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Promotion // Abu dhabi

                                              ABU DHABI
                 Sustainable and Diversified Growth
                           Abu Dhabi Chamber of
                          Commerce and Industry
                              Driving a Competitive Business Environment

           bu Dhabi enjoys a prime posi-                                                     global players today, mainly driven by
           tion in the region as a lead-                                                     a competitive business environment
           ing business center. Many of                                                      that attracts investment from all over
           the world’s largest companies                                                     the world,” Al Muhairi says. “It is in
have flocked to the emirate, attrac-                                                         this context that the ADCCI is spear-
ted by its renowned business-friendly                                                        heading the participation of business
policies. Abu Dhabi offers many invest-                                                      enterprises in the emirate’s economic
ment opportunities while creating an                                                         growth and helping them become a
ideal commercial and legislative environ-                                                    part of the success story.”
ment for businesses to grow and evolve.
  The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Com-                                                              A Critical Partner
merce and Industry (ADCCI) has been                                                          In 2011, ADCCI signed several agree-
indispensable in the UAE capital’s stra-                                                     ments and memoranda of understand-
tegic plans to position itself as the lead-                                                  ing to simplify business procedures,
ing destination for global commerce.                                                         particularly those related to new and
  Through its efforts, it has attracted                                                      existing project development.
major international companies that are             Mohammed Hilal Al Muhairi, Director         Additionally, ADCCI oversaw the grad-
critical to executing Abu Dhabi’s Eco-                   General of ADCCI                    uation of a number of UAE nationals
nomic Vision of 2030, which aims to                                                          from the Abu Dhabi International Center
align the emirate’s economic policies         Hilal Al Muhairi. “In fact, this vision per-   for Organisational Excellence (ADICOE),
and plans and to fully engage the pri-        fectly fits with the aspirations of the pri-   a subsidiary of ADCCI. ADICOE aims
vate sector to help implement them.           vate sector to play a greater role in the      to strengthen both private- and public-
                                              current economic boom. Our effort will         sector organizations’ abilities to com-
A History of Growth                           be to continue to develop policies and         pete through personal training and con-
Since its inception in 1969, ADCCI has        strategies that will help ADCCI retain         sulting, while contributing to the overall
achieved rapid success in promoting           its standing as a key player in driving        process of emiratization.
Abu Dhabi as an economic and indus-           development in Abu Dhabi.”                       According to economic studies, Abu
trial hub. In the process, it has increased                                                  Dhabi’s GDP grew 14% from 2001 to
its membership from 84,911 in 2010 to         “Abu Dhabi is fast emerging as                 2009, and the emirate successfully
more than 95,000 in 2011, in addition to      a regional business hub and                    attracted foreign investments reaching
providing myriad vital services to com-       gateway for global players today,              $27.2 billion from 2003 to 2010.
panies in Abu Dhabi.                          mainly driven by a competitive                   ADCCI forecasts that Abu Dhabi’s
   ADCCI works with key regional part-        business environment that attracts             economy will grow 4.5% this year, in line
ners to boost foreign investment, and         investment from all over the world.”           with the emirate’s established trajec-
it promotes its services and facilities       —Mohammed Hilal Al Muhairi                     tory—an impressive feat in light of the
by participating in business exhibitions                                                     current global financial crisis.
around the world. It also frequently            ADCCI has long recognized the criti-           Today ADCCI provides more than
hosts commercial delegations; it hosted       cal partnership between the private            management expertise and licenses.
70 in 2011 alone.                             and public sectors. In fact, the Abu           Many of its efforts support businesses
   “Last year ADCCI doubled its efforts       Dhabi Economic Vision 2030 is the              with information about potential invest-
to support Abu Dhabi’s economy in an          result of a strong collaboration between       ment opportunities while providing them
effort to achieve the vision of our wise      public-sector and joint public-private         with expert counseling and advice. This
leaders to position the emirate as a          sector entities.                               role makes the Chamber essential to
leading business destination,” says             “Abu Dhabi is fast emerging as a             realizing the economic vision of the
Director General of ADCCI Mohammed            regional business hub and gateway for          emirate’s leaders.


           Transforming Societies and Economies Through Telecommunications

                                             Etisalat’s Global Footprint                                         Etisalat headquarters
                                             Since 1976, Etisalat has been provid-
                                             ing telecommunications in the region.
                                             The company knows well the capacity
                                             of telecommunications to enable eco-
                                             nomic development; it has provided
                                             world-class services to customers across
                                             the UAE, helping solidify the country’s
                                             position as the leading trade, business,
                                             finance and logistics hub in the Middle
                                             East and North Africa region. In 2011, Abu
                                             Dhabi became the first capital city in the
                                             world to be entirely covered by a fiber-
                                             optic network.
                                                Etisalat is the third-largest corpora-
                                             tion in the GCC and the largest tele-
                                             com operator by market capitalization
     Ahmad Julfar, Chief Executive Officer   in the Middle East and Africa region,
             of Etisalat Group               with a market value in excess of $20
                                             billion and annual revenues of approxi-

          s the global telecommunica-        mately $8 billion. Its subscriber base is
          tions industry prepares to         more than 130 million and growing at a
          gather in Barcelona for the        robust pace. In the third quarter, Etisalat
          annual Mobile World Con-           reported that its net profit had increased
gress 2013, which will be themed             to $598.9 million, up 28% year-on-year.
“The New Mobile Horizon,” Etisalat is           “These solid results reflect the invest-   our diverse international operations
well prepared. Indeed, the Abu Dhabi-        ment we have made both in the UAE and         and bring that to bear on what we do
based telecommunications corporation         in our international operations to imple-     across the group, but particularly here
has long been planning for what the          ment new technologies and services that       in the UAE,” Julfar notes.
mobile future holds.                         help enhance the customer experience,            Etisalat remains focused on data ser-
  One of Etisalat’s forward-looking inno-    and contribute to customer retention and      vices, developing service levels and
vations, “Mobile Baby,” is designed to       acquisition efforts,” Julfar explains.        delivering a rich user experience. The
help combat maternal mortality in devel-                                                   user experience is a big part of grow-
oping countries. The program works by        Geographic Diversification                     ing revenue, explains Julfar, “Because
putting a complete suite of services         Yields Results                                it helps attract and retain the higher-
into the hands of midwives and birth         As Etisalat diversifies its operations,       value customers that are critical to rais-
attendants, enabling them to identify,       revenues from its international operations    ing ARPUs (average revenue per user)
communicate and act on obstetric             continue to grow, reaching 30% of the         and, in turn, revenues.”
emergencies quickly and accurately.          group’s total revenue by the third quarter       With programs like Mobile Baby forg-
  Mobile Baby was lauded as the “Best        of 2012.                                      ing a path into the mobile future, there
New Product of the Year” in the health-         Etisalat operates in 15 markets,           is little doubt that Etisalat’s revenue
care category and as the “Corporate          including the UAE, Egypt, Saudi Ara-          streams will continue to flow.
Social Responsibility Program of the         bia, Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Year in the Middle East and Africa” at       Sri Lanka, Ivory Coast, Benin, Togo,          “As we move through 2013, we
the 2012 International Business Awards.      Gabon, Niger, Central African Repub-          will be looking to further tap
  “This product is an example of the         lic, Nigeria and Tanzania. It also has a      and apply the knowledge and
transformative capacity of telecommuni-      stake in Thuraya, a satellite communi-        experience gained from our diverse
cations, and it reflects our broader mis-    cations provider with a footprint cover-      international operations and bring
sion to put telecommunications in the        ing most of Europe, Africa, the Middle
                                                                                           that to bear on what we do across
hands of people across all our 15 markets    East and Asia.
                                                                                           the group, but particularly here in
to accelerate social transformation and         “As we move through 2013, we will
economic growth,” says Ahmad Julfar,         be looking to further tap and apply the       the UAE.”
Chief Executive Officer of Etisalat Group.   knowledge and experience gained from          —Ahmad Julfar


                         Abu Dhabi’s High-Speed Connection to the Future

    t’s hard to imagine a business more                                                        The company is a place where “Emira-
    representative of the 21st century                                                      tis can play an active role in the growth
    than one that combines satellites,                                                      and development of the region, mak-
    rockets, communication and the                                                          ing it more globally competitive,” Mr. Al
Internet. Yet that’s just what Al Yah Sat-                                                  Hosani says.
ellite Communications Company (Yah-                                                            Mr. Al Hosani is enthusiastic about
sat) does—not surprisingly, given that                                                      Yahsat’s ability to generate “high-tech
it was created as part of Abu Dhabi’s                                                       jobs for the future” for UAE nationals
2030 vision to diversify the range of                                                       in Abu Dhabi. Pointing to the satellite
industries in the emirate and expand its                                                    launches, he says, “These are phenom-
knowledge-based economy.                                                                    enal achievements that are set to play a
   Today the company has successfully                                                       key role in driving and inspiring innova-
designed, launched and currently oper-                                                      tion among Emirati youth.”
ates two satellites that deliver a range
of Internet and communication services                                                      Tools for the 21st Century
to individuals, companies, governments                                                      It comes as little surprise that a com-
and telecommunications providers in                                                         pany instilled with economic devel-
Africa, the Middle East, and Central and      Tareq Abdul Raheem Al Hosani, CEO of Yahsat   opment goals also is committed to
Southwest Asia.                                                                             helping develop some of the most rural,
   Yahsat’s YahClick satellite broad-        building landlines in remote areas. Sig-       unserved and underserved regions of
band-Internet service is just one exam-      nificantly, Yahsat is able to offer these      the world.
ple of the company’s innovative think-       services over multipurpose, multiband             “We believe that it is the right of every
ing, says CEO Tareq Abdul Raheem Al          systems that mean customers benefit            individual to have access to broadband
Hosani. YahClick enables subscribers         from a single satellite solutions provider     Internet, as accessibility and connec-
anywhere in the coverage area—even           for the entire region. Also, the compa-        tivity are vital to a country’s economic
those located far from any telecom           ny’s business model means Yahsat is            success,” Mr. Al Hosani says. “Yahsat
operator’s mobile or fixed-line net-         more than just a satellite operator—it         provides satellite-based solutions to
work—to connect to the Internet via a        works with partners to provide a range         help them overcome information and
YahClick receiver. This shows “how we        of on-the-ground services.                     communication technology (ICT) infra-
are helping the Abu Dhabi economy                                                           structure problems and gives them
move a step closer to a high-value,          High-Tech Careers                              the tools to enter the 21st-century
services- and export-based economy           Wholly owned by the Mubadala Develop-          global economy.”
by delivering YahClick to consum-            ment Company—an investment arm of the             Mr. Al Hosani is clearly passionate
ers, businesses, education authorities,      Government of Abu Dhabi that is tasked         about the transformative power of tech-
NGOs and government entities in 28           with promoting the economic develop-           nology, whether in Abu Dhabi, rural cen-
countries across its coverage area,"         ment and diversification of the emirate—       tral Africa or even within his company:
he explains.                                 Yahsat also is focused on providing excit-     “It is an economic driver for communi-
                                             ing and challenging career opportunities       ties with the potential to change lives
“We believe that it is the right             for UAE nationals, who comprise more           for the better, and that’s what will make
of every individual to have                  than half the company’s workforce.             Yahsat a success story.”
access to broadband Internet,
as accessibility and connectivity
are vital to a country’s economic
—Tareq Abdul Raheem Al Hosani
   In addition to YahClick, Yahsat pro-
vides secure, high-integrity satellite
communication solutions to government
agencies, and can help telecom opera-
tors expand their Internet and voice
services to remote areas via its satel-
lite system—an attractive alternative to       Yahsat headquarters and ground station

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Your doctor
                                                                                 that’s always
                                                                                 on hand

Shape your world with
tomorrow’s technology
As the leading telecommunications operator across 15 countries in the Middle
East, Asia and Africa, we proudly introduce our award winning Mobile Baby
app for prenatal and postnatal mothers. This innovative app allows mums to
easily communicate with their healthcare provider and share ultrasound stills,
3D images and videos, as well as report danger signs should complications
arise. The app was the winner of the Best Mobile Health Innovation and Best
Mobile Product for Women in emerging markets at the GSMA Awards.

                                            FIRST GULF BANK
                      Balanced Business Strategy Delivers Stellar Performance

                                                                                                             First Gulf Bank head office

     Andre Sayegh, CEO of First Gulf Bank

        ven as regional and global bank
        lending has struggled to gain trac-
        tion, loan growth at First Gulf Bank
        (FGB) is at its highest level since    that in 2012 saw the bank issue a cash      portation, power and energy, infrastruc-
2009. In fact, FGB saw loan growth surge       dividend of 100% of capital and bonus       ture, tourism and industry.
6% during the first half of 2012. Nearly       shares of 100%—one of the highest pay-
two-thirds of that increase came from          outs the UAE has ever seen.                 Asia-Focused Diversification
corporate banking, including international                                                 Expanding its overseas operations is
companies operating in the UAE. These          Successful Funding                          one of the bank’s main strategic priori-
results provide support to Abu Dhabi’s         Another sign of approval from investors     ties. Currently, 5% of net profits come
ongoing infrastructure development and         was the success of the bank’s $500 mil-     from the bank’s international operations
broader economic diversification.              lion sukuk (Islamic bond) issued in Janu-   in Singapore, Qatar and India.
   “Financial analysts see us as one of the    ary that was 2.8 times oversubscribed.         Asia is a region of particular focus, says
best loan growth prospects in the UAE,”        Additionally, it has recently mandated      Sayegh, where FGB has “ambitious”
says Andre Sayegh, CEO of First Gulf           a syndicate of eight international banks    expansion plans for Singapore, driven
Bank, who attributes these results to the      to arrange an $800 million unsecured        by growth in its wealth management and
bank’s “particularly diverse client base.”     loan to support its continuing growth.      capital markets businesses. FGB also is
   But FGB’s accomplishments are much          Sayegh attributes the bank’s ability to     looking to expand its footprint elsewhere
broader than just growing its loan book.       ride through “tough times” and to “out-     through alliances with regional financial
In 2011, the bank achieved record net          perform its peers during good times” as     institutions. In the Middle East, it has
profits that exceeded $1 billion, and          the result of “a dynamic but balanced       reentered Libya through a management
half-year net profit for 2012 was up a         business strategy, and a conservative       agreement with First Gulf Libyan Bank.
further 11%. Another important element         approach to risk management that have          As a leading local bank, FGB is com-
of the bank’s success is keeping costs         proven to be the right one.” He also        mitted to creating career opportunities
down, with the lowest cost-to-income           says the UAE’s continuing stability and     for local nationals, through its leadership
ratio of any bank in the UAE of 19.3%.         economic strength throughout recent         development program, called Nojoom,
   Underlying this is a robust balance         upheavals elsewhere in the region has       and its mentoring program, Al Manara.
sheet that has a capital adequacy ratio of     helped to attract additional business and   It has also recently unveiled a dedicated
22% and a Tier 1 capital ratio of 19.5%.       investment which is “definitely support-    business school aimed at delivering world-
   Investors have cheered on this success,     ing the bank’s business moving forward.”    class levels of learning for its staff.
sending the bank’s stock on the Abu               Headquartered in Abu Dhabi with a           With a history of achieving continu-
Dhabi Securities Exchange up more than         significant shareholding by the emirate’s   ous growth even in turbulent economic
20%, when including capital apprecia-          ruling family, FGB has an active syndi-     times, FGB offers both investors and cli-
tion and dividends. The share price also       cation program supporting clients in key    ents a strong partner in the months and
is supported by hefty dividend payouts         sectors of the economy such as trans-       years ahead.

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