have to be determined for        availability of the services when the
engaged in the intra-group               such services to be in line with the     need for them arises.
transaction based on the margins         arm’s length principle. arm’s length
that independent companies would         principle for these services shall       in most cases, CuP method or
have agreed with under similar           look at the provider and recipient’s     cost-plus method are suitable to
circumstances. Those margins are         point of view. From the perspective      apply for intra-group services.
based either on comparable or            of the service provider, would an
internal data of the companies,          independent enterprise be willing to
such as costs or headcounts, and         pay or perform the service itself?

15 • F e a T u R e                                                        The Malaysian aCCounTanT

                                        the characteristics to determine          Company C's loan to Company B
                                        debt or equity for intra-group            for transfer pricing purposes would
Intra-Group Financing
Most of the companies in Malaysia       financing:                                be a function of the maximum
offer interest-free loan to their                                                 amount that an unrelated lender
related companies for the reason of     •   Presence or absence of a fixed        would have been willing to advance
helping them to raise working               repayment date                        to Company B, and the maximum
capital or to finance a certain         •   obligation to pay interest            amount that an unrelated borrower
project. according to s140a of iTa      •   Right to enforce payment of           in comparable circumstances would
1967, the company is required to            principal and interest                have been willing to borrow from
charge interest for loan to its         •   status of the funder in               Company C, including the
related company in accordance               comparison to regular corporate       possibilities of not lending or
with the arm’s length principle. in a       creditors                             borrowing any amount.
situation where the interest rate       •   existence of financial covenants      Consequently, the remainder of
imposed on a controlled financial           and security                          Company C's advance to Company
assistance is not at arm’s length,      •   source of interest payments           B would not be delineated as a loan
the DGiR may make an adjustment         •   ability of the recipient of the       for the purposes of determining the
to reflect the arm’s length interest        funds to obtain loans from            amount of interest which Company
rate. adjustment will be made               unrelated lending institutions        B would have paid at arm’s length.
where:                                  •   extent to which the advance is
                                            used to acquire capital assets        as a caveat, iRBM has power to
(a) For the supply of financial         •   Failure of the purported debtor       make adjustments under the law.
    assistance, the consideration is        to repay on the due date or to
    less than the consideration that        seek a postponement                   Reference
                                                                                  1. Malaysia Transfer Pricing
    would have been received or
                                        For example, consider a situation in         Guidelines 2012
    receivable in an arm’s length                                                 2. OECD Transfer Pricing
    arrangement                         which Company B, a member of an
                                                                                     Guidelines for Multinational
                                        Mne group, needs additional                  Enterprises and Tax
(b) For the acquisition of financial    funding for its business activities. in      Administrations (July 2017)
    assistance, the consideration is    this scenario, Company B receives         3. OECD Transfer Pricing
                                        an advance of funds from related             Guidance on Financial
    more than the consideration
                                        Company C, which is denominated              Transactions (February 2020)
    that would have been given or
    agreed to be given in an arm’s      as a loan with a term of 10 years.
                                                                                  Ms H'ng Yee Ling is Assistant
    length arrangement                  assume that, in light of all good-
                                                                                  Manager of Mazars Malaysia and
                                        faith financial projections of
                                                                                  Kang Suit Gim is Senior Associate
(c) no consideration has been           Company B for the next 10 years, it
                                                                                  of Mazars Malaysia. The above
    charged to the associated           is clear that Company B would be
                                                                                  views are their own and do not
    person for the supply of the        unable to service a loan of such an
                                                                                  necessarily reflects the views of
    financial assistance                amount. Based on facts and
                                                                                  Mazars. They can be contacted via
                                        circumstances, it can be concluded        email at
it is also important to differentiate   that an unrelated party would not         and
the loan as debt or equity. if the      be willing to provide such a loan to
loan is a capital loan, interest on     Company B due to its inability to
the loan to related companies is not    repay the advance. accordingly, the
required to be imposed. Below are       accurately delineated amount of

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    How to Build a High-Performance Team

   Forget KPIs and bonuses. If you want to drive productivity, you need to
             jettison outdated ideas of what motivates people.
                                                By Johanna Leggatt

       ave sewell has seen first-        and he told me that he was the Ceo   achieve genuine work-life balance,
       hand how poor leadership          and he could behave how he           and boosting a team’s agility and
       can devastate workplace           wanted.”                             resilience.
teams. some six years ago, the new
Zealand-based neuro-leadership           “i pulled him out of the             “i realised that many of the
researcher and author of Safe            room and told him he                 leadership practices around today

                                         couldn’t behave that way,
Leadership: Beating Stress to Drive                                           are based on operational factors,
Performance ran his own business                                              such as how to delegate properly,
consultancy. But he was forced to        and he told me that he was           how to communicate effectively,
drop two clients in two months           the Ceo and he could                 and how to manage your day,” he
because of bullying behaviour.           behave how he                        says.
                                         wanted.”Dave sewell,
“one of my clients was particularly      leadership coach                     “But i had not come across a
horrific and shamed his international                                         leadership program that tells you
sales manager in front of me and his                                          how to talk to an upset employee,
                                         That bruising encounter prompted
executive team. he called her                                                 how to stop upsetting your
                                         sewell to embark on a new career
names and she broke down in                                                   employees, and how to create a
                                         as an executive leadership coach.
tears,” says sewell.                                                          psychologically safe environment
                                         his focus was on improving the
                                                                              where your employees aren’t
                                         relationship between leaders and
“i pulled him out of the room and told                                        scared to share their opinions.”
                                         their teams, allowing employees to
him he couldn’t behave that way,

17 • F e a T u R e                                                        The Malaysian aCCounTanT

                                          he argues that teams thrive on          productivity, perhaps we can look
                                          clear goals and direction.              within our four walls and ask, ‘am i
Safe leadership equals
                                                                                  running the most efficient and the
great teamwork
sewell devised a nine-month               “in the close to 200 companies i        most engaged team that i can?’”
program for new Zealand                   have worked with during the past        Davidson defines high-performing
workplaces to help managers               decade, almost none of them had         teams as those that achieve the
connect with their teams via his          offered clear enough outcomes for       “goals they set for themselves
concept of “safe leadership”.             each of their employees or teams to     without doing damage along the
                                          achieve each day,” he says.             way to the people in the team or to
“When someone is under threat or                                                  their clients”.
afraid [of their boss], they don’t look   sewell explains that clear
after the team, they tend to look         expectations and boundaries –           “and this ends up being the most
after themselves,” says sewell.           somewhat ironically – allow for         economically rational thing a
                                          enormous freedom, agility and greater   company can do,” he explains.
“When someone is under                    work-life balance and flexibility.      But there is a common mismatch

threat or afraid [of their
                                                                                  between the mechanisms leaders
                                          “if the company knows what each         use to try to drive performance in
boss], they don’t look after              employee needs to achieve from an       organisations, and the things that are
the team, they tend to look               outcome perspective, it really          genuinely effective, says Davidson.
after themselves.”Dave                    doesn’t matter if that work gets
sewell, leadership coach                  done at six o’clock in the morning      “almost everything we think of as
                                          or 8pm at night,” he notes.             driving high performance in a typical
“Conversely, a safe leader allows all                                             organisation actually works against
team members to say basically             What are the right                      sustainable, long-term performance.”
what’s on their mind at any given
time. it’s really as simple as that.”                                             For example, some managers think
                                          late in 2020, scott Wagenvoord, Ca      providing extrinsic rewards for
as sewell notes, a psychologically        anZ’s regional manager for new          professionals, such as a financial
safe team is significantly more           Zealand’s south island, asked           bonus, is highly motivating.
productive than one that’s scared of      sewell to join forces with Carl         “in fact, it will do the opposite,” says
getting in trouble.                       Davidson, director of strategic         Davidson, who notes that most high-
                                          insights agency Research First, to      performing professionals are already
“it’s actually highly prudent from a      talk to Ca anZ members about            inherently motivated to do a good job.
bottom-line perspective to be             building high-performing teams.
psychologically safe,” he says.           The duo dispelled numerous myths        “Most professionals care about their
                                          about what is required for improved     craft, they care about performing
“if you have team members that            team productivity, Wagenvoord says.     well for the people around them,
don’t harbour grudges, that are                                                   and if you set them up to compete
openly making suggestions and             “Members will often say they need       with one another, you will
giving feedback without fear, then        more headcount, but i have an           undermine the team dynamic as
the team is really humming along.         absolute belief that you can build      well as their performance,” he says.
                                          capacity within your existing
“lots of great conversations and work     headcount if you build a high-          Aim for a collegial
happens when people are happy.”           performance team.                       atmosphere

                                          “We have technology that will           Davidson advises managers to
                                                                                  create an intrinsic reward culture
Clear goals allow more
                                          provide efficiencies, we have
                                                                                  that “supports and acknowledges
                                          offshoring for more transactional
This doesn’t mean sewell endorses         work. so when it comes to               performance, rather than sets out to
laissez-faire management; in fact,                                                reward it”.

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“i am not saying that people should         them that there is no such thing as      “and make sure it’s really clear
not be paid well – they should – but        a toxic employee,” says sewell.          what the meeting is about
there is research that says that                                                     beforehand and who is agreeing to
once people reach a certain level,          “i tell them that that employee is       what afterwards.”
money ceases to be as motivating            clearly stressed because you, as
for them,” he explains.                     the leader, have not figured out         it’s also worth establishing rules
                                            what is actually wrong and helped        about how people should behave in
importantly, this intrinsic reward          remove that stressor.”                   meetings.
approach doesn’t have to be a
formal procedure for it to be               How to make a                            “For instance, if someone suggests
effective.                                  meeting really work                      an idea, you are not allowed to say
                                                                                     it’s dumb and you are not allowed
“an environment with lots of                Most professionals at some point         to say no to it. you have to say, ‘yes
laughter, a bit of levity and liberty, is   have endured soul-sapping                and’ so you accept the idea and
much better than what we were all           meetings that achieve very little. To    build on it.”
taught to believe: that we need to          avoid this, it’s important that teams
treat performance as a serious              establish processes to train the         hierarchical politics are likely to
thing driven by KPis,” Davidson             group’s focus on what truly matters.     influence teamwork and, again, this
says.                                                                                is where rules can help.
                                            Wagenvoord reports a great “a-ha
sewell adds that a raft of outdated         moment” for Ca members was               “you can have a rule that the most
assumptions work against our in-            sewell and Davidson’s concept of         senior person in the room speaks
built tendency towards congenial            working in periods of focus rather       last,” Davidson suggests.
collaboration.                              than blocks of time, and then
                                            tailoring these focus periods to the     “you can have a rule that
                                                                                     the most senior person in
“one of the big myths is that               team members’ work cycles.
bosses can’t be friends with staff,”
says sewell.                                “some people are early-morning           the room speaks last.”Carl
                                            people, others are late-morning, so      Davidson, Research First
“i am not saying that they have to          we need to look at where staff
go and drink with employees, but            members’ strengths lie, and at what      “or when a decision needs to be
you can and should be friendly              time they work best,” says               made, people could write down
towards staff.”                             Wagenvoord.                              their preference before [the senior
                                                                                     person speaks] and, therefore, they
“once people reach a                        “in general, 3pm is most people’s        will not be swayed by the politics in

certain level, money                        low point so it’s best not to organise   the room.”

ceases to be as motivating
                                            a team pitch for important business
                                            at that time in the afternoon.”
for them.”Carl Davidson,
Research First
                                                                                     The ‘in group’ versus
                                            Davidson says employers can              the ‘out group’
                                            “hack” meetings so they energise
another collaboration myth is the           the team members rather than             Teams cannot be successful
notion that the “punishment comes           deplete them.                            without a strong sense of belonging
before the reward” and that some                                                     and this is where the psychological
team members are simply not                 “have meetings standing up to            notion of the in-group and the out-
“team players”.                             ensure they don’t go on for too          group can be leveraged.
                                            long,” he advises.
“some leaders will tell me that a                                                    “People are tribal in nature, and it’s
certain employee is toxic, and i tell                                                important they bond through a

You can also read