Abundance of spring- and winter-active arthropods declines with warming - Nate ...
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Abundance of spring- and winter-active arthropods declines with warming JACQUELYN L. FITZGERALD ,1,2,3 KATHARINE L. STUBLE,4 LAUREN M. NICHOLS,3 SARAH E. DIAMOND,5 THOMAS R. WENTWORTH ,6 SHANNON L. PELINI,7 NICHOLAS J. GOTELLI,8 NATHAN J. SANDERS,9 ROBERT R. DUNN,3,10 AND CLINT A. PENICK11, 1 Plant Biology and Conservation, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201 USA 2 Negaunee Institute for Plant Conservation Science & Action, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, Illinois 60022 USA 3 Department of Applied Ecology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 USA 4 The Holden Arboretum, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 USA 5 Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 USA 6 Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 USA 7 Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 USA 8 Department of Biology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405 USA 9 Environmental Program, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405 USA 10 Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen DK-2100 Denmark 11 Department of Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144 USA Citation: Fitzgerald, J. L., K. L. Stuble, L. M. Nichols, S. E. Diamond, T. R. Wentworth, S. L. Pelini, N. J. Gotelli, N. J. Sanders, R. R. Dunn, and C. A. Penick. 2021. Abundance of spring- and winter-active arthropods declines with warming. Ecosphere 12(4):e03473. 10.1002/ecs2.3473 Abstract. Because ectotherm activity and metabolism are sensitive to temperature, terrestrial arthropods may be especially responsive to ongoing climatic warming. Here, we quantified responses of arthropod abundance to two years of warming in an outdoor temperature manipulation experiment at Duke Forest, North Carolina, USA. Nine open-top chambers were individually heated year-round from 1.5° to 5.5°C above ambient temperature. From two years of monthly pitfall trapping, we collected and identified 4,468 arthropods representing 24 orders. We initially predicted that arthropods would experience the greatest negative effects of experimental warming during the summer months, when temperatures reach their yearly maximum and arthropods may be close to their maximum thermal tolerance limits. Instead, we found that the strongest negative effects on arthropod abundance occurred during the winter and spring, when ambient temperatures are relatively cooler, whereas the effects of experimental warming on abun- dance were not significant during the summer or fall. During the spring of 2012, the warmest spring on record for the southeastern USA, total arthropod abundance declined 20% per °C of experimental warm- ing. Abundance declines were driven largely by flies (Diptera), which were the most abundant insect order, representing approximately a third of all arthropods collected. The most abundant arthropod family, Mycetophilidae (fungus gnats), declined 64% per °C of warming during the spring of 2012. Although pre- vious research on climatic warming has focused on the impact of maximum yearly temperatures on organ- ismal performance, our results are more consistent with the cool-season sensitivity hypothesis, which posits that arthropods adapted for cooler conditions are likely to face the strongest negative effects of warming during the cooler seasons. Key words: abundance declines; arthropods; climate change; global warming; insects; seasonality. Received 10 December 2020; accepted 16 December 2020; final version received 10 February 2021. Corresponding Editor: Debra P. C. Peters. Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. E-mail : cpenick1@kennesaw.edu v www.esajournals.org 1 April 2021 v Volume 12(4) v Article e03473
FITZGERALD ET AL. INTRODUCTION extremophiles like snow fleas (Collembola; Bis- soyi et al. 2019) and ice crawlers (Grylloblattidae; The effects of climatic warming are expected to Schoville et al. 2015). vary over space and time. Numerous studies The wide range of thermal specialization in have found that the effects of climate change arthropods may make them especially sensitive vary geographically as a function of latitude to seasonal variation in the effects of climatic (Addo-Bediako et al. 2000, Deutsch et al. 2008, warming. In arthropods, climate-driven shifts in Diamond et al. 2012b, Pinsky et al. 2019), eleva- phenology have been well documented in recent tion (Sunday et al. 2014, Freeman et al. 2018), decades, with a general trend toward earlier sea- and microhabitat (Scheffers et al. 2013, Baudier sonal activity (Walther et al. 2002, Parmesan et al. 2015, Bennett et al. 2015, Pincebourde and 2006, Ovaskainen et al. 2013). However, if arthro- Woods 2020). Far fewer studies have investigated pod phenologies do not shift fast enough to temporal variability in the effects of climate match the current pace of warming, then their warming (but see Badeck et al. 2004, Gallinat responses will depend both on the magnitude of et al. 2015, Williams et al. 2015). Temperate warming they experience and their thermal sen- ecosystems exhibit strong seasonal variability in sitivity. Summer-active arthropods experience climate, and organisms that are active during a the highest overall temperatures and may be single season may only experience a small win- under higher thermal stress as a result of warm- dow of this variability in a given year. The effects ing than arthropods active in cooler seasons (the of climatic warming may therefore affect organ- warm-season sensitivity hypothesis). However, isms differently depending on what time of year organisms that are regularly exposed to high they are active. temperatures are also predicted to be the most Seasonal effects of climatic warming may be tolerant of extreme hot temperatures (Angilletta particularly important for arthropods, which 2009). Geographic trends have supported this compose over half the world’s animal diversity prediction, with organisms occurring in temper- (Mora et al. 2011). Recent large-scale insect decli- ate regions expressing broader thermal toler- nes have been documented worldwide, driven ances than organisms in tropical climates (Addo- primarily by anthropogenic forces (Hallmann Bediako et al. 2000, Deutsch et al. 2008, Sunday et al. 2017, Lister and Garcia 2018, Wepprich et al. 2011, Diamond et al. 2012b). Likewise, et al. 2019, van Klink et al. 2020, Wagner 2020). organisms that live in microhabitats that are Some estimates conclude that over 40% of all more exposed to solar heating tend to have insect species are currently at risk of extinction higher thermal limits (Baudier et al. 2015, Kas- (Dirzo et al. 2014). These losses are driven in part pari et al. 2015), as do organisms active at mid- by changes in climate (Conrad et al. 2006, Van- day (Kay and Whitford 1978). Critical thermal bergen and the Insect Pollinators Initiative 2013), limits can predict sub-lethal performance (Penick and any loss in biodiversity is precipitated by et al. 2017), such that species with lower thermal abundance declines. However, the effects of cli- limits can experience negative effects of warming mate change on arthropods are expected to vary even if air temperatures do not approach their among species (Robinet and Roques 2010, Boggs thermal maxima. Therefore, organisms active in 2016). As small-bodied ectotherms, arthropods cooler seasons may be less tolerant of warming tend to be thermophilic and reach peak activity and experience the largest negative effects (the during warm periods of the year (Tauber and cool-season sensitivity hypothesis). Some pheno- Tauber 1976, Wolda 1988). However, arthropods logical studies have supported this prediction, also exhibit a wide degree of seasonal specializa- with organisms’ phenologies responding more tion even within a single habitat. Species that (or only) to spring warming (Diamond et al. serve as pollinators, for example, are often most 2011, Parmesan and Hanley 2015). Additionally, active during spring when flowering peaks in there may be taxon-specific sensitivity to warm- temperate regions (Memmott et al. 2007). Other ing, depending on whether taxa are already lim- arthropods are active only during winter, includ- ited by warm-season or cool-season activity. ing winter-active ground beetles (Carabidae; Here, we studied temporal variation in the Jaskuła and Soszy nska-Maj 2011) and response of arthropod abundance to warming as v www.esajournals.org 2 April 2021 v Volume 12(4) v Article e03473
FITZGERALD ET AL. part of a long-term, field-based temperature ground-based sensor network of thermistors manipulation experiment (Pelini et al. 2011). We inside each chamber. We calculated realized asked (1) Does experimental warming affect warming (delta or DT) in each chamber by com- arthropod abundance? (2) Does the effect of paring average chamber air temperature to the experimental warming vary by season? And (3) averaged mean air temperature of the three con- does the effect of experimental warming vary trol chambers for each sampling month. among taxa? If the strongest effects of experi- mental warming occur when temperatures reach Arthropod sampling and identification their yearly maximum, then we predicted that Arthropods were sampled monthly from arthropod abundance would decrease in the warming chambers using pitfall traps (5 cm in warmest chambers during summer, consistent diameter) between January 2011 and December with the warm-season sensitivity hypothesis. If 2012. Four pitfall traps were placed inside each arthropods active during cooler seasons are less chamber 1 m from the outer wall. Traps were tolerant of high temperatures than arthropods filled with 60–80 mL ethylene glycol and left adapted to summer conditions, we predicted that uncovered for 48 h during days without precipi- arthropod abundance would decrease in heated tation. Arthropods collected in pitfall traps were chambers during winter, spring, and/or fall, preserved in 95% EtOH until identification. We consistent with the cool-season sensitivity combined counts from the four pitfalls traps in hypothesis. each chamber. We identified arthropods to taxo- nomic order for all collections and later identified METHODS arthropods to family for spring 2012 (March– May), which was a season of record heat for the Study site and warming experiment southeastern USA and the season for which we We studied the effects of climate warming on saw the greatest effects of warming. From these arthropod abundance within the context of a family-level data, we excluded data from one field-based, experimental warming array at Duke control chamber (chamber #11) in April, due to Forest, North Carolina, USA (35.8667, 79.9958, inconsistency in arthropod identification. Addi- 130 m asl). Duke Forest is an 80-year-old tionally, changes in laboratory personnel over the oak-hickory stand representative of lowland study period resulted in inconsistent sorting of forests in eastern North America (mean annual micro-arthropods from the order Collembola temperature = 15.5°C, mean annual precipita- (springtails) and the subclass Acari (mites and tion = 1140 mm; Christensen 1977). The warm- ticks). While these arthropods are highly abun- ing array consisted of 12 open-top chambers that dant in the leaf litter, we chose to exclude them were 5 m in diameter and centered around a sin- from the analysis. gle white oak, Quercus alba (Fig. 1). The walls of Previous studies from this site have focused on the chambers were 1.2 m high and raised 2–3 cm the effects of warming on ants, which live in from the forest floor to allow unrestricted move- perennial colonies that are active over many sea- ment of arthropods. Beginning in 2010, chambers sons (e.g., Diamond et al. 2012a, Stuble et al. were heated year-round using thermostat-con- 2013, Pelini et al. 2014, Resasco et al. 2014, Dia- trolled forced air passed over hydronic heaters. mond et al. 2016). Here, we excluded ants from Nine chambers were assigned a target tempera- our analysis to focus on all other arthropods, the ture in 0.5°C increments from 1.5 to 5.5°C (i.e., majority of which are active for only a short per- 1.5°, 2.0°, 2.5°, . . ., 5.5°C), and three chambers iod of the year and are highly temperature-de- received unheated air to serve as ambient con- pendent (Pearse 1946), potentially making them trols (Fig. 2; see Pelini et al. 2011). The range of more sensitive to variation in seasonal responses temperatures spanned by the warming treat- to warming than organisms active year-round. ments encompassed climate projections of Additionally, ant abundance counts in pitfall increased mean annual temperature from 1° to traps are prone to overinflation and require a 5°C over the next century (Intergovernmental separate analysis framework (Gotelli et al. 2011). Panel on Climate Change 2014). Raw tempera- This study was replicated and conducted con- ture data were recorded at hourly intervals via a currently at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA v www.esajournals.org 3 April 2021 v Volume 12(4) v Article e03473
FITZGERALD ET AL. Fig. 1. Warming chamber at Duke Forest, North Carolina, USA. The chambers were 5 m in diameter and warmed by heated air blown through vents surrounding a central white oak (Quercus alba) (photo: James Waters). Fig. 2. Mean chamber air temperature (°C) for the two years of this study (2011–2012). Nine chambers were heated via warmed air and three chambers received unheated ambient air as a control. Heated chambers were assigned a single target temperature (DT) above ambient in 0.5°C increments from 1.5° to 5.5°C. (42.53, 72.19, 300 m asl). Arthropod abun- the package MASS v7.3-53 (Ripley et al. 2013) to dances were too low at Harvard Forest for a com- build our statistical models. parative analysis, particularly in colder seasons. Does experimental warming affect arthropod Data analysis.—All statistical analyses were abundance?.—To test the overall effects of experi- conducted in R v. 3.6.1 (R Core Team 2019), using mental warming on arthropod abundance, we v www.esajournals.org 4 April 2021 v Volume 12(4) v Article e03473
FITZGERALD ET AL. first summed abundance counts across all orders approach to evaluate the interaction of realized into a single value for each chamber/month/year chamber warming and family. combination. We then fit a generalized linear model (GLM) to test how arthropod abundance RESULTS was influenced by realized chamber warming (DT), using a negative binomial error distribution In total, we collected 4468 arthropods, 2089 in to account for overdispersion of abundance. We 2011 and 2379 in 2012, from 24 orders (Fig. 3a). used Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) to Over half of all arthropods were in three orders: compare the goodness of fit of models with year Diptera, Coleoptera, and Araneae, representing as an interactive effect, an additive effect, and 32.1%, 14.8%, and 12.4% of all arthropods col- with year excluded from the model. lected, respectively. For the spring of 2012, we Does the effect of experimental warming on identified 416 arthropods to 44 families (Fig. 3b, arthropod abundance vary by season?.—To describe Appendix S1: Fig. S2). The most abundant how arthropod abundance changed throughout families were Mycetophilidae (fungus gnats) the season with experimental warming, we fit a and Cecidomyiidae (gall midges), which made generalized linear model on the interaction up 34.6% and 15.1% of all specimens, between realized chamber warming (DT) and respectively. each unique season-year combination (i.e., win- ter 2011, winter 2012), with a negative binomial Does experimental warming affect arthropod error distribution. We used AIC to compare the abundance? goodness of fit of models with year as an interac- Overall, arthropod abundance marginally tive effect, an additive effect, excluded from the declined with warming (GLM, P = 0.06; Table 1). model, and as a combined factor with season. We assigned each month to a season following the Does the effect of experimental warming on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- arthropod abundance vary by season? tion standard: winter, December–February; The effect of arthropod abundance varied by spring, March–May; summer, June–August; and season (GLM, P = 0.02; Fig. 4, Tables 2, 3). The fall, September–November. strongest effects occurred in the winter and While our assignments of months to season spring with no significant effects during the sum- reflect climatic divisions in North Carolina mer and fall. In 2011, arthropod abundance (Arguez et al. 2010), we additionally tested every declined 16.32% per degree of warming in the possible continuous three-month block across winter (GLM, P = 0.02), marginally declined in both years. The results are qualitatively similar the spring (P = 0.06), and was unchanged in the (Appendix S1: Table S1, Fig. S1). summer (P = 0.86) and fall (P = 0.40). In 2012, Does the effect of warming vary among taxa?.—To arthropod abundance marginally declined in the test whether the effect of warming varied among winter (GLM, P = 0.06), declined 20.53% per taxa, we selected abundance count data and degree of warming in the spring (P < 0.01), and removed the 6 orders with fewer than 20 total was unchanged in the summer (P = 0.42) and fall observations across the two-year sampling per- (P = 0.15). iod (1.4% of total arthropods collected). We then used a generalized linear model to evaluate the Does the effect of warming vary by taxa? interaction of realized chamber warming (DT) The effect of warming varied among orders and order with year as an additive effect, using a (Fig. 5, Table 4). The three most abundant negative binomial error distribution to account orders, Diptera (flies), Coleoptera (beetles), and for overdispersion of abundance. We used AIC Araneae (spiders), representing nearly 60% of all to compare the goodness of fit of models with arthropods collected, showed mixed responses to year as an interactive effect, an additive effect, warming. Diptera declined in abundance by and with year excluded from the model. For the 14.04% per degree of warming (GLM, P = 0.03, spring of 2012, for which we have family-level N = 1433), while the abundance of Coleoptera identification, we used an analogous modeling and Araneae was unchanged (Table 5). Two v www.esajournals.org 5 April 2021 v Volume 12(4) v Article e03473
FITZGERALD ET AL. Fig. 3. Arthropod abundance by taxa. (A) Relative abundance of arthropods by order across the study period. (B) Relative abundance of arthropods by family for the spring (March–May) of 2012. additional orders responded to warming: Lepi- bark lice) abundance declined 22.89% per degree doptera (butterflies and moths) abundance of warming (P = 0.02, N = 57). declined 18.80% per degree of warming (GLM, For the spring of 2012, the effect of warming P = 0.01, N = 155), and Psocodea (book lice and varied by family (Fig. 6, Table 5, Appendix S1: v www.esajournals.org 6 April 2021 v Volume 12(4) v Article e03473
FITZGERALD ET AL. Table S2). While most arthropod families did not abundance during the summer, when tempera- respond to warming, the most abundant family, tures reach their yearly maximum, but we did Mycetophilidae (fungus gnats, Diptera), repre- not find evidence of this. Instead, warming had senting 34.62% of all insects collected that season, the strongest effect on arthropod abundance dur- declined in abundance by 64.37% per degree of ing the relatively cooler seasons. Abundance warming (GLM, P < 0.01, N = 144). declined in the spring and winter and was unchanged in the summer and fall. These results DISCUSSION support the cool-season sensitivity hypothesis, We initially predicted that warming would show the strongest effects on arthropod Table 2. Type III ANOVA of a generalized linear model describing the relationship between chamber Table 1. Generalized linear model describing the rela- warming (DT) and season-year on arthropod abun- tionship between chamber warming (DT) and dance. arthropod abundance. Term v2 df P value Term Estimate SE z Value P value DT 0.76 1 0.38 Intercept 3.97 0.09 43.21
FITZGERALD ET AL. which posits that arthropods adapted to the arthropods that are adapted to the warmer con- cooler conditions of winter, spring, and fall will ditions of summer. In general, these findings sug- be more sensitive to climate warming than gest that arthropods active in summer may be relatively tolerant of warming, while arthropods Table 3. Generalized linear model describing the rela- active in during cooler periods of the year are tionship between chamber warming (DT) and sea- likely more susceptible to the negative effects of son-year on arthropod abundance. warming despite facing cooler maximum tem- peratures. Term Estimate SE t P value Our sampling period included the spring of (Intercept) 3.44 0.15 22.38
FITZGERALD ET AL. Table 4. Generalized linear model describing the rela- Table 5. Generalized linear model describing the rela- tionship between chamber warming (DT) and abun- tionship between chamber warming (DT) and abun- dance between orders, with year as an additive dance for the ten most abundant arthropod families effect. for the spring months (March–May) of 2012. Term Estimate SE t P value Term Estimate SE t P value Intercept 0.57 0.14 3.99
FITZGERALD ET AL. Fig. 6. Arthropod abundance response to warming treatment during the spring of 2012 for the ten most com- mon arthropod families. The most abundant family, Mycetophilidae, declined with warming. Red indicates P ≤ 0.05, and shading represents 95% confidence intervals. the family may be particularly vulnerable to cli- reorganization in response to warming may mate change. The effect of warming on fungus occur without abundance declines at broader gnats may be mediated through trophic interac- taxonomic scales (Kardol et al. 2011). tions, rather than physiological limits. Warming Changes in arthropod phenology have been may alter fungal communities by drying soils well documented in response to recent warming (Treseder et al. 2016, Solly et al. 2017), which (Ovaskainen et al. 2013, Ge et al. 2015), but we may then limit insects that rely on fungal food did not test for phenological advance in the con- sources. text of our experimental warming arrays. We Our taxonomic identification of arthropods sampled arthropods monthly, which likely was relatively coarse (order, a subset to family). would not have captured changes in phenology We observed declines in Diptera (flies), the most that can occur on the order of days (Maurer et al. abundant order, and in Lepidoptera (butterflies 2018, Renner and Zohner 2018). Whether arthro- and moths) and Psocodea (book lice and bark pods alter their phenology or not, our results lice). The abundance of other arthropod groups indicate that warming may cause declines in was unchanged by warming, possibly suggesting abundance across broad time scales. This large broad resilience to climatic warming. However, window of vulnerability suggests that changes in our coarse taxonomic resolution was unlikely to phenology may be insufficient to completely buf- capture changes in community composition at fer organisms from negative effects of climatic lower taxonomic levels. Differential responses to warming. climatic warming frequently occur at the species The warming treatments were applied in a level (Le Roux and McGeoch 2008, Forrest 2016, regression design (See Cottingham et al. 2005), Lehmann et al. 2020) and would not have been and consequently, there was no replication of the detectable in this study. Additionally, community warming treatments and we were unable to v www.esajournals.org 10 April 2021 v Volume 12(4) v Article e03473
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