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Accelerating Wind Turbine
         Blade Circularity
                                            May 2020
 Wind Turbine
Blade Circularity
     Published May 2020
This report has been jointly prepared by WindEurope, Cefic and EuCIA through a collaborative cross-
sector platform on wind turbine blade recycling. Notably, the report:
• describes wind turbine blade structure and material composition;
• highlights the expected volumes of composite waste, including wind turbine blade waste;
• maps the existing regulations governing composite waste in Europe;
• describes the existing recycling and recovery technologies for treating composite waste as well as
     innovative applications for using composite waste; and
• provides recommendations for research and innovation to further enhance the circularity of wind
     turbine blades and design for recycling.

This report is intended for general information only and, whilst its contents are provided in utmost
good faith and are based on the best information currently available, is to be relied upon at the user’s
own risk. No representations or warranties are made with regards to its completeness or accuracy and
no liability will be accepted by the authors.

We would like to thank members of WindEurope Sustainability WG for their dedicated review and input.
In particular: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, LM Wind Power, TPI Composites, GE Renewable
Energy, MHI Vestas, Vattenfall, Vestas, Nordex, EDF Renouvelables, Engie and Ørsted.

Marylise Schmid, WindEurope
Nieves Gonzalez Ramon, Cefic
Ann Dierckx, Cefic
Thomas Wegman, EuCIA
Daniel Fraile, WindEurope
Colin Walsh, WindEurope
Lin van de Velde, Drukvorm
Damon Hong

+32 2 213 18 11
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................5

           1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................7

                 1.1. CROSS-SECTOR PLATFORM..................................................................................8

                 1.2. OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................8

                 1.3. CONTEXT..........................................................................................................................8

           2. COMPOSITES & THE WIND INDUSTRY......................................................................10

                 2.1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................10

                 2.2. BLADE STRUCTURE & MATERIAL COMPOSITION........................................11

                 2.3. FUTURE TRENDS IN BLADE MATERIALS..........................................................12

           3. MARKET OUTLOOK..............................................................................................................14

                 3.1. AN AGEING ONSHORE WIND FLEET...................................................................14

                 3.2. COMPOSITE WASTE: A CROSS-SECTOR CHALLENGE............................15

           4. LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT.....................................................................................................17

                 4.1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................17

                 4.2. COMPOSITE WASTE CLASSIFICATION............................................................17

                 4.3. EXISTING LEGISLATION............................................................................................18

           5. BLADE WASTE TREATMENT METHODS...................................................................20

                 5.1. THE WASTE HIERARCHY..........................................................................................20

                 5.2. RECYCLING AND RECOVERY TREATMENT METHODS...............................25

                 5.3. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................31

           6. TAKING BLADE RECYCLING TO THE NEXT LEVEL...............................................32


                APPENDIX A. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES.................................................................35
4   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
    WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA

As the wind industry continues to grow to provide renew-     Today around 85 to 90% of wind turbines’ total mass can
able energy across the globe, we are committed to pro-       be recycled [1], [2], [3]. Most components of a wind turbine
moting a circular economy which reduces environmen-          – the foundation, tower and components in the nacelle
tal impacts throughout product lifecycles. To this end,      – have established recycling practices. However, wind
WindEurope (representing the wind energy industry),          turbine blades are more challenging to recycle due to
Cefic (representing the European Chemical Industry) and      the composite materials used in their production. While
EuCIA (representing the European Composites Industry)        various technologies exist to recycle blades, and an in-
have created a cross-sector platform to advance ap-          creasing number of companies offer composite recycling
proaches for the recycling of wind turbine blades, includ-   services, these solutions are not yet widely available and
ing technologies, processes, waste flow management, re-      cost-competitive.
integration in the value chain and logistics.

                                                                         Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   5
                                                                                               WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
Executive summary

    Wind turbine blades are made up of composite materials          rently working on a proposal for an international guide-
    that boost the performance of wind energy by allowing           line for the dismantling and decommissioning of wind
    lighter and longer blades with optimised aerodynamic            turbines.
    shape. Today 2.5 million tonnes of composite material are
    in use in the wind energy sector globally [1]. WindEurope       Today, the main technology for recycling composite waste
    estimates around 14,000 blades could be decommis-               is through cement co-processing. Cement co-processing
    sioned by 2023 [4], equivalent to between 40,000 and            is commercially available for processing large volumes of
    60,000 tons. Recycling these old blades is a top priority for   waste (albeit not in all geographies yet). In this process
    the wind industry. This requires logistical and technologi-     the mineral components are reused in the cement. How-
    cal solutions for disassembling, collection, transportation,    ever, the glass fibre shape is not maintained during the
    waste management and reintegration in the value chain.          process, which from a waste hierarchy perspective may be
                                                                    less preferred. WindEurope, Cefic and EuCIA strongly sup-
    Composite recycling is not solely a challenge for the wind      port increasing and improving composite waste recycling
    industry but rather a cross-sector challenge. Blade waste       through the development of alternative recycling tech-
    will represent only 10% of the total estimated thermoset        nologies which produce higher value recyclates and ena-
    composite waste by 2025. The relatively low volumes of          ble production of new composites. Further development
    composite blade waste make it challenging to build a re-        and industrialisation of alternative thermal or chemical
    cycling business based only on this waste stream. Active        recycling technologies may provide composite-using sec-
    engagement from all the composite-using sectors and             tors, such as building & construction, transportation, ma-
    authorities will be required to develop cost-effective solu-    rine and the wind industry, with additional solutions for
    tions and strong European value chains.                         end-of-life.

    Existing European waste legislation emphasises the need         Europe needs to invest on more research and innovation
    to develop a circular economy and increase recycling rates      to diversify and scale up composite recycling technolo-
    to deal with unnecessary waste pollution and increase re-       gies, to develop new, high-performance materials with
    source efficiency. At national level, Germany, Austria, Fin-    enhanced circularity, and to design methodologies to en-
    land and the Netherlands forbid composites from being           hance circularity and recycling abilities of blades. At the
    landfilled. France is considering introducing a recycling       same time existing treatment routes like cement co-pro-
    target for wind turbines in its regulatory framework due        cessing must be deployed more widely to deal with the
    to be updated in 2020. Going forward there may be more          current waste streams. Finally, the scientific understand-
    harmonisation of guidelines and legislation, which would        ing of the environmental impacts associated with the
    be more efficient for the development of a pan-European         choice of materials and with the different waste treatment
    market for recycling blade waste. The wind industry is cur-     methods should also be improved (life cycle assessment).

6   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
    WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA

In 2019, WindEurope, Cefic (the European Chemical In-          management, reintegration in the value chain and logis-
dustry Council) and EuCIA (the European Composites             tics. In particular, this cross-sector platform aims to un-
Industry Association) created a cross-sector platform to       derstand the potential of existing wind turbine blade recy-
advance novel approaches to the recycling of wind tur-         cling technologies and ensure recycling is factored in wind
bine blades, including technologies, processes, waste flow     turbine blade design. This report supports this effort.

                 “Wind energy is an increasingly important part of Europe’s energy mix. The first generation of wind
                 turbines are now starting to come to the end of their operational life and be replaced by modern
                 turbines. Recycling the old blades is a top priority for us, and teaming up with the chemical and
                 composites industries will enable us to do it the most effective way.”

                                                                                    - Giles Dickson, WindEurope CEO

   “The chemical industry plays a decisive role in the transition to a circular economy by investing in
   the research and development of new materials, which make wind turbine blades more reliable,
   affordable and recyclable. Innovation is born from collaboration and we look forward to working
   together to advance wind turbine blade recycling.”

                                                            - Marco Mensink, Cefic Director General

                 “The wind energy sector has always been at the forefront of using composites as they are
                 instrumental to sustainable energy generation. With this collaboration we hope to set a great
                 industry standard that ultimately will also help customers in other industries like marine and
                 building & infrastructure.”

                                                                                 - Roberto Frassine, EuCIA President

                                                                            Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   7
                                                                                                  WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA

    1.2 OBJECTIVES                                                                      • provides recommendations for research and
                                                                                             innovation to further enhance the circularity of wind
    The cross-sector platform conducted a series of work-                                    turbine blades, including new materials and design
    shops in 2019 during which new examples of blade repur-                                  for recycling.
    posing and recycling were presented. Since WindEurope’s
    2017 publication on managing composite blade waste [5],                            This report supplies relevant and practical information on
    some Member States have also started to consider legisla-                          the subject and promotes the sustainable management of
    tion on decommissioning and on blade circularity.                                  composite blade waste. Research on the subject is ongoing
                                                                                       and with this comes the challenge of keeping up to date
    The objective of this report is to present the state-of-                           with the state-of-the-art. If you have further input please
    play in the recycling of composites used in wind turbine                           notify us at
    blades. The report is based on the findings of those recent
    workshops. Notably, the report:
                                                                                       1.3 CONTEXT
     • describes wind turbine blade structure and material
                               composition;                                            In 2019 wind energy supplied 15% of the EU’s electricity
                                                                                          . This number will continue to grow in the coming years
     • highlights the expected volumes of composite waste,                             (Figure 1). The EU’s binding target for increasing the re-
                               including wind turbine blade waste;                     newable energy share to 32% by 2030, and its commit-
                                                                                       ment to becoming carbon-neutral by 2050, emphasises
     • maps the existing regulations governing composite                               wind power’s important role in the future energy mix. The
                               waste in Europe;                                        European Commission (EC), in their long-term decarbon-
                                                                                       isation strategy to 2050, estimates that wind alone could
     • describes the existing recycling and recovery                                   provide 50% of the EU’s electricity demand by 2050. And
                               technologies for treating composite waste as well as    importantly, this demand will be significantly higher than
                               innovative applications for using composite waste;      today’s level, as society increases the electrification of en-
                               and                                                     ergy uses.

    FIGURE 1
    Gross annual installations in Europe

                                      250                                                                                                300    Cumulative capacity (GW)
    Gross installations (GW)

                                      200                                                                                                250


                                          0                                                                                              0
                                              2013   2014    2015     2016    2017    2018     2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

                                Offshore        1.5     1.5     3.0     1.6      3.2    2.7      3.6     2.9      2.7     3.4      5.9
                                Onshore       11.0    11.6    10.9    12.3    13.9     9.4     11.7    15.2     14.2    14.7     14.5
                                Cumulative    122     135      148     162     178    190       205     222     238     255      275

                                                                                                                               Source: WindEurope

8   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
    WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA

In the future, a growing amount of wind turbines will start
to be decommissioned, considering that:                          If countries enable the repowering of an increas-
                                                                 ing amount of old wind turbines, about 14,000
• The standard lifetime of a wind turbine is                     wind turbine blades could be decommissioned by
   approximately 20-25 years, with some wind turbines            2023 [4], equivalent to between 40,000 and 60,000
   now reaching up to 35 years through lifetime                  tons.

• There are increasing repowering opportunities i.e.          The wind industry is committed to promoting a more cir-
   replacing old models with newer and more efficient         cular economy and determining ways in which it can sup-
   models, that can increase wind farm electricity            port this. A sustainable process for dealing with wind tur-
   output by a factor of 2.                                   bines at the end of their service life is needed to maximise
                                                              the environmental benefits of wind power from a life cycle
Many of the wind turbines installed in the 1990s are of       approach (Figure 2). To do so, the wind industry is actively
a few hundred kW and are under 60m in hub height. If          looking for industries and sectors that can make use of
replaced by taller and more powerful turbines, the in-        the materials and equipment decommissioned from wind
crease in energy yields could be considerable. Indeed, the    farms. And the wind industry wants to work with them to
analysis of more than 100 repowering projects in Europe       build capacities in wind turbine blade circularity, including
has shown that, on average, the number of turbines de-        through the development of new, more easily recyclable
creases by a third whilst wind farm capacity more than        structural design and materials.
doubles [7].

The life cycle of a wind turbine

  End of Life strategies                                                                  Raw material
   Decommissioning &
    waste treatment                       EOL

    Repowering or life
     time extension


             Operation &

                                                                             & Installation

                                                                                                     Source: WindEurope

                                                                          Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   9
                                                                                                WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
     & THE WIND

     2.1 INTRODUCTION                                                tions can be recycled into aggregate for building materials
                                                                     or road construction. In other countries, foundations may
     Today around 85 to 90% of a wind turbine’s total mass           be (partly or fully) left in-situ where removal would lead
     can be recycled [1], [2], [3]. Most components of a wind tur-   to higher environmental impacts or if the land owner has
     bine such as the foundation, tower and components in            specified so.
     the nacelle have established recycling practices. And the
     raw materials of these components have enough value             Wind turbine blades are more challenging to recycle,
     for secondary markets. For example, the steel in towers         largely due to the composite materials used in their pro-
     is 100% recyclable [8]. It can be reused again without any      duction. While various technologies exist that can be used
     loss of quality. Steel scrap is regarded as a valuable raw      to recycle blades (see Section 5), these solutions are yet
     material for steel production. Because of its value, there is   to be widely available and cost-competitive. This section
     a well-established market for steel scrap.                      describes turbine blade structure and material composi-
                                                                     tion highlighting recyclability properties. It also looks at
     Treatment of foundations during decommissioning differs         future trends in blade design and material composition
     from country to country. In some countries, foundations         aimed at improving blade circularity.
     need to be removed. The concrete from removed founda-

10   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
     WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
Composites & the wind industry

2.2 BLADE STRUCTURE &                                                a key barrier to further deployment in the wind pow-
MATERIAL COMPOSITION                                                 er industry. Hybrids with a combination of glass and
                                                                     carbon fibre also exist.
Wind turbine blades are made of composite material,
consisting of various materials with different properties,      2.   A polymer matrix e.g. thermosets such as epox-
which boost the performance of wind energy by allow-                 ies, polyesters, vinyl esters, polyurethane, or
ing lighter and longer blades with optimised aerodynamic             thermoplastics.
shape. Today 2.5 million tonnes of composite material are
in use in the wind energy sector globally [1]. Although ma-     3.   A sandwich core e.g. balsa wood or foams such as
terial compositions vary between blade types and blade               polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate
manufacturers, blades are generally composed of the fol-             (PET);
lowing (Figure 3):
                                                                4.   Structural adhesives e.g. epoxies, polyurethane (PUR)
1.   Reinforcement fibres e.g. glass and carbon. Glass fi-
     bre represents the primary reinforcement material in       5.   Coatings e.g. polyester (UPR), polyurethane (PUR);
     the composite components of wind turbine blades.
     Carbon fibre is also used in wind turbine blades (in       6.   Metals e.g. copper or aluminium wiring (lightning
     the spar), but to a lesser degree. Carbon fibre’s supe-         protection system), steel bolts.
     rior strength and higher stiffness offers many advan-
     tages over glass fibre but its higher cost per volume is

Generic cross-section of rotor blade

     Spar Caps/Girders: Unidirectional (UD) Glass/Carbonfibre, supported by Epoxy, Polyester, Polyutherane or
     Vinylester matrix
     Shear Webs and Shell Panels: Multiaxial GFRP Sandwich laminates using Balsa/PVC/PET as core material and
     Epoxy, Polyester, Polyutherane or Vinylester as matrix systems
     Leading/Trailing Edge and Webs Bonding: Epoy/Polyutherane based structural adhesive
     Lightning Protetion Cable: Aluminium or Copper
     Surface Coating: Polyutherane based lacquer
     LEP (Leading Edge Protection): Polyutherane based lacquer/tape

                                                                                                   Source: TPI Composites

                                                                            Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   11
                                                                                                  WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
Composites & the wind industry

     The combination of fibres and polymers, also known as           2.3 FUTURE TRENDS IN
     composites, represents the majority of the blade material
                                                                     BLADE MATERIALS
     composition (60-70% reinforcing fibres and 30-40% poly-
     mer matrix by weight). In many respects, composites are         Table 1 presents future trends in blade materials aimed
     advantageous because they:                                      at addressing current challenges. Blade material chal-
                                                                     lenges include stiffness optimisation, fatigue life, damage
     • Combine properties of high tensile strength at                prediction methods and the production of light weight
         relative low density (high strength-to-weight ratio) to     blade structures. Material selection is determined by
         withstand the mechanical load requirements and to           price, process abilities, material integrity, geographical lo-
         optimally perform aerodynamically;                          cations with more hostile environmental conditions and
                                                                     the demand for longer wind turbine blades. Design and
     • Provide resistance to fatigue, corrosion, electrical and      material selection processes is rapidly evolving in order
         thermal conductivity important for the long-expected        to also consider the overall sustainability of the materials
         lifetime (20 to 30 years);                                  chosen (life cycle assessment) including their impacts on
                                                                     recyclability and alignment with future recycling methods
     • Provide flexibility in design and manufacturing,              [9]
                                                                        , whilst meeting the cost and performance criteria at the
         allowing to optimise the aerodynamic shape of the           same time.
         blade, resulting in high turbine efficiency; and
                                                                     Besides improving efficiencies in waste collection and
     • Enable high yields resulting in lower levelised cost of       combining waste volumes, the high investment costs and
         energy.                                                     energy requirements seem to be a common limitation to a
                                                                     greater implementation and scale-up of novel composite
     At present, wind turbine blades are made of composites          recycling technologies (see Section 5). Multiple projects
     based on thermoset polymers. These polymers become              are ongoing to improve energy efficiency by reducing the
     cross-linked in an irreversible process. The cross-linking is   process time required for the same amount of materials
     a key requirement for obtaining the desired performance         and by increasing the material output of the processes.
     in terms of fatigue resistance and mechanical strength.         This would translate into lower costs and allow a more ac-
                                                                     ceptable energy use whilst not offsetting the benefits of
     Thermoplastics, unlike thermosets, do not undergo the           recycling materials. However, in order to make recycling
     crosslinking. Thermoplastics are therefore more easily          technologies more efficient and sustainable, the devel-
     recycled in simple shapes and components as they can            opment of these technologies needs to be coupled with
     be melted. They have the potential for easier recycling,        material development [10].
     though the structural design complexity of the blades
     makes it difficult. Furthermore, the mechanical prop-           Material innovations should strive to have positive effects
     erties, durability and processability of thermoplastics in      on the production, maintenance, lifetime and environ-
     comparable price ranges currently limit their applications      mental footprint of the blades. European technological
     in blades compared to thermosets.                               platforms indicate that materials research for blades is an
                                                                     important research area [1], [11] and see accounting for sus-
                                                                     tainability and recycling as a strategic issue [12].

12   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
     WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
Composites & the wind industry

Active areas in material research for wind turbines blade

                               AREAS OF MATERIAL RESEARCH                                              EFFECT
 Processing         Process modelling aimed to optimise and accurately control the        Increased lifetime, higher conver-
 Design                         curing processes of the composites                                 sion efficiency

                    Incorporating automatised manufacturing processes to ensure
                                                                                          Increased lifetime, higher conver-
                     consistent material qualities and more robust manufacturing
                                                                                                   sion efficiency

 Process           Promoting cost- and energy-efficient manufacturing processes for
                    carbon fibre reinforced composites, since the material provides       Enable manufacturing of longer
                   enhanced mechanical properties. As a side benefit it is also finan-    blades, hence increasing conver-
                    cially more attractive to recover carbon fibre compared to glass               sion efficiency

                    Introducing innovative resin/fibre combinations with improved
                                                                                                  Increased lifetime
                                    ductility and fatigue resistance

                    New infusible thermoplastic resins which are processed by in-
                    mould polymerisation (rather than melt processing) and have                     Cost reduction
                                    better mechanical properties

                   Introducing nano-components as strengthening agents in matrix
                   and coatings, whilst respecting HSE requirements and ensuring it               Increased lifetime
                          does not lead to more complex recycling methods

                    Investigating fibre architectures – combining high performance        Enable manufacturing of longer
                    glass fibres, carbon fibres and nano-engineered fibres to make        blades, hence increasing conver-
                                          hybrid reinforcements                                    sion efficiency
                    Investigating durable coating materials to ensure improved ero-
                                                                                          Increased lifetime, higher conver-
                   sion-resistance e.g. gel-coats, paint systems and tapes, resealable
                                                                                                   sion efficiency
                                         and self-healing coatings

                                                                                             Continued availability of raw
                                                                                           materials and security of supply
                     Development of bio-resins for improved performance, taking
                                                                                            after depletion of fossil-based
                            advantage of higher availability of bio-waste
                                                                                           raw materials; Reduced carbon

                    Developing 3R-resins – a new family of enhanced thermoset res-
                                                                                            Increased lifetime; Improved
                   ins and composites with better re-processability, repairability and
                                        recyclability properties

                                                                              Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   13
                                                                                                    WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA

     Figure 4 provides a picture of the ageing onshore wind        bines that are over 15 years old, these countries respec-
     fleet. Denmark, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands are        tively have 2.74 GW (~57%), 17 GW (~33%), more than
     the most mature wind energy markets. In terms of tur-         5 GW (~33%) and 0.6 GW (~21%).

               Repowering project El Cabrito, Tarifa, Spain. Completed in 2018. It was 25 years old when dismantled
                    and resulted with 87% fewer turbines with the same output capacity. Source: ACCIONA.

14   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
     WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
Market outlook

Age of the onshore wind fleet in Europe



Capacity (GW)




                     Denmark   France         Germany             Italy     Netherlands          Spain             UK

                                      0-5 years                  15-20 years             30-35 years
                                      5-10 years                 20-25 years             N/A
                                      10-15 years                25-30 years

                                                                                                         Source: WindEurope

WindEurope estimates around 2 GW of wind energy ca-               Composite waste amounts from the wind industry are ex-
pacity could be repowered and another 2 GW could be               pected to continue to increase (Figure 5). However, the
fully decommissioned by 2023 in Europe [4]. This means            wind industry produces far less composite waste than
about 4,700 turbines (or 14,000 blades equivalent to be-          other industries. Based on EuCIA estimates wind will
tween 40,000 and 60,000 tons) could be decommissioned             contribute 66,000 tons of thermoset composite waste in
and would need to be sustainably disposed of. Recycling           2025. This is only 10% of the total estimated thermoset
these old blades is a top priority for the wind industry. This    composite waste (and less than 5% of the total estimat-
requires certain logistics and technology in place to pro-        ed composite waste combining thermoset and thermo-
ceed to disassembling, collection, transportation, waste          plastics). Other composite-waste-producing sectors are
management treatment and reintegration into the value             building & construction, electrical & electronics, transpor-
chain.                                                            tation, marine, production waste, aeronautics, consumer
                                                                  and tanks & pipes sectors.

                                                                              Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   15
                                                                                                    WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
Market outlook

     FIGURE 5
     Composite waste generation – sector trends (ktons/year)











                   1960    1970        1980         1990       2000         2010        2020        2030        2040         2050

                                                      Wind                    Total

     Key assumptions: 20 years average lifetime for wind composites. First year of commercial use of wind composites is assumed to
     start in 2000. The analysis is based on global production figures of composites as supplied by JEC and assumes global composites
     production is the same as global composites consumption (based on thermosets only). It further assumes that as Europe’s GDP
     (including Turkey) is 22%, the European consumption of composites is 22% of the global consumption of composites. The extrapo-
     lation of certain market segments is unsure and therefore the extrapolation of the total line does not exceed year 2025.

                                                                                                              Source: EuCIA, 2020

     Composite recycling is a cross-sector challenge and not
     solely a challenge for the wind industry. Actually, the (low)
     volumes of composite wind blade waste make it chal-
     lenging to build a recycling business based mainly on this
     waste stream. All the composite-using sectors must work
     together to find cost-effective solutions and value chains
     for the combined volume of composite waste. The wind
     industry has already teamed up with Cefic and EuCIA as
     mentioned above.

16   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
     WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA

4.1 INTRODUCTION                                                  4.2 COMPOSITE WASTE
This section maps the existing regulation for composite
waste in the EU. Today, there is limited legislation regu-        According to the European classification of wastes, com-
lating treatment of composite or blade waste both at EU           posite blade waste is most often categorised as plastic
and national levels. In addition, existing national legisla-      waste from construction and demolition with the code
tion is not necessarily aligned at international level. This is   17 02 03. The following other codes are also used at na-
not surprising at the moment, as wind markets have de-            tional level:
veloped at different paces. Decommissioning practice is            • 07 02 13 waste plastic from organic chemical
only starting to emerge in those countries with a mature              processes;
market and increasing decommissioning and repowering               • 10 11 03 waste glass-based fibrous materials from
activity. Generally, authorities use different regulatory in-         thermal processes;
struments to incentivise recycling. These include legally          • 10 11 12 waste glass other than those mentioned in
binding targets, landfill bans and/or taxes and require-              10 11 11 from thermal processes;
ments for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) (the              • 10 11 99 wastes not otherwise specified from
latter particularly in other sectors). Going forward, there           thermal processes; and
may be more harmonisation of guidelines and legislation.           • 12 01 05 plastics shavings and turnings from shaping
This would likely be more efficient for the development of            and physical mechanical surface treatment of metals
a pan-European market for recycling blade waste. Ideally,             and plastics.
there would also be alignment with other sectors of com-
posite recycling. The wind industry is ready to contribute to     National authorities need to ensure the correct and suit-
that discussion. In particular, the wind industry is currently    able code is applied to blade waste. This would ensure
working on a proposal for international guidelines for the        efficient separate collection and sorting and help identi-
dismantling and decommissioning of wind turbines.                 fy suitably authorised waste treatment options. Having a

                                                                              Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   17
                                                                                                    WindEurope – Cefic - EuCIA
Legislative context

     waste stream that can provide clean composite of a single
     type in large quantities increases the efficiency of the cho-        Country focus - Germany: A ban on directly landfill-
     sen waste treatment option. However, as shown above,                 ing waste with a total organic content higher than
     composite waste is often classified as plastic waste. It may         5% came into force in 2009. Considering blades
     therefore become mixed with other types of plastics. Hav-            contain an organic part (due to the resin that glues
     ing a differing waste classification may also limit the poten-       together the glass fibres), they cannot be landfilled.
     tial for a pan-European market for recycled composites.              In response to this regulatory constraint a tech-
                                                                          nical solution was developed for handling bigger
                                                                          amounts of glass fibre-reinforced polymers waste
     4.3 EXISTING REGULATION                                              called the “cement kiln route” or cement co-pro-
                                                                          cessing. A cement co-processing plant was estab-
     To date, few regulatory requirements are in place for the            lished in northern Germany which uses around
     composite waste sector. Nevertheless, there is a clear               15,000 tons of composite waste annually, 10,000
     push towards more circularity in general at the European             tons of which comes from wind turbine blades. The
     level as shown by the new EU Circular Economy Action                 plant has a total current capacity of 30,000 tons/
     Plan (2020) [13]. The ‘European Strategy for Plastics in a           year. Cost is around 150 EUR/t (gate fee).
     Circular Economy’ (2018) [14] stresses that the low reuse
     and recycling rates (less than 30%) of end-of-life plastics
     is a key challenge to be addressed. It sets out the vision
                                                                          Country focus - The Netherlands: Under the 3rd edi-
     for ‘circular’ plastics with concrete actions at EU level. The
                                                                          tion of the National Waste Management Plan land-
     strategy also stresses that the private sector – together
                                                                          filling of composite waste is banned ‘in principle’.
     with national and regional authorities, cities and citizens
                                                                          However, wind farm operators can benefit from an
     – will need to mobilise to fulfil this vision. So far the focus
                                                                          “exemption” if the cost of alternative treatment is
     has been on single-use plastics, microplastics, oxo-plastics
                                                                          higher than 200 EUR/t. According to a survey con-
     and plastics packaging and not on composite waste.
                                                                          ducted by WindEurope, the cost of mechanically
                                                                          recycling wind turbine blades in the Netherlands
     At the national level, four countries make a clear reference
                                                                          ranges between 500-1,000 EUR/t including ons-
     to composite waste in their waste legislation: Germany,
                                                                          ite pre-cut, transport and processing. Mechanical
     Austria, the Netherlands and Finland. These countries for-
                                                                          recycling itself costs between 150-300 EUR/t. This
     bid composites from being landfilled or incinerated (see
                                                                          means landfilling is still practised.
     Country Case Studies below). France is considering intro-
     ducing a recycling target for wind turbines in its regulatory
     framework (due to be updated in 2020) [15].                       Regardless of such legislation affecting composite waste,
                                                                       the wind industry seeks to avoid landfill for blade waste
     EXISTING REGULATORY INCENTIVES                                    treatment as per the EU’s waste hierarchy (Figure 6). It
                                                                       is actively seeking recycling alternatives, along with other
     LANDFILL BANS AND TAXES                                           composite users.

     Landfill bans or taxes, if well designed and correctly imple-     EXTENDED PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY
     mented, can act as a driver to change industrial practices.
     They can dissuade disposal and stimulate more circular            Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a policy ap-
     solutions.                                                        proach that has been used in other sectors to drive change
                                                                       in industrial practices. Producers are given a significant re-
     When comparing the cost of recycling composite waste              sponsibility – financial and/or physical – for the treatment
     with the levels of landfill taxes for wind turbine blade          or disposal of post-consumer products. For example, EPR
     waste, the tax level in some countries is considered too low      exists today for electronic and electrical equipment un-
     to trigger substantial changes towards more recycling.            der the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Direc-
                                                                       tive (2012/19/EU). The photovoltaic (PV) sector has also
     Member States have used landfill bans and/or taxes to in-         adopted a similar scheme since 2014.
     centivise avoidance of landfill for different types of waste.

18   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
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Legislative context

In the UK, the PV Cycle Distributor Take-back Scheme
                                                               Country focus - In Germany, UBA, the Federal En-
(DTS) has received full government accreditation, enabling
                                                               vironment Agency, commissioned a study on wind
UK Distributors (i.e. any organisation selling PV panels for
                                                               turbine decommissioning and waste management.
private households) to carry out their collection and recy-
                                                               Results from the study formulate recommendations
cling obligations with a comprehensive support system at
                                                               for the set-up of an efficient dismantling system in
reasonable cost. This means any distributor must have a
                                                               Germany [3]. This assumes among others to poten-
procedure in place to take back PV waste. Distributors can
                                                               tially include specific elements of product responsi-
choose to set up their own free take-back operation or
                                                               bility for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
join the PV CYCLE Distributor Take-back Scheme.

In other industries, EPR is taken into account by use of       •    “Information and labelling obligations re-
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD). These decla-              garding the material composition of the rotor
rations provide information on material composition and             blades;
life cycle assessment, and can also provide dismantling in-    •    Separate processing with the aim of quality as-
structions and recycling options. For example, the use of           surance of recyclates and substitute fuels;
EPD is established in the building and construction sector.    •    Obligation for high quality recycling or guaran-
There is a European Standard describing the ‘core rules’            tee of disposal safety;
for these documents (UNE EN 15804:2012+A1:2014 Sus-            •    Inclusion of manufacturer’s knowledge and
tainability of construction works – Environmental product           processing technologies adapted to prod-
declarations – Core rules for the product category of con-          uct-related technological change; and
struction products).
                                                               •    Cause-related allocation of disposal costs and
                                                                    organisational obligations during disposal”.
In France and Germany EPR for the wind industry has
been discussed (see country case studies below). In gen-
eral, wind turbine blades are very large structures and        However, the report also highlights the following
therefore, unlike batteries, computers and PV panels, they     challenges speaking against the introduction of a
are unlikely to become mixed with local/municipal waste        specific product responsibility for rotor blades:
streams. This is already recognised in the WEEE Directive      •    “Many wind turbine manufacturers are active
where wind turbines are excluded because they are con-              across Europe. An isolated regulation in Ger-
sidered ‘Large Scale Fixed Installations’.                          many is possible but is at odds with the funda-
                                                                    mental idea of EU internal market;
   Country focus - In France, the Ministry for a Just          •    Format and storage location (manufacturer,
   and Ecological Transition commissioned a study on                operator, authority) as well as competition rel-
   wind turbine circularity. The report, published in               evance of the data collected;
   October 2019, recommended introducing EPR for
                                                               •    Long service lives of rotor blades are an obsta-
   blades [16]. EPR responsibilities already exist in 14
                                                                    cle to an individual product responsibility; and
   sectors including end-of-life vehicles, end-of-life
                                                               •    The discussion on disposal options for [glass
   ships, tyres and unused medical drugs.
                                                                    reinforced polymers/carbon reinforced poly-
                                                                    mers] also extends to other products made of
   The new law on circular economy adopted on 10                    such materials and may have to be addressed
   February 2020 extended EPR responsibilities to new               more specifically for materials flows than for
   products such as toys, cigarettes, textiles for health-          products”.
   care and building materials. Wind turbine blades
                                                               Currently, there is no initiative for legislation in Ger-
   were not included in this new list. It was deemed
                                                               many related to this issue. UBA is commissioning
   that EPR for wind turbine blades would not be ef-
                                                               another study on the “development of decommis-
   fective in increasing blade recycling. Instead, joint
                                                               sioning and recycling standards for rotor blades”.
   efforts between authorities and the industry were
                                                               The study will start in 2020 and run for 20 months.
   deemed more likely to be successful.

                                                                         Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020    19
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     5.1 THE WASTE                                                      FIGURE 6
                                                                        The waste hierarchy for sustainable blade waste
     HIERARCHY                                                          management
     The European Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC)                               Most prefered option
     defines basic concepts related to waste management. It
     emphasises the need for increased recycling and high-                                   Prevention
     lights the reduced availability of landfill. It also establishes
     the waste hierarchy shown in Figure 6.                                                     Reuse





                                                                                                               Source: ETIPWind

20   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
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Blade waste treatment methods

PREVENTION                                                     performed since commissioning of the blade. This might
                                                               lead to repair actions and reinforcement of certain areas.
The wind industry is committed to sustainable waste man-       DNV-GL has developed a standard for lifetime extension
agement in line with the waste hierarchy. The first step is    of wind turbines (DNVGL-ST-0262). And the International
prevention of blade waste through reduction and substi-        Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is currently developing
tution efforts in design. For example:                         a standard for the through-life management and life ex-
 • Mass reduction resulting in less material to recycle;       tension of wind power assets (IEC TS 61400-28). Finally,
 • Decrease failure rate and extend design lifetime.           several European and North American companies have
    Testing and certification plays a crucial role here.       established businesses for selling refurbished turbines
    Blade failures seen in the field are not always            and components.
    triggered in the testing phase as past standards
    are not up to date for large blades (> 50m). More          REPURPOSING
    recent testing and certification standards like
    DNVGL-ST-0376 and the upcoming IEC 61400-5 open            Repurposing is the next step in the waste hierarchy. This
    potential for better design; and                           means re-using an existing part of the blade for a different
 • Design for easy upgrade of existing blade to new            application, usually of lower value than the original. For
    versions, e.g. segmented/modular blades. However,          example:
    these are not standard design yet.                          • Reusing the blades for playgrounds or street furniture
                                                                  [17], [18], [19], [20]
REUSE                                                           • Specific structural parts of the blade can also be
                                                                  repurposed for building structures e.g. bicycle
The blade should be used and reused for as long as pos-           shelters [21], bridge in Nørresundby, Denmark (yet to
sible before waste treatment is needed. Routine servicing         be built) [22], walkways, architectonic reuse [23].
and repair is required to achieve a blade’s design lifetime.
For lifetime extension, a ‘remaining useful lifetime as-       However, to date the repurposing examples represent
sessment’ (i.e. a fatigue load analysis using SCADA data       demonstration projects that are unlikely to be a large-
or types of data) must be conducted, in combination            scale solution for future expected volumes.
with site inspections and review of maintenance actions

Examples of blade repurposing

                                A conceptual design of pedestrian bridge using A29 wind
                                   blades as main girders, Re-Wind research project [24]

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     FIGURE 7
     Examples of blade repurposing

                                                      Bike shed in Aalborg, Denmark

                                                                                Source: Re-Wind and Port of Aalborg, Denmark

22   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
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Blade waste treatment methods

RECYCLING & RECOVERY                                         ergy after removing all individual components that can be
                                                             used again. Section 5.2 describes the existing recycling
Where repurposing is not possible, recycling and recovery    and recovery technologies for composite waste. There is
are the next options. Recycling means the blade becomes      an increasing number of companies that offer composites
a new product or material with the same or different func-   recycling services. For an indicative and non-exhaustive
tional use. Recycling requires energy and other resources    list of companies active in that area, you may contact
in order to convert the blade waste into something else.     WindEurope at
Recovery means turning waste into a fuel or thermal en-

Examples of products based on recycled blade composites (demonstrator projects)

a) FiberEUse – Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value chains
based on the reuse of end-of-life fibre reinforced composites

                                        Cowl tool support (automotive), Maier

               Modern urban furniture, DesignAustria                  Bathroom furniture, Novellini

                                                        Source: FiberEUse (H2020-CIRC-01-2016-2017, GA nº 730323)

                                                                        Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   23
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Blade waste treatment methods

     b) Mechanically recycled fibres from wind turbine blades added as short reinforcing fiber to concrete

                        Precast concrete LEGO type blocks                     Precast concrete manhole module

                                                  Precast concrete New Jersey barriers

                                                                       Source: Courtesy of TECNALIA Research and Innovation

     c) Noise insulation barriers

                                                                                                        Source: Miljoskarm


     Disposing blades via landfill or incineration without ener-
     gy recovery are the least favoured waste treatment meth-
     ods because there is no material or energy recovery.

24   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
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5.2 RECYCLING AND                                              shown by the technological readiness levels (TRL) pre-
RECOVERY TREATMENT                                             sented in the tables below for each existing treatment
                                                               method [1], [25]. The processing methods also vary in their
METHODS                                                        effects on the fibre quality (length, strength, stiffness
Today, the main technology for recycling composite waste       properties), thereby influencing how the recycled fibres
is through cement co-processing, also known as the ce-         can be applied.
ment kiln route. Composite materials can also be recy-
cled or recovered through mechanical grinding, thermal         The wind industry is pushing for the development and
(pyrolysis, fluidised bed), thermo-chemical (solvolysis),      industrialisation of alternative technologies to provide all
or electro-mechanical (high voltage pulse fragmentation)       composite-using sectors with additional solutions for end-
processes or combinations of these. These alternative          of-life. As such, the wind industry is involved in a number
technologies are available at different levels of maturity     of research & development projects (Appendix A).
and not all of them are available at industrial scale, as

CEMENT CO-PROCESSING (CEMENT                                   bust and scalable route for treatment of composite waste.
KILN ROUTE)                                                    It also has a simple supply chain. Wind turbine blades can
                                                               be broken down close to the place of disassembly thus
In cement co-processing the glass fibre is recycled as a       facilitating transport to the processing facility. Although it
component of cement mixes (cement clinker). The poly-          is very promising in terms of cost-effectiveness and effica-
mer matrix is burned as fuel for the process (also called      cy, in this process the fibre shape of the glass disappears
refuse-derived fuel), which reduces the carbon footprint       and therefore cannot be used in other composites appli-
of cement production. Cement co-processing offers a ro-        cations [26].

       TRL                STRENGTHS                          DISADVANTAGES                  POINTS OF ATTENTION
                   • Highly efficient, fast and
                                                                                           • Pollutants and particulate
                   • Large quantities can be
                                                                                             matter emissions (although
                                                                                             appropriate mitigation
                   • Capability to reduce CO2
                                                   • Loss of original fibre’s physical       exists in compliance with
        9            emissions of cement manu-
                                                     shape                                   the Industrial Emissions
                     facturing by up to 16%
                   • Slightly increasing energy
                                                                                           • So far only suitable for
                     efficiency of cement
                                                                                             glass-reinforced composites
                   • No ash left over

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     MECHANICAL GRINDING                                               er material is extremely limited in thermoset composite
                                                                       applications (less than 10%). For re-use of the fibres as
     Mechanical grinding is a commonly used technology                 reinforcement in thermoplastic applications, the variation
     due to its effectiveness, low cost and low energy require-        in composition and potential contamination with resin
     ment. It does however drastically decrease the value of           particulates has a negative impact on reinforced thermo-
     the recycled materials. The recycled products, short fibres       plastic resin manufacturing speed and thermoplastic resin
     and ground matrix (powder), can be used respectively as           quality. This could be minimised if the separating and dis-
     reinforcement or fillers. Because of the deterioration of         mantling processes were upgraded and could be suitable
     the mechanical properties, the incorporation level of fill-       in cases where no more value retention is possible [26].

            TRL             STRENGTHS                        DISADVANTAGES                         POINTS OF ATTENTION
                                                 • Not competitive (yet) with use of virgin raw
                                                 • Quality of recyclates compromised due to
       Glass fibre: 9     • Efficient and                                                         • Requires dedicated facilities
                                                   the high content of other materials
       Carbon fibre:        high throughput                                                         with closed area to limit
                                                 • Up to 40% material waste generated during
           6/7              rates                                                                   dust emissions
                                                   grinding, sieving and processing
                                                 • Consequently, large volume applications
                                                   not (yet) developed

26   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
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Blade waste treatment methods

PYROLYSIS                                                          Economic viability depends on the scale and re-use that
                                                                   the matrix-obtained chemicals can have. To date, this re-
Pyrolysis is a thermal recycling process which allows the          cycling technology is only economically viable for carbon
recovery of fibre in the form of ash and of polymer matrix         fibres. It is, however, not currently implemented at large
in the form of hydrocarbon products. Although it allows for        scale since the volumes of carbon fibre reinforced compos-
the lowest value loss from industrial-scale technologies,          ites are low. With the next generation of mega-turbines,
there is still a loss of value. Matrices are turned into pow-      the required weight reduction and mechanical properties
der or oil, potentially useable as additives and fillers. The      will enhance the preferred use of carbon fibre composites
fibre surface is often damaged due to the high temper-             and the market volume might grow accordingly.
atures, resulting in a decrease in mechanical properties.
Pyrolysis requires high investment and running costs [26].

                                                                                                     POINTS OF ATTEN-
       TRL                      STRENGTHS                            DISADVANTAGES
                                                                • Fibre product may retain
                • The bi-products (Syngas and oil)
                                                                  oxidation residue or char
                  can be used as energy source or as
                                                                • Loss of strength of fibre due
                  base chemicals/building blocks
                                                                  to high temperature
  Pyrolysis: 9  • Easily scaled-up                                                                 • Economically sound for
                                                                • Decreased quality of the
 Microwave: 4/5 • Microwave pyrolysis: Easier to con-                                                carbon fibre recovery
                                                                  recovered carbon fibres from
                  trol. Lower damage to the fibre                                                    to date
                                                                  original material (lowest
                • Already used at commercial scale
                                                                  value loss in comparison
                  for recycling carbon fibre compos-
                                                                  to other mature recycling

                                                                               Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020   27
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     HIGH VOLTAGE PULSE                                              be recovered from the process and obtaining quality fi-
     FRAGMENTATION                                                   bres requires high levels of energy, an issue that could
                                                                     be overcome by operating at higher rates. Compared to
     High voltage pulse fragmentation is an electro-mechani-         mechanical grinding, the quality of the fibres obtained is
     cal process that effectively separates matrices from fibres     higher; fibres are longer and cleaner [26].
     with the use of electricity. However, only short fibres can

            TRL                   STRENGTHS                        DISADVANTAGES                POINTS OF ATTENTION

                          • Potential to be scalable      • Only laboratory- and pilot-scale   • Size of the available
                            to treat large amounts of       equipment are available              installations might be
              6             waste                         • Decreased quality of the recov-      suboptimal to recycle
                          • Low investments required        ered glass fibres from original      the current stock of wind
                            to reach the next TRL           material                             turbine

28   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
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Blade waste treatment methods

SOLVOLYSIS                                                      ical properties. Solvolysis is easily scalable but investment
                                                                and running costs are high and it is still at a relatively low
Solvolysis is a chemical treatment where solvents (water,       TRL [26].
alcohol and/or acid) are used to break the matrix bonds
at a specific temperature and pressure. Solvolysis offers       To date, only the carbon fibres are recycled through sol-
many possibilities due to a wide range of solvent, tem-         volysis. However, it is not currently implemented at large
perature and pressure options. Compared to thermal              scale since the volumes of carbon fibre reinforced compos-
technologies, solvolysis requires lower temperatures to         ites are low. With the next generation of mega-turbines,
degrade the resins, resulting in a lower degradation of fi-     the required weight reduction and mechanical properties
bres. Solvolysis with super-critical water seems to be the      will enhance the preferred use of carbon fibre composites
most promising technology since both fibres and resins          and the market volume might grow accordingly.
can be retrieved without major impacts on their mechan-

       TRL                 STRENGTHS                          DISADVANTAGES                  POINTS OF ATTENTION
                                                   • High energy consumption due
                   • Recovery of clean fibres at
                                                     to high temperature and high
                     their full length
                                                     pressure of some processes
                   • Soup of resin chemicals
                                                   • Uses large volumes of solvents,
                     produced which can be
                                                     although these are mostly recov-      • To date only the carbon
       5/6           used as chemical building
                                                     ered and reintegrated into the          fibres are recycled
                   • Low risk solvents are used
                                                   • Decreased quality of the recov-
                     such as alcohols, glycols
                                                     ered carbon fibres from original
                     and supercritical water

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     The unique characteristic of this process is that it can treat
     mixed material (e.g. painted surfaces or foam cores), and
     therefore could be particularly suitable for end-of-life
     waste [26].

            TRL                   STRENGTHS                           DISADVANTAGES             POINTS OF ATTENTION
                          • More tolerant of contam-
                                                                                               • Process-related emissions
                                                                                                 (although appropriate miti-
                          • Recovery of energy or po-      • More degradation of fibres than
             5/6                                                                                 gation exists)
                            tential precursor chemicals      solvolysis/pyrolysis
                                                                                               • Scale-up still needs to be
                          • High efficiency of heat

30   Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020
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5.3 CONCLUSION                                                          fibre (1-2 €/kg) does not make the recovery of fibre as
                                                                        standalone product economically competitive. However,
The above highlights that while various technologies exist              it is envisaged that the recovery of the whole composite
to recycle glass fibre and carbon fibre from wind turbine               materials into chemical building blocks will represent a vi-
blades, these solutions are yet to be widely available at               able route. This is based on the recovery of pyrolysis oils
industrial scale and to be cost-competitive. In many cas-               and of chemicals obtained through gasification, which is
es, the recycled material cannot compete with the price                 happening in other large volume sectors and value chains
of virgin materials. For example the price of virgin glass              (i.e. plastic waste).

Estimated relative costs and values of composite recycling technologies

                                                                                                     The size of the bars is indicative
                                                                                                     and varies among EU recyclers
Cost and value (€/Kg)

                                                                                                     using the same process due to
                                                                                                     varying process parameters such
                                                                                                     as throughput rates/capacity,
                                                                                                     temperature/pressure and
                                                                                                     retention time in the reactor.

                        Fluidised Bed   Solvolysis    High Voltage Pulse    Pyrolysis          Mechanical         Co-Processing
                                                        Fragmentation                           Grinding

                                                     Process Costs
                                                     Potential material value of carbon fibre
                                                     Potential material value of glass fibre

                                                                                           Source: Bax & Company and ETIPWind

Today, the main technology for recycling composite waste                The best strategy for wind blades is the one that com-
is through cement co-processing. WindEurope, Cefic and                  bines design, testing (according to latest standards to de-
EuCIA strongly support increasing and improving compos-                 crease repair and failure rates), maintenance, upgrades
ite waste recycling through the development of alterna-                 (e.g. reinforcement) and the appropriate recycling tech-
tive recycling technologies which produce higher value                  nology to ensure the maximal value of the material is re-
recyclates (both in terms of resin and fibre) and enable                trieved throughout its lifetime. It should also systemically
production of new composites. Further development and                   allow the re-use of materials for the same or similar pur-
industrialisation of alternative thermal or chemical recy-              poses (e.g. allows polymer matrices to revert to mono-
cling technologies may provide composite-using sectors,                 mers and avoids fibre damage during the process). Having
including the wind industry, with additional solutions for              a good understanding of the environmental impacts as-
end-of-life.                                                            sociated with the choice of materials during design and
                                                                        with the different waste treatment methods at end-of-life
                                                                        through life cycle assessments will also help define the ap-
                                                                        propriate strategy.

                                                                                    Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity - 2020    31
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