Page created by Donald Mcdaniel
     A Year-Round Book Festival

 where great conversations begin !

 A WORLD OF CHANGE                                                                          RAISING WRITERS
Dear NWS Friends,
                                                                                      Front Street Writers is all new
D    uring a brainstorming meeting,
     we kept coming back to a phrase
that described this year’s fall season:                                            W      hile bringing amazing authors
                                                                                          to northern Michigan is our
                                                                                                                               all-virtual, semester-long course
                                                                                                                               modeled after a Master of Fine
“a world of change.” It’s certainly                                                honor and delight, it’s only part           Arts that will dive into fiction,
been a world of change for us at                                                   of our mission. NWS also exists to          poetry, and creative nonfiction.
the National Writers Series—in the                                                 create opportunities for young writers
last nine months we’ve welcomed                                                    to find their voices, to experience         WRITING WORKSHOPS:
a new executive director and                                                       what it feels like to make a life out       Each month, NWS will offer a
communications manager, hosted                                                     of art, and—maybe—a living, too.            1- or 2-day writing workshop
15 authors on Zoom, held an entirely                                                                                           across a variety of topics.
virtual Battle of the Books, started a                                             The pandemic taught us that we can
                                                                                   reach more students than we ever            This fall, kids can sign up to learn
podcast, prepared for our return to       and changing with every page.                                                        more about college essay writing
live events, and launched a brand-new                                              dreamed possible, so we’re dreaming
                                                                                   bigger. This fall, Front Street Writers     (September), screenwriting
iteration of Front Street Writers (see    But what hasn’t changed after all this
                                                                                   will be accessible via virtual and          (October), playwriting (November),
RAISING WRITERS column for more!)         time is how we feel about you, our
                                                                                   in-person classes, and for the              and poetry (December).
                                          friends, fans, and supporters. You
Phew!                                     carried us through to this moment,       first time, we’ll have year-round           AUTHOR MASTERCLASSES:
                                          where we can return to live events       creative writing opportunities for
We think this season is going to bring                                                                                         Several authors visiting the
                                          and celebrate great stories and great    students in grades 7-12. Best of all,
about a world of change as well. We’ll                                                                                         NWS stage will also be making
                                          conversations at the City Opera          thanks to some amazing grantors
be talking about mental health and                                                                                             a stop to work with students.
                                          House, our home. Thank you for           and donors, we are able to offer
healing, coexistence between humans                                                all of our programs for FREE!               Students in grades 9–12 can join Mary
                                          every donation, encouraging email,
and wildlife, the magic of books,                                                                                              Roach, author of Fuzz: When Nature
                                          and Zoom login you’ve made since
Greek tragedy (with a side of murder),                                             Here are three opportunities for aspiring
                                          March of 2020. The world changed,                                                    Breaks the Law, and Angeline Boulley,
antiracism, the global refugee crisis,                                             writers across northern Michigan:
                                          but you made sure NWS could                                                          author of Firekeeper’s Daughter, this fall
and Indigenous experiences.               keep doing what we love to do.                                                       to learn more about the craft of writing.
                                                                                   CREATIVE WRITING INTENSIVE:
As we read the books by the                                                        High school 10th–12th grade can
                                          We hope you’ll enjoy the fall season,                                                TO LEARN MORE, VISIT:
amazing authors headed to the                                                      apply through September 15 to
City Opera House or Zoom screen,                                                   be part of the Front Street Writers         NationalWritersSeries.org/
                                          The National Writers Series Staff
we know we’re learning, growing,          and Board                                Creative Writing Intensive, an              Front-Street-Writers

       The National Writers
      Series of Traverse City
   is a nonprofit organization                                                            BATTLE OF THE                                 COLLEGE
   dedicated to holding great                                                                BOOKS                                    SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                                                                                                 NWS is proud to work with the
   conversations with today’s                                                        Battle of the Books is gearing
                                                                                                                                 Grand Traverse Regional Commu-
                                                                                     up for the 2022 competition!
   best authors and building                                                                                                     nity Foundation to distribute four
                                                                                                                                 annual college scholarships in
     the reading and writing                                                         Registration opens in November
                                                                                                                                 poetry, journalism, fiction, and non-
                                                                                     for teams of fourth and fifth
          skills of youth.                                                           graders.
                                                                                                                                 fiction. Applications for the 2022
                                                                                                                                 scholarships will open in January.
                                                                                      RAISING THE LITERARY BAR SINCE 2010
PAM HOUSTON                                                                        • NWS broadcasts author events
                                                                                     on IPR, Traverse Area Community
                                                                                                                             • Sixty-two teams engaged
                                                                                                                               in a creative and fun Battle of
“THERE IS SO MUCH BEAUTY,                                                            Media, YouTube, and makes 		              the Books this year. This year
WISDOM, AND TRUTH in this                                                            them available to public radio            355 students were quizzed on
                                                                                     stations around the country.              nine books.
book… This is a book for all of                                                      The NWS virtual events are
us, right now.”                                                                      available on our website.               • Each spring, we’ve hosted
     ~ Cheryl Strayed, author of Wild                                                                                          poetry workshops at Traverse
                                                                                   • More than 69,000 people have              Heights and Blair Elementary
                                                                                     attended events since we started.         schools. This year, the poetry
Livestream tickets are                                                                                                         workshops were held virtually
also available.                                                                    • Awarded $56,000 in scholar-               and offered to all area students.
                                                                                     ships to 38 collegebound

P   am Houston
    was originally
scheduled to

                                                                                   • We’ve hosted more than 200
                                                                                                                             • NWS creates and promotes
                                                                                                                               youth creative writing
                                                                                                                               classes in partnership with
join the National                                                                    authors for onstage conversa-             Northwestern Michigan College.
                                                                                     tions over the past 11 years.
Writers Series in
                                                                                                                             • Each spring, we publish the
April of 2020, and
                                                                                   • Our Raising Writers programs              annual National Writers Series
we’re thrilled to be able                                                            offer creative writing oppor-             Literary Journal, which includes
to bring her back for a discussion                                                   tunities that engage kids from            student writing from Front Street
of the book she originally planned      of essays, A Little More About Me,           ages 9-18 throughout northern             Writers, poetry workshops, and
to talk with us about: Deep Creek:      all published by W.W. Norton.                Michigan.                                 NMC creative writing classes
Finding Hope In The High Country.
                                        She teaches in the Low Rez MFA
                                        program at the Institute of American
Deep Creek is the winner of the
                                        Indian Arts, is Professor of English
2020 Colorado Book Award for
Creative Nonfiction as well as the
                                        at UC Davis, and co-founder and
                                        creative director of the literary
                                                                                      KUDOS FOR NATIONAL WRITERS SERIES
2020 Reading the West Advocacy
                                        nonprofit Writing By Writers. She lives
Award. This gripping personal mem-
                                        at 9,000 feet above sea level near
oir shows us how Houston learns                                                   “My experience with the National
                                        the headwaters of the Rio Grande.
what it means to care for a piece                                                 Writers Series was a highlight of my
of land and the creatures on it.                                                  book tour. From the lead up to event
                                        Guest Host                                execution, everything about the series
Alongside her devoted Irish             CHRISTAL                                  was first rate. The audience engaged
wolfhounds and a spirited troupe        FROST                                     with me and my work from a place of
of horses, donkeys, and Icelandic       Frost is a                                openness and curiosity. Every author
sheep, Houston makes her ranch                                                    should be fortunate enough to participate
                                        popular me-
into a sanctuary, a place where                                                   in the National Writers Series. I look forward to
                                        dia personal-
she discovers how the natural                                                     returning in the near future.”
                                        ity in northern
world has mothered and healed           Michigan, known for                                  ~ Dax-Devlon Ross, Letters to My
her after a childhood of horrific       hosting “The Christal Frost Show” on                   White Male Friends
parental abuse and neglect.             NewsTalk 580 WTCM and being
                                        one half of “Mike and Christal in
Booklist says that the “always im-
                                        the Morning” on Today’s Country
pressive” Houston “is in striking                                                                                         “The NWS team is made up of
                                        Music WTCM. She also hosts food
form here. Her talent remains re-                                                                                           passionate readers who want to share
                                        and travel programs and is actively
markable and her words extraor-                                                                                             their genuine enthusiasm for your
                                        involved with many community
dinarily affecting and effective.”                                                                                          work with equally passionate readers
                                        groups, including the Traverse Bay
                                                                                                                            reached by excellent publicity. The
Houston is the author of Deep           Children’s Advocacy Center.
                                                                                                                           interviewer (who actually reads the
Creek and Air Mail, Letters of                                                                                           book before the event!) will have fresh,
Politics, Pandemics, and Place. She       GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY                                                    insightful, and interesting questions. So if
has written two novels, Contents          Event Sponsor: Grand Traverse                                        you're invited to be a part of their program? Relax
May Have Shifted and Sight Hound,         Pie Company                                                          and say yes. It will be a great experience.”
two collections of short stories,         Community Partners: Traverse Bay
                                                                                                                         ~ Mary Doria Russell, The Women of
Cowboys Are My Weakness and               Children’s Advocacy Center;
                                                                                                                           the Copper Country
Waltzing the Cat, and a collection        Grass River Natural Area
member. Together, they will attempt         SHANNON SPANN DEBRUYN is a
  SEPTEMBER 23, 5:30 PM • Live at the City Opera House                           to answer those pivotal questions,          lawyer and former intelligence officer
                                                                                 shining a light on history, global and      extensive operational and analytical

AFGHANISTAN:                                                                     local, as it unfolds before us. Panel
                                                                                 discussion begins at 6:30 p.m. EST.
                                                                                                                             security and counter-terrorism
                                                                                                                             experience both in the U.S. and
A PANEL AND Q&A HOSTED                                                                                                       overseas. She currently serves as Vice
                                                                                 Join the conversation early from            President of ADVANCE Resources and
                                                                                 5:30-6:15 for a “then to now” prelude       Consulting.
A limited number of in-person seats                                              lecture from Jack Segal, who made
available at the City Opera House for                                            40 visits to Afghanistan between 2002       JACK SEGAL is a former senior U.S.
this special event. Livestream tickets                                           and 2010 during his time with NATO.         diplomat who advised NATO generals
are also available.
                                                                                                                             and influenced NATO civilian policy
                                                                                 INTERNATIONAL PANEL                         makers during the Afghanistan

A     fter a 20-year war,
      the United States
left Afghanistan.
                                                                                 DOUG STANTON is a #1 New York
                                                                                 Times-bestselling author and co-
                                                                                 founder of the National Writers Series.
                                                                                                                             conflict, and served on the National
                                                                                                                             Security Council and at the US
                                                                                                                             Embassy in Tel-Aviv.
Political turmoil and                                                            Stanton is the author of In Harm’s Way,
civil unrest followed,                                                           Odyssey of Echo Company, and Horse          EDRIS FANA, a local NMC graduate
leaving Americans                                                                Soldiers. His writing has appeared in       from Afghanistan who fled the Taliban
wondering: what did we                                                           numerous national publications where        as a child in 1994. He went on to get
lose, what did we gain, and what was                                             he has been a contributing editor.          his undergraduate degree in business
the cost?                                                                                                                    from Ferris State University. Edris
                                                                                 RAHELA HASHIM SIDIQI is the Found-          continues to pursue his dream, begun
In a new, updated edition of Doug                                                ing Director of Rahela Trust for Afghan     while flying kites in Afghanistan, of
Stanton’s bestselling book Horse         retired US diplomat; Rahela Sidiqi,     Women’s Education. She is the former        becoming a pilot and now has his
Soldiers, published for the 20th         founder of an NGO for Afghan            Senior Advisor of Afghanistan Civil         commercial pilots license.
anniversary of 9/11, he talks with the   women’s rights; and Shannon Spann       Service Commission and Senior Social
four panelists NWS is bringing to the    DeBruyn, former intelligence officer;   Development Advisor of UN-Habitat           Presenting Partner: International
City Opera House stage: Jack Segal,      and Edris Fana, an Afghan community     Afghanistan.                                Affairs Forum

  OCTOBER 7, 7PM • VIRTUAL EVENT                                                 the law would be assigned legal             Guest Host
                                                                                 representation and put on trial. These      KENDRA
                                                                                 days, as Roach discovers, the answers       CARR
MARY ROACH                                                                       are best found not in jurisprudence
                                                                                 but in science: the curious science of
                                                                                                                             Carr is the host
                                                                                                                             of Interlochen
“ROACH’S BOOKS ARE                                                               human-wildlife conflict, a discipline at
                                                                                                                             Public Radio’s
BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, and                                                         the crossroads of human behavior and
                                                                                                                             All Things
disturbingly funny…(her)                                                         wildlife biology.
                                                                                                                             Considered and Our
prose is a triumph.”                                                             When it comes to "problem" wildlife,        Global Neighborhood. Carr grew up
  ~ Emily Rapp Black, Boston Globe                                               Roach finds, humans are more often          surrounded by the Manistee National
                                                                                 the problem—and the solution.               Forest and the aisles of her parents’
                                                                                 Fascinating, witty, and humane,             convenience store.

M     ary Roach last
      graced the
National Writers
                                                                                 Fuzz offers hope for compassionate
                                                                                 coexistence in our ever-expanding
                                                                                 human habitat.
                                                                                                                             A graduate of Cottey College and
                                                                                                                             Western Michigan University, she
                                                                                                                             started her career at an Oceana county
Series stage in June
                                                                                 Roach is the author of the New              housing agency working in eviction
2017 when she
                                                                                 York Times bestsellers Stiff, Spook,        prevention and re-housing. She then
joined us to discuss
                                                                                 Bonk, Gulp, Grunt, and Packing for          transitioned to radio, first working for
Grunt: The Curious
                                                                                 Mars. Mary has written for National         a top 40 radio station in Ludington
Science of Humans
                                                                                 Geographic, Wired, and The New              before starting at IPR. She has
at War. Her next book
                                                                                 York Times Magazine, among others.          performed on stages in West Michigan
is such a perfect continuation of that
                                         investigation into the unpredictable    She has been a guest editor for Best        and Traverse City and enjoys reading at
discussion we couldn’t help but bring
                                         world where wildlife and humans meet.   American Science and Nature Writing,        home with her boyfriend and cats.
her back to talk about Fuzz: When
                                                                                 a finalist for the Royal Society's Winton
Nature Breaks the Law.
                                         What’s to be done about a jaywalking    Prize, and a winner of the American           GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY
Join us as "America’s funniest science   moose? A bear caught breaking and       Engineering Societies' journalism             Literary Sponsor:
writer" (Peter Carlson, Washington       entering? A murderous tree? Three       award, in a category for which, let's be
                                                                                                                               Becky Thatcher Designs
Post), takes us on an irresistible       hundred years ago, animals that broke   honest, she was the sole entrant.
OCTOBER 14, 7PM • VIRTUAL EVENT*                                                        LOOK WHO'S BEEN HERE!
Impossible to put down…
lifechanging… a masterpiece.”
              ~ Betsy Burton, The Kings                                                     TOM BROKAW ALICE WALKER MITCH ALBOM AARTI SHAHANI GREG ILES ANN PATCHETT
                English Bookshop                                                        2009                  Temple Grandin        Daniel Bergner       Lynne Olson
                                                                                        Elmore Leonard        Mitch Albom                                Marie Benedict
*This event includes a ticket                                                           Peter Leonard         Benjamin Percy        2017                 Daniel Pink
to the virtual event and a                                                                                    Michael Paterniti     John Donvan          Bryan Gruley
                                                                                        2010                  Jamie Ford            Beth Macy            Steve Hamilton
hardcover copy of Cloud
                                                                                        Amy Alkon             David Finkel          Gordon Korman        Douglas Brinkley
Cuckoo Land ($32 total).                                                                Rhoda Janzen          Nikki Giovanni        Greg Iles            Tanya Anne Crosby

                                                                                        Tom Brokaw            Sara Paretsky         Eric Fair            Karl Marlantes
   rom Anthony Doerr, the                                                               Thomas Lynch                                Elizabeth Strout     David Maraniss
   Pulitzer Prize–winning                                                               Mary Karr             2014                  Andrea Petersen      Aarti Shahani
author of All the Light We                                                              Audrey Niffenegger    Kelly Corrigan        Mary Roach           Randall Sullivan
Cannot See, perhaps the most                                                            Mario Batali          George Packer         Julia Glass          Susan Orlean
bestselling and beloved literary fiction                                                James Bradley         Steve Luxenberg       W. Bruce Cameron     Mitch Albom
                                                                                        Peter Matthiessen     Anchee Min            Doug Stanton
of our time, comes Doerr’s highly
                                                                                        Karl Marlantes        Emily Giffin          Alice Waters         2020
anticipated followup novel: Cloud                                                                             Daniel James Brown    Terry McDonell       Nicholas Kristof
Cuckoo Land.                                  O. Henry Prizes, the Rome Prize, the
                                                                                        2011                  Karin Slaughter       Dan Gerber           Sheryl Wudunn
                                              New York Public Library’s Young Lions
                                                                                        Janet Leahy /         Greg Holmes/          Murray Howe          Steve Luxenberg
Set in Constantinople in the fifteenth        Award, the National Magazine Award        Lisa Albert           Katherine Roth        Sebastian Junger     Peter Heller
century, in a small town in present-          for fiction, a Guggenheim Fellowship,     Sara Brokaw           Diana Gabaldon        Phil Caputo          Terry McMillan
day Idaho, and on an interstellar             and the Story Prize.                      Mitch Albom           A.J. Baime/                                Scott Turow
ship decades from now, Doerr’s                                                          Paula McLain          Bryce Hoffman         2018                 Elaine Weiss
gorgeous third novel is a triumph             All the Light We Cannot See was a #1      Bonnie Jo Campbell/   Nancy Horan           Doug Stanton         Chasten Buttigieg
                                                                                        Jack Driscoll/        Sophie Kinsella       Peter Heller         Ruth Ware
of imagination and compassion, a              New York Times bestseller, remained
                                                                                        Michael Zadoorian     Rita Mae Brown        Nikki Giovanni       Yaa Gyasi
soaring story about children on the           on the Bestseller List for over 200       Roy Blount, Jr.       Brian Castner         Peter Brown          Kate Walberg
cusp of adulthood in worlds in peril,         weeks, and is being adapted as a          Sebastian Junger      Brian Turner          Anna Quindlen        Jordan Blashek
who find resilience, hope—and a               limited series by Netflix.                Richard Ford                                Drew Philp           Christopher Haugh
book. In Cloud Cuckoo Land, Doerr                                                       Elmore Leonard        2015                  Eileen McNamara      Alice Hoffman
has created a magnificent tapestry            Guest Host                                Daniel Silva          Tess Gerritsen        Samantha Irby        Bob Giles
of times and places that reflects our         LYSLEY                                    Gretchen Holt Witt    Garth Stein           David Grann          Larissa FastHorse
                                              TENORIO                                   Tom Perrotta          Debbie Macomber       Richard Russo        Albert Woodfox
vast interconnectedness—with other                                                      Jeffrey Eugenides     Jeff Shaara           Adriana Trigiani
species, with each other, with those          Tenorio is
                                                                                        David Sedaris         Harlan Coben          Annie Spence         2021
who lived before us, and with those           the author of                             Chuck Klosterman      Hampton Sides         Beth Macy            Dwight Garner
who will be here after we’re gone.            the novel The                                                   Mardi Link            Mona Hanna-Attisha   Alan Lightman
                                              Son of Good                               2012                  Vanessa Diffenbaugh   Joe Hill             Martha Teichner
Doerr’s dazzling imagination                  Fortune and the story                     Vince Gilligan        Ben Sidran            Amy Goldstein        Diane Rehm
transports us to worlds so dramatic           collection Monstress, which was           Jodi Picoult          Bonnie Jo Campbell    Tayari Jones         Imbolo Mbue
and immersive that we forget, for                                                       Geraldine Brooks      Paula McLain          Alice Walker         Shelley Pearsall
                                              named a book of the year by the
                                                                                        Michael Sandel        Sarah Chayes          Richard Clarke       Karla Cornejo
a time, our own. Dedicated to “the            San Francisco Chronicle. He is the        Anna Quindlen         Susan Casey           John U. Bacon        Villavicencio
librarians then, now, and in the years        recipient of a National Endowment         Susan Casey           John U. Bacon                              Chris Bohjalian
to come,” Cloud Cuckoo Land is a              for the Arts fellowship, a Whiting        Natalie Bakapoulos                          2019                 Rochelle Riley
beautiful and redemptive novel about          Award, a Stegner fellowship, the          Janet Evanovich       2016                  Jen Sincero          Mary Doria Russell
stewardship—of the book, of the Earth,        Edmund White Award, and the Rome          Lee Child             James Rollins         Tommy Tomlinosn      Robin Wall Kimmerer
of the human heart.                           Prize from the American Academy           Maggie Stiefvater     James Tobin           Keith Gave           Emily Henry
                                                                                        Ayaan Hirsi Ali       Tui Sutherland        Grace Lin            Dax-Devlon Ross
                                              of Arts and Letters. Born in the
Doerr is the author of All the Light We                                                 Benjamin Busch        Laurie R. King        Lisa Scottoline      Megan Miranda
                                              Philippines, he lives in San Francisco,   Michael Connelly      Brian Castner         Elizabeth Berg       Susie Yang
Cannot See, winner of the Pulitzer Prize,
                                              and is a professor at Saint Mary’s                              David Ebershoff       Elizabeth Letts      John U. Bacon
the Carnegie Medal, the Alex Award,
                                              College of California.                    2013                  Lucy Kalanithi
and a #1 New York Times bestseller. He                                                  Chip Johannessen      Jim and Lynn Kouf
is also the author of the story collections                                             Buzz Bissinger        Paola Gianturco          YOU WON"T BELIEVE WHO'S
                                                GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY                                                                     COMING NEXT!
Memory Wall and The Shell Collector,                                                    Blaine Harden         David Maraniss
the novel About Grace, and the memoir
                                                Event Sponsor: Susan & Al               Gillian Flynn         Margaret Atwood          For a complete list of guests and
Four Seasons in Rome. He has won five           Cogswell                                Nathaniel Philbrick   Ann Patchett                     guest hosts visit:
                                                                                        Jason Matthews        Jodi Picoult               NationalWritersSeries.org
                                                                                        Colum McCann          Kyle Mills
OCTOBER 18, 7PM • Watch Party at City Opera House*                                   OCTOBER 28, 7PM • VIRTUAL EVENT

ALEX                                                                                 JOSHUA
MICHAELIDES                                                                          PRAGER
“A DELICIOUSLY DARK,                                                                 “A NUANCED, DEEPLY
ELEGANT, utterly compulsive                                                          REPORTED portrait of Norma
read with a twist that blew
                                                                                     McCorvey, known to most
my mind.”
                                                                                     Americans as Jane Roe.”
  ~ Lucy Foley, author of The Guest List
                                                                                     ~ The New York Times Book Review

*Alex will join us
virtually on the big                                                                      espite her famous
screen at COH,                                                                            pseudonym, “Jane
interviewed by                                                                       Roe,” no one knows
Beth in front of a                                                                   the truth about
live audience.                                                                       Norma McCorvey

F  rom the author of
   the breakout global
bestseller The Silent Patient comes
                                                                                     whose unwanted
                                                                                     pregnancy in 1969
                                                                                     opened a great fracture in
                                            Cyprus. He has an M.A. in English                                                        from conception.
the highly-anticipated second thriller                                               American life. Journalist Joshua Prager
from Alex Michaelides: The Maidens.         Literature from Trinity College,         spent hundreds of hours with Norma,
                                            Cambridge University, and an M.A.                                                        An epic work spanning fifty years of
                                                                                     discovered her personal papers—a                American history, The Family Roe will
Edward Fosca is a murderer. Of              in Screenwriting from the American       previously unseen trove—and witnessed
this Mariana is certain. But Fosca          Film Institute in Los Angeles. The                                                       change the way you think about our
                                                                                     her final moments. The Family Roe               enduring American divide: the right to
is untouchable. A handsome and              Silent Patient was his first novel. It   presents her life in full. Propelled by
charismatic Greek tragedy professor         spent more than a year on the New                                                        choose or the right to life.
                                                                                     the crosscurrents of sex and religion,
at Cambridge University, Fosca is           York Times bestseller list and sold in   gender and class, it is a life that tells the   Guest Host
adored by staff and students alike—         a record-breaking fifty countries. He    story of abortion in America.
particularly by the members of a            lives in London.                                                                         APRIL BAER
                                                                                                                                     Baer is the host
secret society of female students                                                    Drawing on a decade of research,
                                            Guest Host                                                                               of Michigan
known as The Maidens.                                                                Prager reveals the woman behind the
                                            BETH                                                                                     Radio’s Stateside
                                                                                     pseudonym, writing in novelistic detail         talk show. Prior
Mariana Andros is a brilliant but           MILLIGAN                                 of her unknown life from her time as
troubled group therapist who                Milligan is a                                                                            to her arrival in
                                                                                     a sex worker in Dallas, to her private          Michigan, April was the host of the
becomes fixated on The Maidens              journalist and
                                                                                     thoughts on family and abortion, to her         weekly show State of Wonder on
when one member, a friend of                head writer for                          dealings with feminist and Christian            Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) for
Mariana’s niece Zoe, is found               the Traverse City                        leaders, to the three daughters she             the past six years. Before that, she was
murdered in Cambridge. Mariana,             Ticker, an online                        placed for adoption.                            the Morning Edition host and a reporter
who was once herself a student at           daily news outlet in Traverse City.
the university, becomes convinced           She recently served as marketing                                                         at OPB, covering beats including
                                                                                     Prager found those women, including             government and legal affairs, changing
that, despite his alibi, Edward Fosca       chair on the board of directors          the youngest—Baby Roe—now fifty years           demographics and the arts.
is guilty of the murder. When another       for LGBTQ+ advocacy group Up             old. She shares her story in The Family
body is found, Mariana is determined        North Pride and has worked in            Roe for the first time, from her tortured        GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY
to stop this killer, even if it costs her   marketing and PR roles for numerous      interactions with her birth mother, to her       Event Sponsor: League of
everything—including her own life.          community organizations. Beth            emotional first meeting with her sisters,
                                            currently co-hosts a podcast called                                                       Women Voters Leelanau County
The New York Times calls The                                                         to the burden that was uniquely hers
                                            Breaking the Surface that is part
Maidens “irresistible” and The
                                            of the Boardman Review Podcast
Guardian calls it “intelligent and
                                            Collective and is dedicated to            “THIS FOUNDATION IS FANTASTIC!
propulsive … ” while Newsweek
                                            thoughtful deep-dive discussions on
raved that The Maidens “permanently                                                   What you’re supporting here is the
                                            politics, pop culture, philosophy, and
cements [Michaelides] as a top                                                        future of our children, and it’s impor-
                                            current events.
modern author with this new work, a                                                   tant work.”
masterful, slow burn blend of Greek
                                              GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY                 ~ MITCH ALBOM, Tuesdays with Morrie;
mythology and a knife-edged plot."
                                              Event Sponsor: Amical                    Finding Chika
Michaelides was born and raised in
and why the poison of racism lingers.        Winner, and the recipient of multiple
  NOVEMBER 4, 7PM • VIRTUAL EVENT*                                                   It also proves that while racist ideas       Coretta Scott King honors.
                                                                                     have always been easy to fabricate and

JASON                                                                                distribute, they can also be discredited.    Guest Host
REYNOLDS                                                                             Through a gripping, fast-paced,
                                                                                     and energizing narrative written by
                                                                                                                                  Riley is the Director
                                                                                     beloved award-winner Jason Reynolds,
“THE MUST-READ BOOK of the                                                                                                        of Arts and Culture
                                                                                     this book shines a light on the many
moment...potent and provocative.”                                                                                                 for the City of
                                                                                     insidious forms of racist ideas—and on
                                                                                                                                  Detroit. She spent
             ~ San Francisco Chronicle                                               ways readers can identify and stamp
                                                                                                                                  nearly 25 years as an award-winning
                                                                                     out racist thoughts in their daily lives.
                                                                                                                                  Detroit Free Press columnist before
*This event includes a ticket to the                                                                                              leaving to serve the City of Detroit. She
                                                                                     Jason Reynolds is a #1 New York Times
virtual event and a copy of the book                                                                                              is the author of five books, including
                                                                                     bestselling author, a two-time National
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You                                                                                              The Burden: African Americans and the
                                                                                     Book Award finalist, a Kirkus Award
(total of $21).                                                                                                                   Enduring Impact of Slavery and That
                                                                                     winner, a Carnegie Medal winner, a
                                                                                                                                  They Lived: African Americans Who

W       hen it comes to                                                              two-time Walter Dean Myers Award
                                                                                                                                  Changed the World.
        race, the conver-                                                            winner, an NAACP Image Award
sation starts at home.
                                                                                       GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY
Jason Reynolds, the
2020–2021 National                                                                     Event Sponsors: Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation;
Ambassador for Young                                                                   Traverse Area District Library
People’s Literature, is                                                                Community Partner: Northern Michigan E3
                                           Award-winning Stamped from the
bringing the conversation                  Beginning reveals the history of racist     This event is made possible,
to all of us in northern Michigan with a
                                           ideas in America, and inspires hope         in part, by a grant from the
special virtual event.
                                           for an antiracist future. It takes you
                                                                                       Michigan Humanities, an
This remarkable reimagining of             on a race journey from then to now,
                                           shows you why we feel how we feel,          affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s National Book

                                                                                     by Vänna, a teenage girl, who, despite       Prize, and has been nominated for more
  NOVEMBER 18, 7PM • VIRTUAL EVENT                                                   being native to the island, experiences      than ten other awards. It was listed as
                                                                                     her own sense of homelessness among          one of the best books of the year by The
                                                                                     people she has come to disdain.              New York Times, The Washington Post,
OMAR EL AKKAD                                                                        Though Vänna and Amir are complete
                                                                                     strangers, and don’t speak a common
                                                                                                                                  GQ, NPR, and Esquire, and was selected
                                                                                                                                  by the BBC as one of 100 Novels That
“SEARING, LYRICAL… A                                                                 language, Vänna is determined to do          Shaped Our World.
BEGUILING parable of                                                                 whatever it takes to save the boy.
dispossessed peoples and the                                                                                                      Guest Host
burning desire for HOME.”                                                            What Strange Paradise is the story of        NARGIS HAKIM
           		             ~ Oprah Daily                                              two children finding their way through       RAHMAN
                                                                                     a hostile world. But it is also a story of   Nargis is an award-

                                                                                     empathy and indifference, of hope and        winning Bangladeshi
   rom Omar El Akkad, the
                                                                                     despair—and about the way each of            American Muslim
   widely acclaimed,
                                                                                     those things can blind us to reality.        writer. She works as a
best-selling author of
American War, comes                                                                                                               reporter at WDET 101.9 FM. Rahman
                                                                                     Omar El Akkad is an author and a
What Strange Paradise:                                                                                                            graduated from Wayne State University,
                                                                                     journalist. He has reported from
a beautifully written,                                                                                                            where she was a part of the Journalism
                                                                                     Afghanistan, Guantánamo Bay, and
unrelentingly dramatic,                                                                                                           Institute of Media Diversity. She is
                                                                                     many other locations around the world.
and profoundly moving                                                                                                             passionate about community journalism
                                                                                     His work earned Canada’s National
new novel that looks at the                                                                                                       in the Greater Detroit area. She hopes to
                                                                                     Newspaper Award for Investigative
global refugee crisis through the eyes                                                                                            give American Muslims and minorities a
                                                                                     Journalism and the Goff Penny Award
of a child.                                                                                                                       voice in the press.
                                                                                     for young journalists.

More bodies have washed up on                                                        His debut novel, American War, is an          GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY
the shores of a small island. Another      Palestinians, all of them desperate to    international bestseller, translated into
overfilled, ill-equipped, dilapidated      escape untenable lives back in their
                                                                                                                                   Literary Sponsor:
                                                                                     thirteen languages. It won the Pacific
ship has sunk under the weight of          homelands. Miraculously, someone has      Northwest Booksellers Association
                                                                                                                                   Oryana Community Co-op
its too many passengers: Syrians,          survived the passage: nine-year-old       Award, the Oregon Book Award for              Presenting Partner:
Ethiopians, Egyptians, Lebanese,           Amir, a Syrian boy who is soon rescued    fiction, and the Kobo Emerging Writer         International Affairs Forum
be missed.” It’s also set to be adapted   of Chippewa Indians, is a storyteller
  DECEMBER 9, 7PM • Live at the City Opera House                                    for Netflix by Higher Grounds, the        who writes about her Ojibwe
                                                                                    production company run by Barack          community in Michigan's Upper

ANGELINE                                                                            and Michelle Obama.                       Peninsula. She is a former Director
                                                                                                                              of the Office of Indian Education at

BOULLEY                                                                             As a biracial, unenrolled tribal
                                                                                    member and the product of a
                                                                                                                              the U.S. Department of Education.
                                                                                                                              Angeline lives in southwest Michigan,
                                                                                    scandal, Daunis Fontaine has never        but her home will always be on Sugar
“INTRICATE AND MOVING.                                                              quite fit in—both in her hometown and     Island. Firekeeper's Daughter is her
Boulley takes the reader on an                                                      on the nearby Ojibwe reservation.         debut novel.
incredible journey.”                                                                When her family is struck by tragedy,
		~ Tochi Onyebuchi,                                                                Daunis puts her dreams on hold to         Guest Host
                 award-winning author                                               care for her fragile mother. The only     HOLLY T. BIRD
                                                                                    bright spot is meeting Jamie, the         Holly is the Co-

                                                                                    charming new recruit on her brother’s     Executive Director
      e’re closing our
                                                                                    hockey team.                              of Title Track, a
      fall season in
a big way, with an                                                                                                            nonprofit with focus
                                                                                    After Daunis witnesses a shocking
appearance from                                                                                                               on engaging creative
                                                                                    murder that thrusts her into a criminal
perhaps the break-                                                                                                            practice to build resilient social-
                                                                                    investigation, she agrees to go
out Michigan author                                                                                                           ecological systems that support
                                                                                    undercover. But the deceptions—and
of the decade:                                                                                                                clean water, racial equity, and youth
                                                                                    deaths—keep piling up and soon
Angeline Boulley.                                                                                                             empowerment.
                                                                                    the threat strikes too close to home.
                                                                                    How far will she go to protect her
Boulley’s stunning debut novel,                                                     community if it means tearing apart
Firekeeper’s Daughter—a book that                                                   the only world she’s ever known?           GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY
took her a decade to write—was           called the book “[an] absolute                                                        Event Sponsor:
an instant bestseller when it was        powerhouse of a debut” and Booklist        Angeline Boulley, an enrolled              Dr. Sara Bergsma Orthodontics
released in March of this year. NPR      calls it “an incredible thriller, not to   member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe

                     National Writers Series Summer Gala - 2021

 T    his year the 7th Annual NWS Summer Gala
      sponsored by West Shore Bank was held at
 Aurora Cellars. A beautiful vineyard and winery and
 the perfect venue for this year's outdoor gathering.

 Some 100 generous guests enjoyed a lovely after-
 noon filled with delicious food, amazing music by
 the Plumville Project, inspiring words, and of course,                                                         Sue & Jon Kinne         Sid & Stephanie Van Slyke
 excellent wine. Our featured guest, John U. Bacon
 delighted us all with a conversation about his newest
 book Let Them Lead.
                                                                              Author John U. Bacon

Pam Horne & Anne Montgomery             Mary & Ward Gillett              Jody Trietch & Dana Cowell            Jillian & Craig Manning and Doug & Anne Stanton
            is full of possibility
         Call Heidi today for a personal visit.
           SUSTAINING SPONSOR                                                  FALL SEASON SPONSOR                ARTS BENEFACTOR SPONSOR


                  cordiatc.com                                                 westshorebank.com                                 nwmiarts.org

                     GRANTORS                                                    MEDIA SPONSORS                    SUPPORTING SPONSORS

                                                                                                                     TC’s Complete Printing Solution Team

This activity is supported in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and
 Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Michigan
Humanities, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

                                          EVENT AND LITERARY SPONSORS • COMMUNITY PARTNERS
         PAM HOUSTON                                                MARY ROACH                 JASON REYNOLDS                                     ALEX MICHAELIDES

            Event Sponsor:                                         Literary Sponsor:             Event Sponsors:                                            Event Sponsor:

                                                                ANTHONY DOERR                Community
                                                                                              Partner:                                                      OMAR EL AKKAD
       Community Partners:                                       Event Sponsor:
                                                                                                                                                            Literary Sponsor:
                                                               Susan & Al Cogswell
                                                                                              ANGELINE BOULLEY
                                                                 JOSHUA PRAGER
                                                                                                 Event Sponsor:
                                                                Literary Sponsor:
                                                             League of Women Voters                                                                    Presenting Partner:
                                                                Leelanau County
    SPECIAL THANKS          Richard & Susan Bingham    Ross & Brenda Biederman       Betsy Moore & Jay Wood         Pat Bazley                     Marcia & Jim Harris             Carolyn Nightingale
     to our Summer          Bob & Marcy Branski        Eric Blackhurst               Jami Moore                     Mary Benedetto                 Carol & Keith Hartwell          Sharon & Patrick Oriel
       Gala Hosts           Clark & Karen Bunting      Alfred & Joan Bonney          John Moore                     Judith Bosma                   Agnes Hayden                    Barbara Papazian
   2021                     Leith & Gloria Butler      Linda Butka & Bryan Olshove   Benson & Bette Munger          Julie Botsford                 Cynthia Hayes                   Nancy Parshall
   West Shore Bank                                                                                                                                 Teri Hedrich & Alfred Stachel
                            Tom & Pam Caldwell         Dick & Sue Campbell           David Murphy &                 Trish Brauninger                                               Robert & Diane Parsons
   Aurora Cellars
                            Martha Campbell            Jennifer & Stan Carroll       Suzanne Peters                 Arlene Brodsky                 Joyce Hennessee                 Mary Peters
   2020                     Bob & Suzy Cline           Molly Cline                   Susan Nehra                    Connie Bruski                  Sharon & George Hermach         Doris Pierson
   Virtual Gala with
   Susan Goldberg           Susan & Al Cogswell        Camille Colatosti             Mary Oosterhouse               Gerilyn Burden                 Debra & William Hershey         Nancy Potter
   editor National          Bill & Paula Cordes        Steve & Sheri Constantin      Grant & Paulette Parsons       Kenneth Burger & Jean Ashby    Renae Hesselink                 Anne Marie Raftshol &
                            Debra Edson                Jeanne Corey & Paul Vezina    Cheri Pero                     Susan & Charles Cady           Marguerite Hickman              Michael Emery
   2019                     Renee & Don Fedrigon       James & Margaret Costello     Tina Piotrowski                Susan Cahn                     Michele Howard                  Etta Rajkovich
   Mission Table
   Restaurant with          Anonymous                  Casey & Dana Cowell           Beedy Ritchie & Bruce Neiner   Anonymous                      Karen Howie                     Megan Raphael
   Hosts Terry &                                                                                                                                   Cindy & LaVail Hull
   Wayne Lobdell            Steve & Ann Fisher         Rebecca D'Agostino &          Pug Rundio                     Cheryl Cardelli                                                Bob & Kathryn Reidy
                            Phyllis Foster             David Faling                  Christine Schneider            Vicki Carpenter & Phil Downs   Karin Jacobson &                Alice Rhyner
   Olivia & Marty           Bob Giles                  Nancy Davy                    Marc & Tracy Schwimmer         Sandra & Bill Cartwright       Robert Seeman                   Paula Richardson
   Lagina                   Carol & Bob Goff           Chris Dennos                  Jack Segal & Karen Puschel     Judith Case                    Paul & Laura Jacobson           Yasmin Richmond &
   2017                     C. Joanne Grabinski        Mike & Tekla Dettmer          Patricia Sharpnack             Rita Cheyne                    Deyar Jamil                     Ruth Hoppe
   Dana & Casey
   Cowell                   Jeanne & Michael Haynes    Nancy Duke                    Sarah Shoemaker                Luba Childs                    Deborah Johnson                 Bernard & Kathryn Riker
                            Gail & Robert Hetler       Michael & Brenda Earl         Alton & Kathy Smith            Valerie Church-McHugh          Sue & Charles Judson            Michael Rodenberg
   Brenda & Ross            Chip & Shirley Hoagland    Bob Eichenlaub & Becky        Bill Smith & Donna Weitz       Jill & Richard Claybour        Gail & Kevin Juett              Mary Rodewig
   Susie & Bill Janis
                            James & Diana Huckle       Ewing                         Bonnie Smith                   Bob & Cindy Clement            Gloria Katz                     Jon & Elizabeth Roth
   Susie & Bob Kuras        Michael & Joanie Jackson   Richard & Lin Foa             Isiah & Marlene Smith          Corine Cochran                 Jamie & Paula Kemler            Bill & Madelyn Ryan
   Diana & Richard
                            Bill & Susie Janis         Sallie Foley                  Gretchen & Bill Soutear        Lane Corbin                    Rosie & Tom Kern                Jean Sarasin
                            Paul & Carol La Porte      Dina Foster                   Bonnie Stanton                 Karen Courson                  Susan & Jeff Kessler            Sara Satkowiak
   Anne & Robert            Rorie Lewis                Christopher & Jennifer        Doug & Anne Stanton            Therese Cousins                David Kirby & Martha Topol      JR Seeger
   Tucker                   Wayne & Terry Lobdell      Gerling                       Kathleen Steeves               Elodie Crawford                Jane Kirschke                   Donald Seman
                            Janice & Michael London    Steve & Pam Grace             David & Karin Summers          Barbara & Hugh Culton          Kathleen Kovas                  Sandy Seppala Gyr
                            Kathy Magliochetti         Brad Graft                    Louise Taylor                  Beverly Cuthbert               Mary Kropp                      Heather Shaw
                            John & Mary Melvin         Grand Traverse Pie Company    Roberta Teahen                 Barbara Dancer                 Karen Kuehlhorn                 Susan Shimmons
$10,000/year for 3 years
                            Richard & Diana Milock     Jerrold Gretzinger &          June Thaden                    Shannon DeBruyn                Susan Labelle                   Jackie & Seamus Shinners
Brenda & Ross Biederman
                            Anne Montgomery            Meg Staley                    Susan Thomas                   Nancy & Dave Denison           Kathleen Lagerquist             Charlotte Slater
Aubrey Adelle Bliss
                            Dawn & Kean Oh             Jep & Mary Gruman             Ron & Liz Tousain              Gail Drayton                   Deb Lake                        Ed Smith & Mary Raz Smith
Rota & David Bump
                            Linda & Max Proffitt       Adam Hammer                   Mary Kay Trippe                Sally & Donald Dunlop          Suzanne Landes                  Barb Solomonson & Jan
Dana & Casey Cowell
                            Peter & Chris Romeo        Sara Harding                  Dennis & Kathy Turner          Sally & John Ellinger          Jack Lane                       Doran
Cameron & Dan Farley
                            Paul Schmuckal &           Marie & Doug Holem            Doug Verellen                  Mark Elliott &                 Gail Lanphear                   Tom Streasick
Susie & Bill Janis
                            Catherine Radu             Pam & Steve Horne             Jill & Tim Vollbrecht          Heather Kingham                Lynn Larson & Paul Christ       Terrie Taylor
Diana & Richard Milock
                            Jeanne & Jack Snow         Jean & William Howard         Ben & Erin Whiting             Lee Ann Elston                 Maryln & Gordon Lawrence        The 40 year Old Book Club
Jon & Marissa Wege
                            Vicki Stanton              Bette Jackson                 Larry & Patricia Widmayer      Gary Faria & Patricia Mallon   Michael Lehnert &               Joanne Thomas
Gifts donated in the last   Barbara Stark-Nemon        Lola Jackson &                Bonnie Willings                Linda Farrell                  Denise Pelt                     Dorothy Thompson
12 months:                  Sera & Rick Thompson       Dilys Tosteson Garcia         Ken Winter                     Ellen Flegenheimer-Riggle      Jeanne Lewellen                 Sara Thompson
BESTSELLER LIST             Stephen Tomlinson &        Jill & Jerome Jelinek         Alice Wolfe                    Jillian Foerster               Dency Lippert                   Jocelyn Trepte
$5,000 - $10,000            Pam Fletcher               Ruthanne Kladder                                             Mike & Mary Forness            Laurie & Dan Lisuk              Kathy Tuckerman
Leith & Gloria Butler       Kent & Nancy Walton        George Kleiber & Diane        QUILL DONORS                   Julia Freiburger               Eleanor Lynn                    Sandra Umstead
Dan Edson                   West Shore Bank            Dabich                        $101 - $249                    Belinda Friis                  Laurie & Paul Madison           Norm Veliquette
Cameron & Dan Farley        Karen & Jack Williams      Sharon & Jerry Knoppow        Carol Adler                    Susan Fritz                    Theda Marinelli                 Liz VerSchure
Ward & Mary Gillett         Angie & Ed Witkowski       Judith & Charles Kraus        Peter & Bernadette Albers      Rondi & Carlton Fry            Susan McGarry                   Karen Viskochil
Jon & Sue Kinne                                        Suzanne & Jim Lamond          Elaine Aldrete                 Tim Garvey                     Catherine McMahon               Pam Vredevoogd
Eleanor Luedtke             PULITZER DONORS            Mary Landry                   Paul & Judy Arnold             Lisa Genesen & David Tabolt    Ann McPhail                     Candice & Dick Wallace
Anonymous                   $250 - $999                Harold & Pamela Lassers       Josephine Arrowood-Ross        Andrew & Jo Anne Gerben        Lizbeth Messing                 Mary Kay Walsh
Robert & Anne Tucker        Charlene Abernethy         Mark & Karen Lundmark         Marilyn & Walter Baird         Judy & Don Goodrich            Susan Michener                  Christine & Richard Walter
Janet Wolf                  Nathanael Adamson          Gladys & Tom Maguire          Judy & Bruce Balas             Helen Grove &                  Jayne Mohr & Calvin Karr        Janet Ward
                            Alison Arthur              Terence Malone                Diana & Jeff Baribeau          Theodore Wagenaar              Cindy & James Monroe            Jane & Price Watts
NATIONAL BOOK AWARD         Jeanne Ascione             Larry Mawby & Lois Bahle      Michaeline Barnhart            Harry & Joan Gurthet           Scott & Kathy Monteith          Cindy & Doug Weaver
$1,000 - $4,999             Laura Asiala               Meredith McComb               Linda Barry                    Elizabeth Hakola               Donna Moore                     Judith & Kennard Weaver
Sam Abood                   Stephen Bahlke             William & Joan McCool         Deena Barshney                 Michael & Mary Haley           Richard & Jami Moore            Dale & Tracey Westerman
Lorraine & Mack Beers       Thomas Barnes              Jay & Sue Meldrum             Polly Basile                   Marietta Hamady                Candace Morse                   Marsha Wheaton
Sara & Eric Bergsma         Arleta Bernson             Paula Menees                  Patricia Bauer                 Sondra Hardy                   Bonnie Nescot & Timothy Barr    Joan Williams
Betsy & Richard Wilson                                    Bob Garvey                    Joseph Jonika                Chris & Donna Miller         Sue Ring                   Ryan Sullivan
Gary & Jean Wolf              Terry Carrithers            Janet Garvey                  Tim Keenan                   George & Eleanor Miller      Bob Robbins                Evy Sussman
Jesse & Molly Wolff           Janice & Peter Chambers     Lezlie Garvin                 Deborah Keller-Cohen         Peggy Miller                 Michael & Libby Robold     Sue Swain
Jeffrey & Michelle Wonacott   Ross Childs                 Andrew & Jo Anne Gerben       Donna Kelly                  Jim Milligan                 Jane Rodgers               Sara & David Taft
Valerie Wright                Beverly Christensen         Deborah & Robert Gilbert      Kathy & Clifford Kelto       Megan Miranda                Craig Ryan                 Jim Tambling
Colleen & Mick Zanotti        Dorothy & Robert Clore      David Giles                   Linda Kemper                 Guy Molnar &                 Fred Sang                  Michael & Terry Tarnow
Ellen Zienert                 Marylou & Don Coe           Juliana Gill                  Sue Kensington               Matt McCormick               Ed & Amy Schindler         Rachel Taylor
Jan & Daniel Zolik            Cathy Colburn               Richard Glosenger             Andrea Ketchum               Mary Beth & Hugh Morrison    Karen Schmidt              Barbara & Jim Tessmer
                              Barbara & Thomas Cole       Claudia Glynn                 Diana Ketola                 Margaret Morse               Lucy Schoener              Lisa Thauvette &
FRIENDS                       Beth Colton                 Sally Grady                   Karin Killian                Linda & Chuck Mueller        Ann Schwandt               Brian Thelen
$50 - $99                     Joseph & Deborah Conklin    Christine & Michael Gravlin   Sandra Kilmer                William & Cathleen Murgan    Elaine & Tony Semanik      William Thauvette
Joanie Abbott                 Elizabeth Connelly          Kathryn Gray                  Robert & Karen Kingon        Kathrn Myers                 Laura Seymore              Mary Treadway
Glen Ackerman                 Pat Conzelman               Michael Greer                 Valerie Kirn-Duensing        Cheryl & Richard Naperala    Angela Sheets              Gail Trill
Cathy Alterio                 Judy Cooper                 Kay Gugala                    Missy Knebel                 Donna & Gary Nelson          Karla Sherman              Mary & John Tris
David & Jacqueline Amos       Susan Coppa                 Pat Haber                     Leijhi Koval                 Timothy Nelson &             Barb Skurdall              Bethany Uhl
Peggy Anderson & Ed Hargis    Kathy Cornillie             Douglas Haberland             Connie Krusniak              Nancy Johnson                Laura Slaughter            Elizabeth & Beau Vallance
Catherine Anthony             Nancy Cotcamp               Victoria Haehl                Amy Kust                     Network for Good             Nancy Sloan                Catherine Valovick
Joan Antle                    Michelle Courval & George   Juliet Hafford                Alison & Steve Lang          Amy Newberg                  Ann & Mark Smith           Howard & Trish Van Houten
Julie Avery                   Kinney                      Carolyn Hahne                 Gail Lange                   Robert Nichols               Barbara Smith              Sid Van Slyke
Barbara & Joseph Backus       Saundra & Jack Crandall     Gloria Halligan               Nancy Leas                   Ann Norman                   Susan & Terry Smith        Kathy Vance
Christie & John Bacon         Donald Dahlstrom            Alice Hansen                  Marty & Dave Leavenworth     Agnes Ochs                   William & Mary Smith       Roberta Vanderbreggen
Sharon Bacon                  Peter Damm                  Perry Harmon &                Candace Lee                  Kathleen Oconnell            Linda Smith Bell           Paula Ward
Mary Bader                    Carol & Peter Danly         Kristen Elliott               Marcia Lee                   Donna Olendorf               Sue & Jon Snow             Jan Warren
Diane & Michael Bair          Betsy Davidson              Judith Harnish                Margaret Littin              Lisa Oleson                  Gordy & Julie Sovereign    Jane Warriner
Ellen & Thomas Baird          Catherine Davidson          Alan Hartwick                 Jean & Don Livingston        Marjorie Oliver              Linda & Chad Spawr         Carolyn Washburn
Judy Battle                   Caroline DeGraaf            James Haslinger               Carol Long                   Anne Marie & David Oomen     Susan St. Pierre           Juanita & Noel Watson
Jan Bauer                     Kathryn Den Houter          Lisa Hawkins                  Cathy Look                   Linda Pannuto                Rita & William Stanton     David Watt
Steven Baumgartner            John DeSpelder              Neil Hawkins                  Christopher Loud             Cynthia & Scott Paradise     Paul & Leslie Starsoneck   Patricia Weber
Becky Beach                   Tom & Audrey DeVault        Jane Hayes                    Joanne Lucas-Lachney         Michel Pasquier              Jane Stauffer              Norman & Mimi Wheeler
Jeff & Terry Beamsley         Michael & Annie DeVries     Thomas Hazelton &             Nancy Ludwa                  Peter & Sarah Payette        Linda Stephan              Joe & Glenda Wierzbicki
Danielle Beauvais             Maureen & Doug DeYoung      Cynthia Brzak                 Eleanor Luedtke              Nate Payne                   Ann Stephens               Kathleen Wight
Carole & Dennis Becker        Linda Diekman               Jelan Heidelberg              Rick & Karen Luther          Judith & Bob Pelto           Jill Stiltner              Elizabeth Williams
Jane Becker                   Carole Dills                Ann Hemming                   Gregory & Stephanie Luyt     Linda Perry                  Ruth & Bob Stow            Ruth Winter & Tom Thibault
Katherine Belanger            Deborah Disch               Mike & Sharon Herron          Patricia Mack                Kathleen Peterson            Donna Stowe                Don Wolman
Trine Bennett                 Diane Donley                Emunah Herzog                 Stewart MacLeod              Nancy Peterson               Deborah Strand             Judith Wurges
Alan Bersin                   Connie Donovan              Walter Hoegy                  Kara Madion                  John Pfluecke                Stephanie Strolle          Pam Yee
Tom Beukema                   Stephen & Carola Drosdeck   John Hoffmann                 Kathleen Maine               Mary Pickett                 Mary Strong                Olga Yiparaki
Ulrich & Janice Binkert       Linda Dunigan               Meegan Holland                Denny & Debra Malone         Ellen Piligian               Joan Sullivan              Mary lou Zaloudek
Ann Bird                      Mary Jo Durivage            Susan & Michael Hornby        Kevin & Susan Malone         Ellen Pisor
Linda & Mike Birtles          Celia Ebert                 Brian & Vicki Howard          Agnes Maloney                Ann & Tom Post
Bette Bos                     Karen Eckhardt              Rebecca Howey                 Scott Mandel                 Richard Priehs
Margaret Bossenbery           Ronda Edwards-Barth         Barbara Ide                   Jillian & Craig Manning      Jane Purkis
                                                                                                                                                       We appreciate all our donors!
Kerry Boyd                    Barbara Eschner             Susan & Bruce Idema           Karen Manthei                Celeste Rabaut                   Please visit the NWS website for
Eric & Julia Braverman        Mary Fairgrieve             Kay & David Ingraham          Marty Mater                  Kristen Rabe                   a complete list of our generous
Ralph & Lori Brickman         Margaret Fako & Michael     Cynthia Ivy                   Teresa Mathews               Beth Raddatz
Paul & Amanda Brink           Slawnik                     John & Kathleen Jahoda        Bonnie Mathias               Amy & William Ranger
                                                                                                                                                        NWS SUPPORTERS at:
Jim & Candy Brody
Dick & Sue Brovont
                              Deb & Neal Fellows          Patricia Janizek              Sue & Gregg McDonald         Joan Rasmussen &             NationalWritersSeries.org
                              James Ferro                 Joyce Jasinski                Pat McGhan                   Morry Alter
Irene Brown                   Kevin Fitton                Margo Jeanchild               Nancy Mcguire                Bill Rastetter & Cary Weed

                                                                                                                                                  THANK YOU!
Michael Brown                 Maureen Fletcher            Karen Jennings                Lynda McKinnon               Jan Reed
Susan Brown                   Lisa Franseen               Kallie Jensen                 Sherry McNamara              Pamela Reed
Michael Budros                Janis Frazee                Betsy & Jay Johnson           Mark & Catherine McPherson   Judith Reich

                                                                                                                                                        WE ARE SO
Susan Burks                   Jerry & Sherri Freels       Susan Jones                   Kathy Mead                   Constance Reinhard
Rhonda Busch                  Beth Freeman                Virginia Judge                Jan & Dave Merrell           Phyllis Relyea
Kelly & Robert Busley

                              Jackie Fry                  Elisa Julien                  Judith Mesack                Amanda Remai
Bob Butz & Nancy Flowers      Charlie Gano                Jill Karp                     Barbara Mick                 Maria Reynolds
Susan Buxton                  Martha Garber               Annelle Kaspor &              Carolyn Micklatcher          Philip & Joan Richardson
Terry Carrithers
A few of the NWS authors on Zoom from the summer season. Clockwise from top left are Robin Wall Kimmerer,
      Dax-Devlon Ross, Megan Miranda, Susie Yang, and Emily Henry. You can watch these authors — and
         more — on our YouTube Channel. Subscribe while you're there so you don't miss another one!


       For more information about National Writers Series author events,
         sponsorship opportunities, and partnerships please contact:

                           Jillian Manning, Executive Director
You can also read