Page created by Bob Manning
ABIES Journal
                 April 2022
Table of contents
Edito: The Show Must Go On                                p. 2

Le mot d’une assistante à la direction d’Abies: Corinne   p. 2

The word of a young doctor and awardee: Anabelle          p. 3

Next trainings and events (in English)                    p. 4

Prochaines formations (en français)                       p. 5

Job offers                                                p. 6


On 17 May, the residents of the AgroParisTech campus located avenue du Maine in Paris, the
ABIES team included, will definitively take off from the place; landing is scheduled two days
later in the new campus located in Palaiseau. Geographically, this is a small-scale move, some
30 km to the south-west. But, as someone once said, “One small step for man, one giant leap
for mankind”. For different reasons, several members of the AgroParisTech community have
declined the invitation to move to Palaiseau and left the institute to new horizons. Luckily
enough, most of the ABIES team in Paris will be part of the Palaiseau adventure, so that the
doctoral school will not be negatively impacted. Never change a winning team!

Those who attended the ABIES Ph.D. Days a few weeks ago are probably the last of the
Mohicans to have enjoyed amphithéâtre No. 7 and the building’s emblematic Art Deco
architecture and design. Several of you have attended some of the mandatory 160 h of
formation in this building; some of you have even bravely defended their thesis, or have
attended other’s defenses, in this amphithéâtre. Within a few days, all these parts of our lives
will be archived in our memories. Keep record of the pleasant events, drop the other ones!

The show must go on, with a new organization in a brand new place. We’ll see together what
happens, hopefully something between stairway to heaven and highway to hell (the critical
issue of access to the new campus is still a matter of speculation). With some adaptation, this
will be a place where the doctoral candidates of tomorrow dream away in the wind of change.

Le mot d’une         assistante à la             réinscription des doctorants et des
direction d’Abies : Corinne Fiers                formations.
                                                 Mes fonctions actuelles sont principalement
                                                 le suivi des soutenances de thèse, de la
                                                 validation du jury jusqu’à la diplomation, en
je travaille à l’école doctorale ABIES
                                                 passant par la vérification du 1er et 2e dépôt
depuis 2005... je suis la mémoire du
                                                 de thèse. Je participe également à
service ! J’ai connu plusieurs directeurs et
                                                 l’organisation du concours de l’école
assisté à la belle évolution de l’école
                                                 doctorale qui a lieu tous les ans pour
doctorale. J’ai longtemps été seule au
                                                 l’attribution de contrats doctoraux et de
secrétariat de l’ED jusqu’à ce nous
                                                 leurs suivis. De même j’effectue la mise à
obtenions un autre poste pour me venir en
                                                 jour de la base ADUM pour ce qui est des
appui... ce qui n’était pas du luxe !
                                                 unités et des encadrants.
Actuellement, Céline Roussas nous a
                                                 Malgré toutes ces années passées à l’ED,
rejoints. Elle est chargée de l’inscription /
                                                 ma motivation et mon enthousiasme sont

toujours les mêmes et ce, grâce à un travail   Au plaisir de vous rencontrer sur le nouveau
d’équipe stimulant avec des personnes            site de Palaiseau...
bienveillantes tant pour l’encadrement que
pour les doctorants.                              Corinne Fiers

The word of a young doctor and                      training), the composition of the committee
awardee: Anabelle Laurent                           members, manuscript, and the PhD
                                                    defense. You must be careful and go back
                                                    and forth with the doctoral schools to find
                                                    an agreement. Indeed, what is obvious for
                                                    one country is not necessarily for the other.
                                                    It requires patience as it can take months
                                                    before completing the cotutelle agreement.
                                                    For the cotutelle, make sure to be in touch
Hi there!
                                                    with one point of contact in each doctoral
I am Anabelle Laurent, a former PhD
                                                    school regularly. At ABIES, Pierre
student at Iowa State University and
                                                    Larraufie was a tremendous help in
ABIES, and it is a pleasure to share my
                                                    addressing my questions and ensuring I
cotutelle experience with you. While
                                                    was      on    track    regarding    ABIES
working as a research engineer at INRAE,
                                                    requirements. If possible, define your PhD
I decided to pursue a PhD to gain
                                                    committee as soon as possible and get the
experience and knowledge in research.
                                                    approval for each doctoral school.
Doing a cotutelle was not something I
                                                    The main difference with the French
considered at first, simply because I had
                                                    system is that I had to get 36 credits from
never heard about it at that time!. My
                                                    classes in relation with my PhD major
cotutelle journey happened by discussing
                                                    (crop production and physiology) but not
with my INRAE supervisor (when I was
                                                    only. Indeed, I was able to take classes
working there as an engineer) and a
                                                    from the department of statistics, which
professor at Iowa State University to
                                                    was extremely helpful to gain knowledge
whom I sent my resume. They both work
                                                    outside of agronomy classes. It was
on similar research topics and are mainly
                                                    demanding to take classes (homework,
focused on statistical analysis and crop
                                                    group, or individual project, and three
modeling. I found doing a cotutelle
                                                    exams per class) while staying involved in
program very attractive, and I was eager to
                                                    my research, but I learned a lot. The fun
give it a try. My expectations were to be
                                                    part is that you can define your program of
enriched personally and professionally,
                                                    study regarding your needs. As a result, it
maintain professional relationships at
                                                    took me four semesters to complete this
INRAE and other professional networks in
                                                    requirement. Also, for the transition from
France, discover new working methods,
                                                    PhD student to PhD candidate, I had to
research organization, management… and
                                                    pass five written exams and one oral
A cotutelle implies a lot of paperwork to
                                                    The cotutelle implies spending time in
make sure both doctoral schools agree on a
                                                    each research laboratory. For my part, I
unique “cotutelle agreement” that will
                                                    spent one year (spread over three
describe, among others, the requirements
                                                    summers) in my French lab and three years
to get a PhD (such as course credits,
                                                    at Iowa State University. You want to be

sure to find a place where to stay for your     On another note, I would like to share my
short stays ahead of time; otherwise, it will   experience applying for the thesis prize
get a bit complicated logistically. I will      from La Chancellerie des Universités de
strongly encourage PhD students doing a         Paris1. Last December 2021, I received a
cotutelle to attend ABIES events and            thesis prize in Sciences after submitting
present their research to their French lab      my application that included my PhD
and other institutes to develop a               manuscript, a 20-page summary, and
professional network in France. You want        letters of recommendation. The ceremony
to make the best of your time during your       took place at la Sorbonne University, in a
short business trips.                           remarkable part of the building not usually
The cotutelle was an amazing and intense        open to the public. I encourage ABIES
experience. I improved my English,              graduate students to consider sending their
strengthened my adaptability skill, learned     application as it highly recognizes of your
a lot from another culture, and I enriched      work.
my professional network.
Today, while working as a postdoctorate at      Anabelle
Iowa State University, I still interact with    1
French researchers or institutes thanks to      docteure-de-l-Universite-Paris-Saclay-formee-a-
my cotutelle experience.                        AgroParisTech+.html

It is too late to save the date / JDD 2022 – 21 & 22 April

The ABIES Ph.D. Days 2022 took                  of these Ph.D. Days, the wise selection
place on April 21 and 22, 2022, in              of invited speakers and the stainless
Paris. The theme of this year was “One          management of the sessions and
Health”.                                        afterworks.
Thanks to all the participants for two
days of multidisciplinary, exciting             The next ABIES Ph.D. Days will be
exchange of high scientific level and           organized in spring 2023 in Palaiseau.
for the quality of the oral presentations       There will be a call for a new
and posters… and of drawings as well,           organizing squad in due time but you
for those who illustrated their                 may want to already think about it if
everyday’s life.                                you are interested.
Kudos to Auriane, Mathilde, Morgane
and Ines for the thorough organization

Next trainings and events (in English)
   Journal Club ABIES
  Two sessions of 1h (lunch time) per month, the opportunity to discuss and discover more
  about publication processes : https://www.adum.fr/script/formations.pl?mod=351785
  You are still welcome to join if you are interested. If so, please contact Pierre
  Larraufie        (pierre.larraufie@agroparistech.fr)        or       Nicolas     Darcel
ADUM registration at

   Discover consulting and NGO sectors & Increase PhD employability (May, 10th)

   Doctoral training in basic Statistics (June, 14th and 15st)

   Research Data Management and Open Data (online, June, 20th and 21st)

   Mediating international and scientific communication (June, 27th)

   Research Integrity in Scientific Professions (MOOC)

Prochaines formations (en français)

   La culture par la connaissance de l'Art : La visite de l'Hôtel Carnavalet - Histoire
    de Paris (10 mai) – for non-French speaking doctorate students

   Ouvrir et déposer ses publications dans HAL (9 juin)

     Conferences & other events
   Petit Pois déridé 2022 (30 mai-1er juin 2022 – Villeneuve d’Ascq)

   MCEB 2022 (26-30 juin 2022 – Château d’Oex, Suisse)

   29e Colloque du Club Biocatalyse en Synthèse Organique                (organisé par des
    doctorants et post-doctorants; 30 juin-1er juillet 2022 – en ligne)

Job offers
       Permanent positions

+ Comparative Fungal Biology - Royal Botanical Gardens (Kew - UK)

+ Chercheur.e en évaluation multicritère pour la transition agroéologique - CIRAD (Saint-
Louis - Sénégal)

+ Enseignants-chercheurs, ISEN-Ouest (Brest – France)
Agronomie - pédologie
Agronomie- sélection variétale (2)

       Tenure track position

+ Faculty position in Modeling sustainable animal production systems (Université Laval -

       Postdoctoral positions

+ Biofilm de bactéries sporulées thermophiles – LUBEM Quimper (France)

+ Plant protein contaminant – Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)

+ Governing dietary change in the European Union – Wageningen University & Research

+ Modelling tomato plant responses to short and long term environmental fluctuations –
Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)

+ Modelling groundwater use and crop production – Wageningen University & Research

+ Génomique appliquée au diagnostic en santé végétale (phytodiagnostic) – CIRAD

+ Agronome/Zootechnicien.ne spécialité Analyse des systèmes d'élevage intégrés
polyculture-élevage – CIRAD Montpellier

+ Role of genetic load in woody plant adaptation – INRAE Bordeaux (France)

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